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7 Amazing Blessings of the Gospel

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

I want to begin sharing something with you that I trust will help you to further understand the gospel that I preach everywhere.
to give you an insight into this amazing message that the Lord has given to us to take to the nations and peoples of the world.

I want to talk about
seven amazing blessings of the gospel.
You know, you see these things in the scriptures and you're


When I meditate on these things, I say, Oh God, the whole world ought to hear it.
The whole world ought to know.
But you see, that's why he sent us.

So I'm gonna read from second Timothy chapter one, verse eight.
Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner.
but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God."
Look at it again.
Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but be thou a partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God.
who had saved us, God who had saved us, and called us with an only calling, not according to our works,
but according to his own purpose in grace.
He saved us, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose in grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
It was God's plan before the world began.
Look at verse 10, but it's now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Who hath abolished death?
Who in the world would you ever read something like that?

Who would think such a statement would ever be made on his earth?
Who could have the power to state this?
I've got to read it again.
I'm going to read the game to you, verse 10.
But it's now made manifest.
Look at it from verse 9.
It's not about God who had saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
But it's now made manifest.
In other words, God planned it before the world began, but it's now made manifest.
By the appearing of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death?
I want you to notice the tenses.
He didn't say, who shall abolish death?
He says, who hath abolished death?

Now, this is not the abolishment of slavery, but we understand what that means.
Here's about abolishing debt.
Abolish debt.

Oh, somebody says, somebody says, oh, he's talking about spiritual death.
No, a thousand times, no.
Because of what he says next.
Look at it.
And heart brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.

Oh God.
Oh God, you know, you read this and you say, what have I done with my life?
God, oh man, look at that.
Who had abolished death and had brought life and immortality to light.
What is it to be motto?

To be motto means to be human.
It means to be subject to death.

So we talk about mortal beings.
Humans are mortal beings.
And now he sees he had abolished death and brought life
in immortality to light.
He has revealed and unveiled immortality.
What in the world will this mean?

If we ever meditate on these truths, understand it, endorse it, and live according to its reality, what will happen?

Could this be real?
Oh, is somebody deceiving us somehow?
Cool, this be real.
God, is this in the Bible?
Coolness be real.
I want you to notice the tenses.
It's not a promise.
It's not something he's hoping will somehow happen.
It's not something he's hoping to do.
It's not something he promises to do when we pray hard enough.
Look at it again.
Who had saved us?
Hacked, saved us.
Hacked, saved us.
Verse 9.
Who had saved us?
Is that a promise?
What does that mean?
He's already done it.
Who had saved us?
Talking about God.
God in verse 8.
Who had saved us?
pastings, he's already done it.
He had saved us.
He's not going to save us.
He had saved us and called us with an only calling.
He had called us.
He saved us.
He called us in Christ Jesus.
So we say, oh yes, God had called me, right?
He called me.
God saved me.
He saved me.
He's already done it.
He's not trying to do it.
He had saved us.
All right?
Called us.
Then he goes.
But it's now verse 10, but it's now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who had abolished death.
He's abolished death.
He's canceled death.
Does the world know it?
They don't know it.

They don't know it.
Who are people dying then?
Because they don't know.
They don't know.

The man who wrote this, Paul, he said, but Paul died.
What, why did Paul die?
Just like Jesus, Jesus, this one thing I received from my father, he gave me power to lay my life down, and he gave me power to take it up again.
He says, he gave me power to lay my life down.
How did Paul die?
He said, I finished my course.
He said, I fought a good fight.
I have finished my course.
I have kept the faith.
Henceforth has laid up for me a crown of righteousness which alone will give me, not to me only, but also on to those who look forward to his appearance.
Praise God.
So he knew he had finished.
He laid down his life during the great persecution.
What happened to John?
The story goes that John the disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ when he was arrested.
Too many signs and wonders accompanied him.
Until the tried to kept him according to the story, to fry him alive.
After the fire burnt out,
John stood up.

John would not die.
So they banished him at the island of Patmos and left him there.
While he was there, he had the revelation, which is given to us in the book of Revelation.
There's where John's story ends.
So historians say, we don't know what happened to John.
We think he died at Patmos.
We think.

Praise God.
I want you to understand what is in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
These are no mere stories.
This is reality.

This is reality.
You know, when people die, what happens?
You know, the minister, the religious man, they say there, the Lord has given
And the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord.
But I often notice they have a certain kind of announcement they make and they say with gratitude to God we regret to announce.
How can you regret to announce what you were grateful for?
As we gratitude to God, we regret to announce.

So this is the Lord have given and the Lord have taken away.
But the Bible shows us God doesn't take away by death.
He never takes anybody by death.
Didn't you see it in the Bible?
He never takes anybody away by death.


