The Power of Intercession Part 1
One thing is sudden.
If you speak to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining, and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Labor is yours.
You are about to listen to a powerful and life-changing teaching on intercession by Pastor Chris Tidal, the power of intercession.
Sometimes we stop too soon, my brothers and sisters, we stop too soon.
Sometimes we're praying about a subject and we seem to be prevailing in our spirits.
And just when we should go on and finish it up, we stop.
One amazing truth of God's word that you'd realize through this message is God's will in making intercessions for our political leaders.
When men become wicked, He allows them to have wicked leaders.
And then their punishment is within their society and they destroy one another.
and crime and violence becomes the order of the day.
And you know what?
Not even the members of the church, not even Christians as kids, because they didn't pray, because they didn't innocent, because part of the judgment on that city and on that nation.
Learn as a partner with Christ, your intercessory responsibility in averting judgment in geographical regions of the world through prayer.
Don't wait till judgment comes, because God has given the Christian extraordinary authority to make changes through intercession.
Remember this.
Without Him, we can do nothing.
But without us, He can do nothing for us in our world.
God bless you.
I will read to you from 1 Timothy chapter 2.
from verse 1.
Paul writing to Timothy said this, I exhort therefore that first of all, I want you to notice what he says first of all.
He has already established a priority order here.
I exhort therefore that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men.
Let me read that again.
I exhort therefore that first of all,
supplications, prayers, intercessions, and given of thanks be made for all men, notice this is all men, then he goes on to tell us what he means when he says all men.
Because there you have a semicolon for kings and for all that are in authority
that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who will have all men to be saved and to come on to the knowledge of the truth.
That tells you that all men that he's talking about here is not referring at this point to the church.
He's talking about our wider society in our nation.
This is one of the reasons many nations go through terrible, terrible situations, whether they're economic or political, various kinds of unrest.
And these things bring a hindrance to the preaching of the gospel.
Remember, when you got trouble in your country or in your city,
it hinders the preaching of the gospel.
God is passionate about the gospel because the gospel is the power of God unto salvation.
It is God's power.
It is God's means of saving man, saving human beings.
That's why the gospel is so important.
Now, I'll read that again to you.
It says, I exhort, therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of things be made for all men, so we can pray for the people in our nation.
Say, pray for them.
In our various countries, who will function?
Pray for them.
Then it says, for kings.
Now, in the days in which this was written,
Nations were generally governed by kings.
In today's world, this will refer to presidents and prime ministers and so on.
Then it says, and for all that are in authority.
That brings in the judge of the state, the chief judge, or chief justice of the federation or the country.
That brings in the legislators.
That brings in the head of the school, the principal, the vice chancellor of the university, and so on and so forth.
He says for kings and for all that are in authority.
You pray for all that are in authority.
Now, I've often said, he didn't necessarily say here that we'll pray for them.
We say, oh God bless them.
That's not what he's saying.
He didn't say we should pray, oh God bless them.
We can pray, oh God bless them.
We can pray, oh God, grant them wisdom.
We can pray like that.
We can also pray, oh God, get them out of office.
What it says is for us to pray that we may lead a quiet and visible life in our godliness and honesty, which means if there being there is not consistent with leading a quiet and visible life in our godliness and honesty, we'll pray and get them out of office.
What this tells us is that God has given us extraordinary authority to determine the condition of the country, the nation, the city where we live.
But I think this is really beautiful, this is powerful.
There's so much that we can accomplish, so much that we can do.
If we will take this as a priority, it is that I urge you therefore, first of all,
that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and for all our inauthority, for the purpose that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who will have all men to be saved.
See, God is in pursuit of having all men being saved.
And so He says for us to pray for those who lead societies, who lead nations.
so that the circumstances of their lives were favorable to the flow of the gospel.
Pastor Chris will be right then.
If you have a dream or prayer that has not been answered yet, if you have desired a change that has not taken place, don't get discouraged.
You don't want to miss out of God's best for you by giving up too soon.
In this new message by Pastor Chris titled, how to make power available for a change, consider your request granted as Pastor Chris shows you what you must do to affect a change that you desire.
This title is available for download on the Pastor Chris Digital Library app on Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Also available on audio CDs right here at the Ministry Material Stand.
Don't delay.
Hurry and get your copies today.
God bless you.
Who is in charge of this world system?
