your loveworld
DAY 3 MORNING SESSION RECAP PASTOR BIODUN LAWAL This week new information is coming to you from YOUR LOVEWORLD. 3 Important things coming to you this week
- New information creating
- New Attitudes leading to
- New Actions
3 categories of prophets in Israel
- Pre-Captivity Prophets
- Post Captivity Prophets
- The Prophets during the exile of Israel Jeremiah was the only prophet who prophesied before and during the exile. He made it clear to Israel, despite their exiled state that the mercy of God remained new every morning. There are new and unique mercies for you every morning. God has packages and graces and favour for you that no one has ever seen. They come every morning. This Morning God is bringing you a unique blessing, a unique grace and a unique favour. If you are facing difficulties, the problem is not God. He has taken care of everything from the foundation of the world. All God is waiting for you to do is apply the principles coming to you from Your LoveWorld. God is able to give you unique flavours of the same bread every morning for eternity without repetition. God has a 'Designer Grace' fitted for you. Every day you wake up to a new grace Your life becomes an adventure It is God who is the tailor and fashion designer of your designer Grace. Daily Grace and Mercy attends to daily givings There is always the God-ward part and the man-ward part for the experience of God's Mercy that is new every morning. Wake up to a new reality and new grace. As you honour the Lord with your substance so shall your barns be filled with plenty… you will experience continuous supernatural supply. The biggest reward for giving is what God does in your spirit!! When you give to this network you are infused with new abilities and new grace!! Today is your day, there is a prosperity for you today, there is a grace for you today. There is a prepared place for a prepared man. This week is your opportune time to determine what will happen for the next one year. Wherever you are, get ready to be fitted with new grace As you sow into this Network, help is coming to you, support, supplies and spiritual reinforcements are coming to you… from God. More angels are being deployed to assist you and by the time this program is over on Friday, you will know you have been lifted to a higher level of the supernatural.
Your Loveworld with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome~763
7 Things You Can Do To Help You Grow In The Lord
Desire and study the word of God. Desire it and create an appetite for it. 1 Pet 2:2
Walk with those who love the Lord. 2 Tim. 2:22 (TLB) Make no worldly friends
Be filled constantly with the spirit. Rom. 12:11 Don’t pray that God should give you zeal, be zealous. 1 Thes 5:19, Eph. 5:1 Let your life be filled with thanks always
Reach out to win souls. If you are not winning soul, you are not growing spiritually. There are prizes for soul winners. You are always on God’s plans for everyday. Everything is arranged for your good.
Cultivate a habitual prayer life. You can’t inherit a prayer life, you have to cultivate it through discipline. Set out time to pray whether or not you have something to pray about. Don’t be wanting in prayer, don’t wait until when there is a problem before you pray.
Set your mind on spiritual things. If you don’t set your mind, your mind will keep going everywhere, especially the wrong way. Don’t multitask with God. Prov. 4:22, Col. 3:1-3 When you become born again, you are given a heavenly life.
You must be an active member of a local church mom. It’s compulsory for every Christian. Heb. 10:25
TOPIC Seven things to make you grow in the Lord.
How to grow spiritually to maturity.
- Desire and study the Word. Feed on it.
1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
- Walk with those who love the Lord.
2Tim 2:22 (TLB)Run from anything that gives you the evil thoughts that young men often have, but stay close to anything that makes you want to do right. Have faith and love, and enjoy the companionship of those who love the Lord and have pure hearts.
Check your friends and families, are they those who love the Lord? Constantly put yourself among those who love the Lord.
Get away the websites that throw you away. You must run away.
- Be filled always with the Spirit
Romans 12:11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Be aglow for the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 5:19 Quench not the Spirit.
Ephesians 5:18-21 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
Psalms 23:1-3 A Psalm of David. The LORD [is] my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Read them to yourselves, get good hymns too...
Let your life be full of Thanksgiving.
- Reach out to win souls
Seek don't wait for someone to come your way. Make an effort, look for the lost. Its your life work. You must win souls to grow spiritually.
There are promises for soul winners. You enjoy a lot of grace Activities of angels Updates always for your good. Those who love the Lord do His will. All things work for good to them that love God...
- Cultivate a habitual prayer life.
Cultivate a prayer life through discipline. Have the kind of friends that love to pray. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. Learn to set a time of prayers. One way is about you praying because there are things you should pray about. The second is to choose certain times of prayers, so that you become a discipline person of prayers. This is about godly piety. Have spiritual discipline. Don't be wanting in prayers. It will transform your way of doing things for God. Jesus was a praying person. Be ye imitators of God as dear children. Definite times of prayers, set a duration of the prayer and ensure you fulfil.
- Set your mind on spiritual things.
At certain times you should not multitask. You cannot be listening to the Word and texting, no!
Proverbs 4:20-22 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they [are] life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Focus on the Word! Put your attention on spiritual things. I often use this word in my prayers thus:
...because I have found the precious word of God, they are life to my flesh.
Colossians 3:1-2 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Set your likes, affection on things above...
Colossians 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
With respect to the earth I am dead...I cannot find this out until God tells me!
Romans 8:5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
Where is your mind?
Romans 8:6-9 For to be carnally minded [is] death; but to be spiritually minded [is] life and peace. Because the carnal mind [is] enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the fles
LOVEWORLD Theme of The Year in Retrospect~842
1994- Quenching your thirst 1995- Toward the mark 1996- All things are ready 1997- The Year of Focus 1998- The Year of Excellence 1999- Go forward 2000- The Year of Order 2001- The Year of Glory 2002- The Year of Praise and Greater Glory 2003- The Year of Laughter 2004- The Year of the double portion 2005- The Year of the Spirit 2006- The Year of shining 2007- The Year of supernatural accomplishment 2008- The Year of fulfillment 2009- The Year of the 7 fold increase 2010- The Year of the greater light 2011- The Year as a burning and a shining light 2012- The Year of the word 2013- The Year of Favour 2014- The Year of greatness 2015- The Year of triumph 2016- The Year of spreading 2017- The Year of Flourishing 2018- The year of the Supernatural 2019- The Year of Lights
Excerpts from Your Loveworld Day 2~1776
If there were no answers to prayers, then prayers will be useless. When it concerns you, you can pray the faith prayer once, but when it involves others, you must do it continuously, prevailing prayer. 1tim 2:1-4
God doesn't tell us to do something that doesn't have results. Most of the problems in some countries is because the Christians there didn't pray as much as they should have. Learn to pray for your country, learn to pray for your city; for your community, otherwise you are going to let Satan exercise dominion where you should have.
Christianity is not a religion! When you understand the scriptures you’ll know that it is not a religion, it is the living and pulsating life of God in you. If you have the Son of God, you have life. Not the biological type of life, the God kind of life.
Luke 22:52-54
Acts 26:15-17,
Col 1:12-13
Someone can have an agenda and make you do what you should never have done.
Timing is Important!! Question, what time is it now? What time are we living in now? What does the future hold?
If God is going to do something with your life that would be beyond your local community, you have to have a vision that is beyond your local community. If you don’t have that care; that concern beyond your family, beyond your local community; your world will be small.
What time are we living in today? Can the Antichrist rule the world today? No, we (the church) will disallow him.
John 2:1-4, 7:1-5 Luke 21: 20- Matt 24:1-3, 23:37-39 There is a time in God's plan that the gentiles will tread Jerusalem. The times of the gentiles are times they will dominate Isreal, they are times God uses them as judge, to carry out his plans in the Earth. The times of the gentiles started when a new pharaoh who knew not Joseph started ruling Egypt, when Isrealites were made slaves. Jesus gave us authority in His name and He told us to use it. We have to use his authority. We cannot be afraid of anything and that’s why we pray in the Name of Jesus and we command peace in our nation.
What's happening now is supposed to be in full action after the rapture of the church. The signs are there everywhere. We don't have so much time. The coming of the Lord is very near. It is so close, the things that are being prepared now are supposed to be prepared after rapture.
In your life think of how to lift burdens. There are too many people suffering in the World. That’s why you have to learn to pray for others and love others.”
We are closer to the Rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus like never before. In the Time Table of God, We should expect the rapture of the Church 2,000 years after Jesus ascended unto heaven..
Don't ever find yourself using your influence or affluence against the Church. God knows how to deliver His Church from every type of trouble. But those that put them into it, ..there is no telling of what will become of their future.” Study Mordecai, Harman and Esther. Be wise, keep your tongue, talent, treasure and time away from destroying God’s most precious treasure - THE CHURCH
The Bible does not leave us guessing... God's ways are not a mystery to his Children; they are only a mystery to the world...It is given to us to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom.
The coming of the Lord is very, very near! Get ready now. Tomorrow, you'll learn how to prepare your life after the pandemic.” ENSURE YOU PARTICIPATE AND HOOK UP AN ALL LIVE ON ANY OF THE LOVEWORLD NETWORKS!
This is a fasting and prayer program. It's very important for us to pray in these times. There are different seasons and times in life. All the days are not always the same.
James 5:13- This shows that there are different seasons. Sometimes for some reasons you may be heavy at heart. At such times, you should pray and not complain. If you are merry, sing Psalms.
So many things have happened in the last few weeks to different people. Think of what many have had to go through. It's almost unquantifiable what has happened all around the world. Some may never get their businesses back. Some have lost so much money. Think of the fact that there are some who have lost relatives. So many things! And there are those wondering, 'how much longer will these things be'.. and that's why we are prayer. That it will be shorter than anybody planned. That's why we pray. that God will give the leaders of nation's the wisdom and the COURAGE to do what is right for their different countries. Because the situation in each country is not necessarily the same... And that's why nations need to do their own study and research.
People are bothered by 2 major things: the virus and 5G. Do your own study. Don't rely on what some others may be telling you because... Just imagine ...what if they are wrong??? We know that they've been wrong before. Is it impossible for them to be wrong? After all, if you take the discipline to do your study and not just rely on what another organization is telling you (especially not those run by interest groups), you need to be sure.
One thing formal education does for you is, it inspires in you the desire to learn. It increases that desire..and gives you that intelligence to sort out Information. The idea that the public is always misled is unfair. That's why you need an educated society. If you have that, people can obtain knowledge by themselves. But if you have a certain group that decide anything that is not consistent with their thought is wrong, then you are opening the door for a totalitarian system.
You can't support freedom and suppress dissent. In history, some of the proponents of freedom, when they got into power became very repressive. If you believe in something, you aren't afraid for someone else to challenge your belief. Jesus let people air their views and he responded. That's Jesus! What if the other guy has access to information that you don't have access to. Isn't it possible?
What information do YOU Have? Does who have platforms to propagate other people's information shouldn't censor it unless it is abusive.
Why would the ANTICHRIST want to have one world govt, economy and religion? He understands the power of religion.
Religion is not only about a god you believe in. It may not be a god. Religion is about faith, belief, trust.... And these are synonymous with themselves.
If you something that I can't see with my optical eyes, I can believe or not believe. And to have me accept your opinion, you have to make me believe you.
You can choose to believe or not to believe. It is the exercise of your human spirit. The Bible says, with the heart, man believes unto righteousness. Believing is not with your brain. You believe with your heart/spirit. The more reason why the source of your information is important because you will be exercising your spirit to believe or not. You can believe something that's false. There is an effect in your believing something that's right or wrong. It affects your person, life, emotions and future. Your spirit has that compass that is directed with your believing. That's why God sent his holy spirit to help us. So that when we preach the word of God, he convicts men of their sinfulness. We can't do it ourselves.
If you go to Israel, there may be evidence that Jesus lived there, but they can't give you evidence that he was born of a virgin. Only Mary could know. What proof did she leave? Or that He ascended to Heaven... Where is the proof? Enoch and Elijah were the only on
Your Loveworld with Pastor Chris
Phase 4, Day 1 (Friday 24th April)~1921
Pastor Chris: Faith comes to us through the word. You can't get faith any other way. Prayer is important and it's in prayer that we make connection to align ourselves with Gods will.
The whole earth belongs to God..and not just in a casual expression or in a mere generic expression. It truly belongs to him. The nations of the world belong to Him. On the outside it may not look so, because in many places he is not honored or recognized, but it belongs to him...and one day He will show that it all belongs to him. One of these days, Jesus will come back. He said 'Heaven and earth will pass way, but my word will not pass away'. The certainty of his word is superior to anything else you could ever imagine.... Anything in life, including the sureness of the appearance of the heaven and the earth. You can bet on his word! It will never pass away. NEVER!!!
We are in the times of the signs(of the end times). There's no doubt that the Heavens are in preparation for the coming of the Lord. The scriptures tell us that first, the church will be caught away from this earth, and then the man of lawlessness will be revealed (The Antichrist). So that day is not far and one of the things you have to understand about the catching away of the church is that, it was one of the extraordinary mysteries given to the Apostle Paul. Remember, even the mystery of the gentiles coming into salvation was unknown to the closest disciples of Jesus. much so, It was a major debate when the apostles and elders came together to consider the matter..they had no idea. Matt 24:1-3 The disciples asked the Lord those three questions (v3) If you look at those 3 questions carefully, they surrounded only the information that Jesus had given to them. When Jesus said 'I will build my church...' They knew that Israel was the church in the wilderness...but they know that the Gentiles would be brought in. Jesus gave the ministry to Paul to take to the gentiles even though it was inaugurated by Peter in the house of Cornelius.
In Acts 15, they debated, they weren't sure that the gentiles were to come into salvation.
There are certain mysteries in the scripture. It doesn't mean it is completely unknown. Its just revealed to a select few. E.g. it was James who went back into scripture to show them that the Gentiles would come into salvation.... And then they accepted that truth.
Col 1:26-27. 1 Cor 15:51-53-55... In that one fast... We shall be changed into immortal beings in our physical bodies. The nature that he gave us in our spirits, will swallow up the totality of our physical bodies. The rapture will happen WHEN THE TRUMPET SOUNDS. 1 Thess 4:16-17.
One of the way we will know that the rapture of the church is very near is that the church will be preparing for it...the church will be conscious of it... And there has never been a time in the history of this world that the church has been preparing for this. The message is going around the world to get Gods people for the coming of the lord. DON'T BE LEFT BEHIND.
This was Gods amazing opportunity!!!! Was there ever a time when so many people were holed up in their homes...and most to hear the gospel or Jesus Christ? As we rebroadcast it again and again, people are hearing. People are telling their friends and relatives...JESUS IS COMING. We have never been as stirred as it is today. Get yourself ready. He will certainly come back. He said he would.
When he shows up in Heaven, others will not see him...but we who are born again, will hear that trumpet and be caught up with him in the air, and go with him to come back with him...
Don't deceive yourself that 'Oh, we've been hearing this for long'. It is much closer now than ever. You don't want him to find you not living for God. Its time to live for Jesus.
On Tuesday, we identified the woman on the water and the woman on the beast. The focus in Rev 17:1, was the JUDGEMENT of the woman, which was why John was given the revela
Your Loveworld
Phase 4 Day 2 Saturday 25th April 2020~1928
I hope you've found a new inspiration to pray. Men ought always to pray and not to faint. God invited us to pray because he plans to answer us. We are praying the will of God. Psalms 41:1 There are many people who when they get into trouble, they don't get the ear of God why? Because they never consider the poor. Actually Psalm 49 :7-20 People name their lands after themselves to immortalise themselves . But like animals they do die. Sovereign words
Revelations 14:8
Both the woman on the Beast and the woman on the waters are called Babylon so how are they different?
Revelations 14:17
Revelations 14:8
Babylon is fallen (Rome)
Both women are called Babylon. The political Babylon will destroy the spiritual Babylon.
Revelations 13 :1 - 2 We see a man with certain traits that he got from the Beast that had been there before. Revelations 12:4 One beast came from amongst the sea (which stands for people and nations); he is human. And the other ascends from the bottomless pit the one Europa is sitting on. The first beast takes on the character of the second. In the physical he is a man but in the spiritual, it's a demon.
Daniel 10:12-20
The prince of Persia was evidently not of God because he withstood Gabriel. The devil assigns his demons to nations but that doesn't mean God will just start sending his own angels. God only sends his angels on the requests of his children. Gabriel could have gone back to heaven any other way but he went back to fight. Because they were bringing Persia down.
Ephesians 6:10-18
You have to have the word of God on your lips and in your heart, we must pray!
Ezekiel 28:1-18
The governor of Tyrus was a human. A man and God said he would die and then people will know he was indeed a man.
The king of Tyrus however was a spirit. He was said to have been in the garden of Eden. So he was either Adam, Eve, the serpent or the one who came in through the serpent. The Bible went on to say he is an anointed cherub! The devil, he is the devil. A spirit sent forth from the devil carrying his traits and the comanded of the devil. So in fact Tyrus was being fulled by the devil. This is why we pray for leaders. They're all saying it's science but in truth science says this is crazy! They have been deceived. The antichrist was possessed by the devil.
Revelations 16: 13-16
It took just three. Just three demons to gather the whole world to battle. Just three.
Revelations 19:19-20
With the words of Jesus spoke killed all of them. The antichrist and the false prophet were captured. Remember the keys to death are in Jesus' hands; they couldn't kill themselves if they wanted to.
Revelations 20:1-3
One angel, with one hand took the devil and tied him up then cast him into the bottomless pit. He really is a weakling.
Revelations 20:4
The crucifixion was recorded in 3 languages.
Daniel 7:11
The people that were beheaded did not have a spiritual body. It was considered the most wicked killing to ensure that they do not have another life When you get raptured, the Holy Ghost glorifies your mortal body yurning it to your spiritual body.
Isaiah 24:20
Daniel 7:21
The people in the first are all who will be found in the new Jerusalem. The Saints of old, all that believed on the name of Jesus, the 144,000 Jews, the two witnesses and the tribulation saints
Revelations 20 : 6-11
Gog and Magog? This is an expression like "it's his archimedees heel" or "it was their waterloo" it sybolises the that the defeat of the northern army would be similar to Gog and Magag's.
Daniel 12:1-2
Revelations 20:12-14
The dead (doesn't matter how they died) all were judged by their works. And anyone whose name was not found in the book of life was cast in the lake of fire. The lake of fire was not made for men. It was made for the devil and his angels. It is the second death it is a continous never ending death. All that truly matters is that your name is if that book. It does not matter what you have on this earth nor what people think of you.
Do all you have to do to not go to the
My Notes
Your Loveworld Phase 4, Saturday, Day 2~1930
Pastor Chris:
I hope you have been praying your 15 mins segments daily. It did not end with the fast. I would suppose that during this period. You've gained a new inspiration of prayer. Jesus taught that men ought always to pray and not faint. Prayer is about bringing his will into life's situations with prayer. We pray the will of God. We make his will happen. That's an aspect of prayer that makes it exciting because we watch things change in our direction as we pray.
What we have been sharing about in the book of revelation has helped us to have a focus in life and to prioritize our goals.
Psalm 41: 1 There are many people who get into trouble and they don't get God's ear. Why? Because they never considered the poor.
Psalm 49:1-20 V11: some people name streets after them, thinking to immortalize their names.
Q: The woman On the water that we talked about in Chapter 18, does she bear the same name as the woman on the beast? Are they both called Great Babylon? Rev 17:18,, Rev 18
A: Revelations 17:3-5 The woman on the water was also called 'Babylon the great' same as the woman on the beast. That was a smart question. Rev 14:8. The woman riding the beast was not called a city, even though she was called "Babylon the great". (Remember Babylon not a city, but was an empire with several cities.. it was a system). But this time he was dealing with something much more than a system.. The great city that we are introduced to in Rev 17:18 is called Babylon.
Go back to 14:8. This is the same description as the woman on the water.
In 17:1, she is just called the great Whore... Later on, she was described as the great city. Remember I said when we studied chapter 17, The Political Babylon will destroy the spiritual Babylon.
Rev16:19 - this is at the time of Judgement when cities were being destroyed. God remembered Babylon the City.
18:2- This was the woman on the water. So the woman on the water is called Babylon the Great.
What's the relationship between the 2 women? The woman in the water, was the city Rev 17:8 The woman riding the beast is a spirit/demon called Europa. And that demon was known to the Greek empire. Many of them believed they were descendants of Europa. They worshipped Europa as the 'Queen of Heaven' who was supposedly honored at her death. But they were wrong. Europa was an evil spirit. Zeus, the beast, is also an evil spirit.
We find that there's a history and that's why God used that name. That was why that imagery was shown to John in the Revelation, even though Babylon if the Roman empire was long gone.
God was saying ...the same spirit that was at work in Babylon transformed themselves and are controlling the the woman that was upon the water and the spirit that came out of the bottomless pit (Humans don't come out of the abyss. Only evil spirits do). The Spirit, Zeus, came out the Abyss... That spirit was the same spirit at work in Greece. He helped them formulate that Myth that Zeus was a god.
She had been there sitting on 7 mountains (Please Refer to previous notes) Mountains refer to authorities and powers
And what does the Bible tell us about the Red dragon?
The red dragon also had 7 heads, 10 horns. He had manifested himself in Human governments at different times.
That same evil spirit that had been there at different times is the name spirit reorganizing the forces of Europa, (Europe- the European Union) This is human life now... And they didn't check the Bible for it... Or did they? And chose defiance??? maybe
Its got nothing to do with how good you are, or not good... It's like some of the things I told you in the past few weeks, scientists are now discovering.... They are speaking up now. They are showing that what I told you was factual.. with real data.
Here's another thing. The relationship between the spirit that came out of the abyss, that's called the beast... and the one that came out of the sea also called the beast.
Let's look at it. It's very much like we just talked about Babylon the
Your Loveworld
Phase 4, Sunday Day 3~1934
Pastor Chris
Welcome to today's program. I trust that you had some time of meditation and prayer today, and to view some of the things we have been discussing in the last weeks. Gods word is truth. Absolute truth. Reality.
One of the things I tried to get across to you the last couple of weeks is the REALITY OF THE SPIRIT REALM. LIFE BEYOND THE SENSES/PHYSICAL.
A lot of people admit that it's real but don't live like it is. They see everything from the human perspective. They don't believe that its spiritual. Acts16:16-18 From the outside, the girl didn't look different from other people. She looked normal like everyone else. It looked like there was nothing wrong with what she said. The interesting thing is...she did this for several days. But Why was Paul grieved in the spirit? Because His spirit recognized something that others who were listening to the girl didn't understand. They didn't have spiritual understanding.
Paul addressed the spirit by which the girl was speaking.
Would you know when a statement you are hearing that sounds nice/true is not from God??? Would you know when an announcement is made that sounds nice is not from God but the devil??? All you see is not all there is!
Even though we have a material world, there is a spiritual world that dominates the physical. And when it comes to nations, we have to recognize that this things are real.
When Jesus was arrested by the authorities what did he say? He said 'when I was out teaching in the temple, you didn't do anything... But THIS IS YOUR HOUR AND THE POWER OF DARKNESS'. When it was not their moment, they couldn't take him. It was not their time.
Would you know when the forces of darkness are up against you? Would you know when Satan is in operation in your city, country, the world; Would you know???
Without the knowledge of the word of God. You won't know. All you'd have is speculation. God said 'My people are destroyed for the lack of Knowledge'.
Some Christians say 'well, there is a normal life'. What is that? You are either in God or with the devil. There is no middle ground. That's why Jesus said 'You MUST be born again. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. And that which is born if the spirit is spirit'. God takes only those who have received his salvation. Remember what we read yesterday "And anybody whose name was not found in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire".
As an individual, you can believe what you want to believe... But at the end of the day, what you believe or don't believe will determine your fate. Thank God for the bible that teaches and informs us. The bible says 'Prove all things...hold fast to that which is good'. When you haven't proved it, you may have some thoughts about 'what if'? Let no one deceive you with Vain words. For there are many deceivers.
RECAP: Yesterday, we talked about the Judgement. We got to Revelation chapter 20 and saw some really important things. . Jesus comes from Heaven to the battle of Armageddon... They then turn from each other to face him in battle. Jesus and his saints descend from Heaven in glory and power. The fight was fruitless for those in the earth.
Revelations 1:4- V6: This is not a promise or something that will happen in the sweet by and by. . V7: Up till now, Jesus has got holes in his hands where the Romans nailed him. He also has a terrible scar hole on his side where they pierced him with a sword and blood and water gushed out. The whole earth will mourn and wail because of him... Many will suddenly remember. The Antichrist would make people believe a lie about Christians after they are raptured...
(Just like now... There are people who have died in hospitals and couldn't go home because they died. There is no autopsy, the family may not find out...but the record would say he died of corona virus... By the new laws drafted.)
But they will find out that everything they heard about Christ is true. And that the rapture is true. Those who remember the truth will begin to cry.
There are many Jews
My Notes
Your Loveworld Phase 4, Monday 27042020 Day 4.~1966
Pastor Chris:
The church is marching on. The gates of Hell shall not prevail. The church is marching on.
The gates of Hell shall not be able to withstand the church.🙌🏾🙌🏾
Welcome to today's program. In the days of Jesus ministry in the earth/in Israel, He had spiritual adversaries and then he had the religious folks who were after him because of their selfish ambitions. Then also, was the earthly structure set up by Satan; the earthly government that was so corrupt that Jesus talked about. Its the same today!
I said that for a reason. In the earth, there are often 2 groups... Same as the Heavens. When we look at what happened ijbthe daysnof David as a young man when God chose him to be king while Saul was still alive, Saul wanted to kill him because he realized Gods hand was on David and his dream to maintain a lasting dynasty was failing. But it didn't work. Finally he died...but his house continued to persecute David because of their ambition. The bible says 'there was a long war between the house of David and the house of Saul'. The house of David was the house appointed by God. The house of Saul was of sin and selfish ambitions But the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker, but the house of David grew stronger and stronger.
The house of Saul was a head and shoulders government. A house of the flesh. Though chosen by God, was not listening to God. Towards the end of his life he even went to the witch of Endor to consult. He became a politician. He was more concerned about what the people thought than what God thought...but he was deceiving the people too.
That has not changed. Sometimes people are chosen of God, but over time they stop listening to God but listen to people, the polls ...which are also deceived by misinformation.
As a child of God it matters what you are listening to. If you listen to only information from the world/flesh...Satan transmits deception. As a child of God, BE DISCERNING. Those who are after the flesh mind the things of the flesh...and those who are after the spirit, The things of the spirit
After this whole thing, there is a lot that we will address in-house. For now, we need to keep our eyes on the ball. As long as you are praying for this situation. Don't be distracted and moved by what some other Christian leaders or organizations say. We have dealt with the issues. Things are not going in the direction that they had planned before. But when we finish, we will look inwards and see how to fix things in-house. The bible says Judgement must begin in the house of God.
Pls note: in the DIFFERENT INVASIONS OF JERUSALEM... General Titus was the one who invaded and carried out destruction of the Jerusalem in 70 AD. Not the Turks.
RECAP Yesterday, I was telling you about the Great white throne Judgement in Revelation 20, after Satan was captured a second time. God destroyed those armies completely. Rev 20:10... Three so far in the lake of fire. V11- We the saints, are on one side with the Lord, and the rest of Humanity on the other side. The earth, with the living people in it, couldn't escape anywhere. V12: They are not going to judge a man twice for the same offences...and if his life is not done, he is not going to be judged. The Judgement is ONCE.
In front of the Lord at this time, was all the living people WHO HAD NEVER BEEN JUDGED BEFORE. All others had perished.
What about the "Goat Nations"? Where were they sent to TO HELL!
Usually when a nation is captured, you take their leaders and princes away. During the Judgement of the nations, its the leaders that will come... Its about what they did to Israel that was wrong that they are being judged for.
Matt 25:31-32 This is the Judgement of Nations, not individuals...
The Judgement of individuals is in Revelation 20... At the end of the millennium.
Zechariah 14:1-... This Armageddon comes at the end of the second three and half years of Daniel's seventieth week. That second half is referred to as 'the time of Jacobs trouble' (Ref- Jeremiah 30
My Notes
Your Loveworld Phase 4, Tuesday 28042020 Day 5~1970
Pastor Chris
Welcome to today's program. Thank God for the understanding that he gives us in his word and in things that concern the kingdom of preparing us for what he has prepared for us. He never left himself without a witness. Through the Holy spirit, his word is made known..and wherever you are today, that presence of the Holy spirit is there with you....To give light, hope, be your strength.
Revelations 22:1 Who is the He? Rev 21:9... The Angel in this verse continues to speak.
When studying the bible, the context, the style of the writer and the message that the writer projects and the use of language in the time of writing matter. Otherwise, you would be forced to follow whatever the translators say. The English version that Most of us have was, translated from Greek. E.g..Every time you see Angel in the Book of Revelation, don't just think of your usual Angel in English (e.g. Angel s with wings flying. angel Michael etc).
For example... Case in point.. Revelations 1:18- Jesus was telling John to write.. V20: He said the stars where the Angels of the 7 churches. If those 7 stars were angels of the 7 churches... and the candlesticks were the churches.. If these churches had people, then the Angels would be people. A lot of times, prophetic signs could be mysteries requiring decoding by the spirit who gave them in the first place.
Just in case, this example didn't get down well with you, let's look at Rev 2:1 If this was an Angel in Heaven, how come John was going to write him a letter???
The word Angel could be translated as 'Messenger' in those scriptures. Which would mean, he is the Pastor of the church.
Using Jesus principle, he wouldn't breach his teaching of entering a sheepfold without going through the Shepherd (the pastor). That was Jesus style. That's how we know the 'Angel' was a man.
Those 7 churches were there at the time!
Back to Rev 21:9- Before we continue...
In Hebrews 9:14-15 V15: By means of his own death... A lot of people don't get the man that is born again. Christians were not the ones Jesus died for...they are the RESULT of his death..not the FOCUS. He died for the whole world.
They which are called.... Which were in the old testament
- Those before the testament.
- Those in the testament.
- Those in the new testament. His death covered everything!!!
In Heaven AT THE MOMENT, we have 2 groups
- Those who are there in their celestial bodies (those who resurrected with Christ)
- Those without celestial bodies. (those who died since after the ascension of Jesus) When you get into that glorified state, you are not just there... You begin a new ministry.
Revelations 22:1 V2: when you see verses like this, stop using your brain. There are things you can only relate with, with your spirit. ... Its not the same river being spoken about in Ezekiel 47: 2,7-8. (Stop asking 'how can one tree be on both sides of the river? With your brain. Just say 'Praise the Lord'. You don't know everything. Imagine when it was said that a virgin would give birth...)
(Rev21:1, Isa 65:17, 66:22-24 reference to the new heaven and new earth) (Isa 66:24 Do you know from time to time, when we are in Heaven, we could go and have a look at those who go to Hell? )
Rev 22:3- The throne of God and of the Lamb is ONE THRONE. Jesus will be sitting on the Father's throne. (Colossians 1:19, 2:9.. The totality of divinity dwells in Jesus bodily. He is the embodiment of Deity).
22:5 - This description is about the City; the new Jerusalem as we discussed yesterday. This would be our new headquarters; our real one world government... Not the perverted version that the devil wants to bring in.
V6: The Angel said the words are FAITHFUL AND TRUE. They will surely happen.
V7: This is the voice of the Master now. (When we prophesy, we can start anyway, and suddenly we start speaking in the first this is not unusual). . V8: Now John speaks V9: The Angel rebuked John for trying to worship him. This was an Angel
Your LoveWorld with Pastor Chris - Phase 4, Day 6 (Wednesday 29th April)~1978
Pastor Chris
The weapons of our warfare beare not carnal but they are mighty in the Holy Ghost.
Welcome to today's program. We have some important things to look at today. We'll be looking at the scriptures and discussing the Prophecy of the book of Revelation. There's so much to learn from it. You don't learn until you put your knowledge to work.
There are a lot of things that we've been teaching the body of Christ for many years now, and these have been times to exercise the knowledge of God.
The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of light, of blessing, of truth, and Jesus came to this world to set up that kingdom .. Its called the Kingdom of Heaven. It is that part of the Kingdom of God that Jesus came to set up in the earth. Its called HEAVENS GOVERNMENT in the earth.
Jesus gave us the power of attorney to use his name. He said, 'I have overcome the world". Jesus called Satan, "the Prince of this world" and then he said "I have overcome the world".... Meaning Jesus overcame the Prince of this world and his governmental structure.
Remember Daniel's vision and the message given to him by Angel Gabriel about the Prince of Persia and Grecia.
Satan is the Prince of this world. Satan has a structure. In Revelations we saw lots of beautiful angelic structures in Heaven... But the bible also shows us how this world is run by the forces of evil, and how and when angelic forces of God intervene... Because they do.
I'll start from the bottom so you'd understand.
Ephesians 6:12.. He is showing you a structure of devilish forces and you need to understand this. We are engaged in conflict that is not with Human beings... But against..
- Principalities
- Powers
- Rulers of the darkness of this world
- Spiritual wickedness in High places These are Ranks.... They are all wicked spirits. They function in this world...including the ones in the heavenlies. Their focus is man. If you are not conscious of these things, they would run your life . (Satan's Incognito... Where demons function as if they are not real.) If you didn't know about this conflict in life you probably have been a victim of it. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean its not real.
V13 Ignorance of it makes you a victim, and makes you ineffective as a Christian. It causes you to not be dressed for warfare. Most didn't even know when the evil day came because they were victims. After engaging the adversary well dressed, you remain unscarred and unscathed.
V15-16 Build your faith. Your faith is your shield that helps you neutralize all the fiery darts of the wicked.
This is one day of evil that the church is facing. If you don't know this, you would think everything happening is normal.
(Video playback of prophecy of last year about position and alignment and order. Where the Holy spirit will be much more real to the believer. The mountain of the lords house will be established upon the mountains . we are approaching a time, a moment, an hour where the perfection of Gods spirit is brought to bear. A period of supernatural interventions like the world has never known.. And the prayer of many saints will be answered at this time. There is a changing of order in the spirit. Some will think the wind of the Holy spirit is blowing in differently. But its a point if intersection where mans work that has advanced both positively and negatively will come into collision with Gods work. There have been such times in history and we are coming again to such a time. There will be a supernatural collision and at that point, men will see the power of God. It is called a time of testimony, because the testimony of the church will be heard in a way that's different. The Lord will introduce himself. He was known as a silent God by many, but this is a period of change where he breaks the silence. There was a time he broke the silence in Egypt but he told Moses ,I was quiet for over 400 years but tell Pharaoh I'm not going to be quiet anymore. The time had come. We are movi
My Notes
Your Loveworld Phase 4, Thursday, 30-04-2020, Day 7~1986
Pastor Chris
Today Concludes this phase of this program. We will have something next week. But we have made tremendous impact by the power of the Spirit of God. We have set a lot of things in motion. The church of Jesus Christ is marching forward.
Sunday is the special Communion Service, so we will have a live program. Plan for that.
I told you to download the LiveTV mobile app, Just in case your TV goes off.
We have stirred up a lot of conversation around the world. Scientists, doctors etc are all coming out and speaking up about the things I told you before. I told you that what was going on was not science.
Just a few days ago, Switzerland found out that children under 10 cannot infect others with the virus. Interesting!!! Isn't that the same virus that's supposed to stay on dry surface on 4hours?
I told you of the plan of vaccinating the young generation. This vaccine has been ready since, but they are lying and saying 'we are working on it...its hard... Etc'. They would keep using their playbook to manipulate the nations.
When you read the bible you can read everybody and their role. As Christians, Pray everywhere.
I'll tell you the truth before it happens Did you hear of Covid-19 compliant churches? Or Covid-19 Free churches? If you allow yourself labeled with that name you are nor the church of Jesus Christ. Is the church not meant to be a place of healing?? If you are a pastor that likes to roll with the government, you would want to seem compliant. It is coming...but I pray you don't let it happen in your country. You may not understand it. But this is where it was going all the time.
In different countries, before the lockdown, the government had meetings with church leaders. Why didn't they ask for a few days to go and pray? Because they were not praying churches before. Do you know what it means to shut down the congregations of the Lord? It never meant anything to you!!!!! There were Pastors that were sending strong warnings to others not to enter or open churches....its obvious that Christ was never their Lord or the centre of their lives. They never really knew him. Imagine the Government consulted you but you didn't call for prayer... You just said 'Oh Yes' because for some there was going to be some compensation for the period of the Lockdown.
What compensation is enough to replace the praise and worship of the saints??? Hope you enjoyed it so far, when only you did online service??? Thank you very much for what you did with the house of God. Now they will meet you again to consult with you to use you to set up "test centres for churches" What they are using to test, do you know what it is? Do you know why it reads positive or negative for a virus 'they are still studying'??? Now they are saying they can have a vaccine in July? For a vaccine they are still studying? We already know what'd killing the people.
A pastor last week was sick of some ailment that they had been managing for some years. After he died, the authorities came there dressed in hazmat suits in pretense that the person that died was a covid19 patient. But it was a LIE. Where was the autopsy report???? What they didn't realize was that His mother was a Nurse who KNEW that he didn't have Covid-19. Why couldn't the Government do an autopsy?
I've told you about the lawless one that's coming. What we are seeing is the harbinger of the lawless one playing out around the world. They want to rank up the numbers.
In several of the new lawless laws, it is actually stated there that AUTOPSY IS NOT REQUIRED. That's absolute lawlessness. How can people die and there is no reason for their death? And you are not allowed to challenge it? This is CRAZY!!!
For those who are passing these laws that they never read... I feel sorry for you. God will hold you accountable at the proper time. No matter how urgent, ensure you read it. And of you don't agree with it, don't vote for it. Truth is they already declared a state of emergency so they do
Phase 5, Day 5 (Saturday, 9th May 2020)
God's word is our hope, strength and comfort.
Yesterday I told you that we are going to be having a global fasting and praying from Monday 11th to Wednesday 13th of May. I explained to you why we need to pray and fast.
Most of the world has experienced or has been experiencing some form of lockdown of their cities and flattening of their economies. Things they never dreamed would happen. A lot of people have faith in men and not in God.
In Noah's time, they didn't believe. They thought because they were so many that didn't believe, somehow, the flood wasn't going to happen.
There is a faith people tend to have in numbers.
When the Jews in Nazi Germany were pulled out of their homes and sent to concentration camps, they didn't believe it was going to happen. Many of them were well educated and wealthy. They thought it couldn't happen, but then it happened.
Millions were killed. The world didn't believe the voices of those who escaped and told them what was happening. When they finally saw sufficient EVIDENCE, it was too late. That was not the first time so many were killed and that wasn't the last time.
We have stories of repititions of history and yet feel 'that's not going to happen'... But that's why we should pray.
We will fast because there are things that we must make sure don't happen. And when they don't happen, we are all going to be happy. Some others would then say 'Well, it was never going to happen anyway..". But we would have achieved what we want.
Our prayer gives us the allocation of our time for us to utilize as God intended rather than lose it to Satan.
Earlier on, I told you about Daniel's 70 weeks. The church comes in between the 69th and 70th week.
I told you about Nebuchadnezzar's dream about the legs of iron and feet of iron and Clay. I let you understand what those things meant
In the days of those kings, a rock cut out without hands would descend and destroy that whole structure of man and replace it with a kingdom that would not pass away.
There were 7 of these empires, 5 had fallen in the days of John, one was, and the one to come would come after the church is taken away before the end of the 70th week.
God has given no group or organization power to run this world except the church. That's why the church has to push back at any attempt, nation or organization or force that tries to control this world.
They can't do it as long as the church is in this world... Only if the church out of apathy, ignorance and complacency do nothing ...then history would repeat itself.
That's why I call you for prayer because of the wicked plans of Satan...
Remember leaders of churches were consulted before the lockdown and none said 'let us pray'. .if they had prayed, they wouldn't have fallen into this quagmire of wondering what God is doing.
In some countries, what they plan to do, is that the government will take over the stadiums and facilities....and say THEY are going to handle the disinfection process and make it useful. Only 'government certified places' would accept gatherings. They would say 'churches cannot be trusted enough to disinfect the place to make it compliant for meetings'. They would have 'Covid-Compliant Churches'
They could say 'we have certified these 5 government approved facilities for use for church'.. meaning any Christian from any church can worship there or any religion (Hindu, moslem, etc) having different times for services. Then there would be Government appointed ministers.. there would be centres for ecumenical congregations.
Some Christians would consider it as GOOD because 'ah thank God, we can at least meet'.
That would be the gradual introduction of one world religion.
Is that what you want??
The people in office are not in control of what is happening. None of them planned this. This is purely satanic. This had nothing to do with the virus.
The world is trapped.
So, I've called for global prayer and fasting. When you are in a situation when
Your Loveworld
Phase 5, Sunday, Day 6.~2038
Pastor Chris
Today the program really centres around getting ready for what we have to do in the next 3 days. And I've said as God's children, we need to know when there's a call of the spirit.
Remember the words of Jesus..'i will build my church.." How is he building his church today? He gave some Apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers evangelists for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the building up of the body of Christ.
He does it through his saints...through ministers of the gospel that he has called. He is not just doing it himself without us. Every major thing that God wants to do on the earth today, he needs us to be willing and available.
Eph 5:30- we are members of his body, flesh and Bones. If you don't realize that, then it turns out, you'll live a life without vision and direction.
In 1Cor 6:15, to the word says 'know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ?' Your hands are his hands, Your legs are his legs, Your feet are his feet. Your bodies are the limbs of Christ. How does Jesus touch the needy person , the poor; how does he bless? How does he exercise his Dominion which his father gave him? Through US.
So we've got to use what he's given us.
He said "these signs shall follow them that believe. In my name they shall cast out devils"
If his authority doesn't work, then there is no point believing. It means we have believed in vain.
But from the day that the Holy ghost came in the upper room to this day...and till the rapture of the church, His name will have power over all things His Dominion will reign over all things. And in every nation over all circumstances, wherever men will believe and exercise the power of his name. And we will exercise it.
What's going on is satanic. It's a move of the devil. If you are not discerning, you won't understand it.
Jesus was in the synagogue one day and there was a young man in the congregation. Suddenly the demons in him caused him to misbehave. The people around him didn't show any surprise because they were used to his behavior. That day he addressed Jesus 'we know who you are...the mighty one of Israel...". What changed that day was when Jesus said 'Shut up and come out of him". Suddenly,he came to his right mind. The people were amazed because Jesus proved that the devil had intelligence and was subject to him. From then on, they saw him cast out devils, heal the sick, raise the dead. They realized he had POWER over these forces.
I'm saying to you... They were not discerning until Jesus came. They didn't know what was behind the case. When they brought people who were tormented they had no idea what to do..but Jesus did
Today you have to understand what's going on around the world. If the information you are getting is just from the news media, it's not enough. The interpretation of the facts is what you need. What is the truth behind the facts and the reporting. That's what matters. TRUTH BEYOND FACTS.
We've been Praying, building our faith and sharing the word. But I'm telling you, In the spirit, we are coming to a climax! A crisis moment. We are coming to that point.
We have come to that moment when the God you serve either proves to be real or not real. We've come to a boiling point.... Because a Fraud has been committed over the world and it's time to deal with it by dealing with the forces behind it.
