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April 1st, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a lifegiving spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45 NIV).

Jesus Christ is the last Adam. He’s the life-giver; and because He lives in you by the Holy Spirit, and has given you the same life as His, you’re a life-giver now.

We tell people that the Christian isn’t an ordinary person; he’s one with the Lord, on the same mission and purpose with the Lord. In John 10:10 NIV, the Lord Jesus declared, “…I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” He left no one in doubt as to His purpose: He came to give eternal life to those who would believe in Him. He gave further confirmation to this truth when He said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life…” (John 10:27-28).

No wonder He’s described in our opening scripture as the life-giving Spirit. Now that you’re born again, you’re one with Christ. 1 Corinthians 6:17 says, “...he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” You’ve become one spirit with the Lord; as He is, so are you (1 John 4:17); therefore, you’re a life-giving spirit. Not only has He made you a partaker of His life, you’re also a dispenser or distributor of eternal life.

It’s your life’s purpose to bring the lost into the life of righteousness through the Gospel. 2 Timothy 1:10 lets us know that Jesus Christ has abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel. Eternal life is unveiled through the preaching of the Gospel. You bear the words of life. As you speak, salvation and the righteousness of God are revealed.

Jesus said in John 20:21, “…as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” He’s chosen you to manifest the God-life to the nations. He’s sent you as a bearer of His Gospel, to bring the lost into the liberty of the sons of God—into the glorious life in Christ. Praise God!


As Jesus is, so am I; I’m a life-giving spirit; a dispenser and distributor of eternal life, and the eternal realities of the Kingdom. I bring joy to many today as I share the Gospel with them, which is the power of God to transform their lives, and catapult them into their inheritance in Christ. Hallelujah!

Further Study

2 Timothy 1:9-10; John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 15:45-49 AMPC


Jesus Christ is the last Adam. He’s the life-giver; and because He lives in you by the Holy Spirit, and has given you the same life as His, you’re a life-giver now.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 9:1-17 & Joshua 10 -12
Bi-Annual : Matthew 26:69-75 & Leviticus 1


April 2nd, 2019

Kwa maana yeye aliyeingia katika raha yake amestarehe mwenyewe katika kazi yake, kama vile Mungu alivyostarehe katika kazi zake (Waebrania 4:10).

Mstari wetu wa ufunguzi unafunua jambo la kustaajabisha sana ambalo wengi katika Kanisa la leo wanapaswa kulielewa. Huko mbinguni Mungu hataabiki na kusumbuka juu ya jinsi gani atakavyoweza kurekebisha mambo huku duniani na kuwasaidia watoto Wake ambao wako katika changamoto moja ama nyingine. Badala yake, Yuko mbinguni amestarehe. Ameshatenda kila kitu ambacho alipaswa kukitenda ili wewe uwe, na uyafurahie maisha kwa utimilifu wote, na sasa Amestarehe; Amepumzika.

Unaweza ukasema, “Lakini pindi nilipokuwa nakabiliwa na hali fulani, na nikamwomba Mungu, Naye Aliingilia kati kimiujiza, je! Hilo halimaanishi kuwa Alifanya jambo?” Hapana, Hakufanya jambo lo lote. Bali wewe ulichofanya ni uliamilisha imani yako ili kupokea kile ambacho tayari Alishakitenda. Unaweza ukahoji zaidi, “lakini Mtume Paulo alisema, “Basi atukuzwe yeye awezaye kufanya mambo ya ajabu mno kuliko yote tuyaombayo au tuyawazayo, kwa kadiri ya nguvu itendayo kazi ndani yetu” (Waefeso 3:20).

Je, hilo haliashirii kuwa Mungu bado anatenda kazi leo? Angalia sehemu ya mwisho ya huo mstari: cho chote kile unachohitaji atende kwa ajili yako Anakifanya, sawasawa [kulingana] na nguvu Yake itendayo kazi ndani yako, na sio kulingana na nguvu Atendeayo kazi Yeye Mwenyewe, au itendayo kazi mbinguni. Ndio maana pindi miujiza hiyo inapotendeka, Anakupa sifa [husema: imani yako imekuponya]. Ametuambia tuponye wagonjwa, tufufue wafu, tutakase wenye ukoma, tutoe pepo (Mathayo 10:8). Hakusema, “Niombeni ili nitende hayo.”

Kuna baadhi ya mambo ambayo yanaruhusiwa katika viwango vya chini vya ufahamu wa kiroho [uchanga]. Kwa mfano, tunaweza tukasema katika mkutano, “Mungu anaenda kukuponya leo,” na miujiza ya kila namna itachukua nafasi. Lakini hiyo ni kweli hafifu [ndogo]. Katika Mwanzo 1:16, tunasoma kuhusiana na mwanga mkubwa na mwanga mdogo. Mwanga unawakilisha kweli. Zile kweli ndogo na za kawaida ni kwa ajili ya wachanga katika Kristo; hivyo unawaambia, “Mungu atakuponya leo.”

Walakini kwa jinsi unavyozidi kujifunza Neno la Mungu, ndivyo zaidi unavyotambua kuwa hakika Mungu “hatendi” kitu cho chote kwa ajili ya mtu ye yote leo kinyume na vile ambavyo wengi wanafikiria. Tayari Ameshatenda na kutimiza kila kitu katika Kristo Yesu! Hafanyi juhudi zo zote kwa ajili ya kukuponya au kukupa kitu cho chote. 2 Petro 1:3 unasema, “Kwa kuwa uweza wake wa Uungu umetukirimia vitu vyote vipasavyo uzima na utauwa…” Tayari Ameshatenda! Kile unachohitaji sasa ni kulitenda Neno Lake na kuenenda katika nuru ya urithi wako. Kuwa yale yote ambayo Amekufanya kuwa, na furahia yote ambayo Amekukirimia ndani ya Kristo.


Abarikiwe Mungu! Ninayaishi maisha ya kimashuhuri yaliyo ya kiutukufu; mimi ni mshindi katika Kristo daima, katika kila nyanja, na katika kila jambo. Mimi ni zaidi ya mshindi; uweza Wake wa Kiungu umenikirimia mambo yote ninayohitaji kwa ajili ya uzima na utauwa. Hivyo, ninayo, na ninayafurahia maisha katika utimilifu wote. Haleluya!

Further Study

1 Petro 2:1-2; Matayo 6:25-26; Waefeso 1:3


Mungu hataabiki na kusumbuka juu ya jinsi gani atakavyoweza kurekebisha mambo huku duniani na kuwasaidia watoto Wake ambao wako katika changamoto moja ama nyingine. Badala yake, Yuko mbinguni amestarehe.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 9:18-36 & Yosua 13-15
Bi-Annual : Matayo 27:1-10 & Walawi 2


April 3rd, 2019

Na sisi tumeona na kushuhudia ya kuwa Baba amemtuma Mwana kuwa Mwokozi wa ulimwengu (1 Yohana 4:14).

Kuna njia tatu za kushuhudia; moja ni kwa kutangaza kile ambacho Mungu ametenda kwa ajili yako mbele za Bwana Mwenyewe. Unahesabu baraka zako na kushuhudia wema Wake katika maisha yako binafsi; unatambua, na una shukurani kwa, yale yote ambayo Ametenda kwa ajili yako, ndani yako, na pamoja nawe, ukikiri kuwa yametokea kwa sababu ya neema Yake, rehema, uaminifu, na pendo Lake lidumulo milele.

Pili, unashuhudia kwa kupitia sadaka yako. Hii ni sehemu ambayo si wengi ambao wameielewa na kuiweka katika matendo: nguvu ya sadaka. Ni ushuhuda. Pindi unapompa Mungu sadaka yako, sio mchango; bali ni matoleo yaliyowekwa wakfu [unayathamini kwa moyo wako], ambayo kwayo unashuhudia kuwa Yeye ni Mungu na sio mwanadamu. Kwa kupitia sadaka yako, unashuhudia na kumpa utukufu katika maisha yako.

Wazee wa ukoo wetu: Ibrahimu, Isaka, Yakobo, Daudi, na mwanae Sulemani, wote walitoa sadaka katika kumwabudu Mungu. Mchukulie Sulemani kwa mfano; 1 Wafalme 3:4 unasema, “…Sulemani akatoa sadaka elfu za kuteketezwa juu ya madhabahu ile.” Katika 2 Nyakati 1:6, alifanya kitu kile kile. Sulemani alitoa sadaka elfu za kuteketezwa katika sehemu ambapo Mungu angekubali [angeridhia] takwimu ndogo zaidi; lakini ilikuwa ni juu ya utambuzi wake [Sulemani] na ushuhuda wa ukuu wa Mungu kwake.

Mbali na sadaka yako kuwa ni shangilio la ustawi wa Mungu katika maisha yako, bali pia ni ukiri wako au ushuhuda wako wa ukuu Wake, na kutambua kwako Swahili kuhusu ukuu Wake na kuwa Yeye ni Mungu Mwenye enzi yote.

Njia ya tatu ya kushuhudia ni kwa kuwaambia wengine kuhusu kile ambacho Bwana ametenda katika maisha yako, pamoja nawe, na kwa ajili yako. Unawaambia yaani unawashuhudia wanadamu juu ya wema Wake, ishi maisha yako kila siku katika imani, ukizaa matunda ya haki. Unakuwa umejawa na furaha daima, pasipo kujali hali zilivyo.

Ni ushuhuda wa imani yako na kujiamini kwako katika Bwana pindi watu wanapoona kuwa u mtu mwenye furaha na mwenye utulivu licha ya shida na changamoto unazopitia. Wanaona kuwa licha ya shinikizo lililo juu yako, umesimama thabiti [imara], usiyetikisika, na daima ukidumu katika kazi ya Bwana, na hivyo, wanahamasishwa kwa kupitia maisha yako ya imani nao wanamwamini Bwana. Huu ni ushuhuda.

Zilizotajwa hapo juu ni njia za msingi ambazo kwazo unashuhudia utukufu wa Mungu katika maisha yako. Haleluya!


Mbarikiwa Baba, wewe ni mkuu sana, na unastahili kusifiwa. Ahsante kwa baraka na miujiza ninayoipitia katika maisha yangu, ambayo ni matendo ya pendo Lako na fadhili Zako za milele kwangu. Mbingu na nchi zinatangaza matendo Yako makuu, na kushuhudia hekima na neema Yako isiyo na mwisho, kama na ilivyo uumbaji wote unavyoimba “Haleluya” mbele Zako, Mfalme wa utukufu usiye na mwisho. Wewe umebarikiwa milele yote. Amina.

Further Study

Luka 17:17-19; Ufunuo 12:11


Ni ushuhuda wa imani yako na kujiamini kwako katika Bwana pindi watu wanapoona kuwa u mtu mwenye furaha na mwenye utulivu licha ya shida na changamoto unazopitia.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 9:37-62 & Yosua 16-19
Bi-Annual : Matayo 27:11-25 & Walawi 3


April 4th, 2019

Kwa maana sisi tulio hai, siku zote twatolewa tufe kwa ajili ya Yesu, ili uzima wa Yesu nao udhihirishwe katika miili yetu ipatikanayo na mauti (2 Wakorintho 4:11).