The only people that took away from these birds, he took them alive.
He took them alive.

Praise God.
He took them alive.
Enoch the Bible says, walk to God, and suddenly he was sticking away from the earth by the spirit of God.
He was sticking away alive.
Elijah, the Bible says, was taken away alive.

What about Jesus?
Jesus was taken away alive.

And what about what's going to happen to all those who believe in Him?

They're going to be taken away alive.
The Bible says the trumpet will sound.
The dead in Christ shall rise first.
And we that are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air.
So that's the way he does his own.
He takes them alive.
Glory to God.
He takes them alive.
And he doesn't take them like a shock.
Like, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Oh, it's God that's taken me.
They know ahead of time.
Enoch the Bible says before his translation, he had the testimony that he pleased God.
Elijah knew that he was to be taken away, and he had the discussion with Elijah.
He said, what do you want me to do for you before I am taken away?
Why, there was still talking, bomb.
Glory to God.
He was cut out.
Jesus had a meeting with his disciples while he was still disgusted with them, he levitated.

And so what's going to happen to the rest of us?
We will have that intuition inside us.
It's very close.
We would know it's so close.
We're all going to be talking about it.
We're going to be talking about it.
There'll be an urgency in the spirit.
And we will preach the gospel real quick.
We'll be compelling people to believe in Jesus Christ.
And we're going to be telling them, look, it's at the doors.
It's about to happen.
Many will believe us.
Some may not believe.
But as we keep preaching the gospel,
suddenly a sound from heaven.
Look at this beautiful stuff, this amazing blessing, verse 10, what is now made manifest by the appearance of our Savior Jesus Christ, who had abolished death and had brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.
Whereon to I am appointed a preacher and an apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles?
He says, So God appointed me a preacher, an apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles to go tell them that he had abolished death and brought life and immortality to light

This is amazing.
So number one, now we get it.
Now we get it.
He's given us life.
Number one, in Christ Jesus, we have life.
In Christ Jesus, we have life.
This is not just mere biological life.
We've got the life of God in us.

And you start declaring that truth about yourself.
I've got the life of God in me.
I've got the life of God in me.
In my whole spirit soul and body.
I've got the life of God in me.
Have you seen some people?
They say that they've got this incurable wound.
They've had a wound for five years, 10 years and will not be cured.
They don't have the life of God in them.
If they have the life of God in them, it'll be cured.

Somebody said, well, I know a Christian who's suffering from that.
Are you saying he doesn't have the life of God?
He hasn't activated it.
He hasn't activated it.
Nobody taught him to activate it.
Hey, come on, did you know Jesus didn't die for Christians?
The salvation that Jesus brought is not for Christians.
It's for the whole world.
It's for everybody.
What Jesus brought was for everybody.
In other words, in the mind of justice, the whole world is saved by Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus paid the price for every man's sin.
Or if they don't know it, how can they activate it?
So they've got a wonderful gift that's given to them that they know nothing about.
The Bible says the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The free gift of God is eternal life.
So here's a gift that God's given to the whole world.
Eternal life is a gift to everybody.
But they don't know it.
That's why we've got to tell them.
How can they activate it?
Oh, two important things.
Number one, they've got to believe.
And if they believe, they've got to make the confession, the declaration of the Lordship of Jesus over their lives.
So, Romans chapter 10, verse 9 says, that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, confess, affirm, declare with your mouth, the Lord Jesus, believe in in your heart that God hath raised him from the dead, his is thou shalt be saved.
for with the heart, man believe it unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
This is why we preach, because life has been given to everybody, and if you don't know it, you will never activate it.
So you believe in a normal human life, but the human life thanks beyond to God.
We saw it.
It's been abolished, replaced, supplanted, but they don't know it.
The human life is depraved.
The human life is degenerate.
The human life is broken and God understands it and has provided another life.
that every human being may transcend the ordinary human model life and come into the life and nature of God.
But they do not.
Neither do they understand.
The Bible says, so they walk on in darkness.
Says, but I have said ye are gods.

So he's given us life, who said all the time, for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.
that whosoever anybody who believes in him should not perish.
Oh God, I don't understand that.
That's the sovereign declaration of Almighty God.
He says that whosoever believes in him should not perish.
Did you understand the language?
Is anybody a lawyer here?
Do you understand what that means?
It's not a promise.
He didn't say that, who so ever believes in him shall not perish.
No, no, no.
I want you to understand the difference.
This is John 3 16.
For God so loved the words that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever he gave his only begotten son so that anybody who believes in him should not perish.
There was a flood, and it swept that little town, or it swept all the people in that street, and some of them were born again, and it swept them along with them.
It's not supposed to happen.
But who so ever believes in him should not perish.
That's a decree.
There's a decree, a divine decree over your life.
That what happens to everybody doesn't have to happen to you.
That whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Oh, look at this.
Isn't this wonderful?
He's given us life.
Let's read 2nd Peter, 2nd Peter chapter 1 beginning with verse 1.
You've seen it?
It says, Simon Peter,

