As I receive the Word of God into me, it travels through my entire spirit, soul and body; it goes right into my cells and my bone marrow, cleansing me, strengthening my physical body and rejuvenating my whole being, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I'm Highly Blessed Of The Most High God. I'm Blessed In my Mind. I'm Blessed In my Thoughts. I'm Blessed In my Body. I'm Blessed In my Going Out and Coming In. I'm Blessed In my Businesses. I'm Blessed In my Bank Accounts. I'm Blessed In my Studies. I'm Blessed In my Marriage. I'm Blessed In my Family. I'm Blessed In Everything I put my hands to do. I'm blessed in my businesses. I'm Blessed Everywhere I Go. I'm Blessed Wherever I Am. I'm Blessed in the city. I'm Blessed in the field. I'm Blessed everyday of my life. I'm Blessed Globally (International & National). I'm Blessed Spiritually. I'm Blessed Physically. I'm Blessed Emotionally. I'm Blessed Socially. I'm Blessed In Unusual Places. I'm blessed in my cell, I'm blessed in my fellowship. I'm blessed in my department. I'm blessed in my church. I'm a blessing to the body of Christ. I'm blessed. Christ purchased a life of glory and excellence for me through His death and resurrection; sickness, infirmity or disease has no place in that life. Therefore, no sickness, infirmity or disease can stay in my body. Hallelujah!
I take advantage of God’s grace and might in me, in accomplishing all that Father has ordained for me to do today. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. He lives in me in His fullness, therefore I am invincible! I give expression to His wisdom, ability, and excellence in me today. I'm Highly Blessed Of The Most High God. I'm Blessed In my Mind. I'm Blessed In my Thoughts. I'm Blessed In my Body. I'm Blessed In my Going Out and Coming In. I'm Blessed In my Businesses. I'm Blessed In my Bank Accounts. I'm Blessed In my Studies. I'm Blessed In my Marriage. I'm Blessed In my Family. I'm Blessed In Everything I put my hands to do. I'm blessed in my businesses. I'm Blessed Everywhere I Go. I'm Blessed Wherever I Am. I'm Blessed in the city. I'm Blessed in the field. I'm Blessed everyday of my life. I'm Blessed Globally (International & National). I'm Blessed Spiritually. I'm Blessed Physically. I'm Blessed Emotionally. I'm Blessed Socially. I'm Blessed In Unusual Places. I'm blessed in my cell, I'm blessed in my fellowship. I'm blessed in my department. I'm blessed in my church. I'm a blessing to the body of Christ. I'm blessed. Hallelujah!
My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; God functions in it and I am its custodian. Therefore, my body conforms to my faith-filled affirmations. Body, you are not permitted to accommodate weakness, sickness, disease, or infirmity. You function for God. You are the tabernacle of the Holy Ghost. You are under obligation to respond to the Word of God. I command every fiber, every bone, and every cell of this body to comply with the Word of God. I live in Christ; therefore, I cannot be affected by the rules and corrupting influences of this earthly realm. I am from above and I live above all things in this world and its failing systems. I walk in righteousness and dominion, and I am conscious of the provisions of my divine life in Christ. This life is working in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My entire being is vitalized by this life, invigorating me through and through in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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God has lifted me in glory in Christ. I’m seated with Him in the heavenly realms of power, dominion, and majesty. Therefore, I have the consciousness of one who’s seated together with Christ in a place where there is no darkness, no sickness, no defeat, and no pain; a place of absolute authority, mastery, peace, joy, and bliss; a place where I have authority over sickness, death, and the grave. When Jesus died on the Cross, I died with Him. When God raised Him from the dead, I was raised together with Him and I became a new creation, alive to God. I am the fruit of Christ’s redemption. I have been brought out of death into life; from sickness into divine health; from sorrow into joy; from poverty into a wealthy and large place. I am alive with Christ’s resurrection life, and Christ is alive and fully expressed in me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Christ proved His love for me through His vicarious sacrifice on my behalf. He took my place of judgment, condemnation, and sin, and gave me the God-life and nature of righteousness that is not subject to the darkness of sin, sickness, infirmity, or pain. Therefore, I refuse to be sick or broken in life. I have the life of God that is superior to negativity. I now function from a place of glory, power, authority, and dominion in Christ Jesus. God has lifted me in glory in Christ. I’m seated with Him in the heavenly realms of power, dominion, and majesty. Therefore, I have the consciousness of one who’s seated together with Christ in a place where there is no darkness, no sickness, no defeat, and no pain; a place of absolute authority, mastery, peace, joy, and bliss; a place where I have authority over sickness, death, and the grave in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
My physical body has been divinely programmed to reject anything inconsistent with God’s Word for my health. Every part of my body – every cell, tissue, organ, and system – is fortified by God’s Spirit to function excellently and optimally. My body is divinely programmed to put out and annihilate every disease-causing bacterium, virus, or fungus that attempts to fasten itself to my body. My words trigger the release of divine energy that creates an impenetrable force-field around me, making me insusceptible to attacks in my spirit, soul, and body. Christ proved His love for me through His vicarious sacrifice on my behalf. He took my place of judgment, condemnation, and sin, and gave me the God-life and nature of righteousness that is not subject to the darkness of sin, sickness, infirmity, or pain. Therefore, I refuse to be sick or broken in life. I have the life of God that is superior to negativity. I now function from a place of glory, power, authority, and dominion in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The Word of God is light; it is the true light that lights up my world. It is the compass by which I navigate through life. I do not grope or wander in the dark, because the Word illuminates my path, gives me direction and guidance, and makes me an absolute success in life. Therefore, being led by His light, I will always go in the direction of love, joy, righteousness, health peace, and prosperity to the glory of God. My physical body has been divinely programmed to reject anything inconsistent with God’s Word for my health. Every part of my body – every cell, tissue, organ, and system – is fortified by God’s Spirit to function excellently and optimally. My body is divinely programmed to put out and annihilate every disease-causing bacterium, virus, or fungus that attempts to fasten itself to my body in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I own the world and I walk in divine health, prosperity, and excellence all my days. All things are mine I have everything I require for life and godliness. I'm rich in all things because God has caused His grace to abound towards me. I am super-abundantly supplied, exceedingly fruitful, productive, and strengthened for every good work. The Word of God is light; it is the true light that lights up my world. It is the compass by which I navigate through life. I do not grope or wander in the dark, because the Word illuminates my path, gives me direction and guidance, and makes me an absolute success in life. Therefore, being led by His light, I will always go in the direction of love, joy, righteousness, health, peace, and prosperity to the glory of God in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Christ has taken up His abode in the quarters of my heart. He's in me now, and I am in Him forever. Because of this everlasting indwelling presence, I am a God-carrying vessel and a conveyor of divine blessings. My life is graced with His glory, with His presence, and with Himself. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence, where there is no fear of sickness, death, disease, infirmity, or failure. I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I own the world and I walk in divine health, prosperity, and excellence all my days. All things are mine I have everything I require for life and godliness. I'm rich in all things because God has caused His grace to abound towards me. I am super-abundantly supplied, exceedingly fruitful, productive, and strengthened for every good work in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
My faith is producing results; I walk in divine health, victory, and dominion by the power of the Spirit of God. I am who God says I am and as a citizen of Zion, I shall never be sick. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Christ has taken up His abode in the quarters of my heart. He's in me now, and I am in Him forever. Because of this everlasting indwelling presence, I am a God-carrying vessel and a conveyor of divine blessings. My life is graced with His glory, with His presence, and with Himself. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence, where there is no fear of sickness, death, disease, infirmity, or failure in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I know that I have whatever I desire through my faith-filled words. I declare that I walk in divine health, protection, peace, and prosperity. My faith is alive and producing health in my body. Every fiber of my being hears and responds to the Word of God. The Word is growing mightily and prevailing in my life, producing what it talks about every day. My faith is producing results; I walk in divine health, victory, and dominion by the power of the Spirit of God. I am who God says I am and as a citizen of Zion, I shall never be sick. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood. My faith is the victory that overcomes this world in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
My body is vitalized by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Therefore, I refuse to accommodate sickness in my body. I'm vitalized by the Holy Spirit. The Word of God bolsters faith in me even now. I believe all that the Word says about me; I put my entire trust in God, knowing that no situation is beyond the authority and power of the Word, by which I live and dominate circumstances. I know that I have whatever I desire through my faith-filled words. I declare that I walk in divine health, protection, peace, and prosperity. My faith is alive and producing health in my body. Every fiber of my being hears and responds to the Word of God. The Word is growing mightily and prevailing in my life, producing what it talks about every day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I refuse to be subject to the elements of this world because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I exercise my authority in Christ, and I declare that pain, sickness, disease, and infirmity are under my dominion. I live by the dominion of Christ and by the power of the Spirit today. I declare that I prosper in my health and in the works of my hands. My body is vitalized by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Therefore, I refuse to accommodate sickness in my body. I'm vitalized by the Holy Spirit. The Word of God bolsters faith in me even now. I believe all that the Word says about me; I put my entire trust in God, knowing that no situation is beyond the authority and power of the Word, by which I live and dominate circumstances in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I walk in divine health, joy, prosperity, and victory every day. I'm alive to God. I belong in the kingdom of God's dear Son, where I reign and rule by the power of the Spirit. Thank You, Father, for bringing me into such a beautiful place of glory, beauty, honor, and the superior life. I live triumphantly over and above all circumstances of life. I refuse to be subject to the elements of this world because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I exercise my authority in Christ, and I declare that pain, sickness, disease, and infirmity are under my dominion. I live by the dominion of Christ and by the power of the Spirit today. I declare that I prosper in my health and in the works of my hands in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Thank you, Father, for the indwelling presence of Your Spirit in me. I am your living tabernacle; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can successfully lodge in my body. Because the life in me is divine, my body is full of radiant health and vitality. I enjoy the health that has been freely given to me, and I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. I walk in divine health, joy, prosperity, and victory every day. I'm alive to God. I belong in the kingdom of God's dear Son, where I reign and rule by the power of the Spirit. Thank You, Father, for bringing me into such a beautiful place of glory, beauty, honor, and the superior life. I live triumphantly over and above all circumstances of life in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. I dwell in the victory Christ wrought for me; thus, I'm no longer subject to any form of fear, limitation, or bondage, for Christ has set me free from sickness, disease, and death. I'm more than a conqueror! Thank you, Father, for the indwelling presence of Your Spirit in me. I am your living tabernacle; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can successfully lodge in my body. Because the life in me is divine, my body is full of radiant health and vitality. I enjoy the health that has been freely given to me, and I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me in Jesus Name. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
Divine life is at work in me! I'm impregnable to sickness or disease because I'm a partaker of the divine nature. The light of God is in my spirit and has brought me to full awareness of my rights and inheritance in Christ Jesus. I function in God's greater light concerning my health. Divine health is my portion; I live in strength and vitality every day of my life. I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. I dwell in the victory Christ wrought for me; thus, I'm no longer subject to any form of fear, limitation, or bondage, for Christ has set me free from sickness, disease, and death. I'm more than a conqueror in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I have the indestructible, unconquerable life of God! I'm conscious of my divinity and immortality in Christ. I'm a conveyor of eternal verities and a partaker of the divine nature. Christ is my life! Therefore, no disease or infirmity can thrive in my body. I declare that divine life is at work in me! I'm impregnable to sickness or disease because I'm a partaker of the divine nature. The light of God is in my spirit and has brought me to full awareness of my rights and inheritance in Christ Jesus. I function in God's greater light concerning my health. Divine health is my portion; I live in strength and vitality every day of my life in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. Diseases and infirmities are not a part of my life in the kingdom of God's dear Son. I recognize the efficacy of God's Word that is at work in me today, and by virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I have perfect health, victory, success, and prosperity now and forevermore. I have the indestructible, unconquerable life of God! I'm conscious of my divinity and immortality in Christ. I'm a conveyor of eternal verities and a partaker of the divine nature. Christ is my life! Therefore, no disease or infirmity can thrive in my body in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I testify of the goodness of the Lord and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! The power of His infallible Word has brought me into a place of strength, power, rest, and dominion. I testify that the miracles of salvation are wrought through me. My life is insusceptible and invulnerable to sickness, disease, or infirmity. I daily experience supernatural blessings of divine health and prosperity. I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. Diseases and infirmities are not a part of my life in the kingdom of God's dear Son. I recognize the efficacy of God's Word that is at work in me today, and by virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I have perfect health, victory, success, and prosperity now and forevermore in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The Word of God is living, active, operative, energizing, and effective in me. It produces what it talks about in my life. God's Word is sharper than any knife and it penetrates the deepest recesses of my body. The Word is alive in me; therefore, my body is impervious to sickness, disease, or death. No infirmity can can prevail over my body, because eternal life is at work in me, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I testify of the goodness of the Lord and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! The power of His infallible Word has brought me into a place of strength, power, rest, and dominion. I testify that the miracles of salvation are wrought through me. My life is insusceptible and invulnerable to sickness, disease, or infirmity. I daily experience supernatural blessings of divine health and prosperity in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The Word of God is life to my body and health to my flesh. The Word is working in me constantly, keeping me in perfect soundness and health. My body is perfected by the Word. Today and always, I walk free of every sickness, disease, or infirmity as I walk in the light of God’s Word. The Word of God is living, active, operative, energizing, and effective in me. It produces what it talks about in my life. God's Word is sharper than any knife and it penetrates the deepest recesses of my body. The Word is alive in me; therefore, my body is impervious to sickness, disease, or death. No infirmity can can prevail over my body, because eternal life is at work in me, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The Lord has brought me into a glorious place of authority and dominion, where I reign and rule over sickness, disease, infirmity, and all the fiery darts of the devil. I am conscious of my heavenly heritage and, with this consciousness, I am manifesting the graces of God to my world. The Word of God is life to my body and health to my flesh. The Word is working in me constantly, keeping me in perfect soundness and health. My body is perfected by the Word. Today and always, I walk free of every sickness, disease, or infirmity as I walk in the light of God’s Word in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. My legs are His legs - He moves through me; they will never be lame. My hands are His hands - He works through me; my hands will never be paralyzed. My eyes are His eyes - He sees through me; these eyes will never be blind. My mind is daily renewed by the Word of God - I am mentally sound; I give no room to depression or negative thoughts. The Lord has brought me into a glorious place of authority and dominion, where I reign and rule over sickness, disease, infirmity, and all the fiery darts of the devil. I am conscious of my heavenly heritage and, with this consciousness, I am manifesting the graces of God to my world in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmities! I'm healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ - His beauty and glory - are manifested in my physical body because He lives in me through the Holy Spirit. I've got divine health working in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. My legs are His legs - He moves through me; they will never be lame. My hands are His hands - He works through me; my hands will never be paralyzed. My eyes are His eyes - He sees through me; these eyes will never be blind. My mind is daily renewed by the Word of God - I am mentally sound; I give no room to depression or negative thoughts in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, defeat, or failure. I am an offspring of divinity and a product of Christ’s resurrection. The life of God is working in my spirit, soul, and body, and it is manifested in all that concerns me. I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. Glory to God! The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmities! I'm healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ - His beauty and glory - are manifested in my physical body because He lives in me through the Holy Spirit. I've got divine health working in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
God's Word is food for my spirit and health for my body. It makes me vibrant and productive, and rejuvenates and strengthens my body. By the Word, I am made whole and preserved in divine health. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit quicken my physical body through and through. The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, defeat, or failure. I am an offspring of divinity and a product of Christ’s resurrection. The life of God is working in my spirit, soul, and body, and it is manifested in all that concerns me. I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
Disease has no place in me, for I am born of God. Christ dwells in me and my body, which is for God's glory, is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I am fortified by the Word of God and strengthened with might by the Holy Ghost I'm more than a conqueror, through the power of God's Spirit at work in me. I am a child of God. I refuse to be sick. Sickness doesn't belong in my body. God's love has given me life; so I have life and health in me. God's Word is food for my spirit and health for my body. It makes me vibrant and productive, and rejuvenates and strengthens my body. By the Word, I am made whole and preserved in divine health. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit quicken my physical body through and through in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I declare that every fiber of my being hears the Word of the Lord and responds to it. My mind, heart, skin and bones, and all organs in my body, respond to God's Word. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today and always. Disease has no place in me, for I am born of God. Christ dwells in me and my body, which is for God's glory, is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I am fortified by the Word of God and strengthened with might by the Holy Ghost I'm more than a conqueror, through the power of God's Spirit at work in me. I am a child of God. I refuse to be sick. Sickness doesn't belong in my body. God's love has given me life; so I have life and health in me in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to fear! I walk by faith and not by sight. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms of illness. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength. The Word of God quickens my physical body; my health flourishes daily because the power of Jesus Christ works in me. I declare that every fiber of my being hears the Word of the Lord and responds to it. My mind, heart, skin and bones, and all organs in my body, respond to God's Word. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today and always in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I declare that I am whole, fortified from sickness, disease, and infirmity. I am preserved in divine health. The Word of God, which is the source of my life, is living and active in me today! I experience the transforming power of the Word in my health, finances, family, and everything that concerns me. My life is beautified with the glory of God’s presence and I live and freely enjoy this life in its fullness. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to fear! I walk by faith and not by sight. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms of illness. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength. The Word of God quickens my physical body; my health flourishes daily because the power of Jesus Christ works in me in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
Disease has no place in me, for I'm born of God. Christ dwells in me and my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I'm fortified by God's Word and strengthened with might. I'm more than a conqueror by the power of God's Spirit. The Word of God has gained ascendancy in my life and it prevails over my spirit, soul, and body. I declare that I am whole, fortified from sickness, disease, and infirmity. I am preserved in divine health. The Word of God, which is the source of my life, is living and active in me today! I experience the transforming power of the Word in my health, finances, family, and everything that concerns me. My life is beautified with the glory of God’s presence and I live and freely enjoy this life in its fullness in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The eyes of my understanding are flooded with light, and I’m conscious of the spiritual realm always. As I speak in tongues, I’m filled with the Spirit and my spiritual alertness and sensitivity are at their peak. And with the Word of God in my mouth and the Name of Jesus, I reign over circumstances, Satan and the world! Disease has no place in me, for I'm born of God. Christ dwells in me and my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I'm fortified by God's Word and strengthened with might. I'm more than a conqueror by the power of God's Spirit. The Word of God has gained ascendancy in my life and it prevails over my spirit, soul, and body in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The Lord guides me continually and satisfies my desires always, making my bones strong. I am like a well-watered garden and like a wellspring whose waters don’t go dry. I am born of the Word of truth. The Word of God is health and life to my body. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me, and His presence daily renews and vitalizes my body. The eyes of my understanding are flooded with light, and I’m conscious of the spiritual realm always. As I speak in tongues, I’m filled with the Spirit and my spiritual alertness and sensitivity are at their peak. And with the Word of God in my mouth and the Name of Jesus, I reign over circumstances, Satan and the world in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me; the life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. The good life, health, and strength are part of my divine heritage in Christ. The Lord guides me continually and satisfies my desires always, making my bones strong. I am like a well-watered garden and like a wellspring whose waters don’t go dry. I am born of the Word of truth. The Word of God is health and life to my body. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me, and His presence daily renews and vitalizes my body in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I continually live above sickness, disease, and infirmity. I declare that I am strong and healthy, for as He is, so am I in this world. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me; I‘ll never be sick in my life. No sickness or infirmity can overwhelm me. I have the overcoming life of God in me, which makes me indestructible. The power of God perambulates every inch of my body, vitalizing it and making it impregnable to disease and infirmity. Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me; the life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. The good life, health, and strength are part of my divine heritage in Christ in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness because the Greater One dwells in me! I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity. I am a product of God’s Word; therefore, my words and actions are backed by divine authority. My words are full of power and authority, and they produce changes in my life. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity, and walk in victory every day of my life. I continually live above sickness, disease, and infirmity. I declare that I am strong and healthy, for as He is, so am I in this world. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me; I‘ll never be sick in my life. No sickness or infirmity can overwhelm me. I have the overcoming life of God in me, which makes me indestructible. The power of God perambulates every inch of my body, vitalizing it and making it impregnable to disease and infirmity in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
My body functions for God. Every organ, tissue, and cell in my body complies with the will of the Father, which is divine health and ever increasing strength. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. It is impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. I dwell continually in health through the working of His mighty power in me. I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness because the Greater One dwells in me! I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity. I am a product of God’s Word; therefore, my words and actions are backed by divine authority. My words are full of power and authority, and they produce changes in my life. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity, and walk in victory every day of my life in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; the healing power of God is working in my bones, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and in every cell in my blood. I refuse any condition that is not consistent with God’s Word in my spirit, soul, and body. I’m alive to God and to the Word of His grace, which preserves me at all times. My body functions for God. Every organ, tissue, and cell in my body complies with the will of the Father, which is divine health and ever increasing strength. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. It is impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. I dwell continually in health through the working of His mighty power in me in. Hallelujah!
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I consciously make the Word of God the contemplation of my spirit; my mind is inundated with thoughts of progress and possibilities. I refuse to accommodate unhealthy and noxious thoughts or let the news of fear, disease, or death run my life. My mind is guarded and guided by the Word of God. I, therefore, live in divine health with daily experiences of ever-increasing glory, success, prosperity, and victory. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; the healing power of God is working in my bones, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and in every cell in my blood. I refuse any condition that is not consistent with God’s Word in my spirit, soul, and body. I’m alive to God and to the Word of His grace, which preserves me at all times in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I consciously make the Word of God the contemplation of my spirit; my mind is inundated with thoughts of progress and possibilities. I refuse to accommodate unhealthy and noxious thoughts or let the news of fear, disease, or death run my life. My mind is guarded and guided by the Word of God. I, therefore, live in divine health with daily experiences of ever-increasing glory, success, prosperity, and victory. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; the healing power of God is working in my bones, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and in every cell in my blood. I refuse any condition that is not consistent with God’s Word in my spirit, soul, and body. I’m alive to God and to the Word of His grace, which preserves me at all times in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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God's Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul and health to my body. I pay attention to God's Word and believe what it says about me. God's Word says I am the temple of the Holy Ghost and my body functions for God. Therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. I am seated with Christ in the realm of glory, dominion, and power. I am not an ordinary person; I am not subject to the elements and rudiments of this failing world of darkness. I reject sickness, disease, infirmity and all works of darkness. In my path, there’s no death; there’s no failure; everything works! There’s glory, excellence and victory only, because I dwell in the realm of life in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I walk in the victory that God wrought for me through Jesus Christ. I take charge of every situation, knowing that I am more than a conqueror. I live in dominion over sickness, disease, poverty and lack. I decree health, peace, prosperity and success into every area of my life. God's Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul and health to my body. I pay attention to God's Word and believe what it says about me. God's Word says I am the temple of the Holy Ghost and my body functions for God. Therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
There is no hindrance or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I have the life of God in me; therefore, my health is perfect. I am sound and strong. I am getting stronger by the day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord! I walk in the victory that God wrought for me through Jesus Christ. I take charge of every situation, knowing that I am more than a conqueror. I live in dominion over sickness, disease, poverty and lack. I decree health, peace, prosperity and success into every area of my life in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! The life of God is in me; therefore, all fear is gone! My success, health, prosperity and long life are assured. I declare that I am complete in Christ! Nothing is lacking in my body, soul or spirit. The Word of God is working in me; it's working in my body, in my mind and in my spirit. There is no hindrance or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I have the life of God in me; therefore, my health is perfect. I am sound and strong. I am getting stronger by the day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The joy of the Lord is my strength. The Word is working mightily in me! The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He has vitalized my body. I am superior to all forms of sicknesses and diseases. Health, strength, victory and prosperity are mine now. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! The life of God is in me; therefore, all fear is gone! My success, health, prosperity and long life are assured. I declare that I am complete in Christ! Nothing is lacking in my body, soul or spirit. The Word of God is working in me; it's working in my body, in my mind and in my spirit in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; I'm dead to this world but alive to God. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness; therefore, sin or sickness has no dominion over my body. Divinity is at work in me; I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. The joy of the Lord is my strength. The Word is working mightily in me! The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He has vitalized my body. I am superior to all forms of sicknesses and diseases. Health, strength, victory and prosperity are mine now in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
Disease has no place in me, for I'm born of God; Christ dwells in me and my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and it's for God's glory. I am fortified by the Word of God and strengthened with might by the Holy Ghost. I'm more than a conqueror, through the power of God's Spirit at work in me. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; I'm dead to this world but alive to God. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness; therefore, sin or sickness has no dominion over my body. Divinity is at work in me; I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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Christ's nature in me makes me unsusceptible to defeat, failure, or any form of ill health, for greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world. I face each day with boldness -with full assurance that Christ is my advantage always. Disease has no place in me, for I'm born of God; Christ dwells in me and my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and it's for God's glory. I am fortified by the Word of God and strengthened with might by the Holy Ghost. I'm more than a conqueror, through the power of God's Spirit at work in me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I am an active participator in the divine experience. Divinity is at work in me –I’ve got the very life of God in me. I know who I am! I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power, and far above every disease and calamity plaguing the world and its systems. I bring to bear the Word of God in all my endeavors and in my environment. Christ's nature in me makes me unsusceptible to defeat, failure, or any form of ill health, for greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world. I face each day with boldness -with full assurance that Christ is my advantage always in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore, I decree health, peace, victory, success and prosperity into every area of my life. I take charge of every situation and declare that all things are working together for my good. I am not a victim but a victor. I am an active participator in the divine experience. Divinity is at work in me –I’ve got the very life of God in me. I know who I am! I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power, and far above every disease and calamity plaguing the world and its systems. I bring to bear the Word of God in all my endeavors and in my environment in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I dwell in God’s realm of life, where I reign through the Word. I’ve passed from death to life, from mortality into immortality, from age into agelessness, because in Christ I live in God’s realm of life. I completely refuse and reject anything that isn’t consistent with the God-life in me. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore, I decree health, peace, victory, success and prosperity into every area of my life. I take charge of every situation and declare that all things are working together for my good. I am not a victim but a victor in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. My body is infused with divine health because I have eternal life. Therefore, sickness, disease and death have no place in me. I dwell in God’s realm of life, where I reign through the Word. I’ve passed from death to life, from mortality into immortality, from age into agelessness, because in Christ I live in God’s realm of life. I completely refuse and reject anything that isn’t consistent with the God-life in me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Everything about my life is infused with divinity; I express the Father's glory. Eternal life, love, health, peace, joy, righteousness, prosperity – all are mine now! Divine health is my birthright; it is my present-hour possession in Christ. I am superior to Satan, sicknesses and diseases. My life is extraordinary, and it is full of glory and excellence. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. My body is infused with divine health because I have eternal life. Therefore, sickness, disease and death have no place in me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me receives life! There is no death in any area of my life or in my body. I am living the good life God has planned ahead of time for me to live: a life of divine health, success and victory. I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease and poverty today and always! I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Everything about my life is infused with divinity; I express the Father's glory. Eternal life, love, health, peace, joy, righteousness, prosperity – all are mine now! Divine health is my birthright; it is my present-hour possession in Christ. I am superior to Satan, sicknesses and diseases. My life is extraordinary, and it is full of glory and excellence in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I rule, reign and dominate my world today by the faith of God in my spirit! My faith is alive and producing results because the Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth. As I speak forth, circumstances align with God's perfect will for my life. I've been brought out of spiritual death into life, where I reign in health and prosperity by grace in righteousness. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me receives life! There is no death in any area of my life or in my body. I am living the good life God has planned ahead of time for me to live: a life of divine health, success and victory. I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease and poverty today and always in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I live in absolute victory because I'm born of God and greater is He that's in me than he that is in the world. I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I'm an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live a triumphant and victorious life every day, far above pain and sickness, far above all machinations of the enemy, and far above the devil and the negative systems of this world. I rule, reign and dominate my world today by the faith of God in my spirit! My faith is alive and producing results because the Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth. As I speak forth, circumstances align with God's perfect will for my life. I've been brought out of spiritual death into life, where I reign in health and prosperity by grace in righteousness in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
God's Spirit within me has made me more than a man; He has made my life truly supernatural. I can do all things through Christ, and I am grateful for the power that is at work in me, causing me to live victoriously over sickness, disease and death every day. I am a new creation; a new species in Christ. The life in me is impregnable, not subject to sickness, defeat or failure. I live in absolute victory because I'm born of God and greater is He that's in me than he that is in the world. I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I'm an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live a triumphant and victorious life every day, far above pain and sickness, far above all machinations of the enemy, and far above the devil and the negative systems of this world in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
Through the Word of God and the ministry of the Spirit, I'm being transfigured daily into the image of the Son of God! His life and nature imparted into my spirit gives me the ability to live above sickness, disease, infirmity and sorrow, for as He is, so am I! God's Spirit within me has made me more than a man; He has made my life truly supernatural. I can do all things through Christ, and I am grateful for the power that is at work in me, causing me to live victoriously over sickness, disease and death every day. I am a new creation; a new species in Christ. The life in me is impregnable, not subject to sickness, defeat or failure in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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I'm a faith-child of a faith-God! I live today in victory and triumph because I'm fully persuaded that I'm what God says I am, I have what He says l have, and I can do what He says l can do. I live in dominion over sickness, disease, poverty, the world, and its systems today, because faith is my lifestyle. Through the Word of God and the ministry of the Spirit, I'm being transfigured daily into the image of the Son of God! His life and nature imparted into my spirit gives me the ability to live above sickness, disease, infirmity and sorrow, for as He is, so am I! in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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Father, I thank You for the divine life at work in me! I'm impregnable to sickness, because I'm a partaker of the divine nature. I refuse to live in the dark or function by lesser light. Rather, I function in God's greater light concerning my health. Divine health is my portion; I live in strength and vitality every day of my life. I recognize the efficacy of God's Word that is at work in me today, and by virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that I'm superior to satan; nothing shall be impossible unto me. The Word is life to my body and health to my flesh. Divine health is my birthright; therefore, I function therein every day in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. My life is not controlled by the conditions of this earthly realm. The Holy Spirit directs my steps by the Word in every area of my life. I live in perfect health by reason of the life-giving Spirit of God in me. I refuse to allow disease in my body today. Thank You Father for the divine life at work in me! I'm impregnable to sickness, because I'm a partaker of the divine nature. I refuse to live in the dark or function by lesser light. Rather, I function in God's greater light concerning my health. Divine health is my portion; I live in strength and vitality every day of my life in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I’m fortified daily by the Word. Death has no part in me and I refuse any condition that is not consistent with God's Word in my spirit, soul and body. I’m alive to God and to the Word of His grace, which preserves me at all times. In me dwells the Word of God richly and this Word ministers life to all my flesh. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. My life is not controlled by the conditions of this earthly realm. The Holy Spirit directs my steps by the Word in every area of my life. I live in perfect health by reason of the life-giving Spirit of God in me. I refuse to allow disease in my body today in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The joy of the Lord is my strength. I am full of radiant health and vitality. I am walking in the fullness of God's blessings. I am anointed; spirit, soul and body by the Holy Ghost! My footsteps are ordered by the Lord. God's glory is upon me and I’m blessed in all things. I am shielded and protected from every form of evil. I’m fortified daily by the Word. Death has no part in me and I refuse any condition that is not consistent with God's Word in my spirit, soul and body. I’m alive to God and to the Word of His grace, which preserves me at all times. In me dwells the Word of God richly and this Word ministers life to all my flesh in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Welcome to this beautiful month of September! Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
My health is flourishing on a daily basis because the healing power of Jesus Christ continually works in me. I do not get sick; no infirmity can thrive in my body, because the Greater One lives in me. I declare that I reign in life over every circumstance and situation, because I have been made an overcomer in this life. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I am full of radiant health and vitality. I am walking in the fullness of God's blessings. I am anointed; spirit, soul and body by the Holy Ghost! My footsteps are ordered by the Lord. God's glory is upon me and I’m blessed in all things. I am shielded and protected from every form of evil in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Welcome to this beautiful month of September! Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
My life is for the glory of God. I declare that Christ dwells in me by faith; therefore, no devil of infirmity has any right over my body. I have no facility to accommodate disease in my body. I live in absolute divine health and above all the corrupting influences of the world. My health is flourishing on a daily basis because the healing power of Jesus Christ continually works in me. I do not get sick; no infirmity can thrive in my body, because the Greater One lives in me. I declare that I reign in life over every circumstance and situation, because I have been made an overcomer in this life in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I speak the right words. My words minister not just to me; they also minister life to those around me. I dwell in Zion; therefore, I am not sick. The Word of God is my daily meditation; therefore, my words are seasoned with grace and continually minister life to me, and to others. Thank You, Lord Jesus for causing me to reign over sickness and diseases! My life is for the glory of God. I declare that Christ dwells in me by faith; therefore, no devil of infirmity has any right over my body. I have no facility to accommodate disease in my body. I live in absolute divine health and above all the corrupting influences of the world in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I’m born of the Spirit and of the Word of God. This life of the Spirit is manifested in all I do. I’m not a victim in life, but a victor by the reason of the overcoming life of Christ in me, which empowers me to cause necessary changes in my world and to my advantage. The glorious life I have makes me immune to any form of disease; therefore, I’m continually inundated with divine health! I speak the right words. My words minister not just to me; they also minister life to those around me. I dwell in Zion; therefore, I am not sick. The Word of God is my daily meditation; therefore, my words are seasoned with grace and continually minister life to me, and to others. Thank You, Lord Jesus for causing me to reign over sickness and diseases. Hallelujah!
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The Name of Jesus is named upon me. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily, making me impregnable to sickness, disease, death, and the devil. I am daily renewed by the Spirit of God that dwells in me. I am conscious of my new life in Christ and walk daily in its reality. I’m born of the Spirit and of the Word of God. This life of the Spirit is manifested in all I do. I’m not a victim in life, but a victor by the reason of the overcoming life of Christ in me, which empowers me to cause necessary changes in my world and to my advantage. The glorious life I have makes me immune to any form of disease; therefore, I’m continually inundated with divine health in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. Though sickness come against me, I will not be shaken because I have the very life of God in me. I cannot die because Jesus is Lord over my body and my whole life. The Name of Jesus is named upon me. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily, making me impregnable to sickness, disease, death, and the devil. I am daily renewed by the Spirit of God that dwells in me. I am conscious of my new life in Christ and walk daily in its reality in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I refuse to be sick because it’s not my nature. I’m a new creature in Christ Jesus; old things are passed away, and all things are become new. The man that could be sick is dead; the ‘me’ that’s alive today has Zoë – the supernatural life of God makes me invincible and impregnable to sickness, disease, and infirmity. The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. Though sickness come against me, I will not be shaken because I have the very life of God in me. I cannot die because Jesus is Lord over my body and my whole life in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I have the life of God in me; it's the superior life of glory, success, and victory. Thank You, Lord, for making it possible for me to receive this glorious and wondrous life into my spirit, thus making me superhuman. Praise God! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving me the right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and exercise dominion over satan and the power of darkness. I refuse to be sick because it’s not my nature. I’m a new creature in Christ Jesus; old things are passed away, and all things are become new. The man that could be sick is dead; the ‘me’ that’s alive today has Zoë – the supernatural life of God makes me invincible and impregnable to sickness, disease, and infirmity in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I belong in God's class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take a hold of my divine rights to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence! I have the life of God in me; it's the superior life of glory, success, and victory. Thank You, Lord, for making it possible for me to receive this glorious and wondrous life into my spirit, thus making me superhuman. Praise God! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving me the right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and exercise dominion over satan and the power of darkness in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I have dominion over sin, sickness, and circumstances. I’m superior to Satan, and I’ve overcome this world. I am seated together with Christ in heavenly realms, far above all principality and power! I exercise the authority of Christ in and around my sphere of contact. I declare that I belong in God's class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take a hold of my divine rights to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I have the miracle-life of God in me. Therefore, I am an associate of the God-kind and a partaker of the divine nature, having been made free from the corrupting influences, decadence, and destruction in the world. Today and always, I’m conscious of the transcendent life of glory and victory that God has given me through Christ Jesus. I have dominion over sin, sickness, and circumstances. I’m superior to Satan, and I’ve overcome this world. I am seated together with Christ in heavenly realms, far above all principality and power! I exercise the authority of Christ in and around my sphere of contact in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I have the miracle-life of God in me. Therefore, I am an associate of the God-kind and a partaker of the divine nature, having been made free from the corrupting influences, decadence, and destruction in the world. Today and always, I’m conscious of the transcendent life of glory and victory that God has given me through Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! When He died, I died. When He was buried, I was buried with Him. Now that He’s risen, I’ve been raised together with Him, with the resurrection life that is resistant to sin, sickness, death, and disease. I’m an ordained saint of God, with the life of God and His nature of righteousness. The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
Dear heavenly Father, I thank You for making it possible for me to receive eternal life! I declare that this life is working in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything that is inconsistent with the provisions of the divine life. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! When He died, I died. When He was buried, I was buried with Him. Now that He’s risen, I’ve been raised together with Him, with the resurrection life that is resistant to sin, sickness, death, and disease. I’m an ordained saint of God, with the life of God and His nature of righteousness in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; I'm dead to sin but alive unto God. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness; therefore, sin cannot reign in my body, for the nature of sin has been supplanted with God's nature of righteousness. Thank You righteous Father for making it possible for me to receive eternal life! I declare that this life is working in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything that is inconsistent with the provisions of the divine life in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I have the life and nature of God in me; I've put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. I'm excited about my new life in Christ. I've passed from death to life; from sin to righteousness; from sickness to health; from poverty to wealth. I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; I'm dead to sin but alive unto God. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness; therefore, sin cannot reign in my body, for the nature of sin has been supplanted with God's nature of righteousness in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
Dear Father, thank You for justifying me and making me unreproveable and unblameable in Your sight. I refuse to allow the devil, or the opinions of others, or even my mind, to put me in a place of self-condemnation. I’m free to serve You and free to live the good life. I have the life and nature of God in me; I've put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. I'm excited about my new life in Christ. I've passed from death to life; from sin to righteousness; from sickness to health; from poverty to wealth in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Now that you have been blessed with today's , share this. Bless someone else.
I walk in dominion over Satan and the princes of darkness, because I’m seated with Christ in glory, dominion and power. I reign and rule over circumstances and elements of this world, today and always, because I live in, and by the Name of Jesus. Thank you dear Father, for justifying me and making me unreproveable and unblameable in Your sight. I refuse to allow the devil, or the opinions of others, or even my mind, to put me in a place of self-condemnation. I’m free to serve You and free to live the good life in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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I declare that I’ve received abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness. Therefore, I reign in life as a king. I dominate the devil, sickness, and disease! I’ve overcome the world and its systems. I walk in dominion over Satan and the princes of darkness, because I’m seated with Christ in glory, dominion and power. I reign and rule over circumstances and elements of this world, today and always, because I live in, and by the Name of Jesus. Hallelujah!
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The Bible says death and life are in the power of the tongue. Therefore, I declare that I’m enjoying life to the full. Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and no sickness can triumph in this body! I declare that I’ve received abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness. Therefore, I reign in life as a king. I dominate the devil, sickness, and disease! I’ve overcome the world and its systems in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me, because the life that I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King, and my all. Christ is my life; in Him, I live and move and have my being. The Bible says death and life are in the power of the tongue. Therefore, I declare that I’m enjoying life to the full. Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and no sickness can triumph in this body in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.
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My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being – from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet – is vitalized by the Spirit of God. The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease, and infirmity; therefore, I’m “uninfectable.” I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me, because the life that I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King, and my all. Christ is my life; in Him I live and move and have my being. Glory to God!
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I am not ordinary; I refuse to accommodate any form of weakness in my body. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumor, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, or lung failure in my body. I declare that I live, rule, and reign above them all. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being – from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet – is vitalized by the Spirit of God. The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease, and infirmity; therefore, I’m “uninfectable" in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease, and poverty, today and always! No weapon of darkness fashioned against me shall prosper, because I live in the Name of Jesus! I was delivered from sin, sickness, and death, and catapulted into God's realm of abundant life where I reign victoriously with Christ every day. I am not ordinary; I refuse to accommodate any form of weakness in my body. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumor, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, or lung failure in my body. I declare that I live, rule, and reign above them all in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I thank You, Lord, for the life of Christ in me that makes me superhuman! I recognize Your divine ability, efficiency, and might that’s at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that nothing is impossible unto me. I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease, and poverty, today and always! No weapon of darkness fashioned against me shall prosper, because I live in the Name of Jesus! I was delivered from sin, sickness, and death, and catapulted into God's realm of abundant life where I reign victoriously with Christ every day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I refuse to allow sickness, disease, and infirmity in my body. I refuse to accommodate poverty and failure in my life. I’ve been catapulted into God’s Kingdom of light and life, where only divinity, success, victory, joy, peace, prosperity, and divine health reign. I thank You, Lord, for the life of Christ in me that makes me superhuman! I recognize Your divine ability, efficiency, and might that’s at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that nothing is impossible unto me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Thank You, Father, for the victorious life You’ve called me into; a triumphant life above sickness, poverty, failure, death, and every form of disease. I walk worthy of this calling, today and always, fully taking advantage of the power of divinity at work in me. I refuse to allow sickness, disease, and infirmity in my body. I refuse to accommodate poverty and failure in my life. I’ve been catapulted into God’s Kingdom of light and life, where only divinity, success, victory, joy, peace, prosperity, and divine health reign in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Thank You, Father, for the power in the Name of Jesus and the authority I have to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that hurts or binds. By the power of that Name, I declare that I’m living the higher life of glory that You prearranged for me. You’ve called me into a triumphant life, above sickness, poverty, failure, death, and every form of disease. I walk worthy of this calling, today and always, fully taking advantage of the power of divinity at work in me. I refuse to allow sickness, disease, and infirmity in my body. I refuse to accommodate poverty and failure in my life. I’ve been catapulted into God’s Kingdom of light and life, where only divinity, success, victory, joy, peace, prosperity, and divine health reign in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am confident of this very thing: the life of God is in me. Therefore, poverty, failure, sickness, and death are not a part of my life because the life that's at work in me is superior to the devil and all his works. Today, I walk with the consciousness that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world, for eternal life is at work in me. Thank You, Father, for the power in the Name of Jesus and the authority I have to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that hurts or binds. By the power of that Name, I declare that I’m living the higher life of glory that You prearranged for me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
#2127 Friday 1st October 2021
I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness because the Greater One dwells in me! I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity. I am confident of this very thing: the life of God is in me. Therefore, poverty, failure, sickness, and death are not a part of my life because the life that's at work in me is superior to the devil and all his works. Today, I walk with the consciousness that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world, for eternal life is at work in me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am born again; therefore, I'm not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His life; life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness because the Greater One dwells in me! I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Father, I declare that Your Word is my light and my life! It's nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my body! I live by Your Word today, I declare that it's mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says. Your Word is reality to me, and that's the basis for which I know I'II never be sick, broke, or defeated. I am born again; therefore, I'm not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His life; life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Father, Your Word is growing mightily in me, prevailing and producing health in every area of my body. The Word of God is active in me and His presence is evident in my life. I experience the miraculous in my body every day by the power of God's Spirit. The Greater One lives in me; no sickness can reside in my body. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no form of sickness has any place here! I declare that God's Word is my light and my life! It's nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my body! I live by Your Word today, I declare that it's mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says. Your Word is reality to me, and that's the basis for which I know I'II never be sick, broke, or defeated in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I refuse to be a victim; I continually live above sickness, disease, and infirmity; for as He is, so am I in this world. I declare that I’m strong and healthy. Sickness has no place in me. Jesus’ body was bruised and broken for me; I refuse to be broken by any infirmity or disease! God's Word is growing mightily in me, prevailing and producing health in every area of my body. The Word of God is active in me and His presence is evident in my life. I experience the miraculous in my body every day by the power of God's Spirit. The Greater One lives in me; no sickness can reside in my body. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no form of sickness has any place here in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I have the nature of righteousness. Today, I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I’ve received in Christ. I have in my spirit, the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! My path is illuminated to see and experience the glory of God in my health. I refuse to be a victim; I continually live above sickness, disease, and infirmity; for as He is, so am I in this world. I declare that I’m strong and healthy. Sickness has no place in me. Jesus’ body was bruised and broken for me; I refuse to be broken by any infirmity or disease in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I declare that my faith is alive and producing health in my body. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I’m not moved by what I see, feel, or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I have the nature of righteousness. Today, I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I’ve received in Christ. I have in my spirit, the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! My path is illuminated to see and experience the glory of God in my health, finance and every area of my life in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I live in health 24 hours every day, seven days a week. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. There’s life in my bones, tissues, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. I am alive unto God. Christ lives in me, so no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my members in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Christ is manifested in my body and in my spirit, which are God's. Infirmity and sickness have no place in me. I am the temple of the living God. I refuse to let sickness take a hold of my body. I have the unconquerable life of God in me; I cannot be sick! Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Thank you, Father, for sending Jesus to die for me. He died, was buried, and rose in victory for my justification. He died that I may no longer die, be sick, or be in pain. Therefore, I live a glorious life. Today, I declare that I will never be broken by infirmity and anything that binds because I have the eternal life of God in me. Christ is manifested in my body and in my spirit, which are God's. Infirmity and sickness have no place in me. I am the temple of the living God. I refuse to let sickness take a hold of my body. I have the unconquerable life of God in me; I cannot be sick in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Glory to God! I function from the realm of the supernatural. I am not susceptible to any affliction or infirmity. When men are cast down by sickness and pandemics, I declare that there is lifting, and I lift people everywhere to the level of the God-kind of faith. Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to die for me. He died, was buried, and rose in victory for my justification. He died that I may no longer die, be sick, or be in pain. Therefore, I live a glorious life. Today, I declare that I will never be broken by infirmity and anything that binds because I have the eternal life of God in me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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The greater One lives in me; therefore, I have no fear of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. I have passed from death to life, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always. Glory to God! I function from the realm of the supernatural. I am not susceptible to any affliction or infirmity. When men are cast down by sickness and pandemics, I declare that there is lifting, and I lift people everywhere to the level of the God-kind of faith in me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Father, I thank You for the life You have given me. I have the Son of God and, therefore, have life. I have eternal life which cannot be overtaken by sickness, disease, or any infirmity of the body. The Holy Ghost dwells in me and He quickens and vitalizes my body! Glory to God! The greater One lives in me; therefore, I have no fear of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. I have passed from death to life, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I'm alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. Hence, no organ of my body fails! I’m blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter. I thank You Father for the life You have given me. I have the Son of God and, therefore, have life. I have eternal life which cannot be overtaken by sickness, disease, or any infirmity of the body. The Holy Ghost dwells in me and He quickens and vitalizes my body in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I thank You, Lord, for my life is perfected in Christ Jesus. I'm alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. Hence, no organ of my body fails! I’m blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak. I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Glory to God forever! Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I thank You, Lord, for my life is perfected in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!
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Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. I am impervious to sickness, disease, infirmity, sadness, depression, anxiety, and everything that is of this world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak. I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Glory to God forever! Hallelujah!
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I am living and working the Word. I am the manifestation of the Word. Everywhere I am, the Word is; and everywhere I go, the Word goes, because the Word is in me, living and active. I am full of health and strength. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. I am impervious to sickness, disease, infirmity, sadness, depression, anxiety, and everything that is of this world in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers. I am living and working the Word. I am the manifestation of the Word. Everywhere I am, the Word is; and everywhere I go, the Word goes, because the Word is in me, living and active. I am full of health and strength in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am never without strength because the strengthener - the Holy Spirit - is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I'm victorious at every count and in everything. As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! Glory to God! I am never without strength because the strengthener - the Holy Spirit - is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I'm victorious at every count and in everything in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Sickness does not exist in my aion because I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. I have the divine life that flourishes with health, prosperity, success, peace, and joy unspeakable. The Word of God is life to my body and it cleanses my blood and makes me perfect and whole. I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I live in health every day because I've got the eternal life of God in me. I am not subject to sickness, pain, depression, anxiety, or any form of weakness or infirmity. I will never be sick in my life because Jesus rules and reigns supreme over my life! Sickness does not exist in my aion because I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. I have the divine life that flourishes with health, prosperity, success, peace, and joy unspeakable. The Word of God is life to my body and it cleanses my blood and makes me perfect and whole in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. I am alive! I live in health every day because I've got the eternal life of God in me. I am not subject to sickness, pain, depression, anxiety, or any form of weakness or infirmity. I will never be sick in my life because Jesus rules and reigns supreme over my life in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. Glory to God! I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I declare that I am joined unto the Lord and I am one spirit with Him. Christ is the glory of my life. There is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life and the glorious blessing of salvation in Christ Jesus. My body is daily impacted by the God-life, and I radiate health and glory every day. Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! I declare that I am joined unto the Lord and I am one spirit with Him. Christ is the glory of my life. There is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life and the glorious blessing of salvation in Christ Jesus. My body is daily impacted by the God-life, and I radiate health and glory every day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and abilities! I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Because my mind is stayed on the Lord and my trust is in my heavenly Father, He keeps me in perfect peace with health, strength, and vitality. I am impregnable to sickness, disease, and death. I live the glory life every day and it is evident for all to see. The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and abilities in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Heavenly Father, I thank you for the power of your Word in my life and the glorious fruits it bears in me. My health and everything about me flourish and prosper. I enjoy life to the full, knowing that Christ has made my life beautiful. I declare that I am living in power and glory. Because my mind is stayed on the Lord and my trust is in my heavenly Father, He keeps me in perfect peace with health, strength, and vitality. I am impregnable to sickness, disease, and death. I live the glory life every day and it is evident for all to see in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. Glory to God! I am triumphant in Christ eternally! My health and everything about me flourish and prosper. I enjoy life to the full, knowing that Christ has made my life beautiful. I declare that I am living in power and glory in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps. I am born of God; therefore, I walk in divine health every day, all year round. I declare that my life is beautiful and it cannot be destroyed by any form of infirmity. I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. Glory to God! I am triumphant in Christ eternally! Hallelujah!
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Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps. I am born of God; therefore, I walk in divine health every day, all year round. I declare that my life is beautiful and it cannot be destroyed by any form of infirmity in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am not of this world! I belong to God's kingdom. I am victorious over sin, sickness, disease, and poverty. I reign supreme all the time because I am in union with God. I am more than a conqueror in this life. Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. Oh, glory! My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God. I am not of this world! I belong to God's kingdom. I am victorious over sin, sickness, disease, and poverty. I reign supreme all the time because I am in union with God. I am more than a conqueror in this life in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The very God-life is tabernacled in my body; therefore, no sickness can fasten itself to my body. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone I touch. I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. Oh, glory! My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The very God-life is tabernacled in my body; therefore, no sickness can fasten itself to my body. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone I touch in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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My life is for the glory of God and the expression of His righteousness, dominion, and excellence. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because the Spirit of Him that raised Christ from the dead lives and perambulates in me! My whole being is invigorated with the divine life. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I’m far removed from the corruption that works in this present world of darkness because I belong and live in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. With the Word of God in my mouth, I reign over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity. My life is for the glory of God and the expression of His righteousness, dominion, and excellence. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because the Spirit of Him that raised Christ from the dead lives and perambulates in me! My whole being is invigorated with the divine life in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I have received God’s nature of righteousness; therefore, I rule and reign in life. The life I live now, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. The life of Christ is continually manifested in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood. I’m far removed from the corruption that works in this present world of darkness because I belong and live in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. With the Word of God in my mouth, I reign over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am an ambassador of Christ; I’m called to reign and rule in the Name of Jesus. I am the bearer and conveyor of divine verities. Through me, the light of the glorious Gospel is made manifest. I exude ever-increasing glory, ever-increasing success, ever-increasing victory and prosperity, and ever-increasing health. I am for signs and wonders. I have received God’s nature of righteousness; therefore, I rule and reign in life. The life I live now, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. The life of Christ is continually manifested in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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The glory of God is evident in my health, finances, family, business, and ministry. Christ in me is my guarantee of perfect health, prosperity, and success. Divine health is my present-hour reality and my body responds to the Word of God only. I am an ambassador of Christ; I’m called to reign and rule in the Name of Jesus. I am the bearer and conveyor of divine verities. Through me, the light of the glorious Gospel is made manifest. I exude ever-increasing glory, ever-increasing success, ever-increasing victory and prosperity, and ever-increasing health. I am for signs and wonders in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am who God says I am, I have what He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. He has blessed me and made me a package of blessings. I am an embodiment of the fullness of His blessings! I do not walk in lack, poverty, disease, or anything that’s of the devil, for I’ve been called to inherit the blessings of righteousness and eternal life in Christ. I live according to my calling. The glory of God is evident in my health, finances, family, business, and ministry. Christ in me is my guarantee of perfect health, prosperity, and success. Divine health is my present-hour reality and my body responds to the Word of God only in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I walk in health daily. Nothing in me dies because eternal life is at work in my spirit. My faith is active and producing results. I insist on the reality of God’s Word regarding my health. My health is flourishing and I refuse to be broken by sickness, disease, failure, or death. I am living the glorious life every day! I am who God says I am, I have what He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. He has blessed me and made me a package of blessings. I am an embodiment of the fullness of His blessings! I do not walk in lack, poverty, disease, or anything that’s of the devil, for I’ve been called to inherit the blessings of righteousness and eternal life in Christ. I live according to my calling in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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Thank You, Father, for Your ability, strength, and wisdom that are mightily at work in me. I walk in health, victory, strength, prosperity, and glory every day of my life. Christ is my life, my ability, and my competence. Through Him, my potentials are limitless as I continually give expression to His glory in new ways every day. I walk in health daily. Nothing in me dies because eternal life is at work in my spirit. My faith is active and producing results. I insist on the reality of God’s Word regarding my health. My health is flourishing and I refuse to be broken by sickness, disease, failure, or death. I am living the glorious life every day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am more than a conqueror because I was born a victor. I live triumphantly above Satan and all the corrupting influences of this world by the power of the Greater One who lives in me. I am above sickness, defeat, and all the wiles and tactics of the evil one. I walk in and manifest the dominion of the Spirit of the Lord in all affairs of life. Thank You Father, for Your ability, strength, and wisdom that are mightily at work in me. I walk in health, victory, strength, prosperity, and glory every day of my life. Christ is my life, my ability, and my competence. Through Him, my potentials are limitless as I continually give expression to His glory in new ways every day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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All that I require for life and godliness has been granted me in Christ. The good life of health and peace is mine always. I use my tongue right and my confessions of faith create divine realities. I will never be sick a day in my life. Sickness, disease, failure, and death are not in my history because I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. I am more than a conqueror because I was born a victor. I live triumphantly above Satan and all the corrupting influences of this world by the power of the Greater One who lives in me. I am above sickness, defeat, and all the wiles and tactics of the evil one. I walk in and manifest the dominion of the Spirit of the Lord in all affairs of life in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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My life is a direct reflection of what God’s Word says I am. I am healthy, strong, and prosperous. I flourish in health, I get stronger each day, and I’m prospering on every side because the Lord is in me and with me. The Lord is working wonders in my life, and it is evident for all to see. All that I require for life and godliness has been granted me in Christ. The good life of health and peace is mine always. I use my tongue right and my confessions of faith create divine realities. I will never be sick a day in my life. Sickness, disease, failure, and death are not in my history because I am a new creation in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!
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I’ve got the life of God in me. It’s in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood. This very life of God in me makes me impregnable to sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. I cannot be overcome by pain, sickness, disease, or infection because of the life of God that’s at work in my body. Glory to God! My life is a direct reflection of what God’s Word says I am. I am healthy, strong, and prosperous. I flourish in health, I get stronger each day, and I’m prospering on every side because the Lord is in me and with me. The Lord is working wonders in my life, and it is evident for all to see in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I carry the divine presence of God in me. The life of God is in me and Christ in me is the hope of glory! He’s in my spirit, soul, and body. I enjoy God’s perfection in my health, peace, and joy. Praise God! The glory of the Word is seen all over me! I’ve got the life of God in me. It’s in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood. This very life of God in me makes me impregnable to sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. I cannot be overcome by pain, sickness, disease, or infection because of the life of God that’s at work in my body in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am a child of God; therefore, everything about me prospers. My health and finances prosper. The blessings of God are working in my life. His wisdom and prosperity are at work in me. His health and strength are at work in me. I carry the divine presence of God in me. The life of God is in me and Christ in me is the hope of glory! He’s in my spirit, soul, and body. I enjoy God’s perfection in my health, peace, and joy. Praise God! The glory of the Word is seen all over me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I live in God’s glorious place, where my health is ever flourishing. I carry glory in my spirit and I fill everywhere I go with the glory of God. I win for the Lord every day as I manifest His graces, perfections, excellencies, and triumph to all. I am a child of God; therefore, everything about me prospers. My health and finances prosper. The blessings of God are working in my life. His wisdom and prosperity are at work in me. His health and strength are at work in me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Greater is He that is me than He that is in the world. I’m full of the God-kind of life. It is working in me, causing me to stay in perfect health always. The glory of God is in me and radiates all over me. It is as evident in my body as it is in every area of my life. I live in God’s glorious place, where my health is ever flourishing. I carry glory in my spirit and I fill everywhere I go with the glory of God. I win for the Lord every day as I manifest His graces, perfections, excellencies, and triumph to all in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am living and working the Word. I am the manifestation of the Word. Everywhere I am, the Word is; and everywhere I go, the Word goes, because the Word is in me, living and active. I am full of health and strength. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Greater is He that is me than He that is in the world. I’m full of the God-kind of life. It is working in me, causing me to stay in perfect health always. The glory of God is in me and radiates all over me. It is as evident in my body as it is in every area of my life in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God. I don’t get sick because the health of God is in me. I cannot be weak because the strength of God is in me. I cannot be broke because I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. I am living and working the Word. I am the manifestation of the Word. Everywhere I am, the Word is; and everywhere I go, the Word goes, because the Word is in me, living and active. I am full of health and strength in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I function and operate from God’s Kingdom, where there is no sickness, weakness, or lack. I live in this Kingdom now, and I function in dominion and authority from above. Not only do I enjoy the divine life from the Kingdom of God, but also I carry its blessings everywhere I go, manifesting the glory of God. I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God. I don’t get sick because the health of God is in me. I cannot be weak because the strength of God is in me. I cannot be broke because I have all things that pertain to life and godliness in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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There is no force powerful enough to hinder my health and prosperity. I have been brought out of spiritual death into the deathless zone. I have eternal life now; therefore, I bring life to everything I touch. I live in total victory and mastery over sickness, poverty, and all the wiles of the devil because I have the dominion of Christ. I function and operate from God’s Kingdom, where there is no sickness, weakness, or lack. I live in this Kingdom now, and I function in dominion and authority from above. Not only do I enjoy the divine life from the Kingdom of God, but also I carry its blessings everywhere I go, manifesting the glory of God in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I give praise to the Father, of whom the whole family in Heaven and on earth is named, for giving me the power and authority in the Name of Jesus. I exercise dominion over principalities and powers, I live in health and prosperity, and I progress and make advancement. There is no force powerful enough to hinder my health and prosperity. I have been brought out of spiritual death into the deathless zone. I have eternal life now; therefore, I bring life to everything I touch. I live in total victory and mastery over sickness, poverty, and all the wiles of the devil because I have the dominion of Christ. Glory! Glory!! Glory to God. Hallelujah!
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Divine health is at work in me. Sickness has no power over me and I refuse to allow any abnormality in any of my systems. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! My body is perfect, strengthened, and energized. I give praise to the Father, of whom the whole family in Heaven and on earth is named, for giving me the power and authority in the Name of Jesus. I exercise dominion over principalities and powers, I live in health and prosperity, and I make great progress and advancement in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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My body is radiant with health and strength. This I enjoy, along with all the gifts and blessings of salvation that the Lord has richly blessed me with. Sickness, disease, failure, and death cannot hold me bound because God’s Word is working in me mightily; it is life to my body and medicine to my flesh. Divine health is at work in me. Sickness has no power over me and I refuse to allow any abnormality in any of my systems. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! My body is perfect, strengthened, and energized in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
Happy New Month of December. Now that you have been blessed with today's , share it to bless someone else.
My heart is full of joy. I am blessed in all things and in every way. I walk in the light as God is light. He is health for my spirit, soul, and body. All the organs of my body–my eyes, my kidneys, my lungs, and my heart, are all sound. No part of my body can ever be ravaged or damaged by sickness. My body is radiant with health and strength. This I enjoy, along with all the gifts and blessings of salvation that the Lord has richly blessed me with. Sickness, disease, failure, and death cannot hold me bound because God’s Word is working in me mightily; it is life to my body and medicine to my flesh in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
Happy New Month of December. Now that you have been blessed with today's , share it to bless someone else.
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. I do not lack in my health, finances, or in anything else. I look at myself and all I see is the glory of God, which I carry always. In everything I do and everywhere I go, I’m mindful of God’s glory and love, and that consciousness inspires me with faith and boldness to face the circumstances of life and win. My heart is full of joy. I am blessed in all things and in every way. I walk in the light as God is light. He is health for my spirit, soul, and body. All the organs of my body–my eyes, my kidneys, my lungs, and my heart, are all sound. No part of my body can ever be ravaged or damaged by sickness in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
Happy New Month of December. Now that you have been blessed with today's , share it to bless someone else.
I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and I abide under the shadow of the Almighty in health, safety, prosperity, and joy. I do not fear, for the Lord is my shield and strength! I am not perturbed by any form of evil, for I am divinely protected on every side. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. I do not lack in my health, finances, or in anything else. I look at myself and all I see is the glory of God, which I carry always. In everything I do and everywhere I go, I’m mindful of God’s glory and love, and that consciousness inspires me with faith and boldness to face the circumstances of life and win in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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Gracious Father, I thank You for the privilege of using the Name of Jesus to cause situations to conform to my advantage. Every situation that is not consistent with Your perfect will for my life is adjusted, and I live in perfect health and supernatural success always. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and I abide under the shadow of the Almighty in health, safety, prosperity, and joy. I do not fear, for the Lord is my shield and strength! I am not perturbed by any form of evil, for I am divinely protected on every side in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth, prevailing as I speak it forth. I live above Satan and the elements of this world because I am an associate of the God-kind. By my faith, I live triumphantly above sickness, disease, depression, anxiety, and over all the strategies of Satan and all his cohorts. I thank You Gracious Father, for the privilege of using the Name of Jesus to cause situations to conform to my advantage. Every situation that is not consistent with Your perfect will for my life is adjusted, and I live in perfect health and supernatural success always in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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God made me in His image and likeness. I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. The plan of the enemy concerning my health is of no effect because I am born of God. I have peace within my borders and health flows from me to everyone I come in contact with. What a glorious life! The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth, prevailing as I speak it forth. I live above Satan and the elements of this world because I am an associate of the God-kind. By my faith, I live triumphantly above sickness, disease, depression, anxiety, and over all the strategies of Satan and all his cohorts in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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We celebrate our Dear Man of God, our teacher and life Coach, Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome D.Sc DD. Thank you sir for blessing us this much. Happy Birthday, we love you sir!!!!
The Word of God is medicine and health to my body. It produces what it talks about in me. I refuse to be broken by any sickness or infirmity. I am vibrant, energetic, and full of life always. I thank You, Lord, for the life of Christ in me that makes me superhuman! I recognize Your divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. God made me in His image and likeness. I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. The plan of the enemy concerning my health is of no effect because I am born of God. I have peace within my borders and health flows from me to everyone I come in contact with in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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We celebrate our Dear Man of God, our teacher and life Coach, Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome D.Sc DD. Thank you sir for blessing us this much. Happy Birthday, we love you sir!
I live in the reality of God’s plan for my life and health. I enjoy divine health every day of my life. No symptoms of sickness can thrive in my body because the Lord Jesus has paid in full for my wellbeing. It makes no difference what I feel, hear, or see, the Word of God for my health is surer than my experience, which is subject to change. The Word of God is medicine and health to my body. It produces what it talks about in me. I refuse to be broken by any sickness or infirmity. I am vibrant, energetic, and full of life always. I thank You, Lord, for the life of Christ in me that makes me superhuman! I recognize Your divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I have been reconciled unto God. I am a member of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. I am the expression of His fullness, grace, and glory. I manifest God’s kingdom and power. I carry His life and divinity in me – spirit, soul, and body! I live in the reality of God’s plan for my life and health. I enjoy divine health every day of my life. No symptoms of sickness can thrive in my body because the Lord Jesus has paid in full for my wellbeing. It makes no difference what I feel, hear, or see, the Word of God for my health is surer than my experience, which is subject to change in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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God’s Word is in my spirit; it energizes me for success, programs me for greatness, and keeps me in perfect health. I live in health every day because my body is daily vitalized and quickened by the Spirit of God. I function with supernatural strength in my inner man. I have been reconciled unto God. I am a member of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. I am the expression of His fullness, grace, and glory. I manifest God’s kingdom and power. I carry His life and divinity in me – spirit, soul, and body in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. By virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me, I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always. God’s Word is in my spirit; it energizes me for success, programs me for greatness, and keeps me in perfect health. I live in health every day because my body is daily vitalized and quickened by the Spirit of God. I function with supernatural strength in my inner man in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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The life of God in me has supplanted the human life that was susceptible to sickness and disease. My body and everything connected to me align with God’s provisions for me. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day of my life. My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. By virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me, I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am alive unto God; therefore, I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life. The life of God in me has supplanted the human life that was susceptible to sickness and disease. My body and everything connected to me align with God’s provisions for me. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day of my life in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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The life of God is at work in me, permeating my whole being. I flourish in health and walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are my mine always. I am alive unto God; therefore, I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. The life of God is at work in me, permeating my whole being. I flourish in health and walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are my mine always in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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Eternal life is at work in me; therefore, my body is alive and active. My immune system works excellently. I am in a place of dominion and authority, where I rule and reign victoriously over sickness, disease, and infirmity. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. Eternal life is at work in me; therefore, my body is alive and active. My immune system works excellently. I am in a place of dominion and authority, where I rule and reign victoriously over sickness, disease, and infirmity in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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God’s unfailing Word has brought me to a place of rest, strength, power, and dominion. Supernatural blessings, divine health, and prosperity are mine in abundance. I’m impregnable to pain, sickness, disease, and infirmity. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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Thank You, Father, for making me an associate of the God-kind. I am conscious of the divine life that is at work in me, causing me to dwell in health every day. No infirmity can thrive in my body because Christ is my life. God’s unfailing Word has brought me to a place of rest, strength, power, and dominion. Supernatural blessings, divine health, and prosperity are mine in abundance. I’m impregnable to pain, sickness, disease, and infirmity in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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God’s Word in my mouth is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down every challenge and situation that is contrary to the provisions of the Kingdom. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in me, pulsating through every part of my body. I thank You, Precious Father, for making me an associate of the God-kind. I am conscious of the divine life that is at work in me, causing me to dwell in health every day. No infirmity can thrive in my body because Christ is my life. Hallelujah!
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I live a triumphant and glorious life in Christ, far above the world and its systems. The glory of God is at work in me; therefore, sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in or around me. My life is the manifestation of the beauty and perfection of Christ. God’s Word in my mouth is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down every challenge and situation that is contrary to the provisions of the Kingdom. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in me, pulsating through every part of my body in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen.
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Life springs up from within me because I am a life-giving spirit. I am a dispenser and a giver of life to everyone and everything I come in contact with. When I lay hands on the sick, they recover. I reject sickness in my body. I live a triumphant and glorious life in Christ, far above the world and its systems. The glory of God is at work in me; therefore, sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in or around me. My life is the manifestation of the beauty and perfection of Christ. Glory to God.
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I have received an abundance of grace, and I reign in life with dominion over sickness and death. I have received eternal life, which makes it impossible for sickness or disease to dominate my body. No infirmity can corrupt or ravage my body. Life springs up from within me because I am a life-giving spirit. I am a dispenser and a giver of life to everyone and everything I come in contact with. When I lay hands on the sick, they recover. I reject sickness in my body in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Merry Christmas!!! Now that you have been blessed with today's , kindly share it to bless someone else.
The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love. I have received an abundance of grace, and I reign in life with dominion over sickness and death. I have received eternal life, which makes it impossible for sickness or disease to dominate my body. No infirmity can corrupt or ravage my body in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
🎄Merry Christmas!!! 🌲 Now that you have been blessed with today's , kindly share it to bless someone else.
I live in the glorious liberty of my divine life in Christ. I grow daily in grace and in the wisdom of God. My body is sound; its systems and organs are functioning perfectly. I’m waxing stronger and stronger every day. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
🎄Merry Christmas!!! 🌲 Now that you have been blessed with today's , kindly share it to bless someone else.
The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. I live in the glorious liberty of my divine life in Christ. I grow daily in grace and in the wisdom of God. My body is sound; its systems and organs are functioning perfectly. I’m waxing stronger and stronger every day in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
🎄Merry Christmas!!! 🌲 Now that you have been blessed with today's , kindly share it to bless someone else.
I walk in divine health, safety, wellness, and wholeness because I am in Christ. Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory, and joy are resplendent in me and expressed through me. I am guided in wisdom to walk in God’s perfect will. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
🎄Merry Christmas!!! 🌲 Now that you have been blessed with today's , kindly share it to bless someone else.
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I walk in divine health, safety, wellness, and wholeness because I am in Christ. Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory, and joy are resplendent in me and expressed through me. I am guided in wisdom to walk in God’s perfect will in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
🎄Merry Christmas!!! 🌲 Now that you have been blessed with today's , kindly share it to bless someone else.
The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He gives life to my physical body. I’ll never be sick in my life. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now and always by the power in the name of Jesus. I affirm that I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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The Word of God is life and health to my body. Its transforming power changes the circumstances of my life and causes my health to flourish. I live in the Word always and I refuse to fear or be sick or be defeated! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of disease or infirmity. The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He gives life to my physical body. I’ll never be sick in my life. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now and always by the power in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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I declare that in this year 2022, the year of the Gathering Clouds, I have the imperishable life of God in me; therefore, I live continually in divine health and strength. Divinity is at work in me daily. I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. The Greater One lives in me. I know who I am; I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Praise the Lord! The Word of God is life and health to my body. Its transforming power changes the circumstances of my life and causes my health to flourish. I live in the Word always and I refuse to fear or be sick or be defeated! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of disease or infirmity in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Happy New Year!! Now that you have been blessed with today's , kindly share it to bless someone else.
I declare that in this year 2022, the year of the Gathering Clouds, my words are backed by divine authority. When I decree a thing, it is established. I walk in the full benefits of the salvation that Jesus Christ wrought for me, including health, peace, prosperity, and all-round success. As I speak words of life, I cause positive changes in my life, in my environment, and in the lives of those that come in contact with me. I have the imperishable life of God in me; therefore, I live continually in divine health and strength. Divinity is at work in me daily. I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. The Greater One lives in me. I know who I am; I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Happy New Year!! Now that you have been blessed with today's , kindly share it to bless someone else.
I declare that in this year 2022, the year of the Gathering Clouds, the Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth constantly, and I have the character of God’s Spirit. I am impervious to disease because the Greater One lives in me. I live above every sickness because God has raised me up together with Christ to sit in heavenly places, far above all principality and power. My words are backed by divine authority. When I decree a thing, it is established. I walk in the full benefits of the salvation that Jesus Christ wrought for me, including health, peace, prosperity, and all-round success. As I speak words of life, I cause positive changes in my life, in my environment, and in the lives of those that come in contact with me in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Happy New Year!! Now that you have been blessed with today's , kindly share it to bless someone else.
I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy. The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth constantly, and I have the character of God’s Spirit. I am impervious to disease because the Greater One lives in me. I live above every sickness because God has raised me up together with Christ to sit in heavenly places, far above all principality and power in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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In Christ, I have authority over the elements and I exercise dominion over my body. I declare that my body is the Lord’s temple and sickness is not allowed in or around it. Any sick person who comes close to me must recover because I carry God’s healing power. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy. Glory to God!
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My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. In Christ, I have authority over the elements and I exercise dominion over my body. I declare that my body is the Lord’s temple and sickness is not allowed in or around it. Any sick person who comes close to me must recover because I carry God’s healing power in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself; I have the Son, and therefore I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple. I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God. Hallelujah! My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. Praise God forever more. Hallelujah!
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Rivers of living water flow from me to the nations of the world. I am a bearer of divine verities and a source of healing and health to anyone I touch. When I lay my hands on the sick, they recover. When I speak to a situation, it hears my voice and obeys. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself; I have the Son, and therefore I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple. I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God. Hallelujah! Praise God.
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The Word is working mightily in me! The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He vitalizes my body. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now and forever. Rivers of living water flow from me to the nations of the world. I am a bearer of divine verities and a source of healing and health to anyone I touch. When I lay my hands on the sick, they recover. When I speak to a situation, it hears my voice and obeys in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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I live in Zion; therefore, sickness is far from me. My body is yielded to God as an instrument of righteousness. Sin and sickness have no dominion over me. My atmosphere is the manifest presence of the Holy Ghost. I live in perfect health always. The Word is working mightily in me! The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He vitalizes my body. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now and forever in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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My body is the temple of the living God. Therefore, only divine health is permitted to function in my members. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body, because the Spirit of God who lives in me gives life to my body and rejuvenates it day by day. I live in Zion; therefore, sickness is far from me. My body is yielded to God as an instrument of righteousness. Sin and sickness have no dominion over me. My atmosphere is the manifest presence of the Holy Ghost. I live in perfect health always in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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I am born of the incorruptible Word of God that lives and abides forever. That same Word is life and health to my flesh. The Word of God vitalizes my body and keeps it in perfect condition always. My body is the temple of the living God. Therefore, only divine health is permitted to function in my members. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body, because the Spirit of God who lives in me gives life to my body and rejuvenates it day by day in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; I am superior to all forms of sicknesses and diseases. Divinity is at work in me; therefore, I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I’m dead to this world but alive to God. I am born of the incorruptible Word of God that lives and abides forever. That same Word is life and health to my flesh. The Word of God vitalizes my body and keeps it in perfect condition always in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Sin, sickness, and death have no power over me. I rule and reign in life. I dwell in Christ, seated with Him far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; I am superior to all forms of sicknesses and diseases. Divinity is at work in me; therefore, I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. I am not of this failing world. I’m dead to this world but alive to God in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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I do not live by blood. I live by the Word of God. As the Word is incorruptible, so am I. My body is unbreakable. The Word of God grows in my spirit, producingc wellness for my body, keeping every part of my body alive and in perfect shape. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Sin, sickness, and death have no power over me. I rule and reign in life. I dwell in Christ, seated with Him far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. I do not live by blood. I live by the Word of God. As the Word is incorruptible, so am I. My body is unbreakable. The Word of God grows in my spirit, producing wellness for my body, keeping every part of my body alive and in perfect shape in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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I am an embodiment of God’s goodness. Health and the good life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus. I flourish like the palm tree, ever fresh and evergreen. I’m nourished daily by the Word of God. The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. I have overcome sickness and death! I hail from God, and as He is invincible and indestructible, so am I in this world. I am an embodiment of God’s goodness. Health and the good life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus. I flourish like the palm tree, ever fresh and evergreen. I’m nourished daily by the Word of God. Hallelujah, praise God!
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I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. I have overcome sickness and death! I hail from God, and as He is invincible and indestructible, so am I in this world. Hallelujah!
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My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. Sickness cannot stay around me; when I arrive, sickness checks out. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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The words I speak are spirit and they are life. My words carry power; when I speak a thing, it is established unto me, because I speak them in the Name of Jesus. Today, I declare that I am preserved in health always. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. Sickness cannot stay around me; when I arrive, sickness checks out in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I’ve received eternal life and it’s all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind. I am disease-proof! Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body. The words I speak are spirit and they are life. My words carry power; when I speak a thing, it is established unto me, because I speak them in the Name of Jesus. Today, I declare that I am preserved in health always in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am the effulgence of God’s glory. I am above sin, sickness, and death. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. Sickness and its symptoms have no place in me. I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I’ve received eternal life and it’s all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind. I am disease-proof! Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have the life of God in me; therefore, my health is perfect. I am sound and strong. I am getting stronger by the day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I am the effulgence of God’s glory. I am above sin, sickness, and death. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. Sickness and its symptoms have no place in me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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Dear Father, I thank You for the gift of Your Word. Your Word is working in me mightily, producing fruits of righteousness in me. I live in health, supernatural abundance, perpetual victory, and strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have the life of God in me; therefore, my health is perfect. I am sound and strong. I am getting stronger by the day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I increase in wisdom daily in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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Christ in me makes me well; I cannot be sick. I am full of gladness, and I’ve got joy unspeakable and full of glory. The joy of the Lord is my strength; therefore, I am strong and full of divine energy at all times. The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth. I am a new creation in Christ; therefore, I refuse to be sick. Sickness is not in my nature. I have Zoé – the God-kind of life that makes me supernaturally healthy. I am alive unto God in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am joined unto the Lord and I am one Spirit with Him. I am full of the life-giving power of God, and every cell of my body responds to it. This means that there is no space for anything that is not of God in my body. I am excellent and full of glory! Christ in me makes me well; I cannot be sick. I am full of gladness, and I’ve got joy unspeakable and full of glory. The joy of the Lord is my strength; therefore, I am strong and full of divine energy at all times in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. Therefore, I live worthy of all that Jesus Christ wrought for me. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and the excellencies of Christ to my world. Glory to God forever. I am joined unto the Lord and I am one Spirit with Him. I am full of the life-giving power of God, and every cell of my body responds to it. This means that there is no space for anything that is not of God in my body. I declare that I am excellent and full of glory in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am energized, strengthened, and full of life every day. I live the transcendent life in Christ, far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His kind of life. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and ability! Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. Therefore, I live worthy of all that Jesus Christ wrought for me. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and the excellencies of Christ to my world in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am not moved by what I feel, see, or hear because I am full of faith. I’m ever radiant in health and I live victoriously in all that concerns me. The glorious life in Christ is continually manifested in my spirit and it is evident in all that I do. I am energized, strengthened, and full of life every day. I live the transcendent life in Christ, far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His kind of life. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and ability in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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I refuse to be broken by sickness, disease, or any form of infirmity because Jesus’ body was bruised and broken for me. I live persistently above sickness, disease, and infirmity; for as Jesus is, so am I in this world. Glory to God! I am not moved by what I feel, see, or hear because I am full of faith. I’m ever radiant in health and I live victoriously in all that concerns me. The glorious life in Christ is continually manifested in my spirit and it is evident in all that I do in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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The life of God is in me; working in me mightily. He has given this life to me to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength today and every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. I refuse to be broken by sickness, disease, or any form of infirmity because Jesus’ body was bruised and broken for me. I live persistently above sickness, disease, and infirmity; for as Jesus is, so am I in this world in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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I am a king-priest and my words are full of extraordinary power. I decree peace, health, success, and victory into every aspect of my life. I take absolute charge over my life and proclaim that all things are working in my favor. The life of God is in me; working in me mightily. He has given this life to me to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength today and every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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I am assured of the glory and grace of God in my life. The Lord has given to me eternal life – the never-ending life of God; where I am in dominion over sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I live in the deathless, fearless and ageless zone. I am a king-priest and my words are full of extraordinary power. I decree peace, health, success, and victory into every aspect of my life. I take absolute charge over my life and proclaim that all things are working in my favor in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; sin, sickness, and death have no power over me. Every facet of my life has been supplanted with the very life of God; therefore, my body is daily inundated with divine health, and the Spirit of God gives it life because of righteousness. I am assured of the glory and grace of God in my life. The Lord has given to me eternal life – the never-ending life of God; where I am in dominion over sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I live in the deathless, fearless and ageless zone in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; sin, sickness, and death have no power over me. Every facet of my life has been supplanted with the very life of God; therefore, my body is daily inundated with divine health, and the Spirit of God gives it life because of righteousness in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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I walk in the reality of my inheritance in Christ, strengthened and energized by the Spirit for the glory life. I disallow sickness from having its way in my body. I dwell in health all the days of my life. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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I live above the systems of the world. I’m seated together with Christ, far above principalities, powers, and the elements of this realm. I am confident that my body is a manifestation of God’s glory upon me. I walk daily in perfect health. I walk in the reality of my inheritance in Christ, strengthened and energized by the Spirit for the glory life. I disallow sickness from having its way in my body. I dwell in health all the days of my life in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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My body belongs to Christ and I am a part of His body. As Jesus is so I am in this World. I walk in health, vitality and wholeness. Nothing of death or sickness can be found in my body for my body is an expression of ever increasing Grace. I live above the systems of the world. I’m seated together with Christ, far above principalities, powers, and the elements of this realm. I am confident that my body is a manifestation of God’s glory upon me. I walk daily in perfect health in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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By the power of God’s Spirit, I’m reigning in life–in my health, finances, job, and every area of my life. I walk in the victory and dominion of Christ today. I manifest life, glory, and excellence in every fiber of my being, and I grow from strength to strength every day. My body belongs to Christ and I am a part of His body. As Jesus is so I am in this World. I walk in health, vitality and wholeness. Nothing of death or sickness can be found in my body for my body is an expression of ever increasing Grace in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can lodge in it. I cut out any disease-germ or growth that tries to attach itself to my body, in the Name of Jesus, and I continually glorify God in my spirit and my body as I walk in divine health always. By the power of God’s Spirit, I’m reigning in life–in my health, finances, job, and every area of my life. I walk in the victory and dominion of Christ today. I manifest life, glory, and excellence in every fiber of my being, and I grow from strength to strength every day in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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Dear Father, I thank You for Your Word; it is the truth by which I live daily. The knowledge of Your Word in my spirit puts me over and gives me the victory today! Fear, sickness, poverty, and death have no place in me because I live by faith in Your Word, which is my recipe for total success, victory, prosperity, and divine health. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can lodge in it. I cut out any disease-germ or growth that tries to attach itself to my body, in the Name of Jesus, and I continually glorify God in my spirit and my body as I walk in divine health always in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word. I thank You Precious Father for Your Word; it is the truth by which I live daily. The knowledge of Your Word in my spirit puts me over and gives me the victory today! Fear, sickness, poverty, and death have no place in me because I live by faith in Your Word, which is my recipe for total success, victory, prosperity, and divine health in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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The word of God produces Supernatural strength in me today. I experience its transforming power in every part of my body. I am living an exceptionally great life in this earth and I'm in perpetual dominion over sickness and life's circumstance. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
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My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. The word of God produces Supernatural strength in me today. I experience its transforming power in every part of my body. I am living an exceptionally great life in this earth and I'm in perpetual dominion over sickness and life's circumstance. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. Glory to God!
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My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always in Jesus Name. Amen!
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I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The Lord is my rock and my fortress, my shield and hiding place; therefore, I’m assured that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, for I am divinely protected from the perils and evils in the world. I declare that I’m fortified against sickness, disease, and infirmity. I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. The Lord is my rock and my fortress, my shield and hiding place; therefore, I’m assured that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, for I am divinely protected from the perils and evils in the world. I declare that I’m fortified against sickness, disease, and infirmity in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I have absolute faith in God and His unfailing and eternal Word! No contrary wind, circumstance, or situation that I face can dissipate my confidence in God’s Word! Through the power of God’s Word, my faith prevails today, and I affirm that I am living in perfect health, divine vitality, and supernatural abilities. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. Daily, this eternal life is manifested through me, effecting changes in my body and transforming circumstances in my life to conform to God’s Word. I have absolute faith in God and His unfailing and eternal Word! No contrary wind, circumstance, or situation that I face can dissipate my confidence in God’s Word! Through the power of God’s Word, my faith prevails today, and I affirm that I am living in perfect health, divine vitality, and supernatural abilities in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I am guided in the path of life and led by the Spirit in the direction of God’s perfect will for me. Today, I declare that I function in supernatural wisdom and this propels me to walk in divine health, strength, vigor, and peace. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. Daily, this eternal life is manifested through me, effecting changes in my body and transforming circumstances in my life to conform to God’s Word in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I thank God for the unveiling of His Word in my spirit today and always. Now I know that I cannot be sick or disadvantaged because the “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. There is no area of darkness in my life and health because the light of God’s Word has illuminated my entire being. I am guided in the path of life and led by the Spirit in the direction of God’s perfect will for me. Today, I declare that I function in supernatural wisdom and this propels me to walk in divine health, strength, vigor, and peace in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I act on the Word of God continually, causing circumstances to conform to the Lord’s expectations for my life. I’ve got the life of God in me and I win for Him always. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous by the power of the Holy Spirit. I thank God for the unveiling of His Word in my spirit today and always. Now I know that I cannot be sick or disadvantaged because the “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. There is no area of darkness in my life and health because the light of God’s Word has illuminated my entire being in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. I act on the Word of God continually, causing circumstances to conform to the Lord’s expectations for my life. I’ve got the life of God in me and I win for Him always. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous by the power of the Holy Spirit in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I am one with divinity and I have eternal life coursing through my being; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can stay in my body. I live a successful, healthy, and victorious life because I’m one with God’s Spirit and I have no association with death. Glory to God! The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion–the city of the living God. Therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen; the Spirit of God is working effectually in me today and always. The life of God in me Spirit destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. I am one with divinity and I have eternal life coursing through my being; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can stay in my body. I live a successful, healthy, and victorious life because I’m one with God’s Spirit and I have no association with death in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The Holy Spirit lives in me and I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and my world, for His power is in me! My faith is working and producing results today! I affirm that my faith grows mightily and prevails. I advance from glory to glory and from strength to strength always! I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion–the city of the living God. Therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen; the Spirit of God is working effectually in me today and always. The life of God in my Spirit destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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My faith is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know faith always works. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world; I know that divine life, health, and perfect peace are my present-hour possessions. I dominate the circumstances of life today and I declare that all things are working together for my good. The Holy Spirit lives in me and I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and my world, for His power is in me! My faith is working and producing results today! I affirm that my faith grows mightily and prevails. I advance from glory to glory and from strength to strength always in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I live and walk by faith and not by sight. I’m not moved by what I see, feel, or hear. I’m moved only by the Word of God! My life is going forward and upward only and nothing is impossible unto me. Christ in me brings strength into my spirit, soul, and body. I am rejuvenated and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, good success, and continual promotions, dealing wisely in all affairs of life. My faith is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know faith always works. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world; I know that divine life, health, and perfect peace are my present-hour possessions. I dominate the circumstances of life today and I declare that all things are working together for my good in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I affirm that I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have the authority to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that corrupts, harms, or contaminates the body. By the power vested in the all-conquering Name of Jesus, I live the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always. I live and walk by faith and not by sight. I’m not moved by what I see, feel, or hear. I’m moved only by the Word of God! My life is going forward and upward only and nothing is impossible unto me. Christ in me brings strength into my spirit, soul, and body. I am rejuvenated and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, good success, and continual promotions, dealing wisely in all affairs of life in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The Word of God is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs; the pulsating life of God has dominated my body, making it impenetrable to adverse health conditions. My health blossoms continually because I live by the Word. I affirm that I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have the authority to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that corrupts, harms, or contaminates the body. By the power vested in the all-conquering Name of Jesus, I live the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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As the Lord Jesus is, so am I; therefore, I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body. The Word of God is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs; the pulsating life of God has dominated my body, making it impenetrable to adverse health conditions. My health blossoms continually because I live by the Word. I am victorious always in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I belong to Christ and I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! I know what the Word says about me. I affirm that I’m filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! The totality of divinity is tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today! As the Lord Jesus is, so am I; therefore, I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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God’s Word is my light and my life! It’s the nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my flesh! I live by the Word always and declare that its mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says. I have a testimony of the Word in my life; it is a testimony of eternal life, perfect health, matchless strength, and energizing power. I belong to Christ and I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! I know what the Word says about me. I affirm that I’m filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! The totality of divinity is tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. I’m lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world. God’s Word is my light and my life! It’s the nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my flesh! I live by the Word always and declare that its mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says. I have a testimony of the Word in my life; it is a testimony of eternal life, perfect health, matchless strength, and energizing power in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. I’m lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have searched out. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The Lord has satisfied me with long life and good health. Thus, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, I live in perfect health all the days of my life. No infirmity can thrive in my body. I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have searched out. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. I live in the fullness of God's love and blessings and my life is from glory to glory. The Lord has satisfied me with long life and good health. Thus, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, I live in perfect health all the days of my life. No infirmity can thrive in my body. I am healthy and strong in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. I live in the fullness of God's love and blessings and my life is from glory to glory. I am a child of God; born for the glory life. I give thanks to God for the life of Christ that is at work in me mightily, making me indestructible and insusceptible to sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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Everything about me exudes the life of Christ. Therefore, my health does not fail; rather, it is ever radiant and ever-flourishing. I cause healing and health to prosper in my environment and in the lives of those I come in contact with. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. I live in the fullness of God's love and blessings and my life is from glory to glory in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means. I am surrounded on every side by the goodness of God. I am protected from every form of evil and I am impervious to the things that kill ordinary men. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ. Therefore, my health does not fail; rather, it is ever radiant and ever-flourishing. I cause healing and health to prosper in my environment and in the lives of those I come in contact with. I am a dispenser of eternal verities in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I walk in the reality of my divine life in Christ. Daily, I enjoy good health, strength, and vitality as the righteousness of God is manifested in and through me. Everything about my life proves the veracity of the life of Christ in me. The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means. I am surrounded on every side by the goodness of God. I am protected from every form of evil and I am impervious to the things that kill ordinary men. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ. Therefore, my health does not fail in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. I am filled with all the fullness of God. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. What a delight! I walk in the reality of my divine life in Christ. Daily, I enjoy good health, strength, and vitality as the righteousness of God is manifested in and through me. Everything about my life proves the veracity of the life of Christ in me. The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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Christ is the glory of my life. His divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. Therefore, I do not lack any good thing. My life is replete with health, vigor, a sound mind, and strength. I am invigorated with divine energy. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. I am filled with all the fullness of God. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. What a delight! I walk in the reality of my divine life in Christ. Daily, I enjoy good health, strength, and vitality in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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Father, I thank You for causing Your perfect will concerning my health to be fulfilled. Always, my health is bursting forth, even as my soul prospers. I am alive to God and my flourishing and limitless prosperity cause men to come to the Lord and glorify His Name. Christ is the glory of my life. His divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. Therefore, I do not lack any good thing. My life is replete with health, vigor, a sound mind, and strength. I am invigorated with divine energy. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. I am filled with all the fullness of God in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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Christ is the glory of my life. His divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. Therefore, I do not lack any good thing. My life is replete with health, vigor, a sound mind, and strength. I am invigorated with divine energy. Father, I thank You for causing Your perfect will concerning my health to be fulfilled. Always, my health is bursting forth, even as my soul prospers. I am alive to God and my flourishing and limitless prosperity cause men to come to the Lord and glorify His Name. Christ is the glory of my life. His divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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Father, I thank You for causing Your perfect will concerning my health to be fulfilled. Always, my health is bursting forth, even as my soul prospers. I am alive to God and my flourishing and limitless prosperity cause men to come to the Lord and glorify His Name. Christ is the glory of my life. His divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. Therefore, I do not lack any good thing. My life is replete with health, vigor, a sound mind, and strength. I am invigorated with divine energy. My health is bursting forth, even as my soul prospers. I am alive to God in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The Word of God is mingled with my spirit, producing what it says in my body. It pierces into every fiber of my being and every bone of my body, quickening them and vitalizing my body. I am alive and well. I live in the Word always and I refuse fear, sickness, and death. Father, I thank You for causing Your perfect will concerning my health to be fulfilled. Always, my health is bursting forth, even as my soul prospers. I am alive to God and my flourishing and limitless prosperity cause men to come to the Lord and glorify His Name. Christ is the glory of my life. His divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I am strengthened with might by God's Spirit; fortified with divine energy. Sickness cannot attach itself to my body because I have the life and nature of God in me. I live daily with a consciousness of my divine life in Christ. The Word of God is mingled with my spirit, producing what it says in my body. It pierces into every fiber of my being and every bone of my body, quickening them and vitalizing my body. I am alive and well. I live in the Word always and I refuse fear, sickness, and death. Always, my health is bursting forth, even as my soul prospers in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I am invigorated with miracle-working ability. I am sufficient in God's sufficiency and blessed with the divine life that is impregnable to sickness and disease. I live constantly in health and strength. Blessed be God! I am strengthened with might by God's Spirit; fortified with divine energy. Sickness cannot attach itself to my body because I have the life and nature of God in me. I live daily with a consciousness of my divine life in Christ. The Word of God is mingled with my spirit, producing what it says in my body in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I take advantage of God's provisions in the Gospel for my health. My body is sound; every organ and system is functioning excellently well. My health blossoms because the Lord is the strength of my life and His Word is health to my flesh. I am invigorated with miracle-working ability. I am sufficient in God's sufficiency and blessed with the divine life that is impregnable to sickness and disease. I live constantly in health and strength. I am fortified with divine energy. Sickness cannot attach itself to my body in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The power of the Holy Spirit is at work in me, causing my youth to be renewed daily. I am growing stronger and stronger every day to the praise and glory of God. My life is a testimony of consistent victories and all-around success. I take advantage of God's provisions in the Gospel for my health. My body is sound; every organ and system is functioning excellently well. My health blossoms because the Lord is the strength of my life and His Word is health to my flesh. I am invigorated with miracle-working ability and am sufficient in God's sufficiency and blessed with the divine life that is impregnable to sickness and disease. I live constantly in health and strength. I am fortified with divine energy in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen!
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God’s Word is my reality. I am living proof that the Word of God works because it produces life, wholeness, and soundness in my spirit, soul, and body. Its transforming power makes my life beautiful and causes my health to flourish in ever-increasing beauty. The power of the Holy Spirit is at work in me, causing my youth to be renewed daily. I am growing stronger and stronger every day to the praise and glory of God. My life is a testimony of consistent victories and all-around success. I take advantage of God's provisions in the Gospel for my health and I declare my body healthy and sound in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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Father, I thank You for my life is preserved in Christ. I enjoy good health daily because Christ is alive in me. My body is not subject to any form of disease or infirmity. Nothing negative or destructive can dominate my life because the Word of God has dominion here. God’s Word is my reality. I am living proof that the Word of God works because it produces life, wholeness, and soundness in my spirit, soul, and body. Its transforming power makes my life beautiful and causes my health to flourish in ever-increasing beauty. The power of the Holy Spirit is at work in me, causing my youth to be renewed daily in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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Eternal life is in my spirit and the life of Christ is the light of my life; therefore, I refuse to allow any transaction or manifestation of darkness in my life. I am in Christ, a place of safety, authority, and dominion, where righteousness reigns supreme. I thank You righteous Father for my life is preserved in Christ. I enjoy good health daily because Christ is alive in me. My body is not subject to any form of disease or infirmity. Nothing negative or destructive can dominate my life because the Word of God has dominion here and it is my reality. I am strengthened with might by God's Spirit; fortified with divine energy. Sickness cannot attach itself to my body because I have the life and nature of God in me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am alive in Christ. I am born of God; therefore, I live in victory and dominion over sickness and death. I glorify God in my body and in my spirit with health and wholeness, and nothing in me is ‘sickable’ or prone to death. Praise God! Eternal life is in my spirit and the life of Christ is the light of my life; therefore, I refuse to allow any transaction or manifestation of darkness in my life. I am in Christ, a place of safety, authority, and dominion, where righteousness reigns supreme. I enjoy good health daily because Christ is alive in me. My body is not subject to any form of disease or infirmity. I am strengthened with might by God’s Spirit in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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The life of God in me makes me more than a man; I refuse to be ordinary. Sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in my life. Health, strength, and victory are mine, and I live victoriously at all times. I am alive in Christ. I am born of God; therefore, I live in victory and dominion over sickness and death. I glorify God in my body and in my spirit with health and wholeness, and nothing in me is ‘sickable’ or prone to death. Eternal life is in my spirit and the life of Christ is the light of my life; therefore, I refuse to allow any transaction or manifestation of darkness in my life in the Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. The life of God in me makes me more than a man; I refuse to be ordinary. I am alive in Christ. I am born of God; therefore, I live in victory and dominion over sickness and death. Sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in my life. Health, strength, and victory are mine, and I live victoriously at all times in the Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am rejuvenated and restored because the very essence of life and divinity is resident in my body. I am imperishable because the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead quickens my body through and through. I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. The life of God in me makes me more than a man; I refuse to be ordinary. I am born of God; therefore, I live in victory and dominion over sickness and death in the Name of Jesus. Amen!
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Christ is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion. There’s no place for sickness in my body. I am conscious of this truth every day and it makes me invulnerable to sickness and anything that hurts. I am rejuvenated and restored because the very essence of life and divinity is resident in my body. I am imperishable because the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead quickens my body through and through. I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. Glory to God!!!
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Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me. Christ is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion. There’s no place for sickness in my body. I am conscious of this truth every day and it makes me invulnerable to sickness and anything that hurts. I am rejuvenated and restored because the very essence of life and divinity is resident in my body, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick. I glorify God in my body, and by the Spirit, it functions perfectly all the time because it is the Lord’s. Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me. I affirm that Christ is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion in the precious Name of Jesus. Amen!
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The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick. I glorify God in my body, and by the Spirit, it functions perfectly all the time because it is the Lord’s. Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I thank You, Lord, for Your glory and righteousness that are resident in my spirit, causing me to prosper in my health and in all things. I am not subject to sickness; I am an overcomer in Christ Jesus. The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick! Glory to God!!!
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I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principality and power, far above the devil and his minions, and far above sickness and disease. I live the glorious life of God who above all and cannot be brought down by anything. I thank You, Lord, for Your glory and righteousness that are resident in my spirit, causing me to prosper in my health and in all things. I am not subject to sickness; I am an overcomer in Christ Jesus. The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body because I am daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me, which I received when I obtained salvation. God’s Word is established in my life and it is evident for the world to see. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principality and power, far above the devil and his minions, and far above sickness and disease. I live the glorious life of God who is above all and cannot be brought down by anything. I declare that God's glory and righteousness are resident in my spirit. They cause me to prosper in my health and in all things in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me, which I received when I obtained salvation. God’s Word is established in my life and it is evident for the world to see. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principality and power, far above the devil and his minions, and far above sickness and disease in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen!
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Christ is manifested in my body and in my spirit, which are God's. Infirmity and sickness have no place in me. I am the temple of the living God. I refuse to let sickness take a hold of my body. I have the unconquerable life of God in me; I cannot be sick! Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me in Jesus Name! Amen!
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Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to die for me. He died, was buried, and rose in victory for my justification. He died that I may no longer die, be sick, or be in pain. Therefore, I live a glorious life. Today, I declare that I will never be broken by infirmity and anything that binds because I have the eternal life of God in me. Christ is manifested in my body and in my spirit, which are God's. Infirmity and sickness have no place in me. I am the temple of the living God. I refuse to let sickness take a hold of my body. I have the unconquerable life of God in me. The very life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success in Jesus Name! Amen!
