November 2022 – The Month of Insight
This month of November is a beautiful one.
Think of the fact that we actually started the month with the healing streams.
So that tears us all our good things to come.
I want to read some scriptures to you that will provide you some information
I'll begin with Ephesians chapter 1 from verse 17.
If you read from earlier verses, two earlier verses, you would know that he is talking about praying for the saints.
He was praying for these saints at Ephesus.
And he says that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give on to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.
I wanna pause there for a second because sometimes we read scriptures
There are many things that people don't understand where intentionally put their intentionally introduced.
Remember, the scriptures were given through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
And not with words of man's wisdom,
But words inspired of the Holy Ghost.
In fact, the way Peter puts it, he says, holy men of God speak as they were moved of the Holy Ghost.
He says they speak as they were moved of the Holy Ghost.
That's very important.
So I want to take you to that verse.
He says that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory.
What does he mean by the father of glory?
Some translations weakened it.
They thought he meant glorious father.
But that's not what he was saying.
When he said the father of glory, he actually meant the father of glory, not glorious father.
He actually means the father of glory.
So they assume he means glorious father.
So in some translations, you find the right glorious father.
That's not what was intended.
He's a father of glory.
And that will tell you who you are.
Because if he's the father of glory, the father of John, right?
Who is John?
If a man is called the father of John, who is John?
John will be the son of the father, right?
Okay, so if you are father of John, right?
So that means he is John.
Son is John.
That's why he's called John.
So if your father of glory, what's your son's name?
Is it pass or craze?
That's a conjecture.
What is Jesus called?
Jesus is the effargence.
of God's glory is the express image of the Father.
Jesus is the manifestation of the glory of God.
Jesus is the glory of God in flesh.
So when you say that a heavenly Father is the Father of glory, who is Jesus?
Jesus is glory.
He's the glory of God.
Heavenly Father is the Father of the Son Jesus.
Who is the glory?
He is the glory of God.
So God is God the Father of glory.
Jesus is the glory of God encapsulated in a body.
Where does that leave you?
I'll show it to you.
in 2 Corinthians chapter 3, go to verse 18.
And we all, we on their faces, all reflect the Lord's glory.
What does that mean?
are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
This is interesting.
If that is not well broken down for you, let's read the Amplified.
And all of us, as with on their face, because we continue to behold in the Word of God, as in the mirror,
That's the word I want you to observe.
As in the mirror.
He says, we are looking in the Word of God, the Word of God, as a mirror.
Because God's word is a mirror.
James tells us that as well.
So he says, and all of us, as with on their own face, because we continue to behold in the Word of God, as in the mirror, the glory of the Lord.
That, that, that says everything.
We don't even, we, without even finishing it, it just says it.
Did you hear what he just told you?
He says, as we are looking into the Word of God as a mirror, he says, we see.
We see the glory of God in a mirror.
What does that mean?
How many of you used a mirror?
Did you use a mirror today?
When you looked in your mirror, I'm convinced if it was a real mirror, you'd have seen your own face.
When you looked in the mirror, you saw yourself.
The Bible says, when you look in God's mirror, you see the glory of God.
What does that mean?
How can you see the glory of God in a mirror if you are not the glory of God?
As I was telling you, that you are the glory of God.
You are the glory of God.
So when you look in the mirror of God, you see the glory of God.
But how can that be the glory of God?
Yes, that's your reflection.
That's your reflection.
Your reflection is called the glory of God.
If your reflection is called the glory of God, then you are the glory of God.
I caught this.
I was meditating on my bed.
It was in 86, 1986.
I was lying down on my bed.
I was praying.
And this scripture just opened up to me.
I'm the glory of God.
I'm the glory of God.
It became so clean.
I thought, I'm the glory of God.
I am the glory of God.
Did you know you're the glory of God?
If you don't know, you will never live like that.
If you don't know, you'll never live your life as a glory of God.
You'll live a different life.
A life that is lesser in value.
But when you discover this, you'd love to study the Word of God.
You'd love to look in the mirror of God because nobody else will tell you that truth.
Nobody else will tell you.
Everybody else will say something else about you.
Everybody else will say something less about you.