Ukristo ni ufunuo wa Kristo ndani yako, udhihirisho wa uzima-wa-Kristo ndani yako. Kile ambacho Mungu anataka kidhihirishwe ndani yako ni Kristo; kwamba Kristo yu hai ndani yako— Anaenenda ndani yako, na kwa kupitia wewe; Akigusa na kubadilisha maisha kupitia wewe. Hiki ni kiini cha maisha ya Kikristo: Kristo kufanya makazi Yake katika roho yako, na kukufanya wewe kuwa makao Yake.

Je! Unatambua kuwa cho chote kile ambacho Mungu anataka kutenda hapa duniani leo kinawezekana tu kupitia watoto Wake? Sisi tu kitivo Chake cha utendaji; Anaishi, Anazungumza, Anaenenda, Anagusa, na kubariki maisha kupitia sisi. Nabii alisema, “…Ataona uzao wake, ataishi siku nyingi, Na mapenzi ya Bwana yatafanikiwa mkononi mwake” (Isaya 53:10); sisi tu uzao huo. Haleluya. Wewe ni uzuri Wake, tuzo Yake, na mkono Wake ulionyooshwa.

Yesu alisema katika Yohana 15:5, “Mimi ni mzabibu; ninyi ni matawi...” Matawi ndio sehemu izaayo matunda ya mzabibu. Hivyo, unadhihirisha [unafunua] utukufu na uzuri wa Kristo. Utukufu huo u katika roho yako, ambapo Kristo anaishi. Hivyo, uelewa yaani fikra za kutambua uwepo wa Kristo ndani yako ndicho unachohitaji. Kristo ndani yako ndicho kinachozalisha utukufu huo unaodhihirika nje. Tazama ndani yako, katika roho yako, na ona utukufu ulio ndani; dhihirisha utukufu huo katika ulimwengu wako. Huo ndio Ukristo; ufunuo na udhihirisho wa Kristo ndani yako.

Ukuaji wa kweli wa kiroho unapimwa [unadhihirishwa] kwa kiwango gani ambacho Kristo amedhihirishwa kupitia wewe—udhihirisho wa utu Wake na tabia Yake, ndani yako, na kwa kupitia wewe. Hii ndio maana ni lazima tena kwa uelewa kuliruhusu Neno Lake kujaa ndani yako kwa wingi. Endelea kujifunza na kulitafakari Neno, kwa maana Bwana na Neno Lake ni mmoja [wamoja]. Kwa kadiri unavyozidi kumjua Yeye kupitia ushirika, ndivyo zaidi anavyodhihirishwa ndani yako na kwa kupitia wewe.


Kristo amefanya makazi Yake katika roho yangu, nami nimefanyika kuwa makao Yake makuu, na kitivo Chake cha utendaji, nikiyaishi maisha-ya-Kristo, na kudhihirisha tabia Yake, utukufu, hekima, neema, na haki. Kupitia mimi, uzuri Wake na ubora Wake unadhihirishwa katika nyanja mbalimbali za ulimwengu wangu, kwa kiwango kiongezekacho daima kwa uweza wa Roho Mtakatifu atendaye kazi ndani yangu, katika Jina la Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

2 Wakorinto 4:10-11; Wakolosai 3:3-4; 1 Petro 2:9


Ukuaji wa kweli wa kiroho unapimwa [unadhihirishwa] kwa kiwango gani ambacho Kristo amedhihirishwa kupitia wewe—udhihirisho wa utu Wake na tabia Yake, ndani yako, na kwa kupitia wewe.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 10:1-24 & Yosua 20-22
Bi-Annual : Matayo 27:26-37 & Walawi 4


April 5th, 2019

Furahini katika Bwana sikuzote; tena nasema, Furahini (Wafilipi 4:4).

Furaha ni tunda mojawapo la roho ya mwanadamu iliyoumbwa upya, kitu ambacho ni cha asili ndani yako. Hivyo, haijalishi ni taarifa gani au tukio gani linalojaribu kukufanya kuwa mtu usiye na furaha; daima unaweza kuwa na furaha katika Roho Mtakatifu, kwa maana hivyo ndivyo ulivyo Ufalme wa Mungu. Warumi 14:17 unasema, “Maana ufalme wa Mungu si kula wala kunywa, bali ni haki na amani na furaha katika Roho Mtakatifu.” Waefeso 5:18-19 unafunua ni kwa jinsi gani unavyoweza kuwa uliyejaa furaha katika Roho Mtakatifu daima; “Tena msilewe kwa mvinyo, ambamo mna ufisadi; bali mjazwe Roho; mkisemezana kwa zaburi na tenzi na nyimbo za rohoni, huku mkiimba na kumshangilia Bwana mioyoni mwenu.”

Hii ni mojawapo ya siri za mafanikio ya Mtume Paulo; aliandika kile ambacho tumesoma katika mstari wetu wa ufunguzi, wakati akiwa gerezani. Alikuwa amejawa na furaha, na kuendelea kuhubiri Injili gerezani. Katika barua yake kwa Kanisa la Uefeso, alisema, “Mniombee ’…ili nifungue kinywa changu kwa ujasiri, kuihubiri ile siri ya Injili, ambayo kwayo mimi ni mjumbe [balozi] katika vifungo: ili ndani yangu ninene kwa ujasiri, kama inipasavyo kunena’” (Waefeso 6:19-20 Biblia toleo la KJV). Tazama sehemu iliyopigiwa mstari; hakuruhusu kile anachopitia kitawale hisia zake au kiingilie furaha ya Bwana katika roho yake. Katika maisha yako, ona changamoto kama fursa kwa ajili ya kuinuliwa kwako, na kwa ajili ya kudhihirisha utukufu wa Mungu; kwa njia hiyo, daima utakuwa umejawa na furaha wakati wote. Yakobo 1:2 unasema, “Ndugu zangu, hesabuni ya kuwa ni furaha tupu, mkiangukia katika majaribu mbalimbali.” Warumi 8:28 unasema, “Nasi twajua ya kuwa katika mambo yote Mungu hufanya kazi pamoja na wale wampendao katika kuwapatia mema, yaani, wale walioitwa kwa kusudi lake.”

Neno linapaswa kuunda msingi wa furaha yako wakati wote. Pindi unapozitafsiri na kukabiliana na changamoto mbalimbali kulingana na msingi wa Neno la Mungu, utagundua kuwa hakuna kitu katika maisha ambacho kinaweza kikakusababishia kuwa na siku mbaya au kikufanye kuwa mhanga, kwa sababu furaha inakuja kupitia Neno na Roho wa Mungu.


Bwana Yesu, kupitia kifo Chake kwa niaba yangu na kukufuka Kwake kitukufu, kumenileta mimi katika maisha ya furaha isiyo na ukomo, ushindi, utawala na haki; na kwa ajili ya hili, ninafurahi daima milele, tena kwa furaha isiyoneneka, na iliyojawa na utukufu. Furaha yangu ni ya Roho Mtakatifu, na kwa kupitia Neno; hivyo, haina mipaka. Haleluya!

Further Study

Nehemia 8:10; 1 Petro 1:8; Isaya 12:3


Furaha ni tunda mojawapo la roho ya mwanadamu iliyoumbwa upya, kitu ambacho ni cha asili ndani yako. Hivyo, haijalishi ni taarifa gani au tukio gani linalojaribu kukufanya kuwa mtu usiye na furaha; daima unaweza kuwa na furaha katika Roho Mtakatifu, .

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 10:25-42 & Yosua 23-24
Bi-Annual : Matayo 27:38-44 & Walawi 5


April 6th, 2019

Basi, kwa njia yake yeye (Yaani Yesu Kristo), na tumpe Mungu dhabihu ya sifa daima, yaani, tunda la midomo iliungamayo jina (Waebrania 13:15).

Kama ambavyo ilivyokuwa kwa makuhani kutoa dhabihu za kutetekezwa na uvumba katika Agano la Kale, leo, tunatoa dhabihu za sifa kwa Bwana kwa matunda ya midomo yetu, ambayo ni maneno tunayotamka katika kumsifu na kutoa shukurani Kwake. Neno, “dhabihu ya sifa,” ni kutoka katika neno la Kiyunani, Homologeo, ambalo linamaanisha kufanya ukiri; hivyo ni kufanya ukiri wa kulitukuza Jina Lake.

Dhabihu zetu za sifa ni kwa kupitia maneno, na ni mbali zaidi ya kauli kama, “Bwana, ninakupa sifa.” Ili iweze kuwa dhabihu ya kweli ya sifa kwa Mungu, ni lazima ichangamane na sababu maalum kutoka katika roho yako; yaani ni lazima uwe na sababu ya kumtukuza Yeye, na kisha unazitamka sababu hizo.

Sifa zetu Kwake ni lazima ziwe na maudhui. Kwa maneno mengine, unamtukuza na kumsifu Yeye, katika Jina la Yesu, huku ukielewa katika ufahamu wako sababu zinazokufanya umtukuze. Dhabihu za sifa ni maungamo, ukiri wa, zaburi, tenzi, na nyimbo za rohoni ambazo unampa Yeye kwa ajili ya pendo Lake, neema na fadhili Zake Kwako. Pia inamaanisha mazungumzo au majadiliano ambayo yanatambua na kusherehekea ukuu Wake; ukiri wa Neno Lake ambao tunaufanya ili kumtukuza Yeye.

Ukiri huu ni matunda na dhabihu ya midomo yetu—maneno kutoka katika vinywa vyetu ambayo yanatoa utukufu kwa Mungu. Hivyo, pindi unapofanya ukiri, sema mambo mazuri kuhusiana na Mungu na shuhudia matendo Yake makuu. Tamka kile Alichokisema kuhusiana na Yeye Mwenyewe na kuhusiana na wewe: “…kwa kuwa yeye mwenyewe amesema…Hata twathubutu kusema…” (Waebrania 13:5-6).

Kwa jinsi unavyokuwa unafanya ukiri huo katika Jina la Yesu, Yeye (Yesu), ambaye ni Kuhani wetu Mkuu, anazitoa dhabihu hizo mbele za Baba, ambaye anapokea sifa zako na kuabudu kwako kama dhabihu ya harufu nzuri ya manukato yenye kupendeza. Haleluya!