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Glory to God! I function from the realm of the supernatural. I am not susceptible to any affliction or infirmity. When men are cast down by sickness or pandemics, I declare that there is lifting, and I lift people everywhere to the level of the God-kind of faith. Jesus died, was buried, and rose in victory for my justification. He died that I may no longer die, be sick, or be in pain. Therefore, I live a glorious life. Today, I declare that I will never be broken by infirmity and anything that binds because I have the eternal life of God in me. I affirm that Christ is manifested in my body and in my spirit, which are God's. Infirmity and sickness have no place in me. I am the temple of the living God. I refuse to let sickness take a hold of my body in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen!
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The Greater one lives in me therefore I have no fear of death, sickness, disease or infirmity. I have passed from death to life for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always. I function from the realm of the supernatural. I am not susceptible to any affliction or infirmity. When men are cast down by sickness or pandemics, I declare that there is lifting, and I lift people everywhere to the level of the God-kind of faith. Jesus died, was buried, and rose in victory for my justification. He died that I may no longer die, be sick, or be in pain. Therefore, I live a glorious life today and always. I affirm that Christ is manifested in my body and in my spirit in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
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Father, I thank You for the life You have given me. I have the Son of God and, therefore, have life. I have eternal life which cannot be overtaken by sickness, disease, or any infirmity of the body. The Holy Ghost dwells in me and He quickens and vitalizes my body! The Greater one lives in me therefore I have no fear of death, sickness, disease or infirmity. I have passed from death to life for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God forever!
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I'm alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. Hence, no organ of my body fails! I’m blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter. I thank You Father, for the life You have given me. I have the Son of God and, therefore, have life. I have eternal life which cannot be overtaken by sickness, disease, or any infirmity of the body. The Holy Ghost dwells in me and He quickens and vitalizes my body! I have passed from death to life for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, Satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I thank You, Lord, for my life is perfected in Christ Jesus. I'm alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. Hence, no organ of my body fails! I’m blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter. I have the Son of God and, therefore, I have life. I have eternal life which cannot be overtaken by sickness, disease, or any infirmity of the body in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Happy Easter to you. We celebrate the risen Christ! Now that you have been blessed with today's , kindly share it to bless someone else.
The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak. I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I'm alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Happy Easter to you. We celebrate the risen Christ! Now that you have been blessed with today's , kindly share it to bless someone else.
Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. I am impervious to sickness, disease, infirmity, sadness, depression, anxiety, and everything that is of this world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak. I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The Word of God is working in me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. I am impervious to sickness, disease, infirmity, sadness, depression, anxiety, and everything that is of this world. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak. I reject inferiority or anything that represents darkness in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Sickness does not exist in my aiōn because I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. I have the divine life that flourishes with health, prosperity, success, peace, and joy unspeakable. The Word of God is life to my body and it cleanses my blood and makes me perfect and whole. I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I affirm that I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I live in health every day because I’ve got the eternal life of God in me. I am not subject to sickness, pain, depression, anxiety, or any form of weakness or infirmity. I will never be sick in my life because Jesus rules and reigns supreme over my life!Sickness does not exist in my aiōn because I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. I have the divine life that flourishes with health, prosperity, success, peace, and joy unspeakable. The Word of God is life to my body and it cleanses my blood and makes me perfect and whole. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. I am alive! I live in health every day because I’ve got the eternal life of God in me. I am not subject to sickness, pain, depression, anxiety, or any form of weakness or infirmity. I will never be sick in my life because Jesus rules and reigns supreme over my life! I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. I have the divine life that flourishes with health, prosperity, success, peace, and joy unspeakable in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I declare that I am joined unto the Lord and I am one spirit with Him. Christ is the glory of my life. There is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life and the glorious blessing of salvation in Christ Jesus. My body is daily impacted by the God-life, and I radiate health and glory every day. I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. I am alive and I will never be sick in my life because Jesus rules and reigns supreme over my life in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. I declare that I am joined unto the Lord and I am one spirit with Him. Christ is the glory of my life. There is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life and the glorious blessing of salvation in Christ Jesus. My body is daily impacted by the God-life, and I radiate health and glory every day. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. I am alive. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. I declare that there is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life that God gave me. I radiate health and glory every day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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My mind is stayed on the Lord and my trust is in my heavenly Father, He keeps me in perfect peace with health, strength, and vitality. I am impregnable to sickness, disease, and death. I live the glory life every day and it is evident for all to see. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and abilities! My mind is stayed on the Lord and my trust is in my heavenly Father, He keeps me in perfect peace with health, strength, and vitality. I am impregnable to sickness, disease, and death. I live the glory life every day and it is evident for all to see. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. Glory to God! I am triumphant in Christ eternally! The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and abilities! I am impregnable to sickness, disease, and death. I live the glory life every day and it is evident for all to see in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps. I am born of God; therefore, I walk in divine health every day, all year round. I declare that my life is beautiful and it cannot be destroyed by any form of infirmity. I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. Glory to God! I am triumphant in Christ eternally! The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life. I am not ordinary. I function always with supernatural strength and abilities! I am impregnable to sickness, disease, and death in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I function limitless wisdom, limitless power and limitless wealth. Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps. I am born of God; therefore, I walk in divine health every day, all year round. I declare that my life is beautiful and it cannot be destroyed by any form of infirmity. I affirm that I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am not of this world! I belong to God’s Kingdom. I am victorious over sin, sickness, disease, and poverty. I reign supreme all the time because I am in union with God. I am more than a conqueror in this life. I function limitless wisdom, limitless power and limitless wealth. Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. Oh, glory! My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God. I am not of this world! I belong to God’s Kingdom. I am victorious over sin, sickness, disease, and poverty. I reign supreme all the time because I am in union with God. I am more than a conqueror in this life. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. Oh, glory! My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God. I am not of this world! I belong to God’s Kingdom. I am victorious over sin, sickness, disease, and poverty and death in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The very God-life is tabernacled in my body; therefore, no sickness can fasten itself to my body. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone I touch. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. Today, I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I am in perpetual dominion over sickness and life’s circumstances. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The very God-life is tabernacled in my body; therefore, no sickness can fasten itself to my body. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone I touch. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception. I declare my victory over sickness, poverty, failure and death in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.
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The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. Today, I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I am in perpetual dominion over sickness and life’s circumstances. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone and everything I touch in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.
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The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead is alive in me. He is vitalizing every part of my body; repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and anything that’s not of God from my life. I live my best every day, to the glory of God. The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I am in perpetual dominion over sickness and life’s circumstances in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Divine health is my nature; therefore, I am not subject to the elements of this world and my body cannot be dominated or put under by headaches, fever, diabetes, or any manner of sickness or disease. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead is alive in me. He is vitalizing every part of my body; repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and anything that’s not of God from my life. I live my best every day, to the glory of God. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me. Divine health is my nature; therefore, I am not subject to the elements of this world and my body cannot be dominated or put under by headaches, fever, diabetes, or any manner of sickness or disease. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead is alive in me. He is vitalizing every part of my body; repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and anything that’s not of God from my life in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Health is my birthright. My body conforms to the Word of God at all times, for it is the house of the Holy Ghost. I refuse anything that is inconsistent with God’s Word. I live and enjoy the glorious and victorious life. I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me. I exercise dominion over the forces of darkness, and I cut down their activities in my life. I take charge from the realm of the spirit today, speaking words of victory, prosperity, health and strength. With the Word of God in my mouth, I triumph gloriously, reigning and prevailing over all circumstances in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a sure testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. I exercise dominion over the forces of darkness, and I cut down their activities in my life. I take charge from the realm of the spirit today, speaking words of victory, prosperity, health and strength. With the Word of God in my mouth, I triumph gloriously, reigning and prevailing over all circumstances. I affirm that divine health is my birthright. My body conforms to the Word of God at all times, for it is the house of the Holy Ghost. I refuse anything that is inconsistent with God’s Word. I live and enjoy the glorious and victorious life in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a sure testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Thank You, dear Father, for the power in the Name of Jesus. Thank You for the privilege of using this Name to render the power of the enemy useless. In the Name of Jesus, I’m healthy and whole, not subject to the afflictions and corruptions that are in the world. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. My life is a sure testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. Everyday, the Lord is my portion and my joy overflows continually in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I live a great life; a life free of pain, sadness, and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity connected to me. Thank You, dear Father, for the power in the Name of Jesus and for the privilege of using this Name to render the power of the enemy useless. And in the Name of Jesus, I declare that I’m healthy and whole. I am not subject to the afflictions and corruptions that are in the world. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead is alive in me. He is vitalizing every part of my body; repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and anything that’s not of God from my life. I affirm that the name of Jesus is the ultimate authority in my life! Glory to God.
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I cannot be sick because Jesus makes me well. He has paralyzed the works of the enemy and has brought them to nothing. Therefore, I reign over Satan and his cohorts of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus. I live a great life; a life free of pain, sadness, and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity connected to me. In the Name of Jesus, I declare that I’m healthy and whole. I am not subject to the afflictions and corruptions that are in the world. I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Praise the Lord!
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I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I dwell in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness. I cannot be sick because Jesus makes me well. He has paralyzed the works of the enemy and has brought them to nothing. Therefore, I reign over Satan and his cohorts of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus. I know who I am! I am from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
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I am full of power and the Holy Ghost. By the authority vested in me in Christ Jesus, I cut off any form of sickness or disease that may try to invade my body or any influence of Satan in my direction. Jesus is Lord of my life, therefore, I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I dwell in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness. Jesus has paralyzed the works of the enemy and has brought them to nothing. Therefore, I reign over Satan and his cohorts of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus. For His name has the ultimate and supreme authority. Hallelujah!
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I rejoice always because the Lord has set me on the path of righteousness. My life is filled with peace and prosperity, my body is kept in perfect health, and my days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory. I am full of power and the Holy Ghost. By the authority vested in me in Christ Jesus, I cut off any form of sickness or disease that may try to invade my body or any influence of Satan in my direction. Jesus is Lord of my life, therefore, I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I dwell in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness, disease, failure and death in Jesus Matchless Name! Amen.
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Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I am living in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me. I rejoice always because the Lord has set me on the path of righteousness. My life is filled with peace and prosperity, my body is kept in perfect health, and my days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory. I will never allow sickness in my body for the same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead is alive in me. He is vitalizing every part of my body; repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and anything that’s not of God from my life. I declare that I am full of power in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen.
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My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I am from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I am living in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me. I rejoice always because the Lord has set me on the path of righteousness. My life is filled with peace and prosperity, my body is kept in perfect health, and my days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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Thanks be unto God who has fulfilled His promise of healing and health in me. I now live in health because Christ has blessed me with the divine life. Sickness cannot take hold of any part of my body because I am born of God. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I am from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here! Thanks be unto God who has fulfilled His promise of healing and health in me. I now live in health because Christ has blessed me with the divine life. Sickness cannot take hold of any part of my body because I am born of God. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I am from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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My spirit is conditioned by the Word of God; my spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed as I meditate on God’s Word to me. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God my Father. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here! I now live in health because Christ has blessed me with the divine life. Sickness cannot take hold of any part of my body because I am born of God. I am a water-carrying cloud; I speak words of life to my body and it responds. My body is full of life. Death, sickness, and the power of darkness have nothing in me. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord my God is King eternal; His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. My spirit is conditioned by the Word of God; my spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed as I meditate on God’s Word to me. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God my Father in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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Thank You, Father, for Your love that envelopes me. Thank You for giving me a new life in Christ Jesus that is full of glory and joy unspeakable. My life does not accommodate pain, sickness, death, or anything that is of the devil. The Lord my God is King eternal. He is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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Daily, as I meditate on the glory of God through the Word, my life is transformed from glory to glory. The Word of God is evidently manifested in my health, ministry, business, finances, and all that I lay my hands upon to do. Thank You, Father, for giving me a new life in Christ Jesus that is full of glory and joy unspeakable. My life does not accommodate pain, sickness, death, or anything that is of the devil. The Lord my God is King eternal and He reigns forever. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of agelessness, wantlessness and deathlessness. His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. When I show up, God’s presence is manifested and lives are transformed. Daily, as I meditate on the glory of God through the Word, my life is transformed from glory to glory. The Word of God is evidently manifested in my health, ministry, business, finances, and all that I lay my hands upon to do. My life in Christ Jesus is full of glory and joy unspeakable. My life does not accommodate pain, sickness, death, or anything that is of the devil. The Lord my God is King eternal and He reigns forever. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of agelessness, wantlessness and deathlessness. His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. When I show up, God’s presence is manifested and lives are transformed. Daily, as I meditate on the glory of God through the Word, my life is transformed from glory to glory. The Word of God is evidently manifested in my health, ministry, business, finances, and all that I lay my hands upon to do in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
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My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. When I show up, God’s presence is manifested and lives are transformed. Glory to God forever! Hallelujah.
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I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. I affirm that my spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I refuse sickness from having its way in my life because I have taken hold of eternal life. Everything about me bears fruits of righteousness, and my life is characterized by excellence, success, divine health, prosperity, strength, and joy. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and safety always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I live the victorious life. I refuse sickness from having its way in my life because I have taken hold of eternal life. Everything about me bears fruits of righteousness, and my life is characterized by excellence, success, divine health, prosperity, strength, and joy. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am guided in the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake. There’s no death in my path! In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into the glorious and higher realms of life. I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and safety always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I live the victorious life because I have taken hold of eternal life. Everything about me bears fruits of righteousness, and my life is characterized by excellence, success, divine health, prosperity, strength, and joy. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am a water-carrying cloud; I speak words of life to my body and it responds. My body is full of life. Death, sickness, and the power of darkness have nothing in me. The One who lives in me is greater than the one who lives in the world. I am guided in the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake. There’s no death in my path! In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into the glorious and higher realms of life. I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and safety always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I live the victorious life because I have taken hold of eternal life. My life is characterized by excellence, success, divine health, prosperity, strength, and joy in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Out of my heart flow the issues of life; only life proceeds from me because everything in me is life. With this consciousness, I disallow any form of sickness, distress, worry, or depression from having its way in me. I am living the life of glory always. I am a water-carrying cloud; I speak words of life to my body and it responds. My body is full of life. Death, sickness, and the power of darkness have nothing in me. The One who lives in me is greater than the one who lives in the world. I am guided in the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake. There’s no death in my path! In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into the glorious and higher realms of life in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
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I am born of God’s indestructible Word. I put away from me any picture that’s contrary to what the Word of God says about my health, ability, strength, and righteousness. I see with the eyes of the Spirit. I see my body excellent and in perfect condition; I see that I’m mightily helped by the Lord because He is my strength and my life. Out of my heart flow the issues of life; only life proceeds from me because everything in me is life. With this consciousness, I disallow any form of sickness, distress, worry, or depression from having its way in me. I am living the life of glory always. I am a water-carrying cloud; I speak words of life to my body and it responds. My body is full of life. Death, sickness, and the power of darkness have nothing in me. The One who lives in me is greater than the one who lives in the world. Glory, glory, glory to God! Hallelujah!
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The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. All around me, at all times, there is righteousness, peace, and exceedingly great joy in the Holy Ghost. I am born of God’s indestructible Word. I put away from me any picture that’s contrary to what the Word of God says about my health, ability, strength, and righteousness. I see with the eyes of the Spirit. I see my body excellent and in perfect condition; I see that I’m mightily helped by the Lord because He is my strength and my life. Out of my heart flow the issues of life; only life proceeds from me because everything in me is life. With this consciousness, I disallow any form of sickness, distress, worry, or depression from having its way in me. I am living the life of glory always in Jesus Name. Amen.
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I sing, unending is your reign my King, Lord God You reign forever, You reign supreme! You are great, You are Kind. You are good! I declare I’m an efficient distributor of God’s healing power and divine health realities. I lay hands on the sick and they recover. I am backed by divine authority and I have overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing can stand against me successfully. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. All around me, at all times, there is righteousness, peace, and exceedingly great joy in the Holy Ghost. I am born of God’s indestructible Word. I put away from me any picture that’s contrary to what the Word of God says about my health, ability, strength, and righteousness. I see with the eyes of the Spirit. I see my body excellent and in perfect condition; I see that I’m mightily helped by the Lord because He is my strength and my life. Glory to God!
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I bow my knees to the Father who reigns supreme. I bow my knees to the King who deserves my praise. What a depth of love, oh what a height of love that You show to me. I’m grateful to You Jesus. My Lord and King! I am truly grateful Lord. Thank You for Your wisdom that is operative in me. Your wisdom beautifies my life. Your wisdom causes me to inherit substance. The angels of wealth attend to me. The angel of money responds to me. Every day I increase in grace. The grace of God is working in me mightily and evidently. The grace of God is multiplied in my life. I experience a quantum leap in grace. I walk in exponential grace, and I take advantage of the grace of God. I operate in limitless wisdom. I operate with limitless wealth. And I operate with limitless power. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I walk in righteousness, and I produce fruits of righteousness. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. Hallelujah!
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The earth is full of Your beauty Lord. The oceans roar Your praise. The mountains stand in ovation because You are the Holy God. The skies sing for joy. Creation joins in chorus as we sing unending praise to You our King. Praise, blessing and glory be to our God who is enthroned forever and ever. I thank You Lord for Your wisdom that is operative in me. Your wisdom beautifies my life. Your wisdom causes me to inherit substance. The angels of wealth attend to me. The angel of money responds to me. Everyday, You Lord are my portion. Everyday my cup overflows because You load me with benefits and I rejoice in You the God of my salvation. Dear Lord Jesus, You are the glory of my strength and as a result I experience a quantum leap in grace. I walk in exponential grace, and I take advantage of the grace of God. I operate in limitless wisdom, limitless wealth and with limitless power.
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I’m sensitive to God, to spiritual realities, and to the spiritual realm where I function from a vantage position of victory and dominion in Christ Jesus. I’ve been granted the power of attorney to use the Name of Jesus; therefore, I disallow all demonic activities in my life, in my environment and in the lives of my loved ones. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. All around me, at all times, there is righteousness, peace, and exceedingly great joy in the Holy Ghost. I’m an efficient distributor of God’s healing power and divine health realities. I lay hands on the sick and they recover. I am backed by divine authority and I have overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing can stand against me successfully in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
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I am in God’s class – a partaker of His divine nature. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can corrupt my health. I live above them because I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms of glory. I’m sensitive to God, to spiritual realities, and to the spiritual realm where I function from a vantage position of victory and dominion in Christ Jesus. I’ve been granted the power of attorney to use the Name of Jesus; therefore, I disallow all demonic activities in my life, in my environment and in the lives of my loved ones. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. All around me, at all times, there is righteousness, peace, and exceedingly great joy in the Holy Ghost in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
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The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I am in God’s class – a partaker of His divine nature. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can corrupt my health. I live above them because I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms of glory. I’m sensitive to God, to spiritual realities, and to the spiritual realm where I function from a vantage position of victory and dominion in Christ Jesus. I’ve been granted the power of attorney to use the Name of Jesus; therefore, I disallow all demonic activities in my life, in my environment and in the lives of my loved ones. I trust in the Lord at all times with my whole heart to preserve me from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. No matter the fiery darts of sickness or infirmity the enemy tries to throw, my faith shields me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. I live the supernatural life of glory, success, and victory. I give thanks to God for this wonderful and glorious life I have received into my spirit that makes me superhuman. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I am in God’s class – a partaker of His divine nature. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can corrupt my health. I live above them because I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms of glory. The life of God flows through my entire being with perfection and wholeness. I live every day in health and divine strength in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I acknowledge that God’s divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. I am not waiting on Him to fulfill His promise of healing to me; rather, I am living in health because He has blessed me with the divine life. As a new creation in Christ Jesus, I live the supernatural life of glory, success, and victory. I give thanks to God for this wonderful and glorious life I have received into my spirit that makes me superhuman. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
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I have been baptized into Christ, and I have put on Christ. He is my source and my sustenance. No disease or sickness hatched out of hell can take root in my body because my health is assured in Christ! I acknowledge that God’s divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. I am not waiting on Him to fulfill His promise of healing to me; rather, I am living in health because He has blessed me with His divine life. As a new creation in Christ Jesus, I live the supernatural life of glory, success, and victory. I give thanks to God for this wonderful and glorious life I have received into my spirit that makes me superhuman. This life repels sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything that is inconsistent with the divine life in Christ..
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I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. Everything is working. I have been baptized into Christ, and I have put on Christ. He is my source and my sustenance. No disease or sickness hatched out of hell can take root in my body because my health is assured in Christ! I acknowledge that God’s divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. I am not waiting on Him to fulfill His promise of healing to me; rather, I am living in health because He has blessed me with His divine life. I live the supernatural life of glory, success, and victory in Jesus Matches Name. Amen!
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In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I trust in the Lord at all times with my whole heart to preserve me from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. No matter the fiery darts of sickness or infirmity the enemy tries to throw, my faith shields me and I continually enjoy eternal life. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. Everything is working out for my good in Jesus Matchless Name. Amen!
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The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side.
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In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I’m sensitive to God, to spiritual realities. I’ve been granted the power of attorney to use the Name of Jesus; therefore, I disallow all demonic activities in my life, in my environment and in the lives of my loved ones.
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God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I declare that I am an efficient distributor of God’s healing power and divine health realities. I lay hands on the sick and they recover. I am backed by divine authority and I have overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing can stand against me successfully. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. I am a water-carrying cloud; I speak words of life to my body and it responds. My body is full of life. Death, sickness, and the power of darkness have nothing in me.
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The life of God flows through my entire being with perfection and wholeness. Every fiber of my being and every cell of my body functions according to the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. I live every day in health and divine strength. I acknowledge that God’s divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. I am not waiting on Him to fulfill His promise of healing to me; rather, I am living in health because He has blessed me with the divine life. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body.
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I trust in the Lord at all times with my whole heart to preserve me from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. No matter the fiery darts of sickness or infirmity the enemy tries to throw, my faith shields me and I continually enjoy eternal life. This life of God flows through my entire being with perfection and wholeness. Every fiber of my being and every cell of my body functions according to the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. I live every day in health and divine strength. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. I am impervious to sickness, disease, infirmity, sadness, depression, anxiety, and everything that is of this world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man.
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The Word of God has complete control over my spirit, soul, and body. I am perpetually triumphant in Christ because I am born of God and my faith makes me a victorious overcomer and more than a conqueror over sickness, disease, and the elements of this world. I trust in the Lord at all times with my whole heart to preserve me from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. No matter the fiery darts of sickness or infirmity the enemy tries to throw, my faith shields me and I continually enjoy eternal life. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection.
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I know who I am! I’m Abraham’s seed and I reign and rule in this life. I’m unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I’m a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. The Word of God has complete control over my spirit, soul, and body. I am perpetually triumphant in Christ because I am born of God and my faith makes me a victorious overcomer and more than a conqueror over sickness, disease, and the elements of this world. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity.
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I am not shaken by the wind because I am rooted and grounded in the Word of life that energizes me daily. Eternal life is at work in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything that is inconsistent with the divine life in Christ. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. I’m unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I’m a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me.
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I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. Eternal life is at work in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything that is inconsistent with the divine life in Christ. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, negativities, depression, and anxiety. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I am full of joy. The joy of the Lord, is my strength.
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I am rejuvenated and restored because the very essence of life and divinity is resident in my body. I am imperishable because the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead quickens my body through and through. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. Eternal life is at work in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything that is inconsistent with the divine life in Christ.
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Christ is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion. There’s no place for sickness in my body. I am conscious of this truth every day and it makes me invulnerable to sickness and anything that hurts. I know who I am! I’m Abraham’s seed and I reign and rule in this life. I’m unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I’m a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. I am rejuvenated and restored because the very essence of life and divinity is resident in my body. I am imperishable because the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead quickens my body through and through. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life.
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Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me. Christ is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion. There’s no place for sickness in my body. I am conscious of this truth every day and it makes me invulnerable to sickness and anything that hurts. I live above the elements of this world. I live above failure, poverty and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. I am alive!
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My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick. I glorify God in my body, and by the Spirit, it functions perfectly all the time because it is the Lord’s. The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and abilities! As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness.
The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick. I glorify God in my body, and by the Spirit, it functions perfectly all the time because it is the Lord’s. The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen!
I thank You, Lord, for your glory and righteousness that are resident in my spirit, causing me to prosper in my health and in all things. I am not subject to sickness; I am an overcomer in Christ Jesus. Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or disease or infection. The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. The Lord has beautified my life with grace. I am favoured greatly by the Lord. Daily, I experience the goodness of God. I always have the testimony that the Lord is good to me. The joy of the Lord is my strength in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me, which I received when I obtained salvation. God’s Word is established in my life and it is evident for the world to see. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, Satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. Eternal life is at work in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything inconsistent with my divine life in Christ in Jesus Name. Amen.
Glory to God! I function from the realm of the supernatural. I am not susceptible to any affliction or infirmity. When men are cast down by sickness or pandemics, I declare that there is lifting, and I lift people everywhere to the level of the God-kind of faith. I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I am dwelling in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness. I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a sure testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me, which I received when I obtained salvation in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
The Greater one lives in me therefore I have no fear of death sickness ; disease or infirmity. I have passed from death to life for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin.I live in the fullness of Christ now and always. The Word of God has complete control over my spirit, soul, and body. I am perpetually triumphant in Christ because I am born of God and my faith makes me a victorious overcomer and more than a conqueror over sickness, disease, and the elements of this world. I trust in the Lord at all times with my whole heart to preserve me from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. No matter the fiery darts of sickness or infirmity the enemy tries to throw, my faith shields me and I continually enjoy eternal life in Christ Jesus. I am not shaken by the wind because I am rooted and grounded in the Word of life that energizes me daily. Eternal life is at work in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything that is inconsistent with the divine life in Christ, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Father, I thank You for the life you have given me. I have the Son of God and, therefore, have life. I have eternal life which cannot be overtaken by sickness, disease, or any infirmity of the body. The Holy Ghost dwells in me and He quickens and vitalizes my body! I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! The Greater one lives in me therefore I have no fear of death, sickness; disease or infirmity. I have passed from death to life for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. Glory to God!
I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I have been baptized into Christ, and I have put on Christ. He is my source and my sustenance. No disease or sickness hatched out of hell can take root in my body because my health is assured in Christ! The life of God flows through my entire being with perfection and wholeness. Every fiber of my being and every cell of my body functions according to the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. I live every day in health and divine strength in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps. I am born of God; therefore, I walk in divine health every day, all year round. I declare that my life is beautiful and it cannot be destroyed by any form of infirmity. I have been baptized into Christ, and I have put on Christ. He is my source and my sustenance. No disease or sickness hatched out of hell can take root in my body because my health is assured in Christ! I acknowledge that God’s divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. I am living in health because Jesus has blessed me with His divine life. As a new creation in Christ Jesus, I live the supernatural life of glory, success, and victory. I give thanks to God for this wonderful and glorious life I have received into my spirit that makes me superhuman. This life repels sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything that is inconsistent with the divine life in Christ. Hallelujah!
Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here! The Lord God has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, agelessness, wantlessness, and deathlessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
I am not of this world! I belong to God’s Kingdom. I am victorious over sin, sickness, disease, and poverty. I reign supreme all the time because I am in union with God. I am more than a conqueror in this life. As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers. The Greater one lives in me therefore I have no fear of death sickness; disease or infirmity. I have passed from death to life for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always. The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. I do not worry about my health, finances, family, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me in Jesus Name. Amen!
I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. Oh, glory! My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God. I live a great life; a life free of pain, sadness, and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity connected to me. The Lord my God is King eternal; His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. I declare that I am joined unto the Lord and I am one spirit with Him. Christ is the glory of my life. There is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life and the glorious blessing of salvation in Christ Jesus. My body is daily impacted by the God-life, and I radiate health and glory every day in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen!
God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me. I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen! Shout Glory!!!
Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The very God-life is tabernacled in my body; therefore, no sickness can fasten itself to my body. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone I touch. I am born of God’s indestructible Word. I put away from me any picture that’s contrary to what the Word of God says about my health, ability, strength, and righteousness. I see with the eyes of the Spirit. I see my body excellent and in perfect condition; I see that I’m mightily helped by the Lord because He is my strength and my life. I acknowledge that God’s divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. I am not waiting on Him to fulfill His promise of healing to me; rather, I am living in health because He has blessed me with the divine life. Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Shout Glory!!!
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. I speak forth life, salvation, health, prosperity, and blessings only. I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen. Glory, glory to God!
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin! I’m absolutely death-free, because the law of life is operational in me! Not only do I walk in life and health as a child of God, I dispense that divine life to all in my world. Divinity dwells in my physical body and I live the transcendent life! Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. I’m walking worthy of the Lord, pleasing Him in all things as I joyfully anticipate His soon return. I’m bearing fruits of righteousness, giving the lives of men and women in my world a meaning. My faith is effective and effectual, producing required results to the glory of God. Amen.
I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. I am born of God; therefore, I’ve got the life of God. I walk in divine health always because my entire being is powered by the resurrection life in Christ Jesus. The fullness of God tabernacles in my spirit, soul, and body, and is expressed in me today and always. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. As I meditate on the Word, I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health, thus, transcending the ordinary life and manifesting the supernatural in every situation. I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world. I am not affected by sickness or the rudiments of this world. I am founded on Christ the solid rock; my life cannot be shaken by negative reports or any news that is inconsistent with God’s Word because my life is tailored according to God’s design and this is evident in my health, job, finances, and family in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I’m in the world, but not of the world. Therefore, I think, talk and act differently. I’m sanctified by the Spirit, separated to God for His divine purpose, holy and undefiled. I reign over sin and all its effects— sickness, infirmity, poverty, death. The Word of God produces in me supernatural strength, vitality, and wholeness. Today, I declare that I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth, and I am in perpetual dominion over sickness and life’s circumstances. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. As I meditate on the Word, I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health, thus, transcending the ordinary life and manifesting the supernatural in every situation. My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. I am born of God; therefore, I’ve got the life of God. I walk in divine health always in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and prosperity always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I am living the victorious life. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I am from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I have been raised together with Christ, called to live in the heavenly realms; therefore, I exercise my authority over the devil and his cohorts. No wiles or fiery darts from the enemy can penetrate my body and no symptoms of sickness can thrive in my body because I’m God’s sanctuary. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. As I meditate on the Word, I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health, thus, transcending the ordinary life and manifesting the supernatural in every situation in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am guided in the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake. There’s no death in my path! In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into more glorious and higher realms of life. I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness! My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I am from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I am triumphant in Christ eternally! I am born of God; therefore, I’ve got the life of God in me. I walk in divine health always because my entire being is powered by the resurrection life in Christ Jesus. The fullness of God tabernacles in my spirit, soul, and body, and is expressed in me today and always in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Thank You, dear Father, for the all-powerful and all-conquering Name of Jesus. In His Name, I overcome sickness, disease, death, and every circumstance that is inconsistent with the glorious life you have given me. Sickness is subject to me because I function in the Name of Jesus. Christ lives in me and I function with this consciousness every day. Sickness, poverty, death, lack, failure, depression, and everything that’s not of God have no hold over my life. Daily, I express divine and supernatural verities in my spirit, soul, and body. The love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost who lives in me. His love is daily manifested in me; I’m the proof of His love, the expression of His character, ability and nature. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I am full of the Holy Ghost and power. By the authority vested in me in Christ Jesus, I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life! Hallelujah!!!
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. Divine health is my nature; therefore, I am not subject to the elements of this world and my body cannot be dominated or put under by headaches, fevers, diabetes, or any manner of sickness. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen
All praise be to the Lord God! I thank God for perfecting my health and all that concerns me. I am not the one seeking deliverance or healing anymore because the Lord has delivered me from death and blessed me with divine life. I acknowledge that God’s divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. I am not waiting on Him to fulfill His promise of healing to me; rather, I am living in health because He has blessed me with the divine life. I refuse sickness from having its way in my life because I have taken hold of eternal life. Everything about me bears fruits of righteousness, and my life is characterized by excellence, success, divine health, prosperity, strength, and joy. I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
Thank You, heavenly Father, for You have satisfied me with all the beautiful things of life. I am bursting forth in health always and everyone around me is a partaker of the blessings of God upon my life. For this, I am forever grateful to You, Lord. Daily, as I meditate on Your glory through the Word, my life is transformed from glory to glory. The Word of God is evidently manifested in my health, ministry, business, finances, and all that I lay my hands upon to do. This glory is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. When I show up, God’s presence is manifested and lives are transformed. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here, in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
I have been raised together with Christ, called to live in the heavenly realms; therefore, I exercise my authority over the devil and his cohorts. No wiles or fiery darts from the enemy can penetrate my body and no symptoms of sickness can thrive in my body because I’m God’s sanctuary. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and prosperity always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I am living the victorious life. I refuse sickness from having its way in my life because I have taken hold of eternal life. Everything about me bears fruits of righteousness, and my life is characterized by excellence, success, divine health, prosperity, strength, and joy in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
Divine health is my nature! I do not get sick. My life is hid with Christ in God; therefore, nothing can hurt me or make me sick. My physical body is strengthened every day by the vitalizing power of that same Spirit that raised the Lord Jesus from the dead. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop within! Thanks be to God who has fulfilled His promise of healing and health in me. I enjoy perfect health because Christ has blessed me with the divine life. Sickness cannot take hold of any part of my body because I am born of God. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. I am full of the Holy Ghost and power. By the authority vested in me in Christ Jesus, I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life! I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Glory to God!
Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. I declare that I am joined unto the Lord and I am one spirit with Him. Christ is the glory of my life. There is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life and the glorious blessing of salvation in Christ Jesus. My body is daily impacted by the God-life, and I radiate health and glory every day. Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am born of God; therefore, I’ve got the life of God. I walk in divine health always because my entire being is powered by the resurrection life in Christ Jesus. The fullness of God tabernacles in my spirit, soul, and body, and is expressed in me today and always. I refuse sickness from having its way in my life because I have taken hold of eternal life. Everything about me bears fruits of righteousness, and my life is characterized by excellence, success, divine health, prosperity, strength, and joy. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Father, I thank You for Your perfect will concerning my health is fulfilled. Always, my health is bursting forth, even as my soul prospers. I am alive to God and my flourishing and limitless prosperity cause men to come to the Lord and glorify His Name. Divine health is my nature! I do not get sick. My life is hid with Christ in God; therefore, nothing can hurt me or make me sick. My physical body is strengthened every day by the vitalizing power of that same Spirit that raised the Lord Jesus from the dead. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am not perturbed about what happens around me because the infallible Word of God keeps me in perfect health. The living Word gives life to my body, piercing into every part and correcting every anomaly. I am perfected and made whole by the power of God that is at work in me. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. My life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. What a delight! I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. All praise be to the Lord God! I thank God for perfecting my health and all that concerns me. I am not the one seeking deliverance or healing anymore because the Lord has delivered me from death and blessed me with divine life. Glory to God!
I walk in the consciousness that I’m in oneness with Jesus Christ. Through the spirit, I enjoy the glories of Christ’s resurrection life in my body. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I’m joined to the Lord and I’m one spirit with Him. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life; therefore, I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me. I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop within in the matchless Name of Jesus.
My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. As I meditate on the Word, I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health, thus, transcending the ordinary life and manifesting the supernatural in every situation. By the power of God’s Spirit, I’m reigning in life–in my health, finances, job, and every area of my life. I walk in the victory and dominion of Christ today. I manifest life, glory, and excellence in every fiber of my being, and I grow from strength to strength every day. I thank You dear Father, for Your Word; it is the truth by which I live daily. The knowledge of Your Word in my spirit puts me over and gives me the victory today! Fear, sickness, poverty, and death have no place in me because I live by faith in Your Word, which is my recipe for total success, victory, prosperity, and divine health. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can lodge in it. I cut out any disease-germ or growth that tries to attach itself to my body, in the Name of Jesus, and I continually glorify God in my spirit and my body as I walk in divine health always in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.
I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual health and dominion here on earth. I abide continually in the realm of life that the Lord prearranged for me. Continually, situations and circumstances align to God’s perfect will for me, which is success and abundant life. The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. I'm living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I'm in perpetual dominion over sickness and life's circumstances. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.
I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. I have overcome sickness and death! I hail from God, and as He is invincible and indestructible, so am I in this world. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.
I refuse to accept sickness, poverty, or defeat. I will not give in to anything that’s contrary to my divine inheritance in Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produces wellness for my body and keeps my body alive and in perfect shape. Health is my birthright; my body conforms to the Word of God at all times, for it is the house of the Holy Ghost. I live and enjoy the glorious and victorious life. My life is the manifestation of God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness. I am full of joy and I walk in divine health, righteousness, and prosperity. Goodness and mercy follow me always, and my life is so perfect and beautiful. The indestructible life of God is at work in me, and I live each day of my life for God’s glory in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus, created for glory and for beauty! My life’s history begins with God. The life in my body is the divine life of God, which has supplanted the natural human life! Therefore, I declare that I live in divine health and prosperity; I enjoy success and victory every day. I declare that my life, health, family and finances are consistent with God’s Word. I live in absolute dominion and victory today by the power of the Holy Ghost who lives in me. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness have been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me, everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. By living according to the revelation of the Word daily, I’m lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence therein, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
The glory of God is evident in my health, finances, family, business, and ministry. Christ in me is my guarantee of perfect health, prosperity, and success. Divine health is my present-hour reality and my body responds to the Word of God only. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. I am not moved by what I feel, see, or hear because I am full of faith. I’m ever radiant in health and I live victoriously in all that concerns me. The glorious life in Christ is continually manifested in my spirit and it is evident in all that I do. Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead is alive in me. He is vitalizing every part of my body; repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and anything that’s not of God from my life. I live my best every day, to the glory of God. I am who God says I am, I have what He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. He has blessed me and made me a package of blessings. I am an embodiment of the fullness of His blessings! I do not walk in lack, poverty, disease, or anything that’s of the devil, for I’ve been called to inherit the blessings of righteousness and eternal life in Christ. I live according to my calling in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
The Holy Spirit has strengthened me. His indwelling presence gives life to my body, preventing weakness and anything else that is contrary to God's desire for my health. I manifest God’s bountiful blessings of success, prosperity, health, and joy, so that all may see and glorify Him. I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Praise God! By the power of God’s Spirit, I’m reigning in life–in my health, finances, job, and every area of my life. I walk in the victory and dominion of Christ today. I manifest life, glory, and excellence in every fiber of my being, and I grow from strength to strength every day. My body belongs to Christ and I am a part of His body. As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I walk in health, vitality, and wholeness. Nothing of death and sickness can be found in my body, for my body is an expression of ever-increasing grace in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
My spirit is sensitive to God’s voice, and I’m able to discern His voice and counsel to me always because I’m His sheep. The ways of the Spirit have been manifested unto me, and I’m guided from within and through the Word to know and walk in the paths of life, supernatural health and strength. My body is infused with divine health because I have eternal life. Therefore, sickness, disease or death has no place in my life. The Spirit of God vitalizes my mortal body! The God-life in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong. I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness; thus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. I refuse to think or talk sickness, for I am the seed of Abraham. Out of my belly flows rivers of living water. The clouds of my meditations are crystalizing and pouring down. They are distilling and pouring down. I am helped with open doors. I am mightily helped of God in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
The Holy Spirit lives in me; therefore, I’m not susceptible to infirmity. The life of God in me makes every fiber of my being: my cells, tissues, organs, and systems, impregnable to disease and sickness. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. Glory to God forever. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death, in the Name of Jesus.
The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. Glory to God forever. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. Mine is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I enjoy God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I live healthy and strong in the Name of Jesus. I manifest the virtues, perfections, and excellencies of God’s righteousness. I am continually walking in the glory and dominion of the Name of Jesus. There is no imperfection or weakness in my life for I’ve been fashioned for divine health and strength. The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest in the Precious Name of Jesus. Amen.
My mind is filled with the thoughts of Christ – thoughts of peace, life, and prosperity. In Christ, I exercise my authority and rule over all circumstances of life. I am superior to sickness and death because I have the life of God in me. Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. Therefore, I live worthy of all that Jesus Christ wrought for me. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and the excellencies of Christ to my world. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I’ve received eternal life and it’s all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind. I am disease-proof! Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. I am impervious to sickness, disease, infirmity, sadness, depression, anxiety, and everything that is of this world in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. My spirit is conditioned by the Word of God. My spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed and renewed as I meditate on God’s Word. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God the Father and in the Name of Jesus. I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. I live in and by the power of that the Name of Jesus today. I’m making progress with giant strides as I fulfill the ministry and destiny that God has for me. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I live a triumphant and glorious life in Christ, far above the world and its systems. The glory of God is at work in me; therefore, sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in or around me. My life is the manifestation of the beauty and perfection of Christ. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. God’s Word is in my spirit; it energizes me for success, programs me for greatness, and keeps me in perfect health. I live in health every day because my body is daily vitalized and quickened by the Spirit of God. I function with supernatural strength in my inner man. My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. By virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me, I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Eternal life is at work in my spirit and it permeates my soul and body. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can dwell in my body. I live a highly successful, healthy, glorious, and victorious life in Christ Jesus because I'm one spirit with Him. The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmity; therefore, I'm uninfectable. I am not ordinary; I refuse to accommodate any form of weakness in my body. I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumor, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, lung failure in any place in my body. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! I am confident of this very thing that the life of God is in me. Therefore, poverty, failure, sickness and death are not a part of my life because the life that's at work in me is superior to the devil and all his works. Today, I walk with the consciousness that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world, for eternal life is at work in me. Hallelujah!
Blessed Holy Spirit, thank You for residing in me permanently. I recognize You as the One who guides me into all truth, teaching me to make the right choices and decisions that are consistent with God’s perfect will for me. Jesus died that I may have life to the full; He was buried and raised for my justification. Thus, I live the beautiful life that Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection consummated for me. I am a new creation with the very life of God surging through my being; I never get sick. I prosper in my life and health, even as my soul prospers. I live unto righteousness, for I am dead to sin and its wages. I’m a God-carrier, the home of His presence; I could never fail or be defeated, because the greater One lives in me. I impact my world with His divine presence today, and saturate my environment with His glory and righteousness. I consciously practice enjoying my life in divine health. I insist on the Word, affirming boldly that divine life has replaced the human life and its attendant effects. I do not live by the dictates of my body; I only respond to the leading and guidance of God’s Word for my life and health. The Word says, “They that dwell in Zion shall not say ‘I am sick’.” Based on this Word, I know I can never be sick for divinity now resides fully in my body in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! I and my Father are one. I am hid in Christ and He is alive in me. He is in my head. He is in my hands. He is in my lungs. He is in my kidneys. He is in my eyes. He is all over me. Therefore, I can never be broken, weak, sick, or diseased, for His presence in me makes my body impregnable to all forms of sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I have in me the indestructible life! I declare that my faith is alive and producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I'm only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week; no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. There's life in my bones, tissues, muscles, tendon, and ligaments; I'm alive unto God in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body, thus, I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I enjoy God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I am blessed beyond measure; blessed in my body and mind, finances and business, and all that pertains to me. The blessings of God overflow from me to all those around me and to the nations of the world. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and safety always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I live the victorious life always in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I live in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. I give thanks to God for He has made me superior to Satan, his demons, sickness, disease, and infirmity. Nothing in me or about me dies or succumbs to the corrupting influences of this world. I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Eternity is alive in me. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. The life of God in me makes me more than a man; I refuse to be ordinary. Sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in my life. Health, strength, and victory are mine always! I boldly exercise my divine rights in Christ, taming my body and environment with my faith-filled confessions. No evil shall befall me. Nothing shall by any means hurt me because the Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I do not experience weakness, pain, or symptoms of sickness in my body. I am bubbling in good health all the time. Thank You, Lord, for this goodly heritage I enjoy always. My life is exuberant with joy and I walk in the manifestations of God’s righteousness. I walk conscious of my heritage in Christ. Sickness has no place in my body. I thrive in health every day. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. The Holy Spirit lives in me and I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and my world, for His power is in me! I affirm that my faith grows mightily and prevails. I advance from glory to glory and from strength to strength always! The Word of God is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs; the pulsating life of God has dominated my body, making it impenetrable to adverse health conditions. My health blossoms continually because I live by the Word. Christ is the glory of my life. His divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. Therefore, I do not lack any good thing. My life is replete with health, vigor, a sound mind, and strength. I am invigorated with divine energy in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. Precious Father, I’m inspired by the truth of Your Word, Your love and Your eternal kindness which communicates Your desire for me to prosper and be in health even as my souls prosper. Even now, I’m strengthened in my confidence to pray, knowing that it’s Your delight to hear and answer my prayers. My joy is full today, confident of Your love and power at work in me today. I affirm that I’m a God-carrier, the home of His presence; I could never fail or be defeated, because the greater One lives in me. I impact my world with His divine presence today, and saturate my environment with His glory and righteousness in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I live a great life; a life free of pain, sadness, and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity connected to me. I rejoice always because the Lord has set me on the path of righteousness. My life is filled with peace and prosperity, my body is kept in perfect health, and my days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I am from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here in the matchless Name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
I declare that the Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. Daily, this eternal life is manifested through me, effecting changes in my body and transforming circumstances in my life to conform to God’s Word. The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. I belong to Christ and I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! I know what the Word says about me. I affirm that I’m filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! The totality of divinity is tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today! The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am a king-priest and my words are full of extraordinary power. I decree peace, health, success, and victory into every aspect of my life. I take absolute charge over my life and proclaim that all things are working in my favor. I walk in limitless grace, 360 degree grace. Grace for tops only. I am a victor everywhere I go. I declare that my body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. I am God’s living temple. Everywhere I go, God goes. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. Rivers of living water flow from me to the nations of the world. I am a bearer of divine verities and a source of healing and health to anyone I touch. When I lay my hands on the sick, they recover. When I speak to a situation, it hears my voice and obeys. I walk in the reality of my inheritance in Christ, strengthened and energized by the Spirit for the glory life. I disallow sickness from having its way in my body. I dwell in health all the days of my life in Jesus Name. Amen.
My life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy. I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. God’s Word in my mouth is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down every challenge and situation that is contrary to the provisions of the Kingdom in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. God’s Word is in my spirit; it energizes me for success, programs me for greatness, and keeps me in perfect health. I function with supernatural strength in my inner man. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Greater is He that is me than He that is in the world. I’m full of the God-kind of life. It is working in me, causing me to stay in perfect health always. The glory of God is in me and radiates all over me. It is as evident in my finances as it is in every area of my life in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, Satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I thank You, Lord, for my life is perfected in Christ Jesus. The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces result in my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. It produces what it talks about in me: supernatural health, surplus supply, unlimited grace, and joy unspeakable. The greater One lives in me; therefore, I have no fear of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. I have passed from death to life, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always. I am confident of this very thing: the life of God is in me. Therefore, poverty, failure, sickness, and death are not a part of my life because the life that’s at work in me is superior to the devil and all his works. Today, I walk with the consciousness that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world, for eternal life is at work in me in the mighty of Jesus. Amen.
I thank You blessed Father for the extraordinary life of blessings You’ve given me in Christ; thank You for bringing me into fellowship with You, making me a partaker of Your glory, grace and righteousness. I walk in prosperity, health and peace today. My spirit is conditioned by the Word of God; my spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed as I meditate on God’s Word to me. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always. Daily, as I meditate on the glory of God through the Word, my life is transformed from glory to glory. The Word of God is evidently manifested in my health, ministry, business, finances, and all that I lay my hands upon to do. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God has lifted me in glory in Christ. I’m seated with Him in the heavenly realms of power, dominion, and majesty. Therefore, I have the consciousness of one who’s seated together with Christ in a place where there is no darkness, no sickness, no defeat, and no pain; a place of absolute authority, mastery, peace, joy, and bliss; a place where I have authority over sickness, death, and the grave. Christ proved His love for me through His vicarious sacrifice on my behalf. He took my place of judgment, condemnation, and sin, and gave me the God-life and nature of righteousness that is not subject to the darkness of sin, sickness, infirmity, or pain. Therefore, I refuse to be sick or broken in life. I have the life of God that is superior to negativity. I now function from a place of glory, power, authority, and dominion in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit is my teacher and guide. He floods my heart with the wisdom to deal excellently and wisely in life and all its affairs. He grants me the understanding of spiritual realities and causes me to abound in divine health, peace, and joy. I walk in the consciousness of my oneness with Him today and I receive greater insight into the mysteries and secrets of my ever-glorious life in Christ. Hallelujah!
God has lifted me in glory in Christ. I’m seated with Him in the heavenly realms of power, dominion, and majesty. Therefore, I have the consciousness of one who’s seated together with Christ in a place where there is no darkness, no sickness, no defeat, and no pain; a place of absolute authority, mastery, peace, joy, and bliss; a place where I have authority over sickness, death, and the grave. Christ proved His love for me through His vicarious sacrifice on my behalf. He took my place of judgment, condemnation, and sin, and gave me the God-life and nature of righteousness that is not subject to the darkness of sin, sickness, infirmity, or pain. Therefore, I refuse to be sick or broken in life. I have the life of God that is superior to negativity. I now function from a place of glory, power, authority, and dominion in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit is my teacher and guide. He floods my heart with the wisdom to deal excellently and wisely in life and all its affairs. He grants me the understanding of spiritual realities and causes me to abound in divine health, peace, and joy. I walk in the consciousness of my oneness with Him today and I receive greater insight into the mysteries and secrets of my ever-glorious life in Christ. Hallelujah!
Christ is my advantage for the glorious life. He is my home; my life and my all! In Him, I live and move and have my being. His glory is all I see, have, and experience. In Christ, all things are mine. I live above lack, sickness, disease, defeat, and all the rudiments of this world because I am a joint-heir with Christ. I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. Oh, glory! My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God. Thank you, dear Lord Jesus! Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak. I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. I declare that my life is beautiful. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me, which I received when I obtained salvation. God’s Word is established in my life and it is evident for the world to see. The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means. I am surrounded on every side by the goodness of God. I am protected from every form of evil and I am impervious to the things that kill ordinary men. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ. Therefore, my health does not fail; rather, it is ever radiant and ever-flourishing. I cause healing and health to prosper in my environment and in the lives of those I come in contact with. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might. Glory, glory to God forever. Hallelujah!
I carry myself with dignity, knowing my great value and worth in Christ Jesus. I’m chosen, royal and peculiar! I’m seated with Christ, far above all principalities, powers, might, dominions, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come! One generation shall praise Your works to another, and they shall declare Your mighty acts, O great God! You work out all Your plans in conformity with the purpose of Your will. How great is Your wisdom! Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I'm alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. Hence, no organ of my body fails! I’m blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen
I dwell in Christ; in the secret place of the Most High, where I am protected under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my Refuge and my Fortress, and in Him I confidently trust! I have no fears because He's my safe haven. Therefore, sickness, poverty, fear, darkness, and pain have no part in my life. God's Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul and health to my body. I am conscious of God's Word, and I believe what it says about me. God's Word says I have eternal life and I live in divine health; I believe it with all my heart, and I affirm it with my mouth: I have eternal life and I live in divine health! I'm immune to disease, sickness, defeat, and failure. I can never be disadvantaged because I am a child of the Most High God. I manifest the excellence of the Spirit, and the life of God in me is superior to the devil and his works. In Christ, I triumph always and I have the wisdom to excel in all things to the glory of the Lord. I live in health, prosperity, and joy; celebrating my victory over satan, the world, and all the negativities of life. I choose and live the good life: a life of abundance, joy, strength, and vitality in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I hail from God and I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness. I am born of the Word of God; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because the Greater One dwells in me! The life of God in me makes me more than a man. I'm an associate of the God-kind and a partaker of the divine nature; therefore, I live the divine life to the full. I've passed from death to life; from sin to righteousness and from sickness to health. I live above all the limitations of the human realm today by the ability of God's Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a participator in the divine experience. I have in my spirit, the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every fiber of my being! God's Word saturates my spirit, mind, and body, leaving no room for any sickness or infirmity to steal in. God’s Word fortifies my body; it is my defense, my foundation, and the strength of my life. I experience victory, success, health, and abundance today and always because I live in the Word, by the Word, and through the Word! The Word has gained the mastery over my spirit, soul, and mind, giving me a formidable mindset-the mindset of the just! Glory to God.
I walk in excellent humility of heart, with the willingness to take on the responsibility of service to others, in loyalty to the Word, thereby attracting divine favour and promotion. I’m submissive to the authority, influence and impact of God’s Word. I receive the Word into my heart, acting accordingly, making definite changes in my character and attitude with, and through, the Word. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord my God is King eternal; His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps. I am born of God; therefore, I walk in divine health every day, all year round. I declare that my life is beautiful and it cannot be destroyed by any form of infirmity. The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. Today, I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I am in perpetual dominion over sickness and life’s circumstances. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The very God-life is tabernacled in my body; therefore, no sickness can fasten itself to my body. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone I touch in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy. In Christ, I have authority over the elements and I exercise dominion over my body. I declare that my body is the Lord’s temple and sickness is not allowed in or around it. Any sick person who comes close to me must recover because I carry God’s healing power. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. Hallelujah!
My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. The Word of God is medicine and health to my body. It produces what it talks about in me. I refuse to be broken by any sickness or infirmity. I am vibrant, energetic, and full of life always. I thank You, Lord, for the life of Christ in me that makes me superhuman! I recognize Your divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. I live a triumphant and glorious life in Christ, far above the world and its systems. The glory of God is at work in me; therefore, sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in or around me. My life is the manifestation of the beauty and perfection of Christ. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I am full of life always. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. God’s Word is my light and my life! It’s the nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my flesh! I live by the Word always and declare that its mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says. I have a testimony of the Word in my life; it is a testimony of eternal life, perfect health, matchless strength, and energizing power. I am a king-priest and my words are full of extraordinary power. I decree peace, health, success, and victory into every aspect of my life. I take absolute charge over my life and proclaim that all things are working in my favor. I live above the systems of the world. I’m seated together with Christ, far above principalities, powers, and the elements of this realm. I affirm that I am living in perfect health, divine vitality, and supernatural abilities. in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
God’s Word is my reality. I am living proof that the Word of God works because it produces life, wholeness, and soundness in my spirit, soul, and body. Its transforming power makes my life beautiful and causes my health to flourish in ever-increasing beauty. I’ve been translated from the realm of death into the realm of life! In my path, there’s no death; there’s no darkness; the God-life is inherent in me. Therefore, I refuse to accommodate anything that’s of darkness, for I live by the law of the Spirit of life, and in that realm, only life controls. I thank You dear Father for my new nature and identity in Christ; I’ve been washed, sanctified, justified, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Holy Spirit. I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I’ve received in Christ, producing fruits and works of righteousness. Christ is the glory of my life. His divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. Therefore, I do not lack any good thing. My life is replete with health, vigor, a sound mind, and strength. I am invigorated with divine energy in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King, and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I’ve been catapulted into God’s Kingdom of light and life where only divinity, success, victory, joy, peace, prosperity, and divine health reign. It is well with my spirit, soul, and body. My life is an absolute manifestation of the glory of God, and my body glorifies the Lord with excellent and perfect health. Dear Father, thank You for the full, deep and clear knowledge of Your thoughts, plans, will and purposes for my life. I’m at the centre of Your perfect will, and I walk in the paths which You prepared ahead of time, living the good life which You prearranged and made ready for me to live. I live a great life; a life free of pain, sadness, and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity connected to me in Jesus Name. Amen
I am in God’s class – a partaker of His divine nature. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can corrupt my health. I live above them because I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms of glory. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. All around me, at all times, there is righteousness, peace, and exceedingly great joy in the Holy Ghost. I am born of God’s indestructible Word. I put away from me any picture that’s contrary to what the Word of God says about my health, ability, strength, and righteousness. I see with the eyes of the Spirit. I see my body excellent and in perfect condition; I see that I’m mightily helped by the Lord because He is my strength and my life. Out of my heart flow the issues of life; only life proceeds from me because everything in me is life. With this consciousness, I disallow any form of sickness, distress, worry, or depression from having its way in me. I am living the life of glory always in Jesus Name. Amen.
My life is a testimony of God’s goodness and grace. As I daily meditate on the Word of God, life, good success, health, and eternal verities proceed from me. My words deliver life and health to my body, to all that concerns me, and to all that hear me. I am divinely connected to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. In my path is light that manifests supernatural strength and vitality. The Word of God is life to me and health to my flesh. Eternal life is at work in me, radiating to all in my world. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer. My life is for the glory of God. I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body, thus, I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I’m a product of God’s Word! Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! When He died, I died; when He was buried, I was buried with Him. Now that He’s risen, I’ve been raised together with Him, born anew with the resurrection life that is free of sin, sickness, disease, and death! My tongue is the rudder of my life. With it, I navigate my life aright, irrespective of contrary winds. I live continuously in health, success, and excellence. I refuse to talk fear, lack, or inability. My life is set on the paths preordained by God’s Word and I do not deviate from it. My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence, where there is no sickness, death, disease, infirmity, or failure. I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world, bringing glory to the Name of the Lord continually. I am an associate of the God-kind and a partaker of the divine nature, having been made free from the corrupting influences, decadence, and destruction in the world. Today and always, I’m conscious of the transcendent life of glory and victory that God has given me through Christ Jesus.
I am bold, strong, and courageous in my daily walk of faith. My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down everything in my body that is contrary to God’s provisions for my health. The greater One lives in me. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in every part of my body. I live the victorious life that God has called me into; a triumphant life that is above sickness, poverty, failure, and every disease. I take full advantage of the divine life that is at work in me, as I display the virtues and perfections of Christ. My body was fashioned for the Lord’s presence, and it is powered by the righteousness of God. I reject the world’s view about aging because I live in agelessness, wantlessness, and deathlessness. Each day, I get stronger and healthier because the Word of God renews my youth. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer. My life is for the glory of God. Glory to God!
I’m washed, sanctified, and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God! Therefore, consciously, I walk in the light of God’s Word, in the light of my righteousness, knowing that I’m holy, unblameable and unreproveable in His sight. I’m impacting my world with the light of God in my spirit, turning many to righteousness. I’m triumphant forever, because I’m born of God and live by His Word. No matter what the enemy throws at me, I’m unflustered because greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world. I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might to do exploits! I repel worry with God’s Word. I’m anxious for nothing, but in everything, I make my requests known to God, and the peace of God that passes all understanding garrisons my heart and mind. All things are working together for my good; I can never be disadvantaged. I live healthy and strong in the Name of Jesus. I manifest the virtues, perfections, and excellencies of God’s righteousness. I am continually walking in the glory and dominion of the Name of Jesus. There is no imperfection or weakness in my life for I’ve been fashioned for divine health and strength in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen.
I am blessed beyond measure; blessed in my body and mind, finances and business, and all that pertains to me. The blessings of God overflow from me to all those around me and to the nations of the world. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of the Word! The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, defeat or failure. I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. God’s Word is food for my spirit and health for my body. It makes me vibrant and productive. It rejuvenates and strengthens my body. By the Word, I am whole and preserved in divine health. I am not shaken by the wind because I am rooted and grounded in the Word of life that energizes me daily. Eternal life is at work in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything inconsistent with the divine life in Christ. My origin is in the Word of God, and that is the final authority for my reality in Jesus Name. Amen.
The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. I’ve been lifted over the depravities and corrupting influences of this world. No sin, sickness, death, or any kind of infirmity can separate me from God’s unwavering love. I rejoice always because He has made me more than a conqueror. I live victoriously today and always. I speak forth life, salvation, health, prosperity, and blessings only. I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. I am not perturbed about what happens around me because the infallible Word of God keeps me in perfect health. The living Word gives life to my body, piercing into every part and correcting every anomaly. I am perfected and made whole by the power of God that is at work in me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen
I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness because the Greater One lives in me! The Name of Jesus is above all names, and I live, move, and have my being in that Name. In Jesus’ Name, I live above every form of sickness and disease, regardless of whatever name they are called. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I am sanctified and anything that’s not of God dies and passes out of my body. Today and always, I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease, and poverty! No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper because I live in the Name of Jesus! I’ve been delivered from sin, sickness, and death, and catapulted into God’s realm of abundant life where I reign victoriously with Christ. I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Praise God!
I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness because the Greater One lives in me! The Name of Jesus is above all names, and I live, move, and have my being in that Name. In Jesus’ Name, I live above every form of sickness and disease, regardless of whatever name they are called. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I am sanctified and anything that’s not of God dies and passes out of my body. Today and always, I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease, and poverty! No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper because I live in the Name of Jesus! I’ve been delivered from sin, sickness, and death, and catapulted into God’s realm of abundant life where I reign victoriously with Christ. I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Praise God!
The Word of God is my life. I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. I thank You dear Father, for the power and blessing of living in the Name of Jesus. In His Name, I live triumphantly, over and above circumstances and the perils of this world. I live in perpetual peace, prosperity, health, success and greatness, to your glory. Your wisdom is functioning in me, and I’m excelling in good judgment, having the right ideas and making the right decisions. I’m propelled by the Word, listening with the right heart to the voice of wisdom. I say and do the right things, at the right time and for the right purpose. I’m unconquerable, a victor in Christ Jesus; I rule and reign in life through Christ. I’ve overcome the world and its deception, failure, hatred, corruption, decadence and limitation. Christ reigns and rules in my life; that’s my assurance of a life of ever-increasing greatness, glory and grace, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. I walk in divine health, safety, wellness, and wholeness because I am in Christ. Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory, and joy are resplendent in me and expressed through me. I am guided in wisdom to walk in God’s perfect will. The Word of God is life and health to my body. Its transforming power changes the circumstances of my life and causes my health to flourish. I live in the Word always and I refuse to fear or be sick or be defeated! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of disease or infirmity. The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He gives life to my physical body. I’ll never be sick in my life. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now and always by the power in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I’m functioning in supernatural supply, strength, ability, wisdom and knowledge. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I’m fulfilling God’s purpose for my life. I’m forever protected and fortified against all evil and wickedness in this world. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of the Word! The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, defeat or failure. I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer. My life is for the glory of God. I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. I live in and by the power of the Name of Jesus today. I’m making progress with giant strides as I fulfill the ministry and destiny that God has for me in Jesus Name. Amen!
My spirit is conditioned by the Word of God; my spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed as I meditate on God’s Word to me. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God the Father. I’m submissive to the authority, influence and impact of God’s Word. I receive the Word into my heart, acting accordingly, making definite changes in my character and attitude with, and through, the Word. Every day, I walk in excellent humility of heart, with the willingness to take on the responsibility of service to others, in loyalty to the Word, thereby attracting divine favour and promotion. I have a heart that loves the Lord passionately and serves Him truly. My desire, O Lord, is to please you always. I’m aligned with your Word today, to know and walk in your perfect will concerning all things, such that my life will bring you glory. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. I am alive! Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
I live worry-free because Christ is my all! In Him, I'm self-sufficient, enabled to do all things, and supernaturally fortified for the triumphant life! I am guided by God’s Spirit in the path of life and led in the way of supernatural health and consistent prosperity. My way is prosperous and I live in good health, as I meditate on the Word and speak it forth with boldness. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress, He’s my habitation; in Him I live, and move, and have my being! He’s my rock, my life, and my righteousness, and by Him I reign and prevail over adversities and win every day in life. I live above lack, sickness, disease, and defeat! I'm victorious all the way! My life is an expression of God's righteousness, love, glory, and grace! I affirm that my whole body is fully yielded to the Lord to carry out His divine plans through me! I’m His living tabernacle! He talks through me, moves through me, and expresses His love and righteousness through me! My spirit, soul, and body are sanctified for God’s sacred use, and His glory is revealed more and more in me, today and always. I declare that my life is characterized with the demonstration of Christ's resurrected power! There's life in my body! There's life in my family! There's life in my job! There's life in my business and in every area of my life! I live triumphantly in, and by the power of His resurrection! Hallelujah!
I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I prosper and I live in the manifestation of your infinite blessings because I’m Abraham’s seed. I'm an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I'm blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! Through the power of the Word and by the working of the Spirit, I walk in God's perfect will for my life today. There're no accidents or mishaps on my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all my endeavors today. The Word of God grows mightily in me, prevailing and producing health in every area of my body. I refuse to be a victim; I continually live above sickness, disease and infirmities; for as He is, so am I in this world. I declare that I'm strong and healthy. My spirit, finances, and entire being respond to the Word. Sickness, death and poverty have no place in me. I am confident of this very thing that the life of God is in me. Therefore, poverty, failure, sickness and death are not a part of my life because the life that's at work in me is superior to the devil and all his works. Today, I walk with the consciousness that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world, for eternal life is at work in me in the name of Jesus. Amen.
I declare that my faith is alive and producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me; therefore, my body is daily renewed! I'm not of this world; I'm from above. I'm born of God and I've got His life and nature in me. I'm divinely enabled to do as God's Word says; therefore, I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it's impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. The healing power is working in my bones, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and in every cell in my blood. The Holy Ghost vitalizes my body; therefore, my body cannot be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
I’m full of joy, basking in the grace and glory of Christ and full blessings of the Gospel. I’m conscious of God’s love and care for me and for every detail of my life; everything that pertains to me has been perfected! I live in peace, and function from a place of rest, now and always. The Word of God is working mightily in me. It doesn't matter what may come my way; I'm a victor and I've overcome because I'm more than a conqueror. The life of God is working in my spirit, soul and body, and it's manifested in all that concerns me. I declare that sickness and ill health are far from me. I'm protected from harm and I dwell in health all the days of my life. I declare that I'm a new creation, born superior to Satan and all the demons of darkness. I'm an offspring of divinity and a product of Christ's resurrection! I'm a partaker of the divine nature and I dwell in Zion. I'm born for health, success and the glory of God! My faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I believe God's Word that says He that has the Son, has life. Therefore, my health shines forth from one level of glory to another. I am walking in divine health every day. Sickness cannot prevail over my body because eternal life is working from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I have in me the indestructible life of God! Daily, I walk in health, victory, prosperity, and strength because the Greater One lives in me! Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood is inundated with divine energy! I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I prosper and I live in the manifestation of your infinite blessings because I’m Abraham’s seed. I'm an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I'm blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! I affirm that I'm born again; therefore, I'm not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so, has He given me to have His life: life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmity; therefore, I'm uninfectable. I am not ordinary; I refuse to accommodate any form of weakness in my body. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumor, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, lung failure in any place in my body. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
God's Word is health to my body. It's medicine to my flesh and I meditate upon it constantly. My words are full of divine power and authority, and they produce changes in my life. I choose and live the good life. I have health, strength and vitality. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity and walk in victory every day. I declare that my body is vitalized by His power in me. There's no death or failure in my body; the life-giving Spirit is at work in every fiber of my being. I declare that my body is daily filled with strength from within, by the power of the Holy Ghost. I’m fully yielded to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and His Word, for His Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path by which He leads me in the paths of success, victory, and boundless joy! I’m washed, sanctified, and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God! Therefore, consciously, I walk in the light of God’s Word, in the light of my righteousness, knowing that I’m holy, unblameable and unreproveable in His sight. I’m impacting my world with the light of God in my spirit, turning many to righteousness in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity. I am a product of God's Word, for my origin is the Word of God; therefore my words and actions are backed by divine authority. I'm born again; therefore, I'm not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so, has He given me to have His life: life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. My body was fashioned for the Lord's presence. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore sickness, disease and anything that hurts or binds have no place here. I reject the world's view about aging. I live in the ageless zone, where I can only grow without aging. Each day, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength and my youth are renewed! Through the power of the Word and by the working of the Spirit, I walk in God's perfect will for my life today. There are no accidents or mishaps on my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all my endeavors today, in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am complete in Christ Jesus, and I've been perfected through my union with Him. I've been created for good works and predestinated for the good life; there is nothing wrong in my body. I've got everything I require for an excellent life. The Holy Spirit has brought the glory of God into my life, giving me guidance and direction; He makes me creative and innovative. He’s filled me with supernatural ability to do things beyond the ordinary; I see value where others don’t; I bring new things into this world. I have insight into mysteries and secrets through the Holy Spirit. I’m Spirit-ruled and Word-governed. I see through the Word, understand by the Word, and renew my mind with the Word. I’m cultured by the Word for the life of the Kingdom. The Word of God controls my values, ideas, opinions, choices and decisions. I am not moved by lying symptoms. I declare that I am strong with the strength of God in me. I live and enjoy divine health and healing to the full. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Jesus has made my life beautiful! I'll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always in the matchless Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I live in ever-increasing glory. I experience victory, divine health, and blessings as I spend time in fellowship with the Lord. My life is an expression of His supernatural grace, glory, perfection, beauty, and righteousness. I am victorious in all things because Christ lives in me. He is my refuge, my home, my health, my wealth, and my glory. In Him, I have peace and dominion over circumstances. I am forever making progress, and I am always fruitful and productive. I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. I speak life, divine health, soundness, strength, vitality, and energy to my body. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I do not get sick. I do not have any disease. My body and its systems and organs function optimally and excellently. My body is impregnable to sickness, disease, attack, or fatigue. I have the life, strength and energy of God. Glory! Hallelujah!
I am blessed beyond measure; blessed in my body and mind, finances and business, and all that pertains to me. The blessings of God overflow from me to all those around me and to the nations of the world. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. I have escaped the corruption that is in the world and I have received eternal life. This life causes me to live above any form of sickness of the body or mind. I live in health always and I enjoy soundness, wholeness, and perfection in my spirit, soul, and body. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. What a delight! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me; the Almighty God has breathed life into me; as a result, I carry God in me wherever I go. Wherever I am, I perform miracles by His mighty power; I heal the sick and raise the dead, and nothing is impossible to me. I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah. Glory to God!
The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. All around me, at all times, there is righteousness, peace, and exceedingly great joy in the Holy Ghost. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I am backed by divine authority and I have overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing can stand against me successfully. I acknowledge that God’s divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. I am living in health always. God has blessed me with the divine life. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, infirmity, failure, lack or want, in Jesus Name. Amen!
The Lord my God is King eternal; His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I have the same life that Jesus has, in its fullness. My life is sickness-proof, disease-proof, poverty-proof and failure-proof. It’s a life of glory, victory, success and excellence. Nothing of the devil can stay in me, for I’ve embraced the transcendent life that’s in Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature; I’ve overcome the world. Hallelujah!
My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence, where there is no sickness, death, disease, infirmity, or failure. I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world, bringing glory to the Name of the Lord continually. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to God, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires. My mind is yielded to God’s Word, and my heart is regulated by the Word. Thank You Father, for helping me discover who I really am and the priceless treasure you’ve deposited in my spirit through the knowledge of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. I acknowledge and walk in the light of my divine heritage, origin and glory in Christ. I affirm that I have the incorruptible life of God in my spirit. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I’ve received in Christ. I am an associate of the God-kind and a partaker of the divine nature, having been made free from the corrupting influences, decadence, and destruction in the world. I’m conscious of the transcendent life of glory and victory that God has given me in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. I cannot be sick because Jesus makes me well. He has paralyzed the works of the enemy and has brought them to nothing; therefore, I reign over Satan and his cohorts of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. My spirit is conditioned by the Word of God. My spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed and renewed as I meditate on God’s Word. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God the Father and in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
God loves me personally. I’m His peculiar treasure; my value to Him is the value of Jesus. I think, talk, walk, and live as someone special, for indeed I am. God reigns, establishes, and spreads His love and righteousness on earth today through me. God's Word is my light and my life! It's nourishment for my spirit, sustenance for my soul, and wellness for my body! I always live by the Word; its awesome power is at work in me as I meditate on it daily. My life bears witness to the Word with evidence of its eternal life, perfect health, unrivaled strength, and revitalizing power. I have the same life that Jesus has, in its fullness. My life is sickness-proof, disease-proof, poverty-proof and failure-proof. It’s a life of glory, victory, success and excellence. Nothing of the devil can stay in me, for I’ve embraced the transcendent life that’s in Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature; I’ve overcome the world. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, I refuse to allow anything to dominate me. I keep my body in subjection to the Word of God! Anything that’s not consistent with the Word of God for my life isn’t permitted in my body! I walk in divine health constantly. Glory to God!
I am blessed in all things like faithful Abraham, and I am conscious of this blessing. God’s blessings make me rich and do not bring sorrow; rather, they produce abundant life in my health, finances, family, business, and all that concerns me. I am blessed with all-around prosperity. My life blossoms like a tree by the riverside whose leaves never wither. By God’s design, I bear fruits of righteousness and I burst forth in health always. My life is exceptional and nothing is missing or lacking. I magnify the Lord at all times because He has filled my mouth with laughter and my heart with joy. The joy of the Lord strengthens and revitalizes my body. There is no sadness or depression in my life. Worry and fear are dispelled as I radiate joy and peace. Christ is my assurance for living in perfect health every day. There is no trace of weakness, sickness, infirmity, or death in my body. Everything in my body is perfect, just as God made it. I am alive unto God because Jesus is alive in me! I am victorious in all things because Christ lives in me. He is my refuge, my home, my health, my wealth, and my glory. In Him, I have peace and dominion over circumstances. I am forever making progress, and I am always fruitful and productive in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Father, from the depth of my heart, I’m grateful for Your grace, mercy, wisdom and power by which I live triumphantly today, prospering in all that I do. Thank You for Your glory in my life; You’re righteous, holy, gracious, kind and pure. Your Kingdom is everlasting, and You rule the nations in righteousness. Blessed be Your Name forever, O Lord. You’re the King eternal, immortal, with all power, glory and majesty. You’re the joy of heaven and hope of the earth. You’re the Most High God, who alone is worthy of all praise, honour and adoration. You’re King of the ages. I worship You today and forever and I thank You for faith that’s stirred in my spirit to change my world. By faith, I obtain good reports in my day, as I accomplish supernatural feats for the Kingdom. I refuse to be mediocre in any way, because my life is the manifestation of Your resplendent glory. I walk in the knowledge of Your will in wisdom and spiritual understanding. I’m guided by the Holy Spirit to walk in Your light and in Your truth. I am seated with Christ and I reign with Him, in Him, and through Him. I thank God for the power and authority that He has given me over devils. The enemy has no right to run things in my home, my body, and my finances. I live in the dominion of Christ at all times in Jesus Name. Amen.
I stand as a king and I reign victoriously in life. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; sin, sickness, and death have no power over me. Every facet of my life has been supplanted with the very life of God; therefore, my body is daily inundated with divine health, and the Spirit of God gives it life because of righteousness. I am energized, strengthened, and full of life every day. I live the transcendent life in Christ, far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His kind of life. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and ability! I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I’ve received eternal life and it’s all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind. I am disease-proof! Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King, and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I’m fully equipped and fortified with the whole armour of God, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. God's Word from my lips prevails against adverse circumstances, producing righteousness and salvation, subduing darkness and evil and all manipulations of Satan. I’m strengthened and energized for increased productivity and greater effectiveness by God's Spirit today. I can do all things. I change the circumstances of my life to conform to God's perfect will for me. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to God, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires. My mind is yielded to God's Word, and my heart is regulated by the Word. I live the victorious life that God has called me into; a triumphant life that is above sickness, poverty, failure, and every disease. I take full advantage of the divine life that is at work in me, as I display the virtues and perfections of Christ, in Jesus Name. Amen.
I live a life of faith. I’m not moved by what I feel, see, or hear. I am only moved by God's Word. The presence of the Holy Ghost in my life gives strength to my spirit, soul, and body. I am replenished and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, great prosperity, and unending joy. I’m a God-carrier, the home of His presence; I could never fail or be defeated, because the greater One lives in me. I impact my world with His divine presence today, and saturate my environment with His glory and righteousness. My life is the outworking of the Word. When I talk, it’s the Word; when I act, it’s the Word; I live out the Word in my daily walk. The Christian walk is my life; that’s the expression of my person. I’m divine; born to reign and rule in this world! My life is the testimony of God's grace, glory and greatness. I’m blessed and the dispenser of God's blessings and goodness. I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence in Jesus Name! Amen!
I am bold, strong, and courageous in my daily walk of faith. My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down everything in my body that is contrary to God’s provisions for my health. The greater One lives in me. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in every part of my body. The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God the Father. I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. I’m making progress with giant strides as I fulfill the ministry and destiny that God has for me. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King, and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I am not one who continually requires healing; I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I dwell constantly in health and I am a life-giver. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour! When He died, I died; when He was buried, I was buried with Him. Now that He’s risen, I’ve been raised together with Him, born anew with the resurrection life that is free of sin, sickness, disease, and death! I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence! I affirm that My body responds to the Word of God at all times. It is regulated by God’s Word and every part of my body aligns with what God has said. The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces result in my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. It produces what it talks about in me: supernatural health, surplus supply, unlimited grace, and joy unspeakable in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
I radiate health and glory every day. I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence! I live a life of faith. I’m not moved by what I feel, see, or hear. I am only moved by God's Word. The presence of the Holy Ghost in my life gives strength to my spirit, soul, and body. I am replenished and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, great prosperity, and unending joy. I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. I am alive! I declare that I am joined unto the Lord and I am one spirit with Him. Christ is the glory of my life. There is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life and the glorious blessing of salvation in Christ Jesus. My body is daily impacted by the God-life. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Amen!
The greater One lives in me; therefore, I have no fear of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. I have passed from death to life, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always. I'm alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. I am the temple of the living God. I refuse to let sickness take a hold of my body. I have the unconquerable life of God in me; I cannot be sick! Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. I am rejuvenated and restored because the very essence of life and divinity is resident in my body. I am imperishable because the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead quickens my body through and through. Praise God!
I take advantage of God's provisions in the Gospel for my health. My body is sound; every organ and system is functioning excellently well. My health blossoms because the Lord is the strength of my life and His Word is health to my flesh. I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body, thus, I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I enjoy God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I am blessed beyond measure; blessed in my body and mind, finances and business, and all that pertains to me. The blessings of God overflow from me to all those around me and to the nations of the world. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and safety always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I live the victorious life always in Jesus Name. Amen!
I belong to Christ and I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! I know what the Word says about me. I affirm that I’m filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! The totality of divinity is tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today! As the Lord Jesus is begotten of the Father, so am I; therefore, I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body. God’s Word is my light and my life! It’s the nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my flesh! I live by the Word always and declare that its mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says. I have a testimony of the Word in my life; it is a testimony of eternal life, perfect health, matchless strength, and energizing power. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I am a child of God; born for the glory life. I give thanks to God for the life of Christ that is at work in me mightily, making me indestructible and insusceptible to sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity in Jesus Name. Amen!
I’m fully equipped and fortified with the whole armour of God, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Your Word from my lips prevails against adverse circumstances, producing righteousness and salvation, subduing darkness and evil and all manipulations of Satan. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to you, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires. My mind is yielded to God's Word, and my heart is regulated by the Word. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding; and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in Jesus Name. Amen.
I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion–the city of the living God. Therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen; the Spirit of God is working effectually in me today and always. The life of God in me Spirit destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. The Holy Spirit lives in me and I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and my world, for His power is in me! My faith is working and producing results today! I affirm that my faith grows mightily and prevails. I advance from glory to glory and from strength to strength always! I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I am living in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me. I rejoice always because the Lord has set me on the path of righteousness. My life is filled with peace and prosperity, my body is kept in perfect health, and my days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory in Jesus Name. Amen.
The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. I thank God for the unveiling of His Word in my spirit today and always. Now I know that I cannot be sick or disadvantaged because the “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. There is no area of darkness in my life and health because the light of God’s Word has illuminated my entire being. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. Daily, this eternal life is manifested through me, effecting changes in my body and transforming circumstances in my life to conform to God’s Word. I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. Hallelujah!
I have the mind of Christ. I don't give myself to lesser thoughts. I am the glory of God. I have insight into mysteries and secrets of the Kingdom of God. I speak the wisdom of God always and I have insight to the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. I’m full of power; limitless, overcoming, and surpassing power over crises, diseases, and infirmities. The power of God in me is at work today against circumstances, pain, sickness, and death. No infection can fasten itself to my body. I have the nature of the Father. Eternal life is at work in every bone of my body and every cell of my blood. My entire body is vitalized with divine life. No sickness, disease, infirmity, or growth can stay in my body. Death has been dissolved by eternal life. My health and strength are renewed daily. I have the strength of the Spirit, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory, success, and greatness. The Lord has set His love upon me, and He satisfies me with long life; a long and rich life. I live in perfect health. I live in absolute dominion and victory over sickness. Divine ability is at work in me. I'm not afraid of pestilence, plagues, pandemics, or germs and diseases that stalk in darkness. I have absolute mastery over them all in Jesus Name. Amen!
I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, where I am protected under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my Refuge and my Fortress, and in Him I confidently trust! I have no fears because He's my safe haven. Therefore, sickness, poverty, fear, darkness, and pain have no part in my life. Through the Word of God, I have insight into God's perfect will for my life, and I am guided in the path of victory, divine health, and dominion. I declare that I deal wisely in the affairs of life. The Holy Spirit is my teacher and guide. He floods my heart with the wisdom to deal excellently and wisely in life and all its affairs. He grants me the understanding of spiritual realities and causes me to abound in divine health, peace, and joy. I walk in the consciousness of my oneness with Him today and I receive greater insight into the mysteries and secrets of my ever-glorious life in Christ. I function from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body; thus, I give full expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my body and life. I have the life of God in me, and my body is conditioned and conformed to my divine nature in Christ; therefore, I do not get sick because the life at work in me is superior and has overcome sickness, disease, and death in the matchless Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I stand fast in the liberty of Christ and rejoice in the glory of God, never to be burdened by any yoke of bondage. I’m free to live, free to reign, and free to serve the Lord in health, joy, victory and prosperity. My mind is stationed and focused on God’s Word, for the Lord is my delight! In Him, I’ve found peace, salvation, victory, unending joy, and life everlasting! Excellence, glory, health, peace, virtue, and success are the hallmarks of my life because the grace of God is superabundant upon me. I am conscious of my divine origin; therefore, the circumstances of life are subject to me. I’m seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principalities, powers, might, and dominions. God's Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul and health to my body. I am conscious of God's Word, and I believe what it says about me. God's Word says I have eternal life and I live in divine health; I believe it with all my heart, and I affirm it with my mouth: I have eternal life and I live in divine health! In Christ, I triumph always and I have the wisdom to excel in all things to the glory of the Lord. I live in health, prosperity, and joy; celebrating my victory over satan, the world, and all the negativities of life. I choose and live the good life: a life of abundance, joy, strength, and vitality in Jesus Name. Amen!
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I'm divinely protected on every side! I cannot be perplexed because the Greater and All-knowing One is in me! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. I rejoice in God’s loving-kindness, which has strengthened my hope, thus giving me an assurance of His infallible Word for my life. Jesus bore all my infirmities in His own body; therefore, I refuse to be brought down by sickness. In Him, I live in divine health. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. I have eternal life now; therefore, nothing in me produces death. I live in absolute victory and mastery over sickness, poverty and all the wiles of the devil in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
My life is founded on Christ my Saviour, and in Him I dwell in safety and security. By the power in the Name of Jesus, I come against the activities of satan and his cohorts, affirming that their plans to wreak havoc and unleash terror in my life and health are overturned. I have the life and nature of Christ in my spirit. This life flows through my entire being, vitalizing every part of my body. I’ve put on the image of the heavenly, and I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name, both in this world and in the world to come. I am far removed from poverty, sickness, death, defeat, destruction, and failure. The eyes of my understanding are enlightened. I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. I have the power and authority over all devils; to cast them out, and to cure all diseases! I affirm that satan has no place in my home, my body or anywhere around me. Christ, the embodiment of life, wisdom, and power is alive and exalted in me today; He is working in me and perfecting all that concerns me – spirit, soul, and body! I manifest His wisdom, ability and power, and I’m full of His life and might always in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
My life is for the glory of God! I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and abide under the shadow of the Almighty; in health, safety, prosperity, and joy. I am filled with the Holy Spirit and divinely transported into the higher realms of life, far removed from poverty, sickness, death, defeat, destruction, and failure. I am a partaker of the divine life! Now, every fear is gone and I'm full of faith. I dominate my world and maintain my victory in Christ. My confessions of faith come to pass because my words are anointed to produce results. There's no hopeless situation I can’t change, for my faith is the victory that overcomes every adversity. Irrespective of what I hear, see or feel, my faith in God’s Word prevails. I walk in absolute health today. The Word of God is effectual and effective in my body today, producing everything it talks about. My faith confessions of divine health come to pass because my words are anointed to produce results. There’s no situation I can't change, for my faith is the victory that overcomes every adversity. Irrespective of what I hear, see or feel, my faith in God’s Word prevails. I walk in health, victory, prosperity and success today in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
My life’s history begins with God, for I’m crucified with Christ and I arose with Him a brand new man; one without a past. Jesus Christ is Lord of my life; therefore, I refuse to be in bondage to any habit or lifestyle that’s contrary to the Word of God. I have the Greater One living in me, and He guides and propels me from within, in the paths of righteousness, divine health, and prosperity. I'm fully persuaded that greater is He that's in me than he that’s in the world; therefore, no disease, adversity, or adverse circumstance can overwhelm me. I’m convinced of my eternal victory over sin, sickness, and death. I’m not moved by physical circumstances, but I stand firmly on God’s Word, taking advantage of the faith that has been imparted into my spirit to ward off any attack on my body. The power of God is released to cause the desired changes in my health. I have the ability to speak words of power that produce life in my body. Therefore, I speak health, peace, progress, and prosperity over my life. I’m what God says I am. The Word of God is working in me mightily and moving me forward. The Word of God assures me of divine health and a glorious life of victory in Christ Jesus. My spirit is inundated with God's power, such that it permeates my soul and moves upon my physical body, thereby making me invulnerable to sickness, disease, and the assaults of the devil in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I live in perfect health. I live in absolute dominion and victory over sickness. Divine ability is at work in me. I'm not afraid of pestilence, plagues, pandemics, or germs and diseases that stalk in darkness. I have absolute mastery over them all. The angels of the Lord bear me up in their hands. I do not fall. I do not fail. I do not falter. I trample under my foot, challenges, sickness, infirmities, disappointments, agony, mishaps deceptions, and falsities. I live and dwell in health and safety all my days. I have the nature of the Father. Eternal life is at work in every bone of my body and every cell of my blood. My entire body is vitalized with divine life. No sickness, disease, infirmity, or growth can stay in my body. Death has been dissolved by eternal life. As a child of God, I dispense divine life to my world. Eternal life flows into everything I lay my hands on to do, causing endless prosperity because the law of life that is at work in me makes it so. I am full of health, vitality, and abundant blessings. Like faithful Abraham, I am blessed in all things. God’s blessings produce life in me and make me rich in my health, finances, family, business, and all that concerns me. I live above the things that affect the natural man. I am untouchable, for I live in Christ and Christ lives in me. Glory, glory, hallelujah!
I am born of God; therefore, I’ve got the life of God. I walk in divine health always because my entire being is powered by the resurrection life in Christ Jesus. The fullness of God tabernacles in my spirit, soul, and body, and is expressed in me today and always. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. What a delight! I am not perturbed about what happens around me because the infallible Word of God keeps me in perfect health. The living Word gives life to my body, piercing into every part and correcting every anomaly. I am perfected and made whole by the power of God that is at work in me. I speak forth life, salvation, health, prosperity, and blessings only. I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. The wonder-working power of God is at work in me mightily; this power dispels sickness and all infirmities. My life goes from glory to glory, from strength to strength, and from grace to grace in the matchless name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. I’m making progress with giant strides as I fulfill the ministry and destiny that God has for me. Divine health is my nature; therefore, I am not subject to the elements of this world and my body cannot be dominated or put under by headaches, fevers, diabetes, or any manner of sickness. Divine health is my birthright; my body conforms to the Word of God at all times, for it is the house of the Holy Ghost. I refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s Word. I live and enjoy the glorious and victorious life. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. This power in me is greater than sickness. I rejoice always because the Lord has set me on the path of righteousness. My life is filled with peace and prosperity. My body is kept in perfect health. My days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I am blessed in my mind and body, finances and business, and all that pertains to me. The blessings of God overflow from me to all those around me and to the nations of the world. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. My life is built on the Word of God because I am born of the Word. It infuses my spirit with dominion and excellence. It keeps me in health, strength, and victory, making me experience unprecedented progress, peace, and prosperity in my life. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. The Word of God has complete control over my spirit, soul, and body. I am perpetually triumphant in Christ because I am born of God and my faith makes me a victorious overcomer and more than a conqueror over sickness, disease, and the elements of this world. The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. All around me, at all times, there is righteousness, peace, and exceedingly great joy in the Holy Ghost. I am born of God’s indestructible Word. I put away from me any picture that’s contrary to what the Word of God says about my health, ability, strength, and righteousness. I see with the eyes of the Spirit. I see my body excellent and in perfect condition; I see that I’m mightily helped by the Lord because He is my strength and my life. I’m an efficient distributor of God’s healing power and divine health realities. I lay hands on the sick and they recover. I am backed by divine authority and I have overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing can stand against me successfully. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can corrupt my health. I live above them because I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms of glory. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life. I acknowledge that God’s divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am full of faith and power. With this power, I heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, and do mighty works for the Lord. No disease or sickness will come near me or my loved ones. We are protected and divinely preserved. God’s divine power has given unto me all things that pertain to life and godliness. I live an endless, incorruptible, and indestructible life. I’m an associate of the God-kind, and I’ve got the indestructible life of God in me. I was born with the resurrection life that’s beyond sickness and disease; therefore, I walk in divine health every day! As a child of God, I dispense divine life to my world. Eternal life flows into everything I lay my hands on to do, causing endless prosperity because the law of life that is at work in me makes it so. I am full of health, vitality, and abundant blessings. Every fiber of my being is perfect. My blood, organs, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints are functioning perfectly. There is no abnormality in me. I am indestructible and impregnable to the death, destruction, and darkness that is in the world. I’m full of power; limitless, overcoming, and surpassing power over crises, diseases, and infirmities in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I have absolute faith in God and His unfailing and eternal Word! No contrary wind, circumstance, or situation that I face can dissipate my confidence in God’s Word! Through the power of God’s Word, my faith prevails today, and I affirm that I am living in perfect health, divine vitality, and supernatural abilities. The Holy Spirit lives in me and I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and my world, for His power is in me! My faith is working and producing results today! I affirm that my faith grows mightily and prevails. I advance from glory to glory and from strength to strength always! I live and walk by faith and not by sight. I’m not moved by what I see, feel, or hear. I’m moved only by the Word of God! My life is going forward and upward only and nothing is impossible unto me. Christ in me brings strength into my spirit, soul, and body. I am rejuvenated and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, good success, and continual promotions, dealing wisely in all affairs of life. I affirm that I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have the authority to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that corrupts, harms, or contaminates the body. By the power vested in the all-conquering Name of Jesus, I live the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always. Hallelujah!
I dwell in the glorious realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. This same Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. Today, I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I'm living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I'm in perpetual dominion over sickness and life's circumstances. I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can lodge in it. I cut out any disease-germ or growth that tries to attach itself to my body, in the Name of Jesus, and I continually glorify God in my spirit and my body as I walk in divine health always. I declare that I am reigning in life–in my health, finances, job, and every area of my life. I walk in the victory and dominion of Christ today. I manifest life, glory, and excellence in every fiber of my being, and I grow from strength to strength every day. I live above the systems of the world. I’m seated together with Christ, far above principalities, powers, and the elements of this realm. I am confident that my body is a manifestation of God’s glory upon me. I walk daily in perfect health. I walk in the reality of my inheritance in Christ, strengthened and energized by the Spirit for the glory life. I disallow sickness from having its way in my body. I dwell in health all the days of my life. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am a king-priest and my words are full of extraordinary power. I decree peace, health, success, and victory into every aspect of my life. I take absolute charge over my life and proclaim that all things are working in my favor. The life of God is in me; working in me mightily. He has given this life to me to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength today and every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. I refuse to be broken by sickness, disease, or any form of infirmity because Jesus’ body was bruised and broken for me. I live persistently above sickness, disease, and infirmity; for as Jesus is, so am I in this world. I am not moved by what I feel, see, or hear because I am full of faith. I’m ever radiant in health and I live victoriously in all that concerns me. The glorious life in Christ is continually manifested in my spirit and it is evident in all that I do. I am energized, strengthened, and full of life every day. I live the transcendent life in Christ, far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His kind of life. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and ability in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. Sickness cannot stay around me; when I arrive, sickness checks out. I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I’ve received eternal life and it’s all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind. I am disease-proof! Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body. I am the effulgence of God’s glory. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. Glory, glory, glory to God.
Precious Lord Jesus, You’re glorious, You’re great and mighty; You’re righteous, holy, pure, and true. You’re the Alpha and Omega, the author and perfecter of all things! I rejoice evermore, knowing that You’re in me and with me always, guiding me in the path of life, to fulfil Your perfect will. I thank You for giving me all things in Christ Jesus. Christ is my all; in Christ I have all that I require for life and godliness; I have all that I require to live triumphantly and please You in all things. In Christ Jesus, I’ve been given dominion over circumstances, and I’m superior to Satan and the forces of darkness. The life God has given me in Christ is that of great glory and excellence, where I prosper in all things, by His Word! I’m full of wisdom, glory and strength. I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy. Hallelujah!
I’m a carrier of God’s blessings; everything that’s connected to me is blessed, grows and multiplies. I’m a dispenser of the Lord’s goodness to my world, the extension and manifestation of His manifold graces to all those I come in contact with today. I’ve received grace to reign and rule in life as a king. Therefore, I exercise dominion over circumstances, the devil and his cohorts. Right now, in the Name of Jesus, I break the influence of Satan over my life and that of my loved ones. Christ reigns in my life. I thank You Lord for Your divine power that works in me mightily. I’m excellent, and I have an excellent life! I can do all things because the power that works in me is divine, and therefore unlimited. I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King, and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I dwell constantly in health and I am a life-giver. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour! When He died, I died; when He was buried, I was buried with Him. Now that He’s risen, I’ve been raised together with Him, born anew with the resurrection life that is free of sin, sickness, disease, and death! I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence! The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. I have the imperishable life of God in me; therefore, I live continually in divine health and strength. Divinity is at work in me. I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. The Greater One lives in me. I know who I am; I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Hallelujah!
I am enjoying God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I thank You precious Father for the glory and transformation I experience in my life as a result of Your Word that dwells richly in my heart and proceeds out of my mouth. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I’m fully persuaded by the Word of God! I anchor my life on God’s Word, and I refuse to be swayed by contrary winds or circumstances, for my faith is the title deed of unseen realities. I walk in the light of my inheritance in Christ, in power and grace, living in divine health and supernatural prosperity. I’m victorious evermore. Thank You Lord for Your life in me that makes me more than a conqueror; I live above sickness and disease. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. Glory to God!
The life of God is at work in me, permeating my whole being. I flourish in health and walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are my mine always. I am alive unto God; therefore, I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day of my life. You’re gracious and kind, Lord; You’re righteous, holy, just and true. Thank You for Your life in me that makes me more than a conqueror; I live above sickness and disease. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body. I am the effulgence of God’s glory. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness in Jesus Name. Amen.
Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, my health is ever radiant and ever flourishing. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. I am of God. I live in the ageless and deathless zone. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body. I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. The angels of the Lord bear me up in their hands. I do not fall. I do not fail. I do not falter. I trample under my foot, challenges, sickness, infirmities, disappointments, agony, mishaps deceptions, and falsities. I live and dwell in health and safety all my days. I live the supernatural life in Christ – the life of majesty, tranquility, and dominance. The reign of the Word and the influence of the Holy Spirit is over my spirit, soul, and body. I have the eternal life of God; therefore, I am not affected by anything that hurts in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. I am divinely connected to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. In my path is light that manifests supernatural strength and vitality. The Word of God is life to me and health to my flesh. Eternal life is at work in me, radiating to all in my world. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. Mine is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. I give thanks to God for He has made me superior to Satan, his demons, sickness, disease, and infirmity. Nothing in me or about me dies or succumbs to the corrupting influences of this world. I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go. I’ve been lifted over the depravities and corrupting influences of this world. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I enjoy God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost in the Name of Jesus. Amen!
I am at home in Christ where sickness and death are illegal. My faith works for divine health; therefore, I stand in the authority that has been given to me in Christ and refuse any form of infirmity from having its way in my body. The Word of truth abides in me and it dispels any form of infirmity from my body. I radiate health and glory at all times. I live in the fullness of the blessings of Christ. My life is one of ever-increasing glory and grace. I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are infused with divinity. I am a product of God’s Word. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Every part of my body is yielded to God as an instrument of righteousness. My life is not ordinary. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am always conscious of the divine life that is at work in me! My entire being is inundated with divine energy. I will never be defeated because of the Holy Spirit who lives and works in me. My life is a testimony of the wonder-working power of God’s Word. I’m alive to God! I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness; thus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. I refuse to think or talk sickness, for I am the seed of Abraham. Glory to God!
Divine life is working in my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me and invigorates me through and through. Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, it is ever radiant and ever flourishing. There is no failure in my body systems; no heart failure, no kidney failure, no lung failure, no liver failure. All the organs and systems of my body are functioning perfectly well. There is perfect soundness in my body. I live a life of faith. I’m not moved by what I feel, see, or hear. I am only moved by God's Word. The presence of the Holy Ghost in my life gives strength to my spirit, soul, and body. I am replenished and built up by the Word. God's Word is my light and my life! It's nourishment for my spirit, sustenance for my soul, and wellness for my body! I always live by the Word; its awesome power is at work in me as I meditate on it daily. My life bears witness to the Word with evidence of its eternal life, perfect health, unrivaled strength, and revitalizing power. I boldly exercise my divine rights in Christ, taming my body and environment with my faith-filled confessions. No evil shall befall me. Nothing shall by any means hurt me because the Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress. Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. Eternity is alive in me. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. The life of God in me makes me more than a man; I refuse to be ordinary. Sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in my life. Health, strength, and victory are mine always! There’s no death in my path! In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into more glorious and higher realms of life. No wiles or fiery darts from the enemy can penetrate my body and no symptoms of sickness can thrive in my body because I’m God’s sanctuary. Praise God.
