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February 1st, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

For with the heart man believeth… (Romans 10:10)

Being born again, you received the life and nature of God into your heart, that is, your spirit. The eventual transformation and glory evident in your soul and body are the result of the impact and influence of the life and nature of God in your spirit. This is why God wants you to nurture and develop your spirit.

Your spirit is God’s temple; His dwelling place: that’s where the Kingdom of God is (Luke 17:20-21). No wonder we’re counselled to guard our hearts with all diligence: “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23). Everything you require for your life is in your heart. The house you’ll live in is in your heart; the money you require is in your heart; the health of your body is in your heart! Life in its fullness is in your heart; therefore, learn to live from your heart.

When you live from your heart, that is, from the inside out, you wouldn’t be bothered about the happenings outside; your experiences wouldn’t determine your response to situations. The economy of the world or of the country where you live may be in shambles, but you’re unmoved because you’ve learnt how to enjoy your prosperity and turn it on from within you.

Learn to see from your heart. What you see with your heart is more real than what you see with your physical eyes. 2 Corinthians 4:18 says, “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” Seeing with your heart means envisioning and apprehending the realities of the Gospel and of our Kingdom-life with your spirit.

The more important things of life — the eternal things — are all in your heart; therefore, look inwards, and live from there. Isaiah 12:3 says, “Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation”; where are these wells? They’re in the deep recesses of your heart!


Blessed Lord, in you I put my trust, living the higher life, which you preordained for me to live, following the light and guidance of your Spirit from within me. I’m making progress with giant strides, triumphing all the way, because you’ve set me on high, and established my path in glory, and prosperity, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

Ecclesiastes 3:11; Proverbs 23:26; Luke 6:45


Being born again, you received the life and nature of God into your heart, that is, your spirit. Life in its fullness is in your heart; therefore, learn to live from your heart.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matthew 22:15-46 & Exodus 22-23
Bi-Annual : Matthew 11:21-30 & Genesis 32

PERSEVERE IN PRAYER February 2nd, 2019

February 2nd, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint (Luke 18:1).

Every Christian has a right to pray and expect answers; it’s part of our heritage in Christ. Knowing this, prayer should be for you, moments of fellowship and expectation. 1 Corinthians 1:9 says, “God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.” We were called into communion and participation with the God-kind. This means you can talk to the Lord directly, and as a friend, and He’ll hear and answer you.

No wonder Jesus emphasized in a parable, the need for men to pray always and persevere in prayer. God delights in answering your prayers. 1 Peter 3:12 says, “For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers….”

Through prayer, your spirit is stirred to respond to the Lord more quickly. 1 Corinthians 14:4 says, “He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself….” Moreover, when you pray in other tongues, you’re speaking mysteries, divine secrets: “For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God…in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths {and} hidden things [not obvious to the understanding]” (1 Corinthians 14:2 AMPC). You can bring forth divine secrets regarding your family, business, education, and all that concerns you, if you’d pray fervently in the spirit.

You might not know what steps to take in certain areas of life, but as you pray in other tongues, illumination comes. Someone says, “But I’ve been praying in tongues and still haven’t received the direction or go-ahead for the things I want to do”; persevere! Keep praying, knowing you’ll surely receive answers. The Bible says if the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth (Ecclesiastes 11:3). Keep filling the clouds with your heartfelt prayers.

James 5:16 (AMPC) tells us that as the righteous, our prayers must be heartfelt and persistent: “…The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].” You’ve been made righteous, and have become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; therefore, your prayers make tremendous power available, dynamic in its working. Hallelujah!


Dear Father, I rejoice at the glorious impact and changes that take place in, and for me as I pray.Even now, I’m suffused in the glory of your presence, as your love fills my heart, and thrills my soul. Hallelujah!

Further Study

1 Thessalonians 5:17; 1 John 5:14-15


Every Christian has a right to pray and expect answers; it’s part of our heritage in Christ. Knowing this, prayer should be for you, moments of fellowship and expectation.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matthew 23 & Exodus 24-25
Bi-Annual : Matthew 12:1-9 & Genesis 33


February 3rd, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

…ye have put off the old man with his deeds; And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him (Colossians 3:9-10).

In Christ, you have much more than mere religion. You received the life and nature of God when you received Christ into your heart. You were literally born anew; you were born of God. John 1:12-13 declares, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”

You’re a new creature in Christ Jesus. You have the resurrection life because you were raised together with Christ to a new life altogether. Ephesians 2:4-6 says, “But God…hath quickened us together with Christ…And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” When Jesus died, you died with Him. When He was buried, you were buried with Him. When God raised Him from the dead, you were raised together with Him.

You received a new life when He was raised from the dead. When He was raised from the dead, He was born again (Acts 13:33). He came up with a new life, the resurrection life. So, when the Bible says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17), it means there’s been a supplanting of the old life by the resurrection life. You’re not the old man and former nature that sinned. That former self is dead; he died in Christ. Your new nature is identified with Christ: “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).

Your past with all the failures, weaknesses, and defeat were buried with Him. Now, you have a new life in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!


Righteous Father, I thank you for the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I’ve received in Christ. The old nature with its decadence, weakness, and defeat has been completely supplanted by the new life of righteousness, victories, triumphs, and strength. I walk in the reality of this transcendent life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

1 Corinthians 6:11; Ephesians 4:20-24


You received the life and nature of God when you received Christ into your heart. It means there’s been a supplanting of the old life by the resurrection life. Your new nature is identified with Christ.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matthew 24:1-35 & Exodus 26-27
Bi-Annual : Matthew 12:10-21 & Genesis 34


February 4th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God (1 Corinthians 6:11).

D id you know that as one who’s born again, it’s wrong for you to keep seeing yourself as “a sinner?” Many live with this mentality and it reveals why they’re ineffective in their Christian walk. Now that you’re born again, your life is new and divine; therefore, embrace the picture of the new you. You’re the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; as Jesus is, so are you in this world.

Have a greater consciousness of your new life in Christ. That life gives you power to live above sin. You may ask, “If this is true, why do I still do wrong things and think wrong thoughts?” It’s because you haven’t fully yielded and subjected yourself to the dominion of the Word, to live in, and by the Word.

It reminds of the account in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, part of which we read as our theme verse. The Apostle Paul rebuked some of the Christians in Corinth because their way of life didn’t reflect the new nature of righteousness they had received. Yet, he didn’t call them “sinners.” He writes, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nordrunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

Notice he didn’t say, “And such are some of you…”; rather, he says, “…and such were some of you,” because now that you’re in Christ, you’ve been cleansed of all unrighteousness. You’ve been washed; separated from sin unto God, and declared righteous, in the Name of the Lord, and by the Spirit of our God!

Recognise your new identity; see the picture of the new you and live accordingly. Study and meditate on the Word; it shows your real glory; it reveals your true personality. You’re the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!


I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; therefore, I live with boldness without any sense of fear, guilt or condemnation, being confident in the Lord who is my righteousness, and in His righteousness, justifies the ungodly. Hallelujah!

Further Study

1 John 2:1-2; 1 John 3:9; 2 Corinthians 5:21


Did you know that as one who’s born again, it’s wrong for you to keep seeing yourself as “a sinner?” Now that you’re born again, your life is new and divine; therefore, embrace the picture of the new you.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matthew 24:36-51 & Exodus 28
Bi-Annual : Matthew 12:22-30 & Genesis 35


February 5th, 2019

hakuna lililonitisha, wala siyahesabu maisha yangu kuwa kitu cha thamani kwangu kama kuumaliza mwendo wangu na huduma ile niliyopokea kwa Bwana Yesu, kuishuhudia Habari Njema ya neema ya Mungu (Matendo 20:24 tafsiri ya KJV).

Kama Mtume Paulo, haijalishi ni magumu gani tunakumbana nayo; tunasimama imara na kwa ushujaa katika Roho Mtakatifu! Tunakiri, “Katika yote haya hakuna linalotutisha.” Haleluya!

Mara kwa mara, kujitoa kwako kwa Kristo na imani yako kuhusu Injili itajaribiwa; kwa kuwa wewe ni mtu ambaye unaishi kwa Neno la Mungu, hakika utakutana na udhia. Lakini kuwa na moyo wa furaha, kwa sababu Mkuu ni Yeye aliye ndani yako kuliko wapinzani na watesi wako wote wakichanganywa kwa pamoja. Wanaweza wakaja dhidi yako kwa njia moja, lakini watakimbia na kutawanyika mbele zako katika njia saba.

