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Substitution Part 1

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Over 2,000 years ago, there was an exchange that led to the freedom of man.
Jesus Christ, according to the Scriptures, became our substitute on the cross.
Every man that was, every man that is, and every man that will be... When he died, we died.
And in that death, every one of us paid for his saves.
Every man that ever came before Jesus, every man that lived at the time and everyone who would ever come.
He took our place that we might take His place.
That's the substitution.
He can just take our place.
No, He took our place so we would take His place.
That's what He did.
This is a teaching on substitution.

What was the last statement that you got on righteousness when we stopped?
Do you remember?
What was the last statement you got?
You didn't look through your notes before coming to church today.
What do you remember?

You have become the expression of the will and nature of the Father.
That's wonderful.
Anybody else?
Created like God.
That's right.

Okay, so we move from there to another word.
Now, this word is not something you're going to find in any of the Scriptures in itself, but it defines what the Bible says.
The word is substitution.
It is the word that properly encapsulates what Jesus is going to do.
It is... Now it's a simple word, you know what it is?
To substitute, right?
It means to replace something or someone with another.
To replace something or someone
with another.
And that means taking the place off.
That's the word replace.
Or to put in another one's place.
So we say substitution is
the word that describes properly what Jesus came to do.
He came to take my place that I might take His place.
That's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
No one ever did that.
No religious leader ever did that.
No one ever did that for anybody.
But Jesus did.
I'll explain.
Let's look at the Scriptures.
First, we're going to read from the Old Testament and see what the prophets said.
Because, you know, on the Old Testament, these are
writings of prophets before Jesus came.
So the prophesied about what the Messiah was coming to do.
We'll begin with Isaiah chapter 53.
Now we'll read 11 verses.
So that's a long one.
So you try to follow it.
Don't miss me here.
All right?
Make sure you catch everything.
I'm going to have the verses on the screen as a chapter 53 from verse number one.
Who hath believed our report?
And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
I said, the Prophet is asked.
Go on.
Or he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dried ground.
He had no form nor calmliness.
And when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
He is despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we heed as if we are faces from him.
He was despised and we esteemed him not.
Surely read that one.

Surely he had borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted.
Next verse, what he was wounded for our transgressions.
He was bruised for our iniquities.
The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed.
See, he was wounded for our transgressions.
Now, as I have seen this in a vision of God, it hasn't happened yet, but it speaks in the past tense.
Not because it's already happened, but because he's seen it in a vision, and in the mind of God, it's already happened.
See, the Bible call seems the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world.
Praise God.
Verse 6, all we like sheep have gone astray.
We have turned everyone to his own way.
And the Lord had laid on him the iniquity of us all.
All we like sheep have gone astray.
Everybody's doing his own thing.
But God laid on him the iniquity.
All of our sins, they laid on it.
That's what the prophets saw.
Who is this man?
It's the Messiah, but who is he?
Who is he?
Who is he?
How could a man do this for everybody?
Who is this man?
I say it doesn't know him, but he knows it's a promise from God.
It's the Messiah.
He's coming one day, and this is what he's going to do.
He said, thinking, so who is he?
He tells the people they don't understand it.
So they said, well, it's God's promise.
One day he'll come.
He keeps telling us what he sees.
Next verse.
He was oppressed and he was afflicted.
The man was oppressed.
I thought he said he was the Messiah.
He ought to have all the power.

He was oppressed.
He was afflicted.
The Prophet saw it.
The Messiah was oppressed.
The vision of God showed that the Messiah, when he comes, he will be oppressed.
They're going to try to take his rights from him.
He was afflicted.
That means when he comes, he will be afflicted.
He sees all those individuals of God.
Did you know some of the Jews didn't even know this?
Some of them didn't know this.
They didn't know the scriptures.
They thought, when the Messiah comes, he'll free us from all things.
You know, we were over in Israel not long ago, and I said to a Jewish man, I said, what do you think about Jesus?
He said, well, I don't think he's the Messiah.
I said, why?
He said, because when the Messiah comes, they're gonna do this, they're gonna do that, they're gonna do that.
And I said, what the Bible says, that the Messiah will come and he'll be killed.
He'll be killed before he'll come to do what you just said.
He said, no.
I said, he's in the bank.
So I gave him the scriptures.
He went back to study.
He was amazed at what he found.
He'd never known that.
Or he's gone.
Put it back up there.
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth.
He didn't defend himself.
He's brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before Hashera's is dumb, so he opened it not his mouth.
Wow, verse eight.
He was taken from prison.
That means they would arrest him.
They didn't know that.
How do you get him into prison, if he doesn't get arrested?
He's gonna be arrested by authorities.
He was taken from prison and from judgment.
He'd go face judgment.
And he did.
He faced Kefas' judgment.
He faced Pilate's judgment, where they bring him from, from prison.
They locked him up.
He was taken from prison and from judgment.
And who shall declare his generation?
Who don't tell where he came from?