Mbarikiwa Baba,ni kwa jinsi gani wewe ulivyo mkuu na ulivyotukuka! Wewe ni Mungu wa kweli wa pekee na mwenye hekima ya ajabu, ambaye unatawala na na kumiliki katika maisha ya wanadamu. Kwako Ee Bwana, iwe heshima, na utukufu, na ukuu, na mamlaka, na sifa! Ahsante kwa kuyafanya maisha yangu kuwa mazuri, na kwa kunibariki kwa utukufu Wako, haki, na amani, katika Jina la Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

Hosea 14:2; Waebrania 13:15 AMPC


Kama ambavyo ilivyokuwa kwa makuhani kutoa dhabihu za kutetekezwa na uvumba katika Agano la Kale, leo, tunatoa dhabihu za sifa kwa Bwana kwa matunda ya midomo yetu, ambayo ni maneno tunayotamka katika kumsifu na kutoa shukurani Kwake.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 11:1-13 & Wamuzi 1-2
Bi-Annual : Matayo 27:45-54 & Walawi 6


April 7th, 2019

Kwa kuwa katika utimilifu Wake (utele na uwingi) sisi sote tulipokea [sote tumepokea sehemu na tumekirimiwa] neema juu ya neema {na} baraka ya kiroho juu ya baraka ya kiroho {na} hata upendeleo juu ya upendeleo na karama [juu] ya karama (Yohana 1:16 Biblia toleo la AMP).

Neema ya Mungu ni ya kupita kawaida [ni ya kimiujiza]! Inaleta upendeleo, ustawi, uponyaji na ongezeko la kimuujiza. Ni udhihirisho wa pendo, huruma na nguvu za Mungu; ni udhihirisho wa nje wa mvuto [athari] za Kiungu katika roho ya mwanadamu. Hii ni neema ya Kiungu, ambayo Mtume Yohana anaizungumzia katika mstari wetu wa ufunguzi, kuwa neema hiyo imekirimiwa juu yako. Neema inaleta kukubalika, heshima na adhama; inavuta watu sahihi, mazingira na rasilimali kulingana na kusudi la Mungu, katika maisha yako. Hata katika hali zenye changamoto, neema inakupa upendeleo na kukusababisha wewe kupaa juu ya kila udhia. Neema inakutofautisha wewe na ulimwengu;

inakutenga pembeni kwa ajili ya utukufu na ubora. Hakuna kitu cho chote katika ulimwengu huu, ukiwamo umaarufu wake na utajiri wake, ambayo inaweza ikalinganishwa na neema ya Yesu Kristo ambayo umekirimiwa. Ndio maana sio ajabu Mtume Paulo alishauri katika 2 Wakorintho 6:2, “Nasi tukitenda kazi pamoja naye twawasihi msiipokee neema ya Mungu bure”; bali, “Basi wewe, mwanangu, uwe hodari katika neema iliyo katika Kristo Yesu” (2 Timotheo 2:1).

Kuwa jasiri katika neema ya Mungu ni kutembea katika utimilifu wa neema Yake. Kwa kuwa mzao wa Ibrahimu, neema kwa ajili ya mafanikio inatenda kazi ndani yako pia. Neema hiyo inakuweka mbele na kukuweka katika mazingira ya kufanikiwa kama ilivyofanya kwa Isaka, ambaye alipanda katika nyakati za ukame [njaa] na kuvuna katika mwaka ule vipimo mia kwa kimoja (Mwanzo 26:12-13).


Mpendwa Baba, ninashangilia kwa neema kuu ambayo umenikirimia kwa wingi, na ninatamka kuwa maisha yangu ni udhihirisho wa utukufu Wako, wema, ubora na ukuu kwa jinsi ninavyoenenda katika pendo Lako. Neema Yako na amani zimezidishwa kwangu kupitia ongezeko la ufunuo wa Neno Lako ulilonikirimia, katika Jina la Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

2 Wakorinto 13:14; Zekaria 4:7 TLB; Waroma 5:17


Neema ya Mungu ni ya kupita kawaida [ni ya kimiujiza]! Inaleta upendeleo, ustawi, uponyaji na ongezeko la kimuujiza. Ni udhihirisho wa pendo, huruma na nguvu za Mungu; ni udhihirisho wa nje wa mvuto [athari] za Kiungu katika roho ya mwanadamu.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 11:14-36 & Wamuzi 3-4
Bi-Annual : Matayo 27:55-66 & Walawi 7


April 8th, 2019

Basi roho ikaniinua, ikanichukua mahali pengine; nami nikaenda kwa uchungu, na hasira kali rohoni mwangu, na mkono wa Bwana ulikuwa juu yangu kwa nguvu (Ezekieli 3:14).

Si wengi katika Kanisa ambao wanafahamu vilivyo kuhusiana na huduma ya Roho Mtakatifu katika nyanja ya usafirishwaji wa Kiungu. Soma kuhusiana na Yohana katika Kitabu cha Ufunuo; alikuwa katika kisiwa cha Patmo, na ghafla, alisafirishwa Kiungu uweponi mwa Mungu (Ufunuo 1:9-11). Mfano mwingine ni Filipo. Matendo 8:39 unasema,

“Kisha, walipopanda kutoka majini, Roho wa Bwana akamnyakua Filipo, yule towashi asimwone tena; basi alikwenda zake akifurahi.” Roho wa Bwana alimbeba Filipo na kumsafirisha na kumpeleka eneo jingine (Matendo 8:40). Kumbuka, Filipo alikuwa amezaliwa mara ya pili na alikuwa na Roho Mtakatifu ndani yake. Roho anatenda huduma Yake ndani yetu ili kulitimiza kusudi Lake hapa duniani kupitia sisi.

2 Wakorintho 13:14 inatamka wazi: “Neema ya Bwana Yesu Kristo, na pendo la Mungu, na ushirika wa Roho Mtakatifu ukae nanyi nyote. Amina.” Neno lililotafsiriwa, “ushirika” ni kutoka katika neno la Kiyunani “koinonia” na linamaanisha, kati ya visawa [maana] zingine, ushirika ambao ni usafirishwaji. Mtume Paulo alikuwa anaomba kuwa Kanisa liwe na uzoefu wa usafirishwaji huu wa Kiungu wa Roho Mtakatifu kikamilifu.

Kwa unavyojiachilia kikamilifu katika huduma ya Roho Mtakatifu katika maisha yako, hakuna maneno yanayoweza kutosheleza kueleza kuwa ni kwa jinsi gani Atakavyokutumia kipekee sana. Mbali na kukuhamasisha na kukubariki, Anaweza pia akakusafirisha katika roho ili kukamilisha kazi za Kiungu nchi za mbali. Pale pale katika chumba chako, kwa unavyokuwa unaomba katika Roho Mtakatifu, unaweza ukagusa maisha na kubadilisha hali mbalimbali katika kilomita elfu nyingi zilizo mbali! Haleluya!


Mpendwa Baba, ni upendeleo mkuu kiasi gani na baraka kufurahia ushirika wa kina, wa dhati, wa moto-moto, na wa kiwango cha juu sana kwa ushirika pamoja Nawe kupitia Roho Mtakatifu! Kupitia ushirika pamoja na Roho Mtakatifu, ninasafirishwa Kiungu katika ulimwengu wa juu zaidi wa ushawishi [taathiri], utukufu, na baraka; hivyo, ninagusa maisha, na kubadili mataifa, na kuathiri ulimwengu kwa kupitia Injili, katika Jina la Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

Waebrania 11:5; Matendo 8:39-40; Mwanzo 5:24


Si wengi katika Kanisa ambao wanafahamu vilivyo kuhusiana na huduma ya Roho Mtakatifu katika nyanja ya usafirishwaji wa Kiungu.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 11:37-54 & Wamuzi 5-6
Bi-Annual : Matayo 28:1-10 & Walawi 8


April 9th, 2019

Ili kwamba ushirika wa imani yako ufanye kazi yake, katika ujuzi wa kila kitu chema kilicho kwetu, katika Kristo (Filemoni 1:6).

Kama kiumbe kipya katika Kristo Yesu, wewe ni wa kipekee; kuna mambo mengi sana mazuri yaliyo ndani yako, na kuna mengi sana ambayo Bwana amekusudia maisha yako kwa ajili ya. Hakukuumba bure [alimradi] tu; wewe ni wa thamani sana Kwake.

Ni lazima ujipende na kujithamini mwenyewe, kwa sababu unadhihirisha utukufu wa Mungu. Mungu anatawala, anaratibisha, na kueneza haki Yake katika dunia leo hii kupitia wewe. Ufunuo 5:10 (Biblia toleo la KJV) unasema, Kristo ametufanya “…wafalme na makuhani: na tutatawala katika nchi [duniani].” Katika 1 Wakorintho 15:25, tunasoma “…sharti amiliki yeye, hata awaweke maadui wake wote chini ya miguu yake.” Yesu hayuko kimwili hapa duniani leo, walakini Anatawala kupitia wewe. Katika Kristo, umefanywa kuwa kuhani-mfalme kwa Mungu (Ufunuo 1:6). Umepewa amana ya Injili ya kitukufu ya Mungu mbarikiwa.

Sasa, ikiwa Bwana amekuamini kiasi hiki, kutawala kupitia wewe, na kukuamini kwa Injili hii ya kitukufu, basi hakika wewe ni wa thamani sana Kwake. Hivyo, jichukulie mwenyewe kwa uthamani ule ule Alionao kwako. Fikiri, zungumza, tembea, na ishi kama mtu maalum [mtu spesho], kwa maana hakika wewe ni spesho. Wewe ni mtunza maarifa ya Kiungu na halisia za Ufalme; hili ni kuu namna gani!

Biblia inasema Mungu anaeneza harufu nzuri ya manukato na ya kupendeza ya maarifa Yake kupitia wewe katika kila mahali: “Ila Mungu ashukuriwe, anayetushangiliza daima katika Kristo, na kuidhihirisha harufu ya kumjua yeye kila mahali kwa kazi yetu” (2 Wakorintho 2:14). Ni huduma yako, mwito wako, na jukumu lako kulifanya Neno lijulikane ulimwenguni. Hivyo, mpende Yeye, na penda kile Alichofanya—yaani WEWE!

Furahia kila wasaa wa maisha yako. Jithamini na wathamini wengine waliokuzunguka. Chocheleza nia yako [ufahamu] katika muelekeo chanya wa maisha; nawe utastaajabishwa kwa matokeo yake. Wewe ni kazi bora kabisa ya Mungu.

Kamwe usikae ukajihukumu mwenyewe kwa kile watu wanachosema kuhusiana na wewe; kilicho cha msingi [chenye mashiko] ni kile ambacho Mungu anachofikiri kukuhusu wewe. Na unajua nini? Yeye anafikiri uthamani mkubwa sana kuhusiana na wewe, ndio maana Amewekeza mno ndani yako. Haleluya!


Mbarikiwa Baba, ninafurahia kujua kuwa mimi ni taswira ya utukufu na neema Yako, na haki Yako inafunuliwa ndani yangu, na kupitia mimi. Ninaenenda katika ufahamu wa maisha yangu ya ushindi katika Kristo, nikifurahia urithi wangu wa kitukufu, huku nikidhihirisha sifa na ubora wa Uungu, katika Jina la Yesu. Amina!

Further Study

1 Petro 2:9 AMPC; Waefeso 2:10 AMPC


Ni lazima ujipende na kujithamini mwenyewe, kwa sababu unadhihirisha utukufu wa Mungu. Mungu anatawala, anaratibisha, na kueneza haki Yake katika dunia leo hii kupitia wewe.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 12:1-21 & Wamuzi 7-8
Bi-Annual : Matayo 28:11-20 & Walawi 9

HE LIVES AND WALKS IN US April 10th, 2019

April 10th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own (1 Corinthians 6:19).

