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Divine Health Confessions

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2739

January 7th, 2021

The Spirit of God vitalizes every fibre of my being! The God-life in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmity! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body, for He abides in me, through the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2741

January 8th, 2021

I live above this world because the Greater One lives in me! I’m not subject to the elements of the world, and my life is a testimony of God’s greatness. Divine might is at work in me, and my strength is renewed daily, causing me to triumph over sickness and infirmity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2746

January 9th, 2021

I have the Holy Spirit in me; in my spirit, in my soul, and in my body. I refuse to be moved by what I feel, or what my senses tell me. I refuse to let my feelings dictate the circumstances of my life. The Holy Spirit perambulates my physical body, fixing anything that is not consistent with God’s will for my health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2748

January 10th, 2021

I thank you, Lord, for your life that’s at work in me, in every fibre of my being, in every cell of my blood and in every bone of my body. My whole being is immune to death, decay and the corrupting influences in the world! My path is the path of life, righteousness, joy, gladness and peace forevermore. Christ is my life; in Him, I live and move and have my being.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2750

January 11th, 2021

I’ve been delivered from sin, sickness and death, and catapulted into God’s realm of abundant life. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, I am ‘uninfectable’, invincible, and indestructible. The life of God that is in me has made me off-limits to all the whiles, stratagems, and cunning devices of the devil. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2754

January 12th, 2021

Thank you, Father, for the glorious and triumphant life in Christ which You have brought me into where there's no sickness, disease or infirmity. I thank You for the imperishable life that flows in every fibre of my being, making me unsusceptible to the attacks of the devil, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2760

January 14th, 2021

I walk in health, strength, and vitality every day of my life. That same Spirit that raised my Jesus from the dead dwells in me; therefore, my body is continually vitalized by God's Spirit. I cannot be diseased in any way because eternal life is at work in me. I do not live by blood, for the Word of God, which is my source, is my life and sustenance; therefore, I am impregnable to all infirmities, sicknesses, and infections of the blood.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2867

January 15th, 2021

Divine life is at work in me. It is working in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, every cell of my blood, and in every organ of my body. No sickness can stay in me because the miracle-working ability of God is at work in me continually. I live by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus; therefore, I am beyond the reach of death and the law of sin.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2869

January 16th, 2021

The enemy has nothing in me, for my life belongs to God and my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I am complete and fully furnished in Christ Jesus; there's nothing lacking in my spirit, soul, and body. I have been perfected through my union with Christ Jesus, for God's Word is working in me, causing me to stay healthy always and energizing me daily from within. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2872

January 17th, 2021

In Christ Jesus, I live, move, and have my being. Daily, I experience the miracle-working power of God in my life and in all that is connected to me. Therefore, I refuse to be sick, for Jesus Christ is Lord over my spirit, soul and body. Divine health is mine and I live the supernatural life in perfect health all the days of my life, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2880

January 19th, 2021

I am shining in my health, and my body is a reflection of the beauties, excellences, and perfections of divinity. I am the effulgence of God’s glory and I express and dispense divine verities to everything and everyone in my world. I am a life-giver; therefore, anything that comes in contact with me is bound to receive this life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2882

January 20th, 2021

The Name of Jesus has been named upon me; therefore, my body is shielded and protected from all evil. I am stronger, bigger, healthier, brighter and wiser today, than I was yesterday, for the invigorating power of the Holy Spirit works actively and mightily in and through me daily. The life-giving Spirit of God functions in every part of my body; therefore, my body is constantly infused with divine energy. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2892

January 22nd, 2021

I was born for the glory of God; therefore, my life shows forth God's glory. My body is sanctified and preserved for the Lord’s habitation and use only. The presence of God in me has made my body uninhabitable, unconducive, and injurious to all sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. I am alive!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2895

January 23rd, 2021

Every day I wake up, I am reinvigorated in my spirit, soul, and body. I am full of life and vitality. My mind is alert, my body is energized, and my muscles, tendons, and ligaments are strengthened. I am an offspring of God’s Word; therefore, as the Word is, so am I. God’s Word is ageless; thus, I refuse to age in my spirit, soul, and body. I am forever blossoming in my soul, vibrant in my health, and fervent in my spirit. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2897

January 24th, 2021

Sickness and disease have no hold on me. I am a child of the Word of God. The Word of God is medicine to my flesh and life to my body. I live in the conditioned atmosphere of God’s presence daily, and I enjoy divine health 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. The life of God runs through my being, for I am a member of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. I am alive in Christ and alive unto God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2899

January 25th, 2021

I am a seed of Abraham, an offspring of the immortal God, and an active participator in the divine experience. Therefore, I do not get sick! I am born of God and I have His life and nature in me. I declare that my body daily functions in line with God’s perfect design for my life. I refuse to fashion my life according to any negative report, for it is directed only by the eternal Word of God. My way is always prosperous and it is well with me in, Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2903

January 26th, 2021

The Word of God keeps me in perfect health. It is life to my body and my manual for living. The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth; as I release it in faith today, the circumstances of my life are caused to conform to God’s plan and purpose for my life, the crooked paths are made straight, and mountains are leveled for me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2911

January 27th, 2021

Daily, I live a vibrant, radiant, prosperous, and healthy life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Divine life is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body and in every cell of my blood, making my system impregnable to infirmities and sicknesses. I am complete in Christ and I walk in health every day, to the praise and glory of my heavenly Father.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2922

January 28th, 2021

I refuse to observe lying vanities; my gaze is fixed on the Word of God, which is my guarantee of divine health and life. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, old things are passed away and all things have become new. The man that could be sick is dead, the "me" that is alive today has Zoe - the supernatural, indestructible, incorruptible, and imperishable life of God. This life makes me immune and impregnable to sickness, infirmity and disease.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2936

January 28th, 2021

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I live in Christ Jesus, and Christ lives in me. He is in my head, He is in my hands, He is in my feet, He is in my bones, and He is all over me. My body is infused with life by God’s Spirit because of righteousness. I live and move by the Word of God; it is the only thing that matters and makes sense to me. I refuse and reject the life of this world, for I live far above its systems and its principles. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2938

January 30th, 2021

I have been made a glorious spectacle to the world, to angels, and to all of nature. My life is a manifestation of the Christ-life and righteousness unto all men. I have made up my mind to live the life that God has given me, to the full. I have made up my mind to be everything that God has called me to be. I have made up my mind that I will walk in the victory that God has given me. I have made up my mind to be full of life, joyful, and live in divine health always, and nothing short of it. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2943

January 31st, 2021

I have been made a glorious spectacle to the world, to angels, and to all of nature. My life is a manifestation of the Christ-life and righteousness unto all men. I have made up my mind to live the life that God has given me, to the full. I have made up my mind to be everything that God has called me to be. I have made up my mind that I will walk in the victory that God has given me. I have made up my mind to be full of life, joyful, and live in divine health always, and nothing short of it. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2945

Febuary 1st, 2021

I have absolute mastery over satan, death, and negativities, and I live in dominion over all the works of evil. The body of Jesus Christ was broken for me, and He bore all sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities on the cross. Now, I live in the newness of life where I am free from all forms of sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. I live in divine health, and my body conforms only to the Word of God. Hallelujah

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2956

February 2nd, 2021

I reign and rule in life as a king, for I have received abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. The words I speak are potent because where the word of a king is, there’s power! I speak perfection to my systems, strength to my bones, vitality to my organs, and health to my flesh

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2958

February 3rd, 2021

God wants me well! I refuse to accommodate sickness or anything contrary to glory in my body. No sickness can thrive in my body, for the life of God in me has destroyed all symptoms. The Lord Jesus paid in full for my health and wellbeing; therefore, I enjoy a life of perfect health and peace always, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2960

February 4th, 2021

I refuse to be broken by sickness or any infirmity of the body. I insist on the reality of all that Christ has wrought for me. I look beyond what I see, feel, or hear and enjoy the grace of divine health that Christ made possible for me. This is God’s will for me, and I choose to live in it.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2962

February 5th, 2021

Jesus Christ has paid it all for me; I refuse to suffer from anything that is not consistent with God’s Word for my health. I choose to live and enjoy divine health all the days of my life because it is my time to enjoy health. I refuse to be intimidated by or acknowledge any conflicting symptom in my body. They are not real. My reality is what God’s Word says.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2965

February 6th, 2021

It is time to enjoy health! God wants me well and He has done everything necessary for me to enjoy perfect health daily. Thus, I live in the reality of the provisions of Christ for my life and health. I refuse to accommodate anything contrary to this divine arrangement for my life. I live and enjoy health today and always in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2967

7th February, 2021

Divine health is God’s will for me; therefore, I walk in it always. Jesus bore all infirmities on His body, securing my divine health forever. I reject sickness, infirmity, and all the works of darkness in Jesus’ Name. It makes no difference what I feel, hear, see or what my experience has been; I have a more sure word of prophecy than my experience; it’s the Word of God’s grace for my health. Therefore, I hold on to that Word always and my experience conforms.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~2971

February 8th, 2021

I am strong and healthy. I refuse to be sick. My body is full of radiant health and vitality. Sickness has no place in me. The body of Jesus was bruised and broken for me; therefore, I refuse to be broken by any infirmity or disease. Death, disease, and despondency have no place in my life, for my life is ever glorious and beautiful.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3139

February 11th, 2021

Divinity is tabernacled in my physical body! I’m a new creation, not subject to the elements of this world. I live the upward and forward life! Divinity flows in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and every bone of my body! I reign over sickness, disease, poverty, and lack! I’m superior to satan.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3151

February 12th, 2021

God’s Word is not only food for my spirit but also produces health in me, making me vibrant and productive. It is medicine and life to my body. I’m born of the incorruptible seed of the Word; therefore, my life is sustained by the Word. I acknowledge the divine life in me that dispels sickness, disease, and infirmity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3161

February 13th, 2021

I’m an associate of the God-kind, with the indestructible life of God in me! I live in the Christ- environment, where divinity reigns. Divine life is operational in every fiber of my being, for I hail from God; I’m born of His infallible Word. I do not get sick, for I live the life Jesus brought to me; it’s a life of consistent divine health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3163

February 14th, 2021

I have a testimony that God has given me eternal life, and this life is in His Son. Being born again, I live and enjoy this life, which is not subject to sickness, disease, infirmity, or death; a life that is immune to sickness. It doesn’t matter what may try to attack my body, the life of God in my spirit vitalizes and fortifies my body through and through.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3166

February 15th, 2021

The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me; He who raised Christ from the dead has given life to my physical body through His Spirit who dwells in me. Christ in me – the Holy Spirit in me – is life-generating, for I was born after the second Adam, who is a life-giving Spirit. Daily, I activate the impact of this life from within me through meditation and my bold confessions. Hallelujah.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3169

February 16th 2021

I consciously practice enjoying my life in divine health. I insist on the Word, affirming boldly that divine life has replaced the human life and its attendant effects. I do not live by the dictates of my body; I only respond to the leading and guidance of God’s Word for my life and health. The Word says, “They that dwell in Zion shall not say ‘I am sick’.” Based on this Word, I know I can never be sick for divinity now resides fully in my body. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3172

February 17th 2021

Eternal life is at work in me, and every part of my being is inundated with the life of God. The result of this life is undeniable, inevitable, and evidential for all to see. I refuse to succumb to the rudiments of this world; the corrupting and destructive influences of this present world of darkness. The life of God shines in and through me, dispelling every force and negative impact of darkness around me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3207

February 18th 2021

Jesus died that I may have life to the full; He was buried and raised for my justification. Thus, I live the beautiful life that Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection consummated for me. I am a new creation with the very life of God surging through my being; I never get sick. I prosper in my life and health, even as my soul prospers. I live unto righteousness, for I am dead to sin and its wages.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3209

February 19th 2021

I am an active participator in the divine experience. The good life is mine – a life that is void of sickness, fear, and death. The very life of God has been activated in my spirit, and this life has created an impenetrable force field around me. I am far removed from the decadence of nature and the destructive influences of this world. I am alive to God and Christ is alive in me. Hallelujah.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3229

February 20th 2021

I live the transcendent life of God. This life is superior to viruses, plagues, infirmities, and death. I do not get infected by that which infects the ordinary man; I do not get affected by that which affects the normal man; I am not moved by that which moves the mortal man. The Word of God in me preserves me from all ills and evils. I am fully protected in Christ, who is my life, sustenance, and my solid rock.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3246

February 21st 2021

Divine health is my heritage in Christ. Every day, I live and walk in God’s best for me – an ever-conditioned atmosphere of the miraculous, where I do not need healing, because I do not get sick. Continually, I enjoy the life that the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ accomplished for me – a life of perpetual health, perfect peace, and unspeakable joy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3249

February 22nd 2021

I have a higher level of awareness and recognition of my origin. I am born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which lives and abides forever. The life of God is in me now; I am a partaker of the divine nature; I have the resurrection life that is beyond sickness and disease. My consciousness of this reality propels me in the path of life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3332

February 24th 2021

I am one in whom Christ dwells; I do not live by the principles of this world. I have walked out of pain, sickness, darkness, poverty, and lack. I do not think, talk, or act like the man who is sick, poor, dejected, or defeated. My mind is renewed and programmed to think only right and excellent thoughts. I think, speak, and act as one who is healthy, strong, prosperous, victorious, and blessed.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3358

February 25th 2021

I am a faith-man; I demonstrate my faith in God’s unfailing Word and in the Greater One who lives in me. I have the grace and ability in Christ Jesus to reign and rule in life! I have been strengthened, empowered, and energized by God’s Spirit in my inner man to do the impossible and excel in all things. I live in health and abound in an unending stream of the miraculous always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3384

February 26th 2021

God’s Word in my life is ever sure; it is surer than my experiences. God’s way is perfect; His Word is tried and true. God is my refuge, strength, buckler, and shield. I trust Him with my life, health, and wellbeing. Today and always, I take God at His Word, acting on it, no matter what the circumstances or situation I find myself in, for I know His Word has integrity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3393

February 27th 2021

I have the vital knowledge and live with the consciousness that Christ lives in me. I can do all things through Christ, whose life, glory, and righteousness are revealed in and through me today! Christ in me is my assurance of a life of continuous triumph and eternal glory. Christ in me is my health, riddance, deliverance, wholeness, and preservation. Christ in me is everything!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3400

February 28th, 2021

God’s Word is the guarantee for my divine health. His life in me is my right and assurance for a life of dominion over sickness, disease, and infirmity. I have faith in His matchless Word; I accept what He says is true, and act accordingly. God’s Word in my life will not return void; it accomplishes that which He pleases, and prospers in every area of my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3410

March 1st, 2021

I and the Father are one. I am hid in Christ and He is alive in me. He is in my head. He is in my hands. He is in my lungs. He is in my kidneys. He is in my eyes. He is all over me. Therefore, I can never be broken, weak, sick, or diseased, for His presence in me makes my body impregnable to all forms of sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3421

March 2nd, 2021

The Lord Jesus Christ has done everything necessary to bring me out of any and every health predicament. Every manner of sickness was placed on His body for my sake. He suffered so that I may live in righteousness and divine health. Therefore, I walk in the light of my victory in Christ Jesus today and always. I walk free of sickness, disease, and infirmity all my days.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3480

March 3rd, 2021

Jesus Christ was manifested to destroy the works of the devil for me. The devil has been defeated, his works have been paralyzed in my life, and the victory is mine; therefore, no sickness or disease can attach itself to my body. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3525

March 4th, 2021

God loves me and His desire is for me to prosper and enjoy divine health in my spirit, soul, and body. He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, as proof of His love for me. I am conscious of all the works of Christ for me and I appropriate them to myself today. I'm alive to God and I live the resurrection life in Christ. Daily, I enjoy the manifestations of God’s love for me. I walk in the blessings of the salvation that Christ has wrought for me: blessings of divine health, success, abundance, and prosperity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3567

March 5th, 2021

I have entered into God’s rest. I refuse to be moved by any opposing situation in my body. I refuse to consider any contrary circumstance. I now rest from all struggles, because Jesus has done it all. I’m fortified daily by the Word. Death has no part in me and I refuse any condition that is not consistent with God’s Word in my spirit, soul and body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3585

March 6th, 2021

God has ordained me to live the supernatural life. I am a new creation with divinity coursing through my being; therefore, I cannot be sick. I have and enjoy Zoë, the very essence of divinity. It is the brand-new, indestructible, incorruptible, and invincible life of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3694

March 8th, 2021

The products of the old fallen nature – sickness, sin, defeat, and death – are not a part of my life anymore. My life in Christ is a super life; it’s a daily expression of victorious and triumphant living; void of struggles, failures, and all negativities. Old things like fear, disease, and poverty are passed away. I now live in newness of life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3708

March 9th, 2021

God’s blessing is at work in me; that blessing is a special endowment, a divine elixir, which causes me to do well and excel in life. It differentiates and separates me unto greatness, divine health, and excellence. That blessing gives me the advantage, causing me to live a healthy, vibrant, and prosperous life. It keeps me in the path of absolute dominion and mastery over all things.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3710

March 10th, 2021

My body functions for God. Every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the will of the Father, which is divine health and ever-increasing strength. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. I dwell continually in health through the working of His mighty power in me. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3749

March 11th, 2021

I have been authorized to reign and rule in life. I am a king-priest. When I address situations in the Name of Jesus, I have a guarantee that my demands are backed up with power. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus, I make a demand on my physical body: body, you are not allowed to respond to sickness, disease, and infirmities. You only respond to the Word of God and all that it says about you.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3802

March 12th, 2021

The same power that was demonstrated in Christ when He was raised from the dead is at work in me. I am conscious of the exceeding greatness of this power. Therefore, by the power and authority in the Name of Jesus, I reign in this life over all forms of evil. I reject everything contrary to the provisions of my authority in Christ and I refuse to be subject to any form of sickness or infirmity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3804

March 13th, 2021

I have power over all the abilities and strategies of the enemy. It doesn’t matter how the devil tries or through which means he attempts to attack my physical body, the Name of Jesus gives me authority over all his stratagems, and none of them can prevail against me. I will always live and walk in absolute health, perfection, and excellence, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3862

March 14th, 2021

I am born of God; my origin is in Him! No sickness has the power or ability to destroy my body! I have the overcoming life of God in me, which makes me indestructible. The power of God perambulates every inch of my body, vitalizing it and making it impregnable to disease and infirmity. I refuse to permit anything contrary to God’s Word in my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3868

March 15th, 2021

I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have absolute mastery over the devil and over all sicknesses and infirmities. I am conscious of the power that backs up the Name of Jesus and I apply it to my health and all that concerns me today. In the Name of Jesus, I curse everything that is not consistent with divine health in me to die from its roots and pass out of my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3880

March 16th, 2021

Jesus proved that everything God made has intelligence. Just as He spoke to a tree, to the winds and the waves, and even to corpses, I too speak to my body and the circumstances around me: body, I speak to you today, and I command you to function in excellent health. I speak to the circumstances of my life and I command them to conform to God’s will, plan, and purpose for me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3899

March 17th, 2021

My faith is the substance of my hope and my evidence of unseen realities. By faith, I call those things that be not as though they were, and bring to naught the undesirable things that are. I believe what God’s Word has said concerning my life, health, and anything that concerns me, and I act accordingly, regardless of any contrary physical evidence.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3901

March 18th, 2021

As I inundate my spirit and bombard my mind with God’s Word, my faith is built up and I am better equipped to unleash it against any obstacle or contrary circumstance in my life. I can never be infected or brought down by any sickness or disease, for my faith in God produces an impenetrable force field around me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3903

March 19th, 2021

The Word of God has taken charge of my spirit, soul, and body, such that all I think and know is what the Word says. I am fully persuaded that nothing and no one can stop me from enjoying God’s best for me – a life of vibrant health, lasting peace, overflowing joy, and endless prosperity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3918

March 20th, 2021

As I meditate on, and yield myself to, the lordship of God’s Word, my faith grows tall and strong and I stand strong in the face of life’s greatest challenges. My words are backed up with supernatural power, and what I say is what I get. I speak life to my organs. There is life in my tendons and ligaments. My heart is strong and functions in perfection. My bones stand strong and firm always. My eyes can never go dim, and my ears function perfectly, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3922

March 21st, 2021

The Lord Jesus Christ is the High Priest of my confessions. I stand on the basis of His Word and affirm what He is to me and who I am in Him. The Lord Jesus is my health and soundness; therefore, I can never be sick. He is my wealth and wisdom; therefore, I can never live in poverty. He is my light and salvation; therefore, I will never walk in darkness or lose my way in life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3925

March 22nd, 2021

I have the God-kind of faith, which speaks to mountains and the mountains obey. Today, I speak words and have them established unto me, for I am confident that the words I speak always come to pass. I speak strength to my body, length to my days, and vitality to my whole being. Situations and circumstances of life conform to my faith-filled affirmations and I live in perpetual victory.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3967

March 23rd, 2021

I have a high calling in Christ Jesus. I am in the God-class, with the capacity to function like Him. I handle situations the Christ-way, and I get His kind of results. My faith, the God-kind of faith, can change anything, for it doesn’t recognize impossibilities. There is no situation in my health, finances, and family that is not subject to change, for my faith always produces results.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3990

March 25th, 2021

I refuse to observe or acknowledge lying vanities. I do not accept anything I see with my physical eyes that is not consistent with God’s eternal Word for my life, health, and well being. I believe only what the Word says about me and I keep talking it.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3992

March 26th, 2021

My faith is not a leap in the dark, but a leap on God’s infallible Word. The Word says I was born of the incorruptible and indestructible seed of God; therefore, it doesn’t matter what I see, feel, or hear, my eyes are fixed on the truth – God’s eternal Word. I affirm in consonance with this truth, ‘I am indestructible!’

