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February 2019 - The Month of Walking in the Light

Men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

Now, this is the month of February.
And I want to just share with you
a few things, the Spirit God.
Let's bring in to my Spirit.
First, we will read from the first episode of Zen John chapter number one.
And I'm reading verse

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ, the sun cleansed us from all sin.
This is if we walk in the light as He is in the light.
Now this is so important because remember this is
the year of lights.
And it's interesting that the message that the Lord has given to us in this February is what I'm sharing with you now.
And coming from here, if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, not just if we walk in the light,
but walking in the light as he is in the light.
Look at it again.
But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ is uncleans and us from our sin.
If we walk in the light as he is in the light, I want you to go to Isaiah chapter two,

In verse 5, I want you all to read it together.
Isaiah chapter 2 verse 5, want to go.
One more time.
Isn't that interesting?
That's in the Old Testament.
And all that's means is all house of Jacob.
Come here and let us walk in the light of the Lord.
So John was speaking or writing here familiar message.
Walking in the lights.
Except at this time,
There was a new light.
There was a new light.
And it was the greater light.
And it had to walk in this light.
It says, if we walk in the light, as he's in the light, we have fellowship one with another.
And the blood of Jesus Christ is on cleanse thoughts from our sin.
Now, something very interesting, I want you to notice, in Psalm 119, and verse 100,

You say, is the entrance of thy words give at light?
It give at understanding, on to the simple.
The entrance of thy words give at light.
God's word is light.
God's word is truth.
God's word gives light.
When the world enters into you, it gives you what?
Look at it.
The entrance of thy words, give it lights.
It gives it understanding onto the simple.
You know, why many people make mistakes?
king-size mistakes.
You know, there are different types of mistakes people make.
All mistakes are not of the same grade or level.
Some make king-size mistakes.
What we mean by that is they make huge mistakes.
You know, making a mistake of locking your
your phone in your car and forgetting it there, it's not the same thing as making a mistake in decisions that have to do with your life.

But God's word inside you will help you make the right decisions in life.

Nations have gone to war because somebody made a mistake.
Somebody made a mistake.
Whole families have been destroyed because somebody made a mistake.
Lives have been lost because somebody made a mistake.

The destiny of families, the destiny of children have gone the wrong way because somebody made a mistake.

Now, when they were making the mistakes, they didn't.
A lot of times they didn't.
They didn't.
A lot of times they didn't.
Because they weren't listening to God's Spirit.
They weren't listening.
They weren't listening.

I mean, think about this.
A guy says he's not going to church.
He says, God told me not to go to church today.

Or God said, I shouldn't go to church today.
Very interesting.
How do such things play out in the minds of certain people?
They believe God said so, really?
So the Bible says the entrance of thy words, give it light.
The entrance of thy words, give it light.
the entrance of that words.
How God's word gets into you.

