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How to Use Your Faith for the Gospel

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
The Bible declares to Timothy 4-7, I have fought a good fight.
I have finished my course.
I have kept the faith.
Find out more in this insightful teaching as Pastor Chris introduces us on how to use your faith for the gospel.
Glory to God.
So much to know, so much to learn, so much for us.
Second Timothy chapter number three, the living Bible.
Second Timothy chapter three, verse one, and we are reading from the living Bible.
He says, you may as well know this too, Timothy, that in the last days it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian.
He didn't say impossible.
He said, very difficult to be a Christian.
And then we read on and on.
He told us, why?
The challenges that many people will be facing, challenges, challenges.
Why it's going to be very difficult to be a Christian.
But that shouldn't be a problem to anybody.
Because the Christian life cannot even be lived by any human being.

The only way to live the Christian life is through the Holy Spirit.
Nobody without the Holy Spirit can live the Christian life.
It is not possible.
You may be as nice as you could ever be, as kind and as wonderful, but it will not be a Christian life.
Human goodness is not the definition of Christianity.
Christianity is Christ.
alive and at work in you.
He takes up his abode in the quarters of your heart.
He literally lives in you through the Holy Spirit because it's in Jesus, it's in heaven.
He's in heaven.
So how is Jesus in your heart through the Holy Spirit?
He lives in you through the Holy Spirit.
That's the only way.
Otherwise, you're going to be a kind, nice, wonderful person, nice, but not a Christian.
Because to be a Christian, you will need the Holy Spirit.
You will need Him.
First and foremost, it is the Holy Spirit who brings you into Christ.
The Bible says, for by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body.
See, it's the Holy Spirit who comes over you and baptizes you, immerses you into Christ, then you become a member of the body of Christ through the new birth.
So all that time he's over you.
He's made you the temple, the living tabernacle of God, but he needs to come inside.
That is why we tell people, now receive the Holy Spirit to live in you.
He has brought you into Christ.
Now he wants, and he has made you the house of God.
Now he wants to live in his house.

For example, there's something that I've been teaching for many years.
Of course, I've always known that it will take a long time with some difficulty to convince the body of Christ in their use of terminology that is inaccurate and therefore brings to them the type of unbelief that is very difficult to eradicate.
You know, this term of baptism of the Spirit, I've been trying to explain because
The wrong communication has been in the church for so many, many, many years that after you're born again, you need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
It is a separate experience.
Yes, but the term is wrong.
According to the Scriptures, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is being born again.
Now, what I found out was this.
I did some research.
I found out that several of the ministers that have continued to use the term wrongly actually knew the truth.
But they didn't have the boldness to say it out openly.
They would say it sometimes maybe when they are dealing with a few people.
They would say it and then leave it there.
Sometimes in their books, you will find it.
But just in a way that is not clean off.
So I wondered, so why didn't they just correct it?
Because the fear being criticized.
The feared criticism from others who would not accept the truth.
It's just a change.
Now, the reason why it is necessary, because I mean, it's said if it's not broke, don't fix it.
So the reason why it's necessary is because through the wrong application of the terms, people then look for what they already have.
They find themselves looking for a third experience.
Look at it this way.
Being born again is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
He baptizes you into Christ.
You become a member of the body of Christ.
This is what the Bible teaches.
Then you receive the Holy Spirit to come into you, to live in you.
That's when the anointing comes into your life.
You know, there's the anointing for our spirits?
That makes us Christ.
That's the anointing by which you live the Christian life.
Then there's the anointing on your office when you're called of God.
That's a separate sign.
This is the anode in which you have received abides in you.