In Exodus 25:8, God expressed His desire to dwell in the midst of His people. He said, “…let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.” Notice He didn’t say, “…that I may visit them,” no; not a visit. He said, “…that I may dwell among them.”

Moses obeyed God’s instruction, and rallied the children of Israel to bring all the necessary offerings to build a beautiful sanctuary in accordance with the pattern and plan God gave him. However, that wasn’t good enough. God wanted a new sanctuary and showed David a vision of the new sanctuary; He gave him the design and specifications.

David was excited, and laid down much gold and silver for the building of the temple. Nevertheless, it was Solomon, his son, who was approved of God to build the temple, and he built God a magnificent temple. Again, God was still not satisfied. The Bible says, “Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet” (Acts 7:48).

Then Jesus came on the scene and said, “…I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). The word translated, “Church” means “assembly or congregation of the called out ones.” It’s therefore not a physical building, but a living tabernacle of human beings, called and chosen of God.

Ephesians 2:21-22 NIV says, “In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” We’re God’s habitation through the Spirit! His vision to dwell in the midst of His people has been realized in us.

2 Corinthians 6:16 says, “…for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Each one of us is a temple of the Holy Spirit. He lives and walks in us. God’s dream from the foundation of the world is now fulfilled in us. The mystery that was hidden from ages and generations has now been made manifest, and fulfilled. The mystery is, Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:26-27). Hallelujah!


Precious Father, I worship and adore you; thank you for making me your dwelling place. I acknowledge your Spirit living in me, protecting, guiding, and leading me in your perfect will. Thank you for beautifying my life with the glory of your presence, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

Leviticus 26:11-12; Acts 7:44-49; Colossians 1:26-27


Each one of us is a temple of the Holy Spirit. He lives and walks in us. God’s dream from the foundation of the world is now fulfilled in us

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 12:22-48 & Judges 9
Bi-Annual : Mark 1:1-13 & Leviticus 10


April 11th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Sometimes in our walk of faith, we encounter circumstances that pose some serious challenges to our faith. It could be in your health or your finances; you’ve done everything you thought you should do, and applied all the principles you know of, yet nothing seemed to have changed. Now, you’re thinking what next to do.

First, it’s important you realise that there’s an adversary who’s all out to oppose the Gospel and God’s children. 1 Peter 5:8-9 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.” Then, Ephesians 6:10-11 says, “…be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

Satan, the adversary, is a defeated foe; he has no power. All he functions with are his wiles and stratagems. However, according to the Scriptures, you’ve already overcome him: “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). What you’re expected to do is act on the Word; act on what we read in Ephesians 6:10-11: put on the whole armour of God.

Those who don’t have the whole armour on are vulnerable. Verse 12 of Ephesians 6 lets us know why you’re to keep the whole armour on. It says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Satan, the adversary, tries to sway you from the truth of God’s Word; He tries to get you to cave in under pressure, and give up on the Word. But refuse to give up or give in; rather, do what the Word says: resist the devil. James 4:7 says, “…Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Revelation 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony....”

No matter what the enemy throws at you, be unflustered; maintain your victory. Keep affirming who you are in Christ, your trust in His unfailing Word and power, and you’ll always prevail.


I’m more than a conqueror; I’ve overcome Satan, the world, and its systems. I’m reigning in life through Jesus Christ, and walking in the light of my divine inheritance. All things are mine in His Name. Hallelujah!

Further Study

2 Corinthians 2:14; 1 John 5:4; 1 Peter 5:8-9


No matter what the enemy throws at you, be unflustered; maintain your victory. Keep affirming who you are in Christ, your trust in His unfailing Word and power, and you’ll always prevail.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 12:49-59 & Judges 10-11
Bi-Annual : Mark 1:14-28 & Leviticus 11


April 12th, 2019

Mbingu ni mbingu za Bwana, Bali nchi amewapa wanadamu (Zaburi 115:16).

Endapo unamiliki nyumba na ukamkodishia mtu, nyumba ile itabaki kuwa ni mali yako; ijapokuwa, kwa ule muhula wa kukodisha, huwezi kuitawala au kuisimamia nyumba hiyo. Mkodishaji anakuwa na mamlaka juu ya nyumba hiyo na kuiendesha kulingana na makubaliano ya mkataba.

Kwa namna iyo hiyo, Mungu amempa mwanadamu ulimwengu huu ili autawale, na kwa wakati huo, Hawezi kuutawala ulimwengu. Amempa mwanadamu mamlaka ya kuutawala ulimwengu huu. Muda utakuja kwa Yeye kuutawala ulimwengu huu lakini hadi majira hayo yafike, wewe na mimi tuna jukumu [wajibu] wa Kiungu kuutawala ulimwengu kwa ajili ya Yesu Kristo, na tutawajibika Kwake kwa namna ambavyo tulivyoutawala ulimwengu wetu.

Wengi, na pia wakiwemo na baadhi ya Wakristo, wanachambua matukio na mambo yanayotokea katika dunia hii na kujiuliza ni kwanini Mungu “hafanyi” lo lote kurekebisha makosa. Naam, endapo unamsubiria Mungu atende jambo, unakosea. Anakuhitaji wewe. Hawezi, na hatotenda, jambo lo lote pasipo wewe, mpaka pale mkataba utakapokuwa umefikia ukomo [umeisha], na nchi mpya kuchukua nafasi. Walakini, mpaka hilo lije kutukia, jukumu ni letu kutawala na kuongoza ulimwengu huu katika Jina la Yesu Kristo.

Liangalie hilo katika mtazamo huu: Mungu anataka ulimwengu mzima uokolewe, na alimtuma Yesu kuja kuyatoa maisha Yake kwa ajili ya wokovu wa wanadamu, walakini, Anatuamuru kuwaombea na kufanya maombezi kwa ajili ya wale waliopotea. Kwa nini anatutaka tuombe kwa ajili yao? Kwa nini asifanye wokovu wao ulio kisheria uwe uzoefu wao halisi? Ni kwa sababu anahitaji haki ya kuchukua hatua kwa niaba ya mtu; hivyo, Anatuamuru kuomba.

Kwa hiyo, chukua nafasi yako kama mrithi pamoja na Kristo na timiza kusudi lako hapa duniani. Warumi 8:19-21 inaliweka hilo katika mtazamo huu; inasema,

“Kwa maana viumbe vyote pia vinatazamia kwa shauku nyingi kufunuliwa kwa wana wa Mungu. Kwa maana viumbe vyote pia vilitiishwa chini ya ubatili; si kwa hiari yake, ila kwa sababu yake yeye atiyevitiisha katika tumaini; kwa kuwa viumbe vyenyewe navyo vitawekwa huru na kutolewa katika utumwa wa uharibifu, hata viingie katika uhuru wa utukufu wa watoto wa Mungu.”

Baba anatutazama sisi kuwakomboa viumbe Wake kutoka katika vifungo vya utumwa na uharibifu na kuwaleta katika uhuru wa kitukufu wa wana wa Mungu.


Mpendwa Baba, mimi ni mzao wa Kristo, nimeziongeza siku Zake katika dunia hii. Ahsante kwa nguvu Yako ambayo inatenda kazi ndani yangu, na utukufu Wako uliofunuliwa ndani yangu, na kwa kupitia mimi. Kupitia nguvu za Roho Mtakatifu, ninatimiza kusudi langu la Kiungu la kuwaleta waume kwa wake katika urithi wao ndani ya Kristo, kupitia Injili, katika Jina la Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

Isaya 53:10; Wafilipi 2:13; Zaburi 115:15-16


Wewe na mimi tuna jukumu [wajibu] wa Kiungu kuutawala ulimwengu kwa ajili ya Yesu Kristo, na tutawajibika Kwake kwa namna ambavyo tulivyoutawala ulimwengu wetu.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 13:1-21 & Wamuzi 12-13
Bi-Annual : Marko 1:29-39 & Walawi 12


April 13th, 2019

Nami najua ya kuwa nikija kwenu nitakuja kwa utimilifu wa baraka ya Kristo (Warumi 15:29).

Mtume Paulo, kwa jinsi alivyokuwa amepangilia safari yake ya kimishionari kwa ajili ya Wakristo wa Rumi alisadiki kuwa ataenda akiwa amebeba ndani yake na pamoja naye, utimilifu wote wa baraka ya Injili. Hili ni la ajabu mno. Baadhi wamesema, “Kwa wakati utakapokuwa hapa duniani, hauwezi kamwe kuwa na utimilifu wote wa baraka za Mungu”; Lakini Neno linaonesha vinginevyo. Mtume Paulo alikuwa na, na alitenda katika utimilifu wote wa baraka za Mungu. Ni kuhusiana na ufahamu wako wa Kristo; uzima Wake na nguvu Yake ndani yako. Haleluya!

Ni muhimu sana kwa sisi kuelewa ukuu na hekima isiyo na mwisho na nguvu ya Mungu aliye hai. Mtume Paulo alikuwa na uthubutu wa imani kufanya ukiri wa kijasiri namna hiyo wa Neno. Alitembea katika utimilifu wa baraka za Injili ya Kristo, na alitarajia kuwatembelea Wakristo wa Rumi ili kuwapa [kuwagawia] sehemu ya baraka [karama] za kiroho.

Je, hili linamaanisha nini kwako hata sasa? Je, unatambua kuwa unaweza, na unapaswa kutembea katika utimilifu wa baraka za Injili ya Kristo? Wazo hilo tu, yaani uelewa wa jambo hilo pekee utaleta mapinduzi ya ajabu katika maisha yako. Mchukulie Mtume Petro: yeye pia alilielewa hili na kuenenda [kutenda] vilivyo. Ndio maana sio ajabu alitamka kuwa sisi tu washirika wa asili ya Kiungu [asili ya ki-Mungu] (2 Petro 1:4); tu katika daraja la Mungu la viumbe, na hivyo tunapaswa kuishi kwa ufahamu huu.

Yohana, akiliandikia Kanisa, alisema, “Ninyi, watoto wadogo, mwatokana na Mungu nanyi mmewashinda, kwa sababu yeye aliye ndani yenu ni mkuu kuliko yeye aliye katika dunia” (1 Yohana 4:4). Hawa watu walielewa ni nini inamaanisha kutembea katika utimilifu wa baraka za injili ya Kristo; walitambua kile ambacho Kristo ametufanya kuwa na walitamka [walikiri] na kuishi vilivyo [ipasavyo]. Biblia inasema, “Katika utimilifu Wake,” ikimzungumzia Kristo kwamba, “sisi sote tumepokea…” (Yohana 1:16).

Ulipokea utimilifu wote wa baraka za Mungu pindi ulipompokea Kristo, kwa sababu YEYE ni KILA KITU! Vumbua Kristo ndani yako.


Nimepokea utimilifu wote wa baraka za Mungu, kuwa mshirika wa asili ya Kiungu. Mimi ni mrithi wa Mungu, na mrithi pamoja na Kristo; Kristo ndani yangu ni kila kitu. Mimi ni zaidi ya mshindi, nikitawala kwa neema kupitia haki, katika nyanja zote za maisha. Abarikiwe Mungu!