How could a nation be held bound by corruption?
And Satan knows that if evil costs men to do wickedness, to do evil, they're going to pay price for it.
And the whole city can become a victim of their evil work.
The whole nation can become a victim of their evil work.
Is there a solution to this hostility?
We've got to pray as He has told us.
God wants people to see me.
And so the environment must be conducive to the preaching of the gospel.
Be inspired in this upcoming segment of the power of intercession as Pastor Chris brought to light the importance of using your position of authority in favor of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Are you in business?
Are you in friendship?
Do you know people in authority?
Who knows?
Like Esther?
When are you going to speak on behalf of the church?
Who knows if you are calm in your office?
If you are calm in this position for such a time as this?
How many times have you taken up the responsibility to pray for your country?
To pray for your leaders?
Have you seen this as important enough?
Many times we're concerned about the economic downturns
Did you pray for your country?
Did you pray for your leaders?
Did you realize that if the government is dysfunctional, it will have a backlash effect on your preaching of the gospel, on your ministry?
God wants people to say it.
And so the environment must be conducive to the preaching of the gospel.
So we've got to pray as he has told us.
If we would do what God said, now look at the result.
Listen, if God didn't think that this would be the result, he wouldn't tell us to do it.
He said this, listen again.
I exhort, therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for them, and these are all kinds of prayers.
And then it says, for kings and for other in authority, that we may lead.
That means if we will do this, we will lead a quiet and peaceable life in our godliness and honesty.
Which means corruption will be there to it.
Look at that.
Godliness and honesty.
That there will be honesty.
There will be honesty.
To do this so much fraud in government, so much corruption in government, but the reason is we're not praying.
If we will pray, we will have them hemmed in.
If we would pray, let me tell you something else.
So you can understand, especially for those of you in cities like cities where there's a lot of valence, okay, a lot of crime and valence and some others.
what has been some kidnapping and all kinds of nonsense.
Let me take you back in the Bible to the days of Abraham.
The Bible tells us how that God sent two angels into Sodom.
And Lot was in Sodom.
Lot was Abraham's nephew, and he was in Sodom with his family.
And the Bible tells us that the angels, these two angels of God were patrolling the streets.
God sent them to find out if the cry of Sodom was according to the report.
And these two angels were patrolling the streets of Sodom.
They were there in the streets of Sodom.
Do you realize that we can send angels into the streets of our cities?
to realize that we are the children, the sons of redemption.
Do you realize that we are those that God has raised up in this hour and in this day to stand in the place of His Son, Jesus, in the earth?
We can determine what happens in our cities.
The Bible says that angels are ministering spirits and fought to minister to those who are heirs of salvation.
Are you aware that we can dispatch ministry and spirits into the streets of our cities to patrol the cities and allow all wicked men and criminals into the hands of the law and who face the law?
We can't just keep quiet.
We've got to pray.
We've got to intercede.
When I pray for cities, that's the way I pray.
And that's why sometimes you find before long those criminals are rounding up
They have no way of escape.
When we pray like this, we shouldn't take this lightly.
We can determine the circumstances of our existence.
We want the gospel of Jesus Christ to go on Him dead.
in every city.
He told us that if we would pray is his festival, the supplications that means make this a priority is his festival.
Supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of things we made for all men, for kings, that's presidents and prime ministers and leaders of nations and states.
And for all that are in authority, all that are in authority, all of those who got something to do about how we've run our daily life in government.
And like I said, maybe in schools, in large corporations, in the judiciary, in the legislature, they're all involved in this.
that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good.
I want you to notice what God says here.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God.
It is good and acceptable in his sight.
How do you love to do things that are good and acceptable in the sight of our Heavenly Father?
Things that are always praying only about what you want, about your business, your family, just me, me, me, me, me all the time, just about you.
My house, my car, my wife, my husband, my children, all you know about is just you.
You know, and that selfishness is detestable to God.
Maybe he don't realize this.
There's too many people who are pursuing their own dreams about their own life.
And incidentally, they never do much in this world.
What shall it profit a man?
If he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who will have all men to be saved and to come on to the knowledge of the truth.
See, this is good and acceptable in the sight of God.
That's remarkable.
I won't show you something.
So you can understand the reason that we've got to do this.
See, look at it.
God wants all men to be saved.
But it can happen.
You see, why?
