A Man Sent from God
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
This conference has been planned for a definite purpose.
We have our aims and objectives.
And we trust that by the time you're going back,
you will be even more prepared for the work you're doing, inspired, fired up, and you will do a lot more than you have done.
Praise the Lord.
You're here because we want to re-emphasize the importance of the campus ministry
and your opportunities that you have while you're there what you must do now while you're there there is no other time than now there is no other time don't just go through that school
Let your presence there make a change.
Maybe you have only a few months.
Maybe you have a whole year.
Maybe you have more than one year.
No matter how much time you have, do something big.
It's only a few years ago that this very auditorium here
was so big.
1986, I had a conference here, a convention.
And I organized that convention, 1986, in this very place.
And then also, we had a camp meeting here,
I believe it was 1992 or 92, yeah, where they kept meeting here, where most members of the ministry were concentrated in this very auditor.
Today is just a conference for leaders and you don't have enough space in the same place.
If I were to call for just cell leaders in Lagos, this card of Turum wouldn't take them.
If we were to have a cell leader as a conference.
But just a few years ago, it was too big.
Anything is possible.
Next month will be match.
and we will be in Benin City for total experience.
I want to tell you something.
There is no meeting that has taken place in this land yet, like the one that is going to hold when we come and match.
It is true.
It's true.
Only last year were that very open stadium.
But ten years before then, it was only a prophecy.
Ten years after the prophecy, the stadium couldn't take us.
And now,
We're packing out the largest horrors, the largest places of gathering anywhere in this country because of what Jesus said.
I want to read to you now from St.
John's gospel chapter number five.
The same message is still working.
The last one has a book titled the message that works.
I hope to write a book on that one day.
Because I found the message that works.
It works.
It works.
Oh, this is beautiful.
I'm reading from the 33rd verse, chapter 5, St.
John's Gospel.
You sin unto John and he burr weakness unto the truth.
Jesus is talking.
But I receive no testimony from man.
For these things I say that he might be saved.
Then hear what Jesus has to say about John, verse 35.
He was a burning and a shining light.
What a testimony.
That's what Jesus said about John.
That John was a burning and a shining light.
The testimony is from the scripture that we have concerning John the Baptist.
At just awesome.
Let me read you one from St.
John's Gospel chapter one.
talking about John, John the Baptist.
I'm reading the sixth verse.
Have you seen it?
Chapter 1, St.
John's Gospel.
Sixth verse.
There was a man, St.
from God whose name was John.
I read this very scripture when I was in the secondary school, man.
Lower six, I believe.
I had a lot of things going through my mind.
And at the time, I was the leader of the Christian Fellowship there, the Christian group there.
I came across this verse.
He said, there was a man saint from God whose name was John.
The statement was not ambiguous.
It was not suggestive.
There was no assumption.
No ifs, ands, or buts.
So precise, so specific, so direct.
There was a man saint from God whose name was John.
It was so clear that the man was saint from God.
I asked myself then, I am the leader of this fellowship.
No leader should be made for a fellowship who is not sent from God.
So I said, am I sent from God?
I said, yes, I am.
Then if I am sent from God, it must be evident that I am sent from God.
And I determined that I would do things in that school, but if you would look again and think, you can only say, that man was sent from God.
I believe I did, because I couldn't stand here tonight and give you testimonies and testimonies and testimonies.
He says there was a man sent from God.
Some of you here are leaders of the fellowship.
You're the pastor of the fellowship.
Can it be said that you were a man sent from God?
What are your credentials?
It's been my way of thinking.
When I got to the university, the same thing, because I had already found out
It could be said about someone here that he was sent from God.
It was clear.
And Jesus said of him, he was a burning and a shining light.
It is John was a burning and a shining light.
Are you a burning and a shining light?
It hears us and ye were willing to rejoice in his light.
He says, and you were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.
The people were willing to rejoice in John's light.
Are you a burning and a shining light?
Are you sent from God?
If you're not sent from God, you're the reason.
You have no business been a pastor of a fellowship.
You're not sent from God.
But if you have found yourself now,
as a leader of that fellowship.
It must mean that you are sent from God.
If you are sent from God, then let it be.
Leave the kind of life that can be said he was burning and shining light.
Leave the kind of life that it can be said
There was a man or a woman sent from God, sent from God.
That's what I come to talk to you about, about your candles, but where you are, now that you're there, what are you going to do?
I hear a lot about this call it the same in schools.