My faith does not stagger; it is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts because my faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I flourish in perfect health and I am above all crippling circumstances of life. All things are working for my good. I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness; thus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. I am the best of God’s creation because His Word of truth gave birth to me. This truth abides in me and produces the life of righteousness, glory, excellence, and divine health in me. I am a partaker of God's divine nature and I am inseparable from Him. I enjoy health, peace, joy, and all the benefits of salvation. I walk in the path of light every day, and this light shines brightly on my health and everything that concerns me. My life is exuberant with joy and I walk in the manifestations of God’s righteousness. I walk conscious of my heritage in Christ. Sickness has no place in my body. I thrive in health every day. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant. My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. By virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me, I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence. I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant. Christ lives in me; therefore, I’m made for life! His divine power has given me everything I require to live joyfully and victoriously every day. Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions, and the glorious life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus! My body is God's temple; therefore, I’m superhuman. The Holy Spirit resides in my body and His power is functioning to keep me healthy, warding off sickness, disease, and infirmities. Every day, I rule and reign over the circumstances of life and I exercise dominion over Satan and the power of darkness. Christ is my advantage for the glorious life. He is my home; my life and my all! In Him, I live and move and have my being. His glory is all I see, have, and experience. In Christ, all things are mine. I live above lack, sickness, disease, defeat, and all the rudiments of this world because I am a joint-heir with Christ. I live a life of faith. I’m not moved by what I feel, see, or hear. I am only moved by God's Word. The presence of the Holy Ghost in my life gives strength to my spirit, soul, and body. I am replenished and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, great prosperity, and unending joy in Jesus Name. Amen.
My mind is anointed to think godly thoughts! With the Word of God in my mouth, I cast down all imaginations of fear, failure, sickness, disease and infirmity! No evil or negative imagination has a place in my heart! My mind is inundated with the Word, with which I prevail over all the fiery darts of the enemy! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no sickness, disease or infirmity can lodge in it. I cut out any disease-germ or growth that tries to attach itself to my body, in the Name of Jesus, and I continually glorify God in my spirit and my body. I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion, the city of the living God. Therefore, I cannot be subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen, seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms! Therefore, I affirm that the power of the Word and the Spirit is working effectually in me today and always. This power destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth constantly, and I have the character of God’s Spirit. I am impervious to disease because the Greater One lives in me. I live above every sickness because God has raised me up together with Christ to sit in heavenly places, far above all principality and power. My words are backed by divine authority. When I decree a thing, it is established. I walk in the full benefits of the salvation that Jesus Christ wrought for me, including health, peace, prosperity, and all-round success. As I speak words of life, I cause positive changes in my life, in my environment, and in the lives of those that come in contact with me in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am free from sickness. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free; therefore, I refuse to fear what the adversary may do to me because I know who I am. I can never be defeated; I am a king and I reign victoriously in life. I enjoy life to the full. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; no sickness or disease can contaminate it. I live in triumph over the elements of this world and I carry my divine atmosphere everywhere I go. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King, and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I am an associate of the God-kind and a partaker of the divine nature, having been made free from the corrupting influences, decadence, and destruction in the world. Today and always, I’m conscious of the transcendent life of glory and victory that God has given me through Christ Jesus. I have the life of God in me; it’s the superior life of glory, success, and victory. Thank You, Lord, for giving me this glorious and wondrous life and thus making me divine. My life is not ordinary. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Hallelujah!
I’m functioning in supernatural wisdom, supply, strength, ability, and knowledge. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I’m fulfilling God’s purpose for my life. I’m forever protected and fortified against all evil and wickedness in this world. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of the Word! The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, defeat or failure. I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer. My life is for the glory of God. I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. I live in and by the power of that the Name of Jesus today. I’m making progress with giant strides as I fulfill the ministry and destiny that God has for me in Jesus Name. Amen!
I am bold, courageous, and audacious. I consistently take my stand in faith against sickness, disease, poverty, death, and every manipulation of the enemy. I maintain my victory in Christ Jesus. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy. My new life in Christ is a super-life; it’s a daily expression of victorious and triumphant living! The knowledge of God’s Word increases in me daily and my faith is built up to alter the impossible and surmount all challenges. I do not struggle in my health, for divine life flows freely through my veins and my being. Through the continuous exercise of my faith in God’s Word, I live and experience an endless stream of miracles, testimonies, and victories, knowing that everything is subject to the Word. I am conscious of the greatness and power of God within me. Sickness, disease, and infirmity bow to my audacious faith confessions, and I live and enjoy the supernatural life naturally. Nothing in this world is powerful or potent enough to destroy my spirit, soul, or body, for I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I live in God's perfect will for my life and I am in sync with His plans and purposes for my health. The Spirit of God orders my steps in the path of life, health, and prosperity always, and I am protected from every wind of destruction in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am Christ-conscious and I carry God's presence everywhere I go. I am conscious of His grace and His awesome presence in my life. I do not worry, stress, fret, or struggle. I am not anxious about sicknesses or afflictions that plague ordinary men. I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God! I’ve been brought into life and immortality. I’m fearless, for death has been paralysed—defeated by Jesus, and when He did it, I was in Him! My faith grows by the Word, prevails and triumphs over contrary winds and opposition. My life is regulated by the eternal realities of the Kingdom, and the blessings therein are unleashed into my world. My faith works by love, and I obtain a good report from God as I live victoriously every day. In my way is life. In my pathway, there is no death. I have the life of God in me. Life belongs to me; I have it as my possession and as my nature. I have the nature of God; I originate from heaven. Therefore, I live a life that is above poverty, failure, and sickness. The life of God permeates my whole being. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are mine always in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world. I am not affected by sickness or the rudiments of this world. I am founded on Christ the solid rock; my life cannot be shaken by negative reports or any news that is inconsistent with God’s Word because my life is tailored according to God’s design and this is evident in my health, job, finances, and family. I’ve been lifted over the depravities and corrupting influences of this world. No sin, sickness, death, or any kind of infirmity can separate me from God’s unwavering love. I rejoice always because He has made me more than a conqueror. I live victoriously today and always. Christ lives in me and I function with this consciousness every day. Sickness, poverty, death, lack, failure, depression, and everything that’s not of God have no hold over my life. Daily, I express divine and supernatural verities in my spirit, soul, and body. I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter. By the power and authority vested in me by Jesus Christ, I quell every dart of sickness, disease, and infirmity that tries to attack my body. The life of God flows through my entire being, vitalizing every part of my body with divinity in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
God’s Word is my reality. I am living proof that the Word of God works because it produces life, wholeness, and soundness in my spirit, soul, and body. Its transforming power makes my life beautiful and causes my health to flourish in ever-increasing beauty. Eternal life is in my spirit and the life of Christ is the light of my life; therefore, I refuse to allow any transaction or manifestation of darkness in my life. I am in Christ, a place of safety, authority, and dominion, where righteousness reigns supreme. I take advantage of God's provisions in the Gospel for my health. My body is sound; every organ and system is functioning excellently well. My health blossoms because the Lord is the strength of my life and His Word is health to my flesh. I am alive in Christ. I am born of God; therefore, I live in victory and dominion over sickness and death. I glorify God in my body and in my spirit with health and wholeness, and nothing in me is ‘sickable’ or prone to death. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. I refuse to accept sickness, poverty, or defeat. I excel with prosperity, health, and strength in Jesus Name. Amen.
I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion–the city of the living God. Therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen; the Spirit of God is working effectually in me today and always. The life of God in me Spirit destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. My faith is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know faith always works. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world; I know that divine life, health, and perfect peace are my present-hour possessions. I dominate the circumstances of life today and I declare that all things are working together for my good. I affirm that I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have the authority to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that corrupts, harms, or contaminates the body. By the power vested in the all-conquering Name of Jesus, I live the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always. Hallelujah!
My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit in Jesus' Name. Amen.
My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. Today, I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I'm living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I'm in perpetual dominion over sickness and life's circumstances. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can lodge in it. I cut out any disease-germ or growth that tries to attach itself to my body, in the Name of Jesus, and I continually glorify God in my spirit and my body as I walk in divine health always. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength. The life of God is in me; working in me mightily. He has given this life to me to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength today and every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Hallelujah!
I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. Daily, eternal life is manifested through me, effecting changes in my body and transforming circumstances in my life to conform to God’s Word. I act on the Word of God continually, causing circumstances to conform to the Lord’s expectations for my life. I’ve got the life of God in me and I win for Him always. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
I have received an abundance of grace, and I reign in life with dominion over sickness and death. I have received eternal life, which makes it impossible for sickness or disease to dominate my body. No infirmity can corrupt or ravage my body. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. Thank You, blessed Father, for the immeasurable, limitless, surpassing riches of Your grace, Your kindness and goodness of heart directed toward me in Christ Jesus. You’re the only true and wise God, who reigns and rules in the affairs of men; the One who is the blessed and only Sovereign. To You, Lord, be all glory, honour, majesty, dominion and praise, to You belong all greatness and might. All in heaven and earth are Yours. You’re exalted above all. I love You, Lord; and I thank You, for You’re gracious, holy, righteous and true in Jesus’ Name. Amen
The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory, in the Name of Jesus. Everything I require for life and godliness have been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus, created for glory and for beauty! My life’s history begins with God, for I was crucified with Christ and I arose with Him a brand new man; one without a past. The life in my body is the divine life of God, which has supplanted the natural human life! Therefore, I declare that I live in divine health and prosperity; I enjoy success and victory every day. I am fully aware that the quality of life that I live is based on the faith-filled words that I utter. Therefore, I hold fast to my profession of faith without wavering; I declare that my life, health, family and finances are consistent with God’s Word. Mine is the most sublime ancestry that there is, for it is divine! Thus, I live in absolute dominion and victory today by the power of the Holy Ghost who lives in me. I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me, everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God’s Name. I’m lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence therein, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
The Word is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs. Therefore, I know without any reservation, that the pulsating life of God has dominated my body, making it impenetrable to adverse health conditions. My health blossoms continually because I live by the Word. I am seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms, far above all principality and power, and I exercise the authority of Christ over my physical body. My faith is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know faith always works. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world; I know that the divine life, health and perfect peace are my present-hour possessions. I live by faith and not by sensory perceptions. I dominate the fears and circumstances of life today and I declare that all things are working together for my good. The all-powerful and most precious Holy Spirit lives in me! Thus, I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and in my world, for His power and authority are resident in me! My faith is working and producing results today! I declare that my life is going forward and upward only and nothing is impossible unto me. Christ in me brings strength into my spirit, soul, and body. Therefore, I declare that I am rejuvenated and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, good success, and continual promotions, dealing wisely in all affairs of life, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion, the city of the living God. Therefore, I cannot be subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen, seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms! Therefore, I affirm that the power of the Word and the Spirit is working effectually in me today and always. This power destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. I act on the Word of God continually, causing circumstances to conform to His expectations for my life. I’ve got the life of God in me, and I win for Him always. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces around me. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am one with divinity and I have eternal life coursing through my being, as a result of this oneness. Therefore, no sickness, diseases or infirmity can stay in my body. I’m living a successful, healthy and victorious life because I’m one with God’s Spirit and death has no association with me. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces around me. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen!
The Lord is my rock and my fortress, my shield and hiding place. Therefore, I’m assured that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, for I am divinely protected from the perils and evils in the world. I declare that I’m fortified against sickness, disease and infirmity. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I have taken hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. I am guided in the path of life and led by the Spirit in the direction of God’s perfect will for me. Today, I declare that I function in supernatural wisdom and this propels me to walk in the divine health, strength, vigor, and peace that have been prepared for me ahead of time. I affirm that I have power in the Name of Jesus. By the power vested in the all-conquering Name of Jesus, I declare that I’m living the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always. Hallelujah!
I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life only goes in the direction of God’s purpose. Therefore, I’ll never be sick in life; I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words and receive the results of God’s Word in my life always. I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body; I function by the Word in my life and everything that concerns me. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health, and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word. I thank You dear Father, for Your Word; it is the truth by which I live today and every day. The knowledge of Your Word in my spirit puts me over and gives me the victory today! Fear, sickness, poverty, and death have no place in me, because I live by faith in Your Word, which is my recipe for total success, victory, prosperity, and divine health in Jesus Name. Amen.
The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth! My words are wholesome, and they’re producing life to my body, job, business, ministry, family, and all that concerns me. I’m a success. I win always; I’m above only, and never beneath because I’m a product of God’s infallible Word! I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! Sin, sickness, disease, and poverty are under my dominion! I reign over them because I’m superior to this world, its systems, and the vagaries of nature! There’s no death, defeat or failure in my path because I live by the law of the Spirit of life, in Christ Jesus. I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness. I’m continually filled with the Spirit of God. The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He gives life to my physical body. I’ll never be sick in my life. God’s Word is life and health to my body. Its transforming power changes the circumstances of my life and causes my health to flourish. I live in the Word and I refuse to fear, be sick, or be defeated! I will not be subject to disease or infirmity. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now and always by the power in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, it is ever radiant and ever flourishing. I cause healing and health to prosper in my environment and in the lives of those I come in contact with. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. Sickness cannot stay around me; when I arrive, sickness checks out. I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I’ve received eternal life and it’s all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind. I am the effulgence of God’s glory. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Merry Christmas to you!
My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. As I meditate on the Word, I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health, thus, transcending the ordinary life and manifesting the supernatural in every situation. I walk in the consciousness that I’m in oneness with Jesus Christ. Through the spirit, I enjoy the glories of Christ’s resurrection life in my body. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I’m joined to the Lord and I’m one spirit with Him. I speak forth life, salvation, health, prosperity, and blessings only. I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. I refuse to accept sickness, poverty, or defeat. I will not give in to anything that’s contrary to my divine inheritance in Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world. I am not affected by sickness or the rudiments of this world. I am founded on Christ the solid rock. My life goes from glory to glory, from strength to strength, and from grace to grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Merry Christmas to you!
The Lord my God is King eternal; His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. When I show up, God’s presence is manifested and lives are transformed. I am guided in the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake. There’s no death in my path! In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into the glorious and higher realms of life. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Merry Christmas to you!
God loves me personally. I’m His peculiar treasure; my value to Him is the value of Jesus. I think, talk, walk, and live as someone special, for indeed I am. God reigns, establishes, and spreads His love and righteousness on earth today through me. God's Word is my light and my life! It's nourishment for my spirit, sustenance for my soul, and wellness for my body! I always live by the Word; its awesome power is at work in me as I meditate on it daily. My life bears witness to the Word with evidence of its eternal life, perfect health, unrivaled strength, and revitalizing power. I have the same life that Jesus has, in its fullness. My life is sickness-proof, disease-proof, poverty-proof and failure-proof. It’s a life of glory, victory, success and excellence. Nothing of the devil can stay in me, for I’ve embraced the transcendent life that’s in Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature; I’ve overcome the world. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, I refuse to allow anything to dominate me. I keep my body in subjection to the Word of God! Anything that’s not consistent with the Word of God for my life isn’t permitted in my body! I walk in divine health constantly. Glory to God!
Merry Christmas to you!
The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. Mine is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Merry Christmas to you!
God’s Word holds the perfect picture of my life. As I constantly meditate on the Word, God’s glory is manifested in my health, finances, and family. I am transformed into the same image that I see, from glory to glory. I live the supernatural life in Christ – the life of majesty, tranquility, and dominance. The reign of the Word and the influence of the Holy Spirit is over my spirit, soul, and body. I have the eternal life of God; therefore, I am not affected by anything that hurts. My health and strength are renewed daily. I have the strength of the Spirit, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory, success, and greatness. The Lord has set His love upon me, and He satisfies me with long life; a long and rich life. My life is hid with Christ in God. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I am fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand. The fiery darts of sickness, disease, and death do not come near me because He covers me with His feathers. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. I am seated with Christ and I reign with Him, in Him, and through Him. I thank God for the power and authority that He has given me over devils. The enemy has no right to run things in my home, my body, and my finances. I live in the dominion of Christ at all times. Glory to God.
Happy New Year, welcome to 2023.
Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I live in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. I give thanks to God for He has made me superior to Satan, his demons, sickness, disease, and infirmity. Nothing in me or about me dies or succumbs to the corrupting influences of this world. I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Happy New Year, welcome to 2023.
Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. Therefore, I live worthy of all that Jesus Christ wrought for me. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and the excellencies of Christ to my world. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. Mine is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. Fear, doubt, and unbelief have no place in me, for my faith in God and His eternal Word is the victory that overcomes the world! Christ lives in my physical body, thus I live the transcendent life and reign over sickness, disease, and lack in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I have received an abundance of grace, boundless and limitless grace and I reign in life with dominion over sickness and death. I have received eternal life, which makes it impossible for sickness or disease to dominate my body. No infirmity can corrupt or ravage my body. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love. I live a triumphant life in Christ, far above the world and its systems. The glory of God is at work in me; therefore, sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in or around me. My life is the manifestation of the beauty and perfection of Christ. God’s unfailing Word has brought me to a place of rest, strength, power, and dominion. Supernatural blessings, divine health, and prosperity are mine in abundance. I’m impregnable to pain, sickness, disease, and infirmity. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me shall prosper because I am favored and graced. Eternal life is at work in me; therefore, my body is alive and active. My immune system works excellently. I am in a place of dominion and authority, where I rule and reign victoriously over sickness, disease, and infirmity. Praise the Lord!
Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. I speak forth life, salvation, health, prosperity, and blessings only. I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me. Always, I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. I do not worry about my health, finances, family, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me in Jesus Name. Amen!
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth constantly, and I have the character of God’s Spirit. I am impervious to disease because the Greater One lives in me. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means. I am surrounded on every side by the goodness of God. I am protected from every form of evil and I am impervious to the things that kill ordinary men in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. Therefore, I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. I am invigorated with strength always! I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. Hallelujah!
My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, it is ever radiant and ever flourishing. I cause healing and health to prosper in my environment and in the lives of those I come in contact with. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. The presence of the Holy Spirit in my life gives life to my body. There is no failure in my body systems; no heart failure, no kidney failure, no lung failure, no liver failure. All the organs and systems of my body are functioning perfectly well. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I do not fall. I do not fail. I do not falter. I trample under my foot, challenges, sickness, infirmities, disappointments, agony, mishaps deceptions, and falsities. I live and dwell in health and safety all my days. God’s Word holds the perfect picture of my life. As I constantly meditate on the Word, God’s glory is manifested in my health, finances, and family. I am transformed into the same image that I see, from glory to glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I am a package of blessings, a dispenser of eternal verities. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! All praise be to the Lord God! I thank God for perfecting my health and all that concerns me. I am not the one seeking deliverance or healing anymore because the Lord has delivered me from death and blessed me with divine life. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Today and always, I exercise my divine right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and to exercise dominion over Satan. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural life with limitless grace, unending joy, inexhaustible riches, immeasurable wealth, in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
I am a king-priest and my words are full of extraordinary power. I decree peace, health, success, and victory into every aspect of my life. I take absolute charge over my life and proclaim that all things are working in my favor. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I’m fully persuaded by the Word of God! I anchor my life on God’s Word, and I refuse to be swayed by contrary winds or circumstances, for my faith is the title deed of unseen realities. I walk in the light of my inheritance in Christ, in power and grace, living in divine health and supernatural prosperity. I’m victorious evermore because I live in and by the Word. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. I am not moved by what I feel, see, or hear because I am full of faith. I’m ever radiant in health and I live victoriously in all that concerns me. The glorious life in Christ is continually manifested in my spirit and it is evident in all that I do. I am energized, strengthened, and full of life every day in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. I affirm that my spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
I live a great life; a life free of pain and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity connected to me. I walk in God’s plans and provisions for me. The life of God in me is not susceptible to sickness. Every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and every bone of my body works perfectly! I live in health, wealth, and prosperity, all the days of my life. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
God’s Word is my reality. I am living proof that the Word of God works because it produces life, wholeness, and soundness in my spirit, soul, and body. Its transforming power makes my life beautiful and causes my health to flourish in ever-increasing beauty. Eternal life is in my spirit and the life of Christ is the light of my life; therefore, I refuse to allow any transaction or manifestation of darkness in my life. I am in Christ, a place of safety, authority, and dominion, where righteousness reigns supreme. I take advantage of God's provisions in the Gospel for my health. My body is sound; every organ and system is functioning excellently well. My health blossoms because the Lord is the strength of my life and His Word is health to my flesh. I am alive in Christ. I am born of God; therefore, I live in victory and dominion over sickness and death. I glorify God in my body and in my spirit with health and wholeness, and nothing in me is ‘sickable’ or prone to death. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. I refuse to accept sickness, poverty, or defeat. I excel with prosperity, health, and strength in Jesus Name. Amen.
God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me. I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
I rejoice with profound joy because the Lord has filled my mouth with laughter and His joy is my strength. I do not know weakness, depression, or oppression of any sort because the joy in my spirit produces health and boundless energy for my body. I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. I have overcome sickness and death! I hail from God, and as He is invincible and indestructible, so am I in this world. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen.
Life springs up from within me because I am a life-giving spirit. I am a dispenser and a giver of life to everyone and everything I come in contact with. When I lay hands on the sick, they recover. I reject sickness in my body. I’m a carrier of God’s blessings; everything that’s connected to me is blessed, grows and multiplies. I’m a dispenser of the Lord’s goodness to my world, the extension and manifestation of His manifold graces to all those I come in contact with today. I’ve received grace to reign and rule in life as a king. Therefore, I exercise dominion over circumstances, the devil and his cohorts. Right now, in the Name of Jesus, I break the influence of Satan over my life and that of my loved ones. Christ reigns in my life. I thank You Lord for Your divine power that works in me mightily. I’m excellent, and I have an excellent life! I can do all things because the power that works in me is divine, and therefore unlimited. I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I have the imperishable life of God in me; therefore, I live continually in divine health and strength. Divinity is at work in me. I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. The Greater One lives in me. I know who I am; I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. I affirm that my spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life. I live in the glorious liberty of my divine life in Christ. I grow daily in grace and in the wisdom of God. My body is sound; its systems and organs are functioning perfectly. I’m waxing stronger and stronger every day. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. In my way is life. In my pathway, there is no death. I have the life of God in me. Life belongs to me; I have it as my possession and as my nature. I have the nature of God; I originate from heaven. Therefore, I live a life that is above poverty, failure, and sickness. I am Christ-conscious and I carry His presence everywhere I go. I am conscious of His grace and His awesome presence in my life. I do not worry, stress, fret, or struggle. I am not anxious about sicknesses or afflictions that plague ordinary men. Divinity dwells in me; therefore, I live the transcendent, supernatural, superhuman, and divine life! The same power that God has and exerts is at work in me. I heal the sick, I do the impossible, and I work miracles because I am endued with power. I am alive unto God and I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There is no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I connect to receives life. The life of God permeates my whole being. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are mine always in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I live in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. I give thanks to God for He has made me superior to Satan, his demons, sickness, disease, and infirmity. Nothing in me or about me dies or succumbs to the corrupting influences of this world. I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
All things work together for my good and I am blessed beyond measure. My body is energized by the Spirit through the Word. My mind is refreshed and renewed, and my life is transformed by the infallible power of God's Word. The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God’s prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. I live in the fullness of God’s love and blessings and my life is from glory to glory. The Lord has satisfied me with long life and good health. Thus, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, I live in perfect health all the days of my life. No infirmity can thrive in my body. I am healthy and strong. I thank God for the unveiling of His Word in my spirit today and always. Now I know that I cannot be sick or disadvantaged because the “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. There is no area of darkness in my life and health because the light of God’s Word has illuminated my entire being. I am guided in the path of life and led by the Spirit in the direction of God’s perfect will for me. Today, I declare that I function in supernatural wisdom and this propels me to walk in divine health, strength, vigor, and peace. I have the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. The higher law of life is operational in me, for I hail from God, in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen!
I live worry-free because Christ is my all! In Him, I'm self-sufficient, enabled to do all things, and supernaturally fortified for the triumphant life! I am guided by God’s Spirit in the path of life and led in the way of supernatural health and consistent prosperity. My way is prosperous and I live in good health, as I meditate on the Word and speak it forth with boldness. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress, He’s my habitation; in Him I live, and move, and have my being! He’s my rock, my life, and my righteousness, and by Him I reign and prevail over adversities and win every day in life. I live above lack, sickness, disease, and defeat! I'm victorious all the way! My life is an expression of God's righteousness, love, glory, and grace! I affirm that my whole body is fully yielded to the Lord to carry out His divine plans through me! I’m His living tabernacle! He talks through me, moves through me, and expresses His love and righteousness through me! My spirit, soul, and body are sanctified for God’s sacred use, and His glory is revealed more and more in me, today and always. I declare that my life is characterized with the demonstration of Christ's resurrected power! There's life in my body! There's life in my family! There's life in my job! There's life in my business and in every area of my life! I live triumphantly in, and by the power of His resurrection! Hallelujah!
I am complete in Christ Jesus, and I’ve been perfected through my union with Him. I’ve been created for good works and predestinated for the good life; there is nothing wrong in my body. I’ve got everything I require for an excellent life. The Holy Spirit has brought the glory of God into my life, giving me guidance and direction; He makes me creative and innovative. He’s filled me with supernatural ability to do things beyond the ordinary; I see value where others don’t; I bring new things into this world. I have insight into mysteries and secrets through the Holy Spirit. I’m Spirit-ruled and Word-governed. I see through the Word, understand by the Word, and renew my mind with the Word. I’m cultured by the Word for the life of the Kingdom. The Word of God controls my values, ideas, opinions, choices and decisions. I declare that I am strong with the strength of God in me. I’m not moved by lying symptoms. I live and enjoy divine health and healing to the full. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Jesus has made my life beautiful! I’ll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always in the matchless Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life only goes in the direction of God’s purpose. Therefore, I’ll never be sick in life; I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words and receive the results of God’s Word in my life always. I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body; I function by the Word in my life and everything that concerns me. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health, and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word. God's Word is the truth by which I live every day. The knowledge of God’s Word in my spirit puts me over and gives me the victory today! Fear, sickness, poverty, and death have no place in me, because I live by faith in God’s Word, which is my recipe for total success, victory, prosperity, and divine health, in Jesus Name. Amen.
God’s divine power has given unto me all things that pertain to life and godliness. I live an endless, incorruptible, and indestructible life. I have gained ascendancy over the lying vanities of this world, including sickness and disease. God has lifted me in glory in Christ. I’m seated with Him in the heavenly realms of power, dominion, and majesty. Therefore, I have the consciousness of one who’s seated together with Christ in a place where there is no darkness, no sickness, no defeat, and no pain; a place of absolute authority, mastery, peace, joy, and bliss; a place where I have authority over sickness, death, and the grave. Christ proved His love for me through His vicarious sacrifice on my behalf. He took my place of judgment, condemnation, and sin, and gave me the God-life and nature of righteousness that is not subject to the darkness of sin, sickness, infirmity, or pain. Therefore, I refuse to be sick or broken in life. I have the life of God that is superior to negativity. I now function from a place of glory, power, authority, and dominion in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit is my teacher and guide. He floods my heart with the wisdom to deal excellently and wisely in life and all its affairs. He grants me the understanding of spiritual realities and causes me to abound in divine health, peace, and joy. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. Hallelujah!
The presence of the Holy Spirit in my life gives life to my body. There is no failure in my body systems; no heart failure, no kidney failure, no lung failure, no liver failure. All the organs and systems of my body are functioning perfectly well. There is perfect soundness in my body. I am Christ-conscious and I carry His presence everywhere I go. I am conscious of His grace and His awesome presence in my life. I do not worry, stress, fret, or struggle. I am not anxious about sicknesses or afflictions that plague ordinary men. The Holy Spirit lives in me; therefore, I’m not susceptible to infirmity. The life of God in me makes every fiber of my being: my cells, tissues, organs, and systems, impregnable to disease and sickness. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. Glory to God forever. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I rejoice that I am one spirit with the Lord and an associate of the God-kind. God is the strength of my life, my glory, and my song! Today, God’s Word in me produces divine health, prosperity, and success in every area of my life and I walk in victory always. There is perfect soundness in my body. God’s divine power has given unto me all things that pertain to life and godliness. I live an endless, incorruptible, and indestructible life. I have gained ascendancy over the lying vanities of this world, including sickness and disease. The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means. I am surrounded on every side by the goodness of God. All around me, there are treasures, everywhere! I am protected from every form of evil and I am impervious to the things that kill ordinary men. God’s Word is in my spirit. It energizes me for success and greatness and keeps me in perfect health. I live in health every day because my body is daily vitalized by the Spirit of God. I function with supernatural strength in my inner man. I enjoy God’s boundless grace. It empowers me to overcome all obstacles and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me shall prosper because I am favored and graced, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity. I am a product of God’s Word, for my origin is the Word of God; therefore my words and actions are backed by divine authority. I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness, because the greater one indwells me. I declare that my body is under obligation to respond to the Word of God at all times; my body is regulated by God’s Word and every part of my body aligns to what God says. I am not one who continually requires healing; I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I am also a life giver. I’m born of God; therefore, I’m a living epistle, a letter from Christ, known and read by all. I live the life of the Word, full of glory, virtue and honour. I express the divine nature, living the Kingdom life of victory, prosperity, peace and joy now and always. My life is an absolute manifestation of the glory of God! I live from inside out; the glory of the Lord in my spirit is expressed in my body with excellent and perfect health. I am bold, strong and courageous in my daily walk of faith. My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down everything in my body that is contrary to the provisions of the Word. The greater One lives in me. I refuse to be sick because the life of God in me pulsates through every part of my body in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The life of God permeates my whole being. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are mine always. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being is vitalized by the Spirit of God. I live triumphantly, far above the devil and the negative systems of this world! The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease, and infirmity. God’s Word is in my spirit. It energizes me for success and greatness and keeps me in perfect health. I live in health every day because my body is daily vitalized by the Spirit of God. I function with supernatural strength in my inner man. The presence of the Holy Spirit in my life gives life to my body. There is no failure in my body systems; no heart failure, no kidney failure, no lung failure, no liver failure. All the organs and systems of my body are functioning perfectly well. There is perfect soundness in my body. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I have in my spirit, the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every fiber of my being! God’s Word saturates my spirit, mind, and body, leaving no room for any sickness, disease or infirmity in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
Every fiber of my being is perfect. My blood, organs, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints are functioning perfectly. There is no abnormality in me. I am indestructible and impregnable to the death, destruction, and darkness that is in the world. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. I am vitalized – spirit, soul, and body – by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the effects of Christ’s righteousness, and the fullness of the God-life that I have received through the Gospel. I walk in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ. I have the Spirit of life living in me, guiding me, energizing me, and strengthening me. He has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles, and to effect positive changes in my world and in my health, family, and finances. The presence of the Holy Spirit in my life gives life to my body. There is no failure in my body systems; no heart failure, no kidney failure, no lung failure, no liver failure. All the organs and systems of my body are functioning perfectly well. There is perfect soundness in my body. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, it is ever radiant and ever flourishing. I cause healing and health to prosper in my environment and in the lives of those I come in contact with in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
I have the Spirit of life living in me, guiding me, energizing me, and strengthening me. He has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles, and to effect positive changes in my world and in my health, family, and finances. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I’m fully persuaded by the Word of God! I anchor my life on God’s Word, and I refuse to be swayed by contrary winds or circumstances, for my faith is the title deed of unseen realities. I walk in the light of my inheritance in Christ, in power and grace, living in divine health and supernatural prosperity. I’m victorious. I live above sickness and disease. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. Divine life is working in my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me and invigorates me through and through. Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. I am a well-watered garden. I live my best every day, to the glory of God. The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I am in perpetual dominion over sickness and life’s circumstances. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a sure testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. Like faithful Abraham, I am blessed in all things. God’s blessings produce life in me and make me rich in my health, finances, family, business, and all that concerns me. I live above the things that affect the natural man. I am untouchable, for I live in Christ and Christ lives in me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I function in limitless wisdom, limitless power and limitless wealth. Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health everyday. I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! Christ in me is my hope of glory! There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. I declare that there is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life that God gave me. I radiate health and glory everyday. Therefore, I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps. I am born of God; therefore, I walk in divine health every day, all year round. I declare that my life is beautiful and it cannot be destroyed by any form of infirmity. I affirm that I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I live in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! I and my Father are one. I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I have in me the indestructible life! I declare that my faith is alive and producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I'm only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week; no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Nothing in me or about me dies or succumbs to the corrupting influences of this world. I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free; therefore, I refuse to fear what the adversary may do to me because I know who I am. I can never be defeated; I am a king and I reign victoriously in life. I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness because the Greater One lives in me! I am not moved by lying symptoms. I am strong with the strength of God in me. I live and enjoy divine health to the full. Jesus has made my life beautiful! I’ll never walk in sickness or defeat! The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is operational in me; therefore, there is no death in my path. The life of God is at work in me. I am full of life and I enjoy life in its fullness. Divine life overflows from me and I dispense eternal verities to my world. I do not struggle with sin, sickness, disease, infirmity, or death because I have the life of God in me. Victory, health, and prosperity are my daily experiences because I know who I am in Christ Jesus. I’m daily loaded with benefits and I have the advantage always. I am victorious in all things because Christ lives in me. He is my refuge, my home, my health, my wealth, and my glory. In Him, I have peace and dominion over circumstances. I am forever making progress, and I am always fruitful and productive in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence! My mind is anointed to think godly thoughts! With the Word of God in my mouth, I cast down all imaginations of fear, failure, sickness, disease and infirmity! No evil or negative imagination has a place in my heart! My mind is inundated with the Word, with which I prevail over all the fiery darts of the enemy! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no sickness, disease or infirmity can lodge in it. I cut out any disease-germ or growth that tries to attach itself to my body, in the Name of Jesus, and I continually glorify God in my spirit and my body. I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion, the city of the living God. Therefore, I cannot be subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen, seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms! Therefore, I affirm that the power of the Word and the Spirit is working effectually in me today and always. This power destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I have been raised together with Christ, called to live in the heavenly realms; therefore, I exercise my authority over the devil and his cohorts. No wiles or fiery darts from the enemy can penetrate my body and no symptoms of sickness can thrive in my body because I’m God’s sanctuary. Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. I am born of God; therefore, I’ve got the life of God. I walk in divine health always because my entire being is powered by the resurrection life in Christ Jesus. The fullness of God tabernacles in my spirit, soul, and body, and is expressed in me today and always. The wonder-working power of God is at work in me mightily; this power dispels sickness and all infirmities. I live in the fullness of God’s love and in the blessings of the glorious life in Christ. My life goes from glory to glory, from strength to strength, and from grace to grace. I refuse to accept sickness, poverty, or defeat. I will not give in to anything that’s contrary to my divine inheritance in Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual strength, health, wealth and dominion in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
All things work together for my good and I am blessed beyond measure. My body is energized by the Spirit through the Word. My mind is refreshed and renewed, and my life is transformed by the infallible power of God's Word. The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God’s prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. I live in the fullness of God’s love and blessings and my life is from glory to glory. The Lord has satisfied me with long life and good health. Thus, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, I live in perfect health all the days of my life. No infirmity can thrive in my body. I am healthy and strong. I thank God for the unveiling of His Word in my spirit today and always. Now I know that I cannot be sick or disadvantaged because the “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. There is no area of darkness in my life and health because the light of God’s Word has illuminated my entire being. I am guided in the path of life and led by the Spirit in the direction of God’s perfect will for me. Today, I declare that I function in supernatural wisdom and this propels me to walk in divine health, strength, vigor, and peace. I have the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. The higher law of life is operational in me, for I hail from God, in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen!
I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. Everything is working. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. My life is built on the Word of God because I am born of the Word. It infuses my spirit with dominion and excellence. It keeps me in health, strength, and victory, making me experience unprecedented progress, peace, and prosperity in my life. The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body because He perambulates in me, through the Holy Spirit. My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of the Word! The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, defeat or failure. I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live healthy and strong in the Name of Jesus. I manifest the virtues, perfections, and excellencies of God’s righteousness. I am continually walking in the glory and dominion of the Name of Jesus. There is no imperfection or weakness in my life for I’ve been fashioned for divine health and strength in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’ve put on the new man, which is created in righteousness and true holiness. I’ve passed from death to life, from sickness to health, and from poverty to wealth. I decree peace with prosperity and perfect health in every area of my life. My life is for the glory of God! I dwell in God’s secret place, under the shadow of the Almighty, where there is health, safety, prosperity, and joy. I am filled with the Holy Spirit and divinely transported into the higher realms of life, far removed from poverty, sickness, death, defeat, destruction, and failure. My health flourishes daily as the unfailing power of Christ continually works in me. Christ dwells in me, and my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I am fortified by the Word of God and strengthened with might by the Holy Ghost. I’m more than a conqueror through the power of God’s Spirit at work in me. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I live in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body in the matchless Name of Jesus! Amen.
I’m the faith-child of a faith-God! I live in victory and triumph. I live by faith and thus function in dominion over sickness, disease, poverty, and the world’s systems. I’ve got divine health working in every part of my body, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. Christ is my all; in Christ I have all that I require for life and godliness; I have all that I require to live triumphantly and please God in all things. In Christ Jesus, I’ve been given dominion over circumstances, and I’m superior to Satan and the forces of darkness. The life God has given me in Christ is that of great glory and excellence, where I prosper in all things, by His Word! I’m full of wisdom, glory and strength. I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy. I have absolute faith in God and His unfailing and eternal Word! No contrary wind, circumstance, or situation that I face can dissipate my confidence in God’s Word! Through the power of God’s Word, my faith prevails today, and I affirm that I am living in perfect health, divine vitality, and supernatural abilities in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’m fully persuaded that greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world. Therefore, no disease, adversity, or adverse circumstance can overwhelm me. I’m convinced of my eternal victory over sin, sickness, and death. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King, and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I am not one who continually requires healing; I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I dwell constantly in health and I am a life-giver. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour! When He died, I died; when He was buried, I was buried with Him. Now that He’s risen, I’ve been raised together with Him, born anew with the resurrection life that is free of sin, sickness, disease, and death! I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence! I affirm that my body responds to the Word of God at all times. It is regulated by God’s Word and every part of my body aligns with what God has said. The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces result in my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. It produces what it talks about in me: supernatural health, surplus supply, unlimited grace, and joy unspeakable in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus, created for glory and beauty! The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, and I’ve become a distributor of eternal verities to everyone in my world. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. As I meditate on the Word, I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health, thus, transcending the ordinary life and manifesting the supernatural in every situation. I walk in the consciousness that I’m in oneness with Jesus Christ. Through the spirit, I enjoy the glories of Christ’s resurrection life in my body. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I’m joined to the Lord and I’m one spirit with Him. I speak forth life, salvation, health, prosperity, and blessings only. I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. I refuse to accept sickness, poverty, or defeat. I will not give in to anything that’s contrary to my divine inheritance in Christ. My life goes from glory to glory, from strength to strength, and from grace to grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
I’m the faith-child of a faith-God! I live in victory and triumph. I live by faith and thus function in dominion over sickness, disease, poverty, and the world’s systems. I’ve got divine health working in every part of my body, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. Divine health is my nature; therefore, I am not subject to the elements of this world and my body cannot be dominated or put under by headaches, fevers, diabetes, or any manner of sickness. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me. I have in my spirit, the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every fiber of my being! God’s Word saturates my spirit, mind, and body, leaving no room for any sickness or infirmity to steal in, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I have authority over the elements of this world and I exercise dominion over my body. I declare that my body is the Lord’s temple and sickness is not allowed in or around it. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I dwell in Christ; in the secret place of the Most High, where I am protected under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my Refuge and my Fortress, and in Him I confidently trust! I have no fears because He's my safe haven. Therefore, sickness, poverty, fear, darkness, and pain have no part in my life. God's Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul and health to my body. I can never be disadvantaged because I am a child of the Most High God. I manifest the excellence of the Spirit, and the life of God in me is superior to the devil and his works. In Christ, I triumph always and I have the wisdom to excel in all things to the glory of the Lord. I live in health, prosperity, and joy; celebrating my victory over satan, the world, and all the negativities of life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! I have the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. The higher law of life is operational in me, for I hail from God. Today and always, I exercise my divine right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and to exercise dominion over Satan. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural that God has given me, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
The Word of God is living, active, operative, energizing, and effective in me. It produces what it talks about in my life. God’s Word is sharper than any knife and it penetrates the deepest recesses of my body. The Word is alive in me; therefore, my body is impervious to sickness, disease, or death. No infirmity can prevail over my body, because eternal life is at work in me, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. My legs are His legs – He moves through me; they will never be lame. My hands are His hands – He works through me; my hands will never be paralyzed. My eyes are His eyes – He sees through me; these eyes will never be blind. My mind is daily renewed by the Word of God – I am mentally sound; I give no room to depression or negative thoughts. The Lord guides me continually and satisfies my desires always, making my bones strong. I am like a well-watered garden and like a wellspring whose waters don’t go dry. I am born of the Word of truth. The Word of God is health and life to my body. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me, and His presence daily renews and vitalizes my body. I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today and always in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
My consistent declarations of this 'KeepSayingIt' creates a spiritual forcefield around me that is impenetrable by the devil. Therefore, I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper; the weapons of sickness, disease, failure, and death have no power over me. I dwell in health and strength. I refuse to observe or acknowledge lying vanities. I do not accept anything I see with my physical eyes that is not consistent with God’s eternal Word for my life, health, and well being. I believe only what the Word says about me and I keep talking it. I am conscious of the greatness and power of God within me. Consequently, I can never be broken by sickness or disease. I am fearless in the face of adversity. I am bold, courageous, and audacious; therefore, I boast in the Lord and in the power of His might through the vocalizing of my faith. Sickness, disease, and infirmity bow to my audacious faith confessions, and I live and enjoy the supernatural life naturally. I am full of divine might, strength, and energy. Nothing in this world is powerful or potent enough to destroy my spirit, soul, or body, for I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I live in God's perfect will for my life and I am in sync with His plans and purposes for my health. Therefore, the Spirit of God orders my steps in the path of life, health, and prosperity always, and I am protected from every wind of destruction. I consistently take my stand in faith against sickness, disease, poverty, death, and every manipulation of the enemy in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I maintain my victory in Christ Jesus. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy. My new life in Christ is a super-life. The life of God is active in me by the Holy Spirit. That life is evident in my spirit, soul, and body, causing me to live above the decadence and flawed systems of this world. No sickness or disease can attach itself to my body. I live in health, strength, and vitality always and I demonstrate the God-nature in me everywhere I go. I live the life of the Word and I only endorse what God’s Word says about me in my life. Today, I speak life, health, joy, peace, and prosperity to my life. Nothing in me responds to death. Nothing in me responds to sickness. Nothing in me responds to defeat. I am forever radiant, victorious, and full of glory! With God’s Word, I’m equipped for the life of overflowing health, strength, and grace. Christ is my life! In Him I live, move, and have my being; therefore, my heart, mind, and body are sanctified to produce life always. I live victoriously daily, fully taking advantage of God’s Word and His grace available to me. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to fear! I walk by faith and not by sight. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms of illness. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength. The Word of God quickens my physical body; my health flourishes daily because the power of Jesus Christ works in me. I’m fortified by God’s Word and strengthened with might. I’m more than a conqueror by the power of God’s Spirit. The Word of God has gained ascendancy in my life and it prevails over my spirit, soul, and body in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I live in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! I and my Father are one. I am hid in Christ and He is alive in me. He is in my head. He is in my hands. He is in my lungs. He is in my kidneys. He is in my eyes. He is all over me. Therefore, I can never be broken, weak, sick, or diseased, for His presence in me makes my body impregnable to all forms of sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. No weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. There's life in my bones, tissues, muscles, tendon, and ligaments; I'm alive unto God in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
God's Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul and health to my body. I am conscious of God's Word, and I believe what it says about me. God's Word says I have eternal life and I live in divine health; I believe it with all my heart, and I affirm it with my mouth: I have eternal life and I live in divine health! My life is for the glory of God! I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and abide under the shadow of the Almighty in health, safety, prosperity and joy. In everything I do today, and everywhere I go, I’m mindful of God’s love, and that consciousness inspires faith and boldness in me to face the circumstances of life and win. Excellence, glory, health, peace, virtue, and success are the hallmarks of my life because the grace of God is superabundant upon me. I am conscious of my divine origin; therefore, the circumstances of life are subject to me. I’m seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principalities, powers, might, and dominions. Divine life has been imparted into my spirit through Jesus Christ. That life in me destroys, paralyzes, and renders ineffective and inoperative, the works of the devil and his attempts in my health, family, finances, and business. The Word of God produces life in me and lights up my mind to the realities of my potentials and abilities in Christ. I'm living the transcendent life because I live in, and by, the Word. Prosperity, love, joy, health, peace, victory, and success are my present-moment experiences, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
There is no impossible situation with me; therefore, I refuse to be discouraged because greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is vitalized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me, invigorating me through and through. I'm a victor in Christ Jesus. Fear, doubt, and unbelief have no place in me, for my faith in God and in His eternal Word is the victory that overcomes the world! Divinity is tabernacled in my physical body! I'm a new creation, not subject to the elements of this world. I live the transcendent life! I reign over sickness, disease, poverty, and lack! I'm an associate of the God-kind, with the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I'm an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in the Christ-environment, where divinity reigns; the divine life is operational in me today and always, for I hail from God; born of Him. I declare that circumstances are turned around for my good, and I'm blessed beyond measure today as I speak forth God’s Word in faith. My body is energized by the Spirit through the Word. I declare that my mind is refreshed and renewed, and my life transformed by the latent power of God's Word. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! I recognize today and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I'm a victor in Christ Jesus. Fear, doubt and unbelief have no place in me, for my faith in God and His eternal Word is the victory that overcomes the world! I refuse to be sick, diseased, distressed or discouraged, because greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world! Irrespective of the challenges that may come my way, I stand tall and unshakable in faith. I refuse to allow what I hear or see with my senses cause me to stagger. I rejoice today and always because I know that I have my victory. Just like the cedar in Lebanon, I declare that I am deeply rooted in the Word of God; I am strong, healthy and continually making progress. I am an embodiment of God's grace, and my daily experience is that of the miraculous and God's infinite love. I am born again; therefore, I’m not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His life – a life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today. Nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Divine health flourishes in me. Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all endeavors today. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. The Word of God grows mightily in me, prevailing and producing health in my body. I refuse to be a victim. I continually live above sickness, disease and infirmity, for as He is, so am I in this world. I declare that I am strong and healthy. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I lift my hands in worship and offer to You my Lord and King sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving from my spirit. I adore You Lord, for You alone are God, the everlasting King of glory, the only wise and true God, gracious and kind, holy and righteous, ever loving and forgiving. Thank You for blessing me in Christ Jesus. I know who I am. Greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world. I'm walking in divine health, victory, dominion and righteousness. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper and no illegal transactions can thrive in my body because I'm born of God, and my life is hid with Christ in God. I refuse to be sick! God wants me well, so I declare that I will always be well. I choose health, not sickness. I choose strength, not weakness and I choose life, not death. I am free and I have the life of God in me. I am strong in faith and I give all glory to God. I’m perfected in Christ Jesus; I refuse to accommodate any sickness, disease or pain in my body, because I have the life of God in me! I’ve taken hold of eternal life. It doesn’t matter the trials, pain and difficulties in the world, I am unperturbed because I live in, and by, the Word of God. I declare that I am healthy, well, prosperous and victorious. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. My legs are His legs – He moves through me; they will never be lame. My hands are His hands – He works through me; my hands will never be paralyzed. My eyes are His eyes – He sees through me; these eyes will never be blind. My mind is daily renewed by the Word of God – I am mentally sound; I give no room to depression or negative thoughts in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Through the power of the Word and by the working of the Spirit, I walk in God's perfect will for my life today. There are no accidents or mishaps on my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all my endeavors today. The Word of God is active in me and His presence is evident in my life. I declare that I experience the miraculous in my body every day by the power of God's Spirit. I'm superior to Satan; therefore, he has no power over me. My body was fashioned for the Lord's presence. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore sickness, disease and anything that hurts or binds have no place here. I reject the world's view about aging. I live in the ageless zone, where I can only grow without aging. Each day, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength and my youth are renewed! Christ is my life. He is my wisdom and my strength. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I live and function by heavenly principles because I am from above. Therefore, I am impregnable to sicknesses, diseases or anything that can hurt or destroy the natural man. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! The life of God is in me; therefore, all fear is gone! My success, health, prosperity and long life are assured. I declare that I am complete in Christ! Nothing is lacking in my spirit, soul, or body! Everything that is supposed to be in me is there, and nothing needs to be added or taken out in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I'm a product of God's Word! Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! When He died, I died; when He was buried, I was buried with Him; now that He's risen, I've been raised together with Him with the resurrection life that is sin, sickness, death, and disease-proof! I declare that my body is under obligation to respond to the Word of God at all times; my body is regulated by God's Word and every part of my body aligns to what God says. Divinity is at work in me. I refuse to let sickness dominate my body, for my body is the temple of the living God. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me! I'm guided by divine wisdom to live a healthy lifestyle. I live in divine health today, and always. I am alive to God and Christ is alive in me. I can neither have any infirmity nor be sick. Even if I was attacked, it cannot stay because the life of Christ is in me and my body is programmed to respond only to God's Word. I am bold, strong and very courageous in my daily walk of faith. My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down everything in my body that is contrary to the provisions of the Word. The greater One lives in me. I am strong and I am alive with the life of God. I am not one who continually requires healing; I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I am also a life giver. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me because the life that I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He's my Lord, my King and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. Hallelujah!
My faith is alive and produces results; it grows strong as I yield to the Word, thus making me unshakeable at all times. I am not moved by signs or symptoms because my focus is on my true source of life and sustenance, which is the Word of God. I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me; therefore, my body is daily renewed! I'm not of this world; I'm from above. I'm born of God and I've got His life and nature in me. I'm divinely enabled to do as God's Word says; therefore, I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it's impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. The healing power is working in my bones, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and in every cell in my blood. The Holy Ghost vitalizes my body; therefore, my body cannot be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
I am Christ-conscious and I carry God's presence everywhere I go. I am conscious of His grace and His awesome presence in my life. I do not worry, stress, fret, or struggle. I am not anxious about sicknesses or afflictions that plague ordinary men. I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God! I’ve been brought into life and immortality. I’m fearless, for death has been paralysed—defeated by Jesus, and when He did it, I was in Him! My faith grows by the Word, prevails and triumphs over contrary winds and opposition. My life is regulated by the eternal realities of the Kingdom, and the blessings therein are unleashed into my world. My faith works by love, and I obtain a good report from God as I live victoriously every day. In my way is life. In my pathway, there is no death. I have the life of God in me. Life belongs to me; I have it as my possession and as my nature. I have the nature of God; I originate from heaven. Therefore, I live a life that is above poverty, failure, and sickness. The life of God permeates my whole being. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are mine always in Jesus Name. Amen.
My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence. I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant. Christ lives in me; therefore, I’m made for life! His divine power has given me everything I require to live joyfully and victoriously every day. Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions, and the glorious life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus! My body is God's temple; therefore, I’m superhuman. The Holy Spirit resides in my body and His power is functioning to keep me healthy, warding off sickness, disease, and infirmities. Every day, I rule and reign over the circumstances of life and I exercise dominion over Satan and the power of darkness. Christ is my advantage for the glorious life. He is my home; my life and my all! In Him, I live and move and have my being. His glory is all I see, have, and experience. I’ve been lifted over the depravities and corrupting influences of this world. Daily, I express divine and supernatural verities in my spirit, soul, and body. I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I rejoice always because He has made me more than a conqueror. I live victoriously today and always in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I prosper and I live in the manifestation of your infinite blessings because I’m Abraham’s seed. I'm an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I'm blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I have in me the indestructible life! Daily, I walk in health, victory, prosperity, and strength because the Greater One lives in me! Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood is inundated with divine energy! I declare that my faith is alive and producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I'm only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week; no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. There's life in my bones, tissues, muscles, tendon, and ligaments; I'm alive unto God. That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me; therefore, my entire being is vitalized. I dwell continually in health through the working of His mighty power in me, Hallelujah! Jesus has made my life beautiful! I'll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always. The Word of God is working mightily in me. It doesn't matter what may come my way; I'm a victor and I've overcome because I'm more than a conqueror. I'm born for health, success and the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness, because the greater one indwells me! I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity. I am a product of God’s Word, for my origin is the Word of God; therefore my words and actions are backed by divine authority. I believe God's Word that says He that has the Son, has life. Therefore, my health shines forth from one level of glory to another. I am walking in divine health every day of my life; sickness cannot prevail over my body because eternal life is working from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. God's Word is health to my body. It's medicine to my flesh and I meditate upon it constantly. My words are full of divine power and authority, and they produce changes in my life. I choose and live the good life. I have health, strength and vitality. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity and walk in victory every day. I have power over all things! I live in the Name of Jesus; therefore, I live in dominion over sickness, disease and infirmity. Christ is Lord over my spirit, soul and body. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. Jesus has all authority over my body, and I declare that I dwell daily in the health and strength. I have eternal life. This life produces everything I need to live and enjoy a fruitful and productive life here on earth in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I am confident of this very thing that the life of God is at work in me, permeating my whole being. I flourish in health and walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly. Poverty, failure, sickness and death are not a part of my life because the life that's at work in me is superior to the devil and all his works. Today, I walk with the consciousness that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. I am alive unto God. The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmity; therefore, I'm uninfectable. I am not ordinary; I refuse to accommodate any form of weakness in my body. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumor, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, lung failure in any place in my body. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day of my life. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body. I am the effulgence of God’s glory. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin! I’m absolutely death-free, because the law of life is operational in me! Not only do I walk in life and health as a child of God, I dispense that divine life to all in my world. Divinity dwells in my physical body and I live the transcendent life! I’m walking worthy of the Lord, pleasing Him in all things as I joyfully anticipate His soon return. I’m bearing fruits of righteousness, giving the lives of men and women in my world a meaning. My faith is effective and effectual, producing required results to the glory of God. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I am full of the Holy Ghost and power. By the authority vested in me in Christ Jesus, I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life! Glory, glory to God!
My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of God’s Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion. I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! I have the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural life that God has given me, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I have special favour. Great things are coming to me by free course. The Spirit of God draws men, women, resources and all kinds of good things towards me. Good things are ministered to me, now. There's beauty, favour, grace, open doors for me everywhere. Once my name is mentioned, it is for good. All things work together for me in an extraordinary way. Situations that were orchestrated to bring me down, are now ordained for my lifting. I experience unusual favour. Men are going out of their way to favour me. Favour is activated for me. I am full of health and strength. I am full of life. The life of God is working in me. Everything about my body is perfect, my lungs, my liver, my heart, my blood, every part of me is perfect. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body, thus, I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body. My faith does not stagger; it is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts because my faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I flourish in perfect health and I am above all crippling circumstances of life. All things are working for my good. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured. Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
My body is the temple of the living God. Therefore, only divine health is permitted to function in it. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because the Spirit of God who lives in me gives life to my body and rejuvenates it day by day. I live in Zion; therefore, sickness is far from me. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness. Sin and sickness have no dominion over my body. My atmosphere is the manifest presence of the Holy Ghost. I live in perfect health always. I am invigorated with strength always. I have been raised together with Christ, called to live in the heavenly realms; therefore, I exercise my authority over the devil and his cohorts. No wiles or fiery darts from the enemy can penetrate my body and no symptoms of sickness can thrive in my body because I’m God’s sanctuary. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and prosperity always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I am living the victorious life. I refuse sickness from having its way in my life because I have taken hold of eternal life. Everything about me bears fruits of righteousness, and my life is characterized by excellence, success, divine health, prosperity, strength, and joy in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of God’s Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion. I walk in excellent humility of heart, with the willingness to take on the responsibility of service to others, in loyalty to the Word, thereby attracting divine favour and promotion. I’m submissive to the authority, influence and impact of God’s Word. I receive the Word into my heart, acting accordingly, making definite changes in my character and attitude with, and through, the Word. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord my God is King eternal; His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I enjoy God’s boundless grace. It empowers me to overcome all obstacles and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me shall prosper because I am favored and graced. God’s Word in my mouth is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut off every situation that is contrary to God’s provisions. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in every part of my body. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. I walk in divine health, safety, wellness, and wholeness because I am in Christ. Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory, and joy are resplendent in me and expressed through me. I am guided in wisdom to walk in God’s perfect will. I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness. I’m continually filled with the Spirit of God in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. Oh, glory! My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God. I am not of this world! I belong to God’s Kingdom. I am victorious over sin, sickness, disease, and poverty and death. The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. Today, I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I am in perpetual dominion over sickness and life’s circumstances. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone and everything I touch. I reign supreme all the time because I am in union with God. I am in constant health every day in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
The Holy Spirit came to live in me; therefore, the Kingdom, power, glory, righteousness and dominion of Christ are manifested in and through me. I’m full of power and I am doing wonders! And with this power, I heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils and do mighty works for the glory of God. I recognize and affirm whom the Lord has made me to be. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. I affirm that my spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. The Word is working mightily in me! The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in me and He vitalizes my body. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Divinity is at work in me; therefore, I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I’m dead to this world but alive to God in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I’m full of joy, basking in the grace and glory of Christ and full blessings of the Gospel. I’m conscious of God’s love and care for me and for every detail of my life; everything that pertains to me has been perfected! I live in peace, and function from a place of rest, now and always. The Word of God is working mightily in me. It doesn't matter what may come my way; I'm a victor and I've overcome because I'm more than a conqueror. The life of God is working in my spirit, soul and body, and it's manifested in all that concerns me. I declare that sickness and ill health are far from me. I'm protected from harm and I dwell in health all the days of my life. I declare that I'm a new creation, born superior to Satan and all the demons of darkness. I'm an offspring of divinity and a product of Christ's resurrection! I'm a partaker of the divine nature and I dwell in Zion. I'm born for health, success and the glory of God! My faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity. I am a product of God's Word, for my origin is the Word of God; therefore my words and actions are backed by divine authority. I'm born again; therefore, I'm not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so, has He given me to have His life: life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. My body was fashioned for the Lord's presence. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore sickness, disease and anything that hurts or binds have no place here. I live in the ageless zone, where I can only grow without aging. Each day, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength and my youth are renewed in Jesus Name. Amen.
I do not live by blood. I live by the Word of God. As the Word is incorruptible, so is my body. My body is unbreakable. The Word of God grows in my spirit, producing wellness in my body and soundness in my mind. Every part of me remains alive and in perfect shape. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me. I refuse to accept sickness, poverty, or defeat. I will not give in to anything that’s contrary to my divine inheritance in Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produces wellness for my body and keeps my body alive and in perfect shape. Health is my birthright; my body conforms to the Word of God at all times, for it is the house of the Holy Ghost. I live and enjoy the glorious and victorious life. My life is the manifestation of God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness. I am full of joy and I walk in divine health, righteousness, and prosperity. Goodness and mercy follow me always, and my life is so perfect and beautiful. The indestructible life of God is at work in me, and I live each day of my life for God’s glory in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me receives and transmits life! There is no death in any area of my life or in my body. By God's Word, I am living the good life God has planned ahead of time for me to live. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. Everything is working. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. I have special favour! Great things are coming to me by free course. The Spirit of God draws men, women, resources and all kinds of good things towards me. Good things are ministered to me, now. There’s beauty, favour, grace, open doors for me everywhere. Once my name is mentioned, it is for good. All things work together for me in an extraordinary way in Jesus Name. Amen.
My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I am full of the Holy Ghost and power. I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Word of God is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs; the pulsating life of God has dominated my body, making it impenetrable to adverse health conditions. God’s Word is my light and my life! It’s the nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my flesh! I live by the Word always and declare that its mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says. I belong to Christ and I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! Truly, I know what the Word says about me. I affirm that I’m filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! As the Lord Jesus is, so am I; therefore, I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. I affirm that I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have the authority to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that corrupts, harms, or contaminates the body. My faith is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know faith always works. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world; I know that divine life, health, and perfect peace are my present-hour possessions. I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I know that I cannot be sick or disadvantaged because the “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. I have absolute faith in God and His unfailing and eternal Word! No contrary wind, circumstance, or situation that I face can dissipate my confidence in God’s Word! The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.The Lord is my rock and my fortress, my shield and hiding place; therefore, I’m assured that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, for I am divinely protected from the perils and evils in the world. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. I am strengthened with might by God’s Spirit; fortified with divine energy. The Word of God is mingled with my spirit, producing what it says in my body. It pierces into every fiber of my being and every bone of my body, quickening them and vitalizing my body. I am alive and well. I live in the Word always and I refuse fear, sickness, and death. Always, I am strengthened with might and my health is bursting forth, even as my soul prospers in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick. I glorify God in my body, and by the Spirit, it functions perfectly all the time because it is the Lord’s. The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me, which I received when I obtained salvation. God’s Word is established in my life and it is evident for the world to see. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principality and power, far above the devil and his minions, and far above sickness and disease. I live the glorious life of God who is above all and cannot be brought down by anything. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!
Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. I am impervious to sickness, disease, infirmity, sadness, depression, anxiety, and everything that is of this world. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak. I reject inferiority or anything that represents darkness in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. The life of God in me makes me more than a man; I refuse to be ordinary. I am alive in Christ. Sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in my life. Health, strength, and victory are mine, and I live victoriously at all times. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me. Christ is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion. There’s no place for sickness in my body in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God. I am not of this world! I belong to God’s Kingdom. I am victorious over sin, sickness, disease, and poverty. I reign supreme all the time because I am in union with God. I am more than a conqueror in this life. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps. I am born of God; therefore, I walk in divine health every day, all year round. I declare that my life is beautiful and it cannot be destroyed by any form of infirmity. I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and abilities! My mind is stayed on the Lord and my trust is in my heavenly Father, He keeps me in perfect peace with health, strength, and vitality. I am impregnable to sickness, disease, and death. I live the glory life every day and it is evident for all to See. As a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I’m alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I dwell in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness. I cannot be sick because Jesus makes me well. He has paralyzed the works of the enemy and has brought them to nothing. Therefore, I reign over Satan and his cohorts of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In the Name of Jesus, I’m healthy and whole, not subject to the afflictions and corruptions that are in the world. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The very God-life is tabernacled in my body; therefore, no sickness can fasten itself to my body. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception. I declare my victory over sickness, poverty, failure and death. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. My life is a sure testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. Everyday, the Lord is my portion and my joy overflows continually in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I declare that I am an efficient distributor of God’s healing power and divine health realities. As I lay hands on the sick, they recover. I am backed by divine authority and I have overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing can stand against me successfully. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life of peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. I am a water-carrying cloud; I speak words of life to my body and it responds. My body is full of life. Death, sickness, and the power of darkness have nothing in me. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I’ve received eternal life and it’s all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind. I am disease-proof because eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body. I have the life of God in me; therefore, my health is perfect. I live a superior life of glory, success, and victory. Thank you, Lord, for giving me this glorious and wondrous life and thus making me divine. My life is not ordinary. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I flourish in health by the Word of God that is in my heart and mouth. I am a new creation in Christ; therefore, I refuse to be sick. I have God’s kind of life; my body is vitalized with divine health and impregnable to disease or infirmity. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. I am joined unto the Lord and I am one Spirit with Him. I am full of the life-giving power of God, and every cell of my body responds to it. This means that there is no space for anything that is not of God in my body. I am excellent and full of glory. Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. Therefore, I live worthy of all that Jesus Christ wrought for me. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and excellences of Christ to my world. I am energized, strengthened, and full of life every day. I live the transcendent life in Christ, far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and ability in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I dwell constantly in health. I am raised together with Christ, born anew with the resurrection life that is free of sin, sickness, disease, and death! I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence! I affirm that my whole body is regulated by God’s Word and every part of me aligns with what God has said. The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces result in my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. It produces what it talks about in me: supernatural health, surplus supply, unlimited grace, and joy unspeakable. I take advantage of God's provisions in the Gospel for my health. My body is sound; every organ and system is functioning excellently well. My health blossoms because the Lord is the strength of my life and His Word is health to my flesh. I operate from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body. I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation. My progress is unstoppable. I am blessed beyond measure; blessed in my body and mind, finances and business, and all that pertains to me. The blessings of God overflow from me to all those around me and to the nations of the world. I live the victorious life always in Jesus Name. Amen.
Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, my health is ever radiant and ever flourishing. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. I am of God. I live in the ageless and deathless zone. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body. I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. The angels of the Lord bear me up in their hands. I do not fall. I do not fail. I do not falter. I trample under my foot, challenges, sickness, infirmities, disappointments, agony, mishaps deceptions, and falsities. I live and dwell in health and safety all my days. I live the supernatural life in Christ – the life of majesty, tranquility, and dominance. The reign of the Word and the influence of the Holy Spirit is over my spirit, soul, and body. I have the eternal life of God; therefore, I am not affected by anything that hurts. I flourish in perfect health and I am above all crippling circumstances of life. I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. I am the best of God’s creation because His Word of truth gave birth to me, therefore, no weapon formed against me shall prosper in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I am a partaker of God’s glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. Divine health is my nature; therefore, I am not subject to the elements of this world and my body cannot be dominated or put under by headaches, fevers, diabetes, or any manner of sickness. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me. Thank You, heavenly Father, for you have satisfied me with all the beautiful things of life. I am bursting forth in health always and everyone around me is a partaker of the blessings of God upon my life, in Jesus name. Amen.
I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word. I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. Through the power of God’s Word, my faith prevails today, and I affirm that I am living in perfect health, divine vitality, and supernatural abilities. The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion–the city of the living God. Therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen; the Spirit of God is working effectually in me today and always. The life of God in me Spirit destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. The Holy Spirit lives in me and I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and my world, for His power is in me! My faith is working and producing results today! I affirm that my faith grows mightily and prevails. I advance from glory to glory and from strength to strength always in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I’m a success. I win always; I’m above only, and never beneath because I’m a product of God’s infallible Word! I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! Sin, sickness, disease, and poverty are under my dominion! I reign over them because I’m superior to this world, its systems, and the vagaries of nature! There’s no death, defeat or failure in my path because I live by the law of the Spirit of life, in Christ Jesus. I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness. I’m continually filled with the Spirit of God. The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He gives life to my physical body. I’ll never be sick in my life. God’s Word is life and health to my body. Its transforming power changes the circumstances of my life and causes my health to flourish. I live in the Word and I refuse to fear, be sick, or be defeated! I will not be subject to disease or infirmity. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now and always. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. I am a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. Now, I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I’m full of God, and there is no place for sickness and disease in my body. The Word of God is life and health to my flesh; therefore, no infirmity can thrive in my body. I am the light of the world; there is no darkness or death in my life or path. I experience divine health, vitality, and abundance today and always because I live in the Word, by the Word, and through the Word! The Word makes me impregnable to sickness! I am totally immersed in Christ and the Christ-life is made manifest in me always. I’ve put on the new man, which is created in righteousness and true holiness. I’ve passed from death to life, from sickness to health, and from poverty to wealth. I decree peace with prosperity and perfect health in every area of my life. I do not live by blood. I live by the Word of God. As the Word is incorruptible, so is my body. My body is unbreakable. The Word of God grows in my spirit, producing wellness in my body and soundness in my mind. Every part of me remains alive and in perfect shape. The life of God is in me; working mightily. He has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me. My life is for the glory of God! I dwell in God’s secret place, under the shadow of the Almighty, where there is health, safety, prosperity, and joy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth constantly, and I have the character of God’s Spirit. I am impervious to disease because the Greater One lives in me. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means. I am surrounded on every side by the goodness of God. I am protected from every form of evil and I am impervious to the things that kill ordinary men. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into the glorious and higher realms of life, in Jesus Name. Amen.
The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. Mine is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. I walk in the consciousness that I’m in oneness with Jesus Christ. Through the spirit, I enjoy the glories of Christ’s resurrection life in my body. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I’m joined to the Lord and I’m one spirit with Him. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life; therefore, I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. I am full of the Holy Ghost and power. Jesus is the Lord of my life, therefore, the good life is mine. Health is mine, in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
I am joined unto the Lord and I am one Spirit with Him. I am full of the life-giving power of God, and every cell of my body responds to it. This means that there is no space for anything that is not of God in my body. I am excellent and full of glory. The life of God is in me; working mightily. He has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means. I am surrounded on every side by the goodness of God. I am protected from every form of evil and I am impervious to the things that kill ordinary men. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in health and strength. Today and always, God’s grace is active in my life and sufficient for me in all things. Thus, I rule in dominion over demons of darkness, sickness, disease, poverty, failure and death. I reign triumphantly, enjoying all benefits of divine life in Christ Jesus, in Jesus name mighty name. Amen.
I walk in God’s perfect will for my life today. There’re no accidents or mishaps on my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all my endeavors today. The Word of God grows mightily in me, prevailing and producing health in every area of my body. I refuse to be a victim; I continually live above sickness, disease and infirmities; for as He is, so am I in this world. I declare that I’m strong and healthy. My spirit, finances, and entire being respond to the Word. Sickness, death and poverty have no place in me. I am victorious in all things because Christ lives in me. He is my refuge, my home, my health, my wealth, and my glory. In Him, I have peace and dominion over circumstances. I am forever making progress, and I am always fruitful and productive. I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I walk in health, victory, prosperity, and strength because the Greater One lives in me! Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood is inundated with divine energy! I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I’m an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I’m blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! I have in me the indestructible life of God. As the Father has life in Himself, even so, has He given me to have His life: life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have entered into God’s rest. I refuse to be moved by any opposing situation in my body. I refuse to consider any contrary circumstance. I now rest from all struggles, because Jesus has done it all. I’m fortified daily by the Word. Death has no part in me and I refuse any condition that is not consistent with God’s Word in my spirit, soul and body. God loves me and His desire is for me to prosper and enjoy divine health in my spirit, soul, and body. He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, as proof of His love for me. I am conscious of all the works of Christ for me and I appropriate them to myself today. I'm alive to God and I live the resurrection life in Christ. Daily, I enjoy the manifestations of God’s love for me. I walk in the blessings of the salvation that Christ has wrought for me: blessings of divine health, success, abundance, and prosperity. I am born of God’s Spirit, I have the very life and nature of my heavenly Father. I am not ordinary, for I am of the uninfectible breed that doesn’t get sick. When men are cast down by sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities, there is lifting for me because I operate by the principles of God’s Kingdom. I have been authorized to reign and rule in life. I am a king-priest. When I address situations in the Name of Jesus, I have a guarantee that my demands are backed up with power. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus, I make a demand on my physical body: body, you are not allowed to respond to sickness, disease, and infirmities. You only respond to the Word of God and all that it says about you. The same power that was demonstrated in Christ when He was raised from the dead is at work in me. I am conscious of the exceeding greatness of this power. Therefore, by the power and authority in the Name of Jesus, I reign in this life over all forms of evil. I reject everything contrary to the provisions of my authority in Christ and I refuse to be subject to any form of sickness or infirmity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
By the authority vested in me in Christ Jesus, I cut off any form of sickness or disease that may try to invade my body or any influence of Satan in my direction. Jesus is Lord of my life, therefore, I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I dwell in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness. Jesus has paralyzed the works of the enemy and has brought them to nothing. Therefore, I reign over Satan and his cohorts of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus. For His name has the ultimate and supreme authority. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing and be of none effect because I am born of God. I have overcome all the workings of the enemy. I have peace within my borders and the health in me flows out from me to everyone I come in contact with. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to fear! I walk by faith and not by sight. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength. I declare that I am made whole, fortitied from sickness, disease and infirmity, and preserved in divine health. The Word of God quickens my mortal body; this is my comfort. My health flourishes daily because the power of Jesus Christ continually works in me. The Word of God, which is the source of my life, is living and active in me today! I experience the transforming power of the Word in my health, finances, family and everything that concerns me in the matchless name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have eternal life. This life produces everything I need to live and enjoy a fruitful and productive life here on earth. I refuse to consider what my body tells me because the life that I have is indestructible. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I'm not of this world; I'm from above. I'm born of God and I've got His life and nature in me. I'm divinely enabled to do as God's Word says; therefore, I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I believe God's Word that says He that has the Son, has life. Therefore, my health shines forth from one level of glory to another. I am walking in divine health every day of my life; sickness cannot prevail over my body because eternal life is working from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me; therefore, my body is daily renewed! I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me; the life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body and in every cell of my body. I am born of God and my origin is in Him! No sickness has the power or ability to destroy my body! Christ lives in me. I have the overcoming life of God in me, and that makes me indestructible and impregnable to disease and infirmity. I have in my spirit the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being in the mighty name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. I dwell in the victory Christ wrought for me; thus, I'm no longer subject to any form of fear, limitation, or bondage, for Christ has set me free from sickness, disease, and death. I'm more than a conqueror! I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. Diseases and infirmities are not a part of my life in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. I recognize the efficacy of God's Word that is at work in me today, and by virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I have perfect health, victory, success, and prosperity now and forevermore. I walk in divine health, joy, prosperity, and victory every day. I'm alive to God. I belong in the Kingdom of God's dear Son, where I reign and rule by the power of the Spirit. Thank You, Father, for bringing me into such a beautiful place of glory, beauty, honor, and the superior life. I live triumphantly over and above all circumstances of life. I testify of the goodness of the Lord and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! The power of His infallible Word has brought me into a place of strength, power, rest, and dominion. I testify that the miracles of salvation are wrought through me. My life is insusceptible and invulnerable to sickness, disease, or infirmity. I daily experience supernatural blessings of divine health and prosperity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Happy Easter!
My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me; therefore, my body is daily renewed! I‘m not of this world; I’m from above. I’m born of God and I’ve got His life and nature in me. I’m divinely enabled to do as God’s Word says; therefore, I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I prosper and I live in the manifestation of your infinite blessings because I’m Abraham’s seed. I’m an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I’m blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! Through the power of the Word and by the working of the Spirit, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life today. There’re no accidents or mishaps on my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all my endeavors today. The Word of God grows mightily in me, prevailing and producing health in every area of my body. I refuse to be a victim; I continually live above sickness, disease and infirmities; for as He is, so am I in this world. I declare that I’m strong and healthy. My spirit, finances, and entire being respond to the Word. Sickness, death and poverty have no place in me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Happy Easter!
I live in health, wealth, and prosperity, all the days of my life. I live a great life; a life free of pain and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity connected to me. I walk in God’s plans and provisions for me. The life of God in me is not susceptible to sickness. Every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and every bone of my body works perfectly! God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I take complete charge over my life. I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. I affirm that satan has nothing in me! I refuse to harbour fear, anger, grudge, bitterness, or unforgiveness, for love rules in my heart. The Word of God continually purifies my heart, purging it of all unrighteousness. And with the Word in my heart and on my lips, I’ll forever be indomitable. I'm what God says I am. I'm an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ; I’m living God’s dream and enjoying the fullness of life. I walk in prosperity, health, strength and victory now and evermore. My faith conquers the world! Irrespective of the circumstances around me and the happenings in the world today, I have the faith to rule my world. I open my mind to the Word, the source of faith, and with that faith, I have dominion over circumstances and victory over the world and its systems and fears. Nothing is impossible unto me! Every fiber of my being is energized and infused with miracle-working power. I’m strengthened and invigorated by the Holy Spirit in my inner man and I function with God’s divine power that works in me mightily. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I have taken hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. I am guided in the path of life and led by the Spirit in the direction of God’s perfect will for me. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God!
I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health everyday. I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! Christ in me is my hope of glory! There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. I declare that there is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life that God gave me. I radiate health and glory everyday. Therefore, I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps. I declare that my life is beautiful and it cannot be destroyed by any form of infirmity. I affirm that I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. I function in limitless wisdom, limitless power and limitless wealth. I am who God says I am; I have what He says I have. God wants me well; therefore, I will always be well. I choose health, not sickness. I choose strength, not weakness. I choose life, not death. Satan has no authority over me because my life is hidden with Christ in God. Hallelujah!
I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body. My faith is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know faith always works. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world; I know that divine life, health, and perfect peace are my present-hour possessions. I dominate the circumstances of life today and I declare that all things are working together for my good. I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion–the city of the living God. Therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen; the Spirit of God is working effectually in me today and always. The life of God in me destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. And in the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. Today, I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I'm living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I'm in perpetual dominion over sickness and life's circumstances. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! I and my Father are one. I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I have in me the indestructible life! I declare that my faith is alive and producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I'm only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week; no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Nothing in me or about me dies or succumbs to the corrupting influences of this world. I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Precious Lord Jesus, You’re glorious, You’re great and mighty; You’re righteous, holy, pure, and true. You’re the Alpha and Omega, the author and perfecter of all things! I rejoice evermore, knowing that You’re in me and with me always, guiding me in the path of life, to fulfil Your perfect will. I thank You for giving me all things in Christ Jesus. Christ is my all; in Christ I have all that I require for life and godliness; I have all that I require to live triumphantly and please You in all things. I affirm that I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can lodge in it. I cut out any disease-germ or growth that tries to attach itself to my body, in the Name of Jesus, and I continually glorify God in my spirit and my body as I walk in divine health always. I declare that I am reigning in life–in my health, finances, job, and every area of my life. I walk in the victory and dominion of Christ today. I manifest life, glory, and excellence in every fiber of my being. I go from strength to strength, victory to victory every day in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Just like the cedar in Lebanon, I declare that I am deeply rooted in the Word of God; I am strong, healthy and continually making progress. I am an embodiment of God's grace, and my daily experience is that of the miraculous and God's infinite love. I am born again; therefore, I’m not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His life – a life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today. Nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Divine health flourishes in me. Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all endeavors today. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. The Word of God grows mightily in me, prevailing and producing health in my body. I refuse to be a victim. I continually live above sickness, disease and infirmity, for as He is, so am I in this world. I declare that I am strong and healthy. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in me. My faith is alive and produces results; it grows strong as I yield to the Word, thus making me unshakeable at all times. I am not moved by signs or symptoms because my focus is on my true source of life and sustenance, which is the Word of God. I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! Sickness and death finds no place in my life or my body. I am not moved by signs or symptoms because my focus is on my true source of life and sustenance, which is the Word of God. I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me; therefore, my body is daily renewed! I'm not of this world; I'm from above. I'm born of God and I've got His life and nature in me. I'm divinely enabled to do as God's Word says; therefore, I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it's impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. My body is not subdued by assaults from the forces of darkness. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness. I’m continually filled with the Spirit of God. I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I believe what the Word says about me, and I endorse and establish it to be real in my life! The Word of God produces in me what it talks about as I put it to work in every situation and circumstance of life. My health flourishes daily and I have a sound mind. I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. I live and walk by faith and not by sight. I’m not moved by what I see, feel, or hear. I’m moved only by the Word of God! My life is going forward and upward only and nothing is impossible unto me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am who God says I am; I have what He says I have. God wants me well; therefore, I will always be well. I choose health, not sickness. I choose strength, not weakness. I choose life, not death. Satan has no authority over me because my life is hidden with Christ in God. I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me! In accordance with God’s Word, I walk in divine health, prosperity, and unending victory. When I speak, the Lord speaks because the Word of God is in my heart and proceeds from my mouth. Therefore, I am born of, and sustained by the Word. I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! Sickness and death finds no place in my life or my body. Christ in me brings strength into my spirit, soul, and body. I am rejuvenated and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, good success, and continual promotions, dealing wisely in all affairs of life. I affirm that I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have the authority to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that corrupts, harms, or contaminates the body. By the power vested in the all-conquering Name of Jesus, I live the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
The divine life is working in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and every bone of my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is vitalized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me and invigorates me through and through. I flourish in health and walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are my mine always. I am alive unto God; therefore, I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life. The life of God in me has supplanted the human life that was susceptible to sickness and disease. My body and everything connected to me align with God’s provisions for me. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day of my life. You’re gracious and kind, Lord; You’re righteous, holy, just and true. I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King, and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I dwell constantly in health and I am a life-giver. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour! When He died, I died; when He was buried, I was buried with Him. Now that He’s risen, I’ve been raised together with Him, born anew with the resurrection life that is free of sin, sickness, disease, and death in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’m submissive to the authority, influence and impact of God’s Word. I receive the Word into my heart, acting accordingly, making definite changes in my character and attitude with, and through, the Word. Every day, I walk in excellent humility of heart, with the willingness to take on the responsibility of service to others, in loyalty to the Word, thereby attracting divine favour and promotion. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord my God is King eternal; His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. I carry myself with dignity, knowing my great value and worth in Christ Jesus. I’m chosen, royal and peculiar! I’m seated with Christ, far above all principalities, powers, might, dominions, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come! One generation shall praise Your works to another, and they shall declare Your mighty acts, O great God! You work out all Your plans in conformity with the purpose of Your will. How great is Your wisdom! I declare today that my body is strong, healthy and alive unto God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My life is the manifestation of the beauty and perfection of Christ. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. God’s Word is in my spirit; it energizes me for success, programs me for greatness, and keeps me in perfect health. My mind is filled with the thoughts of Christ – thoughts of peace, life, and prosperity. In Christ, I exercise my authority and rule over all circumstances of life. I am superior to sickness and death because I have the life of God in me. Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. Therefore, I live worthy of all that Jesus Christ wrought for me. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and the excellencies of Christ to my world. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. I and my Father are one. I am hid in Christ and He is alive in me. He is in my head. He is in my hands. He is in my lungs. He is in my kidneys. He is in my eyes. He is all over me. Therefore, I can never be broken, weak, sick, or diseased, for His presence in me makes my body impregnable to all forms of sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. I live the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always. I have in me the indestructible life! I declare that my faith is alive and producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Every day I wake up, I am reinvigorated in my spirit, soul, and body. I am full of life and vitality. My mind is alert, my body is energized, and my muscles, tendons, and ligaments are strengthened. I am an offspring of God’s Word; therefore, as the Word is, so am I. God’s Word is ageless; thus, I refuse to age in my spirit, soul, and body. I am forever blossoming in my soul, vibrant in my health, and fervent in my spirit. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I live in Christ Jesus, and Christ lives in me. He is in my head, He is in my hands, He is in my feet, He is in my bones, and He is all over me. My body is infused with life by God’s Spirit because of righteousness. I live and move by the Word of God; it is the only thing that matters and makes sense to me. I refuse and reject the life of this world, for I live far above its systems and its principles. I have been made a glorious spectacle to the world, to angels, and to all of nature. My life is a manifestation of the Christ-life and righteousness unto all men. I have made up my mind to live the life that God has given me, to the full. I have made up my mind to be everything that God has called me to be. I have made up my mind that I will walk in the victory that God has given me. I have made up my mind to be full of life, joyful, and live in divine health always, and nothing short of it. I will forever be prosperous, possessing more than enough to require no aid or support. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me; therefore, my body is shielded and protected from all evil. I am stronger, bigger, healthier, brighter and wiser today, than I was yesterday, for the invigorating power of the Holy Spirit works actively and mightily in and through me daily in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
The Lord has given me eternal life – the never-ending life of God. I live in dominion over sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I live in the deathless, fearless, and ageless zone. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in health and strength. I am strengthened with might in my inner man. There is no weakness in my life; the Holy Spirit – the embodiment of all glory, dominion, and strength lives in me in His fullness. No part of my body is available for sickness, disease, or infirmity. The life-giving Spirit of God functions in every part of my body; therefore, my body is constantly infused with divine energy. I am shining in my health, and my body is a reflection of the beauties, excellences, and perfections of divinity. I am the effulgence of God’s glory and I express and dispense divine verities to everything and everyone in my world. I am a life-giver; therefore, anything that comes in contact with me is bound to receive this life. In Christ Jesus, I live, move, and have my being. Daily, I experience the miracle-working power of God in my life and in all that is connected to me. Therefore, I refuse to be sick, for Jesus Christ is Lord over my spirit, soul and body. Divine health is mine and I live the supernatural life in perfect health all the days of my life. Divine life is at work in me. It is working in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, every cell of my blood, and in every organ of my body. No sickness can stay in me because the miracle-working ability of God is at work in me continually. I live by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus; therefore, I am beyond the reach of death and the law of sin. Hallelujah!
The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. Though sickness come against me, I will not be shaken because I have the very life of God in me. I cannot die because Jesus is Lord over my body and my whole life. I’m born of the Spirit and of the Word of God. This life of the Spirit is manifested in all I do. I’m not a victim in life, but a victor by the reason of the overcoming life of Christ in me. The glorious life I have makes me immune to any form of disease; therefore, I’m continually inundated with divine health! I refuse to be sick because it’s not my nature. I’m a new creature in Christ Jesus; old things are passed away, and all things are become new. The man that could be sick is dead; the ‘me’ that’s alive today has Zoë – the supernatural life of God. This life makes me invincible and impregnable to sickness, disease, infirmity, death, and the devil. I am daily renewed by the Spirit of God that dwells in me. I am conscious of my new life in Christ and walk daily in its reality. I speak the right words. My words minister not just to me; they also minister life to those around me. Daily, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength is renewed. I do not wane because I live in an ageless zone. I belong to the God class and I only give expression to His virtues because I was made for His glory. Hallelujah!
I am shining in my health, and my body is a reflection of the beauties, excellences, and perfections of divinity. I am the effulgence of God’s glory and I express and dispense divine verities to everything and everyone in my world. I am a life-giver; therefore, anything that comes in contact with me is bound to receive this life. I am a seed of Abraham, an offspring of the immortal God, and an active participator in the divine experience. Therefore, I do not get sick! I am born of God and I have His life and nature in me. I declare that my body daily functions in line with God’s perfect design for my life. I refuse to fashion my life according to any negative report, for it is directed only by the eternal Word of God. My way is always prosperous and it is well with me in. I refuse to observe lying vanities; my gaze is fixed on the Word of God, which is my guarantee of divine health and life. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, old things are passed away and all things have become new. The man that could be sick is dead, the "me" that is alive today has Zoe - the supernatural, indestructible, incorruptible, and imperishable life of God. This life makes me immune and impregnable to sickness, infirmity and disease. I have absolute mastery over satan, death, and negativities, and I live in dominion over all the works of evil. The body of Jesus Christ was broken for me, and He bore all sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities on the cross. Now, I live in the newness of life where I am free from all forms of sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. I live in divine health, and my body conforms only to the Word of God. I dominate my environment and reign over sickness and disease, over demons of darkness, and over death, for the life of God is in me, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God wants me well and He has done everything necessary for me to enjoy perfect health daily. Thus, I live in the reality of the provisions of Christ for my life and health. I refuse to accommodate anything contrary to this divine arrangement for my life. I live and enjoy health today and always. Christ purchased a life of glory for me through His death and resurrection, and sickness has no place in that life. Therefore, no sickness can attach itself to my body. I have what God says I have; I’m who God says I am, and I can do all He says I can do. Jesus has made my life beautiful. I’ll never walk in sickness or defeat. The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always. The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. God’s Word is my reality. I am living proof that the Word of God works because it produces life, wholeness, and soundness in my spirit, soul, and body. Its transforming power makes my life beautiful and causes my health to flourish in ever-increasing beauty. I am invigorated with miracle-working ability. I am sufficient in God's sufficiency and blessed with the divine life that is impregnable to sickness and disease. I live constantly in health and strength. I have dominion over sin, sickness, and life’s circumstances. I’m superior to Satan, and I’ve overcome the world. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power! Glory to God!
I declare that I am joined unto the Lord and I am one spirit with Him. Christ is the glory of my life. There is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life and the glorious blessing of salvation in Christ Jesus. My body is daily impacted by the God-life, and I radiate health and glory every day. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. I am an ambassador of Christ; I’m called to reign and rule in the Name of Jesus. I am the bearer and conveyor of divine verities. Through me, the light of the glorious Gospel is made manifest. I exude ever-increasing glory, ever-increasing success, ever-increasing victory and prosperity, and ever-increasing health. I am for signs and wonders. Rivers of living water flow from me to the nations of the world. I am a bearer of divine verities and a source of healing and health to anyone I touch. When I lay my hands on the sick, they recover. When I speak to a situation, it hears my voice and obeys. I rejoice that I am one spirit with the Lord and an associate of the God-kind. God is the strength of my life, my glory, and my song! Today, God’s Word in me produces divine health, prosperity, and success in every area of my life and I walk in victory always in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion, the city of the living God; therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. Christ in me gives me confidence and strength. I am healthy and full of divine life in spirit, soul, and body. By the power of God’s Word and in the Name of Jesus, I’m lifted above this world and into God’s realm of glory. I exercise Christ’s authority over my body and decree strength, health, wisdom, prosperity, and all-around success in my life, today and always. My life, health, family, and finances conform to God’s Word concerning me. Every part of my life is consistent with God’s Word. The Lord Jesus is the light of my life, and that light shines forth in perfection through my spirit, soul, and body. I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus, created for glory and beauty! I thank God for the glorious life He’s given me. This life is at work in every fiber of my being, and I’ve become a distributor of eternal verities to everyone in my world. I’m fully persuaded that greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world. Therefore, no disease, adversity, or adverse circumstance can overwhelm me. I’m convinced of my eternal victory over sin, sickness, and death. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. My words are anointed to produce results. There are no hopeless situations I can’t change, for my faith is the victory that overcomes every adversity. Irrespective of what I hear, see or feel, my faith prevails in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. Christ lives in me and I function with this consciousness every day. Sickness, poverty, death, lack, failure, depression, and everything that’s not of God have no hold over my life. Daily, I express divine and supernatural verities in my spirit, soul, and body. I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer, in Jesus Name. Amen.
What a blessing; what glory it is to have the Holy Spirit in my life. The greatest blessing of all; my greatest advantage. I am made for life because I have this precious Holy Spirit in me. He's my assurance for an extraordinary life of victory, dominion, abundance and infinite possibilities. In me abides all the graces, blessings, wisdom and goodness of heaven, because the Holy Spirit lives in me. I’m His living tabernacle. Everything I require for life and godliness is in me by the Holy Spirit. He’s the power and glory of my life. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free. The indestructible life of God is in every bone of my body and in every cell of my blood. Therefore, I live in divine health in Christ Jesus. My body is a reflection of the beauty and perfection of God. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror. God has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. I am a king-priest and my words are full of extraordinary power. I decree peace, health, success, and victory in every aspect of my life. I take absolute charge over my life and proclaim that all things are working in my favor in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I belong to a great and winning Kingdom. Jesus already paid the full price for me to walk in victory and enjoy all the blessings of God. I enjoy divine protection because my life is hid with Christ in God. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I am fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand. The fiery darts of sickness, disease, and death do not come near me because He covers me with His feathers. I have been transferred from mortality to immortality. I have passed from death to life because mortality is swallowed up by immortality, sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in my body. Everything that is not of God is swallowed up by divine life. I believe what the Word says about me, and I endorse and establish it to be real in my life! The Word of God produces in me what it talks about as I put it to work in every situation and circumstance of life. My health flourishes daily and I have a sound mind. I live in Zion; therefore, sickness is far from me. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness. Sin and sickness have no dominion over my body. My atmosphere is the manifest presence of the Holy Ghost. I live in perfect health always. I flourish in health by the Word of God that is in my heart and mouth. I am a new creation in Christ; therefore, I refuse to be sick. I have God’s kind of life; my body is vitalized with divine health and impregnable to disease or infirmity. God's ability is at work in me today and I am conscious of it. I do not function in my ability or strength, for God's inherent power is in me. My strength is renewed daily and I am divinely energized at all times for victory, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am the seed of Abraham and an heir of blessings untold. I have been imbued with a life that’s incapable of poverty or failure—a life that can’t be defeated or destroyed. I walk in the truths of God’s Word, getting acquainted with my inheritance in Christ and enjoying all of these numerous, multifaceted blessings. I live in the fulfilment and reality of God’s blessings. I’ve been brought into God’s rest. All things are mine. I take full advantage of all that’s available to me in Christ, and by my faith, I triumph gloriously always and in every place. I was born into the Kingdom of God where I reign over sickness, disease and infirmity. I walk in the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel, basking in divine prosperity, beauty and honour. Through my faith-filled confessions, I enforce the will of God concerning my health today and always. My mind is constantly renewed by the Word to think and produce excellence. The Word of God is prevailing in my life, producing what it talks about. I make manifest the savour of God’s knowledge in every place, reigning with Christ, and bringing Him glory. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me because the life that I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He's my Lord, my King and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I have in my spirit the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! Today, I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I've received in Christ. My path is illuminated to see and experience the glory of God in my health, in Jesus name. Amen!
I am divinely connected to the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In my path is light that manifests supernatural strength and vitality. The Word of God is life to me and health to my flesh. Eternal life is at work in me, radiating to all in my world. I repel worry with God’s Word. I’m anxious for nothing, but in everything, I make my requests known to God, and the peace of God that passes all understanding garrisons my heart and mind. All things are working together for my good; I can never be disadvantaged. I’m washed, sanctified, and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God! Therefore, consciously, I walk in the light of God’s Word, in the light of my righteousness, knowing that I’m holy, unblameable and unreproveable in His sight. I’m impacting my world with the light of God in my spirit, turning many to righteousness. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of the Word! The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, defeat or failure. My health flourishes daily as the unfailing power of Christ continually works in me. Christ dwells in me, and my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I am fortified by the Word of God and strengthened with might by the Holy Ghost. I’m more than a conqueror through the power of God’s Spirit at work in me. Like faithful Abraham, I am blessed in all things. I am blessed in my health, finances, family, business, and all that concerns me in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Christ lives in me; therefore, I’m made for life! His divine power has given me everything I require to live joyfully and victoriously every day. Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions, and the glorious life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus! My mind is filled with the thoughts of Christ – thoughts of peace, life, and prosperity. In Christ, I exercise my authority and rule over all circumstances of life. I am superior to sickness and death because I have the life of God in me. As a child of God, I dispense divine life to my world. Eternal life flows into everything I lay my hands on to do, causing endless prosperity because the law of life that is at work in me makes it so. I am full of health, vitality, and abundant blessings. I live in the Name of the Lord Jesus; therefore, no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. I've been delivered from sin, sickness, and death, and catapulted into God's realm of abundant life, where I reign victoriously with Christ every day. I’m not moved by what I feel, see, or hear. I’m only moved by the Word of God. Thus, I’m like a tree planted by the streams; vibrant, prosperous, and ever-fruitful. Today, I take hold of my divine rights; I enjoy health, victory and success always. I have the overcoming life of God in me, and that makes me indestructible and impregnable to disease and infirmity! I have in my spirit the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness. I’m continually filled with the Spirit of God. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord my God is King eternal; His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me; therefore, my body is daily renewed! I’m not of this world; I’m from above. I’m born of God and I’ve got His life and nature in me. I’m divinely enabled to do as God’s Word says; therefore, I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it’s impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body; I function by the Word in my life. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health, and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word. The all-powerful and most precious Holy Spirit lives in me! Thus, I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and in my world, for His power and authority are resident in me! My faith is working and producing results today! I move from glory to glory and I live from strength to strength always! The Word is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs. Therefore, I know without any reservation, that the pulsating life of God has dominated my body, making it impenetrable to adverse health conditions. My health blossoms continually because I live by the Word. I am seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms, far above all principality and power. I belong to Christ; therefore I’m Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! The earth is filled with the goodness of God and I enjoy them every day. I live above the economic structure of this world. I know what the Word says about me, and in accordance with it, I affirm thus: I’m filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! I’m an associate of the God-kind, with the totality of divinity tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me, everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God’s Name. By living according to the revelation of the Word daily, I’m lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence therein, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness have been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I am fully aware that the quality of life that I live is based on the faith-filled words that I utter. Therefore, I hold fast to my profession of faith without wavering; I declare that my life, health, family and finances are consistent with God’s Word. I live in absolute dominion and victory today by the power of the Holy Ghost who lives in me. I was born to reign and manifest the glory of the Kingdom of God on earth. My life is the expression of divine beauty, excellence, success, and greatness. I’m glorified in Christ; thus, I walk in health, wholeness, and wellness. God's ability is at work in me today and I am conscious of it. I do not function in my ability or strength, for God's inherent power is in me. My strength is renewed daily and I am divinely energized at all times for victory. Sickness is not in my nature. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, and Christ has perfected my health; therefore, I refuse to be sick! I have the supernatural life of God that makes me impervious to sickness and disease. Oh, glory, glory to God!
I am confident of this very thing that the life of God is in me. Therefore, poverty, failure, sickness and death are not a part of my life because the life that's at work in me is superior to the devil and all his works. Today, I walk with the consciousness that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world, for eternal life is at work in me. I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease and poverty, today and always! No weapon of darkness fashioned against me shall prosper because I live in the Name of Jesus! I’ve been delivered from sin, sickness and death, and catapulted into God’s realm of abundant life where I reign victoriously with Christ, every day. I've put on the new nature of righteousness. I have in my spirit the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! Today, I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I've received in Christ. My path is illuminated to see and experience the glory of God in my health. That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me; therefore, my entire being is vitalized. I dwell continually in health through the working of His mighty power in me! Jesus has made my life beautiful! I'll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always. I've been given the all-conquering Name of Jesus; therefore, I have power over all things! No sickness or infirmity of the body can overwhelm me! I live in the Name of Jesus; therefore, I live in dominion over sickness, disease and infirmity. The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces results in my health and finances, and in everything that concerns me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces results in my health and finances, and in everything that concerns me. It produces in me what it talk about: supernatural health, surplus supply, unlimited grace and joy unspeakable. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me because the life that I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He's my Lord, my King and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I've been catapulted into God's Kingdom of light and life where only divinity, success, victory, joy, peace, prosperity, and divine health reign. It is well with my spirit, soul and body. I've put on the new nature of righteousness. I have in my spirit the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! My life is an absolute manifestation of the glory of God! I live from inside out; the glory of the Lord in my spirit is expressed in my body with excellent and perfect health. My body was fashioned for the Lord's presence. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore sickness, disease and anything that hurts or binds have no place here. I reject the world's view about aging. I live in the ageless zone, where I can only grow without aging. Each day, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength and my youth are renewed! I am not moved by lying symptoms. I declare that I am strong with the strength of God in me. I live and enjoy divine health and healing to the full. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Jesus has made my life beautiful! I'll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I’m walking in preordained pathways, rightly positioned in God’s place of opportunity and set on the path of success, glory, victory, and divine destiny! The course of events in my life has been structured by God to bring Him glory, for He’s the One at work in me both to will and to do His good pleasure. The grace of God is multiplied in my life. I’ll never sink nor experience the negative effects unleashed by the devil and his demons to ruin men’s lives. My life is an unending stream of the miraculous because I am totally yielded to God’s guidance and promptings from within. I carry within me God’s divine presence to influence and affect my world, establishing the peace, righteousness, love, joy, health, and prosperity of the kingdom, and revealing the victorious life in Christ. My mind is anointed with divine wisdom to bless lives and bring solutions to dicey circumstances. I am powered by the Holy Ghost. I am excelling and making progress consistently! Everywhere I go and in everything that I do, I experience unparalleled advantages, unprecedented favor, and prosperity. I am the blessed of the Lord; born to prosper all the days of my life. I am an heir of God, and have been brought into the place of my inheritance, a place of abundance and wealth untold. Everything I require in life has been granted to me. Daily, I walk in the light of my prosperity, for I am the seed of Abraham. I am plugged to God's unending supply; ever loaded with money and never lacking anything good in this life. Mine is a heritage of blessings, and a life of supernatural increase, prosperity and glory in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!
