August 2023 – The Month of Dominion
Glory be to God.
Now this is the month of August, the eight months of the year.
So what is the message for this month and what's God expecting us to do this August?
Can I read some scriptures here?
The first one in Romans 5 and verse 17.
4 by 1, men's of faints, death reign by one.
Much more, they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
We'll have to read that again.
if by one man's offense dead ring by one, much more they which receive abonance of grace and of the gift righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
And in a broader teaching on the subject, I've explained that whether Bible says that those who have received this
Abonance of Greece and give the righteous this charin That it says by Jesus Christ Same word Dia it means through through Jesus Christ or by Jesus Christ and that's very different from when He's in this world during the millennial period 1,000 years of peace
And we reign with Him.
At that time, the Bible says we reign with Him, not by Him or through Him.
We reign with Him.
That's a great difference.
Here is talking about us running by Him.
reigning through him, in other words, using his name, reigning in his place.
And this is very significant.
Now, before I take you to a scripture immediately connecting with it, let's read from second Corinthians,
Chapter 2 and verse 14.
Now thanks beyond to God, which always, always cossed us to triumph in Christ and make it manifest.
Make it manifest, the same hour of His knowledge by us in every place.
I want you to notice, one, He always causes us to triumph, not sometimes, always.
Then He says, He causes us to triumph.
Makes it happen.
He prepares us to triumph.
He orchestrates us to triumph.
And then makes the armor of his knowledge known.
Makes it manifest through us.
He says, in every place, every place, everywhere.
What does this mean to you?
How can this, how can a verse like this go unnoticed?
How can this go unnoticed?
All right.
Why you bear that in mind?
It is some 110.
We read from verse one, the Lord said unto my Lord, seek thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
We already dealt also with this and showed scriptures that David was talking about Jesus and Jesus himself applied the scriptures to himself.
So the Lord said unto my Lord,
Sit down at my right hand until I make down enemies that I footstool.
And so this was David, prophesying about Jesus and how that the Lord will be seated at the right hand of God.
And he's there today, the Bible, Genesis.
All right, look at the next verse.
So he's going to be seated there.
Until his enemies are made his footstool.
Look at the next verse.
The Lord shall send a rod of thy strength.
That means the sector of your power.
Out of Zion, ruled out in the midst of thine enemies.
Why is seated in heaven?
The Bible says, God said to him, rule in the midst of your enemies.
Well, his enemies are not in heaven.
How could he then rule in their midst?
Because he is seated in heaven.
The only way he rules in the midst of his enemies is ruling through his church.
That's why he says, the Lord shall send the rod of thy strength, the scepter of your power, out of Zion, out of Zion, out of Zion.
Remember, he says, he'll come unto Mount Zion.
See, sorry about us.
So these scriptures in no way suggests
that the Christians have some kind of beggarly life or would be subjected to some kind of radical.
No, we're honored in Christ Jesus, honored in Christ Jesus.
That's important.
That's important.
since they which receive a bonus of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life.
They shall reign in life.
And the church of these last days must come to the understanding of our place, of our rights, of authority given to us in Christ Jesus.
Because if you don't use it,
you will not give God glory in your life.
So what are you going to do?
Or it's simple.
This month you're gonna practice, you're gonna practice, you're gonna practice.
You know, I told you before that the message of the month for each month is not something that you live in when the month is over, it's all gone.
No, no, no.
You carry that message along with you.
You keep living that life.
So this month is special.
So each month you put to practice what that message is.
Make it personal to you.
Internalize it.
Live it.
And grow in it.
You be amazed how it will become of you.
He'd be amazed.
How things fall into place.
They have to.
They fall into place.
You don't have to try to make them fall into place.
They just fall into place.
Remember, he says, all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
You've no reason to worry.
Irrespective of circumstances.
You just keep saying, it'll turn out for my good.
It'll turn out for my good.
See, you can see the Bible says, here's God Almighty who declares the end from the beginning.
From ancient times things, not yet done.
So you say, it'll turn out for my good.
Oh well, this is happening and this is going on and this is happening.
Oh, it'll turn out for my good.
There couldn't be any other results.
It'll turn out for my good.
It's impossible for us to be disadvantaged.