Imagine that the church, the pastor has announced they're going to be having a conference, a convention, a service of some kind.
And then one of the cell leaders says why he was praying, God said he should not go, he should not attend.
Now the pastor said it's compulsory for all cell leaders.
Then this one had a voice that spoke to him and said don't go.
And he believes God spoke to him.
But those are the kind of things that lead men into huge errors in life.
the entrance of thy words, give it light.
Jesus made a point clear.
He said, you air because you know not the scriptures.
He didn't say you air because you didn't hear correctly, you didn't hear the voice.
No, he gave us the scriptures for our checks and balances.
He gave us the scriptures because he knew that the voices you hear could be wrong.
And you could make a mistake of thinking, God said it to you, whereas it was your mind.
God said it to you, whereas you were being led by circumstances.
Let me tell you something.
The ending of a year and the beginning of a year are the times of huge demonic manifestations.
Go and read your Bible.
In the Old Testament, it tells us that the ending of the year was the period when kings went to war.
Because it was most strategic in those days in that area of the world where they were fighting, it was easier for them to use the natural forces as shears.
Either for sound or for visibility.
So they planned their wars for certain periods of the time.
Demons are that strategic too.
They know that people are easily given the vulnerable at the ending part of a year and at the beginning part of a year.
Because at the ending part of a year, you have people who are trying to make new decisions for the coming year.
They're not so happy about the outgoing year.
So they think it's decision time.
So at such times, the demons are in full manifestation, full operation.
Most people are misled at the ending of a year and the beginning of another year.
Because there's where they make decisions that have to do with their lives.
They make decisions about their job.
They make decisions about where they live, the city where they live, about their family.
There's where they make these kind of decisions.
And this way they give God some ultimatum.
They say, if God doesn't do this by the end of this year, I'm going to do this.
But let's say, if this doesn't change, by the end of the year, I'm going to take this step.
If my boss doesn't do this, by the end of the year, I'll do this.
They plan their timing into the beginning of the year or the ending of the year,
And they don't realize that it's not God that's talking to them, it's their flesh that's talking to them.
And at such times, they cannot be corrected.
They cannot be counseled.
They cannot listen to counsel.
They cannot listen to correction.
They cannot listen to persuasion of the Spirit.
Because they have given themselves over to strongholds.
And these strongholds have taken over their hearts.
So even while they are praying, they are praying with their bare ass mind, they say, oh God, should I listen to that council?
Should I listen or not?
Why they are asking, they are saying to them, there is no.
I've gone through too much.
And sometimes they don't even have a reason for their actions.
Look at enough reason.
So they say, I was not thinking about it.
Why did he come to me?
Because you were not aware that demonic operations are taking place at that time.
And they are whispering and looking for who will listen.
And when you listen to them, you are misled.
This is why I tell people, pray in the spirit and study the scriptures.
Put your heart into the Word of God.
And then, how are you brought up in life?
It matters.
See us thou a man.
diligent in his business, is as he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before men.

Delegently study the world, stay in it, and remove not the ancient landmarks which thy fathers have set.
Don't remove the landmarks.

When you find yourself asking stupid questions, questions that you are not... Jesus asked the Jews.
He said, why do these thoughts arise in your hearts?
He said, why?
Why do you think like this?
There are people who think the wrong thoughts.
You just wonder, why do they think like this?
Jesus asked the same question.
He said, why do you think like this?
Why do these thoughts arise in your hearts?

There are thoughts that cannot come to my mind.
Because my mind is sanctified.
There are thoughts that cannot come to my mind.
You are supposed to be trained to have a certain way of thinking.
There is the reasoning, there is the wisdom of the just.
The righteous have a way of thinking.
Have you not heard such statements as in my family we don't do this?
In my family we don't do that.
It is correct because in that family they have a culture.
There are families without a culture, cultural-less, no training, nothing.
Everybody does what he thinks.
Like the children of Israel, at a certain time, the Bible says they had no king.
Everybody did what was right in their own eyes.
That's what the Bible says.
At a certain period of their lives, they did whatever was right in their eyes.
There are families like that.
Nobody tells you, nobody asks, where are you going?
Where are you coming from?
Once you are ready, you just go and you just come anytime and nobody cares.
And they think, oh, in my family, we have great liberty.
You are not in liberty, you are in trouble because you're not being brought up.
The Bible tells us about Jesus.
He was brought up in Nazareth.
The Bible says he was brought up in Nazareth.
Because the Son of God, they left him to do whatever he wanted.
He was brought up.
And then as his custom was, he went to the house of God, he went as his custom was.
How did he get that?
He was brought up to have that custom in Nazareth.
Richard Bigo.
So there are ways that we can say to someone, you were not taught like this.