Kamwe usisumbuliwe na majaribu na mahasibu ambayo yanakuja katika njia yako, Bwana ameyaruhusu kwa sababu anajua nyezo zilizotumika kukuumba! Wewe ni zaidi ya mshindi (Warumi 8:37); daima unashinda. Unamiliki na kutawala katika ushirika pamoja na Kristo; hakuna kinachoweza kukuweka chini. Changamoto kali unazokumbana nazo, ndivyo ushindi na shuhuda zako zinavyozidi kuwa kuu [kubwa/kustaajabisha]. Ndio maana Yakobo, katika waraka wake, alisisitiza, “Ndugu zangu, hesabuni ya kuwa ni furaha tupu, mkiangukia katika majaribu mbalimbali…” (Yakobo 1:2). 

Sababu ambayo Bwana atakuamuru ufurahie pindi kuzimu yote inapoonekana kukushambulia ni kwa kuwa Anajua ya kuwa wewe ni mshindi. Hakuna changamoto unayokutana nayo yenye nguvu ya kukuelemea. 2 Wakorintho 4:8-9 inasema, “Pande zote twadhikika, bali hatusongwi; twaona shaka, bali hatukati tamaa; twaudhiwa, bali hatuachwi; twatupwa chini, bali hatuangamizwi”; kwa nini? Jibu liko katika mstari wa 7 uliotangulia; “…tuna hazina hii katika vyombo vya udongo, ili adhama kuu ya uwezo iwe ya Mungu, wala si kutoka kwetu.”

Nguvu ndani yako ya kushinda daima, ushindi endelevu, kupiga hatua za kimaendeleo, kupanda juu kama jengo—la—ghorofa refu, juu zaidi na zaidi ya kila udhia na mateso yanayokujia katika njia yako, ni ya Mungu! Kwa hiyo, kamwe usikae utishike, usikatishwe tamaa au usijikatie tamaa kwa mashinikizo ya namna yo yote ile. Baki imara na jasiri, kwa maana umezaliwa kumiliki, kutawala na kushinda. Abarikiwe Mungu!


Nimezaliwa na Mungu; nimeushinda ulimwengu na mifumo yake iliyoshindwa. Pasipo kujali upinzani mkali, ninashinda; nashinda kitukufu sana kwa nguvu ya Roho Mtakatifu ambayo inatenda kazi kwa nguvu ndani yangu. Mimi ni zaidi ya mshindi; nimesadiki hakika ushindi wangu dhidi ya Shetani, ninashamiri katika maisha kutoka utukufu hata utukufu, katika Jina la Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

Waroma 8:36-39; Yakobo 1:2-4


Mara kwa mara, kujitoa kwako kwa Kristo na imani yako kuhusu Injili itajaribiwa. Kamwe usisumbuliwe na majaribu na mahasibu ambayo yanakuja katika njia yako. Baki imara na jasiri, kwa maana umezaliwa kumiliki, kutawala na kushinda. Abarikiwe Mungu!

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matayo 25:1-30 & Kutoka 29-30
Bi-Annual : Matayo 12:31-38 & Mwanzo 36


February 6th, 2019

"Bali ninyi ni mzao mteule, ukuhani wa kifalme, taifa takatifu, watu wa milki ya Mungu, mpate kuzitangaza fadhili zake yeye aliyewaita mtoke gizani mkaingie katika nuru yake ya ajabu" (1 Petro 2:9).

Biblia inatujulisha kuwa Mungu ni “nuru” na ni “baba wa mianga”; kwa hiyo, sisi tu wana wa Nuru, tunaishi katika nuru. Hicho ndicho tukisomacho katika sehemu ya mwisho ya mstari wetu wa ufunguzi; tumeletwa katika nuru ya ajabu ya Mungu; hapo ndipo mahali ulipo katika ulimwengu wa roho; unaishi katika nuru Yake-istaajabishayo sasa. Kwa sababu hiyo, hakuna giza kuhusiana na maisha yako.

Kwa uwepesi inaleta katika ufahamu maneno ya Yesu katika Yohana 8:12; Alisema, “…Mimi ndimi nuru ya ulimwengu, yeye anifuataye hatakwenda gizani kamwe, bali atakuwa na nuru ya uzima.” Tunayo, na inatupasa tuenende katika nuru iyo hiyo ambayo kwayo Mungu anaishi na kutenda. Hii ina maana kwamba tunapaswa kuenenda katika Neno Lake, kwa maana Neno Lake ni nuru (Zaburi 119:105). Kuenenda katika nuru Yake ina maana kwamba ufahamu na mtazamo wako ni matokeo ya Neno; unaona na kuyaishi maisha yako katika taswira [mtazamo] wa Neno pekee! 

Neno la Mungu linapaswa kuwa ni nuru pekee ambayo kwayo, na kwa kupitia hiyo unaona. Chini ya nuru hiyo, unaona tu uwezekaniki na ushindi; unauona utukufu wa Mungu; na kwa sababu unauona utukufu, unazungumza na kuenenda ikupasavyo. Pindi unapokubaliana na kile ambacho Neno linachokisema kukuhusu wewe, na kisha ukakiri ipasavyo, unakuwa unaenenda katika nuru ya Mungu. Mungu amekupa Neno Lake ili kuiangaza njia yako, hivyo hakutakuwa na giza au mashaka [wasiwasi/sintofahamu] katika safari yako ya maisha. 

Wakolosai 1:12-13 inasema: “Mkimshukuru Baba, aliyewastahilisha kupokea sehemu ya urithi wa watakatifu katika nuru. Naye alituokoa katika nguvu za giza, akatuhamisha na kutuingiza katika ufalme wa Mwana wa pendo lake.” Tayari ulishaondolewa kutoka katika giza, na kuhamishwa na kuingizwa katika Ufalme wa Mwana wa pendo la Mungu, ambamo hakuna giza, dhambi, mauti, uovu pia na hakuna mashinikizo ya uharibifu ya ulimwengu huu. Tayari ulishahamishwa na kuingizwa katika neema na uhuru wa kitukufu wa wana wa Mungu. Ona na ishi kutokea katika ulimwengu huo; ni ulimwengu wa ushindi, mamlaka, amani na furaha milele daima.


Abarikiwe Mungu! Amenitoa katika giza, na katika tope chepechepe, na kuisimamisha miguu yangu katika Mwamba imara; Mwamba huo umenishika thabiti na madhubuti dhidi ya kila shinikizo na udhia wa maisha. Ninaishi katika nuru ambamo ndani yake hakuna giza au maumivu, bali ushindi, mamlaka, na utukufu milele yote, katika Jina la Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

Wakolosai 1:12-13; Mezali 4:18; Isaya 60:1-3


Unaishi katika nuru Yake-istaajabishayo sasa. Kwa sababu hiyo, hakuna giza kuhusiana na maisha yako. Chini ya nuru hiyo, unaona tu uwezekaniki na ushindi; unauona utukufu wa Mungu; na kwa sababu unauona utukufu, unazungumza na kuenenda ikupasavyo.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matayo 25:31-46 & Kutoka 31
Bi-Annual : Matayo 12:39-50 & Mwanzo 37


February 7th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…" (Romans 12:2).

If you’re going to experience unending victories, and progress in the divine walk, you must think, talk, and act in sync with God’s Word. God’s Word has the ability to produce in you and for you the message that it bears. When you think on the Word as our opening verse admonishes, ideas and pictures of success, endless possibilities and victory will flood your mind. 

Remember, you’re the character of your thoughts; so, when your thoughts are in sync with the provisions of the Gospel, your life will be a reflection of the same. The Word is God’s power to transform your life. When you hear the Word, there must be a response from you, and it’s that response that brings about the transformation. This transformation is something you can, and should experience frequently.

Every time you hear the Word, it’s an opportunity for you to be transformed from glory to glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory….” Your glory increases as you study and meditate on the Word, because the glory of God is in His Word. Your atmosphere becomes conditioned in your favour, as you speak in agreement with God. 

