Who is in Your House
The man of God, Pastor Chris, through different kinds of programs and crusades has helped billions around the world experience the divine presence of God.
These meetings are exceptional times of worship, revelations, prayers, salvation, healing, and upliftment for everyone in attendance.
And so it was at the Healing Stream's live healing services with Pastor Chris, a program organized to take healing to the nations of the world.
In each of the services, billions around the world connected through various platforms to experience God's divine touch.
Be blessed as we bring you an excerpt of one of the teachings from the Healing Stream's live healing services with the man of God, Pastor Chris,
In this episode, watch as the man of God addresses the question, who is in your house?
Who is in your house?
I told you, according to the Bible, your body is your house.
That's what the Bible says.
Your body is your house.
Your body is your dwelling place.
It's where you live.
You are not a body.
You are not the physical body that you see.
Your body is where you live.
You're a spirit being.
That's how God created you.
And so you were given a body to live in so you can express yourself in this earth, in this world.
Without your body, you cannot express yourself.
Demon spirits are evil spirits that have been punished to have no bodies.
They don't have their spiritual bodies to express themselves.
So they must enter into another living being that has a body for them to express themselves.
That's why they need to enter into human beings because human beings are the highest of God's creatures, the most intelligent, the most functional of God's creatures.
So they can express themselves their best.
I shouldn't say their best because they're not good.
They are washed because they're evil.
They can express themselves to their worst when the era into human beings.
They can era into animals.
They do.
For example, remember, when Jesus was casting out devils from the man in Gdara, in St.
Mark's Gospel, chapter 5, those demons axed him
permission for them to enter into the swine.
A herd of swine, about 2,000 swine.
And Jesus gave them leave.
And they enter into those animals.
And those animals just couldn't take it.
They ran into the water, drowned themselves, and died.
But remember, they asked permission to go into the swine.
and the one in.
So it matters what animals you have in your house.
Oh yeah, this is real.
Those in witchcraft will tell you that they have been able to enter into animals or birds to carry out their evil and wicked functions.
But the best creature to carry out your highest potentials is when you use a human body.
It's the same with God.
The spirit of God would rather use a human being to express himself in the earth.
when God wanted to reach us.
He came in a human body, Jesus.
Jesus looked like us.
He was so much like us that when he was standing with his 12 disciples, actually 11, because the betrayer, the traitor, was with the other guys.
So Jesus was standing with his 11 disciples.
And they needed Judas' chariot to identify Jesus for them among the disciples.
So he said, the one that I greet with a kiss is the one.
So when he showed up, he went straight to Jesus and greeted a master and kissed him.
And Jesus said, Judas, does thou betray the Son of man with a kiss?
So it was so much like us.
So God reached us through one with a human body, sickness and disease, acetone's expressions in the human body, pains, afflictions of the body,
They're all expressions of Satan's presence.
The first of the signs that Jesus gave that he said will follow those who believe in him is casting out devils.
That's the first on the list.
He said, these signs shall follow them that believe.
In my name they shall cast out devils.
That tells you how important it is.
They shall cast out devils.
People suffer today with lots of problems, lots of challenges, and most of their problems are caused by demons.
Most of their problems are caused by demons, but it's very, very easy to deal with when you use the name of Jesus.
all demons fear the name of Jesus.
Because Jesus defeated them, praise God.
In 1 Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 19,
to verse 20, I read to you yesterday, I want to read to you again today.
He says, what?
No, not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you.
Now, Holy Ghost means Holy Spirit, same thing.
Says, don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?
He wrote this to Christians.
Those who already believe in Jesus Christ, who have received the Holy Spirit,
If you haven't received the Holy Spirit, get ready today.
It's God's plan.
Without the Holy Spirit, you can't serve God.
How can you serve God?
It'll be difficult for you.
You need the Holy Spirit to guide you, to teach you the things of God, to instruct you in the way you should go.
Real Christianity is not possible without the Holy Spirit.
And God's plan is for all of His children to have the Holy Spirit.
We talk about the rapture of the church.
But one day, the dead in Christ will rise, they'll come out of the grave.
They'll come out of wherever even those that were burned to ashes.
The Bible lets us know all the elements who come back together
and be glorified by the Spirit of God.
In other words, changed, transformed into a celestial body because the Bible says there will be a change in the twinkling of an eye.
And those who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord Jesus in the air.
That cannot happen without the Holy Spirit.
Everyone needs to have the Holy Spirit.
Everyone needs to have the Holy Spirit.
So let's go back to that verse 19.
He says, don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which you have of God, and you're not your own?
Look at verse 20.
For you have bought with the price, therefore glorified God in your body and in your spirit.
glorified God in your body and in your spirit.
glorify God, live a life that glorifies God, that honors God.
That means through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can stop sinning, you can stop all the evils that you use to live with.
Your life will be changed with the life of Christ in you.
There's too much evil in the world.
There's too much destruction in the world.
There's too much hatred in the world.
So much killings, murders, wickedness, violence in the world.
Because Satan, you know, Jesus calls Satan the murderer.
Satan is the killer.
And Jesus says, Satan is a liar, falsehood comes from Satan, deception comes from Satan.