I get offended.
I don't think they have a problem.
They are not a problem if there is just one man sent from God.
In a university I was laying hands on parries and book a nest.
I was laying hands on them.
And having them go flat on another power.
I'm not talking about those who had already come out of them.
No, I'm talking about those who were still there.
They found their way into our meetings, our lead hands on them.
They were from the parrots, from book and ass, from various groups, including the power and drinkers.
They are not a problem.
I didn't think that they would go on sale and then I would go to sleep or run away.
If you're sent from God, it should be something else.
The federal government cannot solve the problem.
To solve that problem, to subdue the fusses of Cartesian, in our scours, you must pray.
I'm not talking about the whole fellowship pray.
No, it's good for the whole fellowship to pray.
But it has to begin with the leader.
There has to be a man sent from God.
Jeremiah cried out, is there no more bam in Gilead?
Elijah said, talking to Naaman, he said, they shall know that there is a prophet initial.
They shall know that there is a prophet initial.
Is there no more prophet initial?
If you would learn to pray, if you would learn to touch God, let me tell you something.
Some of you are getting some things mixed up.
I had a man preach on the glory of God one time.
And he said, what is the glory of God?
And he began to talk about the way you're dressed and the vehicle you're coming with and all the money you got in all the people who are around you.
And he said, that is the glory of God.
He said, what is the glory of God?
Or you can walk into the Vice-Chancellor's office.
There's more to that.
There's more to the glory of God than walking into the Governor's office and walking into the Head of State's office.
Let me tell you, the day ought to come.
You talk about the glory of God, the day ought to come.
When it is not you walking and rejoicing that you could walk into the Vice-Chancellor's office or that you could walk into the Governor's office or walk into the Head of State's office, the glory of God is that they can come to your office.
Think about it.
They sent a message to Jesus.
The Roman centurion wanted him.
He said, I'll go there and heal his servant.
And somebody sent a message to the centurion, hey, Jesus is coming to your house.
Get ready.
And he couldn't take it.
He said, no, tell him not to come.
He's a man on the authority and I recognize that.
He said, go tell him to speak the word only.
He said, I am not worthy for you to come into my house.
As the rumin sent to you and talking, I am not worthy for you to come under my roof.
The day of our rejoice that we could walk into the head of this office.
But to be over by now, we should understand we are reaching it upside down.
They should be talking about coming into our office.
Are you still there?
That's the idea.
If they are not enough, God is strong on your life.
You will not be rejoicing about the doors you are knocking on.
You'll be talking about those who are knocking on your doors.
Are you hearing me?
I'm telling you that the phase that you have seen is just a little.
There is a greater one.
When we were in school,
We didn't walk into the offices you're entering today, thank God.
We're too busy.
You have been able to do that plus some of what we did, which means you have gone a step even better.
I think so.
But I'm telling you, there's more.
There's more.
I believe that we're about to see a new breed come on the scene.
I believe we're about to see a new generation of leaders.
Why you're not just talking to lecturers and leaders of the school, going to them, but they are coming to you.
We're about to see that.
I believe it.
I believe we're about to see that.
But firstly, you must understand what is the glory of God.
You have to understand that you would learn to pray until you pray
and make divine contact with the Spirit of God.
And you know in your life that you have been touched by the Spirit of God.
So you can do it.
The trouble is many leaders don't pray.
They're too busy to pray.
So they have the prayer groups working.
There's a prayer group over there, you know, someone asked me recently, a minister asked me recently.
He said, how do you structure your ministry?
How do you organize these things?
You have a prayer group, you know, when you're having these programs, you have a prayer group just set for praying and then, you know, and another group for the planning and so on and so forth.
I said, we always pray.
We have people who pray.
I said, but I never
never depend on any group praying for me or for the program we're going to have.
I don't know how to depend on that.
I know how to trust me praying.
I ask everybody else to pray because the Word of God says for them to pray.
But I cannot rely on someone else praying.
What if they don't pray?
What if they just pray the wrong thing?
At least I don't know what they're going to say, but I know what I'm going to say.
Thank God for them praying.
But if you're a leader here and you have a prayer group just there praying while you are praying, then you got something wrong with you.
The number one praying person should be the pastor.
You should be praying.
If you're going to be a man sent from God, if God is going to prove that he sent you, let me tell you, all these things you see in our lives, they are not just a gift-working, make no mistakes about it, they're not a gift-working.
