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The Integrity of the Word Vol. 1 Part 3

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

Now we're going to discuss a few things tonight.
We'll look at the word.

How many of you remember
that the Word was created by the Word of God.
How many of you remember that?
The Bible tells us God created the Word with His Word.
He spoke creation into being.
He spoke words and creation came into being.
He spoke words.
He spoke words and things happened.
Whatever God said happened, whatever he said happened.
And then the Bible also shows us about Jesus.
The miraculous things that Jesus did, He did with words.
He spoke to blind eyes, blind eyes heard Him and responded.
Can you imagine that?
And think about this.
He spoke to deaf ears.
Now, look at this.
Jesus talked to deaf ears.
He spoke words to deaf ears.
He told the deaf ears, open up.
They opened.
He didn't have to touch them.
He didn't have to fix anything.
He didn't have to give them something to drink so it'll happen.
He didn't have to give them something to swallow so that a miracle will happen.
No, he spoke words.
He spoke words.
He spoke to the main
Those who had their limbs amputated.
And the barber says the maimed were restored.
Jesus talked to the creepers and their limbs were healed.

Jesus talked to the dead.
They came back to life.
He used words.
Then he talked to the winds and the waves and the count.
He was a master of words.
He showed us exactly what the father did.
The father created the world with words.
Look at this, he went to Peter's house, Simon Peter's house.
And the Bible tells us that Simon Peter's mother-in-law was sick.
She had a fever.
And the Bible says Jesus stood over her and rebuked the fever.
He talked to the fever to leave the woman.
And right away she was healed.
He spoke words because the most powerful force in the world is the force of words.
Words, words are potent.
Words are powerful.
The whole world came out of words.
And this is amazing.
Now, you know, when you think about that, you look at salvation.
God brought a salvation with words.
And then he showed us in the scriptures how to receive salvation.
He said, use words.
He said, for by your words, you shall be justified.
And by your words, you shall be condemned.
Man is going to heaven or going to hell according to the words that he spoke.
If he spoke the words that God said to speak for salvation, he will have salvation.
But if he didn't, he got to hell, not because of what he did wrong, but because of what he didn't say.
Can you imagine that?
And then he told us to live the life that he gave us with God to use words.
To live the authentic Christian life you've got to use words.
Otherwise, you will be having male religion.
You have male religion.
But if you use the words that He has given us, then you will actually enjoy the true Christian life.
There are many people who are Christians, but they don't enjoy the Christian life.
Their whole life is a struggle, and they don't know why, because they're not living according to what God said.
So they have a frustration.
Some even stay as Christians for many years and finally give up and say, I can't do this anymore because they struggle all their life long.
Anybody can struggle for 50 years, 60s, and I've seen them.
I've seen people struggle all their life.
struggling to live the Christian life, battling, trying to please God, but trying their best until they finally get frustrated.
And then they say, well, I've tried, it doesn't work.
But it does work, but true, he is.
He didn't tell us to try.
He told us what to do and what to say.
And he said, if you would use those words, come on,
Let's begin with salvation, for example.
Romans, Book of Romans, chapter 10.
Let's read from verse 8.
Now it's just going to get in somewhere.
Okay, he says, but what's said it?
The word, the word.
Read it for me.