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~3997

March 27th, 2021

The knowledge of God’s Word increases in me daily and my faith is built up to alter the impossible and surmount all challenges. I do not struggle in my health, for divine life flows freely through my veins and my being. Through the continuous exercise of my faith in God’s Word, I live and experience an endless stream of miracles, testimonies, and victories, knowing that everything is subject to the Word.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4054

March 28th, 2021

I am conscious of the greatness and power of God within me. Consequently, I can never be broken by sickness or disease. I am fearless in the face of adversity. I am bold, courageous, and audacious; therefore, I boast in the Lord and in the power of His might through the vocalizing of my faith. Sickness, disease, and infirmity bow to my audacious faith confessions, and I live and enjoy the supernatural life naturally. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4057

March 29th, 2021

My consistent declarations of divine health and strength create a spiritual forcefield around me that is impenetrable by the devil. Therefore, I refuse to be sick! No weapon formed against me shall prosper; the weapons of sickness, disease, failure, and death have no power over me. I dwell in health and strength, in the mighty Name of Jesus!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4059

March 30th, 2021

I am full of divine might, strength, and energy. Nothing in this world is powerful or potent enough to destroy my spirit, soul, or body, for I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I live in God's perfect will for my life and I am in sync with His plans and purposes for my health. Therefore, the Spirit of God orders my steps in the path of life, health, and prosperity always, and I am protected from every wind of destruction.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4061

March 31st, 2021

I consistently take my stand in faith against sickness, disease, poverty, death, and every manipulation of the enemy. I maintain my victory in Christ Jesus. I completely reject anything that hurts or binds, because I have been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy. My new life in Christ is a super-life; it’s a daily expression of victorious and triumphant living!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4089

April 1st, 2021

Dear Lord, I thank you for the perfection of my entire being and for the very nature of Christ, which has made my life an endless expression of Your glory, perfections, and excellences. This nature vitalizes my body through and through, causing me to continually live in health and strength. Everything about me produces life, and this life flows to all that is connected to me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4091

April 2nd, 2021

The life of God is active in me by the Holy Spirit. That life is evident in my spirit, soul, and body, causing me to live above the decadence and flawed systems of this world. No sickness or disease can attach itself to my body. I live in health, strength, and vitality always and I demonstrate the God-nature in me everywhere I go.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4164

April 3rd, 2021

Sicknesses, diseases, infirmities, and death are not options for me. I live the life of the Word and I only endorse what God’s Word says about me in my life. Today, I speak life, health, joy, peace, and prosperity to my life. Nothing in me responds to death. Nothing in me responds to sickness. Nothing in me responds to defeat. I am forever radiant, victorious, and full of glory! Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4166

April 4th, 2021

With God’s Word, I’m equipped for the life of overflowing health, strength, and grace. Christ is my life! In Him I live, move, and have my being; therefore, my heart, mind, and body are sanctified to produce life always. I live victoriously daily, fully taking advantage of God’s Word and His grace available to me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4169

April 5th, 2021

My faith is not silent; it speaks and acts. Today, as I affirm the Word of God, I chart the course of perfection, divine health, and prosperity in my life. My words are full of power, with which I sustain my life in blessings, endless victories, and perfect health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4171

April 6th, 2021

The Word of God in my heart and my mouth prevails in and through me today. I believe God’s Word. I speak it because it is my life. The glory and blessings therein are evident in my life. I speak the same things God has said concerning me; I speak health, vitality, and life to my body today. Nothing and no one can cut me down; for I am equipped to live the supernatural life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4214

April 7th, 2021

My tongue is the rudder of my life. With it, I navigate my life aright, irrespective of contrary winds. It makes no difference what others think or say about me; what matters are the faith-filled and spirit-filled words that I speak forth. With my words, I keep myself in health, faith, success, and excellence. I refuse to talk fear, lack, or inabilities. I consciously speak God’s Word today, projecting my life in the right direction, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4216

April 8th, 2021

God’s Word in my life is yes and amen. I acknowledge and affirm who I am in Christ and my inheritance in Him. I walk accordingly and boldly affirm what He has done for me. The Lord has blessed me with all things. He has made me fruitful and productive. He leads me in the paths of abundant life and peace, and I am forever glad. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4268

April 9th, 2021

I am a partaker of the life and glory of my Heavenly Father, and I carry His divine blessings and presence in my heart. Therefore, like my Father, I speak words to every circumstance of my life, causing them to conform to His perfect will for me. I disallow sickness, disease, infirmity, and weakness in my body. I speak health, strength, and abundance always. With my faith-filled words, I beautify my life. With these words, I bring myself into the next and higher level of glory and grace.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4270

April 10th, 2021

I thank God for the blessing of His Word and the wisdom it imparts to me. My faith in the Word is living and active, causing me to live a life of total joy and fulfillment in Christ. I’m sound in my mind, excellent in my body, full of radiant life, and aglow in my spirit. I walk in the glory of God, manifesting the righteousness and perfections of Christ everywhere I go. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4272

April 11th, 2021

My life and ministry are absolute expressions of the righteousness and glory of God, and the dominion of the Spirit. I live the higher life in Christ to which I’ve been called. I am not ordinary, so I refuse to think, speak, or act like an ordinary man. I refuse to be subject to the rudiments of this world. Not only do I live the supernatural life, I also impact my world with the blessings of my divine nature, to the praise and glory of God’s Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4274

April 12th, 2021

I have the same life and nature with Christ, for as He is, so am I in this world. Therefore, I live victoriously every day, with absolute dominion over life’s circumstances and all health challenges. I have a mindset of absolute mastery. I refuse to be brought under by the corruption and darkness of this World. I rule over nature and live above the elements of this earthly realm in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4287

April 13th, 2021

I have been built with absolute possibilities within my system; thus, anything is possible unto me. I am in this world, not as a victim, but as more than a conqueror. I have dominion over life, death, and all things, for God has given me a life that is superior to circumstances and the forces of nature, and over satan and his cohorts.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4296

April 14th, 2021

I refuse to live an average life! I live and function just like the Lord Jesus Christ, whose life transcends all natural laws. Because I am of the same stock with Him, I likewise live the transcendent life. Divinity is at work in me; Christ is alive and at work in me. Therefore, I am uninfectable and indestructible, and nothing can put me down. I live triumphantly every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4305

April 15th, 2021

My life is supernatural and I live in absolute success daily. Christ in me is my assurance of a life of endless possibilities and ever-increasing glory. I am full of life, strength, and vitality. I’m superior to Satan, the circumstances of life, and the economic conditions of this world. I’m a victor in Christ Jesus, now and forever.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4314

April 16th, 2021

My heart is the habitation of the Lord. The power and glory of Christ are in my spirit, and I am conscious of what I carry within me and the ability of God that is operational in me. I am content and confident in who I am, what I have, as well as all that Christ is to me, in me, and has wrought in me. Christ in me is everything! His presence in me is my hope and guarantee that everything I could ever require to live a healthy, fulfilling, and prosperous life is already settled.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4323

April 17th, 2021

I am not the sick in need of healing. I am strong, healthy, and vibrant. Jesus gave me the power to live far above all sicknesses and diseases. So, it makes no difference what the case is. By the power of God’s Spirit that is in me, I live above it. I refuse to allow the devil run rampage in my life or the lives of my loved ones, whether through sickness or in any other guise or form. I have the life of God in me and I am a healer; I walk in this consciousness always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4331

April 18th, 2021

I am the fruit of Christ’s resurrection. Therefore, there is no more shame or suffering for me because Jesus already bore it all. He paid the price for me to live a glorious life. He died so I can live a life of beauty, honor, dignity, and excellence. Everything required for me to live in perfect health has been made available unto me in Christ Jesus, and I walk in the light of these blessings daily.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4334

April 19th, 2021

I have the God-life; the imperishable, indestructible, and incorruptible life of God. I’m a product of God’s Word and I walk in the light of His Word. Irrespective of how I feel, I refuse to recognize or acknowledge any negativities in my life or in my body. All I see and speak is the Word of God and what it says about me. Christ in me is the hope of glory.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4338

April 20th, 2021

Christ is in me and He is everything. In Him, I have all things. Just as death couldn’t hold Jesus down, no sickness, infirmity, or disease can hold me down or hinder my glorious life in Christ. I am victorious because He has brought me victory. I am successful because He made me successful. I am healthy because He has given me His life. I am prosperous because He has made me wealthy. I have the very life of God in me and I live in His glory. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4341

April 21st, 2021

My life is the manifestation and testimony of God’s grace and glory; His life, wisdom, and righteousness are revealed in and through me. My actions, reactions, thoughts, words, and responses to situations and circumstances conform to the express will of the Father. I’m not ruled by sensory perceptions. My physical body and life are regulated by the eternal realities of the Kingdom of God and the blessings that God has lavished on me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4442

April 22nd, 2021

I am a blessing, chosen and sanctified by God for His divine use. I am holy and preserved from all harm because I belong to Jesus. My life is dedicated to Him, and His life and nature are fully expressed in me. I have been set apart from the destruction that wastes the lives of many in the world. I have been separated from the ordinary life and I have been transported into the life of the supernatural, where anything is possible.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4444

April 23rd, 2021

I boldly declare that Jesus is Lord of my life; He is Lord over my spirit, soul, body, and all that concerns me. He is my all and my life is for His glory now and forever. Therefore, I completely disallow anything that does not comply with His will, plans, and purposes for my life and health. I refuse to yield my body to whatever is contrary to God’s Word for my health. I am alive to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and He is alive in me. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4485

April 24th, 2021

My life is not my own; it is no longer I that live, but Christ now lives in and through me. I belong to Jesus and my body can only do and respond to the things that He approves. I glorify Christ in my spirit, soul, and body, for they are His. Therefore, I declare that my body is protected and preserved, even as I daily present it as a healthy living sacrifice that is holy and acceptable unto the Lord.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4487

April 25th, 2021

I take charge of my life and make it what I want it to be in line with God’s will for me. I give form, beauty, and order to my life through the energy of my words. I speak perfection, health, and wholeness to all the systems of my body; they respond to the divine life in me and function rightly. I live in righteousness, victory, health, success, and prosperity, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4503

April 26th, 2021

With my mouth, I retain the vitality of my organs and keep them perfect. It makes no difference the seeming challenges I face in my health; I refuse to be moved or allow them dictate the circumstances of my existence. I stick to the Word, and I am confident in its ability to produce in me the results that it talks about. I maintain my faith-filled confessions and I speak life and health to every part of my body; I am confident of its guaranteed triumphant outcome in my life. Hallelujah.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4505

April 27th, 2021

I disregard any undesirable, transient circumstances in my life or health. Instead, I fix my gaze and focus on the eternal realities of our heavenly Kingdom. Irrespective of contrary winds and opposition I may face, my faith grows by the Word, prevailing and triumphing always. I speak perfection to my health, finances, family, and all that concerns me, and they respond to my faith-filled proclamations, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4508

April 28th, 2021

I am a partaker of the divine nature and I am conscious of this reality. The life that I live is not sustained by blood but by the Spirit of God who lives in me. I am extraordinary and a new creation in Christ Jesus. I am superior to sickness, disease, and infirmities. I have a life that can’t be infected by any pathogen. I can’t be poisoned or destroyed. No virus has power over me, for the One who lives in me has given me authority and power over all viruses and diseases.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4568

April 29th, 2021

That same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in me and He has invigorated my physical body. He is the indestructible life of my body and this life has gained ascendancy in me. Therefore, no disease, irrespective of its nature, can survive in my body. I have the life of God in me; that life destroys sickness and disease. I walk in divine health always and I refuse to be sick!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4571

April 30th, 2021

I am a chosen and special breed; I am superior to anything that is of the devil. I live victoriously through the Word and by the Spirit, over and above sickness, disease, and death. I walk in victory and dominion over the world and its systems. The very life of Christ, the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the power of God’s Word in me have made me supernatural, causing me to live triumphantly above sickness, diseases, and infirmity always, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4573

May 1st, 2021

Christ is my life, and because He lives in me by the Holy Spirit, I am not an ordinary person, for I am one with him, with the same life and nature. Therefore, no sickness can take possession of my body, neither can any disease thrive in my body. Eternal life is at work in me now and I am alive to God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4577

May 2nd, 2021

My tongue is filled with God’s Words of life and grace, and I speak them into my life today. By these Words, I am cleansed of everything that is not consistent with the life that God has given me. The Word is manifested in me and it produces fruits of health and strength in me. By it, I dominate the forces of life and nature, and I live in absolute victory always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4622

May 3rd, 2021

Eternal life has been imparted into me and I enjoy this life to the full. The Spirit of God lives in me. He is the life and health of my physical body. I am dead to sin and its effects, and I am strong and well, filled with all the fullness of God. I am like a tree planted by the rivers of waters. My leaves are ever lush and green; they do not wither. I flourish like a cedar in Lebanon; I am unshakable, immovable, and stately. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4650

May 4th, 2021

I am who God has made me, and I enjoy all that He's made available to me in Christ. I live the transcendent life of glory. I'm triumphant in Christ always, in every place and in all things. I'm more than a conqueror, an overcomer! God's divine power has brought me into my glorious life in Christ, where there is no sickness, disease, or death. I have all I require for life and godliness. I have, and I'm enjoying life to the full, Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4654

May 5th, 2021

I am one with Christ and I have become one spirit with the Lord, for as He is, so am I in this world. Therefore, I am a life-giving spirit. I’m a partaker of His very life and nature, and I am a dispenser of eternal life to everyone around me. There is no death in or around me, for the Lord Jesus has abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4657

May 6th, 2021

I testify of what the Lord has done for me. I am conscious of and thankful for the divine health, peace, and joy I now enjoy. I am thankful for all He has done in and through me, for the indestructible life He has given me, and for the presence of His Holy Spirit within me. The invigorating power of Christ is working in my physical body and I am thankful for His manifold blessings, goodness, and mercies in my life. Glory to the Lord forever. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4659

May 7th, 2021

I have a testimony of the efficacy of God’s Word in my spirit, soul, and body. It is a testimony of my unshakable faith and confidence in the Lord, which makes me joyful and unruffled in the face of diverse tests. Therefore, I am fully persuaded that, regardless of the pressures and adversities I may face, I will remain steadfast, unmoved, and always abounding in the work of the Lord, for I know that these things are working together for my good! Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4664

May 8th, 2021

Christ has taken up His abode in my spirit and I have become His living tabernacle. My life is the manifestation of the Christ-life that is working in and through me. I am God’s operational center - He lives, talks, moves, touches, and blesses through me. Therefore, no sickness can find its way into my body, for it has been sanctified, made holy and perfect for the Lord’s use, in Jesus Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4717

May 9th, 2021

Jesus Christ is the vine and I am the branch – the fruit-producing part of the vine. Therefore, I reveal the glory, beauty, and excellence of Christ everywhere I go. Christ in me is what produces the glory that’s seen in me. That glory is manifested in my health, in my body, and in my spirit, where Christ lives. That glory stirs the joy of God within me, which strengthens me and keeps me in the path of endless victories.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4719

May 10th, 2021

The Lord Jesus, through His vicarious death and triumphant resurrection, has brought me into the life of unlimited joy, victory, dominion, and righteousness. Therefore, I rejoice evermore, with joy unspeakable and full of glory. My joy is of the Holy Ghost and it knows no bounds. I, therefore, refuse to allow any experience in my body to dictate my mood or interfere with the joy of the Lord in my heart.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4722

May 11th, 2021

God’s grace is supernatural! It brings favor, prosperity, health, and increase. This grace has been bestowed upon me. It attracts the right people and circumstances, in line with God’s purpose, into my life. This grace gives me the advantage and causes me to rise above every adversity. It sets me apart and has positioned me for a life of divine health, glory, excellence, and beauty in Jesus name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4729

May 12th, 2021

My life is manifestation of God's glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness. As I walk in His love, I have the mindset of the just and I know who I am. I am full of joy and I walk in divine health, righteousness, and prosperity. Goodness and mercy follow me always, and my life is so perfect and beautiful. The indestructible life of God is at work in me, and I live each day of my life for God's glory, Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4736

May 13th, 2021

I speak the Word of God with boldness and I see it come to pass in my life. With these words, I rule over the circumstances of life and have them conform to God’s plan for my life. I refuse to be sick or poor. The world and the fullness thereof are mine, and I exercise dominion over this world, as I take charge of my life. Today, I command every contrary storm in my life to cease because the peace of God, which is beyond human understanding, guards my heart and my mind, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4742

May 14th, 2021

The Spirit of God lives in me – protecting, guiding, and leading me in God’s perfect will for my life. Irrespective of circumstances, I maintain my stand on the Word of God and refuse to give up or be swayed from the truth of God’s Word and His perfect will for my life. I do what the Word says and obtain the guaranteed victory of the Word. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4749

May 15th, 2021

I’m more than a conqueror! I’ve overcome Satan and the world with its systems. I’m reigning in life through Jesus Christ and walking in the light of my divine rights and inheritance in Him. I am not vulnerable to Satan or his wiles, for I have put on the whole amour of God. No matter what comes my way, I am not flustered and I maintain my victory. I refuse to cave in to any negative pressure, for I trust in the unfailing Word and power of God to always put me over in Jesus'Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4752

May 16th, 2021

I walk in the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel of Christ. I am ever conscious of the Christ-life and the outworking of His power in me. My life is beautified with the glory of God’s presence and I enjoy every moment of my life. I rejoice in the grace of God that has been greatly lavished upon me, and I take full advantage of this grace to live in absolute health, wellness, and peace all my days in Jesus'Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4755

May 17th, 2021

I am of God and I have overcome the world and its systems because the One in me is greater than anything in the world. I have the life and nature of God in me, and I belong in God’s class of being. Thus, I live in absolute dominion and mastery over all the wiles and stratagems launched by the devil against my health. I reign by grace through righteousness in all affairs of life. Christ, who is everything, is my life, health, wisdom, and strength. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4833

May 18th, 2021

I am what God says I am and I can do what He says I can do. Christ in me is my victory and glory in this life, for I am a member of His body, His flesh, and His bones. I am ruling, reigning, and prevailing with Him over the world and the circumstances of life. My body is fully yielded to the Spirit of God and the lordship of His Word. Therefore, my body can't be weak or prone to depreciation. My body is daily vitalized by the Word of God, and I am continually cleansed by its inherent power. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4835

May 19th, 2021

I am an associate of the God-kind. Therefore, I cannot be sick at all. I don’t recognize sicknesses or diseases, for my life is not susceptible to them. Nothing – absolutely nothing – can hurt me or make me sick, let alone take my life, for the life in me is indestructible. Divine health is my nature. I was born with it; therefore, my faith works for divine health. I live in Zion now; I am at home in Christ, where sickness is illegal and alien to me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4837

May 20th, 2021

The vicarious death of Jesus Christ defines my value to God. I am worth the very life of Jesus. He gave up His life so that I may live. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me. I now live the very life of the Son of God – a life that is far above death, sickness, infirmity, and the deceptions of this world. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4878

May 21st, 2021

I refuse to live a lesser life. I live the greater life in the light of God’s Word. I will never walk in darkness or uncertainty in my life. Christ is the light of my life. Through His light, I see all that God has blessed me with and I walk in the light of my inheritance in Him. I live and freely enjoy this life in its fullness – righteousness, divine health, prosperity, and sweet fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4886

May 22nd, 2021

The Holy Spirit is my teacher and guide. He floods my heart with the wisdom to deal excellently and wisely in life and all its affairs. He grants me the understanding of spiritual realities and causes me to abound in divine health, peace, and joy. I walk in the consciousness of my oneness with Him today and I receive greater insight into the mysteries and secrets of my ever-glorious life in Christ. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4889

May 23rd, 2021

I live in Christ; therefore, I cannot be affected by the rules and corrupting influences of this earthly realm. I am from above and I live above all things in this world and its failing systems. I walk in righteousness and dominion, and I am conscious of the provisions of my divine life in Christ. This life is working in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My entire being is vitalized by this life, invigorating me through and through, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4891

May 24th, 2021l

My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; God functions in it and I am its custodian. Therefore, my body conforms to my faith-filled affirmations. Body, you are not permitted to accommodate weakness, sickness, disease, or infirmity. You function for God. You are the tabernacle of the Holy Ghost. You are under obligation to respond to the Word of God. I command every fiber, every bone, and every cell of this body to comply with the Word of God in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4893

May 25th, 2021

When Jesus died on the Cross, I died with Him. When God raised Him from the dead, I was raised together with Him and I became a new creation, alive to God. I am the fruit of Christ’s redemption. I have been brought out of death into life; from sickness into divine health; from sorrow into joy; from poverty into a wealthy and large place. I am alive with Christ’s resurrection life, and Christ is alive and fully expressed in me. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4898

May 26th, 2021

God has lifted me in glory in Christ. I’m seated with Him in the heavenly realms of power, dominion, and majesty. Therefore, I have the consciousness of one who’s seated together with Christ in a place where there is no darkness, no sickness, no defeat, and no pain; a place of absolute authority, mastery, peace, joy, and bliss; a place where I have authority over sickness, death, and the grave. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4904

May 27th, 2021

Christ proved His love for me through His vicarious sacrifice on my behalf. He took my place of judgment, condemnation, and sin, and gave me the God-life and nature of righteousness that is not subject to the darkness of sin, sickness, infirmity, or pain. Therefore, I refuse to be sick or broken in life. I have the life of God that is superior to negativity. I now function from a place of glory, power, authority, and dominion in Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4919

May 28th, 2021

My physical body has been divinely programmed to reject anything inconsistent with God’s Word for my health. Every part of my body – every cell, tissue, organ, and system – is fortified by God’s Spirit to function excellently and optimally. My body is divinely programmed to put out and annihilate every disease-causing bacterium, virus, or fungus that attempts to fasten itself to my body. My words trigger the release of divine energy that creates an impenetrable force-field around me, making me insusceptible to attacks in my spirit, soul, and body. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4922

May 29th, 2021

The Word of God is light; it is the true light that lights up my world. It is the compass by which I navigate through life. I do not grope or wander in the dark, because the Word illuminates my path, gives me direction and guidance, and makes me an absolute success in life. Therefore, being led by His light, I will always go in the direction of love, joy, righteousness, health, peace, and prosperity to the glory of God. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4941

May 30th, 2021

I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I own the world and I walk in divine health, prosperity, and excellence all my days. All things are mine and I have everything I require for life and godliness. I’m rich in all things because God has caused His grace to abound towards me. I am super-abundantly supplied, exceedingly fruitful, productive, and strengthened for every good work. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4942

May 31st, 2021

Christ has taken up His abode in the quarters of my heart. He’s in me now, and I am in Him forever. Because of this everlasting indwelling presence, I am a God-carrying vessel and a conveyor of divine blessings. My life is graced with His glory, with His presence, and with Himself. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence, where there is no fear of sickness, death, disease, infirmity, or failure. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4944

June 1st, 2021

My faith is producing results; I walk in divine health, victory, and dominion by the power of the Spirit of God. I am who God says I am and as a citizen of Zion, I shall never be sick. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4963

June 2nd, 2021

I know that I have whatever I desire through my faith-filled words. I declare that I walk in divine health, protection, peace, and prosperity. My faith is alive and producing health in my body. Every fiber of my being hears and responds to the Word of God. The Word is growing mightily and prevailing in my life, producing what it talks about every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4966

June 3rd, 2021

My body is vitalized by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Therefore, I refuse to accommodate sickness in my body. I'm vitalized by the Holy Spirit. The Word of God bolsters faith in me even now. I believe all that the Word says about me; I put my entire trust in God, knowing that no situation is beyond the authority and power of the Word, by which I live and dominate circumstances.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4971

June 4th, 2021

I refuse to be subject to the elements of this world because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I exercise my authority in Christ, and I declare that pain, sickness, disease, and infirmity are under my dominion. I live by the dominion of Christ and by the power of the Spirit today. I declare that I prosper in my health and in the works of my hands.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4974

June 5th, 2021

I walk in divine health, joy, prosperity, and victory every day. I'm alive to God. I belong in the Kingdom of God's dear Son, where I reign and rule by the power of the Spirit. Thank You, Father, for bringing me into such a beautiful place of glory, beauty, honor, and the superior life. I live triumphantly over and above all circumstances of life, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4977

June 6th, 2021

Thank you, Father, for the indwelling presence of Your Spirit in me. I am your living tabernacle; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can successfully lodge in my body. Because the life in me is divine, my body is full of radiant health and vitality. I enjoy the health that has been freely given to me, and I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4984

June 7th, 2021

I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. I dwell in the victory Christ wrought for me; thus, I'm no longer subject to any form of fear, limitation, or bondage, for Christ has set me free from sickness, disease, and death. I'm more than a conqueror!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~4989

June 8th, 2021

Divine life is at work in me! I'm impregnable to sickness or disease because I'm a partaker of the divine nature. The light of God is in my spirit and has brought me to full awareness of my rights and inheritance in Christ Jesus. I function in God's greater light concerning my health. Divine health is my portion; I live in strength and vitality every day of my life, in Jesus' mighty Name. Amen!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5000

June 9th, 2021

I have the indestructible, unconquerable life of God! I’m conscious of my divinity and immortality in Christ. I’m a conveyor of eternal verities and a partaker of the divine nature. Christ is my life! Therefore, no disease or infirmity can thrive in my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5009

June 10th, 2021

I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. Diseases and infirmities are not a part of my life in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. I recognize the efficacy of God's Word that is at work in me today, and by virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I have perfect health, victory, success, and prosperity now and forevermore, in Jesus’ Name!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5026

June 11th, 2021

I testify of the goodness of the Lord and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! The power of His infallible Word has brought me into a place of strength, power, rest, and dominion. I testify that the miracles of salvation are wrought through me. My life is insusceptible and invulnerable to sickness, disease, or infirmity. I daily experience supernatural blessings of divine health and prosperity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5031

June 12th, 2021

The Word of God is living, active, operative, energizing, and effective in me. It produces what it talks about in my life. God’s Word is sharper than any knife and it penetrates the deepest recesses of my body. The Word is alive in me; therefore, my body is impervious to sickness, disease, or death. No infirmity can prevail over my body, because eternal life is at work in me, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5038

June 13th, 2021

The Word of God is life to my body and health to my flesh. The Word is working in me constantly, keeping me in perfect soundness and health. My body is perfected by the Word. Today and always, I walk free of every sickness, disease, or infirmity as I walk in the light of God’s Word. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5087

June 14th, 2021

The Lord has brought me into a glorious place of authority and dominion, where I reign and rule over sickness, disease, infirmity, and all the fiery darts of the devil. I am conscious of my heavenly heritage and, with this consciousness, I am manifesting the graces of God to my world. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5090

June 15th, 2021

My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. My legs are His legs – He moves through me; they will never be lame. My hands are His hands – He works through me; my hands will never be paralyzed. My eyes are His eyes – He sees through me; these eyes will never be blind. My mind is daily renewed by the Word of God – I am mentally sound; I give no room to depression or negative thoughts.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5094

June 16th, 2021

The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys sickness, disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body because He lives in me through the Holy Spirit. I’ve got divine health working in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5123

June 17th, 2021

The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, defeat, or failure. I am an offspring of divinity and a product of Christ’s resurrection. The life of God is working in my spirit, soul, and body, and it is manifested in all that concerns me. I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5130

June 18th, 2021

God’s Word is food for my spirit and health for my body. It makes me vibrant and productive, and rejuvenates and strengthens my body. By the Word, I am made whole and preserved in divine health. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit quicken my physical body through and through, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5163

June 19th, 2021

Disease has no place in me, for I am born of God. Christ dwells in me and my body, which is for God’s glory, is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I am fortified by the Word of God and strengthened with might by the Holy Ghost. I’m more than a conqueror, through the power of God’s Spirit at work in me. I am a child of God. I refuse to be sick. Sickness doesn’t belong in my body. God’s love has given me life; so, I have life and health in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5177

June 20th, 2021

I declare that every fiber of my being hears the Word of the Lord and responds to it. My mind, heart, skin and bones, and all organs in my body, respond to God’s Word. The plans of the adversary regarding my health will always come to nothing because I am born of God. I have the life of God in me. I have strength in me. I am confident that I dwell in perfect health today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5189

June 21st, 2021

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to fear! I walk by faith and not by sight. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms of illness. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength. The Word of God quickens my physical body; my health flourishes daily because the power of Jesus Christ works in me. Praise God forevermore!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5197

June 22nd, 2021

I declare that I am whole, fortified from sickness, disease, and infirmity. I am preserved in divine health. The Word of God, which is the source of my life, is living and active in me today! I experience the transforming power of the Word in my health, finances, family, and everything that concerns me. My life is beautified with the glory of God’s presence and I live and freely enjoy this life in its fullness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5206

June 23rd, 2021

Disease has no place in me, for I’m born of God. Christ dwells in me and my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I’m fortified by God’s Word and strengthened with might. I’m more than a conqueror by the power of God’s Spirit. The Word of God has gained ascendancy in my life and it prevails over my spirit, soul, and body. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5253

