7 Great Confessions of our Solid Front Part 4
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Your whole Christian life depends on this.
In Christianity, we've got to hold a solid front.
So, if we are presenting a solid front, we must have the right confession.
I'd like to call him seven great confessions of our solid frauds to inform and educate you about the Christian life and how it works.
If you're going to grow in price, you're going to understand this.
You present a solid frauds.
That's my confession.
I declare that he is.
He is my advocate.
I'm produced by God.
Seven great confessions of our solid frauds.
seven great confessions of our solid front.
We have a solid front and we've got these amazing confessions.
Can you give me the first one?
Number two.
Number three.
Number four.
Number five.
Number six.
Number seven.
Thank you.
Give yourselves a big hand.
Thank you.
You know, when we talk about confessions, we're dealing with a principle in the kingdom of God that actually begins with your very salvation.
Your salvation is based on it.
You cannot be saved without it.
Turn to James chapter 5 for a second.
Book of James.
Then go straight to verse 16.
Read it from you want to go.
Have you seen that?
Okay, now when it comes to God, look at what it tells us.
First John, chapter 1.
And we'll begin from verse 9.
Have you seen it?
All right.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all all righteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His Word is not in us.
Can I read again?
He says, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
And who cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him alive.
And His word is not in us.
What is He dealing with?
For some people, they believe this means that we are always sinning.
And so we are in a perpetual state of sin and confession.
This is their thinking because of what we just read.
But I want to ask you to move upward and read
with me from verse four.
And these things right, we honor you that your joy may be full.
This day is the message which we have heard of you and declare unto you that God is light and in him is the darkness at all.
If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, can you see it now?
If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth.
I want you to notice the tenses and the terms that are being expressed clearly here.
Look again at it.
Because the problem with a lot of people is they don't really read the scriptures.
They just have assumptions.
Look at it again.
If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth.
Did you notice he didn't say, not telling the truth?
He says, and do not the truth.
What do you mean, do not the truth?
Okay, I read one more time.
If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie.
Okay, if we say we have fellowship with you.
This is verse six.
Now what you move to verse three.
That which we have seen and heard declare we on to you.
That he also may have fellowship with us.
And truly have fellowship with the Father and with his son, Jesus Christ.
Look at it again.
That which we have seen and heard declare we on to you, that he also may have fellowship with us.
See, he's writing to these Christians, all right, the God's children, the born again.
And he says, we're writing to you.
So you may have fellowship with us.
Then he says, truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his son, Jesus Christ, which means John and whoever he was talking about in his company were in fellowship with God.
And he says to these folks, we want you to have fellowship with us.
We have our fellowship with the Father and his son, Jesus Christ.
We want you to have fellowship with us.
Obviously something was happening with those folks.
Something was wrong.
Something was wrong.
Otherwise he wouldn't invite them to this fellowship.
They were not acquainted with the fellowship.
So he says, we want you to have fellowship with us.
Our fellowship is with the Father, with his son, Jesus Christ.
If you say that you have fellowship with him and work in darkness, you're lying.
You're not doing the truth.
You're not doing the truth.
He didn't say, you're not telling the truth.
He says, you're not doing the truth.
That means you're living a lie.
You're not walking in the truth.
You're living a lie.
because our fellowship is with the Father, with His own Jesus Christ.
That's why, look at this.
So if we walk in darkness, we sin.
If we walk in light, there is no sin in light.
Can you see that?
There's no sin in light.
Now, go back to verse four now.
And these things right, we honor you that your joy may be full.
This day is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you that God is light.
And in Him is the darkness at all.
If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie unto not the truth.
But if we walk in the light, look at it now.
If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship all with another in the blood of Jesus Christ's Son cleansed us from all sin automatically.
You don't have to be watching out did I sin today, did I?
And if that's true, then you don't have to be confessing all the time.
Confessing sin.
Do you see it?
But if you're walking in darkness, you've got to confess, I'm walking in the dark.
I'm doing the wrong thing.
Lord, I'm sorry.
I don't want to be this way anymore.
I receive forgiveness.
See, did you notice?
He didn't say, ask for forgiveness.
He didn't ask you to ask for it.
It's like asking God to save you.