He says, the word, the word that saves you.
He says, it's near you.
Then he says, it's actually in your mouth.
It's so close to you, he says, it's in your mouth.
How close can you get?
How close can you get?
It's right inside your mouth.
The word of salvation, the word that brings you help, is right inside your mouth.
But what does it say, his ace, the word is near you.
It is even in your mouth and in your heart.
That is the word of faith which we preach.
Then he explains it, the next verse, that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus.
Did you notice that?
If you will confess with your mouth to confess Jesus, declare Jesus, affirm Jesus.
That's what I say.
If you would declare Jesus, if thou shall confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, confess the Lord Jesus.
That means declare affirm, confess Jesus as Lord.
with your mouth.
If you would declare that Jesus is Lord of your life, look at it, that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thy heart that God had raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved.
Now, see how simple it is, but there are a lot of people who have been trying for so long trying to be saved.
They've tried to be saved.
It didn't work so they went back to sin.
They tried to serve God.
It didn't work.
So they went back to sin.
They didn't do what God said.
God said, if you will declare confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord of your life, believing in your heart that God raised him from the dead, he says, that salvation for you.
And once you have done that, you don't say, OK, now.
So I believe in my heart, and I confess Jesus is Lord.
So I'm waiting for salvation.
He says, if you do that, salvation is the result.
He says, Thou shalt be saved.
So what are you supposed to do?
If you have done yours, you ought to declare that God has done his.
So how do you do it?
Say, I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead.
I declare with my mouth Jesus Christ is Lord of my life.
I am saved.
You see, you've got to confess that's other part that belongs to God.
That means declare that God is faithful.
God has done what he said he would do.
He said if I would do this and say this, that he would give me the results.
So I have done mine.
Now when I declare that what God said has happened, it means that I have declared the faithfulness of God.
So I say, I am saved.
So next day you see me and you say, are you saved?
I say, yes.
How do you know?
I know that I'm saved because I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and I confess His Lordship over my life.
That's how I know.
He said, if I did that, salvation will be the result.
I don't have to feel anything.
I don't have to feel anything.
That's why I called it the word of faith which we preach.
You saw it in verse 8, the previous verse.
He said, that is the word of faith which we preach.
What is faith?
Faith is accepting that what God says is is.
What he says was was.
What he says will be will be.
Faith is accepting and doesn't and confessing that what God says you are, you are.
What God says belongs to you belongs to you.
What God says you can do, you can do.
Pass of faith, yes.
So if God says, you do this and salvation is yours, then when I've done it, I declare that salvation is mine.
That is the word of faith which we preach.
Now, He gives you the principle why it works.
Because you say, is that all?
Does it work like that?
Now, the next verse shows you why it works.
Verse 10, 4 is the same as saying, because, because with the heart man believes on righteousness.
What does that mean?
The Word of God tells us something about the human heart.
He's telling us that we don't believe with our mind, we don't believe with our brain, we believe with the heart.
The human heart was created to believe God.
That's the human spirit.
He's not talking about the physical heart that beats beneath your breast.
He's talking about the human spirit.
When he speaks of the heart, he talks about the core of your nature.
That's your spirit.
So with your spirit you believe.
Man can believe what he has not seen.
Man can believe what he has not touched.
Man can believe beyond his senses because man is not a physical being, he's a spirit being.
He lives in his body.
Dogs don't believe.
Cats don't believe.
Cows don't believe.
Because they're not spirit beings.
the physical beings.
But man was made, he was first created before he was made.
Now when you study in the book of Genesis chapter 1, he tells you that God created man in his image and in his likeness.
After the creation of man, the Bible says God formed man from the dust.
So there's a difference between the creation of man and the forming of man.
So he created the human spirit and formed a human body.
The words used for both of them are different, just as in English.
So man is a human spirit, man is a spirit.
So when God says, with the heart man believes,
He says, it's with your spirit.
You believe with your spirit, not with your brain, not with your mind.
You don't reason something to believe it.
You believe.
You accept it.
You know it's true from inside your spirit.
You believe it.
You accept it.
You endorse it.
You don't have to reason it with your brain.
That's why it's called an act of your faith.
You get it?
Now, let's look at it.
Verse 10.
He says, For with the heart man believes on to righteousness.
That means if you believe with your heart, if you believe with your spirits, you see, you're made right with God.
For with the heart man believes on to righteousness.
But then he may not enjoy the benefits of salvation or the benefits of that righteousness until he does the second part.
Look at it, for with the heart man believed under righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
So your mouth was not given to you just so you can pray.
Your mouth wasn't given to you just so you can eat and drink.
No, your mouth was given to you to make, say the right things that will direct your life.
beginning with salvation.
It says, for we, the heart, man, believe it under righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made.
Now the word confession there means speaking the same thing.
In the Greek it's homologia, saying the same thing in concepts, meaning you say the same thing in agreement with God.
So when God says something, you speak in line with what God has said in agreement with him.
So he says, he gave us our mouths to talk like him, to use his words, to say what he says in agreement with him.
That is what that word means, confession.
Are you following this?
So we have a mouth, so we can use words that God speaks.
And when we say them, we say them in agreement, because somebody can say the words that God says without being in agreement with him.
You understand that?
Anybody can say anything.
You can repeat something from God.
That doesn't mean you agree with him.
That doesn't mean you are in the same light.
You're not acting in consonants with these words.
So it will not work.
So that's why he uses the word homologia, confession.
to say the same thing in consent, in agreement.
With the mouth, confession is made onto salvation.
So if I say what God says regarding salvation, in agreement with him, he says, I catapult myself to the result.
That's what it is.
And with the mouth confession is made onto salvation.
So if I say it, I'm catapulted into salvation.
Praise God.
That's the principle.
It's the spiritual principle.
That's the principle in the kingdom of God established for the human spirit.
Now, this very principle is what you follow in your life.
in everything, because salvation is the most important.
If the principle works for salvation, it works for everything that is based on salvation.
Everything that's based on salvation.
Glory to God.
Now, that's what the apostles did.
Firstly, that's what Jesus did.
In fact, Jesus told us something.
He said, I and my father,
I want.
He said, my father gave me words to speak and what I should say.
So Jesus said, he said, the words that I speak are not mine.
They're from the Father who sent me.
So he spoke the Father's words.
And because he always lived in the Father's words and spoke the Father's words, he was an absolute success.