June 24th, 2021

The Lord guides me continually and satisfies my desires always, making my bones strong. I am like a well-watered garden and like a wellspring whose waters don’t go dry. I am born of the Word of truth. The Word of God is health and life to my body. I declare that the Holy Spirit is at work in me, and His presence daily renews and vitalizes my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5262

June 25th, 2021

Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me; the life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. The good life, health, and strength are part of my divine heritage in Christ.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5270

June 26th, 2021

I continually live above sickness, disease, and infirmity. I declare that I am strong and healthy, for as He is, so am I in this world. The Name of Jesus has been named upon me; I‘ll never be sick in my life. No sickness or infirmity can overwhelm me. I have the overcoming life of God in me, which makes me indestructible. The power of God perambulates every inch of my body, vitalizing it and making it impregnable to disease and infirmity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5279

June 27th, 2021

I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness because the Greater One dwells in me! I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity. I am a product of God’s Word; therefore, my words and actions are backed by divine authority. My words are full of power and authority, and they produce changes in my life. I live in divine health, enjoy prosperity, and walk in victory every day of my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5284

June 28th, 2021

My body functions for God. Every organ, tissue, and cell in my body complies with the will of the Father, which is divine health and ever increasing strength. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. It is impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. I dwell continually in health through the working of His mighty power in me. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5290

June 29th, 2021

The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; the healing power of God is working in my bones, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and in every cell in my blood. I refuse any condition that is not consistent with God’s Word in my spirit, soul, and body. I’m alive to God and to the Word of His grace, which preserves me at all times.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5293

June 30th, 2021

I consciously make the Word of God the contemplation of my spirit; my mind is inundated with thoughts of progress and possibilities. I refuse to accommodate unhealthy and noxious thoughts or let the news of fear, disease, or death run my life. My mind is guarded and guided by the Word of God. I, therefore, live in divine health with daily experiences of ever-increasing glory, success, prosperity, and victory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5297

July 1st, 2021

I am seated with Christ in the realm of glory, dominion, and power. I am not an ordinary person; I am not subject to the elements and rudiments of this failing world of darkness. I reject sickness, disease, infirmity and all works of darkness. In my path, there’s no death; there’s no failure; everything works! There’s glory, excellence and victory only, because I dwell in the realm of life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5301

July 2nd, 2021

God's Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul and health to my body. I pay attention to God's Word and believe what it says about me. God's Word says I am the temple of the Holy Ghost and my body functions for God. Therefore, every organ, tissue and cell in my body complies with the Word of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5324

July 3rd, 2021

I walk in the victory that God wrought for me through Jesus Christ. I take charge of every situation, knowing that I am more than a conqueror. I live in dominion over sickness, disease, poverty and lack. I decree health, peace, prosperity and success into every area of my life. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5332

July 4th, 2021

There is no hindrance or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I have the life of God in me; therefore, my health is perfect. I am sound and strong. I am getting stronger by the day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5338

July 5th, 2021

I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! The life of God is in me; therefore, all fear is gone! My success, health, prosperity and long life are assured. I declare that I am complete in Christ! Nothing is lacking in my body, soul or spirit. The Word of God is working in me; it's working in my body, in my mind and in my spirit.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5351

July 6th, 2021

The joy of the Lord is my strength. The Word is working mightily in me! The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He has vitalized my body. I am superior to all forms of sicknesses and diseases. Health, strength, victory and prosperity are mine now in the name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5355

July 7th, 2021

I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; I'm dead to this world but alive to God. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness; therefore, sin or sickness has no dominion over my body. Divinity is at work in me; I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5359

July 8th, 2021

Disease has no place in me, for I'm born of God; Christ dwells in me and my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and it's for God's glory. I am fortified by the Word of God and strengthened with might by the Holy Ghost. I'm more than a conqueror, through the power of God's Spirit at work in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5369

July 9th, 2021

Christ's nature in me makes me unsusceptible to defeat, failure or any form of ill health, for greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world. I face each day with boldness –with full assurance that Christ is my advantage always. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5374

July 10th, 2021

I am an active participator in the divine experience. Divinity is at work in me –I’ve got the very life of God in me. I know who I am! I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power, and far above every disease and calamity plaguing the world and its systems. I bring to bear the Word of God in all my endeavors and in my environment.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5387

July 11th, 2021

I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore, I decree health, peace, victory, success and prosperity into every area of my life. I take charge of every situation and declare that all things are working together for my good. I am not a victim but a victor. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5395

July 12th, 2021

I dwell in God’s realm of life, where I reign through the Word. I’ve passed from death to life, from mortality into immortality, from age into agelessness, because in Christ I live in God’s realm of life. I completely refuse and reject anything that isn’t consistent with the God-life in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5404

July 13th, 2021

The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. My body is not sustained by blood, but by the vitalizing power of the Holy Spirit in me. My body is infused with divine health because I have eternal life. Therefore, sickness, disease and death have no place in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5419

July 14th, 2021

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Everything about my life is infused with divinity; I express the Father's glory. Eternal life, love, health, peace, joy, righteousness, prosperity – all are mine now! Divine health is my birthright; it is my present-hour possession in Christ. I am superior to Satan, sicknesses and diseases. My life is extraordinary, and it is full of glory and excellence.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5425

July 15th, 2021

The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me receives life! There is no death in any area of my life or in my body. I am living the good life God has planned ahead of time for me to live: a life of divine health, success and victory. I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease and poverty today and always!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5435

July 16th, 2021

I rule, reign and dominate my world today by the faith of God in my spirit! My faith is alive and producing results because the Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth. As I speak forth, circumstances align with God's perfect will for my life. I've been brought out of spiritual death into life, where I reign in health and prosperity by grace in righteousness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5439

July 17th, 2021

I live in absolute victory because I'm born of God and greater is He that's in me than he that is in the world. I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I'm an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live a triumphant and victorious life every day, far above pain and sickness, far above all machinations of the enemy, and far above the devil and the negative systems of this world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5444

July 18th, 2021

God's Spirit within me has made me more than a man; He has made my life truly supernatural. I can do all things through Christ, and I am grateful for the power that is at work in me, causing me to live victoriously over sickness, disease and death every day. I am a new creation; a new species in Christ. The life in me is impregnable, not subject to sickness, defeat or failure.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5449

July 19th, 2021

Through the Word of God and the ministry of the Spirit, I'm being transfigured daily into the image of the Son of God! His life and nature imparted into my spirit gives me the ability to live above sickness, disease, infirmity and sorrow, for as He is, so am I! Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5470

July 20th, 2021

I'm a faith-child of a faith-God! I live today in victory and triumph because I'm fully persuaded that I'm what God says I am, I have what He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. I live in dominion over sickness, disease, poverty, the world and its systems today, because faith is my lifestyle.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5476

July 21st, 2021

I recognize the efficacy of God's word that is at work in me today, and by virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that I'm superior to Satan; nothing shall be impossible unto me. The Word is life to my body and health to my flesh. Divine health is my birthright; therefore, I function therein every day. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5481

July 22nd, 2021

Father, I thank you for the divine life at work in me! I'm impregnable to sickness, because I'm a partaker of the divine nature. I refuse to live in the dark or function by lesser light. Rather, I function in God's greater light concerning my health. Divine health is my portion; I live in strength and vitality every day of my life in Jesus' mighty Name. Amen!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5492

July 23rd, 2021

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. My life is not controlled by the conditions of this earthly realm. The Holy Spirit directs my steps by the Word in every area of my life. I live in perfect health by reason of the life-giving Spirit of God in me. I refuse to allow disease in my body today.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5497

July 24th, 2021

I’m fortified daily by the Word. Death has no part in me and I refuse any condition that is not consistent with God's Word in my spirit, soul and body. I’m alive to God and to the Word of His grace, which preserves me at all times. In me dwells the Word of God richly and this Word ministers life to all my flesh. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5520

July 25th, 2021

The joy of the Lord is my strength. I am full of radiant health and vitality. I am walking in the fullness of God's blessings. I am anointed; spirit, soul and body by the Holy Ghost! My footsteps are ordered by the Lord. God's glory is upon me and I’m blessed in all things. I am shielded and protected from every form of evil in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5543

July 26th, 2021

My health is flourishing on a daily basis because the healing power of Jesus Christ continually works in me. I do not get sick; no infirmity can thrive in my body, because the Greater One lives in me. I declare that I reign in life over every circumstance and situation, because I have been made an overcomer in this life. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5558

July 27th, 2021

My life is for the glory of God. I declare that Christ dwells in me by faith; therefore, no devil of infirmity has any right over my body. I have no facility to accommodate disease in my body. I live in absolute divine health and above all the corrupting influences of the world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5599

July 28th, 2021

I speak the right words. My words minister not just to me; they also minister life to those around me. I dwell in Zion; therefore I am not sick. The Word of God is my daily meditation; therefore, my words are seasoned with grace and continually minister life to me, and to others. Thank You, Lord Jesus for causing me to reign over sickness and diseases!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5610

July 29th, 2021

I’m born of the Spirit and of the Word of God. This life of the Spirit is manifested in all I do. I’m not a victim in life, but a victor by the reason of the overcoming life of Christ in me, which empowers me to cause necessary changes in my world and to my advantage. The glorious life I have makes me immune to any form of disease; therefore, I’m continually inundated with divine health!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5633

July 30th, 2021

The Name of Jesus is named upon me. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily, making me impregnable to sickness, disease, death, and the devil. I am daily renewed by the Spirit of God that dwells in me. I am conscious of my new life in Christ and walk daily in its reality. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5641

July 31st, 2021

The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. Though sickness come against me, I will not be shaken because I have the very life of God in me. I cannot die because Jesus is Lord over my body and my whole life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5665

August 1st, 2021

I refuse to be sick because it’s not my nature. I’m a new creature in Christ Jesus; old things are passed away, and all things are become new. The man that could be sick is dead; the ‘me’ that’s alive today has Zoë – the supernatural life of God makes me invincible and impregnable to sickness, disease, and infirmity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5678

August 2nd, 2021

I have the life of God in me; it’s the superior life of glory, success, and victory. Thank You, Lord, for making it possible for me to receive this glorious and wondrous life into my spirit, thus making me superhuman. Praise God! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving me the right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and exercise dominion over Satan and the power of darkness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5690

August 3rd, 2021

I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take a hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5711

August 4th, 2021

I have dominion over sin, sickness, and circumstances. I’m superior to Satan, and I’ve overcome the world. I am seated together with Christ in heavenly realms, far above all principality and power! I exercise the authority of Christ in and around my sphere of contact, in Jesus' Name!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5738

August 5th, 2021

I have the miracle-life of God in me. Therefore, I am an associate of the God-kind and a partaker of the divine nature, having been made free from the corrupting influences, decadence, and destruction in the world. Today and always, I’m conscious of the transcendent life of glory and victory that God has given me through Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5741

August 6th, 2021

The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5765

August 7th, 2021

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! When He died, I died. When He was buried, I was buried with Him. Now that He’s risen, I’ve been raised together with Him, with the resurrection life that is resistant to sin, sickness, death, and disease. I’m an ordained saint of God, with the life of God and His nature of righteousness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5770

August 8th, 2021

Dear heavenly Father, I thank You for making it possible for me to receive eternal life! I declare that this life is working in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything that is inconsistent with the provisions of the divine life, in the Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5775

August 9th, 2021

I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; I’m dead to sin but alive unto God. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness; therefore, sin cannot reign in my body, for the nature of sin has been supplanted with God’s nature of righteousness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5858

August 10th, 2021

Dear Father, thank You for the glorious and triumphant life in Christ that You’ve brought me into – a place where there’s no sickness, disease, or infirmity. I thank You for Your indestructible life that flows in every fiber of my being, making me unsusceptible and impregnable to the attacks of the devil, in Jesus' Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5865

August 11th, 2021

I have the life and nature of God in me; I’ve put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. I’m excited about my new life in Christ. I’ve passed from death to life; from sin to righteousness; from sickness to health; from poverty to wealth. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5876

August 12th, 2021

Dear Father, thank You for justifying me and making me unreproveable and unblameable in Your sight. I refuse to allow the devil, or the opinions of others, or even my mind, to put me in a place of self-condemnation. I’m free to serve You and free to live the good life, in Jesus' Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5882

August 13th, 2021

I declare that I’ve received abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness. Therefore, I reign in life as a king. I dominate the devil, sickness, and disease! I’ve overcome the world and its systems, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5890

August 14th, 2021

The Bible says death and life are in the power of the tongue. Therefore, I declare that I’m enjoying life to the full. Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and no sickness can triumph in this body in the mighty Name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5917

August 15th, 2021

I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me, because the life that I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King, and my all. Christ is my life; in Him, I live and move and have my being. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5922

August 16th, 2021

My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being – from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet – is vitalized by the Spirit of God. The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease, and infirmity; therefore, I’m “uninfectable.”

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5939

August 17th, 2021

I am not ordinary; I refuse to accommodate any form of weakness in my body. In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumor, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, or lung failure in my body. I declare that I live, rule, and reign above them all, in the mighty Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5962

August 18th, 2021

I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease, and poverty, today and always! No weapon of darkness fashioned against me shall prosper, because I live in the Name of Jesus! I was delivered from sin, sickness, and death, and catapulted into God’s realm of abundant life where I reign victoriously with Christ every day, in Jesus’ Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5967

August 19th, 2021

I thank You, Lord, for the life of Christ in me that makes me superhuman! I recognize Your divine ability, efficiency, and might that’s at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that nothing is impossible unto me, in the Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5972

August 20th, 2021

I refuse to allow sickness, disease, and infirmity in my body. I refuse to accommodate poverty and failure in my life. I’ve been catapulted into God’s Kingdom of light and life, where only divinity, success, victory, joy, peace, prosperity, and divine health reign. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5977

August 21st, 2021

Thank You, Father, for the victorious life You’ve called me into; a triumphant life above sickness, poverty, failure, death, and every form of disease. I walk worthy of this calling, today and always, fully taking advantage of the power of divinity at work in me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5985

August 22nd, 2021

Thank You, Father, for the power in the Name of Jesus and the authority I have to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that hurts or binds. By the power of that Name, I declare that I’m living the higher life of glory that You prearranged for me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5989

August 23rd, 2021

I am confident of this very thing: the life of God is in me. Therefore, poverty, failure, sickness, and death are not a part of my life because the life that’s at work in me is superior to the devil and all his works. Today, I walk with the consciousness that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world, for eternal life is at work in me. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~5995

August 24th, 2021

I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness because the Greater One dwells in me! I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are now infused with divinity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6002

August 25th, 2021

I am born again; therefore, I’m not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His life; life without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6017

August 26th, 2021

Dear Father, I declare that Your Word is my light and my life! It’s nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my body! I live by Your Word today, and I declare that its mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says. Your Word is reality to me, and that’s the basis for which I know I’ll never be sick, broke, or defeated.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6023

August 27th, 2021

Father, Your Word is growing mightily in me, prevailing and producing health in every area of my body. The Word of God is active in me and His presence is evident in my life. I experience the miraculous in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit, in Jesus’ Name. The Greater One lives in me; no sickness can reside in my body. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no form of sickness has any place here!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6027

August 29th, 2021

I have the nature of righteousness. Today, I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I’ve received in Christ. I have in my spirit, the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! My path is illuminated to see and experience the glory of God in my health, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6034

August 30th, 2021

I declare that my faith is alive and producing health in my body. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know my faith always works. I’m not moved by what I see, feel, or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6038

August 31st, 2021

I live in health 24 hours every day, seven days a week. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. There’s life in my bones, tissues, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. I am alive unto God. Christ lives in me, so no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my members.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6047

September 1st, 2021

Christ lives in me; therefore, no sickness or infirmity can dwell in my body. I declare today that my body is strong and healthy! Sickness and infirmity have no place in me. The life of Christ is at work in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. Glory to God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6055

September 2nd, 2021

Christ is manifested in my body and in my spirit, which are God's. Infirmity and sickness have no place in me. I am the temple of the living God. I refuse to let sickness take a hold of my body. I have the unconquerable life of God in me; I cannot be sick! Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6065

September 3rd, 2021

Thank you, Father, for sending Jesus to die for me. He died, was buried, and rose in victory for my justification. He died that I may no longer die, be sick, or be in pain. Therefore, I live a glorious life. Today, I declare that I will never be broken by infirmity and anything that binds because I have the eternal life of God in me. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6071

September 4th, 2021

Glory to God! I function from the realm of the supernatural. I am not susceptible to any affliction or infirmity. When men are cast down by sickness and pandemics, I declare that there is lifting, and I lift people everywhere to the level of the God-kind of faith, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6074

September 5th, 2021

The greater One lives in me; therefore, I have no fear of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. I have passed from death to life, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6079

September 6th, 2021

Father, I thank you for the life you have given me. I have the Son of God and, therefore, have life. I have eternal life which cannot be overtaken by sickness, disease, or any infirmity of the body. The Holy Ghost dwells in me and He quickens and vitalizes my body! Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6103

September 7th, 2021

I'm alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. Hence, no organ of my body fails! I’m blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6113

September 8th, 2021

Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, Satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I thank you, Lord, for my life is perfected in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6130

September 9th, 2021

The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak. I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Glory to God forever!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6156

September 10th, 2021

Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. I am impervious to sickness, disease, infirmity, sadness, depression, anxiety, and everything that is of this world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6168

September 11th, 2021

As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6187

September 12th, 2021

I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6190

September 13th, 2021

I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6196

September 14th, 2021

I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6201

September 15th, 2021

Sickness does not exist in my aiōn because I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. I have the divine life that flourishes with health, prosperity, success, peace, and joy unspeakable. The Word of God is life to my body and it cleanses my blood and makes me perfect and whole. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6205

September 16th, 2021

I live in health every day because I’ve got the eternal life of God in me. I am not subject to sickness, pain, depression, anxiety, or any form of weakness or infirmity. I will never be sick in my life because Jesus rules and reigns supreme over my life!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6209

September 17th, 2021

I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. I am alive! Hallelujah

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6216

September 18th, 2021

Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6221

September 19th, 2021

I declare that I am joined unto the Lord and I am one spirit with Him. Christ is the glory of my life. There is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life and the glorious blessing of salvation in Christ Jesus. My body is daily impacted by the God-life, and I radiate health and glory every day. Glory!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6225

September 20th, 2021

I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6229

September 21st, 2021

The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and abilities!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6241

September 22nd, 2021

Because my mind is stayed on the Lord and my trust is in my heavenly Father, He keeps me in perfect peace with health, strength, and vitality. I am impregnable to sickness, disease, and death. I live the glory life every day and it is evident for all to see. Hallelujah

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6246

September 23rd, 2021

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the power of your Word in my life and the glorious fruits it bears in me. My health and everything about me flourish and prosper. I enjoy life to the full, knowing that Christ has made my life beautiful. I declare that I am living in power and glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6250

September 24th, 2021

I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. Glory to God! I am triumphant in Christ eternally!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6254

September 25th, 2021

I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps. I am born of God; therefore, I walk in divine health every day, all year round. I declare that my life is beautiful and it cannot be destroyed by any form of infirmity, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6271

September 26th, 2021

Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6274

September 27th, 2021

I am not of this world! I belong to God’s Kingdom. I am victorious over sin, sickness, disease, and poverty. I reign supreme all the time because I am in union with God. I am more than a conqueror in this life. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6287

September 28th, 2021

I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. Oh, glory! My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God. Thank you, dear Lord Jesus!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6292

September 29th, 2021

Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The very God-life is tabernacled in my body; therefore, no sickness can fasten itself to my body. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone I touch

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6301

September 30th, 2021

God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6317

October 3rd, 2021

I have received God’s nature of righteousness; therefore, I rule and reign in life. The life I live now, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. The life of Christ is continually manifested in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6331

October 4th, 2021

I am an ambassador of Christ; I’m called to reign and rule in the Name of Jesus. I am the bearer and conveyor of divine verities. Through me, the light of the glorious Gospel is made manifest. I exude ever-increasing glory, ever-increasing success, ever-increasing victory and prosperity, and ever-increasing health. I am for signs and wonders. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6357

October 5th, 2021

The glory of God is evident in my health, finances, family, business, and ministry. Christ in me is my guarantee of perfect health, prosperity, and success. Divine health is my present-hour reality and my body responds to the Word of God only. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6371

October 6th, 2021

I am who God says I am, I have what He says I have, and I can do what He says I can do. He has blessed me and made me a package of blessings. I am an embodiment of the fullness of His blessings! I do not walk in lack, poverty, disease, or anything that’s of the devil, for I’ve been called to inherit the blessings of righteousness and eternal life in Christ. I live according to my calling, in the Name of Jesus. Amen!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6376

October 7th, 2021

I walk in health daily. Nothing in me dies because eternal life is at work in my spirit. My faith is active and producing results. I insist on the reality of God’s Word regarding my health. My health is flourishing and I refuse to be broken by sickness, disease, failure, or death. I am living the glorious life every day!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6398

October 8th, 2021

Thank You, Father, for Your ability, strength, and wisdom that are mightily at work in me. I walk in health, victory, strength, prosperity, and glory every day of my life. Christ is my life, my ability, and my competence. Through Him, my potentials are limitless as I continually give expression to His glory in new ways every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6407

October 9th, 2021

I am more than a conqueror because I was born a victor. I live triumphantly above Satan and all the corrupting influences of this world by the power of the Greater One who lives in me. I am above sickness, defeat, and all the wiles and tactics of the evil one. I walk in and manifest the dominion of the Spirit of the Lord in all affairs of life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6415

October 10th, 2021

All that I require for life and godliness has been granted me in Christ. The good life of health and peace is mine always. I use my tongue right and my confessions of faith create divine realities. I will never be sick a day in my life. Sickness, disease, failure, and death are not in my history because I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6419

October 11th, 2021

My life is a direct reflection of what God’s Word says I am. I am healthy, strong, and prosperous. I flourish in health, I get stronger each day, and I’m prospering on every side because the Lord is in me and with me. The Lord is working wonders in my life, and it is evident for all to see. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6424

October 12th, 2021

I’ve got the life of God in me. It’s in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood. This very life of God in me makes me impregnable to sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. I cannot be overcome by pain, sickness, disease, or infection because of the life of God that’s at work in my body. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6444

October 13th, 2021

I carry the divine presence of God in me. The life of God is in me and Christ in me is the hope of glory! He’s in my spirit, soul, and body. I enjoy God’s perfection in my health, peace, and joy. Praise God! The glory of the Word is seen all over me!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6461

October 14th, 2021

I am a child of God; therefore, everything about me prospers. My health and finances prosper. The blessings of God are working in my life. His wisdom and prosperity are at work in me. His health and strength are at work in me. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6488

October 16th, 2021

I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Greater is He that is me than He that is in the world. I’m full of the God-kind of life. It is working in me, causing me to stay in perfect health always. The glory of God is in me and radiates all over me. It is as evident in my body as it is in every area of my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6508

October 18th, 2021

I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God. I don’t get sick because the health of God is in me. I cannot be weak because the strength of God is in me. I cannot be broke because I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6518

October 19th, 2021

I function and operate from God’s Kingdom, where there is no sickness, weakness, or lack. I live in this Kingdom now, and I function in dominion and authority from above. Not only do I enjoy the divine life from the Kingdom of God, but also I carry its blessings everywhere I go, manifesting the glory of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6527

October 20th, 2021

There is no force powerful enough to hinder my health and prosperity. I have been brought out of spiritual death into the deathless zone. I have eternal life now; therefore, I bring life to everything I touch. I live in total victory and mastery over sickness, poverty, and all the wiles of the devil because I have the dominion of Christ. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6533

October 21st, 2021

I give praise to the Father, of whom the whole family in Heaven and on earth is named, for giving me the power and authority in the Name of Jesus. I exercise dominion over principalities and powers, I live in health and prosperity, and I progress and make advancement in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6538

October 22nd, 2021

Divine health is at work in me. Sickness has no power over me and I refuse to allow any abnormality in any of my systems. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! My body is perfect, strengthened, and energized, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6543

October 23rd, 2021

My body is radiant with health and strength. This I enjoy, along with all the gifts and blessings of salvation that the Lord has richly blessed me with. Sickness, disease, failure, and death cannot hold me bound because God’s Word is working in me mightily; it is life to my body and medicine to my flesh. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6557

October 24th, 2021

My heart is full of joy. I am blessed in all things and in every way. I walk in the light as God is light. He is health for my spirit, soul, and body. All the organs of my body–my eyes, my kidneys, my lungs, and my heart, are all sound. No part of my body can ever be ravaged or damaged by sickness. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6603

October 25th, 2021

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. I do not lack in my health, finances, or in anything else. I look at myself and all I see is the glory of God, which I carry always. In everything I do and everywhere I go, I’m mindful of God’s glory and love, and that consciousness inspires me with faith and boldness to face the circumstances of life and win. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6607

October 26th, 2021

I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and I abide under the shadow of the Almighty in health, safety, prosperity, and joy. I do not fear, for the Lord is my shield and strength! I am not perturbed by any form of evil, for I am divinely protected on every side.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6612

October 27th, 2021

Gracious Father, I thank You for the privilege of using the Name of Jesus to cause situations to conform to my advantage. Every situation that is not consistent with Your perfect will for my life is adjusted, and I live in perfect health and supernatural success always, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6616

October 28th, 2021

The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth, prevailing as I speak it forth. I live above Satan and the elements of this world because I am an associate of the God-kind. By my faith, I live triumphantly above sickness, disease, depression, anxiety, and over all the strategies of Satan and all his cohorts.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6623