Now, because they don't know this, they get born again.
Then they said they want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, who already actually baptized them.
What he wants to do is live in them.
So, get baptized in the Holy Spirit, which is being born again.
Okay, but they have it three ways.
They say, be born again, be baptized into the Holy Spirit, and then receive the anointing.
Some even call it being sealed.
But you're sealed by the Holy Spirit.
The Bible says the Spirit of promise.
That's the one that seals you.
That's the Holy Ghost when it comes to live inside you.
But as I was not asked, have you been baptized?
Have you received the Holy Spirit?
That's the question that was asked.
Have you received Him?
You receive Him into you.
Then, of course, there's so many scriptures surrounding this.
You really have to do a good study.
Otherwise, you take one or two verses, you run off thinking, oh, no, no, no, no.
What Pastor Chris said is not correct.
You would think so.
Just read two.
And you know, it's not correct.
read everything that it has to say about the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.
You will not come out with a separate understanding from what I just told you.
The scriptures will convince you.
So that if you apply the terms correctly, you will find there will be a lot of groups.
Because then they are not seeking something they already have.
The Holy Spirit has come to live in them and has brought into their lives the anointing that they need.
Like I said, there's a different thing about the anointing on an office, on a calling for specific work.
That is like a grace.
He has to give you a special grace for that particular calling.
That's different.
That's different.
Now, for many of you here, what I'm saying is not new.
I mean, this is what you've learned for so long.
I've talked about it all the time.
You know about it.
But I know that sometimes I have to repeat those things because around the world, they keep saying this wrong thing, which many of those who are saying it know that it is inaccurate, but it is popular.
So they want to stay with it.
But it's a problem.
It's a problem.
The Bible says rightly dividing the word of truth.
There's the accurate understanding, accurate teaching of the word of God.
It's something you know well that you can apply properly to your benefit and the benefit of others who are listening to you.
Okay, you're still there?
Let's move faster now.
Second Timothy chapter four.
From verse one, ready, ready, ready.
What's that with King James?
King James translation.
I charge thee therefore, before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick, that means the living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom.
I charge you, preach the word.
Say preach the word.
Preach the word, be instant in season, honor season, reprove, rebuke, exalt with all long suffering and doctrine.
So he says, reprove, rebuke, exalt, but be what?
Long suffering.
All right?
Yes, page in as you can, and teach, he says, and doctrine.
For the time will come.
The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own loss shall they heap to themselves to eat just, having eaten ears."
Next verse.
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned onto febours, febours, empty stories.
The gospel is a living thing.
It's not an empty story.
The gospel works.
It's alive.
It transforms lives.

It's no fable.
Verse 5.
But watch now in all things.
See, he's writing to this young Timothy at the time he was an evangelist.
But watch now in all things.
Endure afflictions.
Afflictions there, he means hardships.
Difficult times.
Testing times.
You know, there are people who don't want to face difficult times.
It's a law, just make my life easy.
Watch now in all things.
Endure afflictions.
Do the work of an evangelist.
Make full proof of that ministry.
Did you notice he didn't say God would make the proof?
Oh Lord, prove my ministry.
No, no, no, prove your ministry.
You don't want to prove your ministry.
Look at it there.
Do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of that ministry.
The other day when we were reading, we just started in the first chapter.
He told him to be bold, right?
He said, stay up the gift of God, which is in you by the laying on of my hands.
You remember that?
prove what you've got, put it to work.
Don't be timid.
He said, for God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and of a sound mind.
In other words, be bold.
The very first time I prophesied in the church, I want to tell you, I was a teenager, 15 years old.
And I was sitting at the rear of the congregation, close to where the lates come as.
You know, the men that come late on Sunday morning, they come in there with newspapers, and while the preacher's preaching, they're looking at newspapers.
And I was sitting among them.
Then the Holy Ghost came on me.
It was amazing.
I was trembling.
I didn't want God to make me talk.
I felt the water got well enough in me.
I was just 15.
This was the main congregation.
You know, boys like I was, shouldn't be at the back there.
But now, this guy is sitting around, didn't even know what was going on.
I was trying everything to keep myself down.
But the word was so hot in my mouth, I couldn't keep it down.
Then I started speaking in tongues, you know, just privately trying to calm myself down.
Before I knew what was going on, I was standing, and I was speaking in tongues so loud, the congregation that had been praying quieted down, and everybody said, listening to me, now I was shouting in tongues, I couldn't stop myself.
But I went on and prophesied, and the power of God was so strong.
I started learning something.
See, when the Word of God is boiling inside you, give it vent.
Give it vent.

Let it out.