You would really love this.
He's a Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ.
To them that have obtained like precious faith with us, say I'm one of them.
Through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, grace and peace be multiplied unto you, and everybody said amen.
But then he tells us how to have it multiplied.
He says, through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, grace and peace be multiplied through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
grace and peace can be multiplied.
You see, grace and peace can be given to you and you can actually have it multiplied.
That means abundance of grace.
He says, through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
Oh, I wish I had time to talk about that.
But look at verse three, according to He's divine power, not man's power, not our own ability.
He says, according to He's divine power, have to give an unto us.
Have to give an unto us.
That means He's done it.
He's not trying to do it.
God's given unto us all things.
All things that pertain unto life in godliness through the knowledge of Him that are called us to glory and virtue.
Oh God.
Oh God.
These are what I call shouting scriptures.
You know, I read this, and when I read things like this, I get up and I said, Dear Jesus, hallelujah, glory to God.
That's a look at it.
Lord Jesus, this is amazing.
Grace and peace be more deployed through the hypnosis of God.
Absolute knowledge.
Exact knowledge.
Man, oh my, according to this divine power, have given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness.
He's given to us, so I don't have to pray for them.
All things that pertain to life and godliness.
Everything that has to do with life, divine life, wonderful life,
and the God way of doing things.
I don't have to struggle to serve God.
I can serve Him.
I'm free to serve Him.
It's working for me.
Somebody said, I tried, it didn't work.
Well, because you didn't know this.
All things that pertain to life and godliness have been given to us.

His divine power hath given unto us all things that paten on the life and Godliness through the knowledge of Him.
Through the knowledge of Him.
How much do you know Him?
It's not going to happen just because God said so.
It'll happen because you know, you know Him.
You've got to know Him.
The more you know Him, the more you know you.
You have to understand this.
Listen, if you don't know him, you'll never know you.
You'd look at yourself according to your descent.
You'd look at yourself according to your nationality.
You'd look at yourself according to your appearance when you stand before a mural.
You'd look at yourself according to what the school said you were.
You were at a point.
grade or average student or below average, whatever they call you, you believe that's who you are.
You look at yourself according to how your friends describe you.
You look at yourself according to what circumstances say you are.
But oh, if you would look at you by looking at him,

Because if you get to know Him, you know you.
You can never know you as God knows you until you know Him.

How would you know you?
You didn't make you.
How could you ever know who you are?
You can only assume things about yourself and have many reasons for your assumptions.
But only God truly knows you.
Only God knows what's inside you.
Only God knows what you're really capable of.
This is amazing.
This is really lovely.
According to this divine power had given unto us all things that part in unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that had called us to glory.
He's called us.
Not calling us or hoping to call us has called us to glory and virtue.
Called us to glory and virtue.
The word translated virtue means excellence.
He's called us to glory and excellence.
Oh God.
I'm called to excellence.
No wonder my life is excellent.
I'm called to glory and excellence.
No, no, no.
I'll never stood down to the low life.
I'm called to glory and excellence.
I know who I am.
So guess what?
This is just so beautiful.
Look at it.
So he's given us life.
That's number one.
I got life.
The gospel is a gospel of life.
So, He's given us life.
Number two, He's given us immortality, immortality.
God Almighty, this is so powerful.
He's given us immortality.
How can I ever explain this?
Look at it.
Let me show you something.
We're closed to it.
We're closed to something you've got to see.
Go back there now.
Second Peter.
Go back there.
Look at it.
I'm gonna read from verse three again.
Second Peter chapter one, from verse three.
I'm talking about His given us immortality.
You see it now.
According to this divine power hath given, hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of Him, that had called us to glory and virtue.
Hui bai, oh God.
Hui bai, a given unto us exceeding great
Precious promises that by these he might be partakers of the divine nature.

Look at it.
So if he has brought immortality to light, what replaces it?
He says, hey, I have removed the humanity from you.
So was it given to me?
Divinity, of course.
Partake us of the Divine Nature.

This is so powerful.
Partake us of the Divine Nature as such hits of the Buddha.