October 30th, 2021

The Word of God is medicine and health to my body. It produces what it talks about in me. I refuse to be broken by any sickness or infirmity. I am vibrant, energetic, and full of life always. I thank You, Lord, for the life of Christ in me that makes me superhuman! I recognize Your divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6632

October 31st, 2021

I live in the reality of God’s plan for my life and health. I enjoy divine health every day of my life. No symptoms of sickness can thrive in my body because the Lord Jesus has paid in full for my wellbeing. It makes no difference what I feel, hear, or see, the Word of God for my health is surer than my experience, which is subject to change. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6652

November 1st, 2021

I have been reconciled unto God. I am a member of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. I am the expression of His fullness, grace, and glory. I manifest God’s kingdom and power. I carry His life and divinity in me – spirit, soul, and body. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6658

November 2nd, 2021

God’s Word is in my spirit; it energizes me for success, programs me for greatness, and keeps me in perfect health. I live in health every day because my body is daily vitalized and quickened by the Spirit of God. I function with supernatural strength in my inner man.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6684

November 3rd, 2021

My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. By virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me, I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6691

November 4th, 2021

The life of God in me has supplanted the human life that was susceptible to sickness and disease. My body and everything connected to me align with God’s provisions for me. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day of my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6695

November 5th, 2021

I am alive unto God; therefore, I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6699

November 6th, 2021

The life of God is at work in me, permeating my whole being. I flourish in health and walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers exceedingly. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are my mine always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6704

November 7th, 2021

The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by joy unspeakable overflowing in my heart.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6716

November 8th, 2021

Eternal life is at work in me; therefore, my body is alive and active. My immune system works excellently. I am in a place of dominion and authority, where I rule and reign victoriously over sickness, disease, and infirmity. Praise the Lord!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6738

November 9th, 2021

I enjoy God’s boundless grace; it is at work in me continuously. Grace empowers me to overcome every obstacle and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper because I am favored and graced. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6742

November 10th, 2021

God’s unfailing Word has brought me to a place of rest, strength, power, and dominion. Supernatural blessings, divine health, and prosperity are mine in abundance. I’m impregnable to pain, sickness, disease, and infirmity. Amen!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6746

November 11h, 2021

Thank You, Father, for making me an associate of the God-kind. I am conscious of the divine life that is at work in me, causing me to dwell in health every day. No infirmity can thrive in my body because Christ is my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6762

November 12th, 2021

God’s Word in my mouth is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down every challenge and situation that is contrary to the provisions of the Kingdom. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in me, pulsating through every part of my body. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6766

November 13th, 2021

I live a triumphant and glorious life in Christ, far above the world and its systems. The glory of God is at work in me; therefore, sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in or around me. My life is the manifestation of the beauty and perfection of Christ. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6770

November 14th, 2021

Life springs up from within me because I am a life-giving spirit. I am a dispenser and a giver of life to everyone and everything I come in contact with. When I lay hands on the sick, they recover. I reject sickness in my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6773

November 15th, 2021

I have received an abundance of grace, and I reign in life with dominion over sickness and death. I have received eternal life, which makes it impossible for sickness or disease to dominate my body. No infirmity can corrupt or ravage my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6778

November 16th, 2021

The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6785

November 17th, 2021

I live in the glorious liberty of my divine life in Christ. I grow daily in grace and in the wisdom of God. My body is sound; its systems and organs are functioning perfectly. I’m waxing stronger and stronger every day. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6795

November 18th, 2021

The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6799

November 19th, 2021

I walk in divine health, safety, wellness, and wholeness because I am in Christ. Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory, and joy are resplendent in me and expressed through me. I am guided in wisdom to walk in God’s perfect will, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6804

November 20th, 2021

I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness and continually filled with the Spirit of God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6808

November 21st, 2021

The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He gives life to my physical body. I’ll never be sick in my life. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now and always by the power in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6811

November 22nd, 2021

The Word of God is life and health to my body. Its transforming power changes the circumstances of my life and causes my health to flourish. I live in the Word always and I refuse to fear or be sick or be defeated! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of disease or infirmity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6817

November 23rd, 2021

I have the imperishable life of God in me; therefore, I live continually in divine health and strength. Divinity is at work in me. I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. The Greater One lives in me. I know who I am; I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Praise the Lord!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6821

November 24th, 2021

My words are backed by divine authority. When I decree a thing, it is established. I walk in the full benefits of the salvation that Jesus Christ wrought for me, including health, peace, prosperity, and all-round success. As I speak words of life, I cause positive changes in my life, in my environment, and in the lives of those that come in contact with me. Amen!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6829

November 25th, 2021

The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth constantly, and I have the character of God’s Spirit. I am impervious to disease because the Greater One lives in me. I live above every sickness because God has raised me up together with Christ to sit in heavenly places, far above all principality and power.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6855

November 25th, 2021

I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6863

November 27th, 2021

In Christ, I have authority over the elements and I exercise dominion over my body. I declare that my body is the Lord’s temple and sickness is not allowed in or around it. Any sick person who comes close to me must recover because I carry God’s healing power.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6874

November 28th, 2021

My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, because my life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6878

November 29th, 2021

As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself; I have the Son, and therefore I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple. I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6885

November 30th, 2021

Rivers of living water flow from me to the nations of the world. I am a bearer of divine verities and a source of healing and health to anyone I touch. When I lay my hands on the sick, they recover. When I speak to a situation, it hears my voice and obeys

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6891

December 1st, 2021

The Word is working mightily in me! The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He vitalizes my body. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now by the power in the Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6907

December 2nd, 2021

I live in Zion; therefore, sickness is far from me. My body is yielded to God as an instrument of righteousness. Sin and sickness have no dominion over me. My atmosphere is the manifest presence of the Holy Ghost. I live in perfect health always. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6912

December 3rd, 2021

My body is the temple of the living God. Therefore, only divine health is permitted to function in my members. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body, because the Spirit of God who lives in me gives life to my body and rejuvenates it day by day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6916

December 4th, 2021

I am born of the incorruptible Word of God that lives and abides forever. That same Word is life and health to my flesh. The Word of God vitalizes my body and keeps it in perfect condition always. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6920

December 5th, 2021

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; I am superior to all forms of sicknesses and diseases. Divinity is at work in me; therefore, I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I’m dead to this world but alive to God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6928

December 6th, 2021

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Sin, sickness, and death have no power over me. I rule and reign in life. I dwell in Christ, seated with Him far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6941

December 7th, 2021

I do not live by blood. I live by the Word of God. As the Word is incorruptible, so am I. My body is unbreakable. The Word of God grows in my spirit, producing wellness for my body, keeping every part of my body alive and in perfect shape.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6954

December 8th, 2021

The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6958

December 9th, 2021

I am an embodiment of God’s goodness. Health and the good life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus. I flourish like the palm tree, ever fresh and evergreen. I’m nourished daily by the Word of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6967

December 10th, 2021

Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. I have overcome sickness and death! I hail from God, and as He is invincible and indestructible, so am I in this world. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6971

December 11th, 2021

I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6974

December 12th, 2021

Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. Sickness cannot stay around me; when I arrive, sickness checks out. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6988

December 13th, 2021

The words I speak are spirit and they are life. My words carry power; when I speak a thing, it is established unto me, because I speak them in the Name of Jesus. Today, I declare that I am preserved in health always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~6998

December 15th, 2021

I am the effulgence of God’s glory. I am above sin, sickness, and death. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. Sickness and its symptoms have no place in me. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7005

December 16th, 2021

The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have the life of God in me; therefore, my health is perfect. I am sound and strong. I am getting stronger by the day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7010

December 17th, 2021

Dear Father, I thank You for the gift of Your Word. Your Word is working in me mightily, producing fruits of righteousness in me. I live in health, supernatural abundance, perpetual victory, and joy. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7013

December 18th, 2021

The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth. I am a new creation in Christ; therefore, I refuse to be sick. Sickness is not in my nature. I have Zoé – the God-kind of life that makes me supernaturally healthy. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7023

December 19th, 2021

Christ in me makes me well; I cannot be sick. I full of gladness, and I’ve got joy unspeakable and full of glory. The joy of the Lord is my strength; therefore, I am strong and full of divine energy at all times. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7025

December 20th, 2021

I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7030

December 21st, 2021

I am joined unto the Lord and I am one Spirit with Him. I am full of the life-giving power of God, and every cell of my body responds to it. This means that there is no space for anything that is not of God in my body. I am excellent and full of glory!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7034

December 22nd, 2021

Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. Therefore, I live worthy of all that Jesus Christ wrought for me. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and the excellencies of Christ to my world. Glory to God forever!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7042

December 23rd, 2021

I am energized, strengthened, and full of life every day. I live the transcendent life in Christ, far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. As the Father has life in Himself, even so has He given me to have His kind of life. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and ability!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7047

December 24th, 2021

I am not moved by what I feel, see, or hear because I am full of faith. I’m ever radiant in health and I live victoriously in all that concerns me. The glorious life in Christ is continually manifested in my spirit and it is evident in all that I do.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7058

December 25th, 2021

I refuse to be broken by sickness, disease, or any form of infirmity because Jesus’ body was bruised and broken for me. I live persistently above sickness, disease, and infirmity; for as Jesus is, so am I in this world. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7062

December 26th, 2021

The life of God is in me; working in me mightily. He has given this life to me to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength today and every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7066

December 27th, 2021

I am a king-priest and my words are full of extraordinary power. I decree peace, health, success, and victory into every aspect of my life. I take absolute charge over my life and proclaim that all things are working in my favor in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7075

December 28th, 2021

I am assured of the glory and grace of God in my life. The Lord has given to me eternal life – the never-ending life of God; where I am in dominion over sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I live in the deathless, fearless and ageless zone. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7082

December 29th, 2021

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; sin, sickness, and death have no power over me. Every facet of my life has been supplanted with the very life of God; therefore, my body is daily inundated with divine health, and the Spirit of God gives it life because of righteousness. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7104

December 30th, 2021

I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7113

December 31st, 2021

I walk in the reality of my inheritance in Christ, strengthened and energized by the Spirit for the glory life. I disallow sickness from having its way in my body. I dwell in health all the days of my life. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7120

January 1st, 2022

I live above the systems of the world. I’m seated together with Christ, far above principalities, powers, and the elements of this realm. I am confident that my body is a manifestation of God’s glory upon me. I walk daily in perfect health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7136

January 2nd, 2022

The word of God is alive and active in my body. The Word of God at work in me is my guarantee of constant health and strength. God's Word vitalizes me and my youth is renewed daily.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7152

January 4th, 2022

By the power of God’s Spirit, I’m reigning in life–in my health, finances, job, and every area of my life. I walk in the victory and dominion of Christ today. I manifest life, glory, and excellence in every fiber of my being, and I grow from strength to strength every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7159

January 5th, 2022

My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can lodge in it. I cut out any disease-germ or growth that tries to attach itself to my body, in the Name of Jesus, and I continually glorify God in my spirit and my body as I walk in divine health always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7163

January 6th, 2022

Dear Father, I thank You for Your Word; it is the truth by which I live daily. The knowledge of Your Word in my spirit puts me over and gives me the victory today! Fear, sickness, poverty, and death have no place in me because I live by faith in Your Word, which is my recipe for total success, victory, prosperity, and divine health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7167

January 7th, 2022

I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7172

January 8th, 2022

The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. Today, I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I'm living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I'm in perpetual dominion over sickness and life's circumstances. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7176

January 9th, 2022

My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7183

January 10th, 2022

My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7190

January 11th, 2022

I walk with the Spirit of God and I dwell in the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life goes only in the direction of God’s purpose; therefore, I’ll never be sick in life. I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7198

January 12th, 2022

The Lord is my rock and my fortress, my shield and hiding place; therefore, I’m assured that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, for I am divinely protected from the perils and evils in the world. I declare that I’m fortified against sickness, disease, and infirmity, in Jesus’Name

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7202

January 13th, 2022

The life of Christ in me makes me superhuman! I recognize the divine ability, efficiency, and might that are at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every organ in me is invigorated; no infirmity can fasten itself to my body, and all things are possible unto me, in the Name of Jesus

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7213

January 14th, 2022

I have absolute faith in God and His unfailing and eternal Word! No contrary wind, circumstance, or situation that I face can dissipate my confidence in God’s Word! Through the power of God’s Word, my faith prevails today, and I affirm that I am living in perfect health, divine vitality, and supernatural abilities.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7224

January 15th, 2022

The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I take hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. Daily, this eternal life is manifested through me, effecting changes in my body and transforming circumstances in my life to conform to God’s Word.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7231

January 17th, 2022

I thank God for the unveiling of His Word in my spirit today and always. Now I know that I cannot be sick or disadvantaged because the “unsickable”, “uninfectable”, and indestructible life of Christ works mightily in me. There is no area of darkness in my life and health because the light of God’s Word has illuminated my entire being.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7252

January 18th, 2022

I act on the Word of God continually, causing circumstances to conform to the Lord’s expectations for my life. I’ve got the life of God in me and I win for Him always. I refuse to be affected or limited by contrary forces. Daily, my body is quickened to do the impossible; it is energized to do the spectacular, and invigorated for an endless stream of the miraculous by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ Name

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7256

January 19th, 2022

The indestructible life of God is in me; therefore, sickness, disease, lack, and death can’t find a place in my life. The life and nature of God in me make me invincible and superhuman. I’m a product of God’s Word! I believe and therefore declare the Word in faith that all things are mine! I refuse to be sick or sickness-conscious because I’ve been brought into the realm of abundant life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7260

January 20th, 2022

I am one with divinity and I have eternal life coursing through my being; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can stay in my body. I live a successful, healthy, and victorious life because I’m one with God’s Spirit and I have no association with death. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7267

January 21st, 2022

I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion–the city of the living God. Therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. I am a heavenly citizen; the Spirit of God is working effectually in me today and always. The life of God in me Spirit destroys infirmity, and renders inoperative, ineffective, and useless the plans of the devil concerning my life and health, in Jesus’ Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7273

January 22nd, 2022

The Holy Spirit lives in me and I am ever-conscious of the ability to effect changes in my life and my world, for His power is in me! My faith is working and producing results today! I affirm that my faith grows mightily and prevails. I advance from glory to glory and from strength to strength always! Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7281

January 23rd, 2022

My faith is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart, for I know faith always works. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world; I know that divine life, health, and perfect peace are my present-hour possessions. I dominate the circumstances of life today and I declare that all things are working together for my good.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7288

January 24th, 2022

I live and walk by faith and not by sight. I’m not moved by what I see, feel, or hear. I’m moved only by the Word of God! My life is going forward and upward only and nothing is impossible unto me. Christ in me brings strength into my spirit, soul, and body. I am rejuvenated and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, good success, and continual promotions, dealing wisely in all affairs of life, in Jesus’ Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7295

January 25th, 2022

I affirm that I have power in the Name of Jesus and I have the authority to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that corrupts, harms, or contaminates the body. By the power vested in the all-conquering Name of Jesus, I live the higher life of glory; I flourish in my health and my strength is renewed always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7300

January 26th, 2022

The Word of God is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs; the pulsating life of God has dominated my body, making it impenetrable to adverse health conditions. My health blossoms continually because I live by the Word.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7317

January 27th, 2022

As the Lord Jesus is begotten of the Father, so am I; therefore, I am reigning in life, exercising dominion over the forces of nature and over all circumstances to bring them into union with the Father’s will. My words are backed with the power to alter situations and every word I speak comes to pass. I speak life to my bones, health to my organs, and agelessness to my body. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7331

January 28th, 2022

I belong to Christ and I am Abraham’s seed and an heir according to the promise! I know what the Word says about me. I affirm that I’m filled with the fullness of God, loaded with all the power, glory, might, and grace of divinity! The totality of divinity is tabernacled in my spirit, soul, and body, and uniquely expressed in and through me today!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7339

January 29th, 2022

God’s Word is my light and my life! It’s the nourishment for my spirit, food for my soul, and health to my flesh! I live by the Word always and declare that its mighty power is at work in me as I meditate on it and observe to do what it says. I have a testimony of the Word in my life; it is a testimony of eternal life, perfect health, matchless strength, and energizing power.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7345

January 30th, 2022

I have been positioned for the glory-life, and I have in me everything I need to excel and live in perpetual health and victory on earth to the glory of God. I’m lifted above this world, its deterioration and the decadence, and I continually abide in the realm of life and glory that God planned for me from the foundation of the world, in Jesus’ Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7352

January 31st, 2022

The ability of God is at work in me today, and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for God’s inherent ability is in me. My strength is renewed daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory. Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7360

February 1st, 2022

The Lord has satisfied me with long life and good health. Thus, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, I live in perfect health all the days of my life. No infirmity can thrive in my body, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7367

February 2nd, 2022

The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. I live in the fullness of God's love and blessings and my life is from glory to glory. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7373

February 3rd, 2022

I am a child of God; born for the glory life. I give thanks to God for the life of Christ that is at work in me mightily, making me indestructible and insusceptible to sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7383

February 4th, 2022

Everything about me exudes the life of Christ. Therefore, my health does not fail; rather, it is ever radiant and ever-flourishing. I cause healing and health to prosper in my environment and in the lives of those I come in contact with. I am a dispenser of eternal verities.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7389

February 5th, 2022

The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means. I am surrounded on every side by the goodness of God. I am protected from every form of evil and I am impervious to the things that kill ordinary men.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7405

February 6th, 2022

I walk in the reality of my divine life in Christ. Daily, I enjoy good health, strength, and vitality as the righteousness of God is manifested in and through me. Everything about my life proves the veracity of the life of Christ in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7433

February 7th, 2022

Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. I am filled with all the fullness of God. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. What a delight!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7455

February 8th, 2022

Christ is the glory of my life. His divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. Therefore, I do not lack any good thing. My life is replete with health, vigor, a sound mind, and strength. I am invigorated with divine energy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7480

February 9th, 2022

Father, I thank You for causing Your perfect will concerning my health to be fulfilled. Always, my health is bursting forth, even as my soul prospers. I am alive to God and my flourishing and limitless prosperity cause men to come to the Lord and glorify His Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7487

February 10th, 2022

The Word of God is mingled with my spirit, producing what it says in my body. It pierces into every fiber of my being and every bone of my body, quickening them and vitalizing my body. I am alive and well. I live in the Word always and I refuse fear, sickness, and death.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7497

February 11th, 2022

I am strengthened with might by God's Spirit; fortified with divine energy. Sickness cannot attach itself to my body because I have the life and nature of God in me. I live daily with a consciousness of my divine life in Christ. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7525

February 12th, 2022

I am invigorated with miracle-working ability. I am sufficient in God's sufficiency and blessed with the divine life that is impregnable to sickness and disease. I live constantly in health and strength. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7530

February 13th, 2022

I take advantage of God's provisions in the Gospel for my health. My body is sound; every organ and system is functioning excellently well. My health blossoms because the Lord is the strength of my life and His Word is health to my flesh. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7550

February 14th, 2022

The power of the Holy Spirit is at work in me, causing my youth to be renewed daily. I am growing stronger and stronger every day to the praise and glory of God. My life is a testimony of consistent victories and all-around success. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7556

February 15th, 2022

God’s Word is my reality. I am living proof that the Word of God works because it produces life, wholeness, and soundness in my spirit, soul, and body. Its transforming power makes my life beautiful and causes my health to flourish in ever-increasing beauty.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7597

February 16th, 2022

Father, I thank You for my life is preserved in Christ. I enjoy good health daily because Christ is alive in me. My body is not subject to any form of disease or infirmity. Nothing negative or destructive can dominate my life because the Word of God has dominion here.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7607

February 17th, 2022

Eternal life is in my spirit and the life of Christ is the light of my life; therefore, I refuse to allow any transaction or manifestation of darkness in my life. I am in Christ, a place of safety, authority, and dominion, where righteousness reigns supreme. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7632

February 18th, 2022

I am alive in Christ. I am born of God; therefore, I live in victory and dominion over sickness and death. I glorify God in my body and in my spirit with health and wholeness, and nothing in me is ‘sickable’ or prone to death. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7639

February 19th, 2022

The life of God in me makes me more than a man; I refuse to be ordinary. Sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in my life. Health, strength, and victory are mine, and I live victoriously at all times.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7694

February 20th, 2022

I celebrate the triumphant life that the birth, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus have given to me. I celebrate the divine life in me, which is far above sickness and all the corrupting influences of the world. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7703

February 21st, 2022

I am rejuvenated and restored because the very essence of life and divinity is resident in my body. I am imperishable because the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead quickens my body through and through. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7742

February 22nd, 2022

Christ is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion. There’s no place for sickness in my body. I am conscious of this truth every day and it makes me invulnerable to sickness and anything that hurts. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7755

February 23rd, 2022

Life and immortality have been brought to light in my spirit through the living Word. I live the transcendent life in Christ, now and always. I take complete charge over my life as I proclaim the Name of Jesus in my health and everything that concerns me or is connected to me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7790

February 24th, 2022

My body cannot be ravaged by sickness, disease, or infirmity because it is God’s sanctuary. I refuse to be sick. I glorify God in my body, and by the Spirit, it functions perfectly all the time because it is the Lord’s.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7802

February 25th, 2022

The Spirit of life is working in me. There is no sickness or death in any area of my life or body. I’m daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit who resides in me. I do not worry about my health, finances, or anything else because the Lord has perfected all that concerns me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7880

February 26th, 2022

I thank You, Lord, for your glory and righteousness that are resident in my spirit, causing me to prosper in my health and in all things. I am not subject to sickness; I am an overcomer in Christ Jesus. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7888

February 27th, 2022

I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principality and power, far above the devil and his minions, and far above sickness and disease. I live the glorious life of God who above all and cannot be brought down by anything.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7894

February 28th, 2022

I enjoy good health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success as I walk in the full blessings that Jesus Christ wrought for me, which I received when I obtained salvation. God’s Word is established in my life and it is evident for the world to see.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7936

March 2nd, 2022

Christ is manifested in my body and in my spirit, which are God's. Infirmity and sickness have no place in me. I am the temple of the living God. I refuse to let sickness take a hold of my body. I have the unconquerable life of God in me; I cannot be sick! Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7975

March 3rd, 2022

Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to die for me. He died, was buried, and rose in victory for my justification. He died that I may no longer die, be sick, or be in pain. Therefore, I live a glorious life. Today, I declare that I will never be broken by infirmity and anything that binds because I have the eternal life of God in me. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7983

March 4th, 2022

Glory to God! I function from the realm of the supernatural. I am not susceptible to any affliction or infirmity. When men are cast down by sickness or pandemics, I declare that there is lifting, and I lift people everywhere to the level of the God-kind of faith, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7995

March 5th, 2022

The greater One lives in me; therefore, I have no fear of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. I have passed from death to life, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from death and the law of sin. I live in the fullness of Christ now and always, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~7998

March 6th, 2022

Father, I thank You for the life you have given me. I have the Son of God and, therefore, have life. I have eternal life which cannot be overtaken by sickness, disease, or any infirmity of the body. The Holy Ghost dwells in me and He quickens and vitalizes my body! Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8013

March 7th, 2022

I'm alive! The Word of God is working in me! I have authority over death, sickness, disease, and infirmity because I have passed from death to life. The Holy Spirit quickens and makes my body whole. Hence, no organ of my body fails! I’m blessed and I am a blessing; I dispense life and grace to all I encounter. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8021

March 8th, 2022

Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, Satan has no claim over me. I declare that I am full of life. I do not walk in darkness, for I have the light of life. The devil has nothing in me, for I am born of God. I live in health continually. I thank You, Lord, for my life is perfected in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8028

March 9th, 2022

The joy of the Lord is my strength. Joy overflows in my heart always, and I am strengthened with might in my inner man. I refuse to be weak. I reject anything that represents darkness or inferiority. I live over and above sickness, disease, poverty, and the world. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Glory to God forever!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8036

March 10th, 2022

Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world and its deceptions, limitations, and negativities. I am impervious to sickness, disease, infirmity, sadness, depression, anxiety, and everything that is of this world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8046

March 11th, 2022

As Jesus is, so am I in this world. I refuse to live or function by natural abilities or within human capacities. I make full proof of God’s limitless power that has been deposited in my spirit; thus, I reign, rule, and dominate my world. I proclaim that my health and everything that concerns me prospers.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8055

March 12th, 2022

I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me. I am empowered with might from within; therefore, I’m victorious at every count and in everything.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8058

March 13th, 2022

I believe what the Word says concerning me! Glorious things are spoken of me. I refuse to be sick! My faith is active, working, and generating great results for me. I’m alive unto God and my body is vitalized by the Spirit of the Living God. I am impregnable to infections, sicknesses, or diseases. The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8064

March 14th, 2022

I am a child of God, born of the Word, which lives and abides forever. I no longer live by blood but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God tabernacles me and He makes my body alive. Christ is glorified in my body. I live in health and strength always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8070

March 15th, 2022

Sickness does not exist in my aiōn because I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. I have the divine life that flourishes with health, prosperity, success, peace, and joy unspeakable. The Word of God is life to my body and it cleanses my blood and makes me perfect and whole. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8099

March 16th, 2022

I live in health every day because I’ve got the eternal life of God in me. I am not subject to sickness, pain, depression, anxiety, or any form of weakness or infirmity. I will never be sick in my life because Jesus rules and reigns supreme over my life!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8105