Keep speaking the Word, irrespective of the challenges you might be facing, and before long, the glory of the Word would be revealed in that situation. The glory of the Word is “excellent glory”; it repels darkness. Hallelujah! That’s the glory that’s revealed as you pray in the Spirit, speaking God’s Word. Sometimes, while you’re yet affirming the Word, you could literally relate with success, victory and dominion in your spirit. That’s because they’re inherent in your spirit, and by speaking the Word, you cause them to manifest.

If you’d let the Word, which is all-powerful, quick and sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12), gain the mastery in your life, you’ll live an extraordinary life. You’d be indomitable, triumphing over circumstances. Have a mindset of the Word; have the Word as your focus! That way, your whole life will be in sync with the perfect will of God for you. 


I experience the glory of God in my ministry, health, job, family and finances, because the Word is my life, piloting me from glory to glory. My mind is renewed and inundated with thoughts of righteousness, progress, possibilities, victory, excellence, success, and abundance, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

Proverbs 23:7; Philippians 4:8; Hebrews 4:12 AMPC


If you’re going to experience unending victories, and progress in the divine walk, you must think, talk, and act in sync with God’s Word.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matthew 26:1-30 & Exodus 32-33
Bi-Annual : Matthew 13:1-9 & Genesis 38

ONDOLEO LA MAKOSA YETU February 8th, 2019

February 8th, 2019

Katika sehemu nyingi ambapo neno, “Msamaha” limetumika, hakika ilipaswa kutafsiriwa kama “Ondoleo.” Ondoleo maana yake ni uhuru, mfunguo, kutengwa; ina maana kuachalia kosa au makosa kana kwamba hayakuwahi kuwapo [kutendeka]. Kukosa kwako kunachukuliwa kana kwamba haikuwahi kutokea; inatenganishwa na wewe kabisa, na kutenganishwa dhidi ya historia yako. Je, waweza kufikiria hilo?

Mtu anaweza akashangaa, “Hilo linawezekanaje?” Lakini hilo ndilo tulilolisoma katika mstari wetu wa ufunguzi; kuwa Mungu alilitenda hilo sawasawa na wingi wa utajiri wa neema Yake. Hii ina maana kuwa Mungu ana uweza wa kumtenga kabisa mwanadamu dhidi ya dhambi zake kana kwamba hakuwahi kutenda dhambi yoyote, kwa uweza wa damu ya Yesu Kristo! Huo sio msamaha. Msamaha ni kusamehe. Katika kusamehe, unaachiliwa kutopata adhabu, ijapokuwa rekodi inabaki kuwa ulikuwa mkosaji.

Tulipokuwa tunakua katika Ukristo pindi tulipokuwa wachanga kiroho, tulifundishwa baadhi ya mambo ambayo hayakuwa sahihi sana. Moja ya mfano wa mafundisho hayo ilikuwa kwamba mwenye dhambi anapata ondoleo la dhambi, wakati Mkristo anapata msamaha. Hiyo ikimaanisha, pindi unapokuwa umezaliwa mara ya pili, dhambi zako zinakuwa zimeondolewa, lakini baada ya hapo, endapo umefanya kitu cho chote kibaya, unapokea msamaha.

Lakini hebu fikiri kuhusu hilo: endapo ikiwa mwenye dhambi anapata ondoleo la dhambi na dhambi zake zinafutwa [zinaondolewa] kabisa, kwamba hazitakumbukwa tena kamwe, ni kwa nini sasa dhambi za Mkristo ziwe katika rekodi? Mkristo hapaswi kuwa anapokea kitu ambacho ni kidogo kuliko kile ambacho mwenye dhambi amepata. Kile tulichonacho katika Kristo ni ondoleo la dhambi.

Je, ni kitu gani kinachotokea pindi unapokosea? Moja kwa moja unatakaswa kwa damu ya Yesu: “Bali tukienenda nuruni, kama yeye alivyo katika nuru, twashirikiana sisi kwa sisi, na damu yake Yesu, Mwana wake, yatusafisha dhambi yote” (1 Yohana 1:7). Haleluya!


Ahsante Baba mbarikiwa, kwa fadhili za upendo Wako. Umetoa ondoleo la dhambi kwa ajili ya watoto Wako. Hivyo basi ninaomba, kwamba Wakristo ulimwenguni kote waje katika maarifa haya na wakatae kuwekwa katika vifungo kwa mashutumu ya adui, kwa jinsi wanavyoenenda katika neema Yako na katika haki Yako, katika Jina la Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

Waroma 4:6-8; Waebrania 8:10-12; Waebrania 10:16-18


Katika sehemu nyingi ambapo neno, “Msamaha” limetumika, hakika ilipaswa kutafsiriwa kama “Ondoleo.” Ondoleo maana yake ni uhuru, mfunguo, kutengwa; ina maana kuachalia kosa au makosa kana kwamba hayakuwahi kuwapo [kutendeka].

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matayo 26:31-56 & Kutoka 34-35
Bi-Annual : Matayo 13:10-23 & Mwanzo 39


February 9th, 2019

Kwa kuwa wote wanaoongozwa na Roho wa Mungu, hao ndio wana wa Mungu (Warumi 8:14).

Katika Agano Jipya Mungu hatuongozi kupitia ndoto. Biblia haisemi kuwa, “Kwa kuwa wote wanaoongozwa kwa ndoto, ndio wana wa Mungu”; badala yake, inasema, “Kwa kuwa wote wanaoongozwa na Roho wa Mungu...” Unaweza ukataka kuuliza, “Je, vipi kuhusu Matendo 2:17; haiashiri kwamba bado Mungu anaongoza kupitia ndoto?” hapana, Haongozi kupitia ndoto.

Pindi Biblia inaposema katika Matendo 2:17, “Itakuwa siku za mwisho, asema Mungu, nitawamwagia watu wote Roho yangu…na wazee wenu wataota ndoto.” Ndoto zilikuwa ni kwa ajili ya kizazi watu wa ufahamu wa kimwili. Na kama umewahi kuota ndoto, ndoto ya kweli ambayo ina ujumbe kutoka kwa Bwana, siku zote, shabaha yaani mlengwa unakuwa ni wewe [uliyeita ndoto]; wewe utakuwa ndio mlengwa mkuu wa ndoto hiyo; na sio mtu mwingine.

Kamwe Mungu hakuwahi kumpa mtu ndoto juu ya mtu mwingine. Ayubu alisema, “Mungu huzungumza na wanadamu katika ndoto ya usiku kuweka muhuri wa maagizo kwao, ili kuwaonya dhidi ya uharibifu wao” (Soma Ayubu 33:15-18). Hilo lilikuwa ni katika Agano la Kale. Ilikuwa ni kuwahusu wao; na sio kuhusu watu wengine.

Baadhi ya watu wanaamini ndoto ambazo wengine waliota kuwahusu, na kisha kujikuta wakianza kutafuta huduma ya “ukombozi”; ni ajabu sana. Endapo umezaliwa mara ya pili, Mungu hakutumii tahadhari kupitia ndoto ya mtu mwingine. Ndoto zao ni kuwahusu wao binafsi na sio wewe. Usiogope hofu zao na ndoto zao.

Tokea Roho Mtakatifu alipoanza huduma Yake pamoja na Kanisa mnamo siku ile ya Pentekoste katika Matendo sura ya 2, hakuna Mtume hata mmoja au mtu ye yote katika Agano Jipya akihudumiwa katika ndoto. Sasa kama ilivyokuwa katika wakati ule, Anakuongoza kupitia Neno Lake lililoandikwa [Biblia], na kupitia nuru Yake katika roho yako; ushuhuda wa ndani. Walakini, sauti hiyo ya ndani au ushuhudio huo daima huwa vinaendana na rekodi ya Neno [lililoandikwa]. “Kondoo wangu waisikia sauti yangu; nami nawajua, nao wanifuata” (Yohana 10:27).

Hivyo, usiweke msingi wa maisha yako kulingana na msingi wa ndoto; endapo utaota ndoto ambayo inaendana na mpango wa Mungu kwa ajili yako, ikamatie [iatamie] katika Jina la Yesu, vinginevyo itupe na usiweke ufahamu wako juu yake [usiitafakari]. Ishi katika Neno na mustakabali wa Mungu katika Kristo.