We will be fasting and praying . All senior IS WHOLE DAY FASTING until Wednesday night.
Everybody else can do 6am to 6pm. It's fine.
I want to let you know we've come to a CRISIS MOMENT. YOU CANNOT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY!!!
Remember, what happens hereafter may just depend on what we do these three days.
I can't tell you how serious it is, but you've got to know, we are in a serious season.
Remember, in Genesis 3, the Bible tells us that after Adam and Eve had sinned against God, the Lord cursed the ground and he made a promise. He said 'the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent'. When he introduced that subject, Satan
Your Loveworld Phase 6 Commences on Monday 18th May 2020~2075
May 16th 2020
Dear Esteemed
Warm greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and congratulations on the success of Your Loveworld Phase 5 and our Global Prayer & Fasting.
I'm honoured to inform you that Your Loveworld with Pastor Chris phase 6 commences on Monday 18th May 2020 at 7pm GMT+1, 2pm Eastern, and runs daily to Sunday 24th May 2020. Glory!!!
It will be broadcast live on our Loveworld Network stations and Ministry Websites.
This blessed and divine privilege have all the saints - another week of transformation in the Word with our Man of God.
Please announce this to the brethren during your Sunday services tomorrow, and let's spread the word.
Thank you and God bless you..
It's Not Coincidental...
Pastor Chris provided lots and lots of evidence during today's meeting. We also heard directly from scientists, health and safety experts and those that should know about the present situation of things...
Below are my notes which you are free to share with others.
Both will reduce population. Then I said, this so called solution to reduce the spread are not science. How can we not know that using mask for protracted period will lead to death. When it comes to health issues, it's everyone's concern.
Coming to public health is not Bill Gates area, unfortunately, many people are listening to him and not researching themselves.
Let me point out a couple of things to you...
When government s and regulators.... Absolutism and tyranny is born. When cars and phones have major health issues, they are recalled. It's not unusual to call for a review of some technology. We didn't say 5G produces the virus but only linked it to health issues.
Let's investigate. What we have said is that 5 G roll out in Wuhan China is responsible for the high deaths in China. People falling down and dying. Plus that, if you look at the models for which the lockdown across the world was effected, it was predicted that the deaths will be in millions, that hasn't happened.
Where there were no lock down haven't had worse cases. There's no scientific proof. Now, many nations are beginning to review the deaths attributed to Clovis-19.
For those who say that the 5 G has no health issues, that's not true. All research has called for monitoruom. It's the way is being roll out. Hospitals and some military people have used them. So many cell sites, that's where the problem is. People are sandwiched between these electromagnetic forces...
See this... 2013 report... Pastor read articles and some communications between scientists... September 17, 2017... Watch this video for a second...
The facts are clear... Investigate these harmful effects on health... The video what one of the top health experts has to say... It's harmful to health. Clear yes with evidence.
No health safety test yet. No one is looking into it. The only way we can prove that there's no conspiracy on rolling out the 5 G and the virus, if there's no roll out of 5 G, there will be no second wave. That's what they don't want us to say. There's a connection. Everyone wants to have to have it because of what it can do...
Dr. Debra Davis said it can be used for surveillance. The officials already have in their minds what they want to do if unchallenged. The moment is here for everyone to understand that a health problem in one place is a health problem everywhere.
I'll show you one more... This guy will introduce himself... Watch this...
We're not advocates against 5 G but advocates for safe 5G. The Dr. Debra Davis conference I showed you was just this last February.
I showed you the video on Bill Gates on the reduction of CO2 and the vaccines. Who's producing the vaccines and for what purpose? Everyone has a right to know what's being implanted or injected into the body...
There's this website on patents... Microsoft patented a crypto currency... I want you to look at this crypto currency patent number... 060606...
Remember the video I showed you before on the gentleman that built the microchip...
Where is this going... This, remember is from Microsoft of Bill Gates... Using body activity data. Never in the history of this world did we have so close what the bible says and what man has designed for this end time.
Revelation 13:16-17 and Revelation 13:11 and Revelation 17...
The one in 17 is the impersonator of the one in revelation 13. Often that devil takes on the name and character of the one he now lives... If you're not discerning, he will give you the name of the person he's occupying. You've got to know by the spirit and cast him out otherwise he will return and bring others more wicked than himself.
Remember Mary Magdalene that had seven devils. She wasn't possessed. For others, they are possessed and in fu
He Will Never Leave You Alone... Prepare For Sunday, We're Going To Do Something Big!
Pastor Chris started tonight's meeting with another question and answer session with esteemed Pastors Deola Philips, Lanre Alabi and Emeka Eze.
Below are my notes which you are free to share with others.
Question about those Israelites that died without knowing Jesus Christ...
It's the nation of Israel that will be saved. There are many individual Jews that will be saved. National salvation.
Question about walking around with our glorified body. Great revival before the rapture.
Yes, we will be able to walk around with our glorified bodies. Yes, there's a great revival going on now. Spiritual awakening... A lot of people living afresh in a new way. That's a small part of God's work in the earth. The big thing is actually a mighty harvest of soul. Revival was in the old testatement. The Holy Spirit refreshes us continuously.
David made a powerful statement then... The Lord is the strength of my life. Sadly many don't know that. Paul said be invigorated in your inner man. The Holy Spirit doesn't strengthen you but it's your strength. Live there continually, never need to be revived. I started speaking in tongues in 1980 and never needed revival. Upward and forward. No discouragement. Not once. That's the work of the Holy Spirit. It's not an achievement. No down life or moment.
Sharing from the word of God.
In December 2019, I shared a prophecy .. Watch this...
Do not be afraid... For the enemy has been defeated... That which Satan planned for destruction has been turned upside down... They will finish 2020 in victory for the Lord's grace has been showered upon you... Thank Him...
Now if you listened carefully you'll noticed that it's about Satan's plan to destroy many. It has not turned out that the millions that were predicted to die and litter the street hasn't happened as the showed.
So far, the deaths haven't exceeded the number of people that die from other sicknesses. In many countries, they can't count for other illnesses...
Watch this other video from December last year...
Positioning... Realignment... The mountains of the Lord shall be established... Perfction, supernatural intervention like the world has never known... Prayers will be answered... A changing in the spirit. The Holy Spirit leads like a new band... A wind of the Holy Spirit differently... Man's work advanced will come in collision with the work of God. Supernatural colission and man will see the power of God and the testimony of the Church... This is the period of change when He breaks His silence. He's not going to be quiet anymore.
We are moving into a set time. It's a timing in the spirit. Serve God with joy. Like nothing discourage you.
Before I show you the other one... Several point... Guidance, enlightenment... All that's been happening... Man's advancement colliding with the word of God. That time of change of order is now...
We will do something on Sunday. Get ready. Something happened in the days of Daniel. God heard the prayers but the prince of Persia withstood Angel Gabriel for 21 days... Toppling the kingdom... Three more kings... We're in the period of exciting change in the spirit. The Assyrian spirit will be toppled. We're watching on...
There will be a change...sudden fall and many from north America will lose and a shift to Europe... What I told you about Europe. I'll tell you more about what's going to happen.
Luke 21:24 Time of the gentiles be fulfilled... As Jesus walked away from the temple 2000 years ago... Romans 11:25...the number earmark for salvation is being fulfilled and many around the world are being saved.
Revelation 17:1- The heads and the horns... Will explain later... It's got seven heads and ten horns... Carried and sustained her... The beast... This beast is not a man... The beast was, is not and shall ascend... Seven kings, five has fallen...
Egypt Assyria Babylon Medi Persia Greece Rome Revised Rome
See it...
Satan is number 6. The other has not yet come
YOUR LOVEWORLD With Pastor Chris PHASE 6 DAY 6. 23rd May~2125
All The Models Never Factored What The Church Will Do...
Wow wow wow... Pastor Chris started and ended today's meeting by informing us to prepare for tomorrow's meeting. We will be doing something for one hour without any distraction. So much is happening in the world but the most powerful in the work of the Holy Spirit.
Jeremiah 17:9 The natural man. Eternal life hasn't been made possible then. The natural man can be nice and kind, but his heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. God destroyed the world in the days of Noah. God was fed up with the way man treated others.
Jeremiah 17:10 Pay day is coming and God will give everyone according to his works.
Revelation 20:15 Judgement day. He judged them according to their works. Revelation 20:12... Judged according to their works. How do you measure what's good or bad with the reflection of what you wished others to treat you. Do to them.
There are pastors brought into very desperate situation around the world this period. Do something about it through the Churches.
Pastors will know exactly how other pastors are feeling. Send relieves to them. We can't centralise it. No-one is coming to them due to the lock down. I pray that the Lord will guide you what to do.
Whatever money you put together, don't use it for something else. It's a relief fund. It's not for rent but for food. All should participate. Pastors use the structures you have. We have the inner city mission. We can use that. Organise it.
Pastors who catch this vision, let's help pastors in different places. Start this week to help pastors in serious needs. The Lord will guide you. Don't use outward appearance to judge... Please when you're doing this, take pictures and videos and send the reports. We can use it as testimonies and praise reports. Let us have what's been done. Let us document what has been done...
Pastor told the stories of what he did when he was a young preacher... How God was robbed of the glory. He took that seriously. He took note and God will not be robbed. Those pictures will inspire others and who knows what else will happen...
Tomorrow, we are going to do something powerful. For one full hour, we are going to do something and something will happen. Prepare for one hour. Jesus planned an hour prayer but his disciples were sleeping.
For one full hour, there's nothing else but what we are going to do.
Psalm 9:17 How President Trump said that America needs more prayer and not less. He's opening the Churches. The nations that forget God will be turned into hell. The representatives of the nations will stand before Jesus. Fire that was prepare for the devil and his demons. They chose to go their.
Nations and states... Hallelujah.
Let's read another one...
Psalm 62:11 Power belongs to God, not to men. It does. The power over nations belong to God. We have no fears at all. A warning that was given to the US President many years ago... Theodore Roosevelt... Watch this...
The German nation uniting science and industry to the cause.... That they must be watched so that this is not repeated... Several years after you have the neo nazits they more prominent today... The heart is desperately wicked. Millions were killed at the holocaust. Millions killed in China and no-one cares.
The parable of the madman that set up the fire and the whole forest and he claimed it's this small fire here. The new Nazi's set up the fire. The same organisations. Who were responsible for the science researches in Europe, not for good. The Science of psudo science...
1 Timothy 6:12-20 He comes to crescendo in verse twenty... Judge them that are rich in this world that they be not high minded... Trust in uncertain riches. All that you have in given by God. Laying hold on eternal life otherwise your philotrophic actions is in vain... They're actually selling.
Seven important words... Keep that which is committed to thine trust. It's like a treasure.
Avoiding, turn away from, reject it. Don't accept it.
Profane... As essau... Fo
My Brothers and Sisters, Who Is With You? That's What Counts.
Pastor Chris resumed the Phase Seven of the special meetings he's been having with us this night.
Below are my notes which you're free to share with others...
I will be with you always...
When you know He's with you, fear is gone forever, vanished.
Lots of beautiful things lined up. This is phase 7. Several things will happen in quick succession. Thank God there's lot of opening in Nations. There's much more...
I challenged the sense and science of wearing of face masks. I've been asking myself that those asking people to wear masks in several places. This is crazy.
Are those asking people to do ignorant or conspiring to kill. Every reasonable science shows its deadly. Even the WHO didn't suggest it. This is what they said... When and how to wear medical masks to protect against covis19. Only when taking care of a covid19 patient. Or when coughing and sneezing.
So the idea... Where then did they get this murderous idea from... Insufficient oxygen that can lead to viral attack and make you vulnerable.
The almost opposite of it too much cabondyoxide... List of science materials you can go through...
It's not to be worn for a prolonged period of time. Doctors have passed out... Are they really ignorant or conspiring to kill? Those giving these instructions, where are they getting the information from. Why are healthy people being subjected to this murderous instructions. How much joy are politicians getting from this...
The day will come when several leaders will be held accountable for these actions. They can't continue these actions for much longer. We've dealt with it spiritually.
The world is not left to Satan and the cohorts of hell and evil workers. Some ministers of the gospel are even saying everyone should listen to the health experts? Everyone should listen to God.
Romans 13 God gives political power but with conditions... They sign of His second coming... Deception is major part of it as reported by writers of the epistles... Let no-one deceive it. Don't let anyone deceive you.
Romans 13:1 No authority except the one established by God. They should do right. It presupposes that those in authorities would do what God wants. Be honest and truthful. Lots of examples of good and bad leadership. You don't have to follow bad leadership.
Acts 4:16 The disciples chose to obey God instead of obeying the authorities. They didn't just say that they have to obey them. We always obey and teach others to obey when these laws are not inconsistent with the will of God. That's when we disagree.
Like this wearing of masks, we've got to call their attention to the reality and truth. The CEC in the US found out that they got the world to take terrible actions. Lives and economies are destroyed and paralyzed based on wrong information.
Nations were asked to take untested science. The recommendationa were totally wrong. Nobody is apologising. Like they didn't apologize over Y2K. It's just going to be like just a mistake and we'll continue... 0.26% no, one day, someone will be held accountable. Why were they so wrong in the projections and models.
I was right all along. I like to follow when following is right. I was one of the first to shut down our healing school programs to join the government to do the right thing. Then we called for a global day of prayer and the spirit told me that we have to take a position on the deception. And what Satan tried to do ahead of time and we needed to stop him.
I was the number to corporate but have to listen to a higher authority. Jesus Christ knows all things. Relax, what if I know what you don't. Is it too much for me to be right?
Just wait when you don't understand. Leave it alone, one day you'll find out. Those other believers that may not entirely agree, it's not a problem. We shouldn't get mad at each other. No need for argument. Search the scriptures or wait to see if what I say will come to pass. Let the Spirit of God guide you.
I've showed you what the WHO and CDC hav
We Will Do Extraordinary Things By The Power Of The Holy Spirit
Pastor Chris continued the phase seven of the special meetings tonight with instructions on studying the bible in a year or two using the Rhapsody of Realities daily devotional.
Below are the notes I was able to capture. You're at liberty to share with everyone. Freely have I received, freely have I shared. Thanks a million Pastor Chris Sir for feeding us with precious words that are needful for such a time as this...
The series on spiritual warfare. Get and study it. You'll be mightily blessed. You can immediately put it to action and start receiving results.
God can use a leader and he can go rogue on God like King Saul. Another reason why we don't just do whatever we're told... Where the instructions are coming from matter... I told you something about the deep state...
Non state actors behind the scene or state actors that use extra statotury powers to control those that want to do the right things. Many state governments are that way and under state capture. That's what is going on right now in many countries. External instructions compelling people to do things that can kill them.
The get these instructions from those that have captured these states like the Prince of Assyria. Look what's going on in many countries right now. Sad. Many are unaware of the spiritual war...
I've read through the laws in many countries, they are technically the same. They came from the same source. Hanging on the Covid-19 to take destructive actions. That's why we are taking spiritual actions.
We must be very watchful. Watch and pray says Jesus. One of the reasons is because of this very thing. There are people that will want to come from some other means to run the country. Resources are scarce in the world. Same things that poralised the world is still same. The rich ruleth over the poor. The borrower is subject to the lender.
Who rules? You won't be content, you want to rule over the poor. The poor man's work was not recognized for saving the city. If he's smart enough, by his intelligence and craft, he borrows what belongs to you. Playing the fast one. He lends to you what was yours in the first place.
I do have some questions some have asked...
Question about is there's a spirit that causes black people to be so hated.
It's not spiritual. Man must bear responsibility for his actions. Racism is an inherited problem. Those that started it may not have known better. After these many years, there's no excuse. Those who penetrate racism must bear responsibility. They can't blame ignorance or anything else. There's no excuse.
There are things that are worse like hatred. It exist even in families. It's worse. I hope I've given you the answer. The hatred against blacks is more obvious because of the colour and the politics. Some can hate people of same skin colour. That's the one written about the most. Genuine love has no colour. Racism is the manifestation of the bankruptcy of the heart. No love.
Whenever you find true love of God, you'll find no racism.
Question about the four beasts mentioned in the book of revelation...
The Lord has concealed their identities. We will ask when we get there.
Question about a gay man who wants to go to heaven. Will all homosexuals going to hell...
Homosexuality was revealed in Genesis. It's that old. It's not a new thing. The Bible tells us it was happening in Sodom. It's was rampant there by then. God destroyed the city with fire from heaven. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
When you study the old testament, it was abominable to God who decides what is right. He leaves us with accurate information. He says don't do it. Same in the new testament. That's why those in the organised gay community generally don't like the Bible because it condemns it.
They can't change it. I'll read these verses for you.
Romans 1:18- NIV Degrading of their bodies for one another. Unnatural relations. Look at that. Nature reveals God's plan and will. Men committing indecent acts with oth
YOUR LOVEWORLD Phase 7, Day 3.~2159
We Are Stewards Of The Mysteries Of God
Pastor Chris started tonight's meeting by answering questions sent in from all over the world.
Question about the racial issues in America and people saying that prayer is not enough...
Man's inhumanity to man and hatred. The issue of misdirected anger. The hijacked protests. The paid protesters. Those using their political and authoritative knees to hold up the nations and economies. Government officials are also putting their knees on people based on false information. I'm not in support of rioting and burning of buildings.
We should be appalled at the vaccination issues and the fact someone Pastor knows was paralyzed at age two. The vaccines failed. There's never fully independent proof that the vaccines walked. Remember the Y2K.
This things are not really about the virus. They're not using the data for the decisions. Severe judgment is coming. Let me show you a report from Italy... Watch this...
Nobody sounded caution caution because of real results. The virus has expired scientifically. They're still enjoying keeping people in their fears. No science for what they do.
Some people are enjoying the rioting, it's election year.
Question about Augmented Reality (AR)
Science itself is not a problem. It's like money. On itself, it's not wrong. It only amplified the character of the user. IT can be used by anyone for anything. What's the purpose of the vaccines and who are those behind it and for what purpose. It should not be used for population reduction. There's ample evidence that vaccines have been weaponised in the past and can be so in the future. Racial hygiene and Eugenics. Same sponsors. Victims or patients of the virus. Like the Nazi's used the gypsies for cleansing. Young people are being taken to isolation centres like the extermination of the gypsies.
Racial hygiene or street hygiene and the 2020 gypsies happening in several countries. Kids are picked up. Will these isolation centres turned into detention centres be turned into extermination centres. The soldiers that guided the captives thought it was for a while. Not even Hitler had the full picture. He initially wanted the Jews out.. Later changed his mind. Today's officials, what's motivating them. When you have one million patients, where will you keep them.
Spiritually, we've broken that. We become victors where we could have been victims. Still sounding the alarm. Do what's right if you're in a place of authority. Told you about state capture yesterday. How that the prince of Assyria specialises in state capture. Prides himself in it. They failed to factor the church. The church is the constant in the equation. That's why their equation was wrong.
Question about what happens to pregnant women during rapture.
Life for life for a baby that's born. We're also talking about spirit beings. The woman and the baby should go since they are spirits. Glorified spiritual bodies... Babies at later stages can be brought out and survive. At what point does the baby becomes a spiritual being since God is the Father of Spirits. God knows... Foreknowledge of God. There are biological laws... John the Baptist received the Holy Ghost when his mother received the Holy Ghost. At the time of rapture, every condition is known to God.
Something will happen to the body at rapture and we will be changed. Our bodies will be glorified. God has a say in His house. Not everyone that prayed and desired a child had one. When you become a Christian, Jesus Christ has the final say in your life. A child that's not responsible for his action is holy and covered by their parents salvation. God knows how to deliver babies same with angels. They will be delivered of babies that will go to heaven. There will be absolute satisfaction. There will neither be male or female. You'll cease to be neither male nor female. So fast, there will not be a process. Suddenly...
Question about the tribulation, will the power of prayer will still be available to the church...
Salvation will st
YOUR LOVEWORLD WITH PASTOR CHRIS ~ Phase 7, Day 4. 04:06:2020~2163
It's A Moment Of Divine Favour! You can expect a miracle today...
I've to give you a certain background. Jesus Christ is called the second Adam. The last Adam. Jesus is the head of God's new breed, God's new creation. They didn't know what it was, the disciples didn't get it.
Let the church not give an understanding of a religious connatection. It's the called out ones. It didn't ring a bell. They knew that they were called out, but didn't know the vision or the purpose.
Matthew 16:18 Matthew 18:17
It didn't get their attention where the church was referred to here. In the first 15 chapters of Acts, they didn't know about the church but to bring a revival of Israel. That's what they thought, that salvation was for the Jews.
They were stunned when Jesus said He was going away. They were amazed. They asked if Jesus was restoring the kingdom to Israel. Jesus said, it's not for you to know those things that belong to the Father only but you will receive power after the Holy Spirit is come...
That wasn't their expectation... While still talking with Him, Jesus laverated before them until He went into the cloud. They were shocked, gazed and couldn't move...
He will come back out of heaven in like manner... He just ascended before their eyes. They went preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God. Let me remind you of something that happened... Jesus had a dialogue with the devil called the temptation...
Luke 4:5 All these power will I give thee... They're delivered to me...satan was exercising his authority given to him by Adam. The first Adam. Eve was deceived, not Adam. Adam lived in the farm and was right there when the serpent beguiled Eve. Adam wasn't deceived but Eve. Eve had not been made when God gave Adam the instruction.
Adam should have forbade Eve. Adams transgression was different.
1 Timothy 2:14 Willful disobedience. Treason. He gave his authority and power to Satan. That's where Satan got his authority over the world. Satan gained his higher authority.
2 Corinthians 4:4 God of this world. He controls people's minds. People who don't believe in Jesus. He sends thoughts into their minds.
He was a fallen angel that control many Angels that fell with him. He gained a higher authority from Adam.
Luke 4:8 Jesus responded with God's word. What Adam ought to have done but kept quiet. Genesis 3:17-19... God said curse is the ground... Man's trouble started there. But Jesus responded with the word. Quoting what God said... That's how Jesus defeated the devil.
There were several other encounters. The most important was when Jesus went to hell... This is so important.
Colossians 2:15- NIV Disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in Him. In Jesus. God was in Christ making it happen...
He spoiled, take over, stripped them of their armour. That's powerful. To put off from yourself... Threw them off of himself. That's amazing. He disarmed them and left them helpless. Public spectacle. Others saw Jesus defeat the devil. This is big. He defeated them. So...
Look at Jesus, he worked three and half years here on earth and exercised authority in His Father's name. He's here as the second Adam... He had to first the first Adam... You've got to fight and defeat the strong man before spoiling him.
Adam lost it by freewill and God recognises willful transactions. That's how the whole world increased and multiplied in sin in their fallen nature.
God sent Jesus to restore the kingdom. He defeated the devil but that's not enough...
When God was taking the children of God to the promise land, he said He will not drive away the nations... The beast will eat them... Satan could stir the beast against man...
As Jesus left, He had only eleven disciples and a few others... They were outnumbered. He told them to move fast from where they were persecuted. The defeated demons where in the spirit. He send his disciples but told them to wait for the Holy Spirit that will help them.
They understand Jesus messag
Your LoveWorld Phase 7 Day 4 Prophecy from Pst Chris~2173
"There are blessings in your home right now. Right where you are. God's angels are present with me and things are happening, good things are taking place right now.
In the realm of the spirit, the ministry of angels is happening right now. Good things are happening! Favour! Favour is being distributed (right now) 2x
It's a moment of divine favour 4x
I am telling you, a moment of divine favour. I prophesy to you, there is a moment of divine favour is taking place right now, right now!
Oh hallelujah! Oh glory to God, just lift up your hands in praise and thank Him. It’s a moment of divine favour. Something is happening about you, something is happening that concerns you and its good
In the name of Jesus Christ, it is bringing PROMOTIONS, INCREASE OF BLESSINGS. Something is happening to you, glory to God. Hallelujah, it’s in your interest, the power of God.
You got a testimony! A testimony for your home A testimony for your family A testimony for your life. A testimony, the angels of God are with me right now! Something is happening, glory to God, oh thank you Lord Jesus.
Speaking in tongues and praises to God
Gods people have the upper hand! Gods’ people have the upper hand. Oh glory to God in the name of the lord Jesus.
The forces of evil are subdued, glory to God, hallelujah!
There is no enchantment against Jacob. No wisdom against the Lord.
Speak in tongues and praises to God
The yoke is destroyed, the yoke is destroyed, the yoke over Gods church is destroyed in the name of the Lord Jesus. The yoke is destroyed because of the anointing.
Oh hallelujah, the limitations are broken, they are shattered in every nation in the name of Jesus Christ.
The yoke is destroyed, the restrictions are destroyed by the power of the Holy Ghost in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh hallelujah! Thank you Lord Jesus
Speaking in tongues and praising the lord
We have overcome the world and its fears, we have overcome the world and its deceptions. Oh glory to God.
Thank you Lord Jesus! Hallelujah
You’re blessed! You're blessed! You're blessed! You're blessed! Thank you Lord"
Please share with all your contacts
Your LoveWorld With Pastor Chris.~2174
Phase 7, DAY 5.
You Are A Mystery!
Pastor Chris started today's meeting with number six description of the Church. The church is the body of Christ. This is really really huge...
Below is the note I was able to capture which you are free to share with everyone...
A few things you need to write down and meditate.
The church is not an organization but an organism. The truth that will revolutionise your life. Everything will change. The church is a living organism. We don't mean that it is a body of people. That's not what the Bible mean as a body of Christ.
For a long time I wanted to know what doctors knew about the human body and their limitations... I researched their understanding of the human body and realised that that is where the original limitations came from...
Definition of the human body...
What is on God's mind...
Pastor Chris Definition of the human body...
The human body is complex combination of cells, molecules structure and expression to the (will be edited subsequently)...
There's a human spirit. God has given every seed it's own body. That's very very enlightening. Now we're talking about the body of Christ. What's the body.
Two very important points...
Move back to yesterday...
What Jesus came to do... He came with a message... The kingdom of heaven is at hand...
The Jewish people understood. Both John the Baptist and Jesus brought the subject of repentance. They thought that being heirs of Abraham was enough. There were things they didn't know.
You get into the kingdom of God by inheritance. It's not the kingdom of flesh. God is the father of spirits, not flesh.
John the Baptist baptised unto repentance but that Jesus will baptise with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Repentance wasn't enough...
Jesus says there's more. Nechodemus asked Jesus about it and Jesus explained that except a man be born again, he can't enter the kingdom of God. He questioned how... That which is born of the spirit is spirit... You've got to be born again.
That which is born of flesh is flesh... Marvel not that you must be born again. Whose got to get in? How are they going to be born again? How Will it happen...
He kept preaching... How Will it happen. What shall I do to inherit eternal life. How do you get it? The works of flesh will not take you there. He kept directing them to their hearts. Of course when it finally happened, the began to understand...
The works of Israel... How far can they go with God.
Romans 9:30 Law of righteousness... That's what they expected... Stumbling stone... Wow, they stumbled...
Romans 10:1 Paul bore them record... Ignorant and wanted to establish their own righteousness. It's a submition... Christ is the end of the law for righteousness.
The end product... The law for righteousness leads you to Christ...
They couldn't attend it. They've been away from God. This is what Hosea said...
Hosea 3:1-5 NIV This was a prophetic message for the children of Israel. Though it was in the life of Hosea... For a long time without king, without sacrifice. They'll be carried away. It concerns the rejection of the Messiah.
Hosea 4:17 Ephraim is joined to idols, leave him alone.
Hosea 5:15 Return to my place until they acknowledge their offence says the Messiah. Messiah came and had to leave. Look at this. This is heartbreaking... And seek my face... In their affliction they will seek me early...
This was the rejection. Messiah came but they rejected Him. The son of man will return where he was before. The son of man is Zion.
Matthew 23:37-39, 24:1 Here's Jesus, he's rejected and he weeps over Jerusalem. They turned down his message. You shall not see me hence forth. And Jesus went out and departed from the temple...
Fulfilment of I'll return to my place. What happens when Jesus walks away...
You know when the ark of God was captured, the glory departed... They delivered Jesus to the gentiles.
He walks away from the temple until they say blessed is the name of the Lord... When? I'll show you...
Hosea 6:1-3 This is so powerful. Those two d
The Church Is Christ
Pastor Chris continued the meeting today with the seventh description of the Church... Wow... Wow... Wow... Amazing words....
Below are my notes and I encourage you to share with as many people as you can reach. Freely have I received and freely share I with you...
I'll like to welcome you to today's programmer. The word is given to you to live. You've got to use it. God said that my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. The lack of knowledge. For example, with respect to what's been happening to the world in the last few months, there are people that are ignorant and all they know are what they hear on the news. They can't even tell what's true or false. They rely on the news media. They are the real victims. I give you references from the bible you can research on your own.
There are... Maybe I should read something to you here... In life, you have to make important decisions... God said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Search the scriptures. Aware knowledge. You can't afford to be ignorant of Gods word. He told us to study so that you can have information. Make your own research.
We are now in the period where people are paid to lie to you. There are people whose jobs are to lie to you everyday. That's happening on the internet today. To misinform you.
I have a lot to talk today... I'll leave those till tomorrow. Don't take information that's out there... Whose funding it, in whose interest, whose talking... There are people who will not tell the truth because of gain. Who is deceiving who? You can't know if you're not committed to knowing the truth. Hitler had family members and yet he destroyed millions. Those with him had family members. Those who killed Jesus also had family members.
It's not enough to say I know this person... The isolation centers that can be turned into concentration camps and extermination centers.... I know those that are there is not enough...
Let's go to where we left yesterday...
The church is the body of Christ... More than a gathering... God has extraordinary plan...
1 Corinthians 12:12-14;27
You are members in particular. Have their respective positions. Definite description. Read it from the Amplified version... With his own place and function. The Lord puts us in the body as it pleases Him. This is huge. I really love this. You are the body of Christ and members in particular.
We give substance and structure and expression... To our glorified and ascended Christ...You don't see him but see us...
We are His limps...
Ephesians 5:30
We are members... Definite parts through which the body performs its functions... Moves are performs its functions. Except we realize where we are, we will not function how he wants us to... The millennial reign of Christ is not directed to the church but Israel. We will be there with the Lord. We are like Him, getting others blessed, not getting blessed but helping people. We've had our time. We've had two thousand years to operate.
One thousand years of peace is directed to Israel, the life God has given us is for amazing glory. We will not be overcoming anything then. Overcomers now will be rewarded then. The time to use His name against evil forces is now, not at or after the mellininm. In my name shall the cast out devil when will you use it? It's not then.
You have to understand what God expects. There's a greater life than trying to use the name of the Lord to get something for yourself. Life can be bigger than that. It's not a struggling church. Get the knowledge and wisdom of God and take your place and do big things.
We are members of His body, flesh and bones... Oh God, what does this mean, can you comprehend this...
I'll preach everything before I tell you what number seven is...
We have to work in the blessing of the Lord... Israel will work in it then...
Luke 15:12-31
He divided into them, his living. It was a gentile country. They rejoiced. What a day... All thine that I have is thine. What's this story about? We've used to preach to sinners... It's
Money Shouts But God Shouts Louder! Get Ready To Shout On June 26th!!!
Pastor Chris wrapped up the phase seven of the special meetings we've been having with him. Boy, what a meeting! Thanks a million Pastor Chris Sir. I love you beyond words.
Below are my notes which you're at liberty to share with others...
What we are studying about the church is so much needed... A whole lot of people beginning from those in church don't really know what the church is and you can't live to your potentials with that. There's a lot the church can do.
What I'm sharing with you are not religious talk but realities. I want to take you to a couple of verses we've read... As a reminder of the life we should have and what God expects...
Ephesians 6:10-15
He's writing to those in church... Be strong in the lord and the power of His might. What we can do in Christ Jesus now we are in Him. Who are we in Him. What we can do in His might, not yours.
Put on all the armour, you're the one to put the armour on. The whole armour. This is what can happen and what you can do if you do so.
He's letting you know that you're engaged in a warfare and it's important you know. You may not be ain a fight but you'll be in war. You've heard about the Cold War amongst nations. We're engage in a war but not fight with these forces. In Cold War, nations try to undo each other. They're wrestling though their intelligence agencies, etc.
Incidentally, our warfare is a hot one, not cold one. He described the forces we are against, the highest forces in the earth realm. Rulers of evil forces that control all the forces. They function in the world. And then you have those in the heavenly realms.
I gave you several scriptures of those controlling the deep states that control bodies and nations, they're are non state actors. Control large organisations and the most money and use such dark forces. Money amplifies characters. They do what the rulers of the dark forces want.
I showed you in the bible who they are. What kind of spirits they are.
Ephesians 6:12
High places, heavenly realms and thrones. They control these other powers. They usually don't possess human beings, that's for rulers of darkness. These are the ones that operate from the heavenly realms. All of them are subject to Saran. They are all under them. He has a massive structure.
Luke 11:15
Beelzebub. Angelic beings are not a race, they don't multiply. The same evil spirits from the ages. Same ones. They said that Jesus was casting out Devils from the chief of Devils, Beelzebub.
This is his introduction...
2 Kings 1:2
Baalzebub is same as Beelzebub, it means lord of the flies. God of Ekron. The King sent to inquire from this Baalzebub.
Luke 11:16-22
Jesus is letting you know that Sagan has a kingdom that has structures. He got a spiritual kingdom. Casting out devil by the name of Jesus is a major part of the kingdom of God. Casting out Devils wasn't any thing new.
Casting out devil is a very important evidence if you do it in the name of Jesus. Jesus spoiled the devil in hell and defeated them.
Mark 16:17
In my name shall they cast out demons (Devils).
Luke 10:18
I saw Saran descend like lightening from heaven. He's not talking about him falling, but when Saran came down to take control over the empires. Read it from the Amplified version.... Like a lightening flash. He took his seat in pargamos.
Luke 10:19
I give unto you the authority, power and ability to rule over Satan and what he can do. That's why he used the term fall from the heavenly realms. Nothing shall by any means hurt you. These are the words of Jesus. He knows we are in a world where we have evil forces but says He give unto us power to deal with the power of the enemy and nothing will hurt us.
Understand what's happening. You have theses wicked forces that control... Thrones... Spiritual wickedness. Jesus came and paid the full price and these spirits have been carrying out illegal activities.
Those that should check them have been afraid of them instead
Your loveworld Season 2 phase 1
WEDNESDAY 1 JULY 2020~2255
Pastor is singing great is thy faithfulness. Because he lives Today we begin a new series of discussions and teachings, so we are in another season, And this is phase 1 of this season. I don’t know how many other seasons we are going to have. Something that the lord said to me very instructively, about bringing the word to you. Because he said your victory is in the word. That’s where it is. You need to have your attention, focus your attention, on the word. There’s so much coming from everywhere, but the adversary is defeated.
We are discussing the mystery of Christ. A lot of people don’t know about this. For example they shut down the congregations, so how will they know? Jesus had such challenges with the religious leaders of his day. Matthew 22:43-46. David said The lord said to my lord, and the Pharisees sang about it. Then Jesus said if David called him lord, how come he is his son? And they couldn’t answer him.
Christ is the English of the Greek kristos, which is from the Hebrew meshiach, which in English means the anointed. This is significant. Meshiacha means to smear, to rub, to anoint. Meshiach is used for the one that anoints. This goes for the blessing. You can only bless the one that is blessed. If you’re not blessed, the blessing won’t work. The anointed means the one consecrated by God, it has nothing to do with the oil. Get our book the oil and the mantle. When the oil is used, it is only symbolic. If God didn’t anoint you, it doesn’t matter how many bottles of oil has been poured on you. It won’t work. God makes a choice, and he anoints the one he chose, by the spirit. So the oil is used as a symbol of the spirits consecration. When this is done, it means symbolically, this one is chosen by God and is chosen to what God wants to do. 1 Samuel 16:6 Samuel went to Jesse’s house and was ready to anoint eliab. Let’s read.
1 Samuel 16:12 He was looking for the lord’s anointed, not the “would-be” anointed. Here’s an interesting thing, if David called him lord, how then did he call him his son. That means David had a better understanding of the Christ, than the Pharisees did. If David called him lord, what else might he said about this Christ. Seems he knew better than the Pharisees, so if I want to find out about the Christ, I would ask David and not the Pharisees.
Let’s find out what he knows: Acts 2:25-28 29 was Peter preaching, and he was preaching this on the day of Pentecost. Peter states emphatically that David was a prophet. Vs 32. This is remarkable, because here we see that Jesus did go to hell. And his flesh didn’t see corruption, means his body didn’t decay. So he went to hell but did not remain in hell, neither did his body decay. Vs 33. I love this, I wish I could take time to express this truth, who this Jesus is... Do you know what this is? I’m gonna have to come back to this, so I can explain it to you....let’s continue. Vs 34: the lord said unto my lord, remember that. He was talking about the Christ. He declared that this Jesus whom they crucified, God has made him both lord and Christ. Who was the anointed one supposed to be? He was supposed to be king. The messiah is king. They knew it. So he declares that God has made him both lord and king. He’s the anointed. Do you know what he charged them with? He charged him with killing the king. They didn’t know who he was. Now They’re hearing that this Jesus they crucified is both lord and Christ. He is the anointed one. This is something. We are talking about Jesus. We are not talking about some poor fellow who is looking for help from God. He is lord and Christ.
Let’s go to zechariah, here is what the prophet said Zechariah 9:9. The first thing that the Christ is king. He wasn’t a savior, having a crown. He is king having salvation. He is lowly, you’re not gonna see him, looking greatly dressed with regalia like the king. You’re not gonna see him dressed like Herod or Caesar. Think about he comes riding on a donkey. Some thought that he was going to come on
Your Loveworld
Season2 Phase 1 Day 2
Rev Chris Oyakhilome~2263
Have you burnt your bridges? Have you made up your mind? Couples of weeks ago, I told you that I wanted us to give some relief to ministers of the gospel who were in dire need. I wanna thank you because your response was very beautiful. By the time I made that announcement, I didn’t know that they were so many that were in such....a situation, in so many countries. Their conditions were so severe. I’m glad that the lord instructed us to do it. And that we did. I’ve seen several videos showing what we did, and I wanna thank the pastors and the churches, and ministries, and members of various churches, who stood up and helped ministers of the Lord, who were in need. When I saw those videos, which will be compiled and reports will be shown to you, just so you can have an idea, what we were all able to do together from different parts of the world; and the impact that we made. When I looked at those videos, I felt, I thought we should do it, just one more time; let’s do it again. While what we did was a seed, I feel that if we do it one more time, it will help them come out of the situation they found themselves. And remember, no one is gonna do it. It’s us. God relies on his own people to do his work. See. His relying on us to care. I’ve hardly heard anyone, ever made a call, to help ministers of God. I’ve never heard it. So we actually have to thank him for his love, for his care. So I believe he would like us to do it, one more time so that we can really help them more; and those that we have already helped, if we give them again, it will take them to a stronger position. And those of you who didn’t participate before, here’s your opportunity, okay. Maybe you forgot about it after we said it, but this is another opportunity. It’s very important. There are thousands of them. Thousands of ministers that required this assistance. So I’m glad we did it and we are gonna do it again. Hallelujah. We gonna do it again. It will be great, if we can put joy in the hearts of our fellow ministers of the gospel, and let them know that God hears their prayer. Pastor said he was praying in the spirit, just like we were all told to do, when the Holy Spirit told him, and actually showed him faces of ministers in need; and said we have to do something about it. And he brought it to us, so that we can do something. And while everyone was doing something, pastor said he made his own personal commitment to it. So we are going to do it again. Pastor said thank you very much for taking action. God bless you. Hallelujah. Now next thing I want to bring to your mind, in various nations we trust our political leaders, administrative leaders; whether you’re in an institution, you trust the leaders. That’s why, you think they’re in office. Whether they’re in government or in schools, whatever. People trust them to take decisions for them, so the people, the citizens trust their leaders to make decisions for them. But you feel really betrayed, when they make the wrong decisions knowingly. Or when they refuse to look into the right decisions, to make the right decisions. When we were small, we use to sing hallelujah, Jesus conquered the world, hallelujah satan you’re in trouble, the lord reigneth in this place today. Jesus asked the Pharisees, what do you think of Christ, whose is he? They said the son of David. Then Jesus said David spoke in the spirit, the lord said to my lord, sit down on my right hand, till the lord makes your enemies your footstool. And they didn’t know what to say to him. And they were the top religious extremist of the day. They really moved to the end. They said they are the ones that were loved by God. They loved to be praised in the crowd. Let’s how confused they were about Jesus. John 1:20-21 (the Jews sent priests and ask John who are you? And John said I am not the Christ). This Christ means the anointed. And the king was the anointed, the priest was the anointed. If John said I am not the anointed, it would be okay; but then there’s something ab
Be Drunk In The Holy Ghost!
The Mystery of Christ - 3
- It is a joint body. It is an oneness with the Lord. We are partakers with the promise. It is joint body. Praise God. This is very important. Ephesians 3:6.
The Jewish people didn’t know that there was a body that will be created. This is the mystery. The Messiah will come and build this body.
The announcement of a promise, not the promise itself. Partakers of the promise announced. It is a document, a message of goodwill and of a good to be done. That announcement of a promise in Christ, the gentiles will be brought in as co-participants.
That’s not why He came the first time.
The new man is a body… partakers of God’s promise in Christ.
It will be good if I show you… thank you Lord Jesus.
2 Peter 1:3-4 Hath given unto us… He’s given unto us all things through the knowledge of Him… exceeding great and precious promises… this is not the announcement of the promises… it is like a cheque. Something you can actualize right away. It has been backed and fulfilled and you can spend the money right away… not to be fulfilled in the future. Very interesting.
Peter is saying that it is a donedeal… we know because of what He’s already done. Paul calls it the earnest of our inheritance… He’s made a deposit for the property. When it comes to the glory, we are not participating… like being in the water, it’s not like sharing food, I take some, you take some… when we are swimming, I’m not swimming in my own water…
Contextual application of words… we are looking at this, you could use share, but, it wouldn’t fly, dissecting them for clear understanding…
Partakers of the divine nature, not properly defined in English. It means the God stock. God kind. From where the species hails. Divine is low for it, he is dealing with deity, associate of the God-kind.
Associates of the God-kind. Wow. Through these promises, we have become associates of the God-kind. He has brought us to His class. Romans 8:17. Jesus is the head of that body.
- The new body, the church, is design by God to house and display the manifold wisdom of God. … to display the manifold wisdom of God.… Ephesians 3:6-12… he is being gracious because he persecuted the church and wasted it… there is no least in the joint-body… the unsearchable riches of Christ. The church will made known to the principalities and powers the manifold wisdom of God…
If we, the church in the now are intended to make known the wisdom of God, what is God saying? Oh.. I read some of these things on my own and just cry and cry and ask Lord Jesus, how come you love us so much… did you ever read how the angels are looking at how God decided to live in us… God’s intend is for in this world, before we are glorified to make known to principalities and powers His manifold wisdom. How is this possible? I will tell you…
He filled us with wisdom… not by pouring wisdom… all of His wisdom is tabernacle in us. Take advantage of it. Be schooled in spiritual things. You are the light of the world. You are filled with the Holy Ghost and filled with wisdom.