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Glory to God.
That's the way it is.
Now, you know, in the world, the different kinds of challenges that people face, especially financial challenges.
And the system of the world was never designed to help anybody.
Make no mistakes about it.
No matter how the politicians of the world keep talking about equality, they want equality, they want to help the poor to become better and so on, they're never going to do it.
If you elect a poor man, for example,
into office, hoping that because he is one of us poor guys, when he gets in the office, he will remember us and he will do something to know when you put him in office, he ceases to be poor.
And he can no longer think like a poor man.
He no longer identifies with the poor.
He changes his lifestyle.
and identifies with the elite.
Then the people go back to the pores.
And they say, we'll fire him.
We're going to put somebody else.
And he just goes on and on and on and on.
And the poor keeps getting poorer.
And the rich keeps getting richer.
And so the poor gets hungry with the rich.
They said, the rich are cheating us.
I mean, look at it.
It's very simple.
The logic is simple.
Do you really expect that somehow the rich will give up their riches?
It has never happened.
It will never happen.
Do you really believe that somehow the poor that become rich
who suddenly say, you know I used to be poor, I know what it is to be poor.
So now I want to divide everything I have for everybody.
You expect that's going to happen en masse?
Two or three guys might do that, but don't think about everybody in the government doing that.
That's never going to happen.
So God knowing that the earth is not balanced.
I mean, don't you know the earth?
It doesn't look like a ball.
It's not perfect like a ball.
It's not perfect.
The earth is awkward.

It's not even a perfect fare.
It's an awkward fare.

See, so like they say that the ground is not really level, right?
So to think that we're all going to be playing on a level of fear, that's never going to happen.
So what did God do?
He made a plan that as many as will believe him, he will give words with which to live.