There is a constant glory that has been given to us.
It is like a reflection in a mirror.
It shows us who we are.
The more you look, the more you become.
And this is the Word of God.
In this inspiring DVD, Glory in the Word.
Pastor Chris expounds on the importance of study God's Word.
When you use God's mirror, he says you will see the glory of God.
And because it's a mirror, you understand what he's talking about.
If you use God's mirror, you will see you.
And you that you will see is called the glory of God.
Thank you.
Discover the exemplary truth about how to live in God's glory.
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The gift of prophecy is a door to the supernatural.
You want to bring the supernatural power of God into your congregation prophesied.
And the anointing will come on you to prophesy.
You speak in tongues long enough, the anointing will come on you to prophesy.
And when that anointing comes on you to prophesy, give it forth.
The power of God will be released and lives will be changed.
You'll be so amazed.
The gift of prophecy is very, very important.
So don't despise it like some people do.
Nothing that God has given should be taken lightly.
Everything that God gives is important.
Okay, so verse five again, verse five.
But watch down on all things and your afflictions.
Do the work of an evangelist.
Make full proof of our ministry.
See, I was saying something about prophecy.
Did you know the gift of prophecy is what brought us here?
Prophecy is too important.
Prophecy is like a guiding light.
How would it know about Jesus?
It was by prophecy.
There were so many prophecies about Jesus that he would come, the Savior, the Messiah would come.
And they had to keep looking to the Scripture.
And the only proof that God had for the people to say, this is the Messiah was to turn them to the words of the prophets.
Yesterday, we were reading something when Paul said to Agrippa, the king, King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets?
That's what he asked him, do you believe the prophets?
God's only proof for the people was prophecy, that these words were spoken by the prophets of God, that the Christ would come, the Messiah would come.
Prophecies battle, have there been prophecies about your life?
The Bible says, with the prophecies you make more.
Take them with you.
Every word of prophecy called sun in your life, take it with you because it is too important.
Some people don't realize it.
You write the prophecy down.
Don't forget it.
Write it down.
And live by it.
Because if you pay attention to it, it'll come to pass.
It'll come to pass.
Glory to God.
Back to that verse five.
But watch now in all things.
Endure afflictions.
Do the work of an evangelist.
Make full proof of thy ministry, verse 6.
For I am now ready to be offered.
This is touching.
Paul is writing from prison.
The great Paul is writing from prison.

They are bound him.
What he said, the word of God is not bound.
For I am now ready to be offered.
This time he knew he wasn't coming out.
He had been put in prison before and he came out.
But this time he wasn't coming out.
He says, I am now ready to be offered.
And the time of my departure is at hand.
He was on a journey.
He knew it.
It's time to live here.
The time of my departure is at hand.
He knew the time had come.
His life was about to be poured out.
and he was ready.
Is this world so important to you?
When we were preparing for this conference, one of the things I thought I might have time to discuss, I thought maybe I should let you know the signs of the times, to let you know the day in which we are living,
to relate to you the present circumstances in the world, the events of our world, and to show them to you from the scriptures, to let you know that you are living in the days that the Bible spoke about, with a bond and verses, to let you understand the government systems, the economic systems of the world, the educational systems of the world today,
All of these things were prophesied in clear terms to us in the Scriptures.
We are in the last days.
The signs are clear.
Somebody said, well, they've been saying this for a long time.
Yes, they've been saying it for a long time, but there were some things they didn't know when they were saying them, which have now happened, that have not happened, which anyone who knew them would have said then that because those things haven't happened, it was not as close as some thought.
But now those things have happened, and there are others that have been now that I would told us,
We are ready.
We are almost there.
It is so short you can smell it.
You can smell it.
So if you have faith, use your faith for the gospel.
Are you hearing me?
Use your faith for the gospel.
This is what you need.
This is what you need.
Not faith for materialism.
Faith for the gospel is what you need.

All right, back to that verse six.
This is why I'm now ready to be offered.
And the time of my departure is at hand.
Oh, this is I'm ready to die.
I'm through, I'm ready.
I'm ready.
It matters.
It's important for one to know when he's ready.
Do you know what God asks you to do?
How far have you gone?
How far have you gone?
Verse 7, I have fought a good fight.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah.