If you think so, you'll be wrong.
Before long, you'll run dry.
They are the foot of a relationship.
That's what you're seeing.
the based on the relationship.
I am his partner in world evangelism.
And I understand that.
And I'm working towards that.
And I've caught that vision.
He says, let it be a frontlets between your eyes.
So I have it inside me.
Prayer has become a relationship.
You know, I was in a secondary school reading one time, reading in a book, and the man said, God tears the man who cares.
And I picked that up.
Don't even remember the other's name now.
Don't even remember the title of the book.
But I do remember something I got from it.
He said, God tears the man who cares.
So I thought, hey, if God's going to talk to somebody, it's going to be someone who cares.
If it's going to talk to you consistently, it's going to have to be someone who cares.
And how do you show you care by talking always with you?
If you're concerned about your school, he will tell you what to do.
He tells the man who cares.
He will show you what to do.
He will give you an idea.
We're not supposed to be in competition with the world, we're supposed to be winning the world.
Are you hearing me?
Not in competition with the world, we're winning the world.
So it matters, how do you see your school?
How do you see that environment?
How do you see the people there?
What do you think?
What's on your mind?
Are you just there with a fellowship struggling?
We're not dealing with how many people are in the fellowship.
That's not the point.
The point is what impact are you making?
Of course, if you're making a lot of impact, there would be a lot of people in the fellowship, of course.
More and more people will come.
But having a lot of people is not enough to see you're making an impact.
But I dare say, any of our fellowships or churches that has a lot of people is surely making an impact.
Because a devil will work against this message, you see, so he's not going to let you have a lot of people except you put him where he belongs.
It's not like, you know, they talk about the Catholic churches and a lot of them are full with people and they're not making any impact because they're no message.
But if you have a lot of people in the place where the message is true and real and something to get the devil awake all day and all night, then it must be making any part.
What is school like now?
What are the universities like now?
You have many more people in the schools than ever before.
The schools are full with people now.
They don't even have enough place to keep them in the hostels.
People have to stay in the town.
When we were in school, we were fighting to get out to do something in the town.
And I find that there's some leaders who think that's a problem.
who think that because they don't have a hostel in the scattered all over the town, that that's a problem, but that's not a problem, that was something we were working on.
What are you going to do?
John was a burning and a shining light, and the people were willing to rejoice in his light, even though it was for a season.
He was a burning and a shining light, a burning and a shining light.
Are you burning?
Are you a burning and a shining light?
If you're a burning and a shining light, anybody who comes around you feel the heat for sure.
They'll feel the heat.
They'll feel the heat.
They'll feel the heat.
They're burning and a shining light.
Before you leave this place, think about it.
Are you going back to school as a burning and a shining light?
You'll have to make up your mind.
You'll have to burn when you pray.
You'll have to burn when you study the Bible.
I'm telling you.
See, if you don't burn when you pray and burn when you study the Bible, you're not going to burn when you're preaching.
You're not going to burn when you relate to the others.
See, you'll have to burn when you pray and when you study.
And then when you come out, you would glow.
Hallelujah, hallelujah.
Don't try to be a jester in your life.
Are you hearing me?
No, don't try to be that popular fellow.
No, all the brethren always gathering around you, spend all the time with you.
You don't even have time for anything.
Don't be that popular brother, popular sister.
the most jovial person in the fellowship.
He has become a jester.
You'll be wasting your time.
I read one time something for a book titled, Why Revive a Terrace?
And a man said, Profits walk alone.
I thought about that for a long time.
There's a lot in there that's correct.
You can be in the midst of people and be alone.
But what matters here is what you do in that school.
Nobody can do this for you.
No one can do it for you.
If you will burn and shine while you're in school, the world is yours.
I'm telling you.
It'll happen anyway.
It'll happen anyway.
If you were burned and shined, now while you're there, listen, don't take the school campus lightly.
Don't take it lightly.
Don't take it lightly.
It is one of the toughest places to practice your believing
If you win there, you will win any way.
It's one of the toughest places to practice your belief in.
Don't take it lightly.
Don't take it lightly.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
You may not be the pastor, but you know your leader, your leader,
What kind of a leader would you be?
You're not in competition with the pastor, never being in competition with the pastor, that would be always of time, be foolishness.
Never being in competition with the pastor.
You're that unique you, you're different.
Don't try to, don't try to displace him, don't try to, just don't, just don't, don't compete with him in any way.