Further Study

Yohane 1:16; Waefeso 1:3; 2 Petro 1:3


Ulipokea utimilifu wote wa baraka za Mungu pindi ulipompokea Kristo, kwa sababu YEYE ni KILA KITU! Vumbua Kristo ndani yako.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 13:22-35 & Wamuzi 14-16
Bi-Annual : Marko 1:40-45 & Walawi 13


April 14th, 2019

…kwa maana Yeye [Mungu] Mwenyewe amesema, kwa namna ye yote ile sintokuacha wala kukukatia tamaa wala sintokuacha pasipo msaada. Siwezi, siwezi, siwezi [Mimi] kwa namna iwayo yote ile kukuacha pasipo msaada au kukutelekeza wala siwezi kukuangusha (tulia, Nimekushika kwa mkono wangu)… (Waebrania 13:5 AMPC).

Kama mwana wa Mungu, kamwe hauko peke yako; na kamwe hutoenenda peke yako kwa sababu Roho Mtakatifu yu ndani yako. Anaishi ndani yako na Yu pamoja nawe daima. Sehemu ya huduma Yake katika maisha yako ni kudumu katika ushirika pamoja na wewe, kuimarisha imani yako na kuchochea ujasiri ndani yako ili kuyatenda mapenzi ya Mungu, na kutimiza wito wako. Chochea kazi na huduma ya Roho Mtakatifu katika maisha yako kupitia shukrani yako juu ya ufahamu wa uwepo Wake na kuishi Kwake ndani yako. Pindi unapokuwa umetoka na kwenda kwenye uinjilisti, kuwashuhudia wengine kuhusiana na Kristo, kuwa na ufahamu kuwa Yu pamoja na wewe. Kwa unavyokuwa unahudumu na kushirikisha Neno, unaweza kuwa unazungumza na mtu huyo kutokea nje, lakini Yeye anakuwa anamhudumia mtu huyo ndani yake, akilithibitisha Neno hilo katika mioyo yao. Anahudumu sambamba, na pamoja na wewe kama Msaidizi wako.

Daima tambua uwepo Wake na kazi Yake ndani yako, kama vile Yesu alivyotenda. Yesu alisema, “…Baba akaaye ndani yangu huzifanya kazi zake” (Yohana 14:10). Alimtambua Roho Mtakatifu kama Baba aliye ndani Yake, akitenda kazi ndani Yake na kupitia Yeye. Roho Mtakatifu ni Baba aliye ndani yako; Kiongozi na Mlinzi wako. Mtumaini Yeye kwa maisha yako. Yeye ni rafiki bora na Msaidizi bora kuliko ye yote yule unayeweza kuwa naye.

Endapo unapitia changamoto sasa hivi, yumkini katika uchumi wako kifedha, afya, masomo, ndoa, biashara, au taaluma, usiwe na shaka; mwamini [mtumaini] Roho Mtakatifu. Weka umakini wako na kipaumbele chako Kwake; kamwe Yeye hajawahi kushindwa. Soma tena maneno Yake ya uhakikisho na yenye kufariji katika mstari wetu wa ufunguzi, na tafakafi katika msisitizo huo: “…kwa maana Yeye [Mungu] Mwenyewe amesema, kwa namna ye yote ile sintokuacha wala kukukatia tamaa wala sintokuacha pasipo msaada. Siwezi, siwezi, siwezi [Mimi] kwa namna iwayo yote ile kukuacha pasipo msaada au kukutelekeza wala siwezi kukuangusha (tulia, Nimekushika kwa mkono wangu)…”


Mimi ni mshindi daima milele, kwa Roho Mtakatifu aishiye ndani yangu na kutenda kazi ndani yangu, na kwa kupitia mimi. Ninatambua uwepo Wake na kazi Yake katika maisha yangu, na kutamka kwamba Yeye ni garantii (dhamana) yangu ya maisha ya mafanikio na maendeleo yasiyo na ukomo na ushindi katika Jina la Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

Matayo 28:19-20; Yohane 14:26


Kama mwana wa Mungu, kamwe hauko peke yako; na kamwe hutoenenda peke yako kwa sababu Roho Mtakatifu yu ndani yako. Anaishi ndani yako na Yu pamoja nawe daima.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 14:1-24 & Wamuzi 17-18
Bi-Annual : Marko 2:1-12 & Walawi 14


April 15th, 2019

Bali Mungu aonyesha pendo lake yeye mwenyewe kwetu sisi, kwa kuwa Kristo alikufa kwa ajili yetu, tulipokuwa tungali wenye dhambi. Basi zaidi sana tukiisha kuhesabiwa haki katika damu yake, tutaokolewa na ghadhabu kwa yeye (Warumi 5:8-9).

Biblia inazungumzia juu ya pendo la Baba ambalo lilimiminwa kwa wingi ndani ya Kristo Yesu. Pendo hilo Alilidhihirisha kwetu, kwamba tungali tulipokuwa wenye dhambi Kristo alikufa kwa ajili yetu. Hakufa kwa ajili yetu kwa sababu tulikuwa tunaishi kwa usahihi; Alilitenda hilo tungali tulipokuwa wenye dhambi. Hilo ni pendo lisiloelezeka, lakini linafafanua thamani yetu.

Pindi unapomjua Yesu ni nani, na kweli kuwa Aliyatoa maisha Yake ili kukuokoa, utaelewa ni nini Mungu anachofikiri kuhusiana na wewe; namna gani Anavyokuthamini. Kifo Chake kwa niaba Yako kinafafanua uthamani wako. Alifikiri kuwa wewe unastahili uhai Wake; hivyo, Aliyatoa maisha Yake kwa niaba yako. Hili linaonyesha kuwa wewe ni wa thamani mbele za Mungu kama vile Yesu alivyo. Ndio maana sio ajabu Bwana Yesu, aliumimina moyo Wake kwa Baba katika sala, Akitaka ulimwengu wote ujue kuwa Baba anatupenda sisi vile vile kama Alivyompenda Yeye [Yesu] (Yohana 17:23).

Jinsi gani jambo hili linavutia kujua kuwa Yesu aliyatoa maisha Yake, ili kwamba wewe uyapate. Maisha unayopaswa kuishi sasa yanapaswa kuwa ni maisha ya Mwana wa Mungu; ishi ndoto Yake. Mtume Paulo alikiri kwa ujasiri katika Wagalatia 2:20: “Nimesulibiwa pamoja na Kristo; lakini ni hai; wala si mimi tena, bali Kristo yu hai ndani yangu; na uhai nilio nao sasa katika mwili, ninao katika imani ya Mwana wa Mungu, ambaye alinipenda, akajitoa nafsi yake kwa ajili yangu.”

Usiishi maisha ya chini. Ishi ndoto ya Mungu. Alifikiri kuwa wewe ni wa thamani, na kujitoa Mwenyewe kwa ajili yako. 1 Petro 1:18-19 inasema,“Nanyi mfahamu kwamba mlikombolewa si kwa vitu viharibikavyo, kwa fedha au dhahabu; mpate kutoka katika mwenendo wenu usiofaa mlioupokea kwa baba zenu; bali kwa damu ya thamani, kama ya mwana-kondoo asiye na ila, asiye na waa, yaani, ya Kristo.”


Baba mbarikiwa, ahsante kwa pendo Lako lisiloshindwa; limenizunguka kama ngao nami ninapaa katika burudisho lake na katika raha mustarehe milele yote. Pendo hilo linanihamasisha kuhubiri Injili kwa waliopotea, na kuwageuza kutoka dhambini kwenda katika haki, na kutoka katika nguvu za Shetani na kumwelekea Mungu, katika Jina la Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

Waefeso 3:17-19; 1 Yohane 4:8-10


Usiishi maisha ya chini. Ishi ndoto ya Mungu. Alifikiri kuwa wewe ni wa thamani, na kujitoa Mwenyewe kwa ajili yako.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 14:25-15:1-10 & Wamuzi 19-21
Bi-Annual : Marko 2:13-22 & Walawi 15


April 16th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth… (John 16:13).

Prior to His ascension, the Lord Jesus said to His disciples, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now” (John 16:12). Then He said in the next verse, “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth....” Jesus reserved the task of taking us further into the deeper truths, mysteries and revelations of God, and the Kingdom, for the Holy Spirit. He’s the One who reveals to us hidden mysteries and secrets that natural men can’t comprehend; things that God has freely given to us.

1 Corinthians 2:9-12 says, “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit…the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.” Thank God for making it possible for us to receive the Holy Spirit!

There’re things that have been freely given to us of God, and the Holy Spirit unveils them to us, and helps us enjoy them. Many go through life without enjoying all that God has already prepared for them simply because they ignored the Holy Spirit. Some aren’t even aware that God has given them a great life to enjoy. They carry on in life, walking in darkness, struggling, as though they had nothing from God.

No one who has the Holy Spirit should ever walk in darkness or uncertainty. He’s the light of life. Through His light, you see all that God has blessed you with, and are able to walk in the light of your inheritance in Christ. Life in its fullness, righteousness, divine health, prosperity, remission of sin, fellowship with the Father etc., are some of the blessings God already gave you to enjoy freely. But it’s the ministry of the Holy Spirit, not only to reveal these blessings to you, but also teach you how to walk in them.


The Holy Spirit is my teacher and guide; He floods my heart with wisdom to deal excellently in life, granting me the understanding of spiritual realities. I walk in the consciousness of my oneness with Him today, and receive greater insight into mysteries and secrets of my new life in Christ. Amen.

Further Study

John 14:26; 2 Peter 1:20-21; 1 Corinthians 2:9-12 NIV


Many go through life without enjoying all that God has already prepared for them simply because they ignored the Holy Spirit. Some aren’t even aware that God has given them a great life to enjoy.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 15:11-32 & Ruth 1-4
Bi-Annual : Mark 2:23-28 & Leviticus 16


April 17th, 2019

Neno la Kristo na likae kwa wingi ndani yenu katika hekima yote, mkifundishana na kuonyana kwa zaburi, na nyimbo, na tenzi za rohoni; huku mkimwimbia Mungu kwa neema moyoni mwenu (Wakolosai 3:16).

Katika Wakolosai 1:9, Paulo, kwa Roho, anasali, “Kwasababu hiyo sisi nasi, tangu siku ile tuliposikia, hatuachi kufanya maombi na dua kwa ajili yenu, ili mjazwe maarifa ya mapenzi Yake katika hekima yote na ufahamu wa rohoni.” Neno “ufahamu” limetafsiriwa kutoka katika Kiyunani “Sunesis”; ni ufasiri; namna ya kufikiri; ufikiri. Mtume Paulo, katika mstari huo, alikuwa anashughulika na namna fulani ya ufahamu wa kimafunuo-ambao Neno la Mungu hutupatia.