If you ask Him for forgiveness, when will you know that He has answered?
I want to know from you.
How are you going to know that God has answered?
Like if you ask God to save your soul, how are you going to know that he has saved you?
You will never know.
Because there's nothing for him to do about saving you.
He's already done everything he needed to do about saving you.
So what you ought to do is receive salvation.
Don't ask for it.
Receive it.
Same thing with forgiveness.
You receive forgiveness.
You don't ask for it.
You receive it because the blood of Jesus Christ was shed for the remission of your sins.
So you receive forgiveness.
If you ask for it, you know, people, they're asking for forgiveness all the time.
Oh, God, forgive me.
Oh, God, forgive me.
Please forgive me.
Please forgive me.
And because they're asking for something that was provided for,
They have no faith.
They're waiting to know whether God has forgiven them or not.
Will He forgive you when you ask the first time or the tenth time?
Will He forgive you the day you ask for it or the hundredth day?
How are you going to know?
You receive it.
the same way you received salvation as an act of your faith.
You receive forgiveness.
Father, I receive forgiveness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And it's amen to that.
That's all.
I receive.
So it's a question of you receiving, not a question of him deciding to forgive you or not forgive you.
And by the way, a lot of times when, oh boy, you know, the teaching of
Forgiveness and remission can be a problem for a lot of people.
When Jesus forgives you, it is completely blooded out.
There's no remembrance of your sin.
He doesn't have it written in any way.
Are you hearing me?
He doesn't think about it.
Now, you may remember it, but God cannot remember it.
You say, how can I remember something God can't?
Because he is God.
He is God.
As far as he is concerned, it does not exist.
But in your mind, you can hold to it.
So I received forgiveness, but I don't know whether he forgave me.
How could you receive something you don't know whether you got it?
There's a contradiction.
What do you think?
You see, if I asked for it, I could say, well, I don't know if they gave it to me.
But if I received that, how could I say I don't know?
I got it.
I got it.
Don't you get what it is to receive?
If I received it, and then I say, I don't know, then I did not receive.
I cannot not know.
I cannot not know that I received.
Do you understand?
How is that possible?
If I received it, I got it.
So the question of, I don't know if God forgave me or not, should never come.
Still the come in this inspiring teaching,
The Bible says, two cannot walk together except they be agreed.
If God says, I am with you, never say, oh God, be with me.
Please be with me.
You're not speaking in agreement.
You're speaking against him.
If God says, I am with you, you ought to say, Lord, you are with me.
You are with me.
Blessings are not empty words.
You can live in it when you receive it.
Walking in it sets you apart for victory and it goes forth to produce what it talks about.
A benediction is an invocation of blessing, which means a blessing is an empowerment of prosperity.
They are word for the new creation in Christ, to live above always and dominate.
Everyone who's born again is called to inherit a blessing.
In dis insightful teaching, bad addictions, you will learn several important spiritual secrets you can put to work for extraordinary results.
You can get your copy on the past of Christmas to the library app.
Downloadable on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
God bless you.
Now, look at the principle of salvation here, which is really the governing principle that brought us into the subject in the first place.
Romans chapter 10.
Remember something we got in verse 6.
Romans chapter 10 from verse 6 says, but the righteousness which is of faith speaketh.
We talked about that.
You remember?
Right just speaks glory to God.
All right, so go to verse 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, Lord Jesus, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, all your sins.
Now we're talking about getting saved.
For somebody to be saved confessing his sins will never save him.
What saves him is what?
Look at it here, confessing the lordship of Jesus, says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God had raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Salvation comes from your confession of the lordship of Jesus.
Why is this so powerful?
Because when you declare with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord,
This is amazing.
It means from then on, you've got to walk in that consciousness.
Jesus Christ is Lord in heaven, in earth, and under the earth.
Jesus Christ is Lord.
If he is Lord, he's not just Lord of my life.
He's Lord of my life, but he's Lord of all.
Okay, Acts chapter 10.
Let's go to verse 36.
Read for me, want to go.
Did you see that?
That's Peter's confession.
Peter declared it in the house of Cornelius, the Roman's interior.
He says, the word which God said unto the children of Israel, preach in peace by Jesus Christ.
He is Lord of all.
