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4 Things Christ is Made Unto Us Part 2

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

You've been a Christian all these months, all these years.
Who is Jesus to you?
In Christianity, Christ has been made unto you, wisdom.
Christ has become my wisdom.
I'm not limited anymore.
Christ is my righteousness.
God made it so!
He had to give you the ability to stand in His holy presence, without fear, without condemnation, without inferiority.
Sanctification, all He means, is Christ is My set-apartness.
Christ, our redemption is not talking about being delivered by the payment of a price.
It's redempts.
Which means he doesn't matter what trouble I get into.
He's my redempts.
He will read me of that trouble.
Glory to God.
I cannot stay in that pit.
I'm coming out because Christ is my redemption.
Shout out to you, yes, somebody.
Glory to God.
You know, you get a train yourself to only see what God sees.
You see, that's why we preach and teach the Word of God.
So men can see what God sees.
What do you see?
What do you see?
How do you see?
How do you hear?
See, these four questions are so important.
How do you see?
What do you see?
How do you hear?
What do you hear?
Do you realize that there are Christians who have been suffering for a very long time?
They've been suffering for a very long time.
Why do people suffer like that?
For so long.
Whether it's their finances, or it's their business, or it's their job, or it's their health, whatever it is.
Why do some people suffer for so long?

Because the Word of God has made nothing to them.
The word didn't say if you cried loud enough, Jesus will make you wise.
The Bible says he of God is made unto us wisdom.
What is your response?
God has spoken.
What is your response?
Let me show you that principle again.
Can you go to the Book of Hebrews chapter 13?
Hebrews chapter 13.
Let me show you that principle again.
It's so important.
It's what we've been seeing as speaking the same thing in consent.
Let's go back there.
Hebrews chapter 13 and verse number five.
It says, let your conversation be without covetousness.
In other words, don't lost after anybody's thing.
All right?
Is this letter of conversation?
Conversation the manner of life.
That's what King James is using that word for.
Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have.
That doesn't mean don't dream.
He's telling you what you have is enough to get whatever else you need.
All you have is all you need.
Like God said to Moses, what do you have in your hand?
So that's all you need.
He said, God, I have only a rod.
God said, that's all you need.
With the rod he produced miracles and brought the children of Israel out of Egypt.
What you have is all you need.
Don't start thinking if I only had this, if I only had that, if I, oh no!
From where you are, what do you have?
He said Moses, what do you have in your hand?
You know, I demonstrated this some years ago in church.
I brought out some people, about six of them or so, and I made them look at the platform as I tell us how you can see.
And they said several things, and you know, they weren't sure what was there.
You can ask them, what do you have in your hand?
They said, nothing, there's nothing in my hand.
Because he thinks you couldn't mean this, you couldn't.
So he passes it to the other hand and he says, there's nothing in my hand.
He says, I don't have anything in my hand.
That's the way many people are.
What do you have in your hand?
He said, nothing.
Moses was smart.
He said, a rod.
God said, that's it.
That's all you need.
That's all you need.
Then is that booted in the presence of God?
Put it down, and he put it down, turned into a serpent, and the Bible says, and Moses fled from it.
You can see Moses didn't start out as a bold man.
He led an army, but that didn't make him a bold man.
You can act bold because it's a large army with you.
Moses, surely, was not a bold man.
He was just like any one of us without the Holy Spirit.
That's the way he was with fear.
His own rod turned into a serpent and the Bible tells us Moses fled from it.
From a snake, an army general from Egypt fled from it.
I should have read that Moses sought to kill it.
After he had been a shepherd for the last 40 years.
a general in Egypt till he was 40, banished to the backside of the desert, spent another 40 years.
Now he was 80 years old, stands before God and the serpent frightens him.
And he tries to escape from the snake.
And God said, Moses, take it by the tail.
That's a dangerous place to get it.
He'd take a seven by the tail.
He'd go for you.
So, he went, and soon as he did it, he turned into a rod again.
And now Moses was comfortable.
And we Lord said, put your hand into your bottom.
And he dipped it inside and brought it back out.
It was lepros and his eyes bulging out of them sockets.
And God said, relax Moses.
put it back inside.
And he did, and brought it out, and it was normal.
And God said, now, go back to Egypt, and tell Phil, thus said, the Lord God of the Hebrews, let my people go.
All right, well, well, get back to that scripture.
Hebrews chapter 13 and verse number five, we've got something.
Lecture conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as, yeah, four, four, four.
No, no, no.
See, one of these things I try to teach you in a program like this is how to read the Bible, how to study the scriptures.
Notice something.
He gives an instruction, a counsel, an advice, all right, at the beginning of the scripture.
So he says, let your manner of life be without covetousness and be content with such things as he have.