And so when Satan enters into people's lives, he causes them to lie, to deceive, to hate, to kill.
That's the reason there's so much killing around the world, so much violence in the world.
And God is calling men to repentance.
God is calling men to repentance.
But without the Holy Spirit, they can't live the life that God wants them to live.
That's why today you have to receive the Holy Spirit.
You change your life.
There are many of you who do evil things, not because you want to do them, but you find yourself doing them.
Some of you think it's the only way.
You can imagine how errors, maybe because you need money, maybe because you want to have some material things in the world.
And you feel there's no other way except deception, violence.
No, a thousand times no.
You can have all those things and still not be happy.
And that's what has happened to a lot of people.
They've done so much in their lives.
They've committed so much atrocities, deceived and killed others.
And still they're not happy.
Still they're not fulfilled.
Their whole life is a misery.
Because you opened yourself to Satan.
So he gave you the suggestions.
And made you carry out those atrocious acts.
But if today you let Jesus Christ come into your house, let him come to live inside you.
If you let the Holy Spirit come and live inside you, he'll make your success.
He'll make your victor.
He'll change your life.
You'll have peace.
You'll be fulfilled.
You've been satisfied in your life.
And you're no one saying, peace with God, which you cannot buy with money.
Make up your mind today.
When I start praying for you to receive the Holy Spirit, you'd receive the Holy Spirit.
It's not difficult.
It's an act of your faith, entrusting in God.
So I'm going to lead you through that process.
It's very simple.
but very powerful, very real.
The Holy Spirit will come to live in you, change your life completely.
And you can live in health always.
God's plan is for you to have health always.
I should have tea yesterday.
He wants you to be healthy always.
Who is in your house?
This house of your body, who is inside?
Is God inside?
Or are demons inside?
Do you realize you don't want to decide?
But if you already have demons inside, you can't free yourself.
No man ever freed himself from demons.
They're too powerful for human beings.
But with the name of Jesus, we can help you.
When we call that name today, it doesn't matter for how long they've had you bound.
It doesn't matter.
They'll leave you.
They'll let you go.
They'll come out of you and they'll pack their sicknesses and diseases that they came with and get out of your body.
I want to read you another scripture.
In Colossians chapter 1 verse 27,
Look what it says.
To whom God will make known, what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
You see, if demons are in you, they'll torment your life.
They'll destroy your life.
They'll bring fear into your life.
What if Christ is in you?
The hope of glory.
There's hope always.
And you know what?
It also shows you that this glory of God has come to be fulfilled in your life.
Think about it.
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
From then on, when Christ takes up his abode in the quarters of your heart, from that moment on,
Your life will be changed.
Peace with God.
And God will separate you always from all that is evil because it makes you the light of the world.
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Let me give you one more scripture.
In Romans chapter eight, verse 11,
But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you.
Because it's a long verse, I'm gonna have to explain it to you.
It's very simple, just keep it on the screen and I'll take it step by step for you.
He says, if the spirit of God, him that raised Jesus from the dead, God raised Jesus from the dead.
Remember, he was crucified for us, and he was buried, and I thought they got raised him from the dead.
So Jesus is alive.
He resurrected, he's alive.
So the Bible says, if the spirit of the world who raised Jesus from the dead, that means the spirit of God, if he lives in you,
This very spirit that raised Christ from the dead shall quicken.
That means make alive.
Your death doomed body.
Your body that was dead doomed.
Your body that was full of death and evil and destruction.
Your body that was full of sickness.
Your body that was dying.
He says,
He that raised the Christ from the dead, this Holy Spirit shall quicken, make alive, give life to your dead-dune body by His Spirit that lives in you.
If you let this Holy Spirit come and live in you, your body will come alive.
The death that has attacked your body, because some of you are sick today, you know if you don't get a miracle, you're dying, you know it.
You know you have to have a miracle.
There's some of you doctors have already told you there's no chance they can help you.
But today, there's hope for you.
There's hope for you in Jesus Christ.
And that's the message I bring to you now.
If you let this Holy Spirit come into you, even though your body has been paralyzed, let me show you the scripture I just go to verse 10.
I'll show it to you now.
Same book.
It says, if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness.
What is it saying to you?
It says, if Christ be in you, though your body be dead because of sin, those sin has crippled your body.
Those sin has destroyed your body.
The spirit gives your body life because of the righteousness of Christ.
Righteousness of Christ.
has made the difference.
I told you about that day before yesterday.
Because of Christ's righteousness, now you stand in the presence of God accepted.
God has accepted you.
And now that He has accepted you, it doesn't matter what sickness was doing to your body.
In the name of Jesus, it can be reversed.
It can be reversed.
Did you know in the Bible that Jesus, he hears, restored those whose limbs were amputated?
The Bible says the name to hear it.
They were made whole.
Their limbs had been cut.
Who could give a man hope in such a situation except Jesus Christ?
Jesus gives you hope.
Tonight, you can receive a miracle.
Doesn't matter what your case is.
You can receive a miracle.
And you will.
You will.
You will.
To know more about the Healing Stream's live services with Pastor Chris, visit www.healingstreams.tv to watch other related messages by Pastor Chris, download the Pastor Chris Digital Library, available on Love World App Store.