Hii ndio maana unahitaji kubaki katika Neno la Mungu, ukilichunguza, ukijifunza, na kuhakikisha unalielewa. Soma mstari wetu wa ufunguzi tena: unasema, “Neno la Kristo na likae kwa wingi ndani yenu…” Hili litakupa nafsi ambayo Mungu anataka uwe nayo. Itakufanya uwe mwenye uelewa kiroho, mwenye kuona ndani, na mwenye hekima.

Sehemu nyingine nzuri ya hili ni kwamba Mungu hatukuzi [kiroho] kwa dunia hii tu; yote Afanyayo ndani yetu-utendaji kazi Wake ndani yetu kupitia Neno-ni kwa ajili ya karne zijazo. Hivyo, kama huna Neno ndani yako, na Roho Mtakatifu kukupa ufahamu wa kiroho, kuona hatika halisia za Ufalme ungali bado katika dunia hii, utawezaje kuenenda katika dunia ijayo?

Kwa hiyo, ni muhimu ya kwamba ujifunze Maandiko kwa kufurahia; kuwa na njaa ya hasira na ulafi kwa Neno la Mungu. Tafuta na kuwa na Neno tu, kwasababu Neno la Mungu ni kila kitu. Ukiwa na Neno ndani yako, haijalishi watamani nini katika dunia hii; unaweza kukipata! Ukiwa na Neno la Mungu rohoni mwako, na likitoka katika kinywa chako, unaweza pata ama kuumba chochote.


Ninatembea katika haki na utawala, na nina kuona katika mafumbo na siri za Ufalme wa Mungu. Ninaishi juu kuliko nguvu batili za uharibifu za duniani, kwasababu ninaishi katika Neno la Mungu; [katika] mazingira yaitwayo “Kristo.”Haleluya!

Further Study

Matendo 20:32; Waefeso 1:17-18


Ukiwa na Neno la Mungu rohoni mwako, na likitoka katika kinywa chako, unaweza pata ama kuumba chochote.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 16 & 1 Samueli 1-2
Bi-Annual : Marko 3:1-7 & Walawi 17


April 18th, 2019

Bwana…hapendi mtu yeyote apotee, bali wote wafikilie toba (2 Petro 3:9).

Kutoka katika Maandiko, tunaona dhahiri [ni ipi] shauku kuu kuliko zote ya Mungu, ambayo ni kwa watu wote kupokea uzima wa milele na kuja katika ushirika na Yeye. Hiyo ndiyo sababu Yesu alikuja katika dunia hii; alikuja kuwafanya wanadamu kuwa wana wa Mungu. Kwahiyo, ni muhimu kwamba vipaumbele vyako viungamane na kusudi alilojia Yesu. Endelea kuitangaza njia ya Injili; njia ambayo Yesu aliishia, aliifia, na kuifufukia.

Mbingu huwatambua na kuwasherehekea wale waliofanya kuvuna nafsi kuwa kipaumbele chao, wale walioifanya ndoto ya Mungu kuwa ndoto yao. Hakuna chochote tufanyacho duniani chenye maana au thamani mbinguni isipokuwa kile chenye kuunganika na njia ya Injili; wokovu wa nafsi zilizopotea. Una wajibu wa kuwaongoza watu kwa Kristo, na vilevile kuhakikisha wanaimarika katika Kanisa [kuwa] wavuna nafsi [na] wao pia.

Kuna wale ambao Mungu amewaweka katika njia yako ili ukawasaidie kujenga imani yao, kuwafunza [namna ya] kusali, na kuwasaidia kugundua na kuishi katika urithi wao katika Kristo; ni sehemu ya wajibu wako katika Injili ya Kristo. Uliokolewa kuokoa wengine; umejengwa kujenga wengine. Umepatiwa huduma ya upatanishi: “Yaani, Mungu alikuwa ndani ya Kristo, akiupatanisha ulimwengu na nafsi Yake, asiwahesabie makosa yao; naye Ametia ndani yetu neno la upatanisho” (2 Wakorintho 5:19).

Fikiria ni watu wengi zaidi kiasi gani watafikiwa kama wote tukichukua wajibu wa kuvuna nafsi katika ubora wetu na hazina zetu zote! Chukulia hili ki mkazo (bila mzaha). Kuwa kati ya wale wenye kuimarisha watakatifu wengine kufanya kazi ya huduma. Saidia kujenga imani ya wengine kuwa wafanisi zaidi katika kufanya kazi ya Mungu. Usiishi kwa kusudi la muda mfupi lisilo na thamani ya milele. Weka kazi ya Mungu kwanza (mbele) katika maisha yako; ifanye ndoto Yake kuwa yako, na utapata furaha na utoshelevu wa milele.


Mwokozi Mkuu, maisha yangu ni kwa utukufu wako, na ninaishi kwa kusudi la Injili, nikitafuta kwa shauku kupanuka kwa Ufalme wako, na kuimarishwa kwa haki yako katika mioyo ya wanadamu. Mimi ni mmoja kati ya wale wenye kuimarisha wenginme ili kufanya kazi ya huduma, nikijenga imani ya wengine ili wakawe fanisi zaidi katika kutenda kazi ya Mungu. Kwahiyo, ninapata furaha na utoshelevu wa milele. Haleluya!

Further Study

1 Wakorinto 9:16; Wafilipi 1:12-14


Hakuna chochote tufanyacho duniani chenye maana au thamani mbinguni isipokuwa kile chenye kuunganika na njia ya Injili; wokovu wa nafsi zilizopotea.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 17:1-19 & 1 Samueli 3-7
Bi-Annual : Marko 3:8-19 & Walawi 18

ALILIPA YOTE April 19th, 2019

April 19th, 2019

Siku ya pili yake amwona Yesu anakuja kwake, akasema, Tazama, Mwana-kondoo wa Mungu, aichukuaye dhambi ya ulimwengu! (Yohana 1:29).

Pengine ushawahi usikia wimbo huu mzuri wenye kuhusisha [maneno juu ya] dhabihu ya kujitoa ya Yesu Kristo kwa niaba yetu: “Alilipa deni asilodaiwa, nilidaiwa deni ambalo sikuweza lipa, nilihitaji wa kuosha dhambi zangu mbali. Na sasa ninaimba wimbo mpya kabisa, neema ya ajabu; Kristo Yesu alilipa deni ambalo nisingeliweza kamwe kulilipa…” Ndiyo, Alilipa gharama yote kwa ajili ya dhambi zetu!

Adamu alipoasi [maagizo ya] Mungu, matokeo yasiyoepukika yalikuwa ni mauti ya kiroho (Mwanzo 2:17), ambayo ni kuondolewa ama kutengwa kabisa mbali na Mungu. Biblia inasema, “Kwahiyo, kama kwa mtu mmoja dhambi iliingia ulimwenguni, na kwa dhambi hiyo mauti; na hivyo mauti ikawafikia watu wote kwasababu watu wote wamefanya dhambi” (Warumi 5:12). Hata hivyo, mara Mungu akatambulisha dhabihu ya mafahali na mbuzi kama upatanisho kwa [ajili ya] dhambi. Huu ndio ulikuwa mfumo kwa watoto wa Israeli, katika Agano la Kale, kwa maana pasipo na mwagiko la damu, hakukuweza kuwapo ondoleo la dhambi (Waebrania 9:22).

Pamoja na hayo, Biblia inatufahamisha kuwa dhabihu (sadaka) za mafahali na mbuzi hazikuweza kuondoa dhambi: “Maana haiwezekani damu ya mafahali na mbuzi kuondoa dhambi” (Waebrania10:4). Ndipo Mungu akaachilia mpango mkuu wa wokovu timilifu wa mwanadamu kwa kumtuma Yesu Kristo. Wokovu wa mtu ulifanyika pale Yesu Kristo-Mwana-kondo wa Mungu-alipotolewa ili kuzichukua dhambi za dunia (Yohana 1:29). Biblia inamuita “Mwana-kondoo aliyechinjwa tangu [kuwapo kwa] misingi ya dunia.”

Kwa mauti Yake msalabani, Yesu alibeba dhambi zetu na kuzioshea mbali kwa damu Yake, mara moja na kwa wakati wote! Alilipa gharama kuu ya dhambi, ambayo mwanadamu alishindwa kuilipa. Waebrania 9:12 inasema, “Wala si kwa damu ya mbuzi na ndama, bali kwa damu Yake mwenyewe aliingia mara moja tu katika Patakatifu, akiisha kupata ukombozi wa milele.”

Kristo amelipa kwa ondoleo lako la dhambi. Sasa, umeoshwa, umetakaswa, umepatiwa haki; uko huru dhidi ya dhambi, mauti, na uharibifu. Utukufu kwa Mungu!


Ahimidiwe Mungu! Nimeoshwa, nimetakaswa, nimetukuzwa, na kupatiwa haki; mimi ni mwenye haki wa Mungu katika Kristo Yesu, kwasababu Yesu alibeba dhambi zangu na kunipatia haki Yake. Sasa ni mshirika wa namna ya Mungu; mshiriki katika uzoefu wa Kiungu, nikienenda katika upya wa uzima, na katika nuru ya haki yangu katika Kristo. Haleluya!

Further Study

Yohane 3:16; 2 Wakorinto 5:19; Waroma 5:17-18


Kristo amelipa kwa ondoleo lako la dhambi. Sasa, umeoshwa, umetakaswa, umepatiwa haki; uko huru dhidi ya dhambi, mauti, na uharibifu. Utukufu kwa Mungu!

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 17:20-18:1-14 & 1 Samueli 8-10
Bi-Annual : Marko 3:20-35 & Walawi 19

YU FIDIA YAKO April 20th, 2019

April 20th, 2019

Lakini vyote pia vyatokana na Mungu, aliyetupatanisha sisi na Nafsi Yake kwa Kristo, naye Alitupa huduma ya upatanisho (2 Wakorintho 5:18).

Sehemu ya andiko iliyopigiwa mstari hapo juu huonesha kuwa ni Mungu ndiye alichukua wajibu wakutupatanisha sisi na Nafsi Yake. Ndiye Aliyekuwa nyuma ya yote aliyokamilisha Yesu kwa ajili yetu. Kiuhalisia, Yeye ndiye aliyekuwa akifanya hivyo; tunaona katika 2 Wakorintho 5:19; inasema, “Yaani, Mungu alikuwa ndani ya Kristo, akiupatanisha ulimwengu na Nafsi Yake…”

Si tu kwamba Mungu alitupenda sana na kumtuma Yesu, bali Ndiye haswa aliyekuwa akifanya kila kitu kilichotakiwa kufanyika kwa wokovu wa mwanadamu Yeye Mwenyewe. Alikuwa ndani ya Kristo, Akiupatanisha ulimwengu na Nafsi Yake, asiwahesabie makosa yao. Haleluya! Aliuchukua wajibu, na kulipa gharama kamili ya dhambi zako zote; hana hasira na wewe kabisa (hata kidogo).

Hata kama uliingia katika tatizo kwa kitu ulichokosea, Amejipa wajibu wa kukuokoa, kukusaidia utoke katika tatizo lolote, kwa sababu moja: kwasababu unayo fidia ndani ya Kristo Yesu!