Have you fought at all?
I have fought a good fight.
I have fought a good fight.
I have finished my course.
Are you on course?
I have fought a good fight.
I have finished my course.
And I like the next one.
I have kept the faith.
It's important to keep the faith.
I have finished my course.
Let's take a look at Acts 20, verse 24.
Let's do something nice there.
You know, when he was planning on going to Jerusalem and some people were trying to tell him, don't go.
They're going to kill you.
They're going to get into trouble.
There are a lot of people who hate you there.
They don't want you there.
Don't dare.
He says, but none of these things move me.
Neither count I, my life, dare unto myself.
So that I might finish my course with joy.
The medicine which I've received of the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God.
Say amen.
This is none of these things moving.
None of these things moving.
Neither count I my life dear unto myself.
It's your life so dear.

And sometimes when you hear it say, I love Jesus more than life.
What does that mean to you?
You should say it.
Be bold to say it.
Be bold to say it.
None of these things move me.
Neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy.
and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God.
Turn to revelations, chapter 2 from verse 10.
Behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison that he may be trying and ye shall have tribulation ten days.
Be thou faithful, this is what I want you to see, be thou faithful unto death.
This time he didn't say, big outfits were all delivered from debt.
He said, be faithful unto debts.
He said, some of you, some of you, they're going to kill you.
They're going to be faithful unto debts.
He says, be faithful until you are killed, until you die.
You see the kind of mind he wants us to have.

He doesn't want us afraid.
Oh, you got that thing out of us?
Hey, Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14.
Let's read something.
Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14.

For us much then, as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise to part of the same, talking about Jesus, that through death he might destroy, paralyze him that had the power of death, that is the devil.
And deliver them, go through fear of death with all their lifetime subject to bondage.
You see that?
Because of the fear of death, all their lifetime, they were subject to bondage.
But Christ has delivered them.
So they should never be afraid to die.
Ah, for the good fight.
It's fear is unnecessary.
He said, I've fought a good fight.
I've fought a good fight.
It's fight when they tell you that meeting cannot hold.
It's a fight.
When they tell you you can have a church in this place.
It's a fight.
It's a fight when they tell you you can preach the gospel in this city.
It's a fight.
Then you go back first and foremost on your knees.
And you pray.
And you pray.
Cast the devil out of the city.
On your knees.
And then you proclaim, great there is he that is in me.
Then he that is in the world.
The earth is the Lord.
And the fullness thereof.
You find words of prophecy coming out of you.
I think you've got to prophesy.
At such times what you need is prophecy.
The word of prophecy, where the Spirit tells you, have no fear.
The battle is not your battle.
That's what you need.
When you are threatened, step aside and pray.
Pray, pray until the words of prophecy come out.
When you're speaking in tongues, listen, the power is not just in the speaking in tongues.
The speaking in tongues will stare you, inspire you, cause your spirit to be ready to receive a word.
That's the thing you need, the lemma, the word of the moment from God.
That's what you need.
That's the reason for speaking in tongues at the time of pressure.
When the pressure is high,
And the stakes are high.
And you're speaking in tongues, what you're waiting, you're trying to dig, you know deep into the realms of the Spirit.
There are inner recesses of your Spirit.
You're trying to get something from the Holy Ghost from within deep, call it into deep.
You get what I'm saying now.
Garabashataka, and you're waiting, waiting, waiting for something.
Finally, the word will come out.
Then you hear, yeah, God little children!
Then I will overcome them!
You already knew it in your head.
You already knew the scripture in your mind.
You already knew I am with you, you already knew that.
But you want to pick the world of the moment from the Holy Ghost.
You need it for now.
You need to know that I am with you is for now.
You need to know when God says, go!
In my name, you know it's for now.
Not just in the scripture, not just general, not just for the church, it's for this moment.
You have to pick it in your spirit!

Are you hearing me?
That's why we can't be defeated.
No matter what happens.
The times the spirit of God will tell you, he'll say, become, relax, I'm fixing things.
Then you don't have to worry.
No matter what you see, he says, fear not, be not dismayed.
For the Lord thy God is with thee.
We let so ever thou goest.
Say I refuse to fear.
Say I'm a success forever.