So here's what he's telling you.
Look at it.
So he's brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.
That means I am an associate of the God-kind.
What is this saying?
What is this saying?
You know, what most Christians know about in their life is train and asking for something.
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme.
Oh God, give me something.
You know, they're always asking for something, all right?
Most of their life long.
That's what they're asking for.
They're asking for prayer.
Bless me with this.
Give me this.
Oh God, bless my business.
Oh God, bless my family.
Oh God, bless my finances.
Oh God, oh God.
They're calling on Him all the time because they don't know what's been done for them.
They really don't know who they are.
They don't know.
No, think!
Just what I read to you!
If this is true, what would this mean?
I mean, if this is true, let's assume we don't know, we don't know, let's assume we don't know whether or not, and so we just heard it.
If this is true, what would it mean?
For some people, it sounds too good to be true.
They say, how can it be?
I said, no, no, no, how can this be?
What was Jesus like?
My brothers and sisters, what was Jesus like?
Jesus was like any one of us.
Jesus was walking in the streets with the other guys.
He was just 30 years old, young man, walking around the street with his disciples.
They were all age mates.
Young guys, what who was he?

Imagine Jesus sits down, he's hungry.
Somebody gives him a piece of bread, he takes it, it's, they're all together.
The rain's falling, all right, they're horing away from there, they're going back home.
It's night time Jesus gets on the bed and sleeps.
His siblings are in the house.
Do you understand?
He has younger brothers and sisters that are born of his mother.
They're in the same house.
And someone might call him, you know, Jesus is the Greek version of his name.
His name is Joshua, English version of the Hebrew name.
Joshua is Jesus.
Do you understand?
Joshua is the English version of his Hebrew name.
Jesus is the English version of the Greek name of Joshua.

You get it?
And one day he said they wanted to go to Jerusalem.
And so they asked him, aren't you coming?
It's possible, aren't you coming?
He says, I'm not going yet.
So they left him at home.
But when they got there, they met him there.
They were surprised.

They didn't know he was there until he shouted in the crowd.
When he shouted, everybody knew he was there now.
This is Jesus.
I'm letting you understand something.
He looked like every one of us.
One day sitting by the well, a woman comes to fetch water.
Jesus says to the woman, can you give me some water to drink?
The woman looked at him and said, you're a Jew.
I'm a Samaritan.
You're not supposed to be asking me for water, all right?
So she got her own water.
Jesus said to her, woman, if you knew the person asking you,
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
He said, if you knew the person asking you, you would ask him for water.
And he will give you water in such a way you would never have to come back here to drink.
The lady got interested and said, ha ha.
You don't even have a bucket.
You don't have a cup.
You don't have a vessel to fetch water.
How can you give me water?
This well is very deep.
He's a woman.
Anybody who drinks of this well will thirst again.
But the water that I give, if you drink it, you will never thirst.
I'm just trying to get you to understand something.
Well, you know the story.
Think about this, Jesus.
One day, they tell lies about him, and finally, they get judgment against him to be crucified.
And the soldiers are kicking him.
They tell the little kids, kick him, spit at him, and he spat at him.
And everybody who had a chance hit him and said, Professor, tell us who hit you.
And Jesus was taken to the cross and crucified.
He died a criminal's death.
But who was this man?
Who was he?
The Bible says he was wounded for our transgressions.
He was brooms for our iniquities.
The chastisement for our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed.
All we lack sheep have gone astray.
We have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord had laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Who was he?
These Jewish people didn't know who he was.
They're rid of him and the prophets.
They didn't know who he was.
The Bible says he was taken from prison and from judgments.
And who shall declare his generation?

Who shall declare his generation?
What does that mean?
Who can tell?
Who will tell?
Who shall tell?
Where he came from?

Who was he?
My brothers and sisters, as you studied the Bible,
You be amazed to discover who Jesus really is.
Who is this man of Galilee?

Who is this man?
That was so ordinary.
Yes, he performed miracles.
Yes, he healed the sick.
He opened the eyes of the blind, unstopped deaf ears.
He met the lame walk.
He cleansed the lavas.
He raised the dead.
But who was he?
He fed the hungry, but who was he?
They had no clue.

So one day,
One of the reasons that killed him, he said, I am the Son of God.
So they picked up stones because they knew what he meant by that.
Son of God doesn't mean someone that is born by God.
Son of God means God in human flesh.
So they picked up stones.
They said, you are a man and now you're making yourself God.
and he had to escape through their midst.
But they didn't forget what he said.
They were offended by it until they had a chance to kill him.
They had taken him to the high priest.
And the high priest wanted charges against him.
And one of the charges was, he said he was the son of the highest.
They wouldn't even mention his name.
So the high priest said, tell me, did you say you are the son of the highest?