Victory is my heritage and my life! I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. God has given me everything it takes to live victoriously every day. He has gaven me the Holy Spirit, His Word and the Name of Jesus. By my words, I chart my course in victory and success. I affirm that good things are coming my way and happening for me and around me because the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. By the Word of God in my mouth, I keep myself on the victory highway, my circumstances are transformed, and situations are changed to conform to God’s perfect will for me. I am continually strengthened with might in my inner man as the anointing of God’s Spirit runs through every fibre of my being, making me sickness and disease-free. Precious Father, I thank You for Your Word by which I live triumphantly today and always. It doesn’t matter what happens around me; I win always! I enjoy my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health and unending prosperity. With my faith-filled words, I transform circumstances and change situations to conform to Your perfect will for me. Christ in me—the Holy Spirit in me—is the life of my physical body; it’s my health, my deliverance, wholeness, and preservation. Christ in me is my right to walk out of any pain. Christ in me is my power over every crisis; it’s my dominion over darkness, poverty, lack and want in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I declare that the Spirit of God has enlightened my heart and caused me to grasp and walk in the deeper realities of the Kingdom! Now I know that I cannot be disadvantaged because the God that does the unimaginable is shining through me, and as He is, so am I in this world. I am the light of the world, and there’s no area of darkness in my life because the light of God's Word has illuminated my life. The entrance of God's Word brings light and understanding to my spirit. As I consciously meditate and make God's Word the contemplation of my spirit, my mind is inundated with possibility thoughts, pictures, and ideas; I see glory, promotion, excellence, success, victory and abundance everywhere I go. I am continually strengthened with might in my inner man as the anointing of God’s Spirit runs through every fibre of my being, making me sickness and disease-free. I am a success for life, and I win always. Like the Lord Jesus, I’m not of this world; I’m born from heaven and live the life of heaven now in the earth! I’m conscious of my heavenly blessings, rights and privileges and I enjoy them to the full. I refuse to be limited by contrary forces around me; I accomplish the impossible, I do the spectacular and reach for the peak in all my endeavours by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am an answer from God; I have the wisdom of the just, which propels me to function in God’s perfect will. The wisdom of God is in my heart and in my mouth today, and I deal excellently in all my affairs. I am full of God’s might! I function by His power and glory today, full of the Spirit in wisdom, having spiritual understanding of all things! I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ, one with the equal right to the throne room of grace. I am exalted by the Spirit of the Lord in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Christ is my assurance of health and life eternal. I have dominion in Christ, I rule over my body with the Word of God and in the Name of Jesus. I disallow infirmity and I cut off any abnormality from my body. The life of God is in me; working mightily. He has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Satan and the powers of darkness are under my feet; therefore, I have nothing to fear. The impulses of fear have been completely disabled from my life. Irrespective of the situation, I’m bold and courageous, speaking the Word in faith. My faith is the victory that overcomes fear, sickness, disease and infirmities. I walk in dominion over the elements of this world. I’m furnished with the requisite knowledge for life in Christ, through the Word. The eyes of my understanding are being enlightened. Therefore, I have insight into mysteries and secrets; there’s nothing that I can’t know. Christ is my wisdom, and the Word of God informs me daily, through the Holy Spirit. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free. The indestructible life of God is in every bone of my body and in every cell of my blood. Therefore, I live in divine health in Christ Jesus. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease because I am more than a conqueror in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the High Priest of my confessions. I stand on the basis of His Word and affirm what He is to me and who I am in Him. The Lord Jesus is my health and soundness; therefore, I can never be sick. He is my wealth and wisdom; therefore, I can never live in poverty. He is my light and salvation; therefore, I will never walk in darkness or lose my way in life. I walk in God’s plans and provisions for me. The life of God in me is not susceptible to sickness. Every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and every bone of my body works perfectly! I live in health, wealth, and prosperity, all the days of my life.
I am victorious in all things because Christ lives in me. He is my refuge, my home, my health, my wealth, and my glory. In Him, I have peace and dominion over circumstances. I am forever making progress, and I am always fruitful and productive. I’ve put on the new man, which is created in righteousness and true holiness. I’ve passed from death to life, from sickness to health, and from poverty to wealth. I decree peace with prosperity and perfect health in every area of my life.
The Lord Jesus, through His vicarious death and triumphant resurrection, has brought me into the life of unlimited joy, victory, dominion, and righteousness. Therefore, I rejoice evermore, with joy unspeakable and full of glory. My joy is of the Holy Ghost and it knows no bounds. I, therefore, refuse to allow any experience in my body to dictate my mood or interfere with the joy of the Lord in my heart. The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces result in my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. It produces what it talks about in me: supernatural health, surplus supply, unlimited grace, and joy unspeakable in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Precious Father, You’re great, gracious and glorious; You’re loving, holy, just and true. Thank You for Your blessings in my life: the divine favours that You cause me to experience always. I’m grateful, Lord, for Your faithfulness towards me! You’ve given me all that pertains to life and godliness; thank You for making my life the effulgence of Your glory and righteousness. Thank You for my triumphant life in Christ! Thank You for the Holy Spirit who lives in me and in whom and through whom I can do all things. Thank You for granting me all that I require for life and godliness.
I’m delighted to know that I’m Your treasured possession, ordained to show forth Your wonderful deeds and display Your virtues and perfections. I affirm that my mind is constantly renewed by the Word to think and produce excellence. The Word of God is prevailing in my life. I’m sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency, and His superabundant grace upon my life is sufficient for me in all things. Grace—the lifting power of God that attracts the right people, materials and resources—has put me ahead and positioned me for success and victory.
My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. As I meditate on the Word, I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health, thus, transcending the ordinary life and manifesting the supernatural in every situation. I am not perturbed about what happens around me because the infallible Word of God keeps me in perfect health. The living Word gives life to my body, piercing into every part and correcting every anomaly. I am perfected and made whole by the power of God that is at work in me in Jesus name. Amen.
The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is that of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My spirit is conditioned by the Word of God. My spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed and renewed as I meditate on God’s Word.
Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God the Father. Daily, as I ponder on the splendors of my life in the Word, my life is transformed from glory to glory. The Word of God is evidently manifested in my health, ministry, business, finances, and all that I lay my hands upon to do. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I enjoy God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I cannot be sick because Jesus makes me well. He has paralyzed the works of the enemy and has brought them to nothing; therefore, I reign over Satan and his cohorts of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit. I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I dwell in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness, disease, poverty and failure, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. All around me, at all times, there is righteousness, peace, and exceedingly great joy in the Holy Ghost. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life.
I trust in the Lord at all times with my whole heart to preserve me from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. No matter the fiery darts of sickness or infirmity the enemy tries to throw, my faith shields me and I continually enjoy eternal life in Christ Jesus. The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body.
I live a great life; a life free of pain and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. I rejoice always because the Lord has set me on the path of righteousness. My life is filled with peace and prosperity. My body is kept in perfect health. My days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! I live in the finished works of glory and beauty that Jesus' sacrifice wrought for me. Glory to God!
My spirit is sensitive to God’s voice, and I’m able to discern His voice and counsel to me always because I’m His sheep. The ways of the Spirit have been manifested unto me, and I’m guided from within and through the Word to know and walk in the paths of life, supernatural health and strength. My body is infused with divine health because I have eternal life. Therefore, sickness, disease or death has no place in my life. The Spirit of God vitalizes my mortal body! The God-life in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong.
I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness; thus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. I refuse to think or talk sickness, for I am the seed of Abraham. Out of my belly flows rivers of living water. The clouds of my meditations are crystalizing and pouring down. They are distilling and pouring down. I am helped with open doors. I am mightily helped of God. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ.
My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! I and my Father are one. I am hid in Christ and He is alive in me. He is in my head. He is in my hands. He is in my lungs. He is in my kidneys. He is in my eyes. He is all over me. Therefore, I can never be broken, weak, sick, or diseased, for His presence in me makes my body impregnable to all forms of sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today.
By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. I act on the Word of God continually, causing circumstances to conform to the Lord’s expectations for my life. I’ve got the life of God in me and I win for Him always. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. The Holy Spirit lives in me and I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and my world, for His power is in me in Jesus name. Amen.
My faith is working and producing results today! I affirm that my faith grows mightily and prevails. I advance from glory to glory and from strength to strength always! I live and walk by faith and not by sight. I’m not moved by what I see, feel, or hear. I’m moved only by the Word of God! My life is going forward and upward only and nothing is impossible unto me. Christ in me brings strength into my spirit, soul, and body. I am rejuvenated and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, good success, and continual promotions, dealing wisely in all affairs of life.
I declare that I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have the authority to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that corrupts, harms, or contaminates the body. By the power vested in the all-conquering Name of Jesus, I live the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always. I am branded for God and there is no enchantment against me! I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. I walk in blessings only. I walk in divine health. I am secured and fortified against all machinations of the enemy.
I’m living the life of continuous victory. I refuse to be discouraged or subject to the crippling principles of the world, for I live far and above them. The Lord has brought me into a large place, a place of wealth in abundance. I’m a success; I win today and every day, because the greater One lives in me. I exercise dominion over the forces of darkness, and I cut down their activities in my city and nation. I take charge from the realm of the spirit today, speaking words of victory, prosperity, health and strength. With the Word of God in my mouth, I triumph gloriously, reigning and prevailing over all circumstances in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am an associate of the God-kind, and I have the indestructible life of God in me. My body is impervious to every form and manner of sickness or disease. I live in perpetual health and walk in the greater light of the new creation in Christ. I live in Christ's environment where divinity reigns; the divine life is operational in my body, for I hail from God and I am born of Him. I was born with the resurrection life that’s beyond sickness and disease. Therefore, I walk in divine health always! The Lord is gracious and kind to me, full of mercy and compassion. Great and abundant is His faithfulness in my life.
God’s love for me never runs out. His love is unfailing. His mercy is fresh every morning, sure as the sunrise. It makes no difference the contrary evidence, I am a victor, not a victim. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to waver. My faith prevails. I affirm that all things are mine! I have all things that pertain to life and godliness! The Lord makes all grace abound towards me. The Lord is my refuge. He is my fortress, my God, in Him I trust. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He covers me with His feathers and under His wings do I trust.
The kingdom, power, glory, righteousness, and dominion of Christ are manifested in and through me. I’m walking in preordained pathways, rightly positioned in God’s place of opportunity and set on the path of success, glory, victory, and divine destiny! The course of events in my life has been structured by God to bring Him glory, for He’s the One at work in me but to will and to do His good pleasure. I am full of power; with this power, I heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, and do mighty works in Jesus name. Amen.
Praises be to You, my Lord and King, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; You are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things. In Your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. I praise Your glorious name. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I enjoy God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I live healthy and strong in the Name of Jesus. I manifest the virtues, perfections, and excellencies of God’s righteousness. I’m continually walking in the glory and dominion of the Name of Jesus. There is no imperfection or weakness in my life for I’ve been fashioned for divine health and strength. The Word of God is my life.
I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest in the Precious Name of Jesus. Amen!
Dear Father, I thank You for Your love, grace, and righteousness at work in me. Thank You for choosing me to be holy and without blame before You in love. I walk in wisdom today, fulfilling Your good pleasure and producing works of righteousness. I’m immensely grateful for the privilege to participate in the divine experience. I’m an associate of the God-kind, transfigured in spirit into the image and likeness of the Son of God! I function from the place of advantage, victory, dominion and power, guided and propelled by His divine wisdom to do God's will and fulfil my destiny in Christ.
I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and nature that transcends the ordinary human life has been imparted to my spirit. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat and the depravities of the natural man. I refuse to allow resentment, hatred, jealousy, envy, bitterness, anger, strife, spite, ill will or baseness of any kind to take root in me. My heart is full of God’s love, kindness and compassion; and I express these lavishly everywhere and to everyone to the delight of the Father. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously.
I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in health and strength. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. My body is not subdued by assaults from the forces of darkness. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions. My life is an endless testimony of God’s ever-increasing grace. I testify that Christ lives in me; I testify that the Holy Spirit continually vitalizes my body; I testify that divinity is at work in me and has elevated me above the sufferings and limitations of humanity in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Daily, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength is renewed. I do not wane because I live in an ageless zone. I belong to the God class and I only give expression to His virtues because I was made for His glory. I have the very life and nature of God because I am born again. This God-life makes me impregnable to sickness, disease, infections, and the destructions that ravage the ordinary man. My body is inundated with the life of God and I walk in divine health. I am ever joyful and exuberant with praise because the joy of the Lord is my strength.
My joy is independent of circumstances; it comes from my inner man and transcends the physical. With this joy, I draw forth life, health, and limitless prosperity from the wells of salvation. The Word of God transforms me from glory to glory, instilling in me the mindset of the just. I am a doer of the Word and not the hearer only. I’m blessed forever, living transcendently over and above sickness, disease, Satan, and circumstances. I live in Christ's environment where divinity reigns; the divine life is operational in my body, for I hail from God and I am born of Him.
I was born with the resurrection life that’s beyond sickness and disease. Therefore, I walk in divine health always! I consciously practice enjoying my life in divine health. I insist on God’s Word, and I boldly affirm that my divine life in Christ has replaced the ordinary life and its attendant effects. I do not live by the dictates of my body, but by the leading of God’s Word for my life and health. I have the life of God in me; and by faith, I live successfully. I do not walk by sensory perception, but I operate with faith in God. Therefore, sickness, diseases, and infirmities have no place in me in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I testify of the goodness of God and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! The infallible power of His Word has brought me into a place of health, strength, power, rest, and dominion. I prosper in health, even as my soul prospers. I have the Son of God; therefore, I have the life of God, which is not susceptible or vulnerable to pain, sickness, disease, or infirmity. That life courses through my being, giving life to my body. I daily experience the blessings of divine health and prosperity. I am not ordinary; Christ is my wisdom, therefore, I am wise, and I have the wisdom to do whatever I need to do.
I’m the seed of Abraham; I’m imbued with divine wisdom to affect lives positively all over the world. My mind is anointed to bring forth innovations, ideas, inventions, and solutions to bless the world. Fear has no place in me, for God hasn’t given me a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and a sound mind. I’m supernaturally enabled to implement God-given ideas to make the world a better place. I function today at my best potential because the wisdom of God works in me, talking through me, leading me, guiding me, and causing me to be effective and productive in everything I lay my hands to do.
I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. Sin and death have no power over me. The Lord has given His angels charge over me; thus, no evil shall befall me. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory, in the Name of my Lord Jesus. Amen.
I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in health and strength. Eternal life flows through my being. I walk in the victory that God wrought for me through Jesus Christ. No matter what happens, I am victorious. I live in absolute dominion over sickness, disease, poverty, and lack. My life is a manifestation of the glory of God. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. God’s Word is alive in me; therefore, I cannot die. Every time I receive the Word of God, it goes into my spirit and permeates my body. There is nothing missing or broken in my body because God’s Word makes me whole.
I refuse to fear or fail because my success, health, prosperity, and victory, are assured in Christ. My life is for the glory of God! I dwell in God’s secret place, under the shadow of the Almighty, where there is health, safety, prosperity, and joy. I am filled with the Holy Spirit and divinely transported into the higher realms of life. I experience divine health, vitality, and abundance today and always because I live in the Word, by the Word, and through the Word! I am totally immersed in Christ and the Christ-life is made manifest in me always. I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health.
I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free. I rejoice with profound joy because the Lord has filled my mouth with laughter and His joy is my strength. Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
All things are working together for my good, because I love the Lord and I have been called according to His purpose. I’ve overcome the world, its systems, economies, and economics. I’m walking in a perpetual victory parade. I am enjoying the victorious life that Jesus bought for me. As my Lord Jesus is, so am I in this world. I’m not ordinary. I have the life of God in me, in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I can do all things, by His strength and ability, that’s at work in me. Christ in me is my victory over the world. I walk in supernatural victory.
I have the codes for supernatural victory. Supernatural victory over all enemies and contrary circumstances. I have overcome the world. I have overcome all contrary situations. I have overcome every adversary and every adversity. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! I declare that there is money everywhere, especially around me.
I do not need to look for money. Money is coming to me from everywhere. I don’t go after money, money comes to me by free course unhindered. Money comes to me in a continuous stream, never stopping, never ending. Resources are locating me right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is supplying me with continuous streams of finances. Angels remember me. God remembers me. I do not worry about human beings remembering me, because the Lord causes men to bring the finances to me. I have entered a new financial level by the Holy Ghost. My finances are being multiplied. Angels are at work even now. I live in financial abundance now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.
God’s unfailing Word has brought me to a place of rest, strength, power, and dominion. Supernatural blessings, divine health, and prosperity are mine in abundance. I have received an abundance of grace, and I reign in life with dominion over sickness and death. I have received eternal life, which makes it impossible for sickness or disease to dominate my body. No infirmity can corrupt or ravage my body. I rejoice that I am one spirit with the Lord and an associate of the God-kind. God is the strength of my life, my glory, and my song!
Today, God’s Word in me produces divine health, prosperity, and success in every area of my life and I walk in victory always. I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness. I’m continually filled with the Spirit of God. I have the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror.
I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. The higher law of life is operational in me, for I hail from God. I am the seed of Abraham, an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. Therefore the earth and the fullness thereof belong to me. God has given me all things freely to enjoy. I live above the economic systems of this world, I prosper by the Word and by the Spirit of God. The grace of God has brought me wealth untold. I do not lack any good thing in this life. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places and I have a goodly heritage. I am graced for riches, wealth and honour in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Divine health is at work in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and every bone of my body! I live the supernatural life, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! The Word of God is quick and active in my body. The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth. My life is for the glory of God, and I’m making progress from glory to glory, because Christ lives in me. I’m prosperous, and I walk in divine health! I’m prevailing with, and by, the Word! With my mouth, I steer my life in God’s direction for me, in prosperity, health and abundance.
I refuse failure, poverty, sickness and anything that’s of darkness. The Word of God is light, and as I speak it forth, darkness is completely obliterated. My victories and triumphant life in Christ are assured. The love of God is shed abroad in my heart and I am manifesting this love, reaching out to my world with love. I refuse to allow anger, bitterness, and hatred take its root in my heart. My life is the expressions of the Father’s will; as I seek to do only those things that are honorable and pleasing to Him, my increase, progress, and prosperity are evident for all to see.
I’m in the centre of God’s will for my life and I am equipped with all things that pertain to life and godliness. I am filled with the fullness of God! The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yes, I have a goodly heritage. I do not struggle nor respond in fear because God had not given unto me the spirit of fear. I have the spirit of love, power and of a sound mind. My mind is sound, and I stay in perfect peace! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmity; therefore, I am untouchable. I am not ordinary; there is nothing in me that can contain or sustain sickness, infirmity or disease. Therefore, I refuse to accommodate any form of sickness or weakness in my body. I refuse arthritis, cancer, diabetes, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, lungs failure and their cohorts any place in my body. I am forever alive to God and His eternal Word! Divine life is at work in me. It is working in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, every cell of my blood, and in every organ of my body.
I am in Christ; I am a legal representative of the heavenly Kingdom, called and separated from the world. I’m from above; therefore, I’m not subject to the distracting elements and corrupting influences of this world. I belong in God’s Kingdom, where I enjoy the full blessings and privileges of my kingdom inheritance. I can never be a victim; for God has prearranged my life for good. I walk those paths that have been laid out for me before the foundations of the world and I prosper in all my ways. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence.
There's no place for evil or negative imagination in my heart! My heart is circumcised by the Holy Ghost and my mind inundated with the Word; with which I prevail over all the fiery darts of the enemy! I have the mind-set of the righteous because Christ has been made unto me wisdom. I am well positioned; seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all the hardships, troubles, and perils in the world. I’m in a safe place; a place of authority and dominion in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Father, thank You for strengthening me by Your Spirit to do Your will always. I live for You alone, fully submitted to Your plans and purpose for my life. My life is a daily expression of Your will, and I fulfil Your purpose and destiny for me with glory and joy. I thank You for my new life in Christ; Your divine nature in me has made me a master over circumstances, with dominion over the systems of this world. I serve You always with joy unspeakable and full of glory, unencumbered by sin or reproach!
Thank You for making me righteous, holy and irreproachable in Your sight. I refuse to allow resentment, hatred, jealousy, envy, bitterness, anger, strife, spite, ill will or baseness of any kind to take root in me. My heart is full of God’s love, kindness and compassion; and I express these lavishly everywhere and to everyone. I function today, and always, in divine wisdom, manifesting the glory and virtues of divinity deposited within my spirit. I am set on the course in which I must follow, to fulfil my divine destiny in Christ!
I walk in preordained pathways, for God has structured the course of events in my favour, and I go on to fulfil my divine destiny, to the glory and praise of His Name. I rejoice with profound joy because the Lord has filled my mouth with laughter and His joy is my strength. I do not know weakness, depression, or oppression of any sort because the joy in my spirit produces health and boundless energy for my body. The life-giving Spirit of God functions in every part of my body; therefore, my body is constantly infused with divine energy. The Word of God is medicine to my body, health to my flesh, purification to my blood, life to my organs, and strength to my bones, in Jesus name. Amen.
No sickness can stay in me because the miracle-working ability of God is at work in me continually. I live by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus; therefore, I am beyond the reach of death and the law of sin. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me; therefore, my body is shielded and protected from all evil. I am stronger, bigger, healthier, brighter and wiser today, than I was yesterday, for the invigorating power of the Holy Spirit works actively and mightily in and through me daily. It works in me mightily, causing my health to flourish daily.
No weapon formed against my body shall prosper, for my body is preserved by the Spirit and the Word of God. I was born for the praise and glory of God; therefore, my life shows forth God's praise and glory. My body is sanctified and preserved for the Lord’s habitation and use only. The presence of God in me has made my body uninhabitable, unconducive, and injurious to all sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns.
The higher law of life is operational in me, for I hail from God. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being is vitalized by the Spirit of God. I live triumphantly, far above the devil and the negative systems of this world! The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease, and infirmity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion, the city of the living God; therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. Christ in me gives me confidence and strength. I am healthy and full of divine life in spirit, soul, and body. The indestructible life of God in me nullifies sickness, disease, lack, and death. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me!
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I am victorious in all things because Christ lives in me. He is my refuge, my home, my health, my wealth, and my glory.
I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. I speak life, divine health, soundness, strength, vitality, and energy to my body. I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I do not get sick. I do not have any disease. My body and its systems and organs function optimally and excellently. My body is impregnable to sickness, disease, attack, or fatigue. I have the life, strength and energy of God. Glory! Hallelujah!
The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory.
The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. My mind is filled with the thoughts of Christ – thoughts of peace, life, and prosperity. In Christ, I exercise my authority and rule over all circumstances of life. I am superior to sickness and death because I have in me the divine life of God.
Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and the excellencies of Christ to my world. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. My life is flourishing. My health is flourishing. Of my increase, my greatness, my prosperity, my flourishing, there shall be no end, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen
The Lord my God is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. In my way is life. In my pathway, there is no death. I have the life of God in me. Life belongs to me; I have it as my possession and as my nature. I have the nature of God; I originate from heaven. Therefore, I live a life that is above poverty, failure, and sickness.
I am Christ-conscious and I carry His presence everywhere I go. I am conscious of His grace and His awesome presence in my life. I do not worry, stress, fret, or struggle. I am not anxious about sicknesses or afflictions that plague ordinary men. Divinity dwells in me; therefore, I live the transcendent, supernatural, superhuman, and divine life! The same power that God has and exerts is at work in me. I heal the sick, I do the impossible, and I work miracles because I am endued with power.
I am alive unto God and I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There is no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I connect to receives life. The life of God permeates my whole being. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are mine always in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the Living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me. Christ is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion. There’s no place for sickness in my body. Every day, I am conscious of this truth and it makes me invulnerable to sickness and anything that hurts.
I live above the elements of this world. I live above failure, poverty and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions.
The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. The Spirit of life is working in me. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. The Lord has beautified my life with grace. I am favoured greatly by the Lord. Daily, I experience the goodness of God. I always have the testimony that the Lord is good to me. The joy of the Lord is my strength in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I consciously practice enjoying my life in divine health. I insist on God’s Word, and I boldly affirm that my divine life in Christ has replaced the ordinary life and its attendant effects. I do not live by the dictates of my body, but by the leading of God’s Word for my life and health. I am an inhabitant of Zion. I have the divine right to live in health, prosperity, joy, victory, success, dominion and excellence. God’s glory is evident in my physical body, coursing through my being, ridding me of every infirmity, feebleness, or weakness. It is seen in my family, job, business, and all areas of my life.
I have eternal life and walk in the consciousness of it. I walk in dominion over sickness, disease, and death, over the discouragements and frustrations that affect humanity. I have the life and nature of God in me. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities.
I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I am full of faith. I am full of joy. I am full of peace. I am full of strength and I am doing wonders. Glory to God!
Blessed be the Lord who daily loads me with benefits, even the God of my salvation! Today, there’s an overflow of favor and abundance for me, and I take possession. I’ll never be broke in my life, for the Lord has supplied all that I require for life and godliness according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. I’m full of God, and there is no place for sickness and disease in my body. The Word of God is life and health to my flesh; therefore, no infirmity can thrive in my body. I am the light of the world; there is no darkness or death in my life. I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, from sickness to health and from poverty to wealth.
I decree peace with prosperity and perfect health in every area of my life. I live above the limitations of the human body and this physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. The Word of God is life to me and medicine to my body. It rejuvenates and refreshes me daily! I’m divinely immunized against all forms of sicknesses, diseases, and infections because God’s Word of life dwells richly in my spirit and inundates my whole being.
I’ve put on the new man, which is created in righteousness and true holiness. I am a member of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. Sin and death have no power over me. The Lord has given His angels charge over me; thus, no evil shall befall me. I testify of the goodness of God and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! The infallible power of His Word has brought me into a place of health, strength, power, rest, and dominion in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have the Spirit of life living in me, guiding me, energizing me, and strengthening me. God has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles, and to effect positive changes in my world and in my health, family, and finances. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced.
The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I’m fully persuaded by the Word of God! I anchor my life on God’s Word, and I refuse to be swayed by contrary winds or circumstances, for my faith is the title deed of unseen realities.
I walk in the light of my inheritance in Christ, in power and grace, living in divine health and supernatural prosperity. I’m victorious. I live above sickness and disease. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. Divine life is working in my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me and invigorates me through and through. Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy. I am a well-watered garden. I live my best every day, to the glory of God and in Jesus name. Amen.
My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of the Word! The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, defeat or failure. I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, satan, and the systems of this world. God’s Word is food for my spirit and health for my body. It makes me vibrant and productive. It rejuvenates and strengthens my body. By the Word, I am whole and preserved in divine health. I am not shaken by the wind because I am rooted and grounded in the Word of life that energizes me daily.
Christ is my peace. Health is my birthright. My body conforms to the Word of God at all times, for it is the house of the Holy Ghost. I refuse anything that is inconsistent with God’s Word. I live and enjoy the glorious and victorious life. I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I am dwelling in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life.
My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. Divinity is at work in me. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity. I am a product of God’s Word, for my origin is the Word of God; therefore my words and actions are backed by divine authority. I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness, because the greater one indwells me. I declare that my body is under obligation to respond to the Word of God at all times; my body is regulated by God’s Word and every part of my body aligns to what God says.
The life of God permeates my whole being. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are mine always. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being is vitalized by the Spirit of God. I live triumphantly, far above the devil and the negative systems of this world! The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease, and infirmity. God’s Word is in my spirit. It energizes me for success and greatness and keeps me in perfect health.
All things are mine. I triumph gloriously always and in every place. In me abides all the grace, blessings, wisdom and goodness of heaven. I am God’s living tabernacle. Everything I require for life and godliness is in me. I’m born of God, greater is He that’s in me, than He that’s in the world! Divinity is at work in me; as the Lord Jesus is, so am I in this world. I’m not ordinary. I have the life of God in me, in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, in every cell of my blood. I’m what God says I am! I can do all things, by His strength and ability, that’s at work in me. Christ in me is my victory over the world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have received an abundance of grace, and I reign in life with dominion over sickness and death. I have received eternal life, which makes it impossible for sickness or disease to dominate my body. No infirmity can corrupt or ravage my body. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it!
I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. Thank You, blessed Father, for the immeasurable, limitless, surpassing riches of Your grace, Your kindness and goodness of heart directed toward me in Christ Jesus. You’re the only true and wise God, who reigns and rules in the affairs of men; the One who is the blessed and only Sovereign. To You, Lord, be all glory, honour, majesty, dominion and praise, to You belong all greatness and might. All in heaven and earth are Yours. You’re exalted above all.
I love You Lord; and I thank You, for You’re gracious, holy, righteous and true. I affirm that the all-powerful and most precious Holy Spirit lives in me! Thus, I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and in my world, for His power and authority are resident in me! My faith is working and producing results today! I declare that my life is going forward and upward only and nothing is impossible unto me. Christ in me brings strength into my spirit, soul, and body. Therefore, I declare that I am rejuvenated and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, good success, and continual promotions, dealing wisely in all affairs of life, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. The Word of God is the light of my life, and by the Word, I see and take hold of my righteousness and inheritance in Christ, walking in holiness and manifesting the glory of God everywhere. I stand justified forever in God’s presence, with dominion over sin and circumstances. I call things that be not as though they already exist, and by the word of faith that I speak, I cause a change in any negative situation around me, bringing answers to questions and solutions to problems.
Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me.
Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. What a delight! I speak forth life, salvation, health, prosperity, and blessings only. I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
God had set eternity in my heart! I acknowledge His mighty power that’s at work in me mightily and celebrates His glory in my life. I am the offspring of the Word, I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. The wisdom of God is in my spirit, I have the ability to make the right judgments and choices. No matter what happens around me, I do not bow to pressure. Rather, I hold myself in from within. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course.
I am not ordinary; I’ve received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on the hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side.
In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. When men are cast down by the challenges of life, my testimony will forever be that there’s a lifting up for me. I’m what God says I am; I have the life of God in every fibre of my being. I can do all things by His strength and ability that’s at work in me mightily In Jesus Name. Amen.
I am that tree planted by the rivers of water. I do not see when heat comes; I flourish in health even as sickness ravages the world. My leaves are luscious and green; full of life and health, vibrant, prosperous, successful, and fruitful. I radiate the glory of God. No matter what happens in life, I can never be disadvantaged. My heritage as the new creature in Christ is dominion and authority over contrary circumstances and adversities. I have and exercise dominion in my health, family, business, and in all my affairs, to the glory of God the Father.
My life is flourishing. My health is flourishing. My prosperity is flourishing. My greatness is flourishing. My increase is flourishing. Rivers of living waters flow from me, pouring forth righteousness, peace, healing, and divine health upon the nations of the earth. Through me, the Lord is doing signs and wonders. I have the Word in me; words with the capacity to effect changes. I release words into the realms of the spirit today to effect changes in my health, and in all areas of my life. Nothing can bring me down. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity.
I’m superior to Satan, and I'm above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. Divinity is at work in me. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, holy and irreproachable in God's sight. I refuse to allow resentment, hatred, jealousy, envy, bitterness, anger, strife, spite, ill will or baseness of any kind to take root in me. My heart is full of God’s love, kindness and compassion; and I express these lavishly everywhere and to everyone. I function today, and always, in divine wisdom, manifesting the glory and virtues of divinity deposited within my spirit. I am set on the course in which I must follow, to fulfil my divine destiny in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I have authority over the elements of this world and I exercise dominion over my body.
I declare that my body is the Lord’s temple and sickness is not allowed in or around it. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I dwell in Christ; in the secret place of the Most High, where I am protected under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my Refuge and my Fortress, and in Him I confidently trust!
I have no fears because He's my safe haven. Therefore, sickness, poverty, fear, darkness, and pain have no part in my life. God's Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul and health to my body. I can never be disadvantaged because I am a child of the Most High God. I manifest the excellence of the Spirit, and the life of God in me is superior to the devil and his works. In Christ, I triumph always and I have the wisdom to excel in all things to the glory of the Lord. I live in health, prosperity, and joy; celebrating my victory over satan, the world, and all the negativities of life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and nature that transcends the ordinary human life has been imparted to my spirit. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat and the depravities of the natural man. I am no longer subject to sickness, disease, failure, or death. I am a new creation, born with the life and nature of God. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon.
I affirm that divinity is at work in me. The knowledge of God’s Word in my heart, causes me to walk in faith, dominion, glory and power. Through the revelation knowledge of God’s Word, I live above the deception, trickery, manipulation and lies of the adversary. I function in absolute victory. All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work.
I eschew and purge from my heart all elements of anger, bitterness, rage or fury; anger has no place in me. I delight myself in God’s Word and in doing His will always. The Word is in my heart, causing me to walk in righteousness and fulfil my destiny in Christ. My life is the expression of all that Christ is. I unveil Him to my world today through my thoughts, words and actions. The world sees Jesus in my eyes; I show them love they can’t deny. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that His wisdom, ability and power are working in and through me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God’s Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I am led and guided by the Word in all things and at all times. My spirit is programmed for excellence and greatness, and as I stay on the Word, my life is regulated accordingly. I am filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Thus, I can discern and walk in God’s perfect will at all times. I have eternal life in my spirit, because I’ve received Christ. I’m the expression of the beauties and righteousness of Christ, bringing wholeness, sanity, and salvation to my world. Divine life is at work in me; in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood and in every bone of my body.
I function in the authority of Jesus, for as He is the effulgence of God’s glory, dispenser of His mercies, goodness and grace, so am I in this world! I am up and alive; my life is the fulfilment of the destiny that the Father had ordained for me. Everything about my life is infused with divinity and speaks of glory. The Holy Spirit has granted me the supernatural advantage in life. I’ve been divinely enabled to walk in righteousness, prosperity, health, success, and victory. I am eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere.
I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, health, strength, success, victory, wealth and prosperity, in Jesus name. Amen.
I am one with the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world! I live in the victory and dominion of Christ over this world. I am in rest, health, wealth, security, and peace with prosperity. I take charge of my life and enjoy it to its fullest, for Christ has made me a participator in divinity. All things are mine. The Lord has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness. Christ lives in me; therefore, my life is glorified and my body is vitalized. No sickness, disease, infirmity, or death can stay in this body. I function in perfect health.
I am the glory of God! God has raised me to a heavenly dignity, to a heavenly condition, to a heavenly state of being. I exude and manifest righteousness, excellence, and perfection. I live a life of righteousness and eternal dominion over all infirmities and illnesses. I’m alive in Christ. I live in the presence of the Father, justified, holy, and righteous before Him. I am glorified in Christ and perfected in beauty. The excellence of divinity is at work in me. I have a new life in Christ. The old is dead and gone. I walk in the newness of life and I reign over sin, satan, and circumstances.
My life is an expression of the righteousness of God, and I showcase perfection and excellence in my health, work, and studies. I am that tree that is planted by the rivers of water. I do not see when heat comes; I flourish in health even when sickness ravages the world. My leaves are luscious and green; full of life and health, vibrant, prosperous, successful, and fruitful. I radiate the glory of God. No matter what happens in this life, I can never, never, never be disadvantaged. My heritage as the new creature in Christ is dominion and authority over contrary circumstances and adversities. I have and exercise dominion in my health, family, business, and in all my affairs, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
I am an embodiment of God’s goodness. Health and the good life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus. I have taken possession of this inheritance and I flourish like the palm tree, ever fresh, evergreen and ever luscious. I’m nourished daily by the Word of God. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in health and strength.
In the Name of Jesus, I’m alive and well. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, it doesn’t accommodate sickness or anything that’s not of God. I am who God says I am; I have what He says I have. God wants me well; therefore, I will always be well. I choose health, not sickness. I choose strength, not weakness. I choose life, not death. Satan has no authority over me because my life is hidden with Christ in God. Christ is in me and He is everything. In Him, I have all things.
Just as death couldn’t hold Jesus down, no sickness, infirmity, or disease can hold me down or hinder my glorious life in Christ. I am victorious because He has brought me victory. I am successful because He made me successful. I am healthy because He has given me His life. I am prosperous because He has made me wealthy. I have the very life of God in me and I live in His glory. My life is the manifestation and testimony of God's grace and glory; His life, wisdom, and righteousness are revealed in and through me in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work. I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are infused with divinity. I am a product of God’s Word, for my origin is the Word of God; therefore my words and actions are backed by divine authority. I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God!
The life of God permeates my whole being. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers. Supernatural health and strength are mine always. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being is vitalized by the Spirit of God. I live triumphantly, far above the devil and the negative systems of this world! God’s Word is in my spirit. It energizes me for success and greatness and keeps me in perfect health.
I eschew and purge from my heart all elements of anger, bitterness, rage or fury; anger has no place in me. I delight myself in God’s Word and in doing His will always. The Word is in my heart, causing me to walk in righteousness and fulfil my destiny in Christ. My life is the expression of all that Christ is. I unveil Him to my world today through my thoughts, words and actions. The world sees Jesus in my eyes; I show them love they can’t deny. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that His wisdom, ability and power are working in and through me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I enjoy peace with prosperity! The Lord my God has made me exceedingly rich and prosperous. I am rich in all good things. The land is green for me! The wilderness is now a fertile field, and the fertile field has become a forest. I have harvest every time. New doors of opportunities are opened unto me by the Spirit of God. I experience luxuriant growth and persistent productivity in every area of my life. I affirm that the Word of God is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. God’s Word has set me on the path of life: the path of righteousness and glory in Christ Jesus! The Word has made my paths straight and plain.
I acknowledge the ministry of the precious Holy Spirit in my life. He grants me insight into mysteries and secrets, unveils to, and imparts my spirit with knowledge of witty inventions. I am taught of Him, and I know all things. I’ve been granted spiritual insight and set on the right course for life. The keys of the kingdom have been given unto me; therefore, I am celebrating my riches generously. I live above lack and other distracting influences of this earthly realm because I live in, and by the Word. Nothing is impossible with me because my life is the story and testimony of God’s grace.
There’s nothing that I do that is void of the anointing. The anointing of God is on everything that I do. This anointing causes me to expand, spread, flourish, and advance in life. I’ve obtained an inheritance, which is imperishable and undefiled! I’ve been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. I walk in divine wisdom; for the Father has given me His Word, a material to build my life with, and usher myself into higher levels of glory, promotions, victories, and success. As I meditate on the Word, the wisdom of God exudes from me, and His grace causes me to be fruitful and productive in all things, and function excellently in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My life does not accommodate pain, sickness, death, or anything that is of the devil. The Lord my God is King eternal. He is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace.
I now live in health because Christ has blessed me with the divine life. Sickness cannot take hold of any part of my body because I am born of God. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I am from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and safety always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I live the victorious life. I refuse sickness from having its way in my life because I have taken hold of eternal life. Everything about me bears fruits of righteousness, and my life is characterized by excellence, success, divine health, prosperity, strength, and joy. All that I lay my hands upon to do prospers exceedingly in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus, created for glory and beauty! The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, and I’ve become a distributor of eternal verities to everyone in my world. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus!
I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance.
Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! I have the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. The higher law of life is operational in me, for I hail from God. I exercise my divine right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and to exercise dominion over Satan. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural that God has given me, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I’m the faith-child of a faith-God! I live in victory and triumph always. I live by faith and thus function in dominion over sickness, disease, poverty, and the world’s systems. I’ve got divine health working in every part of my body, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel.
I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. Divine health is my nature; therefore, I am not subject to the elements of this world and my body cannot be dominated or put under by headaches, fevers, diabetes, or any manner of sickness. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death.
I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me. I have in my spirit, the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every fiber of my being! God’s Word saturates my spirit, mind, and body, leaving no room for any sickness or infirmity to steal in, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Precious Father, You’re great and greatly to be praised, for there’s none like You; Your Kingdom is forever, and Your reign is eternal! You’re the only true and wise God. To You be all glory, honour, majesty, dominion and praise, forever and ever. Thank You for Your Word, it is the reflection of Your immense glory, greatness, excellence and success deposited in my spirit. I’m the expression of Your righteousness and the unveiling of Your goodness to the world. I’m the effulgence of Your glory, perfections, beauty and grace, and I’m conscious of Your supernatural life in me. My life is indeed an unveiling of the virtues and perfections of divinity.
I saturate and impact my world with the Lord’s goodness, kindness, beauty and grace. My life is one of ever-increasing glory. The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness. God’s Word insures my health and His wisdom grants me access to success, victory, and unending prosperity. I refuse to be subject to the elements of this world; instead, I reign and I rule over them. I’m not an ordinary being. I’m like the Lord Jesus. As He is, so am I in this world. I already have victory over Satan, death, hell and the world. I am fearless. I have no sense of lack. I live in absolute mastery and dominion over all things.
Through me, Christ – the perfection of beauty – shines. God has made me perfect; there is nothing in me that should not be there. There is nothing that should be in me, that isn’t there. All the systems of my body are functioning optimally and in good health. I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. It makes no difference the challenges or difficulties that may come my way, I am a victor forever. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I have the life of God in me; from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I live and walk in supernatural, divine, and perfect health in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Father, thank You for loving me and planning my life for Your glory. Through me, many will come to the knowledge of Christ and into their inheritance in Him. Thank You for Your supernatural grace that’s at work in me. I can do all things and change the circumstances of my life to conform to Your perfect will for me through Your Spirit that’s at work in me mightily. I’m triumphant forever. No matter what the enemy throws at me, I’m unflustered because greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world. I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might to do exploits!
I function every moment from the standpoint of advantage and victory, for you’re at work in me, invigorating me with the life and nature of Christ. I carry myself with dignity, knowing my great value and worth in Christ Jesus. I’m chosen, royal and peculiar! I’m seated with Christ, far above all principalities, powers, might, dominions, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come! The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin! I’m absolutely death-free, because the law of life is operational in me!
Not only do I walk in life and health as a child of God, I dispense that divine life to all in my world. Divinity dwells in my physical body and I live the transcendent life! I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I have the life of God in me. My spirit, soul and body are vitalized through and through by the power and effect of righteousness and the fullness of the God-life that I’ve received through the Gospel. I’m walking in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ, conscious of His grace and awesome presence in my life in my life, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I am God's dwelling place; God's center of operation. God moves in and through me. He talks and blesses people through me. I'm a conveyor of eternal verities and a partaker of the divine nature. I have the ability to effect changes in my world, because am born again and the greater One lives in me. I am highly productive and fruitful. I am making continuous progress. I'm yielded to God’s word which reflect my true nature, identity, origin and heritage in Christ. I'm the expression of the unseen Christ, the brightness of His glory. As He is, so are am I in this world.
I experience ever-increasing glory, always full of grace, peace and righteousness. Thank You Father, for the joy of being born again into the liberty of the Spirit to serve You unreservedly, without any form of restrictions, limitations or fear. I boldly exercise the authority You have given me over satan and all the powers of the enemy. Thank You for the life of Victory You have given me in Christ and Your glory which is manifested in me always. I declare that God has given me riches and wealth, and the wisdom to multiply them! I am the seed of Abraham; therefore, the world is mine!
The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness, causing me to walk in perfection and righteousness. I lay up gold as dust; my prosperity is endless. I walk in abundance, having more then enough for myself and others. I'm a new creation in Christ Jesus, filled with divinity! Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, every cell of my blood is replete with God. I'm the moving house of the Almighty God, bearing His grace, glory and righteousness. And I impact my world with the glory of His divine presence expressing the glory and virtues within me. I function with the wisdom of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank You, righteous Father, for Your life in me; I’m divine; born to reign and rule in this world! My life is the testimony of Your grace, glory and greatness. I’m blessed and the dispenser of Your blessings and goodness. Thank You for Your mighty angels working for me, and for giving me authority over the devil and his demons. Thank You for the victory of the Lord Jesus over the devil and the entire host of darkness, which was for my sake. The enemy has no dominion in my home, my body, my finances or circumstances.
I’m functioning in supernatural supply, strength, ability, wisdom and knowledge. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I’m fulfilling God’s purpose for my life. I’m forever protected and fortified against all evil and wickedness in this world. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. I repel worry with God’s Word. I’m anxious for nothing, but in everything, I make my requests known to God, and the peace of God that passes all understanding garrisons my heart and mind. All things are working together for my good; I can never be disadvantaged.
The Holy Spirit has brought the glory of God into my life, giving me guidance and direction; He makes me creative and innovative. He’s filled me with supernatural ability to do things beyond the ordinary; I see value where others don’t; I bring new things into this world. I have insight into mysteries and secrets through the Holy Spirit. He teaches me how to be the best at what I do. He has granted me an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension and supernatural sagacity to excel in all that I do. He has made my thought pattern excellent; and as a result, my ingenuity, creativity, intuition, sharp-wittedness are limitless in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I affirm that God’s Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I am led and guided by the Word in all things and at all times. My spirit is programmed for excellence and greatness, and as I stay on the Word, my life is regulated accordingly. I am filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Thus, I can discern and walk in God’s perfect will at all times. I am not ordinary; for God has granted me the authority to heal the sick, raise the dead, forgive sins and turn men’s hearts to righteousness.
I have eternal life in my spirit, because I’ve received Christ. Christ in me means glory in my life; it means divinity revealed and expressed in, and through me. I’m the expression of the beauties and righteousness of Christ, bringing wholeness, sanity, and salvation to my world. Life is at work in me; in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood and in every bone of my body. I function in the authority of Jesus, for as He is the effulgence of God’s glory, dispenser of His mercies, goodness and grace, so am I in this world!
I am up and alive; my life is the fulfilment of the destiny that the Father had ordained for me. Everything about my life is infused with divinity and speaks of glory. The Holy Spirit has granted me the supernatural advantage in life. I’ve been divinely enabled to walk in righteousness, prosperity, health, success, and victory. I am eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! Glory to God. Hallelujah!
The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. All around me, at all times, there is righteousness, peace, and exceedingly great joy in the Holy Ghost. God loves me personally. I’m His peculiar treasure; my value to Him is the value of Jesus. I think, talk, walk, and live as someone special, for indeed I am. God reigns, establishes, and spreads His love and righteousness on earth today through me.
God’s Word is my light and my life! It’s nourishment for my spirit, sustenance for my soul, and wellness for my body! I always live by the Word; its awesome power is at work in me as I meditate on it daily. My life bears witness to the Word with evidence of its eternal life, perfect health, unrivaled strength, and revitalizing power. I have the same life that Jesus has, in its fullness. My life is sickness-proof, disease-proof, poverty-proof and failure-proof. It’s a life of glory, victory, success and excellence.
Nothing of the devil can stay in me, for I’ve embraced the transcendent life that’s in Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature; I’ve overcome the world. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, I refuse to allow anything to dominate me. I keep my body in subjection to the Word of God! Anything that’s not consistent with the Word of God for my life isn’t permitted in my body! I walk in divine health constantly. Glory to God!
I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. With this joy, I draw health, success, wealth and prosperity from the well of salvation. I have in me the indestructible life of God! Daily, I walk in health, victory, prosperity, and strength because the Greater One lives in me! Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood is inundated with divine energy! I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ.
I prosper and I live in the manifestation of your infinite blessings because I’m Abraham’s seed. I’m an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I’m blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! I affirm that I’m born again; therefore, I’m not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so, has He given me to have His life: life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmity; therefore, I’m uninfectible.
I am not ordinary; I refuse to accommodate any form of weakness in my body. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumor, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, lung failure in any place in my body. I rule and reign above them all. I declare that I’m a new creation, born superior to Satan and all the demons of darkness. I’m an offspring of divinity and a product of Christ’s resurrection! I’m a partaker of the divine nature and I dwell in Zion. I’m born for health, success and the glory of God! My faith is the victory that overcomes the world, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
I carry myself with dignity, knowing my great value and worth in Christ Jesus. I’m chosen, royal and peculiar! I’m seated with Christ, far above all principality, powers, might, dominions, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come! Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I am alive and well!
I am blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter. All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work. I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are infused with divinity. I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life.
I am a product of God’s Word, for my origin is the Word of God; therefore my words and actions are backed by divine authority. I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! The life of God permeates my whole being. Supernatural health and strength are mine always. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being is vitalized by the Spirit of God. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my refuge and my fortress. I am forever protected and fortified against all evil, wickedness, and corrupting influences in the world because I dwell in Christ. No matter what happens in life, I can never be disadvantaged. My heritage as the new creature in Christ is dominion and authority over contrary circumstances and adversities. I have and exercise dominion in my health, family, business, and in all my affairs.
The kingdom, power, glory, righteousness, and dominion of Christ are manifested in and through me. I am full of power and I am doing wonders. With this power, I heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, and do mighty works to the glory of God. I am an associate of the God-kind, and I have the indestructible life of God in me. My body is impervious to every form and manner of sickness or disease. I live in perpetual health and walk in the greater light of the new creation in Christ.
My words carry divine power to cause changes and bring about positive transformation, healing, and prosperity. Out of the abundance of my heart, I speak forth life, strength and courage. I do not function in my ability or strength, for God's inherent power is in me. My strength is renewed daily and I am divinely energized at all times for victory. I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God! I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! Sickness and death finds no place in my life or my body in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am not shaken by the wind because I am rooted and grounded in the Word of life. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. I am unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ. I’m a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father; I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me.
My spirit is programmed for excellence and greatness, and as I stay on the Word, my life is regulated accordingly. I am filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Thus, I can discern and walk in God’s perfect will at all times. I am not ordinary; for God has granted me the authority to heal the sick, raise the dead, forgive sins and turn men’s hearts to righteousness. I’m the expression of the beauties and righteousness of Christ, bringing wholeness, sanity, and salvation to my world. I function in the authority of Jesus, for as He is the effulgence of God’s glory, dispenser of His mercies, goodness and grace, so am I in this world!
I am up and alive; my life is the fulfilment of the destiny that the Father had ordained for me. Everything about my life is infused with divinity and speaks of glory. The Holy Spirit has granted me the supernatural advantage in life. I’ve been divinely enabled to walk in righteousness, prosperity, health, success, and victory. I am eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! Glory to God. Hallelujah!
Every day I wake up, I am reinvigorated in my spirit, soul, and body. I am full of life and vitality. My mind is alert, my body is energized, and my muscles, tendons, and ligaments are strengthened. My body is infused with life by God’s Spirit because of righteousness. I live and move by the Word of God; it is the only thing that matters and makes sense to me. I refuse and reject the life of this world, for I live far above its systems and its principles. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me; therefore, my body is shielded and protected from all evil.
I have been made a glorious spectacle to the world, to angels, and to all of nature. My life is a manifestation of the Christ-life and righteousness unto all men. I have made up my mind to live the life that God has given me, to the full. I have made up my mind to be everything that God has called me to be. I have made up my mind that I will walk in the victory that God has given me. I have made up my mind to be full of life, joyful, and live in divine health always, and nothing short of it. I will forever be prosperous, possessing more than enough to require no aid or support.
I am an offspring of God’s Word; therefore, as the Word is, so am I. God’s Word is ageless; thus, I refuse to age in my spirit, soul, and body. I am forever blossoming in my soul, vibrant in my health, and fervent in my spirit. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I live in Christ Jesus, and Christ lives in me. He is in my head, He is in my hands, He is in my feet, He is in my bones, and He is all over me. I am stronger, bigger, healthier, brighter and wiser today, than I was yesterday, for the invigorating power of the Holy Spirit works actively and mightily in and through me daily in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. Everything is working. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality.
My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of the Word!
My life is built on the Word of God because I am born of the Word. It infuses my spirit with dominion and excellence. It keeps me in health, strength, and victory, making me experience unprecedented progress, peace, and prosperity in my life. The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body because He perambulates in me, through the Holy Spirit. The very life and nature of God are at work in me now in Jesus name. Amen.
I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. I am not ordinary; I’ve received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on the hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world.
I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world.
Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today and always in Jesus name. Amen.
The presence of the Holy Spirit in my life gives life to my body. There is no failure in my body systems; no heart failure, no kidney failure, no lung failure, no liver failure. All the organs and systems of my body are functioning perfectly well. There is perfect soundness in my body. God’s divine power has given unto me all things that pertain to life and godliness. I live an endless, incorruptible, and indestructible life. I have gained ascendancy over the lying vanities of this world, including sickness and disease.
The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means. I am surrounded on every side by the goodness of God. All around me, there are treasures, everywhere! I am protected from every form of evil and I am impervious to the things that kill ordinary men. God’s Word is in my spirit. It energizes me for success and greatness and keeps me in perfect health. I function with supernatural strength in my inner man. I enjoy God’s boundless grace. It empowers me to overcome all obstacles and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path.
I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I grow daily in grace and in the wisdom of God. My body is sound; its systems and organs are functioning perfectly. I’m waxing stronger and stronger every day. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might!
Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death.
I am invigorated with strength always! I and my Father are one. I am hid in Christ and He is alive in me. He is in my head. He is in my hands. He is in my lungs. He is in my kidneys. He is in my eyes. He is all over me. Therefore, I can never be broken, weak, sick, or diseased, for His presence in me makes my body impregnable to all forms of sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I have in me the indestructible life! I declare that my faith is alive and producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart.
I thank You precious Father for the glory and transformation I experience in my life as a result of Your Word that dwells richly in my heart and proceeds out of my mouth. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I’m fully persuaded by the Word of God! I anchor my life on God’s Word, and I refuse to be swayed by contrary winds or circumstances, for my faith is the title deed of unseen realities. I walk in the light of my inheritance in Christ, in power and grace, living in divine health and supernatural prosperity.
My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, my health is ever radiant and ever flourishing. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. I am of God. I live in the ageless and deathless zone. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body. I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always. I have the eternal life of God; therefore, I am not affected by anything that hurts in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
The life of God is at work in me, permeating my whole being. I flourish in health and walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are my mine always. I am alive unto God; therefore, I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life.
Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day of my life. I live above sickness and disease. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world.
Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body. I am the effulgence of God’s glory. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. I am the crowning beauty of all God’s creation; the consummate perfection of His works! My life is full of loveliness and excellence because the Holy Spirit beautifies me. I was created for God’s glory; not for poverty, sickness, disease, failure, or dishonor in Jesus name. Amen.
I know who I am! I’m Abraham’s seed and I reign and rule in this life. I’m unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I’m a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health.
I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple. I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God.
I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I have the life of God in me. My spirit, soul and body are vitalized through and through by the power and effect of righteousness and the fullness of the God-life that I’ve received through the Gospel. I’m walking in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ, conscious of His grace and awesome presence in my life, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have dominion and authority over principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I dominate my world and frustrate the tokens of the adversary—His stratagems and manoeuvres—by the power of the Holy Ghost. I refuse to allow resentment, hatred, jealousy, envy, bitterness, anger, strife, spite, ill will or baseness of any kind to take root in me. My heart is full of God’s love, kindness and compassion; and I express these lavishly everywhere and to everyone to the delight of the Father.
I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I have the life of God in me. My spirit, soul and body are vitalized through and through by the power of the Holy Ghost. I’m walking in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ, conscious of His grace and awesome presence in my life. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin! I’m absolutely death-free, because the law of life is operational in me! Not only do I walk in life and health as a child of God, I dispense that divine life to all in my world. Divinity dwells in my physical body and I live the transcendent life!
The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! I’m a victor in Christ Jesus! I’m a victor in Christ Jesus! Greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world. I refuse to allow circumstances dictate the outcome of my life. I don’t stagger at the Word of God through unbelief; I’m ever strong in faith, giving glory to God! No sickness, disease or infirmity can thrive in my body because I’m joined to the Lord and I’m one spirit with Him in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The glory of God is evident in my finances, health, family, business, and ministry. Christ in me is my guarantee of perfect health, prosperity, and success. Divine health is my present-hour reality and my body responds to the Word of God only. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. I am not moved by what I feel, see, or hear because I am full of faith.
I’m ever radiant in health and I live victoriously in all that concerns me. The glorious life in Christ is continually manifested in my spirit and it is evident in all that I do. Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me.
The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead is alive in me. He is vitalizing every part of my body; repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and anything that’s not of God from my life. I live my best every day, to the glory of God. I am who God says I am, I have what He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. He has blessed me and made me a package of blessings. I’m an embodiment of the fullness of His blessings! I do not walk in lack, poverty, disease, or anything that’s of the devil, for I’ve been called to inherit the blessings of righteousness and eternal life in Christ. I live according to my calling the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of God’s Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion. I walk in excellent humility of heart, with the willingness to take on the responsibility of service to others, in loyalty to the Word, thereby attracting divine favour and promotion. I’m submissive to the authority, influence and impact of God’s Word.
I receive the Word into my heart, acting accordingly, making definite changes in my character and attitude with, and through, the Word. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord my God is King eternal; His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence.
I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency. I do not tire or wear out. I do not get weak and I don’t faint because I wait on the Lord daily. My strength is renewed daily by the Holy Spirit and I am vitalized, invigorated, energized, and refreshed for all things in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
The Word of God is living, active, operative, energizing, and effective in me. It produces what it talks about in my life. God’s Word is sharper than any knife and it penetrates the deepest recesses of my body. The Word is alive in me; therefore, my body is impervious to sickness, disease, or death. No infirmity can prevail over my body, because eternal life is at work in me, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I am mentally sound; I give no room to depression or negative thoughts. The Lord guides me continually and satisfies my desires always, making my bones strong.
I am like a well-watered garden and like a wellspring whose waters don’t go dry. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. My legs are His legs – He moves through me; they will never be lame. My hands are His hands – He works through me; my hands will never be paralyzed. My eyes are His eyes – He sees through me; these eyes will never be blind. I am born of the Word of truth. The Word of God is health and life to my body. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me, and His presence daily renews and vitalizes my body.
I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer; therefore, I reign over the world and its systems. I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today and always in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might!
Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body.
I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick. I glorify God in my body, and by the Spirit, it functions perfectly all the time because it is the Lord’s. The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and abilities! As Jesus is, so am I in this world.
I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. God’s stamp and seal of perfection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness, and glory.
I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick. I glorify God in my body, and by the Spirit, it functions perfectly all the time because it is the Lord’s. The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me.
I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. I affirm that my spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. As the Lord Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition. I grow daily in grace and in the wisdom of God. My body is sound; its systems and organs are functioning perfectly.
I’m waxing stronger and stronger every day. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word is working in my life. I am full of life! I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body. Every fiber of my being is energized and infused with miracle-working power in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am that tree planted by the rivers of water. I do not see when heat comes; I flourish in health. My leaves are luscious and green; full of life and health, vibrant, prosperous, successful, and fruitful. I radiate the glory of God. No matter what happens in life, I can never be disadvantaged. My heritage as the new creature in Christ is dominion and authority over contrary circumstances and adversities. I have and exercise dominion in my health, family, business, and in all my affairs, to the glory of God the Father.
My life is flourishing. My health is flourishing. I am flourishing in prosperity. I am flourishing in greatness. I am flourishing! I am flourishing! I enjoy all round prosperity. All round increase, all round success, all round prolificity, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Rivers of living waters flow from me, pouring forth righteousness, peace, healing, and divine health upon the nations of the earth. Through me, the Lord is doing signs and wonders. I have the Word in me; words with the capacity to effect changes. I release words into the realms of the spirit today to effect changes in my health, and in all areas of my life. Nothing can bring me down.
I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I'm above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. Divinity is at work in me. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, holy and irreproachable in God's sight. I refuse to allow resentment, hatred, jealousy, envy, bitterness, anger, strife, spite, ill will or baseness of any kind to take root in me. My heart is full of God’s love, kindness and compassion; and I express these lavishly everywhere and to everyone in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I belong to Christ and I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! Truly, I know what the Word says about me. I affirm that I’m filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! The totality of divinity is tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today! I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body.
Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me.
My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. I’m lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!
I have received eternal life and I am death-free, incorruptible, indestructible, and imperishable. I am not subject to depravities and diseases because the law of the Spirit of life is operational in me! Divinity is at work in me and I have transcended sickness and infirmity. I have entered into God’s rest and ceased all struggles because the Lord Jesus has overcome the adversary and every contrary situation. I am fortified daily by the living Word of God and I refuse to succumb to sickness, disease, or any form of darkness. I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency.
I do not tire or wear out. I do not get weak and I don’t faint because I wait on the Lord daily. My strength is renewed daily by the Holy Spirit and I am vitalized, invigorated, energized, and refreshed for all things. I live in unending peace, prosperity, health, success, and greatness because I live in the Name of the Lord Jesus. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is alive and at work in me. My physical body is invigorated with divine life, always and forever. God’s stamp and seal of perfection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness, and glory. I am immune to satanic attacks.
I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. I have power over all the abilities and strategies of the devil. No matter how he tries or through which means he attempts to attack my body, my finances, my family or my faith, the Name of Jesus gives me authority, dominion, and triumph always, and nothing can prevail against me. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. This grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
I testify of the goodness of God and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! The infallible power of His Word has brought me into a place of health, strength, power, rest, and dominion. I prosper in health, even as my soul prospers. I have the Son of God; therefore, I have the life of God, which is not susceptible or vulnerable to pain, sickness, disease, or infirmity. That life courses through my being, giving life to my body. I daily experience the blessings of divine health and prosperity. I am not ordinary; Christ is my wisdom, therefore, I am wise, and I have the wisdom to do whatever I need to do.
God’s love for me never runs out. His love is unfailing. His mercy is fresh every morning, sure as the sunrise. It makes no difference the contrary evidence, I am a victor, not a victim. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to waver. My faith prevails. I affirm that all things are mine! I have all things that pertain to life and godliness! The Lord makes all grace abound towards me. The Lord is my refuge. He is my fortress, my God, in Him I trust. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He covers me with His feathers and under His wings do I trust.
My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I cannot be sick because Jesus makes me well. He has paralyzed the works of the enemy and has brought them to nothing; therefore, I reign over Satan and his cohorts of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit. I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I dwell in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness, disease, poverty and failure, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion, the city of the living God. Therefore, I cannot be subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen, seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms! Therefore, I affirm that the power of the Word and the Spirit is working effectually in me today and always. This power destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. I act on the Word of God continually, causing circumstances to conform to His expectations for my life. I’ve got the life of God in me, and I win for Him always.
I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! Sin, sickness, disease, and poverty are under my dominion! I reign over them because I’m superior to this world, its systems, and the vagaries of nature! There’s no death, defeat or failure in my path because I live by the law of the Spirit of life, in Christ Jesus. I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness. I’m continually filled with the Spirit of God. The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He gives life to my physical body. I’ll never be sick in my life.
I am one with divinity and I have eternal life coursing through my being, as a result of this oneness. Therefore, no sickness, diseases or infirmity can stay in my body. I’m living a successful, healthy and victorious life because I’m one with God’s Spirit and death has no association with me. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces around me. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous in the matchless Name of Jesus. Amen
What a blessing; what glory it is to have the Holy Spirit in my life. The greatest blessing of all; my greatest advantage. I am made for life because I have this precious Holy Spirit in me. He's my assurance for an extraordinary life of victory, dominion, abundance and infinite possibilities. In me abides all the graces, blessings, wisdom and goodness of heaven, because the Holy Spirit lives in me. I’m His living tabernacle. Everything I require for life and godliness is in me by the Holy Spirit. He’s the power and glory of my life.
I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated.
I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. I am impervious to sickness, disease, infirmity, sadness, depression, anxiety, and everything that is of this world. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak. I reject inferiority or anything that represents darkness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have entered into God’s rest. I refuse to be moved by any opposing situation in my body. I refuse to consider any contrary circumstance. I now rest from all struggles, because Jesus has done it all. I’m fortified daily by the Word. Death has no part in me and I refuse any condition that is not consistent with God’s Word in my spirit, soul and body. God loves me and His desire is for me to prosper and enjoy divine health in my spirit, soul, and body. He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, as proof of His love for me. I am conscious of all the works of Christ for me and I appropriate them to myself today. I'm alive to God and I live the resurrection life in Christ.
I am born of God’s Spirit, I have the very life and nature of my heavenly Father. I am not ordinary, for I am of the uninfectible breed that doesn’t get sick. When men are cast down by sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities, there is lifting for me because I operate by the principles of God’s Kingdom. I have been authorized to reign and rule in life. I am a king-priest. When I address situations in the Name of Jesus, I have a guarantee that my demands are backed up with power. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus, I make a demand on my physical body: body, you are not allowed to respond to sickness, disease, and infirmities. You only respond to the Word of God and all that it says about you.
My body and everything connected to me align with God’s provisions. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day. The same power that was demonstrated in Christ when He was raised from the dead is at work in me. I am conscious of the exceeding greatness of this power. Therefore, by the power and authority in the Name of Jesus, I reign in this life over all forms of evil. I reject everything contrary to the provisions of my authority in Christ and I refuse to be subject to any form of sickness or infirmity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My life is for the glory of God! I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and abide under the shadow of the Almighty in health, safety, prosperity and joy. In everything I do today, and everywhere I go, I’m mindful of God’s love, and that consciousness inspires faith and boldness in me to face the circumstances of life and win. Excellence, glory, health, peace, virtue, and success are the hallmarks of my life because the grace of God is superabundant upon me. I am conscious of my divine origin; therefore, the circumstances of life are subject to me. I’m seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principalities, powers, might, and dominions.
No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper and no illegal transactions can thrive in my body because I'm born of God, and my life is hid with Christ in God. I refuse to be sick! God wants me well, so I declare that I will always be well. I choose health, not sickness. I choose strength, not weakness and I choose life, not death. I am free and I have the life of God in me. I am strong in faith and I give all glory to God. I’m perfected in Christ Jesus; I refuse to accommodate any sickness, disease or pain in my body, because I have the life of God in me! I’ve taken hold of eternal life. It doesn’t matter the trials, pain and difficulties in the world, I am unperturbed because I live in, and by, the Word of God.
I'm a victor in Christ Jesus. Fear, doubt and unbelief have no place in me, for my faith in God and His eternal Word is the victory that overcomes the world! I refuse to be sick, diseased, distressed or discouraged, because greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world! Irrespective of the challenges that may come my way, I stand tall and unshakable in faith. I refuse to allow what I hear or see with my senses cause me to stagger. I rejoice today and always because I know that I have my victory. Just like the cedar in Lebanon, I declare that I am deeply rooted in the Word of God; I am strong, healthy and continually making progress in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. When I show up, God’s presence is manifested and lives are transformed. I am guided in the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake. There’s no death in my path! In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, joy, wealth, safety and prosperity. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into the glorious and higher realms of life far removed from the troubles and torments in this world.
With my faith-filled confessions, I have taken hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. I am guided in the path of life and led by the Spirit in the direction of God’s perfect will for me. Today, I declare that I function in supernatural wisdom and this propels me to walk in the divine health, strength, vigor, and peace that have been prepared for me ahead of time. I affirm that I’m living the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always.
The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. I am always ahead in life in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick. I glorify God in my body, and by the Spirit, it functions perfectly all the time because it is the Lord’s. The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word.
I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me, which I received when I obtained salvation. God’s Word is established in my life and it is evident for the world to see. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principality and power, far above the devil and his minions, and far above sickness and disease. I live the glorious life of God who is above all and cannot be brought down by anything.
I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!
All things are working together for my good, because I love the Lord and I have been called according to His purpose. I’ve overcome the world, its systems, economies, and economics. I’m walking in a perpetual victory parade. I am enjoying the victorious life that Jesus bought for me. As my Lord Jesus is, so am I in this world. I’m not ordinary. I have the life of God in me, in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I can do all things, by His strength and ability, that’s at work in me. Christ in me is my victory over the world. I walk in supernatural victory.
I have the codes for supernatural victory. Supernatural victory over all enemies and contrary circumstances. I have overcome the world. I have overcome all contrary situations. I have overcome every adversary and every adversity. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! I declare that there is money everywhere, especially around me.
I do not need to look for money. Money is coming to me from everywhere. I don’t go after money, money comes to me by free course unhindered. Money comes to me in a continuous stream, never stopping, never ending. Resources are locating me right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is supplying me with continuous streams of finances. Angels remember me. God remembers me. I do not worry about human beings remembering me, because the Lord causes men to bring the finances to me. I have entered a new financial level by the Holy Ghost. My finances are being multiplied. Angels are at work even now. I live in financial abundance now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.
I stand fast in the liberty of Christ and rejoice in the glory of God, never to be burdened by any yoke of bondage. I’m free to live, free to reign, and free to serve the Lord in health, joy, victory and prosperity. My mind is stationed and focused on God’s Word, for the Lord is my delight! In Him, I’ve found peace, salvation, victory, unending joy, and life everlasting! Excellence, glory, health, peace, virtue, and success are the hallmarks of my life because the grace of God is superabundant upon me.
The circumstances of life are subject to me. I’m seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principalities, powers, might, and dominions. God’s Word says I have eternal life and I live in divine health. I believe it with all my heart, and I affirm it with my mouth: I have eternal life and I live in divine health! I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest.
My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to you, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires. My mind is yielded to God’s Word. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding; and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in Jesus Name. Amen.
I’m full of joy, basking in the grace and glory of Christ and full blessings of the Gospel. I’m conscious of God’s love and care for me and for every detail of my life; everything that pertains to me has been perfected! I live in peace, and function from a place of rest, now and always. The Word of God is working mightily in me. It doesn't matter what may come my way; I'm a victor and I've overcome because I'm more than a conqueror. The life of God is working in my spirit, soul and body, and it's manifested in all that concerns me. I declare that sickness and ill health are far from me. I'm protected from harm and I dwell in health all the days of my life.
Divine life is working in my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me and invigorates me through and through. Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy. I have the Spirit of life living in me, guiding me, energizing me, and strengthening me. He has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles, and to effect positive changes in my world and in my health, family, and finances.
I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers life to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I'm a new creation in Christ Jesus, filled with divinity! Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, every cell of my blood is replete with God. I'm the moving house of the Almighty God, bearing His grace, glory and righteousness. And I impact my world with the glory of His divine presence expressing the glory and virtues within me. I function with the wisdom of God with an excellent mind.
I am God's dwelling place; God's center of operation. God moves in and through me. He talks and blesses through me. I'm a conveyor of eternal verities and a partake of the divine nature. I have the ability to effect changes in my world, because am born again and the greater One lives in me. I'm productive and fruitful. I am making continuous progress. I'm yielded to God’s word which reflect my true nature, identity, origin and heritage in Christ. I'm the expression of the unseen Christ, the brightness of His glory. As He is, so are am I in this world. I experience ever-increasing glory, always full of grace, peace and righteousness.
I declare that God has given me riches and wealth, and the wisdom to multiply them! I am the seed of Abraham; therefore, the world is mine! The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness, causing me to walk in perfection and righteousness. I lay up gold as dust; my prosperity is endless. I walk in abundance, having more then enough for myself and others in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on the hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path.
No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I’m fully persuaded by the Word of God! I anchor my life on God’s Word, and I refuse to be swayed by contrary winds or circumstances, for my faith is the title deed of unseen realities.
Christ in me has made me an associate of the God-kind, the effulgence of God’s glory and dispenser of His goodness to my world. Christ is my life; in Him, I live, and move and have my being! I’m fruitful, productive and excellent, because I’m one with the Lord, in a real relationship, being a member of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in a fraternity with divinity. I’m born into God’s class with His nature and character in my spirit. I’ve been translated from the ordinary realm of mankind to the supernatural class of the God-kind in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God's wisdom is operative in me. This wisdom beautifies my life and causes me to inherit substance. The angels of wealth attend to me. The angel of money responds to me. The grace of God is working in me mightily and evidently. This grace is multiplied in my life. I experience a quantum leap in grace. I walk in exponential grace, and I take advantage of the grace of God. I operate in limitless wisdom. I operate with limitless wealth. And I operate with limitless power. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I walk in righteousness, and I produce fruits of righteousness.
I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. I live the supernatural life of glory, success, and victory. I give thanks to God for this wonderful and glorious life I have received into my spirit that makes me superhuman. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I am in God’s class – a partaker of His divine nature. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can corrupt my health. I live above them because I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms of glory.
I am guided in the path of righteousness. There’s no death in my path! In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into more glorious and higher realms of life. I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. I’m making progress with giant strides as I fulfill the ministry and destiny that God has for me. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God the Father and in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am God’s dwelling place; God’s center of operation. God moves in and through me. He talks and blesses people through me. I’m a conveyor of eternal verities and a partaker of the divine nature. I have the ability to effect changes in my world, because am born again and the greater One lives in me. I am highly productive and fruitful. I am making continuous progress. I am the expression of the unseen Christ, the brightness of His glory. As He is, so are am I in this world. I experience ever-increasing glory, always full of grace, peace and righteousness.
Thank You Father, for the joy of being born again into the liberty of the Spirit to serve You unreservedly, without any form of restrictions, limitations or fear. I boldly exercise the authority You have given me over satan and all the powers of the enemy. Thank You for the life of Victory You have given me in Christ and Your glory which is manifested in me always. I declare that God has given me riches and wealth, and the wisdom to multiply them! I am the seed of Abraham; therefore, the world is mine! The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness, causing me to walk in perfection and righteousness.
I lay up gold as dust; my prosperity is endless. I walk in abundance, having more then enough for myself and others and to sponsor the gospel, big time! I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus, filled with divinity! Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, every cell of my blood is replete with God. I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always. I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body. My life is filled with goodness in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance.
The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. My mind is filled with the thoughts of Christ – thoughts of peace, life, and prosperity. In Christ, I exercise my authority and rule over all circumstances of life. I am superior to sickness and death because I have in me the divine life of God.
Christ is the glory of my life. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and the excellencies of Christ to my world. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. I exercise dominion in my life, my health, my finances, my business, academics and all that has to do with me. I reign over all circumstances and I affirm that of my increase, my greatness, my prosperity, my flourishing, my dominion, there shall be no end, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness at all in my life! I am the offspring of the Word with the resurrection life. I have been called into a glorious hope of divine destiny with Christ. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I maintain my victory in Christ Jesus. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy. My new life in Christ is a super-life.
The life of God is active in me by the Holy Spirit. That life is evident in my spirit, soul, and body, causing me to live above the decadence and flawed systems of this world. No sickness or disease can attach itself to my body. I live in health, strength, and vitality always and I demonstrate the God-nature in me everywhere I go. I live the life of the Word and I only endorse what God’s Word says about me in my life. Nothing in me responds to death. Nothing in me responds to sickness. Nothing in me responds to defeat. I am forever radiant, victorious, and full of glory!
Christ is my life! In Him I live, move, and have my being. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to fear! I walk by faith and not by sight. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms of illness. I have the imperishable life of God in me. The Word of God has quickened my physical body; my health flourishes daily because the power of Jesus Christ works in me. I am fortified and strengthened with might. I’m more than a conqueror by the power of God’s Spirit and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I'm divinely protected on every side! I cannot be perplexed because the Greater and All-knowing One is in me! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace.
The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body. My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. I have eternal life now!
Christ is my peace. Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have obtained an inheritance and I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I am a man of influence. Glory to God! Hallelujah!!
I am blessed beyond measure; blessed in my body and mind, finances and business, and all that pertains to me. The blessings of God overflow from me to all those around me and to the nations of the world. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of the Word of God! The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, disease, infirmity, defeat, failure or death. I live triumphantly over sickness, system failure, satan, and the systems of this world.
God’s Word is food for my spirit and health for my body. It makes me vibrant and productive. It rejuvenates and strengthens my body. By the Word, I am whole and preserved in divine health. I am not shaken by the wind because I am rooted and grounded in the Word of life that energizes me daily. Eternal life is at work in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything inconsistent with the divine life in Christ. My origin is in the Word of God, and that is the final authority in my life.
I am washed, sanctified, and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Therefore, consciously, I walk in the light of God’s Word, in the light of my righteousness, knowing that I’m holy, unblameable and unreproveable in His sight. I’m impacting my world with the light of God in my spirit, turning many to righteousness. I’m triumphant forever, because I’m born of God and live by His Word. No matter what the enemy throws at me, I’m unflustered because greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world. I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might to do exploits in mighty and matchless Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life.
As Jesus is above all things, so am I. The Holy Spirit has beautified my life. He brings colour into my life. I live a wonderful, colourful, beautiful, and productive life. I am daily vitalized, refreshed, renewed, and restored by the Holy Spirit. The glory of God is beaming out of me with intensity. The Lord is my beauty. He is my sweet attractiveness. I am divinely enabled to see, think, say and, to do things that ordinary men cannot do. I am sagacious. I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I am a wonder and surprise to many.
Today and everyday of my life are days of blessings and benefits. The Lord loads me with benefits. I bring forth new wealth. New channels are opened to me. New channels of supply, of inflow and distribution are open for me. My gates are open continually. They are not shut day or night, receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations. The Lord has magnified me, and increased my greatness. I have divine access to wealth untold. The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life. He shows me how to produce wealth, to make profit and how to stay in wealth and health. I am the excellent, the glorious, the Lord delights in me. I am making continuous and consistent progress, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am confident of this very thing that the life of God is in me. Therefore, poverty, failure, sickness and death are not a part of my life because the life that's at work in me is superior to the devil and all his works. Today, I walk with the consciousness that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world, for eternal life is at work in me. I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease and poverty, today and always! No weapon of darkness fashioned against me shall prosper because I live in the Name of Jesus!
I’ve been delivered from sin, sickness and death, and catapulted into God’s realm of abundant life where I reign victoriously with Christ, every day. I've put on the new nature of righteousness. I have in my spirit the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! Today, I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I've received in Christ. My path is illuminated to see and experience the glory of God in my health. That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me; therefore, my entire being is vitalized. I dwell continually in health through the working of His mighty power in me!
The Lord Jesus has made my life beautiful! I'll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always. I've been given the all-conquering Name of Jesus; therefore, I have power over all things! No sickness or infirmity of the body can overwhelm me! I live in the Name of Jesus Christ; therefore, I live in dominion over sickness, disease and infirmity. The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces results in my health and finances, and in everything that concerns me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man. I live above this world and its corrupting influences. In this week, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances. I dominate in everything that has a name.
I am more than a conqueror. I have overcome the world and its persecution. I have overcome the world and its pain. I have overcome the world and its delusion. I have overcome the world and its wickedness. I have overcome the world and its hardship. I have overcome the world and its greed. I have overcome the world and its deception. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it's impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I will never walk in confusion because the Spirit of God is guiding me in the path of life and leading me in the way of supernatural success and permanent prosperity. I make my way prosperous and consistently experience good success as I meditate on the Word and speak it forth with boldness. I function today and always from the standpoint of advantage, victory, dominion, and power because I am born of God and conscious that whatever is born of God overcomes this world. I’m guided and propelled by God’s divine wisdom to do His will and fulfil my destiny in Christ.
I am mightily blessed of the Lord! I am a blessing from God; I’m a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world. Through me, God shows forth His manifold wisdom and demonstrates His excellent greatness. My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. I am full of the Holy Ghost; strengthened with might in my inner man! I am an offspring of the Word, and the Word has pre-eminence in my life. Daily, God’s Word produces in me what it talks about. In every area of my life, I experience the reality of the Word as I meditate on, and live in the Word!
I declare that God has not given me the spirit of fear, cowardice or timidity, rather, He’s given me the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. I am imbued with an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension and exceptional intellect, marked by wit and intelligence. I have an expansive understanding and brilliance of mind through the Holy Spirit. I have a sound mind; a mind that retains and recalls information effectively. I have a sharp memory and a firm capacity to remember important details, experiences and knowledge. My mental acuity and my cognitive abilities are top-notch. I am born of God, therefore, fear has no place in my life. I am perceptive, astute and smart. I am confident, bold and courageous, in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen.
The Holy Spirit leads me from glory to glory. I follow Him in the Word, by the Word, and through the Word. God’s Word gives me light and direction and holds the solution to every problem. Irrespective of what signs or symptoms may appear, the Word ministers health to my body. I am ever conscious of the presence of God and the indwelling Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in me and I live in Him. I am always in the presence of God, the Father of Lights, with whom is no shadow of darkness, disease, or death. I am ever surrounded by the light and life of God. No matter what happens, I can never be disadvantaged.
My heritage as the new creature in Christ is dominion and authority over contrary circumstances and adversities. I have and exercise dominion in my health, family, business, and in all my affairs, to the glory of God the Father. I am that tree planted by the rivers of water. I do not see when heat comes; I flourish in health always. My life is an expression of the righteousness of God and I showcase perfection and excellence in my health, work, and studies. I live a life of righteousness and eternal dominion over all infirmities and illnesses.
I am mightily blessed of the Lord! I am a blessing from God; I’m a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world. Through me, God shows forth His manifold wisdom and demonstrates His excellent greatness. My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. I am full of the Holy Ghost; strengthened with might in my inner man! I am an offspring of the Word, and the Word has pre-eminence in my life. Daily, God’s Word produces in me what it talks about. In every area of my life, I experience the reality of the Word as I meditate on, and live in the Word, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I thank You blessed Father for the extraordinary life of blessings You’ve given me in Christ; thank You for bringing me into fellowship with You, making me a partaker of Your glory, grace and righteousness. My spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed as I meditate on God’s Word to me. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always. I am what God says I am. I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I am living God’s dream and enjoying the fullness of life. I walk in prosperity, health, strength, and victory, now and always.
The Word of God is evidently manifested in my health, ministry, business, finances, and all that I lay my hands upon to do. I am alive unto God and I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I connect to receives life. I exercise authority over my body. I live a life of righteousness and eternal dominion over all works of darkness. I’m alive in Christ. I live in the presence of the Father, justified, holy, and righteous before Him.
I am glorified in Christ and perfected in beauty. I am one with the Father. I am the glory of God! God has raised me to a heavenly dignity, a heavenly condition, and a heavenly state of being. I exude and manifest righteousness, excellence, and perfection always. My life is one of ever-increasing glory. The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness. God's wisdom grants me access to success, victory, and unending prosperity. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I operate in limitless wisdom. I operate with limitless wealth. And I operate with limitless power. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I walk in righteousness, and I produce fruits of righteousness. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. I live the supernatural life of glory, success, and victory. I give thanks to God for this wonderful and glorious life I have received into my spirit that makes me superhuman. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind.
I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I am in God’s class – a partaker of His divine nature. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can corrupt my health. I am a heavenly man. I live and walk in divine perfect health. Eternal life is at work in me. The same Spirit, that raised up Christ from the dead, dwells in me now, and vitalizes my body. No bacteria, no virus, no cancer can stay in this body, because the life of God consumes every disease. I live in a different atmosphere. The sun will not smite me by day, nor the moon by night. I do not know when heat comes.
I am ever green. I am not careful, I am not anxious in the year of drought. I am not anxious in the times of recession, inflation or depression because my atmosphere and my economy are not from this world. There is no discouragement in me, I am full of courage. I am confident and optimistic all the time. There is no bitterness in me, I am full of love. There is no darkness in me, I am full of light. Nothing in this world can destroy me, because I am born of God and the greater One lives in me. Nothing in this world has the ability to hurt me. I have overcome the world. I am untouchable. No weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Word of God is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs; the pulsating life of God has dominated my body, making it impenetrable to adverse health conditions. My health blossoms continually because I live by the Word. I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion–the city of the living God. Therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen; the Spirit of God is working effectually in me today and always. I am alive and well. I live in the Word always and I refuse fear, sickness, and death.
The life of God in my Spirit destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. My faith is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world.
I dominate the circumstances of life today and I declare that all things are working together for my good. I affirm that I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have the authority to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that corrupts, harms, or contaminates the body. By the power vested in the all-conquering Name of Jesus, I live the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ. Therefore, my health does not fail; rather, it is ever radiant and ever-flourishing in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God had set eternity in my heart! I acknowledge His mighty power that’s at work in me mightily and celebrates His glory in my life. I am the offspring of the Word, I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. The wisdom of God is in my spirit, I have the ability to make the right judgments and choices. No matter what happens around me, I do not bow to pressure. Rather, I hold myself in from within. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course.
I am not ordinary; I’ve received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on the hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side.
In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. When men are cast down by the challenges of life, my testimony will forever be that there’s a lifting up for me. I’m what God says I am; I have the life of God in every fibre of my being. I can do all things by His strength and ability that’s at work in me mightily In Jesus Name. Amen.
My life is a manifestation of the virtues and perfections of divinity. From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, I am full of life and no sickness, disease or infirmity can fasten itself to my body! I am a new creature in Christ, filled with divinity. Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood is replete with God. I am a moving house of the Almighty God, bearing His grace, glory, and righteousness. I live in absolute victory every day of my life. I reign and rule over the forces of darkness in this world. I dominate my environment and I reign over sickness and disease, over demons of darkness, and over death!
By the virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me, I have authority over all the devices of the adversary and I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always. I believe God’s Word for me. I speak it because it is my life. The glory and blessings therein are evident in my life. I speak the same things God has said concerning me. I proclaim wellness, wholeness, and life to my body today. Nothing and no one can put me down. God’s Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul, and health for my body. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper. My health is sound and flourishing.
I am in the place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. Angels are directing businesses to me right now. I am being remembered right now in several places for good. My name comes up even now for blessings, for promotion, for bonuses, for awards, for rewards, for contracts. The kind of blessings coming to me now, cannot be humanly explained. Unusual and unexplained monies, benefits and bonuses come to me. I have money everywhere. I am big-time kingdom financier. I have the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God in all my affairs. My wealth is unending. My wealth is inexhaustible in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. I affirm that satan has nothing in me! I refuse to harbour fear, anger, grudge, bitterness, or unforgiveness, for love rules in my heart. The Word of God continually purifies my heart, purging it of all unrighteousness. And with the Word in my heart and on my lips, I’ll forever be indomitable. I’m what God says I am. I’m an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ; I’m living God’s dream and enjoying the fullness of life. I walk in prosperity, health, strength and victory now and evermore. My faith conquers the world! Irrespective of the circumstances around me and the happenings in the world today, I have the faith to rule my world.
I open my mind to the Word, the source of faith, and with that faith, I have dominion over circumstances and victory over the world and its systems and fears. Nothing is impossible unto me! Every fiber of my being is energized and infused with miracle-working power. I’m strengthened and invigorated by the Holy Spirit in my inner man and I function with God’s divine power that works in me mightily. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit.
With my faith-filled confessions, I have taken hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. I am guided in the path of life and led by the Spirit in the direction of God’s perfect will for me. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have divine life. Eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat and depravities that affect the natural man. I live above this world and its corrupting influences. Everyday of my life, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances.
I dominate in everything that has a name. I am more than a conqueror. I have overcome the world and its persecution, pains, delusion and wickedness. I have overcome the world and its hardship and greed! I am in Christ. I’m complete in Christ. I’m filled with all the fullness of God. The totality of divinity resides in me. I am God’s house, His living tabernacle. I am not an ordinary man; I am of the God kind! I am complete in Christ. No shortage! A perfect completion. I have everything I require for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him that hath called me to glory and virtue. I live a life of glory and virtue.
I lack nothing because The Lord is my Shepherd. My completeness, my sufficiency is not in the government, my place of work or any human structure, organization, or association. My completeness is in Christ. I’m sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. I’m totally inundated with this consciousness. In Christ, I have all things! Christ is my all. I am complete in Him, Who is the head of all principalities and power. There is no shortage in my life. I am full of ideas, inspiration, with wealth and prosperity, and all the blessings of the heavenly Kingdom, and out of that abundance, I impact my world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
As Jesus is above all things, so am I. The Holy Spirit has beautified my life. He has brought colour and radiance into my life. I live a wonderful, colourful, beautiful, and productive life. I am daily vitalized, refreshed, renewed, and restored by the Holy Spirit. The glory of God is beaming out of me with intensity. The Lord is my beauty. He is my sweet attractiveness. I am divinely enabled to see, think, say and, to do things that ordinary men cannot do. I am sagacious. I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I am a wonder and surprise to many.
Today and everyday of my life are days of blessings and benefits. The Lord loads me with benefits. I bring forth new wealth. New channels are opened to me. New channels of supply, of inflow and distribution are open for me. My gates are open continually. They are not shut day or night, receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations. The Lord has magnified me, and increased my greatness. I have divine access to wealth untold. The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life. He shows me how to produce wealth, to make profit and how to stay in wealth and health. I am the excellent, the glorious, the Lord delights in me. I am making continuous and consistent progress.
I am in the place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. I am being remembered right now in several places for good. My blessings cannot be humanly explained. I have money everywhere. I am big-time kingdom financier. I have the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God in all my affairs. I am in the place of accomplishment; gargantuan financial accomplishments. I have no aborted dreams. I have no unmet goals. I have no unaccomplished targets. I have no unfulfilled visions. All my financial goals, targets, dreams and visions are accomplished and exceeded in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have the life of God in me. That life destroys sickness and death; therefore, I walk in health and wellness. I cannot be sick! Divinity works and flows from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I thank the Lord for this grace that I lavishly enjoy. God’s stamp and seal of perfection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness, and glory. I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God.
My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life.
I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I’m divinely protected on every side! I cannot be perplexed because the Greater and All-knowing One is in me! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. I rejoice in God’s loving-kindness, which has strengthened my hope, thus giving me an assurance of His infallible Word for my life.
Jesus bore all my infirmities in His own body; therefore, I refuse to be brought down by sickness. In Him, I live in divine health. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. The “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me.
There is no area of darkness in my life and health because the light of God’s Word has illuminated my entire being. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. I am far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, victory to victory, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am joined unto the Lord and I am one Spirit with Him. I am full of the life-giving power of God, and every cell of my body responds to it. This means that there is no space for anything that is not of God in my body. I am excellent and full of glory. The life of God is in me; working mightily. He has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being.
The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means. I am surrounded on every side by the goodness of God. I am protected from every form of evil and I am impervious to the things that kill ordinary men. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body.
I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in health and strength. Today and always, God’s grace is active in my life and sufficient for me in all things. Thus, I rule in dominion over demons of darkness, sickness, disease, poverty, failure and death. I reign triumphantly, enjoying all benefits of divine life. The Lord has given me dominion over the flesh and the will to guard my heart and mind with excellence. No unwholesome thought can take root in my heart because my spirit, mind, and body are daily transformed and purified by God's Word, in Jesus name mighty name. Amen.
I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I dwell constantly in health. I am raised together with Christ, born anew with the resurrection life that is free of sin, sickness, disease, and death! I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence! I affirm that my whole body is regulated by God’s Word and every part of me aligns with what God has said.
The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces result in my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. It produces what it talks about in me: supernatural health, surplus supply, unlimited grace, and joy unspeakable. I take advantage of God's provisions in the Gospel for my health. My body is sound; every organ and system is functioning excellently well. My health blossoms because the Lord is the strength of my life and His Word is health to my flesh. I operate from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories.
I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body. I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation. My progress is unstoppable. I am blessed beyond measure; blessed in my body and mind, finances and business, and all that pertains to me. The blessings of God overflow from me to all those around me and to the nations of the world. I live the victorious life always in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy.
My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am bold, strong, and courageous in my daily walk of faith. My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down everything in my body that is contrary to God’s provisions for my health.
I live the victorious life that God has called me into; a triumphant life that is above sickness, poverty, failure, and every disease. I take full advantage of the divine life that is at work in me, as I display the virtues and perfections of Christ. My body was fashioned for the Lord’s presence, and it is powered by the righteousness of God. I reject the world’s view about aging because I live in agelessness, wantlessness, and deathlessness. Each day, I get stronger and healthier because the Word of God renews my youth in Jesus Name. Amen.
The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. The “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition.
I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. I affirm that my spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times.
I am in the place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. I am being remembered right now in several places for good. My blessings cannot be humanly explained. I have money everywhere. I am big-time kingdom financier. I have the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God in all my affairs. I am in the place of accomplishment; gargantuan financial accomplishments. I have no aborted dreams. I have no unmet goals. I have no unaccomplished targets. I have no unfulfilled visions. All my financial goals, targets, dreams and visions are accomplished and exceeded in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My divine nature has made me a master over circumstances, with dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. The nature of righteousness causes me to walk in God’s perfect will today. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in a fraternity with divinity. I’m born into God’s class with His nature and character in my spirit. I’ve been translated from the ordinary realm of mankind to the supernatural class of the God-kind. I’m a joint-heir with Christ, and an heir of God’s Kingdom of blessings! I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. I walk in divine health and prosperity, and function from a position of victory and unending success in Christ. I flourish exceedingly in every good work.
I’m inseparably one with Christ, for in Him I live, move, and have my being! I’m the embodiment and expression of His glory and divinity. I’m full of God; I’ve received of His fullness: His ability, wisdom, grace, power and strength! His glory is in me and expressed through me; therefore, my life is a continuous manifestation of Christ and the supernatural. I impact my world with the power and dominion of Christ’s righteousness that I bear. I walk and function in the consciousness that my spirit has been imparted with eternal life—the God-type of life! Therefore, I live in the realm of incorruptibility, immortality, everlasting joy, peace and glory; reigning and ruling over Satan, his demons and the elements of this world.
I’m perceptive, astute and smart, imbued with an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I’m confident, bold and courageous; I have an exceptional intellect, marked by wit and intelligence. I have a sound mind; a mind that retains and recalls information effectively. I have a sharp memory and a firm capacity to remember important details, experiences and knowledge. My mental acuity and my cognitive abilities are top-notch. The Word of Christ dwells in me richly in all wisdom; therefore, I’m sagacious, discerning, discrete, perceptive, and prudent. I exude wisdom and sound judgment. I deal excellently in all my affairs today, and I make accurate judgments and decisions in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I affirm that God’s Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I am led and guided by the Word in all things and at all times. My spirit is programmed for excellence and greatness, and as I stay on the Word, my life is regulated accordingly. I am filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Thus, I can discern and walk in God’s perfect will at all times. I am not ordinary; for God has granted me the authority to heal the sick, raise the dead, forgive sins and turn men’s hearts to righteousness. I have eternal life in my spirit, because I’ve received Christ.
Christ in me means glory in my life; it means divinity revealed and expressed in, and through me. I’m the expression of the beauties and righteousness of Christ, bringing wholeness, sanity, and salvation to my world. Life is at work in me; in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood and in every bone of my body. I function in the authority of Jesus, for as He is the effulgence of God’s glory, dispenser of His mercies, goodness and grace, so am I in this world! I am full of divine life and everything I do exudes my indestructible, inexhaustible, and incorruptible life. It emanates from me in words and deeds because as Jesus is, so am I. I can never be sick, broken, wounded, or defeated because I have this very life of God in me.
I am up and alive; my life is the fulfilment of the destiny that the Father had ordained for me. Everything about my life is infused with divinity and speaks of glory. The Holy Spirit has granted me the supernatural advantage in life. I’ve been divinely enabled to walk in righteousness, prosperity, health, success, and victory. I am eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! Glory to God. Hallelujah!
I am the light of the world; there is no darkness in my life. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life. There is no death in any area of my life or my body. All things are mine. I have a healthy, prosperous, and vibrant life. Christ has taken His abode in the quarters of my heart, so I have nothing to fear. I have no fear of the future and no fear of the dark or unknown because Christ is my assurance for a glorious life. God has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles and to effect positive changes in my world. My health, family, and finances are evidence that Jesus is alive and His mercy endures forever. I enjoy God’s boundless grace continuously.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man. I live above this world and its corrupting influences. Today and always, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances. I dominate in everything that has a name.
I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it's impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My mind is open to the Word of God; the source of faith, and with that faith, I have dominion over circumstances and victory over the world and its systems and fears. Nothing is impossible unto me! Every fiber of my being is energized and infused with miracle-working power. I’m strengthened and invigorated by the Holy Spirit in my inner man and I function with God’s divine power that works in me mightily. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
I rule and reign in this life, independent of the financial systems of this world. I am fulfilling God’s purpose and plan for my life, walking in paths that He’s arranged for me. He’s made all things I require for life and godliness available to me, and I celebrate the grace of prosperity and abundance that I enjoy as the seed of Abraham. The works of my hands are blessed and I am set on the path of permanent success and prosperity. I do not know when the heat comes, for I am fashioned to flourish like the cedar in Lebanon.
I am mightily blessed of the Lord! I am a blessing from God; I’m a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world. Through me, God shows forth His manifold wisdom and demonstrates His excellent greatness. My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. I am full of the Holy Ghost; strengthened with might in my inner man! I am an offspring of the Word, and the Word has pre-eminence in my life. Daily, God’s Word produces in me what it talks about. In every area of my life, I experience the reality of the Word as I meditate on, and live in the Word, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and nature that transcends the ordinary human life has been imparted to my spirit. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat and the depravities of the natural man. I am no longer subject to sickness, disease, failure, or death. I am a new creation, born with the life and nature of God. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon.
I affirm that divinity is at work in me. The knowledge of God’s Word in my heart, causes me to walk in faith, dominion, glory and power. Through the revelation knowledge of God’s Word, I live above the deception, trickery, manipulation and lies of the adversary. I function in absolute victory. All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work.
I eschew and purge from my heart all elements of anger, bitterness, rage or fury; anger has no place in me. I delight myself in God’s Word and in doing His will always. The Word is in my heart, causing me to walk in righteousness and fulfil my destiny in Christ. My life is the expression of all that Christ is. I unveil Him to my world today through my thoughts, words and actions. The world sees Jesus in my eyes; I show them love they can’t deny. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that His wisdom, ability and power are working in and through me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The Lord is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because God is with me. I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions.
I affirm that my gates are open continually. They are not shut day or night, receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations. The Lord has magnified me and increased my greatness. I have divine access to wealth untold. The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life. He shows me how to produce wealth, to make profit and how to stay in wealth and health. I am the excellent, the glorious, the Lord delights in me. I am making continuous and consistent progress. I am in the place of never-ending and superabundant wealth. I am being remembered right now in several places for good.
My blessings cannot be humanly explained. I have money everywhere. I am big-time kingdom financier. I have the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God in all my affairs. I am mightily blessed of the Lord! I am a blessing from God; I’m a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world. Through me, God shows forth His manifold wisdom and demonstrates His excellent greatness. My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. I am an offspring of the Word, and the Word has pre-eminence in my life. I reign and rule in life by the word in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world.
Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I’m alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick!
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, created for glory and beauty! The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! I have the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. The higher law of life is operational in me, for I hail from God.
I exercise my divine right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and to exercise dominion over Satan. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural wealth that God has given me. I am an heir of God and joint heir with Christ; separated to a life of glory. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings and therefore, operate beyond the natural realm. As Abraham was blessed in all things, it is so with me. I am guaranteed of continued financial supplies; I am plugged to an unending supply of wealth and resources in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
My faith is alive and producing results; it grows stronger as I yield to the Word, thus making me unshakeable at all times. I am not moved by signs or symptoms because my focus is on my true source of life and sustenance, which is the Word of God. I am the apple of God's eye and He takes pleasure in me. I am in sync with the Spirit of God, knowing and walking in God's perfect will for me. I am led in the path of truth, for the wisdom of God is at work in me. I am powered and aglow in my spirit to impact the world of my time, through supernatural ideas inspired in me by the Spirit of God. I am firmly established in God’s Word and His righteousness is express through me.