There's a training in the house of God that we should have.
So whenever we see someone who has a certain period of his life, after you have become a leader, man to grits, give her uncle a big rose, congratulate his, social among grits, ask his.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Thank you Holy Spirit.
Thank you Lord.
In our lives, we have to be very careful.
All right?
The Spirit of God leads us and guides us.
But that Spirit, even in prophetic language, even in prophetic messages, is said to us, two or three of you should prophesy.
He said, let the others judge.
He didn't leave us to any individual prophecy that is likely to mislead God's people.
He said, let the others judge.
is important.
So don't say someone gave you a prophecy and that's the prophecy you are following.
And so you're going to do what that because the prophecy was okay for your mind.
You liked it.
It seemed to correspond with the thing you want to do.
So you go in in that light.
No, you don't behave like that.
Prophecies have to be judged.
All right?
It's in the Scripture.
And even the interpretation of Scripture, the Bible says there's no prophecy of its own private interpretation.
It should not be of private interpretation.
This is holy men of God speak as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

These are perilous times.
And the Bible says that the coming of the Lord will not take place until they confess a great fall in a way.
He says, many are going to fall from the faith.
He says, the Lord will not come until fast.
There is a great fall in a way from the faith.
Because he says, the kingdom of heaven is as a man that casts a net
into the sea and pulled all kinds of fishes.
He says, but bad and good.
And when he brought them to land, he separated the good fish from the bad fish.
So as we win souls around the world, all kinds of people coming into the kingdom, all kinds coming into the house of God.
And some will find themselves even in leadership.
But how are you going to know?
the one that is true, from the one that is not.
As the grow-up you will know, because as they mature, you see, while they are young, sheep and goats resemble, the Bible shows us, and we have seen ourselves, sheep and goats resemble when they are young.
But when they grow up, you see the difference.
The God is resistance.
You cannot lead a goat by words.
You have to put a rope on its neck to pull it.
God don't follow a shepherd.
God don't follow a shepherd.
Only sheep do.
To carry goats you must tie all their necks with a rope.
And even at that they resist.
Very stubborn.


Listen, you know, one of the things that I've thought about several times, when on the news we have heard of a young man that went into a school and killed his classmates or went into a restaurant and shot and killed people or went rampaging the neighborhood and killing people, one interesting thing that we have often heard is
They say the young man was very quiet.
He never heard a fly.
He never did something wrong.
They are surprised.
The neighborhood is surprised.
The neighbors are shocked.
Family members are stunned.
They say he never complains.
He never said this.
He never said that.
So the extreme reaction shocks them.
It's the same thing in the judge.
Some of the biggest troubles are caused by people who don't say anything.
And that's why others esteem them, because they're very quiet.
They never say anything, no problem.
So you are forced to believe when they prophesy or profess love.

So we have to be very careful.
We have to be very careful.

Oh, Mantakara Badiyos.
Look at verse 133.
Order my steps in thy word.
And let not iniquity have dominion over me.
Can you see that?
Order my steps in thy word.
Praise God.
Order my steps.

This was David's cry.
This was his prayer.
He said the entrance of that words, give it lights.
He'd give it understanding onto the simple.
The simple, who are the simple, the Bible says, he says, the wise see trouble ahead and they take another, he says, but the simple continue and getting the trouble.
And so he says, the word will give understanding to the simple.
The simple, the gullible.

All right, but here's something real, the beautiful.
In verse 105, same books, same chapters, and 119.
And this time verse 105.