1 Corinthians 1:29-30 You are the righteousness of God. Christ has become your wisdom. This is the vital resources of God in you through the wisdom of God in demonstration through the Holy Spirit in you.
Proverbs 8:12-30 I wisdom… he introduces himself… did you ever hear the voice of wisdom… listen to wisdom now… you cannot be wise and broke at the same time. Riches and righteousness… I was set up from everlasting from the beginning…
Read it from the Amplified version Proverbs 8:30
Who is this? The Holy Ghost. Everything was done by Jesus but by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is always the delight of the Father who protects the Holy Ghost. The Person of the Godhead we don’t see. He knows everything in the Fathers heart and reveals them to you. He is the wisdom of God…
1 Corinthians 2:6-13 Hidden wisdom. The Spirit searches all things. He is ready to reveal to you what the Father and Jesus WILL not tell you. He is that which proceeds f
Your Loveworld
Season 2 Phase 1 Day 5 05-07-2020~2278
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome
Pastor starts by singing “DOWN IN MY HEART”
What you listen to in life is important. Your life is a reflection of what you hear. Even more than that is your life will be the result of what you hear. What have you been listening to? Are you building your faith in God or is it in man?
If your life is about reading newspapers or the news, your life’s result would be confusion and emptiness.
I want you to take a look at this video, and see how the media is controlled. You think you’re doing good research, no! Otherwise a lot of things that we have told you, they would have researched it. (Video play out)
The news media about the COVID-19, get their scripts from the same source.
Let the wisdom of God, guide you. Bible says in the last days, perilous times shall come. This video was for those who have built their faith on the media and experts.
The character of man determines his actions. Whether a scientist or experts.
When there was a cholera in a country, did the people find out where it came from? When you have been told that there’s a pandemic in your country. Do you research where it comes from? When some people are offering you vaccines, you have a right to demand where it comes from? This boils down to the fact that some leaders that are trusted by their citizens are out for their own bellies. You have a right to question the decisions of your leaders. Leaders don’t own the country more than you. Don’t live like a victim. Don’t be afraid. Have no fear of anybody. Where are the Caesars and pharaohs of yesteryears? They died like the people they killed. Where is Hitler? In all this you will know that God is greater.
The numbers of the second wave of the pandemic, is as fake as the first one. The lockup is to weaken your immunity, so that you can be easily be susceptible to diseases; even the wearing of face masks. Can you use a mask for a long time, and not have a problem? Can you do social distancing and not have challenges? The goal is to reduce the world’s population. Why should we be subject to the dictates of other men, who have a vision to destroy other people’s lives?
Jesus said Search the scriptures. Satan wouldn’t want you to search or ask questions, they just want you to obey. Jesus allowed people to ask him questions, and he had the patient to answer them. He didn’t say I am God, why are you asking me questions.
We are discussing the mystery of Christ. We began sharing from the book of Ephesians, not because that’s where it is all stated, but because it is a good starting point.
Ephesians 3:4-6. This is remarkable. This mystery wasn’t revealed to men, but to his holy apostles and prophets.
Romans 16:25-26. He is talking about the same mystery of Christ, and how it was kept secret, but now is made known. The secrecy of this mystery was always on God’s mind. So Jesus wasn’t an after thought. He wasn’t brought up to solve the problems of the devil. It was always on God’s mind.
Colossians 1:24-27. Extraordinary! It was kept secret from ages and generations. That God intended to have a body that was joined to him. And he planned to have all things.
The Holy Spirit reveals the mind of God. You cannot know the mind of God without the Holy Ghost.
1 Corinthians 2:9-10. The spirit is beyond the understanding of man. Who is the Holy Spirit. He is that which proceeds from the father.
Whenever Jesus speaks, listen to what he says is continuous, past and present; because Jesus is God. What he says is.
He said the Holy Ghost proceeds from the father; not proceeded from the father.
The father doesn’t get off the throne, because he is too big. But if he wants to do something, he moves out from himself, and goes to where he wants to go. And while he is doing a work in a place, he isn’t diminished, in power or totality. And the father isn’t diminished at all. The spirit also does things independent of the father. By the Holy Ghost, the fat
We Are Seated Together With Christ In The Father's Seat!!!
The Mystery Of Chris Season 2 phase 2
Tribute To Dr. Morris Cerullo
Ephesians 1:9-11 Dispensation here could be stewardship, administration, etc. .. Gather all things in Christ. God's plan was to bring all things in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17. Were baptized into one body, the body of Christ. Acts 11:16 is misunderstood. When you are born again, you are born into God. The second experience is being received into Christ. Drinking the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:13... That's the baptism of the spirit. Drink of one spirit.
Born again is being received into Christ. You're recreated in Christ Jesus. Then you receive the Holy Spirit. They can happen together like on the day of Pentecost. It's good to know the truth.
When Jesus breath into them and told them to receive the Holy Ghost. That wasn't when they were born again... Jesus ascended twice... He hadn't been glorified then. He went to God as our High Priest and later on came and said all hail. He said touch me after doing what He went to do.
He is got to claim the kingdom and seat at the right hand of God. Before then, He wasn't glorified then. He opened their understanding by breathing on them. They were born again when the Holy Ghost came as Jesus Christ promised. The coming of the Holy Ghost is the prove that Jesus had arrived with the Father...
The mystery of Christ...
Ephesians 3:3-8 Gentiles coming to Christ and receiving salvation. The mystery is that God will create a new body with the Jews and Gentiles being brought into same body but that was God's plan. Revolutionary. Fellow heirs and par takers of His promise in Christ. Unsearchable riches of Christ.
John 14:1- Jesus had been describing very disturbing things before here... That's why He said "let your heart not be troubled...". In my Father's house are many mansions.... Mansions here refer to dwelling places, a place of rest... Rooms... Bulldozers are not working there... No, the works were finished from the foundation of the world. The works were finished.
What is Jesus going to prepare that wasn't there before. There was no Jesus that existed outside the Father before He was born. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the father. Jesus was the spoken word of the father. The only time he was separate from the father was when the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us...
Jesus was coming back to heaven for the first in a body. The Father never left the throne... Here He comes... Lift us your heads oh ye gates... The everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in... The Lord mighty in battles... He just finished defeating them in a battle and He spoiled them and rendered them helpless. Thank you Lord Jesus. Jesus was victorious in hell... He said all hail and they were hailing Him...
He goes into heaven and He is given an amazing place, not a place besides the Father, He gets the Father's throne. Oh hallelujah. So, I go to prepare a place for you... What's He talking about.... It's all for you... Getting the Father's-seat was all for us...
John 14:2- What's this place... He got us a place in heaven.
Hebrews 9:24 To appear in the presence of God for us. We are well represented in heaven. He is there in my name. We are here in His name and He is appearing in His presence for us...
Ephesians 2:2-6 Quickened us together with Christ. Made us alive in Christ. Made us seat together with Him. We are seated together with Christ on that seat. That's where our authority comes from... This is so huge.
John 14:3-6 Where I am, there you will be also. This is not His second coming or the rapture of the church. Let the scripture interpret scripture. It could be double reference, but let's stay focus.... Let's see what it is referring to... I am the way... You listen to Jesus with your spirit, not with your mind. Truth is spiritual, not mental. It's absolute.... He's going to the Father, He gave us a destination...
John 14:7-12 If you have known me, you should have known my father...
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome
Pastor starts the meeting with the song “Let the church, say Amen”.
Pastor welcomes us to today’s program.
Ezekiel 22:30 God’s purpose. Sometimes, some of those things were acts of judgment from God; and there was no way to stop. And the people thought they happened, because God planned. There were times God planned to judge a nation, or a people; all God needed was someone to stand in the gap.
For a long time, Satanists predetermined what they were going to do in our world, they leak it out and make it look like some form of predictions. To some point, people thought them to be prophets. Just like what has been happening. They planned them, and when executing, they made it sound like predictions. No! They were modeling what they planned. Now, in the past, their plans are fruitful, because the church was ignorant. But it’s different now.
Ezekiel 22:30. God wanted to punish that land, for their wickedness. All God wanted was for a man to intervene, but he found none. They deserved it, but God wanted someone to intervene, and there was no one. So the plan happened.
There were things that should happen, and we have to intervene. We are intervening in this situation; that’s what we are doing by praying.
Pastor said the spirit of God was talking to him about something, a few days ago. He said a great upheaval is coming to the world, that the nations of the world will be shaken Do you know what big trouble is? These governments toying with the church of God should wake up and get some sense, because they don’t have much time to mess around and act like the church doesn’t matter. They better act now; because the trouble coming cannot be controlled by any government. And it’s not based on their plans. There’s big trouble that will shake up governments, bring down governments, destroy economies; Including those who planned all this, they will fall into it. No escaping! All it takes is a little spark and the nations will be uncontrollable.
Few days ago again, the spirit impressed on him, and he had to write it down. Pastor said he is asking us to pray because it doesn’t have to go in that direction.
We will have one of two results: to get this thing under control and men acting wisely; waking up to realize it’s been a deception; or else letting the deceivers convince them That their way is better, and victimizing God’s people, and there will be a major shaking like this world has never seen before. But in all this, the people of God...even in the church, there is a major shaking, like tremors. A distinction between who know Jesus and those who don’t. Some ministers have preached Jesus for so long, and they don’t know him. Now it’s a better know to know him deeper, his plans and his purpose.
For those who are tired of hearing these things, feeling like everything should just end. Don’t deceive yourself. The world doesn’t run like that.
1 Thessalonians 5:14. Paul knows certain type of people that can be found in the house of God, the church. You can find the unruly, the feeble minded, the weak. The word feeble minded is from the Greek word ‘oligopsuchos’ which is a compound word which means ‘small heart’ spiritless. There are those in high spirit and those who are spiritless. They’re feeble minded, they’re not exercising their faith, they’re not being militant. When you got born again, you were brought into a military life. So you’d better wake and carry out your duties.
2 Timothy 2:2. Not everyone is qualified to teach others. How have you lived it? The life of faith is to be lived.
vs. 3: there is going to hard times, so you have to be tough. There are no civilians in God’s army.
vs. 4: stop this weak thinking. If you don’t do something, things will not change. Old or young, you have a rule to play. Your voice matters to God. You can’t lie down and play dead. Necessity is laid upon you. There’s something in your spirit, that would Not let you be a sissy. When you were born again and received the Holy Spirit, you were drafted into an army. We wres
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome
Pastor starts the meeting with the song “Let the church, say Amen”.
Pastor welcomes us to today’s program.
Ezekiel 22:30 God’s purpose. Sometimes, some of those things were acts of judgment from God; and there was no way to stop. And the people thought they happened, because God planned. There were times God planned to judge a nation, or a people; all God needed was someone to stand in the gap.
For a long time, Satanists predetermined what they were going to do in our world, they leak it out and make it look like some form of predictions. To some point, people thought them to be prophets. Just like what has been happening. They planned them, and when executing, they made it sound like predictions. No! They were modeling what they planned. Now, in the past, their plans are fruitful, because the church was ignorant. But it’s different now.
Ezekiel 22:30. God wanted to punish that land, for their wickedness. All God wanted was for a man to intervene, but he found none. They deserved it, but God wanted someone to intervene, and there was no one. So the plan happened.
There were things that should happen, and we have to intervene. We are intervening in this situation; that’s what we are doing by praying.
Pastor said the spirit of God was talking to him about something, a few days ago. He said a great upheaval is coming to the world, that the nations of the world will be shaken. Do you know what big trouble is? These governments toying with the church of God should wake up and get some sense, because they don’t have much time to mess around and act like the church doesn’t matter. They better act now; because the trouble coming cannot be controlled by any government. And it’s not based on their plans. There’s big trouble that will shake up governments, bring down governments, destroy economies; Including those who planned all this, they will fall into it. No escaping! All it takes is a little spark and the nations will be uncontrollable.
Few days ago again, the spirit impressed on him, and he had to write it down. Pastor said he is asking us to pray because it doesn’t have to go in that direction.
We will have one of two results: to get this thing under control and men acting wisely; waking up to realize it’s been a deception; or else letting the deceivers convince them That their way is better, and victimizing God’s people, and there will be a major shaking like this world has never seen before. But in all this, the people of God...even in the church, there is a major shaking, like tremors. A distinction between who know Jesus and those who don’t. Some ministers have preached Jesus for so long, and they don’t know him. Now it’s a better know to know him deeper, his plans and his purpose.
For those who are tired of hearing these things, feeling like everything should just end. Don’t deceive yourself. The world doesn’t run like that.
1 Thessalonians 5:14. Paul knows certain type of people that can be found in the house of God, the church. You can find the unruly, the feeble minded, the weak. The word feeble minded is from the Greek word ‘oligopsuchos’ which is a compound word which means ‘small heart’ spiritless. There are those in high spirit and those who are spiritless. They’re feeble minded, they’re not exercising their faith, they’re not being militant. When you got born again, you were brought into a military life. So you’d better wake and carry out your duties.
2 Timothy 2:2. Not everyone is qualified to teach others. How have you lived it? The life of faith is to be lived.
vs. 3: there is going to hard times, so you have to be tough. There are no civilians in God’s army.
vs. 4: stop this weak thinking. If you don’t do something, things will not change. Old or young, you have a rule to play. Your voice matters to God. You can’t lie down and play dead. Necessity is laid upon you. There’s something in your spirit, that would Not let you be a sissy. When you were born again and received the Holy Spirit, you were drafted into
Your Loveworld with Pastor Chris Season 2 Phase 2: Day 2~2313
Eze 22:30-31
The leaders should take their hands off the church or something is coming that will shake the world.
1 Thessalonians 5:14 Comfort the feeble-minded. When you're born again you weren't born into a civilian life, you were born into a military life. 2 Timothy 2:1-3 Somebody knows something doesn't mean he's qualified to teach others. You've got to be tough. Stop the weak-minded thinking. You've got to make the change. Your voice is important to God; You've a role to play. We've got just 1 of 2 results to get this thing under control. You've got something in you that'll make the world hate you (Jesus). We've studied more of what Jesus said, and Jesus didn't say we should be quite when we're oppressed. There are things you do to Christians now there'll be war. Any weapon they can hold we can hold. Times have changed
The Vaccine is an inoculation (Introduction of Micros, Germs, Viruses into the body). Most vaccines have been dangerous to Human beings. When you say you want to get vaccinated you should know that it's not a medicine they're putting in your body. And when someone volunteers to be a vaccinator they signed an agreement with the government not to be liable of any harm that comes to the one being vaccinated. The good news about the vaccines is that there's no scientific proof that the vaccines cured any sickness.
Before now you could go to Google and get right information but now they're paying people to support their agenda. If there's anything you can learn from this is Deception; it's coming again *The Lockdown, Facemask, and Social distancing works for one purpose (Distruction of the Immune system). Because the Human immune system will fight the vaccines so they brought ideas of what will kill your immune system.
People who have money are assumed to know something. Money is not wisdom.
They're giving more births because they have less means😂🤣. Giving birth is not a moral problem.
We all assume that everyone likes the good of their country, but not everybody loves their country. But the truth is; If you don't love your country you cannot love the world.
There are solutions to population increase, not vaccines. When people are rich there's less births. People are rich doesn't mean they think big or do big things.
THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST When you received Christ what did you get? Do you realize?. Even some preachers don't know. It's either this Christianity is True, Real and Pracrictical or throw it away. Without the Supernatural Christianity is another dead religion. The Christian must live the Supernatural life. There's a Christian Life to live.
John 14:3, 17:1,22-24. Jesus gave us His glory. Jesus loves us as much as the Father loves Him. Because of Jesus we have access to the very Throne room of the Father. Paralambano: Take you into myself in Association John 14:16-18-20
Many Christians aren't living the Christian Life, they're living the Christian religion (the outward life of what others say about Christianity). Christianity is God in man, Divinity at work in Humanity.
Hebrews 1:1-3 Jesus is the icon of the Father.
The Book of John was writing long after Matthew, Mark, and Luke. John 1:12-16 Ephesians 1:21-23 John 15:26 Hebrews 2:3-4, 4:12. The Holy spirit can be in many places at thesame time in specific ways (the ministry of the spirit). 1 Corinthians 1:27-30. Ye is the plural of You
You're not an ordinary person, You're from God. 1 John 4:4 When you are born again your Human life is supplanted by the God life. 1 Corinthians 2:12. You don't just receive knowledge, you practice knowledge. You can Preach of Faith, Health and never walk in them; you need to walk in them. There's a difference between "I wouldn't catch the flu, and I don't catch the flu".
It's not a Faith thing, it's now a Knowledge thing.
3 Cardinal Gifts you got when you got Born again:
- Eternal life
- Righteousness
- The Holy Spirit What we got is for living.
Ordinary people can die of anything, but when you're born of God it can't hurt you.
Your Loveworld Specials
Season 2, Phase 2 Day 3 Rev. Chris Oyakhilome~2323
Opening Prayers by Pastor Lanre Alabi
Pastor starts with the song “JESUS, HAS ALL AUTHORITY,” Pastor prays and Exhalts the Lord Jesus. Pastor sings “Psalm 98”.
Pastor reiterates on the falsehood of the principle of population by Thomas Malthus.
What has happened in our world.. since Malthus, some have championed the population reduction; Bombarding everywhere with it. Giving the impression that cutting down population, should be the major assignment of governments in the future. And some have made it their life’s work, no matter what. That is a coverup, for Satan's plot to destroy man’s creation...and he uses those who are open to him. This was his plan for so long; and those who haven’t understood the danger of following this wrong voice, champion his cause.
Ecclesiastes 7:11-12. So wisdom and money are powerful; but wisdom exceeds the power of money.
Ecclesiastes 9:15-16. There are people who have solutions to the problems of the world, but because they don’t have as much money, they are deemed foolish.
If the governments of the world, were serious about finding solutions, they won’t defer to the money bags.
vs 18. It takes a selfish man or woman, to fund wars. Satan needs just one rich sinner to cause mayhem.
Most unending wars, and terrorism, are sponsored by people, who are benefiting from the wars. Even this vaccine issues, who is benefiting from it? Pastor reminded us that he told us that in July, there will be an announcement that they have found, miraculously, a new vaccine. And that’s what happening. Now, make no mistakes, the vaccines that would be sent around the world, aren’t going to be the same. The constituents would be different. Vaccines are supposed to be tested for a decade before being administered. But they are not going to do so. This, therefore makes these vaccines, very dangerous. Going back to the wars in the world. How are the weapons sent to those, who we are aware, can’t afford them. Weapons don’t kill people, the users are the ones that use the weapons to kill people. Now they are going to weaponize parliamentary bills, just like it happened in the days of Daniel. The laws were designed to destroy Daniel and those like him. The laws are being weaponized in different countries of the world.
Pastor reminds us that trouble is coming; and through prayers, we will avert the danger. And we won’t just leave things the way the perpetrators had left them, no we have to change things, if not the dangers of the days ahead, would be unbearable.
Vaccines, for so many, have the ability to cause abortion, because a lot of the elements, are from human fetus. That’s why some people are supporting abortion.
Dr. Fauci was asked a question about the mutation of viruses. He said yes they mutate, that doesn’t mean they change. If the reporter had pressed more, fauci would have apologized and recanted his statement.
We come to a very serious part of what is going on and how to respond.
Listen, depopulation is not a way to control the surge in population; When people have more money, and more education, when they live better, they have less births.
(Pastor shows an article from the BBC, on the rate of fertility, in rich countries.)
What about Africa? What they are saying to Africa is that the vaccine that would be given to Africa would be different from those given to the rest of the world, because it has been proposed that the population of Africa would drastically increase by three times what it is, in 2100.
(Pastor then shows us a video clip, that depicts the depopulation of the African continents is the agenda of the Gates foundation, and the foreign policy of the UNITED STATES. In the United States, the vaccinations would start with the blacks, then the Native Americans, and then Africa.)
So African leaders, need to be weary and careful of all the traps, that have been set for Africa by these individuals.
The plan is to alter the human genes; and through the vaccines, the introduction of other genes, likely thos
I am The Vine, Ye Are The Branches... So Powerful - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (PhD, DD)
The Mystery Of Christ
Season 2, Phase 2, Day 5
Song... It is so good to trust in Jesus... Song... Greater is He that is in me....
Hallelujah... The One inside me is greater... Greater.... You're of God little children. All things were created by the word. The word can change anything. It all came from Him. Hallelujah.... Precious Father thank you for your grace and kindness... Thank you for everyone that's listening. Thank you for taking charge of their ears and their minds...
Let's take off from where we left off yesterday. I'm helping you to learn the word and to let you have it in your heart and in your mind. This deception that's going on, they're not advancing. The first vaccination for the whole world will fail. It's a failure.
1 Corinthians 2:6- Their wisdom come to nothing. I can show it from other versions of the Bible. The Amplified version... Their being brought to nothing. We are God's battle axe and weapons of war. You can see already... They're doomed to pass away. Talk about them like the word says... Greater is He in me than he that's in the world.
In the church age, God didn't give any governmental structure the power to control the world as long as the church is here. Only what we allow will take place. We've disallowed what they're doing. It can't be. God gave me the authority that's why you're hearing me. I'm not doing this by my own power or authority. These words I'm sharing with you are by the spirit of God. It's His will to be so. When I pray, I pray the will of the Father. To execute the will of the Father. I've taken up a long time ago, His will and desires...
Let's begin...
Romans 3:24-25 Freely... Dorian, without cause... Being justified without cause by His grace. You didn't do anything to make it happen. You were born justified when you were born again.
Romans 4:24-25 Raised from the dead for our justification. Jesus was born again when he was raised from the dead. That's where the church came out of. From His resurrection, not from the cross. He came up with a new life. Everyone of us who believe in Jesus was resurrected with him. You are a new species. A new kind of life has started. Now that you're born again, you've got no past.
You were born a new creature without a past that died with Jesus. Everyone died in Jesus... By His resurrection all men should have life... Listen hard... The legality of Jesus death... When He died, everyone died.
2 Corinthians 5:14-19 It means everybody died. The whole world died. When God raised Him up, the whole world was given life, it's not just for Christians. Reconciling the whole world unto Himself. Jesus paid for everybody. That's the gospel. Tell everybody. Eternal life is available. That's the legal aspect. When you believe it, it's activated. That's the vital part.
Imagine you understood that...
Romans 4:25 Justification means to be acquitted, not forgiven. We are Bronson's and children of God with rights. We are joint heirs with Him. Acquitted, declared not guilty...
Many think that we received our salvation is about Jesus paying for our sin... That's the babyhood level. That's not the recreated man. When you're born again you're the result of the salvation. The new creation is the mystery. Nobody thought it possible. Inside the field was the treasure. That's very important.
If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord, something bigger than salvation happens. It includes so much. When you receive Christ, you receive eternal life. You're recreated and his living temple. Then the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you. You're now the temple of God. The prophets didn't see that. That the Holy Spirit comes to live in you. A vital living tabernacle of God.
Romans 4:25 We have been made righteous. You're declared righteous.
Romans 5:1- Being declared righteous by faith. This is a legal thing. It's a legal righteousness. Why? You're a new creature w
You're in Charge my brother. You're in charge my sister. Your hands are now the hands of Jesus - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (DSc. DD)
Mystery Of Christ
Season 2, Phase 2, Day 6
The best of all is God with us like John Wesley used to say. The announcement on how to assist ministers of the gospel.
Isaiah 5:8-10 Woe unto those that join house to house.... There are those that are taking advantage of those not as powerful as you. It's going on. Poorer owners are dispossessed for fraudulent reasons. They're relocated because you want to take over their lands to expand your own. It's not new.
The mass killing of poor people through different means... There's more than enough lands in the world. Why do we need to dispossess others to take what God gave them. Governments are doing so as well. When these poor people are fortunate to be left alive, they're left in squalor. Now, the deep states are claiming large space of lands.
The Lord is unhappy about many things that are happening. Jesus said, your sins are being measured. When your cup is full, God says He will act. This is now at the point where the Lord will act. Their cries are getting to the Lord. Villages are wiped out on fraudulent grounds. These people never live long in their fraudulent lands...
I was talking about Elisha. It was Ahab's son Elisha was addressing. Just in case you missed it. Ahab had 850 prophets. They took over the kingdom. The deep state had arrived. One day, Ahab came out and saw this beautiful vineyard that belonged to Nabboth, the owner. Ahab requested for it, but he declined because it was an inheritance. The king was unhappy and couldn't eat.
Jezebel sent letters to the chief men of the land. She set up Nabboth. These men didn't question it. The deep state had arrived. They got two accusers to bear false witnesses against him. Found him guilty, sentenced him to death and killed him, now they informed Jezebel who informed Ahab.
As Ahab stepped into the land, Elisha showed up and spoke up. That's what I'm asking these people today. Have you killed and taken possession? God is unhappy for these actions. The perpetrators, executors, collaborator, persecutors, desk officers, God doesn't spare. The story of the Doctor that was involved in harvesting foetuses for the vaccines... He denied and say it was his coworkers... You're a collaborator or desk or foot criminal. Lies, false accusations, denial of rights, these evil spirit of darkness, when they creep into government... Hope you can open your eyes and know those that are doing these... Who are those denying you rights... And possessions.
You have a right to health and protection. They're like those in Liberia asking people to choose to loose their hands... Short hand or long hand... They've got bad ideas. No solution. Asking you to choose either of your eyes. God gave you the two... Don't vote for someone because they're your friends or you've voted for them... They're denying you your rights...
I'm speaking to you because the spirit of God is taking action. These things are wrong...
The Mystery Of Christ
These are not sermons. They're God's truth and what salvation means to us. Christianity is not a religion. Let's start...
Colossians 1:27 The mystery is Christ in you, the hope of glory. What does it really mean? It's not a religious talk. It's more than a mere talk.
Romans 8:9-10 What is meant by the Spirit of Christ. It's the Holy Ghost. If Christ be in you... He's talking about the Holy Spirit. Jesus had the consciousness of the Indwelling Holy Spirit. It's the Holy Spirit who created you and recreated you. He's your Father. That's wonderful. Jesus was the word made flesh. This Holy Spirit of God without measure became a God-man with the seven spirit of God. Anointed with the full spirit without measure.
The spirit of God is the spirit of Christ. You can understand the spirit of God dwelling in you. If Christ be in you... The spirit of God is God. The spirit of Christ is Christ. If Christ be in you... The spirit o
Opening Prayers by Pastor Deola Philips
Pastor starts the meeting with the song “JESUS, THERE’S JUST SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NAME.” Pastor Extols the name of the Lord, in prayer.
The kingdom of God is in your heart. What’s the Holy Spirit going to do in your heart. Remember, his altar is in your heart. His ministry is in your heart.
Romans 8:16-28(NKJV) All of creation is a certain condition, and they’re eagerly waiting for the revealing of the sons of God. Note that he didn’t say, “waiting for the manifestation of the son of God”, rather “waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God”.
Romans 8:21 The glorious liberty of the children, is what the creations are waiting to be delivered into. The only thing that the Christian is waiting for, in this time, or this earth, is the redemption of his body: the change, transformation and glorification of his body. This body is going to come from heaven. And we are told when it will happen. There will be a shout and the blast of the trump of God. The dead in Christ shall rise; and we that are alive, will be change. In an instant we will be changed, corruption being swallowed up by incorruption. But in this body, we are literally carrying the power and the glory of God.
2 Corinthians 4:6-7 This is resident in our physical body, right now: the glory of God in us, the life of God in us; we are the living tabernacle of God. Christ is alive in me. We are not waiting for the new body to come, for us to carry the glory of Christ in us.
The power inside us is extraordinary and great; and the fact that we are carrying it, means that it is not of ourselves, because this vessel is earthen. Why is this important? Because the church has transcended the babyhood level, and moving unto maturity. This is for the last generation, and we are the last generation.
Looking into some previous verses, starting from verse 3, you will notice something.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4, the word ‘WORLD’ is translated from the Greek word ‘AION’. It refers to the course of life, it refers to the age in which men functions. It refers to an era; the course of ones life. The systems and structures of that time. And the Bible says Satan is the god of this aion; means the systems and structures of this time, is that of God. God wants to understand what’s happening in the world. The systems and structures of this world, can never glorify God. These systems are never designed to deliver peace, no matter how hard they try, because they are created by the god of this world.
When Jesus said you’re are of your father the devil, he wasn’t referring to a Jewish thing. He was referring to those who are from God and those who are not. That’s why he said you must be born again. The world that doesn’t know God, cannot give you what God can give. They setup structures, for the which they want to do good, but it can’t happen because the one who heads the world and its systems, is the selfish one the devil.
There’s a struggle in the spirit, because Gods people are waking up. Satan has had a long time, acting like he runs the KOSMOS, but he only ran the AION of this world. There are many synonyms for the word WORLD, one of which is AION. And the usage of it, sometimes can be highly complicated and in varied applications. The only way to know is to understand the usage or reference, and also the context.
John 16:33 Here Jesus is talking the KOSMOS, which is difference from AION. And depending on what you’re communicating at the moment. The word can have varying and varied applications. So to decipher it, you need to understand application; whether in a narrow or a wider context. KOSMOS, refers to the natural order, the inhabitants, the world as a globe. The use of the word, could be used when you talk about the earth, or worldly kingdom, like saying the Egyptian empire or the Roman Empire; when it could be referred to as the world. Jesus is using a wider context, in referring to the world, in its wider order, natural order and all that is happening in it.
Your Loveworld with Pastor Chris~2364
Season 2 Phase 3 Day 1. Monday 27th July
Pastor sings "He is Lord". Pastor sings Thou art Worthy.
The Lord is gracious and kind All He's ever wanted to do was to bless us.
Kingschat-Ceflix We've Loveworld Extra in the weekend It's more
Deception has always been Satan's trademark. We have real data. People don't ask real questions, they ask foolish questions. When we tell them the truth they get angry; it also happened to Jesus. They bribed Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus. They also bribed the soldiers that witnessed the resurrection of Jesus to accuse the Disciples of Stealing His body. Fake news didn't start today.
The judgement is gonna decern on those who deserve it; because they love to be deceived.
There are children of Truth, and of darkness; If you're of darkness you'll hate Truth. If you have the desire for God He'll guide you.
I showed you researches
Some people get headaches because they sleep with their phones on their heads. Find out how close you sleep with your phone; keep it several metres away from you and turn off your WiFi. Have your smart metres relocated. Begin today and let me know after five days. I also told you about the importance of drinking water.
THE MYSTERY OF THE WORD The Mystery of the Word is Christ; but I want you to look at Christ from a different perspective. We can't rely on the support of the masses of the world; they've never supported us.
I want to show you how we're completely going to stop the thing. Now they're making ilegal things mandatory; the abuse of power.
Formal education came from the church; the Government hijacked it but don't know what to with it.
The deep-state, and the deep-church hates our truth; they only pretend to do what we do because they can't defeat us. Don't expect them to change. They love the Lockdown of churches. They never loved listening to God; their mind is their God.
The prince of Babylon is gonna come in the day of the Antichrist, after the rapture.
Isaiah 14:24-27(esv) Isaiah 30:30-31(kjv & esv) What is the voice of the Lord.
The best place to explain the word to you is from the book of John. John 1:1-9-14 Notice the tenses. He didn't say the "word is God" but "was God"; that means something happened to the word. Whatever happened to the word never ceased the shine. This light has something to do with everywhere. Nobody can honestly say there's no God, even the most hardened person somehow believes there's a God. "His own" in the scripture means "Privately owned". We need to understand John's message; He's telling us a story. God start from the Dateless Past and Dateless future (Everlasting to Everlasting). Make note of His side talks because they're very important. Read verses 10,11,14.
He gave Adam Dominion over the world, not ownership of the world; so He come to claim Dominion until He made a covenant with Abraham and purchased a particular people (Israel). Exodus 15:16 Psalm 74:1-2 Deutronomy 32:6
The voice of God is the Holy Spirit, the Word of God is Jesus. Voice amplifies the Words. The Holy ghost is the doer of the Trinity, the amplifier of the thoughts of God. When the Prophet of God spake to them it was God talking.
He came to His people in prophecy but because they couldn't receive Him He had to come in flesh. Jesus was Graceful and Gracious. John 6:48-63 Manner means "What-is-ness". The word continually proceeds from the Father. Any time you hear the word, the word is coming from heaven. Like I'm talking now and you're hearing from your home, the word doesn't originate from your home. The resurrection is the most important part for the Christians. The day you recognize the ascendance of God your life will change forever. The more you hear the word the more you digest it. The word created you.
Prayer of Salvation
If anyone threatening you, tell them they are too small. Do you know who is with me? - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (DSc., DD)
Go and look at it for yourself... (Lucifer are enzyme, implantable quantum dot micro needle vaccination system).
They used chloroquine to treat the Prime Minister of the United Kindom. They don't want you not to take it. You don't count. God is the only one who cares for us. Stop watching the news media that broadcast fear. When I went to South Africa, I spent many days studying about South Africa, read books and watched documentaries about South Africa. I cried everyday. I understood them in love before coming out to preach to them...
As I studied the apartheid and why it was so successful for the long time it did... They were the minority... I found one thing, they had traitors and snitches... Traitors have always been used by evil men.... Even the betrayal of Jesus, judas Iscarot. That's all the deep state and the deep church needs. That's what you have with these media houses... They know they are lying. It's all about the survival of the weak.
Look at what that woman said boldly... They don't want to be weak like judas that betrayed Jesus and got money and wanted Jesus to free himself. You just heard that lady that treated 350 Covid-19 patients that are living. They will say that the woman was mad, they said the same thing about Jesus. They always get a story and tell about her.
She was genuinely angry but very intelligent. Those around her knew she was sound.
Alright, there is a lot more. These social media platforms are sensoring the truth... I've got a lot to tell you... We will be praying by Friday. I've got to run...
Thank you Lord Jesus. Hallelujah...
The Mystery of the Word...
I'm discussing this for a purpose. God speaking from heaven... Many of you are bible scholars... I give scriptural referencing...
Deuteronomy 4:12 The Lord spoke to you from the midst of the fire... Verse 36... Out of heaven... Thou heard his word out of fire...
The voice of God that came from heaven but he's in the fire...
Genesis 3:8 The heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and they hid themselves... They heard his voice. They saw no form, the heard the voice walking and they weren't scared about the voice but about themselves being naked. And God called and Adam responded that he was naked... Or what a day... Oh... One that was in fellowship with God is now telling God not to come. He was ashamed.
What must that have been to Adam? Told God not to come... He was ashamed... Reminds me of a film years ago... Ben Hur... The scene where the leper... The family became leperpus and they told junior not to come because they were leperpus. Adam and Eve were in bad shape and told God not to come...
Are you hiding from God? You can't. He knows everything...
Then I took you to...
John 1:10-11 - It wasn't about Jesus but the word before it became flesh. It came to his own that he concentrated by covenant...
Jeremiah 7:25 I have sent to you my prophets... They did worse than their fathers... They didn't harkened... They obeyed not the word... Jeremiah 11:7... They obeyed not but walked everyone according to their own minds...
He spoke out of fire, sent prophets, yet they did t hear... Then, the word became flesh. The word was manifested in flesh, will they listen?
Isaiah 1:2-4 He nourished them but the rebelled... He came unto his own, but they received him not. Isaiah 52:10... The Lord had made bare his holy arms... Unveiled his holy arm... Isaiah 53:1-6...The holy arm is a man of sorrow...
I took that part, he was talking about Jesus...
Isaiah 52:10 In the eyes of all the nations.... Verse 13-15.. Showing you how he was in the world made by him, the world didn't know him. His own didn't receive him. He became flesh... Think what that meant. The word became flesh. The flesh, man word of God. John 1:14. That's Jesus. The word was born a baby, a human and started growing up. He hadn't become the voice of
Your Loveworld Specials
Season 2 Phase 4 Day 1~2411
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome
I want to welcome you today to a very special phase of this season 2. So much to thank the Lord for and learn from his word. So much to be done. The Holy spirit is leading us, guiding and helping us; Positioning us.
I want to begin today to touch on a couple of things.
Thank God for all the amazing things that are happening already around the world in the last couple of weeks. Thank God for the ministry of the Holy Ghost in our lives and through us.
The world is at a stage right now... for a whole lot of people, its like at a stand still. And many nations are waiting for those who told them to do nothing to stop their work; for those who destroyed their economies, to somehow provide for them a new direction. So you've got many countries, prime ministers, state government, city mayors, waiting to be told what to do next.. Because where they are now isn't where they we're planned it would go. They don't know what to do next about this situation.
Fact is, those who told you to stop what you were doing..have lost direction themselves.
There are people who are wondering 'is the world going to return to normal?'
My question is 'what's normal?'
You thought that was normal because you had been in it for a long time. Where we were before was not normal. It was a crisis; a fraud. Problem is, these same people who put us where we were before in that crisis, are the same people who want to take us to another crisis. But, the foolishness is over!!!
We are not going back to where we used to be, but we sure are not allow them to take us to where they want to take us.
Nations around the world found themselves hamstrung. We talk about state capture. Most of them never knew what state capture was. We talk about the deep state and a lot of people don't understand what the deep state is.
There are non state actors and fraudulent state actors who are in connivance. And what they do is to stay in a position where they are accountable to Nobody and control the states, countries and governments for their own ends.
Often they have private non government organizations, foundations,. Governments pay them to think for them. They are private groups that go by big names. You would think they were set up by different countries but they were not. Do your research. Don't just read newspapers. Don't become a product of their narrative. They tell you not to do research. They don't like you finding out anything.
These organizations go by different names. You would love to associate with them till you discover the wickedness behind their philanthropy which was a business all the while. They give you one and take ten.
Now many Governments have taken loans which they don't need to be able to pay these organizations. And all they trade is these loans. They give you loans for resources they took from you. But we are at a stage where the voices of those that know the truth are being silenced by those who are perpetrators and collaborators. (Desk supporters of this evil agenda).
Its time for the government not to listen to them anymore. Those groups are irresponsible and when you have a problem with your people, they don't care.
What the bible shows us is that God is behind government structures. What he wants is that such authorities must listen to him. When God puts a leader in authority he guides him. But if you decide to listen to the deep state, you will get in trouble with God for sure.
As Christians, we are supporters of Governments, but once a government is taking instructions from the deep state, we are not in support. We are On opposite sides
If you are a president, governor etc, go and purse your agenda for your state and country. Those you were listening to have no direction and they are irresponsible. They created the previous crisis. Governments must subject the information from these so called global organizations. Leaders should stop subjecting their authority to these people. Oligarchy makes no sense.
You are wise to not lis
Your Loveworld Specials
Season 2, Phase 4, Day 2~2422
Opening Prayer Session by the Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi.
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome
Welcome to today's program. We started yesterday and I told you this whole week is loaded. We will learn the word of God and be inspired, and empowered with it. And right away we will put it to work. Gods word on your lips is God talking.
I was telling you about God expecting us to set the new agenda. There are just some things you can't make up. When I spoke at the beginning of February, I told you how something was weighing so heavily in my heart as I came in for that service. And I told you about how God told Us to pray specially about the year 2020.
(Video play out of February Global Communion service)
The next seasons for the world would depend on our praying this year: It means the next course for the world; The new order. How things should go. Is God entrusting this to us? the answer is yes!
I told you yesterday those who shut down the countries don't have the solution. They were the cause of the previous problem. And they were using their influence to destroy the nations. They handed out scripts. Every country was saying the same thing.
How did they come about the stages? Because someone delivered them a script. Every country was following this cruel script that destroyed many lives.
Romans 13:1- V3: He's talking about political and government power. This is Gods standard. Rulers should be a terror to evil and praise those who do good.
V4: whether he is a Mayor, Governor, prime minister or president, he is a minister of Good to the people. .they are meant to stand against evil. But if they don't recognize that something is evil and they stand for it instead of against it, they are in collision with God.
God would get a Christian who received salvation to give salvation to the sinner. God gave the church the Honor of preaching the gospel. Same way, He gave the saints the Honor of executing Judgement over the forces of darkness. Jesus gave us power to use his name against satanic forces.
V5-7. Jesus also said 'Give that which is Caesar's to Caesar.
We understand that legitimate governments are backed by God. They are expected to do good but if they decide to serve the interest of the few foreign groups, then that Government has completely negated its purpose for being.
That's where God stirs his children. He starts first in the spirit; He cuts off their supply in the spirit.
Those people who were sending you all those scripts for your country, don't contact them again. They have stopped contacting you. The wisdom God has given you for your country, use it right. But if you won't, Then he is done with you. If you think those who funded you put you there, you are wrong. Cos you didn't have to be the one there. 1John 4:1
1 Sam 2:30- The Lord God is talking. Those who despise the house of God, despise the Lord and from henceforth, they will lightly esteemed in their cities. Because Honor comes from God.
They that despise shall be lightly esteemed
No, you haven't seen anything yet.
You remember when King Uzziah entered the temple of God to offer incense to the Lord which he was not supposed to do. The priests told him 'Don't do it. This shall not be to your honor'.
There are things that are not to your honor. Speaking roughly against the church and classifying them amongst others!! Ask those that were before you what it is like. So that you know you will not always be there.
When God gives you the chance to honor him, honor him.
I know some would say 'but the steps were taken to save lives.' Did you read the document? When you read that document z you come up with one thing: THIS IS EVIL. Its not hard to know.
There were leaders who questioned it. But before they could think, they were given offers they though they couldn't refuse and they did it anyway.
God needs Bold leaders!!
When we pray, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE with the Lord. He wants us to pray and birth the seasons we want to see. The world order that we want to see.
Jesus said 'whats
Your Loveworld Specials
Season 2, Phase 5, Day 3~2479
Opening prayer session led by the Esteemed Pastor Kay Adeshina.
Rev Chris Oyakhilome
Worship session: When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all He has done for me, my soul cries out to the Lord, hallelujah. Praise God for loving me.
Praise the Lord! Welcome to today's program. The unction of Gods spirit will help you not only to understand but to act on the word. To do what you must do. Hallelujah!
Yesterday we continued discussing some of the things we started on day one.. I said to you that the time is short. Whatever we must do, we must do Now. Serving the Lord is not optional really! That's what you have to do.
He created us for himself. We are the works of his hands. We belong to him. And he's not a tyrant. He loves us..and in serving him, you get better and greater. Its all for your good.
I started the first day to explain to you what time we're in. I'll begin from there.
Let me give you the timeline.
Hosea 6:1-2 Here is the timeline something of what I've shown you previously. (Diagram on timeline)
Daniel 9:25 TLB 483 years altogether. He gives a specific number of years from a certain point; when the messiah comes. V26: when Jesus died, His kingdom hadn't been realized. (This brings us all the way to the 69th week Then he goes on to tell us about a king that will come. Daniel doesn't see the space between the 69th and 70th week.)