Just be you.
And be loyal.
Be loyal.
But you can do big things.
You can do great things.
Without even being a pastor.
You can do big things.
God tells the man who cares.
Didn't say God tells the pastor.
God tells the pastor who cares.
He says God tells the man who cares.
The one who cares.
So, in this conference, we're going to be showing you things, although God, and also expecting you to pray, you're going to take your campus.
You're going to win those courtists into the fellowship
I'm not just talking about, see, look, we are going to have to cast the net into the sea.
We're not just going to use a hook and pursue in one court member, pursue in another one, going for follow-up on to you.
Even the sister that has been following him up has been taken into the court, you know.
Yeah, that's dangerous.
We're going to have to cast the net in, but to cast the net in, we must pray.
We must pray and be so, so saturated with the anointing of God until it makes some changes in our physical bodies.
And then keep the fire on.
Keep your fire burning and your light shining.
It's not hard.
It's the only way.
Did you hear me?
It's the only way.
It's the only way.
It's the only way.
It's the only way.
It's not a way.
I pray to God.
I want my world to know that Jesus is really alive.
He's not dead.
I want the world to know.
that Jesus Christ can be relevant in today's world.
Many don't know it.
They think Christianity is a relic of past imaginations.
They don't think he is real.
If we talk about the Holy Ghost, they don't think he is real.
They don't think the Bible is necessary.
The leaders of the world gather today.
They don't pray in the name of Jesus.
They don't think He's worth anything.
And that touches me.
Because I know He's true, He's real.
And I want Him to be known.
What about you?
It should be the same with you.
They ought to know.
We ought to make Him relevant in our day, because He is.
You talk about God, and people think you're talking about something that's so far away beyond our reach.
If there is a God at all, he doesn't care about our word.
That's the way to think, but that's not true.
To even think about God, you just have to even get into a church.
And not all the churches.
I was telling them in Lagos the other day where I read a newspaper.
Oh boy.
And the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Are you hearing me?
The Anglican Archbishop of the world, the highest Anglican leader in the world, said she doesn't believe anymore in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I was disappointed, but when I read later,
I tried to make a little study and found out he was not the first Archbishop of Canterbury to question the resurrection.
What a shame.
What a shame.
Is that an Archbishop?
You go to Europe and you say you're a pastor, do you think that's your name?
You don't know what it is.
They only know priests.
You say, you are a priest, okay.
You say, you are pastor.
I say, oh, pastor.
They think that's your name.
Many of them have never heard about Jesus.
He be shot.
The same Europe that sent us missionaries.
The young people don't know Jesus now.
They don't even want to talk about Him.
They've been told in their schools why they were growing up.
They've been told that that name brings controversy.
You want friends, don't talk about that name.
Anytime somebody mentions that name, hey, say no way.
Take it out and they'll be peace.
They've been told that's one of the problems of the world, the name of Jesus.
And you want peace with your friends.
Don't let them talk about Jesus and you don't talk about Jesus.
That's what they've been taught.
And God's training you while you're here for the generation coming.
God's training you.
You have to win now while you're in that campus.
You have to do your best as though that campus is the whole world.
That's the way.
Act as though that's the whole world.
act like that's the only word and win big win big and when you come out of there as a father the next fear and you be ready the next fear I'm ready I'm done with this one when you come out of school be sure you left no stone on taunt
Be sure you left no stone unturned.
Be sure you affected everybody.
You shook up everywhere.
That's the way.
That's the way.
John was a burning unassigned light.
Oh, thank you Lord.
a burning and a shining light.
I want to be a burning and a shining light.
That's what I want to be.
That's what I want to be.
That's what I want to be.
You know that dear Canadian Minister,
or cry out to God.
He said, you know I have only one life to live.
He said, don't let me waste it.
He said, help me to leave it for you.
Don't let me waste it.
I've only one life to live.
Don't let me waste it.
I see people today.
who were in school together and they thought I was wasting my time.
I see them today.
It's been years since we've been out of school.
Some of them haven't even moved.
They're still like they used to be.
They haven't even changed.
Thanks beyond to God who gives us the victory.
Hey man, you know why somehow why some don't have a job and they can't even think about doing something about the world you have those who are sitting down in their rooms planning something to do for the whole world think about it they're working on the world thinking about making impact on the whole world recently doors began to open to us by the Spirit God see
See, when God is working with you, there's no limit to your growing.