Because it's not in His hands.
It's not his job.
He's already done everything you'll ever do about salvation.
Let's think about this.
If God so wants all men to be saved, let me read the game.
Verse four, let's talk about God, I save you from the latter part of verse three, who will have all men to be saved and then to come on to the knowledge of the truth, which means this is God's desire.
This is God's will.
This is what God wants.
But then he left it in our hands.
He gave us the responsibility.
He wanted this done, and so he said, Jesus, and Jesus died.
The Bible says, for God so loved the world, everybody that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
He's already done it.
Our responsibility now is to carry out his ministry.
Our responsibility now is to see to it that this thing is done.
Now let me show you something.
In 2nd Corinthians chapter 4.
2nd Corinthians chapter 4.
From verse 3.
What Yvonne does will be heed, which means
All right, God's given us a gospel.
He wants the whole world saved, but how come some people are still not saved?
And so what's happening?
If God wants everybody born again, how come some people are not?
Look at this.
But if our gospel be veiled, that means it's own sin, it's hidden, it's unseen, it's veiled, it's covered, people don't understand it.
If our gospel be heed, it is heed to them that are lost.
Those of us who are not lost understand the gospel.
It's been unveiled to us.
So he says, but if our gospel be healed, it is heed to them that are lost in whom the God of this world, I want you to notice what he says, the God of this world and the Greek word translated word is Aeon.
That means this world system.
He's talking about this world system, the system that's going on now.
He says, in whom the God of this word had blinded the minds of them which believed not.
So Satan blinded their minds.
That's why they don't believe.
That's why they haven't seen the gospel.
That's why they haven't understood it.
They get it.
in whom the God of this world had blinded the minds of them which believed not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Can you see why God wants us to be in a seed for all men, and for kings, and for all that are in authority?
That we may lead a quite a piece of life in all godliness and honesty.
Can you see why God wants us to pray?
Why he wants us to be in a seed?
Because Satan has blinded the minds of those who don't believe.
so that the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which we shine out, should not shine unto them.
So you can see there's an adversary.
There's one who's working against the gospel.
And so he wants us to intercede against this forces of darkness.
And Satan knows that if he will cause men to do wickedness, to do evil, they're going to pay price for it.
He knows they're going to pay a price for it.
They're going to pay for it.
And the whole city can become a victim of the evil work.
The whole nation can become a victim of the evil work.
And you know something, if you don't pray for the city where you live, where you function, where you work, when trouble comes, not even you will escape.
Remember that.
He holds you responsible for the city, for the nation where you live.
He holds you responsible.
You remember what Mother Kei said to Esther.
He said to Esther, trouble is coming to the Jews.
We need you.
We need you now.
We need to do something to intercede on behalf of the Jews.
That's what Mother Kei said to Esther, who was in the palace.
And then he said to her, don't think that you will escape more than all the Jews.
Don't think that just because you're in the palace and everything's going to alright for you, that you will escape more than all the Jews.
If trouble comes, it says you're going to be a part of that trouble.
Then he said to her, who knows?
If you are coming to the kingdom for such a time as this.
And that's why I say to those who are in positions of authority and they are Christians.
Don't forget the church.
Don't forget.
Don't forget the gospel.
Don't forget the ministry of the Word of God.
What about opportunity that God has given to you?
Use it.
Use it for the benefit of the church.
Use it for the benefit of the gospel.
Who knows if you are calm to the kingdom for such a timelessness?
Who knows if you are calm in your office for such a timelessness?
Are you the head of a school?
Are you in politics?
Are you a leader?
Are you in business?
Are you in flange shop?
Do you know people in authority?
Who knows?
Like Esther.
Who was now close to the king?
Maybe you are close with some man or woman in authority.
When are you going to speak on behalf of the church?
Who knows if you are calm in your office?
If you are calm to this position?
For such a time as this?
A time of great need?
A time of distress?
A time of pain?
A time where the church needs you?
What the gospel needs you?
Who knows if that's why God gave you the opportunity?
When will you speak for the church?
Thank you for listening.
We trust that you have been blessed.
The message you just listened to is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
For more teachings by Pastor Chris on how to live a beautiful, successful, and vibrant life, you can order for the following messages, the importance of prayer, perspectives in prayer, and how to make power available for change by exploring the Pastor Chris Digital Library app.
God bless you.