Hii ndio maana kuzaliwa kwa Yesu kuna maana kubwa sana kwetu; alizaliwa ili kuishi, kufa, na kutoa uhai (uzima) wake kama fidia kwa wengi: “Kwa maana mwana wa Adamu naye hakuja kutumikiwa, bali kutumika, kwa kutoa Nafsi Yake iwe fidia ya wengi” (Marko 10:45).

Biblia inasema alituchagua katika Yeye, kabla ya kuwapo kwa misingi ya dunia, kuwa watakatifu na wasio na lawama mbele Zake katika pendo (Waefeso 1:4). U mtakatifu na usiye na lawama mbele za Baba, kwasababu Kristo Yu fidia yetu! Alijiwajibisha kwa dhambi zako. Huu ndio ujumbe wa Injili!

Si ajabu hata (ndio maana) akatuita wenye haki Wake; waliopewa haki Wake; maana yake haiwezekani kupatikana na mashitaka ya dhambi, kwasababu si tu tu wenye haki, bali pia tumekuwa haki ya Mungu katika Kristo Yesu. 2 Wakorintho 5:21 inasema, “Yeye Asiyejua dhambi Alimfanya kuwa dhambi kwa ajili yetu, ili sisi tupate kuwa haki ya Mungu katika Yeye.”


Mpendwa Baba Mwenye upendo, ninakushukuru kwa kudhihirisha upendo wako kupitia dhabihu ya Yesu kwa niaba yangu, ambayo kwa hiyo nimewasilishwa kwako kuwa asiye na kosa, mtakatifu na asiyestahili lawama. Libarikiwe Jina lako milele!

Further Study

2 Wakorinto 5:19; Wakolosai 1:21-22; Yohane 1:29


Hata kama uliingia katika tatizo kwa kitu ulichokosea, Amejipa wajibu wa kukuokoa, kukusaidia utoke katika tatizo lolote, kwa sababu moja: kwasababu unayo fidia ndani ya Kristo Yesu!

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 18:15-43 & 1 Samueli 11-13
Bi-Annual : Marko 4:1-12 & Walawi 20


April 21st, 2019

Basi mkiwa mmefufuliwa pamoja na Kristo, yatafuteni yaliyo juu Kristo aliko, ameketi mkono wa kuume wa Mungu (Wakolosai 3:1).

Yesu alipokufa msalabani, katika ufahamu wa haki (Mungu), ulimwengu wote ulikufa pamoja naye, kwa sababu alikufa kwa niaba ya watu wote. Hata hivyo, Ukristo haukuanzia kwenye kifo chake, bali kufufuka Kwake. Mungu alipomfufua kutoka wafu, ulifufuliwa pamoja naye, na ukawa kiumbe mpya, aliye hai kwa Mungu.

Kiumbe kipya ni tunda la ukombozi Wake (Warumi 8:23). Umetolewa kutoka katuka mauti-mauti ya kiroho-kuingia katika uzima. Ukawa hai na Kristo kwa uzima Wake wa ufufuko. Ukiwa unajua ya kuwa umefufuliwa pamoja na Kristo na kuketishwa pamoja naye mbinguni, Biblia inasema utafute yaliyo juu! Kuwa na ufahamu wa aliyeketishwa pamoja na Kristo katika mahali pa utawala, utukufu na nguvu! Ni mahali pasipo na giza, hakuna magonjwa, kushindwa, maumivu; mahali pa ukuu na mamlaka yote.

Biblia inasema Yesu ameketi mkono wa kuume wa Mungu (mkono wa kuume wa nguvu). Hii inamaanisha ana mamlaka dhidi ya viumbe vyote; juu ya ya mbingu na nchi yote. Lakini unajua nini? Mungu ametunyenyua katika utukufu pamoja na Kristo, ambapo twakaa pamoja naye katika anga la kimbingu la uweza (nguvu), mamlaka, na ukuu (ufalme) ( Waefeso 2:6). Tunachukua nafasi ile ile ya mamlaka, pamoja na nguvu ya uwakili ya kutenda kwa niaba Yake [tukitumia mamlaka na Jina Lake kama ni Yeye Mwenyewe akitumia]. Huu ni uhalisia mkuu sana!


Ni ufahari namna gani kukaa pamoja na Kristo katika mahali pa nguvu; juu sana kuliko falme zote, na nguvu, na uweza, na utawala, na kila jina litajwalo, si tu katika dunia hii, bali pia hata ule ujao. Ninaenenda kutokea mahali pa utukufu, nguvu, mamlaka, na utawala, nikiwa nimetengwa na athari haribifu za dhambi, ubatili na giza, katika Jina lake Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

Waefeso 2:4-6; Wafilipi 2:9-10; Wakolosai 3:1-3


Ni ufahari namna gani kukaa pamoja na Kristo katika mahali pa nguvu; juu sana kuliko falme zote, na nguvu, na uweza, na utawala, na kila jina litajwalo, si tu katika dunia hii, bali pia hata ule ujao.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luka 19:1-27 & 1 Samueli 14-15
Bi-Annual : Marko 4:13-20 & Walawi 21

HE DID MUCH MORE April 22nd, 2019

April 22nd, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses (Acts 13:38-39).

Always, I think about Jesus and His vicarious sacrifice in our behalf and I’m overwhelmed by how much He loves us. He took our place of judgment and condemnation, and gave us His nature of righteousness. In Him, not only have we been made righteous, we’ve been made the very epitome and expression of God’s righteousness.

2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Many think that all Jesus came to do was to save us from sin, no; He achieved much more. He saved us from our sins so we could become sons of God. His ultimate aim was to give us the God-life, the God-nature of righteousness, so we could be in fellowship with God.

When He hung on the Cross of crucifixion, we were in Him. He was made sin for us. When He died and was buried, in the mind of justice, we all died and were buried in Him. And that was the end of sin. Our sins were buried with Him. But here’s the most sublime part: on the third day, when God raised Him from the dead, we were also raised together with Him into a newness of life. Romans 6:4 says, “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”

Your past with all the failures, weaknesses, and defeat, were buried with Him. Now that you’re born again, you have a new life in Christ Jesus; a life of glory and righteousness. Hallelujah!


Having been baptized into Christ in His death, and raised up with Him in His resurrection, I now walk in the newness of life. My past with all the failures and defeat are all gone, because I’m a new creation in Christ. Hallelujah

Further Study

2 Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 4:21-24; John 1:12-13


Many think that all Jesus came to do was to save us from sin, no; He achieved much more. He saved us from our sins so we could become sons of God.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 19:28-48 & 1 Samuel 16-17
Bi-Annual : Mark 4:21-29 & Leviticus 22

HE LEADS US IN HIS LIGHT April 23rd, 2019

April 23rd, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105).

The Word of God is light, the true light that lights every man who comes into this world. Our opening verse describes the ministry of the Word in giving us direction in life. It’s one of the things that light does: it gives direction; it shows the way. Until you turn the light on, you wouldn’t know what’s covered in darkness or which way to go.

If you’ve ever attempted to find your way in the dark, you’d agree it wasn’t without bumping into objects or obstacles that you couldn’t see as a result of the darkness. Moreover, if you were journeying in the dark, you wouldn’t know when you arrived at your destination or hit a crossroads. That’s why the personal knowledge and application of the Word of God (His light) is so important for every Christian.

Some people have their lives in jeopardy, because they’re not following the guidance and direction of the Word. They’ve thus journeyed in a different environment rather than God’s environment. Some others are journeying with a ticket to nowhere, because they ignore the Word which should light up their path and give them a destination.

Wisdom and direction come from God’s Word. As long as you live in the light that God gives, you’ll never walk in darkness. He leads us in His light. The Bible says to walk in the light as He (God) is in the light. You’re to walk in the same light in which God dwells (1 Timothy 6:16). This is possible because you’re born of the Word of God (1 Peter 1:23), which is the true light.

God has given you His Word to light up your path, so there would neither be darkness nor uncertainties as you journey through life. Therefore, being led by His light, you’d go in the direction of love, joy, righteousness, health, peace, and prosperity. Blessed be God!


Blessed Father, I thank you for your Word is my light and the compass by which I navigate my way through life. I do not grope or wander in the dark, because your Word illuminates my path, gives me direction and guidance, and makes me an absolute success in life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

1 John 1:5-7; Ephesians 5:13; Psalm 36:9


The Word of God is light, the true light that lights every man who comes into this world. Until you turn the light on, you wouldn’t know what’s covered in darkness or which way to go.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 20:1-19 & 1 Samuel 18-19
Bi-Annual : Mark 4:30-41 & Leviticus 23


April 24th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed (Acts 3:25).

There’re Christians who say they have a covenant with God. They teach that since God made a covenant with Abraham, and we’re Abraham’s seed, we’re therefore automatically in covenant with God. But no; the Christian isn’t in covenant with God. You need to know who the Christian is; he’s one with Christ; he’s an associate of the God-kind. Abraham had a covenant with God, but we’re not in that covenant. Who are we? We’re children of the covenant.

We’re heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ. Galatians 3:26-29 says, “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

In a marriage relationship, for example, the couple sign a nuptial agreement and come into a covenant. That covenant, however, doesn’t involve their children. The children from that marriage would be the products or fruits of the covenant. Read our opening verse again, it’s clear: we’re children of the covenant that God made with Abraham and the patriarchs.

Many have written books on our covenant with God, but the danger of this misleading belief is that it places the Christian in a position below his calling and birthright. Our relationship with God is one of father and his children. Blessed thought! How wonderful to know that we’re heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ. We’re children of the covenant! We own the world and we walk in divine excellence. Hallelujah!



All things are mine; I have everything that I require for life and godliness, because I’m an heir of God, and a joint-heir with Christ. I’m rich in all things because God has caused His grace to abound towards me to be superabundantly supplied, exceedingly fruitful and productive in every good work. Hallelujah!

Further Study

Romans 8:16-17; 2 Peter 1:4; Acts 3:25 AMPC


You need to know who the Christian is; he’s one with Christ; he’s an associate of the God-kind. Abraham had a covenant with God, but we’re not in that covenant. Who are we? We’re children of the covenant.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 20:20-21:1-4 & 1 Samuel 20-22
Bi-Annual : Mark 5:1-13 & Leviticus 24


April 25th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? (1 Corinthians 3:16).

Oftentimes, there’re Christians who, when they come to church, would say, “Lord, we’ve come into your presence today.” And when they leave, they feel they’ve left the presence of God. Some even pray for the presence of God to come down or follow them everywhere. But as a child of God, you don’t “come” into God’s presence nor go from it; you’re forever in His presence.

When you come into a place, no matter where it is, you come in, and with, God’s presence. You bear His presence. You’re the temple of the living God, who dwells in you by the Holy Spirit. When you were born again, Christ took up His abode in the quarters of your heart. He’s in you now, and you’re in Him. He didn’t come into you to leave again after some time; He’s forever in you.