V27: He explains what will happen in the middle of the 7 years; the breaking of the pledge.
Matthew 24:1.. After Jesus lamented in chapter 23, he walked out of the Temple and that Calendar of the Jews stopped. The prophet said 'I will return to my place until they acknowledge their transgressions'.
When does Jesus come back? Matthew 24:15-21 This period will happen from the middle of the 7 Years.. From then the world will witness the most troublous times ever seen.
V29-30 Immediately after the tribulation of those days is when Jesus comes. During the second half of that period, men will do whatever the Antichrist wants them to do after he has transformed into who he really is, instead of the man of peace that they thought he was.
Satan unleashes all of his power on earth during those 3 and half years. .. Thank God the days are limited to three and half years. So much evil will happen in this world. There will be no rest; no place to hide.
V30- Jesus shows up. Rev 19:11- in this revelation of John, Jesus is about to come out of Heaven to descend to the earth. We will come out with him clothed in white fine clean linen. As Jesus is descending, on the earth, A battle is raging... They would unite to fight Jesus and Us as we descend from Heaven.
V18: There will be so much death in that battle. They will be slain with the word of God. V20- The beast and the leader of the one world religion will be arrested.
V20:2. The beast is bound for 1000 years while we reign with Christ.
What happens after the 'Two days'?
2 Thessalonians 2:3 THE DEFECTION. Many will defect from the faith for many different reasons. V4: The beast opposes anything that is called God or that is worshipped. He isn't opposed to worship. He just doesn't want anyone else to be worshipped.
Whatever happens... Don't be deceived by anything... Because until you see these 2 things happen, the rapture will not happen.
The signing of the peace treaty is the sign we are looking for. Right after that sign...WE ARE OUT OF HERE!!!
1 Thess 4:16-17 The dead Christians will rise first, then we will join them. Not every Christian will die. (1Cor 15: 51-52)
That's the timeline for you and I hope you understood that.
Yesterday, I was explaining to you what's happening in our world and WHY it is happening.
When the founding fathers of the United states made their way their to Start a new life with a hope of getting away from the monarchies of Europe. What they expected was a great life, but they were not alone. It was a mixed multitude. Those who had a mind to serve God...and those who wanted to ensure they remained under the powers they wer
SEASON 2, PHASE 5, DAY 4~2497
Song: Christ is coming The king of glory. No more sorrow. No more weeping. Tell the story Among the nations Christ is coming By and By
No matter where you are today I want you to know he's coming soon. There are those who believe it and are waiting...there are others who don't believe it and so are not waiting for him. But he is coming.
We must live our lives as those who are expecting him. Its almost 2000 years since he's been gone. And to think that the words of the prophets about his coming are all being fulfilled before our eyes. Its extraordinary.
Today we heard that one more of those Arab countries is signing a treaty with Israel. Bahrain!!!
Except for those of us who believe the bible, these are unbelievable things.. But its happening. And its making some people mad. They are troubled. Not because they didn't want it but because of what they planned in its place.
When you really know Jesus, your worship and praise has meaning. Sometimes people sing a song because it's melodious. But God knows the heart. He knows you are jot singing it because of the meaning but because if whatever emotions it gets to stir within you
But with the Knowledge of the word of God, Your praise and worship is different as your prayer is different. Its based on a relationship. Remember, most people pray in all religions. But who are they talking to? What are they saying to him? What might be his response? This makes Jesus so different.
Yesterday, I was showing you the American dollar bill and we looked at the seal.. I want us to look at that seal again. Interesting! And remember I mentioned to you this unfinished pyramid on which the United states was founded as far as the Freemasons were concerned.
The Dollar bill: "Saeculi Saeculorum": age of the ages. Secular: Relating to doctrine that rejects religion and its considerations. ; devoted to the temporal world.
The short writing is seclorum which you have on the dollar bill... Which would mean "New order of the ages"
Meanwhile God has his own order for the ages.
Ephesians 3:20-21 Glory Goes to God Almighty by Christ Jesus Through the Church...not through a mix of religions. But the Church of Jesus Christ which is his body!!!
The church is not a conglomeration of religious groups. You become a member by being baptized into Christ after believing in him and confessing him as Lord. Being a member of that body...there is where the glory of God goes up to God. Throughout all ages.: from generation to generation. From age to age. (Saecolurum).
But the vision of Albert Pike and the Freemasons (and other groups like the illuminati) is the enthronement of the devil.
(The. church is more than a gathering. Be careful what you call a church)
I also gave you quotes from Mandy Hall. I gave you THEIR OWN WORDS.
We are that period that the Bible tells us. Imagine...2000 years so long...and we are coming to the climax. So. They are in a hurry and they understand what this is about in terms of life on earth.
One of their key plans is the destruction of nation states. I read to you from Albert Pikes vision of the world war and the plan yo destroy nation states. That's already in the works.
This Covid 19 provided for the globalists their best opportunity yet, to bring in the one world government. They literally crushed nation states to their own surprise. They were shocked at the full compliance of people all over the world. It showed them the power of fear which they have learnt to use for a long time. They've trained in it and built castles in it.
The next thing we knew, we had just a couple of men talking to the whole world about their idea on what to do. It doesn't really matter if someone is telling people what to do . but what matters is what's in their mind. The content of their speeches.
Today is September 11. A commemoration of the downing of the twin towers in the USA. Good planes were weaponized by wicked and evil men.
The question is not how good a thing is WHO IS GOING TO USE IT.
Your Loveworld Special With Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (DD, DSc).
Season 2, Phase 6, Day 1~2547
Isaiah 44:24-25 - The Message Translation
Colossians 2:1-3 In Christ, you have all the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge. God loves everybody. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He died for the ungodly. Christ died for sinners. If He so loved sinners and died for them, what could He not have given them.
2 Corinthians 5:14-17
Romans 5:6-10 God loves everybody, all men everywhere. While men were still wicked, Christ died for them. God wants everyone to prosper. To be healthy. He wants everyone to be vibrant and successful and prosperous. The bible shows us this. Amazing.
Go over to:
Psalms 33:4-5 How sincere GOD IS. All His works are done in truth. The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Why are many people poor? There are nations, cities, families that are poor. There are more poor people in the world than those that even have enough, not to talk about the rich. Why so?
I'll tell you. There's something most people ignore. I've studied why nations can be rich and why nations can be poor. The bible gives the most important information. Poverty doesn't just happen. It's not a result of laziness. There are more hard working poor people in the world than lazy rich people.
Laziness is not encouraged but that's not the reason many are poor. United Nations and their millinail goals... How sincere are they? How sincere are all these organizations? Some are government and others are private. How long does it take to destroy poverty.. How sincere are these poverty alleviation programs?
I'm not trying to get you against anyone. Will you look to man and their organizations to save man and their countries? Some financial big pockets to come together and help out? The reason for poverty is not far fetched.
The reason for poverty... It's not about protests... Have you done a research about the outcomes of these protests and revolutions that produced the right outcome. Not even the French Revolution. Was the status quo better! No. The revolution was hijacked. What's responsible for all of these.... The earth is full of the goodness of God.
What the bible shows us... If you want to understand the mind of GOD, LOOK at the scriptures. Study them. Start from Genesis. Read the stories. It will help you understand how God thinks.... How the Israelites wanted to be like the other nations... How the sons of Samuel became very bad and the Israelites wanted a king. Samuel protested. He told them God is their King and they shouldn't reject Him. They still wanted one, nonetheless...
1 Samuel 8:7- God saw it that the people rejected Him. They didn't like Gods ways. The sons of Samuel was just an excuse. Samuel warned them. God knew what the other Kings were doing to their people... Imposing taxes... Leasehold by the government or the crown.
Jesus asked who should pay the taxes, the citizens or the foreigners. He knew that taxation was a fraud. Some people think we shouldn't make comments about political issues, but Jesus did.
God told them that they will lose their lands and become tax payers....
Hosea 13:10-11 I will be thy King.... I gave you a king in my anger...
In the process of time, they had Saul, David and Solomon. Solomon had no wars. God could determine whether there will be peace or war. He foretold that Solomon was going to have peace. He prospered as long as he worshipped God. The whole nation prospered. He gives wisdom and knowledge for prosperity. Good leaders causes prosperity for their nations. The bad ones destroy prosperity.
1 King 4:20-25 The country prospered and everybody prospered. They did so all the days of Solomon.
1 Chronicles 1:15 The king made these prosperity possible.
2 Chronicles 9:20-27 Silver was nothing considered in the days of Solomon. The whole nation prospered. Everybody wanted to listen to Solomon.
When Satan inspires prosperity, it's always at the destructive expense of others. For God, it's for everyone. Poverty is caused by the manipulation of some clandestine groups that
👉The most important thing in a man’s life is to discover his purpose and fulfil it.
👉To not know one’s purpose, is to live an empty life.
👉The Holy Spirit was sent from Heaven, to help you discover God’s will for your life.
✍️ Develop a voracious appetite for the word of God, and you will be amazed at what the word will accomplish in you.
✍ We don't live for ourselves, we live for God, so we can't be defeated.
✍ You are born of the Word, doers of the word. We’re not just hearers. So as we live our lives, the word is manifested.
✍ Angels don’t take instructions from the flesh. They take commands from you when you speak spirit filled words and they go right into action.
✍️ Unless you receive the word of God into your heart and endorse it, it will not produce results.
✍ As Christians, we are only obligated to Jesus. We are excited to do his thing, and we always win!
✍ You know, demons are afraid of Christians who speak in tongues. When we speak in tongues, angels swing into action and put things in order.
✍️ We are the only once that are empowered to checkmate the excesses of satan on the earth.
✍️ Don't join yourself to a course without knowing who is leading the charge, so that you won't go ahead fulfilling satan's instructions without knowing.
✍️ Don't find yourself helping Satan to accomplish his purpose.
✍️ You can't follow any movement without leadership, you have to know who is calling the shots before you follow.
✍️ Don't follow good ideas, popular opinions or nice rhetorics, follow God's will.
✍️ The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strong holds.
✍️ We are not victims but we are victors in Christ Jesus.
✍️ When we pray, we enforced our victory.
✍ If you respect spiritual authority, then you can exercise spiritual authority. If you do not respect authority, you cannot exercise authority.
SEASON 2, PHASE 7, DAY 1~2566
Pastor Chris
Praise the Lord, Hallelujah I'd like to welcome you to today's program Its going to be wonderful. We will go on till Friday and everyday something very special will happen in your spirit. The Lord has designed our times and seasons.
We are not here by ourselves. We do not live unto ourselves but unto Him, Jesus Christ, For his glory. And when you live like that, how could you fail? Its impossible. We will never be defeated. Its impossible.
That's why I like that song: Greater is he that is in me x3 Than he that is in the world.
Hallelujah! The greater one lives in me.
He told us in the word. 1 John 4:3. He was so clear. The Antichrist spirit and the way he functions; the wicked things that he does. And so he told us in verse 4, Ye are of God little children and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
Nothing to fear! You were born of the word. You are the offspring of the word of God. The word cannot be defeated. The only Christian that can be defeated is the one that is not living in the word. to live in the word is to live the word. Your life becomes the word in manifestation. You are like Jesus. He was the word in flesh. Today, you are the word in flesh. You are born of the word. That's why he calls us doers of the word, not just hearers. So, as we live our lives, the word is manifested. Hallelujah!
Lots of beautiful things but because this is the first day of this phase, I'm going to try to begin slowly so I can get everybody on the same page, and then we take off.
As a child of God,you must cultivate a love/passion for Gods word. . David said 'I priced the word above my necessary food'. Get voracious for the word. Consume it. Eat it. You will be amazed at what the word will do for you, in you and through you. And your life will keep going from glory to glory That's Gods plan.
Jesus didn't come to set up a religion. He came to raise sons of God. Question is: Did he achieve his goal? Did it work? Did he win? Or is he still at it?
Well, the Bible tells us, He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God: the seat of authority. He is not working. That means he accomplished his purpose. And we are the fruits of his work; the result of his love. If you know that, everyday will be a day of Joy for you; of winning. Every blessed day!! You just wake up into a day knowing you only win because you are the result of his work, compassion and love Everything he did was about YOU. it was all for you. Now he has done it and I'm proof of it
Your responsibility is to prove God's word in your life Joyfully. Don't say 'oh God prove your word in my life' NO! You are the proof! You are the result! The fruit of it. We are the fruits of redemption
A lot of Christians are living their lives as though they are trying to get God to fulfil his work or his will. That's what they know. They've never really studied the scriptures. They are trying to be and get what they already have and are. That can't work. When you know the truth, you live it. This is reality, not religion...and that's what makes it so powerful and glorious. So everyday is a day of Joy and victory. Glory to God.
Don't just sing "down in my heart, there is the nature of the Father, there is the spirit of the Lord, the Love of God is daily shed abroad and in his name I'll do what he's called me to do". Live with that consciousness. What a declaration of faith!!! We are praise the Lord with Understanding.
I was 15 years old when I sang that song with understanding knowing that in his name I would do what he called me to do. Nothing in the world could stop it and I was designed by God to be absolutely victorious all the time
Understand that. You are a child of God. You are born again. Born with the spirit of God. The world is ours.
For a long time, many Christians didn't know what their calling was. They were thinking of offices. There is a difference between a calling and an office. Gods calling on your
27TH OCTOBER 2020~2573
Pastor Chris
Welcome to today's program.. We've got a lot to cover today.
Yesterday I was explaining something to you. I told you about the importance of our prayer. Except you understand the scriptures, you may not understand the implications of some of the actions that people take, including leaders if nations.
Sometimes you think what they are saying is just based on their Party's plan or agenda. But when you understand the scriptures, you know the severity of some of these things and their implications in the kingdom of God.
Get ready to pray December 1st and 2nd These Leaders (and pseudo leaders behind the scene) are the members of the deep state/the hand in the glove, who are controlling many Governments and leaders.
The reality is they are controlling them through spiritual powers , and only those who have spiritual understanding with spiritual power greater than theirs can overruled. And unless they are Overruled, they will bring evil upon the earth.
They plan to come together in January yo ratify some of their diabolical, real evil plans.
They leak out a plan, then measure the reactions. If there is a backlash, they come up with political language... And when you are not looking, they strike hard and make the lives of most people very difficult.
I told you these things before. Their diabolical plans look nice to some people but the word of God is the true light. You err because you know not the scriptures. You would think something is right and get involved in it.
Example of one they have leaked out. A roadmap designed by the Government of Canada leaked out by the strategic planning committee from the Prime Ministers Quarters. It is actually a plan for the whole world.
Road map: secondary lock down measures expected by November 2020. Rushed acquisition of isolation centres by December 2020- (I told you these isolation centres have nothing to do with Covid. Nazi Germany had extermination centres m which started as isolation centres.) Daily new cases of Covid19 will surge beyond capacity of testing. Complete and secondary Lockdown much stricter than the previous one. Expected from December 2020 to January 2021 (no Christmas for them) They want to also change it from Covid 19 to Covid 21.. A mutated version expected by February. Enhanced lockdown. Transitioning of individuals into the food welfare program. Large economic instability. Deployment of military personnel. Restrict travel and movement. etc.
Look at their plans by 2021!!!
The UK began to test this some weeks ago. They moved soldiers into the street to help testing. They are gauging public reaction. Its a full plan to militarize the streets and intimidate the people.
The Canadian Government would offer all their citizens total debt relief with funding from the IMF.
But they have a plan to get it back from you, and much more.
Where does IMF get its money from? Ripping off Africa.
Why is IMF, based in Europe giving funds to Canada?
The plan is... Individuals will get debt relief if they agree to FORFEIT ALL PROPERTIES AND ASSETS FOREVER!!!
Everything that you ever had would become the Governments.
The Plan is also for Nations to forfeit their sovereignty.
Any individual who agrees to the vaccine treatment would then be allowed to travel anywhere (even when the country is on lockdown). They would have a Health Pass to move around.
These guys in DAVOS have a plan to RESET the world. (The world debt reset program is to handle the details of the debt relief in Canada).
You see why we have to pray??? By the power of the Holy Ghost, when we pray, these things will change.
They are not the first to plan to own the world. They may need to contact Nebuchadnezzar for details.
In their plan, those who refuse the 'debt reset program' are to be kept in lockdown indefinitely and kept in isolation facilities. Labelled as a public health Risk, and with all their assets seized.
That's exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. Overnight, they lost everyth
Your Loveworld Specials
Season 2, Phase 7, Day 3 28-10-2020~2596
Opening Prayer by the Highly Esteemed Pastor Emeka Ezeh
Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
Welcome to today's program.
We've been praying for the nations and we should and we've got to do that even more. But I think we should also pray for the churches around the world and its ministers and I'll tell you why. Apart from praying for their growth, an area of concern is 'how much has the church learned from the experiences of the last few months'? And I can tell you that most people don't learn from experience, in fact, they hardly learn from experience. So, how many were drawn to the word of God to search for answers? Because all the answers are in the word.
The selfishness and greed that led up to the situation should have never been. But how many of Gods people have actually learned from it? Selfishness!
For example, in your country/city/state, what makes you happy or unhappy? Do you become unhappy with your government because of personal injury? Something that happened to you or someone you know, and for that you want to bring down the government? If that's the way your mind works, then you are not working with God. The responsibility of a child of God is to bring forth the word of God whether you are happy with it or not. in fact Christian growth is by aligning all your Joys, opinions with Gods thoughts.
You could be a minister or a pastor of a church for 80 Years and have not grown. You are not called because of experience or because you know something. He called you before you were born...not because of what you did but because he chose to. So, when he calks you to be a leader, you better start learning/training. His choice of you is not an approval of your desires. Start learning what the Father wants or you may find yourself desiring something that God doesn't want.
I learnt that in some countries or cities where there were riots, there were ministers of the gospel supporting it. That's not the Job of a minister. The responsibility of a minister is not to throw his weight on such things. If you did that, you had better ask God for forgiveness.
James 1:20. When you get angry and you want to demonstrate your anger, you will not produce the righteousness of God or results. We have a a higher way of producing results. There are higher laws.
I didn't want to talk about these things, but God is asking me to correct and rebuke you. Train in spiritual understanding and the knowledge of God. then you will know the will of God.
Sometimes, you can have leaders of a nation that are not doing what YOU want but what's important is what is the will of the father.
E.g. its very easy to be angry with a government that isn't doing things to support churches. But look beyond that. What else is God doing at that time But when your flesh is in control, you get angry Sometimes, God allows those things to train you so you learn and understand patience and build character. Don't destroy your city or country, it makes no sense. There are higher ways!
First, your responsibility is Prayer. You might want to pick out some ministers who led some upheavals. I wonder if you knew what the mind of God was about that? All you read from history were written by whoever liked or didn't like it. There at man made heroes. But ask yourself, what does God want? Don't demonstrate your flesh. Ignorance on rampage.
If you destroy your country, you have nothing left. But those you are against will continue to do what they do in other ways. But if we pray, there will be real change. The only promise of real change is in the Bible. I'm addressing ministers of the gospel.
James 1:21-22 Be doers of the word.
Don't use Gods people to try to achieve your selfish ambitions. Don't do it. Its wrong.
James 1:20 (AMP) How else do you want to read yours? What bible are you using?
Walk in the righteousness of God and in truth. Promote the righteousness of God. That's your calling. Don't bring the rascality you had in the wo
✍The Man of God enjoins the Church of Jesus Christ to Pray for God’s people and ministers of the Gospel around the world.
✍Train in Spirituality, Train in the knowledge of God ,Then you will know the will of God.
✍”Christian growth is determined by aligning your opinions, thoughts to God’s. Study the scriptures to know the will of God otherwise you will go in the direction that God does not want.”
✍The only place where true change is promised, is in the Bible. You cannot work the Righteousness of God with your anger, with your wrath, you can’t do it.
✍️In your nation, what triggers your reaction to government policies? Is it things that infringe on your personal interest or things that question the will of God?
✍️Christianity is finding fulfillment in the will of God.
✍️As you grow in Christ, you will find total fulfillment in the prosperity of the will of God. Mind you, your maturity in Christ is not determined by how long you have been a Christian or what position of leadership you have attained in the house of God.
✍️ The anger of man, cannot produce the righteousness of God. Be led by the wisdom of God.
✍️ Real change doesn’t come from angry mob actions but by prayers and supplications.
✍️ The anger of man, cannot produce the righteousness of God. Be led by the wisdom of God. Don’t find yourself on a different path from the will of God.
✍️ If you are a Christian, be a Christian. Don’t joggle your Christianity with political or philosophical theories.
SEASON 2, PHASE 7, DAY 4~2605
Opening Prayers by the Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips.
Pastor Chris
I'd like to welcome you to today's program. I trust that the spirit of God will minister to you in a very special way.
Your life cannot rise above the Level of your knowledge.
You can't live beyond your knowledge of God. Such knowledge (spiritual knowledge and understanding) is so vital and all that only comes from God, through the Holy spirit. So, As we share the word of God with you, receive it with your spirit. Let the spirit of God minister it into your heart.
Last night i began to explain some things to you, in 7 reasons to understand the church age in between Daniels 69th and 70th week and how long that period is Can it be definite? Yes, to the extent of the information given us from the word of God.
God doesn't want us to be ignorant. He really wants us to have his timing and work with it.
There are people who believe that Gods ways are mysterious. But when you study the bible, he is not as described by so many. He gives us so much understanding and knowledge. He so wants us to know.
Jesus said 'all things I have heard from my Father, I have shared with you'. He wanted them to know. He said 'I have more to tell you but you can't receive it know but she the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth' 'Ye are my friends and I have showed you what I have heard from my father'.
Jesus wants us to know the father's plan. He said, to the world, these would be mysteries. But to you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom (Matthew 13: 11) What a gift! How precious this is!. God wants us to know the mysteries but the world will hear them in parables.
7 Reasons
- Jesus said He, the Messiah would not return to Jerusalem until the repentance of Israel. It is clear he was leaving and he would be coming back and there would be a gap between when he left and when he came back.
From the edict of Cyrus till the birth of Christ was 480 years.
The edict was given 517, Jesus was 3999 from Adam same as 4BC
So we look at what Jesus said Matthew 23:37 Jesus lamented over Jerusalem. This was a spiritual desolation. Jesus pronounces this. Jesus is leaving. And I explained to you yesterday with the fig tree. He said to the dresser ' Cut it down'. God gave that instruction. He was speaking spiritually. He saw no fruit for 3 years. God sent Jesus and the 3 Years of ministry produced no fruit. They rejected him.
The ministry ran from 27AD/year 4029 to 4032/30AD.
V39- 24:1 Jesus departed from the Temple. He is not coming back to the Temple for a long time
The disciples wanted to show Him the beauty of the Temple and Jesus told them that the Temple would be terribly destroyed.
V2- 3. Jesus gave them the signs from verse 4.. But in verse14, he gives a very major sign. When he was telling them of the other signs, he said 'but the end is not yet' but he got to this one and said 'and then shall the end come.
24:32- 33. He said 'when you see things, know that it is near'.
- He said He would return immediately after the Great Tribulation.
When does the tribulation start? How long is it? How can we know when it starts? Are there signs?
Dan 9: 27. This is the 70th week of Daniels prophecy. Remember there is a gap after the 69th week. Daniel gives a sign for WHEN THAT WEEK STARTS. "He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week". That's when the Antichrist signs the peace treaty to guarantee the peace of Israel. He breaks the treaty at the middle of the 7 years
Daniel 12:1 The Angel Gabriel is giving this revelation to Daniel
'At that time'... It is a special time. 'The time of trouble' is referring to the tribulation.
Matthew 24:29 How long is the tribulation? Matthew 24:21 These are the same things Daniel said about the tribulation. Don't plan on being here. Its going to be very very hard.(v22)
Man is programming himself for ultimate destruction. I read to you what will also be happening as a response from Heaven as a result of th
Your Loveworld Specials Season 2, Phase 7, Day 5~2610
Opening Prayers by the Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan.
Rev Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
Songs: I'm confident of this very thing That he who has begun a good work in you He shall perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Hossana, Hossana, Hossana in the highest Lord we lift up your name With our hearts full of praise Be exalted oh Lord our God Hossana in the Highest
We are going to change the beginning part of the song. Hossana means 'come save us' That's what the Jews will sing in the final part of the tribulation.
Phil 1:6
Welcome to today's program. A lot is loaded in today. By Gods grace we will go far enough if we don't finish.
No matter what the world is looking like today, be excited about the work of the Holy spirit in your life today and in the church.
Know that he is programming us for absolute success in victory Jesus said 'cheer up. I have overcome the world' Don't be downcast or sad. Rejoice. We are living in his victory; walking in his steps. We are not trying to defeat the devil. He already did that for us and gave us the victory over them. So be excited. You are winner.
The word is to help you live the life he has given you/the victory he has accomplished for you and exercise the authority he has given you. you've got to use it.
Yesterday, I mentioned a word that I want to talk about; what it implied in the scriptures.
The word was INDIGNATION. Its referring to the wrath of God.
The sins of the world were paid for by Jesus. He paid the full penalty for all sin. BUT, not everyone has accepted his sacrifice. Not everyone has accepted his offering
Scripture says.. While we were yet without strength, in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. Oh the power and glory of that simple word. "While we were yet sinners".
He didn't do it because we were good or did something nice. Our actions never deserves that but he loved us. Christ died for the ungodly It tells us how God loved the world of men. He didn't die for Christians. He died for those who hated him.
It will give you different mindset about the world, those who hate you, who persecute you In fact, he says we should pray for them He didn't say we should call fire to burn them. But he says to bless them. He said you should be like your heavenly father who makes the rain Falk on the wicked and the righteous.
If after everything, men reject salvation that Jesus brought; they will not accept the sacrifice of his blood. There is no other way. God knew the gravity of the offence and the Judgement it deserved and He sent Jesus to save us from the Judgement. That he should be judged in our place. The bible says "how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation".
I'm asking you, if you neglect the salvation Jesus brought to you, How are you going to escape? There is NO OTHER NAME under heaven by which men must be saved. Neither is there salvation in any other. Be not deceived. Don't think that somehow you may be saved in any other way. Look at it.
Acts 4:12 Outside of Jesus, do you know any promise of salvation that God has authenticated or approved? Jesus was proved to be Gods son by his resurrection from the dead
Do you know someone else who resurrected?
John 14:6 Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. Notice the definite article. He didn't say I am "one of the ways" He is THE TRUTH. THE life.
Do you have an option? Do you know better?
Understand why we are sharing the word like this. There is just no other way.
Luke 21:5-.. V8: Jesus starts giving them the signs. He knew he was going away and because of that, many would come saying 'I am the Christ'. They know he will return that's why the disciples asked about the sign.
V9: even if you hear about wars, the end is not close.
V20: this is where we should slow down and read They had heard the prophets talk about the desolation if Jerusalem. Daniel, Joel and Isaiah talked about it. They knew it was coming.
(You don't find verse 20 in Matthew and Mark)
V21- They will flee to the Mountains of Moab (Jordan) V22:
Tonight, the man of God delves into a subject titled: ”The Temple Discourse”
✍️ Be excited about God’s work and know that he’s positioning us for a life of absolute success and victory- nothing short of it. Don’t be excited, you’re a winner.
✍️ ”Hosanna means come save us. Therefore the song ’Hosanna in the highest...’ is not a Christian song. So, that part of the song should be corrected.”
✍️ If you know the destruction the love of God has saved you from, you will value your salvation.
✍️ Jesus says, ”I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father but by me.” More than ever before, it’s clear that, there’s no other way.
✍️ There's no hope for a man that rejects salvation in Christ, because Jesus is not one of the ways but He is the only way.
✍️ Jesus paid for the salvation of all men but many are ignorant about it, hence they live in darkness. We have to tell them.
✍️ After rapture, peace will desert the earth, wickedness, hunger and destruction will take over the world. The Anti Christ will fail on his propaganda to guarantee peace.
✍️ When you read the Bible, carefully observe to know what it says and what it didn’t say. Don’t rely on assumptions.
✍️ No matter what your perception of the world is right now, don’t forget to celebrate the works of the church around the world.
✍️ Don’t look at physical evidence to confirm the efficacy of your faith proclamations, because when Jesus cursed the fig tree in the Bible, nothing changed at that instance, but the next day physical evidence appeared. Your words are potent! Keep affirming the word.
✍️ Give time and attention to what the Holy Spirit is saying otherwise you will join the crowd in doing the wrong thing. Right now in life, you need the guidance of the Holy Spirit like never before. The only place of peace is in Christ, the only place of peace is in the Word. This is all you need.
💞Pastor Chris charges young people to cheer up because there is hope for them. He charged them not to allow themselves to be used to perpetrate evil acts in their societies.💞💞💞💞💞💞
Your Loveworld Specials
with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome~2699
Day 1 of 3 Days of Intense Prayer
Tuesday 29/12/2020
Opening Prayer Session led by The Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi.
Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSC DD
They that wait upon the Lord Shall renew their strength They shall mount up with wings as eagles
Hallelujah Praise the Lord. Its great to be back here, specially in prayer.
I told you that we will have fasting and Intense prayer these 3 days beginning today.
Intense prayer is not about shouting or how loud your voice is, but the depth of your spirit in prayer; the intensity of your communication with the spirit in prayer.
We started out in prayer this year, 2020. And the Lord guided us and instructed us to pray. And because we prayed, many things changed. In the process of time, I told you that towards the end of the year, the deception would intensify. I told you they would come up with a version of the virus that is supposedly more deadly and spreading faster.. to increase the fear. I told you about the plans to have 3 lockdowns by the end of the year. Some countries have already experienced what i told you.
If the lockdowns worked why are they still being lockdown. The countries with the strictest lockdowns, are the ones with the worst cases (where fictitious numbers are produced and accepted by their government) What I'm saying to you is confirmed by the best scientists in the world. Don't listen to the quacks who are doing it for pay. Listen to those who are honest.
I'm sharing this word with Gods people, not everybody. If you are not in Christ Jesus, you don't have to accept what I'm telling you.
After all, this program, I called for prayer. I'm not addressing everybody because it matters who you pray to.
Remember the words of Jesus. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you cannot be afraid of a virus or any disease. If you truly believe in Jesus, he gave you power to heal. Remember that. If you are afraid of the virus, YOU DO NOT TRULY BELIEVE IN JESUS. Maybe you don't really know what Jesus did for you.
Don't worry about the tests. Whether it is positive or negative, it doesn't mean anything. Ask what are they testing for? The test is a fraud. In many countries, they have reported that there have been a lot of false positives and false negatives.
Don't be afraid even if you have a loved one that tested positive. The reason most people died was neglect. Real science has proven that covid 19 itself is not as deadly as they said.
I will show you from the bible what is really happening now. We need to stand in the gap and pray for the nations of the world. .they are in a terrible mess and they don't know it. Humans cannot save themselves.
For you that is a child of God, God sent me to help you.
Ezra 6:14 These returning exiles decided to build the house of God. As they were led to build it, they prospered through the prophesying of prophets Haggai and Zechariah. Through their message, Gods people prospered.
I am sharing Gods word with you to strengthen you in these dark and perilous days. These are difficult says and people are struggling. Lives are being completely destroyed by unreasonable leaders.
Isaiah 14:9 "The chief ones of the earth"... Translates to "He-goats". Remember the sign of that cult I showed you. It's a goat sign. Satan's sign is a Goat. Any cult that uses a goat sign is into satanism.
V10- Now he is addressing the spirit being. V11- 'Grave' means Hell. V12- This is going to be Just before Satan is Locked up in the pit. Something happens before this. Its shows that these are the last days.
Satan will weaken the nations. V13-16 The word 'man' in verse 16 is actually meant to read 'one'. V17- look at the lockdowns. They turned the streets into a wilderness. Even New York city was dried up. Except we pray, they will not be let go by themselves.
We need to pray for Leaders who can stand up for truth and not be swayed by offers to sell their own people.
Your Loveworld Specials
30th December 2020~2705
Opening Prayer session led by The Esteemed Pastor Emeka Eze
Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSC DD
Thank the Lord for another blessed opportunity for us to pray together all around the world.
We are effecting changes.
The Lord has committed his work of ministry to our hands. He said 'as my father sent me, even so send I you'. We're not in this world on our own. He gave us his name to live by and to use. He gave us legal authority to use his name. That name has divine potency. Nothing can resist the power of that name. All power is vested in that name and he authorized us to use it.
Song: In the word of God there is power In the name of Jesus Every knee shall bow.
There is power in the word. Hallelujah!!!
Exodus 17:8-9 Amalek came and fought with Israel. They attacked Israel in Rephidim.
Moses Understood it would have to be by supernatural principles to win the war.
There are some of your countries where you would literally have to sue the government for unreasonable lockdowns and unreasonable restrictions.. and get intelligent and smart lawyers, like Joshua going out to fight Amalek. A smart leader, warrior. In some cities and States, you would have to sue the government. And you will defeat them
Some months ago, it was very difficult to defeat several of them because of obnoxious laws and some fears that the Judges had. But now, a lot of them have already been defeated in courts of law in some cities and states.
There are questions to be raised because many have discovered the hoax.
Moses said 'I will stand at the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand'. There is a supernatural principle here.
Go prayerfully and you will be guided to go with intelligent constitutional lawyers and I am telling you, you will defeat them.
They've got nothing! They have thrived on the fears of men. They knew people would be too scared. But now, people are defeating them in court because they couldn't substantiate for their actions.
V10-11 Joshua fought with Amalek. Moses, Aaron and Hur, went to the top of the hill. We've been praying the last few months. With these programs we've been having praying together around the world, we subdued these evil forces. As long as we are praying like this, they have no chance. Until we completely defeat them. We are in for the long haul. We are not going to tire out. We have been well trained. we know how to fight.
V12- They helped him keep his hands up because they realized that the victory at the battle front was dependent on spiritual principles. It wasn't about the rod. it was about Moses hands being up. That's a sign of prayer.. dependency on God.
The Bible tells us, his hands were steady until the going down of the sun and Joshua discomfited Amalek.
V13-16. He was dealing with something spiritual... That's why he said from 'generation to generation'. I explained previously what Amalek stood for.
There are different groups and what they are trying to do.
Gen 6:4 These men were famous for some extraordinary things that they did. They were physical Giants with extraordinary powers. Super human.
This is what we are seeing today. Gen 6:8-9 Noah was the man that God could trust, because all of the nations had become corrupted. The Human race had been so corrupted because OF the works of fallen Angels: wicked evil angels that came into cohabitation with women. I showed you those scriptures yesterday.
And Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the son of man be. Those days shall be similar.
The other day, I was referring to the World Economic Forum (one of the groups spearheading these evil around the world in the name of helping them).
The founder of the WEF (Schwab) is a transhumanist. Who is a transhumanist?
What God wants to give you in your life is not a healing, what God wants to give you in your life is not a job, what God wants to give you in your life is not money, what God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirit. It will make you what it talks about. ~ Rev (Dr) Chris Oyakhilome
Get set to receive that word from God that will change your life forever as you Join Pastor Chris and Pastor Benny Hinn from Monday 25th to Sunday 31st January 2021 for Your Loveworld Specials.
Remember to: 👉Write your expectations for the program
👉Spend time in prayer for the program
👉Tell everyone you know, and get them to attend the program.
The program schedule is as follows: 👉Monday 25th 7.00pm GMT+1
👉Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th Two sessions daily - 1.00am GMT+1 - 7.00pm GMT+1
👉Saturday 30th & Sunday 31st - 7.00pm GMT +1
🌎Participate through our Loveworld Network Stations, Live TV and Ceflix Apps, and on all Ministry Online Platforms and Apps.
Proverbs 23:18
For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.
JOHN 4:28 – 30
The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? Then they went out of the city, and came unto him.
Pray specially concerning all your expectations for Your Loveworld Specials (ensure you have them written down); declare that by the power of God’s Spirit, every single one of them is met and exceeded. Pray and knock off every form of distraction; declare that you’re fully attentive to God’s Spirit, you participate actively in all sessions of the program, and you receive to maximum capacity all that the Spirit of God has in store for you. Pray and intercede for all your invitees to Your Loveworld Specials; declare that not one of them will miss the program. Pray specially for your family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, school mates, business partners, neighbours, and everyone else you’ve reached out to or plan to invite for the program, declare that each and every one of them will attend the program and will be touched by the Spirit of God in a most extraordinary way.
I PROCLAIM that all my expectations for Your Loveworld Specials are met and exceeded.
I PROCLAIM that my spirit is fully attentive to the leading, guidance, promptings and direction of the Spirit of God, and I receive to full capacity all that the Lord has in store for me at this special program, in Jesus Name, Amen.
I PROCLAIM that all my invitees for Your Loveworld Specials attend, and every single one of them will be impacted by the Spirit of God in a most extraordinary way.
I PROCLAIM that all who are not saved will receive salvation, and everyone that is sick will receive healing as they attend this glorious program in Jesus Name, Amen
Leveticus 26:6-7 And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid: and I will rid evil beasts out of the land, neither shall the sword go through your land. And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword.
Pray fervently and intercede for the nations and for the continual influence of the Spirit of God in the affairs of the nations as a result of Your Loveworld Specials & the Praise-a-thon. Proclaim peace over the nations and make decrees cutting off the influence of the spirit of fear, lies and deception over the nations. Declare that the instruments of rampant violence and injustice have failed, and the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ surges through the nations. Pray and abolish the nefarious activities of the deep state, declare that all evil activities and plans are completely rendered powerless, void and without effect. Affirm that the nations are free from every state capture and they begin to witness a complete turnaround by the power of the HolyGhost.
I PROCLAIM that the affairs of nations of the world are continually influenced by the Spirit of God. I cut off the influence of the spirit of fear, lies and deception over the nations, and I PROCLAIM that the light of the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ covers the earth as the waters cover the sea.
I PROCLAIM that every high thing, thought, scheme and theory that exalts itself above the knowledge of God is completely destroyed.
I PROCLAIM that only the will and purpose of God prevails in the nations, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Your Loveworld Specials with Pastor Chris and Pastor Benny Hinn is here!~2901
Happening this week, from TODAY Monday January 25th to Sunday January 31st!
It would be broadcast live on all Loveworld Stations CEFlix and other designated ministry websites and social media platforms.
The Excitement is in the air!!! It’s time to:
🎯Remind everyone you’ve invited and finalize your plans to ensure they participate fully.
🎯Document your expectations and keep them before your eyes.
🎯Pray like never before, about the tangible global impact of this world changing program.
The schedule once again is: Monday January 25th- Friday January 29th 2am GMT +1 7pm GMT+1 Saturday January 30th-Sunday January 31st. 7pm GMT+1 It’s only a few hours to go Prepare!!!
✍ God knew that Pharaoh won’t oblige and let the Israelite go at the first time of asking, He affirmed it to Moses before sending him. He told Him to go to Pharaoh and ask nonetheless. - Bishop Clarence McClendon
✍ Sometimes you have done all that God asked you to do, but you didn’t get the immediate result as expected, don’t be disheartened, it’s part of the plan. - Bishop Clarence McClendon
✍ The same plague that was an affliction on the Egyptians, was a praise worthy wonder to the children of Israel. It’s matters which side you are on. - Bishop Clarence McClendon
✍ ”The curse of the Lord is not God doing something. The curse of the Lord is God NOT doing something” - Bishop Clarence McCledon.
✍ "God is never after the destruction of people, but that all will come to repentance." - Bishop Clarence McClendon.
✍ ”No matter what you are going through in your life today, don’t despair, don’t lose hope, keep your trust in Him. Set your gaze on the master Jesus Christ, He is coming soon.” - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome DSc.DD
✍ The greatest proof of Love is giving. God is challenged by givers. Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DD
✍ We must act like people who have a kingdom, we must act like people who have an interest, we must act as Kingdom messengers and like God has invested in us, we have to ~ Pastor Chris
Your Loveworld Specials~2905
25th January, 2021.
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome DSC. DD
Song: Thou art worthy oh Lord. To receive glory, honor and power For thou hast created all thing And for thy pleasure They are and were created.
There is none holy as the Lord There is none beside him. Neither is there any rock Like our God. There is none Holy as the Lord.
Praise God! We are starting today, a very special series of programs. This is the first series of divinely orchestrated programs for the year. there's a lot of them coming and this one is very special because its very loaded: specially packaged for you.
Beginning a year like this, when the Lord has instructed and confirmed to us that its a year of preparation... As I said to you on the 31st of December, 2020.. That there is a lot of preparation taking place in Heaven and the myriads of angels are working on earth with the church of God in preparation right now. The forces of darkness are also in preparation for their final struggle. They know what's coming. They are only trying to fight for time.
They know that the Lord states very clearly that he would shorten those says in which satan will be in control of things in the earth and carry out so much evil.
The Lord has shortened those days to three and half years but the devil doesn't like that, and would like to have more time.
We are getting ready for an extraordinary period in the church age. This is the period that Lots of the apostles and prophets would have loved to see and be a part of. But the lord already gave them a different glory. This one is reserved for us.
I am excited that we are taking this thing to the tape. The race is on... And now this is the fastest leg. The lord is trusting us with so much and there's no doubt; we will not fail.
There's been a lot of preparation by the spirit of God for these days. So much has gone into it.
(Introduction of Ministers on Set in Houston and Nigeria and Pastor Benny Hinn)
I told you that this is very special. We are having your Loveworld special featuring Praise-a-thon.
We are loaded with the word and loaded with a heart full of praise.
Psalm 8:1-2 Strength: the Latin version says it rather differently. "Thou hast perfected praise..."
Matthew 21:13-16 The purpose was stated there in Psalm 8. "That thou might still/destroy the enemy and the avenger".
The avenger is the one who is determined to take everything.
But he brings him to a halt.
(Worship by Presidential Band- What a great God you are)
I'm thinking about this verse in that old song. Philippians 1:6 (Song: I'm confident of this very thing. That he who has begun a good work in you; He shall perform it until the day of Jesus Christ..)
Song: Hosanna in the highest Lord we lift up your name With our hearts full of praise Be exalted oh Lord our God Hosanna in the Highest.
We should change that song to something else. (All praises to the King of Kings)
You know one day Jesus will come back and the bible says he will be admired. Think about it. What glory would it be that we will have to admire Jesus? What beauty, what splendor? He is coming back! That's what this is all about.
So, we live our lives as those who are waiting for their Lord.
Hallelujah! What's it going to be like.
First is to consider tat very quick one that happens in a twinkling of an eye. We won't even have time to say goodbye to anybody. It will happen suddenly and we will be caught up from this earth. He will be waiting for Us. we will meet the Lord in the air, never ever to be separated from him again.
There is a difference between what's happening now and what will happen then. Right now, the bible says we reign through Jesus Christ, THEN, we will reign WITH HIM.