Because they understood that.
That means he was God in human body.
How can you say that?
So they waited for his answer.
And once he said, yes, they said, what are we waiting for?
He has convicted himself.
Everywhere we hear him is not fit to live.
And he dragged him away and crucified him.
Praise God.
But you know, the part that I'm excited about tonight, that I want to talk to you about, I want you to understand,
this man as ordinary as he looked, as feeble as he seemed.
The Bible says, when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
He is despised and rejected of man, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.

the buried him in a cave.
The third day the disciples come looking for his body and they don't find his body in the tomb.
His reason as he said, what will this mean?
His reason?
Who rolled us down away?
What happened to the soldiers?
There were soldiers watching the entrance of the cave.
The stone was rolled away.
Where is his body?
A woman said, I saw him.
Her name's Mary.
She had seen Jesus.
She looked in, and there was nobody there.
The hangers said, why do you seek the living among the dead?
She said, where is he?
A few steps later, Jesus himself calls her, Mary.
She shouts, Master.
And Jesus says, go and tell my disciples.
Then he says, I ascend to my father and your father, my God and your God.
Tell them to meet me in Galilee.
You know, I have a meeting with them in Galilee.
She goes to tell them she had seen the Lord.
They gather in Galilee.
Jesus is in the midst of them.
He's given instructions.
His siblings are back.
They were not among his disciples.
They had been warning him that the Romans will soon take him.
He didn't listen.
He was taken away.
Now thank God miraculously is back to us.
So they're hoping he has learnt his lessons.
And they are hoping he wouldn't do what he did before.
Don't incite the romance.
Think if you were one of his siblings and you were there at the end.
And they all gathered together.
Listening as Jesus gives instructions.
They're hearing him.
He orders words that no human ever ordered.
Words no human could even consider.
Jesus says, oh God, oh God, even to think of it.
Mario's Gospel, chapter 28.
I want you to go to verse
18, hear the words of this man of Galilee.
And Jesus came and spec onto them saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
I want you to think about this.
If he had said all power is given unto me in earth, they could think about it like, really?
He doesn't say, all power is given unto me in earth.
He says, in heaven.
What does he think he is?
I mean, when he said he had authority in Judea, they killed him.
If he says he has authority, in the earth, the Romans will not spare him one more day.
This is offensive enough.
But he doesn't even say that alone.
He says all authority in heaven.
Oh, now.
You can imagine his siblings are shaking in their boots.
Everybody is hoping this someone will end now so that they can drag him home and teach him a lesson on concerns or needs to talk to him.

All authority in heaven.
He says, he's given unto me, not shall be given unto me.
He's given unto me.
Who does he think he is?
Why are they listening to him?
Suddenly, looks like Jesus
Something is happening.
His feet don't seem to be underground.
So, they clean out their eyes.
See what I see?
The next thing, he's one foot in the air.
He's still talking.
Three feet in the air.
Oh God, who do we tell?
Where do we go with this story?
They're still looking at him.
Now he's talking to them in the air.
They are thinking, are we dreaming?
They feel they're going crazy.
They're going crazy.
Why are they still thinking what to do with themselves?
He seems to be going higher and higher.
Everybody's hoping, maybe we are all sleeping.
Or have we all died?
Maybe we have died.
The look.
He's going.
He's going.
Then he says to them, I'll come again.
Oh God, now their eyes coming out of the sockets.
They're looking.
And then they watch and see him go into the clouds.
Who will you tell this story?
Who will believe you?
You live there.
Already you're having a problem getting them to believe his disciples didn't steal his body.
Now you just saw something that nobody told you was coming.
If you were Jude, Simon, his brothers, if you were there and you saw this, if you were one of his sisters, what are you going to do with yourself?
to discover the one you told to clean his room by himself was actually from above, as he said.
Where do you take your story to?
Who are you going to tell?
How do you even begin to describe what you have seen today?
You look like you are mad.
You don't know.
I tell you, that meeting closed quietly.
Nobody talking.
Everybody's going home quietly.
I think this was one of the stories they could not tell.
Who tells such a story?
Only eyewitnesses were quiet.
They couldn't tell the story.
Because it seemed they were mad.
How do you tell it?

The only man who gives us the full description of it is Luke.
He wasn't one of those disciples.

Luke gives it to us in the Book of Acts.
Think about it.
They don't dare include it in his main story.
It's too holy.
It's too sacred.
They just saw something no human could ever describe.
How do you say it that a man left this world before your eyes and went beyond the clouds?
How do you say it?

Everyone's quiet about it.
Because that is proof positive.
What he said about himself was a fact.
It was true.
He said, I am from above, ye are from beneath.
He declared that he was the Son of God, meaning that he was God in a human body.
Who was Jesus?
Jesus was the God that spoke to Moses in the burning bush.
When he says, Moses, take your shoes off your feet, for where on thou stand as his holy ground?
This was Jesus.
He was the one that called Abraham out of Heron, and said, walk before me, and be thou perfect.
I am El Shaddah.