So that irrespective of the circumstances, you know, somebody told me, things are so expensive now, prices have gone up, then I responded.
I said, and we have gone even higher than the prices.
Because, you see, that's my mentality.
Listen, since I was like this, I've known prices to go up.
I've never heard that somehow people began to say, can you imagine?
All the prices have gone down.
All the prices everywhere have gone down.
We have more money than we have ever needed in our lives.
I've never heard that.
Have you heard people come back from work to say, I'm surprised.
We have more money everywhere.
Have you ever heard that?
We have only always heard them complain.
Things have gone higher.
The government is not caring about the ordinary man.
That's what it's always been.
The cry has always been there.
So, if it's happening again, why do you care?
Why do you get troubled?
Don't be troubled.
Just raise your standard higher.
So, just so high.
Just go higher.
That's what you got to do.
Don't be moved like others, okay?
The problem is not because of you.
Things are not happening to make life more difficult for you.
I found out in my Bible that God's people always sought in hard times.
Your light is brighter in the dark.
Every light shines in the dark.
But when everything is bright, not everyone's light will be noticed.
But when it's dark, every flicker of light will be noticed.
Did you hear what I said?
Let me just read you a few scriptures.
Acts chapter 20 verse 32.
He says, and now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, not to the word of His judgment, but to the word of His grace.
Grace, the word of His grace.
Grace means that it's not according to what you deserve, but according to His mercy and kindness.
He chose us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, the word of His grace, which is able, Hallelujah.
It is able.
It's got the power, the ability.
The word is efficacious enough to produce results, which is able to build you up.
to build you up.
The world is able to build you up.
Many years ago, as a young guy, I knew I was going to be built strong to the world.
I set my mind on the world.
I made up my mind that I was going to study the Word, and I was going to live according to the Word, and I was going to grow by the Word, and I was going to be very successful by the Word.
And I've been, and I always will be.
He says, I commend you to God into the Word of His grace, which is able to build you up.
So no matter what happens around me and build up,
I'm built like an edifice.
I'm a towering edifice.

And I just keep growing.
This building hasn't stopped.
I keep getting taller and taller and taller.
This is the building of my life.
Taller and taller and taller.
He says, the word is able to build you up.
So give yourself to the word.
Did you notice?
He didn't tell you to build yourself with the word.
He said, the word will build you.
So all you have to do is digest the word.
See, receive the word, learn it, learn it, learn it so you can have it inside you and talk it and live accordingly.
If you don't have it in you, how are you going to talk it?
If you don't have it in you, how are you going to live it?

the word is able to build you up.
Then he says, and to give you an inheritance, deliver to you an inheritance.
Forget that your father or your mother didn't leave an inheritance for you.
Maybe your friends had a large inheritance from their grandfather and that made them rich.
And you, you didn't have nothing.
That makes no difference.
The word is able to give you an inheritance.
And do you know what he's talking about here?
He's not really saying that the word was apportioned to you and inheritance.
What he's saying is the word would deliver it to you because the inheritance was given to you in Christ Jesus.
So it's actually legally yours already.
But the only way you're going to, oh my goodness, lay hands on that which belongs to you is through the word of God.
The lines are falling onto me in pleasant places.
Yay, I have a goodly heritage.
And I was saying that for years as the lines are falling onto me in pleasant places.
Glory to God.
He's brought me into a wealthy place.
So don't look at the circumstances.
I hear me.
Don't look at the circumstances.
No, set your goal and set your focus on the Word of God.
What the Word says you must accept.
What the Word says you must confess.
Don't just hear it.
You've got to respond.
I hear me, you've got to respond.
For example, he says, and now brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
And so you can't just read that and say, oh, praise the Lord, amen.
And then you quote it.
If you quote it, that doesn't make it work.
He says to say the same thing in consent.
Let's look at the principle again.
Hebrews chapter 13.
You ready for this one?
This is really going to help you.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Amazing grace.
Somebody say, amazing grace.
Yeah, from verse 5, Hebrews chapter 13, it says, let your conversation, which is manner of life, let your conversation be without covetousness.
He says, don't long after anything that belongs to anybody else.
Let your whole life be without covetousness.
You know, don't like, oh, you can see the other guy's got a nice car.
He used that thinking, I wish I had that car.
Oh, I wish I had that thing.
Oh, I wish I... No, no, no.
He says, don't covert anything that belongs to anybody else.
Don't worry.
Let your conversation, your manner of life, that's what's translated conversation here.
Let your manner of life be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have.
Be content.
You remember, when Moses needed a miracle, God said to him, what do you have in your head?
What do you have in your hand?
Is it a rod?
God said, that's all you need.
What you have is all you need.
That's where the miracle will come from.
Don't say, I wish I had this, I wish I had that, I wish, no, no, no, no.
It says, be content with what you have.
Because what you have is all that God needs to produce what you require.
That's right.
Let your conversation be without convergence and be content with such things as you have.
For he had said, he had said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
See, he's quoting scripture.
He had said, then he quotes him.
I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
So that we may boldly say, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
Is that what he says?
He didn't quote it back.
Speaking the same thing in concert doesn't mean quoting it back.