Baba Mpendwa, ahsante kwa zawadi ya Roho Wako ambaye anayasababisha maisha yangu kuenenda katika uelekeo wa kusudi Lako kamilifu kwa ajili yangu. Ninaishi katika Roho; kwa sababu hiyo, ninaenenda pia katika Roho, nikijitoa mwenyewe kikamilifu Kwako, ili kuongozwa na kuelekezwa katika nyanja zote za maisha, katika Jina la Yesu. Amina.

Further Study

Yobu 33:15-18;Yeremia 23:28 CEV


Katika Agano Jipya Mungu hatuongozi kupitia ndoto. Biblia haisemi kuwa, “Kwa kuwa wote wanaoongozwa kwa ndoto, ndio wana wa Mungu”; badala yake, inasema, “Kwa kuwa wote wanaoongozwa na Roho wa Mungu...” Unaweza ukataka kuuliza, “Je, vipi kuhusu Matendo 2:17; haiashiri kwamba bado Mungu anaongoza kupitia ndoto?” hapana, Haongozi kupitia ndoto.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matayo 26:57-75 & Kutoka 36-37
Bi-Annual : Matayo 13:24-33 & Mwanzo 40

HUBIRI PENDO LAKE NA HAKI February 10th, 2019

February 10th, 2019

…Heri mtu yule asiyejihukumu nafsi yake katika neno lile analolikubali (Warumi 14:22).

Baadhi ya watu hupenda sana pindi ujumbe wa kuhukumu unapokuwa unahubiriwa. Wanapendezwa zaidi kusikia mahubiri ya dhambi na hukumu zake. Walakini hofu ya hukumu kamwe haijawahi kuzalisha haki [utauwa] au pendo la Mungu. Injili maana yake ni habari njema, na hicho ndicho kile Yesu ametutuma kuhubiri na kufundisha. Alisema, “… Enendeni ulimwenguni mwote, mkaihubiri Injili kwa kila kiumbe” (Marko 16:15).

Haitoshi tu kwamba unahubiri ujumbe kumhusu Yesu Kristo; bali ujumbe unapaswa kuwa ni juu ya upendo wake wa kiowevu, ondoleo la dhambi ambalo Alilofanya liwezekanike, na zawadi Yake ya haki kwa kila mmoja aaminiye. Usihubiri hukumu au mashitaka; hubiri pendo Lake na haki Yake.

Baadhi ya watu hawapendi pindi tunapohubiri haki na pendo la Kristo kwa wenye dhambi. Kile wasichokitambua ni kuwa, haki kiuhalisia ni zawadi kwa mwenye dhambi, na kimsingi sio zawadi kwa Mkristo, kwa sababu Mkristo amezaliwa mwenye haki. Mwenye dhambi, pindi asikiapo na kuamini ujumbe wa Injili, anapokea uzima wa milele, ambapo unakuja ukiwa umeambatanishwa [umefungamanishwa] na zawadi ya haki.

Pindi tunapohubiri haki, watu wanapokea na kukumbatia haki, na pindi wafanyapo hivyo, wanaanza kuishi sawasawa. Hiyo ni kwa sababu haki ni asili; ni asili ya Mungu ambayo hupandikizwa katika roho ya yule ambaye amezaliwa mara ya pili, ikimkirimia uweza wa kuishi kwa usahihi. Kuishi kwa usahihi ni matunda ya haki. Hakuna mtu hata mmoja anayeweza kuishi kwa usahihi, ambaye kwanza hajafanyika kuwa mwenye haki; na ni Mungu pekee anakirimia [anatoa] haki; na sio kitu ambacho unakipata kutokana na kazi [au matendo] yako mema.

Hii ndiyo sababu tunahubiri Injili, kwa maana ni kwa kupitia Injili pekee haki ya Mungu inafunuliwa. Mtume Paulo alisema, “Kwa maana siionei haya Injili… Kwa maana haki ya Mungu inadhihirishwa ndani yake, toka imani hata imani…” (Warumi 1:16- 17). Je, umeliona hilo?

Hivyo, endapo hatutohubiri Injili ya kweli, watu kamwe hawatoweza kuielewa haki, na hiyo itapelekea kuzuia watu kujua kusudi la Kristo kuja ulimwenguni. Alikuja ili kuwafanya wanadamu kuwa wana wa Mungu; alikuja kuwafanya wenye dhambi kuwa wenye haki. Alikuja kutufanya kuwa wamoja na Baba, na tuwe na uzima Wake na asili ya haki. Haleluya!


Baba Mpendwa, ahsante kwa pendo Lako la kiowevu ambalo umelimimina kwa wote kwa wingi; ondoleo la dhambi lilifanywa kuwa dhahiri [kuwezekana] kwa njia ya dhabihu ya upatanishi ya kifo cha Yesu, na kupelekea kupatikana kwa haki kwa kila aaminiye. Leo, haki Yako inadhihirishwa na kukumbatiwa kwa jinsi ambavyo wengi wanavyoisikia na kuipokea Injili kote ulimwenguni. Wengi wanaokolewa, wanaponywa, na kufunguliwa, na pia giza linaondoshwa, kwa ajili ya utukufu na sifa za Jina Lako. Haleluya!

Further Study

Waroma 6:13-14; 2 Wakorinto 5:21


Baadhi ya watu hupenda sana pindi ujumbe wa kuhukumu unapokuwa unahubiriwa. Wanapendezwa zaidi kusikia mahubiri ya dhambi na hukumu zake.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matayo 27:1-26 & Kutoka 38-39
Bi-Annual : Matayo 13:34-43 & Mwanzo 41

HOLY AND WITHOUT BLAME February 11th, 2019

February 11th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love (Ephesians 1:4).

Hebrews 3:1 says, “Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus.” Did you notice that we’re called “holy brethren”? Only God can say that! Your neighbours, friends, family members, etc., may not consider you holy; but God says you are, and His verdict is what counts. Aren’t you glad about that?

You’re not holy or righteous because of your actions, but because you live in the presence of God, and have His nature of righteousness. He gave you His righteousness as a gift: “…they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness…”(Romans 5:17). Before God, you’re justified; there’s no record of sin or wrongdoing against your name. That’s the reason He says you’re without blame.

Sadly, some haven’t been able to put away self-blame. They’ve rendered their faith and life ineffective due to excessive self-recrimination; that’s wrong. Your conscience isn’t supposed to keep you in bondage of guilt and condemnation, because Jesus, the Son of God, died in your place. He paid the ultimate price for your sins. The Bible says in Acts 13:38-39, “…by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.”

Do you know what it means to be justified? It means to be declared righteous; to be acquitted; the charges against you were dismissed because you never sinned. How is that possible? It’s because Jesus took your place, and now you’re in His place. So how does God see you now? He sees you holy, sanctified, and separated unto Him. Hallelujah.

Until and unless you realise that God has made you holy, you’ll never live a holy life. You can only live the life that God has given you. A dog lives the dog life; humans live the human life, because they have the life of human beings. Likewise, because we have the life and nature of God, we’re holy and can live holy. Blessed be God!


Dear Father, I thank you for presenting me faultless, perfect, holy, unblameable, and irreproveable before you in love! Thank you for the death, burial and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ, by which I now stand forever justified in your presence, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

Colossians 1:21-22 AMPC; Ephesians 2:8-9


You’re not holy or righteous because of your actions, but because you live in the presence of God. Before God, you’re justified; there’s no record of sin or wrongdoing against your name. That’s the reason He says you’re without blame.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matthew 27:27-44 & Exodus 40
Bi-Annual : Matthew 13:44-52 & Genesis 42


February 12th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise (Ephesians 1:13).

Years ago, there were those who preached and taught that having been born again, you needed to be “sealed with the Holy Ghost.” Then they’d call people out in church, lay hands on them and say, “Be sealed in the Name of Jesus.” In their minds, they were “sealing” those Christians. One can’t but wonder where they got that from, because the Christian was already “sealed with the Holy Ghost” at the New Birth.

The underlined portion of our opening verse says, “…ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise.” When you received the Holy Ghost, you were sealed; it was done by the Holy Ghost; it’s not a special, or typical experience. What does it mean to be sealed, especially in the context of Scripture?