He is Lord of all.
Jesus is Lord of all.
If Jesus is Lord of all, your finances, you'll never be broke.
You'll never be broke.
If it's Lord over your finances, it will never be broke.
If it's Lord over your body, you will never be sick.
You understand this?
If it's Lord over your mind.
Oh, wow.
Oh, what that would do for you.
Jesus Christ, Lord over your mind, your thoughts will be high class.
tops, excellent, sanctified, purified, powerful, creative, intellectual.
Glory to God.
And this is very nice, very, very nice.
See, Jesus Christ.
Verse 9 again, chapter 10, book of Romans, that if thou shalt confess thy mouth, Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God had raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Verse 10, verse 10, tells us that this is the principle.
It says, for with the heart, man, believe it on righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made on the salvation, hallelujah.
It means speaking the same thing in consent, saying the same thing in agreement.
If God has said something, then you say something that is in consonants with it, in agreement with it, then it works.
The Bible says, too, cannot walk together except they be agreed.
If God says, I am with you, never say, oh God, be with me.
Please be with me.
You're not speaking in agreement.
You're speaking against him.
If God says I am with you, you ought to say, Lord, you are with me.
You are with me.
He says, if thou shalt confess thy mouth, Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God had reached him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
All right, I have confessed with my mouth, Jesus as Lord.
I believe in my heart that God reached him from the dead.
I declare that I am saved.
I declare I'm a child of God.
I declare I will never go to hell.
Because Jesus is Lord of my life.
I believe God raised him from the dead.
Glory to God.
But if you declare that and then you say, I don't know what I'm saved or not.
That's a problem.
There's a lot of people who would be born again today if they would just put the word of God to work.
These folks, they're not living a Christian life.
Because they haven't acted on God's word.
They believe God raised Jesus from the dead.
If you ask them to tell God, I believe that.
Every day they tell others, Jesus Christ is Lord.
I know that.
So why isn't it working?
Ask them, are you born again?
Then they say, well, I don't know about that.
I'm not sure.
They are in conflict with God's Word.
They are repudiating what they just declared with their faith.
They destroyed it.
The word says salvation is yours.
If you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and confess his logic with your mouth, this is thou shalt be saved.
It's in the affirmative, not promissory.
It's in the affirmative.
The Greek is in the affirmative.
That thou shalt be saved is not a promise.
It's in the affirmative.
In other words, salvation is yours.
That's what he's saying.
So I declare that salvation is mine.
And that means I've got a new life because that's when Jesus brought in salvation.
He came to give me a new life.
Oh boy, oh boy, I've got to get this across to you.
I've got to get it across to you.
You want to see it?
Oh, you've got to see it.
John's Gospel chapter 17, and we're talking about the prayer of the Master Jesus Christ.
Did you ever hear somebody say, well, the Lord's prayer?
And they do it in many places.
They say, let's say the Lord's prayer.
They go, oh, Father, we should in heaven.
Oh, Lord, be thy name, thy kingdom.
How many of you have ever heard that?
They call that the Lord's prayer.
That was not the Lord's prayer.
The Lord's Prayer is in St.
John's Gospel, chapter 17.
I'm gonna go through all of it with you.
The whole chapter is his prayer, so you can read it for yourself later on, but somehow I'm gonna show you in a minute.
But the one they called the Lord's Prayer, Jesus never said, pray this prayer.
He said, after this manner, therefore pray ye.
He didn't say, pray this prayer.
In other words, he was giving them an outline of prayer.
And guess what?
That outline of prayer was given to saints, knowledge, men who lived in the old covenant.
When that old covenant was fulfilled by Jesus and abrogated, it became wrong to pray that prayer.
That is not a Christian prayer.
Our Father, which I didn't have and hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Give us in the New Testament, it says all things are yours.
Give us what anymore?
I don't want to go into that.
The whole thing, it's a problem.
Deliver us from evil.
And that's the evil one, the devil.
Okay, deliver us from the evil one, the devil.
The devil got defeated by Jesus.
You don't ask God to deliver you from the devil anymore.
He's being defeated.
Now, these are not things, we're not talking like this because we like this.
We're talking like this because this is truth.
It's what the word says.
You're still there?