He could have stopped there.
But then he tells you why.
He says, he bases it on a reason.
And I want us to read that reason and see what that reason is.
He says, for he had said,
I will never leave thee nor forsake thee, full stop.
He could have stopped there.
And that would have meant he just wanted us to see a promise.
So he's saying, don't be covetous because God has promised to be with you.
That would have been nice.
But then he goes to the next verse.
Go to the next verse.
So that, oh, oh, oh, that changes everything.
It changes verse 5.
It's no longer a promise.
It's something else.
Let's look at this reason for his counsel.
He says, be content with such things as he hath, for he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
Verse 6.
So that we may boldly say, oh, that means there is a principle here, not a promise, but a principle.
So he bases his counsel on a principle rather than the promise.
So he says, he had said, so that we may boldly say.
Go back, verse five.
That word so changed where we were coming from in verse five.
For he had said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
He says, God said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
So that we may boldly say verse six, so that we may boldly say, here's the principle.
God said something for a reason, so that I may boldly respond.
boldly responds in agreement with him.
That's what changes my life.
You see, it's not the promise.
The promise doesn't change my life.
The principle changes my life.
Hey, come on here.
Are you there?
The promise doesn't change my life.
It's the principle.
And the principle doesn't come into operation until I act on it.
You see that?
So he says, for he had said, so that we may boldly say, he had said, he had said, he had said, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.
So that I may boldly say, I will never be a failure.
I will always be a success because he's with me.
The Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not want.
And I shall not want for wisdom.
I shall not want for finances.
I shall not want for boldness.
Come on, shall they man somebody?
That's the word.
You see, you've got to bring the word to your day and to your situation.
The word will not work until you work it.
The Bible says, work out your own salvation.
Would fear and what?
Godly reverence.
That's what it means.
Godly fear.
Work out your own salvation.
Now that you have received salvation from Christ, how are you working it out?
What is the result of the salvation you have received?
How is it working for you?
What is your Christianity doing for you by you using that Christianity to do something?
So if you say, my Christianity has not done anything for me, you're wrong.
You are the one to use your Christianity to do something.
You see that?
Since you have been a Christian, what have you done with Christianity?
The word of God that you have learned, how have you used it?
What have you done with it?
Glory to His name forever.
Say from glory to glory.
Say again, my life is from glory to glory.
Okay, remember Christ is my righteousness.
He's my righteousness.
We said he's my wisdom.
He's my righteousness.
All right, now let's hurry to this.
The next one.
Oh boy.
Righteousness is the judgment and righteousness of God wrought in my spirit.
Write that down.
It is the judgment and righteousness of God wrought in my spirit.
What do you mean the judgment of God?
You see, how God judges between things, people, events, places, how God judges, how God judges, that means how does God see it?
What does God think about it?
How does God see it?
It's raw in my spirit.
I carry the judgments of God in my spirit.
I carry the judgments of God in my spirit.
I judge according to God's judgments, according to God's ways of judging things.
The Bible talks about Christ in the prophetic
tolerance of Isaiah, the prophet, he says, he shall not judge according to his sight.
He shall not judge according to his senses, but he shall judge by the Spirit.
I judge by the Spirit.
That means the righteousness of God, which are the judgments of God, are in my spirit.
I see things from his point of view.
You see that?
I see things the way God sees them.
You may be angry about something, but how does God see that time?
Is God angry about what you are angry about?
Why are you angry if God is not angry?
Why are you upset if God is not upset?
You are supposed to be the reflection of his personality.
You are the affordance of his glory today, the expressed image of God's person.
Why are you angry when you should not be angry?
Why are you allowing other things to change you?
You that you have been so beautiful, anger has changed your life.
Always angry.
Why are you so angry?
You say yes.
They make me angry.
This person makes me angry.
That person makes me angry.
Some people are so angry with their children.
Some are so angry with their parents.
Some are so angry with their spouse.
Why are you so angry?
Anger has changed your life.
So I'm angry with the society.
So I'm angry with the government.
The anger has changed you.
You are letting the anger to destroy you.
Now you can't enjoy your life because you're angry.
When you come home, you have been happy with your friends at work.
Soon as you get home and you open the door, you're angry.
You see, because there's something in the house that makes you angry.
You are not at peace at home.
Why are you so angry?
Why so unhappy?
Why do you allow your happiness to be dependent on the reactions of certain people?
Why have you become a slave?
To the thinking of others.
You are now a slave to their responses.
Why is your life like this?
Christ is my right wiseness.
He's my righteousness.
The judgments of God are in my spirit.
Oh, glory to God.
If you know that Jesus Christ is a lot of your life, then he has a right to decide what makes you angry and what makes you happy.
If he's not angry, why are you angry?