Only God would tell you the truth about you, because it knows you.
The Bible says Jesus knew all men and didn't need anybody to testify of man to him, for he knew what was in man.
And it testifies to you today, if you're in Christ, you are the glory of God.
He's that simple.
He's that simple.
Jesus is the glory of God.
And He became the head and the church His body.
How could you be less?
How could you be less?
When you don't understand this, you can get discouraged.
You can get unhappy.
You can get frustrated because you don't know this.
But if you know this, it's impossible to be discouraged.
It's impossible to be frustrated.
It's impossible to be downcast, impossible.
Because you are the glory of God.
Every day of your life is a celebration.
Every day.
You cannot give your mind to lesser thoughts.
I don't hear my mind to lesser thoughts.
I don't give my mind to lesser imaginations.
I don't yield my mind to lesser contemplations.
I have the mind of Christ.
And that's what the Bible says.
I have the mind of Christ.
So that's the way I think.
I think His thoughts.
That's what you must do because you are the glory of God.
One day you're going to stand before God.
What are you going to tell him?
What life would you say you lived?
What are you going to say?
You're going to say the conditions in life were so hard.
You're going to say, oh, the challenges I faced were so difficult.
Is that what you're going to say?
Not me.
Not me.
I'm going to talk like Paul.
I fought a good fight.
I've finished my course.
I've kept the faith.
That's how I'm going to talk.
Nothing less.
I'm going to fight a good fight.
Finish my course.
Keep the faith and know that there's a crown of righteousness for me.
That's the way everything's going to go with me.
That's the way it's going to be.
So you gotta make up your mind.
Make up your mind.
What life you wanna live.
He's done everything for us.
Okay, I was reading to you.
Can you imagine?
We just started on that verse.
We haven't even read the full thing and what you just got is sufficient for whole church day.
that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory, may give on to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that he may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.
I could go so much into these two verses because there's a lot in there.
But what I want you to observe
will be easier for you to see in the amplified translation of the 17th verse.
He says, I always pray to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory, that he may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation.
And you know, they're a spirit of wisdom and revelation.
What is he talking about?
Because you know the seven spirits of God, and there you got the spirit of wisdom, you got the spirit of knowledge, right?
So in all of this you have in the Holy Ghost.
When the Holy Ghost came into your life, you actually received the seven spirits of Almighty God to live in you and to be manifested in you.
But here, the amplified translation gives you a beautiful piece, a beautiful piece in explaining here what is meant, a spirit of wisdom and revelation.
It says, of insight into mysteries and secrets.
In the deep and intimate knowledge of him, it's trying to explain to you, the prognosis.
at the lower part of it there.
Now, look at what it says, the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
This is of insight into mysteries and secrets.
Because the spirit of wisdom and revelation here will grant you access, access into mysteries and secrets.
This is the ministry of the Holy Ghost in your life.
If you go to 1 Corinthians 2, I want to read to you from verse 6.
Notice what it says.
How bad would speak wisdom among them that are perfect?
He says, yet not the wisdom of this world, nor the princes of this world, that come to not.
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world onto our glory.
Look at that.
He says, we speak the hidden wisdom of God.
Like I told you just now that we have the glory of God.
That is the spirit of wisdom in operation.
How can you know that you're the glory of God?
In fact, what is the definition of glory?
That becomes a problem to many.
They can't even understand what the meaning of glory.
But through the ministry of the Holy Ghost, we can understand that.
I don't have a problem with that at all.
He says, we speak wisdom.
Did you notice?
He didn't say we speak of wisdom.
It's not a discussion of wisdom.
We speak wisdom.
I love it.
I love it.
So the words that come out of us, these are words of wisdom.
We speak wisdom, but we speak this esoteric wisdom among those that have become grown in the things of God.
You see, you have to have spiritual maturity to understand those things.
We speak the wisdom of God in the mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world, before the foundation of the world, onto our glory.
hallelujah, hallelujah.
Look at the next verse, which none of the princes of this world knew.
He says, the princes of this world didn't have an idea what this is all about.
The politicians don't know this.
They don't have an idea of this.
The professors of this world don't know this.
You can't understand this in any university of this world.