It says, the word is a lamp onto my feet and a light onto my path.
Do you see that?
Thy word is a lamp.
God's word is a lamp.
Thy word is a lamp onto my feet and a light onto my path.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Okay, you ready for this one now?
You're gonna like it.
In Isaiah chapter 60, because you see, let me tell you this.
And so interesting because I was praying and I'm talking to the Lord about the month of February.
And he showed me, I saw legs in a vision.
legs walking.
And I said, what's the meaning of this legs walking?
And he said, you walk in the light as he is in the light.
You have fellowship one with another.
And the blood of Jesus Christ is so cleansed us.
That scripture is so powerful.
So this month is a month of walking in the light.
And not just in the light, but as he is in the light.
The light in which God himself walks.
He is in that light.
In other words, the light in which you walk must be consistent with his word.
Hear this, the entrance of thy words, give it light.
Light comes from his word.
No wonder his word is light.
Because this word is a lamp onto our feet and a light onto our path, which means light comes from his word.
When his word comes, light comes.
Truth produces light.
And guess what, you like this one, let me read it to you.
In Isaiah chapter 60, in verse one, he says, arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
What is He saying?
You see, this is the year of lights.
There are different kinds of lights, and there are different lights.
I hear any.
And what's going on is, He says, your light is come.
Now, the light that He is giving you
is different from the light that He's given you, because He's given you a light concerning certain things.
He's given you a light concerning certain things that are different from the light.
He's given you about certain things, because there are different areas of our lives where He throws in the lights.
His His delight is come.
His His arise, shine, for your light is come.
And I'm thinking, Lord, my light.
So I have light now about my work.
Have light.
Listen, he says, he that follows me shall not walk in darkness.
He shall not walk in darkness about his health, shall not walk in darkness, about his job, shall not walk in darkness, about his finances.
He shall have the light of life.
Think about that.
There are people who walk in darkness.
But listen.
He says, for behold, the darkness, verse two, shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people, but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
Where is that area of the life where you needed light?
Maybe things have been moving very well in certain areas, but there are areas that have not been very okay for you.
Now, he says, arise, for the light is come.
light has come there light has come hallelujah you say I didn't know this I didn't know this stuff I didn't know about this well in this area I know I'm very strong I know I know this one very well well this area that you thought you were weak light has come

Look at it, arise, shine for thy light.
Your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon the hallelujah.
Then we go to verse 19, same book, same chapter.
The sun, mama, mama, you love this.
The sun shall be no more than light by day.
Neither for brightness shall the moon give light on to thee.
What is it saying?
You're not going to be walking according to the senses.
You see, the light from the sun and the light from the moon, I'm only, if I walk under that light, I'm dependent on my senses.
I'm dependent on the senses from the light given to me by the sun and by the moon."
And God says, no, no, no.
That's not going to be your light anymore.
You're not going to be walking by your senses.
You're not going to be walking by the light of the sun or the light of the moon.
He says, but the Lord shall be on to thee and never last in light.
Blessed be God.
That's why His word can be tested.
It's unfailing.
absolutely unfailing.
Look at it.
He says, but the Lord shall be unto thee and ever last in light and thy God thy glory.
In fact, in the amplified versions is the Lord will be your glory and your beauty.
So the Lord beautifies your life.
He's your glory and your beauty.
Oh, Hallelujah.
Did you ever, did you ever look at yourself and you thought you didn't look good enough?
Did you ever, did you ever fail to have confidence in your own appearance?
He says, the Lord is your glory and your beauty.
Then you look into the mirror and you say, wow, I'm beautiful.
I'm glorious because the Lord is my glory.
The Lord is my beauty.
Now verse 20, thy son shall no more go down, neither shall thy moon withdraw itself, for the Lord shall be thine everlasting lights.
And the days of thy morning shall be ended.
Look at verse 21, thy people also shall be all righteous.
This shows you, this is powerful.
I, thy people shall be all righteous.
Did you think about that?
Where was it?
How could this be Israel in the Middle East?
No, no, no.
This has to be when people receive the righteousness of God.
It's not their human righteousness.
This is God's righteousness given unto them.
So he made us his righteous ones.
He says, and they shall inherit the land forever.
The branch of my planning, the work of my hands that I may be glorified.
A little one shall become a thousand.
And a small one, a strong nation, I, the Lord, will hasten it in its time.


What else?
Isn't this just so powerful?
A little one shall become a thousand.
And a small one a strong nation.
Just lift your hand right there and bless the Lord and thank Him.
And thank Him because His Word is leading you.
His Word is your glory.

We trust you are blessed by this message.
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Thank you.