The eyes of my understanding are enlightened with the revelations of God’s Word. I function with the ability of the Spirit always, not just in my desire and readiness to start up any endeavour, but also in bringing them to excellent fruition. I am born for such a time as this, and the grace of God will never be in vain in my life. I am an heir of God and joint heir with Christ; separated to a life of glory. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings and therefore, operate beyond the natural realm. As Abraham was blessed in all things, it is so with me. I am guaranteed of continued financial supplies; I am plugged to an unending supply.
I’ve been raised to sit together with Christ in the place of authority; therefore, I function in the place of Jesus here on Earth. I bring deliverance to every creature in my world, taking them out of bondage and corruption, into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. I give life to the things around me through the power of my words, for these are the days of the manifestation of the sons of God. As I speak forth now, angels are dispatched into actions to ensure my words do not fall to the ground without results, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My faith prevails always. I am what God says I am; I have what He says I have, I can do what He says I can do and I walk in the light of God’s Word daily. I enjoy the good life, health, and strength as a part of my divine heritage in Christ. I am the offspring of the Word, I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. The wisdom of God is in my spirit, I have the ability to make the right judgments and choices. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course.
I am not ordinary; I’ve received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on the hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side.
In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. When men are cast down by the challenges of life, my testimony will forever be that there’s a lifting up for me in Jesus Name. Amen.
What a blessing; what glory it is to have the Holy Spirit in my life. The greatest blessing of all; my greatest advantage. I am made for life because I have this precious Holy Spirit in me. He’s my assurance for an extraordinary life of victory, dominion, abundance and infinite possibilities. In me abides all the graces, blessings, wisdom and goodness of heaven, because the Holy Spirit lives in me. I’m His living tabernacle. Everything I require for life and godliness is in me by the Holy Spirit. He’s the power and glory of my life. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me!
I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free. The indestructible life of God is in every bone of my body and in every cell of my blood. Therefore, I live in divine health in Christ Jesus. My body is a reflection of the beauty and perfection of God. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror. God has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life.
I exercise my divine right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and to exercise dominion over Satan. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural wealth that God has given me. I am an heir of God and joint heir with Christ; separated to a life of glory. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. I am a king-priest and my words are full of extraordinary power. I decree peace, health, success, and victory in every aspect of my life. I take absolute charge over my life and proclaim that all things are working in my favor in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence.
I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I live a great life; a life free of pain, sadness, and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity connected to me. I rejoice always because the Lord has set me on the path of righteousness. My life is filled with peace and prosperity, my body is kept in perfect health, and my days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I am from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word.
I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I exercise authority over my body. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory.
Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. The Holy Spirit lives in me and I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and my world, for His power is in me! My faith is working and producing results today! I affirm that my faith grows mightily and prevails. I advance from glory to glory and from strength to strength always! The Word of God is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs. My life is replete with health, vigor, a sound mind, and strength. I am invigorated with divine energy in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I prosper and I live in the manifestation of His infinite blessings because I’m Abraham’s seed. I'm an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I'm blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I have in me the indestructible life! Daily, I walk in health, victory, prosperity, and strength because the Greater One lives in me!
I am living the victorious life in Christ. I choose and live the good life. I have health, strength and vitality. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity and walk in victory every day. I have power over all things! I live in the Name of Jesus; therefore, I live in dominion over sickness, disease and infirmity. Christ is Lord over my spirit, soul and body. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. Jesus has all authority over my body, and I declare that I dwell daily in the health and strength. I have eternal life. This life produces everything I need to live and enjoy a fruitful and productive life here on earth.
There's life in my bones, tissues, muscles, tendon, and ligaments; I'm alive unto God. That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me; therefore, my entire being is vitalized. Jesus has made my life beautiful! I'll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always. The Word of God is working mightily in me. It doesn't matter what may come my way; I'm a victor and I've overcome because I'm more than a conqueror. I'm born for health, success and the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, finances, and family are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. I can never be sick, broken, wounded, or defeated because I have this very life of God in me. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace.
Christ is in me; His perfection is in my spirit. The life and glory of God are manifested in and through me. I acknowledge the treasures in my spirit through the Word and bring them into operation and manifestation with my confessions of faith. In all that I do, I exude excellence, perfection and the Lord’s goodness, kindness, beauty, and grace. I’m perceptive, astute and smart, imbued with an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I’m confident, bold and courageous; I have an exceptional intellect, marked by wit and intelligence.
I’m like a well-watered garden, fruitful at all times. I’m the fruit-bearing part of God’s vine and I’m producing durable fruits—fruits of righteousness, because I’m a tree of righteousness. I’m standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life. I am ever blessed, ever prosperous. I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I do all things by His mighty power, guided by His wisdom and grace. I walk in health, victory, strength, prosperity and glory, as the Lord walks in me, and works in and through me to perfect His will and good pleasure in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in me; therefore, I’m vitalized by the power of God—spirit, soul and body. I live triumphantly above sickness, disease and infirmities. The life and glory of God are manifested in and through me. I saturate and impact my world with the Lord’s goodness, kindness, beauty and grace. My body was fashioned for the Lord’s presence. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, sickness, disease, and anything that hurts or binds have no place here. I live in the ageless, fearless, and deathless zone.
The glory that I see when I look into the mirror—the Word—is who I am. I have dominion and authority over principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I dominate my world and frustrate the tokens of the adversary—His stratagems and manoeuvres—by the power of the Holy Ghost. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in a fraternity with divinity. I’m born into God’s class with His nature and character in my spirit. I’ve been translated from the ordinary realm of mankind to the supernatural class of the God-kind.
My life is filled with peace and prosperity, my body is kept in perfect health, and my days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I declare that I’m walking in divine health, increased prosperity, and I’m making progress with giant strides. My life is for the glory of God. I walk and function in the consciousness that my spirit has been imparted with eternal life—the God-type of life! Therefore, I live in the realm of incorruptibility, immortality, everlasting joy, peace and glory; reigning and ruling over Satan, his demons and the elements of this world in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am full of divine life and everything I do exudes my indestructible, inexhaustible, and incorruptible life. It emanates from me in words and deeds because as Jesus is, so am I. I can never be sick, broken, wounded, or defeated because I have this very life of God in me. I have been raised together with Christ, called to live in the heavenly realms; therefore, I exercise my authority over the devil and his cohorts. No wiles or fiery darts from the enemy can penetrate my body and no symptoms of sickness can thrive in my body because I’m God’s sanctuary.
My faith is a weapon of defence and an instrument of victory over and against the adversary and adversities. With it, I put out all the fiery missiles of the wicked one. The Word of God has taken full possession of my spirit, soul and body. I’m eternally triumphant in Christ because my faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I have dominion over circumstances and victory over the world and its systems and fears. Nothing is impossible unto me! Every fiber of my being is energized and infused with miracle-working power.
I rule and reign in this life, independent of the financial systems of this world. I am fulfilling God’s purpose and plan for my life, walking in paths that He’s arranged for me. He’s made all things I require for life and godliness available to me, and I celebrate the grace of prosperity and abundance that I enjoy as the seed of Abraham. The works of my hands are blessed and I am set on the path of permanent success and prosperity. I do not know when the heat comes, for I am fashioned to flourish like the cedar in Lebanon in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I radiate health and glory every day. I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence! I have no fear of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. I have passed from death to life, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always.
The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. I am the temple of the living God. I refuse to let sickness take a hold of my body. I have the unconquerable life of God in me; I cannot be sick! Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body.
I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. I am rejuvenated and restored because the very essence of life and divinity is resident in my body. I am imperishable because the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead quickens my body through and through. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I am protected from the destruction that is in the world. I tread upon challenges, sicknesses, infirmities, deceptions, and falsities. I am victorious over them all and I daily enjoy blessings because I am more than a conqueror. I rejoice that I am in Christ and the Holy Spirit lives in me! I am supernaturally positioned to do wonders in my world. I am fully yielded to the Holy Spirit; thus, I am aligned with God’s plan for my health and my life. I have authority over all the devices of the adversary and I experience health, victory, and prosperity always.
I have power over all the abilities and strategies of the devil. No matter how he tries or through which means he attempts to attack my body, the Name of Jesus gives me authority, dominion, and triumph always, and nothing can prevail against me. My life is the expression of all that Christ is. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that the life I live is superior to sickness, disease, and defeat.
My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. By the virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me. The life of God in me has supplanted the human life that was susceptible to sickness and disease. My body and everything connected to me align with God’s provisions. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day. I am what God says I am. I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I am living God’s dream and enjoying the fullness of life. I walk in prosperity, health, strength, and victory, now and evermore in Jesus name. Amen.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence.
I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I exercise authority over my body. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory.
The glory that I see when I look into the mirror—the Word—is who I am. I have dominion and authority over principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I dominate my world and frustrate the tokens of the adversary—His stratagems and manoeuvres—by the power of the Holy Ghost. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in a fraternity with divinity. I’m born into God’s class with His nature and character in my spirit. I’ve been translated from the ordinary realm of mankind to the supernatural class of the God-kind, glory to God. Hallelujah.
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The Lord is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because God is with me. I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions.
Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world.
I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it's impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body in health with my faith-filled confessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I affirm that divinity is at work in me. The knowledge of God’s Word in my heart, causes me to walk in faith, dominion, glory and power. Through the revelation knowledge of God’s Word, I live above the deception, trickery, manipulation and lies of the adversary. I function in absolute victory. All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work.
I rule and reign in this life, independent of the financial systems of this world. I am fulfilling God’s purpose and plan for my life, walking in paths that He’s arranged for me. He’s made all things I require for life and godliness available to me, and I celebrate the grace of prosperity and abundance that I enjoy as the seed of Abraham. The works of my hands are blessed and I am set on the path of permanent success and prosperity. I do not know when the heat comes, for I am fashioned to flourish like the cedar in Lebanon.
I am in the place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. I am being remembered right now in several places for good. My blessings cannot be humanly explained. I have money everywhere. I am big-time kingdom financier. I have the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God in all my affairs. I am in the place of accomplishment; gargantuan financial accomplishments. I have no aborted dreams. I have no unmet goals. I have no unaccomplished targets. I have no unfulfilled visions. All my financial goals, targets, dreams and visions are accomplished and exceeded in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Jesus bore all my infirmities in His own body; therefore, I refuse to be brought down by sickness. In Him, I live in divine health. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. The “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me.
My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life.
I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual health and dominion here on earth. I abide continually in the realm of life that the Lord prearranged for me. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God's word. As I meditate, I think thoughts of peace, Joy, Victory, prosperity, and good health, thus transcending the ordinary and manifesting the supernatural in all situations. I am born in the image and likeness of God. I am founded on Christ the solid rock; my life cannot be shaken by negative reports because it is tailored according to God’s design.
Christ is made unto me wisdom. In him, I have access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent. I have knowledge of witty inventions. I am skilful, proficient and knowledgeable. I devise the best solutions in every circumstance. I have discretion. Counsel is mine. I am full of sound wisdom. I have sound knowledge and understanding. I have strength, might, and power. I speak excellent and princely things. I have an understanding heart. The opening of my lips are for right things. My words are all righteous. I speak the truth always. God has given me wisdom. There is nothing beyond me. There is nothing I cannot handle. I have a wise and discerning heart. Christ is my excellent wisdom.
I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I exercise authority over my body. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces result in my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. It produces what it talks about in me: supernatural health, surplus supply, unlimited grace, and joy unspeakable. I take advantage of God's provisions in the Gospel for my health. My body is sound; every organ and system is functioning excellently well. My health blossoms because the Lord is the strength of my life and His Word is health to my flesh. I operate from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories.
My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I ’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life.
I am mightily blessed of the Lord! I am a blessing from God; I’m a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world. Through me, God shows forth His manifold wisdom and demonstrates His excellent greatness. My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. I am full of the Holy Ghost; strengthened with might in my inner man! I am an offspring of the Word, and the Word has pre-eminence in my life. Daily, God’s Word produces in me what it talks about. In every area of my life, I experience the reality of the Word as I meditate on, and live in the Word in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. All around me, at all times, there is righteousness, peace, and exceedingly great joy in the Holy Ghost. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I trust in the Lord at all times with my whole heart to preserve me from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men.
I reign in righteousness; thus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. I refuse to think or talk sickness, for I am the seed of Abraham. Out of my belly flows rivers of living water. The clouds of my meditations are crystalizing and pouring down. They are distilling and pouring down. No matter the fiery darts of sickness or infirmity the enemy tries to throw, my faith shields me and I continually enjoy eternal life in Christ Jesus. The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body.
I live a great life; a life free of pain and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. I rejoice always because the Lord has set me on the path of righteousness. My life is filled with peace and prosperity. My body is kept in perfect health. My days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! I live in the finished works of glory and beauty that Jesus’ sacrifice wrought for me in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I am divinely protected on every side! I cannot be perplexed because the Greater and All-knowing One is in me! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace.
The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body. My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil.
I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. I have eternal life now! Christ is my peace. Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have obtained an inheritance and I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I am a man of influence. Glory to God! Hallelujah!!
My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life.
The glory that I see when I look into the mirror—the Word—is who I am. I have dominion and authority over principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I dominate my world and frustrate the tokens of the adversary—His stratagems and manoeuvres—by the power of the Holy Ghost. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in a fraternity with divinity. I’m born into God’s class with His nature and character in my spirit. I’ve been translated from the ordinary realm of mankind to the supernatural class of the God-kind.
I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in me; therefore, I’m vitalized by the power of God—spirit, soul and body. I live triumphantly above sickness, disease and infirmities. The life and glory of God are manifested in and through me. I saturate and impact my world with the Lord’s goodness, kindness, beauty and grace. My body was fashioned for the Lord’s presence. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, sickness, disease, and anything that hurts or binds have no place here. I live in the ageless, fearless, and deathless zone in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness at all in my life! I am the offspring of the Word with the resurrection life. I have been called into a glorious hope of divine destiny with Christ. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I maintain my victory in Christ Jesus. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy. My new life in Christ is a super-life.
The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body. My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. I have eternal life now!
Christ is my peace. Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have obtained an inheritance and I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I am a man of influence. Glory to God! Hallelujah!!
I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. Everything is working. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality.
My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. My life is built on the Word of God because I am born of the Word. It infuses my spirit with dominion and excellence. It keeps me in health, strength, and victory, making me experience unprecedented progress, peace, and prosperity in my life.
The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body because He perambulates in me, through the Holy Spirit. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. Christ lives in me and I function with this consciousness every day in Jesus name. Amen.
I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me, which I received when I obtained salvation. God’s Word is established in my life and it is evident for the world to see. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principality and power, far above the devil and his minions, and far above sickness and disease. I live the glorious life of God who is above all and cannot be brought down by anything. I have peace all around me!
I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities.
I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!
Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, my health is ever radiant and ever flourishing. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. I am of God. I live in the ageless and deathless zone. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body. I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler.
The angels of the Lord bear me up in their hands. I do not fall. I do not fail. I do not falter. I trample under my foot, challenges, sickness, infirmities, disappointments, agony, mishaps deceptions, and falsities. I live and dwell in health and safety all my days. I live the supernatural life in Christ – the life of majesty, tranquility, and dominance. The reign of the Word and the influence of the Holy Spirit is over my spirit, soul, and body. I have the eternal life of God; therefore, I am not affected by anything that hurts. I flourish in perfect health and I am above all crippling circumstances of life. I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness.
I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. I am the best of God’s creation because His Word of truth gave birth to me, therefore, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and excellences of Christ to my world. I am energized, strengthened, and full of life every day. I live the transcendent life in Christ, far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and ability in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I walk in the consciousness that I’m in oneness with Jesus Christ. Through the spirit, I enjoy the glories of Christ’s resurrection life in my body. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I’m joined to the Lord and I’m one spirit with Him. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God's word. As I meditate, I think thoughts of peace, Joy, Victory, prosperity, and good health, thus transcending the ordinary and manifesting the supernatural in all situations. I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual health and dominion here on earth.
I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world. I am not affected by sickness or the rudiments of this world. I am founded on Christ the solid rock; my life cannot be shaken by negative reports because it is tailored according to God’s design. I’ve been lifted over the depravities and corrupting influences of this world. No sin, sickness, death, or any kind of infirmity can separate me from God’s unwavering love. I rejoice always because He has made me more than a conqueror. I live victoriously today and always.
Eternity is alive in me. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. The life of God in me makes me more than a man; I refuse to be ordinary. Health, strength, and victory are mine always! Christ lives in me and I function with this consciousness every day. Sickness, poverty, death, lack, failure, depression, and everything that’s not of God have no hold over my life. Daily, I express divine and supernatural verities in my spirit, soul, and body in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I boldly exercise my divine rights in Christ, taming my body and environment with my faith-filled confessions. No evil shall befall me. Nothing shall by any means hurt me because the Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I do not experience weakness, pain, or symptoms of sickness in my body. I am bubbling in good health all the time. Thank You, Lord, for this goodly heritage I enjoy always. I am divinely connected to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. In my path is light that manifests supernatural strength and vitality.
The Word of God is life to me and health to my flesh. Eternal life is at work in me, radiating to all in my world. I am more than a conqueror. I live in the victories that the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ wrought for me; the glory life of success, prosperity, divine health, and unending grace. I give thanks to God for He has made me superior to Satan, his demons, sickness, disease, and infirmity. Nothing in me or about me dies or succumbs to the corrupting influences of this world. I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go. I abide continually in the realm of life that the Lord prearranged for me. Continually, situations and circumstances align to God’s perfect will for me.
I speak forth life, salvation, health, prosperity, and blessings only. I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. I refuse to accept sickness, poverty, or defeat. I will not give in to anything that’s contrary to my divine inheritance in Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. The wonder-working power of God is at work in me mightily in the mighty and matchless name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. I affirm that satan has nothing in me! I refuse to harbour fear, anger, grudge, bitterness, or unforgiveness, for love rules in my heart. The Word of God continually purifies my heart, purging it of all unrighteousness. And with the Word in my heart and on my lips, I’ll forever be indomitable. I’m what God says I am. I’m an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ; I’m living God’s dream and enjoying the fullness of life. I walk in prosperity, health, strength and victory now and evermore. My faith conquers the world! Irrespective of the circumstances around me and the happenings in the world today, I have the faith to rule my world.
Jesus bore all my infirmities in His own body; therefore, I refuse to be brought down by sickness. In Him, I live in divine health. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. The “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man. I live above this world and its corrupting influences. Today and always, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances. I dominate in everything that has a name in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer; therefore, I reign over the world and its systems. I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today.
I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world. I am not affected by sickness or the rudiments of this world. I am founded on Christ the solid rock; my life cannot be shaken by negative reports because it is tailored according to God’s design. I’ve been lifted over the depravities and corrupting influences of this world. No sin, sickness, death, or any kind of infirmity can separate me from God’s unwavering love. I rejoice always because He has made me more than a conqueror. I live victoriously today and always. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body.
I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and nature that transcends the ordinary human life has been imparted to my spirit. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat and the depravities of the natural man. I am no longer subject to sickness, disease, failure, or death. I am a new creation, born with the life and nature of God. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon.
I affirm that divinity is at work in me. The knowledge of God’s Word in my heart, causes me to walk in faith, dominion, glory and power. Through the revelation knowledge of God’s Word, I live above the deception, trickery, manipulation and lies of the adversary. I function in absolute victory. All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work.
I eschew and purge from my heart all elements of anger, bitterness, rage or fury; anger has no place in me. I delight myself in God’s Word and in doing His will always. The Word is in my heart, causing me to walk in righteousness and fulfil my destiny in Christ. My life is the expression of all that Christ is. I unveil Him to my world today through my thoughts, words and actions. The world sees Jesus in my eyes; I show them love they can’t deny. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that His wisdom, ability and power are working in and through me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life.
I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I exercise authority over my body. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory.
I am mightily blessed of the Lord! I am a blessing from God; I’m a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world. Through me, God shows forth His manifold wisdom and demonstrates His excellent greatness. My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. I am full of the Holy Ghost; strengthened with might in my inner man! I am an offspring of the Word, and the Word has pre-eminence in my life. Daily, God’s Word produces in me what it talks about. In every area of my life, I experience the reality of the Word as I meditate on, and live in the Word, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’m fully equipped and fortified with the whole armour of God, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Your Word from my lips prevails against adverse circumstances, producing righteousness and salvation, subduing darkness and evil and all manipulations of Satan. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I’m divinely protected on every side! I cannot be perplexed because the Greater and All-knowing One is in me! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. I rejoice in God’s loving-kindness, which has strengthened my hope, thus giving me an assurance of His infallible Word for my life.
My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to you, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires. My mind is yielded to God’s Word, and my heart is regulated by the Word. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding; and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in Jesus Name. Amen.
My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. I refuse to accept sickness, poverty, or defeat. I will not give in to anything that’s contrary to my divine inheritance in Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. The wonder-working power of God is at work in me mightily; this power dispels sickness and all infirmities. I live in the fullness of God’s love and in the blessings of the glorious life in Christ. My life goes from glory to glory, from strength to strength, and from grace to grace.
I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body, thus, I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body. I am divinely connected to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. In my path is light that manifests supernatural strength and vitality. The Word of God is life to me and health to my flesh. Eternal life is at work in me, radiating to all in my world. My life is a testimony of God’s goodness and grace. As I daily meditate on the Word of God, life, good success, health, and eternal verities proceed from me. My words deliver life and health to my body, to all that concerns me, and to all that hear me.
I am in the place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. Angels are directing businesses to me right now. I am being remembered right now in several places for good. My name comes up even now for blessings, for promotion, for bonuses, for awards, for rewards, for contracts. I enjoy unusual and unexplained monies, benefits and bonuses. I live in the victories that the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ wrought for me; the glory life of success, prosperity, divine health, and unending grace are mine. I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I choose to walk in God's ways and align my thoughts, words and actions with His will. I’m not governed by luck or chance; rather, I walk in the path of victory, promotion, strength, health and excellence, as I navigate my way through life with God's Word, to the praise and glory of His Name. My heart is flooded with light, and my life filled with brilliance and beauty. I do not fret over the hardship, inflation and evil in today’s world, for they’re not set against me! I’ve ascended above the economics of this world! I’m in my place of inheritance in Christ Jesus, where I prosper continually.
My faith is alive and working, ever ready to receive, and always expecting good outcomes. I walk into divine favour and opportunities today. I’m conscious that God loves to always prosper me and delights in doing good things for me. I’m conscious that I’m walking in the blessings of Abraham. I’m an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I possess the same life and bear the same name as the Lord Jesus. Therefore, I manifest His love, kindness, nature, and character to the world around me, and as a vessel, His glory shines and is revealed through me with greater intensity. I operate at a new level of spiritual maturity and efficiency.
I make tremendous progress and take giant strides in every area of my life. I’m sensitive to the leading of the Spirit, attentive to His promptings and signals, as I follow His guidance wholeheartedly. I’m free from sickness, disease and every form of affliction because of His body that was broken for me. I walk in health, strength and victory, being rooted in your Word and guided by your Spirit. I bear much fruit, bringing glory to your Name. I affirm that I excel beyond inflation and financial uncertainties. Your word empowers me to flourish regardless of external circumstances, for you are my true source. I am not a victim of the economy of my nation. I am among those creating opportunities for others in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I declare that my faith is alive and producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I’m not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me; therefore, my body is daily renewed!
I’m not of this world; I’m from above. I’m born of God and I’ve got His life and nature in me. I’m divinely enabled to do as God’s Word says; therefore, I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it’s impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. The healing power is working in my bones, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and in every cell in my blood. The Holy Ghost vitalizes my body; therefore, my body cannot be destroyed.
The Word of God is working mightily in me. It doesn’t matter what may come my way; I’m a victor and I’ve overcome because I’m more than a conqueror. The life of God is working in my spirit, soul and body, and it’s manifested in all that concerns me. I declare that sickness and ill health are far from me. I’m protected from harm and I dwell in health all the days of my life. I declare that I’m a new creation, born superior to Satan and all the demons of darkness. I’m an offspring of divinity and a product of Christ’s resurrection! I’m a partaker of the divine nature and I dwell in Zion. I’m born for health, success and the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, filled with divinity! Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, every cell of my blood is replete with God. I’m the moving house of the Almighty God, bearing His grace, glory and righteousness. And I impact my world with the glory of His divine presence expressing the glory and virtues within me. I function with the wisdom of God with an excellent mind. I am God’s dwelling place; God’s center of operation. God moves in and through me. He talks and blesses through me. I’m a conveyor of eternal verities and a partake of the divine nature.
I have the ability to effect changes in my world, because am born again and the greater One lives in me. I’m productive and fruitful. I am making continuous progress. I boldly exercise the authority You have given me over satan and all the powers of the enemy. I’m yielded to God’s word which reflect my true nature, identity, origin and heritage in Christ. I’m the expression of the unseen Christ, the brightness of His glory. As He is, so are am I in this world. I experience ever-increasing glory, always full of grace, peace and righteousness. I declare that God has given me riches and wealth, and the wisdom to multiply them!
I am mightily blessed of the Lord! I am a blessing from God; I’m a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world. Through me, God shows forth His manifold wisdom and demonstrates His excellent greatness. My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. I am the seed of Abraham; therefore, the world is mine! The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness, causing me to walk in perfection and righteousness. I lay up gold as dust; my prosperity is endless. I walk in abundance, having more then enough for myself and others in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I affirm that God’s Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I am led and guided by the Word in all things and at all times. My spirit is programmed for excellence and greatness, and as I stay on the Word, my life is regulated accordingly. I am filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Thus, I can discern and walk in God’s perfect will at all times. I am not ordinary; for God has granted me the authority to heal the sick, raise the dead, forgive sins and turn men’s hearts to righteousness. I have eternal life in my spirit, because I’ve received Christ.
I am top-class, in top form and shape, and excellent all the way because I am born of God. I am the expression of God’s beauty, glory, perfection, and grace. I cannot be sick, and no weapon fashion against me shall ever prosper. I’m the expression of the beauties and righteousness of Christ, bringing wholeness, sanity, and salvation to my world. Life is at work in me; in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood and in every bone of my body. I function in the authority of Jesus, for as He is the effulgence of God’s glory, dispenser of His mercies, goodness and grace, so am I in this world!
I am up and alive; my life is the fulfilment of the destiny that the Father had ordained for me. Everything about my life is infused with divinity and speaks of glory. The Holy Spirit has granted me the supernatural advantage in life. I’ve been divinely enabled to walk in righteousness, prosperity, health, success, and victory. I am eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! Glory to God. Hallelujah!
Christ is my assurance of health and life eternal. I have dominion in Christ, I rule over my body with the Word of God and in the Name of Jesus. I disallow infirmity and I cut off any abnormality from my body. The life of God is in me; working mightily. He has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Satan and the powers of darkness are under my feet; therefore, I have nothing to fear. The impulses of fear have been completely disabled from my life. Irrespective of the situation, I’m bold and courageous, speaking the Word in faith.
My faith is the victory that overcomes fear, sickness, disease and infirmities. I walk in dominion over the elements of this world. I’m furnished with the requisite knowledge for life in Christ, through the Word. The eyes of my understanding are being enlightened. Therefore, I have insight into mysteries and secrets; there’s nothing that I can’t know. Christ is my wisdom, and the Word of God informs me daily, through the Holy Spirit. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free.
Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood is replete with God. I experience success, victory, and prosperity, now and always. I have divine life - an everlasting life that is filled with absolute health and soundness of mind and body. The indestructible life of God is in every bone of my body and in every cell of my blood. Therefore, I live in divine health in Christ Jesus. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease because I am more than a conqueror in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am fully equipped and fortified with the whole armour of God, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Your Word from my lips prevails against adverse circumstances, producing righteousness and salvation, subduing darkness and evil and all manipulations of Satan. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. I cannot be sick or disadvantaged because the “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me.
There is no area of darkness in my life and health because the light of God’s Word has illuminated my entire being. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. Daily, this eternal life is manifested through me, effecting changes in my body and transforming circumstances in my life to conform to God’s Word. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine!
I sail through life triumphantly. The Lord is my rest. In Him, I have found my rest. I do not struggle for anything. All things that I require come to me by free course, because I’m synchronized with the grace of God. My life is easy, glorious, exciting. My family is at rest and at peace. My body is at rest and at peace. I have excellent health and excellent finances. I handle all my affairs with excellence. I’m full of power!, I’m full of faith and I am doing wonders. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. He shields me from deadly hazards. His outstretched arms protect me-under them I am perfectly safe. I fear nothing, This is the set time to overtake. I have strength for accomplishment. I have no unfinished goals or aborted dreams. Every of my targets and dreams are coming to fruition speedily in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
I walk in the consciousness of God’s righteousness, I am securely established in Christ, and live above the corrupting influences of this age. I live without worries, conflicts, and agitations. I walk in glory, dominion, and the strength of God. I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick. I glorify God in my body, and by the Spirit, it functions perfectly all the time because it is the Lord’s. The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body.
I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me, which I received when I obtained salvation. God’s Word is established in my life and it is evident for the world to see. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principality and power, far above the devil and his minions, and far above sickness and disease. I live the glorious life of God who is above all and cannot be brought down by anything.
I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace.
My life is for the glory of God and I experience His goodness and mercies today; my life is one of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times. Christ lives in me! I'm the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I'm the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there's a force-an empowerment-at work in me to blaze through the barriers. Everything and anything I could ever need is inside the greater One that lives in me. I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times.
I have a wholesome tongue; my words are sculpted in line with God’s perfect will and direction for my life. I walk in divine health, prosperity, victory, success and financial abundance. Everywhere I go, I go in and with the Father who lives permanently in me. Through me, He expresses His love and righteousness to others, for I'm His extension in the earth by Christ Jesus. I'm a partaker of the divine nature, filled with the "maximum load" of God. I walk in divine health, prosperity and victory every day. I am a living testimony of God's grace, goodness and love. I walk in the consciousness of my new life in Christ, knowing that I am more than a conqueror and victorious in every situation. I am thankful Lord, for the glorious life You've given me in Christ, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of the Word! The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, defeat or failure. I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, satan, and the systems of this world. God’s Word is food for my spirit and health for my body. It makes me vibrant and productive. It rejuvenates and strengthens my body. By the Word, I am whole and preserved in divine health. I am not shaken by the wind because I am rooted and grounded in the Word of life that energizes me daily.
Christ is my peace. Health is my birthright. My body conforms to the Word of God at all times, for it is the house of the Holy Ghost. I refuse anything that is inconsistent with God’s Word. I live and enjoy the glorious and victorious life. I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I am dwelling in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life.
My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. Divinity is at work in me. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The Lord is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because God is with me. I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times.
I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I am victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority.
I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world. I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart. I’m not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it’s impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body in health with my faith-filled confessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have the life of God in me. That life destroys sickness and death; therefore, I walk in health and wellness. I cannot be sick! Divinity works and flows from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I thank the Lord for this grace that I lavishly enjoy. God’s stamp and seal of perfection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness, and glory. I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today.
In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman!
I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I have a wholesome tongue; my words are sculpted in line with God’s perfect will and direction for my life. I walk in divine health, prosperity, victory, success and financial abundance. My life is for the glory of God and I experience His goodness and mercies today; my life is one of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times. Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force—an empowerment—at work in me to blaze through the barriers.
Everything and anything l could ever need is inside the greater One that lives in me. Everywhere I go, I go in and with the Father who lives permanently in me. Through me, He expresses His love and righteousness to others, for I’m His extension in the earth by Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature, filled with the “maximum load” of God. I walk in divine health, prosperity and victory every day. I am a living testimony of God’s grace, goodness and love. I walk in the consciousness of my new life in Christ, knowing that I am more than a conqueror and victorious in every situation. I’m the hope and solution that the world needs, for the Lord has sent me as a light to bring glory, excellence and meaning to the lives of those around me.
I take charge of my health and rule over my body with the Word of God. I refuse to yield to sickness. Divine health is my birthright and nature in Christ. I choose to be healthy and strong every day. I have the Spirit of God in me! I have the life of God in me! I have the strength of God in me, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! I am healthy and sound! My body is God’s headquarters, and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive therein! I declare that Satan has no authority or place in my life and my affairs. The Name of the Lord Jesus has all power and authority. Therefore, in Jesus’ Name, I prevail against all adversaries and adversities, against every ailment or infirmity. I mount guard over my life, and I keep it sanctified by the Word in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am God’s hands of love, mercy and compassion to the world. I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I keep His Word in my heart and in my mouth always and therefore discomfit all the stratagems, schemes, manoeuvres and manipulations of the devil. Today and always, my heart produces thoughts of life and divine health and harbors no thoughts of negativity or depravity. The devil is a fully defeated foe, and I’ve been vested with all power and authority in heaven and in earth to subdue, dominate and take charge of my world. I therefore declare, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that the my progress is unstoppable.
I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force - an empowerment - at work in me to blaze through the barriers. I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times.
I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer; therefore, I reign over the world and its systems. I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today. I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have health, strength, and vitality. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity, and walk in victory every day. I declare that my body is vitalized by His power in me. There’s no death or failure in my body; the life-giving Spirit is at work in every fiber of my being. I’m washed, sanctified, and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Consciously, I walk in the light of God’s Word, in the light of my righteousness, knowing that I’m holy, unblameable, and unreproveable in His sight. I have escaped the corruption that is in the world, and I have received eternal life. This life causes me to live above any form of sickness of the body or mind. I live in health always and I enjoy soundness, wholeness, and perfection in my spirit, soul, and body. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness, and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. What a delight! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me; the Almighty God has breathed life into me; as a result, I carry God in me wherever I go. My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence, where there is no sickness, death, disease, infirmity, or failure. I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world, bringing glory to the Name of the Lord continually. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to God, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires. My mind is yielded to God’s Word, and my heart is regulated by the Word. The Word of God is my life. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. In the name of Jesus Christ, I live triumphantly, over, and above circumstances and the perils of this world. I live in perpetual peace, prosperity, health, success, and greatness. Oh, Glory to God.
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness at all in my life! I am the offspring of the Word with the resurrection life. I have been called into a glorious hope of divine destiny with Christ. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I maintain my victory in Christ Jesus. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy.
My new life in Christ is a super-life. The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body. My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. I have eternal life now!
Christ is my peace. Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have obtained an inheritance and I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I am a man of influence, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I know who I am! I’m Abraham’s seed and I reign and rule in this life. I’m unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I’m a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health.
I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple.
I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God. I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I have the life of God in me. My spirit, soul and body are vitalized through and through by the power and effect of righteousness and the fullness of the God-life that I’ve received through the Gospel. I’m walking in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ, conscious of His grace and awesome presence in my life, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I am in God’s class – a partaker of His divine nature. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can corrupt my health. I live above them because I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms of glory. I’m sensitive to God, to spiritual realities, and to the spiritual realm. Where I function from a vantage position of victory and dominion in Christ Jesus.
I’ve been granted the power of attorney to use the Name of Jesus; therefore, I disallow all demonic activities in my life, in my environment and in the lives of my loved ones. I trust in the Lord at all times with my whole heart to preserve me from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. No matter the fiery darts of sickness or infirmity the enemy tries to throw, my faith shields me. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about.
I declare that I am an efficient distributor of God’s healing power and divine health realities. As I lay hands on the sick, they recover. I am backed by divine authority and I have overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing can stand against me successfully. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. I am a water-carrying cloud; I speak words of life to my body and it responds. My body is full of life. Death, sickness, and the power of darkness have nothing in me in Jesus Matchless Name. Amen!
I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world.
The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. Mine is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. I give thanks to God for He has made me superior to Satan, his demons, sickness, disease, and infirmity. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. I walk in the consciousness that I’m in oneness with Jesus Christ. Through the spirit, I enjoy the glories of Christ’s resurrection life in my body.
No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I’m joined to the Lord and I’m one spirit with Him. I speak forth life, salvation, health, prosperity, and blessings only. I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. Therefore, I live worthy of all that Jesus Christ wrought for me. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and the excellencies of Christ to my world in Jesus name. Amen.
I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. I walk in divine health and prosperity, and function from a vantage position of victory and unending success in Christ. I flourish exceedingly every day, everywhere, and at all times. I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual health and dominion here on earth. I abide continually in the realm of life that the Lord prearranged for me. Continually, situations and circumstances align to God’s perfect will for me. I am divinely connected to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life.
The Word of God is life to me and health to my flesh. Eternal life is at work in me, radiating to all in my world. I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body, thus, I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body. I keep myself in health as I consciously recognize that the Word of God is pure medicine. I meditate on the Word, day and night; thus, I function daily in prosperity, good success, and sound health. My body is daily refreshed and transformed as I renew my mind with the Word.
The reality of the eternal life in Christ rids me completely from anything that hurts or binds. I testify that I am healthy, strong, and blessed forever. My heavenly Father is the Monarch of the Universe. I am His heir and a joint heir with Christ. I am God’s purchased, special person. Sickness, disease, and infirmities have no place in my body. I live in and by God’s Word today and every day, overriding all oppositions and falsehoods. I live above satan and the world with its falling systems and elements. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I have dominion over hopeless situations and I produce miracles. I walk in health, strength, and vitality, establishing God’s will and righteousness in my world to the glory and praise of the Father, in Jesus Name. Amen.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I am divinely protected on every side! I cannot be perplexed because the Greater and All-knowing One is in me! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace.
The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body. My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. I have eternal life now! Christ is my peace.
Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have obtained an inheritance and I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I am a man of influence in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am a success for life, and I win always. Like the Lord Jesus, I’m not of this world; I’m born from heaven and live the life of heaven now in the earth! I’m conscious of my heavenly blessings, rights and privileges and I enjoy them to the full. I refuse to be limited by contrary forces around me; I accomplish the impossible, I do the spectacular and reach for the peak in all my endeavours by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am an answer from God; I have the wisdom of the just, which propels me to function in God’s perfect will. The wisdom of God is in my heart and in my mouth today, and I deal excellently in all my affairs.
I am full of God’s might! I function by His power and glory today, full of the Spirit in wisdom, having spiritual understanding of all things! Victory is my heritage and my life! I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. God has given me everything it takes to live victoriously every day. He has gaven me the Holy Spirit, His Word and the Name of Jesus. By my words, I chart my course in victory and success.
I affirm that good things are coming my way and happening for me and around me because the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. By the Word of God in my mouth, I keep myself on the victory highway, my circumstances are transformed, and situations are changed to conform to God’s perfect will for me. I am continually strengthened with might in my inner man as the anointing of God’s Spirit runs through every fibre of my being, making me sickness and disease-free. I live triumphantly today and always. It doesn’t matter what happens around me; I win always! I enjoy my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health and unending prosperity in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Glorious things are spoken of me. My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything.
I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying my life everyday in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel.
My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I am full of the Holy Ghost and power. I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel in Jesus Name, Amen.
My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of God’s Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion. I walk in excellent humility of heart, with the willingness to take on the responsibility of service to others, in loyalty to the Word, thereby attracting divine favour and promotion. I’m submissive to the authority, influence and impact of God’s Word. I receive the Word into my heart, acting accordingly, making definite changes in my character and attitude with, and through, the Word.
I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me.
He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. I do not tire or wear out. I do not get weak and I don’t faint because I wait on the Lord daily. My strength is renewed daily by the Holy Spirit and I am vitalized, invigorated, energized, and refreshed for all things in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus, filled with divinity! Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, every cell of my blood is replete with God. I’m the moving house of the Almighty God, bearing His grace, glory and righteousness. And I impact my world with the glory of His divine presence expressing the glory and virtues within me. I function with the wisdom of God with an excellent mind. I am God’s dwelling place; God’s center of operation. God moves in and through me. He talks and blesses through me. I’m a conveyor of eternal verities and a partake of the divine nature.
I have the ability to effect changes in my world, because am born again and the greater One lives in me. I’m productive and fruitful. I am making continuous progress. I boldly exercise the authority You have given me over satan and all the powers of the enemy. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. Divinity is at work in me. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, holy and irreproachable in God’s sight. I’m yielded to God’s word which reflect my true nature, identity, origin and heritage in Christ.
I’m the expression of the unseen Christ, the brightness of His glory. As He is, so are am I in this world. I experience ever-increasing glory, always full of grace, peace and righteousness. I declare that God has given me riches and wealth, and the wisdom to multiply them. I am the seed of Abraham; therefore, the world is mine! The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness, causing me to walk in perfection and righteousness. I lay up gold as dust; my prosperity is endless. I walk in abundance, having more then enough for myself and others in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I recognize and affirm whom the Lord has made me to be. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. Divine life is working in my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me and invigorates me through and through. Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy.
I have the Spirit of life living in me, guiding me, energizing me, and strengthening me. He has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles, and to effect positive changes in my world and in my health, family, and finances. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish.
Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I walk in the light of my inheritance in Christ, in power and grace, living in divine health and supernatural prosperity. I am victorious. I am a success. I am a blessing to my world. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I live in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ.
The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. My spirit is conditioned by the Word of God. My spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed and renewed as I meditate on God’s Word.
My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! I and my Father are one. I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I have in me the indestructible life! I declare that my faith is alive and producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I'm not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I'm only moved by the Word of God. I'm living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week; no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Nothing in me or about me dies or succumbs to the corrupting influences of this world. I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion, the city of the living God. Therefore, I cannot be subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen, seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms! I affirm that the power of the Word and the Spirit is working effectually in me today and always. This power destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. There’s no death, defeat or failure in my path because I live by the law of the Spirit of life, in Christ Jesus.
I am one with divinity and I have eternal life coursing through my being, as a result of this oneness. Therefore, no sickness, diseases or infirmity can stay in my body. I’m living a successful, healthy and victorious life because I’m one with God’s Spirit and death has no association with me. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces around me. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me.
In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and nature that transcends the ordinary human life has been imparted to my spirit. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat and the depravities of the natural man. I am no longer subject to sickness, disease, failure, or death. I am a new creation, born with the life and nature of God. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon.
I affirm that divinity is at work in me. The knowledge of God’s Word in my heart, causes me to walk in faith, dominion, glory and power. Through the revelation knowledge of God’s Word, I live above the deception, trickery, manipulation and lies of the adversary. I function in absolute victory. All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work.
I eschew and purge from my heart all elements of anger, bitterness, rage or fury; anger has no place in me. I delight myself in God’s Word and in doing His will always. The Word is in my heart, causing me to walk in righteousness and fulfil my destiny in Christ. My life is the expression of all that Christ is. I unveil Him to my world today through my thoughts, words and actions. The world sees Jesus in my eyes; I show them love they can’t deny. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that His wisdom, ability and power are working in and through me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts and speak the right words. I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ.
I prosper and I live in the manifestation of God's infinite blessings because I’m Abraham’s seed. I'm an heir according to the promise and a joint heir with Jesus. I'm blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I am full of the Holy Ghost and power. I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel.
I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God had set eternity in my heart! I acknowledge His mighty power that’s at work in me mightily and celebrate His glory in my life. I am the offspring of the Word, I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. The wisdom of God is in my spirit, I have the ability to make the right judgments and choices. No matter what happens around me, I do not bow to pressure. Rather, I hold myself in from within. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course.
I am not ordinary; I’ve received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side.
In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. When the challenges of life cast down men, my testimony will forever be that there’s a lifting up for me. I’m what God says I am; I have the life of God in every fibre of my being. I can do all things by His strength and ability that’s at work in me mightily In Jesus Name. Amen.
My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence.
I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am bold, strong, and courageous in my daily walk of faith. My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down everything in my body that is contrary to God’s provisions for my health. The greater One lives in me. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in every part of my body. The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. The presence of the Holy Ghost in my life gives strength to my spirit, soul, and body.
I am replenished and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, great prosperity, and unending joy. I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God the Father.
I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. I’m making progress with giant strides as I fulfill the ministry and destiny that God has for me. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
The Word of God is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs; the pulsating life of God has dominated my body, making it impenetrable to adverse health conditions. God’s Word is my light and my life! It’s the nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my flesh! I live by the Word always and declare that its mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says. I belong to Christ and I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! Truly, I know what the Word says about me. I affirm that I am filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity!
As the Lord Jesus is, so am I; therefore, I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. I affirm that I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have the authority to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that corrupts, harms, or contaminates the body. My faith is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know faith always works. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world; I know that divine life, health, and perfect peace are my present-hour possessions. I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God.
I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I know who I am! I’m Abraham’s seed and I reign and rule in this life. I’m unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I’m a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word.
I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple. I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection.
I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I live in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me. There's life in my bones, tissues, muscles, tendons, and ligaments; I'm alive unto God in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I have received an abundance of grace, and I reign in life with dominion over sickness and death. No infirmity can corrupt or ravage my body. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success.
Thank You, blessed Father, for the immeasurable, limitless, surpassing riches of Your grace, Your kindness, and goodness of heart directed toward me in Christ Jesus. You’re the only true and wise God, who reigns and rules in the affairs of men; the One who is the blessed and only Sovereign. To You, Lord, be all glory, honour, majesty, dominion, and praise, to You belong all greatness and might. All in heaven and earth are Yours. You’re exalted above all. I love You Lord; and I thank You, for You ’re gracious, holy, righteous, and true. I affirm that the all-powerful and most precious Holy Spirit lives in me!
My faith is working and producing results today! Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I’m fully persuaded by the Word of God! I anchor my life on God’s Word, and I refuse to be swayed by contrary winds or circumstances, for my faith is the title deed of unseen realities. I declare that my life is going forward and upward only and nothing is impossible unto me. Christ in me brings strength into my spirit, soul, and body. Therefore, I declare that I am rejuvenated and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, good success, and continual promotions, dealing wisely in all affairs of life, in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.
I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. I have overcome sickness and death! I hail from God, and as He is invincible and indestructible, so am I in this world. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease.
I am more than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual health and dominion here on earth. I abide continually in the realm of life that the Lord prearranged for me. Continually, situations and circumstances align to God’s perfect will for me, which is success and abundant life. The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me.
I'm living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I'm in perpetual dominion over sickness and life's circumstances. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’m seated with Christ, far above all principality, power, might, dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come! I’m exalted with Him in glory; I know who I am: chosen, royal and peculiar! My life is the expression and manifestation of the glory and righteousness of Christ. Therefore, I am superhuman! I have the life of Christ at work in my spirit, soul, and body. No darkness, misery, infirmity, or pain is associated with me because Christ is my life. I am strong in faith, giving glory to God at all times! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I am joined to the Lord, and I am one Spirit with Him.
The Word of God is in my spirit so strong; it’s as fire shut up in my bones and nothing can hinder the affirmation of my faith and my proclamation of the Gospel of Christ. I’m strengthened and energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me, and He’s made me an absolute victor. The power of the Holy Spirit touches everything in my body; thus, I am infused with divine strength. There is no situation I cannot change, for the inherent power to do exceeding abundantly above all that I could ask, think, or imagine is within me. My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace.
I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always. I am the expression of God’s fullness, grace, and glory. I manifest His kingdom and power. I am a testimony, the seed of Abraham, and an heir of Abraham’s blessing through Christ. I prosper in my health and bear living proof of God’s infinite grace, blessing, and love. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, causing life to spring forth from within me. God wants me well; therefore, I refuse to accommodate sickness or anything contrary in my body. My life is filled with peace and prosperity, my body is in perfect health, and my days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory, in Jesus name. Amen.
I’m fruitful and productive, and my life is excellent. Everything and everyone that’s connected to me experiences the grace of God and is influenced by your righteousness, glory, and grace that I bear. Thank You, Lord for the glorious life of abundance and dominion that I have in Christ. I refuse to be discouraged or overwhelmed by the challenges of life; rather, I see them as opportunities to exercise my faith and prove the power in the Word. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I neutralize, quench, put out, and extinguish the fiery dart of the adversary. The Word of God on my lips prevails in my health, finances, life, and family.
Nothing can hinder the affirmation of my faith. I’m strengthened and energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me, and He’s made me an absolute victor. I am full of life! I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ.
Thank You, blessed Father, for the immeasurable, limitless, surpassing riches of Your grace, Your kindness, and goodness of heart directed toward me in Christ Jesus. You’re the only true and wise God, who reigns and rules in the affairs of men; the One who is the blessed and only Sovereign. To You, Lord, be all glory, honour, majesty, dominion, and praise, to You belong all greatness and might. All in heaven and earth are Yours. You’re exalted above all. I love You Lord; and I thank You, for You’re gracious, holy, righteous, and true. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am not subject to the rudiments and limitations of this world because I live in Christ and Christ is my life. He’s in every fibre of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I reign and rule over circumstances in His Name, shielded from all evil and harm because I’m seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms. Far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come! I’m exalted with Him in glory; I know who I am: chosen, royal, and peculiar! I experience the supernatural in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit.
The Greater One lives in me. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; thus, there is no room for sickness in my body. My life is filled with peace and prosperity. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual health and dominion here on earth. I abide continually in the realm of life that the Lord prearranged for me.
Continually, situations and circumstances align with God’s perfect will for me. I’ve been lifted over the depravities and corrupting influences of this world. No sin, sickness, death, or any kind of infirmity can separate me from God’s unwavering love. I rejoice always because He has made me more than a conqueror. I live victoriously today and always. The wonder-working power of God is at work in me mightily; this power dispels sickness and all infirmities. I live in the fullness of God’s love and in the blessings of the glorious life in Christ. My life goes from glory to glory, from strength to strength, and from grace to grace in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God loves me personally. I’m His peculiar treasure; my value to Him is the value of Jesus. I think, talk, walk, and live as someone special, for indeed I am someone special. I have the same life that Jesus has, in its fullness. My life is sickness-proof, disease-proof, poverty-proof and failure-proof. It’s a life of glory, victory, success and excellence. Nothing of the devil can stay in me, for I’ve embraced the transcendent life that’s in Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature; I’ve overcome the world. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, I refuse to allow anything to dominate me.
Always, I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. I do not worry about my health, finances, family, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. The Lord has set His love upon me, and He satisfies me with long life; a long and rich life. My life is hid with Christ in God. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I am fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand.
The fiery darts of sickness, disease, and death do not come near me because He covers me with His feathers. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. I am seated with Christ and I reign with Him, in Him, and through Him. My faith prevails over sickness, disease, and wickedness. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
I have the life of Christ in me. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world. I am full of the Holy Ghost and power.
By the authority vested in me in Christ Jesus, I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life! Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness. My life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. What a delight! I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I’ve received eternal life and it’s all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind.
As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. My mind is filled with the thoughts of Christ – thoughts of peace, life, and prosperity. In Christ, I exercise my authority and rule over all circumstances of life. Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The life of God is at work in me, permeating my whole being. I flourish in health and walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are my mine always. I am alive unto God; therefore, I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life.
Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day of my life. I live above sickness and disease. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body. I am the effulgence of God’s glory. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day.
The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. I am the crowning beauty of all God’s creation; the consummate perfection of His works! My life is full of loveliness and excellence because the Holy Spirit beautifies me. I was created for God’s glory; not for poverty, sickness, disease, failure, or dishonor. I am of God. I live in the ageless and deathless zone. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body. I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always. I have the eternal life of God; therefore, I am not affected by anything that hurts in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I hail from God, and as He is invincible and indestructible, so am I in this world. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. I consciously practice enjoying my life in divine health. I insist on God’s Word, and I boldly affirm that my divine life in Christ has replaced the ordinary life and its attendant effects.
I do not live by the dictates of my body, but by the leading of God’s Word for my life and health. I am an inhabitant of Zion. I have the divine right to live in health, prosperity, joy, victory, success, dominion and excellence. God’s glory is evident in my physical body, coursing through my being, ridding me of every infirmity, feebleness, or weakness. It is seen in my family, job, business, and all areas of my life. I have eternal life and walk in the consciousness of it. I walk in dominion over sickness, disease, and death, over the discouragements and frustrations that affect humanity. I have the life and nature of God in me. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me.
I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I am full of faith. I am full of joy. I am full of peace. I am full of strength and I am doing wonders in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I am full of joy, peace, love, and kindness. I am energized always, for divinity has been activated in my body. I have received abundant grace. I reign in life with dominion over sickness and death. I have the eternal life of God, which makes it impossible for sickness to dominate my body. No infirmity can corrupt or ravage my body. I belong to God and I only express His virtues and perfection. I have put on the nature of righteousness. I experience the supernatural in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit. The Greater One lives in me.
I have the incorruptible life of God in my Spirit. This life energizes every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every fiber of my being, such that I radiate life and health always. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; thus, there is no room for sickness in my body. My life is filled with peace and prosperity. I live above all limitations and circumstances. There is no situation I cannot change because my tongue is a tree of life with which I guarantee my health, success, safety, wellness, and wholeness. I am blessed and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer. There’s no death, defeat or failure in my path because I live by the law of the Spirit of life, in Christ Jesus.
I am one with divinity and I have eternal life coursing through my being, as a result of this oneness. Therefore, no sickness, diseases or infirmity can stay in my body. I’m living a successful, healthy and victorious life because I’m one with God’s Spirit and death has no association with me. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces around me. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity.
I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that can not be hidden. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. When the challenges of life cast down men, my testimony will forever be that there’s a lifting up for me. I hail from God, and as He is invincible and indestructible, so am I in this world. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I am bold, strong, and courageous in my daily walk of faith. My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword.
With my words, I cut down everything in my body that is contrary to God’s provisions for my health. The greater One lives in me. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in every part of my body. The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. The presence of the Holy Ghost in my life gives strength to my spirit, soul, and body. I am replenished and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, great prosperity, and unending joy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I know who I am! I’m Abraham’s seed and I reign and rule in this life. I’m unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I’m a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health.
I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple.
I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God. I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I have the life of God in me. My spirit, soul and body are vitalized through and through by the power and effect of righteousness and the fullness of the God-life that I’ve received through the Gospel. I’m walking in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ, conscious of His grace and awesome presence in my life, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.”
I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart.
I thank You precious Father for the glory and transformation I experience in my life as a result of Your Word that dwells richly in my heart and proceeds out of my mouth. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I’m fully persuaded by the Word of God! I anchor my life on God’s Word, and I refuse to be swayed by contrary winds or circumstances, for my faith is the title deed of unseen realities. Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times in the mighty and matchless Name of Jesus. Amen!
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The Lord is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because God is with me. I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have searched out. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me.
There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. I affirm that my gates are open continually. They are not shut day or night, receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations. The Lord has magnified me and increased my greatness. I have divine access to wealth untold. The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life. He shows me how to produce wealth, to make profit and how to stay in wealth and health. I am the excellent, the glorious, the Lord delights in me. I am making continuous and consistent progress. I am in the place of never-ending and superabundant wealth. I am being remembered right now in several places for good.
My blessings cannot be humanly explained. I have money everywhere. I am big-time kingdom financier. I have the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God in all my affairs. I am mightily blessed of the Lord! I am a blessing from God; I’m a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world. Through me, God shows forth His manifold wisdom and demonstrates His excellent greatness. My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. I am an offspring of the Word, and the Word has pre-eminence in my life. I reign and rule in life by the word in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am an associate of the God-kind, and I have the indestructible life of God in me. My body is impervious to every form and manner of sickness or disease. I live in perpetual health and in Christ’s environment where divinity reigns. The divine life is operational in my body, for I hail from God and I am born of Him. I was born with the resurrection life that’s beyond sickness and disease. The Lord is gracious and kind to me, full of mercy and compassion. Great and abundant is His faithfulness in my life. God’s love for me never runs out. His love is unfailing. His mercy is fresh every morning, sure as the sunrise.
My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose. I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. It makes no difference the contrary evidence, I am a victor, not a victim. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to waver. My faith prevails.
The Lord makes all grace abound towards me. The Lord is my refuge. He is my fortress, my God, in Him I trust. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He covers me with His feathers and under His wings do I trust. I’m walking in preordained pathways. I am rightly positioned in God’s place of opportunity and set on the path of success, glory, victory, and divine destiny! The course of events in my life has been structured by God to bring Him glory, for He’s the One at work in me but to will and to do His good pleasure. I am full of power; with this power, I heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, and do mighty works in Jesus’ name. Amen.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I’m divinely protected on every side! I cannot be perplexed because the Greater and All-knowing One is in me! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. I rejoice in God’s loving-kindness, which has strengthened my hope, thus giving me an assurance of His infallible Word for my life.
Jesus bore all my infirmities in His own body; therefore, I refuse to be brought down by sickness. In Him, I live in divine health. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. The “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me.
There is no area of darkness in my life and health because the light of God’s Word has illuminated my entire being. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. I am far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, victory to victory, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence.
I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence.
I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me.
I recognize and affirm whom the Lord has made me to be. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. Divine life is working in my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me and invigorates me through and through. Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy. I have the Spirit of life living in me, guiding me, energizing me, and strengthening me.
I am one with divinity and I have eternal life coursing through my being, as a result of this oneness. Therefore, no sickness, diseases or infirmity can stay in my body. I’m living a successful, healthy and victorious life because I’m one with God’s Spirit and death has no association with me. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces around me. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. The “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment.
I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. I affirm that my spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. I am in the place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. I am being remembered right now in several places for good. My blessings cannot be humanly explained. I have money everywhere. I am big-time kingdom financier. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me.
My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. I’m lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world. I have the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God in all my affairs. I am in the place of accomplishment; gargantuan financial accomplishments. I have no aborted dreams. I have no unmet goals. I have no unaccomplished targets. I have no unfulfilled visions. All my financial goals, targets, dreams and visions are accomplished and exceeded in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’m like a well-watered garden, fruitful at all times. I’m the fruit-bearing part of God’s vine and I am producing durable fruits—fruits of righteousness, because I’m a tree of righteousness. I’m standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life. I am ever blessed, ever prosperous. I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I do all things by His mighty power, guided by His wisdom and grace. I am protected from the destruction that is in the world. I tread upon challenges, sicknesses, infirmities, deceptions, and falsities. I am victorious over them all and I daily enjoy blessings because I am more than a conqueror. I rejoice that I am in Christ and the Holy Spirit lives in me!
I am supernaturally positioned to do wonders in my world. I am fully yielded to the Holy Spirit; thus, I am aligned with God’s plan for my health and my life. I have authority over all the devices of the adversary and I experience health, victory, and prosperity always. I have power over all the abilities and strategies of the devil. No matter how he tries or through which means he attempts to attack my body, the Name of Jesus gives me authority, dominion, and triumph always, and nothing can prevail against me. My life is the expression of all that Christ is. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that the life I live is superior to sickness, disease, and defeat.
My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. By the virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me. The life of God in me has supplanted the human life that was susceptible to sickness and disease. My body and everything connected to me align with God’s provisions. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day. I am what God says I am. I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I am living God’s dream and enjoying the fullness of life. I walk in prosperity, health, strength, and victory, now and evermore in Jesus name. Amen.
God had set eternity in my heart! I acknowledge His mighty power that’s at work in me mightily and celebrate His glory in my life. I am the offspring of the Word, I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. The wisdom of God is in my spirit, I have the ability to always make the right judgments and choices. No matter what happens around me, I do not bow to pressure. Rather, I hold myself in from within. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course.
I am not ordinary; I’ve received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on the hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side.
In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. When men are cast down by the challenges of life, my testimony will forever be that there’s a lifting up for me. I’m what God says I am; I have the life of God in every fibre of my being. I can do all things by His strength and ability that’s at work in me mightily In Jesus Name. Amen.
Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, it is ever radiant and ever flourishing. There is no failure in my body systems; no heart failure, no kidney failure, no lung failure, no liver failure. All the organs and systems of my body are functioning perfectly well. There is perfect soundness in my body. I live a life of faith. I’m not moved by what I feel, see, or hear. I am only moved by God’s Word. The presence of the Holy Ghost in my life gives strength to my spirit, soul, and body. I am replenished and built up by the Word.
My words are backed by divine authority. When I decree a thing, it is established. I walk in the full benefits of the salvation that Jesus Christ wrought for me, including health, peace, prosperity, and all-round success. As I speak words of life, I cause positive changes in my life, in my environment, and in the lives of those that come in contact with me. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day.
Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. Eternity is alive in me. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. I’ve been brought into life and immortality. I’m fearless, for death has been paralysed—defeated by Jesus, and when He did it, I was in Him! I boldly exercise my divine rights in Christ, taming my body and environment with my faith-filled confessions. No evil shall befall me. Nothing shall by any means hurt me because the Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, finances, and family are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. I can never be sick, broken, wounded, or defeated because I have this very life of God in me. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day.
Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Christ is in me; His perfection is in my spirit. The life and glory of God are manifested in and through me. I acknowledge the treasures in my spirit through the Word and bring them into operation and manifestation with my confessions of faith. In all that I do, I exude excellence, perfection and the Lord’s goodness, kindness, beauty, and grace. I’m perceptive, astute and smart, imbued with an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I’m confident, bold and courageous; I have an exceptional intellect, marked by wit and intelligence.
I’m like a well-watered garden, fruitful at all times. I’m the fruit-bearing part of God’s vine and I am producing durable fruits—fruits of righteousness, because I’m a tree of righteousness. I’m standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life. I am ever blessed, ever prosperous. I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I do all things by His mighty power, guided by His wisdom and grace. I walk in health, victory, strength, prosperity and glory, as the Lord walks in me, and works in and through me to perfect His will and good pleasure in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual health and dominion here on earth. I abide continually in the realm of life that the Lord prearranged for me. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s word. As I meditate, I think thoughts of peace, Joy, Victory, prosperity, and good health, thus transcending the ordinary and manifesting the supernatural in all situations. I am born in the image and likeness of God. I am founded on Christ the solid rock; my life cannot be shaken by negative reports because it is tailored according to God’s design.
Christ is made unto me wisdom. In him, I have access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent. I have knowledge of witty inventions. I am skillful, proficient, and knowledgeable. I devise the best solutions in every circumstance. I have discretion. Counsel is mine. I am full of sound wisdom. I have sound knowledge and understanding. I have strength, might, and power. I speak excellent and princely things. I have an understanding heart. The opening of my lips is for the right things. My words are all righteous. I speak the truth always. God has given me wisdom. There is nothing beyond me. There is nothing I cannot handle. I have a wise and discerning heart. Christ is my excellent wisdom.
I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I exercise authority over my body. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. I affirm that satan has nothing in me! I refuse to harbour fear, anger, grudge, bitterness, or unforgiveness, for love rules in my heart. The Word of God continually purifies my heart, purging it of all unrighteousness. And with the Word in my heart and on my lips, I’ll forever be indomitable. I’m what God says I am. I’m an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ; I’m living God’s dream and enjoying the fullness of life. I walk in prosperity, health, strength and victory now and evermore. My faith conquers the world!
Irrespective of the circumstances around me and the happenings in the world today, I have the faith to rule my world. Jesus bore all my infirmities in His own body; therefore, I refuse to be brought down by sickness. In Christ, I live in divine health. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life.
The “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man. I live above this world and its corrupting influences. Today and always, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances. I dominate in everything that has a name in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’m fully equipped and fortified with the whole armour of God, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Your Word from my lips prevails against adverse circumstances, producing righteousness and salvation, subduing darkness and evil and all manipulations of Satan. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. I cannot be sick or disadvantaged because the “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. There is no area of darkness in my life and health because the light of God’s Word has illuminated my entire being.
The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. Daily, this eternal life is manifested through me, effecting changes in my body and transforming circumstances in my life to conform to God’s Word. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine!
I sail through life triumphantly. The Lord is my rest. In Him, I have found my rest. I do not struggle for anything. All things that I require come to me by free course, because I’m synchronized with the grace of God. My life is easy, glorious and exciting. My family is at rest and at peace. My body is at rest and at peace. I have excellent health and excellent finances. I handle all my affairs with excellence. I’m full of power!, I’m full of faith and I am doing wonders. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. He shields me from deadly hazards. His outstretched arms protect me-under them I am perfectly safe. I fear nothing, This is the set time to overtake. I have strength for accomplishment. I have no unfinished goals or aborted dreams. Every of my targets and dreams are coming to fruition speedily in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me.
Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I’m alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health.
I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light.
I radiate God’s glory. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. My mind is filled with the thoughts of Christ – thoughts of peace, life, and prosperity. In Christ, I exercise my authority and rule over all circumstances of life.
I am superior to sickness and death because I have in me the divine life of God. Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. I live in beauty and splendour and I exude the perfections and the excellencies of Christ to my world. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. My life is flourishing. My health is flourishing. Of my increase, my greatness, my prosperity, my flourishing, there shall be no end, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am a success for life, and I win always. Like the Lord Jesus, I’m not of this world; I’m born from heaven and live the life of heaven now in the earth! I’m conscious of my heavenly blessings, rights and privileges and I enjoy them to the full. I refuse to be limited by contrary forces around me; I accomplish the impossible, I do the spectacular and reach for the peak in all my endeavours by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am an answer from God; I have the wisdom of the just, which propels me to function in God’s perfect will. The wisdom of God is in my heart and in my mouth today, and I deal excellently in all my affairs.
I am full of God’s might! I function by His power and glory today, full of the Spirit in wisdom, having spiritual understanding of all things! Victory is my heritage and my life! I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself, or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. God has given me everything it takes to live victoriously every day. He has given me the Holy Spirit, His Word, and the Name of Jesus. By my words, I chart my course in victory and success.
I affirm that good things are coming my way and happening for me and around me because the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. By the Word of God in my mouth, I keep myself on the victory highway, my circumstances are transformed, and situations are changed to conform to God’s perfect will for me. I am continually strengthened with might in my inner man as the anointing of God’s Spirit runs through every fibre of my being, making me sickness and disease-free. I live triumphantly today and always. It doesn’t matter what happens around me; I win always! I enjoy my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.
I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God. I am not of this world! I belong to God’s Kingdom. I am victorious over sin, sickness, disease, and poverty. I reign supreme all the time because I am in union with God. I am more than a conqueror in this life. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease to damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day.
Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The very God-life is tabernacled in my body; therefore, no sickness can fasten itself to my body. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone I touch. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health, even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity.
The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word, and it works in my body, making it alive every day. The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. Today, I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth, and I am in perpetual dominion over sickness and life’s circumstances. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone and everything I touch in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority.
I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I’m alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole.
I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I thank You blessed Father for the extraordinary life of blessings You’ve given me in Christ; thank You for bringing me into fellowship with You, making me a partaker of Your glory, grace and righteousness. My spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed as I meditate on God’s Word to me. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always. I am what God says I am. I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I am living God’s dream and enjoying the fullness of life. I walk in prosperity, health, strength, and victory, now and always. The Word of God is evidently manifested in my health, ministry, business, finances, and all that I lay my hands upon to do.
I am alive unto God, and I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I connect to receives life. I exercise authority over my body. I live a life of righteousness and eternal dominion over all works of darkness. I’m alive in Christ. I live in the presence of the Father, justified, holy, and righteous before Him. I am glorified in Christ and perfected in beauty. I am one with the Father. I am the glory of God! God has raised me to a heavenly dignity, a heavenly condition, and a heavenly state of being. I exude and manifest righteousness, excellence, and perfection always.
I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror. God has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. My life is one of ever-increasing glory. The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness. God’s wisdom grants me access to success, victory, and unending prosperity. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am not subject to the rudiments and limitations of this world because I live in Christ, and Christ is my life. He’s in every fibre of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I reign and rule over circumstances in His Name, shielded from all evil and harm because I’m seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms. Far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come! I’m exalted with Him in glory; I know who I am: chosen, royal, and peculiar! I experience the supernatural in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit.
I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness; thus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. I refuse to think or talk sickness, for I am the seed of Abraham. The Lord keeps me in perfect peace continually because my mind is focused on the Word of God. Daily, the Word produces what it talks about in me, causing me to radiate good health and strength and to display a life of peace with prosperity. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. I walk in divine health and prosperity and function from a vantage position of victory and unending success in Christ.
I flourish exceedingly every day, everywhere, and at all times. I walk in health, victory, and triumph because I function in the Name of Jesus. My life is for glory and excellence. I manifest God’s bountiful blessings of success, prosperity, health, and joy, so that all may see and glorify Him. My life is exuberant with joy and I walk in the manifestations of God’s righteousness. I walk conscious of my heritage in Christ. Sickness has no place in my body. I thrive in health every day. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My life is a manifestation of the virtues and perfections of divinity. By the virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me, I have authority over all the devices of the adversary and I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always. I believe God’s Word for me. I speak it because it is my life. The glory and blessings therein are evident in my life. I speak the same things God has said concerning me. I proclaim wellness, wholeness, and life to my body today. Nothing and no one can put me down. God’s Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul, and health for my body.
No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper. My health is sound and flourishing. I am blessed and highly favoured because the time of my favour, yes, the set time, my appointed time of favour is here. This is the set time for my honour and promotion. I am marvellously helped of God. I am compassed about with goodwill and favour as a shield. I am protected with God’s shield of love. I am compassed about with goodness, resources and wealth. My increase and my development are very fast, because the Lord is speeding up every process, concerning me. I am moving with supernatural speed, causing me to accomplish so much in a very short time.
The glory of God that I am experiencing causes me to outrun the competition. I am in the place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. Angels are directing businesses to me right now. I am being remembered right now in several places for good. My name comes up even now for blessings, for promotions, for bonuses, for awards, for rewards, and for contracts. The kind of blessings coming to me now, cannot be humanly explained. Unusual and unexplained monies, benefits and bonuses come to me. I have money everywhere. I am a big-time kingdom financier. I have the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God in all my affairs. My wealth is unending. My wealth is inexhaustible in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. I reign as a king in life by the Lord Jesus Christ. I am kinging and reigning in life. I reign over sin, death, disease, and infirmity. I have absolute dominion. I am righteousness conscious. Righteousness gives me dominion. I live above Satan and his vices. Because I have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, I refuse to be subject to the elements of this world. Instead, I reign and I rule over them. The whole world is subdued before me. I have mastery over circumstances, demons, and their manipulations.
I have victory in my health and finances, and in every situation. I am of God. I belong to Him and my origin is from God. Therefore, I have overcome the world. I have defeated satan and the cohorts of darkness because Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. I refuse to fear sickness or any device of the devil. I am not ordinary. I am like the Lord Jesus. As He is, so am I in this world. I already have victory over Satan, death, hell, and the world. I am fearless. I have no sense of lack. I live in absolute mastery and dominion over all things. The same Holy Spirit that worked in Jesus is at work in me today, causing me to shine in health, peace with prosperity, and unstoppable success.
Through me, Christ – the perfection of beauty – shines. God made me perfect; there is nothing in me that should not be there, and there is nothing that should be in me that isn’t there. All the systems of my body are functioning optimally and in good health. I disallow sickness, poverty, and defeat in my life and in the lives of my loved ones. I unleash health, prosperity, and victory in my life. I walk in victory and dominion over Satan, as well as the world and its systems. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world. I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. It makes no difference the difficulties that may come my way, I am victorious in all things. The Holy Spirit leads me from glory to glory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’m eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I’m prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! My life is the testimony of God’s grace. I have been brought into a place of wealth untold. I am enjoying all that belongs to me in Christ. Lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places and I have a goodly heritage. I live and walk in prosperity even as goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life. I carry blessings with me everywhere.
Whatever projects that I am involved with prosper and are highly profitable. My life is exuberant with joy and I walk in the manifestations of God’s righteousness. I walk conscious of my heritage in Christ. Sickness has no place in my body. I thrive in health every day. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant. The life of God inundates every fiber of my being, making me impregnable to sickness and disease. From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, eternal life is at work in me! I walk in divine health every day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.
Jesus overcame the world for me and brought me into the life of rest, where I neither struggle nor fret. I’ve cast all my cares upon Him; I am riding on with Him on the path of victory and success, above every complication and limitation in this world. Nothing stops me from achieving my goals and dreams because every limitation has been taken away in Christ. I belong to Christ; therefore, I’m the seed of Abraham, graced for greatness and ordained to be fruitful and productive in every good work. My life is for the glory of God and I reign and rule by the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. I launch out today in faith, establishing the blessings and goodness of the Kingdom in my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. My life is for the glory of God and I experience His goodness and mercies today; my life is one of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times.
Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force-an empowerment-at work in me to blaze through the barriers. Everything and anything I could ever need is inside the greater One that lives in me. I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times. I have a wholesome tongue; my words are sculpted in line with God’s perfect will and direction for my life. I walk in divine health, prosperity, victory, success and financial abundance.
Everywhere I go, I go in and with the Father who lives permanently in me. Through me, He expresses His love and righteousness to others, for I’m His extension on the earth by Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature, filled with the “maximum load” of God. I walk in divine health, prosperity and victory every day. I am a living testimony of God’s grace, goodness and love. I walk in the consciousness of my new life in Christ, knowing that I am more than a conqueror and victorious in every situation. I am thankful Lord, for the glorious life You’ve given me in Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today.
I’m fully persuaded by the Word of God! I anchor my life on God’s Word, and I refuse to be swayed by contrary winds or circumstances, for my faith is the title deed of unseen realities. I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness, because the greater one indwells me. I declare that my body is under obligation to respond to the Word of God at all times; my body is regulated by God’s Word and every part of my body aligns to what God says. The life of God permeates my whole being. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are mine always.
My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being is vitalized by the Spirit of God. I live triumphantly, far above the devil and the negative systems of this world! The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease, and infirmity. God’s Word is in my spirit. It energizes me for success and greatness and keeps me in perfect health. All things are mine. I triumph gloriously always and in every place. In me abides all the grace, blessings, wisdom and goodness of heaven. I am God’s living tabernacle. Everything I require for life and godliness is in me. I’m born of God, greater is He that’s in me, than He that’s in the world! I have overcome this world and its failure, deception, economies, and economics. Christ in me is my victory over the world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I belong to Christ; therefore, I’m the seed of Abraham, graced for greatness and ordained to be fruitful and productive in every good work. My life is for the glory of God. I affirm that I am fruitful and productive. My financial investments and projects are anointed to bear fruit and to keep on bearing yields that abide and live forever. I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth fruit in its season, and whose leaves will never run dry. In any kind of environment I produce the same glorious results, for I come from Zion where prosperity comes from the Spirit of God. The Lord has made me His prosperity hoarding, my prosperity is appearing for all to see. I am well-decorated financially.
I am not of this world; I am from above! I am from the wealthiest family and I have an inexhaustible inheritance in Christ Jesus. I am connected to an endless stream of prosperity, riches, and glory. I am seated with Christ in the realms of power and glory; far above all principality, power, might and every domain of darkness! I can never be broke because I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ! The life of God is at work in me, in every fibre of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. My whole being is immune to death, decay, and the corrupting influences of the world.
Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. Eternity is alive in me. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. I’ve been brought into life and immortality. I’m fearless, for death has been paralysed—defeated by Jesus, and when He did it, I was in Him! I boldly exercise my divine rights in Christ, taming my body and environment with my faith-filled confessions. No evil shall befall me. Nothing shall by any means hurt me because the Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I have the life of God in me. That life destroys sickness and death; therefore, I walk in health and wellness. I cannot be sick! Divinity works and flows from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I thank the Lord for this grace that I lavishly enjoy. God’s stamp and seal of perfection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness, and glory. I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today.
In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force – an empowerment – at work in me to blaze through the barriers. I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times.
I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer; therefore, I reign over the world and its systems. I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today. I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion, the city of the living God. Therefore, I cannot be subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen, seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms! I affirm that the power of the Word and the Spirit is working effectually in me today and always. This power destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. There’s no death, defeat or failure in my path because I live by the law of the Spirit of life, in Christ Jesus. I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life!
I am one with divinity and I have eternal life coursing through my being, as a result of this oneness. Therefore, no sickness, diseases or infirmity can stay in my body. I’m living a successful, healthy and victorious life because I’m one with God’s Spirit and death has no association with me. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces around me. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me.
In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and nature that transcends the ordinary human life has been imparted to my spirit. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat and the depravities of the natural man. I am no longer subject to sickness, disease, failure, or death. I am a new creation, born with the life and nature of God.
I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. I affirm that divinity is at work in me. The knowledge of God’s Word in my heart, causes me to walk in faith, dominion, glory and power. Through the revelation knowledge of God’s Word, I live above the deception, trickery, manipulation and lies of the adversary. I function in absolute victory. All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work.
I eschew and purge from my heart all elements of anger, bitterness, rage or fury; anger has no place in me. I delight myself in God’s Word and in doing His will always. The Word is in my heart, causing me to walk in righteousness and fulfil my destiny in Christ. My life is the expression of all that Christ is. I unveil Him to my world today through my thoughts, words and actions. The world sees Jesus in my eyes; I show them love they can’t deny. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that His wisdom, ability and power are working in and through me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I exercise authority over my body. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. I am top-class, in top form and shape, and excellent all the way because I am born of God. I’m the expression of the grace, glory, perfection, beauty and righteousness of Christ; bringing wholeness, sanity, and salvation to my world.
I live in the fullness of God’s love and in the blessings of the glorious life in Christ. My life goes from glory to glory, from strength to strength, and from grace to grace. I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. This is the set time for my honour and promotion. I am marvelously helped of God. I am compassed about with goodwill and favour as a shield. I am protected with God’s shield of love. I am compassed about with goodness, resources and wealth. My increase and my development are swift, because the Lord is speeding up every process, concerning me.I am moving with supernatural speed, causing me to accompany so much in a very short time.
The glory of God that I am experiencing causes me to outrun the competition. I am in a place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. Angels are directing businesses to me right now. I am being remembered right now in several places for good. I unleash health, prosperity, and victory in my life. I walk in victory and dominion over Satan, as well as the world and its systems. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world. I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. It makes no difference the difficulties that may come my way, I am victorious in all things. The Holy Spirit leads me from glory to glory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Praises be to You, my Lord and King, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; You are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things. In Your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I enjoy God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, prosperity, health and joy in the Holy Ghost.
My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. My heritage as the new creature in Christ is dominion and authority over contrary circumstances and adversities. I have and exercise dominion in my health, family, business, and in all my affairs, to the glory of God the Father. Through me, the Lord is doing signs and wonders. I have the Word in me; words with the capacity to effect changes. I release words into the realms of the spirit today to effect changes in my health, and in all areas of my life. Nothing can bring me down. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity.
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Daily, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength is renewed. I do not wane because I live in an ageless zone. I belong to the God class and I only give expression to His virtues because I was made for His glory. I have the very life and nature of God because I am born again. This God-life makes me impregnable to sickness, disease, infections, and the destructions that ravage the ordinary man. My body is inundated with the life of God and I walk in divine health. I am ever joyful and exuberant with praise because the joy of the Lord is my strength. I function today, and always, in divine wisdom, manifesting the glory and virtues of divinity deposited within my spirit. I am set on the course in which I must follow, to fulfil my divine destiny in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
The Lord is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” I refuse to allow circumstances to dictate the outcome of my life. I don’t stagger at the Word of God through unbelief; I’m ever strong in faith, giving glory to God! No sickness, disease or infirmity can thrive in my body because I’m joined to the Lord and I’m one spirit with Him. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fibre of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body.
I’m filled with the Spirit of God in wisdom for revelation; I have insight into mysteries and secrets. I function at the highest level of excellence and in the perfect will of God, because I’m filled with the deep and intimate knowledge of Christ. I’m a victor and a success in Christ Jesus. I walk in health, prosperity and victory; I am who God says I am; I have what He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. The creator of all things lives in me in His fullness; I’m a carrier and sharer of His life and glory. I am conscious of my divine nature and heritage, and I manifest the Christ-life in me to my world by the power of the Spirit, to influence men and women in righteousness.
The Lord Jesus is set in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that’s named. Therefore, all of nature, angels and demons hear and obey when I speak, because I stand and speak in the authority of Jesus Christ. Therefore, I declare that sickness, disease, infirmity, weakness and pain have no place in my body. I walk in perfect health always, for the spirit that raised up Christ from the dead vitalizes, energizes and strengthens me through and through. As Jesus is, so am I; I’m a life-giving spirit, a dispenser and distributor of eternal life, and the eternal realities of the Kingdom in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am not subject to the rudiments and limitations of this world because I live in Christ and Christ is my life. He’s in every fibre of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I reign and rule over circumstances in His Name, shielded from all evil and harm because I’m seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms. Far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come! I know who I am! I’m Abraham’s seed and I reign and rule in this life.
I consciously practice enjoying my life in divine health. I insist on God’s Word, and I boldly affirm that my divine life in Christ has replaced the ordinary life and its attendant effects. I do not live by the dictates of my body, but by the leading of God’s Word for my life and health. I am an inhabitant of Zion. I have the divine right to live in health, prosperity, joy, victory, success, dominion and excellence. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality.
My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I walk in the light of my inheritance in Christ, in power and grace, living in divine health and supernatural prosperity. I am victorious. I am a success. I am a blessing to my world. My life is excellent and full of glory. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads me with benefits. Today, there’s an overflow of favor and abundance for me, and I take possession. I’ll never be broke in my life, for the Lord has supplied all that I require for life and godliness according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. I’m full of God, and there is no place for sickness and disease in my body. The Word of God is life and health to my flesh; therefore, no infirmity can thrive in my body. I am the light of the world; there is no darkness or death in my life. I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, from sickness to health, and from poverty to wealth.
I decree peace with prosperity and perfect health in every area of my life. I am an inhabitant of Zion. I have the divine right to live in health, prosperity, joy, victory, success, dominion, and excellence. God’s glory is evident in my physical body, coursing through my being, ridding me of every infirmity, feebleness, or weakness. It is seen in my family, job, business, and all areas of my life. I have eternal life and walk in its consciousness. I live above the limitations of the human body and this physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance.
The Word of God is life to me and medicine to my body. It rejuvenates and refreshes me daily! I’m divinely immunized against all forms of sickness, diseases, and infections because God’s Word of Life dwells richly in my spirit and inundates my whole being. I refuse to be weak, and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I am full of faith. I am full of joy. I am full of peace. I am full of strength, and I am doing wonders in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Christ is my assurance of health and life eternal. I have dominion in Christ, I rule over my body with the Word of God and in the Name of Jesus. I disallow infirmity and I cut off any abnormality from my body. The life of God is in me; working mightily. He has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Satan and the powers of darkness are under my feet; therefore, I have nothing to fear. The impulses of fear have been completely disabled from my life. Irrespective of the situation, I’m bold and courageous, speaking the Word in faith.
My faith is the victory that overcomes fear, sickness, disease, and infirmities. I walk in dominion over the elements of this world. I’m furnished with the requisite knowledge for life in Christ, through the Word. The eyes of my understanding are being enlightened. Therefore, I have insight into mysteries and secrets; there’s nothing that I can’t know. Christ is my wisdom, and the Word of God informs me daily, through the Holy Spirit. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free.
Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood is replete with God. I experience success, victory, and prosperity, now and always. I have divine life – an everlasting life that is filled with absolute health and soundness of mind and body. The indestructible life of God is in every bone of my body and in every cell of my blood. Therefore, I live in divine health in Christ Jesus. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease because I am more than a conqueror in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
This is my season for exaltation. That favour of God that brings promotion and power now rests upon me. I have been given great power, prosperity, and control. I am rightly positioned for all that the Lord has planned for me this year. God is happy to do me good. He delights in my prosperity, my promotion, and exaltation. I am wondrously and marvelously helped of God. I have received an overflowing of God’s grace. This grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion.
I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest.
My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In Christ, I have received a life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple. When people see me, they glorify God. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life this year 2024 and beyond in Jesus' name. Amen.
I operate by the principles of God’s Kingdom. I have been authorized to reign and rule in life. I am a king-priest. When I address situations in the Name of Jesus, I have a guarantee that my demands are backed up with power. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus, I make a demand on my physical body: body, you are not allowed to respond to sickness, disease, and infirmities. You only respond to the Word of God and all that it says about you. Nothing can bring me down. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
Daily, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength is renewed. I do not wane because I live in an ageless zone. I belong to the God class and I only give expression to His virtues because I was made for His glory. I have the very life and nature of God because I am born again. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness.
All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work. I eschew and purge from my heart all elements of anger, bitterness, rage or fury; anger has no place in me. I have entered into God’s rest. I refuse to be moved by any opposing situation in my body. I refuse to consider any contrary circumstance. I now rest from all struggles, because Jesus has done it all. Death has no part in me and I refuse any condition that is not consistent with God’s Word in my spirit, soul and body. God loves me and His desire is for me to prosper and enjoy divine health in my spirit, soul, and body in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Christ is made unto me wisdom. In him, I have access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent. I have knowledge of witty inventions. I am skillful, proficient and knowledgeable. I devise the best solutions in every circumstance. I have discretion. Counsel is mine. I am full of sound wisdom. I have sound knowledge and understanding. I have strength, might, and power. I speak excellent and princely things. I have an understanding heart. The opening of my lips is for the right things. My words are all righteous. I speak the truth always. God has given me wisdom. There is nothing beyond me. There is nothing I cannot handle. I have a wise and discerning heart. Christ is my excellent wisdom.
Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world.
I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God! Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions, and the glorious life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus! Every day, I rule and reign over the circumstances of life and I exercise dominion over Satan and the power of darkness. Christ is my advantage for the glorious life. He is my home; my life and my all! In Him, I live and move and have my being. In Christ, all things are mine. I live above lack, sickness, defeat, and all the rudiments of this world because I am joint-heir with Christ in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I live worry-free because Christ is my all! In Him, I’m self-sufficient, enabled to do all things, and supernaturally fortified for the triumphant life! I am guided by God’s Spirit in the path of life and led in the way of supernatural health and consistent prosperity. My ways are prosperous and I live in good health. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress, He’s my habitation; in Him, I live, and move, and have my being! He’s my rock, my life, and my righteousness, and by Him, I reign and prevail over adversities and win every day in life. I live above lack, sickness, disease, and defeat! I’m victorious all the way! My life is an expression of God’s righteousness, love, glory, and grace!
I affirm that my whole body is fully yielded to the Lord to carry out His divine plans through me! I’m His living tabernacle! I am created for good works and predestinated for the good life. I’ve got everything I require for an excellent life. The Holy Spirit has brought the glory of God into my life, giving me guidance and direction; He makes me creative and innovative. He’s filled me with the supernatural ability to do things beyond the ordinary; I see value where others don’t; I bring new things into this world. I have insight into mysteries and secrets through the Holy Spirit. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body.
I function by the Word in my life and everything that concerns me. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health, and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I live in the glorious liberty of my divine life in Christ. I grow daily in grace and in the wisdom of God. My body is sound; its systems and organs are functioning perfectly. I’m waxing stronger and stronger every day in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. Fear, doubt, and unbelief have no place in me, for my faith in God and His eternal Word is the victory that overcomes the world! I refuse to be sick, diseased, distressed, or discouraged, because greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world!
Irrespective of the challenges that may come my way, I stand tall and unshakable in faith. I refuse to allow what I hear or see with my senses to cause me to stagger. I rejoice today and always because I know that I have my victory. Just like the cedar in Lebanon, I flourish on every side. I declare that I am deeply rooted in the Word of God; I am strong, healthy, and continually making progress. I am an embodiment of God’s grace, and my daily experience is that of the miraculous and God’s infinite love. I am born again; therefore, I’m not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so, has He given me to have His life – a life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today. Nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God.
I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Divine health flourishes in me. Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all endeavors today. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. The Word of God grows mightily in me, prevailing and producing health in my body. I refuse to be a victim. I continually live above sickness, disease, and infirmity, for as He is, so am I in this world. I declare that I am strong and healthy. My body is not sustained by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I’m divinely protected on every side! I cannot be perplexed because the Greater and All-knowing One is in me! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. I rejoice in God’s loving-kindness, which has strengthened my hope, thus giving me an assurance of His infallible Word for my life.
Jesus bore all my infirmities in His own body; therefore, I refuse to be brought down by sickness. I live in divine health. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. The “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. There is no area of darkness in my life and health because the light of God’s Word has illuminated my entire being. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me.
Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. Daily, this eternal life is manifested through me, effecting changes in my body and transforming circumstances in my life to conform to God’s Word. I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. Glory, Hallelujah!
I know who I am! I’m Abraham’s seed and I reign and rule in this life. I’m unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I’m a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word.
I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple. I am alive!
When people see me, they glorify God. I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I have the life of God in me. My spirit, soul and body are vitalized through and through by the power and effect of righteousness and the fullness of the God-life that I’ve received through the Gospel. I’m walking in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ, conscious of His grace and awesome presence in my life, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The life of God is at work in me, permeating my whole being. I flourish in health and walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are my mine always. I am alive unto God; therefore, I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day of my life.
I live above sickness and disease. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body. I am the effulgence of God’s glory. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. I am the crowning beauty of all God’s creation; the consummate perfection of His works! My life is full of loveliness and excellence because the Holy Spirit beautifies me. I was created for God’s glory; not for poverty, sickness, disease, failure, or dishonor. I am of God. I live in the ageless and deathless zone. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body. I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always. I have the eternal life of God; therefore, I am not affected by anything that hurts in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
I hail from God, and as He is invincible and indestructible, so am I in this world. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me. Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. I consciously practice enjoying my life in divine health. I insist on God’s Word, and I boldly affirm that my divine life in Christ has replaced the ordinary life and its attendant effects.
I do not live by the dictates of my body, but by the leading of God’s Word for my life and health. I am an inhabitant of Zion. I have the divine right to live in health, prosperity, joy, victory, success, dominion and excellence. God’s glory is evident in my physical body, coursing through my being, ridding me of every infirmity, feebleness, or weakness. It is seen in my family, job, business, and all areas of my life. I have eternal life and walk in the consciousness of it. I walk in dominion over sickness, disease, and death, over the discouragements and frustrations that affect humanity. I have the life and nature of God in me. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me.
I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I am full of faith. I am full of joy. I am full of peace. I am full of strength and I am doing wonders in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of God’s Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion. I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory.
The Holy Ghost strengthens me with divine enablement in my inner man. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from deity! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness, because the greater one indwells me! I am a master over satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus!
Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! I have the indestructible life of God in me! God daily loads me with blessings and benefits. He has a budget that includes me every day. I lay claims on my daily bread. I am in my wealthy place right now. I am a prosperous man. I am walking in my inheritance in Christ. I have all that I require for life and godliness. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural life that God has given me. I am enriched in all things, for all seasons. My glory life is on! Glorious things are happening to me now. God is working in me. His wisdom is working in me. His righteousness, faith, favour are working in me right now, in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
God’s grace is heaped on me abundantly. I reign by His immeasurable grace through righteousness. In my path, there’s only life. There’s no death of any kind. I am death-free. I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today. I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world. I am not affected by the rudiments of this world.
I am founded on Christ the solid rock; my life cannot be shaken by negative reports because it is tailored according to God’s design. I’ve been lifted over the depravities and corrupting influences of this world. No sin, sickness, death, or any kind of infirmity can separate me from God’s unwavering love. I rejoice always because He has made me more than a conqueror.
I live victoriously today and always. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word.
God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prosper.
I sail through life triumphantly. The Lord is my peace. In Him, I have found my rest. I do not struggle for anything. All things that I require come to me by free course, because I’m synchronized with the grace of God. My life is easy, glorious, and exciting. My family is at rest and at peace. My body is at rest and at peace. I have excellent health and excellent finances. I handle all my affairs this year with excellence in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, finances, and family are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. I can never be sick, broken, wounded, or defeated because I have this very life of God in me. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day.
Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Christ is in me; His perfection is in my spirit. The life and glory of God are manifested in and through me. I acknowledge the treasures in my spirit through the Word and bring them into operation and manifestation with my confessions of faith. In all that I do, I exude excellence, perfection and the Lord’s goodness, kindness, beauty, and grace. I’m perceptive, astute and smart, imbued with an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I’m confident, bold, and courageous; I have an exceptional intellect, marked by wit and intelligence.
I’m like a well-watered garden, fruitful at all times. I’m the fruit-bearing part of God’s vine and I am producing durable fruits—fruits of righteousness, because I’m a tree of righteousness. I’m standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life. I am ever blessed, ever prosperous. I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I do all things by His mighty power, guided by His wisdom and grace. I walk in health, victory, strength, prosperity and glory, as the Lord walks in me, and works in and through me to perfect His will and good pleasure in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m fully equipped and fortified with the whole armour of God, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Your Word from my lips prevails against adverse circumstances, producing righteousness and salvation, subduing darkness and evil and all manipulations of Satan. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I’m divinely protected on every side! I cannot be perplexed because the Greater and All-knowing One is in me! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. I rejoice in God’s loving-kindness, which has strengthened my hope, thus giving me an assurance of His infallible Word for my life.
My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to you, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires. My mind is yielded to God’s Word, and my heart is regulated by the Word. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding; and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in Jesus Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Great things are coming to me by free course. The Spirit of God draws men, women, resources and all kinds of good things towards me. Good things are ministered to me, now. There are beauty, favour, grace, and open doors for me everywhere. Once my name is mentioned, it is for good. All things work together for me in an extraordinary way. Situations that were orchestrated to bring me down, are now ordained for my lifting. I experience unusual favour. Men are going out of their way to favour me. I enjoy God’s boundless grace. It empowers me to overcome all obstacles and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me shall prosper because I am favoured and graced.
I am full of health and strength. I am full of life. The life of God is working in me. Everything about my body is perfect; my lungs, my liver, my heart, my blood, every part of me is perfect. Eternal life is at work in me. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body, thus, I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body. My faith does not stagger; it is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts because my faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I flourish in perfect health and I am above all crippling circumstances of life.
The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. I walk in divine health, safety, wellness, and wholeness because I am in Christ. Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory, and joy are resplendent in me and expressed through me. I am guided in wisdom to walk in God’s perfect will. I always make the right decisions with the wisdom of God working in me. There's no trial and error in my life - I get things right the first time, because I function in God's limitless and unending wisdom, in Jesus Mighty name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a product of God’s Word, for my origin is the Word of God; therefore my words and actions are backed by divine authority. I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! The life of God permeates my whole being. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers. Supernatural health and strength are mine always. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being is vitalized by the Spirit of God. I live triumphantly, far above the devil and the negative systems of this world! God’s Word is in my spirit. It energizes me for success and greatness and keeps me in perfect health.
I have eternal life in my spirit, because I’ve received Christ. I’m the expression of the beauties and righteousness of Christ, bringing wholeness, sanity, and salvation to my world. I function in the authority of Jesus, for as He is the effulgence of God’s glory, dispenser of His mercies, goodness and grace, so am I in this world! The Holy Spirit has granted me the supernatural advantage in life. I’ve been divinely enabled to walk in righteousness, prosperity, health, success, and victory. I am eternally victorious in Christ. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. Divinity is at work in me.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, holy and irreproachable in God’s sight. I refuse to allow resentment, hatred, jealousy, envy, bitterness, anger, strife, spite, ill will or baseness of any kind to take root in me. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. My heart is full of God’s love, kindness and compassion; and I express these lavishly everywhere and to everyone. I function today, and always, in divine wisdom, manifesting the glory and virtues of divinity deposited within my spirit. I am set on the course in which I must follow, to fulfil my divine destiny in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Praises be to You, my Lord and King, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; You are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things. In Your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. I praise Your glorious name. My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I enjoy God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, prosperity, health and joy in the Holy Ghost.
My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. I live healthy and strong in the Name of Jesus. I manifest the virtues, perfections, and excellencies of God’s righteousness. I’m continually walking in the glory and dominion of the Name of Jesus. My life has no imperfection or weakness for I’ve been fashioned for divine health and strength. The Word of God is my life. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace.
There is no turmoil in my life because I flourish in God’s rest. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. God’s Word is alive in me; therefore, I cannot die. Every time I receive the Word of God, it goes into my spirit and permeates my body. Nothing is missing or broken in my body because God’s Word makes me whole. I refuse to fear or fail because my success, health, prosperity, and victory, are assured in Christ. My life is for the glory of God! I dwell in God’s secret place, under the shadow of the Almighty, where there is health, safety, prosperity, and joy. I am filled with the Holy Spirit and divinely transported into the higher realms of life in the Precious Name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, created for glory and beauty! The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! I have the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. The higher law of life is operational in me, for I hail from God. I exercise my divine right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and to exercise dominion over Satan.
I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural wealth that God has given me. I am an heir of God and joint heir with Christ; separated to a life of glory. I am an embodiment of God’s grace, and my daily experience is that of the miraculous and God’s infinite love. I am born again; therefore, I’m not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so, has He given me to have His life – a life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings and therefore, operate beyond the natural realm. As Abraham was blessed in all things, it is so with me. I am guaranteed of continued financial supplies; I am plugged to an unending supply of wealth and resources in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man. I live above this world and its corrupting influences. Today and always, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances. I dominate in everything that has a name.
I am more than a conqueror. I have overcome the world and its persecution. I have overcome the world and its pain. I have overcome the world and its delusion. I have overcome the world and its wickedness. I have overcome the world and its hardship. I have overcome the world and its greed. I have overcome the world and its deception. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God!
I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart. I’m not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it’s impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I belong to Christ, and I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! Truly, I know what the word says about me. I affirm that I’m filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! The totality of divinity is tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today! I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body.
Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. The ability of God is at work in me today. I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory.
I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. I am lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world. God’s stamp and seal of perfection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness, and glory. I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on the hill that cannot be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path.
No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I’m fully persuaded by the Word of God! I anchor my life on God’s Word, and I refuse to be swayed by contrary winds or circumstances, for my faith is the title deed of unseen realities.
Christ in me has made me an associate of the God-kind, the effulgence of God’s glory and dispenser of His goodness to my world. Christ is my life; in Him, I live, and move and have my being! I’m fruitful, productive and excellent, because I’m one with the Lord, in a real relationship, being a member of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in a fraternity with divinity. I’m born into God ’s class with His nature and character in my spirit. I’ve been translated from the ordinary realm of mankind to the supernatural class of the God-kind in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am God’s hands of love, mercy and compassion to the world. I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I keep His Word in my heart and in my mouth always and therefore discomfit all the stratagems, schemes, manoeuvres and manipulations of the devil. Today and always, my heart produces thoughts of life and divine health and harbors no thoughts of negativity or depravity. The devil is a fully defeated foe, and I’ve been vested with all power and authority in heaven and in earth to subdue, dominate and take charge of my world. I therefore declare, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that my progress is unstoppable.
I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force – an empowerment – at work in me to blaze through the barriers. I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times. I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world.
The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer; therefore, I reign over the world and its systems. I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today. I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
God had set eternity in my heart! I acknowledge His mighty power that’s at work in me mightily and celebrate His glory in my life. I am the offspring of the Word, I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. The wisdom of God is in my spirit, I have the ability to make the right judgments and choices. No matter what happens around me, I do not bow to pressure. Rather, I hold myself in from within. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course.
I am not ordinary; I’ve received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements.
I enjoy my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. When men are cast down by life’s challenges, my testimony will forever be that there’s a lifting up for me. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I prosper and I live in the manifestation of His infinite blessings because I’m Abraham’s seed. I’m an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I’m blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I have in me the indestructible life! Daily, I walk in health, victory, prosperity, and strength because the Greater One lives in me! Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood is inundated with divine energy!