Read the words of Jesus in Matthew 28:20; He said, “…lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” This was before the Holy Spirit came to take up His abode in the quarters of our hearts. He had said concerning the Holy Spirit in John 14:17, “…ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” It’s an everlasting indwelling. The Spirit of God dwells in you, and He’s the conveyor of the presence and blessings of God, and all that’s been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Have the consciousness that you’re a God-carrying vessel, and you live in His presence every day. This is what it means to be in Christ. You’re in the divine environment; the environment of His glory and divine essence. Hallelujah!


I’m in Christ, and Christ is in me; what a union; and what a place to be! He’s graced my life with His glory, with His presence, and with Himself! In Him I live, and move, and have my being. What a blessing to be, not just a God-carrying vessel, but also the conveyor and dispenser of His divine presence. Hallelujah!

Further Study

Acts 17:28; John 14:16; 2 Corinthians 6:16


Have the consciousness that you’re a God-carrying vessel, and you live in His presence every day. This is what it means to be in Christ. You’re in the divine environment; the environment of His glory and divine essence.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 21:5-38 & 1 Samuel 23-25
Bi-Annual : Mark 5:14-20 & Leviticus 25

DIVINE HEALTH April 26th, 2019

April 26th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick... (Isaiah 33:24).

Sometimes, you find Christians who are crying to God for healing. It’s a contradiction, because the Christian is an associate of the God-kind; he’s therefore not meant to be sick. Why then are many sick? Psalm 82:5-7 gives the answer. It says, “They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.”

Ignorance has been the bane of many, because, really, the Christian has a life that isn’t susceptible to sickness or disease. It’s for the same reason that Jesus said in Mark 16:18, “…if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them….” Nothing, absolutely nothing, is supposed to hurt you enough to make you sick, let alone take your life. This is because the life in you is indestructible.

Did you know that there’s nowhere in the Scripture where God asked that you pray for healing for yourself? The reason is that divine health is your nature; you were born with it the day you were born again. In the first level of spiritual growth, you get sick and then you get well, and then the cycle continues; you’re always “believing” God for healing.

In the second and higher level, you declare, “Divine health is mine!” Your faith works for divine health. When you feel the symptoms of sickness in your body, you don’t fret; you simply declare, “In the Name of Jesus, I command the pain to cease!” and it happens! However, you’ve got to move to the higher class, where you don’t get sick at all or recognise sickness or disease. Our opening verse says they that dwell in Zion shall not say, “I am sick.” Who are those that dwell in Zion? It’s those of us who are born again; God’s people.

The Bible says in Hebrews 12:22*, “But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.”* We live in Zion now; we’re at home in Christ, where sickness is illegal; it’s alien to us. If you ever feel the symptoms of sickness in your body, it’s a “lying vanity”; a mirage; shake it off in the Name of Jesus. Walk in divine health and refuse to be sick.



The divine life is working in every fibre of my being, every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is vitalised by the Holy Spirit who lives in me, invigorating me through and through, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Further Study

2 Peter 1:4; 3 John 1:2; Isaiah 33:24 AMPC


Sometimes, you find Christians who are crying to God for healing. It’s a contradiction, because the Christian is an associate of the God-kind; he’s therefore not meant to be sick. Why then are many sick?

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 22:1-38 & 1 Samuel 26-28
Bi-Annual : Mark 5:21-34 & Leviticus 26

WE HAVE HIS AUTHORITY April 27th, 2019

April 27th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church (Ephesians 1:22).

1Corinthians 15:25 declares: “For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.” This isn’t about Jesus reigning in heaven; rather, it’s about Him reigning on earth. Legally, God has put all things under the feet of Jesus (Ephesians 1:22). Isaiah 9:6 says, “…and the government shall be upon his shoulder….” This is so powerful, because it introduces our connection to it. If He had said, “...And the government shall be upon His head,” that would have meant the Lord Jesus, since He’s the head, and we’re His body.

Therefore, the government being upon His shoulder means His reign, His rulership, and authority are upon the Church; it’s borne by us. Hallelujah! This means even if you were the least in the Church—the smallest toe of the left foot—you’re still above all things, because all things have been placed under His feet. This is a settled fact in heaven. God already said so, and nothing can change it. The Lord Jesus, through the Church, must reign over all things.

What this means is that in these last days, you’re expected to arise, take up the arms of faith, and be strengthened in the things of God. Speak the Word with boldness and see it come to pass. The world and the fullness thereof have been given to you. Therefore, be bold and possess the earth. Exercise dominion and take charge of your life; command every contrary storm to be calm in the Name of Jesus! Refuse to be sick, poor or defeated. Rule over circumstances. Hallelujah!


I’m what God says I am. Christ in me is my victory and glory in this life! I’m a member of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones, ruling, reigning, and prevailing with Christ over the world and circumstances. Greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world.

Further Study

Ephesians 2:6; Psalm 110:2; John 14:12


Even if you were the least in the Church—the smallest toe of the left foot—you’re still above all things, because all things have been placed under His feet.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 22:39-65 & 1 Samuel 29-31
Bi-Annual : Mark 5:35-43 & Leviticus 27


April 28th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God (Romans 8:14).

The Holy Spirit leads us through the Word. Any counsel you receive that’s contrary to what the Word says, isn’t from the Holy Spirit. Some people pray about something, then an idea comes to them, and they say, “Well, God is leading me to do such-and-such.” If you were to ask them, “Why do you believe it’s God that’s leading you in that direction?” they’d say, “It’s because I prayed about it.”

The fact that you prayed isn’t enough! What did the Lord say to you after you prayed? Did He tell you expressly to go ahead and do whatever it is you think He’s leading you to do? Is the idea you got consistent with the Word? Is it consistent with His perfect will for you? His Word is His will expressed. Yielding to the Spirit means yielding to the lordship, supremacy and guidance of His Word.

This is why knowing the Word for yourself is absolutely indispensable. It’s important to have accurate knowledge of the Word. The more submissive you are to the lordship of the Word, the easier you’ll recognise the Spirit’s guidance. His desire is to lead you from glory to glory.

Our theme verse says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” To fulfil God’s destiny for your life, you must learn to follow the Spirit in the Word, by the Word, and through the Word. Don’t be in a hurry when seeking His guidance; be patient until you hear His voice—His words— in your spirit. Then you’re ready to go! His Word gives you light, and direction, and holds the solution to every problem.

Irrespective of the troubles, adversities, and challenges, trust the Word. Put your faith in the Word. Become so inundated with the Word until the Word alone is all you think, talk and live out. The Word enjoins us, “...Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16).


Dear Father, your Word gives me strength and ministers courage to my spirit. My faith is strong and active, and it prevails over circumstances as the Spirit guides me in the path of life. His truth and wisdom are the forces of my life, propelling me from glory to glory as I walk in the Spirit, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

1 John 1:7; Isaiah 30:21; Psalm 119:105


The Holy Spirit leads us through the Word. Any counsel you receive that’s contrary to what the Word says, isn’t from the Holy Spirit.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 22:66-23:1-25 & 2 Samuel 1-3
Bi-Annual : Mark 6:1-13 & Numbers 1


April 29th, 2019

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16).

As Christians, we’ve received the mandate to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth; it’s a high calling. It’s something you’re to do with all boldness, faith, courage, and conviction. You must never be ashamed or apologetic about Christ and the message of the Gospel. Don’t be ashamed of who you are in Him, and don’t let others make you ashamed of what you believe. Paul said, “…I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth…” (Romans 1:16).

It’s only the Gospel that can catapult the sinner into salvation and righteousness. It’s only through the preaching of the Gospel that the righteousness of God can be unveiled and embraced. So, there’re no options to the Gospel. Its power and efficacy is incontrovertible. It’s the only message that, when received, makes sinners sons of God, in a moment of time.

In 2 Timothy 1:13, Paul said to Timothy, “Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.” That means the words of the Gospel are potent, filled with inspiration, power and divine energy. No sinner should be around you over a period without being impacted by the power of the Gospel that you bear. Be determined about that. Be so fired up with the Gospel that its impact in men’s lives, and spread around the world, is all that matters to you.

The Bible says those that turn many to righteousness shall shine as stars forever (Daniel 12:3). Shine for the Master in this “Year of Lights,” by making enduring impact with the Gospel. Go the extra mile. Like Jesus, let what matter the most to you be to do the will of the Father, and finish His work (John 4:34). Let it be what you live for. He’s counting on you for the salvation of many in your world, and in the regions beyond. Therefore, be faithful in your responsibility as a soul winner.


Dear Father, I thank you for entrusting me with the divine responsibility of reaching those in my world and in distant lands with the message of eternal life. The light of your glorious Gospel that I bear dispels the darkness in the hearts of the unconverted, destroying the bonds of religion, and establishing them in your righteousness, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 3:6; 2 Corinthians 5:18-19


As Christians, we’ve received the mandate to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth; it’s a high calling. It’s something you’re to do with all boldness, faith, courage, and conviction.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 23:26-49 & 2 Samuel 4-6
Bi-Annual : Mark 6:14-29 & Numbers 2


April 30th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones (Ephesians 5:30).

1Corinthians 6:17 says, “But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” We’re joined to the Lord; we’re inseparably one with Him, and He’s not ashamed of our union with Him. Have you ever had a family member or a loved one, who, perhaps, due to some terrible behaviour or waywardness, you felt ashamed to be associated or identified with him or her?

Hebrews 2:11 says the Lord isn’t ashamed to call us “brethren”; that is, His brothers and sisters. Think about it: despite everything He knows about you, He still loves you and celebrates His oneness with you. He’s so united and identified with you that He’s given you His Name to live by. The Bible says He’s touched with the feeling of our infirmities (Hebrews 4:15).

Your oneness with the Lord is the greatest and most honourable thing you could ever imagine. Celebrate it. Seize every moment to glorify Jesus Christ in, and with your life. Nothing could be more transcendent than being an associate of the God-kind; one in whom Christ literally dwells. You’re God’s house; He lives in you, talks in, and through you. He isn’t complete without you.

This should help you understand your importance and relevance to Christ. You’re in Him, and He’s in you. Through you, He’s able to express His love and righteousness to others. You’re His extension in the earth, because you hail from Him and are connected to Him. He said in John 15:5, “I am the vine, ye are the branches…”; the vine and the branches are of the same stalk. It’s the Father’s grand design for Him to need us just as we need Him: He’s our glory as we are His glory.

In John 17:19-21, Jesus prayed for us thus, “…as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us….” This prayer was fulfilled when the Holy Spirit came to live in us; we’ve become one with divinity. 1 Corinthians 12:13 says, “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body….” You’ve been literally mingled with the Spirit as one divine creation. Blessed be God!


I’m joined to the Lord, and one spirit with Him; in Him I live, and move and have my being. God lives in me; He talks in and through me. His glory is all over me, and with His divine presence, I impact and influence my world for His glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

Colossians 1:27; Colossians 2:10; Galatians 3:27


Your oneness with the Lord is the greatest and most honourable thing you could ever imagine. Celebrate it. Seize every moment to glorify Jesus Christ in, and with your life.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Luke 23:50-24:1-12 & 2 Samuel 7-8
Bi-Annual : Mark 6:30-44 & Numbers 3