When a document is sealed, it means a mark or something is attached to it as a guarantee of authenticity and ownership. When you see the seal of the President on a document, for example, that means the document came from the President, and has the president’s authority. A seal also means that a particular transaction has been completed or consummated.

There’re three things that the sealing of the Holy  Ghost is for: ownership, security, and authenticity. Now that you’re born again, and have been sealed with the Holy Ghost, Satan can’t touch you, because the mark of God is on you. The hand of God is resting upon you. Psalm 91:7 says, “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.” And the tenth verse says, “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” Why? It’s because God’s seal is on you! That seal, that mark, separates you from danger.

As a child of God, you’re protected and preserved by the power of the Holy Spirit. His glory covers you. When you understand this, the devil will have no place in your life. Fear will have no place in you. If you’re attacked by sickness, disease or infirmity, you’ll command it to leave your body. You’ll live every day with the confident assurance that no plan of the adversary can work against you, because the seal of God is on you. Praise God!


I’ve got the seal of the Holy Ghost! I’m protected and preserved from harm, for as the mountains surround Jerusalem, even so am I immersed in the Lord’s protection. His divine power has granted me all that I require for life and godliness, and no weapon fashioned against me can ever prosper, because I dwell in Christ. Blessed be God forever!

Further Study

Psalm 125:1-3; Psalm 91:1-10


There’re three things that the sealing of the Holy Ghost is for: ownership, security, and authenticity. Now that you’re born again, and have been sealed with the Holy Ghost, the mark of God is on you.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matthew 27:45-66 & Leviticus 1-3
Bi-Annual : Matthew 13:53-58 & Genesis 43


February 13th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry… (Ephesians 4:11-12).

Our righteousness is of God, therefore it’s perfect. We didn’t have to qualify by ourselves; Jesus Christ qualified us before the Father to become partakers of the divine nature; to become partakers of His righteousness. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” How inspiring this is!

Some Christians haven’t understood this; so, they see themselves as unrighteous and imperfect. But if you’re born again, you’re a saint, and that’s your nature, because the One who gave birth to you is perfect. Hebrews 10:14 says, “For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.” Colossians2:10 says, “And ye are complete in him, which is the *head of all principality and power.”*The word“complete” means perfected; you’re perfected in Him; Christ is your perfection.

You might want to ask, “Doesn’t our opening scripture suggest that the saints are not perfect, because it talks about “the perfecting of the saints?” No, that verse doesn’t mean making the saints better and more perfect; its translated from the Greek word ‘katartismos’ which means equipping or training the saints for the work of the ministry.

Think about this: When a child is born, that child is born as perfectly human as the parents are. The child then starts growing by feeding on the right nourishment. The child needs to be trained, and equipped with knowledge and the right information, to eventually function as adult humans do. That’s what Apostle Paul meant by “perfecting of the saints.”

As you receive the Word of God into your spirit, you’re being equipped to function and carry out the work of the ministry; you’re being trained in the life of righteousness. The righteousness of God is in your spirit, but through the Word, you become more skilled in the doctrine, understanding, and application of your righteousness in Christ.


I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and in union with Him, I’m reigning in life. What blessedness, to be the expression of His righteousness and bear fruits of righteousness, to the glory of His Name! Blessed be God!

Further Study

Isaiah 64:6; Ephesians 2:8; Hebrews 10:14


The righteousness of God is in your spirit, but through the Word, you become more skilled in the doctrine, understanding, and application of your righteousness in Christ.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Matthew 28 & Leviticus 4-5
Bi-Annual : Matthew 14:1-10 & Genesis 44

CHOSEN FOR BLESSINGS February 14th, 2019

February 14th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:29).

Our theme verse says if you belong to Christ, then you’re Abraham’s seed, and an heir according to the promise. This debunks the general assumption that everybody can’t be successful. Although, in a sense, everybody can’t be successful, but not amongst God’s people, because we’re heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ; we’re already successful and prosperous.

Peradventure you got into trouble, because you’re the seed of Abraham, the blessing will bring you out of trouble; it’ll locate solutions for you. If you have questions, it’ll prompt the answers within you or direct you to where the answers are. Understand something about the blessing; it’s the effect and result of God’s divine presence in your life. The Bible says Joseph was a prosperous man, because God was with him (Genesis 39:2); for you, it’s even better: He’s in you!

Many of God’s children need to come to the full knowledge of Christianity; they need to know what God has done for them and in them, in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 1:3 says, “Blessed be the God and Father *of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.”*You’ve already been blessed with “ALL” spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. You already have everything you require for life and godliness: righteousness, health, prosperity, victory, success, joy, peace and every blessing from God is yours in Christ.

Live every day with the consciousness that you’re blessed; that you’ve been chosen and called into the life of blessing. Think blessings; talk blessings; walk in blessings.


I declare that all things—divine health, prosperity, success, joy, peace, and victory are mine in Christ. I’m blessed and I live in superabundance, because I’m the seed of Abraham. Blessed Be God!

Further Study

Joshua 1:8; Galatians 3:27-29; 1 Peter 3:9


Many of God’s children need to come to the full knowledge of Christianity; they need to know what God has done for them and in them, in Christ Jesus. Live every day with the consciousness that you’re blessed.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 1:1-20 & Leviticus 6-7
Bi-Annual : Matthew 14:11-21 & Genesis 45

AUTOMATIC CLEANSING February 15th, 2019

February 15th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

In whom, we have our redemption—the remission of sins, — (Colossians 1:14 EBR).

Aren’t you glad that in Christ, all our sins are remitted; past, present, and future? Imagine if someone says our future sins weren’t taken care of by the blood of Jesus, when then is He going to fix them? When will they be remitted?

Also, assuming that a Christian committed a sin at his workplace, and said to himself, “This office isn’t conducive for me to pray right now; I’m going to hurry up with work so I can get home to pray, and get reconciled with God.” Imagine that while he’s still at work, the trumpet for the rapture of the Church suddenly sounds; will he go to heaven or will he be left behind?

Those who’ll be left behind are those who haven’t been walking in His light; those who didn’t know Him and didn’t love Him. The mere fact that you acknowledged you did something wrong, for which you thought to talk to Him, shows that His light is in your heart.

Now, read what the Word says in 1 John 1:7:“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” Theunderlined portion doesn’t say you’ll be cleansed after you pray to God for forgiveness; no! Neither does it say the blood of Jesus is going to cleanse you from sin; it’s not futuristic; it’s a continuous automatic process! His blood CLEANSES you each time the need arises.

And guess what? This auto-remission of your sins is a legal matter before God. It’s no longer a matter of choice from God; it’s a legal justification for a Christian. Hallelujah!

This is why it’s so important that we know, understand, and walk daily in the light of God’s Word, not in human assumptions. Walk in the light of your righteousness, pleasing the Lord with your life, and you’ll not have to worry about sin, because your nature in Christ isn’t subject to sin.


I live and walk in righteousness; Satan has nothing in me, because in Christ Jesus my Lord, I’ve been justified from all things from which I couldn’t be justified by the Law of Moses. I walk conscious of the Father’s nature in me. Hallelujah

Further Study

Romans 4:6-8; Micah 7:18-19 AMPC


Aren’t you glad that in Christ, all our sins are remitted; past, present, and future? Imagine if someone says our future sins weren’t taken care of by the blood of Jesus, when will they be remitted?

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 1:21-45 & Leviticus 8
Bi-Annual : Matthew 14:22-33 & Genesis 46

THE WORD MIXED WITH FAITH February 16th, 2019

February 16th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves (James 1:22).

Faith is acting on the Word. God’s Word is all-powerful—having the ability to produce in you what it talks about. Nonetheless, God’s Word to you won’t produce any result except you act on it; the Word mixed with faith is what produces results. What is faith? Put simply, it’s the response of the human spirit to the Word of God.

Every time you hear God’s Word, faith comes to you in the Word. And because that Word is more real in your spirit than all physical circumstances, it propels you to action. That was what Abraham did; he mixed the Word with faith; he acted on what he heard. In Genesis 17:5, the Lord had told him “…a father of many nations have I made thee”; but at this time, Abraham was still childless. Then the Bible says Abraham believed “…God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were”(Romans 4:17).