No matter what you are going through in your life today, don't despair. Put your trust in him. Set your gaze on the Master, Jesus Christ. He is coming soon.
Season 3, Phase 1, Day 2.
26th January, 2021
Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSC DD.
Can you imagine singing this song with Masks on your faces? The foolishness of it! They expect us to worship God with our mouths covered and some ministers think its right? When the Bible says we should open our mouths wide.
So the Churches should not meet so we should worship God as we should? And some people think its okay? Its not okay! It will never be Okay!
Some say its for a while till the virus is gone. But its a lie! That's what they mean by the Great Reset.
There are things that God told us to do which we must do his way. And they say that there will no longer be large congregations... That's a lie. God says we should worship him in the great congregation.
And for those who may have been restricted for now. Its won't last long. We will not follow their agenda
Hosea 12:1 Ephraim had backslidden. They were doing their own things.
Hosea 4:17: They had come this far... They were joined to idols. God said 'let him alone'
12:1- How can you feed on wind? That means they are swelling up but nothing is inside. They were doing business with Assyrians (didn't I tell you the Assyrian Prince was responsible for this darkness)
Look at the desolation of Churches all around the world and you say its okay? You ought yo be fasting and weeping.
Their prosperity is gone to the world as they negotiate with the Prince of Assyria.
(Churches have been turning their churches into isolation centres because of Covid. )
(Excerpt from Daily Mail about Germany and their detention centres)
What happens to the refugees if the refugee camps will be turned into detention centres? Go back to History. Find out what happened in Nazi Germany. What will happen is the extermination of those refugees because they have no presence.
(No big wonder, that's the same place they did it before. ) Same thing was planned in Canada. They all have the same document.
Some of Gods people were given contracts to be turn their buildings into isolation centres and to build isolation centres.
I told you its all about Eugenics. The reduction of population.
Reason: Europe is Broke. (Europe is the father of Australia, Canada, USA). So all their offspring will function for Europe.
Now, they feel the population is too large and that they have to cut it down. They will...but not now. It would mean to set Gods people against their agenda.
This vaccination is a debacle. They aren't going against any virus.. Unless you want to deceive yourself. Read in between the lines. Now everyone is talking about believing in science.
Why do you need someone to believe science when science should be about proof.
God is angry at them and Gods people have to make up their minds as to what they are going to do. God is trusting you to take the right actions.
The world has but a short time and all of the plans for the eugenicists are well laid out.
I told you about genetically modified mosquitoes which will be enabled to transmit viruses.
When the bible was talking about plagues in the last days, this was not one of such. Check the book of Revelations. They would not be man made things but Gods judgement.
Covid 19 is not one of the plagues for the last days. .the judgements if God don't come in the church age. This is the time of grace. What is going on is judgement in the house of God.
That's why we pray for them; Because this is the day of grace for them. The Lord is merciful and plenteous in mercy.
As we intercede for them the spirit of salvation will be poured out. Its happening already and its going to increase till the rapture of the church.
Their plan is to destroy food production and make food scarce. (Part of their drastic food reduction plan). This explains the agrotech , the loans being given to Farmers and the GMO seeds being given to Farmers which cannot reproduce.
Season 3, Phase 1, Day 3.
27th January, 2021
Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSC DD
Praise the Lord! I want to welcome you to today's program. Its very special indeed. Its because you are special and God loves you. Everything that God made in this world is because of you. Sometimes we think we are insignificant because we look at the numbers (so many people in the world), but God thinks of you like you're the only one on the earth. Each one of us is as valuable to God as Jesus is. Its so huge a truth that if you don't understand the word of God and the thinking of the spirit of God, you cannot accept it. He proved it in paying for your life with the price of the life of Jesus. That means you were worth that much to God. If you were the only one on earth that needed that salvation, Jesus would have still died for you. He didn't die for Us because we were many. For every sinner that repents, there is Joy in heaven.
The Father doesn't want anyone to go to hell.
He saved you and made you his partner in saving others. He has made us soul winners. On his mind, the responsibility to reach the whole world is yours now.
People gave their lives for the gospel because they thought it was worth that much, so that we could get it. And it got to us.
If you read and understand the scriptures, you cannot but be a soul winner.
When we talk about giving into the gospel, it will be your passion and love. It is an honor and privilege. What in the world do we have that we didn't receive?
I mentioned yesterday that I would share some thoughts in connection with what I was telling you
Gods kingdom is a functional kingdom. If you don't recognize that, you will not function in it, with kingdom principles.
The message of seed time and harvest positions you for the prosperous life that God has given you. It shows you how to operate kingdom principles that work.
It doesn't matter what you do with that seed. Until you sow it, it will produce no harvest... Bishop James Payne.
Its so important for us to understand.
Living our lives victoriously is part of Gods plan for us. Because we have an adversary In the world... Satan... And he creates adverse circumstances to keep you from walking in the victory that Christ has given you. To be Ignorant of that is to walk in defeat.
When men are held in bondage against their will, all we have to do is break the power of Satan over them and they will be set free.
On the other hand, if they are held in bondage by their free will...whether or not they understood Thatch they were being put in bondage.... If they willingly submit themselves; by coercion or ignorance.... It becomes a completely different ball game. You cannot set them free by just breaking the power of Satan.
Think about it; God does not want men to perish, so can't he just take Satan out? It doesn't work that way.
Even In Jesus' day, only those who requested to be set free were healed and set free. E.g. Jesus told the devil to leave the mad mad at Gadara, but nothing happened..until the man ran to Jesus. The Master said 'what is your name'... The devil responded 'Legion'...
Why didn't he come out the first time? Because there was more than just telling the devil to come out.
We will have to prevail on men to come to the Lord/give their attention to the Lord. We can use our authority but its not enough... Because the man has given Satan the permission to remain in him.
Why is that important?
I told you that these things that have happened in the world so far and the plans following, were all by the satanic Prince of Assyria.
Isaiah 10:12 NIV V13: think what's going on now: Globalization. One world government. One world Economy. Then one world Religion. State Capture.
V14: Think about it. He was irresistible. All of the nations were reading from the same script. Acting the same way because they couldn't resist the Prince of Assyria.
Season 3 Phase Day 1 7th June, 2021
Opening Prayer led by the Esteemed Pastor Emeka Eze.
Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
That song was so apt, because we are going to discuss a lot about his wonderful name.
When we were praying earlier on, there were many important things that Pastor Emeka was telling us. We've talked to you again and again to be very careful about the so called vaccine because it is not a vaccine. I've told you and many experts around the world have also warned very seriously...that these vaccines are not vaccines. It's not everything that is injected into people's body that's a vaccine. Vaccines have certain properties but this covid so called vaccine doesn't meet the properties of vaccines. What they are giving people is completely different. They only called it a vaccine to escape legal problems and also as a deception. It's a pitt that many government leaders around the world are failing to listen to what is right and to think, and to examine the information given to them. Many are listening to deception. That's what they've been doing.
Why did it happen to so many? Because many of them were lured into signing certain agreements with their countries some years ago. They committed their countries to these treaties that they didn't read. They were deceived by people they trusted.
I told you before what their problem was. Those documents also don't allow them to discuss among themselves without involving those who gave the document.
I'm saying there will be no liabilities. Break them! I told you from the very beginning that this whole thing was fabricated in a lab. I told you that America was involved.
Now it has come out. Faucci and the mainstream media lied about covid origins for about a year.
At that time, some didn't agree with us and one of our TV stations was even sanctioned for saying it was man-made.
Fauci then, was the medias God. They lied all the time. Facebook was taking away posts of anyone who said covid was they are reversing it. It's too late. Now they are moving from one lie to another lab, hoping that the world will accept it. They now say it leaked out of the lab. But that word 'leak' has to be defined. It didn't leak. It was done on purpose. It was paid for.
More and more evidence has come out that it was fabricated in a Lab in China as I told you .
Now, why are those governments realizing that all the actions they took were made based on falsehood? The fake numbers of deaths attributed to Covid. Many experts are saying that the pandemic has Long EXPIRED. So what is the reason for people wearing masks?
I told you from the beginning that it was all out vaccines. To scare people into believing the vaccine. It's a control the bible showed a long time ago.
Yesterday I mentioned that the Bill and Melinda gates foundation as far back as 2011, had been practicing.
This is a post, July 20,2011. 10 years ago (Gates foundation partner in Malawi. Vaccinated 131 children at Gunpoint).
You can investigate it
They lured African and Asian countries to go for "immunizations" which had terrible effects on them. Some were sterilized and many were maimed with Polio.
But they did a massive media work and covered it up then. At that time, many thought it was all about Children
In 2012, the CEO of Gavi said he planned to immunize EVERY CHILD ON EARTH. They had financial problems, Bill gates invested into it and the rest is history.
We are not praying for nothing. Recognize what's going on. This is about Satan trying to get some extra time. Because it's going to happen BIG TIME..but this is not the time.
I showed you God's prophetic time table; the prophetic timeline of events.
I showed you from Adam to the end of time. God didn't leave us in doubt of without information
Daniel 12:9-10 There is going to be a greta deception. The wicked will do wickedly and will not understand. But God's people will understand. The wicked will persecute those who tell them the truth.
LoveWorld Specials With Pastor Chris...~2931
Day 4
Song.... We Exalt You....
Nothing exist that He didn't make. Thank you Lord Jesus.
Song... We Ascribe All The Greatness To Our God The Rock... His Work Is Perfect And All His Ways are Just... He's the God of Faithfulness, Without Injustice, True and Upright Is He...
He shows Himself true and upright, without injustice...
Hallelujah... Thank you very much, God bless you...
I want to welcome you to today's programme. The fourth day. So powerful. So much to gain.. Appreciation to all the wonderful pastors... Words you can't forget... Words the reproduce... Clarity on tithing and giving to the Lord.
The love that's poured out in these sessions, you can't miss God talking to you. You can identify the voice of God with love. Even in His judgement. He's not a God of love but love. It's His nature.
You can hear the voice of love even when He's rebuking you. Respond as the offspring of love. Your labour of love is producing result. We feel your impact. Thank you.
Our God is greater than all. There's none to compare to Him. None.
Taking off from yesterday... We are engaged in a warfare. Every Christian must recognise the truth. You're a soldier at war. Whether you recognise it or not. Even when things were going well for you. You've got to know that.
There are rebels in the realm of the spirit to stop many from receiving salvation and stop you from recognising and actualising all that Christ has done for you.
The kingdom you are now in and the one you used to be. The criminal arrest and persecution of Jesus...
When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness. Luke 22:53 KJV
Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son - Colossians 1:12 - 13 KJV
Jesus has delivered us from the power of darkness. When you were born again you were born into the kingdom of His agape son. Into the kingdom of light. I live and dwell there now. How to live here. There's a way of life. There's a way of behaviour here.
We have a language and communication system. There people that say that God will bring Judaism and Christianity together. That's not going to happen. Christianity is not a religion. Paul said he used to be a Jew. The jew, the gentiles and the Church. In Christ Jesus, there's neither Jew of gentile. You are a new creature. New specie...
Like a creature... A kind of creature. Hallelujah. You're a different kind of being. See yourself that way.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places - Ephesians 6:12 KJV.
The power of darkness of this world.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools - Romans 1:18 - 22 KJV.
Their foolish hearts were darkened by the power of darkness. You're actually a fool. The man that's born again has light in his heart. That's why we must win souls.
This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Who being past
LoveWorld Specials With Pastor Chris...~2947
Day 7 (Final Day)
Song.... Lift Up Your Hand...
Go ahead and thank God for healing you. Give him praise. He's done it. He's done it...
Song... Thou art worthy oh Lord
Hallelujah... There's none like you... Glory to Jesus. Praise God forevermore...
I hope you're ready for today...
And when they had gone through the isle unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar–jesus: Which was with the deputy of the country, Sergius Paulus, a prudent man; who called for Barnabas and Saul, and desired to hear the word of God. But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? Acts 13:6 - 10 KJV.
He didn't know that Satan had planted Elymas there. Pastors around the world, remember that there are times Satan plant people in these places to turn these government officials from hearing the word of God. Paul rebuked him and asked him if he wouldn't stop.
And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand. Then the deputy, when he saw what was done, believed, being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord - Acts 13:11 - 12 KJV.
Four Kinds of Righteousness
There's no such thing as faith in God. Amazing. So it's quite instructive to realise that picking Abraham as one with unqualified committal to God. Very peculiar to the new testament. It's not a faith movement, it's much more than that.
The Two places...
And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith. Deuteronomy 32:20 KJV
Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:4 KJV
One referring to the old testament people without faith and the one referring to the new testament people to live by faith.
Abraham was so unique to God that God credited him with righteousness.
And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our God, as he hath commanded us. Deuteronomy 6:25 KJV
Righteousness by obeying the law
Righteousness by the faith of Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith.
But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference - Romans 3:21 - 22 KJV.
The righteousness of God without the law is the type of righteousness he's talking about. It comes by believing in Jesus Christ.
What that righteousness did for us. It's a gift.
For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) Romans 5:17 KJV
This is the gift of right standing.
Well then, as one man's trespass [one man's false step and falling away led] to condemnation for all men, so one Man's act of righteousness [leads] to acquittal and right standing with God and life for all men. For just as by one man's disobedience (failing to hear, heedlessness, and carelessness) the many were constituted sinners, so by one Man's obedience the many will be constituted righteous (made acceptable to God, brought into right standing with Him). Romans 5:18 - 19 AMPC.
Glory! Glory!! Glory!!!
It’s 6 DAYS to the historic Your Loveworld Specials Season 3 Phase 2 with Pastor Chris from Monday 1st to Friday 5th March 2021 at 7:00pm GMT +1, 2:00pm EST daily.
It’s a special time to receive answers and enjoy the ministry of the Word of God in such an extraordinary way.
Remember to: 👇👇👇
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Loveworld Notes et al:
1st March, 2021
Opening Prayers by the Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi.
Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
I'd like to welcome you specially to today's Program. We are starting a very special phase.
Today we will introduce a subject and this will lead us into the various things we will be talking about this week. Beautifully, we are actually starting the month of March.
Remember 26th-27th we have our global prayer day, And its the first anniversary of these prayer days.
We wouldn't be where we are today had we not taken that step, 27th March 2020. It changed everything. Thanks be unto God.
Jesus said Men ought always to pray and not to faint. Jesus prayed. The apostles prayed. He taught us to pray. Prayer is important. God instructed us to pray because he intended to answer. Prayer is not our idea. Its His idea. He knows it works. He told us to do it. It gives him the right to do what he wouldn't do if you didn't pray. Prayer doesn't change God, but it positions you in the situation where he can respond to you in a way that he wouldn't do otherwise. So its our responsibility to pray. Apart from your personal desire, there are a lot of blessings to prayer.
If you had the opportunity to participate in the ROPC, it was very inspiring. I was glad we had it.
I want to thank our ministers, pastors and translators. Thank you for all that you do. Without the word of God coming to them in a way that they understand, it won't work.
The amazing testimonies that we heard during the ROPC were just so powerful. It inspires in us the desire to do more. We have enough information on how men and women are completely changed and blessed in their lives.
To the amazing staff, God bless you.
A lot of amazing things have happened in the last few weeks and what I'd like to begin with today, I did tell you last time, that I was going to talk to you about the elections in the United states.
One of the reasons i was quiet was because I already actually told you, but maybe you weren't listening.
I had a meeting with Pastors September 2020, almost 2 months before the elections. I want yo listen very carefully.
"Voting is the smallest part of the political drama. In most countries including the USA, they don't think the voting counts." (Video play out on the vision on the intended rigging of the elections)
I told them that I spoke with certain people in 2019 and that there was a plan to rig the 2020 elections. I told them that we should pray that the other side would see this,and not only leak it out but fight it. Who was sponsoring the protests and riots? Some of them have given their confessions. The deep state will support any side that has its candidate and the deep state is about allegiance to Lucifer. Fabian socialism.
- leak it , deny it, hit hard.
Harris called it the 'Harris-Biden administration with Joe Biden as president'. A short while later, Joe Biden says the same thing. You think they were mistaken? No.
Joe Biden is just a trojan horse. He will lead the way into the government and in comes Harris.
If we don't pay attention to prophecy, they pass us by.
It was a spiritual pledge Joe Biden has accepted it, and by the principle of the cult, he must go out and say it out. So it is registered in the spirit that this is the pledge. So, when he comes into office, there are things he won't be able to do unless Harris allows it. His own is to say Okay. So that's what you're seeing. Its playing out.
(Video play out of Fox News "Who is really in charge"?). Harris is now the one holding one on one calks with Foreign leaders -the presidents job.
This is so important. A prophecy given by William Branham. Listen to a prophecy He gave about the United states.
(Video play out)
William Branham knew this would happen in their day that she will rule before the end time.
This is certainly a major sign of the last days in association with the work of the Antichrist.
2nd March, 2021.
Opening Prayers by the Esteemed CEO, Pastor Deola Philips.
Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
I want to welcome you to today's program. Its a very special one indeed.
Yesterday, we started this phase 2, season 3 of our Loveworld Specials.
I told you that I'm going to be focusing on the mission and purpose of the church. But I have to get you to understand the foundation of this discussion.
Yesterday I told you about symbolism and why they are important because of subliminal messages that are transferred to us in such a way that if we are not careful, we buy lies from the devil. If you feed on lies, you will be located by a lie.
Children of truth, feed on truth.
The Jews couldn't hear Jesus words because they were not children of truth.
How can someone be of the truth? By believing and receiving the truth. Truth distinguishes itself. You will know truth when it comes to your spirit.
Gods truth produces faith in you and the love of God in your heart. If it doesn't do that, it is not Gods word. Gods word is a word of truth. It brings liberty to your spirit and direction because the word of God is light.
One of the things the devil has used to deceive people is 'Cultural Heritage Celebrations'. And they are always celebrations of demons.
How far back do they go? Who decided when to start the culture? Where do we decide where the culture begins.
What I find in many of these cities and nations, they always pick things transferred to them by demons. Demonic dances and coverings. They are often inspired by witch doctors (who metamorphosed into native doctors). They were often always consulting with demons to come up with incantations and things to cure people. They practiced exorcism. This should tell you what this so called Heritage is.
How many of those celebrations do they talk about Jesus, or Noah or Job? Rather they bring in Priests and Priestesses of Shrines.
They don't present them as demons, but we know what they are talking about because we can see the images.
Christians shouldn't be a part of such things. When you were born again you were born into Gods kingdom.
Look at the symbols. Look at what's going on.
I told you about the Mask yesterday. I told you to read in the Encyclopedia and see what was written there. (Paul S wingart. ) "The person who wears the mask is considered to be in direct contact with the mask spirit and consequently exposed".
I'm not dealing with Christians wearing masks or not wearing masks. That's not the subject. My point is, the idea that the mask will prevent infection IS NOT TRUE. There is no scientific proof by any authority that it works. Secondly, there is more than enough research that it is harmful to your health.
Let's see what the Bible says.. 1 Peter 2:13-15/ With those scriptures, we are told to obey civil authorities.
Notice "punishment of evildoers". Question is: what is evil?
The government should recognize evil doing/wrong doing. That can become a problem if you leave the definition of right and wrong to the government.
Romans 13:1-2 It gives an impression that anybody that has authority over you got it from God. V3: That's what its supposed to be. If we read it that way, that would mean that leaders like Stalin, Hitler etc were only terrors to evildoers.
V3-4 Remember this is not just left to the Federal authorities. "The powers that be"... Could be one in your community. But we know that some leaders have been the very opposite of this
V4: This is what it is supposed to be.
I fully aware that the word of God tells us how to be obedient to civil authorities, but He doesn't stop there. It shows us HOW the civil authorities should behave.
Matt 23:1 Jesus was aware of fraudulent leaders who tell you to obey the law but they don't obey the law.
Matt 17:24-27 Jesus knew that they were not supposed to be taxing their own citizens, only outsiders. . In spite of that, Jesus paid.
We are very obedient. But that doesn't mean that we should not know the truth.
SEASON 3, PHASE 2, DAY 3.~3526
3rd March, 2021
Opening Prayers by the Highly Esteemed Yemisi Kudehinbu.
Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
I want to welcome you to Today's program A very special one.
Yesterday, we had quite some discussion. I got some information today that was quite interesting. Some information coming out of Germany, what they are trying to do.
(Germany to begin Construction on Chrislam) They are joining Christianity with Islam.
What's the government got to do with deciding how people come together to worship?
The name of what they are constructing is house of One, for one world religion worship services that will also include Atheists.
This is just the outward manifestation of what we have been talking about before.
Its been 10 years in the planning, and will have its foundation laid on the 27th of May. They want to incorporate a church, mosque and synagogue.
They have a plan to forcibly bring these religions together.
There are many false Judaists, False Moslems and False Christians who are spearheading this inter-faith project
No true Christian can accept that because the Bible absolutely forbids it.
If you find a supposed minister from God is saying that they have a vision from God to bring all religions together.. That's a false prophet.
A false prophet leads you to other gods. It doesn't matter if he had been preaching the truth before...what matters is 'what are you saying now?'.
Then there is the debacle of the vaccines. Some people are choosing not to listen. We've been saying that these vaccines are not trying to treat anything. There are people dying and getting maimed and sick for taking the vaccine.
Don't be deceived by what you see on screen about some celebrity or leader pretending to take the vaccine. Its not going to be the same that they give to you.
Data is being suppressed. They are not letting you know what's happening to people that are taking it.
Experts have been warning but some people don't want to listen.
There are nations that have pledged their military bases for the vaccine. You can't believe what's going on. But that's not the subject today.
I want to begin from where we left off yesterday.
I told you that when you want to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ, its important that you understand the message he gave to Israel as different from the message he gave to the church. They seem close together but they are not the same.
(E.g. Matthew 24: those signs are not now. You have to understand what he was addressing.).
Jesus told the disciples to pray "thy kingdom come..", it meant the kingdom hadn't come.
But what kingdom was he referring to? What Kingdom should come?
"thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" A lot of people pray that prayer without understanding it.
Joel 2:28. It is very notable that the spirit was promised to Israel. The Israelites thought the "all flesh" in that scripture, meant only Israel. Even Peter thought so, until the house of Cornelius got filled with the Holy Ghost.
Isaiah 32: 13-17 This blessing/promise was for the Kingdom. They could see that the Messiah's kingdom would come with the outpouring of the spirit.
Many times, we as Christians quote this scriptures and we don't know why we are quoting them.
Ezekiel 39:28-29 These words are blessings to Israel.
When Jesus came preaching, they weren't happy with him because he told them to repent. They said they had never been in bondage to any man, because they were Abraham's children. They didn't understand the concept of bondage to sin. They disagreed with him
Jesus was crucified and resurrected, yet the kingdom had not come. After he resurrected, he spent 40 days teaching them about the kingdom of God.
Acts 1:4- V6- they asked this because the Romans were still running everything.
V7- This was Jesus response. V8- Jesus said the Holy Ghost would come.. But what happened to the kingdom?
Season 3, Phase 3, Day 1 12th April, 2021.~4288
Opening Session led by the Highly Esteemed Pastor T.T. Temisan
Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome
I want to welcome you to this season 3, Phase 3 of your Loveworld series. .This is the 100th episode. It's really amazing what the Lord has done. Thank God.
You can imagine for such a special number, it must be a special occasion today. And this phase is going to bring us into a level of the spirit for you as an individual that you never thought possible. These 5 days will be a special period that I'm convinced you will not forget.
It's so beautiful that we are in a month of truth, so there's so much to gain.
During the last global day of prayer, i touched on a number of things and one of them was about the vaccines. A year ago I told you that their plan was to get vaccines out and make it global, and I told you what it was all about.
I told you then, that it was not being driven by science or a desire to get people well... Because at that time, they said there was no cure for the virus. They also said that the drugs that were being used (which actually helped a lot of people), they had suspicions for them. I told you it was all about vaccines. I also told you that they were not going to be genuine vaccines, because there was an agenda behind it. You have since seen it is all true.
Why didn't they know from the beginning that people would need a second and third dose? Bill gates who is not a doctor, said they would need 2 or 3 doses. It wasn't about science. A doctor won't just say you need 2 or 3 tablets a day. You have to be specific.
Experts in the industry have spoken against the vaccines but those who ought to listen may not be listening and God only knows why. But I can show you from the Bible why they haven't listened so far.
Some months ago, I showed you a video of doctors from the world doctors alliance, who came together and addressed these issues.
(Brief Video play out of world doctors alliance)
Also We had legal issues about what's been happening. (Video play out of Tribunal for national justice)
That Honorable Justice mentioned a colleague of His who went to Davos and heard terrible things. He came back and told them that there is a definite plan to reduce a third of the world's population. (Starting from Africa). That's billions of people expected to die. I have asked again and again, "how can those who have a definite plan to reduce world population create a vaccine to save your life"?
There's another group in Germany of top lawyers resolved to suing those responsible for the lock downs etc. They call it crimes against humanity and they are.
(Video Playout)
The former VP of Pfizer has warned seriously about those vaccines. He has called for a stop to it. He knows what he is talking about.. as well as many other scientists around the world.
For us, who are Christian's, we need to realize that the world is being pushed in a certain direction by Satan. This is why I call you to pray Number 2, learn the word of God and put it to work. If you don't know the word, you can't use it. How can you act on the word of God that you don't know.
I did mention that they were going to make efforts for forced vaccinations but I told you they would fail.
As at the time I was telling you those things, they denied them. But several government's are forcing people. E. G. Italy and new Zealand. They tell you that if you don't get vaccinated, you can't get a Job. They say it's compulsory. By gradualism.. they say first the healthcare workers need to take it to be safe. But this isn't a vaccine. It is a gene therapy.
We have to pray because many don't realize that Satan is moving them. From the Bible, we see that even good people can be moved by Satan. Be spiritually minded and don't look at things from an earthly perspective.
Season 3, Phase 3, DAY 2!
Tuesday, 13th April, 2021~4297
Opening session led by the Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan.
~ Rev. Chris Oyakhilome DSc DD I want to welcome you to today's program and thank God for this blessed opportunity for us to have a special fellowship of truth, love, of the holy spirit; a true fellowship of the living kingdom.
Yesterday we started on Season 3, Phase 3. You know when we began all this, we didn't know how far we would need to go. And last night was the 100th episode. 100th session. So today, we just passed 100. How much more we need to do, God only knows But certainly we understand that it's the spirit of God who's leading us in this direction and guiding us with truth.
A moment ago we had pastor Tamas from Hungary sharing with us what he did on the Global day of prayer, and he made several remarkable statements.
One of them, God didn't say my people perish for the lack of Faith but the lack of Knowledge. God's people are not destroyed for the lack of faith. The Bible tells us the knowledge of truth is so important. If you don't know the word of God in truth, your faith will be misplaced, and applied in the wrong direction.
E.g. Jesus had faith. He could have commanded stones to become bread but he knew Satan was the one making the demands and he would not have to prove his faith to Satan. He would rather obey God. Don't be tempted by Satan and Fall in.
Sometimes Satan tempts us to do something wrong. Jesus was smarter than the devil. He understood Satan misusing the scripture he was quoting.
Don't be deceived.
If you have no knowledge of God's word, you cannot walk with God. Because the only way you walk with God is through his light.
His light is his word.
A number of things that are so important.
You have to know the day in which we live. I showed you from the Bible how long we have. I showed you from the scriptures, where we are at. I showed you beginning with Genesis to the present day and to the future of this world I gave you dates. I gave you suffice information to go and do your own study and see if you come up with something different.
If someone tells you that the world will continue as it always has, they are deceiving you. Everything that had a beginning has an end. Outside of the kingdom of God, everything else has a stop date
In the Bible, He shows us what will happen at every period of time so we know where we are. He didn't leave us in the dark
Simeon knew that the time of the Messiah was close and he was waiting for that. He didn't die until he saw the Messiah born. The exact time that the prophets predicted was when Jesus was born and he was crucified as the prophets said he would.
In Matthew 26:2, I brought you some prophetic insight.
📖 Matthew 26:1-2 How he just open a conversation, there is no contribution or further comment..? What was he saying?
I showed you that Jesus was revealing something very special about 2 days. He was referring to Not just the coming Passover. In the first instance, the son of man would be crucified but the Passover that would come afterwards was going to be the main Passover. He was referring to his second coming, during which he would judge the nation's and deliver Israel as he did back then in Exodus. He was referring to another Passover.
He was referring to what the Psalmist already said. That psalm was written by Moses. "A thousand years in God's sight is as one day and one day is as a thousand years."
He was not generalizing. He was being very specific. He was dealing with Numbers. Psalm 90:4,9-12 "Teach us to account for our days." He was writing with numbers in his mind.
Peter helped us understand that it was a very specific thing and that Moses was not generalizing or exaggerating.
When you study God's word, you keep in mind the specifics and the generic. 2 Peter 3: 8
📖 Matthew 26;2- Jesus was referring to the 2000 years to Passover.
John didn't put it this way. He says something else...but how could they be so accurate if these things were by chance?
Season 3, Phase 3, Day 3. April 14th, 2021~4306
Opening session by Highly Esteemed Pastor Biodun Lawal
Rev Dr. Chris Oyakhilome:
Welcome to today's program. I'm sure that so far you've been blessed with the prayer session, the very inspiring message by Bishop Tamas from Hungary and this moment of praise that we just had.
So much for us to learn. so much to know.
The word of God is undated so it's good for all time. Can you imagine that the prophetic word was so accurate from many years ago? To know that the prophet said, the scriptures show us that in the last days there will be a deception in the world and that the nations will be deceived through the pharmaceutical industry. How could anyone make that up?
Go and listen to the message on the Global day of prayer.
God's word cannot lie. It is the pharmacy industry that is behind the deception that is in the world today.
This is a sign that we are in the last days. The industry has been hijacked by those who through pharmakaeia are practicing sorcery. I showed you from Genesis, Exodus and into Revelation. There was a consistency in the scriptures to leave us in no doubt. A year ago, I showed you that even those in the industry knew the disease was curable but they deceived the world into believing that it was incurable so that they would give you vaccines.
Several weeks ago, I asked you "why are they leaving the production of vaccines to a few companies". Because those who are behind them are also the ones pushing for the Mrna vaccines, so they will not allow those with other types to produce theirs.
The love of money is the root of all evil. But it is not only money. It's about power and control. The satanic force behind it is what is worse.
They planned that if the covid does no work, they will introduce terrorists.
Ask yourself where do the terrorists get their arms? Who is selling it to them?
There are lies upon lies. Just like the bible told us.
And the reason that we are dealing with this now is because the time is near; the time of the end.
They've been in the bible...but things are playing out and getting to the place where they would be.
Don't be ignorant. Be armed with information from God's word. Otherwise you will be swept away. It doesn't matter how long you've been. A committed christian.
I'm not in favor of any of the vaccines but they are rigging the system against those that are not Mrna. Meanwhile more people have had damage from Moderna and Pfizer. We have the data. The one that ought to be suspended is Moderna and Pfizer especially after knowing the damage that they did in Africa and India. (Crippled people and sterilized women).
With the suspension of Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer ramped up it's production. They couldn't even wait.
They all should be suspended because they are damaging people.
In 5 years time, what will happen to those who have taken the vaccine? They don't know and the manufacturers don't know. This thing should have been tested for 10 years.
MRNA is not really a vaccine. It is a gene therapy but they called it a vaccine to be covered legally. They are capitalizing on the fears of men.
Listen! Those who are giving you the vaccine have planned that you should NEVER HAVE A NORMAL LIFE..This is not a conspiracy theory. These are clear facts.
Did you read Karl Schwab's great Reset? Read the speeches themselves. They call it the 4th industrial revolution but it should be called the Great Fraud.
They have been bewitched. They lost their minds. A characteristic thing about witchcraft is this: They kill their own. They don't kill strangers.
They are lying to their own people and destroying their own people. The Bible calls it witchcraft.
Now in some places, you are not allowed to say anything against their narrative. Welcome to FREE SPEECH WORLD.
Well, that's why I'm talking to God's people. If you don't like it, you don't have to listen. But it will help you if you are smart.
I am discussing tonight in the context of what we have been sharing...
Season 3, Phase 3, Day 4 15th April, 2021~4317
Opening Session led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu.
Rev Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
Welcome to today's program. I'd like to share some important thoughts with you.
The bible tells us that in Daniel 9:1-.. Try to follow what its saying.
1-3 Daniel was seeking the will of God. Seeking to understand the timing that God had purposed for the desolations of Jerusalem. He wanted to know where they were in Gods calendar.
So he read the books of Jeremiah the prophet. Because he realized that the time for the expiration of the period had come close, he began to pray the will of God into reality.
Just because its Gods will doesn't mean something is going to happen. Man always has a role to play
We are living at a time where God's work is beyond just Jerusalem..or the children of Israel as a people. we are dealing now with global issues. And even more serious, more important that we learn God's will and timing. Where are we on God's calendar.
This is why I've been sharing with you since last year to let you know what time we are living in. what did the prophets, apostles and Jesus say? I've been letting you know that their messages are so relevant and consistent to today.
Revelation 13:16 It's talking here about the antichrist.
The Bible talks to us about a man,referred to as the man of lawlessness or the man of sin, or the beast or the antichrist. He goes by some other symbols or name in prophecy such as the 'little horn'... but he is easy to identify.
He causes all, both small and great, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads. This man will have dominion and political power over the world in the last days which are very close.
Then the bible talks about THE SPIRIT OF THE ANTICHRIST referring to the works of evil and demons that are characteristic of the Man of Sin/the antichrist. so we should recognize their works and activities, such that even before the man of sin appears, we can tell whether or not it is in preparation for his entry or not.
Through the history of the church, there are several things that happened. The mystery of lawlessness was already in Operation.
There is a difference between all these terms. They are not referring to the same thing but different kinds of activities and operations.
Right now, the world is being prepared by the Antichrist Spirit (singular terminology). The world is being prepared like no other time in the history of this world. In such clarity that you have to be ignorant or blind or rebellious not to see it.
Several years ago, there were some of these things being discussed and there were several elements that many used their imagination to describe what would happen. there was nothing on that day to describe what would happen in a literal sense. but today, they are so clear that there is no doubt as to what those things mean. .You are reading the Bible and seeing everything live and in pictures.
Revelation 13:16 The world is preparing the ground for these things.
I showed you the timeline several months ago. This is episode 103, so you can imagine what information we've been giving till now. It's very important that you are conscious of where we are in today's world.
Remember that the period that these things will happen is a definite period and there are certain things that Must happen before then. And they are so close to happening.
someone asked "is the vaccine the mark of the beast?" No, it's in preparation for it. it makes it possible for you to receive the mark.
I told you a year ago that they would get a vaccine out and not because they wanted to fight the virus. This vaccine carries a software that will be introduced into a human body with which you can be connected with a computer.
Season 3, Phase 3, Day 5. 16th April, 2021~4324
Opening session led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Phillips.
Rev Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
Thank God for another beautiful opportunity to hear the word and be blessed.
In the last Global day of prayer, we got about 5 billion people join us. In the Healing streams over 4 billion people participated.
Acts 15:36 2 Cor 11:2-4 Gal 3:1-3 2 John 1:8
The point is: We are reaching a lot of people. We don't just walk away after we have reached them. We must follow them up. Its not enough to say 'oh we got over 5 billion people join us'. Some of them were not horn again, some were not firm in Christ, some were inquirers..
Don't leave them. Go back and reach those you reached before. Strengthen and encourage them lest Satan take advantage of them and deceive them like he did to Eve. They could be tempted by others who preaching something to them.
We have done a lot. We must persist till we receive a full reward, not a partial reward. Let's ensure everyone we reach grows so that when the lord comes we will go with him.
There are certain things that you can pray once, and that's it. There are different kinds of prayer. When dealing with things that other people accept even though they are wrong, we must continue in prayers, interceding for them in the spirit, mounting pressure on the adversary, Until they turn around and the adversary leaves them.
On the 1st to 3rd of May, We have Fasting and Praying. Each day Fast and pray. Let's take it very seriously .
We must take these things to the next level. We won't weaken out. We were trained for these days. Its our calling and we are ready.
In our preparations, we did a lot. A lot of you got people to open healing centres and we got lots of testimonies. Please keep sending in your testimonies. We now have a program "healing streams testimonies".
We made a lot of impact in the world. In Just 3 days.
(Video play out of Pastor Ashish from India who had over 10,000 centres)
The Lord Said 'This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations".
This is surely the generation to make that happen. There's no doubt.
Yesterday, we got to a certain level of our discussion on Life of The saints.
There is so much to say and I'm trying to lay the introductory part before building the foundation.
What I'm saying is something a lot of people may have never considered. The spiritual Kingdom that Jesus brought to us.
When God made man, he created the spiritual man first, and then he made the man of dust (outward man). God is a spirit...and the more important part is always the spirit. This is exactly what you find with the Church.
The Church is actually the spiritual kingdom of what he is going to be doing with Israel in the 1000 Years of peace.
Jesus will rule the world from Jerusalem. That is going is to happen.
In Judaism, they don't believe in going to Heaven based on what they read. But the revelation of the church was not revealed to them, but to the apostles.
But if they understood the words that were given to Abraham, David and the prophets, they would know that this was supposed to be so.
When Paul declared this message to the elders in Acts 15, the only reason that James was able to accept what peter was saying, after Paul and Barnabas declared what God had being doing with them, Was this... Acts 15:13-17 James was searching the scripture and found that What Paul was saying was true. It was written in the prophets.
In the Old testament, there is ample information if someone will have his spiritual eyes open to locate the information.
Paul himself quoted several scriptures about his claim.
So when those in Judaism say there is no rapture or anyone going to heaven... Its because they don't know the Gentiles will come into salvation. They never understood what the blessing of Abraham was. for all nations.
They had turned down the spiritual kingdom because they didn't know what it was.
Season 3, Phase 4. Day 1. 10th May, 2021~4723
Opening Prayer session led by the Highly Esteemed Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan.
Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
I want to welcome you to this program...Our very phase 4.
🎶 precious name, Oh how sweet. Hope of Earth and Joy of Heaven🎶
In the last phase, we dealt with a number of things and I was particularly discussing the life of the saints. I'm going to go in that direction in some parts of this phase. We haven't even scratched the surface of that subject.
Something happened just last weekend that got my attention. Recall that during the last global day of prayer, I talked to you about Pharmakeaia and what the Bible says about the pharmaceutical industry.
God always has something definite to say about any thing that affects the world.
Rev 17:1- "The Judgement of the great Whore/Harlot": a woman that sits upon many waters. V3: a woman sitting on a scarlet colored beast. (a red beast).
(See Revelation 13:1)
Rev 17:3-5. mystery, Babylon the great..
Rev 17:17-18 The woman that sits upon many a city.
What about the waters? 17:15- they are people's, multitudes, Nations and tongues
The woman riding the red beast was Europa (Europe) The woman upon many waters is Rome (Religious Rome- The Vatican).
This Past weekend, The Vatican convened an interesting conference. The speakers were Dr. Anthony Fauci, CEO of Moderna and CEO and Pfizer (All Pharmakeaia).
Is there a relationship between the Vatican and Pharmakeaia?
Revelation 18:23 KJV, CJB Merchants= Businessmen. Sorcery= Pharmacy; the production and administration of drugs.
These scriptures were written many years ago.
(Article on the conference in Rome) The deception is this: They are not improving human health.
Look at the image behind their flier. A white hand and a black hand. Both hands wearing surgical gloves. The white hand is supposed to be the hand of God... How do we know?
See Michael Angelo's creation painting of Adam. This is in the Sistine chapel of the Vatican. They just took the image of the hands, turned it into what they wanted.
So, 'God' is wearing a Glove. Maybe he doesn't want to be infected.
Their speeches tell you more. I will tell you some of that later. Not tonight.
God's word never fails
What's the reason for this racial thing over here? Africans need to be careful. If you need you can use those vaccines, you must be careful. There is a purging and cleansing of the races. Getting rid of the weaker races who are a burden on the world. Like the African Nations who supposedly are not needed.
When I tell you pray, you've got to pray. God hears and answers prayers. He always responds if men would call. He responds to the call of man's soul.
When you start hearing 'there's a new strain' or a new version of the virus... Look around you. Maybe they are rolling out 5G somewhere.
That's why I called for a review of the 5G. They should make it safe because the current one is a killer.
India is having problems. How can India be calling for help for anything Pharmaceutical when they are one of the biggest in the world when it comes to that?
So what happened? The Government knows what happened! But I don't want to get into their case yet. The sad thing is that so many are allowed to die when the deaths could be avoided. But they want to please their paymasters.
What did they do before it happened? Something happened but I won't say that today.
Don't be distracted by the evil happening in the world today. Look around and see what the Lord is doing. Be active on the Lord's side. The devil is not so big.
If you want to understand the Life of the saints, there are certain things you have to know. Understand the book of Acts, Epistles, ministry of the apostles and the millennium and what it means.
SEASON 3, PHASE 4, DAY 2 11th May, 2021~4730
Opening Prayer session led by the Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi.
Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
🎶 Let's just praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Let's just lift our hands toward Heaven and praise the Lord🎶
🎶 I will dance for you. Sing for you. Lift my hands in praise to you. These are expressions of your love. Worship you and magnify your name. Seek your face, in your presence remain. All of these things i do unto you. These are expressions of my love🎶
I want to welcome you to today's program. This is day 2 of Phase 4, season 3.
There's so much for us to discuss and last night I shared with you on the life of the saints.
The Christian Life is for us to live. It's a life to be lived everyday.
Yesterday, someone mentioned to me something I said. It's possible a couple of people might have misunderstood that. I didn't mean that the rapture would be postponed. The Bible tells us that God delayed his coming because of the matter of Salvation. I said that if we don't do what we should do, the Lord could delay his coming. But that won't happen because we are doing what he told us to do. What we are doing this period is part of the preparation. Millions of people are giving their lives to christ. Billions of people are listening to us at the same time. It's never happened before. The rapture is even closer than we would have thought.
2 Peter 3:9- The reason it looks as though he is delaying his coming is because he is long suffering toward us. Everyone is given a chance through the preaching of the gospel even if everyone isn't going to believe.
The gospel will be preached as a witness to ALL NATIONS, not individuals.
Just a few remarks
Vaccination used to be called immunization. Guess what! This particular vaccine produces no immunization. It doesn't get you immune to anything. That's why they say 'if you've been vaccinated, keep wearing your mask'. Crazy!
I told you what it was all about: the vaccination passports which is being sneaked into countries. And then, from there they can achieve the new world order.
(Diagram/organogram of the new world order 2 pronged plan)
They had to bring something people would embrace (5G which helps them cover up Internet Of Things). The vaccination is empowered by the 5G because it requires that kind of electromagnetic power to bring the IOT about.
They aren't even hiding the ID2020 anymore.
A lot of people want to believe that these things being said are not true... Just like people didn't want to believe what the Nazis planned. But everything I have shown you is absolutely true.