And when you got an enemy, of course, you don't make enemies, but people, they declare themselves your enemies.
They hate you for what you do and what you say.
So they mark themselves out to be enemies to you.
But that's not your problem, that's their problem.
See, that's their problem.
So the more powerful your enemies are, the more you realize it's an indication of your growth.
It's an indication of what God is doing with your life.
So never be scared of your enemies and say, oh, oh, they say to that guy, oh, that enemy, it's so whatever.
Oh, oh, they're supported by this and that.
Who's behind?
Doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter.
It's just a sign.
It's just a sign.
You're so powerful.
It takes all those people and all those forces to come against you.
That's what it means.
That's what it means.
And then you rejoice and say, wow, God is blessing me so not that devil is mad.
Blessing you so much, the devil is mad.
So never be moved when you face troubles, triers.
Challenges never be moved.
It just means God is blessing you so much.
The devil has taken notice of you.
That's what it means.
So, this month, you see, this month is the month of dominion.
He's going to put into work, exercise dominion.
and I have to exercise dominion, exercise dominion.
Now three important things in your exercise of dominion.
Number one, through prayer.
In James chapter five, when we read from the 16th verse into the 17th verse, see what the Bible tells us.
He says, confess your force one to another and pray one for another that he may be healed.
The effect your fervent prayer of a righteous man availed it much.
The effect your fervent prayer of a righteous man availed it much is effective, you see.
The fervent prayer of a righteous man is effective.
Who is a righteous man?
Oh, you just read it.
In Romans 5 or 17, he gave you the gift of righteousness.
He's made you righteous.
You have become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
In the mind of God, you are as righteous as Jesus is righteous.
Because the righteousness that you have is the righteousness of Jesus Christ, given to you to live by.
So when God looks at you, he sees the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
That's the righteousness you have.
You've been made righteous with the righteousness
of Christ's.
That's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
So, you see, the prayer of a righteous man is very effective.
Look at it, the effect of a different prayer of a righteous man, avail it much, avail it much.
You can read it in the Amplified Translation.
I love the way it puts it.
It says, the earnest, heartfelt, continued prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available, dynamic in his working.
That's wonderful, wonderful.
But now, good at the 17th verse.
In the King James translation, look at it.
He says, Alias, that's Elijah.
Alias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly.
He prayed honestly that it might not rain and it rained nuts on the earth by the space of three years and six months.
He prayed honestly.
See, he prayed.
That's why he called it in the 16th verse.
The heartfelt continued, heartfelt continued prayer.
It's heartfelt.
And the one whose brain is persistent.
So Elijah prayed that way.
And the Bible says, he prayed that it should not rain.
Why was it praying that way?
Of course, because of the sins of the nation.
The nation had gone so backward and they were worshipping Baal.
So he prayed for the change.
And one of the things he wanted was for the ring to seize and get the people's attention.
And the Bible says, for three and a half years, the rings stopped.
until he got their attention.
And when after the prophets about, called fire out of heaven, and when they were converted, he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain.
That's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
He's teaching there about being fervent in prayer and expectation.
So in dominion,
In exercising dominion, he wants us to know that we can make remarkable changes through prayer.
That even the heaven responded, he says, and the heaven gave ring.
He didn't say, and God answered.
No, he says, the heaven gave ring, the heaven responded.
Look at it, he prayed again, and the heaven gave ring.
Heaven responded, and the earth brought forth her fruit.
That's wonderful.
So, you want to exercise dominion this month?
Is there anything that you want to change in?
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man, a valid match, produces results.
He wants you to know you can effect changes through prayer.
So no matter what you're going through, no matter what you're confronted with, you say to yourself, I can make changes.
I can.
I can effect the change.
I can.
And they say, how are you going to do it?
I say, by praying, by praying, I'm going to pray and I'm going to effect the change.
That's the reason he gave us Elijah's prayer as an example.
That's why he wanted us to know we could effect changes.
All right.
Then secondly, faith proclamations.
Faith proclamations.
Faith proclamations, declaring words of faith, why we say faith because, you know, your faith must be connected to God's word.
There's a huge difference between our faith proclamations and what they call positive thinking or positive talking.
See, people just
talk what they call positive thinking because those things are positive.