He runs your life.
Isn't he the Lord of your life?
He said to Samuel, Samuel, why are you angry?
Samuel was angry because the people chose to have a king.
Samuel was angry.
And God said, Samuel, they haven't rejected you.
They rejected me.
Why are you angry?
Be careful that your ministry does not become a personal issue.
If you're serving him, serve him truly.

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Glory to God.
Don't let your happiness depend on other people.
It's in your spirit.
The joy of the Lord is in your spirit, is in your spirit.
Live above these earthly things, assigned in your life, and see from God's mountain.
Look at the word from God's mountain.
Years ago, God said to me, son, he said, look from the mountain.
from the mountain and to look from the mountain is amazing what you see the world is so small oh boy the world is so small ah I'm talking about the way the word thinks the things that the world likes how the world is so small yet life is so big and wonderful
And you can be prosperous, and joyful in your life, always, not sometimes.
Glory to God.
All right, let me quickly round this up.
Hey, hey, what's the next one?
Oh, dear.
The Lord Jesus Christ is my sanctification.
That's the next one, right?
This is nice.
Sanctification is a twofold process.
The first thing is that you separate the one that is sanctified from the world.
And then you separate the word from him.
Now when he says Christ is my sanctification, he's not dealing here with the doctrine of sanctification that I just mentioned.
What it means is Christ is my set of partners.
Are you getting it?
Set apartness.
Compound word, right?
Christ is my set of partners.
In other words, I am set apart.
What by Christ?
Because I am in him and he is in me.
I have become special, set apart by God, by his Christ.
He is my sanctification.
He has set me apart.
I don't try to make it happen.
He's already set me apart.
I am distinguished.
I am set apart.
I am unique, one-of-a-kind, special to God, peculiar, and His peculiar treasure.
I am sanctified.
Glory to God.
Separated unto Him.
Glory to God.
Woo, hallelujah.
He's my sanctification.
Christ has sanctified me for himself.
He has chosen me and separated me unto himself.
Now I belong to him.
Oh, be careful the way you look at me.
Because I am sanctified unto Christ.
Glory to God.
No wonder he says, I shall not fear what man shall do unto me.
See, he's my set-apartness.
I am set-apart, and I know it.
See, you've got to know it.
If you don't know it, it will not work.
You've got to know it.
You've got to know it.
I'm set-apart.
I'm distinguished.
You know they come and say, distinguish ladies and gentlemen, and they're not distinguished at all.
We are the distinguished ones.
Set apart by Christ.
Turn God out of Messiah.
Set apart by Christ.
Glory to His name forever.
Say, I'm set apart.
For success.
For glory.
For greatness.
I'm set apart.
By Christ.
He is my sanctification.
I am sanctified of the Lord.
Onto glory.
sanctified for His pleasure.
I know who I am.
When you go into a board meeting, you walk in in the name of Jesus, you say, I'm sanctified.
Glory to God.
I'm different.
I'm different.
Would you say it inside you?
These are your cogitations.
These are your contemplations.
Do you understand what I'm talking about?
These are your meditations.
And you are thinking, I'm sanctified.
Set apart for his glory.
I'm his representative.
Can you imagine maybe in that place where you work?
You are the king's representative.
Think about it.
When you walk in, the kingdom walks in in you.
You represent the kingdom of God.
Oh, hallelujah.
I represent His kingdom.
I'm not ordinary person.
Kirama konda glirahasa.
Glory to God.
Man, oh, man.
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.
Okay, the last one.
You like this one.

Christ is what?

He is my redemption.
But of Him I am Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification in redemption.
Christ is my redemption.
But let me explain something to you about redemption that's very important.
You've got to get this.
You know, just like the last one I talked about, sanctification there, this second one is not referring to redemption in terms of salvation because
Redemption was for the Jews.
They were the ones that needed to be redeemed.
Hey, hey, where did Christianity begin?
I want to ask you, before the death of Jesus, at the death of Jesus,
At the resurrection of Jesus, who does it begin?
Where does it begin?
At the resurrection.
Christianity doesn't begin with the death.
Everybody died with Christ.
Everybody was buried with Christ.
And then when Christ was raised up, He was born again.
That was where He received His new name and His righteousness which gives to us because He obeyed God even unto death.
And so the righteousness that He was called with
was made available to us because he was number one to come out of spiritual death because he died spiritually for every one of us.
And when he came out, we came out in him.
And that became possible for each one of us when the Holy Spirit came to fulfill it that we might be born again.
Can you see that?
Christianity begins with the resurrection, which means after the redemption.
Can you see that?
So the Christian is not the redeemed man because the redemption was by blood.
Now here this, so you can understand.
Redemption has two references in the New Testament.