Say, I'm getting grit up by the day.
Sit down.
You see, you are the seed of Abraham.
You are not an ordinary person.
You are the seed of Abraham.
God gave this word to Abraham and his seed.
And the Bible says, if He belonged to Christ, then I eat Abraham's seed and heirs.
According to the promise, I'm an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Let me show you some Philippians chapter 1 for a moment.
We'll look at from verse 27.

This is only let your conversation, that means manner of life, be as it become at the gospel of Christ.
And whether I come and see you or else be absent and be healed of your fears, that is, stand fast in one spirit with one mind, rid the rest, striving together for the faith of the gospel, striving together for the faith of the gospel.
We are an army.
We're an army.
And as the Spirit of God gives us instructions, direction.

We move, and we move with one mind.
We move as one man, just like that.
He says, I want to hear of your face, that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving to get there for the faith of the gospel.

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It's like a relay.
You know that relay race?
Four by 100 meters or four by 400.
You put a very fast one at the beginning.
Then you determine for number two and number three, whoever you're going to put there.
The fastest you reserved for the last.
And you say to the fastest one, you say, you are our hope.
You say to him, no matter what happens.
You see, the charge you give to him is different from the charge to all the others.
You need a very fast one at the beginning to give you the advantage.
Say, listen, they're all going to be watching us from the stands.
You have to make sure you run as fast as you can.
And the guy is ready while you're talking.
Skipping away.
Your two weakest ones are in the middle.
So that's why you found that when the apostles did what they did after the apostles, they said everything died.
Everything didn't die.
Things were still moving on.
They just weren't as powerful as the apostles were.
But the Bible says, the glory of the latter house shall exceed the former.
We are the ones they're all watching out for.
These last days.

So, marvelous things are happening.

And it's getting greater by the day.
It's getting greater by the day.
or reason a new generation.

We don't understand when somebody tells us it can't be done, it can't.
What did you say?
Can't what?
You don't know where we're coming from.
Can't, did you say can't?
Can't what?

That language doesn't exist here.
If we have chosen to do it, it must be done.

Why are you praying and speaking in tongues?
You're on the go.
There's nothing impossible.
It's our mentality.
You came back that
So as I was going, as I was coming, as I was there, and they said, said what?
Who said?
You see, because that means you don't know who sent you.
You don't know.
When the Word of God saves you, there's no stopping you.

This world belongs to us.
You have to remember that.
It belongs to us.
The world is ours.
You know, some people say, oh, we are just hoping that the police will do something.
We are hoping that the government will do something.
Are you thinking government police?
All these things.
No, beautiful structure is so wonderful, but we do have our responsibilities.
We do.
We can be looking to the world to take actions for us.
They all have their job, but we also have our job.
And us is the most sublime, the most noble calling that could ever be.
Christ is in me.
Amen, Christ is in me.
Do you realize everywhere you go, you're like a package of something, you know?
Something inside you.
The glory of God is packaged in you.
In this human body with two legs and two hands and one head and one mouth and one nose and two nostrils and two eyes, that's you.
But inside you is the spirit of the living God.
What you have in you.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Glory, glory, glory.
We're not through with that verse.
27, yeah, yeah.
All will let your conversation be as it become at the gospel of Christ, that will our common sea, your heirs, be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind, striving together for the fate of the gospel.
And in nothing terrified, I like this, in nothing terrified by your adversaries.
This is don't be terrified by anything.
Don't let your adversaries terrify you.
Can you see it?
So it's there, it's in the book.
In nothing terrified by your adversaries, which is to them, an evident token of petition brought to you of salvation and that of God.
and nothing terrified by your ambassadors.
Praise God.
Jesus is wonderful.
He's a master strategist.
Trust Him with your life.
You know, when I pray, I say, Lord Jesus, I love you so much and I trust you with my life.
I believe you with all my heart.
I trust you completely with my life.
I don't doubt you for anything.
I believe in your love.
I believe in your love.
And I trust you.

That's what we should do.
Trust him.
Trust him.
He's not trying to take advantage of you.
Sometimes he may lead you through a path that is not popular.