So they make declarations that are not connected to God's word.
So that's not faith.
That's just being positive in the flesh.
It works sometimes.
It works sometimes.
But when push comes to show, where it really matters, it fails.
It fails.
It's unable to resist the forces of nature, the forces of the spiritual, when demons get involved in it.
then that doesn't work.
See, because there's no promise to that.
Otherwise, the natural man would have been completely successful in all things, but no.
It's not connected to God's Word, so it fails.
Everything was greeted by the Word of God.
And so our faith is connected to the word.
And when we talk, we talk according to what he said.
All right, let me show it to you this way.
In Hebrews chapter 13, I'm gonna read to you from verse number five.
Hebrews chapter 13, from verse five.
He says, let your conversation be without covetousness.
and be content with such things as he had.
Oh, I love that line.
He says, be content with such things as you have.
You don't have to wish you had that and that and that.
No, no, no, just be content with such things as you have.
Because with this principle that is going to show you, you can get anything.
You can make anything happen.
Never feel like
You've been shot changed in life.
He says, let your conversation be without covetousism, big content, we touch things as he have.
For he, God, he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
So that we may boldly say,
The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
Blessed be God."
Oh, Hallelujah.
This is, this is, be content with what you got.
Because God's on your side.
This is, God has given you material.
He had said,
I will never leave you nor forsake you."
So God says, hey, I said that to you.
What are you going to do with what I said?
See, God's word is material.
It's creative material for the things which are seen.
We're not made of things which do appear.
You see it?
The things which are seen, we're not made of things which do appear.
So he had said,
And it gives us just one example.
I will never leave the office.
That's not all he said.
But that's just one of those things.
The principle here is he had said, dash, dash, dash, dash, dash, so that we may boldly say, you see?
So he said something so that we can have a response.
Our response is where the blessing is.
God said something so that I can respond in consonance with him.
He had said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.
So that I may boldly say, not so that I might just say quite.
No, he said it.
He whispered it to my heart so that I can go out and say it, shout it on the house, top glory to God.
The Lord is my helper.
Whoa, glory to God.
The Lord is my helper.
So that I'm a boldly say, boldly say, you see, faith's proclamations.
I boldly declare the Lord is helping me right now.
He's helping me right now.
I have help.
Jesus said, I will not leave you helpless.
I have help.
They said, who's going to help you from heaven?
I have help from heaven, glory to God.
Son, God, I have a hand, a legato, a handace.
I have help from heaven.
Blessed be God.
Legros, son, dakara, hastis.
I am helped from above.
So that we may boldly say, boldly say, boldly say.
Let's read again, read again, read that verse again.
Let your conversation be without the vertices and be content with such things as he have.
For he had said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee, so that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and I will, look at that back, I will not fear what man shall do unto me, because whatever man shall do unto me is nothing.
They are not a factor.
Corrabaca, Sandana, Baha'is.
If somebody threatens you, you say, you are not a factor.
See, carrababa, Baha'i.
My life is from above.
Oh, I can show that to you.
My life is from above.
I shall not see what men shall do unto me.
You just look and you laugh.
So is that all you can do?
Hey, don't read the book.
Is that all?
Is that all?
Is that all you can do?
Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.
And you declare it for yourself whether it's either it's in me, then it's in the world.
Blessed be God.
Thank you Lord.
Fades Proclamations.
Declare what God has said.
Declare it.
You say it boldly.
hear you read it in the scripture.
In thought, the people of St.
John and verse two, he says, beloved, I wish above all things, the thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as I saw prosper.
So I boldly respond, I walk in health, I absolute health in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Because He had said, I wish that you prosper and be in health as you saw prosperous.
And I declare I walk in health.
Every system of my body is perfected in the name of the Lord Jesus.
From the kind of my head to the source of my feet, I walk in health.
Divine health.
in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in prosperity.
By the power of the Holy Ghost, I walk in prosperity.
In my going out and in my coming in, I walk in prosperity.
And I declare boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
See, I'm walking in dominion.
The forces of this world have beneath my feet.
Chlora sicarundala hakadhestis.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
This is your month of dominion.
Release words, you gotta release words.
Release words, release words.