The ensuing verses 19-21 says, “And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred *years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God….”*Could this be you? Could this be the description of your faith? It should, and must be. The Bible says for us to be “…followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises”(Hebrews 6:12).

Thus, like Abraham, always create the right environment for the Word to produce results in your life. Mix the Word with faith. Refuse to consider physical circumstances. Refuse to stagger at the Word of God through unbelief. Yes, God’s Word never fails, but the efficacy of God’s Word in your life depends on your response to the Word. Therefore, take a stand on God’s Word for yourself; be a doer of the Word, and your progress, victories, and success will not only be evident, but also consistent.


At all times and in all seasons, irrespective of the circumstances or contrary situations, I choose the faith-way. I have the assurance on the basis of the Word that I’m who God says I am, I have what He says I have, and can do all He says I can do! My faith prevails, today and always. Hallelujah!

Further Study

Romans 10:17; Hebrews 11:6


Faith is acting on the Word. God’s Word is all-powerful—having the ability to produce in you what it talks about. Nonetheless, God’s Word to you won’t produce any result except you act on it

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 2:1-22 & Leviticus 9-10
Bi-Annual : Matthew 14:34-15:1-9 & Genesis 47

LISTEN FOR HIS COUNSEL February 17th, 2019

February 17th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

My sheep hear my voice, and I knowthem, and they follow me (John 10:27).

Many people are in a dilemma today because they ignore the Holy Spirit; they make important life decisions, inadvertently ignoring His counsel. If you would follow His counsel in all things, your life would be void of stress; much more excellent and full of glory.

Having the Holy Spirit live in you is the greatest blessing of all. He’s your advantage and the secret to a glorious and successful life. Therefore, you must recognise and take advantage of His presence and guidance.

Christ has been made wisdom unto you, and so the Holy Spirit’s voice is God’s wisdom leading, instructing and guiding you. Don’t just live and do things aimlessly; be led by Him. Romans 8:14 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”

Always listen for His counsel from within you; He speaks to us on life’s issues through the Word. However, because His counsel and voice is never strong and harsh against us, many ignore Him, to their detriment.

Practise listening to Him. He always seeks to talk to you, and does talk to you actually, even more than you want to hear His voice. He already gave you the Scripture; the complete message of the Gospel. That’s our instruction manual for life.

To hear Him, therefore, you have to become more acquainted with Him, and be familiar with His voice, through study and meditation on the Word. Remember, He’s the author of the Holy Scriptures. Also, you must learn to respond to Him the right way and promptly too!


Blessed Father, you’re my Wonderful Counselor, and I rely on you for counsel that puts me over at all times. Your perfect will is unveiled to me as I walk in the light of your Word and fulfil my divine destiny, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

Psalm 16:7; Isaiah 30:21


Having the Holy Spirit live in you is the greatest blessing of all. Practise listening to Him. He always seeks to talk to you, and does talk to you actually, even more than you want to hear His voice.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 2:23-3:1-12 & Leviticus 11-12
Bi-Annual : Matthew 15:10-20 & Genesis 48

SPEAKING WISDOM February 18th, 2019

February 18th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect…we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory (1 Corinthians 2:6-7).

God expects you to constantly renew your mind with the Word, so you can think, talk, and live the higher life in Christ. In this higher life, we speak wisdom; and the wisdom of God is the Word of God.

For example, you may be feeling stressed or faint, yet you affirm, “I have the life of God in me!” The people of the world and the spiritually immature can’t get in on this kind of talk; they don’t understand the wisdom of God that we speak, because it’s not in their plane.

Consider this: God said to Abraham, “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee” (Genesis 17:5). The man knew those words were the wisdom of God for it was naturally impossible for him to have a child, being almost one hundred years old, with an equally old, barren wife.

Nevertheless, he immediately aligned his confession with the wisdom of God and started introducing himself to everyone by his new name, “Abraham,” which means “father of many.” He didn’t care if the people laughed him to scorn; he maintained his confession of God’s wisdom and sure enough, Isaac was born.

As you meditate on God’s Word, continue to declare the things He has said concerning you, irrespective of the prevalent natural circumstances. It makes no difference if the theorists have said the disease is incurable; keep affirming, “Christ is my life! Christ makes me whole; Christ makes me sound! Christ in me means divine health! His divine presence makes me indomitable, refreshed, invigorated, and energised.”

Do this every day, interjecting it with speaking in tongues; and I guarantee you, that sickness will pass out of your body in no time. Hallelujah!


I’m what God says I am! I’m like a tree planted by the riverside, bringing forth fruits in and out of season! I’m more than a conqueror, because the greater One lives in me. Christ is my life, and His glory is revealed in, and through me. Hallelujah.

Further Study

1 Corinthians 2:4-7


God expects you to constantly renew your mind with the Word, so you can think, talk, and live the higher life in Christ. In this higher life, we speak wisdom.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 3:13-35 & Leviticus 13-14
Bi-Annual : Matthew 15:21-28 & Genesis 49

BE EXEMPLARY February 19th, 2019

February 19th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

…but be thou an example of thebelievers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity (1 Timothy 4:12).

The summation of the Spirit’s admonition through the Apostle Paul in our opening verse above is for us to be exemplary. Don’t be the Christian whose behaviour and lifestyle are questionable. Some people’s uncommendable behaviour could be in the way they treat other people; be it their staff, colleagues or even their superiors; their character and behaviour aren’t Christ-like.

In your life, make up your mind to please the Lord always and in all things, and you’ll walk in the fullness of His blessings. It’s still early in the year; do a review; if your manner of life is inconsistent with the Word, make a change, so you’ll experience the glory of God’s Spirit in your life as you should!

Be sure that your mind is clean; your thoughts are clean. Have pure desires and motives. Renew your mind with the Word, and be sure that your affections, choices, and decisions are in line with the Word. Be a true Christian, in heart and in action. Use the Word to check your actions, motives, thoughts, and desires.

The Scriptures have been given to us to build, train, instruct, and correct us in the life and way of righteousness: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). Let God’s Word guide you; give yourself wholly to it and it’ll transform your life and help you form the right character and mindset and get rid of all the wrong stuff.

Jesus said, “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you” (John 15:3). The Word purifies and sanctifies. Even now, that’s going on in your life; the Word is cleansing you and taking you to a higher level of glory. Make up your mind to live the true Christian life and express the righteousness of God in all things and every place.


My life is for the glory of God; I’m called to show forth His praise and express His righteousness on earth. I’m a light in a dark world, living out the divine life that I have in Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

Colossians 1:10 AMPC; 1 Peter 1:14-16


Don’t be the Christian whose behaviour and lifestyle are questionable. Make up your mind to live the true Christian life and express the righteousness of God in all things and every place.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 4:1-20 & Leviticus 15
Bi-Annual : Matthew 15:29-39 & Genesis 50


February 20th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Giving thanks unto the Father…Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son (Colossians 1:12-13).

The word translated “delivered” above is the Greek “rhuomai,” which means to pluck or take something out of where it is, and pull it to yourself. God didn’t just take us out of the domain of darkness and leave us in limbo; He brought us into the Kingdom of His love-Son, to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of light.

You’ve been taken out of the power, dominion, control, and authority of darkness, into absolute safety; the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Therefore, you’re not under Satan’s jurisdiction; he has no authority over you whatsoever; he can’t decide what happens with you.

There’s nothing of darkness in you. Darkness represents evil; evil powers and all their works. It represents all that’s destructive, and negative to you; everything that makes a lie and works against the purposes of God. Darkness refers to Satan’s dominion. But thanks be unto God! You’ve been taken out of all such influences, and brought into God’s marvellous light.

What is it that hurts or binds? Is it sickness that’s attacking your body? Is fear trying to take a hold of you? Is it fear of failure, fear of darkness, fear of the future, or any other kind of fear? All of these belong in the domain of darkness, the jurisdiction of Satan; but you live far above them!

Ephesians 2:6 says God has “…raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” You occupy the position of power, authority and dominion, where you reign and rule with Christ over Satan and his works of darkness.

Even now, you can release yourself from any bondage of the mind; free yourself from the shackles of deception. Tell yourself, “I’m not under Satan’s jurisdiction,” and walk free. It’s that simple. It doesn’t matter what your experiences might have been before now, you don’t need deliverance from the devil; act on the Word and walk free!