March 17th, 2022

I live above the elements of this world. I live above sickness, disease, and death. I’m immune to anything that ravages the lives of men; I belong to God’s class of divine beings. I am a partaker of the divine nature; my body is sustained by a force that the ordinary man cannot perceive. My kidneys, lungs, heart, all tissues and every organ in my body function properly. I am alive! Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8111

March 18th, 2022

Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8120

March 19th, 2022

I declare that I am joined unto the Lord and I am one spirit with Him. Christ is the glory of my life. There is no space for anything that is not aligned with eternal life and the glorious blessing of salvation in Christ Jesus. My body is daily impacted by the God-life, and I radiate health and glory every day. Glory!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8126

March 20th, 2022

I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured in the Name of Jesus! Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8134

March 21st, 2022

The Spirit of God quickens and vitalizes my body every day. I am full of life and I live the transcendent life in Christ that is far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary, because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and abilities!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8143

March 22nd, 2022

Because my mind is stayed on the Lord and my trust is in my heavenly Father, He keeps me in perfect peace with health, strength, and vitality. I am impregnable to sickness, disease, and death. I live the glory life every day and it is evident for all to see. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8151

March 23rd, 2022

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the power of your Word in my life and the glorious fruits it bears in me. My health and everything about me flourish and prosper. I enjoy life to the full, knowing that Christ has made my life beautiful. I declare that I am living in power and glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8169

March 24th, 2022

I do not get sick! I am fully fortified with the whole armor of God. No evil can come near me. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. My faith prevails over all the enemy’s fiery darts of sickness, disease, and wickedness. Glory to God! I am triumphant in Christ eternally!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8178

March 25th, 2022

I’m one with God! I have the indestructible life of God in me; hence, I am shielded from evil. I cannot be a victim of sickness, disease, or mishaps. I am born of God; therefore, I walk in divine health every day, all year round. I declare that my life is beautiful and it cannot be destroyed by any form of infirmity, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8186

March 26th, 2022

Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8201

March 27th, 2022

I am not of this world! I belong to God’s Kingdom. I am victorious over sin, sickness, disease, and poverty. I reign supreme all the time because I am in union with God. I am more than a conqueror in this life. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8208

March 28th, 2022

I am a God-carrier! I carry blessings everywhere I go. Daily, I manifest the beauties, graces, excellencies, perfections, and auras of divinity. Oh, glory! My life has been beautified by the only true and wise God. Thank you, dear Lord Jesus!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8214

March 29th, 2022

Eternal life is my present-hour possession. The very God-life is tabernacled in my body; therefore, no sickness can fasten itself to my body. I am fashioned after the Last Adam, a life-giving Spirit, and out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and divine health to everyone I touch.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8219

March 30th, 2022

God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my soul prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me conform to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word has said concerning me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8236

March 31st, 2022

The Word of God produces supernatural strength in me. Today, I experience its transforming power in every part of my body! I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I am in perpetual dominion over sickness and life’s circumstances. I live the perfect and transcendent life in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8254

April 1st, 2022

The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead is alive in me. He is vitalizing every part of my body; repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and anything that’s not of God from my life. I live my best every day, to the glory of God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8267

April 2nd, 2022

Divine health is my nature; therefore, I am not subject to the elements of this world and my body cannot be dominated or put under by headaches, fever, diabetes, or any manner of sickness or disease.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8282

April 3rd, 2022

I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8291

April 4th, 2022

Health is my birthright. My body conforms to the Word of God at all times, for it is the house of the Holy Ghost. I refuse anything that is inconsistent with God’s Word. I live and enjoy the glorious and victorious life. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8295

April 5th, 2022

I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a sure testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8305

April 6th, 2022

The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8331

April 8th, 2022

I live a great life; a life free of pain, sadness, and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity connected to me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8393

April 9th, 2022

I cnnot be sick because Jesus makes me well. He has paralyzed the works of the enemy and has brought them to nothing. Therefore, I reign over Satan and his cohorts of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8402

April 10th, 2022

I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I am dwelling in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness. Glory be to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8455

April 11th, 2022

I am full of power and the Holy Ghost. By the authority vested in me in Christ Jesus, I cut off any form of sickness or disease that may try to invade my body or any influence of Satan in my direction. Jesus is Lord of my life!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8472

April 12th, 2022

I rejoice always because the Lord has set me on the path of righteousness. My life is filled with peace and prosperity, my body is kept in perfect health, and my days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8479

April 13th, 2022

Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I am living in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8489

April 14th, 2022

My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I am from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8495

April 15th, 2022

Thanks be unto God who has fulfilled His promise of healing and health in me. I live in health because Christ has blessed me with the divine life. Sickness cannot take hold of any part of my body because I am born of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8501

April 16th, 2022

I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop here!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8514

April 17th, 2022

My spirit is conditioned by the Word of God; my spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed as I meditate on God’s Word to me. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God the Father and in the Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8519

April 18th, 2022

The Lord my God is King eternal; His Word lives and abides forever. As He commanded light out of darkness, even so I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8558

April 19th, 2022

The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. There is no turmoil here because I flourish in God’s rest.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8602

April 20th, 2022

Thank You, Father, for Your love that envelopes me. Thank You for giving me a new life in Christ Jesus that is full of glory and joy unspeakable. My life does not accommodate pain, sickness, death, or anything that is of the devil.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8609

April 21st, 2022

Daily, as I meditate on the glory of God through the Word, my life is transformed from glory to glory. The Word of God is evidently manifested in my health, ministry, business, finances, and all that I lay my hands upon to do.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8626

April 22nd, 2022

The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. When I show up, God’s presence is manifested and lives are transformed. Glory to God forever!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8648

April 23rd, 2022

As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produce wellness for my body and keeps it alive and in perfect condition.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8662

April 24th, 2022

My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I stir up God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in my life. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8671

April 25th, 2022

I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8681

April 26th, 2022

The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8691

April 27th, 2022

I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or my environment. I refuse every symptom of sickness or disease from my body, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8716

April 28th, 2022

I refuse sickness from having its way in my life because I have taken hold of eternal life. Everything about me bears fruits of righteousness, and my life is characterized by excellence, success, divine health, prosperity, strength, and joy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8742

April 29th, 2022

I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and safety always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I live the victorious life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8749

April 30th, 2022

I am guided in the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake. There’s no death in my path! In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into the glorious and higher realms of life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8760

May 1st, 2022

I am a water-carrying cloud; I speak words of life to my body and it responds. My body is full of life. Death, sickness, and the power of darkness have nothing in me. The One who lives in me is greater than the one who lives in the world. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8774

May 2nd, 2022

Out of my heart flow the issues of life; only life proceeds from me because everything in me is life. With this consciousness, I disallow any form of sickness, distress, worry, or depression from having its way in me. I am living the life of glory always. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8809

May 3rd, 2022

I am born of God’s indestructible Word. I put away from me any picture that’s contrary to what the Word of God says about my health, ability, strength, and righteousness. I see with the eyes of the Spirit. I see my body excellent and in perfect condition; I see that I’m mightily helped by the Lord because He is my strength and my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8833

May 4th, 2022

The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. All around me, at all times, there is righteousness, peace, and exceedingly great joy in the Holy Ghost. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8863

May 5th, 2022

I’m an efficient distributor of God’s healing power and divine health realities. I lay hands on the sick and they recover. I am backed by divine authority and I have overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing can stand against me successfully.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8869

May 6th, 2022

I am in God’s class – a partaker of His divine nature. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can corrupt my health. I live above them, even as God is, because I am seated with Him in the heavenly realms of glory. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8876

May 7th, 2022

The good life of victory, dominion, and perfect health hallmark my daily life because my mind continually stays on the Word. God has given me the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. I daily experience increased manifestations of God’s power in my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8886

May 8th, 2022

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. I live the supernatural life of glory, success, and victory. I give thanks to God for this wonderful and glorious life I have received into my spirit that makes me superhuman. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8893

May 9th, 2022

I acknowledge that God’s divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness. I am not waiting on Him to fulfill His promise of healing to me; rather, I am living in health because He has blessed me with the divine life. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8900

May 10th, 2022

I have been baptized into Christ, and I have put on Christ. He is my source and my sustenance. No disease or sickness hatched out of hell can take root in my body because my health is assured in Christ!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8905

May 11th, 2022

I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. Everything is working. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8915

May 12th, 2022

In Christ, I have received the life of glory, honor, and excellence; a life where there’s no form of death, sickness, disease, or infirmity. Today, I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me through His vicarious death, burial, and resurrection.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8921

May 13th, 2022

God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding, and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8936

May 14th, 2022

The life of God flows through my entire being with perfection and wholeness. Every fiber of my being and every cell of my body functions according to the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. I live every day in health and divine strength.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8954

May 15th, 2022

I trust in the Lord at all times with my whole heart to preserve me from the machinations of wicked and unreasonable men. No matter the fiery darts of sickness or infirmity the enemy tries to throw, my faith shields me and I continually enjoy eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8964

May 16th, 2022

The Word of God has complete control over my spirit, soul, and body. I am perpetually triumphant in Christ because I am born of God and my faith makes me a victorious overcomer and more than a conqueror over sickness, disease, and the elements of this world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~8974

May 17th, 2022

I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power. The elements of this world and the decay that is in it have no place or power in my body. I exercise dominion over my body through the Word and I exercise dominion over sickness and death, in the Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9006

May 18th, 2022

I am not shaken by the wind because I am rooted and grounded in the Word of life that energizes me daily. Eternal life is at work in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything inconsistent with the divine life in Christ.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9061

May 19th, 2022

My life is built on the Word of God because I am born of the Word. It infuses my spirit with dominion and excellence. It keeps me in health, strength, and victory, making me experience unprecedented progress, peace, and prosperity in my life. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9110

May 20th, 2022

I am blessed beyond measure; blessed in my body and mind, finances and business, and all that pertains to me. The blessings of God overflow from me to all those around me and to the nations of the world. I am a dispenser of eternal verities.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9211

May 21st, 2022

I have escaped the corruption that is in the world and I have received eternal life. This life causes me to live above any form of sickness of the body or mind. I live in health always and I enjoy soundness, wholeness, and perfection in my spirit, soul, and body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9229

May 22nd, 2022

The Spirit of God vitalizes every fiber of my being! The God-life in me destroys disease and infirmities! I’m healthy and strong! Only the life and nature of Christ – His beauty and glory – are manifested in my physical body because He perambulates in me, through the Holy Spirit.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9400

May 23rd, 2022

I’ve got divine health working in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! I declare that I have passed from death unto life; I have been translated from darkness into God’s marvelous light.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9406

May 24th, 2022

I live the supernatural life; a life of glory, peace, and dominion in the name of Jesus. I’ve taken a hold of eternal life; therefore, it doesn’t matter what trial, pain, or difficulty there may be, I’m unperturbed because I live in and by the Word of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9442

May 25th, 2022

My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of the Word! The very life and nature of God are at work in me now. This life makes me an impregnable breed, not subject to sickness, defeat or failure. I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9493

May 26th, 2022

God’s Word is food for my spirit and health for my body. It makes me vibrant and productive. It rejuvenates and strengthens my body. By the Word, I am whole and preserved in divine health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9591

May 27th, 2022

Disease has no place in me for I’m born of God; Christ dwells in me and my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and is for God’s glory. I am fortified by the Word of God and strengthened with might by the Spirit of God. I’m more than a conqueror through the power of God’s Spirit at work in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9625

May 28th, 2022

Divine health is at work in every fibre of my being, every cell of my blood, and every bone of my body! I live the supernatural life, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! The Word of God is quick and active in my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9647

May 29th, 2022

I live healthy and strong in the Name of Jesus. I manifest the virtues, perfections, and excellencies of God’s righteousness. I am continually walking in the glory and dominion of the Name of Jesus. There is no imperfection or weakness in my life for I’ve been fashioned for divine health and strength.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9665

May 30th, 2022

I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. I live in and by the power of that the Name of Jesus today. I’m making progress with giant strides as I fulfill the ministry and destiny that God has for me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9674

May 31st, 2022

The Holy Spirit lives in me and as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength. I live in the fullness of His love and blessings and my life is from glory to glory. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9678

June 1st, 2022

I walk in God’s plans and provisions for me. The life of God in me is not susceptible to sickness. Every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and every bone of my body works perfectly! I live in health, wealth, and prosperity, all the days of my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9700

June 2nd, 2022

Divine health is my nature; therefore, I am not subject to the elements of this world and my body cannot be dominated or put under by headaches, fevers, diabetes, or any manner of sickness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9705

June 3rd, 2022

I dwell in Zion, the city of the living God, where sickness is alien and illegal. I do not fall sick because I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature. The life in me is indestructible! I am never feeble because I have the strength of God working in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9734

June 4th, 2022

Health is my birthright; my body conforms to the Word of God at all times, for it is the house of the Holy Ghost. I refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s Word. I live and enjoy the glorious and victorious life. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9738

June 5th, 2022

I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine. Health is mine. Joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9748

June 6th, 2022

The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizes every part of my body and inundates me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9755

June 7th, 2022

Thank You, dear Father, for the power in the Name of Jesus. Thank You for the privilege of using this Name to render the power of the enemy useless. In the Name of Jesus, I’m healthy and whole, not subject to the afflictions and corruptions that are in the world. Amen!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9762

June 8th, 2022

I live a great life; a life free of pain and anything that’s associated with darkness because I am born of the light of God’s Word. My whole body is full of life. There’s no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity connected to me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9780

June 9th, 2022

I cannot be sick because Jesus makes me well. He has paralyzed the works of the enemy and has brought them to nothing; therefore, I reign over Satan and his cohorts of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9791

June 10th, 2022

I vehemently refuse anything that’s inconsistent with God’s desire for my life. I dwell in health all the days of my life because I have the eternal life of Christ working in me. This power in me is greater than sickness. Glory be to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9796

June 11th, 2022

I am full of the Holy Ghost and power. By the authority vested in me in Christ Jesus, I cut off any form of sickness or disease that tries to invade my body and I declare that there is no influence of Satan in my life. Jesus is the Lord of my life!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9806

June 12th, 2022

I rejoice always because the Lord has set me on the path of righteousness. My life is filled with peace and prosperity. My body is kept in perfect health. My days are blessed with the fullness of God’s blessings and riches in glory, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9824

June 13th, 2022

Jesus suffered the shame of dying on the cross so that I may live the life of glory, honor, dignity, and excellence. When He died, I died with Him and when He rose from the dead, I rose with Him in victory. Now, I live in the finished works of glory and beauty that His sacrifice wrought for me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9868

June 14th, 2022

My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words, and receive the results of God’s Word in my life today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9873

June 15th, 2022

Thanks be to God who has fulfilled His promise of healing and health in me. I enjoy perfect health because Christ has blessed me with the divine life. Sickness cannot take hold of any part of my body because I am born of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9881

June 16th, 2022

I exercise authority over my body. I’ve got the life of God in me. I’ve got the strength of God in me. I am healthy and sound from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and no sickness, disease, or infirmity can develop within!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9899

June 17th, 2022

My spirit is conditioned by the Word of God. My spirit, soul, and body are daily transformed and renewed as I meditate on God’s Word. Good health, success, and prosperity are the hallmarks of my daily life. I enjoy life to the full always, to the glory of God the Father and in the Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9905

June 18th, 2022

The Lord, my God, is King eternal. His Word lives and abides forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate God’s glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9908

June 19th, 2022

The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. Mine is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9912

June 20th, 2022

Thank You, Father, for Your love that envelopes me. Thank You for giving me a new life in Christ Jesus; a life full of glory and joy unspeakable. My life does not accommodate pain, sickness, infection, death, or anything that is of the devil.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9916

June 21st, 2022

Daily, as I ponder on the splendors of my life in the Word, my life is transformed from glory to glory. The Word of God is evidently manifested in my health, ministry, business, finances, and all that I lay my hands upon to do.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9930

June 22nd, 2022

The glory of God is resident in my spirit. I am a God-carrying vessel. Everywhere I go, I influence my world with the healing power of God. Because of me, God’s Spirit is manifested in the world. Glory to God forever.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9936

June 23rd, 2022

As Jesus is above all things, so am I. I am a partaker of His glory, dominion, greatness, excellence, victories, power, and grace. This divine connection produces wellness for my body and keeps my body alive and in perfect shape.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9951

June 24th, 2022

My spirit is full of the joy of the Lord at all times. With this joy, I draw from the wells of salvation and I enjoy God’s greater blessings of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9957

June 25th, 2022

I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life; therefore, I live in the victory that Christ provisioned for me. I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9978

June 26th, 2022

The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9989

June 27th, 2022

I am one spirit with the Lord; therefore, Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage or perpetrate evil in my life or environment. I have dominion over any feeling of pain or discomfort and any symptom of sickness, for I live the higher life of glory in Christ. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~9995

June 28th, 2022

I refuse sickness from having its way in my life because I have taken hold of eternal life. Everything about me bears fruits of righteousness, and my life is characterized by excellence, success, divine health, prosperity, strength, and joy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10014

June 29th, 2022

I acknowledge the reality of my divine life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances because Christ lives in me; thus, I abide in peace and prosperity always. God’s blessings are evident in my health, and I am living the victorious life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10029

June 30th, 2022

I am guided in the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake. There’s no death in my path! In my path are life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into more glorious and higher realms of life. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10035

July 1st, 2022

Thank You, dear Father, for the all-powerful and all-conquering Name of Jesus. In His Name, I overcome sickness, disease, death, and every circumstance that is inconsistent with the glorious life you have given me. Sickness is subject to me because I function in the Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10042

July 2nd, 2022

My body does not accommodate sickness or infirmity. I am enjoying life every day in divine health and prosperity; nothing is missing or lacking in me. I belong to God and I only express His virtues because I’ve been perfected for His glory. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10051

July 3rd, 2022

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me, causing life to spring forth from within me. Everywhere I go bubbles with life and joy because I’m a God-carrying vessel. I carry eternal life and when I lay hands on the sick, they recover. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10067

July 4th, 2022

All praise be to the Lord God! I thank God for perfecting my health and all that concerns me. I am not the one seeking deliverance or healing anymore because the Lord has delivered me from death and blessed me with divine life. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10071

July 5th, 2022

Thank You, heavenly Father, for you have satisfied me with all the beautiful things of life. I am bursting forth in health always and everyone around me is a partaker of the blessings of God upon my life. For this, I am forever grateful to You, Lord.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10086

July 6th, 2022

I have been raised together with Christ, called to live in the heavenly realms; therefore, I exercise my authority over the devil and his cohorts. No wiles or fiery darts from the enemy can penetrate my body and no symptoms of sickness can thrive in my body because I’m God’s sanctuary.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10090

July 7th, 2022

Divine health is my nature! I do not get sick. My life is hid with Christ in God; therefore, nothing can hurt me or make me sick. My physical body is strengthened every day by the vitalizing power of that same Spirit that raised the Lord Jesus from the dead. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10094

July 8th, 2022

I have the life of Christ. That life makes me indestructible and impervious to sickness. Divine life and unfailing health and strength are at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! My body is invigorated by the Spirit of God who lives in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10109

July 9th, 2022

Christ is the glory of my life; therefore, sickness and death cannot be part of my life. Nothing can attack me or come against me successfully, for I am surrounded by an innumerable company of angels. My health, business, finances, family, and everything that pertains to me are preserved by God’s Spirit.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10114

July 10th, 2022

I am born of God; therefore, I’ve got the life of God. I walk in divine health always because my entire being is powered by the resurrection life in Christ Jesus. The fullness of God tabernacles in my spirit, soul, and body, and is expressed in me today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10118

July 11th, 2022

Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. What a delight!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10134

July 12th, 2022

Father, I thank You for Your perfect will concerning my health is fulfilled. Always, my health is bursting forth, even as my soul prospers. I am alive to God and my flourishing and limitless prosperity cause men to come to the Lord and glorify His Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10140

July 13th, 2022

I am not perturbed about what happens around me because the infallible Word of God keeps me in perfect health. The living Word gives life to my body, piercing into every part and correcting every anomaly. I am perfected and made whole by the power of God that is at work in me. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10150

July 14th, 2022

I walk in the consciousness that I’m in oneness with Jesus Christ. Through the spirit, I enjoy the glories of Christ’s resurrection life in my body. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because I’m joined to the Lord and I’m one spirit with Him.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10159

July 15th, 2022

My mind is not limited or defeated by the circumstances of life because it is inundated with the light of God’s Word. As I meditate on the Word, I think thoughts of peace, joy, victory, prosperity, and good health, thus, transcending the ordinary life and manifesting the supernatural in every situation.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10168

July 16th, 2022

I have been conditioned to live a life of glory. I have all that I require to excel and live in perpetual health and dominion here on earth. I abide continually in the realm of life that the Lord prearranged for me. Continually, situations and circumstances align to God’s perfect will for me, which is success and abundant life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10177

July 17th, 2022

I speak forth life, salvation, health, prosperity, and blessings only. I have victory over Satan and the world. My words have power and they are producing the fruits of righteousness in me; health, vitality, success, excellence, virtue, and perfection characterize my life every day. Glory!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10180

July 18th, 2022

I refuse to accept sickness, poverty, or defeat. I will not give in to anything that’s contrary to my divine inheritance in Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in me and, as I daily walk in God's prearranged path for my life, He causes me to excel with prosperity, health, and strength.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10185

July 19th, 2022

The wonder-working power of God is at work in me mightily; this power dispels sickness and all infirmities. I live in the fullness of God’s love and in the blessings of the glorious life in Christ. My life goes from glory to glory, from strength to strength, and from grace to grace. Thank You, Jesus!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10208

July 20th, 2022

I am born in the image and likeness of God. As He is, so am I in this world. I am not affected by sickness or the rudiments of this world. I am founded on Christ the solid rock; my life cannot be shaken by negative reports or any news that is inconsistent with God’s Word because my life is tailored according to God’s design and this is evident in my health, job, finances, and family.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10212

July 21st, 2022

I’ve been lifted over the depravities and corrupting influences of this world. No sin, sickness, death, or any kind of infirmity can separate me from God’s unwavering love. I rejoice always because He has made me more than a conqueror. I live victoriously today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10242

July 22nd, 2022

Eternity is alive in me. I live above infirmities and the harsh elements of this world because the One who lives in me is greater than he that’s in this world. The life of God in me makes me more than a man; I refuse to be ordinary. Sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in my life. Health, strength, and victory are mine always!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10247

July 23rd, 2022

Christ lives in me and I function with this consciousness every day. Sickness, poverty, death, lack, failure, depression, and everything that’s not of God have no hold over my life. Daily, I express divine and supernatural verities in my spirit, soul, and body, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10251

July 24th, 2022

I boldly exercise my divine rights in Christ, taming my body and environment with my faith-filled confessions. No evil shall befall me. Nothing shall by any means hurt me because the Lord Almighty is my defense and fortress. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10259

July 25th, 2022

I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I do not experience weakness, pain, or symptoms of sickness in my body. I am bubbling in good health all the time. Thank You, Lord, for this goodly heritage I enjoy always. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10268

July 26th, 2022

My life is a testimony of God’s goodness and grace. As I daily meditate on the Word of God, life, good success, health, and eternal verities proceed from me. My words deliver life and health to my body, to all that concerns me, and to all that hear me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10291

July 27th, 2022

I am divinely connected to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. In my path is light that manifests supernatural strength and vitality. The Word of God is life to me and health to my flesh. Eternal life is at work in me, radiating to all in my world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10295

July 28th, 2022

I operate from the mountaintop, from the realm of limitless possibilities and unending victories. I am in control and in charge of what happens to my body, thus, I only give expression to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life and in my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10298

July 29th, 2022

I give thanks to God for He has made me superior to Satan, his demons, sickness, disease, and infirmity. Nothing in me or about me dies or succumbs to the corrupting influences of this world. I rule over all the forces of darkness as I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10302

July 30th, 2022

Thank You, Father, for having made me more than a conqueror. I live in the victories that the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ wrought for me; the glory life of success, prosperity, divine health, and unending grace.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10304

July 31st, 2022

I can do all things by the power of God’s Spirit that strengthens me. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am complete in Christ who is the head of all principality and power, and in Him, I am blessed beyond measure and lifted above everything that ordinary men suffer. My life is for the glory of God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10340

August 1st, 2022

Eternal life is at work in my spirit and it permeates my soul and body. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can dwell in my body. I live a highly successful, healthy, glorious, and victorious life in Christ Jesus because I'm one spirit with Him.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10361

August 2nd, 2022

I am not bound by the principles of the world because I hail from Zion – the heavenly kingdom – where sickness, disease, death, or any form of darkness do not exist. I am an effective and efficient ambassador for God’s Kingdom and I dispense divine health realities to all I encounter.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10365

August 3rd, 2022

My faith does not stagger; it is alive and working. I refuse to entertain doubts because my faith is the victory that overcomes the world. I flourish in perfect health and I am above all crippling circumstances of life. All things are working for my good.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10369

August 4th, 2022

The Lord keeps me in perfect peace continually because my mind is focused on the Word of God. Daily, the Word produces what it talks about in me, causing me to radiate good health and strength, and to display a life of peace with prosperity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10388

August 5th, 2022

The fullness of the God-head dwells in me bodily. I am full of divine energy that repels sickness and death. The Greater One lives in me, and He is greater than the spirit in the world. I live every day in superabundant health. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10395