Every day as you pray, declare those words.
Declare those words.
I'm abundantly supplied in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Everything I require for life and Godliness, I have it in the name of the Lord Jesus, and it all comes to me in abundance.
I have more than enough in everything in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, glory.
Oh, thank you Lord Jesus.
You've got to, you've got to, you've got to.
It's your month of dominion.
And every tongue that is against you is paralyzed in Jesus name.
Because you're in dominion.
In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Glory to God.
He said, you have God little children and have overcome them.
The third one is prophecy, prophecy, prophecy, prophecy.
There's a lot of prophecy in the Bible that concerns you.
There's a lot of it.
There's a lot of it.
Pulling out.
Pulling out.
Pull them out.
In 1st Timothy 1 and verse number 18, take a look at it.
He says, this charge I coming on to the son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that now by them matters war a good warfare.
See, he wants you in dominion.
He doesn't want you struggling to say, well, we are in the fight.
We're in the fight?
No, I'm winning.
I'm beating them down, boy.
I'm winning, winning, winning, winning.
I'm on top.
I'm winning.
Glory to God.
I'm winning.
There's only one way.
I win.
Only one end.
I win.
Only one result.
I win.
Only one outcome I win.
Use prophecy.
You know, when you read in the Bible, in Ephesians chapter 6, from verse 17,
and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
There's something very important about this, I'll show you.
In Psalm 149 and verse number five, here's what the Bible tells us, more read from there, just a few verses.
He says, let the saints be joyful in glory, right?
It didn't say get on your bed and wish everything were different.
and crying pain and in regrets.
No, let the saints be joyful in glory.
Let them sing aloud upon their beds.
Look at the next verse.
Let the high praises of God be in their mouths on a two-edged sword in their hand.
Now, this is a prophecy from the Old Testament.
And you have to understand that the revelation of the New Testament church was hidden from the prophets of the Old Testament.
They didn't know it was a mystery.
It was hidden from their eyes.
So he says, the two-legged sword in their hand, that's what they knew.
because that was a perception of the kingdom, but there was a kingdom that was different.
And that's us, the saints of God, in this kingdom.
The two edges sought was not in their hair, it's in their mouth.
I just read to you, I just read to you,
in divisions chapter 6 verse 17, where he says, the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, the Rema of God.
You see that?
But there's more to understand in that.
You go to Revelation chapter 1.
That's it from verse 15 into 16.
and his feet talking about Jesus Christ, and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in the furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters.
And he had in his right hand seven stars, and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword.
From his mouth, not his hand.
This kingdom is different.
We don't fight with the sword in our hand.
Mm-mm, the sword is in our mouths.
Out of his mouth went out of sharp two-edged sword, and his cannon was as the son shined in his strength.
Go to chapter 19.
And let's begin reading from 14, sweet from 14.
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
And out of his mouth go at a sharp sword.
That we did, he should smite the nations out of his mouth.
He's still talking about that two-edged sword.
And it shall rule them with a rod of iron, and it treaded the wine-tress of the fiercestness and rot of Almighty God, bringing judgment to the nations.
That is remarkable.
Good, verse 21.
And the remnant to a slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sought proceeded out of his mouth.
Say, I have the sword of God in my mouth.
I have the two-edged sword of God in my mouth.
You see, in this kingdom, it's in our mouth.
It's in our mouth.
And he called it the rema of God.
So that's why your prophetic words, if you read in Isaiah, not Isaiah, Jeremiah chapter 51 verse 20, he says,
Thou art my battle arcs and weapons of war.
Okay, so I have an assignment.
So you say, Devil, God is going to use me to paralyze all your works everywhere.
When I show up, your works are done for.
Barakaba cityki.
I am God's battle arcs and weapons of war.
Hey, hey, look at what it says here.
Thou art my battle acts and weapons of war.
We thee, for we thee will I break in pieces, the nations, and we thee will I destroy kingdoms.
I am God's battle acts and weapons of war.
God is using me.
See, for these purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
For these purpose, the Son of God was manifested, but He might destroy the works of the devil.
Think about that.
Lift your hands and just honor Him and thank Him, speaking of the tongues.
It's your mount of dominion.
We trust that you have been blessed watching this video.
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