Just recently, we got a letter from the NTA asking us to come on daily transmission.
That's fantastic.
And while we're working with them, I got another message, and I was told that all the way from Calabar, they're ready, they want us on daily transmission.
Two other stations in Lagos right now ready for us on daily transmission.
How do you, what do you think?
That's the power of the Holy Ghost.
Hallelujah, yeah.
So I get back now after this conference, and I'm working on all those programs.
Well, coming on there, every day thanks beyond the God.
Hallelujah, every day.
Every day.
You know, the first one, just when they wrote us the first letter, we got it.
I said, Father, now I didn't ask you for this, but you opened this door.
I said, I'm not going to pay for one quarter.
I want you to supply money for two quarters.
That's big.
At the time, it was the biggest television expenditure that we would go into.
So I said, I want to ask for the big one.
That proves it's from God.
I said, so I want money for two quarters right away.
And we pay ahead.
We always pay ahead.
We never stay behind.
All the stations know us for that.
We don't stay behind.
We don't beg them, please, please give us next week.
We don't beg.
We always stay ahead.
And then they give us one week to respond if we wanted it.
And miraculously, God supplied all that money in two checks.
Just like that.
And we'll send them the check.
All right.
What's set?
Right now, we're working on the television program for the UK.
Our ads are already running in the UK.
And guess what?
On Christian Channel, they have the programs, oh, you watch it and Sunday, you get it, and you can get it here.
You can talk to somebody over there to get it for you.
Then you see, here comes Benheen's program, and right after that you have Ahad coming up.
Then right after that is Kenneth Copeland.
And right after Kenneth Copeland's program, you have Ahad coming up.
Oh, yep.
And the authorities there said something.
They said, we want your odds first.
Because you know why they asked the odds first?
They weren't sure we could pay.
Then I said, I sent a message.
I said, I sent Pastor K. I said, go to them, tell them, well, make an offer.
Things, you see, they didn't think we could pay because they're not used to people paying ahead.
So I said, you go tell them we will pay ahead anything three to six months.
That's big.
They're not used to people paying a week ahead.
Don't you understand?
They're not used to that.
I said, we'll pay ahead and then they will give us extra time for paying ahead.
That's the deal for paying ahead.
So as I said today, the work expected that we have in the meeting today before I started coming over here.
So I would be hearing from them later on that I get back to Lagos to know what they have done with the deal.
Praise the Lord.
Yes, but why are we doing these things?
Not because we just want to come on air.
Who wants to show up on air?
We don't want to show up, but the message is so important.
This is what they need all over the world.
This is what they need all over the world.
There's a lot of darkness.
So what's darkness?
I tell you something, this country is a great, great country.
The only two things that are missing here, only two things.
One, is a lack of a national ideology.
Two, distorted purchasing.
Distorted patriotism is our problem.
We have a distorted patriotism.
We all love Nigeria, but we don't know what it is to love Nigeria.
We love Nigeria, but we destroy Nigeria.
That's it.
We don't have no ideology.
That's one of the things that I had to support, and I still have support for students unionism on campus.
Because at least there is where we could have built it.
But courtism has not given it rest.
And then the army regimes that we had were a complete problem, a mess, a national history.
But at this stage, to beard and to have a play ideology for our country.
Maybe you don't know what I mean.
When I say that we lack a national ideology, I am saying, what does Nigeria stand for?
That's nothing.
We can't say what Nigeria stands for.
In the world, what do we stand for?
That's a problem.
The United Kingdom can tell you what they stand for.
And because they know what they stand for, all their schools, all their children are brought up with that ideology.
The Americans can tell you, the Japanese can tell, the Chinese can tell you, the Indians can tell you.
The Germans can tell you, they know what they stand for.
The Russians can tell you what they stand for.
The French can tell you what they stand for.
They all know.
what they fight for as a nation.
We don't know.
We don't have.
That's why Nigeria is the most difficult country to rule.
Most difficult.
So that's the reason why the leaders always lose touch with the people and then they have to keep spending the money and wasting the money because they've lost touch with the people.
And they have so much money, they don't know what to do with it.
So what do you expect?
It's impossible not to spend it.
Because there's no plan.
That's a nation without a purpose.
The British brought us together, not and sound.
Join us together, made us want country, put us here and left,
And we dropped them out, actually.
And after driving them away, we didn't know what to do with ourselves.
Maybe we should have waited for more years until we sufficiently imbibed our clay culture.