For he was cut off out of the land of the living, killed.
That's it.
For the transgression of my people was he stricken.
He was not for himself.
Did you see that?
Verse 9.
And he made his grave with the wicked.
That means he was buried with sinners.
He made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death.
Think about it.
Because he had done no valence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
Next verse, yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him, meaning it was God who gave him up to die.
They could not kill him.
It was God who gave him up to die.
Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him.
He had put him to grief.
when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin.
So his soul be an offering for sin, you see.
He shall see his seed.
Now this is prophetic for him.
He shall prolong his days.
And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his head.
He shall see his seed.
That means that he will reproduce others.
And he says, look at it.
He shall see his seed.
He shall prolong his days, which means his days will be prolonged through his seed.
Those who come up
because of him.
He will prolong his days through them.
Can you imagine?
No one that we will live in the name of Jesus today.
We use his name.
He prolongs his days through me, praise God.
We'll talk about that.
We'll talk about that.
Verse 11, he shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied.
But his knowledge of my righteous servant, just the far many, for he shall be their iniquities.
Glory to God.
OK, so over in St.
Matthew's gospel, a man comes doing many things.
They look at it.
Who is this?
Who is this man?
Matthew's gospel, chapter number eight, will begin reading from verse 16.
When the even was gone, that's King James translation for evening, the evening time, okay?
When the even was gone, they brought on to him, many that were possessed with devils, and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick.
Verse 17, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah's the prophet.
That's the translation of the Greek form of Isaiah that we read, Isaiah's.
So he's talking about the same prophet.
And what did the prophet say?
Saying, himself took our infirmities and burned our sicknesses.
That's taken from the fourth verse of the 53rd chapter of the book of Isaiah that we just read, from the fourth verse.
See, that it might be fulfilled.
So Jesus came to fulfill what Isaiah was talking about.
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah as a prophet saying himself to kareen firmities.
And burr are sicknesses.
Did you notice that word burr?
That's different from B-E-A-R.
This means to remove.
You understand?
He took them.
He removed them.
He carried them away.
Praise God.
This is a teaching on substitution.

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It is more than words.

Now we're talking substitution.
What he did in the place of another.
So let's look at Zemadu's gospel.
What he said of himself.
Chapter 20 from verse 27.
Jesus is talking here.
He's talking to his disciples.
And also ever will be chief among you.
Let him be your servant.
Next verse.
even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give His life a ransom for many.
Did you see that?
And to give His life a ransom for many, a ransom.
Jesus says of Himself that He came Him not to
be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom.
You know what a ransom is?
A ransom.
He came to give his life as a ransom for many.
He gave his life as a ransom.
A ransom is a concentration that you pay for the release of a captive.
is a concentration that you pay, what is demanded to be paid for the release of a captive.