August 6th, 2022

I am in Christ! I reign in righteousness; thus, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and I function with the ability of the Spirit always. I refuse to think or talk sickness, for I am the seed of Abraham.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10416

August 7th, 2022

The presence of the Holy Ghost and the power of God’s Word have gained preeminence over my body; therefore, every part of my body functions according to the Lord’s provisions for my life. Always, I am in excellent shape and I enjoy good health. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10467

August 9th, 2022

By the power and authority vested in me by Jesus Christ, I quell every dart of sickness, disease, and infirmity that tries to attack my body. The life of God flows through my entire being, vitalizing every part of my body with divinity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10476

August 10th, 2022

I am the best of God’s creation because His Word of truth gave birth to me. This truth abides in me and produces the life of righteousness, glory, excellence, and divine health in me. There’s no space for sickness because I’m full of the life of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10490

August 11th, 2022

I walk in health, victory, and triumph because I function in the Name of Jesus. My life is for glory and excellence. I live victoriously and dominate life’s situations and circumstances by the power in the Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10495

August 12th, 2022

I am a partaker of God's divine nature and I am inseparable from Him. I enjoy health, peace, joy, and all the benefits of salvation. Because the greater One abides in me, I walk in the path of light every day, and this light shines brightly on my health and everything that concerns me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10501

August 13th, 2022

The Holy Spirit has strengthened me. His indwelling presence gives life to my body, preventing weakness and anything else that is contrary to God's desire for my health. I manifest God’s bountiful blessings of success, prosperity, health, and joy, so that all may see and glorify Him.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10529

August 14th, 2022

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me; the Almighty God has breathed life into me; as a result, I carry God in me wherever I go. Wherever I am, I perform miracles by His mighty power; I heal the sick and raise the dead, and nothing is impossible to me. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10534

August 15th, 2022

Dear Father, I disallow sickness, poverty, and defeat in my life and in the lives of my loved ones. I unleash health, prosperity, and victory in my life, in Jesus Name. I walk in victory and dominion over Satan, as well as the world and its systems.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10547

August 16th, 2022

My life is exuberant with joy and I walk in the manifestations of God’s righteousness. I walk conscious of my heritage in Christ. Sickness has no place in my body. I thrive in health every day. God’s goodness and mercy surround me like a shield, and my life is perfect and pleasant.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10582

August 17th, 2022

The life of God inundates every fiber of my being, making me impregnable to sickness and disease. From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, eternal life is at work in me! I walk in divine health every day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10592

August 18th, 2022

My mind is filled with the thoughts of Christ – thoughts of peace, life, and prosperity. In Christ, I exercise my authority and rule over all circumstances of life. I am superior to sickness and death because I have the life of God in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10602

August 19th, 2022

I am always conscious of the divine life that is at work in me! My entire being is inundated with divine energy. I will never be defeated because of the Holy Spirit who lives and works in me. My life is a testimony of the wonder-working power of God’s Word. I’m alive to God! Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10612

August 20th, 2022

Christ lives in me; therefore, I’m made for life! His divine power has given me everything I require to live joyfully and victoriously every day. Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions, and the glorious life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10617

August 21st, 2022

Heavenly Father, I thank You, for your Word that is medicine for my body and health to my body. I'm always fit and strong. The perfection of eternal life is at work in me; every organ, tissue, and cell of my body is perfect, in Jesus Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10622

August 22nd, 2022

My body is God's temple; therefore, I’m superhuman. The Holy Spirit resides in my body and His power is functioning to keep me healthy, warding off sickness, disease, and infirmities. Every day, I rule and reign over the circumstances of life and I exercise dominion over Satan and the power of darkness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10637

August 23rd, 2022

Christ is my advantage for the glorious life. He is my home; my life and my all! In Him, I live and move and have my being. His glory is all I see, have, and experience. In Christ, all things are mine. I live above lack, sickness, disease, defeat, and all the rudiments of this world because I am a joint-heir with Christ.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10645

August 24th, 2022

My tongue is the rudder of my life. With it, I navigate my life aright, irrespective of contrary winds. I live continuously in health, success, and excellence. I refuse to talk fear, lack, or inability. My life is set on the paths preordained by God’s Word and I do not deviate from it.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10653

August 25th, 2022

My life is graced with God’s glory and goodness. I live in the environment of His glory and divine essence, where there is no sickness, death, disease, infirmity, or failure. I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world, bringing glory to the Name of the Lord continually.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10658

August 26th, 2022

I refuse to be moved by what I feel or what my senses tell me. I’m an associate of the God-kind; therefore, I’ve got the indestructible life of God in me, and I am healthy and strong! The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10663

August 27th, 2022

My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, I refuse to allow anything to dominate me. I keep my body in subjection to the Word of God! Anything that’s not consistent with the Word of God for my life isn’t permitted in my body! I walk in divine health constantly. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10667

August 28th, 2022

My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, I refuse to allow anything to dominate me. I keep my body in subjection to the Word of God! Anything that’s not consistent with the Word of God for my life isn’t permitted in my body! I walk in divine health constantly. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10670

August 29th, 2022

God's Word is my light and my life! It's nourishment for my spirit, sustenance for my soul, and wellness for my body! I always live by the Word; its awesome power is at work in me as I meditate on it daily. My life bears witness to the Word with evidence of its eternal life, perfect health, unrivaled strength, and revitalizing power.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10679

August 30th, 2022

I live a life of faith. I’m not moved by what I feel, see, or hear. I am only moved by God's Word. The presence of the Holy Ghost in my life gives strength to my spirit, soul, and body. I am replenished and built up by the Word. I live in absolute health, great prosperity, and unending joy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10688

August 31st, 2022

I’ve been imbued with the indestructible life of God. His nature in me makes me invincible and superhuman. Sickness, disease, lack, and death have no place in my life. I refuse to be sickly because I've been ushered into the realm of abundant life. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10695

September 1st, 2022

I have the life of God in me; it’s the superior life of glory, success, and victory. Thank you, Lord, for giving me this glorious and wondrous life and thus making me divine. My life is not ordinary. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Praise God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10700

September 2nd, 2022

I’m alive unto God! The man that could be sick is dead; this “me” is alive – the divine life of God. That makes me invincible and impregnable to sickness, disease, and infirmity. I’m alive!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10704

September 3rd, 2022

I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10708

September 4th, 2022

My faith is alive and producing results; it grows stronger as I yield to the Word, thus making me unshakeable at all times. I am not moved by signs or symptoms because my focus is on my true source of life and sustenance, which is the Word of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10713

September 5th, 2022

The Word of God is active and effective in my life. It produces result in my health, finances, and everything that concerns me. It produces what it talks about in me: supernatural health, surplus supply, unlimited grace, and joy unspeakable.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10721

September 6th, 2022

I am an associate of the God-kind and a partaker of the divine nature, having been made free from the corrupting influences, decadence, and destruction in the world. Today and always, I’m conscious of the transcendent life of glory and victory that God has given me through Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10835

September 7th, 2022

I’m a product of God’s Word! Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! When He died, I died; when He was buried, I was buried with Him. Now that He’s risen, I’ve been raised together with Him, born anew with the resurrection life that is free of sin, sickness, disease, and death!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10846

September 8th, 2022

I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; I’m dead to sin but alive unto God. Every part of my body is yielded to God as an instrument of righteousness. Sin cannot reign in my body because the nature of sin has been supplanted by God’s nature of righteousness and eternal life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10921

September 9th, 2022

My body responds to the Word of God at all times. It is regulated by God’s Word and every part of my body aligns with what God has said. I am not one who continually requires healing; I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I dwell constantly in health and I am a life-giver.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10927

September 10th, 2022

I have received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness; therefore, I reign in life as a king. I have dominion over devils, sicknesses, and diseases! I’ve overcome the world and its systems. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10960

September 11th, 2022

I enjoy life to the full. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; no sickness or disease can contaminate it. I live in triumph over the elements of this world and I carry my divine atmosphere everywhere I go.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10981

September 12th, 2022

I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. He’s my Lord, my King, and my all. Christ is my life, in Him I live and move and have my being. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10987

September 13th, 2022

Today and always, I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease, and poverty! No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper because I live in the Name of Jesus! I’ve been delivered from sin, sickness, and death, and catapulted into God’s realm of abundant life where I reign victoriously with Christ.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~10990

September 14th, 2022

I am bold, strong, and courageous in my daily walk of faith. My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down everything in my body that is contrary to God’s provisions for my health. The greater One lives in me. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in every part of my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11009

September 15th, 2022

I’ve been catapulted into God’s Kingdom of light and life where only divinity, success, victory, joy, peace, prosperity, and divine health reign. It is well with my spirit, soul, and body. My life is an absolute manifestation of the glory of God, and my body glorifies the Lord with excellent and perfect health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11021

September 16th, 2022

I live the victorious life that God has called me into; a triumphant life that is above sickness, poverty, failure, and every disease. I take full advantage of the divine life that is at work in me, as I display the virtues and perfections of Christ.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11073

September 18th, 2022

I speak life, divine health, soundness, strength, vitality, and energy to my body. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I do not get sick. I do not have any disease. My body and its systems and organs function optimally and excellently. My body is impregnable to sickness, disease, attack, or fatigue. I have the life, strength and energy of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11077

September 19th, 2022

I am born of the Word and Spirit of the Lord; therefore, I’m impregnable to everything that hurts or binds because I hail from God! I’ve overcome the devil and the cohorts of darkness because the Greater One lives in me!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11086

September 20th, 2022

I am a master over Satan because my spirit, soul, and body are infused with divinity. I am a product of God’s Word, for my origin is the Word of God. Therefore, my words and actions are backed by divine authority.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11112

September 21st, 2022

I’m born again; I’m not ordinary. As the Father has life in Himself, even so, has He given me His life that is without limits. Thus, I function with supernatural strength and abilities today. Nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11115

September 22nd, 2022

Through the power of the Word and by the working of the Holy Spirit, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life today. There are no accidents or mishaps in my path, for I walk in preordained pathways of blessings! Goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go, and I have the supernatural grace to excel in all my endeavors today.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11126

September 23rd, 2022

My body was fashioned for the Lord’s presence, and it is powered by the righteousness of God. I reject the world’s view about aging because I live in agelessness, wantlessness, and deathlessness. Each day, I get stronger and healthier because the Word of God renews my youth.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11130

September 24th, 2022

The Name of Jesus is above all names, and I live, move, and have my being in that Name. In Jesus’ Name, I live above every form of sickness and disease, regardless of whatever name they are called. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I am sanctified and anything that’s not of God dies and passes out of my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11163

September 25th, 2022

The Word of God is active in me and His presence is evident in my life. I experience the supernatural in my body every day by the power of God’s Spirit. I’m superior to Satan; therefore, he has no power over me!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11179

September 26th, 2022

I have the incorruptible life of God in my spirit. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and in every fiber of my being! Today, I walk in the reality of the new life of righteousness, which I’ve received in Christ.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11185

September 27th, 2022

My faith is alive and producing health in my body. I am fully persuaded that the Word of God always works when it’s activated by my faith. I refuse to be moved by what I see, feel, or hear. My origin is in the Word of God, and that is the final authority for my reality.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11194

September 28th, 2022

My body responds to the Word of God and the Name of Jesus Christ. It is impervious to flu, virus, fever, or infection. That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me; therefore, my entire being is vitalized. I dwell continually in health through the working of His mighty power in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11201

September 29th, 2022

I am not moved by lying symptoms. I am strong with the strength of God in me. I live and enjoy divine health to the full. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Jesus has made my life beautiful! I’ll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11244

October 1st, 2022

I am a well-watered garden. Streams of healing waters flow from me to all in my world. I don’t contract or transmit sickness. The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a complete testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11249

October 2nd, 2022

I live in health always because the presence of the Holy Spirit in my body destroys sickness and disease. The divine life is in every cell of my blood and every bone of my body! I reign over sickness, disease, poverty, and lack!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11263

October 3rd, 2022

I have the life of God in me, and my body is conditioned and conformed to my divine nature in Christ; therefore, I do not get sick because the life at work in me is superior and has overcome sickness, disease, and death.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11281

October 4th, 2022

The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is operational in me; therefore, there is no death in my path. The life of God is at work in me. I am full of life and I enjoy life in its fullness. Divine life overflows from me and I dispense eternal verities to my world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11289

October 5th, 2022

I enjoy every moment of my life in Christ Jesus. Through the Word and by the Spirit of God, I live in dominion over and above sickness, disease, and death. As a child of God, my life is filled with His glory, beauty, and grace.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11294

October 6th, 2022

I do not struggle with sin, sickness, disease, infirmity, or death because I have the life of God in me. Victory, health, and prosperity are my daily experiences because I know who I am in Christ Jesus. I’m daily loaded with benefits and I have the advantage always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11299

October 7th, 2022

Thank You, blessed Father, for Your blessings that I daily enjoy. I celebrate Your glory in my life today. I walk in prosperity, health, peace, joy, and victory. I manifest glory, grace, and goodness to everyone in my world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11302

October 8th, 2022

The Word of truth abides in me and it dispels any form of infirmity from my body. I radiate health and glory at all times. I live in the fullness of the blessings of Christ. My life is one of ever-increasing glory and grace. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11308

October 9th, 2022

My life is inundated with divinity. There is no room for anything contrary to God’s provisions for me in His Word. No form of weakness is allowed in my body because I am strengthened by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11352

October 10th, 2022

Christ is my assurance for living in perfect health every day. There is no trace of weakness, sickness, infirmity, or death in my body. Everything in my body is perfect, just as God made it. I am alive unto God because Jesus is alive in me!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11385

October 11th, 2022

I live in ever-increasing glory. I experience victory, divine health, and blessings as I spend time in fellowship with the Lord. My life is an expression of His supernatural grace, glory, perfection, beauty, and righteousness, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11389

October 12th, 2022

I am victorious in all things because Christ lives in me. He is my refuge, my home, my health, my wealth, and my glory. In Him, I have peace and dominion over circumstances. I am forever making progress, and I am always fruitful and productive.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11406

October 13th, 2022

I am blessed with all-around prosperity. My life blossoms like a tree by the riverside whose leaves never wither. By God’s design, I bear fruits of righteousness and I burst forth in health always. My life is exceptional and nothing is missing or lacking.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11415

October 14th, 2022

I magnify the Lord at all times because He has filled my mouth with laughter and my heart with joy. The joy of the Lord strengthens and revitalizes my body. There is no sadness or depression in my life. Worry and fear are dispelled as I radiate joy and peace.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11439

October 15th, 2022

I am blessed in all things like faithful Abraham, and I am conscious of this blessing. God’s blessings make me rich and do not bring sorrow; rather, they produce abundant life in my health, finances, family, business, and all that concerns me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11445

October 16th, 2022

The Word of God on my lips is God talking. With the shield of faith, I conquer and render ineffective all the fiery darts of the devil against me. I prevail over the world and its systems because my faith is the victory that overcomes the world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11454

October 17th, 2022

The light of God’s Word prospers in my heart. With that light, I see and grasp my glorious life in Christ. My path is filled with light, and I walk in righteousness, prosperity, health, success, and victory at all times. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11487

October 19th, 2022

Father, I thank You, for the glorious resurrection of Christ that has brought me into eternal life; an indestructible and uninfectable life. I walk in the newness of life, conscious that I’ve been raised together with Christ and made to sit with Him in victory and dominion.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11491

October 20th, 2022

I am conscious of my heritage in Christ. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. My words produce righteousness, peace, prosperity, and health when I speak. My words do not fail because they are Spirit and life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11496

October 21th, 2022

I am at home in Christ where sickness and death are illegal. My faith works for divine health; therefore, I stand in the authority that has been given to me in Christ and refuse any form of infirmity from having its way in my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11503

October 22nd, 2022

The power of the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead has vitalized and given life to my body; thus, I live above sickness, disease, and the corrupting forces of this present world of darkness. I live the transcendent life of glory in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11506

October 23rd, 2022

I am seated with Christ and I reign with Him, in Him, and through Him. I thank God for the power and authority that He has given me over devils. The enemy has no right to run things in my home, my body, and my finances. I live in the dominion of Christ at all times.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11516

October 24th, 2022

The Word guides me in the paths of life. With the Word of God, my life is set on a course that aligns with the Lord’s perfect will for my health and finances. My entire existence is evidence of the reality of divine life in Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11520

October 25th, 2022

My Lord Jesus is above all things and as He is, so am I. Sickness, disease, and death have no power over me because I am a life-giving spirit. Out of my belly flow rivers of living waters, bringing healing and health to everyone I come in contact with.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11524

October 26th, 2022

God’s Word holds the perfect picture of my life. As I constantly meditate on the Word, God’s glory is manifested in my health, finances, and family. I am transformed into the same image that I see, from glory to glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11531

October 27th, 2022

Eternal life is at work in me. I am a carrier of divinity. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in me bodily. I live life in its fullness and I dispense virtues of healing and health to my world every day. What a delight!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11536

October 28th, 2022

Christ is the glory of my life. His divine power has given me all that I require for life and godliness; therefore, I do not lack anything good. My life is replete with health, vigor, a sound mind, and strength. I am invigorated with divine energy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11539

October 29th, 2022

The power of God keeps me in divine health, strengthens my bones, cleanses my skin, refines my blood, and makes my heart perfect. God has fashioned my life for divine health and peace with prosperity. I have His fullness and I am equipped for life and godliness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11554

October 30th, 2022

I live the supernatural life in Christ – the life of majesty, tranquility, and dominance. The reign of the Word and the influence of the Holy Spirit is over my spirit, soul, and body. I have the eternal life of God; therefore, I am not affected by anything that hurts.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11557

October 31st, 2022

I am invigorated with miracle-working ability. I am sufficient in God's sufficiency and blessed with the divine life that is impregnable to sickness and disease. I live constantly in health and strength. Blessed be God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11560

November 1st, 2022

The angels of the Lord bear me up in their hands. I do not fall. I do not fail. I do not falter. I trample under my foot, challenges, sickness, infirmities, disappointments, agony, mishaps deceptions, and falsities. I live and dwell in health and safety all my days.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11575

November 2nd, 2022

I live in perfect health. I live in absolute dominion and victory over sickness. Divine ability is at work in me. I'm not afraid of pestilence, plagues, pandemics, or germs and diseases that stalk in darkness. I have absolute mastery over them all.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11579

November 3rd, 2022

My health and strength are renewed daily. I have the strength of the Spirit, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory, success, and greatness. The Lord has set His love upon me, and He satisfies me with long life; a long and rich life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11601

November 5th, 2022

My body is alive with the life of God. I’m in Christ and Christ is in me; therefore, no sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body. Christ is my riddance, He rids me of anything that hurts or binds. My life is from glory to glory, from grace to grace, and from strength to strength.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11604

November 6th, 2022

I’m full of power; limitless, overcoming, and surpassing power over crises, diseases, and infirmities. The power of God in me is at work today against circumstances, pain, sickness, and death. No infection can fasten itself to my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11611

November 7th, 2022

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I live above the world and I’ve overcome the world with its decay and death. There is no sickness in my path. My path is the path of the just that shines brighter and brighter.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11617

November 8th, 2022

My life is hid with Christ in God. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I am fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no foe can withstand. The fiery darts of sickness, disease, and death do not come near me because He covers me with His feathers.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11622

November 9th, 2022

Every fiber of my being is perfect. My blood, organs, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints are functioning perfectly. There is no abnormality in me. I am indestructible and impregnable to the death, destruction, and darkness that is in the world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11629

November 10th, 2022

The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. My God, in Him, I trust. On Him, I lean and rely. He delivers me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. I am not afraid of disease and death because the Lord is my shield and buckler.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11655

November 11th, 2022

As a child of God, I dispense divine life to my world. Eternal life flows into everything I lay my hands on to do, causing endless prosperity because the law of life that is at work in me makes it so. I am full of health, vitality, and abundant blessings.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11660

November 12th, 2022

I’m an associate of the God-kind, and I’ve got the indestructible life of God in me. I was born with the resurrection life that’s beyond sickness and disease; therefore, I walk in divine health every day! Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11664

November 13th, 2022

God’s divine power has given unto me all things that pertain to life and godliness. I live an endless, incorruptible, and indestructible life. I have gained ascendancy over the lying vanities of this world, including sickness and disease.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11676

November 14th, 2022

Like faithful Abraham, I am blessed in all things. God’s blessings produce life in me and make me rich in my health, finances, family, business, and all that concerns me. I live above the things that affect the natural man. I am untouchable, for I live in Christ and Christ lives in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11680

November 15th, 2022

I am vitalized – spirit, soul, and body – by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the effects of Christ’s righteousness, and the fullness of the God-life that I have received through the Gospel. I walk in the reality of my divine heritage in Christ.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11690

November 16th, 2022

I am full of faith and power. With this power, I heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, and do mighty works for the Lord. No disease or sickness will come near me or my loved ones. We are protected and divinely preserved. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11694

November 17th, 2022

I am born of the incorruptible Word of God that lives and abides forever. God’s Word is my life and gives perfect health to all my flesh. As long as I am in this world, the Word of God builds, restores, and preserves my body in perfect condition. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11698

November 18th, 2022

My body is safe. No infirmity will penetrate my body because the Holy Ghost perambulates it. The Holy Spirit lives in me; therefore, the Kingdom, the power, the glory, dominion, and righteousness of Christ are manifested in and through me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11702

November 19th, 2022

I am of God. I live in the ageless and deathless zone. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body. I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11708

November 20th, 2022

I have the Spirit of life living in me, guiding me, energizing me, and strengthening me. He has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles, and to effect positive changes in my world and in my health, family, and finances.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11715

November 21th, 2022

In my way is life. In my pathway, there is no death. I have the life of God in me. Life belongs to me; I have it as my possession and as my nature. I have the nature of God; I originate from heaven. Therefore, I live a life that is above poverty, failure, and sickness

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11725

November 22nd, 2022

I have been transferred from mortality to immortality. I have passed from death to life because mortality is swallowed up by immortality, sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in my body. Everything that is not of God is swallowed up by divine life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11731

November 23rd, 2022

Because I have eternal life, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has rid me of death and the law of sin. I am absolutely death-free because the law of life is operational in me. I walk in life and I walk in health. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11767

November 24th, 2022

The presence of the Holy Spirit in my life gives life to my body. There is no failure in my body systems; no heart failure, no kidney failure, no lung failure, no liver failure. All the organs and systems of my body are functioning perfectly well. There is perfect soundness in my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11774

November 25th, 2022

Divinity dwells in me; therefore, I live the transcendent, supernatural, superhuman, and divine life! The same power that God has and exerts is at work in me. I heal the sick, I do the impossible, and I work miracles because I am endued with power.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11778

November 26th, 2022

I am Christ-conscious and I carry His presence everywhere I go. I am conscious of His grace and His awesome presence in my life. I do not worry, stress, fret, or struggle. I am not anxious about sicknesses or afflictions that plague ordinary men.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11782

November 27th, 2022

Divine life is working in my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is energized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me and invigorates me through and through. Everything connected to me is infused with eternal life and divine energy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11784

November 28th, 2022

Everything about me exudes the life of Christ; therefore, my health does not fail, rather, it is ever radiant and ever flourishing. I cause healing and health to prosper in my environment and in the lives of those I come in contact with. I am a dispenser of eternal verities.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11788

November 29th, 2022

The Lord has given His angels charge over me to keep me. Nothing can hurt me by any means. I am surrounded on every side by the goodness of God. I am protected from every form of evil and I am impervious to the things that kill ordinary men.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11796

November 30th, 2022

I walk in the reality of my divine life in Christ. Daily, I enjoy good health, strength, and vitality as the righteousness of God is manifested in and through me. Everything about my life proves the veracity of the life of Christ in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11801

December 1st, 2022

I have been reconciled unto God. I am a part of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. I am the expression of His fullness, grace, and glory. I manifest God’s Kingdom and power. I carry His life and divinity in me; spirit, soul, and body. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11847

December 2nd, 2022

God’s Word is in my spirit. It energizes me for success and greatness and keeps me in perfect health. I live in health every day because my body is daily vitalized by the Spirit of God. I function with supernatural strength in my inner man.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11853

December 3rd, 2022

My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. By virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me, I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11855

December 4th, 2022

The life of God in me has supplanted the human life that was susceptible to sickness and disease. My body and everything connected to me align with God’s provisions. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11861

December 5th, 2022

I am alive unto God and I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There is no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I connect to receives life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11884

December 6th, 2022

The life of God permeates my whole being. I flourish in health and I walk in ever-increasing glory all my days. Everything that concerns me prospers. I’m born of God’s Word and His Spirit; therefore, supernatural health and strength are mine always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11888

December 7th, 2022

The joy of the Lord is my strength. That joy produces laughter in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish. Nothing can weigh me down. I do not know depression or oppression because I am buoyed by the unspeakable joy overflowing in my heart.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11902

December 8th, 2022

Eternal life is at work in me; therefore, my body is alive and active. My immune system works excellently. I am in a place of dominion and authority, where I rule and reign victoriously over sickness, disease, and infirmity. Praise the Lord!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11906

December 9th, 2022

I enjoy God’s boundless grace. It empowers me to overcome all obstacles and overlook all lying vanities the adversary tries to put in my path. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me shall prosper because I am favored and graced. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11943

December 10th, 2022

God’s unfailing Word has brought me to a place of rest, strength, power, and dominion. Supernatural blessings, divine health, and prosperity are mine in abundance. I’m impregnable to pain, sickness, disease, and infirmity. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11949