Then you know who he was.
Now they're beginning to understand.
that beginning to understand who Jesus really is.
Jesus is God in human body.
Jesus is God.
My brothers and sisters, until you discover who Jesus is, you really don't know Him.
Jesus, you know, we say, Jesus is the Son of God.
Yes, but do you understand the meaning of Son of God?
The meaning of Son of God does not mean the boy that was given birth to by God.
No, meaning of Son of God is God in a body, in a human body.
So Jesus is God.
I found out many Christians don't know it.
Even many preachers have never thought about it.
I said to some preachers and they said, how can that be?
I said, so who have you been serving?
What did you think he was?

Jesus is Adonai.
Adonai is the Lord God.

He's the one that's set to Moses.
He said to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob knew me as El Shaddah, but I am Jehovah, which is Yahweh.
Jehovah is Yahweh.
This is why the Jewish people have a difficulty accepting Jesus Christ ordinarily.
Because it blows the mind.
Because when you study it, Jesus, Jesus is out of night.
Jesus is God.

then you can understand why his name has all power.
Somebody said, oh, if Jesus is God, how come when Jesus was being baptized at the Jordan River, a voice spoke from heaven and said, this is my beloved son in whom I am here, please.
Don't think about him like you think about a man.
I am talking to you here.
I am here on the stage.
You are hearing me too last because near you.
if human beings can make that happen.

Who do you think he is?
Did you hear what we call him God?
The things that you cannot comprehend with your mind are possible with God.
Did you hear what we call him?

And this Jesus that I introduce to you as the Son of God simply is God in the human body.
So that ordinary man of Galilee was actually God Almighty walking the streets.
in Israel.
All the Bible says he was in the world, and the world was met by him, and the world knew him not.
He came onto his own, and his own received him not.
But as many as received him, to them he gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in his name.
Oh, Hallelujah.

This is Jesus.
In the beginning was the word.
And the word was with God.
And the word was God.
This Leerondogira actus hermande.
This is the story of the word.
John writes the story of the word.
I want you to understand the gospel according to St.
It's the story of the word.
He says, in the beginning was, it's a story.

It's a story of the word.
In the beginning was,
So he tells us, in the beginning, watch the Word.
And the Word was with God.
And the Word was God.
Oh, Para Congra Hallegrista.
Oh, wonderful.
Look at it.
Next verse, you'd love it.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by Him.
And without Him was not anything made that was made.
In Him was life.
And the life was the light of man.
and the light shining in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.
You'd love this.
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
The same came for a witness to be a witness of the lights that all men through him might believe.
He was not that light, but was sent to be a witness of that light.
That was the true light which lighted every man that coming into the world.
Look at that.
He was in the world.
And the world was made by Him.
And the Word knew Him not to stop.
Look at it again.
He was in the world.
The Word.
No, the Word.
The word in the beginning was the word.
I said, it's the story of the word.
John tells you the story of the words.
He wants you to know.
He starts his story from the very beginning.
He says, in the beginning was the word.
And the Word was with God.
And the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.
In Him was inherent life.
And the life was the light of men.
Look at that now.
We're in verse 10, right?
He was in the Word.
Who the Word?
You remember?
The Word was in the Word, and the Word was made by Him, and the Word knew Him not.
Listen, He was in the Word.
The Word knew Him not.

He came onto his own and his own received him not.

But as many as received him, to them gave him power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in his name, which were born, not a blood, not the will of the flesh, not the will of men, but of God.
Look at verse 14.
And the word was made flesh.
Now the Greek, when does it better became flesh?
The word became flesh.
And the word became flesh.
Uh oh, now you understand John.
Where is John going?
John is letting you know the origin of Jesus.
Others told us how the story came about a baby that was born in Bethlehem.
So they tell us about his physical origin.
They tell us about the story of the angel.
The angel came to a woman named Mary and said, you're going to have a son.
You're going to have a son.
His name shall be called Jesus.
He shall save his people from their sins.
But John gives us the actual origin of the man, Jesus.
He tells us who Jesus really was.
He says, Jesus was the word.
Jesus was not just a baby born in Bethlehem.
Jesus watched the word.
Oh, the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
We beheld His glory.
Glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace.
Oh God, full of grace and truth.

Oh, you know, I think sometimes I've had several people come to visit me.
And when they're with me, they're like, they want to stay forever.
I'm going to explain something to you.
There's a peace given to us.
There's a peace.
There's a rest.
There's something about the life that God has given us.
I sometimes have to remind them they still have to go.
Can you imagine?
And as a pastor, Chris, I don't want to go.
It's like just stay with you here forever.
Yes, because there's something about the life is given us.