I even showed you one yesterday...and they just played right into it. The Vatican for many years were not in support of abortions and as such were not in support of Big Pharma but the Bible cannot lie. So everything is playing out now.
In that conference, Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former US President, called for total crackdown on any anti vaccination social media post. That was her contribution to the Vatican conference
I showed you something about the Zombie Apocalypse. Never underestimate the subliminal messages. Remember the 2012 Olympics and it's link to this Corona virus problem.
Now they say there is going to be a Zombie epidemic.
This is Satan's modus operandi. He leaks it out. (Just like God doesn't do anything without revealing it to his prophets). Look at the Zombie faces depicted in the 2012 Olympics. If you go to Pfizer or Moderna website, and try to find out about this vaccine; They tell you it's a software.. An operating system. The Host is seen as a computer. You the recipient of the vaccine is seen as a computer. You are injected with Nano particles.
See the gradualism at play. From one shot to 3 shots of the vaccine. Now they are saying you will need a renewal of the vaccine every year.
You must now understand that there is a deception going on.
Season 2, Phase 4, Day 3 12th May, 2021~4737
Opening Prayer led by the Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips.
Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
🎶 All over the world, the spirit is moving. All over the world, as the prophets said it should be. All over the world There's a mighty Revelation. Of the glory of the Lord As the waters cover the sea.🎶
Tonight God's spirit will minister to you in a special way. He said the earth will be covered with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
I want us to look through a few things tonight.
We've been discussing some very important things and tonight we're going to move some steps further.
Something sinister is really happening around the world and I think right now, we are having in some countries, a "Vaccine pandemic" .
(Article on screen of a news piece)
Thousands of people have died of the vaccines but they are counted as covid deaths. 26 countries and counting are reporting a massive uptake in covid19 cases. The number of deaths are going up because of the vaccine.
Remember they never told us that the vaccines would prevent covid19. It doesn't prevent it or stop the transmission. So why then are they giving it?
For those who are forcing people to take the vaccines, you'd better be careful. You are trying to make people take something that you don't know anything about Now they are forcing healthcare workers and teachers to take the vaccine. It's better for you to resign and Sue them. Because they have No right to force you to take the vaccine.
They tried to work it into the emergency governance laws. They put it there that they have the power to force you to take a vaccine. But they aren't bringing it out yet, because the spirit of God is restraining them.
Some of the parliamentarians don't know that it's there in their emergency laws.
There's no need for a state of emergency in many countries.
I did mention to you that it looks like the Vatican is in cohoots with Big Pharma. The Bible said they would be. The Bible said some of the topmost business people in the world would be associated with the Catholic Church (religious Rome- The Vatican).
Every Christian is actually Catholic but not just from Rome. The one that is giving trouble in this situation is Rome. That doesn't mean I have a problem with Roman Catholicism, No. I'm referring to this.
Our Lord was crucified in Jerusalem, but the Bible called it Sodom...because of the activities that would take place there in the last days. Currently, Tel-aviv is the number one travel destination for LGBTQ.
I hear there are some Christian's who are still unsure about whether it is right or wrong to be Gay. Are you out of your mind? The first book of the Bible shows how God destroyed two cities because of their Gay activities. The last book of the Bible addresses it too
It is not possible to be born gay. Don't deceive yourself. A man is tempted when He is drawn away by his own lusts and enticed.
James 1:13-16 Don't say "it's natural" or "it's the way God made me". It is your Lust; your appetite for self gratification.
V16 Don't go astray! He's warning you. It's not right. If you are engaged in it, repent and start living right. Lust is evil desire. Unrestrained or wild desire.
Stop looking at magazines or websites that get you into such situations. Don't flirt with those things. They will destroy your life.
Remember, just because a lot of people are doing something doesn't make it right. If it's popular in your community, it doesn't mean that it is right. If you want to stop it you can stop it. Say "in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I will no longer do it". But if you keep nurturing it, you are creating an enemy from within to destroy your life. You can sing songs and preach, it won't make any difference. You are bound in that area of your life and the earlier you free yourself from it, the better. Don't make excuses. You were not born that way. It is not natural.
Season 3, Phase 4, Day 4. Grand Finalé 13th May 2021~4743
Opening Pray led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Kay Adeshina
Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome
John 17: 1, 12: 28 All around the world, there's one name that deserves worship and Honor. His name is Jesus. There are those that want to dishonor him, but they can't. The Bible says He raised us up to glorify him. The isles, the gentiles shall glorify him. Those that are afar off shall glorify him. And we've come to that place where we glorify his name. And we also ask like Jesus "Father glorify your name". I can imagine the same response that he gave to Jesus " I have both glorified it and will glorify again"
🎶Father we love you. We worship and adore you. Glorify your name in all the earth. As we glorify your name. We glorify your name. We glorify your name in all the earth🎶
Hallelujah. Today, we've got lots of beautiful things to review. So far, we've discussed many important things and I'm hoping I can take you to another level of this discussion today. Sometimes when I share some things from God's word, some of them have taken years to finally discuss them. Sometimes the people are not yet ready for that level of communication so you can't go further. But thank God for the quick work that God is doing today. The knowledge of God's word is growing very fast around the world.
It's amazing that these things have been there for so long and many Christian's have lived a life that's not of the kingdom and they didn't know. Singing songs that are pitiful... But they didn't know. E. G. Singing a song like "come live in me, Holy spirit". When the holy spirit had been in them all the while.
Then the wondered why they lived a life that was up and down and wondering why there was no manifestation, when they constantly confessed those things away from their lives. .they walked away from the city. But they never knew there was a city. Glorious things are spoken of you o City of God. You were born there.
They were confused by our motions and outward gesticulations. We look up in prayer, saying "Father", when he actually lives in us. Because it is an outward show of an inner truth. The holy spirit brought us the presence of the father and we have that presence now. Until and unless Jesus Christ becomes to you much more than a demonstration of some power or a feeling; until you recognize that Jesus is a real person, to he father is a real person and the Holy spirit is a real person... Your knowledge of God will be circumstantial. Some can preach Faith but they can't live their lives by Faith. You ought to have faith when you get away from the preaching.
All the blessings we receive when we preach the word or minister the word is for us to live by when we get off ministering. If you don't, you lost. You have no benefit of it. Learn the word and receive the word to Live the word.
The Holy spirit came to live in me. He doesn't jump on me when I want to preach. He came to abide. He doesn't come and go. The problem for most is the teaching they got from old revivalists of long ago. The terms became confusing and misleading.
E. G. John G Lake talked about double baptisms of the Holy Ghost. Like saying the Holy spirit came twice. But it was a feeling that He interpreted wrong. Your feelings should never interpret the word of God. The word of God should interpret your feelings.
There are some that talk about the double or triple anointing but the Bible doesn't say that.
God doesn't want us to lift experiences of the old prophets. God doesn't want us to do that. They didn't have the kind of relationship we had with Jesus in the new testament.
I talked about the gift. Which they refer to as the gift of the word of knowledge. This is one of the limitations in 'charismatic' Churches. It is only refered to, as "the gift of the word of knowledge" in one place in the Bible. Every other place it is called the gift of knowledge.
Live with the consciousness that you are not of thos world, because you are of heavenly heritage. The life of Jesus is in you.
Many of God's children aren't living this eternal life, because they are not meditating on this Word. They have eternal life but they are living human lives. Learn to live the life that God has given you, practice eternal life.
There is a difference between the lowly man of Galilee and the resurrected and ascended Christ. The resurrected and ascended Christ has authority over all things in heaven and on the earth, and He has given you His authority.
You have eternal life now, it's not a promise, but it's your possession now
Learn how to make your supernatural life superimposed on your physical body. You can do that by : Meditation, Prayer, and the declaration of God's Word.
The potency of the name of Jesus is not based on your character, but it is based on the authority in the name. Jesus passed by many sick people who weren't heeled: The identity was there, the character was present but nothing happened. If you don't understand this TRUTH, satan will question your worthiness to use the name of Jesus, by accusing you
When you're born again you're born into God's City, this is the heavenly Jerusalem, you're born into God's City. "We are in God's kingdom now! We are in His city now, we are in Christ. This is God's city. We are in His spiritual city right now.
Satan Is aware that his time is shortened, that's why he is trying to gain more time, by starting his operations ahead of his time.
What we are witnessing in the world today, is the a preparation for the antichrist and his system.
God didn't leave us in doubt, He gave us information in His Word. The time for the antichrist has not come.
Use the name of Jesus as a key to unlock anything, make a demand on that name. Jesus said when you ask in His name He will do it for you.
We pray to the Father in the name of Jesus, you don't pray to Jesus in the name of Jesus. This is the right way to pray, you must understand this.
Join the man of God Pastor Chris Oyakhilome DSc, DD again tomorrow for another session of "Your LoveWorld Specials" by 7:00pm GMT +1. God bless you.
Season 3, Phase 5, Day 2. June 8th, 2021~5001
Opening Prayer session led by the Highly Esteemed Pastor T.T Temisan
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.
I want to welcome you to today's program.
I'm sure you do recognize that we are in a very special time in the kingdom of God; in God's timetable and program. Anyone who truly understands the bible and studies it would know that these are not ordinary times. These are the days that the prophets spoke about; With very clear, unambiguous expressions.
Yesterday, I began to talk about using the name of Jesus in our discussions of the life of the saints. I want you to recognize that these teachings are very important.
When you receive Christ, He comes to live in your spirit. He takes charge of your spirit and that's why no evil spirit can get in there. He has a right to your soul and your body...but then he gives you the authority for the management of your soul and body.
Romans 12:1-2 He tells YOU to present your body. He doesn't do the presenting. It belongs to him, but the only way that God will do anything with your body is if you manage your body and present it to him. You become the custodian of your body for him. Your mind is in your soul: seat of your mind, emotions and will. He doesn't control you will. He tells you to control your will, mind and emotions. He resides in your spirit and if you let him, he will manifest himself in your soul and body
That's why if you are a Christian, filled with the Holy ghost, you can be sick in your body. Because you manage your body.
Imagine you have a city and a Mayor of the city with authority to run the city. But He lives the running of the homes to those in their families.
In the same way, we have global issues that confront us and so we share God's word, then we operate at the global scale to deal with matters at the global scale. We are doing it and keeping the devil in check. (According to the grace God has given to us).
E.g. we prayed against the global vaccination and it won't happen at the global scale. Even the mask mandate is crumbling at different localities.
You have to take control of your city, state and country. What I'm doing with you right now at the global scale, don't neglect to do at the local scale.
Remember, even though God is in your spirit and has a right over your body and has general control. Demons can no longer possess you as a child of God....but it would not stop them from running rampage on your body IF YOU LET THEM.
You have to stop the devil from manipulating your body. You are in charge of it.
Don't leave your city, state and country for the devil. Use the authority that has been given to us. It works! If you are a Pastor, call for a prayer meeting with your Pastors and leaders. Give no place to the devil. Don't give him a chance. We can run him out of every city and state We just need to localize the message. You would find that you will have a sound healthy church.
Do these things in whatever institution that you are in. Take charge. God expects you to do it.
Yesterday, I began with Understanding the authority that is vested in the name of Jesus and the power of attorney that he gave us to use it
Ephesians 1: 19- 21 (Weymouth) Jesus is seated high above all other governments.
When we think about the name of Jesus, we think about the highest authority possible. Higher than every authority and every government.
There is an understanding that a child of God needs to have.
Micah 6:9 KJV The man of wisdom will see God's name and understand it.
It's important to understand when the name of Jesus is contextualized with authority. Anyone of us can use that name
In Colossians 3:17... He is referring to using the name of the Lord Jesus in your identify, authority and Character. The context here is how you live your life. It is similar to and summarized in 1 Cor 10:31.
9th June, 2021~5019
Pastor Chris
🎶 You are beautiful beyond description. Too wonderful for words. Too wonderful for comprehension Like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp your infinite wisdom? Who can fathom the depth of your love? You are beautiful beyond description. Majesty enthroned above.
I stand, I stand in awe of you. Holy God to whom all praise is due I stand in awe of you. 🎶
I'd like to welcome you to today's program. The holy ghost is already ministering to us in his grace, live, kindness and mercy.
I'm going to just take off from where we left off yesterday. We got to Hebrews 11:3.
Hebrews 11:1-3 By FAITH the elders obtained a good report from God.
The worlds were framed by the word of God. Framed: Kathartizo: To frame, restore and to mend.. It helps you understand that the worlds (aeons: course of Life/ times of life/ what should happen to this world/ how things should go/ seasons and times of a man's life) were framed by God's word (the Rhema of God).
God puts his word in Man's heart for man to speak: That's Rhema.
Men framed the world by using the word of God. They uttered God's word. Rhema means the spoke word. The word that you speak. The spoken word in the lips of men. They gave shape,structure and system to their world. Through their words, their era was constructed.
Let's go back to verse 1. He is speaking on the subject of Faith. In order to explain it, he reveals important truths.
V4-: By Faith, Abel....not God....offered a more excellent sacrifice.. V5: Enoch. V6: Without Faith, you can't find God. V7: Noah V8-: Abraham Etc..
V32-38: You are about to Subdue your city, your state, your country! Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world. V 38: The world was not worthy of them. This is spiritual reality. The world thought they were not worthy of the world. But in God's mind, the world wasn't worthy of them.
V3: These men and women of God framed their eras. They did it by Faith.
When Abel was offering his sacrifice to God, He did it as an act of Faith. He didn't just do it and keep quiet. He said something
The Bible says, they confessed that they were strangers in the earth.
They spoke. That lets you know how they constructed their times. They talked into their future.
Even though Abel died, His words were not thrown away. His words stood firm even in death.
V14: They spoke.
2 Cor 4:13. If you believe, you speak. Faith is the Noun of believing. Believing is the verb.
If you have Faith, you will speak. Faith speaks. You cannot believe and be quiet. If it is the spirit of faith, you will be motivated in uttering those words.
All those men and women of Faith spoke into their future.
Even in the satanic realm, they leak out what they are going to do. They speak it out purposes, because if they don't say it, it will not happen. Satan understood that from God so he plays it.
They wanted a drastic population reduction done by Eugenics. I told you. Don't misunderstand this for bio-engineering. We are dealing with the great-grand whatever they are....of those who carries out Eugenics from the beginning. They have more scientific methods now to carry out what they always wanted to do Many don't remember that certain countries had laws years ago to forcibly sterilize people whom they judged to be no good for the society It was legal because of pursuit of the "good stock".
They decided who was good for the world and who wasn't...and it was legal because they created the laws.
Now they are asking for all your medical information (actually, they already have it).. What are they going to do with it? I have told you.. They have also told you.
The wicked will not understand. All those who don't have the love of Christ will not understand. But God's people,be wise. They are more powerful than they used to be that's why they believe that this time they will be more successful in weeding out those that they don't want. So with that vaccine, it becomes possible to extinguish ones life.
June 11, 2021.~5033
Grand Finalé!!
Pastor Chris
Welcome to today's program.
I think it was yesterday or so, I saw a program which I think you should listen to. I think that the information will help immensely. With this information, there is lot that I won't need to tell you.
(Play out of Chronicles of Prophecy- *Dr Wolfgang Wodarg: Swine Flu and Covid, Pandemic Deja Vu?)
Interesting,very very interesting!
(Try your best to watch Chronicles of Prophecy every Saturday)
Revelations 13:1-3 V3- all the world wondered after the beast. V4- They worshipped the devil that have power to the Antichrist. V5- 7: He will have power over the saints who will be here at that time and he would overpower them. V8:
I've warned you. What's happening is a preparation because this is not a vaccine They call it a vaccine to escape legal problems and to deceive. It doesn't provide immunization or the spread. So why are they using it? Because of control.
Today I want to go further in our subject, THE LIFE OF THE SAINTS.
we will be looking at one of the very important things that the Lord brought the saints into as an integral part of their life and ministry.
Isaiah 56:6-7 House of a stranger: Non Jews. V7: referring to these same strangers.
Remarkable indeed
Mark 11:17 These are the words of Jesus
The previous scripture let's us know how Mark 11:17 should be read. ...It shall be called a house of prayer for all nations". God's house, is a house of prayer.
In the millenial period she is going to be prayer. Why? Because of what Prayer really is.
Let's see God's plan Mal 1:11 If you were a Jew or a prophet in the old testament, you would really be stirred by this prophecy.
In the old Tabernacle of Moses, they had the outer court. And in the outer court was the altar of brass..and there the burnt offering was offered. The evening sacrifice was offered on the altar of brass.
Inside the Holy place was the table of the showbread, the table of the table of the lampstands..and another altar of incense.
Then you went into the Most holy place. There is more incense to be offered by the High priest. You didn't just offer incense to God anywhere
Malachi 1:11. God is now saying that in EVERY PLACE, incense will be offered.
This offering on the brazen altar was not God's best. He was calling for another one.
Mal 1:11- "and a pure offering..."
Psalm 141:2. He's talking about a different kind of praying. (The lifting up of hands: that's the sacrifice on that brazen altar; the evening sacrifice).
The high priest has the golden censer inside the most holy place. That's the work of the high priest.
But the priests are out here.
So we find the fulfilment of the prophetic word in the new testament 1 Timothy 2:8. Now we can pray EVERYWHERE. we lift our hands up and the evening sacrifice is offered.
It's important to pray as God wants us to.
When we lift our hands, it's better than what that priest carried. Our high priest is in Heaven and our prayers ascend to him as incense.
Rev 5:8- As you pray here, your prayers ascend in Heaven as incense.
You've got to rise in your prayer. Go beyond the "give me" prayers and step into your office as a King priest.
Isaiah 61:6. What's he talking about here? In Gen 20 something happened. V3-7: God came to Abimelech in a dream.
Why did Abimelech have to go to Abraham to be prayed for even though He was already talking directly to God. God said Abraham was a prophet and He would pray for him.
Job 42: 7-8 God was talking directly yet said He should go to Job.
Isaiah 61:6 The problem with most people is that they have kept the ministry inside the church. Everyone of us is a minister of reconciliation.
The 5 offices are in the church for the church to build God's people. But God's plan is that People will call us ministers
2 Cor 5:17 When He says "If any man be in christ he is a new creature" ... He means a new species. A new kind. He is talking about a being that has not existed before
COLOSSIANS 1:9-10 For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
JOHN 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
PRAYER POINT Pray and thank the Lord specially for the impact of YOUR LOVEWORLD SPECIALS SEASON 3 PHASE 6 on new believers around the world. Declare that they are kept in the Lord and nothing shall pluck them out of the hands of the master. Pray and intercede specially for those who are struggling with their faith and with all forms of negative addictions, pray for those who are being troubled by demonic activities, and for those who have backslidden. Declare that the grace of God is extended to them at this time, and they experience the extraordinary ministry of the Spirit and the Word at this time. Declare that not one of them will be lost, but they are kept and preserved unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
PROCLAMATIONS I PROCLAIM that new believers around the world are mightily protected from the deceptions and deceit of the adversary, and the Word gains the ascendancy in their lives. I PROCLAIM that as they participate in YOUR LOVEWORLD SPECIALS SEASON 3 PHASE 6 Faith, Hope and Love is restored in their hearts, and their commitment to the Lord is afire. I PROCLAIM that through them, billions around the world will come to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Loveworld Anthem By Loveworld singers..~5473
Season 3, Phase 6. Day 1 July 26, 2021~5551
Opening Prayers Led by the Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi.
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to this very special phase six, season three of your LOVEWORLD SPECIALS.
I want to bring some important thoughts to your mind. Remember the words of Jesus when he said "you are the light if the world". He wasn't talking to the whole world. He was talking to God's people. He wasn't talking to politicians. He wasn't talking to professionals and leaders of industries. He was talking to God's people. He let us understand that the world itself was in darkness and then he said to us about himself "as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world".
And you read in the Epistles, the apostles also let us know we are the light of the world. . He told us "you are the salt of the earth". He wanted us to know that the kingdom of light depended on us to show his light.
He wanted us to know that the world depended on us to give them light.
Study the words of Jesus. Learn about his life. Understand his message.
One of the very important things that I brought to you in the last year and half is the spirituality of Jesus and how he expected us to walk in the same way.
The apostles were the same. They were spiritually minded. They looked at the world from the spiritual perspective. If you are a child of God, you are expected to see the world from God's point of view. You are expected to interpret life from the spirit realm. There is no other way.
Let me bring some thoughts again to your mind...with Jesus, how he responded in certain occasions.
E.g. until Jesus came, No one told us that when someone was deaf, an evil spirit could be responsible and we needed to cast that spirit out for the deaf to hear or the mute to speak. Until Jesus came, Nobody cast out u clean spirits. Yet they were there all the time disturbing people's lives.
A man was saying nobody could help him. When Jesus came through that same road, several people had tried to help. They bound him with chains and fetters. He broke it. Inflicted wounds on his own body. Nobody could help him. But when Jesus came through that same road, Jesus spoke to the evil spirit to come out of the man. Nobody did that before.
Jesus saw life from the realm of the spirit. As far as Jesus was concerned, everything was controlled from the realm of the spirit. (Mark 5)
Why would you be different?
I remind you of King Asa. 35 years of serving as king, things were wonderful. The kingdom was at peace because he served and loved the Lord. In the 36th year of his reign, Asa turned to mercenaries to help him fight the neighboring kingdom and the Lord was displeased with Asa.
God sent a prophet to him to remind him of how he intervened when he fought against a million soldiers from Ethiopia and other lands. . Instead of listening to the message from God, he was angry the prophet.
He then began to oppress the people.
2 years later he had a disease in his feet. Asa still didn't turn to the Lord for healing. He turned to the physicians. 35 years of wealth had spoilt him. He had enough money to pay physicians and mercenaries now. Why would he need God?
God was waiting for him to make a change but he didn't. He died with the disease in his feet. Just 2 years later.
I said that for a reason
Remember Jesus was very spiritual. In his encounter with his disciples, he asked "whom do you say that I am"?
Matt 16:13- V17 Jesus' response is quite interesting. Jesus immediately turned Peters mind to the source of his information. He turned Peters mind to the spiritual. That's the way Jesus was.
V21-23 Peter responds to Jesus and says "No you're not going to die" because spoke about the crucifixion that was going to take place. Watch Jesus' response to Peter. Again, he turns everything to the spiritual. He wanted him to God when God gave him and information and when the devil gave him an information No middle ground.
Season 3, Phase 6. Day 2~5591
Opening Prayers Led by the Highly Esteemed Pastor Emeka Ezeh
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you today to a very special session. There is so much to learn and to know and to do. Remember, you are called of God as a child of God. You don't live for yourself.
2 Corinthians 5:14 The scriptures tell us that much. If one died for everyone of us, then we all legally died in that one who died for us. He is talking about Jesus. He died for us all that everyone who lives now, should no longer live for himself. If you live, you should live in Christ and for Christ because he died for you. Are you living for Him or are you living for yourself? Does Jesus matter to you? Has your personal ambition covered/clouded your mind in such a way that you're really not living for Jesus? Do you remember him? Do you care about his opinions or you run with your own?. Does Jesus matter in the life you live and decisions you make? Remember what he said "Not everyone who calls Lord! lord! Will enter the kingdom". He will say to some "never knew you" Does Jesus know you?
Sometimes, we say we are somebody's friend, but will that person make the same confession about you? When you say you know him, will Jesus say He is your friend? Do you recognize him in your life? You have to make up your mind to live for him. It's one of the reasons for the program; to make a real commitment to Jesus Christ and live your life for him. Jesus didn't come to fulfil your ambitions or make your dream come true. Yes, we praise him for doing such. It's a truth but a childish truth. Children don't recognize Lordship. As you grow up, you live to satisfy him. You live for him. You are his creation. He doesn't exist for you. You exist for him. The earlier you realize that, the better for you. We have a number of things to look at today: A couple of them coming from our discussion yesterday.
There are those who talk about the glory of God that they hope to see and sometimes I wonder if they understand what they are talking about. The prophesy about "seeing the glory of God". Like some great things that are going to happen in some future. Or something they expect to happen in their congregation or a special meeting. And I often think "do they know what they are talking about?" Sometimes the expectations of God's people are not of spiritual reality. The reason is, they are mostly ignorant of God's word. And because they are ignorant, they don't know what to expect. Sometimes, some expect a certain manifestation of God in their midst which would be termed the glory of God.
They live in the senses even though they are born again. As long as you are that way, you will live your life expecting something that God is truly done with and has termed "the lesser glory". What is in the word of God?. What does the bible say? So that your expectation will be right and true. The format of Church services: What should a Church service be? Are there different kinds of services? Did God say anything about the format of church services? Emphatically Yes. But most Churches follow the pattern their Pastor is used to. But does God have a plan? He sure does... And thank God that his plan in the last days is to bring all things into perfection.
By God's grace, I will be able to bring some of that information to you You have to understand that all that Glory/voice/light that the Holy ghost manifested in the old testament, Understand that it's all inside you now. As long you minimize this work of God, you cannot understand Christianity. this work of God fulfilled in Christ, in the new creation, is God's dream for the ages. But most have never given attention to it.
Who was Jesus? Do you remember him? As he was, all of the divinity was Tabernacled in him
Season 3, Phase 6. Day 3~5607
Opening Prayers Led by the Highly Esteemed Pastor T. T Temisan
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to today's program. I trust that the Lord will inspire everyone, and bless you immensely with his word today; Stir your heart in the direction with his will and purposes.
When we band together to do things for God, nothing on earth can beat us.
Yesterday, we talked about several things.
- Satan's time of control through the Antichrist is limited. God has determined that somewhere in time, Satan will have full control of most of the world. He is going to be working through the Antichrist, who as a man, is limited. They can only make people do what those people yield to. The devil doesn't have the power to force anybody to do what they don't yield to.
The devil can use you unknowingly, or get several other things to get you to do what he wants you to... But he needs your permission. If he had power in such a way, he would have controlled the world a long time ago Even the demon possessed man ran to Jesus. All the demons in him couldn't stop him from running to Jesus.
Revelations 13:1-8 When we were dealing with the book of Revelation, we dealt with this in great detail.
V2 The dragon is the devil Satan. Whatever power Satan is going to give to the Antichrist, WE HAVE MORE POWER OVER HIM.
We've got the power in the name of Jesus so we cannot be here when they run this thing.
V3: All the world wondered at the beast. V4: They worshipped Satan. Today Satanism has been on the rise in many communities
Satanism is behind these things that have been happening since 2020. This is real.
V5: 42 months is three and half years.
His time is limited! And it has to start at a certain period. The reason is this...Mark 13:20. There will be so much evil that except those days are shortened, no flesh will be saved. (Read from 14-20. Jesus expected the Jewish reader to understand)
When the book of Daniel was written, the Lord told him to seal the book. Many people never understood that book. But Jesus now speaks from there and corroborates that prophecy..and he wants them to understand. The time had come for the understanding of the prophecy of Daniel.
V19- The time of Jacobs trouble.
The Antichrist's seat would move his seat from Europe and relocate to the place described in Dan 11:45. (Between the Mediterranean sea and the dead sea or red sea)
(See Old Map on screen)
"Between the seas in the Glorious Holy Mountain". What is the Holy Mountain? (Ref Dan 9:16, Zech 8:3). That is Jerusalem for sure.
Dan 12:1-7,14 He is referring here to the Great tribulation. (The time of Jacob's trouble)
Daniel 7:25 This is what the Antichrist will do.
Revelation 11:1-7 Remember when you read the book of Revelation, at the time of writing, each year was calculated as 360 days.
(Same thing recorded in Daniel and Revelations)
Jesus said except those days be shortened, no flesh should be saved. Satan doesn't like that. Satan wants more time to do more havoc.
- The DNA is editable. There is a technology known as CRISPR used for editing DNA.
Revelations 13:8 "Whose names are not written in the book of life". How come these guys don't have their names written in the book?
Revelations 17:8 Notice an interesting change of tenses. Their names were Never written! Why?. First you would have people born into this world "somewhat manufactured", Because now they have ability to alter DNA. It's not the same thing as when a guy is changed to a girl. That one has nothing to do with your DNA. This one is more serious. Once altered, He is no longer a human being because the configuration for your humanity has been altered. The implication is severe.
This is why you have to say NO to transhumanism which is being perpetrated by the world economic forum leaders.
Remember, the bible tells us that those in the old testament were purified by the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 9:15)
Revelations 19:7-9
Season 3, Phase 6, Day 4~5619
Opening Prayers Led by Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan.
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to today's program. I trust that the Holy spirit will minister to you in a very special way and bless you.
We are in the fourth day of this wonderful phase 6 of season 3.
I just love the word of God. We were created by the word of God. I've shared with you several mysteries from the scriptures. And one of the ones I would really like to talk about is the mystery of the word, but not today. It's one of the most extraordinary things ever brought to this world.
Yesterday we went through several things and I tried to also give some reflections on the previous days discussion.
Today we will be able to go a little step further.
I began to point out to you about the environment the apostles lived in; the convictions of John the apostle when he spoke to us about that eternal life that was with the Father manifested to us. I wanted you to understand the mentality of John the apostle. That was the same mentality and phronesis of the apostles.
The wisdom of God was manifested in them (the wisdom of the just, the righteous)
They lived in an environment where circumcision was compulsory because they were all Jews.
But Jesus did something that was extraordinary. He brought them a kingdom that they expected all their life long.
Jesus brought it to them and they failed to recognize who it was. They were waiting for the Messiah to come and when he came they didn't receive him. So he said to them "the kingdom is therefore taken from you and given to a nation that will bring forth the fruits thereof".
Matthew 21:42-43 Take special notice of what he said here. In a previous phase I shared with you how that this nation is the church. The church is a Holy nation, a chosen generation, a peculiar people. This is the nation he was referring to here.
V42, 44: Referring to himself as the stone that was rejected. Think about it. He is the head of the corner. What does that mean? That's quite interesting because that's the stone that ties the whole building together. And all of us are living stones.
"Whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken. And on whomever it shall fall, he shall grind it to powder". That word is for today. Let no nation forget it.
V45: That's exactly what I have done.
Jesus brought this new kingdom, and he expected the message of this kingdom to begin in Jerusalem.
He was bringing in a transformational message. This was going to be an extraordinary time in Israel because it was going to be revolutionary. He is bringing up in a place where circumcision is compulsory, a new nation and kingdom that requires no circumcision.
Not even the apostles were able to handle it. It took them a while.
"Are you sure it is not compulsory?" "Are you sure if you don't get circumcised you will be accepted?"
Some of the leaders still considered preaching that they do the 2 together.
In Israel it was easy because everyone was already circumcised. But Jesus said to take the message beyond Jerusalem, Judea to the uttermost part of the earth....places where they were not circumcised.
And you had Jews in some of those places who were insisting that if they had to come in, they had to to be circumcised. It split the church right in the middle: Those who said it was necessary and those who said it was unnecessary.
Hear what the spirit is saying to you today:
Galatians 2:9- Peter came to Antioch and He was so happy to find Gentile Christian's and Paul was there. Peter loved them and ate with them. Remember he was accused it going to the House of a gentile and daring to eat with them in Acts 10 (story of the Roman centurion, Cornelius). Peter already knew that God had accepted them in Christ Jesus.
But he had folks back in Jerusalem who don't believe that the gentiles should come into the kingdom except by circumcision.
Some visitors came from James in Jerusalem. Peter then pulled himself aside and Paul was upset.
Season 3, Phase 6, Day 5~5648
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to today's program.
Yesterday we looked at a number of things, and today I believe we'd be able to move some distance into very important issues ..and remember I already announced to you that this Sunday we will be fasting everywhere, all over the world. And the church service should be mostly with prayer. Spend most of the time of the service in prayer. Let everyone pray.
After I share some things with you tonight, you will understand what you're going to be praying about.
You that yesterday I showed to you 2 videos from 2 different individuals who are versed on the subject and the idea was for you to understand some of the things we've been talking about since last year.
In the first one, I showed you someone who has in his own research and evidence corroborated what I told you...that this virus was created. I said so. It was created. It was deliberately created. I went as far as indicating who it was. The interesting thing was that I said if you want to know who it was, ask them about HIV.
Now the whole thing has come out about the Fellow. Patented corona virus for what they wanted to do with HIV.
There were things we said then, that have been proved over and over again. I said it's the same individuals.
I also told you that the Chinese were collaborators even though it was done in China. The real perpetrators were American. Not the government, but they used the government platform.
Very interesting.
And more recently we discovered that those who were responsible, the Government had asked that such a thing should not be done. But they found a way around it and did it.
(Video playout)
SARS1 was done by them. And SARS 2 was done by them. These particular Americans created SARS COV 2. They created it and patented it.
When I told you it didn't exist in Nature, not everyone was happy with that but it was true.
The guy who created it was put in office to help solve the problem. He was never going to solve it. Right now They are the ones in office supposedly helping the world to solve the problem.
Now you can see why it cannot be solved and why they stopped anyone who came up with a medical solution for it.
I also told you how weak that virus was. The would not produce something that would kill them. Because they want to live and kill others.
Dr. Fauci did actually say wearing of masks will not work. He said it at the beginning of the pandemic. Because all science shows that that would not stop such a virus. So why do they want people to wear it? Because it is a symbol of subjugation. They need you to wear the mask, because that it their security. As long as you wear the mask, you are on their side. If you don't wear it, they know their jobs and finances are on the line. The mask is their symbol of their security.
When you wear the mask, it doesn't keep you from anything. All the researchers have agreed that the covid19 has 90% survival rate. That means the weakest person has 90% survival rate, while the young and strong have 99%.
It means it doesn't kill.
They are weak. They never would have produced something that would kill them. They produced something that is dangerous enough to scare people.
How can you produce a medicine without knowing the cause of a sickness. They said they are still studying it. So how did you get a vaccine that works?
Who purified the virus?
I knew they were not going to answer.
You have to find someone that is infected with Covid and you must prove that the virus was responsible for his sickness. You must isolate the virus.
All of them now, have confessed that they never purified the virus. So how did they come up with a vaccine.
Pfizer said scientists no longer need a virus to produce a vaccine.
What they are creating now is a system that is very different. One that produces a type of virus (Spike proteins). People are getting sick now who have taken the vaccine
Season 3, Phase 7, Day 1~6093
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi.
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to today's very special program. This is Phase 7 of season 3, Your Loveworld specials.
The things I've been sharing with you since season 1, from 2020...I've shared with you God's word; To provide you information and direction as children of God.
Of course I know that there are those who would not understand what we are talking about because for so long they were never trained in the things of the spirit. They never really understood the word of God.. And this includes some preachers. So it should no be surprising when you find that there are some ministers of the gospel who would even claim that Pastor Chris doesn't know what he is talking about. They probably heard what someone heard that someone said I said. But that's the way they've always lived their life. They've never really known Truth.
If someone wants to contest anything that I've said, he should turn to the bible. Go to the scriptures and try and find out if what I told you are consistent with it or not. Get to know what I said first hand. That's what you need.
And so far, everything I told you was going to happen as a result of what they had done, has been Absolutely consistent.
I told you their motivations, inspirations, and their own utterances have confirmed what I told you. I even told you the vaccines had been prepared ahead. Some doubted me, but even recently the president of the United States confirmed what i said.
Deception is for those who reject truth. When you reject truth, you will be deceived. This is a terrible deception that's going on. I told you the vaccine was not a vaccine and that it was planned for control.
They finally told you that the vaccine doesn't cure you, stop you from being infected or from infecting others. So why are you taking it?
I also told you about the Mask. They have said by themselves, that the mask doesn't protect you from Covid. If it doesn't why are they telling you to wear it?
Dr. Fauci said that much. He stated it in his secret emails and stated it publicly at the beginning.
The mask is the symbol of control. It is the symbol of their safety. They know not only on their side, you have been captured. These perpetrators are afraid.
We are talking about something of epic proportions; The scale of the disaster and decimation of business and economies around the world. They understand what these means and won't of their own let off. They went too far. They had and still have deliberate policies of reconstruction of nations and settlements. This is no game.
So we are not only talking about the reconstruction of populations but also of settlements....who owns what and who stays where....And drastically reducing the population of the world to what is manageable by them.
They are pitting people against themselves. Dissenting voices are separated as enemies of the state.
This is not new. Look into history. All despots have done the same thing. It is the oppressive voice of the wicked.
I want to begin today to press certain things home to you from the scriptures so you can understand what God thinks and how He wants us to live.
TLB. Psalm 11:1-7. Psalm 12:1-8
Those words are true and trustworthy.
Hear the words of Jesus to the Jews. KJV John 5:43 Surely another will come, the bible tells us.
I hope I will have an opportunity this week to help you trace certain important truths in scripture to show you the consistency of revelation and bring it to our day. What Jesus said here is so important.
1 John 2:18 Its referring to the ending of days. It is referring to the same one which Jesus said was 'another one's which would come in his own name.
In John's day, He knew the Antichrist spirit was there and manifesting in people in certain degrees. But he was referring to the one that would come. This very one was also refered to by Paul.
2 Thess 2:1 The gathering together: The rapture of the church.
SEASON 3, PHASE 7, DAY 2~6120
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Emeka Ezeh.
Pastor Chris
I want to welcome you to today's program. This is Day 2 of phase 7, Season 3, Your Loveworld specials.
Yesterday, I began to introduce a number of things to you and to show you some of the things the bible tells us about the Antichrist so that we can recognize what spirit is operating in the world or even around us. So we know how to respond. A lot of times people don't understand that God expects us to respond in life. Your response is more important than what happens to you or around you If you don't have accurate information, your response will be wrong. And if you have the wrong response, you will have the wrong result.
This is a principle of life
What should your response be? So far, have you had the right response or the wrong response?
Silence is a response.
John 5:43 When you read from the second part of the sentence, it sounds like a supposition but it's actually in the affirmative in the Greek. Another: Alos.
Jesus is right in this verse prophesying of the 'Pseudo-Christos'. He did teach that there would be false Christs and false prophets. Several times he warned them about it.
John used the term 'Antichrist'.. a term not used in any other book. Which means: Instead of Christ or against Christ.
We find many who are willing, including some Christians and ministers, who are willing to demonstrate magnanimity towards fake news and wrong doctrines while they are unwilling to accept real truth.
The bible tells us that the Antichrist will be a deceiver and liar and that many religious leaders will endorse him.
These same groups of people endorsed the false prophets in bible days....And they killed God's prophets.
Some of the identification of the Antichrist in the Bible: 1 John 2:18 When you read John's writings you immediately know what he is talking about. He also tells us when to expect him. If you know your Bible, you will get to know when He should come to the world.
None of those who had predicted the arrival of the Antichrist in the past, used biblical chronology like I showed you.
Same way, I showed you how the bible showed when Jesus would be born and how that it happened exactly as the word of God said it would.
(Screen of the Chronology from the time of Adam).
In looking at these things, you don't start out by looking for an event then looking for the time. You go into the word, and let the word give you information. Let the word control the time of the information.
From the bible we see where we are today.
I want to show you some of these things so that you can identify the Antichrist. 1 John 2: 18 It is a sign.
John knew that the spirit of Antichrist had been living in the world.
He gives us indications of the Antichrist and what he does.
(Understand the context of these verses for proper study)
Isaiah 16:4 God is calling his own people outcasts.
When dealing with prophecy, have in your mind the law of double reference. Something is stated that seems for the now, but there are indications in the same text which are for down the line.
The Antichrist is called
- Spoiler
- Extortioner
TLB Daniel 11: 39 This is already happening : the reconstruction of settlements. They are driving away farmers, using bandits to scare them away... Some areas, they use big money to buy properties and allocate lands to their friends. In some countries and some states, they've raised the bar, making it difficult for individuals to buy property. They sell properties to corporate entities. The law is getting more difficult for those who want to buy properties by themselves. Now the friends of the perpetrators of this Covid fiasco are being rewarded with them.
V40-41 This is a revelation to Daniel. This is what will happen in the end time.
Moab, Edom and most of Ammon will not be taken over by this Antichrist/the spoiler. That's what he meant when he said Moab would hide his outcasts.
Season 3, Phase 7, Day 3~6134
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor T.T. Temisan
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to today's program. It's a very special one.
My attention was drawn to something earlier on today and I want to show it to you because as you know the media has been raped. You can't have confidence in the media that they will bring you accurate information. It is used for other things now.
When you study the bible you will not be surprised at the Chaos in the world It's exactly the kind of thing that Satan loves to see. Chaos, wickedness, evil, lies. These are all consistent with Satan. He does that for absolute submission to him.
People submitted to Satan seem to be orderly. Because they are subdued, they have no rights. Satan hates you(man) having any rights. He wants total absolute submission. He even did that to Jesus. Showed him the kingdoms of the world to tempt him. Jesus said "thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shall thou serve". Satan hates man.
People who are controlled by Satan do very destructive things. Remember Jesus called him a murderer and the Father of lies. That's a very significant thing.
If you want to know truth, Go into the word of God and let no one deceive you.
On Chronicles of Prophecy (I believe it was last night). I told you something about Dr. Fauci. I don't just mention people's names, but when I do, it means I know something supernaturally that is significant.
I told you that He was the brain behind COVID-19. If they like they can deny it as much as possible but it's his baby.
In United States, they don't want to accuse him directly. They would only want to do it through the courts. But all the evidence is available. They thought they were so much in charge that no one would find the evidence but it's out.
(Video playout of Chronicles of Prophecy: Fauci funded gain of function research to the tune of $666,442)
Dr Fauci through his organization, sponsored a "research" (a nice intellectual way of putting an order to actually create). They had done a research before and Fauci knew that it could be made. They couldn't do it in the USA because it was against the law. Fauci paid for it. He is trying to deny it saying it is not 'gain of function' research.
Why did this one not kill as much? Because they have a plan for another one. There are 3 levels of pandemic they were going for, but this first one has messed it up.
Because the government in office is favoring him, he believes he is covered. But he is not covered at all. Covid19 is his baby. He gave birth to it.
Yesterday, I shared with you several things for you to see what the word says about the Antichrist and how he is being described in scripture.
The prophetic revelations already show that such a personality of wickedness would come to the scene.
He will come as a "Christ". He will pretend to be the Messiah. He is NOT the Messiah but there are those who will receive him as the Messiah....but only for a short time. Shortly afterwards, they will realize they are being deceived.
The word of God gives us an understanding as to WHEN the Antichrist will come to the scene.
There is an indication that that appearance is important.
2 Thess 2: 3-6 KJV, NIV There is a proper time for this Antichrist to be revealed. A predetermined time.
Demon spirits, being very intelligent beings, understand the importance of timing. When Jesus was about to cast them out, they cried out and challenged him. They said "you cannot destroy us before the time". So they said " permit us to go into the herd of swine". They were trying to determine what happened to them because they knew they had time.
Some Christians to try to cast out devil to hell but they are wasting their time. You can't send them to the lake of fire or bottomless pit. The bottomless pit is locked so you can't send them there. Just cast them out and don't worry about where they will go.
SEASON 3 PHASE 7 Day 4~6160
Opening Prayers Led by The Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to today’s program.