We were captives of the devil.
We were captives of sin.
We were captives.
We were priests.
We were condemned.
Think about it.
And we will what?
Legal captives, because we sinned.
There's no way the devil could have gotten us.
Now, when I use the terms us, we, I'm talking about the whole world.
I'm talking about Christians.
I'm talking about the whole world, everybody.
Before Christians were picked out.
See, Christians are those who have accepted this gospel and are born again.
They have a new life.
You understand?
So Jesus didn't die for Christians.
He died for sinners.
And those who believe from among them become Christians.
Glory to God.
So that's very important.
He came to give his life a ransom.
A ransom for many.
He was the prize to be paid for us to be freed.
for us to become free men before God.
Free from sin.
Free from captivity.
Free from bondage.
Free from the slavery of Satan's domain.
Free from God's curse.
We were under the curse.
free from the sinning of death, spiritual death, who were in the bondage of spiritual death, separated from God, having no hope without God in the world.
Maybe I should give you a picture how God sees the sinner, the one that's not born again, who hasn't received eternal life.
I can show you what the Bible says about him.
You'll be amazed.
How God sees the one that's not born again.
What does the Bible see about him?
Oh dear.
Jesus came to give his life as a ransom, as a ransom.
He was the prize to be paid to set you free.
He gave his life for your life.
That's substitution.
He gave his life for your life.
He gave himself that you may be free.
So you could go free before God.
That's amazing.
That's amazing.
Why do we call it gospel?
Why do we so rejoice as Christians?
What are we so happy about?
It's this message of substitution.
Jesus was my ransom.
He took my place, that I may take his place.
Glory to God.
Let me show your scripture.
One of the verses that we read the other day.
Second Corinthians chapter five, verse number 21.

He says, for he had made him God made him to be sent for us who knew no sin.
Jesus, who knew no sin was made to be sent for us.
That we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Can you see that?
He took my place of sin that I might take his place of righteousness.
That's wonderful.
We'll come back to that.
Oh, glory to God.
He was my ransom.
Hebrews chapter nine.
From verse 28.

Oh, look at this, this isn't so beautiful.
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.
He was once offered
The expression there is, he was once for all.
Not once upon a time.
It means he was once for all the time.
You get it?
Once for all time.
That's the King James expression there.
Which means it'll never be done again.
It'll not be necessary again.
Because with one sacrifice, it was all done.
Good verse 26, just for the records.
Verse 26, same book, same chapter.
For then once he often have suffered since the foundation of the world.
But now once in the end of the world had he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
That's beautiful.
Hebrews chapter 10.
Let's look at from verse 12 to verse 14.
But this man.
Which man?
But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, now, I showed you in verse 26, chapter 9, book of Hebrews, that it was a sacrifice of himself.
So he was the sacrifice.
His sacrifice himself, not something else, and not someone else.
So, but this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God, verse 13.
From hands for an expect until his enemies be made his food stew, verse 14.
For by one offering, he had perfected forever them that are sanctified.
He has perfected me forever.
That one sacrifice was enough.
Before Jesus came, they offered sacrifices year after year for whole nation.
So many lambs were slain.
But when Jesus came, He was the perfect sacrifice to perfect those who had come to Him, glory to God.
And guess what?
Did you know there's a lot of people today who are still kind of sacrificing something that they might please God?
Does He try to sacrifice for God?
Does He try to go through penance?
Just trying to punish themselves if God might accept them.
You never make it.
Your sacrifice will never be enough.
It'll never be enough.
You can't make it.
The best thing to do, accept his own sacrifice.
The Bible sees with that one sacrifice, he has perfected forever.
Let me show you another thing.
Book of Acts 13 from verse 38.
Acts 13 from verse 38, look at this.
Be not unto you there for man and brethren, that through this man, Jesus Christ, is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.
Now the word should be remission of sins, removal of sins.
Next verse.
And by him, by Jesus,
All that believe are justified from what?
All thanks from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Did you know some people say, when we preach to them, they say, well, I'm not born again, but I keep the Ten Commandments.
Now, did you see that?
Ten Commandments came from Moses, and there are things you will not be justified by the Lord of Moses.
But by Jesus Christ, you can be justified from all things, including those from which you could not be justified by the Lord of Moses.
Justified from all things, declared not guilty,
Free from all things.
Blessed be God.
Oh, that's lovely.
Now, when we get to learn these things, that Jesus took my place, that I may take his place.
What does God want?
He's already done his by taking my place.
He's already done it.
He took my place on the cross, and it was sacrificed for me.
God wants me to take his place.
Taking your place in Christ is what Christianity is all about.
Did you hear me?
That's the mean of Christianity.
Taking your place in Christ.
He took your place of sin.
Now you've got to take his place.
What he gave up for you?
Otherwise you're not appreciating.
Otherwise, you don't love him.
If you love him, take your place now, the place that he has given you, your new place in Christ.
That's Christianity.
I shall do the first one in 2nd Corinthians 5 and verse 21, where he had made him to be sin for us when you knew sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
So I take my place of righteousness.
And I said righteousness is what?
The expression of the will and nature of the Father.
Glory to God.
So I take my place.
All glory to God.
Let's look at something more.
Second Corinthians chapter 8 and verse 9.
Taking our place.
Taking our place.
Taking our place.
Glory to God.
Taking our place.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But though he was rich yet for your sakes, he became poor.
Does he stop there?
That you might take.
His place, which is your new place.
Look at it.
He did all of that, that he, through his poverty, might be rich.
Somebody said, we are all, that's the part of it I don't like.
I don't like people talking about prosperity and riches.
Your complaint is too late.
Poverty is a choice.
You can choose to be poor.
And that is your business.
Don't try to make anybody else poor.
Just keep yourself poor.
If you don't like what God has made you, it's a choice.
You don't have to take it.
You don't have to be well.
Come on.
You don't have to be well and sound and normal.
You don't have to be rich.
Hear me.
You don't have to be smart.
You can choose to be stupid and poor and broke.
I mean, it's a choice.
Jesus already set you free.
He says, make a decision what you want.
You don't want what He gave you.
No problem.
Heaven is not compulsory.
You can choose a good help.
Can you see it?
It's a choice.
You don't have to follow God.
You don't have to accept His sacrifice.
Nothing is composing.
Nothing is composing.
Most I accept Him?
You can choose to live your own life.
But be sure your sin shall find you out.
Be sure one day, according to the Bible, this saying Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead.
Everyone will stand before this Jesus one day to give account for what you did with his gospel.
Did you accept it or not?
If you accepted his sacrifice, great, good for you.
He will say, Anna into the joy of thy lord.
If you rejected it, then get ready to pay for yourself because he paid for you and you rejected his payment.
He paid with his own life.
You rejected his.
Now, because you don't qualify to pay for yourself, because you're not righteous.
You don't have the blood.
That's righteous for your own sacrifice.
You will never make it.
So, he says, pay for yourself.
How do you pay?
The soul that sent it, it shall die.
That death is called a second death.
in the lake of fire that burns with soulful and brain stone.