Something about the life is given us.
And I'm thinking, what was Jesus like?
John says, full of grace, full of grace.
Jesus, full of grace and reality.
When you came to Jesus, your search ended.
When you came to Jesus, you arrived.
You were home.
Do you want to go anywhere?
Remember the two disciples of John?
John the Baptist.
They found Jesus so they came to him.
They said, Master, where do you live?
So they followed him to his house.
They listened to him all evening.
It became dark.
The Bible says they pretended they wanted to go.
So they looked out and they said, Master, it's dark now.
So Jesus said, all right, you can stay till tomorrow.
So they stayed overnight, but the Bible tells us they never left again.
They stayed with Jesus, full of grace and reality.
When you got to Him, you were home.
Your search ended.
You have arrived.
Oh God, hallelujah.
What a life, what a life, what a life.
Glory to God.
Think about it.
Think about it.
This is the Jesus that has come to us in the Word.
He's God in the human body.

Can we ever recover from the shock?
that God Almighty came in a human body and human beings killed him.
Think about it.
They killed him.
They killed him.
How would they ever recover from that?
That's why many would never want that to be true, that he is God.
They don't want the responsibility

How can you take that responsibility that you killed him?

But this is God in human body.
I want you to understand this, Jesus.
Notice, I haven't even read scriptures to you about this.
It's abundant in the scriptures.
But this is the most amazing thing.
If Jesus were truly God, it means He is still God.

And then he's got the right to tell us the things he said.
Think about it.
If it's true that Jesus was God in a human body, remember your body comes from your mother, your life comes from your father.
The woman gives you a body.
The man gives you the life.
So Jesus got his body from his mother.

Where was his life?
He was the Word of God from the mouth of the angel.
God's Word.
That's where his life came from.
Now, we also, when you were born again, first Peter, turned the first Peter chapter one.
First Peter chapter one.
from verse 23.
Look at it, being born again.
None of corruptible seed.
The word seed is sperm.
None of corruptible sperm.
The sperm is the life bearing seed.
That's what it is.
being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the Word of God.
When you're born again, you're born by the Word of God, which levites and abides it forever.
Isn't this consistent?
I'm looking at what Peter just said, compared to what he tells us in the second episode, which you read.
Compare that to what Paul said.
There's a consistency in what they believed and what they preached.
They knew we had received life.
That's how come a serpent beat Paul.
He was gathering sticks, and the serpent came out from the midst of the sticks, and hung on to his wrists and beat him.
And the Bible tells us it was a poisonous one.
So the people knowing about it thought he would die within minutes.
So they were waiting.
But the Bible says Paul shook it into the fire and felt and felt no harm.
So they're watching.
When nothing happened to him, they fell down before him and they said he's a God.
He's a God.
He's a God.
Because Jesus said, these signs shall follow them that believe.
Mark's Gospel, chapter 16.
Let's have a look at it.
From verse 16,
He that believe that in his baptized shall be saved, but he that believe that not shall be damned.
And these signs shall follow them that believe.
In my name shall they cast out devils.
So yeah, they shall speak with new tongues.
Did you hear that?
They shall take up serpents.
Did you see that?
And if they drink... We get it.
And if they drink... Stop for a second.

Imagine this.
What's the matter with you?
I think it was something I drank.
I think it was something I ate.
I think it was a, eh, eh.
In their dreams.

Look at it.
You cannot understand why some Christians are still suffering.
What they're not supposed to be suffering.
Because their contemplation is wrong.
Because their imagination is wrong.
They've grown up wrong.
They were not brought up in Christ.
They were brought up in the words.
Hey, my stomach is telling me.
I think it was something I ate.
Ooh, I think it was something I drank.
But he said these signs shall follow them that believe.
He said it's a sign.
It's a sign.
Look at it.
Everybody drank it.
And when they drank it,

But you drank the same thing.

You drank the same thing.
Look at it again.
And these signs shall follow them that lead.
In my name, they shall cast out devils.
They shall speak with new tongues.
They shall take up suffering.
And eat their drink.
And eat deadly things.
Eat shall not hurt them.
Shall they be somebody?
Hold on.
Can I show you something?
Somebody says, oh, Father, you promised that if we drink any deadly thing, he's saying, hello!
It's not a promise.
It's not a promise.
Look at it again.
That's not a promise.
He did not promise that if we drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt us.
It's not a promise.
Look at it again.
Doesn't want to look at it again.
They shall take off supents.
La Carabasiticia!

Any that drink any deadly thing.
It shall not hurt them.
They shall lay in the sick, and they shall recover.

I am picking that part for you because it's one of the signs.
These things show us our divinity.
If they drink any deadly things.
Imagine you took a cup of something and they told you, ah, did you drink that thing?
Hey, it's poisonous.
Then you go, ah!
So they have killed me or some of us who say, ah, my enemy is dead.
My enemy.
Who is your enemy?
My enemy is dead.
because they don't want to say, oh, they have kept, you know, my name is dead.
Don't have that kind of language.