But be rest assured, no matter what, everything he has said about you will be just as he said.
He's dependable.
You know, one day I was praying to the Lord and I said, Lord Jesus, you know, you wrote a lot of things in the scriptures for us, but none of your apostles lived in the days of the Internet.
I said, I'm living in the day of the Internet.
The communication system today, very different from what all the apostles had.
I said, what do you think about this?
It's all so new.
The Lord said, I am the Lord.
Is there anything too hard for me?
I said, no.
I don't think anything is too hard, but I'm just thinking, did you consider the internet?
He said, it is for me.
But then he told me, I have angels that are in charge of the internet.
I didn't know that before.
He said to me, and they work with you.
I said, Lord, I love it.
I'm excited.
What does that mean?
Oh, Hilah, Angros, Elorondos, coach, your practical ideas.
Jesus is always a fractal commander.
My purposes will be established at the Lord.
All my purposes.
For the world is mine.
Nothing exists that I didn't make.
From everlasting to everlasting.
It is all mine.
You left before me, said, Lord, what I own all things.
And I see all things.
Nothing was created to harm you.
Nothing exists against you for all is mine, said the Lord.
Which means no matter the platform,
No matter what it is, no matter the tool, it belongs to us.
It is not for our destruction, it is for our glory.
That's why you can't use the internet or any, any communication system to destroy pass a crisis.
It's not possible.
It belongs to my father and the angels that are in charge of it work with me.
Ah, I know it again!
Can you see that?
Greater is he that is in thee than he that is in the world.
Count it on joy.
When you've got through die last test, count it on joy, joy, joy, joy.

Glory to God.
So I'm blessed.
Are you blessed?
The spirit of God, I told you during this conference, the spirit of God is multiplying the grace on your life.
There are things that used to be difficult for you.
But now they're just going to be easy.
Because of the increased grace.

Are you still here?
Count it all joy.
When you go to dive as tests, count it all joy.
Have no fear.
Does somebody have no fear?
Are you bold?
Are you strong?
Are you full of God?
Every time, what you need is deep inside.
What is God saying?
It is inside.
What is God saying?
I said it is inside.
When you're ready, you go like this.
You're not speaking in tongues.
What are you waiting for?
You're waiting for the Word.
If you pray for 30 minutes and it doesn't come, I hear me.
Make it an hour.
If you pray for one hour, it doesn't come.
Make it two hours.
What are you waiting for?
The words in your spirits.
The words in your spirits.
You are waiting for it to bubble up.
You know what prophecy is?
The word prophecy actually means to bubble up.
That's the word translated prophecy.
It actually means to bubble up.
So the word of God will bubble up.
Don't worry, it will bubble up.
You don't need to think about it, it will bubble up.
Don't say how it will bubble up itself.
It will bubble up.
Before you know it, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
It will bubble up.
Why are you still praying?
You hear, it will bubble up its time.
You know it, it's time.
It's time for what?
Time for what?
You will know it's time.
It will bubble up.
If it doesn't happen that day, fast, add fasting to it.

And every now and then, why you're doing everything else that you need to do from time to time, go back to your closets.
You are waiting for that word.
Where is it coming from?
I said inside you.
You are waiting for it.
It's inside you.
It won't take long.

Say, I'm supernatural.
Say again, I'm supernatural.
Say, I'm supernatural.
Young people, cheer up, let's hope for you.

Glory to God.
This thing is getting better and better.
I said, this thing is getting better and better.
It's getting better and better.
More glorious.
More glorious.
More glorious.
But the Holy Ghost that lives in us.
You know, when I pray, I like it, I like praying.
The reason is, every time I pray, I know that I am
In that wonderful presence of Almighty God, I carry it all the time.
But the enduring prayer, I can shut out the world.
I can shut out everything else.
And I see what I couldn't have seen with my two eyes.
When I close them, I can see.
I open them.
I only see all this.
Then I close them so that I can see beyond the room.
See beyond the room.
That's the Lord.
It's possible.
I can see it.
I can see it.
It's real.
It's real.
It's real.
In the name of Jesus, it's real.
It's real.
Lord, I can see them pouring in.
I can see it.
I can see it.
I can see it.
I can see it.
Lift your hands up.

We trust you were blessed by this message.
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