Why would you rather choose that?
Makes no sense.
Makes no sense.
Makes no sense to reject all the good that Jesus is done for you
And leave a stupid life on earth makes no sense.
Makes no sense.
The reject Jesus because you won't be accepted by your friends makes no sense.

This is a teaching on substitution.

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Well, take in our place.
Let's read something else.
Vision's chapter number two.
I did tell you I'm gonna show you how God sees the sinner.
We'll come there.
Vision's chapter two.
And let's read from verse number four.
See where we are now.
Our new place in Christ.
This is amazing.
But God, oh boy.
Oh boy.
I think I should read from verse one so you can catch it.
Let's start from verse one.
from verse one.
And you?
He's talking about us.
See, we've been talking about Jesus.
He's talking about us.
And you had He quickened.
That's King James, who made alive.
He's made us alive.
And you had He quickened, made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins.
Did you notice?
He's talking about us.
He's talking about us who were born again.
He says, you were dead in trespasses and sins.
Doesn't say you are dead in trespasses and sins.
You were.
You are not anymore because Jesus Christ quickens you, gave you life, glory to God.
So you are alive to God.
Say, I'm alive to God.
And you, how do you made alive?
Who were dead?
You were dead in trespasses and sins.
You were.
Verse 2.
wearing in time past, in time past, you walked according to the course of this world, the way this world was going.
That's the way you were going.
Did you see that?
The direction of this world, the way of this world.
According to the prince of the power of the A, that's Satan, that's the devil.
He dictated your life, under circumstances of your life.
The spirit that now workets in the children of disobedience.
Did you see what he calls them?
He calls them children of disobedience because they haven't accepted the gospel.
They haven't accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ.
So they're called children of disobedience.
Next verse.
Among whom also we all had our conversation in times passed in the loss of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind.
And we're by nature.
Did you see that?
By nature, the children of rot, even as others.
We were like them, like others.
He says, by nature, the children of rot, that means children are pointed to the rot of God.
They will inherit the rot of God.
By nature, that's their destiny.
He says, it's their nature.
It's not what they did.
It's how they were born.
They were born in sin.
That's amazing.
It's their nature.
You had nothing to do with being born a boy or a girl.
That was not your choice.
That was your nature.
That's how you came up.
Well, in the same way, you were born a sinner.
That's what the Bible says.
You inherited it.
Like you inherited the human life.
You didn't come out from your mother's womb, a dog.
You came out human because you had the human life.
And you inherited the sinful nature.
That's the way you came.
And that's why Jesus said, verily, verily.
That means I surely, I say unto you, you must be born again.
That's what Jesus said.
He says, there's no way out.
There are no options.
You must be born again.
Because you came with a nature that's against God.
A nature that hates God.
A nature that cannot be subject to the Lord of God.
A nature that cannot please God.
He even even wanted to.
He couldn't.