Notice again the tenses in our theme scripture: God already transferred or catapulted you out of Satan’s domain; you don’t belong there. Therefore, you have the right to cast-off anything, and everything, that’s of darkness. All it takes is your word; give the word and effect a change. Hallelujah!


I dwell in the Kingdom of God’s love-Son, wherein is no darkness at all; I’m reigning in union with the Lord, enjoying my blessed life in Christ. Glory to God!

Further Study

1 Peter 2:9; Colossians 1:12-13 AMPC


God didn’t just take us out of the domain of darkness and leave us in limbo; He brought us into the Kingdom of His love-Son, to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of light.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 4:21-41 & Leviticus 16-18
Bi-Annual : Matthew 16:1-12 & Exodus 1

BE PREPARED FOR HIS COMING February 21st, 2019

February 21st, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer (1 Peter 4:7).

Some people say the world isn’t going to end anytime soon. They say, “This talk of Jesus coming soon has been on for ages; it’s never going to happen!” Well, anyone who talks like that is ignorant. I tell you, Jesus Christ is coming again! 1 Corinthians 16:22 (AMPC) says, “If anyone does not love the Lord [does not have a friendly affection for Him and is not kindly disposed toward Him], he shall be accursed! Our Lord will come! (Maranatha!).”

The events and happenings all around the world today are clear indications that the Lord’s return is approaching, sooner than many can imagine. We’re in the last days. In Luke 21:25-26, Jesus said that in the last days, there’ll be perplexity of nations, men’s hearts failing them for fear: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear....”

There’re very few events that need to take place before the King finally shows up. Many aren’t prepared for His return, but don’t be among such people. Someone might ask, “Isn’t He going to take every Christian with Him?” Yes, He’s going to take Christians who are expecting Him; not those who have forgotten about Him and have become so carnal and live as though Jesus isn’t coming. Hebrews 9:28 says, “…and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.”

When the Apostle Paul, in 1 Thessalonians 5:6 admonished us not to sleep, he wasn’t talking about physical sleep. He was talking about spiritual sleep; when you’re so deep into worldly things that you become unaware of, and oblivious to spiritual realities around you. Jesus told us to watch and pray, “…for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh”(Matthew 24:44).

We must be awake and alert in the spirit; let your life be guided by His love, by His Word and by your expectation of His coming. Let your desire to win more people to Christ flourish, because we’ve got to win them; otherwise, they’ll perish without God. This is the drive; this is what keeps us working to make sure we leave no stone unturned in our quest and pursuit for the souls of men.


I’m fully convinced that the Gospel is God’s saving power to everyone who believes, and therefore, I’m resolute in my commitment to win more people to Christ, snatching many out of the kingdom of darkness into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Hallelujah!

Further Study

Matthew 24:14; Romans 13:11-14; Mark 13:32-33


Some people say the world isn’t going to end anytime soon. They say, “This talk of Jesus coming soon has been on for ages; it’s never going to happen!” Well, anyone who talks like that is ignorant.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 5:1-20 & Leviticus 19-21
Bi-Annual : Matthew 16:13-20 & Exodus 2

ENDLESS PROSPERITY February 22nd, 2019

February 22nd, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed (Genesis 12:2-3).

From the Bible, we see that even at old age, Abraham was very rich, because God blessed Him in all things. He was rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold (Genesis 13:2). The word translated, “cattle” is actually “livestock”; he had herds of cattle, sheep, goats, etc**.**

Then in Genesis 24:1, we yet read something beautiful about Abraham; it says, “And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things.” Abraham’s life progressed from glory to glory; no downtimes. This is God’s plan for your life; upward and forward only. He doesn’t want a situation where, somewhere along the course of your life, you’ll be regarded as one who used to be rich; He’s ordained your prosperity to be for eternity.

You’re God’s just and righteous one, and the Bible says, “…the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18). That’s the story and progression of the life of the one in Christ.

Thus, just because you’re retired doesn’t mean you should go broke; the Bible says, “So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham” (Galatians 3:9). You’re blessed with faithful Abraham, and of the increase of your wealth and prosperity, there shall be no end! Blessed be God!


I’m an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ; the world belongs to me. I’m the seed of Abraham; therefore, I’m blessed with faithful Abraham; I’m blessed with the dew of heaven, with the fatness of the earth, and with plenty of corn and wine. My prosperity is endless.

Further Study

Genesis 26:12-14; Psalm 1:1-


Even at old age, Abraham was very rich, because God blessed Him in all things. Abraham’s life progressed from glory to glory; no downtimes. This is God’s plan for your life; upward and forward only!

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 5:21-43 & Leviticus 22-23
Bi-Annual : Matthew 16:21-28 & Exodus 3

WALK IN THE SPIRIT February 23rd, 2019

February 23rd, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).

Some people unwittingly allow every form of strife to take root in their hearts: bitterness, malice, anger, envy, hatred, and all forms of wickedness. But the Apostle Paul, in Ephesians 4:31-32, admonishes that we put away these things and walk in love: “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”

But the question is, “How do you consistently walk in love in a world where there’s so much hate?” Our opening text gives us the answer: “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16). When you walk in the Spirit, you see and walk differently; your perspective is different, and walking in love is natural to you. Being born again, you have the capacity to love even the most difficult or seemingly unlovable people.

When you walk in the Spirit, the love of God emits from you profusely; you’re kind-hearted and compassionate; you live beyond yourself and transcend the human level of selfishness and your own desires. When you walk in the Spirit, you go beyond “This is what I want” or “This is how I like it”; you think differently, and esteem others better than yourself (Philippians 2:3).

When you walk in the Spirit, you see with His eyes and think godly and loving thoughts towards others. There wouldn’t be any iota of anger, selfishness, bitterness or resentment manifested in or through you; those things just don’t find a place in you. The words of Jesus in Matthew 5:43-44 become your lifestyle: “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”


Dear Father, I thank you for the infilling of the Holy Spirit that I experience always. My thoughts, words and actions are motivated by your love, causing me to see and to relate with others with Christ’s love, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

Romans 5:5; Galatians 5:22-25


When you walk in the Spirit, you see and walk differently; your perspective is different, and walking in love is natural to you.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 6:1-29 & Leviticus 24
Bi-Annual : Matthew 17:1-13 & Exodus 4

THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST February 24th, 2019

February 24th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all (Ephesians 1:22-23).

Our opening Scripture is so powerful and so revealing. The Church is the fullness of Christ! That means we’re the completion of Christ; He’s the head, and we’re the body, and when you put us together, we’re the Christ in full. We’re the fullness of Him that fills everything. Blessed truth! I wish that all of God’s children would grasp this!

John 1:16 says, “And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.”We’ve received of His fullness. No wonder Jesus said in John 5:26, “For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself”; He was talking about inherent life. He’s full of life; He’s all of life; all of divinity. God the Father doesn’t have any more life than Jesus has. Then, we read in John 1:16 that we have received of His fullness. He’s full of God, and that fullness has passed unto us, not in trickles, but in its entirety. If we had less life than He does, we’d not be the fullness of Him, because the Scripture says, “…the church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.” Each one of us is filled in Him, and with Him. You’re in Him, and He’s in you. This was God’s plan, idea, and dream from the foundation of the world, for us to be the fullness of Christ, and He accomplished it in Christ Jesus, and by sending the Holy Spirit to live in us.

The Church is a supernatural body, and you’re part of that body. You’re full of God, not sickness and disease. You might have been told that you came from a poor family, therefore, you may not really amount to much in life; but that can’t be, because you belong in another family; the family of Christ—the Church! And in Christ, you’re in wealth, splendour, prosperity, and glory. Hallelujah!


I’ve got treasures in me! The glory of God is in me; the life of God is in me; the Word of God is working in me, and I’m the reflection of the Word of God. I’m filled with Christ, and as He is, so am I in this world! My life is a continuous manifestation of Christ and the supernatural! Blessed be God!