One of those very important things that Jesus taught us to is to pray. He taught us to pray. He instructed us to pray. And prayer isn’t a human idea, it’s God’s idea; and he introduced it because he intended to answer. He never asked us to Pray for nothing.
Jesus said your father knows what you have need of before you ask him. Now if he knows why do you need to ask? That’s because it’s his plan, that you ask and he answers. You ain’t wiser than God.
Asides from the legalities connected to prayer, God gave the world to man. He didn’t intend to run the world for man. So when man needs help in a situation, he’s got to ask for it, even though he sees it. That’s why even prayer has rules.
You don’t just pray, you have to follow the rules. And the rules apply to the different types of prayers. If you don’t know this, you will pray amiss and not know you’re praying in the wrong direction. God wants you to know how to pray for what to pray. There are certain things you don’t pray for, and if you do, God wouldn’t answer, because in the spirit your prayer is illegal.
We have various books on prayer. (How to pray effectively)
The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray because they saw that Jesus was effective in his prayer. So we ought to learn all this through the word, the scriptures.
There are things happening in our world today, and prayer is necessary. And there are somethings you have to pray about continually.
There are some you pray only once, and if you continue, you’re dabbling into unbelief. There are different kinds of prayer, even prayers of faith. There are some things that you ask God for directions. Even though he will still do it by the Holy Ghost.
Jesus said the one that follows him will not walk in darkness. How do you follow him, in the word. Jesus is in Heaven. The Holy Ghost guides you through the scriptures, even though he lives in you.
There are several of you who have gotten legal victories in different states and cities and countries, against some groups. I told you this is not the time of the Antichrist, but the spirit of the Antichrist is trying to enforce an Antichrist environment, so we have to take our stand, and we take our stand, we win.
The time of the Antichrist and Satan will come and then they can run the world into chaos and destruction. But for now they cannot do it, except we let them. They can’t succeed now not while we are using the name of Jesus.
Satan is trying to gain time by trying to start earlier.
When you see those running a 100 meters dash, there’s a tape ahead, and you can’t run beyond the tape. The only way you can get ahead is if you start before the time, and that is illegal; or if the rest of the runners let him. We will not allow Satan have his way. James said resist the devil and he will flee from you, it didn’t say he will fight you back. He cannot fight you back. “Give attention and hear what I have for you”.
We are the offspring of the word that lives and abides forever, that makes us the word of God in flesh. That is Christianity! Christianity is living the word of God. As long as you’re trying to obey it, like they did in the Old Testament, it’s an outside phenomenon to you. It’s an outside force. It doesn’t work that way in Christianity. That’s why the Bible says “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” So you think the word, you talk the word, you do the word. So we don’t just become practitioners of the word, we become the very manifestation, the revelation of the word.
God who put us here, who left us here, knows that we are more than capable for the situation. He is so glad about us. He doesn’t think we are in some kind of predicament, No we are not! We are winning and we are winning big! He said count it all join when you go through divers tests.
Season 3, Phase 7, Day 5~6173
Opening Prayer led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu.
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
Oh Hallelujah!
1 Chronicles 12 :1 This was war and a war is often, as we've said before, several battles. God was determined to make David King of Israel. Even though He had rejected Saul, He was not going to just kick him out from Heaven. David was going to have to come in, in Gods legal system. God has a legal system. He has kingdom principles. Things have to be done God's way. He already sent the prophet to anoint David to become king. But saul was still in office. In the mind of God, it was a done deal but on the earth, things had to be done the legal way. David still had to fight. There are things that could be done illegally that would be a problem.
E. G. God saw Saul unto a situation that was like a trap. David could have killed him. What a test that was! David decided to just cut a little piece of his Kingly gown, just to let Saul know how close He was.
Even at that, David's heart Smote Him. David had to play by divine rules. He knew it would be an offence to touch God's anointed (even though God's anointed wanted to Kill him) He was so apologetic. He had to pass the test. He had to play by the rules of the kingdom if he was going to become King by the anointing of God. He was going to have to respect the anointing of God. He said "You can't touch God's anointed and be guiltless'. When Saul finally Died, a young man ran to him and said Saul was dead. He told One of the soldiers to kill the boy because He was not afraid to kill God's anointed. He was a man after God's heart. He followed God's rules. The war went on. You can imagine the complaints among David's soldiers. They would have wanted him to just kill Saul.
1 Chronicles 12:1 Lots of amazing men of War began to come to David to help him to become King. V32 These men were gifted by God to have an insight into God's plans. To know what Israel ought to do. They had understanding of the times. It was not everyone in Israel or all the prophets that had understanding of the times. Do you suppose that if God did that for Israel, he doesn't have it for the church today? The Apostles gave us information. They had understanding of the times.
1 John 2:18 The last hour: it's not the same thing as saying "we are now very close to the end" in terms of measuring hours. That's not what He was trying to say. What John was saying here was without the understanding of God's plan for the church. This was the 1st epistle among his three and it was written mostly in defence of his writings of his gospel which was being challenged by several who said they were Christians. He gives a clear understanding to them that there is a reminder of the Antichrist spirit. V19-20: These individuals who were challenging his message of Jesus.
Jude 1:17- V18-19-: looks very much like what John said. There needs to be an understanding of Last days (bringing the numbers to Israel) and Last days of the Church. Some of the apostles didn't know that the church would have a long time. They had a complexity with the Gentiles coming into the Church. Peter wrote his letters to the Jews that were scattered abroad. Paul said God gave him specifically the mystery of the gentiles coming in to the body of Christ
They weren't sure of that. It was a matter of debate. A problem. They didn't have a clue how big that was. Their whole world was Israel. But God had something BIG on his mind. Thank God he had a plan for the gentiles coming into the body of Christ.
Paul gives us a clear insight into God's plan to let us know that the gentiles were in God's mind. He had understanding of the times to know what the church ought to do In various times of the Church, God has had his vision communicated in no uncertain terms. Today we are in no doubt as to God's plan for the Church.
Season 4, Phase 1, Day 1~6434
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Emeka Ezeh
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to today's program. It's the beginning of Season 4, phase 1. I must tell you, when we started this journey 2020,; we didn't envisage all that has happened since then (all the amazing things that God has done with us around the world.). The knowledge of his word is spreading across the world. The amazing growth of God's people during the period...and the spread of the gospel like never before. And it's wonderful. Hallelujah! It's getting greater by the day.
Now we are in Season 4 and the Lord has amazing things for us.
One of the things that you need to do by God's grace from this phase, is to use the power of Visualization correctly. Don't let the covid perpetrators, collaborators and enablers control your life. That's what they are trying to do. Begin to live the life you want to live by the power of God. Don't let them control your life. Go above them. Don't give them attention.
Listen and listen hard. They may think that they are trying to get the world to conform to their vision but it is God that is showing you a greater way to live. Don't let them decide the circumstances of your life. Go above them. Dream bigger than they have ever thought and God will give you new ideas.
Open your eyes and look. There are abundant opportunities like never before. Don't keep thinking "when are things going to be normal". No,they don't want that. They want you to be in feat everyday and oppressed.
They want to destroy your immunity. The .ask helps in destroying your immunity so why should they take it away from you? You think that they are wearing a mask? They don't. And they don't care that you know it
Watch this video (Video playout of a government official about to address the press who pretends he had been wearing the mask before).
Interesting! He doesn't wear it. But that's the way they all are. They want you to put it on as a symbol of your captivity/subjugation. Oh it makes them so happy to see policemen, students etc wearing it. It's a joy to them.
They don't intend for you to live ever again, a normal life. If you are ever going to live a normal life, the time is now. Put them behind you. Raise your vision. Truth is we've moved on. This is Post-covid...and all it's associated evils.
Last communion service, I began to share something with you which I told you I would get more into.
The Seven Reigns of the Prophetic Timeline
The reason for this is the Legitimacy of Hope
When we pray to God in Hope, we have to know that we have a reason for our Hope.
Faith is not Faith, except it is based on Legality .
If a man hasn't promised you something, you don't have a right to expect it from him. We can expect God to answer our prayer because he promised to, and it is consistent with his character.
So I endeavor to show you the prophetic timeline so you can see how legitimate our expectations are.
What did His word say? What should we expect?
(Screen image of the reigns)
- The reign of Adam. We had studied already so many things about Adams life and the prophetic timeline from Adam to the end of the age.
John 12:1 (Bethany, the house of Dates: YLWS Season 3, Phase 4) Adam was 33 years old when the fall took place.
Remember that Adam Was created by God and right from Day 1 of his life, He was king over all the other creation. He was given dominion from the very beginning. Adam was created an adult..not a baby. He was an adult in Day 1 of his life. God brought all the animals to Adam to be named by Him.
That's amazing! How intelligent/smart he was.
Adam reigned till age 33 years.
The Reign of Death. 2. At the fall of Adam, what took over? Death Reigned from Adam to Moses.
(We don't know anything except by the word and through the Holy Ghost. He is the one who gave us the information about how Adam was created)
Season 4, Phase 1, Day 2~6453
Opening Prayers Led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to today's program. It's another very special session for us. It's the second day of phase 1, Season 4.
I want to make some references to what we began talking about yesterday. There are some very vital things that we need to look at. If you've been studying your Bible, you should know that we are in the last days. Of course there are those that will say to us "the last days have been coming for a long time". But that's because you don't understand bible terminology and what that expression really means.
When you read the bible you need to understand what it's talking about first with the context and then with the message of the writer. What was his message? Who was he sent to? Who was he addressing? That will help you understand the use of the term 'last days'.
Last days refers to those days just before the millenial period. And the prophets who particularly used those terms did not include the church age. So when we say 'last days' we are not saying the same things that Isaiah may be saying. They weren't thinking about the church age but about when Messiah would come. (Messiah was to come twice; the first time to be rejected).
We say last days in respect to the church age. With the ending part of the church age is the closeness of the Messiah's return. So we are looking at the same period but not in the same context.
There are so many signs/things to let you know where we are and how much longer the world can survive without divine actions being taken. The divine actions that will be coming won't be like God coming to help their situation (because God already provided the solution in Jesus). Some of us have accepted and received the salvation and become His witnesses to the whole world to let them know that Jesus came to this world.
When we talk of how that covid was stage managed and planned by evil men and women, and they continue to present a face like it was something they were trying to save the world from, those who have chosen to ignore the facts/truth, are deceiving themselves. But we will continue to preach to them because the time is short.
I began to tell you yesterday about the 7 reigns of the prophetic timeline... And we got to number 5.
- (Satan Death and the Antichrist) We pointed out what they will be doing after Jesus comes for his saints and takes them away.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 Jesus shall descend from Heaven with a Shout. Christians that have died throughout the church age will come out of death. It doesn't matter how they died, or if their bodies were decomposed; But they will come out with a glorified celestial body. Then we will be caught together with those who were dead and come back alive. We will be caught up in the clouds with them.
1 Corinthians 15:51 This "We" is the Christians/the church. We shall all be changed even Though we won't all die.
V52: I showed you from the bible that the Last Trump refers to a second trump.
When we say "Rapture", we mean "caught up", snatched out of here. It's going to happen. And all the signs the bible gave are happening in our day.
I was reading something to you yesterday.
Revelations 6:1-8 This book that was sealed with 7 seals, contained revelations about the future; the things that would happen.
The word 'Beast' here is different from the description of the Antichrist. (Zoan- awe inspiring creature is different from Therion- wild beast/terrible animal)
V2: 2 white horses in scripture. First one is found in Chapter 6. V2: Right after the rapture, this seal is opened. This man had a bow with NO ARROWS. but he conquered the people. This is the Antichrist.
V4: Red Horse- Killings. The Antichrist moves in, and the next thing, people are dying What in the world did they do? Probably the reduction of population. People are being killed and there is no name given to the one who is doing it.
Season 4, Phase 4, Day 3.~6467
Opening Prayers Led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Phillips
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
Welcome to today's program. I hope that you had a beautiful day?
This is the third day of Phase 1, Season 4 of your Loveworld specials. And the Lord's been guiding us, helping us understand his prophetic timeline for the world. There is a prophetic timeline and it is very important.
We are going to put on the screen again for you the outline of the 7 reigns of the prophetic timeline.
If you look at John's Gospel, Jesus made a statement in chapter 7 when they were expecting him to go for the feast of Tabernacles.
John 7:3-4 These were his siblings from his mother. They were talking to Jesus
V5: His siblings didn't believe in him. Definitely they would have heard from their mother, Mary, what led to his birth. But they didn't believe. They would have heard from their Father, Joseph who received angelic visitations.
Even if an angel stood in front of you and told you some of the things we have been teaching, you won't believe. Why? Believing is with the heart. You CHOOSE to believe. (Romans 10:10) You believe with your heart but you open your mind for the information.
The siblings of Jesus did not believe in Him at the time.
When did they believe? At his ascension. They saw what they never expected. Jesus who lived in the same Home with them, levitated before their very eyes and went upwards. From then on, they began to meet with the disciples. You find them in the book of Acts gathering with the others. It made disciples out of them They found out who he really was.
When he told them "I am from above", they disregarded him.
John 7:6 Jesus was so time conscious. Everything about Jesus was on time. When you look at the prophetic revelation of the things that happened with Jesus all the way to his ascension, EVERYTHING was on time, as the prophets said.
We are living in a time conscious kingdom, even though our kingdom is timeless.
Jesus was from above (eternity) but in dealing with the things of this world, He was time conscious.
We have to know the time in which we are living. What does the bible say? Where are we in God's Calendar? What should we do? What should we expect?
Right from my very early years I always wanted to live with assurance, to know what was God's plan/purpose? What did he expect of me?. I don't want to do things just because everyone is doing it. What if that's not what God wants? Wouldn't that be an empty exercise? But how would I know what God wants? I had to go to the scripture because that's the only book that doesn't speculate.
Different books, Politicians, scientists can theorize but they could be wrong.
A man in Florida was put in prison for 37 years for a crime he did not commit. The system failed him. The judicial system failed him. The Government failed him.
Still want to rely on the system? Start practicing relying on God!
As we speak, there are people behind bars for a crime they never committed. If they fail so, do you want to trust the same system.
Problem is, you've got to trust or rely on something. You were not built to be Faithless. That's the problem. But it's got a solution. Wouldn't it be wonderful if men were truly different from you? What do I mean? Because YOU are not reliable, that's why the system, run by people like you, are not reliable.
Haven't you misjudged somebody before? You've misjudged a friend, neighbor, relative, somebody somewhere. It's the same principle of misjudgement. That's why that Judge misjudged based on some so-called evidence.
You have also judged someone on the basis on what you called evidence. That's why the system is not perfect
So, Why would you put your trust in Man? Put your trust in God. You were made to put your faith in God!
Season 4, Phase 4, Day 4~6480
Opening Prayers led by Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
We are in Day 4, of phase 1 Season 4, your Loveworld specials.
There are those who somehow assume that we have some issues with vaccines because we don't like them or because we just don't agree with health matters, etc. But they are wrong. The reason we are against the vaccines is because they are NOT vaccines. 2, the reason behind it is wrong. It was not intended for Health. Because the so called vaccines don't stop the spread of the virus and they don't keep you immune to the virus. They don't cure you of the virus. It doesn't stop you from infecting others with it.
The countries where the most vaccinated people are, are the ones that are most infected by the latest variant.
The chief spreaders of the COVID-19 currently are the vaccinated people. Fully vaccinated people are super spreaders of Covid.
It's been seen and noted in Israel and several other countries in Europe. USA inclusive.
Why is it? It was never intended to keep you immune. You have immunity already which kicks in when you get infected with it. They can't give you something better than your natural immunity. They created it (the virus) for a definite purpose. They created it to make you panic so that you could take the vaccine which contained the software for control.
The Bible already told us the nations would be deceived by the pharmaceutical industry in the last days. The bible says nations would be deceived. How? Through their leaders. That even those who knew the truth were afraid
But even when Jesus was condemned, how many came out to defend him? Even after healing so many people. They loved the praises of men rather than the approval of God.
Always remember that.
The reason I'm sharing God's word with you is to provide you the spiritual guidance you require and to build your spirit strong. Makes you spiritually stalwart and able to face anything.
When they announced quickly that the FDA had approved the Pfizer vaccine, it was no really so. (Senator Ron Johnson clearly stated so) The one approved was the commonalty one that should be outside the US.
So why should anybody be forced to be part of an experiment? Their documents state it clearly that the people who take the vaccine are part of an experiment. And they are not legally bound to any responsibility of anything happens to the people.
That's terrible
These leaders of nations were told by the vaccine companies, that they (the makers) don't know what will happen to the people when the take the vaccines.
But that was a lie. There was a list of outcomes that could happen to those who take the vaccine. Everything on that list was negative. They knew.
If you want to buy a drink or drugs and the manufacturer tells you, "I can't tell how this is going to affect you, but sign so that I am exonerated from any responsibility". It was irresponsible for leaders of nations to undertake such catastrophic responsibility for their own people. They were not elected into office to destroy their own people. Some have died because of the vaccines.
The former vice president of Pfizer who was definitely involved in these things has stated, that in 2 to 3 years, those who have taken the vaccine may be dead.
That's a warning from the former vice president of Pfizer! He sent letters to leaders of Nations all over the world. When they were making the vaccines, they were not in full knowledge of what it was intended but they knew it was not meant to be used on Human beings.
But the leaders didn't listen. The dissenting voices were sidelined bad the corrupt media helped.
To those in the media: Just remember you have relatives, friends, neighbors and even yourselves to be responsible to. Money is not everything. If your organization is bribed with money and you have doused your conscience, One day you will regret it.
Season 4 Phase 1 Day 5 October 15, 2021~6491
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to today's program. It's a very special one. This is Day 5, Phase 1, Season 4 of Your Loveworld specials, and we thank God for helping us understand his word, giving us guidance through the scriptures.
Today I want to look at a couple of things. We should learn to recognize God's prophetic word to us; to learn what's happening in the spirit. We are not ordinary humans. There's nothing ordinary about us (everyone that's born again). Always remember that.
I've been reading some things to you from the book of Revelation 17 and there's so much in there. I gave you some information when we had Season 1, phase 3. And we talked a lot about what you have in the 17th chapter of Revelation.
There's something interesting about the Council for Inclusive Capitalism spearheaded by the Pope. As you know I don't like to talk about individuals. I've got a message to preach. But this is so interesting, I've got to read it out to you
(Website of inclusive capitalism).
It's interesting those who are joining together with the Pope to do this.
The same people that built the last one that was horrible and bad are the ones doing this one.
This council has the largest corporations in the world, biggest business names are in this place. They together have trillions of dollars. They have 10.5trillion dollars worth of assets under their management.
All the poor countries don't have up to half of that. All they can do is to share money... I'm not showing this to criticize them, but I want to show you what the Bible says.
This is the pope in alliance with major business and political leaders of the world, to set up a new economic system.
What does the bible say?
Revelations 17:1-
V1 Woman sitting on Many waters. V2 dealing with religious harlotry V3. This is a different woman seen in the spirit. Sitting on a beast that had 7 heads and 10 horns. (Remember the European symbol seen everywhere, e.g. Brussels, the euro. A woman sitting on a Bull) I explained in Greek Mythology what that symbol is.... Zeus (the bull) supposedly eloping with Europa (the woman). But God tells us this is spiritual. What they call Zeus is the Prince of Greecia, an evil spirit. He is currently in the abyss and will come out to possess the Antichrist. He is empowered by Satan the dragon. That's the spirit that Europe is spiritually trying to worship. They will be so glad at that time when they see that their religious dreams of the past is being fulfilled. They believe that Zeus is the Father of gods. So they expect to rule the world at a particular time. When they see that Beast who had a deadly wound healed, they are going to be so glad. We know that even Greece the mother land has had economic hardships in several years, so to see that Europe is coming up again, will make them so happy. That's how they will worship the beast.
They are currently working on these things which are falling in place slowly but surely. Only the church of Jesus Christ is restraining them to stay within God's calendar.
V4-5: This is a very significant description. V6- John was familiar with the Greek Mythology so he wondered. V7- In the spirit John sees 7 heads and 10 horns which is different from the mythology image. The Europeans don't show the woman in scarlet or the bull with 10 horns but we see the symbolism. God's word is reality.
V8-9: Europa is sitting on a political structure that is going through 7 major empires of the world.
V10: Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylon, Medo-persia, Roman (was still there), Revised Roman (the one yet to come) That's Europe as we see today. They are more and more aligning themselves with this Emblem of Europa and Zeus. They are making it popular all over Europe. In their city centres and banks.
V11- He will be the 8th Kingdom and come back to possess the Antichrist.
Season 4, Phase 2, Day 1 November 24, 2021~6845
Opening Prayers Led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Emeka Ezeh
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to today's program. It's a very special one. This phase is a short one. This is a 3 day program.
I want to bring some things to your mind.
First I would like to get into some portions of the Bible we've addressed before to remind you of the day in which we are living.
1John.2.18 - Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
Last time: Last Phase of a period/era/age.
Of course John might have not know how long that period would be; He also could have known by prophetic revelation. Between when Jesus walked out of that Temple and when He comes back to the Temple, John knows it's only a period that Daniel looks at as just a brief interruption of time.
Daniel gave the timeline and Jesus corroborated Daniels prophecy. Before the Calendar returns to the Jews, there is a period of time. And all of that, He sees as, the Last days. The days before the closing period. And during that period, He knows the things that should happen. (1 John 2:18)
He distinguishes between the Antichrist spirits and the Hosts of such people (people) and the Antichrist Himself which Tells us a lot about in Revelations. He knew the difference. He gives us a lot of details of what will happen in those days. John was there when Jesus said that the things Daniel said were true.
1 John 4:1- I explained before that you have to realize that when he talks about prophets, it is not limited to just religious prophets. What's inspiring them? What's their message? A false prophet has a message; He speaks with a spirit. Some false prophets don't believe in Jesus.
You have to open your mind and understand that they may not be primarily be engaged with religion.
We had those proposed to give us what our world should be, or give us a future that they are prophesying is the best way for us. Understand the bottom line: what's their real message?
We have found out that when they said it had to do with Science, they lied. They said Vaccines were the solution. Now they tell you you don't just need Vaccines 1, 2 and 3, but regular boosters. I told you their plan was to lock you down for 2 years and not 2 weeks. Now it is clear that many governments have no plan to remove the masking. They don't plan to take away their covid rules ever. It's a state capture for every city. They consider you a non-person. It's about time you recognize the health implications of using masks. They know it could destroy your health, but they don't care.
Most of those that are now in the hospitals sick, are those who are vaccinated. Even Fauci had to admit it.
There is a government report from the UK that suggests the fully vaccinated will develop AIDS by Christmas. (Ages 40-79years lose their immunity by 5% every week)
Someone is telling you what's good for your health. But as a Christian, Listen to Jesus. Listen to his word. I'm aware that in some countries, people who are supposed to be ministers of the gospel have bonded together to speak for vaccines. The truth is, they never knew Jesus.
Can you imagine the prophets of old, Jesus, the apostles... advocating for vaccines??? Come on! What bible did these people read? The words of Jesus never mattered to them, that's why. They never truly believed in Him. All the time they are wasting advertising vaccines as preachers/ministers, why they don't just fast,pray, study the bible and get the power of the Holy Ghost into their system instead of recommending the things that are not right. It's a terrible shame.
Hear what the word of God tells us about this Antichrist spirit.
There are several things by which to identify the Antichrist spirit
SEASON 4, PHASE 2, DAY 2 November 25, 2021~6858
Opening Prayers Led by Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan
Pastor Chris
I want to welcome you to today's program. I'm sure it's going to be a great blessing to you.
Yesterday, we touched on a number of things and I mentioned to you that now you have to be careful with Santa Claus who used to be known as Father Christmas. Now they are using Santa Claus for something terrible. It is hijacked and corrupted.
That's what they want to teach the children now. This is not good. It doesn't matter how popular something is, the Bible is the authentic word of God. If it says something is not good, it doesn't matter how many people are doing it, what is wrong is wrong.
The deception is so much around the world. A doctor in Germany who was leading one of the largest medical facilities committed suicide rather than give covid vaccines. (Dr. Thomas Jendges) In his suicide note, He described covid19 vaccines as "bioweapon against the human race" .
In Australia, the northern territories, the government is using the Military to forcibly move residents who tested positive for the virus, and relocating them into quarantine camps.
We know that the pcr test is fake. It was never designed for the diagnosis of a disease. And we know it's not reliable why are they still using it? The man who invented it said He never did it for the diagnosis of corona virus. It's part of the deception. I warned you about this thing that they are doing now. I said they were going to use force to do it. And I told you these things were already written down, the documents were there (even though they were outwardly denying them). These quarantine camps will devolve into concentration camps and extermination camps
The Northern territory of Australia is mostly made of the native Australians/settlers. The plan is to remove those that don't look like them.
I've warned African Governments: They are not for you. Why are they sending you vaccines that are not for use in Europe, etc. Just remember what happened to the Jews in Europe. I showed you various videos and pictures of the a reminder. The real perpetrators were never brought to book. Only their agents were. These men haven't changed. Their great grand children still believe in the same thing today.
Why would they take such maximum steps for a virus that is not near as lethal as the common cold? And they keep telling us they are still studying it. They don't know the implications on those who have taken the vaccine. Yet they insist that you do what they say, and you believe them?
1John.4.1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
In Acts, the first false prophet that is identified to us was not a prophet in church.
Acts 13:8 Sorcerer: Oriental scientist (not a preacher). He was right with the political leader at the time
(Where did you find Dr. Fauci? With the President)
That's one of the things they do. They hate the church. They hate the gospel.
We are talking about scientists who are close to political power. These so-called Technocrats
1 John 4: 1, 5(AMP) They teach twisted doctrine. They demand compliance.
Men like Fauci are the ones telling people if they should go on Holidays or not.
Their ideas are twisted. They're of the world. These are prophets of the world. The world listens to them We are not supposed to be listening to them. Be careful if you are a Christian. Who are you listening to? That will determine if you will have faith or fear.
"Immoral freedom and baseless theories". They say "follow the science" but they are not following the science. They demand compliance to their opinions and ridicule the values of the upright.
Gal.3.16 - Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
Season 4, Phase 2, Day 3.~6866
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Rev. Ken Oyakhilome.
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
A lot of young people are asking questions but do the leaders of the world have answers? We need new and inspiring leadership. Not men and women of fear and cowardice. The young people are fed up of uninspiring leadership and our's one major thing that we are going to be praying about from 3rd to 4th of December. We are going to be praying for new and inspiring leadership that the nations require. Not the current, confused, out of touch leaders that some of the nations have today.
When we pray, God hears. He answers.
Just in the last couple of days, the WHO, which we all know to not tell the truth, came up with a new strain of the Coronavirus. What they are not telling you is that all those who are diagnosed with it were fully vaccinated. It's a government report. So it's not really some form of virus from somewhere. It's virus produced by the vaccinated. They are the ones producing the spike proteins.
You can expect them to spin the news in some fashion, but they know what's going on.
Yesterday, I told you we need to be prayerful and aware of the eugenicist agenda. We've had this for a long time. It's all about population reduction. It's not just population control (because that's a different definition). They think the world is not large enough for them; There are too many unqualified people here. So they have to weed out all those that they think are not good enough and select those that are in their opinion, good stock.
I reminded you about the similarities between what is happening with covid 19 policies with the Nazi ideology.
(Short video on the Nazi Ideology. Hear Dr. David Silberklang share some of thoughts.)
Remember that word "Tyranism'
8 years ago, there was a conference on Global Vaccination. Vaccination program is not about Health. It's about population reduction. That is what several scientists have found out and that's why they call the vaccine a Genocide and a bio warfare against human populations
What is happening right now in the northern territories of Australia should be condemned immediately. But those who you expect to condemn it in government are the same who are planning to implement it in other countries. From Quarantine camps to concentration camps, to extermination camps.
our prayer is that that day should not come very soon. It will come, but we have to deal with the situation and push it into it's right timing. There will be many people murdered in those camps. They will forcibly inject them with killer substances in the guise of vaccination. Already, they are using the Military to isolate them there and to force them to be vaccinated. Only God knows what they are currently introducing into their bodies. But the plan is not just Australia but so many countries. That's why we need. Ew leaders. Something is greviously wrong with the current crop who have been influenced by Klaus Schwab's ideology This is Satanism People being robbed of their freedom is Satanism in practice. But they always have a way to deceive the unsuspecting by saying "your personal freedom must not Jeopardize the freedom of all".
Klaus Schwab right now is excited to tell the world that their lives will never return to normal. He thinks He has captured the world now The countries with the most draconian laws are led by leaders under his mentorship. They have been foisted into office for some years now. Either into presidency or health offices.
....But they miscalculated!
I say to those who are in Africa or some parts of Asia. If they did this to the Jews in Europe, what will they do to you? (Video playout of Nazi concentration camps)
Many of those people were educated. They were some of the worlds best. In Medicine, Science and Technology, Law, Business.etc They are their families didn't believe it was going to happen. When it happened the rest of the world did nothing.
Season 5, Phase 1, Day 1.~7206
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi.
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
I want to welcome you to this Season 5, phase 1 of our series of programs, Your LOVEWORLD SPECIALS. And I'm saying Happy new year to you. Thank God for bringing us into this wonderful time in the kingdom of God. And I told you on the 31st of December as we were crossing over to the first of January, that this year, is the year of the Gathering clouds. We are in an extraordinary time in the kingdom of God, and it's going to lead into those things that all those in the Kingdom of God have waited for, for generations. This is really very special. We are talking about moving into the most momentous period of the church age. That's where this is leading into.
The bible says, the wicked will do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand, and those who know their God will do mighty things. I told you in 2020 that the reason for the Satanic move that came through the COVID-19 and it's attendant troubles, was because Satan wanted to gain extra time.. He knows that his time is short. There is a definite time. He can reas; The bible says when he can begin his work. Right now we need to understand Satan's position with respect to the word.
Jesus defeated the devil completely and Jesus paid for the salvation of the whole world. He bought the whole field. According to the scriptures, the field is the world.
Matt.13.24 - Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: Matt.13.25 - But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Matt.13.26 - But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. Matt.13.27 - So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? Matt.13.28 - He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? Matt.13.29 - But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Matt.13.30 - Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
I want you to notice verse 30.
Go to verse 36Matt.13.36 - Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. Matt.13.37 - He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; Matt.13.38 - The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
In Spiritual language He tells them that the field is the world. Not just one nation but the world.
V38-39 The "world" is better rendered "age". The Harvest is the end of the age.
Some other times you have the word "World" defined as Cosmos: the structure of the physical world
But Aion is referring to the course of life, eras, life and times in the world.
Here he is dealing with the age. The period of time in which a particular dispensation is operational between God and his creation.
We are in that period that's leading up to what Jesus said. He called it "The end of the age".
Matt 13:38-39 (NIV) The world in 38 comes from Cosmos. While in the 39th, it comes from Age.
The Harvest is the end of the age.
What Jesus is dealing with Here is quite significant. When he was referring to Harvest here, He was not talking in terms of winning souls. The harvesters are the angels in this case. The teaching of the scripture is very consistent in this regard.
I'm explaining to you what is going on currently in the realm of the spirit.
Season 5, Phase 1, Day 2~7217
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor T.T Temisan
Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome DSC. DD.
I want to welcome you to Season 5, Phase 1 of your Loveworld specials. A series of teachings to help navigate through these special times.
Yesterday we began dealing with the end of the age. We looked at some of the things that Jesus said about the age and how it would come to a close.
One of the most respected organizations in the world is the United Nations, With its headquarters in New York. Everyone expects it to be an organization that is for all to ensure peace and security, a peaceful coexistence of nations. But we often forget that in History, Absolute power corrupts absolutely, And men have never been satisfied with limited authority. With whatever power they were given they always demanded more. They became tyrants, despots.
They have created one totalitarian, tyrannical kingdom/administration after another. They've come in different forms. History shows us. They often come in peacefully. Look at Hitler. They come in Peacefully and gradually there is a metamorphosis and they turn into these agents of doom. How can a man give you peace whose heart has no peace? God always showed us that the important part of man is his spirit. And except a man be born again, He cannot see the kingdom of God. He can't see it. Truth, reality and peace are in the Kingdom of God.
Jesus said the peace that I give you is different from the world. The world's peace is only in words. Its just as good as the character of the man that's promising it. Who is making the promise? You trust a promise on the character of the one that is making the promise. If the character isn't consistent with truth how can you believe his promise? We send people to the United Nations to represent our various countries. How will they represent our countries any different from their own words in their countries?How can they be different from the character that they have in our own countries?
For example, the current Secretary General of the United nations was once the Prime minister of his own country. And quite interesting because we are dealing with a die hard socialist. He was PM from 1995 to 2002 From 1999 to 2005 He was president of Socialists International. How can someone who is the extreme left of socialism be expected to be somehow neutral or be in the middle of an organization like UN?.. You only wonder How did He get there. You look at Who are those that sponsored the Candidate?
When this Socialist Sec Gen speaks outside of the UN, He may give the impression as a gentle man. He has the face of a real gentleman... So you expect someone that is Kind hearted. But one of the reasons you are having problems in your country is because of people like Him. He called for an immediate Vaccination plan implemented by an emergency task force. In his plan, He declared that an investment of 50bn would help them raise 9 trillion dollars in profits if they would mandate vaccines for the next four years.
So this was another fund raising ploy. While we have those who are deceiving the nations for global control, we have those looking at it from a business perspective. But he is more than businessman. He has called for a global action to tackle disinformation and conspiracy theories. So he has called for a 'truth police" That's dictatorship to the extreme. That is totalitarianism. He said "We must make lying wrong again". A Portuguese politician of his time. He has called for a global action to tackle disinformation and conspiracy theories and promote facts, science and integrity in public discourse.
How can you say truth to promote science? Promote science? Science is debate. We haven't come this far to be stupid, foolish and quiet.
Your Loveworld Specials
Season 5 Phase 2 Day 1~7747
Opening Prayer: Esteemed Pastor Emeka Eze.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
I want to welcome y’all to your Loveworld specials season 5 and phase 2. During this phase there’s a lot we are going to be looking into, and I trust that, through the ministry of the Holy Ghost, you will receive information, direction and gain so much.
Our world is in a state today, that all the players are discovering that things are not going according to their script. This is like participating in a drama that went off script. The nations of the world have found themselves in this drama, where the major players have found out that something is wrong with their script; because there’s a master script and they generally had ignored that, and only those who have insight into that script know what exactly is going on in our world today. So for anyone who wants to know what’s going on in the world today, they’ve got to consult the original script. This is God’s master script, it’s called THE BIBLE, the word of God. It’s all in there. Amusing is the way western nations are crying foul at Russia. The point is, they’re looking for relevance, because Covid made them look stupid. They’re trying to make Russia the scapegoat just as they did during the elections: creating fraudulent security informations about Russia’s intended invasion of Ukraine. Two things are actually happening:
- It’s fraudulent
- They’re actually inviting Putin codedly. Behind the scenes they’re telling him that nothing will be done to him, if he invaded Ukraine, but on camera, they’re saying something, just like the feckless and toothless political class that we’ve ever had. Pastor says “this isn’t my personal opinion; I will show you from the Bible that they feckless and toothless”. So the threats to Russia is well understood. It’s all coded language. Pastor says “I can tell you, if Putin went into Ukraine, none of those nations: the USA, France, and the European nations will not fight. It will happen like he took over cremea.” All the howling of war is them looking for relevance because Covid-19 made them look stupid.
Ezekiel 38:11 There’s going to be a peace deal and within this period is when Russia will plan their attack.
Ezekiel 38:13 The prophetic revelations of the Bible are so accurate 100%. The Bible shows us why all these people are feckless. Ezekiel talks about sheba and dedan and the merchants of tarshish. Now sheba and dedan, he is referring to those nations along the Arabian peninsula (saudi arabia; Oman; Qatar; Yemen) and the merchants of tarshish! Notice he didn’t say the kings of tarshish; and all the young lions.
Sometimes when we look at prophecy, we have to be careful about assumptions. In reference to the young lions thereof, the question is, are the young lions from tarshish? Or do they belong to all the three locations mentioned. Some have speculated that tarshish refers to the United Kingdom and the young lions are the nations that came out from it, because the symbol of the UK is a lion; No! That can’t be accurate because the interpretation doesn’t say so. They have submitted that the young lions are America, Australia and Canada; but that’s not what the Bible says. So what then is it? Let’s look at what the Bible tells us. So where is tarshish?
Psalms 72:7-10 Shows us that tarshish was a region of trade, which had kings, in fact it is referring to the Mediterranean region of trade. All the Mediterranean countries all the way to Spain, and the isles under them, are those islands that were controlled by them. So the construction given to us in Ezekiel 38:13 is a little bit of an unfortunate rendering,because reading it from the NASB shows that it is the villages under tarshish and not young lions. The villages are the extensions of those islands that were controlled by them at the time.
Your Loveworld Specials
SEASON 5 PHASE 2 DAY 2 22nd February, 2022~7778
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor TT Temisan
Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
Hallelujah! I Want to welcome you to today’s program; it’s going to be special one and I trust the lord to enlighten you in the scriptures and give you spiritual understanding.
Yesterday we were discussing on some things from Ezekiel 38 and 39. And for a long time, there are certain things that we generally accepted, even though there were no actual scriptural evidence. But you know for a time the Lord would rather have his people United if something is not dangerous to their faith. Years when I studied along these lines, I had difficulty because all the prophetic teachers taught that Russia would invade Israel and at the time they would do this would be something different from the Armageddon. It was a major subject for so many years. So I had to carry that along even though it was burdensome.
There are some things you cannot change at a certain time.
For example, I have shared a lot of things in the last few years which I knew about 10years ago; I only shared with a few people and not everyone. Why? We hadn’t come to office and the lord didn’t want his people confused and a lot of people couldn’t accept them; things like the anointing, some things on faith. Even though there weren’t scriptural evidence, we went along with it. Even when I prayed about it, the Lord wanted me to go along with it because it was not yet time.
The first time I gave an expose on the anointing of the spirit was in a conference of ministers. If I had shared this long ago, it won’t be as effective. And the ministers were so intelligent to go and research on them because several scriptures were given. And that’s one of the reasons I didn’t release season 1…(some people said pastor Chris we didn’t know you were into prophecy).
There were things that had to be cushioned with what was generally accepted. Hence the continuance of the Russian invasion of Israel, even though it didn’t go down well with my spirit.
Exodus 23:23,29-30 The Lord said I will give you the land little by little until you increase and can withstand what will come against. So you don’t say everything at once; you give it little by little until you be increased to possess the land. This is a principle of the kingdom.
Revelations come with consequences and you have to be brought up strong to withstand them. The angels of God knows how to go about these information And the Holy Ghost knows how to go about it.
One of the things the lord said to do is to dissolve doubts and explain hard sentences by the power of the spirit. Not by his understanding.
Yesterday I told you that they were expecting Russia to invade Ukraine from the north. In 2014, sometime in February, they had had a referendum on some issues; and crimea had internal problems because they had a lot of Russians in there, and they wanted to be part of Russia even though they were in Ukraine, which is a peninsula along the Black Sea. Russia being bigger came in because the russian separatists wanted russia to come in. Even though Ukraine was against their actions.
(Pastor shows a video from yesterday)
Yesterday two territories declared (Donetsk and lugansk) their affiliation to Russia and they’ve been recognized by Russia. These give access to Russia through to turkey (desires the elimination of Israel) and Syria, (a strong Russian ally) and all that access goes to Israel. The road to Israel is now open. Now they have not attacked Israel yet, because they have a cordial relationship with Russia.
Now they’re coming against Russia for supposedly invading Ukraine? What has Putin done that any of these other countries haven’t done?
South-Sudan was a separatists territory that some nations recognized as a country. Now they want to do the same to Palestine even though Israel sees them as separatists.
Your Loveworld Specials
Opening Prayers by The Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Phillips
Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
Pastor reiterates the topic of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Correcting the pronunciation of the two territories that had pledged alliegance to Russia: Donetsk and Luhansk(lugansk).
God’s word is the most important thing in your life; and it is the most beautiful thing on earth; an amazing gift that we can consults again and again. The writings of the prophets and apostles. Of all generations, we are the most blessed. There is no excuse for ignoring the word.
I told you about transhumanism and the editing and change of the fundamentals of the human DNA using the vaccines. And the fact checkers started crying foul, especially those in the UK. I also talked about crispr and how it will be used. Today’s father of transhumanism is Klaus Schwabs. And he is the first person that I named publicly. Also called out Anthony Fauci (he was responsible for Covid). He has a hand in everything Covid; the only thing protecting him is the Biden administration.
Transhumanism is the survival of eugenics. They may polish it in different ways but it is still what it is. They are not telling you the truth. This is how it is well polished…”the social and philosophical movement in the research and enhancement of humans through technologies. Such technologies, augment or increase human sensory receptions, immotive ability or cognitive capacity, as well as radically improve human health and extend human life”.
Everything will sound beautiful but there is more to it. Listen, there’s more: “It is the belief or theory, that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations especially by means of science and technology” This is the crazy part of it.
With this kind of definition you would believe this is positive. If you’re an educationist, you will love this. The elite will love this. By means of science and technology would mean that the man who can alter the human body and make it better, it means he also knows how to make it worse, If he chooses to. The same government that set up hospitals are also the ones that institute wars; thereby having the power to keep you alive and also to kill you.
It always about whose behind these instruments; everything can be weaponized. Case in point, the aircrafts that were weaponized during 9/11. The US government weaponized the banking system through the sanctioning of some banks and elite families from Russia. This is another form of jungle justice. A family is being punished for what another country doesn’t like. The sanctions are toothless. One of the sanctions is that they can’t get money from the west. (Like the west is where the concentration of money is). Putin would definitely be unperturbed about it because who needs the wests money.
The whole thing is a signal to Putin to move into Ukraine and nothing would happen. This is different from when Saddam was lured into moving into Kuwait, thinking nothing would happen until the skies of Baghdad was illuminated. Russia is a nuclear power and they obviously don’t want a nuclear war, because that will draw in Iran, China, Turkey, and the west doesn’t want that. The West is telling Ukraine that Russia would likely come into Kiev. It would be good that Putin doesn’t take the bait because it’s not everyone that wants an invasion. There’s a lot of wealth in Africa hence the interest in her, which has increased in the last couple of years. But why the increase? Because of the promise of Covid. This is important and very true.
Klaus Schwab and his cronies, including Bill Gates and the likes, sold the idea to certain elites and government, in coded language, that Africa would be massively depopulated and what would be left would be no government. They were told "it’s going to be a land ready for us to divide". So they sent their structures waiting for the flushing out of people in Africa.
Your Loveworld Specials
Season 5 Phase 2 Day 4 24 February 2022~7807
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD.
Welcome to today’s program. It’s going to be a great blessing to everyone.