All right, verse 4.
We're in verse 4.
But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love, wherewith, he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us, made us alive, together with Christ by grace.
He has saved like that.
Next verse.
And hath raised those up together to get our new place.
have raised us up together with Jesus and have made us sit together.
In heavenly places, that means the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.
That's our place of authority.
That means we are recognized in the heavenly realms.
Blessed be God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Read on it.
And in the ages to come, He might show the exceeding riches of His grace and His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
Next verse.
For by grace are you saved through faith, and that none of yourselves it is the gift of God.
Not a works, lest any man should boast.
For we are, read that everybody.

No, really, again, I want you to get it.
For we are his workmanship.
He's talking about us who are born again.
See, we are his workmanship.
His workmanship.
His workmanship.
That means His God, His level on us.
We are His products.
That's wonderful.
He is talking about what He has made us to be.
We are His workmanship.
Can you give us this verse?
It's one of the most beautiful verses in all the Word of God.
You love it.
But you have to understand it.
And so I wanted to show it to you from the amplified translation so you can see it.
Now, my voice is being amplified to you so you can hear me clearly.
All right?
They're not adding anything that I didn't say.
All right?
is just making it louder.
Now the amplified translation is that way.
Doesn't tell you what the Bible didn't say, just makes it louder.
So that means expanding the verse.
So let's expand this verse.
Amplified translation.
Go back to King James so they can see what we want to expand.
For we are his workmanship.
Okay, that's a set of big words.
You see, I was trying to break it for you a moment to go.
So that's going to be broken down first.
We are here to workmanship, created in Christ Jesus on the good works, which God had before ordained that we should work in them.
See, King James uses some kind of expression, the way we don't really communicate today.
All right, now let's expand it.
For we are God's own handy work.
So he puts it in bracket, in parentheses, his workmanship.
We are his handy work recreated in Christ Jesus.
He's telling you what that recreation is.
The recreation process is, you know, in the book of Genesis.
When you read in chapter two, it tells us how man was created.
And I believe I did explain to you, there's a difference between the creation of man and the forming of man.
All right?
Man was created by the Word of God and he was in God.
Then man was formed from the dust of the ground.
So the creation and the forming of men are not the same.
The forming is the
the body of man, the creation is a spirit of man.
He created the spirit of man through his word.
When he said, let us make man in our image and in our likeness.
Okay, now in the second Corinthians chapter five and verse 17, he tells us, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.
So there is a new being, there is a new kind of man.
You get it?
And that's what he alludes to here.
Look at it.
Let's start again.
For we are God's own hand in work, His workmanship, recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew.
See, when you're born again, you're a new creation.
Born anew.
That we may do those good works.
Oh God.
Which God predestined.
That means playing beforehand.
For us, taking parts.
Which he prepared ahead of time.
That we should walk in them, live in the good life which he pre-arranged and men ready for us to live.
My life, you see, predestination is at work in me.
Let me explain this.

God has a perfect and proper will for your life, but it only starts when you're born again.
Understand this, you don't plan for your neighbor's kids, do you?
Much as you love them, you can give them gifts.
You can help them in any way, but you cannot plan their lives because you're not their parents.
They're your neighbor's kids.

If they were your kids, you'd plan their lives.
If they became your kids, you'd plan their lives.
But as long as they're not your kids, you cannot plan their lives.
Jesus said to those Jews, and a good reference to everyone else who didn't know him,
He said, looking at them eyeball to eyeball, he said, you are of your father, the devil.
And the works of your father, you will do.
That's amazing.
That's what Jesus said.