You understand this?
You see, if you are brought up in the world, listen, I'm sharing with you these are my politicians.
You understand?
If you brought up in the world,
Every part of your body will respond to the word.
Respond to the word.
You say, I'm a child of God.
I refuse to be sick.
Did you hear what I said?
I refuse to be sick.
Somebody said, how can you say that?
If you were born again, you would understand that being born again means that you're human life.
Listen, we don't have two lives.
We don't have two lives.
We have only one life.
That's why Jesus said, you have to be born again.
He didn't say you should have additional births, not additional births.
He said, be born again.
And what he meant was, he said, that which is born on the flesh is flesh, and that which is born on the spirit is spirit.
Mother, not that I said unto you, you must be born again.

What has happened is flesh, your flesh came from your mother.
Your spirit has been reborn.
Whereas you had a human life, I want to understand, you had a human life.
Your spirit has not been given the God nature.
Now, does it have an impact on your physical body?
Oh boy, oh boy, you better believe this.
That's why Jesus said, if they shall drink, if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.
Because there is an impact of the spirit on the physical body.
Oh dear.
I gotta show you this.
I gotta show you this.
Are you still there?

All right.
I want you to go to Leviticus chapter 17.
We're going to read from verse 11.
I want you to notice something here.
Have you seen it?
Read from me.
The life of the flesh is where?
Come on.
Read it again.
One more time.
That's where the life of the flesh is.
That's the reason, that's the reason when somebody's got a problem and it gets in the blood vessels, he got a real problem.
Because it attacks his whole body.
So they say, oh, you know, oh, that guy, he got HIV.
Someone should get a blood disease.
So let's go die and finish.
All right.
Look at it, the life of the flesh.
When Jesus died, listen, when Jesus died on the cross, a Roman soldier went to him,
trying to find out whether he was truly dead.
So he trust the spirit through his sight.
And the Bible says, blood and water gushed out.
His heart had ruptured.
All his blood drained out.

When Jesus was buried, his body was buried without blood.
All the blood had poured out.

Are you listening?
This is very important.
His body was without blood.
So when He was raised from the dead, the resurrected body of Jesus had no blood.

Hui, did the life of the body of Jesus come from?
The Bible says that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father.
because the Holy Ghost, the glory of the Father, the Holy Ghost overshadowed the body of Jesus and quickened the dead body of Jesus.
And Jesus came back to life, his body without blood.
Jesus' body to this day has no blood.
Are you hearing what I'm telling you?
When you are Manto Caravasica Villarilla, when you are born again, you have the same life.
Are you hearing me?
The same life which with Jesus was raised from the dead.

Are you following this?
This is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
Romans chapter 8.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Somebody say, but if the spirit of Him that raised of Jesus from the dead, dwell in Him, He that raised of Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mother's bodies.
Ah, you got it.
Did you see that?
Eat the spirit of Him.
that raised up Jesus from the dead, lives in you.
He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also vitalize, make a lie.
Did you hear that motto, motto of body?
Do you remember what we read?
He had brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.
If the Holy Ghost, my, my, my, if the Holy Ghost who rests Jesus from the dead, lives in you.
He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also vitalize your dead to body by his parent that lives in you.
I got the life of God in me.

Where is this going?
Where is this going?
If you meditate on this, what will happen in your life?
The days of sickness and disease are over.
Are you hearing me?
The days of bodily afflictions are over.
No wonder Peter and John, at the gate of the temple called beautiful, they made that man who was important in his sleep, never walked from birds.
Peter said, silver and gold, have I none but such as I have, such as I have, such as I have, such as I have.
Such as I have.
Brother, I got something.
I got something.
I got something.
I got something.
I got something.
Such as I have.
Such as I have.

Did you notice?
Peter didn't pray.
He didn't say, let's ask Jesus for it.
He didn't say, let's ask God for His healing power.
He says, such as I have, such as I have, give I be in the name of Jesus Christ.
Man, man, man, man, man, man, man.
I got the life of God in people, and I just... Hey!
I... Whoo!
Yeah, Lord!
Shut the hell up, man!
I... Man, man, man, man!
Now you can understand why we are taking this message to the ends of the earth.
How can you know this and be quiet?
How can you know this and be quiet?

We trust that you have been blessed by this message.
If you would like to invite Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life, kindly say this prayer, O Lord God,
I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ, Son of the living God.
I believe He died for me, and God raised Him from the dead.
I believe He's alive today.
I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from this day.
Through Him and in His name,
I have eternal life.
I'm born again.
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.
I'm now a child of God.
You are now a child of God.
To receive more information on how you can grow as a Christian, please send us an email at salvation at
God bless you.