We didn't learn anything from the British.
We didn't wait long enough.
We should have.
Because at the end of it, we found out we didn't move any distance forward.
Maybe we should have waited.
After all, the fact for independence has not been utilized to better advantage because in our schools, they didn't learn about the independence.
They didn't teach us
There's one who could have learned it, but he talked about Nigeria, and then they go to Elliman, and they go to Kanuri Empire, in Oyo Empire, the Bene Kingdom, and all that has nothing to do with Nigeria.
What does Obama have to do with Nigeria?
Nigeria was not there then.
You see, the history we need to study is to say how Nigeria came about.
If we were to study that in our schools, I tell you, we will have a purpose for our country.
But we never studied that.
We browsed through it in history and in government.
But that's what they should have studied.
What did they fight for?
Why did they fight?
I say these things to you because maybe right now I'm talking to someone who may become the Minister of Education a few years' time.
Maybe I'm talking to someone here now who will become the head of state in some years' time.
Maybe I'm talking to somebody who one day will be in a position to effect some changes.
I hope you'll remember this day.
A nation must stand for something.
A dear minister said to me,
He said, I'll look at your minister and I can tell what you stand for.
He said, but I have taken time to look at my minister and I can't, I don't know what we stand for.
That's the problem with a lot of people.
And it's true that our churches that have started, they don't know what they stand for.
You say, what do you preach?
Don't preach in the gospel.
What is the gospel?
They don't know.
They say, ah, don't you know the gospel about Jesus Christ?
But again, He died.
I don't know.
There are fellowships in your schools.
They don't know what they're staying for.
Why are you here?
They said that there are fellowships there.
We have to have a fellowship.
People from our church, when they come to school, want them to have a place, they don't know why they're there.
They don't understand it.
That's the reason we're going and getting stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger.
Because God gave us a reason.
We have a reason for our being.
We have a purpose for living.
And everything that we do is to that point.
It's for that dream.
We say, Christ, Him as giving your life a meaning.
Believe us, love, we're building a happier world with love.
What kind of love?
The love of God?
We believe people have a reason to be alive.
We believe each person has a value.
And we want to help them get that sense of value.
To have self-worth.
To become somebody.
To have a meaning in your life.
We tell people you don't have to live an empty life.
There's a reason for your living.
God wants you to have a meaning in your life.
And that's the reason we lay hands under seek and have them recover.
That's the reason we'll lead people to Christ, because we believe He'll give you a life of meaning.
We believe the word of God is absolute reality.
We believe that if you will study this thing, it'll make you alive.
We believe it, that there's no other way under heaven but this word.
You know, I was thinking today, horse meditating, and the thoughts came to me.
And the Word was God.
And the Word was God.
I thought about it.
He says, in the beginning, what's the Word?
And the Word was with God.
And the Word was God.
I said, if the Word was God, the Word is still God.
I said, that means the written Word is God.
That's so powerful.
Doesn't that mean anything that comes out of God is God?
I thought, because God is infinite.
Anything that comes out of God is God.
Every breath from God is God.
Every touch from God is God.
No wonder he says whatsoever is born of God.
Overcome at the world.
That means whatsoever proceeds from God.
Overcome at the world.
That means every scripture.
That is God breathing.
is from God and is therefore God.
Oh, if I could just meditate on a thought from God.
If I could just have a thought from God coming to my heart, that's God working in me.
If I could just bring the word of God to bear upon any situation, I have brought God to bear upon that situation.
And the word was God.
And the Word was God.
If the Word was God, the Word is still God.
It's still God.
He can change anything.
The Word is God.
He can affect my body.
The Word is still God.
He can do something in my life.
He can affect any change.
The Word is God.
He says, in the beginning, it was the Word.
And the Word was with God.
And the Word was God.
The Word was God.
The Word is still God.
He can touch my mind.
He can touch my brain.
I can meditate on the Word of God for any part of my life, for anything in my life.
That means I've put God on the sin.
If I'll just mutter the Word, if I'll just speak the Word, if I'll just say it again and again and again, no wonder he said to Joshua, meditate upon it.
Every day and every night, he said, for there, you will make your way prosperous and have good success.
He said to Timothy, meditate upon these things, give thyself completely to them that thy profiting may appear to all.
And the Word was God.
The word is still God.
Lift your hands toward heaven.
The word is still God.
Lift those hands toward heaven.
Trust you were blessed by this message.
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