He said, there were children of the devil.
Oh, dear.

So God has a plan for his own kids.
Go back to that verse.
Go back to it.
He's got a plan for his kids.
I mean, oh, this is wonderful.
Look at it.
For we are God's own hand to work.
His workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus born and knew that we may do those good works, which God predestined.
They're good works.
They're all good works.
Everything He planned for us to do is good.
Put me to those good works which God predestined planned beforehand for us.
Take in parts, parts, the parts of our lives have been planned.
Go rid of God.
That's why we don't just move to a new house.
Without knowing from the spirit, this is where we ought to go.
At your people, there's a lot of Christians who are doing the wrong job.
They're in the wrong office.
They live in the wrong streets.
They're driving the wrong car.
Some even have the wrong children.
You say, how do you know?
Because they never set the world of the Father, they never worked in the light of God in doing those things.
And they got what?
What the natural life produced for them?

They're just sticking their own parts.
But you see, one of the reasons God sent us the Holy Ghost to live in us is to lead us to fulfill the will of the Father, the perfect will of the Father, to walk in the light of the Father's will, hallelujah.
Say, Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I take my place in Christ Jesus.
I take my place.
And when you take your place, you stop rejoicing.
Let me explain something to you.
Your place has nothing to do with your title at work.
You may never be the MD, but you can be more fulfilled than the MD.
But the point is not the human structures.
It's what God has done in your spirits.

You may be the lawnmower.
You may be the guy who cleans the place, but you are full of joy, joy unspeakable, that means joy inexpressible.
Yet you are express in it, but you will never exist in the express.
It is just flowing out of you.
And you are prosperous.
Prosperity doesn't mean having ten houses.
It means you've got more than enough for you to be able to help somebody else.
Glory to God.
Fool a joy.
Fulfilled in Christ Jesus.
But if your heart is after outward things, you'll never be fulfilled because you want to make up with the things of this life.
That'll never work.
You were full of frustration that way.
Glory to God.
You still here?
Do you love the Bible?
I want to read something to you.
I think it would be beneficial to you.

If you would, I'm trying to see what I can cut out, so just fit you in about taking our place.
I go to Ephesians chapter 1 and would look quickly from
Verse 19.

All right, read.

Read out or to go from verse 19.
Next verse.

At his own, this is Jesus, quit.
Now remember where we said that we were raised up together with him, to sit together with him in heavenly places, in heavenly realms.
Now let's see, what does this mean at his own right and in the heavenly realms, in heavenly places, written next verse?

Go on.

Let's take it from verse 21 again.
Take a look.
Far above, where is this place in heavenly realms?
Let's see where we are sitting together with Jesus.
All right?
Where is this place?
Where is this place?
It says it's where?
Far above all principality and power and might and dominion
And every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.
Jesus Christ has been given a place far above all principality and power and mind and dominion.
And every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.
And we are seated together with you.
We're there together with you.
This is our legal place, you understand?
Our legal place.
See, it's like this.
Imagine that you were the governor of legal state and you are at home with your children or with your friends.
You are at home.
You are not in the office.
But you are the governor of Lego State.
Even though you're with these other guys and, you know, laughing and chatting and watching TV, but your legal position is that place of authority.
Everything you say from this house will affect the state.
Even though your office is over there, you are in office legally irrespective of your primary physical location.
Do you get it?
Even if you're in the car and driving to the golf course, you are the governor of Lego States.
You are legally in office.
And everything that you say is said to have come from your office over there, even though you're driving your car.
You get it?
Now, even though we are located on planet earth, the Bible says our legal office is with Jesus.
in the heavenly realms far above.
He says, we are seated together with you.
It's our office, therefore.
So even though I'm in the earth here and moving around, I know who I am.
Imagine this, imagine this.
If you found the man, and he's the governor of Lego State, and you found him in a shopping mall, or you found him in a street corner somewhere, and you greeted him casually, and somebody whispered to you, you didn't know who he was, and somebody was, did you know that's the governor of Lego State?
You say, I didn't know that.
You just found out about it.
So, we are just like everybody else.
They don't really know who we are, but we know who we are!