Further Study

Psalm 82:6; 1 Corinthians 6:17; 1 John 4:17


God’s plan, idea, and dream from the foundation of the world, for us to be the fullness of Christ, and He accomplished it in Christ Jesus, and by sending the Holy Spirit to live in us.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 6:30-56 & Leviticus 25
Bi-Annual : Matthew 17:14-21 & Exodus 5


February 25th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

…be filled with the [Holy] Spirit and constantly guided by Him (Ephesians 5:18 AMP).

Adear lady was very angry with another Christian sister, and as they bandied words, she said to her neighbour, “Any more word from you, I will drop this Bible, and smack your face!” Meanwhile, she wasn’t holding a physical Bible, but she meant that she’d keep aside whatever caution the Bible gives, and hit her.

What does that show? It shows the Word wasn’t yet in her heart; it was still in the Bible. When the Word is in you, you can’t drop it; it’s your life. Every Christian wants, and should live the life that’s Spirit-ruled and Spirit-controlled; the life that’s filled with God. That’s what Christianity is: Christ alive and at work in you, such that you’re always under the sway and regulation of the Spirit; not such things as anger, wrath and malice.

Don’t be controlled by your feelings or emotions; be Spirit-ruled. It makes no difference how angry you are; hold yourself in; it’s called in 2 Peter 1:6 “egkrateia” (Greek). The Bible says, “Be ye angry, and sin not…” (Ephesians 4:26). In other words, “Manage your anger.” You can be tempted to be angry, tempted to act in a way that’s inappropriate for a Christian, but if you walk in the spirit, you’ll not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

How do you walk in the spirit? It’s by walking in the Word of God; walking in the light of God’s Word. You’re in Christ now; walk in love. Be Spirit-ruled, and Spirit-controlled at all times. Read our opening verse again and notice how often we should be filled with the Spirit: always! When you’re filled with the Spirit, you have a Spirit-controlled life. Hallelujah!


I’m full of the Spirit. I’m patient and full of divine wisdom; I express the beauty and excellence of divinity through my words and actions every day, being continually led of the Spirit, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

Romans 8:13; Galatians 5:25; Ephesians 4:1 NIV


Don’t be controlled by your feelings or emotions; be Spirit-ruled. How do you walk in the spirit? It’s by walking in the Word of God; walking in the light of God’s Word. You’re in Christ now; walk in love.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 7:1-23 & Leviticus 26-27
Bi-Annual : Matthew 17: 22-27 & Exodus 6

JESUS IS GOD’S BLESSING February 26th, 2019

February 26th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities (Acts 3:26).

The Lord Jesus came as a blessing to the world, to save men and bring them into fellowship with Himself, but the people of the world didn’t accept Him. Even the Jews, through whom He came, didn’t accept Him, because He came as a man. He wasn’t what they expected; they weren’t expecting someone that looked as ordinary as themselves. But Jesus is by no means ordinary; He’s Himself God. Be that as it may, He didn’t come to the world as God.

Philippians 2:6-8 says, “Who, being in the form of God…made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” They expected a ruler, but because they were spiritually blind, they didn’t realise that the one who walked amongst them was the ruler of heaven and earth; the Monarch of the universe. They expected a Messiah, and He was the Messiah.

Jesus is all that the Jews and the world were looking for and more, packaged in one divine personality, but they didn’t recognise Him. He wasn’t packaged the way they expected, so they killed Him. The Bible says, “He came unto his own, and his own received him not” (John 1:11). But thanks be unto God! The ensuing verse 12 says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”

If you’ve never been born again, it means you’ve not received Him; you’ve not accepted God’s blessing. Jesus is all the blessings of heaven personified; to have Him is to have everything. It makes no difference what you’ve been searching for in life; what you’ve been in need of; receive Jesus and your search, thirst, and pursuit of happiness, will be over. He’s the one-stop shop for everything divine; everything sublime; everything transcendent that you could ever need. He’s your life, your peace, your salvation, your prosperity, your wisdom, your righteousness, and your everything! He’s God’s blessing to you! Hallelujah!


Blessed Jesus, you’re the lover of my soul, and the personality of my deepest affection; you mean more than the world to me. I acknowledge you as God’s ultimate blessing to me, and I walk in the light of all that I am in, and to you. Amen.

Further Study

Matthew 1:20-21; John 17:3; Philippians 2:9-11


If you’ve never been born again, it means you’ve not received Him; you’ve not accepted God’s blessing. Jesus is all the blessings of heaven personified; to have Him is to have everything.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 7:24-8:1-13 & Numbers 1-2
Bi-Annual : Matthew 18:1-11 & Exodus 7


February 27th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

And…I will bless thee…and thou shalt bea blessing (Genesis 12:2).

There’re lots of beautiful definitions for the word “blessing” or the infinitive, “bless”; one of them is the invocation of the ability, favour, and direction to prosper. When you’re blessed, the ability to prosper is invoked in your life; it’s inherent in you and works all the time. You have the ability to succeed, such that anything that concerns you turns out excellently.

The invocation of favour means divine favour works in your life in a way that even your detractors are compelled to favour you. Even when you’re not interested in certain privileges that are yours, or don’t have enough information to desire them, that divine favour causes them to come to you. How important it is for you to recognise, and walk in this consciousness!

The third element in our definition of blessing is the direction to prosper. That’s equally so powerful because when that’s invoked in your life, you find that you’re always at the centre of God’s perfect will; you go in the right direction, for the right purpose, and at the right time. Even when you don’t have a clue, that divine power of blessing causes you or literally places you in the centre of God’s will.

There’re people who always get into trouble; there seems to be something working in them to get them into trouble; but not you! You’re the blessed of the Lord. There’s a divine elixir working in you, that steers you away from trouble and keeps you on the path of life; on the path of divine destiny.

When you’re blessed, your steps are always ordered of the Lord. You become a problem solver. Blessings begin to flow as soon as you enter a place! You’re always just on time to be favoured and directed in the way of prosperity. These elements of blessing don’t work sometimes only; they work continuously, without fail. Become conscious that in you are the ability, favour, and direction to prosper, because you’re the blessed of the Lord. Hallelujah!


I’m a package of blessings. I’ve received the invocation of the ability, favour, and the direction to prosper. My steps are ordered of the Lord; I’m at the right place at the right time, meeting the right people, and doing the right things. I’m always at the centre of God’s perfect will. Glory to God!

Further Study

Deuteronomy 28:3-6; Numbers 6:22-24; Galatians 3:9


When you’re blessed, the ability to prosper is invoked in your life; it’s inherent in you and works all the time. You have the ability to succeed, such that anything that concerns you turns out excellently.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 8:14-26 & Numbers 3-4
Bi-Annual : Matthew 18:12- 20 & Exodus 8


February 28th, 2019

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (John 3:17).

Imagine that you have friends or relatives who aren’t born again or people who work with you who aren’t born again; don’t let them go to hell! You need to weep and cry for their salvation. In your intercessory prayers, you need to wail and travail for their souls, that the light of the glorious Gospel would shine in their hearts. You need to pray for them knowing the terror that awaits them until you’re assured of their salvation. Don’t take this lightly.

Think about your uncles and aunts; think about your cousins, your spouse, your children; don’t let them perish without God! Don’t let them go to hell! Do you know what it is to be in the darkest place for eternity, and never have the hope of coming out?

Your presence in your home, school, workplace, neighbourhood, estate, city or country isn’t for a game. It isn’t just for you to be happy and celebrate that you’re born again; you must be concerned for the salvation of others. You’re a saviour to your world. You were sent to save others.

You’re on earth and alive to do the Lord’s work; to win more and more people to Jesus Christ. We’ve got to snatch them out of hell; some of them are already so close, and if we don’t rescue them, they’ll slip right into it. We must not let them!

The Lord has committed to us the ministry of reconciliation, and faithfully, we must keep carrying out our ministry, turning men from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God.


Blessed Father, I thank you for making the Gospel heard and received in my world, and your righteousness established in the hearts of men. Indeed, the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ. The Lord reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Further Study

Matthew 24:14; 2 Peter 3:8-10


Imagine that you have friends or relatives who aren’t born again or people who work with you who aren’t born again; don’t let them go to hell! You need to weep and cry for their salvation.

Bible Reading Plan

Annual : Mark 8:27-9:1-13 & Numbers 5-6
Bi-Annual : Matthew 18:21-35 & Exodus 9