Is this which none of the princes of this world knew, for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
I love it.
Let's go.
Look at verse 9.
But as it is written, I had not seen no ye heard, neither have entered into the heart of men, the things which God had prepared for them that love him.
Did you hear that?
Not even the imagination of man has been even to grasp the things that God has prepared for those that love him.
But look at the next verse.
But God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit.
We know by the Holy Ghost.
We know by the Holy Ghost.
For the Spirit of God, the Spirit searched at all things.
He had the deep things of God.
The Holy Ghost knows the deep things of God.
And he can reveal the deep things of God to your spirit.
Our spirit can, through the Holy Ghost, receive knowledge of mysteries and secrets, mysteries and secrets.
There's a way to live in this world.
And God wants you to live in this world in a supernatural way because you're not of this world.
You have to live by the supernatural.
And that's the easiest thing for anybody who has received the Holy Ghost.
It's only difficult for those who take their mind away from the Word of God and focus their attention on the things of this world.
Then they get confused and unhappy.
I want you to go to
The book of Psalms, chapter 25, let's look at verse number 14.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him.
And he shall show them his covenant.
Did you notice what he says?
He shall show them his covenant.
He shall show them his covenant.
That means reveal, demonstrate, make known his covenant.
That means the intricacies of the covenant.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.
That's really from the amplified translation for a second.
You're going to love this.
He says, the secret of the sweet, satisfying companionship of the Lord have they who fear, revere and worship Him, and He will show them His covenant and reveal to them its deep, inner meaning.
That's wonderful.
the Holy Ghost can show you the secret of the Lord and manifest to you the deep things of his covenant.
That's wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
I would like to read something to you from the Isaiah chapter 45 verse one.
So he addressed the message to a man and what I want you to observe is if God could say this to one man,
What does it say?
What does that mean?
Let's read.
You know the beautiful thing about this?
When God spoke this word, this prophetic word by Isaiah the prophet, the man that he was addressing was not even born.
That's another day's talk.
Anyway, so he goes on to say in verse two, I will go before thee and make the crooked places straight.
Now this is telling you what God can do for you.
If you're God's choice, if you're God's man or woman, if God's chosen you,
And I believe God's chosen you in Christ Jesus.
He says, I will go before thee and make the crooked places straight.
I will break in pieces the gates of brass and cut in sun at the bars of iron.
That means I'll destroy the barriers.
This is wonderful.
So your life will not be hard.
Your path will just be straight and, you know, glory to God.
Look at the next verse, I love it.
And I will give thee the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places.
This is remarkable.
Hidden treasures, hidden riches of secret places.
I'll give you the treasures of darkness.
So he knows, he knows, he knows where everything is.
That thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which called thee by thy name, I am the God of Israel.
This is remarkable, this is remarkable.
I'll give you the treasures of darkness and the hidden ridges of secret places.
Remember, when the disciples were trying to catch fish, the toil all night, and every sensible fish had departed from that place, because they were troubling the water.
They could catch nothing all night long.
Then came Jesus.
And then he says, cast your net on the other side of the boat.
He says cast your net on the other side of the boat.
Now, they're not supposed to find no fishes there.
They're all gone.
But Jesus knew.
He knew exactly what should be done.
He says cast your net on the other side of the boat.
And then he says, and get the catch of your life.
And they did it.
And the Bible says they enclosed a great multitude of fish and their net brook.
They had to call their neighbors to come help them.
And when they brought this thing to land and they saw the quality of fishes, Peter fell on his face and said, Master, please depart from me, I'm a sinner.
And Jesus said, don't worry from today, you will catch me.
You're not only just going to catch fish, he says you'll catch men.
And that insight of the Spirit, that insight of God, He makes available to you today.
And this month of November is the month of insight.
And the Spirit of God is going to lead you in a very special way.
You're going to have insight like you never had before.
You're going to see deep things of God like you never knew before.
The manifestation of the Holy Ghost in your life like never before.
He unveiled things to you.
He revealed things to you.
He granted you understanding like you never thought possible.
Lift your hands and worship Him everywhere.
It's your month of insight.
And you understand mysteries and secrets.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.
We trust you have been blessed watching this video.
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