He said, he didn't say, I will never leave the enough or say this to the women board.
He said, I will never leave the enough or say this.
So we have to give a response that is consistent with what he said.
So the response here is, so now we may boldly say, the Lord is my help out and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
Glory to God.
Okay, so go back to that Acts chapter 20 and verse 32 and let's read and give our response to it.
It says, and now brethren, I commend you to God and to the world of His grace, which is able to build you up.
The word is able to build you up.
Bless God, the word is able to build me up and it's building me up.
So I declare, see, the word is able to build you.
When you start receiving it, it's like bringing food to somebody.
You say, if you take this food, you'll be fine.
It'll nourish your body.
Okay, it will nourish your body.
It can nourish your body.
It'll be whatever.
So I got the food here.
So when you start taking it, you say, thank you.
I'm eating it now.
And it is working in my body.
It is nourishing.
Not it is able anymore because I'm taking it.
So I declare because I'm meditating on the Word.
See, I'm studying the Word.
I'm listening to the Word.
I'm receiving, imbibing the Word.
So I go, the Word is able to build me up.
Therefore, it is building me up in the name of Jesus.
The Word is able to give me an inheritance and it is therefore delivering to me my inheritance in Christ Jesus.
That's why I declare that the lines are falling onto me in pleasant places.
I have a goodly heritage, a huge heritage, awesome heritage.
The world is mine.
The nations belong to me.
Glory to God.
So because of that, I have no fear.
He says, the Lord is my helper.
You saw that?
He declared, the Lord is my helper.
I will not fear what man shall do.
I will not fear what man shall do under me.
See, when man changes the currency, right?
I will not fear what man shall do under me.
You see that?
So they say, oh, they're doing something to the Naira.
I will not fear.
Because the Lord is my helper.
Therefore I am helped.
I'm helped.
I'm not seeking help.
I am helped.
Glory to God, I'm helped.
Now here, listen, the reason for saying these things is because God wants you to live in His Word.
Now when you live in the Word, what you say is what you get.
When you declare that you are helped, you are buoyant.
You are lifted.

And then you find that you are operating with forces that are beyond this Word.
Then you become a wonder to the Word.
I'm a wonder to my world.
The world can understand me.
They can understand why I'm so successful.
Come on, say that.
They can understand why I'm so victorious.
Because I play by a different set of rules.
Glory to God!

As you study the word, respond.

Respond to God.
For example, when you study in Psalm 23 where it says, the Lord is my shepherd.
Don't read it like you are just reciting something.
The Lord is my shepherd.
I refuse to walk.
He makes me lie down in green pasture.
He leads me beside the steel waters.
He restored my soul.
Come on, son body.
I'm blessed everywhere.
I've got favor.
I've got favor.
I've got favor.
I've got favor.
I've got favor.
He's the name of Jesus.
I've got favor everywhere.
He's the name of Jesus.
I've got favor.
I've got favor.
Do you have favor?
I've got favor.
Glory to God.
I'm not alone.
The angels of God are with me.
Everywhere I go, I'm not alone.
I'm not alone.
I'm not alone.
I'm not alone.
I'm not alone.
I'm not alone.
I'm not alone.
I'm not alone.
I'm not alone.
I'm not alone.

Open your mouth and praise him and worship him and thank him.
Glory to God.
We are not alone.
We are not alone.
Glory to God.