I’m not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I’m living in health 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. I am living the victorious life in Christ. I choose and live the good life. I have health, strength and vitality. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity and walk in victory every day. I have power over all things! I live in the Name of Jesus; therefore, I live in dominion over sickness, disease and infirmity. Christ is Lord over my spirit, soul and body. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. Jesus has all authority over my body, and I declare that I dwell daily in the health and strength.
I have eternal life. This life produces everything I need to live and enjoy a fruitful and productive life here on earth. There’s life in my bones, tissues, muscles, tendon, and ligaments; I’m alive unto God. That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me; therefore, my entire being is vitalized. Jesus has made my life beautiful! I’ll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always. The Word of God is working mightily in me. It doesn’t matter what may come my way; I’m a victor and I’ve overcome because I’m more than a conqueror. I’m born for health, success and the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am confident of this very thing that the life of God is in me. Therefore, poverty, failure, sickness and death are not a part of my life because the life that’s at work in me is superior to the devil and all his works. Today, I walk with the consciousness that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world, for eternal life is at work in me. I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease and poverty, today and always! No weapon of darkness fashioned against me shall prosper because I live in the Name of Jesus! I’ve been delivered from sin, sickness and death, and catapulted into God’s realm of abundant life where I reign victoriously with Christ, every day.
I acknowledge God's mighty power that’s at work in me and celebrate His glory in my life. I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. The wisdom of God is in my spirit, I have the ability to always make the right judgments and choices. No matter what happens around me, I do not bow to pressure. Rather, I hold myself in from within. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. I am not ordinary; I’ve received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion.
I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on the hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. I will never walk in confusion because the Spirit of God is guiding me in the path of life and leading me in the way of supernatural success and permanent prosperity. I make my way prosperous and consistently experience good success as I meditate on the Word and speak it forth with boldness. I’m guided and propelled by God’s divine wisdom to do His will and fulfill my destiny in Christ in Jesus mighty name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Christ is my assurance of health and life eternal. I have dominion in Christ, I rule over my body with the Word of God and in the Name of Jesus. I disallow infirmity and I cut off any abnormality from my body. The life of God is in me; working mightily. He has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Satan and the powers of darkness are under my feet; therefore, I have nothing to fear. The impulses of fear have been completely disabled from my life.
I live in the fulfilment and reality of God’s blessings. I’ve been brought into God’s rest. All things are mine. I take full advantage of all that’s available to me in Christ, and by my faith, I triumph gloriously always and in every place. I walk in the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel, basking in divine prosperity, beauty and honour. Christ is my wisdom, and the Word of God informs me daily, through the Holy Spirit. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free.
My faith is the victory that overcomes fear, sickness, disease and infirmities. I walk in dominion over the elements of this world. I’m furnished with the requisite knowledge for life in Christ, through the Word. The eyes of my understanding are being enlightened. Therefore, I have insight into mysteries and secrets; there’s nothing that I can’t know. The indestructible life of God is in every bone of my body and in every cell of my blood. Therefore, I live in divine health in Christ Jesus. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear. Irrespective of the situation, I’m bold and very courageous. I refuse to be defeated because I am more than a conqueror, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Every day I wake up, I am reinvigorated in my spirit, soul, and body. I am full of life and vitality. My mind is alert, my body is energized, and my muscles, tendons, and ligaments are strengthened. I am an offspring of God’s Word; therefore, as the Word is, so am I. God’s Word is ageless; thus, I refuse to age in my spirit, soul, and body. I live in agelessness! I am forever blossoming in my soul, vibrant in my health, and fervent in my spirit. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I live in Christ Jesus, and Christ lives in me. He is in my head, He is in my hands, He is in my feet, He is in my bones, and He is all over me. My body is infused with life by God’s Spirit.
I live and move by the Word of God; it is the only thing that matters and makes sense to me. I refuse and reject the life of this world, for I live far above its systems and its principles. I have been made a glorious spectacle to the world, to angels, and to all of nature. My life is a manifestation of the Christ-life and righteousness unto all men. I have made up my mind to live the life that God has given me, to the full. I have made up my mind to be everything that God has called me to be. I have made up my mind that I will walk in the victory that God has given me. I have made up my mind to be full of life, joyful, and live in divine health always, and nothing short of it. I will forever be prosperous, possessing more than enough to require no aid or support.
By the power vested in the all-conquering Name of Jesus, I live the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me; therefore, my body is shielded and protected from all evil. I am stronger, bigger, healthier, brighter and wiser today, than I was yesterday, for the invigorating power of the Holy Spirit works actively and mightily in and through me daily in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen! Speak in tongues.
Divine health is at work in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and every bone of my body! I live the supernatural life, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! The Word of God is quick and active in my body. The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth. My life is for the glory of God, and I am making progress from glory to glory, because Christ lives in me. The love of God is shed abroad in my heart and I am manifesting this love, reaching out to my world with love. I refuse to allow anger, bitterness, and hatred take its root in my heart. My life is the expressions of the Father’s will; as I seek to do only those things that are honorable and pleasing to Him, my increase, progress, and prosperity are evident for all to see.
I’m in the centre of God’s will for my life and I am equipped with all things that pertain to life and godliness. I am filled with the fullness of God! The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yes, I have a goodly heritage. I do not struggle nor respond in fear because God had not given unto me the spirit of fear. I declare that there is money everywhere, especially around me. I do not need to look for money. Money is coming to me from everywhere. I don’t go after money, money comes to me by free course unhindered. Money comes to me in a continuous stream, never stopping, never ending. Resources are locating me right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is supplying me with continuous streams of finances.
Angels remember me. God remembers me. I do not worry about human beings remembering me, because the Lord causes men to bring the finances to me. I have entered a new financial level by the Holy Ghost. My finances are being multiplied. Angels are at work even now. I live in financial abundance now. I’m prosperous, and I walk in divine health! I’m prevailing with, and by, the Word! With my mouth, I steer my life in God’s direction for me, in prosperity, health and abundance. I refuse failure, poverty, sickness and anything that’s of darkness. The Word of God is light, and as I speak it forth, darkness is completely obliterated. My victories and triumphant life in Christ are assured in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen! Speak in tongues.
The Lord has given me eternal life – the never-ending life of God. I live in dominion over sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I live in the deathless, fearless, and ageless zone. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in health and strength. I am strengthened with might in my inner man. There is no weakness in my life; the Holy Spirit – the embodiment of all glory, dominion, and strength lives in me in His fullness. No part of my body is available for sickness, disease, or infirmity.
I am who God says I am; I have what He says I have. God wants me well; therefore, I will always be well. I choose health, not sickness. I choose strength, not weakness. I choose life, not death. Satan has no authority over me because my life is hidden with Christ in God. The life-giving Spirit of God functions in every part of my body; therefore, my body is constantly infused with divine energy. I am shining in my health, and my body is a reflection of the beauty, excellence, and perfection of divinity. I am the effulgence of God’s glory and I express and dispense divine verities to everything and everyone in my world.
I am a life-giver; therefore, anything that comes in contact with me is bound to receive this life. In Christ Jesus, I live, move, and have my being. Daily, I experience the miracle-working power of God in my life and in all that is connected to me. Therefore, I refuse to be sick, for Jesus Christ is Lord over my spirit, soul, and body. Divine health is mine and I live the supernatural life in perfect health all the days of my life. Divine life is at work in me. It is working in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, every cell of my blood, and in every organ of my body. No sickness can stay in me because the miracle-working ability of God is at work in me continually. I live by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus; therefore, I am beyond the reach of death and the law of sin. Hallelujah! Speak in tongues.
My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence.
I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion, and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. Everything is working. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. My life is excellent and full of glory; I walk in absolute mastery, victory, safety, wellness, wholeness, and divine health because I’m in Christ and Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory, and joy are expressed through me, and my faith in the Word is the victory that overcomes the world.
Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The world's elements and the decay in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and over sickness and death. My life is built on the Word of God. It keeps me in health, strength, and victory, making me experience unprecedented progress, peace, and prosperity in my life.
The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body because He perambulates in me, through the Holy Spirit. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. Christ lives in me and I function with this consciousness every day in Jesus name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I am divinely protected on every side! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body.
Every day I wake up, I am reinvigorated in my spirit, soul, and body. I am full of life and vitality. My mind is alert, my body is energized, and my muscles, tendons, and ligaments are strengthened. I am an offspring of God’s Word; therefore, as the Word is, so am I. God’s Word is ageless; thus, I refuse to age in my spirit, soul, and body. I live in agelessness! I am forever blossoming in my soul, vibrant in my health, and fervent in my spirit. My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil.
I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. Christ is my peace. Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to the hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient, and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I am a man of influence. Glory to God! Hallelujah!! Speak in tongues.
I’m eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I’m prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! My life is the testimony of God’s grace. I have been brought into a place of wealth untold. I am enjoying all that belongs to me in Christ. Lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places and I have a goodly heritage. I live and walk in prosperity even as goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life. I carry blessings with me everywhere.
Whatever projects that I am involved with prosper and are highly profitable. My life is exuberant with joy and I walk in the manifestations of God’s righteousness. I walk conscious of my heritage in Christ. Sickness has no place in my body. I thrive in health every day. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant. The life of God inundates every fiber of my being, making me impregnable to sickness and disease. From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, eternal life is at work in me! I walk in divine health every day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.
Jesus overcame the world for me and brought me into the life of rest, where I neither struggle nor fret. I’ve cast all my cares upon Him; I am riding on with Him on the path of victory and success, above every complication and limitation in this world. Nothing stops me from achieving my goals and dreams because every limitation has been taken away in Christ. I belong to Christ; therefore, I’m the seed of Abraham, graced for greatness and ordained to be fruitful and productive in every good work. My life is for the glory of God and I reign and rule by the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. I launch out today in faith, establishing the blessings and goodness of the Kingdom in my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and nature that transcends the ordinary human life has been imparted to my spirit. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat and the depravities of the natural man. I am no longer subject to sickness, disease, failure, or death.
I am a new creation, born with the life and nature of God. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. I affirm that divinity is at work in me. The knowledge of God’s Word in my heart, causes me to walk in faith, dominion, glory and power. Through the revelation knowledge of God’s Word, I live above the deception, trickery, manipulation and lies of the adversary. I function in absolute victory. All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work.
I eschew and purge from my heart all elements of anger, bitterness, rage, or fury; anger has no place in me. I delight myself in God’s Word and in doing His will always. The Word is in my heart, causing me to walk in righteousness and fulfill my destiny in Christ. My life is the expression of all that Christ is. I unveil Him to my world today through my thoughts, words, and actions. The world sees Jesus in my eyes; I show them love they can’t deny. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that His wisdom, ability, and power are working in and through me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a child of God, born of the Word. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. I’m strong in God and in the power of His might! I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace.
My life is for the glory of God, and I experience His goodness and mercies today; my life is one of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times. Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force-an empowerment-at work in me to blaze through the barriers. Everything and anything I could ever need is inside the greater One that lives in me. I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times.
I have a wholesome tongue; my words are sculpted in line with God’s perfect will and direction for my life. I walk in divine health, prosperity, victory, success and financial abundance. I’m a partaker of the divine nature, filled with the “maximum load” of God. I live a life of thanksgiving, manifesting the virtues and perfections of Christ’s righteousness, walking in the glory and dominion of the Spirit. I walk in health and prosperity, with victory over Satan, the world and its systems. I am a living testimony of God’s grace, goodness and love. I walk in the consciousness of my new life in Christ, knowing that I am more than a conqueror and victorious in every situation. I am thankful Lord, for the glorious life You’ve given me in Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Blessed be the Lord who daily loads me with benefits, even the God of my salvation! Today, there’s an overflow of favor and abundance for me, and I take possession. I’ll never be broke in my life, for the Lord has supplied all that I require for life and godliness according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have searched out. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me.
The Word of God is life and health to my flesh; therefore, no infirmity can thrive in my body. I am the light of the world; there is no darkness or death in my life. I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, from sickness to health and from poverty to wealth. I decree peace with prosperity and perfect health in every area of my life. I live above the limitations of the human body and this physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. The Word of God is life to me and medicine to my body. It rejuvenates and refreshes me daily! I’m divinely immunized against all forms of sicknesses, diseases, and infections because God’s Word of life dwells richly.
The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. I’ve put on the new man, which is created in righteousness and true holiness. I am a member of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. Sin and death have no power over me. The Lord has given His angels charge over me; thus, no evil shall befall me. I testify of the goodness of God and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! The infallible power of His Word has brought me into a place of health, strength, power, rest, and dominion in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of God’s Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion. I walk in excellent humility of heart, with the willingness to take on the responsibility of service to others, in loyalty to the Word, thereby attracting divine favour and promotion. I’m submissive to the authority, influence and impact of God’s Word. I receive the Word into my heart, acting accordingly, making definite changes in my character and attitude with, and through, the Word.
I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me.
My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. I do not tire or wear out. I do not get weak and I don’t faint because I wait on the Lord daily. My strength is renewed daily by the Holy Spirit and I am vitalized, invigorated, energized, and refreshed for all things. I’m fruitful and productive, making progress in every area of my life. I’m complete in Christ and every facet of my life is perfected for excellence. The Spirit guides and inspires me to take actions that’ll guarantee evident and unstoppable progress, increase and blessings for me in the Name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have divine life. Eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat and depravities that affect the natural man. I live above this world and its corrupting influences. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. My life is for the glory of God, and I experience His goodness and mercies today; my life is one of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times.
l’m in Christ and Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory and joy are expressed through me, and my faith in the Word is the victory that overcomes the world. Everyday of my life, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances. I dominate in everything that has a name. I am more than a conqueror. I have overcome the world and its persecution, pains, delusion and wickedness. I have overcome the world and its hardship and greed! I am in Christ. I’m complete in Christ. I’m filled with all the fullness of God. The totality of divinity resides in me. I am God’s house, His living tabernacle. I am not an ordinary man; I am of the God kind! I am complete in Christ. No shortage! A perfect completion.
I have everything I require for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him that hath called me to glory and virtue. I live a life of glory and virtue. I lack nothing because The Lord is my Shepherd. My completeness, my sufficiency is not in the government, my place of work or any human structure, organization, or association. My completeness is in Christ. I’m sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. I’m totally inundated with this consciousness. In Christ, I have all things! Christ is my all. I am complete in Him, Who is the head of all principalities and power. There is no shortage in my life. I am full of ideas, inspiration, with wealth and prosperity, and all the blessings of the heavenly Kingdom, and out of that abundance, I impact my world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
My spirit is programmed for excellence and greatness, and as I stay on the Word, my life is regulated accordingly. I am filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Thus, I can discern and walk in God’s perfect will at all times. I have eternal life in my spirit, because I’ve received Christ. I’m the expression of the beauties and righteousness of Christ. I bring wholeness, sanity, and salvation to my world. Divine life is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood and in every bone of my body. I function in the authority of Jesus, for as He is the effulgence of God’s glory, dispenser of His mercies, goodness and grace, so am I in this world!
I am up and alive; my life is the fulfilment of the destiny that the Father had ordained for me. Everything about my life is infused with divinity. The Holy Spirit has granted me the supernatural advantage in life. I’ve been divinely enabled to walk in righteousness, prosperity, health, success, and victory. I am eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me.
The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, health, strength, success, victory, wealth and prosperity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony of God's love, grace and goodness. I’m alive unto God, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I belong to Christ; therefore, I’m the seed of Abraham, graced for greatness and ordained to be fruitful and productive in every good work. My life is for the glory of God. I affirm that I am fruitful and productive. My financial investments and projects are anointed to bear fruit and to keep on bearing yields that abide and live forever. I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth fruit in its season, and whose leaves will never run dry. In any kind of environment I produce the same glorious results, for I come from Zion where prosperity comes from the Spirit of God. The Lord has made me His prosperity hoarding, my prosperity is appearing for all to see.
I am well-decorated financially. I am not of this world; I am from above! I am from the wealthiest family and I have an inexhaustible inheritance in Christ Jesus. I am connected to an endless stream of prosperity, riches, and glory. I am seated with Christ in the realms of power and glory; far above all principality, power, might and every domain of darkness! I can never be broke because I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ! The life of God is at work in me, in every fibre of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. My whole being is immune to death, decay, and the corrupting influences of the world. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. Eternity is alive in me.
I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. I’ve been brought into life and immortality. I’m fearless, for death has been paralysed—defeated by Jesus, and when He did it, I was in Him! I boldly exercise my divine rights in Christ, taming my body and environment with my faith-filled confessions. No evil shall befall me. Nothing shall by any means hurt me because the Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I affirm that I am a man of influence, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease to damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. Glory to God! I am triumphant in Christ eternally! I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. Oh, glory! My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God.
God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in the deathless zone, walking in the light of God’s Word. I refuse anything that contradicts what the Word has said concerning me. I exercise my victory over Satan, the world, and its elements. I neutralize and extinguish the fiery darts of the adversary. I have eternal victory and dominion over poverty, failure, and death. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength!
A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I walk consistently in health and safety. I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I am alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The greater One lives in me; therefore, I have no fear of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. I have passed from death to life, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always, in Jesus name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual health and dominion here on earth. I abide continually in the realm of life that the Lord prearranged for me. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s word. As I meditate, I think thoughts of peace, Joy, Victory, prosperity, and good health, thus transcending the ordinary and manifesting the supernatural in all situations. I am born in the image and likeness of God. I am founded on Christ the solid rock; my life cannot be shaken by negative reports because it is tailored according to God’s design.
Christ is made unto me wisdom. In him, I have access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent. I have knowledge of witty inventions. I am skillful, proficient and knowledgeable. I devise the best solutions in every circumstance. I have discretion. Counsel is mine. I am full of sound wisdom. I have sound knowledge and understanding. I have strength, might, and power. I speak excellent and princely things. I have an understanding heart. The opening of my lips is for the right things. My words are all righteous. I speak the truth always. God has given me wisdom. There is nothing beyond me. There is nothing I cannot handle. I have a wise and discerning heart. Christ is my excellent wisdom.
I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I exercise authority over my body. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
All things are under my feet, including Satan and his cohorts of darkness. Death, hell, the world, circumstances, living and non-living things are subdued before me because I function in the dominion of Christ. The Word is fully expressed in and through me. I’m a success. In me abides all the grace, wisdom, prosperity, strength and courage I need to fulfil my glorious destiny in Christ! I have everything I require for life and godliness; therefore, I walk in the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel, today and always. I’m what God says I am, I have all He says I have, and I can do all things in His Name. All things are possible to me because I believe.
I’m rich in all things, having inherited all things, for I’m a joint-heir with Christ! I’m fruitful and productive, making progress in every area of my life. I’m complete in Christ and every facet of my life is perfected for excellence. The Spirit guides and inspires me to take actions that’ll guarantee evident and unstoppable progress, increase and blessings for me. Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! I have the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. The higher law of life is operational in me, for I hail from God.
I exercise my divine right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and to exercise dominion over Satan. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural wealth that God has given me. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. As Abraham was blessed in all things, it is so with me. I am guaranteed of continued financial supplies; I am plugged to an unending supply of wealth and resources. This year, I am making progress and moving forward in my life like never before, irrespective of what’s been happening with me or around me. The Spirit of God leads me to take the necessary actions that will cause me to have evident and unprecedented growth, increase, and prosperity in Jesus’ Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me. My heavenly Father has satisfied me with all the beautiful things of life. I am bursting forth in health always and everyone around me is a partaker of the blessings of God upon my life. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, my health is ever radiant and ever flourishing. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. I am of God. I live in the ageless and deathless zone. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body.
I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life.
I am a king-priest. When I address situations in the Name of Jesus, I have a guarantee that my demands are backed up with power. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus, I make a demand on my physical body: body, you are not allowed to respond to sickness, disease, and infirmities. You only respond to the Word of God and all that it says about you. The same power that was demonstrated in Christ when He was raised from the dead is at work in me. I’m full of God, and there is no place for sickness and disease in my body. I am the light of the world; there is no darkness or death in my life or path. I experience divine health, vitality, and abundance today and always because I live in the Word, by the Word, and through the Word in Jesus’ Matchless name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me. My heavenly Father has satisfied me with all the beautiful things of life. I am bursting forth in health always and everyone around me is a partaker of the blessings of God upon my life. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, my health is ever radiant and ever flourishing. I am a dispenser of eternal verities. I am of God. I live in the ageless and deathless zone. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body.
I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life.
I am a king-priest. When I address situations in the Name of Jesus, I have a guarantee that my demands are backed up with power. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus, I make a demand on my physical body: body, you are not allowed to respond to sickness, disease, and infirmities. You only respond to the Word of God and all that it says about you. The same power that was demonstrated in Christ when He was raised from the dead is at work in me. I’m full of God, and there is no place for sickness and disease in my body. I am the light of the world; there is no darkness or death in my life or path. I experience divine health, vitality, and abundance today and always because I live in the Word, by the Word, and through the Word in Jesus’ Matchless name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. I am not ordinary; I’ve received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion.
I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on the hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world.
I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God. I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I have the life of God in me. My spirit, soul and body are vitalized through and through by the power and effect of righteousness and the fullness of the God-life. I’m walking in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ, conscious of His grace and awesome presence in my life, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am not ordinary; I’ve received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well-positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side.
Jesus died and was resurrected so that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease to damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. I am a God-carrier! Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity.
A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I walk consistently in health and safety. I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I am alive unto God and the Spirit of the Living God vitalizes my body. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The greater One lives in me; therefore, I have no fear of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. I have passed from death to life, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always, in Jesus' name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I know who I am! I'm Abraham's seed, and I reign and rule in this life. I'm unlimited and unstoppable because I'm in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I'm a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God's rest. I'm from above and my life is the supernatural life of God's Word. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there's no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity.
As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God's glory and beauty. My body is God's temple, and I am its steward. When people see me, they glorify God. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I maintain my victory in Christ Jesus. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy.
My new life in Christ is a super-life. The life of God is active in me by the Holy Spirit. That life is evident in my spirit, soul, and body, causing me to live above the decadence and flawed systems of this world. No sickness or disease can attach itself to my body. I live in health, strength, and vitality always, and I demonstrate the God-nature in me everywhere I go. I live the life of the Word and I only endorse what God's Word says about me in my life. Today, I speak life, health, joy, peace, and prosperity to my life. Nothing in me responds to death. Nothing in me responds to sickness. Nothing in me responds to defeat. I am forever radiant, victorious, and full of glory! With God's Word, I'm equipped for the life of overflowing health, strength, and grace in Jesus Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Precious Lord Jesus, You’re glorious, You’re great and mighty; You’re righteous, holy, pure, and true. You’re the Alpha and Omega, the author and perfecter of all things! I rejoice evermore, knowing that You’re in me and with me always, guiding me on the path of life, to fulfil Your perfect will. I thank You for giving me all things in Christ Jesus. Christ is my all; in Christ I have all that I require for life and godliness; I have all that I require to live triumphantly. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world.
No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper and no illegal transactions can thrive in my body because I'm born of God, and my life is hid with Christ in God. I refuse to be sick! God wants me well, so I declare that I will always be well. I choose health, not sickness. I choose strength, not weakness and I choose life, not death. I am free and I have the life of God in me. I am strong in faith and I give all glory to God. I’m perfected in Christ Jesus; I refuse to accommodate any sickness, disease or pain in my body, because I have the life of God in me! I’ve taken hold of eternal life. It doesn’t matter the trials, pain and difficulties in the world, I am unperturbed because I live in, and by, the Word of God.
The Lord has given me eternal life – the never-ending life of God. I live in dominion over sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I live in the deathless, fearless, and ageless zone. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in health and strength. I am strengthened with might in my inner man. There is no weakness in my life; the Holy Spirit – the embodiment of all glory, dominion, and strength, lives in me in His fullness in Jesus name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m Abraham’s seed and I reign and rule in this life. I’m unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I’m a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health.
I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple.
When people see me, they glorify God. I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I have the life of God in me. My spirit, soul and body are vitalized through and through by the power and effect of righteousness and the fullness of the God-life that I’ve received through the Gospel. I’m walking in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ, conscious of His grace and awesome presence in my life, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a life-giver; therefore, anything that comes in contact with me is bound to receive this life. Daily, I experience the miracle-working power of God in my life and in all that is connected to me. Jesus Christ is Lord over my spirit, soul and body. Divine health is mine and I live the supernatural life in perfect health all the days of my life. Divine life is working in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, every cell of my blood, and in every organ of my body. No sickness can stay in me because the miracle-working ability of God is at work in me continually. I live by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus; therefore, I am beyond the reach of death and the law of sin.
My life is the manifestation of the beauty and perfection of Christ. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it continuously works in me. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. I function in limitless wisdom, limitless power, and limitless wealth. I am who God says I am; I have what He says I have. God wants me well; therefore, I will always be well. I choose health, not sickness. I choose strength, not weakness. I choose life, not death. Satan has no authority over me because my life is hidden with Christ in God.
I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. I dwell in the victory Christ wrought for me; thus, I’m no longer subject to any form of fear, limitation, or bondage, for Christ has set me free from sickness, disease, and death. I’m more than a conqueror! I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. Diseases and infirmities are not a part of my life in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I have perfect health, victory, success, and prosperity now and always in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have special favour! Great things are coming to me by free course. The Spirit of God draws men, women, resources and all kinds of good things towards me. My gates are open continually and good things are ministered to me, now. There’s beauty, favour, grace, and open doors for me everywhere. Once my name is mentioned, it is for good because all things work together for me in an extraordinary way. Situations that were orchestrated to bring me down, are now ordained for my lifting. I experience unusual favour. Men are going out of their way to favour me. Favour is activated for me. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly.
All things are working for my good. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take possession of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured. Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumors, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, and lung failure in any place in my body. Everything about my body is perfect; my lungs, liver, heart, blood, and every part of me is perfect. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater.
I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness. I’m continually filled with the Spirit of God. I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural life that God has given me, in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have the life of God in me. That life destroys sickness and death; therefore, I walk in health and wellness. I cannot be sick! Divinity works and flows from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I thank the Lord for this grace that I lavishly enjoy. God’s stamp and seal of perfection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness, and glory. I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today.
In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive because Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force – an empowerment – at work in me to blaze through the barriers. I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times.
I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer; therefore, I reign over the world and its systems. I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today. I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion–the city of the living God. Therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen; the Spirit of God is working effectually in me today and always. The life of God in my spirit destroys infirmity and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God.
I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I’m Abraham’s seed. I’m an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I’m blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! There’re no accidents or mishaps on my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all my endeavors. I refuse to be a victim; for as He is, so am I in this world. I declare that I’m strong and healthy.
I have special favour! Great things are coming to me by free course. The Spirit of God draws men, women, resources and all kinds of good things towards me. My gates are open continually and good things are ministered to me, now. There’s beauty, favour, grace, and open doors for me everywhere. I function from the realm of the spirit and nothing in this physical world matters to me. Through the help of the Spirit and consistent meditation on the Word, I consciously speak wholesome, edifying, gracious, inspiring, motivating, and encouraging words. With my words, I create success, victory, divine health, and prosperity from within, establishing God’s righteousness in my world in Jesus name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m a carrier of God’s blessings; everything that’s connected to me is blessed, grows, and multiplies. I’m a dispenser of the Lord’s goodness, the extension and manifestation of His manifold graces to all those I come in contact with today. I have received the grace to reign and rule in life as a king. I exercise dominion over circumstances, the devil and his cohorts. I break the influence of Satan over my life and that of my loved ones. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body. I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely.
He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. The angels of the Lord bear me up in their hands. I do not fall. I do not fail. I do not falter. I trample under my foot, challenges, sickness, infirmities, disappointments, agony, mishaps, deceptions, and falsities. I live and dwell in health and safety all my days. I live the supernatural life in Christ – the life of majesty, tranquility, and dominance. My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant.
Christ lives in me; therefore, I’m made for life! His divine power has given me everything I require to live joyfully and victoriously every day. Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions, and the glorious life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus! My body is God’s temple; therefore, I’m superhuman. The Holy Spirit resides in my body and His power is functioning to keep me healthy, warding off sickness, disease, and infirmities. Every day, I rule and reign over the circumstances of life and I exercise dominion over Satan and the power of darkness. Christ is my advantage for the glorious life. I live in absolute health, great prosperity, and unending joy in Jesus' Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
My heart is full of God’s love, kindness and compassion; and I express these lavishly everywhere and to everyone. I function today, and always, in divine wisdom, manifesting the glory and virtues of divinity deposited within my spirit. I am set on the course in which I must follow, to fulfil my divine destiny in Christ! I walk in preordained pathways, for God has structured the course of events in my favour, and I go on to fulfil my divine destiny, to the glory and praise of His Name. I rejoice with profound joy because the Lord has filled my mouth with laughter and His joy is my strength. I do not know weakness, depression, or oppression of any sort.
I am stronger, bigger, healthier, brighter and wiser today, than I was yesterday, for the invigorating power of the Holy Spirit works actively and mightily in and through me daily. It works in me mightily, causing my health to flourish daily. No weapon formed against my body shall prosper, for my body is preserved by the Spirit. I was born for the praise and glory of God; therefore, my life shows forth God’s praise and glory. No sickness can stay in me because the miracle-working ability of God is at work in me continually. I live by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus; therefore, I am beyond the reach of death and the law of sin. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me; therefore, my body is shielded and protected from all evil.
My body is sanctified and preserved for the Lord’s habitation and use only. The presence of God in me has made my body uninhabitable, unconducive, and injurious to all sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being is vitalized by the Spirit of God. I live triumphantly, far above the devil and the negative systems of this world! The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease, and infirmity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I am a man of influence.
I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me. When I speak, the Lord speaks because the Word of God is in my heart and proceeds from my mouth. Therefore, I am born of, and sustained by the Word. I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! Sickness and death find no place in my life or my body. Christ in me brings strength into my spirit, soul, and body.
I live in absolute health, good success, and continual promotions, dealing wisely in all affairs of life. I affirm that I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have the authority to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that corrupts, harms, or contaminates the body. By the power vested in the all-conquering Name of Jesus, I live the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is always renewed. The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! Speak in tongues.
I am a partaker of God's glory, grace, and righteousness. I walk in prosperity, health, and peace today and always. Even though death works in the world, life works in me and everything that is connected to me. My Lord Jesus defeated death and now, because He lives, I live. I have the all-conquering life of God in me. I have all that I require to live life in godliness and righteousness. Sickness is not in my nature. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and He has perfected my health; therefore, I refuse to be sick! I have the supernatural life of God that makes me impervious to sickness. I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me.
I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy. My new life in Christ is a super-life. The life of God is active in me by the Holy Spirit. I live above the decadence and flawed systems of this world. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. The Holy Spirit has beautified my life. He brings colour into my life. I live a wonderful, colourful, beautiful, and productive life. I am daily vitalized, refreshed, renewed, and restored by the Holy Spirit.
The glory of God is beaming out of me with intensity. The Lord is my beauty. He is my sweet attractiveness. I am divinely enabled to see, think, say and, to do things that ordinary men cannot do. I am sagacious. I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I am a wonder and surprise to many. The Lord has magnified me. He has increased my greatness. I have divine access to wealth untold. The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life. He shows me how to produce wealth, to make profit and how to stay in wealth and health. I am the excellent, the glorious, the Lord delights in me. I am making continuous and consistent progress, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am the seed of Abraham and an heir of blessings untold. I have been imbued with a life that’s incapable of poverty or failure—a life that can’t be defeated or destroyed. I walk in the truths of God’s Word, getting acquainted with my inheritance in Christ and enjoying all of these numerous, multifaceted blessings. I live in the fulfilment and reality of God’s blessings. I’ve been brought into God’s rest. All things are mine. I take full advantage of all that’s available to me in Christ, and by my faith, I triumph gloriously always and in every place. I was born into the Kingdom of God where I reign over sickness, disease, and infirmity.
I walk in the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel, basking in divine prosperity, beauty and honour. Through my faith-filled confessions, I enforce the will of God concerning my health today and always. The Word constantly renews my mind to think and produce excellence. I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have searched out. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me.
Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me because the life that I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I have in my spirit the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! Today, I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I’ve received in Christ. My path is illuminated to see and experience the glory of God in my health, in Jesus' name. Amen! Speak in tongues.
Glorious things are spoken of me. Health, strength, and victory are mine, and I live victoriously at all times. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me. Christ is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion. I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. My body was fashioned for the Lord’s presence. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore sickness, disease and anything that hurts or binds have no place here. I live in the ageless zone, where I can only grow without aging. Each day, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength and my youth are renewed.
The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I am victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world.
It doesn’t matter the trials, pain, and difficulties in the world, I am unperturbed because I live in, and by, the Word of God. I declare that I am healthy, well, prosperous, and victorious. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. My legs are His legs – He moves through me; they will never be lame. My hands are His hands – He works through me; my hands will never be paralyzed. My eyes are His eyes – He sees through me; these eyes will never be blind. My mind is daily renewed by the Word of God – I am mentally sound; I give no room to depression or negative thoughts in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
The Lord is my Shepherd—to feed, guide and shield me; I lack nothing! He makes me lie down in fresh, tender green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. Therefore, I walk in ever-increasing prosperity, possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. The glory of God is evident in my finances, health, family, business, and ministry. Christ in me is my guarantee of perfect health, prosperity, and success. Eternal life flows into everything I lay my hands on to do, causing endless prosperity. God’s divine power has given unto me all things that pertain to life and godliness. I live in endless prosperity.
I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I’ve received eternal life and it’s all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind. Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body. I am the effulgence of God’s glory. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
I declare that I am reigning in life–in my health, finances, job, and every area of my life. I walk in the victory and dominion of Christ today. I manifest life, glory, and excellence in every fiber of my being, and I grow from strength to strength every day. I live above the systems of the world. I’m seated together with Christ, far above principalities, powers, and the elements of this realm. I am confident that my body is a manifestation of God’s glory upon me. I walk daily in perfect health. I walk in the reality of my inheritance in Christ, strengthened and energized by the Spirit for the glory life. I disallow sickness from having its way in my body. I dwell in health all the days of my life in Jesus' name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Christ is my life. He’s in every fibre of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I reign and rule over circumstances in His Name, shielded from all evil and harm because I’m seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms. Far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come! I’m exalted with Him in glory; I know who I am: chosen, royal, and peculiar! I experience the supernatural in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit. The Greater One lives in me. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. My life is filled with peace and prosperity. Eternal life is at work in me.
I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual health and dominion here on earth. God’s glory is evident in my physical body, coursing through my being, ridding me of every infirmity, feebleness, or weakness. It is seen in my family, job, business, and all areas of my life. I have eternal life and walk in the consciousness of it. I walk in dominion over sickness, disease, and death, over the discouragements and frustrations that affect humanity.
I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I am full of faith. I am full of joy. I am full of peace. I am full of strength and I am doing wonders in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
This is my season for exaltation. That favour of God that brings promotion and power now rests upon me. I have been given great power, prosperity, and control. I am rightly positioned for all that the Lord has planned for me this year. God is happy to do me good. He delights in my prosperity, my promotion, and exaltation. I am wondrously and marvelously helped of God. I have received an overflowing of God’s grace. This grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion.
I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health.
I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In Christ, I have received a life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple. When people see me, they glorify God. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life this year 2024 and beyond in Jesus’ name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and nature that transcends the ordinary human life has been imparted to my spirit. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat, and the depravities of the natural man. I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel.
All things are working for my good. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take possession of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured. Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumors, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, and lung failure in any place in my body. Everything about my body is perfect; my lungs, liver, heart, blood, and every part of me is perfect. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater.
I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise. I am a joint heir with Jesus Christ. I prosper and I live in the manifestation of God's infinite blessings. I'm blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! I am not ordinary. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. When the challenges of life cast down men, my testimony will forever be that there’s a lifting up for me. The glory of God is evident in my finances, health, family, business, and ministry. Christ in me is my guarantee of perfect health, prosperity, and success in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m not of this world; I am born from heaven and live the life of heaven now in the earth! I’m conscious of my heavenly blessings, rights and privileges and I enjoy them to the full. I refuse to be limited by contrary forces around me; I accomplish the impossible, I do the spectacular and reach for the peak in all my endeavours. I have the wisdom of the just, which propels me to function in God’s perfect will. The wisdom of God is in my heart and in my mouth today, and I deal excellently in all my affairs. I am full of God’s might! I function by His power and glory today, full of the Spirit in wisdom, having spiritual understanding of all things!
Victory is my heritage and my life! I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. God has given me everything it takes to live victoriously every day. I’ve been granted the power of attorney to use the Name of Jesus; therefore, I disallow all demonic activities in my life, in my environment and in the lives of my loved ones. I trust in the Lord at all times with my whole heart to preserve me from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. No matter the fiery darts of sickness or infirmity the enemy tries to throw, my faith shields me.
I affirm that good things are coming my way and happening for me and around me because the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. By the Word of God in my mouth, I keep myself on the victory highway, my circumstances are transformed, and situations are changed to conform to God’s perfect will for me. I am continually strengthened with might in my inner man as the anointing of God’s Spirit runs through every fibre of my being, making me sickness and disease-free. God has gaven me the Holy Spirit, His Word and the Name of Jesus. By my words, I chart my course in victory and success in Jesus mighty name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am replenished and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, great prosperity, and unending joy. I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me.
I belong to God and I only express His virtues. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts and speak the right words. I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham. I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror!
I can never be disadvantaged, because the Lord God is mighty in me. I’m the expression of the unseen Christ, the brightness of His glory. As He is, so are am I in this world. I experience ever-increasing glory, always full of grace, peace and righteousness. I declare that God has given me riches and wealth, and the wisdom to multiply them. I am the seed of Abraham; therefore, the world is mine! The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness, causing me to walk in perfection and righteousness. I lay up gold as dust; my prosperity is endless. I walk in abundance, having more then enough for myself and others in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body. My faith is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know faith always works. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world; I know that divine life, health, and perfect peace are my present-hour possessions. I dominate the circumstances of life today and I declare that all things are working together for my good.
Just like the cedar in Lebanon, I declare that I am deeply rooted in the Word of God; I am strong, healthy and continually making progress. I am an embodiment of God's grace, and my daily experience is that of the miraculous and God's infinite love. I am born again; therefore, I’m not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His life – a life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today. Nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Divine health flourishes in me. Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all endeavors today. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly.
I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. I walk in divine health and prosperity, and function from a vantage position of victory and unending success in Christ. I flourish exceedingly every day, everywhere, and at all times. I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. Continually, situations and circumstances align to God’s perfect will for me. I am divinely connected to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. The Word of God is life to me and health to my flesh. Eternal life is at work in me, radiating to all in my world. I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories.
I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body, thus, I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body. I keep myself in health as I consciously recognize that the Word of God is pure medicine. I meditate on the Word, day and night; thus, I function daily in prosperity, good success, and sound health. I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence.
My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. I give thanks to God for He has made me superior to Satan, his demons, sickness, disease, and infirmity. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. I walk in the consciousness that I’m in oneness with Jesus Christ. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen Speak in tongues.
Christ is made unto me wisdom. In him, I have access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent. I have knowledge of witty inventions. I am skillful, proficient and knowledgeable. I devise the best solutions in every circumstance. I have discretion. Counsel is mine. I am full of sound wisdom. I have sound knowledge and understanding. I have strength, might, and power. I speak excellent and princely things. I have an understanding heart. The opening of my lips is for the right things. My words are all righteous. I speak the truth always.
God has given me wisdom. There is nothing beyond me. There is nothing I cannot handle. I have a wise and discerning heart. Christ is my excellent wisdom. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted.
I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God. Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions, and the glorious life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus! Every day, I rule and reign over the circumstances of life and I exercise dominion over Satan and the power of darkness. Christ is my advantage for the glorious life. He is my home; my life and my all! In Him, I live and move and have my being. In Christ, all things are mine. I live above lack, sickness, defeat, and all the rudiments of this world because I am joint-heir with Christ in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have a wholesome tongue; my words are sculpted in line with God’s perfect will and direction for my life. I walk in divine health, prosperity, victory, success and financial abundance. My life is for the glory of God and I experience His goodness and mercies today; my life is one of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times. Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force—an empowerment—at work in me to blaze through the barriers.
I am God’s hands of love, mercy and compassion to the world. I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I keep His Word in my heart and in my mouth always and therefore discomfit all the stratagems, schemes, manoeuvres and manipulations of the devil. Today and always, my heart produces thoughts of life and divine health and harbors no thoughts of negativity or depravity. The devil is a fully defeated foe, and I’ve been vested with all power and authority in heaven and in earth to subdue, dominate and take charge of my world. I therefore declare, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that my progress is unstoppable.
I take charge of my health and rule over my body with the Word of God. I refuse to yield to sickness. Divine health is my birthright and nature in Christ. I choose to be healthy and strong every day. I have the Spirit of God in me! I have the life of God in me! I have the strength of God in me, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! I am healthy and sound! My body is God’s headquarters, and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive therein! I declare that Satan has no authority or place in my life and my affairs. The Name of the Lord Jesus has all power and authority. Therefore, in Jesus’ Name, I prevail against all adversaries and adversities, against every ailment or infirmity. I mount guard over my life, and I keep it sanctified by the Word in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
My faith prevails always. I am what God says I am; I have what He says I have; I can do what He says I can do, and I walk in the light of God’s Word daily. I enjoy the good life, health, and strength as a part of my divine heritage in Christ. I am the offspring of the Word, I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. The wisdom of God is in my spirit, I have the ability to make the right judgments and choices. No matter what happens around me, I do not bow to pressure. Rather, I hold myself in from within. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God.
Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. God’s grace is working in me. I live an extraordinary life of excellence, promotion, unending success, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on the hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity.
I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. When men are cast down by the challenges of life, my testimony will forever be that there’s a lifting up for me. I take charge of my health and rule over my body with the Word of God. I refuse to yield to sickness. Divine health is my birthright and nature in Christ. I choose to be healthy and strong every day. I am healthy and sound! My body is God’s headquarters, and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive therein in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I carry myself with dignity, knowing my great value and worth in Christ Jesus. I’m chosen, royal and peculiar! I’m seated with Christ, far above all principality, powers, might, dominions, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come! Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I am alive and well! I am blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter.
All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work. I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are infused with divinity. I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. I am a product of God’s Word, for my origin is the Word of God; therefore my words and actions are backed by divine authority. I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! The life of God permeates my whole being. Supernatural health and strength are mine always.
I affirm that God’s Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I am led and guided by the Word in all things and at all times. My spirit is programmed for excellence and greatness, and as I stay on the Word, my life is regulated accordingly. I am filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Thus, I can discern and walk in God’s perfect will at all times. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being is vitalized by the Spirit of God. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Precious Father, You’re great, gracious and glorious; You’re loving, holy, just and true. Thank You for Your blessings in my life: the divine favours that You cause me to experience always. I’m grateful, Lord, for Your faithfulness towards me! You’ve given me all that pertains to life and godliness; thank You for making my life the effulgence of Your glory and righteousness. Thank You for my triumphant life in Christ! Thank You for the Holy Spirit who lives in me and in whom and through whom I can do all things. Thank You for granting me all that I require for life and godliness. I’m delighted to know that I’m Your treasured possession, ordained to show forth Your wonderful deeds and display Your virtues and perfections.
You have made my life beautiful! I’ll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now. Christ is my assurance of health and life eternal. I have dominion in Christ, I rule over my body with the Word of God and in the Name of Jesus. I disallow infirmity and I cut off any abnormality from my body. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Satan and the powers of darkness are under my feet; therefore, I have nothing to fear. The impulses of fear have been completely disabled from my life. Irrespective of the situation, I’m bold and courageous, speaking the Word in faith.
My faith is the victory that overcomes fear, sickness, disease and infirmities. I walk in dominion over the elements of this world. I’m furnished with the requisite knowledge for life in Christ, through the Word. The eyes of my understanding are being enlightened. Therefore, I have insight into mysteries and secrets; there’s nothing that I can’t know. Christ is my wisdom, and the Word of God informs me daily, through the Holy Spirit. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m more than a conqueror! I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. Diseases and infirmities are not a part of my life in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. I recognize the efficacy of God’s Word that is at work in me today, and by virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I have perfect health, victory, success, and prosperity now and always. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I am alive and well! I am blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit.
I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. I am guided in the path of life and led by the Spirit in the direction of God’s perfect will for me. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I affirm that my mind is constantly renewed by the Word to think and produce excellence. The Word of God is prevailing in my life.
I’m sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency, and His superabundant grace upon my life is sufficient for me in all things. Grace—the lifting power of God that attracts the right people, materials and resources—has put me ahead and positioned me for success and victory. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health. I am not perturbed about what happens around me because the infallible Word of God keeps me in perfect health. The living Word gives life to my body, piercing into every part and correcting every anomaly. I am perfected and made whole by the power of God that is at work in me in Jesus' name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am full of divine life and everything I do exudes my indestructible, inexhaustible, and incorruptible life. It emanates from me in words and deeds because as Jesus is, so am I. I can never be sick, broken, wounded, or defeated because I have this very life of God in me. I have been raised together with Christ, called to live in the heavenly realms. I exercise my authority over the devil and his cohorts. No wiles or fiery darts from the enemy can penetrate my body and no symptoms of sickness can thrive in my body because I’m God’s sanctuary. My faith is a weapon of defence and an instrument of victory over and against the adversary and adversities. With it, I put out all the fiery missiles of the wicked one.
The Word of God has taken full possession of my spirit, soul and body. I’m eternally triumphant in Christ because my faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I have dominion over circumstances and victory over the world and its systems and fears. Nothing is impossible unto me! Every fiber of my being is energized and infused with miracle-working power. I have power over all the abilities and strategies of the devil. No matter how he tries or through which means he attempts to attack my body, the Name of Jesus gives me authority, dominion, and triumph always, and nothing can prevail against me.
My life is the expression of all that Christ is. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ. I rule and reign in this life, independent of the financial systems of this world. I am fulfilling God’s purpose and plan for my life, walking in paths that He’s arranged for me. God has made all things I require for life and godliness available to me, and I celebrate the grace of prosperity and abundance that I enjoy as the seed of Abraham. The works of my hands are blessed and I am set on the path of permanent success and prosperity. I do not know when the heat comes, for I am fashioned to flourish like the cedar in Lebanon in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have divine life. Eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat and depravities that affect the natural man. I live above this world and its corrupting influences. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. My life is for the glory of God, and I experience His goodness and mercies today; my life is one of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times.
l’m in Christ and Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory and joy are expressed through me, and my faith in the Word is the victory that overcomes the world. Everyday of my life, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances. I dominate in everything that has a name. I am more than a conqueror. I have overcome the world and its persecution, pains, delusion and wickedness. I have overcome the world and its hardship and greed! I am in Christ. I’m complete in Christ. I’m filled with all the fullness of God. The totality of divinity resides in me. I am God’s house, His living tabernacle. I am not an ordinary man; I am of the God kind! I am complete in Christ. No shortage! A perfect completion.
I have everything I require for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him that hath called me to glory and virtue. I live a life of glory and virtue. I lack nothing because The Lord is my Shepherd. My completeness, my sufficiency is not in the government, my place of work or any human structure, organization, or association. My completeness is in Christ. I’m sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. I’m totally inundated with this consciousness. In Christ, I have all things! Christ is my all. I am complete in Him, Who is the head of all principalities and power. There is no shortage in my life. I am full of ideas, inspiration, with wealth and prosperity, and all the blessings of the heavenly Kingdom, and out of that abundance, I impact my world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence.
I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion, and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always.
I exercise authority over my body. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. The glory that I see when I look into the mirror—the Word—is who I am. I have dominion and authority over principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I dominate my world and frustrate the tokens of the adversary—His stratagems and manoeuvres—by the power of the Holy Ghost. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in a fraternity with divinity. I’m born into God’s class with His nature and character in my spirit. I’ve been translated from the ordinary realm of mankind to the supernatural class of the God-kind, glory to God. Hallelujah. Speak in tongues.
I will never walk in confusion because the Spirit of God is guiding me in the path of life and leading me in the way of supernatural success and permanent prosperity. I make my way prosperous and consistently experience good success as I meditate on the Word and speak it forth with boldness. I’m guided and propelled by God’s divine wisdom to do His will and fulfil my destiny in Christ. I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man.
I have overcome the world and its delusion, wickedness, hardship, greed, and deception. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I have a sharp memory and a firm capacity to remember important details, experiences and knowledge. My mental acuity and my cognitive abilities are top-notch. I am born of God, therefore, fear has no place in my life. I am perceptive, astute and smart. I am confident, bold and courageous.
I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart. I’m not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it’s impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I am divinely protected on every side! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body.
Every day I wake up, I am reinvigorated in my spirit, soul, and body. I am full of life and vitality. My mind is alert, my body is energized, and my muscles, tendons, and ligaments are strengthened. I am an offspring of God’s Word; therefore, as the Word is, so am I. God’s Word is ageless; thus, I refuse to age in my spirit, soul, and body. I live in agelessness! I am forever blossoming in my soul, vibrant in my health, and fervent in my spirit. My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil.
I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. Christ is my peace. Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to the hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient, and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I am a man of influence. Glory to God! Hallelujah!! Speak in tongues.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man. I live above this world and its corrupting influences. In this week, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances. I dominate in everything that has a name. I am more than a conqueror. I have overcome the world and its persecution. I have overcome the world and its pain.
I belong to Christ and I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! Truly, I know what the word says about me. I affirm that I’m filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! The totality of divinity is tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today! I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. I am lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world.
Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. The ability of God is at work in me today. I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God. I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I believe what the Word says about me, and I endorse and establish it to be real in my life! I am fearless in the face of adversity. I am bold, courageous, and audacious; therefore, I boast in the Lord and in the power of His might through the vocalizing of my faith. I am conscious of the greatness and power of God within me.
Sickness, disease, and infirmity bow to my audacious faith confessions, and I live and enjoy the supernatural life naturally. I am full of divine might, strength, and energy. Nothing in this world is powerful or potent enough to destroy my spirit, soul, or body, for I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I live in God’s perfect will for my life and I am in sync with His plans and purposes for my health. There are no impossibilities with me; therefore, I refuse to be discouraged because greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is vitalized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me, invigorating me through and through.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. Fear, doubt, and unbelief have no place in me, for my faith in God and in His eternal Word is the victory that overcomes the world! Divinity is tabernacled in my physical body! I’m a new creation, not subject to the elements of this world. I live a transcendent life! I reign over sickness, disease, poverty, and lack! I’m an associate of the Godkind, with the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in the Christ environment, where divinity reigns; the divine life is operational in me today and always, for I hail from God in Jesus' name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I affirm that my spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. As the Lord Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produces wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition. I grow daily in grace and in the wisdom of God. My body is sound; its systems and organs are functioning perfectly. I carry myself with dignity, knowing my great value and worth in Christ Jesus. I’m chosen, royal and peculiar! I’m seated with Christ, far above all principality, powers, might, dominions, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come!
I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I am alive and well! I am blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter. All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work. I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are infused with divinity. I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life.
I am not ordinary, for I am of the uninfectable breed that doesn’t get sick. When men are cast down by sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities, there is lifting for me because I operate by the principles of God’s Kingdom. I have been authorized to reign and rule in life. I am a king-priest. When I address situations in the Name of Jesus, I have a guarantee that my demands are backed up with power. I am a product of God’s Word, for my origin is the Word of God. I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! The life of God permeates my whole being. Supernatural health and strength are mine always. in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am God’s hands of love, mercy and compassion to the world. I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I keep His Word in my heart and in my mouth always and therefore discomfit all the stratagems, schemes, manoeuvres and manipulations of the devil. Today and always, my heart produces thoughts of life and divine health and harbors no thoughts of negativity or depravity. The totality of divinity is tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today! As the Lord Jesus is, so am I; therefore, I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will.
I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory.
I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer. I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today. I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. I am invigorated with strength always for I and my Father are one. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a testimony of God's grace and goodness. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory.
I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. I am a God-carrier! Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I walk consistently in health and safety. I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I am alive and well! I am blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter.
I enjoy heavenly promotions, unending successes, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. Jesus died and was resurrected so that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ, living in His fullness now and always, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am an answer from God; I have the wisdom of the just, which propels me to function in God’s perfect will. The wisdom of God is in my heart and in my mouth today, and I deal excellently in all my affairs. I am full of God’s might! I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. God has given me everything it takes to live victoriously every day. He has given me the Holy Spirit, His Word and the Name of Jesus.
I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I am living God’s dream and enjoying the fullness of life. I walk in prosperity, health, strength, and victory, now and always. The Word of God is evidently manifested in my health, ministry, business, finances, and all that I lay my hands upon to do. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am protected with God’s shield of love. I am compassed about with goodness, resources and wealth. My increase and my development are very fast, because the Lord is speeding up every process, concerning me. I am moving with supernatural speed, causing me to accomplish so much in a very short time.
The glory of God that I am experiencing causes me to outrun the competition. I am in the place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. Angels are directing businesses to me right now. I am being remembered right now in several places for good. My name comes up even now for blessings, for promotions, for bonuses, for awards, for rewards, and for contracts. The kind of blessings coming to me now, cannot be humanly explained. Unusual and unexplained monies, benefits and bonuses come to me. I have money everywhere. I am a big-time kingdom financier. I have the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God in all my affairs. My wealth is unending. My wealth is inexhaustible in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and I am continually filled with the Spirit of God. I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper and no illegal transactions can thrive in my body because I’m born of God. I am in constant health every day. I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness.
I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. There is no weakness in my life; the Holy Spirit – the embodiment of all glory, dominion, and strength, lives in me in His fullness. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side.
I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I maintain my victory in Christ Jesus. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy. My new life in Christ is a super-life. The life of God is active in me by the Holy Spirit. That life is evident in my spirit, soul, and body, causing me to live above the decadence and flawed systems of this world. No sickness or disease can attach itself to my body. I live in health, strength, and vitality always, and I demonstrate the God-nature in me everywhere I go in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory.
Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God the Father. I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. I am making progress with giant strides as I fulfill the ministry and destiny that God has for me. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. I have the Spirit of life living in me, guiding me, energizing me, and strengthening me.
He has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles, and to effect positive changes in my world and in my health, family, and finances. I enjoy God’s boundless grace. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am God’s hands of love, mercy and compassion to the world. I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I keep His Word in my heart and in my mouth always and therefore discomfit all the stratagems, schemes, manoeuvres and manipulations of the devil. Today and always, my heart produces thoughts of life and divine health and harbors no thoughts of negativity or depravity. I will never walk in confusion because the Spirit of God is guiding me in the path of life and leading me in the way of supernatural success and permanent prosperity. I make my way prosperous and consistently experience good success
The devil is a fully defeated foe, and I’ve been vested with all power and authority in heaven and in earth to subdue, dominate and take charge of my world. I therefore declare, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that my progress is unstoppable. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force – an empowerment – at work in me to blaze through the barriers. I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times.
I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world, bringing glory to the Name of the Lord continually. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to God, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires. My mind is yielded to God’s Word, and my heart is regulated by the Word. The Word of God is my life. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. In the name of Jesus Christ, I live triumphantly, over and above circumstances and the perils of this world. I live in perpetual peace, prosperity, health, success and greatness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
All things are working for my good. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take possession of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured. Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumors, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, and lung failure in any place in my body. Everything about my body is perfect; my lungs, liver, heart, blood, and every part of me is perfect. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater.
I have special favour! Great things are coming to me by free course. The Spirit of God draws men, women, resources and all kinds of good things towards me. My gates are open continually and good things are ministered to me, now. There’s beauty, favour, grace, and open doors for me everywhere. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always.
In Christ, I have received a life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I function from the realm of the spirit and nothing in this physical world matters to me. Through the help of the Spirit and consistent meditation on the Word, I consciously speak wholesome, edifying, gracious, inspiring, motivating, and encouraging words. With my words, I create success, victory, divine health, and prosperity from within, establishing God’s righteousness in my world in Jesus’ name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man. I have overcome the world and its delusion, wickedness, hardship, greed, and deception. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion–the city of the living God. Therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen; the Spirit of God is working effectually in me today and always. The life of God in my spirit destroys infirmity and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God.
I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I’m Abraham’s seed. I’m an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I’m blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! There’re no accidents or mishaps on my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all my endeavors. I refuse to be a victim; for as He is, so am I in this world. I declare that I’m strong and healthy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me because the life that I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I’ve been catapulted into God’s Kingdom of light and life where only divinity, success, victory, joy, peace, prosperity, and divine health reign. Victory is my heritage and my life! I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. By my words, I chart my course in victory and success.
I affirm that good things are coming my way and happening for me and around me because the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. I am continually strengthened with might in my inner man as the anointing of God’s Spirit runs through every fibre of my being, making me sickness and disease-free. Everything I require for life and godliness have been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I am a success for life, and I win always. Like the Lord Jesus, I’m not of this world; I’m born from heaven and live the life of heaven now in the earth! I’m conscious of my heavenly blessings, rights and privileges and I enjoy them to the full.
I refuse to be limited by contrary forces around me; I accomplish the impossible, I do the spectacular and reach for the peak in all my endeavours by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am an answer from God. The wisdom of God is in my heart and in my mouth today, and I deal excellently in all my affairs. I am full of God’s might! I function by His power and glory today, full of the Spirit in wisdom, having spiritual understanding of all things! I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. My life is the expression of divine beauty, excellence, success, and greatness. I’m glorified in Christ; thus, I walk in health, wholeness, and wellness always in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am not subject to the rudiments and limitations of this world because I live in Christ, and Christ is my life. He’s in every fibre of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I reign and rule over circumstances in His Name. I walk in divine health and prosperity and function from a vantage position of victory and unending success in Christ. I am shielded from all evil and harm because I’m seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms. Far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come! Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me.
I know who I am: chosen, royal, and peculiar! I experience the supernatural in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit. I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness; thus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. The Lord keeps me in perfect peace continually because my mind is focused on the Word of God. Daily, the Word produces what it talks about in me, causing me to radiate good health and strength and to display a life of peace with prosperity. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness.
I flourish exceedingly every day, everywhere, and at all times. I walk in health, victory, and triumph because I function in the Name of Jesus. My life is for glory and excellence. I manifest God’s bountiful blessings of success, prosperity, health, and joy, so that all may see and glorify Him. My life is exuberant with joy and I walk in the manifestations of God’s righteousness. I walk conscious of my heritage in Christ. I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. I thrive in health every day. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am enriched in all things, for all seasons. My glory life is on! Glorious things are happening to me now. God is working in me. His wisdom is working in me. His righteousness, faith, favour are working in me right now. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of God’s Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion. I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health.
I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from deity! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness, because the greater one indwells me! I am a master over satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity.
I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! I have the indestructible life of God in me! God daily loads me with blessings and benefits. He has a budget that includes me every day. I lay claims on my daily bread. I am in my wealthy place right now. I am a prosperous man. I am walking in my inheritance in Christ. I have all that I require for life and godliness. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural life that God has given me in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m what God says I am; my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have been given access to Christ's inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches. I am a man of influence.
I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God.
I live and dwell in health and safety all my days. I live the supernatural life in Christ – the life of majesty, tranquility, and dominance. My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant. Christ lives in me; therefore, I’m made for life! His divine power has given me everything I require to live joyfully and victoriously every day. Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions, and the glorious life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus! The life of God in my spirit destroys infirmity and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health in Jesus name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have searched out. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me because the life that I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. I have in my spirit the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! Every day, I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I’ve received in Christ. My path is illuminated to see and experience the glory of God in my health. I’m sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency, and His superabundant grace upon my life is sufficient for me in all things. Grace—the lifting power of God that attracts the right people, materials and resources—has put me ahead and positioned me for success and victory. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health.
I walk in preordained pathways, for God has structured the course of events in my favour, and I go on to fulfil my divine destiny, to the glory and praise of His Name. I rejoice with profound joy because the Lord has filled my mouth with laughter and His joy is my strength. I am stronger, bigger, healthier, brighter and wiser today, than I was yesterday, for the invigorating power of the Holy Spirit works actively in me daily. It works in me mightily, causing my health to flourish. No weapon formed against my body shall prosper. My body is preserved by the Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. I am triumphant in Christ eternally! I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Glorious things are spoken of me. I am alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city set on the hill that cannot be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side.
I am enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. The Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. The environment in which I live is Christ. Here, there is no health scare, infection, or pandemic. No matter what happens to those in the world, I stand firm in faith, and I enjoy my glorious life now. I bask in the provisions of Christ for my life, health, and all that concern me.
In me abides all the grace, wisdom, prosperity, strength and courage I need to fulfil my glorious destiny in Christ! I have everything I require for life and godliness; therefore, I walk in the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel, today and always. I’m what God says I am, I have all He says I have, and I can do all things in His Name. All things are possible to me because I believe. I’m rich in all things, having inherited all things, for I’m a joint-heir with Christ! I’m fruitful and productive, making progress in every area of my life. I’m complete in Christ and every facet of my life is perfected for excellence. The Spirit guides and inspires me to take actions that’ll guarantee evident and unstoppable progress, increase, and blessings for me in Jesus’ name, Amen. Speak in tongues.
Christ is made unto me wisdom. In him, I have access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent. I have knowledge of witty inventions. I am skillful, proficient and knowledgeable. I devise the best solutions in every circumstance. I have discretion. Counsel is mine. I am full of sound wisdom. I have sound knowledge and understanding. I have strength, might, and power. I speak excellent and princely things. I have an understanding heart. The opening of my lips is for the right things. My words are all righteous. I speak the truth always. God has given me wisdom. There is nothing beyond me. There is nothing I cannot handle.
I have a wise and discerning heart. Christ is my excellent wisdom. I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels.
My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions, and the glorious life are my inheritance in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
My life is upward and forward only! I’m not moved by inflation, economic downturns, and meltdowns, because I play by a different set of rules! I’m an heir of God, with complete access to an incorruptible inheritance! I am born with the ability to reign and rule over the elements of this world. God has put in me the yeast to rise above every challenge, therefore, it’s impossible to go down irrespective of what’s happening in the nations of the world. Christ lives in me; therefore, I’m made for life! His divine power has given me everything I require to live joyfully and victoriously daily!
The peace of God which surpasses all understanding keeps my heart and mind, in Christ Jesus. Good things are coming to me today from everywhere! I refuse to worry about anything, for the Lord has made all things mine! My life is like a well-watered garden. I’m fruitful and productive; making progress in every area of my life. Never will I walk in darkness; for the true light that lightens every man’s world shines in my heart. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions and the glorious life are my bloodbought inheritance and vital experience in Christ Jesus!
Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. I refuse to be a part of the suffering masses; for I’ve been transferred from the kingdom of this world into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. Out of my belly flows rivers of living water; for all the fullness of the Father tabernacles in me. I am powered by the Spirit of God; therefore, when men are cast down, I am lifted! I am the seed of Abraham; I am imbued with wisdom from above to affect lives positively all over the world. As an heir of prosperity, I live to bless others and lift them out of the thraldom of lack through the power of God’s Spirit that’s at work in me. I walk in super-abundance and experience undeniable success in all that I do in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency. I do not tire or wear out. I do not get weak and I don’t faint because I wait on the Lord daily. My strength is renewed daily by the Holy Spirit and I am vitalized, invigorated, energized, and refreshed for all things. I live in unending peace, prosperity, health, success, and greatness because I live in the Name of the Lord Jesus. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is preserved and sanctified; separated from sickness and death. My blood, organs, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints are functioning perfectly. There is no abnormality in me because I manifest God’s perfection. I am the crowning beauty of all God’s creation; the consummate perfection of His works! My life is full of loveliness and excellence because the Holy Spirit beautifies me.
I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all the hardships, troubles, perils, and corrupting influences of the world. No infirmity can penetrate my environment, for I am divinely protected from every fiery dart of the devil and his cohorts. I have a life that cannot be tainted by sickness, infirmity, or affliction. I cannot be poisoned, I cannot be destroyed. I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature and nothing has the power to hurt me because every weapon of the adversary against me is designed to fail. Wholeness, perfection, success, and prosperity are constant with me because Christ is in me.
I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I’m Abraham’s seed. I’m an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I’m blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! There’re no accidents or mishaps on my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all my endeavors. I refuse to be a victim but a victor, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am God’s hands of love, mercy and compassion to the world. I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I keep His Word in my heart and in my mouth always and therefore discomfit all the stratagems, schemes, manoeuvres and manipulations of the devil. Today and always, my heart produces thoughts of life and divine health and harbors no thoughts of negativity or depravity. This is my season for exaltation. That favour of God that brings promotion and power now rests upon me. I have been given great power, prosperity, and control. I am rightly positioned for all that the Lord has planned for me this year. God is happy to do me good. He delights in my prosperity, my promotion, and exaltation. I am wondrously and marvelously helped of God.
I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory.
I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m not of this world; I am born from heaven and live the life of heaven now in the earth! I’m conscious of my heavenly blessings, rights, and privileges and I enjoy them to the full. I refuse to be limited by contrary forces around me; I accomplish the impossible, I do the spectacular and reach for the peak in all my endeavours. I have the wisdom of the just, which propels me to function in God’s perfect will. The wisdom of God is in my heart and in my mouth today, and I deal excellently in all my affairs. I am full of God’s might! I function by His power and glory today, full of the Spirit in wisdom, having a spiritual understanding of all things!
Victory is my heritage and my life! I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. God has given me everything it takes to live victoriously every day. The Lord has magnified me. He has increased my greatness. I have divine access to wealth untold. The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life. I am making continuous and consistent progress. The Lord has filled my mouth with laughter and His joy is my strength. I do not know weakness, depression, or oppression of any sort.
I am stronger, bigger, healthier, brighter, and wiser today, than I was yesterday, for the invigorating power of the Holy Spirit works actively and mightily in and through me daily. I am full of life. I am full of faith. I am full of joy. I am full of peace. I am full of strength and I am doing wonders. God’s glory is evident in my physical body, coursing through my being, ridding me of every infirmity, feebleness, or weakness. It is seen in my family, job, business, and all areas of my life. I have eternal life and walk in the consciousness of it. I walk in dominion over sickness, disease, and death, over the discouragements and frustrations that affect humanity in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I know who I am! I’m Abraham’s seed, and I reign and rule in this life. I’m unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I’m a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity.
I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward.
The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. I am a king-priest and in the Name of Jesus, I make a demand on my physical body: body, you are not allowed to respond to sickness, disease, and infirmities. You only respond to the Word of God and all that it says about you. The same power that was demonstrated in Christ when He was raised from the dead is at work in me in Jesus’ matchless name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I know who I am! I'm Abraham's seed, and I reign and rule in this life. I'm unlimited and unstoppable because I'm in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I'm a joint-heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God's rest. I'm from above and my life is the supernatural life of God's Word. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there's no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity.
As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God's glory and beauty. My body is God's temple, and I am its steward. When people see me, they glorify God. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I maintain my victory in Christ Jesus. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy.
My new life in Christ is a super-life. The life of God is active in me by the Holy Spirit. That life is evident in my spirit, soul, and body, causing me to live above the decadence and flawed systems of this world. No sickness or disease can attach itself to my body. I live in health, strength, and vitality always, and I demonstrate the God-nature in me everywhere I go. I live the life of the Word and I only endorse what God's Word says about me in my life. Today, I speak life, health, joy, peace, and prosperity to my life. Nothing in me responds to death. Nothing in me responds to sickness. Nothing in me responds to defeat. I am forever radiant, victorious, and full of glory! With God's Word, I'm equipped for the life of overflowing health, strength, and grace in Jesus Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
The Lord is my Shepherd—to feed, guide and shield me; I lack nothing! He makes me lie down in fresh, tender green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. Therefore, I walk in ever-increasing prosperity, possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. The glory of God is evident in my finances, health, family, business, and ministry. Christ in me is my guarantee of perfect health, prosperity, and success. Eternal life flows into everything I lay my hands on to do, causing endless prosperity. God’s divine power has given unto me all things that pertain to life and godliness. I live in endless prosperity.
I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I’ve received eternal life and it’s all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind. Eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body. I am the effulgence of God’s glory. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. All I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
I declare that I am reigning in life–in my health, finances, job, and every area of my life. I walk in the victory and dominion of Christ today. I manifest life, glory, and excellence in every fiber of my being, and I grow from strength to strength every day. I live above the systems of the world. I’m seated together with Christ, far above principalities, powers, and the elements of this realm. I am confident that my body is a manifestation of God’s glory upon me. I walk daily in perfect health. I walk in the reality of my inheritance in Christ, strengthened and energized by the Spirit for the glory life. I disallow sickness from having its way in my body. I dwell in health all the days of my life in Jesus Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
My life is the expression of all that Christ is. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ. I rule and reign in this life, independent of the financial systems of this world. I am fulfilling God’s purpose and plan for my life, walking in paths that He’s arranged for me. God has made all things I require for life and godliness available to me, and I celebrate the grace of prosperity and abundance that I enjoy as the seed of Abraham. The works of my hands are blessed and I am set on the path of permanent success and prosperity. I do not know when the heat comes, for I am fashioned to flourish like the cedar in Lebanon.
I am a citizen of heaven, living by heavenly principles. I live in the Christ-environment where life is totally different; everything is glorious. I have absolute mastery over circumstances, and over the elements of this world. There’s no failure, weakness, defeat, sickness, disease, poverty or any of the negativities of life in me. All I have and experience are glory, righteousness, life and immortality, joy, health, peace, prosperity and abundance. I live in God’s perfect will for my life and I am in sync with His plans and purposes for my health. There are no impossibilities with me; therefore, I refuse to be discouraged because greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world!
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. Fear, doubt, and unbelief have no place in me, for my faith in God and in His eternal Word is the victory that overcomes the world! Divinity is tabernacled in my physical body! I’m a new creation, not subject to the elements of this world. I live a transcendent life! I am more than a conqueror. I have overcome the world and its persecution, pains, delusion and wickedness. I have overcome the world and its hardship and greed! I am in Christ. I’m complete in Christ. I’m filled with all the fullness of God. The totality of divinity resides in me. I am God’s house, His living tabernacle. I am not an ordinary man; I am of the God kind! I am complete in Christ. No shortage! A perfect completion, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. God’s Word is alive in me; therefore, I cannot die. Every time I receive the Word of God, it goes into my spirit and permeates my body.
I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, holy and irreproachable in God’s sight. I refuse to allow resentment, hatred, jealousy, envy, bitterness, anger, strife, spite, ill will or baseness of any kind to take root in me. I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it’s impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions.
I am an embodiment of God’s grace, and my daily experience is that of the miraculous and God’s infinite love. I am born again; therefore, I’m not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so, has He given me to have His life – a life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings and therefore, operate beyond the natural realm. As Abraham was blessed in all things, it is so with me. I am guaranteed of continued financial supplies; I am plugged to an unending supply of wealth and resources in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m seated with Christ, far above all principality, power, might, dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come! I’m exalted with Him in glory; I know who I am: chosen, royal and peculiar! My life is the expression and manifestation of the glory and righteousness of Christ. Therefore, I am superhuman! I have the life of Christ at work in my spirit, soul, and body. No darkness, misery, infirmity, or pain is associated with me because Christ is my life. I am strong in faith, giving glory to God at all times! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I am joined to the Lord, and I am one Spirit with Him.
The Word of God is in my spirit so strong; it’s as fire shut up in my bones and nothing can hinder the affirmation of my faith and my proclamation of the Gospel of Christ. I’m strengthened and energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me, and He’s made me an absolute victor. The power of the Holy Spirit touches everything in my body; thus, I am infused with divine strength. There is no situation I cannot change, for the inherent power to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ask, think, or imagine is within me. My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always.
I am the expression of God’s fullness, grace, and glory. I manifest His kingdom and power. I am a testimony, the seed of Abraham, and an heir of Abraham’s blessing through Christ. I prosper in my health and bear living proof of God’s infinite grace, blessing, and love. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, causing life to spring forth from within me. God wants. me well; therefore, I refuse to accommodate sickness or go anything contrary in my body. My life is filled with peace and prosperity, my body is in perfect health, and my days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory, in Jesus' name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I know who I am! I’m Abraham’s seed and I reign and rule in this life. I’m unlimited and unstoppable because I’m in Christ, and I walk daily in this consciousness. I’m a joint heir with Christ; therefore, all things are mine. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always.
In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple. I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God. I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side.
I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I have the life of God in me. My spirit, soul and body are vitalized through and through by the power and effect of righteousness and the fullness of the God-life that I’ve received through the Gospel. I’m walking in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ, conscious of His grace and awesome presence in my life, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. I am triumphant in Christ eternally! I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Glorious things are spoken of me. I am alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God.
I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city set on the hill that cannot be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side.
In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and all that concerns me, I am enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world.
The Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. The environment in which I live is Christ. Here, there is no health scare, infection, or pandemic. No matter what happens to those in the world, I stand firm in faith, and I enjoy my glorious life now. I bask in the provisions of Christ for my life, health, and all that concern me.
In me abides all the grace, wisdom, prosperity, strength and courage I need to fulfil my glorious destiny in Christ! I have everything I require for life and godliness; therefore, I walk in the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel, today and always. I’m what God says I am, I have all He says I have, and I can do all things in His Name. All things are possible to me because I believe.
I’m rich in all things, having inherited all things, for I’m a joint-heir with Christ! I’m fruitful and productive, making progress in every area of my life. I’m complete in Christ and every facet of my life is perfected for excellence. The Spirit guides and inspires me to take actions that’ll guarantee evident and unstoppable progress, increase, and blessings for me in Jesus’ name, Amen.
I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory.
Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God the Father. I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. I am making progress with giant strides as I fulfill the ministry and destiny that God has for me. God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me. I have the Spirit of life living in me, guiding me, energizing me, and strengthening me.
He has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles, and to effect positive changes in my world and in my health, family, and finances. I enjoy God’s boundless grace. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am up and alive! My life is the fulfilment of the destiny that the Father had ordained for me. Everything about my life is infused with divinity. The Holy Spirit has granted me the supernatural advantage in life. I’ve been divinely enabled to walk in righteousness, prosperity, health, success, and victory. I am eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me.
I lack nothing because The Lord is my Shepherd. My completeness, my sufficiency is not in the government, my place of work or any human structure, organization, or association. My completeness is in Christ. I’m sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I’m totally inundated with this consciousness. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. My life is for the glory of God, and I experience His goodness and mercies today; my life is one of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times. l’m in Christ and Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory and joy are expressed through me, and my faith in the Word is the victory that overcomes the world.
Every day of my life, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances. I dominate in everything that has a name. I am more than a conqueror. I have overcome the world and its persecution, pains, delusion and wickedness. I have overcome the world and its hardship and greed! I’m eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I’m prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! My life is the testimony of God’s grace. I have been brought into a place of wealth untold in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word always. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward.
Christ is my wisdom, and the Word of God informs me daily, through the Holy Spirit. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple. I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God. I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side.
I have the life of God in me. That life destroys sickness and death; therefore, I walk in health and wellness. I cannot be sick! Divinity works and flows from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I thank the Lord for this grace that I lavishly enjoy. God’s stamp and seal of perfection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness, and glory. I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. My words are loaded with power! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today and in the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, I am excellent and full of glory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
The love of God is shed abroad in my heart and I am manifesting this love, reaching out to my world with love. I refuse to allow anger, bitterness, and hatred to take its root in my heart. My life is the expression of the Father’s will; as I seek to do only those things that are honorable and pleasing to Him, my increase, progress, and prosperity are evident for all to see. I’m in the centre of God’s will for my life and I am equipped with all things that pertain to life and godliness. I am filled with the fullness of God! The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yes, I have a goodly heritage. I do not struggle nor respond in fear because God had not given unto me the spirit of fear.
I declare that there is money everywhere, especially around me. I do not need to look for money. Money is coming to me from everywhere. I don’t go after money, money comes to me by free course unhindered. Money comes to me in a continuous stream, never stopping, never-ending. Resources are locating me right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is supplying me with continuous streams of finances. Angels remember me. God remembers me. I do not worry about human beings remembering me, because the Lord causes men to bring the finances to me. I have entered a new financial level by the Holy Ghost. My finances are being multiplied. Angels are at work even now. I live in financial abundance now.
This is my season for exaltation. That favour of God that brings promotion and power now rests upon me. I have been given great power, prosperity, and control. I am rightly positioned for all the Lord has planned for me this year. God is happy to do me good. He delights in my prosperity, my promotion, and exaltation. I am wondrously and marvelously helped of God. With my mouth, I steer my life in God’s direction for me, in prosperity, health, and abundance. I refuse failure, poverty, sickness and anything that’s of darkness. The Word of God is light, and darkness is completely obliterated as I speak it forth. My victories and triumphant life in Christ are assured in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence.
My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion, and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
God had set eternity in my heart! I acknowledge His mighty power that’s at work in me mightily and celebrate His glory in my life. I affirm that I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. The wisdom of God is in my spirit, I always make the right judgments and choices. No matter what happens around me, I do not bow to pressure. Rather, I hold myself in from within. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. I am not ordinary; I’ve received an overflowing of God’s grace. That grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion.
I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on the hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. I operate in limitless wisdom. I operate with limitless wealth. And I operate with limitless power. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I walk in righteousness, and I produce fruits of righteousness. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. I live the supernatural life of glory, success, and victory.
The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I am in God’s class – a partaker of His divine nature. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can corrupt my health. Nothing in this world can destroy me, because I am born of God and the greater One lives in me. Nothing in this world has the ability to hurt me. I have overcome the world. I am untouchable. No weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My life is for the glory of God. I affirm that I am fruitful and productive. My financial investments and projects are anointed to bear fruit and to keep on bearing yields that abide and live forever. I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth fruit in its season, and whose leaves will never run dry.
In any environment I produce the same glorious results, for I come from Zion where prosperity comes from the Spirit of God. The Lord has made my prosperity to appear for all to see. I am well-decorated financially. I am not of this world; I am from above! I am from the wealthiest family, and I have an inexhaustible inheritance in Christ Jesus.
I am connected to an endless stream of prosperity, riches, and glory. I belong to Christ; therefore, I’m the seed of Abraham, graced for greatness and ordained to be fruitful and productive in every good work. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible.
My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I exercise authority over my body. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here.
I am top-class, in top form and shape, and excellent all the way because I am born of God. I am the expression of God’s beauty, glory, perfection, and grace. No weapon fashion against me shall ever prosper. I’m the expression of the beauties and righteousness of Christ, bringing wholeness, sanity, and salvation to my world. I live in the fullness of God’s love and in the blessings of the glorious life in Christ.
My life goes from glory to glory, from strength to strength, and from grace to grace. I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. This is the set time for my honour and promotion. I am compassed about with goodness, resources, wealth, goodwill and favour as a shield. I am protected with God’s shield of love in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am moving with supernatural speed, causing me to accompany so much in a very short time. The glory of God that I am experiencing causes me to outrun the competition. I am in a place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. Angels are directing businesses to me right now. I am being remembered right now in several places for good.
I unleash health, prosperity, and victory in my life. I walk in victory and dominion over Satan, as well as the world and its systems. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world. I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. It makes no difference the difficulties that may come my way, I am victorious in all things.
Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power, and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force – an empowerment – at work in me to blaze through the barriers. Everything and anything I could ever need is inside the greater One that lives in me.
I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times. I have a wholesome tongue; my words are sculpted in line with God’s perfect will and direction for my life. I walk in divine health, prosperity, victory, success, and financial abundance.
Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. Eternity is alive in me. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. I’ve been brought into life and immortality.
I’m fearless, for death has been paralysed—defeated by Jesus, and when He did it, I was in Him! I boldly exercise my divine rights in Christ, taming my body and environment with my faith-filled confessions. No evil shall befall me. Nothing shall by any means hurt me because the Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God has made all things I require for life and godliness available to me, and I celebrate the grace of prosperity and abundance that I enjoy as the seed of Abraham. The works of my hands are blessed and I am set on the path of permanent success and prosperity. I do not know when the heat comes, for I am fashioned to flourish like the cedar in Lebanon. I am a citizen of heaven, living by heavenly principles. I live in the Christ-environment where life is totally different; everything is glorious. I have absolute mastery over circumstances, and over the elements of this world. There’s no failure, weakness, defeat, sickness, disease, poverty or any of the negativities of life in me.
All I have and experience are glory, righteousness, life and immortality, joy, health, peace, prosperity and abundance. I live in God’s perfect will for my life and I am in sync with His plans and purposes for my health. There are no impossibilities with me; therefore, I refuse to be discouraged because greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world! I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. Fear, doubt, and unbelief have no place in me, for my faith in God and in His eternal Word is the victory that overcomes the world! Divinity is tabernacled in my physical body! I’m a new creation, not subject to the elements of this world. I live a transcendent life!
No darkness, misery, infirmity, or pain is associated with me because Christ is my life. I am strong in faith, giving glory to God at all times! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I am joined to the Lord, and I am one Spirit with Him. I’m a seed of Abraham; therefore, through me, the world is blessed. I’m the salt of the earth, and by my words, I preserve the earth and protect it from bondage and corruption. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, causing life to spring forth from within me. God wants me well; therefore, I refuse to accommodate sickness or anything contrary in my body. My life is filled with peace and prosperity, my body is in perfect health, and my days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. The glory that I see when I look into the mirror—the Word—is who I am. I am not governed by luck or chance; rather, I walk in the path of victory, promotion, strength, health and excellence, as I navigate my way through life with God’s Word, to the praise and glory of His Name. My heart is flooded with light, and my life filled with brilliance and beauty.
I do not fret over the hardship, inflation and evil in today’s world, for they’re not set against me! I’ve ascended above the economics of this world! I’m in my place of inheritance in Christ Jesus, where I prosper continually. My faith is alive and working, ever ready to receive, and always expecting good outcomes. I walk into divine favour and opportunities today. I’m conscious that God loves to always prosper me and delights in doing good things for me. I exercise authority over my body. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel.
I am mightily blessed of the Lord! I am a blessing from God; I’m a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world. Through me, God shows forth His manifold wisdom and demonstrates His excellent greatness. My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. I am full of the Holy Ghost; strengthened with might in my inner man! I am an offspring of the Word, and the Word has pre-eminence in my life. Daily, God’s Word produces in me what it talks about. In every area of my life, I experience the reality of the Word as I meditate on, and live in the Word, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
All things are working for my good. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take possession of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured. Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always.
There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. Situations that were orchestrated to bring me down, are now ordained for my lifting.
I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I’m Abraham’s seed. I’m an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I’m blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in!
There’re no accidents or mishaps on my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all my endeavors. I refuse to be a victim; for as the Lord Jesus is, so am I in this world. I declare that I’m strong and healthy.
I have special favour! Great things are coming to me by free course. The Spirit of God draws men, women, resources and all kinds of good things towards me. My gates are open continually and good things are ministered to me, now. There’s beauty, favour, grace, and open doors for me everywhere. Men are going out of their way to favour me. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly.
I function from the realm of the spirit and nothing in this physical world matters to me. Through the help of the Spirit and consistent meditation on the Word, I consciously speak wholesome, edifying, gracious, inspiring, motivating, and encouraging words. With my words, I create success, victory, divine health, and prosperity from within, establishing God’s righteousness in my world in Jesus name. Amen.
I affirm that good things are coming my way and happening for me and around me because the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. I am continually strengthened with might in my inner man as the anointing of God’s Spirit runs through every fibre of my being, making me sickness and disease-free. Everything I require for life and godliness have been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I am a success for life, and I win always. Like the Lord Jesus, I’m not of this world; I’m born from heaven and live the life of heaven now in the earth! I’m conscious of my heavenly blessings, rights and privileges and I enjoy them to the full.
I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion–the city of the living God. Therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen; the Spirit of God is working effectually in me today and always. The life of God in my spirit destroys infirmity and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God.
I refuse to subject myself to circumstances and situations that are contrary to the Word of God concerning me. I have eternal life. I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I’m Abraham’s seed. I’m an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I’m blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! There’re no accidents or mishaps on my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all my endeavors. I refuse to be a victim; for as He is, so am I in this world. I declare that I’m strong and healthy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I will never walk in confusion because the Spirit of God is guiding me in the path of life and leading me in the way of supernatural success and permanent prosperity. I make my way prosperous and consistently experience good success as I meditate on the Word and speak it forth with boldness. I am guided and propelled by God’s divine wisdom to do His will and fulfil my destiny in Christ. I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man.
I have overcome the world and its delusion, wickedness, hardship, greed, and deception. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I have a sharp memory and a firm capacity to remember important details, experiences and knowledge. My mental acuity and my cognitive abilities are top-notch. I am born of God, therefore, fear has no place in my life. I am perceptive, astute and smart. I am confident, bold and courageous.
I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart. I’m not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it’s impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a custodian of the higher life in Christ; therefore, nothing contrary to that life can be found in me. I exude the glory and the beauty of Christ always, and my spirit, soul, and body manifest this grace. I live and enjoy eternal life now and always. The environment in which I live is Christ. Here, there is no health scare, infection, or pandemic. No matter what happens to those in the world, I stand firm in faith, and I enjoy my glorious life now. I bask in the provisions of Christ for my life, health, and all that concern me. I live in a different atmosphere. The sun will not smite me by day, nor the moon by night. I do not know when heat comes.
The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I am in God’s class – a partaker of His divine nature. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can corrupt my health. I am a heavenly man. I live and walk in divine perfect health. Eternal life is at work in me. The same Spirit, that raised up Christ from the dead, dwells in me now, and vitalizes my body. No bacteria, no virus, no cancer can stay in this body, because the life of God consumes every disease.
I am evergreen. I am not careful, I am not anxious in the year of drought. I am not anxious in times of recession, inflation or depression because my atmosphere and my economy are not from this world. There is no discouragement in me, I am full of courage. I am confident and optimistic all the time. There is no bitterness in me, I am full of love. There is no darkness in me, I am full of light. Nothing in this world can destroy me, because I am born of God and the greater One lives in me. Nothing in this world has the ability to hurt me. I have overcome the world. I am untouchable. No weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I refuse to be a victim in life, I am a victor in Christ Jesus. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak, and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world.
Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I’m alive! The Word of God is working in me! I live the transcendent life in Christ far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. Thus, I always function with supernatural strength and abilities! My mind is stayed on the Lord and my trust is in my heavenly Father, who preserves me from all evil.
I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and the Spirit of the Living God vitalizes my body. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am not subject to the rudiments and limitations of this world because I live in Christ, and Christ is my life. He’s in every fibre of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I reign and rule over circumstances in His Name. I walk in divine health and prosperity and function from a vantage position of victory and unending success in Christ. I am shielded from all evil and harm because I’m seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms. Far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come! Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me.
I know who I am: chosen, royal, and peculiar! I experience the supernatural in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit. I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness; thus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. The Lord keeps me in perfect peace continually because my mind is focused on the Word of God. Daily, the Word produces what it talks about in me, causing me to radiate good health and strength and to display a life of peace with prosperity. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness.
I flourish exceedingly every day, everywhere, and at all times. I walk in health, victory, and triumph because I function in the Name of Jesus. My life is for glory and excellence. I manifest God’s bountiful blessings of success, prosperity, health, and joy, so that all may see and glorify Him. My life is exuberant with joy and I walk in the manifestations of God’s righteousness. I walk conscious of my heritage in Christ. I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. I thrive in health every day. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I affirm that my body is the temple of the living God. The Spirit of God has made my life a bundle of joy and happiness, and a testimony of His goodness. I’m continually strengthened with might in my inner man as the anointing of God’s Spirit runs through every fibre of my being, making me sickness and disease-free. I am built up, thriving on my most holy faith, making progress by the supernatural, and rising like an edifice, ever higher and higher, as I pray in the Holy Ghost! I’m never disadvantaged! I am born with the ability to reign and rule over the elements of this world. God has put in me the yeast to rise above every challenge, therefore, it’s impossible to go down irrespective of what’s happening around the nations of the world.
I know who I am, the child of the Monarch of the universe. The peace of God garrisons my heart and mind in Christ. My heart is stayed on the Lord who is my rock and fortress, my protection, and salvation. Now and always, I walk in victory, and in the dominion of the Word, reigning by grace through righteousness. Hallelujah! I am in the centre of God’s will for me, and the mysteries of life are unveiled to my spirit. Never will I walk in darkness; for the true light that lightens every man’s world shines in my heart. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me.
Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. Hallelujah! I refuse to be a part of the suffering masses; for I’ve been transferred from the kingdom of this world into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. Out of my belly flows rivers of living water; for all the fullness of the Godhead tabernacles in me. I live from my spirit because my heart is where the Kingdom of God dwells. I’m complete in Christ and every facet of my life is perfected for excellence. The Spirit guides and inspires me to take actions that’ll guarantee evident and unstoppable progress, increase and blessings for me, in Jesus name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’ve been granted spiritual insight and set on the right course for life. The keys of the kingdom have been given unto me; therefore, I am celebrating my riches generously. I live above lack and other distracting influences of this earthly realm because I live in, and by the Word. Nothing is impossible with me because my life is the story and testimony of God’s grace. There’s nothing that I do that is void of the anointing. The anointing of God is on everything that I do. This anointing causes me to expand, spread, flourish, and advance in life. I’ve obtained an inheritance, which is imperishable and undefiled! I’ve been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
I walk in divine wisdom; for the Father has given me His Word, a material to build my life with, and usher myself into higher levels of glory, promotions, victories, and success. As I meditate on the Word, the wisdom of God exudes from me, and His grace causes me to be fruitful and productive in all things, and function excellently. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I now live in health because Christ has blessed me with the divine life. Sickness cannot take hold of any part of my body because I am born of God. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health.
I know who I am! I am from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and safety always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I live the victorious life in Jesus name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a testimony and the inheritor of the blessings of Abraham through my association with Christ. I prosper and I live in the manifestation of His infinite blessings because I’m Abraham’s seed. I’m an heir according to the promise and a joint-heir with Jesus. I am blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in. I am full of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and that joy gives me strength and vitality every day. I have in me the indestructible life! Daily, I walk in health, victory, prosperity, and strength because the Greater One lives in me! Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood is inundated with divine energy! I’m not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God.
I’m living in health 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. I am living the victorious life in Christ. I choose and live the good life. I have health, strength and vitality. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity and walk in victory every day. I have power over all things! I live in the Name of Jesus; therefore, I live in dominion over sickness, disease and infirmity. Christ is Lord over my spirit, soul and body. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. Jesus has all authority over my body, and I declare that I dwell daily in the health and strength. I have eternal life. This life produces everything I need to live and enjoy a fruitful and productive life here on earth.
There’s life in my bones, tissues, muscles, tendon, and ligaments; I’m alive unto God. That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me; therefore, my entire being is vitalized. Jesus has made my life beautiful! I’ll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always. The Word of God is working mightily in me. It doesn’t matter what may come my way; I’m a victor and I’ve overcome because I’m more than a conqueror. I’m born for health, success and the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
God lives in me, therefore, I am invincible; I am a success. I am making progress and can do all things through Christ who is my strength. God’s Word has brought me to a place of absolute confidence and independence. I live free of worry, agitations, tensions, distress and confusion because Christ is my all. I reign as a king in this life, changing situations and circumstances in my favour. I make decrees and they’re established, for the Word of God on my lips is God talking! I’ll never be discouraged or subject to the crippling principles of this world, because I reign and rule by the Word. Christ has brought perfection and excellence into my life.
I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. I lack nothing because The Lord is my Shepherd. My completeness, my sufficiency is not in the government, my place of work or any human structure, organization, or association. My completeness is in Christ. I’m sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I’m totally inundated with this consciousness.
Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. My life is for the glory of God, and I experience His goodness and mercies today; my life is one of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times. l am in Christ and Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory and joy are expressed through me. Every day of my life, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances. I dominate in everything that has a name. I am more than a conqueror. I have overcome the world and its persecution, pains, delusion and wickedness. I have overcome the world and its hardship and greed in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. The glory that I see when I look into the mirror—the Word—is who I am. I am one with God’s Spirit, and death has no association with me. I refuse to be affected or limited by the contrary forces at work in the world. My body is quickened to do the impossible, energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for the miraculous. The Spirit of God dwells in me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always.
The resurrection life is at work in me. I am dead to sin and its effects. Sickness, disease, poverty, and depression cannot overcome me because life prevails in me. I take hold of eternal life and the blessings of salvation that Christ obtained for me. Nothing can rob me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. I am not governed by luck or chance; rather, I walk in the path of victory, promotion, strength, health and excellence, as I navigate my way through life with God’s Word, to the praise and glory of His Name. My heart is flooded with light, and my life filled with brilliance and beauty.
I do not fret over the hardship, inflation and evil in today’s world, for they’re not set against me! I’ve ascended above the economics of this world! I’m in my place of inheritance in Christ Jesus, where I prosper continually. My faith is alive and working, ever ready to receive, and always expecting good outcomes. I walk into divine favour and opportunities today. I’m conscious that God loves to always prosper me and delights in doing good things for me. I am far removed from death, defeat, destruction, and the chaos in the world. I shape my life and future to completely synchronize with God’s divine provisions and destiny for me! I have an excellent and sickness-free life, enjoying everything that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ made available to me in Jesus name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Precious Father, You’re great, gracious and glorious; You’re loving, holy, just and true. Thank You for Your blessings in my life: the divine favours that You cause me to experience always. I’m grateful, Lord, for Your faithfulness towards me! You’ve given me all that pertains to life and godliness; thank You for making my life the effulgence of Your glory and righteousness. Thank You for my triumphant life in Christ! Thank You for the Holy Spirit who lives in me and in whom and through whom I can do all things. Thank You for granting me all that I require for life and godliness. I’m delighted to know that I’m Your treasured possession, ordained to show forth Your wonderful deeds and display Your virtues and perfections.
You have made my life beautiful! I’ll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now. Christ is my assurance of health and life eternal. I have dominion in Christ, I rule over my body with the Word of God and in the Name of Jesus. I disallow infirmity and I cut off any abnormality from my body. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Satan and the powers of darkness are under my feet; therefore, I have nothing to fear. The impulses of fear have been completely disabled from my life. Irrespective of the situation, I’m bold and courageous, speaking the Word in faith.
My faith is the victory that overcomes fear, sickness, disease and infirmities. I walk in dominion over the elements of this world. I’m furnished with the requisite knowledge for life in Christ, through the Word. The eyes of my understanding are being enlightened. Therefore, I have insight into mysteries and secrets; there’s nothing that I can’t know. Christ is my wisdom, and the Word of God informs me daily, through the Holy Spirit. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have special favour! Great things are coming to me by free course. The Spirit of God draws men, women, resources and all kinds of good things towards me. My gates are open continually and good things are ministered to me, now. There’s beauty, favour, grace, and open doors for me everywhere. Once my name is mentioned, it is for good because all things work together for me in an extraordinary way. Situations that were orchestrated to bring me down, are now ordained for my lifting. I experience unusual favour. Men are going out of their way to favour me. Favour is activated for me. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly.
All things are working for my good. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take possession of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured. Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumors, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, and lung failure in any place in my body. Everything about my body is perfect; my lungs, liver, heart, blood, and every part of me is perfect. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater.
I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life. My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness. I’m continually filled with the Spirit of God. I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural life that God has given me, in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have searched out. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I am top-class, in top form and shape, and excellent all the way because I am born of God. I am the expression of God’s beauty, glory, perfection, and grace. No weapon fashion against me shall ever prosper.
I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word always. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death. As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward.
I am connected to an endless stream of prosperity, riches, and glory. I belong to Christ; therefore, I’m the seed of Abraham, graced for greatness and ordained to be fruitful and productive in every good work. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I exercise authority over my body. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop in my body, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I am divinely protected on every side! I cannot be perplexed because the Greater and All-knowing One is in me! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body.
My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. I’m living in health 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. I am living the victorious life in Christ. I choose and live the good life. I have health, strength and vitality. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity and walk in victory every day. I have power over all things!
I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. I have eternal life now! Christ is my peace. Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have obtained an inheritance and I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I am a man of influence in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Christ is made unto me wisdom. In him, I have access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent. I have knowledge of witty inventions. I am skillful, proficient and knowledgeable. I devise the best solutions in every circumstance. I have discretion. Counsel is mine. I am full of sound wisdom. I have sound knowledge and understanding. I have strength, might, and power. I speak excellent and princely things. I have an understanding heart. The opening of my lips is for the right things. My words are all righteous. I speak the truth always. God has given me wisdom.
There is nothing beyond me. There is nothing I cannot handle. I have a wise and discerning heart. Christ is my excellent wisdom. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted.
I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God! Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions, and the glorious life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus! Every day, I rule and reign over the circumstances of life and I exercise dominion over Satan and the power of darkness. Christ is my advantage for the glorious life. He is my home; my life and my all! In Him, I live and move and have my being. In Christ, all things are mine. I live above lack, sickness, defeat, and all the rudiments of this world because I am joint-heir with Christ in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads me with benefits. Today, there’s an overflow of favor and abundance for me, and I take possession. I’ll never be broke in my life, for the Lord has supplied all that I require for life and godliness according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. I’m full of God, and there is no place for sickness and disease in my body. The Word of God is life and health to my flesh; therefore, no infirmity can thrive in my body. I am the light of the world; there is no darkness or death in my life. I have passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, from sickness to health, and from poverty to wealth.
I live in health always and I enjoy soundness, wholeness, and perfection in my spirit, soul, and body. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me. My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence, where there is no sickness, death, disease, infirmity, or failure. I decree peace with prosperity and perfect health in every area of my life. I am an inhabitant of Zion. I have the divine right to live in health, prosperity, joy, victory, success, dominion, and excellence. God’s glory is evident in my physical body, coursing through my being, ridding me of every infirmity, feebleness, or weakness.
I live above the limitations of the human body. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. The Word of God is life to me and medicine to my body. It rejuvenates and refreshes me daily! I’m divinely immunized against all forms of sickness, diseases, and infections. I refuse to be weak, and I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I am full of faith. I am full of joy. I am full of peace. I am full of strength, and I am doing wonders in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I will never walk in confusion because the Spirit of God is guiding me in the path of life and leading me in the way of supernatural success and permanent prosperity. I make my way prosperous and consistently experience good success as I meditate on the Word and speak it forth with boldness. I am guided and propelled by God’s divine wisdom to do His will and fulfil my destiny in Christ. I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man.
I have overcome the world and its delusion, wickedness, hardship, greed, and deception. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I have a sharp memory and a firm capacity to remember important details, experiences and knowledge. My mental acuity and my cognitive abilities are top-notch. I am born of God, therefore, fear has no place in my life. I am perceptive, astute and smart. I am confident, bold and courageous.