The Russian conflict was an invitation, howbeit a coded one, and he honored it. When he moved into Donetsk and Luhansk. Nothing serious happen. China was watching. Just like Russian jets were going over Ukraine…China sent jets over Taiwan and the Taiwanese observed that…letting them know they’re still there. This was like the invitation of Saddam Hussein, but in this case he was going to get pounded. Putin can’t get pounded because he is a strong leader and has threatened to deal with anyone who comes against russia or it’s citizens. Even the NATO Secretary General said Ukraine isn’t part of NATO.
The CDC is saying they can’t release the data on Covid because of it being misunderstood and misinterpreted. So they want to leave us with a lie. The same way they said the data would take 75years to be released.
We are looking at a tense situation at the moment. So we have to pray because they need a justification for a global cyber attack.
Klaus Schwab, in a released video, was rebuking world leaders for not preparing enough for the next cyber pandemic. And in that pandemic, he said everything that would need internet to run would be affected. So they’re pushing the panic button and presenting a scapegoat which is Russia. This was the game plan all along…Now they will use this whole Russia drama to implement their plan which is the crashing of the banking system, saying that Russia attacked the banking system of the world, so they will cancel cash and everyone will start again. So we need to slow that down because a whole lot of people aren’t ready for that yet.
We are dealing with satanism at the height of its manifestation. So don’t keep your attention on the Russia-Ukraine drama, because there are other things happening in the background.
So they will reset everything by keeping your data, and crashing it and setting up a centralized new one. But all their plans won’t work because there is a master script and we are together with chief strategist, the Holy Ghost.
The vaccine drama has failed but they are still planning another one, this is from Bill Gates mouth. How did he know another one is coming? The next phase is to give license to countries to manufacture theirs. Pharmakeia will be the deception for the last days. It was never about Covid, it was always about the vaccines which ultimately was to initiate the control of human beings.
Last night, I explained what God expects of us. Look at it from the natural world perspective. In a world where you have millions of people, there are those who are concerned and become militant about the situation of things; while some just get concerned and not do anything about it. This is how you come about leaders in a society, these people act out their concerns.
Some seize the moments and take charge of the leadership positions. Klaus Schwab, who is 83 and has spent most of lives trying to build a satanic leadership for the world. How many people of his age who are born again are as active as he? They’re probably retired. And klaus has raised younger people to reason like them. These are not scientists, they’re satanists; they’re butchers.
They have a plan for children. They create data for you to use and come to conclusion and it will go in the way of their choosing a because they manufactured the data. If they control your source of information, you definitely be a result of their work. Here’s why you have to be careful. The lord warned us that the major thing in the world in the last days is deception.
One of the deep state activists in the 80s and 90s, Jack Tally, an Italian said “finally and perhaps especially, since no war can be won except the people believe it is just, and necessary and until the loyalty and belief of citizens are maintained; the chief weapons of the future would be the instruments of propaganda, communication
Season 5, Phase 3, Day 1 21st April 2022~8633
Opening Prayers led by the Highly Esteemed Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan.
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.
I want to welcome you to our first discussion this Your Loveworld specials season 5, phase 3.
Remember it's our month of watching and praying. In Matthew 24:43 the words of Jesus
Matt.24.43 - But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
He told us to watch and pray.
Eph.6.10 - Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Eph.6.11 - Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Eph.6.12 - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
We must remember what the word of God tells us and never act like it's unimportant or like it's an assumption. The word of God is reality/truth.
I told you the perpetrators of COVID-19 would be ignorantly relentless in pursuing their cause. Because they are deceived by the spirits of darkness.
We must remember the apostles and the prophets and the words they spoke to us by the holy ghost. They let us know just like Jesus that our world is not about all that we see or perceive with our senses. Its a spiritual world that very much controls this physical world of human beings. We cannot assume that what we are given as facts are the same thing as truth. One of the things that I majored on in Last years global ministers classroom, on the subject "The spirituality of life and ministry", Was the difference between Fact and Truth.
Facts are different from truth. I went on to not only define and explain them, but also to provide a guidance on the application of these things in life's circumstances, and how that we have to live by truth and distinguish continually between fact and truth.
I remember telling you several times of a lecture by Rudolph Steiner in 1917 in which he made clear to his colleagues that the day would come when the "spirits of darkness" as he called them, would use the possibilities of vaccines, explore it, for wicked purposes. That was years ago, 1917.
Today, we are seeing exactly what He said would be done. But what we are seeing right now is really the introductory part of it, because the real purpose of the vaccines is as evil as evil can be. I remember that in 2020 when we were just starting, I gave you a diagram and I showed you what the covid was about and where they were going with it.
This was the diagram and unfortunately some people were angry that I said this, infact one of our stations was even sanctioned for Pastor Chris daring to saying this
In the analysis of my speech, they were saying "what have I to do with NWO?' and that Pastor Chris actually meant the new world order. (and they were right).
I said everything they were doing with the fear and the pandemic, and the 5G and the IOT, were all leading to the Vaccines. They denied it but I was right. I said it had to do with ID2020 which I analysed and that the whole purpose was for a new world order. Well, many months and 2 years have come and gone... What I said is as true today as it was then when I fore-said it.
I said they would be relentless because it's been a pursuit for many years. Those trying to do it now we're not the creators of it. They had the idea for many years. And this is the best opportunity for it. They've never had it this close and that's why they wouldn't want to give it up. They believe that this is the time. They have never had the world so paralyzed before them. They have never had the kind of wealth that they have amassed. The world has never seen the like of it. So they have in their minds, all the resources to prosecute this evil vision. And they cloak the idea with sweet vocabulary/language/Jargon.
Season 5, Phase 3, Day 2 22nd April, 2022~8653
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.
This is Day 2, Season 5, and phase 3 of your Loveworld specials.
Yesterday, we began looking at some important things and I want to read a scripture to you in 2 Cor 10:3
2Cor.10.3 - For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 2Cor.10.4 - For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
We do not war with carnal weapons of human understanding or of the flesh. Why? Because of verse 4. They are used and operated through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
2Cor.10.5 - Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
I remember explaining that to you some time ago. It includes cancelling and ridiculing calculations of can be theories of men or individuals in high positions. It doesn't matter. "Thing" doesn't characterize it as Inanimate. It can be removed. It can be regulations and rules made by men against the knowledge of God. The weapons of our warfare are mighty through God to destroy them.
Our weapons are powerful enough to arrest every thought and subdue such.
I read to you yesterday in Ephesians 6:12
Eph.6.12 - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
We have to understand that there is a warfare going on and these are the forces of good against the forces of evil. And sometimes, those evil forces present themselves through human beings.
Normally we find it very difficult to believe that our leaders could do something evil. We have difficulty believing that our next door neighbor could be evil. To think like that would somehow destroy human societies because they are based on trust. You want to believe that others are positively disposed towards you But oftentimes we find that something terrible happens. We want to believe that the justice system will be fair and just because to not believe those things will ruin our society. Where do we go from there? We want to trust the army and police. These are fair things to expect. If you had a Job, you want to believe that they will pay you at the end of the month. Or you have a health problem and the doctor will treat you.
Human beings were made to trust, but every once in a while, there is a dissapointment on that.
Remember Kosovo,, Rwanda... How neighbors turned on themselves just because they were different. Remember serialone and what happened.
Sadly, these were perpetrated by people of their own country, neighbors. These are the things that are consistent with what Jesus said. How neighbors will turn on one another, Hatred.
So when these things happen, we are in shock Because it's not what we want or expect.
That's why at the beginning of this thing in 2020, when I told you that it was planned, people had a hard time believing.
I mentioned yesterday something about the ventilators but someone will say "ventilators are good stuff.." if you want to put a bait/trap, you put it in something that's trusted. (E.g. How you catch rats).
We want to think that the enemy is afar off, not the guy next door. "How can a doctor do that?" The society is built in the system of trust that's why Satan takes advantage of that. Jesus is wisdom personified so you'd better listen to God's word.
Jeremiah 17:9
The natural man is desperately wicked. It's Inside him. It is our Gracious God that has helped us in restraining evil. When Peter told Jesus he would go with him everywhere and even die for him, Jesus told him "Tonight, before the cock crows twice, you will deny me thrice".
Season 5, Phase 5, Day 1 17th May 2022~9010
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD.
Eph.3.8 - Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; Eph.3.9 - And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: Eph.3.10 - To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,
It's God deliberate intent to make know his variegated wisdom to principalities and powers in the heavenly realms. He wants them to know the manifold wisdom of God, by the church. He wants to demonstrate his wisdom to principalities and powers through the church.
When you understand the scriptures, your heart will be at rest irrespective of what a lot of people face today; Even sometimes there are Christian's who are distracted by the melancholic vicissitudes of health. But you are unmoved. He raised us to shine his light in a world of darkness. We must not allow the threats of evil get us to fear. You have to look beyond them because they are fallen. Our Job is to walk in the light and wisdom of God and keep them where they belong: In the place of absolute defeat. They only thrive when the church has been ignorant, when there's been a lack of knowledge. Evil prevails when good men do nothing. But we have been sent by God; designated by God as the light of the world. And darkness cannot overcome this light.
Sometimes they may be persistent, but never forget, we are more persistent. Remember what the bible tells us in the book of Daniel... I want to show you what happens at the end.
Dan.7.27 - And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.
That's the way it Ends! We win! But that winning began when Jesus was raised from the dead.
Col.2.15 - And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
He spoiled principities and powers and made an open spectacle of them. All the forces of darkness saw Jesus defeat the devil and his demons. All were defeated by Jesus.
And from then, the bible tells us what he is doing.
1Cor.15.25 - For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
He reigns over them until they are all out under his feet. How is he doing it? He is in Heaven seated at the right hand of God; a place of power. So how does he reign over his enemies?
Rom.5.17 - For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
We reign! We are the ones reigning got him because he has given us the gift of righteousness. We live for him as his light. His grace is at work in us. Reigning in us through righteousness. (Romans 5:21)
You have to understand what's happening.
1Pet.2.9 - But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
That is remarkable. Read if from the AMPC.
Our Job is well cut out for us: to display the virtues and perfections of Christ. And that's why He expects us to learn his word, to put it in our hearts and mouths and breathe it forth, and run this world for him using the name of our Lord Jesus.
We are the light of the world and we will not be overcome or overshadowed by darkness. No! We win by the blessed name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I want to share a few things with you today. This is Season 5, Phase 5.
Phase 4 was loaded with fasting and praying. This is Phase 5.
We are moving right along and winning at every point.
Season 5, Phase 5, Day 2 18th May, 2022~9095
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.
I'd like to welcome you to today's program. The Lord is gracious and kind. We are so thankful that we are given the opportunity to be a great blessing to God's people all over the world and to see us walk in absolute victory. The bible tells us that we are the living epistles of Christ. We are the word of God in flesh today. That's what the bible teaches. In the epistles are God's word... And He says that we are the epistles of Christ to the world. That's extraordinary! That's amazing!. Do you know that you are God's word. You are born again by the word of God that lives and abides forever. You are the word of God because you are the offspring of the word.
Look at the word and don't forget what you looked at. Keep it always in your mind. As we look, we are metamorphosed. When you stay your mind on God's word, you will always be at perfect peace (Shalom Shalom: Peace with prosperity).
Last night we started to talk about several things.
In 2020, I was told you that the lockdowns and the masks would destroy immunity and that was the pursuit.. because they knew it. These were educated people who subjected nations to this inhuman treatment in the name of trying to keep them away from the virus. And I asked "isn't this virus airborne? So why would you lock them in their homes to keep them from being infected?". Sometimes you wonder, what do people do with their reasoning? This was not a mistake. It was intentional.
(Video playout July 5, 2020.)
Now look at what's happening in the UK. Hepatitis spikes among kids because of the lockdowns. Same as the USA. It became overwhelming and they couldn't hide the report. They knew what they were doing.
And I told you about the GMOs; Modified mosquitoes that they were working on.
(Video playout Aug 27, 2020. July 27, 2021. News report from Loveworld UK: 2 billion genetically modified mosquitoes in the US. The female mosquitoes will need tetracycline to live. They are more aggressive and more resistant to insecticide)
The part that they've talked about is the smaller part of the danger. The fact that they can CREATE these insects and send out by the billions to whether they choose.... These are virus carrying mosquitoes. Inventors of Evil things! These are Satanic Minds.
In the pharmaceutical industry, we have professionals and those form the occult. They can invade any industry that is open to them. Listen to these men and ask yourself if you are listening to scientists or ....
(Video playout of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari)
Yuval Noah Harari is a professor of History trying to tell you about Science...he has no revelation yet they believe he is a prophet.
Covid helped them to legitimize total biometric surveillance. This guy is the spokesman of Klaus Schwab and is Gay. He is talking about Surveillance UNDER YOUR SKIN. That's the reason for the vaccines. They understand spiritual principles. They have to say it to make it happen. That's why they are not hiding their plan anymore. "We are upgrading Humans into gods".
What happened to Adam and Eve in the Garden? Same Devil, Same plans.
He calls the resurrection of Jesus Fake News. That has nothing to do with science. That shouldn't surprise you. The attack on Jesus is well calculated. He is not speaking because he doesn't believe but because He was sent...and I will show you his kind.
This is the guy that they Invite to address world leaders.
(Interviews with Klaus Schwab). He speaks about Genetic editing. When I said it was generic editing, they said it wasn't. They said "this is about changing you". They are going to fundamentally change the human person and control you. Through the vaccine it introduces the software into your body.
Season 5, Phase 5, Day 3 19th May 2022~9106
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor T. T. Temisan
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.
I want to welcome you to today's program. This is Day 3 and we're making a lot of progress in our discussions.
Yesterday I got to talking about different kinds of people in the earth. I said there are 3 classes the bible describes in good detail.
- The children of God
- The children of the devil
- The children of the flesh.
And I talked about how you become any one of them.
Predestination is something that some people don't like to discuss because they don't understand it. It is abundantly described in the word of God. To think it's not there is to deceive oneself. Your life is predestinated.
The Lord said "the most important thing to me is for them to discover their purpose and to fulfil it". If there is a reason for your birth, that's predestination.
The reason God put it there is for you to know where you're at, who are , who your adversary is and to know how to deal with your adversaries. Except by the Holy Ghost, you can't tell who is who or even who you are. You cannot know you are a child of God. You may speculate. But you have to know this knowing inside of you by the holy spirit. Without the holy ghost, you may have religion. You may feel like you are a child of God or close to God one day, and the next day you're not. So how do you know? He gave us the witness so you will have the witness in yourself.
Rom.8.16 - The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
Remember that in Romans, when you study in chapter 10, it does tell you how salvation is obtained. (Rom 10:8-10)
Your heart is your spirit. Romans 2:29 Rom.2.29 - But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
You believe with your heart/spirit, not with your brain/mind.
1John.5.11 - And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 1John.5.12 - He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
You know that you have eternal life.
Each one of us can only know about anybody else and ourselves by the holy spirit. You can't just looks at someone and say "I think this one is a child of the Devil".
1John.5.10 - He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.
You have the witness inside you. Who bears that witness inside you? The holy spirit.
The only way we are able to tell that someone else is not a Christian, is by the holy spirit.
(Example of a gentleman in 1986 and the vision Pastor Had about Him not being born again and being demon possessed).
Jesus knew. He was the one who said "Have I not chosen 12 of you and 1 of you is a devil?" We don't confront them with that except by the holy spirit. Just because someone is demon possessed at a particular point in time doesn't mean he is a child of the devil. Someone could be a Satanist and yet not be a child of the devil. Judas was with Christ but he was a child of the devil. Saul of Tarsus was injurious but he was not a child of the devil. The bible says, that even Satan's ministers go out as angels of light. So you can't tell by their actions. Only the holy spirit can give that judgement. There is a spiritual perception which is as good as spiritual information from the inside.
Acts 8:21-23 He was one of the major reasons why Peter had to go to Rome.
Some celebrities are used to being at the top in the world, so when they come into church they also want to lead, but you can't do such with your head.
Without the flesh, you will have no right to this earth. You need a body.
Season 5, Phase 5, Day 4 20th May, 2022~9214
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.
I want to welcome you today to day 4, Season 5, Phase 5.
Global Prayer day:: Friday 24th and 25th of the Month of June. This will be very significant. Mark it in your calendar. Don't forget.
Some of the Globalists.. It's a pity that we have to use that name for them Because that name is too positive for who they are and what they do. But since it somehow identifies in a sense their agenda, we might as well use it.. They are trying to push the panic button for the whole world with what they have very well labeled "Monkey pox". And because of what we want to discuss in our concluding session today, I don't want to give much attention to it.
(Look for the full episode on the Loveworld sat website for Chronicles of prophecy of yesterday on Monkey pox.)
(Video playout. Bill gates has come out to call the Monkey Pox a Pandemic. The vaccine had already been approved by FDA since 2019. They say not much is known about it, yet they have a vaccine)
Based on some of the things we have been talking about in the past couple of days, there are some questions
- Do people always fulfil their predestinated purpose? Will someone Definitely fulfil what he was predestinated for?
Answer: NO. Just because God has planned your life doesn't mean that you will fulfil it. When God made you, he gave you a special gift called "a will". And he gave you a right to exercise your will. His own job is to make sure that you discover his plan for your life and follow it. Your work is to by his spirit, discover his purpose for your life and fulfil it. E.g. When God made Saul King, He promised that if He would obey Him, he would give him an eternal dynasty. But Saul didn't and it didn't turn out well for him. God had a beautiful plan for him but he didn't fulfil it
Colossians 4:17
If he was going to fulfil it anyhow, why would he tell Archippus to fulfil his ministry.
Acts.20.24 - But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.
Remember at the end, Paul was sure He had fulfilled his ministry. He said "I have fought a good fight...I have kept the faith"
I mentioned God's that through preaching is how God located his children. Remember the 3 kinds of people (of the flesh, of the devil and of God) God is not trying to find children of the flesh because you are already born that way. But how is that done? Through the foolishness of preaching.
1Cor.1.18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 1Cor.1.19 - For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 1Cor.1.20 - Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 1Cor.1.21 - For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
1Cor.1.22 - For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: 1Cor.1.23 - But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness; 1Cor.1.24 - But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 1Cor.1.25 - Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 1Cor.1.26 - For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
V26: He didn't say "not ANY noble". He said 'No many'. You may not find many professors in church
SEASON 6, PHASE 2, DAY 1 14TH SEPTEMBER 2022~11012
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD
This one is a short phase. We've got just 3 days. But there is so much for us to talk about. Many things have happened since the last time. And a very important one, which is the passing of the Monarch, was the most popular in the world for decades; Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away days ago. And while there are mixed feelings for a lot of people... Some are mourning because she's been an important figure on the world's stage for 70 years plus. Then also, the crown has passed immediately to their heir who is King Charles III. That is a good thing... A period of mourning, a period of calm celebration... But apart from being an important figure in the world, she had a family who will miss her more than the rest of us. So, we will not make insensitive statements.
I did tell you to pray specially for King Charles III. Without prayer, there can't be much success. All the speeches so far that he has made have gone in the right direction. He himself has prayed that God will help him. I believe God will answer that.
The very fact that we talked about that at the beginning of this phase shows how important the British crown has been for the whole world.
You just watched a documentary on the American dollar and it highlighted for you several statements that I made in the recent past. It's not a war against the dollar It's just telling you the truth.. so that you don't build your Faith on the dollar.. Or on Money.. because it's got no solid foundation. It let's you understand the bubble in which so many live. They live in a hoax and they have no idea that's whats happening. Especially when you consider many countries in Africa and Asia who look to the west for their financial help. They don't have more than you do. And the earlier African and Asian leaders realize this, the better.
What Klaus Schwab, the leader of The WEF, dreams of, is to make the WEF the defacto United Nations. To allow the WEF, which is a treacherous, transhumanist organization to be gaslighting African leaders is regrettable. The real hope of the world is the Church. The Politicians are not the hope of any nation. These people have turned their cities and nations into places of melancholia. You see the signs of socio economic declivity everywhere. But if you study the scriptures, you will find that God doesn't think that we are in a difficult situation. Truth is, we are not. We are not in a quagmire. He not only gave us the solutions, he made us the solutions. All we have to do is shine as light.
Matt 24:32-42 SUMMER IS NIGH. What does that mean?
V34- "This generation" is the generation of the fig tree.
V36: What day and Hour? The Day of the Lord. The day of His return.. not the rapture of the church, but the day of Judgement when Jesus comes back to Judge the nations. The rapture will take place before then
V38-39: The flood came and TOOK THEM ALL AWAY. Noah's entry into the ark isn't the focus of Jesus in that verse. It's what happened after that is the focus. When Noah entered the ark, they didn't know what was coming. In the process of the 40 days and 40 nights, the water began to lift the ship. Noah's entry into the ark was an example of our salvation.
V40-41 It's not talking about the rapture here. This is likened to when the flood came and took them away. They were taken in Judgement unto destruction. Some were destroyed and some were left to repopulate the new world.
42: That's the warning.
Amos 8:1-2 He is saying "Judgement time is coming". And the sign was the Basket of summer fruit.
Hosea 6:3 The latter and former rain... See James 5:7-8 That's the same thing that Hosea told you.
The coming of the Lord is very near. And the rapture of the church takes place before that second coming of the Lord.
SEASON 6, PHASE 3, DAY 1 12th October 2022~11409
Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan
(Documentary: The Hoax of Climate Change)
Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSC DD
I want to welcome you to today's program and thank God for the opportunity to share God's word with you. Today is the beginning of the 3 day program we are having.
What you just saw is a painful reminder of the deception that we have in our world.. I told you a couple of weeks ago why they changed it to 'Climate Change' from 'Global warming'. There was Global cooling before. I have a couple of things to share with you about global warming. Let no one deceive you. Climate change is a Hoax. You're dealing with, from the United States alone, a $22billion business. It's all about money and control. If it were just about money and control, that wouldn't be a serious problem. When you understand human life and societies there has always been a fight for human dominance. It's always been there... But.. the problem is the Spirit that's behind this evil work. We are not just dealing with a money or control problem or hegemony. No. We are dealing with a spiritual force that is fully intent on controlling human beings; a satanic orchestration of evil.
The bible already warned us of these things. But God has planned for us to excercise dominion over Satan and to put him in check. Remember in 2020, the Pharmaceutical companies, in connivance with the media after they had worked with the WEF on a project of state capture where they actually subdued so many nations, launched out their covid corona virus weapon of mass destruction. That's worse than what they accused Sadam Hussein of. When they did that, I told you very early that they were lying to you and that the idea was that they would come up with a vaccine. They pretended that the world had come to a medical conundrum and needed some form of solution. But in reality, it was all a well designed navigation of the labyrinth of deception. That's all it was about. They got the world thinking they were working hard and fast on something. But I told you they were lying to you. They already had the vaccine and were waiting for the world to get deceived and ready enough to take it. I told you "Don't take it. They are lying to you". I told you "Don't be deceived by the so-called side effects of the vaccines. Theya re not side effects but the predetermined effects". They knew what he results would be. It was part of the plan.
The CEO of Pfizer had several interviews on several fora to give the impression that the vaccine would stop the spread. But, he got the vaccine and yet became positive for the virus twice. That didn't make him stop. He continued with obduracy ad insisted that it was working. What work doesn't cure and doesn't stop the spread???? He, the father of the vaccine, got the vaccine. Same with the President of the United States. He also got the covid twice.
Are you going to believe people that have been lying to you who want to be the police of information? Are you going to give these characters power to check misinformation when they are the perpetrators of disinformation? We mustn't allow ourselves be deceived.
One of the interesting things about History is that you can go back and see where there were mistakes. But life is about the present and future. And no one gives us hope than Jesus Christ
Socrates and other philosophers.. One thing that is common with all of them is the search for truth. They were all searching for truth. Maybe they were honestly searching or weren't.. But Jesus said "I am the Truth". He was the truth that these men were looking for. How do you gather together ignorant interlocutors and expect to arrive at truth? How many lies do you have to put together and expect to arrive at truth. It doesn't matter. He has given us what we require.
- Rev. Tom Amenkhienan
- Rev. Ray Okocha
- Evang. Dr. Eddy Owase
- Pst. Ambrose Isesele
- Pst. Kayode Adesina
- Rev. Ken Oyakhilome
- Pst. Touyo Tom Temisan
SEASON 8, PHASE 1, DAY 1~15154
I want to welcome you to today's program. This is season 8, PHASE 1 and day 1 Season 8 is going to be wonderful.
I believe that the Lord orchestrated this program for this time. It's his plan. And that which has been planned and the purpose for it will be accomplished by the power of the holy ghost. The whole world belongs to him The holy spirit was sent by the Father to help us fulfil God's will. He said 'i will not leave you comfortless....' knowing fully well that the days would come when the world would have so much unbelief and deception. He said the father will send you the spirit of truth.
(Documentary on Climate Lockdown)
So, you can see the wickedness in the hearts of these psychopaths. In Hawaii, So many killed because some people were interested in their land. Same in Canada. These elitist technocrats are planning to set up cities in those places and know that those lands will not be sold to them. Reminds us of Naboth in the bible who wouldn't sell his vineyard to Ahab. So He got Jezebel to help. She got some politicians and sons of Belial to falsely accuse Naboth. Then they stoned him to death. Then Ahab went and took possession. Those spirits have not changed. They are doing the same today.
What should get you concerned is the fact that their is much deception that goes with all of this. Earlier this month, at the association of south east Asian nations, Klaus Schwab was there to sell his idea of Public private partnership. I told you before that when you hear of this, it's not the way you think. He shared with them his vision of merging state power with business power. That's to put it in the acceptable way. So no side understands what's going on. It's called Sugar coating. Makes it sweet. They were interested in listening to him. Then he came up with the idea of 'replacing' 'Capitalism will be replaced with Talentism'. 'Shareholder capitalism will be replaced with stakeholder capitalism with social responsibility' . Klaus Schwab assumes most of his audience to be ignorant. But he's for this spiritual power to it, that's why they don't understand it. He's not just the ordinary technocrat or general intellectual. They don't understand what he's selling to them. These are all coded words. You have to understand the spiritual mind of this elitist gaslighter. Understand the future he is building in their minds. The WEF are the perpetrators of COVID-19.
Firstly when he tells you about replacement of Capitalism....That's the systematic overthrow of democratic capitalism and he is addressing western nations and their allies. He is saying 'thw days of elections are over because people like him cannot win elections. He is telling them that the only way they can win elections is by coming into private partnership. It's an overthrow of democracy, replaced by Technocracy fathered by him.
The replacement of shareholder capitalism with stakeholder capitalism...that is the dismantling and complete erosion of private property.
Shareholder capitalism is private business with private property/ownership. He says it will be replaced with stakeholder capitalism...that is his dress code for a reconstructed neosocialism.
So, who is a stakeholder? Shareholders put money into a business so they own the business. Now he is saying "the stakeholders are all of us" but that's a lie. There's a caveat. It must be coupled with social responsibility. To Klaus Schwab and WEF, social responsibility means public subjugation. To them, it means the public becomes responsible to them because the dictators are here Remember the days when the Emperors owned the land
The real issue here is that Europ is very broke. That's why they have commandeered their child nations and allies to sell the idea of globalization. They've got Nothing. So they say "let's share what you got and we share what we got". Lies.
SEASON 8 PHASE 1 DAY 2~15166
Opening Prayers by H.E. Pastor Emeka Ezeh
(Documentary on Recolonization Agenda)
I want to welcome you to today's program.
A moment ago we were watching the documentary of Recolonization and I hope that you were able to understand from there that what they're showing you is not about the colonization of Africa countries, etc. It's about the plan of the future. Today's agenda and the future...and it's necessary to connect to the past to understand the thinking's in the minds of certain individuals.
This is not a discussion of what some African or European countries should do but a satanic agenda to colonize the world.
And as the bible shows us, the platform for getting this done will be government structures that already exist. And according to scripture, the seat will be in Europe. There are certain forced that play in the scheme of things on the end times. If they happened before and the signs are there, then you should be able to recognize not only the possibility but the imminence.
One of the things that backdoor they are telling some countries to do (which is evidence of state capture), is to set up some form of climate police. They go by different names. "environment police",etc Even those who don't think they need it, see another opportunity to make budgets which the parliaments or congress will approve for more syphoning of money. They teach countries how to impoverish their own people and cease their assets.
They tell them to police their environment for climate change that's not happening.
Understand Klaus Schwab's delusional activism which he carries out through the WEF. We also have an activist UN SecGen and this doesn't augur well with the world. They have secterian agendas. That's what happened during the Covid. These activists that we have in such organizations as the WHO and the UN who are in connivance with several dictators and tyrants in Mufti, advocate the use of force wherever their narrative is opposed. That's how you know them. They are not democracy-friendly by any standard; that's why they condemn and redefine free speech in the guise of protecting the public from Misinformation in the guise of disinformation.
It important to understand some of the lessons of Covid. They haven't given up yet because they have not realized the goals that they set. They put in so much money and the goal was to vaccinate over 7bn people in the world. But their goal just didn't work out. They are going to try again, but they will still fail. It's a failed project.
The Biden administration just decided to put in 600m dollars for test kits for vaccines from the USA. What's that? Tests that are unnecessary and that we know are a fraud. If such money is put into it, the business people and politicians won't say anything because of their share. Why put in so much money for something you know doesn't work? Because they've planned another fear mongering of a fake pandemic. They are advocating that people wear Masks again and social distancing.. all the stupid things they did before that didn't work I told you it's all about elections. (Most people won't order those test kits this time because they know it's a hoax) This is why they hate free speech. They say they own the science. They create the data.
(Chronicles of prophesy excerpt on minted experts on Iran... New York Times. Most that were called Iran, were just 'credentialed'. They had never been to Iran... but their goal was to spread the message throughout main stream media)
That's what they did with Covid. The real scientists were afraid to speak up. They got pseudoscientists who deceived the world
The MRNA vaccines were tested well to ensure it would produce the murderous effects that it has produced around the world. And the media is lying about it or pretending not to know about it.
SEASON 8 PHASE 1 DAY 3~15175
Opening Prayers by H.E Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu
Documentary: The Push for Digital Identity
I hope that you gave some attention to the thing that we've been discussing in past few days. We've been discussing several things and tonight I hope that some of the points that we raised yesterday, we'll be able to complete today.
If you were watching the documentary we just showed to you closely, there's a part of it where a Lady said they are not even aware of the effect the vaccine would have on children. Just last month a peer reviewed report was published where they stated clearly that Covid 19 vaccine is damaging to Children's immune system. A child vaccinated is in danger. His immunity is depleted severely especially 28 days after a second shot. How sad that they are telling children to get vaccinated.
These perpetrators are unrepentant and they seek to do it again. They heavily invested into Covid and sought to changed the world forever. They went very far including building isolation centres; they were extermination centres and those buildings have not been destroyed. They still have them because they plan to use them.
When you hear them saying that they should be prepared for another! They should be prepared for another lie. The first pandemic was a lie. I asked 'Who isolated the virus?", but no one has owned up to isolating the virus. Yet they gave us a treatment for it when they never isolated it.
They are unrepentant because these are the se people who say they want to investigate and look into what they created.
They don't even say "there may be", they say "there will be another pandemic". You have to be prepared for another lie. They are going to come from several fronts. The Covid one is there. (That's why Joe Biden could Invest $600m into test kits because as far as he is concerned, it's a finalized deal) Then you have the climate one... Then there is a push for digital ID.
Why do we require this ID in the first place? Why do we need to prove that we are human? Because they have another lie to perpetrate.
Just last week, the US Congress started having hearings about "Aliens" and UFOs. They are now saying that our world is being invaded by aliens and that we really need special identification because those Aliens have the capacity to look like us and join the population.
An activist "secterian" general in the UN is promoting his secterian ideology with the UN. He can invite his activist friends to come and address heads of state. This guy is over staying his welcome at the United nations because he is turning it into what it's not supposed to be. Now you have activist Judges in serveral countries on the bench, and activist leaders as the Chairs in WHO. We are dealing with these imposters who have taken over these organizations to further their satanic ideologies. We have to be very careful because many children who had the vaccines are suffering from Vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
Then you have the wildfires caused by arsonist governments in the United States and Canada. They are the managers of the forests, they pretend they don't know the cause of the fires but they know. They caused the fires to further their trickery on the people to make them support the Satanic green new deal. That's what it's about. They craft these evil policies that are based on the green new deal. They want us to believe the fires are caused by climate change. They are cleaning out the records of fires apart from what their narratives give us; So that we can't compare the past to the present to show that there has been no change.
The Lord Jesus said "Watch and Pray". We are watching. We are seeing the perpetrators and we are praying according to his word. By God's grace, their agenda will fail. This is not their time.
Dear Highly Esteemed....
Warm greetings to you in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
We trust that you have been experiencing extra-ordinary Dominion in your work and over your world, in this special month of August!
We have updated the Ministry Programs Calendar with some changes from now till the end of our Year of the PROLIFIC CHURCH!
Kindly find below the updated Loveworld Ministry programs from now till the end of our Year of the PROLIFIC CHURCH!
ISM CELL LEADERS CONGRESS Date: Saturday 2nd September, 2023
GLOBAL SERVICE WITH PASTOR CHRIS Date: Sunday 3rd September, 2023 (8am GMT+1)
SEPTEMBER GLOBAL COMMUNION SERVICE Date: Sunday 3rd September, 2023 (3pm GMT+1)
PRAISE NIGHT 16 WITH PASTOR CHRIS Date: Sunday 10th September, 2023
RHAPATHON WITH PASTOR CHRIS Date: Wednesday 13th – Sunday 17th September, 2023
WORDFEST Date: Monday 18th September - Saturday 7th October 2023
HEALING TO THE NATIONS LIVE Date: Friday 22nd - Sunday 24th September, 2023
LOVEWORLD GRADUATE GLOBAL CONNECT WITH PASTOR CHRIS Date: Friday 22nd - Saturday 23rd September, 2023
GLOBAL KIDS CONNECT WITH PASTOR CHRIS Date: Sunday 24th September, 2023
ISM LADIES IGNITE CONFERENCE Date: Saturday 23rd September, 2023
THIRD QUARTER FOUNDATION SCHOOL GRADUATION SERVICES: Date: Saturday 23rd - Sunday 24th September 2023
GLOBAL DAY OF PRAYER 15TH EDITION Date: Friday 29th – Saturday 30th September, 2023
🗓️OCTOBER 2023
REACHOUT NIGERIA Date: Sunday 1st - Tuesday 31st October, 2023
WORDFEST EXTRAVAGANZA Date: Friday 6th - Saturday 7th October, 2023
YOUR LOVEWORLD SPECIALS SEASON 8 PHASE 1 Date: Wednesday 11th– Friday 13th October 2023
HEALING STREAMS LIVE HEALING SERVICES Date: Friday 27th – Sunday 29th October 2023
INTERNATIONAL TEENS PASTORS' AND LEADERS' CONFERENCE Date: Monday 13th – Wednesday 15th November 2023
INTERNATIONAL PASTORS’ CONFERENCE 2023 Date: Monday 13th – Wednesday 15th November 2023
INTERNATIONAL PASTORS’ & PARTNERS’ CONFERENCE 2023 Date: Thursday 16th – Sunday 19th November 2023
LOVEWORLD PARTNERS’ AWARDS Date: Saturday 18th November 2023
PRAISE NIGHT WITH PASTOR CHRIS Date: Sunday 19th November 2023
LIMA AWARDS Date: Sunday 19th November 2023
GLOBAL MIRACLE FAITH SEMINAR Date: Friday 24th - Sunday 26th November, 2023
GLOBAL DAY OF PRAYER 16TH EDITION Date: Friday 1st - Saturday 2nd December, 2023
DECEMBER 7TH CELEBRATION BANQUET Date: Thursday 7th December 2023
END OF THE YEAR THANKSGIVING Date: Sunday 10th - Sunday 17th December, 2023
STAFF THANKSGIVING Date: Mon 18th December, 2023
LOVEWORLD STAFF AWARDS 2023 Date: Tuesday 19th December, 2023
SONS OF MINISTRY CONFERENCE 2023 Date: Wednesday 27th - Friday 29th December, 2023
NEW YEAR’S EVE SERVICE Date: Sunday 31st December 2023
🗓️JANUARY 2024
YOUR LOVEWORLD SPECIALS SEASON 8 PHASE 2 Date: Wednesday 10th - Friday 12th January, 2024
PRAISE NIGHT WITH PASTOR CHRIS Date: Sunday 21st January, 2024
FIRST-FRUIT SERVICE Date: Sunday 4th February, 2024 - Sunday 11th February, 2024
MBTC WITH PASTOR CHRIS 13 Date: Monday 5th - Friday 9th February, 2024
YOUR LOVEWORLD SPECIALS SEASON 8 PHASE 3 Date: Wednesday 14th - Friday 16th February, 2024
PRAISE NIGHT WITH PASTOR CHRIS Date: Sunday 25th February, 2024
Pastor's Prayer and Prophecy at The LoveWorld Staff Awards 2023~16206
Sudden change of your state and estate, but these thing are not things that would happen accidentally, no, no, no they've been in the works by the Spirit and the time of fulfillment just happened to arrive then suddenly you find yourself in a new state and estate. Glory be to God! Glory be to God!
We are looking at supernatural changes by the Holy Ghost. Supernatural changes by the Holy Ghost, supernatural changes and the Lord will increase your greatness. That's what He's going to do for you. Can I hear an Amen!
Stand up and thank Him for His grace, thank Him for His love.
Did you ever hear those people who said they don't pluck money from trees? You remember them? What did I tell you? We pluck money from trees, we do! And they also said that great things don't fall like ripe oranges, they lied. Nice sweet oranges still fall. Beautiful things of life still fall, and they will fall on your laps.
Suddenly, suddenly, because God's angels have gone out and they are compelling these things to happen suddenly, suddenly. They will cause men and women to put that thing into your hands, that they didn't expect and you didn't expect. They will be delivered to you. Why? For this gospel, this gospel, this message that God has sent us with.
Resources, infrastructures delivered to us. Remember what He said, houses you didn't build, wells you didn't dig, farms you didn't cultivate. They've been commanded to be delivered to us.
Have no worries of anything in your life, greater is He that is in you. Lift your hands and thank Him. Thank Him! We're the seed of Abraham, the world is ours from the northernmost part of the world to the southernmost part of the world, and go all around westward, eastward, everywhere, it's all ours. It's all ours.
Thank Him! ...Glory be to God, Glory be to God, Glory be to God. Hallelujah! Thank you Lord!
Thank you Lord for your grace, for your love, for your kindness. Thank you for the grace that you've given us, for the abilities you've given us, thank you for the inspiration. Thank you. Hallelujah 🙌
UPDATED: Loveworld Programs Calendar till July 2024~16820
Dear Highly Esteemed Senior Pastors,
Warm greetings to you in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
We trust that you are waxing stronger in God's extravagant grace, basking in his boundless blessings, and cashing in more vouchers, even as the month of January draws to a close.
This serves to kindly provide you with the updated Loveworld programs calendar from now till July 2024.
Kindly note that the 3-Day Your Loveworld Specials Season 9 Phase 1 with our man of God, Pastor Chris, initially slated for Wednesday 7th - Friday 9th, February, 2024, will now be holding for 5 days; from Monday 5th - Friday 9th, February, 2024. The link to the Promotional Design for the program for publicity has also been provided below:
The updated calendar is provided below:
Healing to the Nations Live Fri 2nd - Sat 3rd February, 2024
First-Fruit Service Sun 4th February, 2024 Sun 11th February, 2024
February Global Communion Service Sun 4th February, 2024
Your Loveworld Specials Season 9 Phase 1 Mon 5th - Fri 9th February, 2024
Praise Night with Pastor Chris Sun 11th February, 2024
MBTC with Pastor Chris 13 Mon 12th - Fri 16th February, 2024
Young Ministers Conference with Pastor Chris Mon 19th - Fri 23rd February, 2024
ReachOut World Extravaganza with Pastor Chris Mon 26th - Wed 28th February, 2024.
MARCH 2024
Road to Healing Streams Live Healing Services Fri 1st - Thurs 14th March 2024
March Global Communion Service Sun 3rd March, 2024
Your Loveworld Specials Season 9 Phase 2 Wed 6th - Fri 8th March, 2024
Ministers Visitation Programme Thurs 14th - Thurs 21st March, 2024
Healing Streams Live Healing Services Fri 15th - Sun 17th March, 2024
Healing Streams Festival of Miracles Mon 18th - Sun 31st March, 2024
1Q Foundation School Graduation Sat 23rd - Sun 24th March, 2024
Your Loveworld Prais-A-Thon Mon 25th - Sat 30th March, 2024
Global Day of Prayer 17th Edition Fri 29th - Sat 30th March, 2024
APRIL 2024
April Global Communion Service Sun 7th April, 2024
Praise Night with Pastor Chris Sun 14th April, 2024
Your Loveworld Specials Season 9 Phase 3 Wed 17th - Fri 19th April, 2024
Soul Winners Congress Thurs 25th - Sat 27th April, 2024
2nd Quarter Global Foundation School Principals and Teachers Summit Thurs 25th April, 2024
Global Miracle Faith Seminar Sat 27th April, 2024 Sun 28th April, 2024 (In churches)
MAY 2024
May Global Communion Service Sun 5th May, 2024
KingsChat-CeFlix Social Media Week Mon 6th - Sun 12th May, 2024
Your Loveworld Specials Season 9 Phase 4 Wed 8th - Fri 10th May, 2024
Rhapathon with Pastor Chris Wed 15th - Sat 18th May, 2024
Praise Night with Pastor Chris Sun 19th May, 2024
ISM Global Ministers Classroom Fri 24th - Sat 25th May, 2024
Loveworld International Staff Week Mon 27th - Fri 31st May, 2024
JUNE 2024
June Global Communion Service Sun 2nd June, 2024
Healing to the Nations Live Fri 14th - Sat 15th June, 2024
MBTC with Pastor Chris 14 Mon 17th - Wed 19th June, 2024
International Cell Leaders Conference 2024 Thur 20th - Sun 23rd June, 2024
Praise Night with Pastor Chris Sun 23rd June, 2024
Global Day of Prayer 18th Edition Fri 28th - Sat 29th June, 2024
2Q Foundation School Graduation Sat 29th - Sun 30th June, 2024
JULY 2024
Mid-Year Thanksgiving Service Sun 7th July, 2024
July Global Communion Service Sun 7th July, 2024
Road to Healing Streams Live Healing Services Fri 12th - Thurs 25th July 2024
Your Loveworld Specials Season 9 Phase 5 Wed 17th - Fri 19th July, 2024
Ministers Visitation Programme Thurs 25th July - Thurs 1st August, 2024
3rd Quarter Global Principals and Teachers Summit Thurs 25th July, 2024
Healing Streams Live Healing Services Fri 26th - Sun 28th July, 2024
Healing Streams Festival of Miracles Mon 29th July - Sun 11th August, 2024
Your Loveworld Specials Season 9 Phase 4 Rebroadcast of Day 1 On~18629