The first part of redemption has to do with the Jew.
He had to be redeemed.
because he was honored the curse of the law.
And Christ redeemed him from the curse of the law.
Now, I know that some Christians quote the scripture.
Galatians chapter 3 verse 13 and this Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law.
No, the Christian was not redeemed from the curse of the law because he was never under the curse of the law.
The Bible says those who are under the law are under the curse.
And if you were never under the law, you were never under the curse.
If you were never under the curse, you couldn't have been redeemed from the curse.
Are you getting it?
Only the Jew was under the law and he was the one who was under the curse.
So that's the first part of redemption.
Then there is the redemption in generic terminology for all of the world.
You see that?
So he tells us that Christ was given in their place for the sense of the word.
So when he died, he didn't die for Christians, he died for sinners, he died for the whole world.
You see that?
It is those people of the world for whom he died, who now believe
In his death, burial and resurrection, they become new creations.
Their life starts afresh.
So because they have a new life and their past is gone and does not exist anymore, is but dated to Calvary, this man is a new creation.
If any man being Christ, he is a new creation.
All things are passed away.
Behold, all things have become new.
He is a new creation, doesn't have a past.
You see that?
He doesn't have a past.
So, who did Christ die for?
Christ died before I was born again so that I could be born again.
Can you see it now?
He died before I was born again so that I could be born again.
He died so that man could receive eternal life.
That's what Jesus meant.
I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly, that is to the fool.
Oh, in Romans chapter 3 verse 23, it is just all have seen and come short of the glory of God.
All have seen.
But the word begins with the word f-o-r for all have seen.
So he connected it to something before verse 23.
And that's the point I want to give you.
What I want to explain to you is this.
In Romans chapter 3 verse 23 he says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
The fair short of the glory of God.
All he says is around the curse.
All he says is on the sin.
Man is on the condemnation.
But in Romans chapter 8 verse 1 he says there is therefore now.
no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, after the senses, but after the Spirit.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me a pat, glory to God.
Set me free from the law of sin and death.
Can you shout amen to somebody?
In Colossians 1 verse 27, he didn't tell us this mystery, this mystery is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
The glory that was lost in Romans 3 verse 23 has been gained in Colossians 1 verse 27.
Can you see that?
Man fell short of the glory.
He's not talking about the Garden of Eden.
The glory of God is the presence of God.
Man lived in God, in his presence.
God's presence was his light.
Who knew not the garden?
No, the garden was something for him to work on.
Man was there in the presence of a holy God.
That connection, that relationship was the glory.
And then he was cut off from that glory.
when he's sinned against God.
But now, Christ, not around you, not among you, not with you, but Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Glory restored.
Can you shout amen to somebody?
That is the presence.
That is the presence.
But the beautiful thing is that presence now is not just in the garden.
It's not around me.
It's not just a voice walking in the cool of the day.
That voice is now in me.
Can you shout amen, somebody?
All right, that last one.
Christ, our redemption is not talking about being delivered by the payment of a price.
No, it's another sin on him of that same word.
It's redance.
Christ is my redance.
That's what he's talking about.
Apolytosis is the Greek.
He refers to being brought out of trouble.
Are you hearing this?
That's what it's talking about.
Christ is my redempts.
So when it says my redemption, it means deliverance.
It's the simple word deliverance.
But the King James uses the word redemption.
Because it is also translated redemption.
But when you look at the theology of it, no, it's not referring to redemption by paying the price.
He's talking about simple deliverance.
Thou shalt call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will hear you and deliver you, and you shall glorify me."
That's what he's talking about.
But now he has become my redance, which means he doesn't matter what trouble I get into.
He is my redance.
He will read me of that trouble.
He says, the righteous shall come out of trouble.
That means the righteous can get into trouble.
But Christ is His redense.
Christ is His what?
Redemption, His deliverance.
It doesn't matter what trouble I get into.
One thing is sudden.
I am coming out of trouble.
It doesn't matter how many of us got into it.
It doesn't matter what proclamation is made against us.
I'm coming out of trouble because Christ is my redempts.
Can you shout amen?
I'm coming out of this trouble.
It doesn't matter what mess I've gotten into.
I'm coming out because Christ is my redempts.
Glory to God.
I cannot stay in that pit.
I'm coming out because Christ is my redemption.
So I say, I'm on my way out.
I'm coming out of trouble.
Somebody said, you're in a deep mess.
He said, well, I'm coming out anyway.
I'm coming out anyway, because Christ sees my redones.
He reads me out of that trouble.
He plucks me out.
Can you shout amen somebody?
He put my seats out of the Mary Clay!
Shout out to Louisa somebody!
Oh Lord!
Oh God!
Aya, aya, aya, aya, aya, aya.