December 11th, 2022

Thank You, Father, for making me an associate of the God-kind. I am conscious of the divine life that is at work in me, causing me to dwell in health every day. No infirmity can thrive in my body because Christ is my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11955

December 12th, 2022

God’s Word in my mouth is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut off every situation that is contrary to God’s provisions. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in every part of my body. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11977

December 13th, 2022

I live a triumphant life in Christ, far above the world and its systems. The glory of God is at work in me; therefore, sickness, disease, and infirmity have no place in or around me. My life is the manifestation of the beauty and perfection of Christ. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11986

December 14th, 2022

Life springs up from within me because I am a life-giving spirit. I reject sickness in my body. I am a dispenser and a giver of life to everyone and everything I come in contact with. When I lay hands on the sick, they recover.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~11998

December 15th, 2022

I have received an abundance of grace, and I reign in life with dominion over sickness and death. I have received eternal life, which makes it impossible for sickness or disease to dominate my body. No infirmity can corrupt or ravage my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12002

December 16th, 2022

The Word of God is working mightily in me. No matter the circumstance, regardless of what I feel or see, the Word produces what it talks about in my life. I am full of life! By the Word, I live in safety, health, victory, prosperity, joy, and love. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12006

December 17th, 2022

I live in the glorious liberty of my divine life in Christ. I grow daily in grace and in the wisdom of God. My body is sound; its systems and organs are functioning perfectly. I’m waxing stronger and stronger every day. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12008

December 18th, 2022

The ability of God is at work in me today and I’m conscious of it! I don’t function in my own ability or strength, for my sufficiency is of God. My strength is renewed daily and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory and all-around success. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12012

December 19th, 2022

I walk in divine health, safety, wellness, and wholeness because I am in Christ. Christ is my life! His wisdom, righteousness, peace, glory, and joy are resplendent in me and expressed through me. I am guided in wisdom to walk in God’s perfect will. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12042

December 20th, 2022

I am the light of the world; there’s no darkness in my life! The law of the Spirit of life is working in me. There is no death in any area of my life or body. I’m full of joy, peace, love, and kindness. I’m continually filled with the Spirit of God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12045

December 21st, 2022

The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He gives life to my physical body. I’ll never be sick in my life. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now and always by the power in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12049

December 22nd, 2022

God’s Word is life and health to my body. Its transforming power changes the circumstances of my life and causes my health to flourish. I live in the Word and I refuse to fear, be sick, or be defeated! I will not be subject to disease or infirmity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12054

December 23rd, 2022

I have the imperishable life of God in me; therefore, I live continually in divine health and strength. I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God. The Greater One lives in me. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Praise the Lord!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12058

December 24th, 2022

My words are backed by divine authority. When I decree a thing, it is established. I walk in the full benefits of the salvation that Jesus Christ wrought for me, including health, peace, prosperity, and all-around success.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12066

December 26th, 2022

I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12082

December 28th, 2022

My body is God’s house; the Holy Spirit perambulates every fiber of my being and every cell of my blood. In the presence of God is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. No illness can abide in my body because I carry God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12097

December 29th, 2022

As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given the Son to have life in Himself. I have the Son; therefore, I have life! My body only expresses God’s glory and beauty. My body is God’s temple, and I am its steward. I refuse to let sickness abide in God’s temple. I am alive! When people see me, they glorify God. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12111

December 30th, 2022

Rivers of living water flow from me to the nations of the world. I am a bearer of divine verities and a source of healing and health to anyone I touch. When I lay my hands on the sick, they recover. When I speak to a situation, it hears my voice and obeys.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12120

December 31st, 2022

As I speak words of life, I cause positive changes in my life, in my environment, and in the lives of those that come in contact with me. Amen! Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12216

January 2nd, 2023

I rejoice that I am one spirit with the Lord and an associate of the God-kind. God is the strength of my life, my glory, and my song! Today, God’s Word in me produces divine health, prosperity, and success in every area of my life and I walk in victory always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12220

January 3rd, 2023

The divine life is working in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and every bone of my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, my entire being is vitalized by the Holy Spirit who lives in me and invigorates me through and through.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12519

January 4th, 2023

Today and always, I exercise my divine right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and to exercise dominion over Satan. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural life in Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12530

January 5th, 2023

I have the indestructible life of God in me! I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. The higher law of life is operational in me, for I hail from God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12568

January 6th, 2023

No sickness, disease, or infirmity can stay in my body. I live a successful, healthy, and victorious life because I am born of God and I was created to manifest His praise and glory. My life is the epitome of God's blessings and I am one with Him.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12583

January 7th, 2023

All things work together for my good and I am blessed beyond measure. My body is energized by the Spirit through the Word. My mind is refreshed and renewed, and my life is transformed by the infallible power of God's Word.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12589

January 8th, 2023

I belong in God’s superior class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12610

January 9th, 2023

I believe what the Word says about me, and I endorse and establish it to be real in my life! The Word of God produces in me what it talks about as I put it to work in every situation and circumstance of life. My health flourishes daily and I have a sound mind.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12616

January 10th, 2023

My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; every fiber of my being is vitalized by the Spirit of God. I live triumphantly, far above the devil and the negative systems of this world! The life of God in me destroys sickness, disease, and infirmity. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12623

January 11th, 2023

I’m conscious of God’s life in my spirit, soul, and body; therefore, I don’t live by the dictates of this world, but by the Word of God. I enjoy divine strength and walk without weariness or fainting because of the transcendent life inherent in my spirit.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12639

January 12th, 2023

I rejoice with profound joy because the Lord has filled my mouth with laughter and His joy is my strength. I do not know weakness, depression, or oppression of any sort because the joy in my spirit produces health and boundless energy for my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12646

January 13th, 2023

I know my divine origin; I’m from Zion, the city of the living God; therefore, I am not subject to the principles of this world’s system. Christ in me gives me confidence and strength. I am healthy and full of divine life in spirit, soul, and body. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12656

January 14th, 2023

I live and walk by faith, not by sight. I’m only moved by the Word of God, not by what I see or feel! God’s life in me dispels sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities. As I yield myself to the Word daily, my strength is renewed and my body conforms to the Word of life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12660

January 15th, 2023

I have dominion over sin, sickness, and life’s circumstances. I’m superior to Satan, and I’ve overcome the world. I am seated together with Christ, far above all principality and power! The indestructible life of God in me nullifies sickness, disease, lack, and death.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12697

January 16th, 2023

I’m filled with the fullness of God; loaded with all power, glory, might, and grace! The totality of divinity is fully present in my spirit and uniquely expressed through me! I display the perfections of Christ in sound health and with a life that is sickness-free.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12706

January 17th, 2023

By the power of God’s Word and in the Name of Jesus, I’m lifted above this world and into God’s realm of glory. I exercise Christ’s authority over my body and decree strength, health, wisdom, prosperity, and all-around success in my life, today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12732

January 18th, 2023

The ability of God is at work in me today! I don’t function by my own ability or strength, for the Lord renews my strength daily, and I’m divinely energized at all times. The Word of God has made me wise and I walk in divine health, peace, and joy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12836

January 19th, 2023

My life, health, family, and finances conform to God’s Word concerning me. Every part of my life is consistent with God’s Word. The Lord Jesus is the light of my life, and that light shines forth in perfection through my spirit, soul, and body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12851

January 20th 2023

I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus, created for glory and beauty! I thank God for the glorious life He’s given me. This life is at work in every fiber of my being, and I’ve become a distributor of eternal verities to everyone in my world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12855

January 21st, 2023

Jesus Christ is Lord of my life; therefore, I refuse to be in bondage to any habit or lifestyle that’s contrary to the Word of God. I have the Greater One living in me, and He guides and propels me in the paths of righteousness, divine health, and prosperity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12858

January 22nd, 2023

I have the ability to speak words of power; therefore, I speak health, peace, progress, and prosperity over my life. I’m what God says I am. The Word of God is working in me mightily and moving me forward.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12896

January 23rd, 2023

God’s Word produces health in me, making me vibrant and productive. I refuse to be moved by the light afflictions that I see, for I know they are subject to change. I speak life to everything that concerns me today, and I am moving from glory to glory.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12900

January 24th, 2023

I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health. I live above the limitations of the human body and the physical realm through the ability of God’s Spirit. Health, peace, joy, and the glorious life are my present-hour inheritance.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12921

January 25th, 2023

My spirit is inundated with the life of God, which permeates my soul and my physical body; thereby, making me invulnerable to sickness, disease, and the assaults of the devil. My life is one of glory, victory, and divine health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12949

January 26th, 2023

I have in my spirit, the incorruptible life of God. This new life is in every cell of my blood, every bone of my body, and every fiber of my being! God’s Word saturates my spirit, mind, and body, leaving no room for any sickness or infirmity to steal in.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12956

January 27th, 2023

I’m fully persuaded that greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world. Therefore, no disease, adversity, or adverse circumstance can overwhelm me. I’m convinced of my eternal victory over sin, sickness, and death.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12962

January 28th, 2023

I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence. The Word of God has mastery over my spirit, soul, and body, and I enjoy divine health, success, and the good life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12965

January 29th, 2023

I experience divine health, vitality, and abundance today and always because I live in the Word, by the Word, and through the Word! The Word makes me impregnable to sickness! I am totally immersed in Christ and the Christ-life is made manifest in me always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12968

January 30th, 2023

My words are anointed to produce results. There are no hopeless situations I can’t change, for my faith is the victory that overcomes every adversity. Irrespective of what I hear, see or feel, my faith prevails, keeping me in health and prosperity at all times.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12973

January 31st, 2023

My life is for the glory of God! I dwell in God’s secret place, under the shadow of the Almighty, where there is health, safety, prosperity, and joy. I am filled with the Holy Spirit and divinely transported into the higher realms of life, far removed from poverty, sickness, death, defeat, destruction, and failure.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12977

February 1st, 2023

The Word of God is life to me and medicine to my body. It rejuvenates and refreshes me daily! I’m divinely immunized against all forms of sicknesses, diseases, and infections because God’s Word of life dwells richly in my spirit and inundates my whole being.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12982

February 2nd, 2023

The life of God in my spirit gives me the ability to live above sickness, disease, infirmity, and sorrows, for as He is, so am I! My health flourishes daily as the unfailing power of Christ continually works in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12986

February 3rd, 2023

I’m the faith-child of a faith-God! I live in victory and triumph. I live by faith and thus function in dominion over sickness, disease, poverty, and the world’s systems. I’ve got divine health working in every part of my body, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~12993

February 4th, 2023

I’ve put on the new man, which is created in righteousness and true holiness. I’ve passed from death to life, from sickness to health, and from poverty to wealth. I decree peace with prosperity and perfect health in every area of my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13018

February 5th, 2023

Christ dwells in me, and my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I am fortified by the Word of God and strengthened with might by the Holy Ghost. I’m more than a conqueror through the power of God’s Spirit at work in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13029

February 6th, 2023

I dominate my environment and reign over sickness and disease, over demons of darkness, and over death, for the life of God is in me. I refuse to fear or fail because my success, health, prosperity, and victory, are assured in Christ.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13035

February 7th, 2023

I am complete in Christ! Nothing is lacking in my spirit, soul or body! I have everything I require for life; nothing needs to be added or taken out! The Word of God is working in me; it's working in my body, in my mind, and in my spirit.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13041

February 8th, 2023

The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me receives and transmits life! There is no death in any area of my life or in my body. By God's Word, I am living the good life God has planned ahead of time for me to live.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13045

February 9th, 2023

I live in the Name of the Lord Jesus; therefore, no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. I've been delivered from sin, sickness, and death, and catapulted into God's realm of abundant life, where I reign victoriously with Christ every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13049

February 10th, 2023

God’s Word is alive in me; therefore, I cannot die. My body is impervious to sickness, disease, or death. Every time I receive the Word of God, it goes into my spirit and permeates my body. There is nothing missing or broken in my body because God’s Word makes me whole.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13053

February 11th, 2023

I am a partaker of God’s divine nature; therefore, divine health is at work in me. I am whole, fortified against sickness and disease. I am preserved because the Word of God quickens my body, vitalizing my organs and tissue with divine energy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13056

February 12th, 2023

The truth of God’s Word is revealed in my spirit and I walk accordingly. The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me, and He invigorates my physical body. The Word of God is life and health to me, I do not wane but I wax stronger and stronger every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13059

February 13th, 2023

I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory, in the Name of my Lord Jesus. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13064

February 14th, 2023

I’m full of God, and there is no place for sickness and disease in my body. The Word of God is life and health to my flesh; therefore, no infirmity can thrive in my body. I am the light of the world; there is no darkness or death in my life or path.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13077

February 15th, 2023

Dear Father, You’re gracious and kind. You are righteous, holy, just, and true. Thank You for Your life in me that makes me more than a conqueror. I live above sickness and disease. My life is excellent and full of glory. I walk in and manifest the dominion of Christ today.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13080

February 16th, 2023

I am a member of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. In Him, I live, move, and have my being. Sin and death have no power over me. The Lord has given His angels charge over me; thus, no evil shall befall me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13085

February 17th, 2023

Lord, I'm strengthened and lifted by Your Word today, and my faith prevails against all opposing forces as I put that Word to work and take possession of all that belongs to me in Christ Jesus. I take possession of my healing, health, prosperity, and victory.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13089

February 18th, 2023

Thank You, Father, for the power of Your Word as I meditate on and confess it daily; it works in my body like medicine. Your Word is quick and powerful; it is sharper than any two-edged sword. It rejuvenates my body and strengthens me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13090

February 19th, 2023

My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; it belongs to the Lord and I use it for His glory. My body is a living sacrifice and it is sanctified and profitable for the Master’s use. Therefore, my body is impervious to sickness and disease because I reign in dominion.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13093

February 20th, 2023

The indestructible life of God is in every bone of my body and in every cell of my blood. Therefore, I live in divine health in Christ Jesus. The sof the Word of God is at work in my body. My body is a reflection of the beauty and perfection of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13097

February 21st, 2023

I do not get sick; I have the life and nature of God in me. Divinity is at work in me, and all things are working together for my good! I refuse fear sickness or death. Out of my belly flows rivers of living water.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13101

February 22nd, 2023

Eternal life flows through my being. I walk in the victory that God wrought for me through Jesus Christ. No matter what happens, I am victorious. I live in absolute dominion over sickness, disease, poverty, and lack. My life is a manifestation of the glory of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13106

February 23rd, 2023

I live with the consciousness that I am a victor in Christ Jesus. My present-hour mentality is that I am more than a conqueror. I have the victory over sin, the devil, sickness, death, and every contrary situation. And I cannot be defeated or disadvantaged.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13110

February 24th, 2023

I testify of the goodness of God and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! The infallible power of His Word has brought me into a place of health, strength, power, rest, and dominion. I prosper in health, even as my soul prospers.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13114

February 25th, 2023

I have the Son of God; therefore, I have the life of God, which is not susceptible or vulnerable to pain, sickness, disease, or infirmity. That life courses through my being, giving life to my body. I daily experience the blessings of divine health and prosperity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13117

February 26th, 2023

I have the life of God in me. I have health in me. I have strength in me. I’m alive, well, and sound. The Word of God is living, active, effective, and operative in my life, producing in me what it talks about.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13120

February 27th, 2023

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I walk in divine health, victory, dominion, and righteousness. No illegal transactions can take place in my body because I'm born of God, and my life is hidden with Christ in God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13124

February 28th, 2023

My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of God’s Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion in the Name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13147

March 1st, 2023

The Word is working mightily in me! The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in me and He vitalizes my body. Health, strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now by the power in the Name of our Lord Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13152

March 2nd, 2023

I live in Zion; therefore, sickness is far from me. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness. Sin and sickness have no dominion over my body. My atmosphere is the manifest presence of the Holy Ghost. I live in perfect health always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13157

March 3rd, 2023

My body is the temple of the living God. Therefore, only divine health is permitted to function in it. No sickness, disease, or infirmity can thrive in my body because the Spirit of God who lives in me gives life to my body and rejuvenates it day by day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13162

March 4th, 2023

I am born of the incorruptible Word of God that lives and abides forever. That same Word is life and health to my flesh. The Word of God vitalizes my body and keeps it in perfect condition always. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13167

March 5th, 2023

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; I am superior to all forms of sicknesses and diseases. Divinity is at work in me; therefore, I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I’m dead to this world but alive to God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13176

March 6th, 2023

I am an embodiment of God’s goodness. Health and the good life are my inheritance in Christ Jesus. I have taken possession of this inheritance and I flourish like the palm tree, ever fresh and evergreen. I’m nourished daily by the Word of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13180

March 7th, 2023

I do not live by blood. I live by the Word of God. As the Word is incorruptible, so is my body. My body is unbreakable. The Word of God grows in my spirit, producing wellness in my body and soundness in my mind. Every part of me remains alive and in perfect shape.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13184

March 8th, 2023

The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13192

March 9th, 2023

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Sin, sickness, and death have no power over me. I rule and reign in life. I dwell in Christ, seated with Him far above all principality, power, might, and dominion. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13198

March 10th, 2023

Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world! I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. I have overcome sickness and death because they are of the world! I hail from God, and as He is invincible and indestructible, so am I in this world. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13202

March 11th, 2023

I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance, or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated, and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13208

March 12th, 2023

Out of my belly flow rivers of living water; therefore, I dispense life and health to my world. The life of God is at work in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. Sickness cannot stay around me; when I arrive, sickness checks out. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13211

March 13th, 2023

The words I speak are spirit and they are life. My words carry power; when I speak a thing, it is established unto me because I speak in the Name of Jesus. Today, I declare that I am preserved in health always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13218

March 14th, 2023

I am a partaker of God’s nature, and I have escaped the corruption that is in this world. I’ve received eternal life and it’s all I require to live above any form of sickness and infirmity of the body or mind. I am disease-proof because eternal life is at work in my spirit, soul, and body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13223

March 15th, 2023

I am the effulgence of God’s glory. I am above sin, sickness, and death. The glory of God infuses my being, keeping me strong and well every day. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I get stronger and stronger by the day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13227

March 16th, 2023

I have the life of God in me; therefore, my health is perfect. I live a superior life of glory, success, and victory. Thank you, Lord, for giving me this glorious and wondrous life and thus making me divine. My life is not ordinary. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Praise God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13231

March 17th, 2023

Dear Father, I thank You for the gift of Your Word. Your Word is working in me mightily, producing fruits of righteousness in me. I live in health, supernatural abundance, perpetual victory, and unlimited joy. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13236

March 18th, 2023

I flourish in health by the Word of God that is in my heart and mouth. I am a new creation in Christ; therefore, I refuse to be sick. I have God’s kind of life; my body is vitalized with divine health and impregnable to disease or infirmity. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13241

March 19th, 2023

Christ in me makes me well; I cannot be sick in my body. I am full of gladness, and I’ve got glory and joy unspeakable. The joy of the Lord strengthens me; therefore, I am strong and full of divine energy at all times. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13257

March 20th, 2023

I have all things that pertain to life and godliness. There is no trace of sickness, disease, or infirmity in my life. As a child of God, all I know and experience is divine health, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13266

March 21st, 2023

I am joined unto the Lord and I am one Spirit with Him. I am full of the life-giving power of God, and every cell of my body responds to it. This means that there is no space for anything that is not of God in my body. I am excellent and full of glory!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13270

March 22nd, 2023

Christ in me is my assurance of constant health and vitality. He is the glory of my life. Therefore, I live worthy of all that Jesus Christ wrought for me. I live in beauty and splendor and I exude the perfections and excellences of Christ to my world. Glory to God forever!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13275

March 23rd, 2023

I am energized, strengthened, and full of life every day. I live the transcendent life in Christ, far above sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I am not ordinary because I am born of God. Thus, I function always with supernatural strength and ability!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13289

March 24th, 2023

I am not moved by what I feel, see, or hear because I am full of faith. I’m ever radiant in health and I live victoriously in all that concerns me. The glorious life in Christ is continually manifested in my spirit and it is evident in all that I do.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13294

March 25th, 2023

I refuse to be broken by sickness, disease, or any form of infirmity because Jesus’ body was bruised and broken for me. I live persistently above sickness, disease, and infirmity; for as Jesus is, so am I in this world. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13298

March 26th, 2023

The life of God is in me; working mightily. He has given me this life to enjoy freely and without limits. Therefore, I walk in health and strength every day of my life. Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13301

March 27th, 2023

I am a king-priest and my words are full of extraordinary power. I decree peace, health, success, and victory in every aspect of my life. I take absolute charge over my life and proclaim that all things are working in my favor in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13305

March 28th, 2023

I am assured of the glory and grace of God in my life. The Lord has given me eternal life – the never-ending life of God. I live in dominion over sickness, disease, infirmity, and death. I live in the deathless, fearless, and ageless zone. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13310

March 29th, 2023

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; sin, sickness, and death have no power over me. Every facet of my life has been supplanted with the very life of God; therefore, my body is daily inundated with divine health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13315

March 30th, 2023

I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in health and strength. Praise God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13320

March 31st, 2023.

I walk in the reality of my inheritance in Christ, strengthened and energized by the Spirit for the glory life. I disallow sickness from having its way in my body. I dwell in health all the days of my life. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13324

April 1st, 2023.

I am strengthened with might in my inner man. There is no weakness in my life; the Holy Spirit – the embodiment of all glory, dominion, and strength lives in me in His fullness. No part of my body is available for sickness, disease, or infirmity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13332

April 2nd, 2023.

Today and always, God’s grace is active in my life and sufficient for me in all things. Thus, I rule in dominion over demons of darkness, sickness, disease, poverty, failure and death. I reign triumphantly, enjoying all benefits of divine life in Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13338

April 3rd, 2023.

Every fiber of my being is energized and infused with miracle-working power. I’m strengthened and invigorated by the Holy Spirit in my inner man and I function with God’s divine power that works in me mightily. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13343

April 4th, 2023.

I’m full of joy, basking in the grace and glory of Christ. In Christ, I have everything that pertains to life and godliness. My body is perfected by the unfailing Word of God, and I flourish in health and strength today, like never before.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13348

April 4th, 2023.

I have the life of God in its fullness. My life is sickness-proof, poverty-proof, and failure-proof. Nothing of the devil can stay in me, for I have embraced the transcendent life in Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13353

April 6th, 2023.

Dear Lord, I thank You for the blessing of Your Word and the wisdom it imparts to me. My faith is working and I live a life of total joy and fulfilment in Christ. I’m healthy, sound and excellent. I am full of life and aglow in spirit.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13357

April 7th, 2023.

I live my days in health and prosperity. I do not suffer from headaches, colds, fevers, diabetes, stomach pain, or any such thing. The Holy Spirit in me keeps my spirit, soul, and body invigorated and ever alive.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13363

April 8th, 2023.