I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart. I’m not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it’s impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion. I walk in excellent humility of heart. I attract divine favour and promotion. I’m submissive to the authority, influence and impact of God’s Word. I receive the Word into my heart, acting accordingly, making definite changes in my character and attitude with, and through, the Word. I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness.
My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. I am one with divinity and I have eternal life coursing through my being. I’m living a successful, healthy and victorious life because I’m one with God’s Spirit and death has no association with me. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces around me. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous.
I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. I’ve got the life of God in me. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. I do not tire or wear out. I do not get weak. My strength is renewed daily by the Holy Spirit and I am vitalized, invigorated, energized, and refreshed for all things in the Name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of God tabernacles me. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always. The Lord is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because God is with me. I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have searched out. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me.
I affirm that my gates are open continually. They are not shut day or night, receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations. The Lord has magnified me and increased my greatness. I have divine access to wealth untold. The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life. He shows me how to produce wealth, to make profit and how to stay in wealth and health. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. When the challenges of life cast down men, my testimony will forever be that there’s a lifting up for me. I am in the place of never-ending and superabundant wealth. I am being remembered right now in several places for good.
My blessings cannot be humanly explained. I have money everywhere. I am a big-time kingdom financier. I have the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God in all my affairs. I am mightily blessed by the Lord! I am a blessing from God, a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world. Through me, God shows forth His manifold wisdom and excellent greatness. My family, workplace, neighbourhood, city, and nation are all blessed for my sake. I am an offspring of the Word, and the Word has pre-eminence in my life. I reign and rule in life by the word in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always! My Father and I are one. I belong to Christ; therefore, I’m the seed of Abraham, graced for greatness and ordained to be fruitful and productive in every good work. My life is for the glory of God. I affirm that I am fruitful and productive. My financial investments and projects are anointed to bear fruit and to keep on bearing yields that abide and live forever.
I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth fruit in its season, and whose leaves will never run dry. In any environment, I produce the same glorious results, for I come from Zion where prosperity comes from the Spirit of God. The Lord has made me His prosperity hoarding, my prosperity is appearing for all to see. I am well-decorated financially. I am not of this world; I am from above! I am from the wealthiest family and I have an inexhaustible inheritance in Christ Jesus. I am connected to an endless stream of prosperity, riches, and glory. I am seated with Christ in the realms of power and glory; far above all principality, power, might and every domain of darkness!
I can never be broke because I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ! The life of God is at work in me, in every fibre of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. My whole being is immune to death, decay, and the corrupting influences of the world. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. Eternity is alive in me. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. No evil shall befall me. Nothing shall by any means hurt me because the Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress. Hallelujah! Speak in tongues.
I will never walk in confusion because the Spirit of God is guiding me in the path of life and leading me in the way of supernatural success and permanent prosperity. I make my way prosperous and consistently experience good success as I meditate on the Word and speak it forth with boldness. I’m guided and propelled by God’s divine wisdom to do His will and fulfill my destiny in Christ. I function today and always from the standpoint of advantage, victory, dominion, and power because I am born of God and conscious that whatever is born of God overcomes this world. I am mightily blessed of God!
I am a blessing from God; I’m a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world. Through me, God shows forth His manifold wisdom and demonstrates His excellent greatness. This wisdom beautifies my life and causes me to inherit substance. The angels of wealth attend to me. The angel of money responds to me. I operate in limitless wisdom. I operate with limitless wealth. And I operate with limitless power. The grace of God is working in me mightily and evidently. This grace is multiplied in my life. I experience a quantum leap in grace. I walk in exponential grace, and I take advantage of the grace of God. I am full of the Holy Ghost; strengthened with might in my inner man! I am an offspring of the Word, and the Word has pre-eminence in my life.
I declare that God has not given me the spirit of fear, cowardice or timidity, rather, He’s given me the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. I am imbued with an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension and exceptional intellect, marked by wit and intelligence. I have an expansive understanding and brilliance of mind through the Holy Spirit. I have a sound mind; a mind that retains and recalls information effectively. I have a sharp memory and a firm capacity to remember important details, experiences and knowledge. My mental acuity and my cognitive abilities are top-notch. I am born of God, therefore, fear has no place in my life. I am perceptive, astute and smart. I am confident, bold and courageous, in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory Christ provided me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. There’s no death in my path! In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity. I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. The Holy Spirit has beautified my life. He brings colour into my life. I live a wonderful, colourful, beautiful, and productive life.
The glory of God is beaming out of me with intensity. The Lord is my beauty. He is my sweet attractiveness. I am divinely enabled to see, think, say and, to do things that ordinary men cannot do. I am sagacious. I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I am a wonder and surprise to many. God’s wisdom is operative in me. This wisdom beautifies my life and causes me to inherit substance. The angels of wealth attend to me. The angel of money responds to me. The grace of God is working in me mightily and evidently. I experience a quantum leap in grace. I walk in exponential grace, and I take advantage of the grace of God.
Today and every day of my life are days of blessings and benefits. The Lord loads me with benefits. I bring forth new wealth. New channels are opened to me. New channels of supply, of inflow and distribution are open for me. My gates are open continually. They are not shut day or night, receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations. The Lord has magnified me and increased my greatness. I have divine access to wealth untold. The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life. He shows me how to produce wealth, to make profit and how to stay in wealth and health. I am the excellent, the glorious, the Lord delights in me. I am making continuous and consistent progress, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I live my days in health and prosperity. I do not suffer from headaches, colds, fevers, diabetes, stomach pain, or any such thing. The Holy Spirit in me keeps my spirit, soul, and body invigorated and ever alive. I have the life of God in its fullness. My life is sickness-proof, poverty-proof, and failure-proof. I’m full of joy, basking in the grace and glory of Christ. In Christ, I have everything that pertains to life and godliness. My body is perfected by the unfailing Word of God, and I flourish in health and strength today, like never before. Every fibre of my being is energized and infused with miracle-working power.
Today and always, God’s grace is active in my life and sufficient for me in all things. Thus, I rule dominantly over demons of darkness, sickness, disease, poverty, failure and death. I reign triumphantly, enjoying all the benefits of divine life in Christ Jesus. The enemy has nothing in me because my body belongs to God. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumors, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, and lung failure in any place in my body. Everything about my body is perfect; my lungs, liver, heart, blood, and every part of me. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all.
I reject sickness or anything that represents darkness or inferiority. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, Satan has no claim over me or mine. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by the unspeakable joy overflowing in my heart. Nothing of the devil can stay in me, for I have embraced the transcendent life in Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature. I’m strengthened and invigorated by the Holy Spirit in my inner man and I function in God’s divine power that works in me mightily in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Praises be to You, my Lord and King, from everlasting to everlasting. Everything in heaven and earth is yours. You are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things. In Your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Daily, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength is renewed. I do not wane because I live in an ageless zone. I belong to the God class and I only give expression to His virtues because I was made for His glory. I have God’s very life and nature because I am born again.
Nothing can bring me down. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I have the life of God in me. That life destroys sickness and death; therefore, I walk in health and wellness. I cannot be sick! Divinity works and flows from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I lavishly enjoy God’s grace. His stamp and seal of perfection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness, and glory. I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God. My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit!
The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force – an empowerment – at work in me to blaze through the barriers. I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times. I reign over the world and its systems in Jesus’s name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency, and His superabundant grace upon my life is enough for me in all things. Grace—the lifting power of God that attracts the right people, materials and resources—has put me ahead and positioned me for success and victory. I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health. I’m seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms. Far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come! I’m exalted with Him in glory; I know who I am: chosen, royal, and peculiar! I experience the supernatural in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit.
I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness; thus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. I refuse to think or talk sickness, for I am the seed of Abraham. The Lord keeps me in perfect peace continually because my mind is focused on the Word of God. Daily, the Word produces what it talks about in me, causing me to radiate good health and strength and to display a life of peace with prosperity. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. I walk in divine health and prosperity and function from a vantage position of victory and unending success in Christ. With the Word in my heart and on my lips, I’ll forever be indomitable.
I flourish exceedingly every day, everywhere, and at all times. I walk in health, victory, and triumph because I function in the Name of Jesus. My life is for glory and excellence. I manifest God’s bountiful blessings of success, prosperity, health, and joy, so that all may see and glorify Him. My life is exuberant with joy and I walk in the manifestations of God’s righteousness. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a partaker of God’s glory, grace, and righteousness. I walk in prosperity, health, and peace today and always. Even though death works in the world, life works in me and everything connected to me. My Lord Jesus defeated death and now, because He lives, I live. I have the all-conquering life of God in me. I have all that I require to live life in godliness and righteousness. Sickness is not in my nature. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and He has perfected my health; therefore, I refuse to be sick! I have the supernatural life of God that makes me impervious to sickness. I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me.
I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy. My new life in Christ is a super-life. The life of God is active in me by the Holy Spirit. I live above the decadence and flawed systems of this world. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of ordinary life. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. The Holy Spirit has beautified my life. He brings colour into my life. I live a wonderful, colourful, beautiful, and productive life. I am daily vitalized, refreshed, renewed, and restored by the Holy Spirit.
The glory of God is beaming out of me with intensity. The Lord is my beauty. He is my sweet attractiveness. I am divinely enabled to see, think, say and, to do things that ordinary men cannot do. I am sagacious. I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I am a wonder and surprise to many. The Lord has magnified me. He has increased my greatness. I have divine access to untold wealth. The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life. He shows me how to produce wealth, to make profit and how to stay in wealth and health. I am the excellent, the glorious, the Lord delights in me. I am making continuous and consistent progress, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory every day.
The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease. My mind is filled with the thoughts of Christ – thoughts of peace, life, and prosperity. In Christ, I exercise my authority and rule over all circumstances of life. I am superior to sickness and death because I have in me the divine life of God. Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. I live in beauty and splendour and I exude the perfections and the excellencies of Christ to my world. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness.
My life has no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity. As a child of God, all I know, and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. My life is flourishing. My health is flourishing. Of my increase, greatness, prosperity, and flourishing, there shall be no end. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. He shields me from deadly hazards. His outstretched arms protect me-under them I am perfectly safe. I fear nothing. This is the set time to overtake. I have strength for accomplishment. I have no unfinished goals or aborted dreams. Every one of my targets and dreams is coming to fruition speedily in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen! Speak in tongues.
All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work. Christ is my wisdom. I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are infused with divinity. I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free.
I have a wholesome tongue; my words are sculpted in line with God’s perfect will and direction for my life. I walk in divine health, prosperity, victory, success and financial abundance. My life is for the glory of God and I experience His goodness and mercies today; my life is one of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times. Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force—an empowerment—at work in me to blaze through the barriers.
Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood is replete with God. I experience success, victory, and prosperity, now and always. I have divine life – an everlasting life that is filled with absolute health and soundness of mind and body. The indestructible life of God is in every bone of my body and in every cell of my blood. Therefore, I live in divine health in Christ Jesus. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I am alive and well! I am blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have overcome the world and its delusion, wickedness, hardship, greed, and deception. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I have a sharp memory and a firm capacity to remember important details, experiences and knowledge. My mental acuity and my cognitive abilities are top-notch. I am born of God, therefore, fear has no place in my life. I am perceptive, astute and smart. I am confident, bold and courageous.
I will never walk in confusion because the Spirit of God is guiding me in the path of life and leading me in the way of supernatural success and permanent prosperity. I make my way prosperous and consistently experience good success as I meditate on the Word and speak it forth with boldness. I am guided and propelled by God’s divine wisdom to do His will and fulfil my destiny in Christ. I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man.
I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart. I’m not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it’s impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
God’s grace is heaped on me abundantly. I reign by His immeasurable grace through righteousness. In my path, there’s only life. There’s no death of any kind. I am death-free. I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today. I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world. I am not affected by the rudiments of this world.
I am founded on Christ the solid rock; my life cannot be shaken by negative reports because it is tailored according to God’s design. I’ve been lifted over the depravities and corrupting influences of this world. No sin, sickness, death, or any kind of infirmity can separate me from God’s unwavering love. I rejoice always because He has made me more than a conqueror. I live victoriously today and always. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word.
God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prosper. I sail through life triumphantly. The Lord is my peace. In Him, I have found my rest. I do not struggle for anything. All things that I require come to me by free course because I’m synchronized with the grace of God. My life is easy, glorious, and exciting. My family is at rest and at peace. My body is at rest and at peace. I have excellent health and excellent finances. I handle all my affairs this year with excellence in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit. I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. I have eternal life now! Christ is my peace. Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity.
I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness at all in my life! I am the offspring of the Word with the resurrection life. I have been called into a glorious hope of divine destiny with Christ. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. I maintain my victory in Christ Jesus. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy. My new life in Christ is a super-life. The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body.
I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have obtained an inheritance and I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I am a man of influence. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. I’ve got the life of God in me. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. I am vitalized, invigorated, energized, and refreshed for all things in the Name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have searched out. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me. God’s Word is my light and my life! It’s the nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my flesh! I live by the Word always and declare that its mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says.
I am preserved from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. I have peace on every side. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds. I live above the decadence and flawed systems of this world. The totality of divinity is tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today. I belong to Christ and I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! I affirm that I’m filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body.
I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. I’m lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world. God’s Word is the nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my flesh! I live by the Word always and declare that its mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says. I have a testimony of the Word in my life; it is a testimony of eternal life, perfect health, matchless strength, and energizing power in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen! Speak in tongues.
I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. I walk in divine health and prosperity, and function from a vantage position of victory and unending success in Christ. I flourish exceedingly every day, everywhere, and at all times. I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. Continually, situations and circumstances align to God’s perfect will for me. I am divinely connected to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. The Word of God is life to me and health to my flesh. Eternal life is at work in me, radiating to all in my world. I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories.
I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body, thus, I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body. I keep myself in health as I consciously recognize that the Word of God is pure medicine. I meditate on the Word, day and night; thus, I function daily in prosperity, good success, and sound health. I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence.
My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me. I give thanks to God for He has made me superior to Satan, his demons, sickness, disease, and infirmity. My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. I walk in the consciousness that I’m in oneness with Jesus Christ. I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen! Speak in tongues.
Every day I wake up, I am reinvigorated in my spirit, soul, and body. I am full of life and vitality. My mind is alert, my body is energized, and my muscles, tendons, and ligaments are strengthened. I am an offspring of God’s Word; therefore, as the Word is, so am I. God’s Word is ageless; thus, I refuse to age in my spirit, soul, and body. I live in agelessness! I am forever blossoming in my soul, vibrant in my health, and fervent in my spirit. My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I am divinely protected on every side! I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body.
I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. Christ is my peace. Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to the hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient, and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have been given access to the inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches of Christ. I am a man of influence, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence.
My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion, and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world. My life is built on the Word of God. It keeps me in health, strength, and victory, making me experience unprecedented progress, peace, and prosperity in my life. I am a new creation, born with the life and nature of God. I am not subject to sickness, disease, failure, or death. I am an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon.
I affirm that divinity is at work in me. The knowledge of God’s Word in my heart, causes me to walk in faith, dominion, glory and power. Through the revelation knowledge of God’s Word, I live above the deception, trickery, manipulation and lies of the adversary. I function in absolute victory. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman!
All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work. I eschew and purge from my heart all elements of anger, bitterness, rage, or fury; anger has no place in me. I delight myself in God’s Word and in doing His will always. The Word is in my heart, causing me to walk in righteousness and fulfill my destiny in Christ. My life is the expression of all that Christ is. I unveil Him to my world today through my thoughts, words, and actions. The world sees Jesus in my eyes; I show them love they can’t deny. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that His wisdom, ability, and power are working in and through me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. The world’s elements and the decay in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and over sickness and death. My life is built on the Word of God. It keeps me in health, strength, and victory, making me experience unprecedented progress, peace, and prosperity in my life.
I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. Everything is working. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. My life is excellent and full of glory; I walk in absolute mastery, victory, safety, wellness, wholeness, and divine health because I’m in Christ and Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory, and joy are expressed through me, and my faith in the Word is the victory that overcomes the world.
Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body because He perambulates in me, through the Holy Spirit. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a victor in Christ Jesus. I do not fear the diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disasters at noon, for the Lord is my shield and strength! A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no evil shall come near me. I am divinely protected on every side! I cannot be perplexed because the Greater and All-knowing One is in me. I’m what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings; therefore, I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body.
My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God. I refuse to be brought down by sickness. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me, and daily, I enjoy the impact of God’s divine presence in my life! I declare that my physical body is vitalized by the power of God’s Spirit, and it is shielded and protected from all evil. I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free. The indestructible life of God is in every bone of my body and in every cell of my blood. Therefore, I live in divine health in Christ Jesus. My body is a reflection of the beauty and perfection of God.
I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror. God has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. I exercise my divine right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and to exercise dominion over Satan. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural wealth that God has given me. I’m a carrier and distributor of His blessing and grace to my world in Jesus name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
The glory of God is evident in my finances, health, family, business, and ministry. Christ in me is my guarantee of perfect health, prosperity, and success. Divine health is my present-hour reality and my body responds to the Word of God only. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. I am not moved by what I feel, see, or hear because I am full of faith. I am ever radiant in health and I live victoriously in all that concerns me.
The glorious life in Christ is continually manifested in my spirit and it is evident in all that I do. Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit.
The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead is alive in me. He is vitalizing every part of my body; repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and anything that’s not of God from my life. I live my best every day, to the glory of God. I am who God says I am, I have what He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. He has blessed me and made me a package of blessings. I’m an embodiment of the fullness of His blessings! I do not walk in lack, poverty, disease, or anything that’s of the devil, for I’ve been called to inherit the blessings of righteousness and eternal life in Christ. I live according to my calling the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me. My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick. I glorify God in my body, and by the Spirit, it functions perfectly all the time because it is the Lord’s. The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-round success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me, which I received when I obtained salvation.
God’s Word is established in my life and it is evident for the world to see. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principality and power, far above the devil and his minions, and far above sickness and disease. I live the glorious life of God who is above all and cannot be brought down by anything. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence.
The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I dwell in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. This power in me is greater than sickness, disease, poverty and failure, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
What a blessing; what glory it is to have the Holy Spirit in my life. The greatest blessing of all. The Holy Spirit is my greatest advantage. I am made for life because I have this precious Holy Spirit in me. He’s my assurance for an extraordinary life of victory, dominion, abundance and infinite possibilities. In me abides all the graces, blessings, wisdom and goodness of heaven, because the Holy Spirit lives in me. I’m His living tabernacle. Everything I require for life and godliness is in me by the Holy Spirit. He’s the power and glory of my life. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible.
My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
Sickness, poverty, death, lack, failure, depression, and everything that’s not of God have no hold over my life. Daily, I express divine and supernatural verities in my spirit, soul, and body. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. I am impervious to sickness, disease, infirmity, sadness, depression, anxiety, and everything that is of this world. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak. I reject inferiority or anything that represents darkness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am what God says I am, and my life is a testimony of God’s grace and infinite blessings. I affirm that I live in divine health, prosperity, abundant joy, and indescribable peace. The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body. I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel.
I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I have received eternal life - that very life and very existential attribute of deity. This is all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind. I am the effulgence of God’s glory. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have all the things that pertain to life and godliness. All I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Glorious things are spoken of me. Health, strength, and victory are mine, and I live victoriously at all times. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me. Christ is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion. I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise. I am a joint heir with Jesus Christ. I prosper and I live in the manifestation of God’s infinite blessings. I’m blessed in the city; I am blessed in the field, and in my going out and in my coming in! I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. My body was fashioned for the Lord’s presence. I live in the ageless zone, where I can only grow without aging. Each day, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength and my youth are renewed. The Lord is my Shepherd—to feed, guide and shield me; I lack nothing! He makes me lie down in fresh, tender green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. Therefore, I walk in ever-increasing prosperity, possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation.
The glory of God is evident in my finances, health, family, business, and ministry. Christ in me is my guarantee of perfect health, prosperity, and success. Eternal life flows into everything I lay my hands on to do, causing endless prosperity. God’s divine power has given unto me all things that pertain to life and godliness. I live in endless prosperity. All things are working for my good. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take possession of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured. Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always.
In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumors, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, and lung failure in any place in my body. Everything about my body is perfect; my lungs, liver, heart, blood, and every part of me is perfect. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I declare that I am reigning in life–in my health, finances, job, and every area of my life. I walk in the victory and dominion of Christ today. I manifest life, glory, and excellence in every fiber of my being, and I grow from strength to strength every day. I live above the systems of the world. I’m seated together with Christ, far above principalities, powers, and the elements of this realm. Christ in me is my guarantee of perfect health, prosperity, and success in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me, everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. I am lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence therein. It is well with my spirit, soul and body. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness have been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today.
I am fully aware that the quality of life that I live is based on the faith-filled words that I utter. Therefore, I hold fast to my profession of faith without wavering. I declare that my life, health, family and finances are consistent with God’s Word. I live in absolute dominion and victory today by the power of the Holy Ghost who lives in me. I was born to reign and manifest the glory of the Kingdom of God on earth. I’ve put on the new nature of righteousness. I have in my spirit the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! Today, I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I’ve received in Christ. My path is illuminated to see and experience the glory of God in my health.
My life is the expression of divine beauty, excellence, success, and greatness. I’m glorified in Christ; thus, I walk in health, wholeness, and wellness. God’s ability is at work in me today and I am conscious of it. I do not function in my ability or strength, for God’s inherent power is in me. My strength is renewed daily and I am divinely energized at all times for victory. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, and Christ has perfected my health; therefore, I refuse to be sick! I have the supernatural life of God that makes me impervious to sickness and disease. I have power over all things! No sickness or infirmity of the body can overwhelm me! I am alive and well in the Name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have health, strength and vitality. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity and walk in victory every day. There’s no death or failure in my body; the life-giving Spirit is at work in every fiber of my being. I’m washed, sanctified, and justified. I’m holy, unblameable and unreproveable in God's sight. I have escaped the corruption that is in the world and I have received eternal life. This life causes me to live above any form of sickness of the body or mind. I live in health always and I enjoy soundness, wholeness, and perfection in my spirit, soul, and body. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily and I live life in its fullness.
Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me; the Almighty God has breathed life into me; as a result, I carry God in me wherever I go. My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence, where there is no sickness, death, disease, infirmity, or failure. I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world, bringing glory to the Name of the Lord continually. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to God, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires.
I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I have the life of God in me. My spirit, soul and body are vitalized through and through by the power and effect of righteousness and the fullness of the God-life that I’ve received through the Gospel. I’m walking in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. He shields me from deadly hazards. His outstretched arms protect me-under them I am perfectly safe. I fear nothing, This is the set time to overtake. I have strength for accomplishment. I have no unfinished goals or aborted dreams. Every of my targets and dreams are coming to fruition speedily in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen! Speak in tongues.
I am exuberant with praise always, expressing joy unspeakable and full of glory because the joy of the Lord is my strength. My joy is independent of circumstances; it comes from my inner man. My joy is permanent, and it keeps me strong and alive. I am supernaturally positioned to do wonders in my world. I am fully yielded to the Holy Spirit; thus, I am aligned with God’s plan for my health and my life. I’m like a well-watered garden, fruitful at all times. I’m the fruit-bearing part of God’s vine and I am producing durable fruits—fruits of righteousness, because I’m a tree of righteousness. I’m standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life.
I am ever blessed, ever prosperous. I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I do all things by His mighty power, guided by His wisdom and grace. I am protected from the destruction that is in the world. I tread upon challenges, sicknesses, infirmities, deceptions, and falsities. I am victorious over them all and I daily enjoy blessings because I am more than a conqueror. I rejoice that I am in Christ and the Holy Spirit lives in me! I have power over all the abilities and strategies of the devil. No matter how he tries or through which means he attempts to attack my body, the Name of Jesus gives me authority, dominion, and triumph always, and nothing can prevail against me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that the life I live is superior to sickness, disease, and defeat.
My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. By the virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me. The life of God in me has supplanted the human life that was susceptible to sickness and disease. My body and everything connected to me align with God’s provisions. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day. I am what God says I am. I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I am living God’s dream and enjoying the fullness of life. I walk in prosperity, health, strength, and victory, now and evermore in Jesus name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I affirm that my spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. I am in the place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. I am being remembered right now in several places for good. My blessings cannot be humanly explained. I have money everywhere. I am big-time kingdom financier. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment.
My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. I’m lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life. The “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life.
I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. I have the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God in all my affairs. I am in the place of accomplishment; gargantuan financial accomplishments. I have no aborted dreams. I have no unmet goals. I have no unaccomplished targets. I have no unfulfilled visions. All my financial goals, targets, dreams and visions are accomplished and exceeded in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have received an overflowing of God’s grace. I enjoy promotions, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned. The Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me.
I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world. When the challenges of life cast down men, my testimony will forever be that there’s a lifting up for me. I am bold, strong, and courageous in my daily walk of faith. My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down everything in my body that is contrary to God’s provisions for my health. The greater One lives in me. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in every part of my body. The Word of God is my life.
The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler. I hail from God, and as He is invincible and indestructible, so am I in this world. I am seated with Christ and I reign with Him, in Him, and through Him. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. My faith prevails over sickness, disease, and wickedness. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen! Speak in tongues.
I am seated with Christ, far above all principality, power, might, dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come! I’m exalted with Him in glory; I know who I am: chosen, royal and peculiar! My life is the expression and manifestation of the glory and righteousness of Christ. Therefore, I am superhuman! I have the life of Christ at work in my spirit, soul, and body. God’s Word is the light of my life. No darkness, misery, infirmity, or pain is associated with me. I am strong in faith, giving glory to God at all times! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I am joined to the Lord, and I am one Spirit with Him.
I’m strengthened and energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me, and He’s made me an absolute victor. The power of the Holy Spirit touches everything in my body; thus, I am infused with divine strength. There is no situation I cannot change, for the inherent power to do exceeding abundantly above all that I could ask, think, or imagine is within me. My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always. I am the expression of God’s fullness, grace, and glory. I am the seed of Abraham and an heir his blessing through Christ. I prosper in my health and bear living proof of God’s infinite grace, blessing, and love.
God loves me personally. I’m His peculiar treasure; my value to Him is the value of Jesus. I think, talk, walk, and live as someone special, for indeed I am someone special. I have the same life that Jesus has, in its fullness. My life is sickness-proof, disease-proof, poverty-proof and failure-proof. It’s a life of glory, victory, success and excellence. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. I do not worry about my health, finances, family, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me in Jesus’ name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and nature that transcends the ordinary human life has been imparted to my spirit. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat and the depravities of the natural man. I am no longer subject to sickness, disease, failure, or death. I am a new creation, born with the life and nature of God. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I am above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. I affirm that divinity is at work in me. The knowledge of God’s Word in my heart, causes me to walk in faith, dominion, glory and power.
The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I live above the deception, trickery, manipulation and lies of the adversary. I function in absolute victory. All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work.
I eschew and purge from my heart all elements of anger, bitterness, rage or fury; anger has no place in me. I delight myself in God’s Word and in doing His will always. The Word is in my heart, causing me to walk in righteousness and fulfill my destiny in Christ. My life is the expression of all that Christ is. I unveil Him to my world today through my thoughts, words and actions. I am one with divinity and I have eternal life coursing through my being, as a result of this oneness. Therefore, no sickness, disease or infirmity can stay in my body. The world sees Jesus in my eyes; I show them love they can’t deny. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that His wisdom, ability and power are working in and through me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am the effulgence of God’s glory. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. All I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings. I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost.
My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. God’s Word is alive in me; therefore, I cannot die. Every time I receive the Word of God, it goes into my spirit and permeates my body. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to satan, and I’m above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, holy and irreproachable in God’s sight.
I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it’s impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions. I declare that I am reigning in life–in my health, finances, job, and every area of my life. I walk in the victory and dominion of Christ today. I manifest life, glory, and excellence in every fiber of my being, and I grow from strength to strength every day. I live above the systems of the world. I’m seated together with Christ, far above principalities, powers, and the elements of this realm in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, finances, and family are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. I can never be sick, broken, wounded, or defeated because I have this very life of God in me. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace.
I’m like a well-watered garden, fruitful at all times. I’m the fruit-bearing part of God’s vine and I am producing durable fruits—fruits of righteousness, because I’m a tree of righteousness. I’m standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life. I am ever blessed, ever prosperous. I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I do all things by His mighty power, guided by His wisdom and grace. I walk in health, victory, strength, prosperity and glory, as the Lord walks in me, and works in and through me to perfect His will and good pleasure.
God daily loads me with blessings and benefits. He has a budget that includes me every day. I lay claims on my daily bread. I am in my wealthy place right now. I am a prosperous man. I am walking in my inheritance in Christ. I have all that I require for life and godliness. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural life that God has given me. I am enriched in all things, for all seasons. My glory life is on! Glorious things are happening to me now. God is working in me. His wisdom is working in me. His righteousness, faith, favour are working in me right now, in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Christ is my life. He’s in every fibre of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I reign and rule over circumstances in His Name, shielded from all evil and harm because I’m seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms. Far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come! I’m exalted with Him in glory; I know who I am: chosen, royal, and peculiar! I experience the supernatural in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit. The Greater One lives in me. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. My life is filled with peace and prosperity. Eternal life is at work in me.
I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual health and dominion here on earth. God’s glory is evident in my physical body, coursing through my being, ridding me of every infirmity, feebleness, or weakness. It is seen in my family, job, business, and all areas of my life. I have eternal life and walk in the consciousness of it. I walk in dominion over sickness, disease, and death, over the discouragements and frustrations that affect humanity.
I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I am full of faith. I am full of joy. I am full of peace. I am full of strength and I am doing wonders in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a citizen of heaven, living by heavenly principles. I live in the Christ-environment where life is totally different; everything is glorious. I have absolute mastery over circumstances, and over the elements of this world. There’s no failure, weakness, defeat, sickness, disease, poverty or any of the negativities of life in me. All I have and experience are glory, righteousness, life and immortality, joy, health, peace, prosperity and abundance. I live in God’s perfect will for my life and I am in sync with His plans and purposes for my health. There are no impossibilities with me; therefore, I refuse to be discouraged because greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world!
Christ is made unto me wisdom. In him, I have access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent. I have knowledge of witty inventions. I am skillful, proficient and knowledgeable. I devise the best solutions in every circumstance. I have discretion. Counsel is mine. I am full of sound wisdom. I have sound knowledge and understanding. I have strength, might, and power. I speak excellent and princely things. I have an understanding heart. The opening of my lips is for the right things. My words are all righteous. I speak the truth always. God has given me wisdom. There is nothing beyond me. There is nothing I cannot handle. I have a wise and discerning heart. Christ is my excellent wisdom.
I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. Fear, doubt, and unbelief have no place in me, for my faith in God and in His eternal Word is the victory that overcomes the world! Divinity is tabernacled in my physical body! I’m a new creation, not subject to the elements of this world. I live a transcendent life! Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. I unleash health, prosperity, and victory in my life. I walk in victory and dominion over Satan, as well as the world and its systems in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man. I have overcome the world and its delusion, wickedness, hardship, greed, and deception. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance. I am a king and a priest unto God and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from deity! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness, because the greater one indwells me! I am a master over satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity.
I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city set on the hill that cannot be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. The Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. The environment in which I live is Christ. Here, there is no health scare, infection, or pandemic. No matter what happens to those in the world, I stand firm in faith, and I enjoy my glorious life now. I bask in the provisions of Christ for my life, health, and all that concern me in Jesus’ name, Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness. I am exalted with Christ in glory; I know who I am: chosen, royal, and peculiar! I experience the supernatural in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit. Just like the cedar in Lebanon, I declare that I am deeply rooted in the Word of God; I am strong, healthy and continually making progress. I am an embodiment of God’s grace, and my daily experience is that of the miraculous and God’s infinite love. I am born again; therefore, I’m not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His life – a life without limits.
I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. All things are working for my good. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take possession of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured. Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always.
In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumors, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, and lung failure in any place in my body. Everything about my body is perfect; my lungs, liver, heart, blood, and every part of me is perfect. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today. Nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Divine health flourishes in me. Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all endeavors today. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I have the life of God in me. I am born of God. I walk in the fullness of the blessings of Christ. I am propelled, by the sheer force of eternal life. My ever-expanding peace and reign have no end. I am present, constant, and relevant. I am the seed of Abraham. Everything about me expands and extends even unto eternity. I am a tree planted by the rivers of water. I bring forth my fruits and my leaves shall never run dry. I am furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. Everything required for life and godliness is present in me. There’s order and grace in my life. I will never go down. When men are cast down, I will always be lifted.
I am a child of the Most High God—Christ in me, the hope of glory. Christ in me is the manifestation of glory. Lands I didn’t buy, houses I didn’t build, and wells I didn’t dig, are delivered to me for the sake of the Gospel. Christ is my peace, Christ is my rest, Christ is my oasis, He’s joy and my life. I am the manifestation of the glory of God, of His grace, His abundance, His wealth, His wisdom, His strength, and His life. In Him I have rest. I am at rest in Christ. This is my set time to overtake. I have received supernatural strength, supernatural speed, and supernatural ability. Things are happening so fast for me. One thing is happening fast on the heel of the other. Everything is happening at once. None is waiting for the other. The blessing of the Lord has overtaken me. I have abundance, superabundance. my harvest has overtaken my sowing.
I have overcome the world and its limitations. My spirit is open to infinite possibilities, as far as my eyes can see, as much as my heart can contain. The Lord has set infinity and eternity in my heart. I can see, and I see far. I see greatness. My vision is lifted, and my capacity is expanded. I am expanded on the inside. The grace of God is multiplied in my life and in all that concerns me. Suddenly, I am in another place, by divine transportation, divine acceleration. Suddenly, levels have changed, with giant leaps, quantum leaps of grace. I am taking territories by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! Speak in tongues.
I have the life of God in me. In every fibre of my being. in every bone of my body. in every cell of my blood. I’m born of God, therefore, I have overcome the world. I am powered, propelled, and advanced by the sheer force of eternal life. My ever-expanding life, peace, and reign have no end. I was born for the top. I am moving from one level of glory to another level. from one degree of splendour to the next. I am present, constant, relevant, and dominant because I am the seed of Abraham. I am a super being the life of God in me grants me wisdom, intelligence, sagacity, capacity, and everything required for life and godliness. I am furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation.
I do not fret over the hardship, inflation and evil in today’s world, for they’re not set against me! I’ve ascended above the economics of this world! I’m in my place of inheritance in Christ Jesus, where I prosper continually. My faith is alive and working, ever ready to receive, and always expecting good outcomes. I walk into divine favour and opportunities today. I am not governed by luck or chance; rather, I walk in the path of victory, promotion, strength, health, and excellence, as I navigate my way through life with God’s Word, to the praise and glory of His Name. My heart is flooded with light, and my life is filled with brilliance and beauty. I live triumphantly always.
I know what to do. I have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, it makes no difference what is required of me, or where I am I always know what to do and I always win. I have an understanding and discerning heart. The extraordinary strategist lives in me, therefore I cannot fail. The Spirit of God makes me a success. I am successful, always. By the Spirit, I have the best strategy for ministry, business, job and finances. I have peace like a flood. I am profitable for the Kingdom of God. I live a miracle life. I live a supernatural life. I solve problems, I answer questions. I solve puzzles. I bring solutions. I am far ahead of my peers, the competition and I am far ahead of the world because the grace for speed and quickness is at work in me in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Precious Father, You’re great, gracious and glorious; You’re loving, holy, just and true. Thank You for Your blessings in my life: the divine favours that You cause me to experience always. Thank you for your great grace that is lavished upon me. I am grateful, Lord, for Your faithfulness towards me! You’ve given me all that pertains to life and godliness; thank You for making me the effulgence of Your glory and righteousness. Thank You for my triumphant life in Christ! Thank You for the Holy Spirit who lives in me and in whom and through whom I can do all things. Thank You for granting me all that I require for life and godliness. I’m delighted to know that I’m Your treasured possession, ordained to show forth Your wonderful deeds and display Your virtues and perfections.
You have made my life beautiful! I’ll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now. Christ is my assurance of health and eternal life. I have dominion in Christ, I rule over my body with the Word of God and in the Name of Jesus. I disallow infirmity and I cut off any abnormality from my body. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Satan and the powers of darkness are under my feet; therefore, I have nothing to fear. The impulses of fear have been completely disabled from my life. Irrespective of the situation, I’m bold and courageous, speaking the Word in faith.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have divine life. Eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat and depravities that affect the natural man. I live above this world and its corrupting influences. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. My life is for the glory of God, and I experience His goodness and mercies today; my life is one of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times in Jesus name. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, it is ever radiant and ever flourishing. There is no failure in my body systems; no heart failure, no kidney failure, no lung failure, no liver failure. All the organs and systems of my body are functioning perfectly well. There is perfect soundness in my body. I live a life of faith. I’m not moved by what I feel, see, or hear. I am only moved by God’s Word. The presence of the Holy Ghost in my life gives strength to my spirit, soul, and body. I am replenished and built up by the Word. I walk in the full benefits of the salvation that Jesus Christ wrought for me, including health, peace, prosperity, and all-round success.
I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. I dwell in the victory Christ wrought for me; thus, I’m no longer subject to any form of fear, limitation, or bondage, for Christ has set me free from sickness, disease, and death. I’m more than a conqueror! I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. Diseases and infirmities are not a part of my life in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. I recognize the efficacy of God’s Word that works in me today. I have perfect health, victory, success, and prosperity now and forevermore.
I belong in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son, where I reign and rule by the power of the Spirit. Thank You, Father, for bringing me into such a beautiful place of glory, beauty, honor, and the superior life. I live triumphantly over and above all circumstances of life. I testify of the goodness of the Lord and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. Eternity is alive in me. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. Hallelujah! Speak in tongues.
I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have been given access to the inexhaustible and unfathomable riches of Christ. I am a man of influence. I am God’s hands of love, mercy and compassion to the world. I’m strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me.
The totality of divinity is tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today! As the Lord Jesus is, so am I. I am ageless. I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory.
I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer. I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
Glorious things are spoken of me. Health, strength, and victory are mine, and I live victoriously at all times. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me. Christ is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion. I have power over all the abilities and strategies of the devil. No matter how he tries or through which means he attempts to attack my body, the Name of Jesus gives me authority, dominion, and triumph always, and nothing can prevail against me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ.
I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. My body was fashioned for the Lord’s presence. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore sickness, disease and anything that hurts or binds have no place here. I live in the ageless zone, where I can only grow without aging. Each day, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength and my youth are renewed. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me.
I am an answer from God; I have the wisdom of the just, which propels me to function in God’s perfect will. The wisdom of God is in my heart and in my mouth today, and I deal excellently in all my affairs. I am full of God’s might! I function by His power and glory today, full of the Spirit in wisdom! Victory is my heritage and my life! I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. God has given me everything it takes to live victoriously every day in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am living in health 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. I am living the victorious life in Christ. I choose and live the good life. I have health, strength and vitality. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity and walk in victory every day. I have power over all things! I have been brought out of spiritual death into the arena of life. I have eternal life now! Christ is my peace. Christ is my rest. Christ is my wisdom. Therefore, I have access to hidden riches of secret places. I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent, skillful, proficient and sagacious. I live a life of ever-increasing glory, continuous victory, unending success, and perpetual prosperity.
The God-life in me makes me impregnable to sickness, disease, infections, and the destructions that ravage the ordinary man. My body is inundated with the life of God and I walk in divine health. I am ever joyful and exuberant with praise because the joy of the Lord is my strength. My joy is independent of circumstances; it comes from my inner man and transcends the physical. The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces results in my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. It produces what it talks about in me: supernatural health, surplus supply, unlimited grace, and joy unspeakable. I take advantage of God’s provisions in the Gospel for my health. My body is sound; every organ and system is functioning excellently well.
My health blossoms because the Lord is the strength of my life and His Word is health to my flesh. I operate from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. My words are loaded with power because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! The rhema of God that changes things is in my mouth today. In the Name of Jesus, I pronounce health, increase, progress, and prosperity in my life. My organs are invigorated with the life-giving Word of God, and I am alive! I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. I am recording great and notable achievements, in my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and all that concerns me. I enjoy my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. I am making progress, rising like an edifice higher and higher irrespective of daunting challenges, persecutions, hardships, and troubles around the nations of the world.
I enjoy God’s boundless grace. This grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. My faith is the victory that overcomes fear, sickness, disease and infirmities. I walk in dominion over the elements of this world. I’m furnished with the requisite knowledge for life in Christ, through the Word. The eyes of my understanding are being enlightened. Therefore, I have insight into mysteries and secrets; there’s nothing that I can’t know.
There is an overflow, a bursting forth of finances in my life. My money is abundant. My blessings, possessions and everything about me are abundant. I am secure from the plagues in the world. I live in supernatural divine perfect health and peace. Sickness will not devour my body or my money. Mishaps, misfortunes, accidents, mistakes, calamities and tragedies cannot devour my money. Disasters and catastrophes cannot afflict me. I have blessings, favour, peace, calmness, joy and delight everywhere. I have access to the inexhaustible, boundless, and unsearchable riches of Christ. My resources are multiplied. I am enriched in all things. I am rich in money, favour, ideas, supply, and material resources. I am rich in all things. Everything I require for the abundant life in Christ is available to me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Speak in tongues.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have divine life. Eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat and depravities that affect the natural man. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Satan and the powers of darkness are under my feet; therefore, I have nothing to fear. The impulses of fear have been completely disabled from my life. Irrespective of the situation, I’m bold and courageous, speaking the Word in faith.
Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy. Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, it is ever radiant and ever flourishing. There is no failure in my body systems; no heart failure, no kidney failure, no lung failure, no liver failure. All the organs and systems of my body are functioning perfectly well. There is perfect soundness in my body. I live a life of faith. I’m not moved by what I feel, see, or hear. I am only moved by God’s Word. The presence of the Holy Ghost in my life gives strength to my spirit, soul, and body. I am replenished and built up by the Word. I walk in the full benefits of the salvation that Jesus Christ wrought for me, including health, peace, prosperity, and all-round success.
I belong in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son, where I reign and rule by the power of the Spirit. Thank You, Father, for bringing me into such a beautiful place of glory, beauty, honor, and the superior life. I live triumphantly over and above all circumstances of life. I testify of the goodness of the Lord and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favour my horn is exalted. Eternity is alive in me. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. Hallelujah! Speak in tongues.
Money likes me. Money flows easily into my life. As I give, I make room for more. I am a conduit of money into the kingdom.
I attract money naturally. Everything I touch is minting money.
I am laying up gold as dust. The angel of wealth accompanies me everywhere I go and causes money to come to me freely.
I have new opportunities and channels to make money. I have more than enough money to fulfill all my commitments and vows.
Whatever activity I perform makes money for me and I am always full of money. Financial ideas keeps coming to me.
I have money to save, to spend and to give.
Money and I have a good relationship. It does not fear or shy away from me. I know how to manage, multiply and utilize it.
I am a money magnet;; money is constantly attracted to me. Men are giving into my account daily.
Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money. He daily loads me with benefits.
I have all the money I require for the good life and godliness. I enjoy my life because I always have money for all I require.
I am debt free as money is constantly flowing into my life and I know what to do with it.
My wealth consciousness in Christ is always increasing and keeping me surrounded by money. God trusts me with money.
I am a custodian of money just as I am a custodian of the Gospel, therefore, I am a big time partner of the Gospel. My money wins souls to the kingdom of God.
I am rich, I am rich, I am very rich. I am rich in Euros, I am rich in Dollars, I am rich in Pounds, Rands, Naira, etc. I am rich in every currency.
I have all the monies I require where I want them. When I enter any country, money is waiting for me there, therefore I travel light.
I have more than enough therefore I abound unto every good work and charitable donation. My giving is pleasing to the Father!
I am a Seed of Abraham, I am a beneficiary of His blessings. Therefore I am a haver and through me many generations shall be blessed!
As Jesus is, so am I in this world. Money can never be a challenge or hindrance to my growth, I ascend above it, I have authority and I exercise my authority over it. I have money always....
20.I make Money look like sand, Money will never finish in my hand, money in every land is yielding to and for me, I have Money everywhere......
Money likes me. Money flows easily into my life. As I give, I make room for more. I am a conduit of money into the kingdom.
I attract money naturally. Everything I touch is minting money.
I am laying up gold as dust. The angel of wealth accompanies me everywhere I go and causes money to come to me freely.
I have new opportunities and channel to make money. I have more than enough money to fulfill all my commitments and vows.
Whatever activities I perform makes money for me and I am always full of money. Financial ideas keep coming to me.
I have money to save, to spend and to give.
Money and I have a good relationship. It does not fear or shy away from me. I know how to manage, multiply and utilize it.
I am a money magnet; money is constantly attracted to me. Men are giving into my account daily.
Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money. He daily loads me with benefits.
I have all the money I require for a good life and godliness. I enjoy my life because I always have money for all I require.
I am debt-free as money is constantly flowing into my life and I know what to do with it.
My wealth consciousness in Christ is always increasing and keeping me surrounded by money. God trusts me with money.
I am a custodian of money just as I am a custodian of the Gospel, therefore, I am a big-time partner of the Gospel. My money wins souls to the kingdom of God.
I am greatly rich, I am successfully rich, I am eternally rich. I am rich in Euros, I am rich in Dollars, I am rich in Pounds, Rands, Naira, Cedis, etc. I am rich in all the major currencies of the world.
I have all the monies I require where I want them. When I enter any country, money is waiting for me there, therefore I travel light.
I have more than enough, therefore, I abound unto every good work and charitable donations. My giving is pleasing to the Father!
I am a Seed of Abraham, I am a beneficiary of His blessings. Therefore I am a haver and through me many generations are blessed!
As Jesus is, so am I in this world. Money can never be a challenge or hindrance to my growth, I ascend above it, I have authority and I exercise my authority over it. I have money always...
I make Money look like sand, Money will never finish in my hand, money in every land is yielding to and for me, I have Money everywhere...
Speak In Other Tongues Now!
Money likes me. Money flows easily into my life. As I give, I make room for more. I am a conduit of money into the kingdom.
I attract money naturally. Everything I touch is minting money.
I am laying up gold as dust. The angel of wealth accompanies me everywhere I go and causes money to come to me freely.
I have new opportunities and channel to make money. I have more than enough money to fulfill all my commitments and vows.
Whatever activities I perform makes money for me and I am always full of money. Financial ideas keep coming to me.
I have money to save, to spend and to give.
Money and I have a good relationship. It does not fear or shy away from me. I know how to manage, multiply and utilize it.
I am a money magnet; money is constantly attracted to me. Men are giving into my account daily.
Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money. He daily loads me with benefits.
I have all the money I require for a good life and godliness. I enjoy my life because I always have money for all I require.
I am debt-free as money is constantly flowing into my life and I know what to do with it.
My wealth consciousness in Christ is always increasing and keeping me surrounded by money. God trusts me with money.
I am a custodian of money just as I am a custodian of the Gospel, therefore, I am a big-time partner of the Gospel. My money wins souls to the kingdom of God.
I am greatly rich, I am successfully rich, I am eternally rich. I am rich in Euros, I am rich in Dollars, I am rich in Pounds, Rands, Naira, Cedis, etc. I am rich in all the major currencies of the world.
I have all the monies I require where I want them. When I enter any country, money is waiting for me there, therefore I travel light.
I have more than enough, therefore, I abound unto every good work and charitable donations. My giving is pleasing to the Father!
I am a Seed of Abraham, I am a beneficiary of His blessings. Therefore I am a haver and through me many generations are blessed!
As Jesus is, so am I in this world. Money can never be a challenge or hindrance to my growth, I ascend above it, I have authority and I exercise my authority over it. I have money always...
I make Money look like sand, Money will never finish in my hand, money in every land is yielding to and for me, I have Money everywhere...
I am a financial victor, I command money to accomplish any desired project and it hears my voice. I am not financially hesitant, any amount I need, I call it forth and it manifests speedily. God has made me a king therefore I rule and reign over any money matter coming out victorious in all instances.
I have the nerve and audacity to do extraordinary, history making financial exploits that always bear supernatural results. I rise above every adversity for I am not enabled by qualifications or abilities but by grace. Glory to God!
I have increased authority over finances. Money hears and obeys my voice, I call forth any amount I require and it hastens in my direction. The money that I need is inside me, for I am the seed of Abraham and I am rich in all things. I am not limited by finances whenever there is a need in the House of God.
Money likes me. Money flows easily into my life. As I give, I make room for more. I am a conduit of money into the kingdom.
I attract money naturally. Everything I touch is minting money.
I am laying up gold as dust. The angel of wealth accompany me everywhere I go and causes money to come to me freely.
I have new opportunities and channel to make money. I have more than enough money to fulfill all my commitments and vows.
Whatever activities I perform makes money for me and I am always full of money. Financial ideas keeps coming to me.
I have money to save, to spend and to give.
Money and I have a good relationship. It does not fear or shy away from me. I know how to manage, multiply and utilize it.
I am a money magnet; money is constantly attracted to me. Men are giving into my account daily.
Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money. He daily loads me with benefits.
I have all the money I require for the good life and godliness. I enjoy my life because I always have money for all I require.
I am debt free as money is constantly flowing into my life and I know what to do with it.
My wealth consciousness in Christ is always increasing and keeping me surrounded by money.
God trusts me with money.
I am a custodian of money just as I am a custodian of the Gospel, therefore, I am a big time partner of the Gospel. My money wins souls to the kingdom of God.
I am greatly rich, I am successfully rich, I am eternally rich. I am rich in Euros, I am rich in Dollars, I am rich in Pounds, Rands, Naira, Cedis etc. I am rich in all the major currencies of the world.
I have all the monies I require where I want them. When I enter any country, money is waiting for me there, therefore I travel light.
I have more than enough therefore I abound unto every good work and charitable donations. My giving is pleasing to the Father!
I am a Seed of Abraham, I am a beneficiary of His blessings. Therefore I am a haver and through me many generations are blessed!
As Jesus is, so am I in this world. Money can never be a challenge or hindrance to my growth, I ascend above it, I have authority and I exercise my authority over it. I have money always....
I make Money look like sand, Money will never finish in my hand, money in every land are yielding to and for me. I have Money everywhere.
I sponsor the Gospel in all nations of the world; my money is reaching out to save the lost and heal the sick.
I influence the people around me for Christ; I am a big time soul winner.
I refuse to be poor; for my sake He became poor that I might be rich. I am rich in all things.
I receive the supernatural promotion and wealth that comes from God. I receive the dynamic ability and power to cause favorable changes in my life.
The grace of the Lord is sufficient for me – It is not by might or by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.
“Grace” – The grace of God is upon my life permanently. Every place the sole of my feet shall tread upon, I will possess.
I am prosperous & wealthy; I am rich.
I am big time kingdom financier.
All things work together for my good. I am energized, I am full of ideas, innovations and creativity and I am producing results that follow.
I am the head and not the tail; I am above only and not below.
I eat in plenty and I am satisfied. The angels of God are mobilized to restructure things to favor me. Men and women are working together to favor me.
The years that the canker worms have eaten have been restored unto me.
I speak life to every dry or dead situation in my life.. The Holy Spirit perfects all that concerns me.
I reign in this life because I have received the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness.
Because I have received the abundance of grace, I am abounding unto every good work and I have all things.
Money likes me. Money flows easily into my life. As I give, I make room for more. I am a conduit of money into the kingdom.
I attract money naturally. Everything I touch is minting money.
I am laying up gold as dust. The angel of wealth accompany me everywhere I go and causes money to come to me freely.
I have new opportunities and channel to make money. I have more than enough money to fulfill all my commitments and vows.
Whatever activities I perform makes money for me and I am always full of money. Financial ideas keeps coming to me.
I have money to save, to spend and to give.
Money and I have a good relationship. It does not fear or shy away from me. I know how to manage, multiply and utilize it.
I am a money magnet; money is constantly attracted to me. Men are giving into my account daily.
Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money. He daily loads me with benefits.
I have all the money I require for the good life and godliness. I enjoy my life because I always have money for all I require.
I am debt free as money is constantly flowing into my life and I know what to do with it.
My wealth consciousness in Christ is always increasing and keeping me surrounded by money.
God trusts me with money.
I am a custodian of money just as I am a custodian of the Gospel, therefore, I am a big time partner of the Gospel. My money wins souls to the kingdom of God.
I am greatly rich, I am successfully rich, I am eternally rich. I am rich in Euros, I am rich in Dollars, I am rich in Pounds, Rands, Naira, Cedis etc. I am rich in all the major currencies of the world.
I have all the monies I require where I want them. When I enter any country, money is waiting for me there, therefore I travel light.
I have more than enough therefore I abound unto every good work and charitable donations. My giving is pleasing to the Father!
I am a Seed of Abraham, I am a beneficiary of His blessings. Therefore I am a haver and through me many generations are blessed!
As Jesus is, so am I in this world. Money can never be a challenge or hindrance to my growth, I ascend above it, I have authority and I exercise my authority over it. I have money always....
I make Money look like sand, Money will never finish in my hand, money in every land are yielding to and for me. I have Money everywhere.
I sponsor the Gospel in all nations of the world; my money is reaching out to save the lost and heal the sick.
I influence the people around me for Christ; I am a big time soul winner.
I refuse to be poor; for my sake He became poor that I might be rich. I am rich in all things.
I receive the supernatural promotion and wealth that comes from God. I receive the dynamic ability and power to cause favorable changes in my life.
The grace of the Lord is sufficient for me – It is not by might or by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.
“Grace” – The grace of God is upon my life permanently. Every place the sole of my feet shall tread upon, I will possess.
I am prosperous & wealthy; I am rich.
I am big time kingdom financier.
All things work together for my good. I am energized, I am full of ideas, innovations and creativity and I am producing results that follow.
I am the head and not the tail; I am above only and not below.
I eat in plenty and I am satisfied. The angels of God are mobilized to restructure things to favor me. Men and women are working together to favor me.
The years that the canker worms have eaten have been restored unto me.
I speak life to every dry or dead situation in my life.. The Holy Spirit perfects all that concerns me.
I reign in this life because I have received the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness.
Because I have received the abundance of grace, I am abounding unto every good work and I have all things
Money likes me. Money flows easily into my life. As I give, I make room for more. I am a conduit of money into the kingdom.
I attract money naturally. Everything I touch is minting money.
I am laying up gold as dust. The angel of wealth accompany me everywhere I go and causes money to come to me freely.
I have new opportunities and channel to make money. I have more than enough money to fulfill all my commitments and vows.
Whatever activities I perform makes money for me and I am always full of money. Financial ideas keeps coming to me.
I have money to save, to spend and to give.
Money and I have a good relationship. It does not fear or shy away from me. I know how to manage, multiply and utilize it.
I am a money magnet; money is constantly attracted to me. Men are giving into my account daily.
Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money. He daily loads me with benefits.
I have all the money I require for the good life and godliness. I enjoy my life because I always have money for all I require.
I am debt free as money is constantly flowing into my life and I know what to do with it.
My wealth consciousness in Christ is always increasing and keeping me surrounded by money.
God trusts me with money.
I am a custodian of money just as I am a custodian of the Gospel, therefore, I am a big time partner of the Gospel. My money wins souls to the kingdom of God.
I am greatly rich, I am successfully rich, I am eternally rich. I am rich in Euros, I am rich in Dollars, I am rich in Pounds, Rands, Naira, Cedis etc. I am rich in all the major currencies of the world.
I have all the monies I require where I want them. When I enter any country, money is waiting for me there, therefore I travel light.
I have more than enough therefore I abound unto every good work and charitable donations. My giving is pleasing to the Father!
I am a Seed of Abraham, I am a beneficiary of His blessings. Therefore I am a haver and through me many generations are blessed!
As Jesus is, so am I in this world. Money can never be a challenge or hindrance to my growth, I ascend above it, I have authority and I exercise my authority over it. I have money always.
I make Money look like sand, Money will never finish in my hand, money in every land are yielding to and for me. I have Money everywhere.
I sponsor the Gospel in all nations of the world; my money is reaching out to save the lost and heal the sick.
I influence the people around me for Christ; I am a big time soul winner.
I refuse to be poor; for my sake He became poor that I might be rich. I am rich in all things.
I receive the supernatural promotion and wealth that comes from God. I receive the dynamic ability and power to cause favorable changes in my life.
The grace of the Lord is sufficient for me – It is not by might or by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.
“Grace” – The grace of God is upon my life permanently. Every place the sole of my feet shall tread upon, I will possess.
I am prosperous & wealthy; I am rich.
I am big time kingdom financier.
All things work together for my good. I am energized, I am full of ideas, innovations and creativity and I am producing results that follow.
I am the head and not the tail; I am above only and not below.
I eat in plenty and I am satisfied. The angels of God are mobilized to restructure things to favor me. Men and women are working together to favor me.
The years that the canker worms have eaten have been restored unto me.
I speak life to every dry or dead situation in my life.. The Holy Spirit perfects all that concerns me.
I reign in this life because I have received the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness.
Because I have received the abundance of grace, I am abounding unto every good work and I have all things.
Money likes me. Money flows easily into my life. As I give, I make room for more. I am a conduit of money into the kingdom.
I attract money naturally. Everything I touch is minting money.
I am laying up gold as dust. The angel of wealth accompany me everywhere I go and causes money to come to me freely.
I have new opportunities and channel to make money. I have more than enough money to fulfill all my commitments and vows.
Whatever activities I perform makes money for me and I am always full of money. Financial ideas keeps coming to me.
I have money to save, to spend and to give.
Money and I have a good relationship. It does not fear or shy away from me. I know how to manage, multiply and utilize it.
I am a money magnet; money is constantly attracted to me. Men are giving into my account daily.
Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money. He daily loads me with benefits.
I have all the money I require for the good life and godliness. I enjoy my life because I always have money for all I require.
I am debt free as money is constantly flowing into my life and I know what to do with it.
My wealth consciousness in Christ is always increasing and keeping me surrounded by money.
God trusts me with money.
I am a custodian of money just as I am a custodian of the Gospel, therefore, I am a big time partner of the Gospel. My money wins souls to the kingdom of God.
I am greatly rich, I am successfully rich, I am eternally rich. I am rich in Euros, I am rich in Dollars, I am rich in Pounds, Rands, Naira, Cedis etc. I am rich in all the major currencies of the world.
I have all the monies I require where I want them. When I enter any country, money is waiting for me there, therefore I travel light.
I have more than enough therefore I abound unto every good work and charitable donations. My giving is pleasing to the Father!
I am a Seed of Abraham, I am a beneficiary of His blessings. Therefore I am a haver and through me many generations are blessed!
As Jesus is, so am I in this world. Money can never be a challenge or hindrance to my growth, I ascend above it, I have authority and I exercise my authority over it. I have money always....
I make Money look like sand, Money will never finish in my hand, money in every land are yielding to and for me. I have Money everywhere.
I sponsor the Gospel in all nations of the world; my money is reaching out to save the lost and heal the sick.
I influence the people around me for Christ; I am a big time soul winner.
I refuse to be poor; for my sake He became poor that I might be rich. I am rich in all things.
I receive the supernatural promotion and wealth that comes from God. I receive the dynamic ability and power to cause favorable changes in my life.
The grace of the Lord is sufficient for me – It is not by might or by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.
“Grace” – The grace of God is upon my life permanently. Every place the sole of my feet shall tread upon, I will possess.
I am prosperous & wealthy; I am rich.
I am big time kingdom financier.
All things work together for my good. I am energized, I am full of ideas, innovations and creativity and I am producing results that follow.
I am the head and not the tail; I am above only and not below.
I eat in plenty and I am satisfied. The angels of God are mobilized to restructure things to favor me. Men and women are working together to favor me.
The years that the canker worms have eaten have been restored unto me.
I speak life to every dry or dead situation in my life.. The Holy Spirit perfects all that concerns me.
I reign in this life because I have received the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness.
Because I have received the abundance of grace, I am abounding unto every good work and I have all things.
Money likes me. Money flows easily into my life. As I give, I make room for more. I am a conduit of money into the kingdom.
I attract money naturally. Everything I touch is minting money.
I am laying up gold as dust. The angel of wealth accompany me everywhere I go and causes money to come to me freely.
I have new opportunities and channel to make money. I have more than enough money to fulfill all my commitments and vows.
Whatever activities I perform makes money for me and I am always full of money. Financial ideas keeps coming to me.
I have money to save, to spend and to give.
Money and I have a good relationship. It does not fear or shy away from me. I know how to manage, multiply and utilize it.
I am a money magnet; money is constantly attracted to me. Men are giving into my account daily.
Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money. He daily loads me with benefits.
I have all the money I require for the good life and godliness. I enjoy my life because I always have money for all I require.
I am debt free as money is constantly flowing into my life and I know what to do with it.
My wealth consciousness in Christ is always increasing and keeping me surrounded by money.
God trusts me with money.
I am a custodian of money just as I am a custodian of the Gospel, therefore, I am a big time partner of the Gospel. My money wins souls to the kingdom of God.
I am greatly rich, I am successfully rich, I am eternally rich. I am rich in Euros, I am rich in Dollars, I am rich in Pounds, Rands, Naira, Cedis etc. I am rich in all the major currencies of the world.
I have all the monies I require where I want them. When I enter any country, money is waiting for me there, therefore I travel light.
I have more than enough therefore I abound unto every good work and charitable donations. My giving is pleasing to the Father!
I am a Seed of Abraham, I am a beneficiary of His blessings. Therefore I am a haver and through me many generations are blessed!
As Jesus is, so am I in this world. Money can never be a challenge or hindrance to my growth, I ascend above it, I have authority and I exercise my authority over it. I have money always.
I make Money look like sand, Money will never finish in my hand, money in every land are yielding to and for me. I have Money everywhere.
I sponsor the Gospel in all nations of the world; my money is reaching out to save the lost and heal the sick.
I influence the people around me for Christ; I am a big time soul winner.
I refuse to be poor; for my sake He became poor that I might be rich. I am rich in all things.
I receive the supernatural promotion and wealth that comes from God. I receive the dynamic ability and power to cause favorable changes in my life.
The grace of the Lord is sufficient for me – It is not by might or by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.
“Grace” – The grace of God is upon my life permanently. Every place the sole of my feet shall tread upon, I will possess.
I am prosperous & wealthy; I am rich.
I am big time kingdom financier.
All things work together for my good. I am energized, I am full of ideas, innovations and creativity and I am producing results that follow.
I am the head and not the tail; I am above only and not below.
I eat in plenty and I am satisfied. The angels of God are mobilized to restructure things to favor me. Men and women are working together to favor me.
The years that the canker worms have eaten have been restored unto me.
I speak life to every dry or dead situation in my life. The Holy Spirit perfects all that concerns me.
I reign in this life because I have received the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness.
Because I have received the abundance of grace, I am abounding unto every good work and I have all things.
Divine Health Confessions~2884
January 21st, 2021
The Word of God is medicine to my body, health to my flesh, purification to my blood, life to my organs, and strength to my bones. It works in me mightily, causing my health to flourish daily. No weapon formed against my body shall prosper, for my body is preserved by the Spirit and the Word of God. I live every day in dominion over diseases and infirmities and I refuse to be subject to any sickness or the circumstances of life, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Divine Health Confessions~2976
9th February, 2021
Christ purchased the life of glory for me through His death and resurrection, and sickness has no place in that life. Therefore, no sickness can attach itself to my body. I have what God says I have; I'm who God says I am, and I can do all He says I can do. Jesus has made my life beautiful. I'll never walk in sickness or defeat. The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always, in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Divine Health Confessions~3137
10th February, 2021
Daily, I meditate on the Word of God. I yield myself entirely to it; therefore, the Word produces exactly what it talks about in me. It produces fruits of strength, health, and vitality. Divine health is manifested in my body, making me stronger, more vibrant, and wiser. My consciousness of this reality puts me over and above the debilitating influences of evil in this world. I reign and rule with Christ. Glory to God!
Divine Health Confessions~3261
February 23rd, 2021
I live above this world and its corrupting influences. No sickness, disease or infirmity can thrive in my body, because I have the divine life—the indestructible, unconquerable life of God, in my spirit! I’m conscious of my divinity and immortality in Christ Jesus. Blessed be God!
Divine Health Confessions~3970
March 24th, 2021
I embrace God's Word concerning my health and boldly declare it. I have the Word of God in my heart and in my mouth, and I watch it produce supernatural results in all areas of my life - my body, finances, family, and all that is connected to me.
Divine Health Confessions~6306
1st October 2021
My life is for the glory of God and the expression of His righteousness, dominion, and excellence. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because the Spirit of Him that raised Christ from the dead lives and perambulates in me! My whole being is invigorated with the divine life. Hallelujah!
Divine Health Confessions~6313
2nd October 2021
I’m far removed from the corruption that works in this present world of darkness because I belong and live in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. With the Word of God in my mouth, I reign over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Divine Health Confessions~10420
8th August 2022
The Holy Spirit lives in me; therefore, I'm not susceptible to infirmity. The life of God in me makes every fiber of my being: my cells, tissues, organs and systems, impregnable to disease and sickness.
Divine Health Confessions~11207
30th September 2022
I'm complete in Christ Jesus, and I've been perfected my union with Him. I've been created for good works and predestined for the good life. There is nothing wrong with my body. And I've got everything I require for an excellent life that is sickness-free.
Divine Health Confessions~11461
18th October 2022
The very life of God is at work in me. It's flowing in my DNA. This life makes me immune to sickness, defeat, and failure. I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
Divine Health Confessions~11596
4th November 2022
I have the nature of the Father. Eternal life is at work in every bone of my body and every cell of my blood. My entire body is vitalized with divine life. No sickness, disease, infirmity, or growth can stay in my body. Death has been dissolved by eternal life.
Divine Health Confessions~14422
23rd July 2023
I rejoice that I am in Christ and the Holy Spirit lives in me! I am supernaturally positioned to do wonders in my world. I am fully yielded to the Holy Spirit; thus, I am aligned with God’s plan for my health and my life. Blessed be God!
Divine Health Confessions~14668
August 14th, 2023.
I am the light of the world; there is no darkness in my life. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life. There is no death in any area of my life or my body. Glory to God!
Divine Health Confessions~14719
August 18th, 2023.
Today, I go forth in God’s glory, righteousness, peace, and joy. There is no place for depression, weakness, and sadness in my life. I go from strength to strength, from health to health, and from victory to victory. Amen.
Divine Health Confessions~14745
August 21st, 2023.
I am a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. I am blessed forever, living transcendently over and above diseases, infections, and the demons of darkness. I live in Christ’s environment where divinity reigns.
I have overcome the world I have overcome the nations of the world I have overcome the governments of the world I overcome the powers and authorities of this world I overcome the forces of this world, in the name of Jesus. I overcome the world and it's written and unwritten codes, it's laws, bye laws, every natural law of men, there failed and failing principles, their rules, regulations, decrees, edicts, ordinances, policies, customs, traditions, practices, ways of men and ways of this world. I have overcome them all in the name of Jesus. I overcome the wisdom of this age in Jesus name I overcome the systems of this world I overcome the financial system of the world in the name of Jesus I have overcome the world and its economies with it's economics in the name of Jesus I've overcome the world and it's limitation I am living beyond the limits in the name of Jesus I have overcome the world and its negativities I overcome the world and it's pains and frustrations, in the name of Jesus I have overcome the world and it's wickedness I have overcome the world and it's hatred, it's falsehood, in Jesus name I have overcome the world and it's persecutions I have overcome the world and it's lies and deceptions in the name of Jesus I have overcome the world and it's darkness, it's delusions and it's distractions in Jesus name I have overcome the world and it's lust with it's greed in Jesus name I have overcome the world and it's god satan and all the demons of hell. I have overcome the world, I have overcome the world.. whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world...
Divine Health Confessions~7141
January 3rd, 2022
My body belongs to christ and I am a part of his body. As Jesus is so I am in this World. I walk in health vitality and wholeness nothing of death or sickness can be found in my body for body is an expression of ever increasing Grace.
I have received the Son of God, I am born again, and so I declare that I have the life of God in me. I have received into my spirit, eternal life, the very life of God. This life is working in my spirit, my soul and my body. This eternal life permeates every cell of my blood, causing me to be impregnable to any kind of blood infection, and all manner of sickness and disease! Eternal life infuses every fibre of my being, and every bone of my body. This life makes me more than a man! The pains, the frustrations, and the weaknesses that ordinary men go through are not for me, because I have this life in me! I am born as a saviour to my world, not a victim. I refuse to be a victim of any kind of negative situation or influence. I reign as a king over the forces and tools of darkness. I was born as the answer to the cries and pains of millions all over the world, and I am distributing eternal life to my world! Hallelujah!
I declare that I am indestructible, because of eternal life, which is at work in me! No weapon by whatever name it is called, and in whatever form it may take, fashioned against me shall prosper! No sickness, no infirmity can fasten itself to my body! I am more than a conqueror and I live in dominion over all the forces of darkness! Because I have received the very life and nature of God, I declare that I am superior to satan and all the cohorts of hell! I am a victor in this life! Success is mine! Divine health is mine! Victory is mine in the Name of Jesus! I know who I am! I'm a child of God, an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. Thank you Jesus.
I am carefully crafted by God Himself, fashioned for good works and predestinated for the good life. I am wonderfully and fearfully made, and the Lord daily perfects all that concerns me. My health is perfected in the Name of Jesus! Everything that concerns me is perfected in the Name of Jesus! I know who I am! I am the very offspring of God Almighty. I reject sickness, poverty and the low life because I was born for the top. The Spirit of God is at work in me, and He is the life of my physical body! I am special and important to God, and I am His best and most cherished workmanship. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah!
I have taken an abundance of grace, and I have received of the righteousness of God therefore I am reigning in life. I live everyday as a champion; because God cannot fail, neither can I! The life that I live is not mine, but His! Because of eternal life, nothing in this world or its system can put me under. The Bible says that “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). The Bible also says “whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world.” (1 John 5:4). I am born of God and so, I overcome the world! The greater one lives in me, in every fibre of my being, and in every cell of my blood! He's in my head! He's in my feet! He's all over me! Hallelujah!
I declare that Christ lives in me! The anointed One and His anointing are resident in me! How could I fail? It's impossible! I live by the faith of Jesus! He saw what I could be, and He gave His life for me, therefore, I will be that man or woman He believed I would be! I will not be a beggar or a victim in this life, but I will live to the praise of the glory of the Name of Jesus. It is so in my life, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen. Hallelujah!
I am born of God, I hail from God, my origin is in God, and therefore I overcome the world! I live in dominion over the elements and principles of the world and its systems! The life that I have within me is Zoë, the indestructible and imperishable life of God; the life which knows no failure, no defeat and no destruction! Because of this life, I reign as a king over the world and its systems. The Word has gone forth concerning me that I am a champion in this life, and so it is!
I know who I am! I've found my roots! As He reigns, so I reign. Health is mine, divine vitalization is mine! I cannot be sick because I am just like Him, and He doesn't get sick! It is well with my soul in the mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
The life of my body is no longer of blood, but by the Spirit of God. That same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in me. Hallelujah! He is in my head! He is in my hands! He is in my feet! He's all over me! It is not possible for my blood to be infected, because that same Spirit causes divine vitalization in my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, the Holy Ghost vitalizes my mortal body! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost! I am His living tabernacle; therefore no sickness and no infirmity can share these quarters with the Holy Spirit Hallelujah!
I therefore declare, that I am the workmanship of God in Christ Jesus, created unto good works. My life has been fashioned and planned by God for good. I have been recreated unto divine health, unto prosperity, and unto victory. I walk everyday of my life in the paths God has predestined me to walk in; I do not deviate from this path, but I keep my eyes focused on Jesus, the beginner and finisher of my faith. I have received the divine life into my spirit, and that life works in my spirit, in my mind and in my physical body. Hallelujah!
As the rain comes from heaven and waters the earth, causing it to flourish, so is the Word that goes from my mouth; it shall not return unto me void. In my life, health, body, business, and ministry, the Word accomplishes God’s purpose and the perfection of His design. The Holy Spirit leads me from glory to glory. I follow Him in the Word, by the Word, and through the Word. God’s Word gives me light and direction and holds the solution to every problem. Irrespective of what signs or symptoms may appear, the Word ministers health to my body.Hallelujah!
I have received God's grace lavishly and His righteousness, therefore I live as royalty in this life! I exercise my God-given kingly rule over demons of darkness, over sickness, and over death! I refuse to be suppressed or oppressed by the forces of darkness, but rather I reign as a king over them! I am a product of the resurrection of Jesus Christ; I am not the product of His death on the cross. I was born again with the resurrection life in me! The same life with which Jesus lives today, is the life which I have, because the Bible says in 1 John 4:17 that "as He is, so are we in this world”. Hallelujah! I am just like Him, glorified and beautiful as He is! Hallelujah!
The life of my body is no longer of blood, but by the Spirit of God. That same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in me. Hallelujah! He is in my head! He is in my hands! He is in my feet! He's all over me! My blood can’t be infected, because that same Spirit causes divine vitalization in my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, the Holy Ghost vitalizes my mortal body! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost! I am His living tabernacle; therefore no sickness and no infirmity can share these quarters with the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
I declare that the presence of that same Spirit within me causes every disease germ that tries to get in my body to die, and pass out of my system! There is a disease- destroying force at work in my physical body. It makes no difference how the sickness tries to get in, that Spirit burns up every trace of sickness! No infection can stay in my body! No tumor can successfully grow in my body! I am divinely connected to an endless supply of health and success! I live each day of my life, full of life, and invigorated by the power of the Holy Ghost at work in me! I live and walk in dominion every day of my life. I reign as a king over devils, and over every sickness! Nothing can put me down because I am more than a conqueror! Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world! I know who I am! Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen.Hallelujah!
I am the workmanship of God in Christ Jesus, created unto good works. My life has been fashioned and planned by God for good. I have been recreated unto divine health, unto prosperity, and unto victory. I walk everyday of my life in the paths God has predestined me to walk in; I do not deviate from this path, but I keep my eyes focused on Jesus, the beginner and finisher of my faith. I have received the divine life into my spirit, and that life works in my spirit, in my mind and in my physical body.
I am the offspring of God's Word, and death has no power over me. Sickness and disease have no hold on my body. I am a child of the Word of God. The Word of God is medicine to my flesh; therefore I live in divine health twenty-four hours everyday. The life of God runs through my being. I am a member of His body, His flesh and of His bones! I am alive in Christ, and alive unto God. My way is prosperous and it is well with me. In Jesus Name. Amen.
My mind is filled with the thoughts of God; I refuse to think the wrong thoughts. I reject negative thoughts and I declare that my mind is submitted to the Word of God. That Word gives me the thoughts to think and thus, the words to speak. I speak the wisdom of God in every situation that I face. I am not moved by the negative and corrupting influences of the world, but I am guided by the true light of God's Word. Daily, my mind is being renewed by the Word of God, as I diligently apply my heart to think on God's truth. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception. My life is regulated and conducted upward and forward, because of my faith in God and in His Word. In Jesus Name. Amen.
I have set God's Word always before me; in my heart, before my eyes and in my mouth. I will not let them depart from me for they are my life and medicine to my body. The Word of God is my everyday recipe for divine health. It is medicine to my physical body; it works in me as a drug, purifying my system, and perfecting my health. Sickness, disease and infirmity have no place in my body, for Jesus has taken my infirmities and borne my sicknesses in His body on the cross. By His stripes I was healed, and I remain healed today! Everyday when I wake up, I am full of life and vitality! My mind is alert! My body is alert, and full of strength.Hallelujah!
There is a fountain of life springing forth from within me! The life of God within me bubbles inside me, and puts a spring in my step everyday! I know who I am! I am full of life! Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). I have received the fullness of life! Health is mine! Strength is mine, in the Name of Jesus! I refuse to be weak and sickly! I have received life to the full! I am filled with the fullness of God! Hallelujah!
I refuse to house any “messenger” from satan, because my body is a living temple of the Holy Ghost. He has come home within me and His life is at work in me. I live each day full of divine energy and vigour. In Jesus Name. Amen.
I confess that I have overcome the world, sin and the devil because I am born of God. I have His very life in me and that makes me invincible and superhuman. The Bible declares concerning me in Psalms 82: 5, “I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high”. Glory to God! He has called me a god! When God gives birth, He can only reproduce after His kind. I am not living an ordinary human life because I'm born again, and so sickness, disease and death of any kind can't find place in me because I am a product of God's Word! Hallelujah!
I live in this world but I am from above. I am a citizen of Zion, the city of God, the land where sickness is a foreign experience. I do not get sick, just as chickens do not bark, and dogs do not fly. It has ceased to be an issue of whether I can get sick or not; I DO NOT GET SICK because gods do not get sick! Hallelujah! I am not ordinary. I know who I am! I am a superman! Thank you Jesus!
I am born of God and that means that I have my roots and my origin in God. I proceeded forth from Him, and so I am not of this world, for I am born of the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit. The life of God is in me, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I live the supernatural life of Christ naturally. Therefore, sickness, failure, defeat and death are alien to me, because I do not operate as a mere man. I function from the high realm of the spirit, where anything is possible! I look at the world from the mountaintop! I see as God sees! I look with the eyes of faith. I see the problems that people go through but I am not a part of them because I have overcome the world! Hallelujah!
I am a saint of God, sanctified and separated from sickness, failure and death, and separated unto God, and the divine life! I live in the world, but I am not subject to the world. I carry my own atmosphere everywhere I go; an atmosphere of divine health, peace and prosperity! The presence of God with me makes the difference in me, and separates me from the problems of the world. Glory to God! I know who I am! I've found my place. I've discovered the glorious life that Christ has given me; a life of success and victory twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days of the year, and three sixty-six on leap years! It's success, health and victory all the way, all my days! Thank you Jesus!
There is a different principle of life working in me! The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is working in me; it's working in my blood, muscles, bones and skin, from my head to my toes. This Law produces life in everything that concerns me; there is no stagnation in my life, in my body, my mind or my spirit.The people of the world may be subjected to various sicknesses and diseases, but for me it's a different case! I may look like the rest of the world, but there is a different principle of life at work in me! Hallelujah
In the midst of sickness, I remain whole and well! In the midst of poverty, my prosperity remains! When men say there is a casting down, my testimony is that there is a lifting up! It doesn't matter how many new diseases are discovered everyday in medical science; they can't have any effect on me, because I am a partaker of the nature of God! I have the Name of Jesus as my covering and that Name is higher than any other name! That Name is higher than HIV, it's higher than cancer, higher than sickle cell anaemia! Hallelujah! I refuse to be a victim of sickness and disease! I know who I am. Hallelujah!
I declare that health is mine in the Name of Jesus! I have the very “DNA” of God in my blood! I have God's genetic material resident inside me! His character, His life, His behavioral patterns, His power are all in me! Glory! I am more than a man! I contain God! How could sickness stay in me? Where? How? In the vessel that houses God? It's just not possible! Health is mine! Victory is mine, in the Name of Jesus! I know who I am! I am exactly like my Father in heaven: I do not perish because I am born of His imperishable seed - His Word that abides forever. I am more than a man! Thank you Lord! You have imparted this great life into me! Thank you Lord. I know who I am. Hallelujah!
The life I am living now is not a continuation of the old life that was nailed to the cross with Christ; I arose with Christ out of that tomb with the resurrection life in me! I am dead to sin, and that means that I am dead to not only sin, but the effects of sin, which includes sickness and disease. I declare that because I am dead to sin and its effects, my body does not respond to sickness! My body responds to the Word of God, in the Name of Jesus. Sickness cannot successfully exist in my body because the life in me repels sickness and disease! The resurrection life is at work in me. Hallelujah!
I have received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. I reign as a king in life by the Lord Jesus Christ. I am kinging and reigning in life. I reign over sin, death, disease, and infirmity. I have absolute dominion.
By the power of Your Spirit, I’m effecting changes in every situation and circumstance that’s not consistent with Your Word to me. Thank You for granting me the ability to effect changes through the Spirit, and by the Word, in Jesus' Name.
The power in the Name of Jesus gives me authority against the devil, sickness, disease, and all the adversities of life. By the power of the Name of Jesus, I declare that I am living the higher life of glory that God has prearranged for me.Hallelujah!
Dear heavenly Father, I thank You for making it possible for me to receive eternal life! I declare that this life is working in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty and everything that is inconsistent with the provisions of the divine life, in the Name of Jesus.
Divinity dwells in my physical body! I’m a new creation, not subject to the elements of this world. I live the transcendent life! Divinity flows in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! I reign over sickness, disease, poverty and lack! I’m superior to Satan. Glory to God!
I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion and excellence! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving me the right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and exercise dominion over Satan and the power of darkness.
I am carefully crafted by God Himself, fashioned for good works and predestinated for the good life. I am wonderfully and fearfully made, and the Lord daily perfects all that concerns me. My health is perfected in the Name of Jesus! Everything that concerns me is perfected in the Name of Jesus! I know who I am! I am the very offspring of God Almighty. I reject sickness, poverty and the low life because I was born for the top. The Spirit of God is at work in me, and He is the life of my physical body! I am special and important to God, and I am His best and most cherished workmanship. Thank you Jesus.
I declare that my mind, body and spirit, are functioning in the perfection they were created to function in. My mind, body, and spirit, are in the center of God's will for my life. I live and function by what the Word of God says. I exalt the Word of God in my life; the Word of God is Lord over my life. I declare that all things work together for my good according to Romans 8: 28. Nothing can successfully work against me, because all things, in all of creation, are working together to produce good in my life, and are functioning to cause me to be the person God ordained that I be.Hallelujah!
The Word of God is working in me; it's working in my body, in my mind and in my spirit. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, every thing about me receives life! There is no death in any area of my life or in my body; by God's Word, I am living the good life God has planned ahead of time for me to live: a life of divine health, success and victory. I declare today that my life is totally yielded to the lordship of the Word of God. In Jesus Name. Amen.
God's Word is alive in me, and it is medicine to my flesh. I can never be sick, I can never be diseased, because Jesus paid the price for my health. I walk vitally in divine health. God's will in the area of my health, is prospering continually, in the Name of Jesus. I have overcome sickness, I have overcome disease, I have overcome the devil, and I have overcome the world, because the Holy Spirit dwells in me. In Jesus Name. Amen.
I declare that health is mine in the Name of Jesus! I have the very “DNA” of God in my blood! I have God's genetic material resident inside me! His character, His life, His behavioral patterns, His power are all in me! Glory! I am more than a man! I contain God! How could sickness stay in me? Where? How? In the vessel that houses God? It's just not possible! Health is mine! Victory is mine, in the Name of Jesus! I know who I am! I am exactly like my Father in heaven: I do not perish because I am born of His imperishable seed - His Word that abides forever. I am more than a man! Thank you Lord! You have imparted this great life into me! Thank you Lord. I know who I am. Hallelujah!
I’m functioning in supernatural supply, strength, ability, wisdom and knowledge. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I’m fulfilling God’s purpose for my life. I’m forever protected and fortified against all evil and wickedness in this world. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
God had set eternity in my heart! I acknowledge His mighty power that’s at work in me mightily and celebrates His glory in my life. I am the offspring of the Word, I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. The wisdom of God is in my spirit, I have the ability to make the right judgments and choices. No matter what happens around me, I do not bow to pressure. Rather, I hold myself in from within. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course.
Dear loving and ever-gracious Father, thank you for prearranging my life for glory and excellence. You’ve set me on the path that I must follow; and by your Spirit, you lead me from place to place in a perpetual victory parade! I’m walking in victory, success, peace and prosperity, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray for all of God’s children around the world who are sick in their bodies right now. I pass healing to them; the liberty of Jesus Christ is theirs, and right now, the feeling of wellness returns to them. I declare that they’re free by the power of the Holy Ghost! I pray specially for children; I command the demons of affliction to depart from them! Divine healing is raining on God’s people all around the world today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I pray for those who are yet to know Jesus, that their hearts and minds be opened to receive the Gospel as it comes to them and they are saved, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I am born of the incorruptible Word of God that lives and abides forever. That same Word is life and health to my flesh. The Word of God vitalizes my body and keeps it in perfect condition always. Hallelujah!
Blessed be God who has made me fruitful and productive in soul winning and in all things because of His life and nature in me! Men and women are attracted to the glory of God that’s in me. Through me, the Gospel is reaching everyone in my world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I’m bold and passionate about preaching the Gospel to everyone around me, because I’m the carrier of the Lord’s glory and righteousness in the world, the distributor of His mercies and grace.I pray that righteousness is poured forth on the nations today, resulting in an avalanche of souls entering the Kingdom, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
I take my place of authority today and command every activity of the enemy to stop, and righteousness to reign in my family, school, and country. Hallelujah!
I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; I am superior to all forms of sicknesses and diseases. Divinity is at work in me; therefore, I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I’m dead to this world but alive to God.
Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for your love, grace, and righteousness at work in me. Thank you for choosing me to be holy and without blame before you in love. I walk in wisdom today, fulfilling your good pleasure and producing works of righteousness, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Thank you heavenly Father for making me your child; my heart is filled with joy today, knowing that you care for me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
Dear Father, I thank you for the ever-expanding Church in spite of the futile efforts of wicked and unreasonable men. I pray for the Church around the world today that there will be unity, stability, and growth as we attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I consciously practice enjoying my life in divine health. I insist on God’s Word, and I boldly affirm that my divine life in Christ has replaced the ordinary life and its attendant effects. I do not live by the dictates of my body, but by the leading of God’s Word for my life and health.
I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and nature that transcends the ordinary human life has been imparted to my spirit. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat and the depravities of the natural man. Praise God forevermore!
Dear Father, I thank you for placing me in the position of a helper. I’m a lifter and a giver. I’m your outstretched arm of love and salvation to the world. I was born as the answer to the cry of millions, and through me, your blessing flows to others, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I testify of the Lord’s ability in me. By His mighty power at work in me, there’s no impossibility with me. I declare that I can do all things!
I have the life of God in me; and by faith, I live successfully. I do not walk by sensory perception, but I operate with faith in God. Therefore, sickness, diseases, and infirmities have no place in me. Blessed be God!
Dear Lord, thank you for the privilege and blessing of prayer, a place where my spirit is conditioned to discern and walk in your perfect will always, and my faith is strengthened to overcome temptations and rule over circumstances. I’m fully equipped and fortified, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might to triumph gloriously today, and always. Amen.
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I’m what God says I am—a victor, an overcomer, and more than a conqueror! No weapon formed against me shall prosper because the greater One lives in me! I’m filled with His glory, grace, and might. Hallelujah.
Thank you Father for your Word; as I give it first place, it makes me excel in all I do, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world; therefore, sickness cannot stay in my body. I have the life of God in me; from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I live and walk in supernatural, divine, and perfect health.
Dear Father, I lay down my goals, ambitions, aspirations, desires and dreams at your feet. I trust your Word, which is the light that guides me in the path of success, victory, and greatness. Through your Word, I receive direction, illumination and insight into the mysteries and realities of the Kingdom. I recognize and act on God-given opportunities alone, yielded only to the guidance of your Spirit, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear Father, thank you for making me a custodian of Kingdom wealth. I’m the light of the world, and by your Spirit, I touch lives, mend broken hearts, bring healing to the nations, and bring prosperity to those in need, all to the praise and glory of your Name, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Thank you dear Lord Jesus for bringing hope, love, excellence and perfection into my life. Hallelujah!
All of divinity resides in me. I am a carrier of divine life, and I am complete in Christ Jesus. I am an associate of the God-kind, a partaker of the divine nature. I am filled with God, I am full of God, and I am replete with God. Nothing else needs to be in me to make me divine.
Dear Father, thank you for making the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel possible and available to me in Christ, for all your promises have been fulfilled in Him. Now, I walk in the light of my prosperity, victory, success, joy, peace, and all the blessings of the Kingdom, for all are now mine! Praise God!
Dear Father, thank you for the confidence that I have in you that whatever I ask according to your will, you hear me, for you’re the same yesterday, today, and forever. Therefore, my faith is strengthened today to receive the petition that I desire of you in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Thank you Lord for your loving-kindness and mercies are new every morning, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I am born again; I have been translated from death to life. I am permanently severed from sin, sickness, disease, depression, and everything associated with Satan and darkness. I walk in God’s eternal glory and reign in life through Christ Jesus.
Thank you, Father, for leading me by your Spirit in the divine paths that you’ve prearranged for me. You’ve granted me everything I’ll ever require to fulfil all you’ve called me to do. Thank you for leading me in the paths of glory and greatness, as I live in your perfect will, pleasing you in all things, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Blessed Father, thank you for your love that’s been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit. Your love is expressed and revealed through me to the world today, in my words and in my actions, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
The Rhema of God is in my Spirit, and I speak it forth with boldness, commanding every situation in my life to turn around for my good, in Jesus Name. Amen
The Word of God is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs. It is my confident assurance that the life of God has dominance in my body, making it impenetrable to adverse health conditions. Hallelujah!
Dear Father, I thank you for the power in the Name of Jesus and the authority I have to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and the crises of life. I live in health; I’m victorious, and I'm sustained by the power and authority of that Name, today and always, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear Father, thank you for the love of Christ, which is the bond of perfection and which rules my heart always. I lavishly express your love-nature and radiate the beauty and glories of heaven to my world. Always, I rise above offences, being accommodating and kind; I cover others with the umbrella of your love that flows lavishly from the castle of my heart, in Jesus ’ Name. Amen.
Dear Father, I thank you for the Name of Jesus You’ve given to me. Therefore, I walk in dominion today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
I live in absolute victory every day of my life. I reign and rule over the forces of darkness in this world. I dominate my environment and I reign over sickness and disease, over demons of darkness, and over death!
I have received God's overflowing grace and the gift of righteousness which has put me into right standing with the Father. I reign as a king in life through Christ. Glory to God!
Dear Father, my mind is filled with supernatural ideas and strategies to push the Gospel to the ends of the earth. I pray for open and effective doors for expansion and increased influence of the Gospel in different “ethnos”; I declare your righteousness will continue to dominate and prevail in the earth until the Rapture, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you knowing you’re the only way to the Father. I believe with my heart and declare with my mouth that you’re the Lord and Saviour of my life. Amen.
Through the Word of God and the ministry of the Spirit, I am daily transfigured into the image of the Son of God! His life and nature in my spirit, has given me the ability to live above sickness, disease, infirmity, and sorrow.
I’m the unveiling of the Father’s righteousness; His “rightwiseness” and sound judgments are heard in me, seen in me, and dispensed through me. I judge by the Spirit in righteousness, and reprove with equity because I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Dear Lord, thank you for the privilege of worship and for guiding me on the way to true praise and worship that’s acceptable to you. Thank you for granting me the ability to condition my mind and senses to offer you true worship from my heart that transmits your glory to impart my world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I'm not ordinary;God chose me before I was born ;I'm His heir. Therefore, my life is made for glory and beauty. Hallelujah!
Blessed Father, I thank You for the body of Jesus that was broken so that I will never be broken, sick, weak, or defeated. I walk in the light of this truth and reign over sin, Satan, and circumstances, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
My divine nature has made me a master over circumstances, with dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat and all depravities that affect the natural man. The nature of righteousness causes me to walk in God's perfect will today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
The glory of God that’s within me beams forth from my spirit with overwhelming intensity. My life is the expression of God’s grace, strength, perfection, beauty, and righteousness. The excellence and virtues of divinity are manifested in and through me in ever-increasing beauty and brightness! I’m continually transfigured from glory to glory, by the Spirit, as I study and meditate on the Word. Hallelujah!
Dear Father, I rejoice in the knowledge of your Word today, and declare that success, prosperity, victory, health and the good life are mine, in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
My life is a manifestation of the virtues and perfections of divinity. From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, I am full of life and no sickness, disease or infirmity can fasten itself to my body!
I’m perceptive, astute and smart, imbued with an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I’m confident, bold and courageous; I have an exceptional intellect, marked by wit and intelligence, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Satan, the god of this world, has nothing in me! The Lord has given me dominion over the flesh, to guard my heart and mind with all diligence. No unwholesome thought can take root in my heart. My spirit, my mind, and my body are yielded to the Word and purified by the Word every day, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
God’s Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul, and health for my body. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper. My health is sound and flourishing.
Dear Father, I’m conscious of my calling as a minister of reconciliation, stirred and inspired by the words of the Lord, and motivated by the plight of the lost. I pray that today, the eyes of many around the world who are in darkness will be open to the light of the Gospel, and they are turned from darkness to light, and into the glorious liberty of the sons of God, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear Father, thank you for the ministry of your Spirit through which you’re perfecting the Church and helping us to place a premium on living by your Word, rendering to you worship in spirit and in truth. Your Word is gaining preeminence, with true worship taking centre stage among your congregations as your glory fills our hearts, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I am the light of the world; there is no darkness in my life. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life. There is no death in any area of my life or my body. Glory to God!
Dear Father, thank you for giving me your nature of righteousness through which I’ve been made righteous. Therefore, I walk in dominion and reign in life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear Father, I thank you for your life and nature in my spirit, and the life of excellence that I have in Christ Jesus. You've made my life beautiful, and you've enabled me to be an effective witness and representative of your Kingdom, showing forth your praises, and illuminating the dark places of the earth with the light of the glorious Gospel, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
I live above this world and its systems, above sickness, disease, and the corrupting forces of this present world of darkness. The power of the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead has vitalised and given life to my physical body. I live the transcendent life of glory in Christ Jesus. Amen!
Eternal life is at work in me! Therefore, I’m superior to Satan, and I refuse to be sick, diseased and infirmed. Hallelujah!
God has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles and to effect positive changes in my world. My health, family, and finances are evidence that Jesus is alive and His mercy endures forever. I enjoy God’s boundless grace continuously.
I’m full of God; I’ve received of His fullness: His ability, wisdom, grace, power and strength! His glory is in me and expressed through me; therefore, my life is a continuous manifestation of Christ and the supernatural. I impact my world with the power and dominion of Christ’s righteousness that I bear, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear Father, thank you for the glorious resurrection of Christ that ushered in Christianity and brought us into eternal life—the indestructible, uninfectable, and impregnable life. I walk in the newness of life, conscious that I’ve been raised together with Christ and made to sit together with Him in the place of victory, authority, and dominion forever, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I live victoriously above sickness, disease, lack and failure because Greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world! Hallelujah!
I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. I carry within me God’s divine presence to influence and affect my world, establishing healing and health to the sick, and revealing the victorious life in Christ to people everywhere.
Holy and righteous Father, I thank you for your love and for the gift of righteousness. Thank you for my dominion in Christ over Satan, sin and darkness. I stay on the path of purity, yielded to the Word and the authority and guidance of the Holy Spirit; and I’m transformed continually by the renewing of my mind through your Word, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear Father, I thank you for the ministry of the Holy Spirit in my life, pouring out rivers of living water from my innermost being. I’m a living fountain, and I give life to others in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Jesus lives through me, touching, healing, restoring and blessing my world. Hallelujah!
I am full of divine life and everything I do exudes my indestructible, inexhaustible, and incorruptible life. It emanates from me in words and deeds because as Jesus is, so am I. I can never be sick, broken, wounded, or defeated because I have this very life of God in me.
Lord, I’m grateful for the blessing of being in fellowship with you. You’ve made my life beautiful; thank you for making me ever fruitful and productive. Your glory is revealed in and through me today, and my whole world is impacted and transformed by the glory of your divine presence, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Lord Jesus, you’re the great God of glory and the complete embodiment of Deity! Thank you for revealing your divine personality to me. I celebrate your Lordship and rulership over my life and over all of creation. You’re the Most High God, and you alone are worthy of all praise, worship, and adoration. Amen.
Dear Father, I thank you for counting me faithful to commit the Gospel to my trust to tell it to everyone in my world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
The Word of God is health and life to my body. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me and His presence daily renews and vitalizes my body. Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy.
Dear Father, I am grateful you entrusted me with the sacred task of sharing the message of eternal life with those around me and in distant lands. I’m filled with a deepened sense of zeal for lost souls, and I affirm that the radiant light of your glorious Gospel shines brightly in the hearts of the lost. I declare that this light dismantles the chains of religious bondage and dispels darkness, bringing forth freedom and salvation, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear Father, thank you for helping me discover who I really am and the priceless treasure you have deposited in my spirit through the knowledge of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. I acknowledge and walk in the light of my divine heritage, origin, and glory in Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
As I speak in tongues, I continually live the life of miraculous, in Jesus ‘ Name. Amen
All praise be to the Lord God! I thank God for perfecting my health and all that concerns me. I am not the one seeking deliverance or healing anymore because the Lord has delivered me from death and blessed me with divine life. Praise God!
In the Name of Jesus, I resist the devil’s influence in my life, family, city, and nation. Through the word and by the Spirit, I discern and identify the works of the devil and stop him in his tracks and manipulating, deceiving and misleading the nations, the leaders and the people. Amen.
Dear Father, thank you for your Word that’s at home in me. Your Word produces in me what it talks about; therefore, I live a life of victory, success, prosperity and divine health always. Your Word is faithful and true, and I’ve given myself wholly to it, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I remain joyful and excited no matter what comes my way, for the joy of the Lord is my strength. Hallelujah!
Thank You, heavenly Father, for you have satisfied me with all the beautiful things of life. I am bursting forth in health always and everyone around me is a partaker of the blessings of God upon my life. For this, I am forever grateful to You, Lord.
Dear Father, I thank you for the doors of opportunity you've opened for me to make a difference in this world and win for others. I acknowledged and embrace the abundant grace you've bestowed upon me to lead others in victory and fulfil their purpose in life and ministry, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Dear Father, I thank You for the honour of receiving deep insights from Your Word. Thank You for revealing to me, by Your Spirit, the reality of the Rapture and how imminent it is. I am dedicated to preparing others for this event, as I eagerly await the glorious return of our Lord. Amen.
I have no fear for tomorrow, for I know my future is better, greater, and brighter! Hallelujah!
Father, I thank You for Your perfect will concerning my health is fulfilled. Always, my health is bursting forth, even as my soul prospers. I am alive to God and my flourishing and limitless prosperity cause men to come to the Lord and glorify His Name.
Dear, Father, I thank you for my parents, spiritual leaders, mentors and everyone who has played a significant role in shaping my life and making me who I am today. Thank you Lord, for the wisdom I've gained from them, the experiences, and the examples they've set for me to live the victorious life, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that assures me that whenever I pray in the Name of Jesus, I can always expect to see results. I use His Name with boldness and confidence, knowing that things in the realm of the spirit are already set in motion in my favour, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I’m a light shining brightly for my world to see. Hallelujah!
I am not perturbed about what happens around me because the infallible Word of God keeps me in perfect health. The living Word gives life to my body, piercing into every part and correcting every anomaly. I am perfected and made whole by the power of God that is at work in me.