In the Name of Jesus, I’m alive and well. Greater is He that is in me, than the sickness that is in the world. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, it doesn’t accommodate sickness or anything that’s not of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13366

April 9th, 2023

Dear Father, thank You for your life in me that makes me more than a conqueror. I live above sickness and disease. My life is excellent and full of glory, as I walk in, and manifest the dominion of Christ today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13375

April 10th, 2023

I am who God says I am; I have what He says I have. God wants me well; therefore, I will always be well. I choose health, not sickness. I choose strength, not weakness. I choose life, not death. Satan has no authority over me because my life is hidden with Christ in God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13379

April 11th, 2023

My life is a daily expression of joy unspeakable and full of glory. With joy, I experience the awesome blessings that God has delivered to me through salvation; including eternal life. With this life, there is no room for sickness, disease, worry, lack, or failure.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13390

April 12th, 2023

Dear Father, I thank You for Your Word in my heart and mouth. As I meditate on, and voice the Word, I nourish my spirit, soul, and body; fortifying them against the corrupting influences of the world. I only speak life and health because I cannot be sick.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13394

April 13th, 2023

I refuse to be sick. I have the life of God in me. It’s in every fiber of my being; in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. Every part of my body conforms to the life of Christ that flows from my spirit. I manifest health, strength, and dominion every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13398

April 14th, 2023

I’m crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God! I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! Sickness and death finds no place in my life or my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13402

April 15th, 2023

That same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in me, and gives life to my physical body. I walk in divine health and I am impervious to any form of infection or disease.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13437

April 16th, 2023

The Spirit of God lives in me and has given me dominion. I take charge of my life from the realm of the spirit and subdue my world and environment. I live victoriously through the Word, and by the Spirit, over and above all infections, diseases and death. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13451

April 17th, 2023

No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. My body is not subdued by assaults from the forces of darkness. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13472

April 18th, 2023

In accordance with God’s Word, I walk in divine health, prosperity, and unending victory. When I speak, the Lord speaks because the Word of God is in my heart and proceeds from my mouth. Therefore, I am born of, and sustained by the Word.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13478

April 19th, 2023

My life is an endless testimony of God’s ever-increasing grace. I testify that Christ lives in me; I testify that the Holy Spirit continually vitalizes my body; I testify that divinity is at work in me and has elevated me above the sufferings and limitations of humanity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13482

April 20th, 2023

Backed by God’s Word, my words are operative, efficacious, productive, fruitful, and potent with power and grace; producing health, peace, and prosperity for me. I cannot be brought low by ailments and infirmity because I move upward and forward only.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13492

April 21st, 2023

The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has freed me from death and the law of sin. I’ve been translated from the realm of death into the realm of life! The God-life is inherent in me; therefore, I refuse to accommodate sickness or anything that is of darkness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13503

April 22nd, 2023

I speak in conformity with the Word of God. Thus, I live the awesome, transcendent life of ever-increasing glory; in health, vitality, and abundance as the Lord preordained. With my words, I consistently chart the course of victory and success in life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13506

April 23rd, 2023

In Christ, I have been granted the grace and ability to reign and rule over all circumstances. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Christ in me is my assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, and victory. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13510

April 24th, 2023

I’m not moved by what I feel, see, or hear. I’m only moved by the Word of God. Thus, I’m like a tree planted by the streams; vibrant, prosperous, and ever-fruitful. Today, I take hold of my divine rights; I enjoy health, victory and success always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13518

April 25th, 2023

Daily, I get stronger and healthier. Like the eagle, my strength is renewed. I do not wane because I live in an ageless zone. I belong to the God class and I only give expression to His virtues because I was made for His glory. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13522

April 26th, 2023

Christ is my assurance of health and life eternal. I have dominion in Christ, I rule over my body with the Word of God and in the Name of Jesus. I disallow infirmity and I cut off any abnormality from my body. I am alive!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13527

April 27th, 2023

Dear Father, I thank you for the power and the blessing of living in the Name of Jesus. In His Name, I live triumphantly, over and above the circumstances and perils of this world. I live perceptually in peace, health, success, and greatness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13532

April 28th, 2023

I was born to reign and manifest the glory of the Kingdom of God on earth. My life is the expression of divine beauty, excellence, success, and greatness. I’m glorified in Christ; thus, I walk in health, wholeness, and wellness, in the name of our Lord Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13537

April 29th, 2023

The divine life is in my spirit through meditation on God’s infallible Word; therefore, I’m conscious of who I am. Nothing can go wrong with my liver, heart, or kidney, because Christ is my life. Daily, I have success, peace with prosperity, unspeakable joy, and health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13540

April 30th, 2023

I have the very life and nature of God because I am born again. This God-life makes me impregnable to sickness, disease, infections, and the destructions that ravage the ordinary man. My body is inundated with the life of God and I walk in divine health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13544

May 1st, 2023

God's ability is at work in me today and I am conscious of it. I do not function in my ability or strength, for God's inherent power is in me. My strength is renewed daily and I am divinely energized at all times for victory, in the Name of Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13553

May 2nd, 2023

Dear Father, your Word is the truth on which I fix my gaze. Your Word confirms my prosperity, divine health, victory, dominion, and glorious life in Christ. I make progress from glory to glory by your Word which produces for me and in me the reality that it conveys.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13564

May 3rd, 2023

I thank You, Blessed Father, for the extraordinary life of blessing that You have given me in Christ. Thank You for making me a partaker of Your glory, grace, and righteousness. I walk in prosperity, health, and peace today, in the Name of our Lord Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13569

May 4th, 2023

Even though death works in the world, life works in me and everything that is connected to me. My Lord Jesus defeated death, and now because He lives, I live. I have the all-conquering life of God in me. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13573

May 5th, 2023

I rejoice that I am in Christ and the Holy Spirit lives in me! Thus, I am fully aligned with God’s plan for my health. I walk continually in God’s perfect will for my life, and I have all that I require to live life in godliness and righteousness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13577

May 6th, 2023

Sickness is not in my nature. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, and Christ has perfected my health; therefore, I refuse to be sick! I have the supernatural life of God that makes me impervious to sickness and disease. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13583

May 7th, 2023

My words carry divine power to cause changes and bring about positive transformation, healing, and prosperity. Out of the abundance of my heart, I speak forth life, strength and courage. Thus, I dispel fear, weakness and failure.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13589

May 8th, 2023

I am in Christ and Christ is in me. I am a success.I am a victor because Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.I am shielded from all evil and I operate with dominion over sickness, disease, and the powers of darkness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13602

May 9th, 2023

I am ever joyful and exuberant with praise because the joy of the Lord is my strength. My joy is independent of circumstances; it comes from my inner man and transcends the physical. With this joy, I draw forth life, health, and limitless prosperity from the wells of salvation.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13607

May 10th, 2023

The Word of God transforms me from glory to glory, instilling in me the mindset of the just. I am a doer of the Word and not the hearer only. I’m blessed forever, living transcendently over and above sickness, disease, Satan, and circumstances.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13613

May 11th, 2023

The Name of Jesus is above all names. His name is greater than cancer, it replaces maimed limbs, opens blind eyes, unstops deaf ears, and raises the dead. In the Name of Jesus, I am more than a conqueror. I am eternally free from all sicknesses.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13622

May 12th, 2023

I am an associate of the God-kind, and I have the indestructible life of God in me. My body is impervious to every form and manner of sickness or disease. I live in perpetual health and walk in the greater light of the new creation in Christ.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13628

May 13th, 2023

Divinity is tabernacled in my physical body! I am a new creation. I am not subject to the elements of this world! Divine life flows in me and permeates my being through and through. I reign over sickness, disease, poverty, and lack! I’m superior to Satan. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13634

May 14th, 2023

I live in Christ's environment where divinity reigns; the divine life is operational in my body, for I hail from God and I am born of Him. I was born with the resurrection life that’s beyond sickness and disease. Therefore, I walk in divine health always!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13636

May 15th, 2023

I have eternal life and walk in the consciousness of it. I walk in dominion over sickness, disease, and death, over the discouragements and frustrations that affect humanity. I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I am victorious today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13642

May 16th, 2023

Divine health is my present-hour possession. My body is immune to all sickness, infirmity, and disease. My life is hid with Christ in God; in Him, I live, move, and have my being. I am safe, protected, and secured in Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13669

May 17th, 2023

The kingdom, power, glory, righteousness, and dominion of Christ are manifested in and through me. I am full of power; with this power, I heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, and do mighty works to the glory of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13704

May 18th, 2023

Dear Father, I take advantage of all that you have done for me as a result of the vicarious death of Jesus, and I acknowledge the benefits of His glorious resurrection in my life, and all that it means to me. I am healthy, vibrant, and prosperous every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13710

May 19th, 2023

I am branded for God and there is no enchantment against me! I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. I walk in blessings only. I walk in divine health. I’m secured and fortified against all machinations of the enemy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13721

May 20th, 2023

I have the life of God in me, for as He is, so am I in this world. I have been brought from humanity to eternity. I am not ordinary. I am alive, incorruptible, indestructible, and imperishable. Death has no power over me. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13725

May 21st, 2023

I consciously practice enjoying my life in divine health. I insist on God’s Word, and I boldly affirm that my divine life in Christ has replaced the ordinary life and its attendant effects. I do not live by the dictates of my body, but by the leading of God’s Word for my life and health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13743

May 22nd, 2023

I have the life of God in me; and by faith, I live successfully. I do not walk by sensory perception, but I operate with faith in God. Therefore, sickness, diseases, and infirmities have no place in me. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13750

May 23rd, 2023

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Everything about my life is infused with divinity; I express the Father's glory. Eternal life, love, health, peace, joy, righteousness, and prosperity are my daily benefits; all are mine now!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13754

May 24th, 2023

I have been delivered from sin, sickness, and death and catapulted into God’s realm of life. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, I am invincible, impregnable, and indestructible. I am forever blossoming in my soul and vibrant in health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13760

May 25th, 2023

God’s glory is evident in my physical body, coursing through my being, ridding me of every infirmity, feebleness, or weakness. It is seen in my family, job, business, and all areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13764

May 26th, 2023

I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my refuge and my fortress. I am forever protected and fortified against all evil, wickedness, and corrupting influences in the world because I dwell in Christ.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13770

May 27th, 2023

I am an inhabitant of Zion. I have the divine right to live in health, prosperity, joy, victory, success, dominion and excellence. I cannot be sick because the devil has nothing in me. The very life of God is at work in me and I am unstoppable.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13773

May 28th, 2023

God Has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer;therefore,I reign over the world and it’s systems .I reign over demons of infirmity and death.The life in my body is repellent,and a destroyer of diseases and germs. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13777

May 29th, 2023

The Word of God is working in me mightily, and I am alive to the realities of God's Kingdom. I have been given the all-conquering Name of Jesus; therefore, I have power over all things! No sickness or infirmity of the body or mind can overwhelm me!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13781

May 30th, 2023

I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world! I live in the victory and dominion of Christ over this world. I am in rest, health, wealth, security, and peace with prosperity. I take charge of my life and enjoy it to its fullest, for Christ has made me a participator in divinity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13787

May 31st, 2023

Blessed Father, Your Word is medicine to my body and health to my flesh. I am constantly healthy and strong. I manifest the virtues and perfections of your righteousness - walking in the glory and dominion of the Spirit. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13791

June1st, 2023

Through me, the Lord is doing signs and wonders. I have the Word in me; words with the capacity to effect changes. I release words into the realms of the spirit today to effect changes in my health, and in all areas of my life. Nothing can bring me down.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13810

June 2nd, 2023

All things are mine. The Lord has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness. Christ lives in me; therefore, my life is glorified and my body is vitalized. No sickness, disease, infirmity, or death can stay in this body. I function in perfect health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13817

June 3rd, 2023

I have supernatural victory over all enemy and contrary circumstances. The Lord leads me in triumphant procession. This is my season of triumph and victory over death, disease, and every form of despondency or desolation. I have overcome the world.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13822

June 4th, 2023

My life is flourishing. My health is flourishing. My prosperity is flourishing. My greatness is flourishing. My increase is flourishing. Rivers of living waters flow from me, pouring forth righteousness, peace, healing, and divine health upon the nations of the earth.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13834

June 5th, 2023

As the rain comes from heaven and waters the earth, causing it to flourish, so is the Word that goes from my mouth; it shall not return unto me void. In my life, in my health, in my body, in my business, and my ministry, the Word accomplishes God’s purpose and the perfection of His design.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13843

June 6th, 2023

My faith is strong and active, it prevails over circumstances. The Holy Spirit guides me in the path of life. His truth and wisdom are the forces of my life, propelling me from glory to glory as I walk in the Spirit, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13847

June 7th, 2023

The Holy Spirit leads me from glory to glory. I follow Him in the Word, by the Word, and through the Word. God’s Word gives me light and direction and holds the solution to every problem. Irrespective of what signs or symptoms may appear, the Word ministers health to my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13853

June 8th, 2023

I am ever conscious of the presence of God and the indwelling Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in me and I live in Him. I am always in the presence of God, the Father of lights with Whom there is no shadow of darkness, disease, or death. I am ever surrounded by the light of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13858

June 9th, 2023

No matter what happens in life, I can never be disadvantaged. My heritage as the new creature in Christ is dominion and authority over contrary circumstances and adversities. I have and exercise dominion in my health, family, business, and in all my affairs, to the glory of God the Father.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13862

June 10th, 2023

I am that tree planted by the rivers of water. I do not see when heat comes; I flourish in health even as sickness ravages the world. My leaves are luscious and green; full of life and health, vibrant, prosperous, successful, and fruitful. I radiate the glory of God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13868

June 11th, 2023

I have a new life in Christ. The old is dead and gone. I walk in the newness of life and I reign over sin, Satan, and circumstances. My life is an expression of the righteousness of God, and I showcase perfection and excellence in my health, work, and studies.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13876

June 12th, 2023

I live a life of righteousness and eternal dominion over all infirmities and illnesses. I’m alive in Christ. I live in the presence of the Father, justified, holy, and righteous before Him. I am glorified in Christ and perfected in beauty. The excellence of divinity is at work in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13900

June 13th, 2023

I am one with the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I am the glory of God! God has raised me to a heavenly dignity, to a heavenly condition, to a heavenly state of being. I exude and manifest righteousness, excellence, and perfection today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13905

June 14th, 2023

My life is one of ever-increasing glory. The Holy Spirit lives in me in His fullness. Through the study and meditation of the Word, I’m constantly transfigured from glory to glory. God’s Word insures my health and His wisdom grants me access to success, victory, and unending prosperity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13909

June 15th, 2023

I have received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. I reign as a king in life by the Lord Jesus Christ. I am kinging in life. I am reigning in life. I reign over sin, death, disease, and infirmity. I have dominion over all things.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13914

June 16th, 2023

I am righteousness conscious. Righteousness gives me dominion. I live above Satan and his vices because I have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. I refuse to be subject to the elements of this world; instead, I reign and I rule over them.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13919

June 17th, 2023

By the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, the whole world is subdued before me. I have mastery over circumstances, demons, and their manipulations. I have victory in my health, my finances and in every situation.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13923

June 18th, 2023

I am born of God. I belong to Him and my origin is from Him; therefore, I have overcome the world. I have defeated Satan and the cohorts of darkness because Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. I refuse to fear sickness or any device of the devil.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13926

June 19th, 2023

I am not an ordinary being. I am like the Lord Jesus. As He is, so am I in this world. I already have victory over Satan, death, hell, amd the world. I am fearless. I have no sense of lack. I live in absolute mastery and dominion over all things.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13930

June 20th, 2023

I have the divine nature, the nature of righteousness and eternal life. I have the same life as Christ. The same Holy Spirit that worked in Jesus is at work in me today, causing me to reign in health, peace with prosperity, and unstoppable success. Divinity is at work in me. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13940

June 21st, 2023

Through me, Christ – the perfection of beauty – shines. God has made me perfect; there is nothing in me that should not be there. There is nothing that should be in me, that isn’t there. All the systems of my body are functioning optimally and in good health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13951

June 22nd, 2023

Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world. I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world. It makes no difference the challenges or difficulties that may come my way, I am a victor because I am born of God. I am victorious in all things. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13955

June 23rd, 2023

I have the life of God in every fiber of my being, in every bone of my body, and in every cell of my blood. I am what God says I am! I can do all things by His strength and ability at work in me. I increase from strength to strength and from glory to glory. Blessed be God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13964

June 24th, 2023

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world; therefore, sickness cannot stay in my body. I have the life of God in me; from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I live and walk in supernatural, divine, and perfect health.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13984

June 25th, 2023

All of divinity resides in me. I am a carrier of divine life, and I am complete in Christ Jesus. I am an associate of the God-kind, a partaker of the divine nature. I am filled with God, I am full of God, and I am replete with God. Nothing else needs to be in me to make me divine.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~13991

June 26th, 2023

Sickness, disease, and infirmity have no part in my life. I can never be sick. I am born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but I am born of God. The transcendent life that makes it impossible for divinity to be corrupted or defeated is what I have in me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14004

June 27th, 2023

I am triumphant always and in all circumstances. I walk in dominion every day of my life. I have and walk in the consciousness of the divine essence. I rule over sickness, disease, death, and the elements of this world. I celebrate my oneness with Christ today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14020

June 28th, 2023

My head, my eyes, my heart, my lungs, my kidneys, my liver, and all the organs and systems of my body are functioning optimally. Eternal life is at work in me. I am not a mere, ordinary human person! I am a divine being!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14027

June 29th, 2023

God’s Word is life and health to my body. Its transforming power changes the circumstances of my life and causes my health to flourish. I live in the Word and I refuse to fear, be sick, or be defeated! I will not be subject to disease or infirmity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14033

June 30th, 2023

I have the imperishable life of God in me; therefore, I live continually in divine health and strength. I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God. The Greater One lives in me. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Praise the Lord!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14084

July 1st, 2023

I walk in dominion over the elements of this world and over demons, diseases, and death because I am born of God! The life of Christ is manifested in me from glory to glory, and I walk in the consciousness of my divine origin, in Jesus’ Name.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14096

July 2nd, 2023

The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body. The Word penetrates my whole being and inundates me with strength and vitality.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14104

July 3rd, 2023

I reign over sickness and disease. I walk in the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel, and I bask in beauty, honor, and divine prosperity. Through my faith-filled confessions, God’s will concerning my health and well-being is established today and always. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14113

July 4th, 2023

I am born again; I have been translated from death to life. I am permanently severed from sin, sickness, disease, depression, and everything associated with Satan and darkness. I walk in God’s eternal glory and reign in life through Christ Jesus.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14125

July 5th, 2023

The Word of God is the supreme authority by which I live and conduct all my affairs. It is my confident assurance that the life of God has dominance in my body, making it impenetrable to adverse health conditions. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14131

July 6th, 2023

I have received eternal life and I am death-free, incorruptible, indestructible, and imperishable. I am not subject to depravities and diseases because the law of the Spirit of life is operational in me! Divinity is at work in me and I have transcended sickness and infirmity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14137

July 7th, 2023

I live the higher life in Christ, a life that is higher and greater than the ordinary human life, higher than sickness, disease, failure, and death. I walk in supernatural victory every day; I reign triumphantly and exercise dominion over all circumstances.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14141

July 8th, 2023

I live victoriously and triumphantly over and above any disease, fear, or terror. I am in charge and in control of my life and circumstances. I am strong, bold, and courageous, functioning from a vantage position of rest and flourishing in health and wellness, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14144

July 9th, 2023

Dear Father, I am thankful for the indestructible life you have given me and for the presence of the Holy Spirit within me. The invigorating power of Christ is working in my body and I am thankful for His manifold blessings and goodness in my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14247

July 10th, 2023

I have entered into God’s rest and ceased all struggles because the Lord Jesus has overcome the adversary and every contrary situation. I am fortified daily by the living Word of God and I refuse to succumb to sickness, disease, or any form of darkness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14253

July 11th, 2023

I am the crowning beauty of all God’s creation; the consummate perfection of His works! My life is full of loveliness and excellence because the Holy Spirit beautifies me. I was created for God’s glory; not for poverty, sickness, disease, failure, or dishonor.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14262

July 12th, 2023

I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency. I do not tire or wear out. I do not get weak and I don’t faint because I wait on the Lord daily. My strength is renewed daily by the Holy Spirit and I am vitalized, invigorated, energized, and refreshed for all things.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14272

July 13th, 2023

My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is preserved and sanctified; separated from sickness and death. My blood, organs, tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints are functioning perfectly. There is no abnormality in me because I manifest God’s perfection.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14277

July 14th, 2023

I have a life that cannot be tainted by sickness, infirmity, or affliction. I cannot be poisoned, I cannot be destroyed. I’m a partaker of God’s divine nature and nothing has the power to hurt me because every weapon of the adversary against me is designed to fail. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14296

July 15th, 2023

I live in unending peace, prosperity, health, success, and greatness because I live in the Name of the Lord Jesus. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is alive and at work in me. My physical body is invigorated with divine life, always and forever.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14304

July 16th, 2023

Wholeness, perfection, success, and prosperity are constant with me because Christ is in me. He is in every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood. My spirit, soul, and body are vitalized by the power of God. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14338

July 17th, 2023

God’s stamp and seal of perfection are on me, certifying my health, success, victory, effectiveness, and glory. I am immune to satanic attacks. I’m disease-proof! I am without blemish. There is no room in my life for anything that is not of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14344

July 18th, 2023

I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above all the hardships, troubles, perils, and corrupting influences of the world. No infirmity can penetrate my environment, for I am divinely protected from every fiery dart of the devil and his cohorts.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14369

July 19th, 2023

I have the life of God in me. That life destroys sickness and death; therefore, I walk in health and wellness. I cannot be sick! Divinity works and flows from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I thank the Lord for this grace that I lavishly enjoy.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14382

July 20th, 2023

I am identified with the Lord and branded by Him. I am a different kind of being, one that doesn’t fail, suffer, perish, or get ill. My life is fashioned by God for excellence. I am a partaker of God’s glory, grace, and righteousness. Glory to God!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14411

July 21st, 2023

In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I am protected from the destruction that is in the world. I tread upon challenges, sicknesses, infirmities, deceptions, and falsities. I am victorious over them all and I daily enjoy blessings because I am more than a conqueror.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14417

July 22nd, 2023

Dear Father, thank you for the gift of divine health, strength, and vigor that I experience daily and for causing me to walk in the finished works of Christ. I walk continually in your glory and perfection, manifesting your righteousness everywhere.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14426

July 24th, 2023

I have power over all the abilities and strategies of the devil. No matter how he tries or through which means he attempts to attack my body, the Name of Jesus gives me authority, dominion, and triumph always, and nothing can prevail against me.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14432

July 25th, 2023

My life is the expression of all that Christ is. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that the life I live is superior to sickness, disease, and defeat.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14438

July 26th, 2023

The life of God in me has supplanted the human life that was susceptible to sickness and disease. My body and everything connected to me align with God’s provisions. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14445

July 27th, 2023

Dear Lord, I thank you for the perfection of my entire being and for the very nature of Christ which has made my life an endless expression of your glory and perfection. This nature vitalizes my body through and through, causing me to live in health always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14451

July 28th, 2023

I believe God’s Word for me. I speak it because it is my life. The glory and blessings therein are evident in my life. I speak the same things God has said concerning me. I proclaim wellness, wholeness, and life to my body today. Nothing and no one can put me down.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14459

July 29th, 2023

I am what God says I am. I am an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. I am living God’s dream and enjoying the fullness of life. I walk in prosperity, health, strength, and victory, now and evermore, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14470

July 30th, 2023

My mind is stayed on God’s Word; therefore, He keeps me in perfect peace. By the virtue of the divine life of Christ at work in me, I have authority over all the devices of the adversary and I experience health, victory, and prosperity, now and always, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14478

July 31st, 2023

I am alive unto God and I am dead to sin, sickness, disease, and any form of infirmity. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I connect to receives life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14493

August 1st, 2023

Dear Father, by Your Word, I prevail over situations and circumstances. The forces of righteousness, success, divine health, victory, and prosperity are activated in my life as I live by Your Word today and always.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14518

August 2nd, 2023

Lord, I am the effulgence of Your glory, perfection, beauty, and grace and I am conscious of Your supernatural life in me. I am the expression of Your righteousness and the unveiling of Your glory to the world. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14557

August 3rd, 2023

The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life – an everlasting life filled with divine health, and soundness of mind and body. My life is filled with the goodness and mercy of God.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14568

August 4th, 2023

I am thankful for the goodness of the Lord and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! The power of His infallible Word causes me to experience supernatural blessings of divine health and prosperity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14573

August 5th, 2023

My faith is alive! God’s Word is producing results in my life. I am not moved by what I see or how I feel because I walk by faith and not by sight; therefore, I live in absolute peace, health, and prosperity.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14581

August 6th, 2023

Everywhere I turn, and in everything I do, the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. I have a goodly heritage. Joy, health, peace, and the good life are my birthright in Christ! Sickness and diseases have no place in my life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14597

August 7th, 2023

I live in absolute victory every day of my life. I reign and rule over the forces of darkness in this world. I dominate my environment and I reign over sickness and disease, over demons of darkness, and over death!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14607

August 8th, 2023

Through the Word of God and the ministry of the Spirit, I am daily transfigured into the image of the Son of God! His life and nature in my spirit, has given me the ability to live above sickness, disease, infirmity, and sorrow.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14630

August 9th, 2023

Blessed Father, I thank You for the body of Jesus that was broken so that I will never be broken, sick, weak, or defeated. I walk in the light of this truth and reign over sin, Satan, and circumstances, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14640

August 10th, 2023

My life is a manifestation of the virtues and perfections of divinity. From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, I am full of life and no sickness, disease or infirmity can fasten itself to my body!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14646

August 11th, 2023

I am a new creature in Christ, filled with divinity. Every fiber of my being, every bone of my body, and every cell of my blood is replete with God. I am a moving house of the Almighty God, bearing His grace, glory, and righteousness.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14656

August 12th, 2023

The Lord has made my life easy, glorious, and exciting. I live a stress-free life in Christ because I am in God’s rest. Therefore, I enjoy a life of joy, peace, and prosperity. I walk consistently in divine health. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14661

August 13th, 2023

God’s Word is nourishment for my spirit, refreshment for my soul, and health for my body. No weapon of evil, disease, sickness, or death fashioned against me can prosper. My health is sound and flourishing.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14675

August 15th, 2023

I am deeply rooted and grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I have authority over the elements of this world and I exercise dominion over my body.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14695

August 16th, 2023

All things are mine. I have a healthy, prosperous, and vibrant life. Christ has taken His abode in the quarters of my heart, so I have nothing to fear. I have no fear of the future and no fear of the dark or unknown because Christ is my assurance for a glorious life.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14710

August 17th, 2023

God’s power is activated in me, causing His glory in my Spirit to impact my physical body and produce health, strength, and vitality. I walk in victory today and experience success in all that I do. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14733

August 19th, 2023

God has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles and to effect positive changes in my world. My health, family, and finances are evidence that Jesus is alive and His mercy endures forever. I enjoy God’s boundless grace continuously.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14741

August 20th, 2023

I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. I carry within me God’s divine presence to influence and affect my world, establishing healing and health to the sick, and revealing the victorious life in Christ to people everywhere.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14751

August 22nd, 2023

The power of God perambulates every inch of my body, vitalizing it and making it impregnable to disease and infirmity. The Holy Ghost lives in me; therefore, I have the dynamic ability to effect changes! Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs~14757

August 23rd, 2023

The Lord has given me dominion over the flesh and the will to guard my heart and mind with excellence. No unwholesome thought can take root in my heart because my spirit, mind, and body are daily transformed and purified by God's Word.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ cσnfҽssiσɳs~6499

October 17th, 2021

I am living and working the Word. I am the manifestation of the Word. Everywhere I am, the Word is; and everywhere I go, the Word goes, because the Word is in me, living and active. I am full of health and strength, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.