I exercise authority over all devils, as i have been given the authority in the name of Jesus. My faith is a weapon of defense and an instrument of victory over and against the adversary and adversities. With it, i put out all the fiery missiles of the wicked ones. The Word of God has taken full possession of my spirit, soul and body. I'm eternally triumphant in Christ because my faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Hallelujah!
Dear Father, thank you for the privilege to pray and side with you to enforce your will on earth and in the lives of men. Through prayer, my eyes are opened to spiritual realities, and your thoughts are unveiled to my spirit, causing me to walk in ever-increasing glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I walk in the consciousness that I’m in oneness with Jesus Christ. Through the spirit, I enjoy the glories of Christ’s resurrection life in my body. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I’m joined to the Lord and I’m one spirit with Him.
I’m doing my part in spreading the Gospel all around the world by reaching out to people I meet every day, and talking to them about Jesus. Hallelujah!
Dear Father, you’ve given me all-round prosperity; I’m prospering spiritually, fnancially, and I’m healthy, vibrant and strong. I’m standing from like a fourishing tree planted by your design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruits of righteousness, ever blessed, ever luscious, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear Father, I remain steadfast in the truth, aware of the tactics, wiles, manipulations, deceits, trickery and deceptions employed by the devil. I'm sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life, who causes me to walk in God's perfect will and in the glory of God. Amen.
I’m filled with the fruits of righteousness, and I’m displaying them everywhere I go, bringing glory and honour to the Name of the Lord. Hallelujah!
My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God's word. As I meditate, I think thoughts of peace, Joy, Victory, prosperity, and good health, thus transcending the ordinary and manifesting the supernatural in all situations.
Christ lives in me! I'm the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I'm the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there's a force-an empowerment-at work in me to blaze through the barriers. Everything and anything I could ever need is inside the greater One that lives in me. Glory to God!
I have the same life that Jesus has, in its fullness. My life is sickness-proof, disease-proof, poverty-proof, and failure-proof. It’s a life of glory, victory, success, and excellence. Nothing of the devil can stay in me, for I’ve embraced the transcendent life that’s in Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature; I’ve overcome the world. Hallelujah!
Dear Father, I thank you for teaching me today to look forward to only your praise, and acceptance in all I do, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
The Name of Jesus saves, delivers, protects, preserves, heals, and makes whole. In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, no disease has the power to infect my body. My health flourishes like the cedar of Lebanon. I am the ‘uninfectable’ breed.
Dear Father, thank you for the gift and blessing of your Word—the transformation that following your plans, instructions, will, and purpose has brought to my life! I’m sensitive to your guidance; therefore, I lead a beautiful and exceptional life, gloriously fulfilling your calling and destiny for me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Everywhere I go, I go in and with the Father who lives permanently in me. Through me, He expresses His love and righteousness to others, for I'm His extension in the earth by Christ Jesus. Glory to God!
Thank you Lord for your Word. As I study and meditate on it, I become wiser and more prudent, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear Father, I'm always passionate, vibrant and aglow in my spirit, fired up and ready to spread the Gospel to my world. I'm a burning and a shining light, illuminating my world with the message of eternal life, leading many out of the shackles of darkness into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Thank you for your light that shines brightly in and through me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Dear Father, I thank you for my new nature and identity in Christ; I’ve been washed, sanctified, justified, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Holy Spirit. I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I’ve received in Christ, producing fruits and works of righteousness, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear heavenly Father, I’m blessed by your Word as I fellowship in your presence with other brethren, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always!
The Lord has anointed me to deliver men from bondage into the glorious liberty of the sons of God, turning them from darkness to light and from sin unto righteousness. In these last days, I’m doing exploits for the Lord, establishing His Kingdom and righteousness in the earth and in the hearts of men, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I’m seated with Christ, far above all principality and power, where I reign over Satan and the powers of darkness. I live in the Word, not swayed by the lies, manipulations and tricks of the adversary. I walk on in victory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and abilities!
Today, 13th FEBRUARY 2024, I Confess and Declare that My Faith is ALIVE and producing SO MUCH THANKFULNESS and Divine Health in My Body, and I therefore refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know My Faith always works. I am not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I am only moved by the Word of God. Hallelujah!!!
I'm living in ABSOLUTE THANKFULNESS and HEALTH 24hrs a day, 7 days a week;* and no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. There's life in my Bones, Tissues, Muscles, Veins and Ligaments; I AM ALIVE UNTO GOD EVERYDAY ! Hallelujahhhhh!!!
God’s Word is causing me to Spread, Flourish and make Progress on every side. All that I do is commanded to prosper in the Name of Jesus Christ. I am on an upward and forward journey only because the Lord has sent His Angels before me to minister for me. Therefore, everywhere I go, good is turned towards me in the Mighty and Matchless Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!!!
Thank you My Heavenly Father for this is my month of CONGLUTINATION! I thank you Lord for the great and precious blessings You’ve made available to me to enjoy. You always seek to do me good, causing Your favour to surround me and Your blessings to abound in my life. My heart is filled today with joy, and my mouth with praise as I testify of Your goodness, mercy, and love in my life. Thank You for loading me daily with all the benefits of life such that I am thoroughly furnished with all I need to live joyfully. I thank You for Your glory and grace that You’ve bestowed on me to reign in life today and forever. Thank You for Your pulsating life that permeates my entire being, and with which I bless my world today. I am conscious that I have something to give; therefore I distribute the blessings of the Kingdom to those I come in contact with today. Hallelujah!
I Confess and Declare that Through the Power of the Word of God and by the working of Holy Ghost, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life today.There are no accidents or mishaps in my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of Blessings!Goodness and Mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the Supernatural Grace to Excel in all my endeavors today, in Jesus’ Name. Glorrrryyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
Fear has no place in me; for God has not given me the spirit of fear but of Love, Power and of a Sound Mind. I am bold to act my Faith; I function with the ability of the spirit today for the Spirit of God is working in my life and causing me to have divine Courage and Confidence. I live joyfully and even beyond, knowing fully well that all of God’s promises to me in Christ Jesus are YES and AMEN! Hallelujah!!!
I therefore attract myself only to thoughts that are consistent with my destiny in Christ; thoughts of Victory, Increase, Success, Health, and Strength, and I am fully aware that the quality of life that I live NOW is based on the faith-filled words that I proclaim everyday,in the Mighty and Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Gloooooory!!!
Lord, You’re magnified in my life, and Your glory has increased in my life. I am the seed of Abraham, graced for greatness and anointed to be fruitful and productive in every good work. I’ve been ordained to prosper and to live in glory. Therefore, I live the glorious life, fulfilling my purpose and destiny in Christ. Great things are happening for me and through me, by the power of the Word and the ability of the Holy Spirit.Hallelujah!
Today, 4th MARCH 2024, I Confess and Declare that I'm living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I'm in perpetual dominion over sickness and life's circumstances. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God had set eternity in my heart! I acknowledge His mighty power that’s at work in me mightily and celebrate His glory in my life. I am the offspring of the Word, I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. The wisdom of God is in my spirit, I have the ability to make the right judgments and choices. No matter what happens around me, I do not bow to pressure. Rather, I hold myself in from within. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. Hallelujah!
I am propelled and compelled by God’s love to keep establishing His righteousness in the earth, and in the hearts of men. I am living God’s dream, and gloriously fulfilling His destiny for my life. I have in me an extraordinary staying power, and I am able to focus and bring every assignment I am given to an excellent completion. Daily, I am energized by the Holy Spirit and the Word to be a dependable dispenser of God’s message of salvation to my world. As I preach the Gospel, the hearts of men are open to receive salvation in my world and the regions beyond. Glory to God!
Blessed Lord Jesus, You’re my life, and my all; the very air that I breathe: my lover and best friend. Thank You for Your wisdom that guides me, and Your grace that is superabundant upon me. Your Word has transformed me, causing me to ride upon the high places of the earth. What a wonder You are, precious Savior! Thank You for Your love and eternal kindness towards me.Hallelujah!
Today, 11th MARCH 2024, I Confess and Declare that I’m ushered into newer and greater levels of glory, victory and success. I thank You Lord , for I receive all the favours and benefits You’ve ordained for me today. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places, and the land is subdued before me. I am anointed of God to bless. Therefore, I speak blessings to my day; I experience favours, kindness, prosperity, and productivity today.Hallelujah!
Everywhere I go and in everything I do, the virtues and perfections of divinity are expressed in, and through me in ever-increasing splendour! I am continually transfigured from glory to glory, by the Spirit, as I behold the glory of God in the Word. As I study the Word and speak it forth with boldness, God’s power is activated in me, causing His glory in my spirit to impact my physical body, producing health, strength, and vitality. I walk in victory today, and experience success in all I do. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
The good Word of the Lord is fulfilled in me today, and every step I take is a step of blessing. Hallelujah! I am blessed, and everywhere my name is called, it’s for increase and promotion. I thank You for Your wisdom at work in me, for Christ is my wisdom. This wisdom is manifest in all I do, even in the choices I make; I don’t make foolish decisions. Wisdom is heard in my words, and seen in my actions, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Dear heavenly Father, I thank You for the transformation and increased glory in my life today, made possible by the power and impact of Your Word in me. Thank You for the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in my life, who teaches me the Word and unveils the realities of the Kingdom to me. I speak the wisdom of God always, and declare excellence in my health, job, finances.
Today, 15th MARCH 2024, I Confess and Declare that *throughout this Month of FORMATIONS there is no challenge that can overwhelm me because the Greater One lives in me and His EXTRAORDINARY & UNCOMMON FAVOURS surround me everyday. Hallelujah!!!
The Father has granted me a Greater Ability and Strength to face challenging situations and still come out victorious and undefeated! The strength of the Holy Ghost is activated within me each time I am faced with trouble and adverse circumstances and ensures I win always to the Glory of the Father. Hallelujahhhhh!!
This Day I Declare that God’s indwelling and abiding presence is my guarantee that, come what may, I’ll always be a victor. The eyes of my understanding are opened up because the Father has removed the shadows of ignorance from me through the illuminating Power of His Word. As I MEDITATE on and CONFESS the Word of God everyday, my paths are lighted so brightly for me to see the way of Progress and Success which the Father has set for me, as I shine as a beacon of light to the world. Hallelujah!!!
I walk day after day in this Month of FORMATIONS by the light of God’s Word and I am not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in this our world. God’s Word seasoned by God's Greater Grace is the light by which I operate in my Health, in my Job, in my Finances, in my Business, in my Academics, in my family, in my marriage and in everything that concerns me *in the Most Precious and Most Dependable Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!
Today, 16th MARCH 2024, I Confess and Declare that the EXTRAORDINARY FAVOURS of God which are beyond human imagination and understanding are at work for me.I experience EXTRAORDINARY FAVOURS in every situation, for Christ is my favour! Hallelujah!!’
My life is the revelation of God's Word; His Knowledge, Grace, Power, Wisdom and Righteousness are unveiled in, and through me and I am sensitive to the leading and guidance of the Holy Ghost because my entire being is completely yielded to God's Word in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.Glorrrrryyyyyyy!
My dreams and ideas in this Month of FORMATIONS have expanded through God's Word and I'm moving forward consistently by the Power of the Holy Spirit! My path is as a shining light, shining brighter and brighter unto the perfect day! Hallelujah!
I Declare that every step I take is a step of Expansion, Prosperity, Divine Health, Perfection, Success and Greatness. I am complete in Christ. There’s nothing lacking in my life, because Christ is my completeness, and as He is, so am I in this world in the Most Precious and Most Priceless Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!
Today, 16th MARCH 2024, I Confess and Declare that I am the light of the world; my calling is to illumine the hearts of men. When I arrive anywhere, illumination comes, and confusion and perplexity are dispelled. I was born for such a time as this; born to establish the will of the Father! Hallelujah!!!
I am on a mission; I’ve been entrusted with the divine responsibility of reaching those in my world, and the regions beyond with the Gospel of light. Necessity is laid upon me; my zeal, passion, and commitment to the expansion of God’s Kingdom are rekindled today. The light of the glorious Gospel of Christ shines brightly in the hearts of men today, taking away darkness, pain, and misery, and bringing them righteousness, light, and glory. Hallelujah!
I’ve been raised to sit together with Christ in the place of authority; therefore, I function in the place of Jesus here on Earth. I bring deliverance to every creature in my world, taking them out of bondage and corruption, into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. I give life to the things around me through the power of my words, for these are the days of the manifestation of the sons of God. As I speak forth now, angels are dispatched into actions to ensure my words do not fall to the ground without results. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
Today, 21st MARCH 2024, I Confess and Declare that this MARCH is undeniably My Month Of FORMATIONS from GOD and I announce that my Prosperity and Progress will never come to an end, rather they are soaring higher and higher like the Eagle, because my life is upward and forward only. NO LIMITATIONS and NO DRAWBACKS! Hallelujah!!!
II declare that the life of my body is no longer by blood but by the Spirit of God! I cannot be infected in my blood because the Spirit of God is the life of my flesh. I am more than a conqueror in this life and I reign over sickness, over demons and the forces of darkness. Hallelujah!!!
I am an end time sponsor and supporter of the cause of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I am one of those favoring God’s righteous cause in the earth and therefore, money has no choice but to come to me in abundance from all directions.Hallelujah!!!
I am greater than my Job, greater than my Business because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I can never be disadvantaged in life; for the ideas of the Spirit run through me immeasurably by the Holy Ghost in the Most Precious and Most Gracious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah
Blessed Is Our God Forever!
Today, 25th MARCH 2024, I Confess and Declare that I came at the right time in this generation! I am rightly positioned in this Month of FORMATIONS by the Spirit of God for Immeasurable EXTRAORDINARY FAVOURS, Mercy and Greater Grace. My life is therefore full of beauty and I have become a wonder to my world! Hallelujah!!!
The Lord, by His Love for me has started magnifying me in the sight of all men and I am now walking in prosperity, health, success, and victory. I am different now! When I step into a place, things start working because I carry Heaven on the inside of me. Glorrrryyyyyyyyy!!
God has blessed me with length of days, and has granted me Supernatural Speed and Favours to fulfill my destiny and calling in Christ. I am running my race smoothly, pressing towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and daily guidance of the Word of God, Indeed, the life of God in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmity; and, I am therefore untouchable. Gloooooory!
I refuse to accommodate any form of sickness or weakness in my body. I refuse arthritis, cancer, diabetes, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, lungs failure or any other ill-health any place in my body. I am forever alive to God and His eternal Word! I therefore boldly announce that I AM ALIVE IN ALL THE QUARTERS OF MY BODY in the Precious and Most Dependable Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujahhhhh!!!
Blessed Is Our God Forever!
Today, 31st MARCH 2024, I Confess and Declare that the Peace of God which is beyond human imagination is at work in me. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; and the old has passed away and all things about me have become new. I am in Jesus and Jesus is in me. Therefore, Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. Hallelujah!!!
I am a child of the King; I am a co-heir with Jesus. All Jesus bought and paid for is my inheritance NOW. When Jesus was crucified, I was crucified with Him. When Jesus died, I died with Him. I was buried with Him and I was also raised up together with Him. I am seated with Him in the heavenly places, far above all rule, all power, all authority, and above every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come. Shout > Glooooooorrrrry!!!
I Declare that I am complete in Christ and there’s nothing lacking in my life, because Christ is my completeness, and as He is, so am I in this world. I function from a vantage position of rest without struggles, worries, or anxieties over anything; knowing that Jesus did all that is necessary for me to have a great life. Therefore, I live a life of Glory, Grace, Favour, and Expansion and I refuse to compare myself with anyone else, but measure my success based on my assignment here on earth in the Mighty and Most Gracious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!* Hallelujah!!
Thank you Lord, I bask in the full blessings of my oneness with You, manifesting Your glory, beauty, and wisdom. I am full of the Holy Ghost; I am laughing my way through life, from victory to victory and from glory to glory! I laugh at the devil, and challenging circumstances because I know I can never be disadvantaged. I’m soaring high on the wings of the Spirit; my mouth is filled today with laughter and my tongue with the songs of triumph, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
All the Glory to Our God!
Today, 1ST APRIL 2024, I Confess and Declare that I have special favour. Great things are coming to me by free course. The Spirit of God draws men, women, resources and all kinds of good things towards me. Good things are ministered to me, now. There's beauty, favour, grace, open doors for me everywhere. Once my name is mentioned, it is for good. All things work together for me in an extraordinary way. Situations that were orchestrated to bring me down, are now ordained for my lifting. Hallelujah!
I experience unusual favour. Men are going out of their way to favour me. Favour is activated for me. I am full of health and strength. I am full of life. The life of God is working in me. Everything about my body is perfect, my lungs, my liver, my heart, my blood, every part of me is perfect. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Hallelujah!
I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body, thus, I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body. My faith does not stagger; it is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts because my faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I flourish in perfect health and I am above all crippling circumstances of life. All things are working for my good. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured. Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
Today, 4th APRIL 2024, I Confess and Declare that the Word of God will never fail in my life! As I engage myself with God's Word in this APRIL, my heart becomes an expanded fertile ground for the Spirit of God and every seed of the Word of God planted in my heart will produce great and mighty results in Jesus Mighty Name. Hallelujah
I am confident of this very thing, that God who steered this hunger in me, is faithful to complete and accomplish His promises. My life is full of the Glory of God and I succeed in all endeavors of Life because the Holy Spirit who is the essence of Life, Beauty, and Glory, now lives in me more than ever before. Glorrrrrrrryyyyyyy!!!
I Launch Into Fellowship With God, I go forth with confidence knowing that I am backed by Heaven. Indeed, I walk in Prosperity, Victory, and Divine Health because I live in God’s Word. I am literally transfigured into the image that I see in God's Word, as I meditate and yield my mind to the guidance of the Word of God. Hallelujah!!!
God has granted me Divine Speed and insight, and I am far ahead in all areas of my life! That which will take many ten years to accomplish, I am empowered by the Spirit of God to accomplish in this Month of APRIL by the Power and the Anointing of God’s Spirit in the Matchless & Most Powerful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Today, 5th APRIL 2024, I Confess and Declare that this is My Season With GOD'S WORD My cloud is full, and I am experiencing an outpouring of the Grace of God everywhere I go and in everything I do ! The rain of God's Blessings is on me. This is my set time and I am swimming in the Glory of God's Grace and abundance by the Anointing and Power of the Holy Ghost. Hallelujahhhhh!
Irrespective of what I see, hear or feel, I am convinced that I am a Victor and a Success in Christ Jesus! I am what God says I am; I have what He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. I experience the reality of the Grace of God as I meditate on, and live in His Word in this APRIL! I am making Progress, and circumstances are subdued to conform to the reality of God’s Word for my good. Hallelujah!
I boldly Declare that my life is a manifestation of the Beauty, Radiance, and Excellence of God’s Grace because Christ is in me. Therefore, sickness, disease, and infirmities have no place in my body. I am the carrier, as well as the showcase of the excellent Glory of God, and I continually display the virtues, splendor, and perfections of our Glorious Kingdom here on the earth in the Precious and Most Dependable Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!
All the Glory to Our God! Hallelujahhhhh!
Today, 6th APRIL 2024, I Confess and Declare that as I continue my fellowship with God's Word in this Month of April, by studying my RHAPSODY OF REALITIES by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, the Lord has granted me Authority to thread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power and abilities of the devil and his many agents.
The Lord has caused me to seat together with Christ in the place of Power; far above all principalities, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come in Jesus Mighty Name!Glorrrrrrrryyyyyyy
With God's Word I consistently live in dominion over sin, sickness and infirmities, and every opposing force, accusation or hindrance by the Power of the Holy Ghost. From today, I am living an exceptionally great life here on earth, dominating circumstances and living the Transcendent and Overcoming life God had prepared for me as His Beloved Child. Hallelujah!!
The light of the Glorious Gospel is shining in my heart and in my path and I am stirred today with renewed Commitment, Vigour and Passion. I therefore Proclaim, that I function in the realities of the Kingdom of God, where I am a bonafide Citizen; walking in Divine Health, Absolute Prosperity, Unending Success, Abundant Joy and Indescribable Peace in the Mighty and Most Priceless Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!*
All the Glory, Honour & Worship to Our God.
Today, 8 APRIL 2024, I Confess and Declare that this APRIL is indeed My Month of INTERCESSION As I pray in intercession, the Holy Spirit takes hold together with me against the forces of darkness, to obtain that which belongs to us, and to establish the righteousness of God in every place. I carry out this ministry through, and by the Spirit. When I take my place of intercession, the Lord says we’ll lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty (1 Timothy 2:2); our societies will be established in righteousness. Hallelujah!!
I’m fulfilling my priestly ministry of intercession. It’s my responsibility as a Christian in the regions and nations where I live to put a halt to evil works masterminded by satan and quell the terror he unleashes upon nations. As I pray for countries, there are increased activities of righteousness; the presence of God mantles men’s hearts and God’s Word prevails in their lives. Glooooooorrrrrry!!!
I am a custodian of my environment; I am called of God to preserve the earth and its inhabitants through prayers. There’s peace everywhere, I am responsible to God and to the country where I live to seek its peace and pray to the Lord for it. This is a call to me to intercede for the progress, peace, prosperity and preservation of the nations. Hallelujah!!!
I will always intercede passionately for those in my world and regions beyond who haven’t yet known the Lord. I Pray that every resistance is removed for them to receive the truth with understanding and embrace the Word of God for their salvation. Hallelujah!!!
I pray for leaders, that they’ll have the will, desire, and boldness to do what is right and refuse to yield to corruption and negative influences. Peace will prevails in the cities, towns and nations of the world, and the Gospel has free course every where I live. Hallelujah!!
Prayer Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for making me an intercessor, one to stand in the gap for God’s children all over the world! I live up to this call today, as I pray that you’ll grant utterance, boldness and opportunity to Christians, especially in places where the light of the gospel of Christ’s salvation is dim, to preach your Word with mighty miracles, signs and wonders, in the Matchless and powerful Name of Our Lord Jesus. Amen.
Today, 12th APRIL 2024, I Confess and Declare that *my mind is renewed, and my spirit conditioned by God’s Word for Greatness as I meditate on God's Word all through the Days of APRIL! I am like a tree growing by the stream, blossoming with fruitfulness, and impacting my world with the Father’s Righteousness and Love. Hallelujahhhhh I am what God says I am; His Ability, Grace and Power are working in me and through me mightily, and I have what God says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. His Word to me is reality, and that’s the basis for which I know I will never be poor, sick, broke or defeated in Jesus Mighty Name! GLORRRRRRYYYY 🗣️Speak in other tongues NOW
This Very Month Of APRIL, I am fashioned to be a blessing in the lives of many across the world through God’s Word as received by me from the Daily CONFESSIONS Family. I live in God’s Glory today and always, and I am impacting lives with the light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ. I am living in the morning of my life and the Lord has made all Grace to abound towards me. I am moving forward and upward by the Power of the Holy Ghost, making progress with giant strides, and waxing stronger every day, in Health, Prosperity, and Success in the Precious, Dependable and Most Gracious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
🗣️Speak fervently in other tongues at this very moment and spiritually energize these your words
All the Glory to Our God! Hallelujahhhhh
Today, 13th APRIL 2024, I Confess and Declare that as I activate a more sustained meditation with God's Word with the RHAPSODY OF REALITIES from today, I am properly Guided by the Wisdom of God, Highly Blessed and Favoured by the Lord Almighty Himself. I am launched into the centre of God’s will for me, where all things are carefully and deliberately planned, aligned and synchronized to function together for my advantage and all-round benefits ! Therefore, confidently, I declare that the Name of Jesus is named upon me and all that is connected to me, and I am enjoying my inheritance in Christ unhindered. All things are possible to me because there is no impossibility with my Father! Hallelujahhhhh 🗣️Speak in other tongues at this very moment
Throughout These Days Of APRIL, my faith is working and producing results, and that My Faith is stirred in my heart even now, and I am strengthened in my spirit and positioned for the life of excellence. I am working in God’s timing for my life; and therefore, none of my steps shall slide! Progress is mine, Increase is mine, Abundance is mine, and Divine Health is mine, in the Mighty and Most Dependable Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
All the Glory to Our God! Hallelujahhhhh!
Today, 25th APRIL 2024, I Confess and Declare that I am mightily blessed and favoured of the Lord! I've received a unique Grace from God, and that Grace is causing me to expand and be exceptional in all that I do. I am not of this world; I hail from God. The Spirit of God has made me a channel of blessing, and through me, the peoples and Nations of the earth are blessed. I am connected to the Word of God and therefore, I produce durable results by the Word, blossoming and flourishing to the Glory of the Father. The Word of God is my life; therefore, it is natural for me to live in, and by the Word. And my profiting through the Word is manifest to all in Jesus Mighty Name ! Hallelujahhhhh 🗣️ Speak in other tongues right NOW
I Declare that God has qualified me to be a partaker of the inheritance of the Saints in the light. I have no consciousness of need because God has granted me all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who had called me to Glory and Virtue. I experience Growth, Development, Progress, Deliverance, Prosperity, and Divine Health because I am walking in the reality of who I am in Christ, taking full advantage of His Grace and Awesome Presence in my life. And as I put the Word of God to work today, I am metamorphosed into the Glory that I behold in the Mirror of God (Word of God), and I am filled with all the fullness of God in the Mighty and Most Gracious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
🗣️ Speak in other tongues at this moment and spiritually energize these your words‼️
All the Glory to Our God! Hallelujahhhhhhh
Today, 12th MAY 2024 I Confess and Declare that I am a burning and a shining light! I am the news in town. I experience Extraordinary Grace and Miracles in every area of my life! My light shines ever so brightly and men see my good rewards and glorify the Father in Heaven. In this Month of PROPHECY, there are no limits to how many great miracles I can experience and how much progress I can make in my walk with the Spirit and the Word of God. Because God's Extraordinary Grace and Miracles Abound For Me in this Month, I reject lack, mediocrity or stagnancy. Instead, I open my spirit to receive visions of Progress, Greatness and Excellence, and I receive the Ability of the Spirit to function in these new and higher levels of GRACE, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujahhhhh 🗣️Speak in other tongues NOW
This Month Of MAY, I am Rewarded With Extraordinary Miracles and my spirit is built up like an edifice, higher and higher, and my spirit is glorified. I am aglow with the Spirit of the Lord. The Greater Grace of God is risen upon me, and I manifest that Grace everywhere. The Power, Beauty, and Excellence of God resides in my spirit; and through me, His righteousness is established, and His Grace and Love are revealed to all men. This Month and always, I display the wonderful deeds and perfections of God who has called me out of darkness into His marvellous light in the Precious and Most Gracious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
🗣️Speak in other tongues right NOW and spiritually energize these your words
All the Glory to Our God! Hallelujahhhhh!
Today, 14th JULY 2024, I Confess and Declare that my JOY is full and I am surrounded by UNCOMMON CELEBRATIONS throughout the Days of this JULY. My mind is renewed, realigned and reprogrammed for the Extraordinary, Supernatural, and All-Conquering life of Glory in Christ Jesus.
I am complete in Christ, and every sector of my life is perfected for excellence. The Lord is strong and mighty, and He’s with me and in me! I put my trust in Him alone, and rest my faith on His Word.
Irrespective of the challenges in the world today, my faith is the victory that conquers the world! All things are possible to him that believes and I believe; therefore, all things are possible to me. GLORY TO MY GOD! Hallelujah!!
This Very JULY 2024 is My Month, My Time and My Season of God's Joy and Uncommon Celebrations; and I am rightly positioned by the Spirit of the Lord for a Wealth Transfer. The Mercy and Spirit of God has opened the eyes of my understanding to the right connections and ideas I need to be ahead in my field.
I am divinely connected with all resources— Human, Material, Financial — that are consistent with my destiny in Christ. My eyes are anointed to see opportunities everywhere I go, and I am divinely empowered to take advantage of them.
I believe and acknowledge the Extraordinary Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ who though was rich, made Himself poor that I might become rich. I accept my Prosperity as His Will and Plan for my life, in the Priceless, Most Wonderful and Most Dependable Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
All the Glory & Worship Be Unto Our God!
Today, 15th JULY 2024, I Confess and Declare that I am the glory of God! I’ve been brought into a life of ever increasing glory. Everywhere I go, God’s glory is revealed and manifested through me, for I’m not just a carrier of God’s glory, but His glory personified. I am energized for victory and positioned for the transcendent life by the Spirit of God who lives in me! By Him I labour, striving according to the working of His power that works within me mightily. Hallelujah!!
I’m excelling in every area of my life, because the competence and excellence by which I function is by the Spirit. Gloom, depression, and heaviness are far from me, for I carry an atmosphere of joy with me everywhere I go. My life is garnished by the spirit of God; for I am the workmanship of God in Christ Jesus; created unto good works. I only do good works because I was born and fashioned unto good works! I’ve passed from death to life; sin and all it rudiments has no power over me.
I’ve received an anointing from the Holy One and that anointing opens my understanding to all things. Daily, I am taught by the Spirit of God, and hidden things are unveiled to my spirit. I am led and guided by the Spirit, my choices and decisions are founded on by the Word. Wisdom guides me and moves me from within to take the right steps that are consistent with God’s purpose and calling for my life. I will never walk in confusion or lose my way. I am set on the path of success, glory, victory and divine destiny! I am walking in preordained pathways, for predestination is at work in me! Glory to God. Hallelujah!
Blessed Is Our God Forever! Hallelujahhhhh!!!
Today, 16th JULY 2024, I Confess and Declare that my faith is alive in God and it is producing Health in my body. Therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works and JULY IS MY MONTH OF JOY Unspeakable and Uncommon CELEBRATIONS. Because of God's GRACE upon me, I am not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I am only moved by the Word of God.
I am living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week; and no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. There's life in my bones, tissues, muscles, tendon, ligaments and every organ in my body! I AM ALIVE UNTO GOD. Glorrrryyyyyyyy
God has anointed me to succeed; I don’t believe in failure and I can never fail. The Lord has given me GRACE for that which He’s called me to do. I recognize that GRACE, and function in it. Everywhere I go; the GRACE of GOD brings me Favour, Prosperity, Health, and Supernatural Increase. Watch out world; It doesn’t matter how I start, I will end up as the best, in the Most Precious and Most Wonderful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
All the Glory to Our God Most High! Hallelujahhhhhhhhh!
Affirmations & Declarations~17564
I affirm that I’m the living tabernacle of Almighty God; wherever I go, God goes; He lives in every fibre of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood. Therefore, nothing of darkness is in me. I’m indestructible, and can do all things through Christ who strengthens me from within. I’m born of the incorruptible Word of God. Thank you.
I affirm that the Father has endowed me with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I am filled with the fullness of God; loaded with good things! Daily, I bring forth excellence from within me. I am a success; I’m immune to defeat and failure. I can never be disadvantaged because I am an associate of the God-kind; I manifest the excellence of the Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me now; thus, nothing in me produces death.
I affirm that the grace of God has brought increase into my life. My capacity has increased; I increase in my finances, I increase in my ministry, I increase in my career, I increase in knowledge, I increase in strength, I increase in every area of my life. My territory is enlarged and I am producing durable results. Hallelujah! Doors of opportunities are open unto me in different continents of the earth.
I affirm that the grace of God has brought increase into my life. My capacity has increased; I increase in my finances, I increase in my ministry, I increase in my career, I increase in knowledge, I increase in strength, I increase in every area of my life. My territory is enlarged and I am producing durable results. Hallelujah! Doors of opportunities are open unto me in different continents of the earth.
It is too late to fail and I am too loaded to be poor or disadvantaged! I am an heir of God; I’ve been brought into the place of my inheritance! I will never find myself walking in lack because the Lord is my Shepherd. Daily, I walk in the light of my prosperity, for I am the seed of Abraham; I have access to wealth untold! Lack and want are not a part of my life because I am plugged to God’s unending supply system. Blessed be God. Hallelujah!
I affirm that the revelation of God's Word has flooded my spirit with light. I am an offspring of Word! I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings and provisions in Christ Jesus! I am in God's place for my life, and the knowledge of God's Word has brought expansion into my life. My capacity, vision, dreams, and ideas have expanded.
I declare that my life is for the glory of God; He’s made me fruitful and productive, and I walk in His righteousness. His divine power has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness, and I abide forever in His presence, where I prosper, reign, and enjoy life to the full. I walk in His glory, and live in the dominion and authority of Christ! Therefore, nothing, and no one, can successfully stand against me, as I go forth proclaiming liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, bringing men out of darkness into the glorious liberty of the sons of God! Glory!
I declare that I’m built up by the Word to live a life of success, victory, and promotions, dealing wisely in all affairs of life. I’m in charge! The life of God is at work in me, in every fibre of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. My whole being is immune to death, decay, and the corrupting influences in the world! My path is the path of life, righteousness, joy, gladness, and peace forevermore, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I affirm that my body is the temple of the living God. I’m continually strengthened with might in my inner man as the anointing of God’s Spirit runs through every fibre of my being, making me sickness and disease-free. I am built up, thriving on my most holy faith, making progress by the supernatural, and rising like an edifice, ever higher and higher, as I pray in the Holy Ghost! I am never disadvantaged! I am born with the ability to reign and rule over the elements of this world.
My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Therefore, every organ, tissue, and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me; therefore, my body is daily renewed! I dwell continually in health through the working of His mighty power in me. Hallelujah!
I affirm that the glory of God has increased in my life. The eyes of my understanding are enlightened to recognise my divine abilities in Christ, and to comprehend and apprehend the spiritual realities of the heavenly Kingdom to which I belong. It's part of my heritage as the seed of Abraham to excel and make progress in life, from glory to glory, without struggling. I live perpetually in the rest of God.
Now and always, I walk in His glory. manifesting His love, grace and righteousness. Hallelujah! I am assured of the glory and grace of God in my life. The Lord has given me eternal life – the never-ending life of God. I live in dominion over sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I live in the deathless, fearless, and ageless zone!
The life of God is in me; working mightily. He has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
Christ is made unto me wisdom. In him, I have access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent. I have knowledge of witty inventions. I am skillful, proficient and knowledgeable. I devise the best solutions in every circumstance. I have discretion. Counsel is mine. I am full of sound wisdom. I have sound knowledge and understanding. I have strength, might, and power. I speak excellent and princely things. I have an understanding heart. The opening of my lips is for the right things. My words are all righteous. I speak the truth always. God has given me wisdom.
I have a wise and discerning heart. Christ is my excellent wisdom. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God!
Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions, and the glorious life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus! Every day, I rule and reign over the circumstances of life and I exercise dominion over Satan and the power of darkness. Christ is my advantage for the glorious life. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. Eternity is alive in me. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. I’ve been brought into life and immortality. I’m fearless, for death has been paralysed—defeated by Jesus, and when He did it, I was in Him! I boldly exercise my divine rights in Christ, taming my body and environment with my faith-filled confessions. No evil shall befall me. Nothing shall by any means hurt me because the Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress.
I am up and alive; my life is the fulfilment of the destiny that the Father had ordained for me. Everything about my life is infused with divinity. The Holy Spirit has granted me the supernatural advantage in life. I’ve been divinely enabled to walk in righteousness, prosperity, health, success, and victory. I am eternally victorious in Christ. I have power over crises; I am prospering exceedingly, manifesting the righteousness and dominion of Christ everywhere. I live above, and far beyond the distracting elements of this world, because I live in Christ! The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me.
The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest. My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, health, strength, success, victory, wealth and prosperity. I am in the place of never-ending, superabundant wealth. Angels are directing businesses to me right now. I am being remembered right now in several places for good. My name comes up even now for blessings, for promotion, for bonuses, for awards, for rewards, for contracts. I enjoy unusual and unexplained monies, benefits and bonuses in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I’m not of this world; I am born from heaven and live the life of heaven now in the earth! I’m conscious of my heavenly blessings, rights, and privileges and I enjoy them to the full. I refuse to be limited by contrary forces around me; I accomplish the impossible, I do the spectacular and reach for the peak in all my endeavours. I have the wisdom of the just, which propels me to function in God’s perfect will. The wisdom of God is in my heart and in my mouth today, and I deal excellently in all my affairs. I am full of God’s might! I function by His power and glory today, full of the Spirit in wisdom, having a spiritual understanding of all things!
Victory is my heritage and my life! I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. God has given me everything it takes to live victoriously every day. I know who I am: chosen, royal, and peculiar! I experience the supernatural in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit. I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness; thus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always.
I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me. I live and dwell in health and safety all my days. I live the supernatural life in Christ – the life of majesty, tranquility, and dominance. My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
This is my season for exaltation. That favour of God that brings promotion and power now rests upon me. I have been given great power, prosperity, and control. I am rightly positioned for all that the Lord has planned for me this year. God is happy to do me good. He delights in my prosperity, my promotion, and exaltation. I am wondrously and marvelously helped of God. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory.
I affirm that good things are coming my way and happening for me and around me because the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. I am continually strengthened with might in my inner man as the anointing of God’s Spirit runs through every fibre of my being, making me sickness and disease-free. I go out with joy, and I am led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. I have been given access to Christ’s inexhaustible, unfathomable, riches. I am a man of influence.
I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me. God has made all things I require for life and godliness available to me, and I celebrate the grace of prosperity and abundance that I enjoy as the seed of Abraham. The works of my hands are blessed and I am set on the path of permanent success and prosperity. I do not know when the heat comes, for I am fashioned to flourish like the cedar in Lebanon in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Christ is made unto me wisdom. In him, I have access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, I have limitless wisdom. I am prudent. I have knowledge of witty inventions. I am skillful, proficient and knowledgeable. I devise the best solutions in every circumstance. I have discretion. Counsel is mine. I am full of sound wisdom. I have sound knowledge and understanding. I have strength, might, and power. I speak excellent and princely things. I have an understanding heart. The opening of my lips is for the right things. My words are all righteous. I speak the truth always. God has given me wisdom. There is nothing beyond me. There is nothing I cannot handle. I have a wise and discerning heart. Christ is my excellent wisdom.
Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. Every day God loads me with great benefits. In His favor my horn is exalted. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world.
I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God! My life is a testimony of God’s grace and goodness. I have received an overflowing of God’s grace. This grace working in me is the power of promotion, unending success, and an extraordinary life of excellence, victory, and dominion. I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hidden. I am visible; well positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I am replenished and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, great prosperity, and unending joy. I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always. My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me.
I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. In my ministry, career, finances, academics, family, and in all that concerns me, I am recording great and notable achievements, enjoying my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health, and unending prosperity. The Lord keeps me in perfect peace continually because my mind is focused on the Word of God. Daily, the Word produces what it talks about in me, causing me to radiate good health and strength and to display a life of peace with prosperity. I have all the things that pertain to life and godliness.
I flourish exceedingly every day, everywhere, and at all times. I walk in health, victory, and triumph because I function in the Name of Jesus. My life is for glory and excellence. I manifest God’s bountiful blessings of success, prosperity, health, and joy, so that all may see and glorify Him. I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. My life is perfect and pleasant in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. I affirm that my gates are opened continually for wealth of the gentile to flow in. Everything I get involved in, works. In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. My life is excellent and full of glory; I walk in absolute mastery, victory, safety, wellness, wholeness, and divine health because I’m in Christ and Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory, and joy are expressed through me, and my faith in the Word is the victory that overcomes the world.
Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The world’s elements and the decay in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and over sickness and death. My life is built on the Word of God. It keeps me in health, strength, and victory, making me experience unprecedented progress, peace, and prosperity in my life.
The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body because He perambulates in me, through the Holy Spirit. The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me. Christ lives in me and I function with this consciousness every day in Jesus name. Amen.
I recognize and affirm whom the Lord has made me to be. I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body. I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. Divine life is working in my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me and invigorates me through and through. Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy. I have the Spirit of life living in me, guiding me, energizing me, and strengthening me.
I am empowered me to do great wonders and miracles, and to effect positive changes in my world and in my health, family, and finances. I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me. The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak.
That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart. I walk in health, divine wisdom, and in the joy and peace of the Spirit today. I walk in the light of my inheritance in Christ, in power and grace, living in divine health and supernatural prosperity. I am victorious. I am a success. I am a blessing to my world. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in, and manifest, the dominion of Christ today. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of God’s Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion. I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. My body is daily refreshed and transformed as I renew my mind with the Word. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest. The reality of the eternal life in Christ rids me completely from anything that hurts or binds. I testify that I am healthy, strong, and blessed forever. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace.
I am an answer from God; I have the wisdom of the just, which propels me to function in God’s perfect will. The wisdom of God is in my heart and in my mouth today, and I deal excellently in all my affairs. I am full of God’s might! I function by His power and glory today. I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. It makes no difference what happens, where I find myself or who’s against me; I am more than a conqueror! I can never be disadvantaged. God has given me everything it takes to live victoriously every day. He has given me the Holy Spirit, His Word and the Name of Jesus.
The LORD is the strength of my life! Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because He’s with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He takes hold of my right hand and says to me, “Fear not; I’m here to help you.” Therefore, I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here. I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. I do not tire or wear out. I do not get weak and I don’t faint because I wait on the Lord daily. My strength is renewed daily by the Holy Spirit and I am vitalized, invigorated, energized, and refreshed for all things in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
I affirm that God has given me riches and wealth, and the wisdom to multiply them. I am the seed of Abraham; therefore, the world is mine. I lay up gold as dust; my prosperity is endless. I walk in abundance, having more than enough for myself and for others. I am a custodian of divine verities; excellence, glory, virtue, success and prosperity exude from me. There’s no limit to what I can do or accomplish in my financial endeavours. My life is programmed for the top. I live in victory, success and prosperity, and my life gravitates upwards and forward only, from glory to glory. Blessed be God. Hallelujah! God's ability is at work in me today and I am conscious of it. I do not function in my ability or strength, for God's inherent power is in me. My strength is renewed daily and I am divinely energized at all times for victory, in the Name of Jesus. I affirm that the kingdom is in my heart! I am God’s building, I keep getting taller and taller every day. I can never be at the same spot; a thousand times no, come tomorrow the glory of God in my life is increased. I am in God's place for my life, and the Word of God is building me up spiritually, physically, financially, emotionally, and otherwise. I'll always be a success; soaring high even in hard times. No matter what happens around the nations of the world, I am built strong by the Word. I am an associate of the God-kind; I have an indestructible, uninfectable life of God in me. I have divine health working in every fibre of my being, every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! I live the supernatural life, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My mortal body is quickened by the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! The Spirit of the Lord lives in me and He’s anointed me without measure. I’m replete with God! I could never be defeated or disadvantaged. I’m anointed to walk in, and produce works of, righteousness; to proclaim liberty to the oppressed and recovery of sight to the blind; to heal the brokenhearted and liberate the down-trodden and oppressed, and turn the hearts of the wicked and disobedient to the wisdom of the just! I am alive unto God, with His miracle-working ability working in me! I am effective, efficient, and excellent in all that I do through the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
Daily Word Affirmations!~18487
I affirm that I am not a forgetful hearer, I am focused and my gaze is intently fixed on the Word of God, regarding my financial prosperity. I am a cheerful, joyous, prompt to do it giver and my heart is in my giving. I am a doer of the word, consequently I am blessed in my career, projects and in all my business dealings. The blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow, rests upon my home. Great is my peace with prosperity. Hallelujah. I am a blessing to my world and am wonder to many. All that I lay my hands upon to do prospers. Glory! Dear Father, your Word is the truth on which I fix my gaze. Your Word confirms my prosperity, divine health, victory, dominion, and glorious life in Christ. I make progress from glory to glory by your Word which produces for me and in me the reality that it conveys. I affirm that I am living in God’s timing for my life! In all that I do, God has given me the favour-advantage. His favour is at work in me mightily! Everywhere I go today, I am accepted and highly favoured, for I carry God’s divine presence with me. I am a blessing to my world, ordained and chosen of the Father to manifest His glory, wisdom, and excellence to my world. I function today as a burning and shining light! I am making the Name of Lord known, and turning men and women from wickedness unto righteousness; this is my purpose, which I live daily to fulfill. I am growing in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! I am inspired by today's possibilities and tomorrow's potentials. Through the Word of God, my mind is renewed and my spirit is enlightened to see my future and see the greatness, success, favour, victory, and prosperity which God has ordained to be my day-to-day experience in Christ! My day is full of favour because the Lord has gone ahead of me to make every crooked path straight. Glory to God!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Daily Word Affirmations!~18501
I affirm that there is no system that can render me financially helpless. God has brought me into a good land with fountains and springs that gush out with prosperity. The wisdom of God is mightily at work in me, causing me to deal wisely in my financial matters. I am enjoying good success. I am at rest, no reason for anxiety or fear about my future. The Lord loads me with benefits daily. Limitations have been removed from my path. On every opportunity, I maximise and get the best that God has prepared for me ahead of time. Its raining prosperity in my household. I have too much money to give, save and spend; my source never runs dry. I am laying up gold as dust. Glory to God! I thank You, Blessed Father, for the extraordinary life of blessing that You have given me in Christ. Thank You for making me a partaker of Your glory, grace, and righteousness. I walk in prosperity, health, and peace today, in the Name of our Lord Jesus. I affirm that I am alive unto God! My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of excellence, success, victory, and abundance. Daily, I expand and make progress naturally because I am connected to a source that can never run dry. I am a fruitful and a delightsome land, a tree of righteousness, producing fruits of righteousness. Hallelujah. I have the DNA of God; therefore, success is my birthright, excellence is my calling and winning is my lifestyle. I am an offspring of the Word; the seed of Abraham, and an heir according to the promise. I live perpetually in the rest of the Lord, for Christ is my Sabbath. Now and always, I walk in His glory, for I have been ordained to expand, excel, win, and make progress from glory to glory, without struggles or anxieties. Hallelujah! All things are mine and the Spirit of God has open the eyes of my understanding to see the limitless opportunities that abound towards me. I am in Christ, I live continuously in an arena of victory, prosperity, and success. The life of God is at work in me, and there’s no occasion of stumbling in my path. I walk in the light of my victory over the world, the devil, and the circumstances of life. Blessed be God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Daily Word Affirmations!~18552
I affirm that I am a king-priest! I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights and provisions in Christ Jesus. I am anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit to positively effect changes through my partnership with the gospel. The knowledge of God’s Word has brought expansion to my life. Yes! That grace to expand has been released therefore I enjoy unstoppable fruitfulness and productivity. I am catapulted into the realms of divine prosperity, increase and progress. God’s divine blessings and promotions are evident in every aspect of my life. I move in leaps and bounds, exuding excellence in all that concerns me! Glory to God! Thank You, blessed Father, for Your blessings that I daily enjoy. I celebrate Your glory in my life today. I walk in prosperity, health, peace, joy, and victory. I manifest glory, grace, and goodness to everyone in my world. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the life of splendour, grace, prosperity, and greatness You’ve brought me into. I am established in Your righteousness, planted in the house of the Lord; thus, I flourish like the palm tree, with grace and glory! I bring forth fruit in season, and out of season, because I am like a tree planted by the waters, ever in blossom. I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I am not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light by which I operate in my job, finances, family and everything that concerns me. I am aware of God’s bountiful provisions for me, and I am enjoying them, because I see by the greater light of His Word. I am excelling and making progress on every side, and my faith is prevailing over circumstances, as I walk in the fullness of Your blessings. I am an offspring of the Word; a joint heir with Christ, therefore, the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places, for I have a goodly heritage. I am conscious of my glorious heritage in Christ, and through meditation on the Word, and fellowship with the Spirit, I get to know more and enjoy my inheritance in Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Daily Word Affirmations!~18596
I affirm that I am the blessed one of the Lord; born to prosper all the days of my life. I am an heir of God, and have been brought into the place of my inheritance, a place of abundance and wealth untold. Everything I require in life has been granted to me. Daily, I walk in the light of my prosperity, for I am the seed of Abraham. I am plugged to God's unending supply; ever loaded with money and never lacking anything good in this life. Mine is a heritage of blessings, and a life of supernatural increase, prosperity and glory in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah! I am in Christ and Christ is in me. I am a success. I am a victor because Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I am shielded from all evil and I operate with dominion over sickness, disease, and the powers of darkness. I affirm that Christ is my address! My path is illuminated with the light of God’s Word; therefore, I do not lack direction. I am an answer from God. Everywhere I go, I am relevant, because I am loaded with divine wisdom and insight to provide the right answers to questions, and solutions to problems. I am indeed an answer to the cries of millions all over the world because I function in the wisdom of God. Today, I stand fast in the liberty of Christ and rejoice in the liberty of Christ and rejoice in the glory of God, never to be burdened by any yoke of bondage. I am free to live, free to reign, and free to serve the Lord in health, joy, victory, and prosperity. I have the supernatural life of God in me! This life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body! I walk in this newness of life, having put on the new man in Christ, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness! I grow in grace and in the knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The beauty of God in my spirit is showing forth on the outside, evidently manifest for all to see! Excellence, glory, virtue, and success are the hallmarks of my life because the grace of God is superabundant upon me. I am walking according to God’s predestination for my life; I am fulfilling His dream and bringing glory to His Name. I increase every day in my knowledge of the Word, and my decisions and actions are influenced by His Wisdom. My walk with the Holy Spirit is highly fruitful, and I am divinely helped of Him as I function in God’s plan for my life. Blessed be God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
Daily Word Affirmations!~18653
I affirm that I have been thrust into financial eminence. As the just, I have knowledge that I have been delivered into my inheritance. No matter where I am or the circumstances I face, I know that I am destined for greatness. I am supply conscious therefore I never think or talk lack because I am plugged to an unending supply. I have new ideas, innovations and upgrades that surpass the old experiences. I produce permanent results of unending productivity and prosperity. Hallelujah. The Name of Jesus is above all names. His name is greater than cancer, it replaces maimed limbs, opens blind eyes, unstops deaf ears, and raises the dead. In the Name of Jesus, I am more than a conqueror. I am eternally free from all sicknesses. I affirm that the Lord God has bestowed on me favour and honour! My life is filled with the glory of God! His beauty, wisdom, grace, and righteousness are expressed in, and through me. I am a wonder to my world because the Lord has surrounded me with favour like a shield. I can never be disadvantaged; for all things are commanded to work together for my good. I am more than a conqueror, a victor, and a success forever! No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the most High God, and function with the ability of the Spirit always. I declare that the Lord is my source; I am plugged into God’s supply system. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ; I am plugged to an unending supply. I refuse to think or talk lack; for I am the seed of Abraham. I consciously take my eyes away from men, my job or business, and focus on God; for He is my source. I focus on Him and not the channels, for He’s orchestrating things to my favour and sees to it that I walk continually in abundance. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. I declare that all grace; every favour and earthly blessing is mine in abundance, that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient; possessing enough to require no aid or support, and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. I have unlimited access to God’s inexhaustible riches. Thank You dear Father, for You liberally supply my every need according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. You’re my source; wealth and honour come from You alone. Your divine power has given me everything I require for life and godliness. I am plugged into a nonstop supply system, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
Daily Word Affirmations!~18680
I affirm that my life is the testimony and revelation of God's grace, wisdom, perfection, and righteousness. As His own handiwork, I live the good life which He prearranged and made ready for me to live. I walk with the understanding that it’s God’s plan for me to experience unending prosperity. That consciousness attracts favour, promotion and increase. Men are obligated to create opportunities for money to come to me. I live the supernatural life and harvest even where I have not bestowed any labour. Hidden treasures in secret places are availed and delivered to me. Glory! Divinity is tabernacled in my physical body! I am a new creation. I am not subject to the elements of this world! Divine life flows in me and permeates my being through and through. I reign over sickness, disease, poverty, and lack! I’m superior to Satan. Glory to God! I affirm that I’m the seed of Abraham; a distributor of divine blessings. Salvation, righteousness, prosperity, healing, God’s goodness, mercies and grace flow through me to bless my world! I bring succour, hope, deliverance, and joy to many. I am a king-priest; I am anointed by the Spirit of God to carry out my assignment with great joy. Hallelujah! My words are anointed; they are spirit and they are life. I am from the government of heaven! I am not ordinary; I am a custodian of divine truth. I’ve received the Spirit without measure; thus, I have all it takes to fulfill my assignment. Fear has no place in me, for the Father has not given unto me the spirit of fear but of love, power, and of a sound mind. My mind is sound, and I am bold to act my faith. Daily, I function with the ability of the Spirit, for the Spirit of the Lord is at work in me, causing me to have divine courage and confidence. I am favored all-round; for the favour of the Lord surrounds me like a shield. It opens doors for me, bringing me into my place of greatness. I am fully aware that the quality of life that I live is based on the faith-filled words that I utter. Daily, I hold fast to the profession of faith without wavering, and I affirm that my life, health, family, and finances are consistent with God’s Word for my life. Hallelujah. I have the upper hand because God’s favour has placed me in a position of advantage, and nothing is too good for me! I am a victor, a success, and a winner for ever. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that I am a financial victor, I command money to accomplish any desired project and it hears my voice. I am not financially hesitant, any amount I need, I call it forth and it manifests speedily. God has made me a king therefore I rule and reign over any money matter coming out victorious in all instances. No amount of money is too big for me to handle, the Lord has blessed me with great financial capacity. I give relevance to my money, making use of it in the House of God. I am a great sponsor of the Gospel, the message is reaching far and distant lands by my finances. Hallelujah! I rejoice that I am in Christ and the Holy Spirit lives in me! Thus, I am fully aligned with God’s plan for my health. I walk continually in God’s perfect will for my life, and I have all that I require to live life in godliness and righteousness. I affirm that God has confidence in me, and I will never live an empty life. I am a passionate soul winning! I’m God’s partner in winning souls. My mind is anointed to think God’s thoughts! With the Word of God in my mouth, I cast down all imaginations of fear, failure, sickness, disease and infirmity! I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth, dominating circumstances and living the transcendent life the Father had prepared for me. There’s no place for evil or negative imagination in my heart! My heart is circumcised by the Holy Ghost and my mind inundated with the Word; with which I prevail over all the fiery darts of the enemy! I have the mind-set of the righteous because Christ has been made unto me wisdom. By the compelling force of wisdom that’s at work in me, I function today at a high level of excellence in all I say and do; I do things right the first time. I function in divine wisdom, manifesting the glory and virtues of divinity deposited within my spirit. I am set on the course in which I must follow, to fulfil my divine destiny in Christ! I walk in preordained pathways, for God has structured the course of events in my favour, and I go on to fulfil my divine destiny, to the glory and praise of God’s Name. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
I affirm that I am a child of prophecy. My life is a fulfillment of the Word of God. I am stepping into new financial zones and territories that have not been unearthed before. I am loyal in the Kingdom and God is my exceeding great reward. Great fortunes are delivered into my hands by the power of the Spirit. God has given me the ability to handle great finances, the wisdom to sanctify my gold in the Kingdom. I am God's workmanship, His billboard of prosperity to the nations of the world. The Lord loads me with benefits daily. I am highly favoured and blessed. I am financially buoyant. Hallelujah! My words carry divine power to cause changes and bring about positive transformation, healing, and prosperity. Out of the abundance of my heart, I speak forth life, strength and courage. Thus, I dispel fear, weakness and failure. I affirm that God has made me a wonder to my world! He has made me His operational headquarters; therefore, I’m not ordinary. I’m a God-carrying vessel, a conveyor of eternal verities; I can do all things. Christ in me means glory, excellence, and victory in life. I am yielded to God's guidance, counsel and promptings, and at all times. Daily, my spirit is open to receive from the Lord, and I am led continually into the greener pastures of the Spirit. My understanding is enlightened to function with the precision and accuracy of the Spirit. I have the mind of Christ, therefore, my mind is anointed to receive sanctified thoughts and ideas. Hallelujah! This is my month of prophecy; in all that I do, I am experiencing the glory of the Word. The power of promotion is activated in me, and I am making progress in every area of my life. Hallelujah! Today, by my affirmations of faith and words of prophecy, I am framing my world and causing the circumstances of my life to be in sync with God’s perfect will for me. I am strengthened through the ministry of the Spirit in my life! God’s glory and eternal purposes are revealed to me as I fellowship with the Spirit. I am stirred on the inside, I bring forth good things from within me, for I have treasures in me with which to bless my world. The wisdom of God is at work in me, guiding me and showing me the way to go. Christ is made wisdom unto me; thus, I conduct all my affairs with prudence and discretion. I have insight into mysteries and secrets, and hidden things are revealed unto me by the Spirit of wisdom! Blessed be God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that I am a financial victor, I command money to accomplish any desired project and it hears my voice. I am not financially hesitant, any amount I need, I call it forth and it manifests speedily. God has made me a king therefore I rule and reign over any money matter coming out victorious in all instances. No amount of money is too big for me to handle, the Lord has blessed me with great financial capacity. I give relevance to my money, making use of it in the House of God. I am a great sponsor of the Gospel, the message is reaching far and distant lands by my finances. Hallelujah! I am an associate of the God-kind, and I have the indestructible life of God in me. My body is impervious to every form and manner of sickness or disease. I live in perpetual health and walk in the greater light of the new creation in Christ. I affirm that Christ is alive in me—in every fibre of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood. I’m living the supernatural life, naturally, because Christ is in me. I'm strengthened with the strength of God, and with joy, I draw water from the wells of salvation, because the joy of the Lord is my strength. My life is improved and upgraded by the power of God's Word. The Spirit of God has granted me divine insight into the Father's perfect will in all things. I have an unction from the Holy One! That anointing is working in my body, finances, career, family, and all that concerns me. The anointing of God's Spirit sets me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress on every side. Hallelujah! I have an understanding heart; for the eyes of my understanding have been enlightened to know the hope of God’s calling, and the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. I prosper and excel in all things as I meditate on the Word, and act on it. I win always, because Christ has been made unto me wisdom, and that wisdom which is my unparalleled advantage. I am powered by the Spirit of God; therefore, when men are cast down, I am lifted! I am the seed of Abraham; I am imbued with wisdom from above to affect lives positively all over the world. I am growing stronger by the day, like a cedar in Lebanon, and flourishing like the palm tree! Everywhere I go, I express the virtues and excellence of the Spirit, as God’s Word finds vent through me. Hallelujah! My mind is anointed to bring forth innovations, ideas, inventions, and solutions to bless the world. I am supernaturally enabled to implement God-given ideas to make the world a better place. Glory to God!
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that I am a significant and consistent financier of the gospel of Jesus Christ. God is at work in my finances both to will and to do according to His good pleasure. I am favouring the righteous cause of God on the earth, as I give magnanimously towards the gospel. I am laying up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust can destroy. Money in my hands is a tool that the Lord is using to transform many lives through the gospel. Hallelujah. God provides me with seed to sow and bread for food, and multiplies my seed sown and increases the fruits of my righteousness. I am laying up gold as dust and to my increase and prosperity there shall be no end. Glorrrrrry! I have eternal life and walk in the consciousness of it. I walk in dominion over sickness, disease, and death, over the discouragements and frustrations that affect humanity. I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I am victorious today and always. I affirm that the Word of God has granted me direction, speed, inspiration, counsel, and wisdom. My spirit is constantly equipped, refreshed, and educated by the Word to produce excellence and manifest righteousness. I’ve been ushered into a life that is beyond the ordinary plane of natural perception. I am living in God’s timing for my life! In all that I do, God has given me the favour-advantage. His favour is at work in me mightily. Everywhere I go today, I am accepted and highly favoured, for I carry God’s divine presence with me. I am a blessing to my world, ordained and chosen of the Father to manifest His glory, wisdom, and excellence. I function today as a burning and shining light! I am making the Name of Lord known, and turning men and women from wickedness unto righteousness; this is my purpose, which I live daily to fulfill. I am up and alive; I grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ Hallelujah! I am inspired by today’s possibilities and tomorrow’s potentials. Through the Word of God, my mind is renewed and my spirit is enlightened to see my future and see the greatness, success, favour, victory, and prosperity which God has ordained to be my day-to-day experience in Christ! My day is full of favour because the Spirit of God has gone ahead of me to make every crooked path straight. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that the blessing of the Lord rests in my home. This blessing has brought unimaginable prosperity to my life. I live in plenty and financial abundance everyday. I am living a transcendent life in Christ through my knowledge and application of the Word. My financial status reflects that I am a child of God. There is order in my finances: my streams of income are way more than my expenses. My bank accounts are increasing daily. I am rich. Hallelujah!! I am blessed! Divine health is my present-hour possession. My body is immune to all sickness, infirmity, and disease. My life is hid with Christ in God; in Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am safe, protected, and secured in Christ Jesus. I affirm that I am in charge and in control, winning every day. My path is illuminated with the light of God’s Word; therefore, I do not lack direction. I am an answer from God. Everywhere I go, I am relevant, because I’m loaded with divine wisdom and insight to provide the right answers to questions, and solutions to problems. I’m indeed an answer to the cries of millions all over the world because I function in the wisdom of God. Hallelujah! Eternal life is at work in me. I’m full of life; my entire being is inundated with divine life and energy. I’ve passed from death unto life. I am the glory of God, a life-giver, and dispenser of eternal verities! I am seated with Christ in the place of authority; far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. I’m strengthened, fortified, and energized for victory, success, and excellence through the power of God’s Word, and the might of the Spirit. I am ordained unto a life of fruitfulness and productivity, flourishing in the courts of the Lord, bringing Him honour, and bearing abundant fruits unto Him in righteousness. I go forth today, in victory and dominion over Satan, and his cohorts of darkness, and the circumstances of life. I experience the power and supernatural grace of God today, as I make manifest the savour of the knowledge of Christ. I have all things! I am complete in Christ! I’m sufficient in His sufficiency; there’s no shortage in my life, but completeness. I don’t lack or want for anything: ideas, inspiration, wealth, prosperity, and all the goodness of God are in my spirit, and I bring them forth from the fullness in my spirit. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that there is no system that can render me financially helpless. God has brought me into a good land with fountains and springs that gush out with prosperity. The wisdom of God is mightily at work in me, causing me to deal wisely in my financial matters. I am enjoying good success. I am at rest, no reason for anxiety or fear about my future. The Lord loads me with benefits daily. Limitations have been removed from my path. On every opportunity, I maximise and get the best that God has prepared for me ahead of time. Its raining prosperity in my household. I have too much money to give, save and spend; my source never runs dry. I am laying up gold as dust. Glory to God! Dear Father, I take advantage of all that you have done for me as a result of the vicarious death of Jesus, and I acknowledge the benefits of His glorious resurrection in my life, and all that it means to me. I am healthy, vibrant, and prosperous every day. I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life! I've been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I am the expression of God’s beauty! His beauty in my spirit is bursting forth on the outside in an undeniable fashion. Excellence, glory, virtue, and success are the hallmarks of my life. I am triumphant, victorious, prosperous, and successful in all things. My life is for God's glory, and His righteousness is expressed in, and through me. Daily, I am propelled in the direction of God’s perfect will and destiny for my life! I grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The blessing of the Lord is at work in me in an increasing measure, and everywhere I go; I AM BLESSED AND HIGHLY FAVORED. I am born with a glorious life, and success is rooted in my spirit. The Word of God has made me wise unto salvation, and the forces of success, prosperity, and divine health are let loose in my life. I can never be disadvantaged, for I am connected to the true Vine. I am the light of the world; the salt of the earth. I was called and chosen to give purpose and meaning to the lives of men and women in my world and in the regions beyond. I was born as the answer to the cry of many, and I am responding to that call by impacting my generation with the knowledge of Christ’s salvation. I recognize God’s divine ability, efficiency, and might that is at work in me today, and by virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I forbid the enemy from functioning and perpetuating evil in my sphere of contact. Hallelujah. I reign, win and dominate by the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
I affirm that the Word of God regarding my prosperity is in office. The supernatural is evident in my finances; my impact in kingdom financing cannot be ignored. I’m found at the top of those sponsoring the gospel. The heavens registers my name as a big financier for kingdom expansion. God delights in my purposeful prosperity and thus, pours more resources in my path. I’m at the center of God’s will for my life. I’m chosen, appointed, set up and set apart for a glorious life filled with plenty. I’m growing on every side. Glory! I have the life of God in me, for as He is, so am I in this world. I have been brought from humanity to eternity. I am not ordinary. I am alive, incorruptible, indestructible, and imperishable. Death has no power over me. Amen. I affirm that the Lord has made my life pleasant, and my future is bright. There’re no uncertainties and confusion in my path because Christ is my light, my wisdom, and my strength. I’m walking in, and fulfilling God’s perfect will for my life, established in the path of greatness and excellence forever. I am a custodian of divine truth! My life is full of beauty; for I've received the Spirit without measure. I've been commissioned by the Lord, and I have all it takes to fulfill my assignment here on earth. Fear has no place in me because the Father has not given unto me the spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind. My mind is sound, and I am bold to act my faith. My spirit is refreshed in God's presence, and His joy fills my soul, knowing that He has perfected all that concerns me. My path is that of the righteous that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. I function with the ability of the Spirit today for the Spirit of God is at work in me, causing me to have divine courage and confidence. I am a king-priest; I am anointed by the Spirit of God to carry out my assignment with great joy. Hallelujah! My words are not ordinary; they are spirit and they are life. I am fully aware that the quality of life that I live is based on the faith-filled words that I utter. Therefore, I hold fast to the profession of faith without wavering, and I affirm today that my life, health, family, and finances are consistent with God’s Word for my life. Hallelujah. I am favoured everywhere I go, for the favour of the Lord surrounds me like a shield. It opens doors for me, bringing me into my place of greatness. God’s favour has placed me in a position of advantage, and nothing is too good for me! Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris OYAKHILOME
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that I have been thrust into financial eminence. As the just, I have knowledge that I have been delivered into my inheritance. No matter where I am or the circumstances I face, I know that I am destined for greatness. I am supply conscious therefore I never think or talk lack because I am plugged to an unending supply. Through out this month, I have new ideas, innovations and upgrades that surpass the old experiences. I produce permanent results of unending productivity and prosperity. Hallelujah. I have the life of God in me; and by faith, I live successfully. I do not walk by sensory perception, but I operate with faith in God. Therefore, sickness, diseases, and infirmities have no place in me. Blessed be God! I affirm that I am an answer from God! I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus, born with the life and nature of God! I'm a brand new man that never existed before, living the supernatural life naturally, and flying high on the wings of the Spirit. I am blessed and highly favoured of the Lord. My days on earth are full of Joy, grace, pleasure, beauty, and glory. I'm from the government of heaven, I was born right in God’s presence, where there’s fullness of joy, and I dwell with Christ at His right hand; where there’s an endless pleasure. My tomorrow is full of joy because it was mapped out by God. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places for I have a goodly heritage. Hallelujah! I'm invigorated with divine might and ability in my spirit for the supernatural. Weakness has no room in me; for my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and the joy of the Lord is my strength! I’m empowered to do the impossible because greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. I grow stronger by the day, like a cedar in Lebanon, and I flourish like the palm tree. I’m productive and my influence is spreading everywhere. I increase on all sides by the power of the Spirit, and of my increase, progress, and prosperity, there’s no end! I’ve been chosen and ordained by God to be productive in all aspects of my life! The circumstances of life bows before me because I function on God’s terms and reason with the mind of Christ. My outlook on life is from the perspective of the Word who gives me wisdom and the mind-set of the righteous. I am a champion and a victor forever!” Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that I've been translated into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son, who leads me in a perpetual victory parade. It makes no difference that the world is in crises; these are not set against me as I'm not of this world. I belong to Christ. I refuse to be overwhelmed because the greater one lives in me and causes me to triumph always, and in every place. Nothing can hinder or limit my progress and success; my prosperity is unstoppable. The Lord loves me and is more passionate and determined for my success than I could ever be. He’s made more than enough provisions for me, to make me joyful and fulfilled in life. I have supernatural supply, drawing from my heavenly account. Glory! I live the supernatural life; a life of glory, peace, and dominion in the name of Jesus. I’ve taken a hold of eternal life; therefore, it doesn’t matter what trial, pain, or difficulty there may be, I’m unperturbed, my spirit is sensitive to God’s voice, and I can discern His voice and counsel to me always because I am His sheep. I've been imparted with the knowledge of the truths in God's Word, and these truths are operational in the “now” of my life. I’m enlightened in my spirit to grasp deeper and higher truths in the Word. The ways of the Spirit have been manifested unto me, and I am guided from within and through the Word to know and walk in the paths of life. The favour of God is functioning in and through me. I have the upper hand; for I've received abundance of grace. I walk in righteousness and reign in life! I am the object of God’s supernatural grace and unfailing love. The Spirit of God has shown me the way to a fruitful and glorious life. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that there is no system that can render me financially helpless. God has brought me into a good land with fountains and springs that gush out with prosperity. The wisdom of God is mightily at work in me, causing me to deal wisely in my financial matters. I am enjoying good success. I am at rest, no reason for anxiety or fear about my future. The Lord loads me with benefits daily. Limitations have been removed from my path. On every opportunity, I maximize and get the best that God has prepared for me ahead of time. Its raining prosperity in my household. I have too much money to give, save and spend; my source never runs dry. I am laying up gold as dust. Glory to God! I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my refuge and my fortress. I am forever protected and fortified against all evil, wickedness, and corrupting influences in the world because I dwell in Christ. I affirm that God has made my life beautiful, glorious, and exciting! I am an able minister of the Gospel, and I am filled with the fullness of God. I have the Word of God dwelling in me richly, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. I live the supernatural life! I've got divine health working in every fibre of my being, every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! I live the supernatural life, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! I affirm that I am mightily blessed of the Lord. I am blessed in the city, blessed in the field, in my going out, and in my coming in! I am blessed in all things. My life is filled with God's blessings; untold blessings! Even now, I receive good things into my life. I receive the right people into my world today. I have the right ideas, the finances, and the personals that are consistent with the life and assignment that God has given to me. In the Name of Jesus, I receive them in my way today. Hallelujah! I am called to live the higher life in Christ. I’m sound, excellent, vibrant, righteous, healthy and aglow in the spirit. The Lord has filled my life with Joy. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I am strengthened on every side. Glory to God, Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that I’m connected to an endless stream of prosperity, riches and glory. I’ll never be broke or be poor because I’m an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I have an inestimable and inexhaustible inheritance in Christ Jesus. Finances are coming to me in different forms; cash, assets, ideas, and placements. God has chosen me to help take the Gospel to the ends of the earth, therefore He’s supplying me with a continuous flow of finances. I have entered a new financial level by the Holy Ghost. Glory! I am an inhabitant of Zion. I have the divine right to live in health, prosperity, joy, victory, success, dominion and excellence. I cannot be sick because the devil has nothing in me. The very life of God is at work in me and I am unstoppable. I affirm that I am mightily blessed of the Lord. I am blessed in the city, blessed in the field, in my going out, and in my coming in! I am blessed in all things. My life is filled with God's blessings; untold blessings! Even now, I receive good things into my life. I receive the right people into my world today. I have the right ideas, the finances, and the personnel that are consistent with the life and assignment that God has given to me. My life is filled with God's blessings; untold blessings! Even now, I receive good things into my life. I receive the right people into my world today. I have the right ideas, the finances, and the personals that are consistent with the life and assignment that God has given to me. In the Name of Jesus, I receive them in my way today. Hallelujah! I am called to live the higher life in Christ. I’m sound, excellent, vibrant, righteous, healthy and aglow in the spirit. The Lord has filled my life with Joy. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I am strengthened on every side. Glory to God, Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that the Lord God is the source of my prosperity. I am planted in the house of the Lord where I flourish like the palm tree, operating with grace and glory. I am connected to an endless stream of prosperity, abundance, riches and glory. I will never be broke; never will I be poor, for I have an inestimable and inexhaustible inheritance in Christ Jesus. Even now, the Father has made all grace (every favor and earthly blessings) come to me in abundance, so that I am always and under all circumstances and whatever the need self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation]. Glory! God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer; therefore, I reign over the world and its systems. I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. Hallelujah! I affirm that I was born for such a time as this; born to establish the will of the Father! I am a man on a mission, entrusted with the divine responsibility of reaching those in my world, and in the regions beyond with the Gospel of light. Necessity is laid upon me; my zeal, passion, and commitment to the expansion of God’s Kingdom are rekindled today. The light of the glorious Gospel of Christ shines brightly in the hearts of men today, taking away darkness, pain, and misery, and bringing them righteousness, light, and glory, in Jesus’ Name. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that I am walking in supernatural prosperity; my ways are past finding out. The blessing of the Lord has permanently rested upon me. I am swimming in an overflow, an abundance of wealth and fortunes. God has brought me into a large place; I am flourishing like the palm tree, growing mightily like the cedar of Lebanon. Everything I get involved with prospers and yields profits beyond natural comprehension. Things are happening so fast in my life, indeed the reaper has overtaken the sower; its blessing after blessing. Everything I would ever need, God has already given me. Of my increase and progress there shall be no end. Hallelujah! The Word of God is working in me mightily, and I am alive to the realities of God's Kingdom. I have been given the all-conquering Name of Jesus; therefore, I have power over all things! No sickness or infirmity of the body or mind can overwhelm me! I affirm that I am an offspring of the Word! The Spirit of God has made my life so beautiful, decorating it with His grace, love, and righteousness. The true light shines in my heart and I am highly exalted by the Spirit of God! I am on an upward and forward journey only. The glory, grace, and power of God are activated in my life and in all I do. God's Word is for my advantage, progress, blessing, and promotion. My heart and mind are open to receive and understand the Scriptures; therefore, I am wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. The Word is effectual in my life, producing in me what it talks about. Hallelujah! Not only am I blessed, but I’m also a package of blessings happening everywhere. Anything I lay my hands upon is blessed, and anyone I come in contact with receives an impartation of God’s blessing because the blessing of God upon my life overflows from me to everything and everyone around me. I have the power and wisdom to turn every unfavourable situation around for my good, to the glory of the Father! Every challenging situation that I face is an opportunity for me to demonstrate my faith and manifest the glory of God. Hallelujah.
I affirm that I am a significant and consistent financier of the gospel of Jesus Christ. God is at work in my finances both to will and to do according to His good pleasure. I am favouring the righteous cause of God on the earth, as I give magnanimously towards the gospel. I am laying up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust can destroy. Money in my hands is a tool that the Lord is using to transform many lives through the gospel. Hallelujah. God provides me with seed to sow and bread for food, and multiplies my seed sown and increases the fruits of my righteousness. I am laying up gold as dust and to my increase and prosperity there shall be no end. Glorrrrrry! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world! I live in the victory and dominion of Christ over this world. I am in rest, health, wealth, security, and peace with prosperity. I take charge of my life and enjoy it to its fullest, for Christ has made me a participator in divinity. I affirm that I am in charge and in control, winning every day. My path is illuminated with the light of God’s Word; therefore, I do not lack direction. I am an answer from God. Everywhere I go, I am relevant because I’m loaded with divine wisdom and insight to provide the right answers to questions, and solutions to problems. I’m indeed an answer to the cries of millions all over the world because I function in the wisdom of God. Hallelujah! The Lord has set me up on high, to walk in superabundance. I receive good things into my life today in the Name of Jesus! The right people are coming into my world today. I’ve got the ideas, the finances, and the personnel that are consistent with the life that God has called me to live. I am in God’s place for my life, my life is like a well-watered garden; I am fruitful and productive always, and at all times. I walk in the supernatural, demonstrating the wisdom and character of the Holy Spirit, my sole source of power, strength, ability, and inspiration. I am one with the Father; He’s made me a wonder to my world! I am blessed and highly favored, enriched with all I require for life and godliness. My spirit is programmed for absolute mastery, success, and transcendental blessings. I am blessed in all that I do. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. I have a goodly heritage. Everything that belongs to me is glorified and wonderful. Hallelujah! My life is filled with the goodness of the Lord. Nothing is impossible with me because I hail from above. All the forces of life and nature are at my disposal, they work together for my good because I am an heir of blessing. I am conscious of my heavenly heritage and walk in the light of who I am; an associate of the God-kind! Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
I affirm that I am fruitful and productive. The glory of God is manifested in my finances. No matter the chaos and confusion in the financial systems of the world, I remain financially buoyant and unshakable. My light is shining ever more brightly. God is directing me to hidden treasures of secret places. I am enjoying the good of the Lord in the land of the living. Money hears my voice, it is coming to me by free course from all directions. I enjoy purposeful prosperity, living for and expanding the kingdom of God through my finances. I have been made a victor for life. Hallelujah! Blessed Father, Your Word is medicine to my body and health to my flesh. I am constantly healthy and strong. I manifest the virtues and perfections of your righteousness - walking in the glory and dominion of the Spirit. Amen. I affirm that the Spirit of God has granted me peace; the peace that surpasses all understanding guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I am like a tree planted by the waters, that spreads out her roots by the river. I do not know when heat comes. I am prosperous and triumphant always in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah! I am well positioned; seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all the hardships, troubles, and perils in the world. I’m in a safe place; a place of authority and dominion. Hallelujah! I am of the day and not of the night; darkness has no place in me. I am the light of the world; my calling is to illumine the hearts of men. When I arrive anywhere, illumination comes, and confusion and perplexity are dispelled. Hallelujah! God’s Word has granted me direction, speed, illumination, inspiration, counsel, and wisdom. My spirit is constantly equipped, refreshed, and educated by the Word to produce excellence and manifest righteousness. I’ve been ushered into a life that is beyond the ordinary plane of natural perception. I am full of might and ability of the Spirit. Nothing happens to me by chance! I am in Christ; I am a legal representative of the heavenly Kingdom, called and separated from the world. I’m from above; therefore, I’m not subject to the distracting elements and corrupting influences of this world. I belong in God’s Kingdom, where I enjoy the full blessings and privileges of my kingdom inheritance. I can never be a victim; for God has prearranged my life for good. I walk those paths that have been laid out for me before the foundations of the world and I prosper in all my ways.
Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that all Grace (every favour and earthly blessing) have been made to come to me in Abundance. I possess enough to require no aid or support whatever the need may be. Supernatural abilities have been bestowed upon me, removing any limitations in my path. I am highly favoured in every place. New doors of opportunities are opening for me. My results are independent of the economic situation. God budgeted for my coming. He set aside resources for a life of super abundance. Therefore, i refuse lack, i reject poverty. I walk in the glorious life that God pre-arranged for me; enjoying the good of the land. My ways are past finding out. The law of multiplication is at work in my finances. Money is my slave, i possess too much of it. I am wealthy and full of wisdom. Glory to God! Through me, the Lord is doing signs and wonders. I have the Word in me; words with the capacity to effect changes. I release words into the realms of the spirit today to effect changes in my health, and in all areas of my life. Nothing can bring me down. I affirm that my life is an expression of the glory of God. I live independent of the circumstances and situations around me, because I know that all things work together for my good. I am a peculiar treasure unto God, and He has made me the custodian of eternal verities. I recognize myself as one charged with the divine responsibility of influencing my world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and I diligently carry out this glorious ministry today. I am fully equipped with all that I require to finish my course with great joy. I live in victory, success, health, joy, peace, and righteousness because that is the life God has ordained for me! Through the revelation of God’s Word, I see who I am, and I live according to the picture of me that I see in the Word. I make my way prosperous. My whole being is saturated with the anointing and power of God’s Word, such that thoughts of success, possibilities and glory are inspired within me! Even now, as I speak accordingly, my life is transformed, adversities are quelled, and negative situations are altered to conform with God’s perfect will for me. Hallelujah! The wisdom of God is functioning in me; I know what to do in every situation. I am making progress, moving forward, and growing in grace, and in the knowledge of the Lord; and there’s no stopping me! My destiny is shaped in line with God’s perfect will for me. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that God is at work in my finances, both to will and to do according of His good pleasure. I am fruitful and productive in all that I am involved with. In my financial ventures I am experiencing luxuriant growth and persistent productivity. I am laying up gold as dust, and connected to an unending supply. God provides me with seed to sow and bread to eat. He multiplies my seed sown and increases the fruits of my righteousness. I am rich and prosperous. The blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow rests on me. Hallelujah! As the rain comes from heaven and waters the earth, causing it to flourish, so is the Word that goes from my mouth; it shall not return unto me void. In my life, in my health, in my body, in my business, and my ministry, the Word accomplishes God’s purpose and the perfection of His design. I affirm that my life is for God's glory; my future is that of success, progress, and prosperity in the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I dwell continually in peace and divine health. I am alive unto, and my words are not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so, has He given me to have His kind of life; life without limits. Daily, I function with supernatural strength and abilities; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me for my sufficiency is of God! Hallelujah. I am from the government of heaven; I am divinely backed up by the monarch of the universe! I have all it takes to fulfill my assignment here on earth. I am a custodian of divine truth, and I’ve received the Spirit without measure. Fear has no place in me, for the Father have not given unto me the spirit of fear but of love, power, and of a sound mind. My mind is sound, and I am bold to act on my faith. I function with the ability of the Spirit today for the Spirit of God is at work in me, causing me to have divine courage and confidence. I am king and a priest; I am anointed by the Spirit of God to carry out my assignment with great joy. Hallelujah! I’m thoroughly nourished and fortified for the victorious life by the Word, through study and meditation. I make progress by the Spirit, and my profiting by the Word is unstoppable. I have divine insight, and the realities of the Kingdom are unveiled to me by the Holy Spirit. I am favoured everywhere I go because the favour of the Lord surrounds me like a shield. It opens doors for me, bringing me into my place of greatness. God’s favour has placed me in a position of advantage, and nothing is too good for me! Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that I am birthing multi- million corporations. I am accumulating profit by the spirit, I will never worry or sweat when doing business. I have supernatural supplies that will astonish many. Success is rooted in my spirit and I am enjoying the things that God has freely given me. Hallelujah! I hail from above, from the wealthiest family. I am not of this world. The Spirit of God is propelling me in the direction of Gods perfect will for my finances. I am blessed and Highly favoured everywhere I go and that blessing is at work in me in increasing measure. Christ is in me therefore my finances are beautified and I so shine. To my prosperity there shall be no end. I expand and win everyday by the power of the Holy Spirit! Glory to God! My faith is strong and active, it prevails over circumstances. The Holy Spirit guides me in the path of life. His truth and wisdom are the forces of my life, propelling me from glory to glory as I walk in the Spirit, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. I affirm that the wisdom of God is at work in me, guiding me and showing me the way to go. Christ has been made wisdom unto me; therefore, I conduct all my affairs with prudence and discretion. I have insight into mysteries and secrets, and hidden things are revealed unto me by the Spirit of wisdom! I am set on the path of success, glory, victory and divine destiny! I walk in preordained pathways, for predestination is at work in me! The course of events in my life has been structured by God to bring Him glory, having established me to fulfil my destiny of Him! I live and walk by faith and not by sight; I am not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I am moved only by the Word of God! My life goes forward and upward only and nothing is impossible unto me. I am a partaker of God’s life-changing Word. I am made a better person daily by the power of God’s Word. The Word is working mightily in me because I am a doer and not just a hearer. I am empowered by the Holy Spirit to impact my world for Jesus Christ through the power of God’s Word and the Spirit working effectually in me. The life of God is working in me; in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood and in every bone of my body. I am rightly positioned today, in God’s place of opportunity for me. Wisdom guides me and moves me from within to take the right steps that are consistent with God’s purpose and calling for my life. I will never lose my way; for God is at work in me, both to will and to do His good pleasure. Blessed be God.
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that God has revealed to me deep financial secrets by the Spirit, which no eye has seen nor ear heard. I have access to unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable and inexhaustable riches of Christ. Daily, I take advantage of the intense treasures and blessings of the Christ life. I refuse to be intimidated or swayed by the obnoxious laws and policies enacted. I am like a tree planted by the rivers, I do not see when heat comes. My businesses are ever blossoming; and I do not cease from generating mega profits. It is my hour and my season to rule and dominate financially. Glory to God! My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always. I affirm that the Word of God is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. God's Word has set me on the path of life: the path of righteousness and glory in Christ Jesus! The Word has made my paths straight and plain. My life belongs to Jesus Christ. I’ve been crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me! God’s purpose is fulfilled in me, and I walk each day in His perfect will for me. Hallelujah! I acknowledge the ministry of the precious Holy Spirit in my life, who grants me insight into mysteries and secrets, who unveils to, and imparts my spirit with knowledge of witty inventions. I am taught of Him, and I know all things. Hallelujah! I walk in the Spirit, and therefore don’t fulfil the lust of the flesh! The love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost! And I’ve put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him. God’s Word is within my heart, and I walk circumspectly, in His perfect will at every stage of my life. I’ve obtained an inheritance, which is imperishable and undefiled! I’ve been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. I walk in divine wisdom; for the Father has given me His Word, a material to build my life with, and usher myself into higher levels of glory, promotions, victories, and success. As I meditate on the Word, the wisdom of God exudes from me, and His grace causes me to be fruitful and productive in all things, and function excellently. Blessed be God. Hallelujah!
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that I am an offspring of the possessor of Heaven and earth. My prosperity is unlimited! The riches of the nations gravitate towards me. There is no shortage in my life — I do not lack or want any wealth , business ideas or resources. Yes, I am rich in all things like Abraham. The divine life of God in me repels poverty. I am a success and I am making tremendous progress from one level of glory to higher levels of glory. I lay up gold as dust! Hallelujah! I have received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. I reign as a king in life by the Lord Jesus Christ. I am kinging in life. I am reigning in life. I reign over sin, death, disease, and infirmity. I have dominion over all things. I affirm that the Word of God influences and dominates my thoughts. It produces in me the ability to do right at all times. The world and its negative forces can’t influence my thoughts, because my life is a reflection of the beauty and excellence of Christ! I think only those thoughts that bring Him glory, honour, and praise. Christ is alive in me; in Him, I live and move and have my being. Everything about my life is infused with divinity and speaks of God’s glory. I’ve been ordained to prosper and to live in glory. Therefore, I live the glorious life, fulfilling my purpose and destiny in Christ. Great things are happening for me and through me, by the power of the Word and the ability of the Holy Spirit. Grace and peace are multiplied in my life through the knowledge of the Word. Daily, I am making progress and heaping up success upon success. Everywhere I go, I carry the atmosphere of prosperity, joy, and increase. Hallelujah! Christ is exalted and glorified in me. I am a child of the King; I’ve been ushered into a place of rest, where everything is working for my good. I am well equipped and positioned by the Word. I am in Christ; I am seated together with Christ in the place of power; far above all principalities, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come. I live in dominion over sin, sickness and infirmities, and every opposing force, accusation, or hindrance. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Satan and the world are under my feet. I am made forever. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that God liberally supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Everything that belongs to God belongs to me because I am His heir. I am always moving upward and forward and this is the reality of my life, made possible by the power of God 's word. I walk in absolute and continual victory, irrespective of the dwindling and erratic economic systems of the world. My life is a message; message of wealth, success, affluence and prosperity; these are expressed unreservedly to my world. Hallelujah! Thank You, Father, for Your love that envelopes me. Thank You for giving me a new life in Christ Jesus; a life full of glory and joy unspeakable. My life does not accommodate pain, sickness, infection, death, or anything that is of the devil. I look away from all distracting influences and focus my attention on God’s eternal and infallible Word. Irrespective of what I see, hear or feel, I’m convinced that I’m a victor and a success in Christ Jesus! I’m what God says I am; I have what He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. Hallelujah. I affirm that I am an offspring of the Word. The blessings of the Lord is at work in my life, my family, and everything that concerns me. My life has been decorated with the glory of God. The Spirit of God has plucked me out of trouble and satisfied my desires with good things. I've been granted the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. He has initiated me into the specialized knowledge that enables me to function in His perfect will, now and always. The anointing of God’s Spirit is working mightily in me; thus, my life is going forward and upward from victory to victory, glory to glory and success to success. Hallelujah! The grace of God that brings acceptability, advantage, favour, joy, liberality, ability, pleasure and beauty is in my spirit, and through fellowship with the Word, I am brought into an esoteric knowledge, full discernment and understanding of God and of Jesus, my Lord. I receive direction, inspiration, counsel, wisdom, and enlightenment from the Holy Spirit as I fellowship with Him today, through the Word and prayer. My spirit is a fruitful ground for the Word; therefore, God’s Word of life and power come to my spirit, and I am strengthened, energized and positioned for greater levels of glory and excellence in life. I am one with the Father, the words that I speak are spirit and life; they are operative, potent and effectual, charting the course of my life in the direction of God’s divine purpose and destiny for me in peace, joy, fulfilment, health, success, and prosperity. Glory to God! Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that I am always in sync with the Holy Spirit, God is at work in me both to will and to do according to his good pleasure. My eyes are opened to see financial opportunities and divine doors that are opened unto me to produce wealth. I am favoured by the right people in the right places at the right time. I have grace for wealth, riches and fortunes. My confidence to succeed and flourish in this life is in observing financial principles in the Word of God; that never fail but abides forever. That which I give comes back to me, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. My bank accounts are overflowing with plenty of money, my investments and savings are growing exponentially, by the Spirit of God. Hallelujah! Sickness, disease, and infirmity have no part in my life. I can never be sick. I am born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but I am born of God. The transcendent life that makes it impossible for divinity to be corrupted or defeated is what I have in me. I affirm that I am a champion forever. I am mightily graced by the Spirit of God for such a time as this! I am the seed of Abraham; the world belongs to me. Hallelujah! It doesn’t matter the nation or state that I live in, my voice and influence will be felt around the nations of the world. I am not just a face in the crowd; I am the voice of God. I am a burning and a shining light, a person of influence, born to influence my world for Jesus. Hallelujah! The Spirit of God is propelling me in the direction of God's perfect will and destiny for my life. I am bold, strong, and very courageous, for the Lord my God is with me. He is my Extraordinary Strategist and I always know what to do! I win always! I have a mindset; I can’t think of failure, I can’t think fear, I can’t reason like a victim, I can’t think defeat because my mind has been renewed by God’s word. I don’t get frightened because there are no fright files in my system anymore as they have all been deleted. I can only think thoughts of success, victory, and progress because that’s the way I’ve been programmed by the Word of God. The blessing of the Lord is at work in me in an increasing measure, and everywhere I go, I am blessed and highly favoured. I am born into the glorious life, and success is rooted in my spirit. The Word of God has made me wise, and the forces of success, prosperity, and divine health are let loose in my life. I expand and win everywhere I go by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! Christ is in me; therefore, my life is full of glory, honour, beauty, and excellence. God has given me the victory in all things, through Christ Jesus! I am triumphant, victorious, prosperous, and successful in all things. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a blissful, favoured, day!
I affirm that this is the day that the Lord has made for me to shine brightly. I am shining like a city set upon a hill. I am glad and I rejoice because the Lord has caused me to inherit the riches of the heathen. Where I did not toil and labour I am harvesting. The Lord Has granted me access to the hidden treasures of this world. My prosperity is noticeable by all man and they glorify my father who is In Heaven. All the nations call me blessed for I am blessed with great riches and wealth. The trees and the hills clap their hands with me rejoicing for the Lord has done great and wondrous things in my life. God’s Word is life and health to my body. Its transforming power changes the circumstances of my life and causes my health to flourish. I live in the Word and I refuse to fear, be sick, or be defeated! I will not be subject to disease or infirmity. I affirm that I am blessed and highly favoured of the Lord. I am in God's place for my life; thus, I fly high on the wings of the Spirit. My days on earth are full of Joy, grace, pleasure, beauty, and glory. I'm from the government of heaven, I was born right in God’s presence, where there’s fullness of joy, and I dwell with Christ at His right hand; where there’s an endless pleasure. I’m confident and grateful for the life of victory which the Lord has called me into. All things work together for my good, including the challenges and troubles that I face; they work for me a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Therefore, now and always, my heart is filled with joy unspeakable, and full of glory. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places for I have a goodly heritage. Hallelujah! I’m invigorated with divine might and ability in my spirit for the supernatural. Weakness has no room in me; for my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and the joy of the Lord is my strength! I’m empowered to do the impossible because greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. I grow stronger by the day, like a cedar in Lebanon, and I flourish like the palm tree!I’m productive and my influence is spreading everywhere. I increase on all sides by the power of the Spirit, and of my increase, progress, and prosperity, there’s no end! Glory to God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
I affirm that, I am powered by the Holy Ghost and on a perpetual victory parade, excelling and making progress consistently. As I meditate on the word, my mind is inundated with thoughts of excellence, success and prosperity. The eyes of my spirit are enlightened to see the right opportunities and I am well positioned to eat the good of the land. I make my business, career and job prosperous as I meditate on the word. I belong to the wealthiest and most sublime family there is, I walk in blessings untold. The supernatural has become my everyday experience financially. Goodness and mercy are my constant companions. Glory to God. I have the imperishable life of God in me; therefore, I live continually in divine health and strength. I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God. The Greater One lives in me. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Praise the Lord! I affirm that I will never live outside of God’s plan for me. My life only goes in the direction of the Son of God! I am filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! Through the Holy Spirit, I’m taught and instructed in the life of Christ, and positioned to enjoy the great inheritance bequeathed to me in Him. My life is an expression of the realities of the glorious life of righteousness that I have in Christ. I am an associate of the God-kind, with the totality of divinity tabernacled in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me. Failure is not a part of me, therefore, I cannot fail in life; I can only be a wonder and an outstanding success, just like Jesus. Hallelujah! In all I do, I am empowered to prosper. I refuse to be disadvantaged; for the God that does the unimaginable is shining through me, and as He is, so am I in this world. I am founded on the Rock; there’s no area of darkness in my life. The true light that lightens every man’s world has illuminated my heart. I am bold and courageous, fear has no place in me; for the Father has not given unto me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. I have a sound mind and the Spirit of excellence is at work in me. My spirit is inundated with the anointing, such that it permeates my soul and moves upon my physical body, thereby making me invulnerable every day to the assaults of the devil, and victorious everyday. At all times, I walk in the reality of my inheritance in Christ, strengthened and positioned by the Spirit for the upward and forward life. I manifest the glory and righteousness of God to my world today. Blessed be God!
I affirm that I am making great progress in my finances, moving in leaps and bounds and securing unimaginable financial blessings. I have several streams of income, and I will never be broke because my life is connected to an unending supply.The glory, graces, wisdom and perfections of God are shining forth and are fully expressed through my finances. God has made me His billboard for prosperity and the blessings in my life are loud enough to be noticed by many. I am diligent in all my dealings and this has caused me to stand before kings. I am living in unexplainable financial abundance. Hallelujah! The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. The Word penetrates my whole being and inundates me with strength and vitality. I affirm that the Lord is the strength of my life! There’s no room for weakness in me. The Lord has set me on high; glory and honor are in His presence; strength and gladness are in His dwelling! Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for the Lord is my shield and eternal protection. With His Word, my future is certain. God’s Word is a light unto my path and a lamp to my feet. My steps in life are directed and ordered by God, through the Word and the Spirit. I am positioned in the right place and at the right time for God’s purpose. Hallelujah! I am exalted by the Spirit of God! I’ve been made an eternal excellency, a joy to many generations. I am a savior from Zion; I am filled with divine energy to make a difference in my world. I am a delightsome land; God has made my life pleasant, and I am producing fruits of righteousness. Everywhere I go, I produce durable fruits; fruits of righteousness because I am the fruit-bearing part of God’s vine. Hallelujah! My life is an absolute manifestation of the glory of God! As Christ reigns as King over all the earth, I reign with Him, in establishing His Kingdom in the earth, and in the hearts of men. Blessed be God. Hallelujah!
*Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
I affirm that I received abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness to reign in life by the name of the anointed one, Jesus Christ. I live in His authority and that makes me immune to lack and poverty. When I call on that name, all nature responds and heaven stands at attention. Supernatural doors open for me; I am called and chosen for jobs, blessings, promotions and contracts I do not naturally qualify for. Strangers are obligated to favour my financial increase because my promotion comes from God and not man. I celebrate the grace of God which causes His glory to be revealed in all that I do and usher me into my next level of greatness. Glory! Dear Father, I am thankful for the indestructible life you have given me and for the presence of the Holy Spirit within me. The invigorating power of Christ is working in my body and I am thankful for His manifold blessings and goodness in my life. I affirm that I am a custodian of divine truth. I am in sync with the Spirit, and He helps me maintain inspiration and sets me in the direction of God's perfect will. I’m zealous and fervent, consumed with passion for the Gospel, and the things which the Father has placed in my heart to accomplish for His glory. I am not ordinary; I'm from the government of heaven! I have all it takes to fulfill my assignment. Fear has no place in me, for the Father have not given unto me the spirit of fear but of love, power, and of a sound mind. My mind is sound, and I am bold to act my faith. I function with the ability of the Spirit today for the Spirit of God is working in me and causing me to have divine courage and confidence. I am king and a priest; I am anointed by the Spirit of God to carry out my assignment with great joy. Hallelujah! I am full of life; I know that the quality of life that I live is based on the faith-filled words that I utter. Therefore, I hold fast to the profession of faith without wavering, and I affirm today that my life, health, family, and finances are consistent with God’s Word for my life. Hallelujah. I am favoured everywhere I go because the favour of the Lord surrounds me like a shield. It opens doors for me, bringing me into my place of greatness. God’s favour has placed me in a position of advantage, and nothing is too good for me! The Lord God is the source of my prosperity! I’m established in His righteousness, planted in the house of the Lord; therefore, I flourish like the palm tree, with grace and glory! I bring forth fruit in season, and out of season because I’m like a tree planted by the waters, ever in blossom. Glory to God. Hallelujah! I am planted in the house of the Lord; therefore, I flourish like the palm tree, with grace and glory! I bring forth fruit in season, and out of season because I’m like a tree planted by the waters, ever in blossom. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation. Start talking today! ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Enjoy a most joyful day!
I affirm that I am growing in my knowledge of the Word of God and that knowledge has set me apart. I am receiving more enlightenment and direction on which way I should go in business. I am the seed of Abraham, and his blessings rest on me. I live the transcendent life of glory. I reign in health, peace, progress and success, displaying the virtues and perfections of Christ!
I experience the glory of God in my ministry, health, job, family and finances. I’ve overcome the world and its systems. Irrespective of every opposing force, I win; I triumph gloriously by the power of the Holy Ghost that’s at work in me mightily. Amen. Wholeness, perfection, success, and prosperity are constant with me because Christ is in me. He is in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood. My spirit, soul, and body are vitalized by the power of God. Hallelujah!
I affirm that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, is with me today and always. Christ is my address! My path is illuminated with the light of God’s Word; therefore, I do not lack direction. I am an answer from God. Everywhere I go, I am relevant, because I am loaded with divine wisdom and insight to provide the right answers to questions, and solutions to problems. I am indeed an answer to the cries of millions all over the world because I function in the wisdom of God.
Today, I stand fast in the liberty of Christ and rejoice in the glory of God, never to be burdened by any yoke of bondage. I am free to live, free to reign, and free to serve the Lord in health, joy, victory, and prosperity.
I have the supernatural life of God in me! This life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body! I walk in this newness of life, having put on the new man in Christ, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness! I grow in grace and in the knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The beauty of God in my spirit is showing forth on the outside, evidently manifest for all to see! Blessed be God. Hallelujah!
Enjoy a most joyful day!