Okay, St.
James Gospel, you're like this one.
Chapter 17, we begin with verse one.
Just want to show you something.
These words speak Jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, now he's praying.
See, this is his prayer.
He didn't tell us to pray this prayer, but this is his prayer.
So if you want to know the Lord's prayer, here it is.
and said, father, the hours come, glorify thy son.
The thy son also may glorify thee.
This was before he went to the cross.
This was before he died.
Remember, this is 17th chapter.
All right, verse two, as thou has given him power over all flesh.
Man, man, man.
What a confession.
Jesus declared that the Father gave him power over all flesh.
He didn't say, well, I don't know if you've given me power over any flesh yet.
This is as thou hast given him power over all flesh that he, oh boy, that he shall give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.
Only Jesus gives eternal life.
All religious leaders of history cannot, could not, never will give eternal life.
How cool they didn't have it.
Eternal life is the life and nature of Almighty God.
Eternal life is the divine nature.
It's the divine essence.
This is powerful, as thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he shall give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.
Boy, then, here's what I want to show you.
It's so powerful.
Verse three, and this, what a declaration.
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God in Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
Man, oh my, this is life eternal, that they might know thee, which means the knowledge of God is eternal life.
Can you see that?
The knowledge of God, no wonder to know him is to love him.
To know him is to love him.
The knowledge of God is eternal life.
Look at it.
Jesus says, and this is eternal life, that it might know thee.
The only true God in Jesus Christ and thou has sent.
The knowledge of God.
Oh, oh, oh.
And the knowledge of God comes in his word.
When you receive his words,
The Word communicates divine knowledge.
Your heart opens the God.
You hear His Word, you accept His Word, and it impacts eternal life into your Spirit.
No wonder He sent us to preach the gospel.
Who's a soul winner?
Who's a soul winner?
One who bears the message of Christ.
That is the knowledge of God.
He carries the knowledge of God.
And when He shares it with someone else, He is bringing eternal life to that.
Oh, look at it.
Go back to verse two.
Let's read it from verse two one more time.
As thou hast given in power over all flesh, that he shall give eternal life.
He shall give the knowledge of God, because that is eternal life.
To as many as thou hast given in.
Who is this Jesus?
I wanna show you something about him.
First Corinthians chapter 15.
First Corinthians chapter 15.
and we'll be looking at verse 45.
Oh, look at it.
And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul.
Do you remember in Genesis, the Bible says that God created him, all right?
Made him from the dust of the ground and he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
And then it says, and man became a living soul.
Some versions say a living being, all right?
So the Bible says here, and so it is written,
The first man Adam was made a living soul.
The last Adam, the Bible calls the second Adam and says the last Adam, which is the second Adam is Jesus Christ.
That's what the Bible says.
You can study that whole chapter for yourself.
Now here's the beautiful part.
It says the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
A quickening spirit means life-giving spirit.
Now put it in the NIV.
Use the NIV for a second.
So it is written, the first man Adam became a living being.
The last Adam, a life-given spirit.
A life-given spirit.
See, when we preached over to God, we're carrying the rema of God.
We're speaking this living thing.
We impart life with this living thing, this message.
So I'm talking to you, not as one who read biblical notes.
All right?
I'm not speaking to you as somebody who read Bible.
I'm not giving you Bible.
I'm not giving you knowledge of Bible.
I'm giving you the knowledge of living logos.
Do you understand?
I'm giving you the knowledge of God.
That's what I'm sharing with you.
Are you transmit now?
There's a huge difference between teaching you Bible and giving you the word of God.
One is alive, the other is dead.
That's why you have teachers, lecturers who taught you religious knowledge in school and they were reading from the Bible.
You read chapters and chapters and chapters and you are still blind spiritually.
But then I can share a verse with you and your spirit will come alive.
Because you see, when you are born again, oh boy, look at this.
Everybody who has been born into this world was born after the first Adam.
And everyone who was born again is born after the last Adam.
So if you have not been born again, you're still living the life of the first Adam.
And that's why Jesus said you must be born again.
When you are born again, you become a life-giving spirits.
What a life, what a life, what a life with the knowledge of God in your spirit.
Oh, glory to God.
Then you can understand why we worship.
Then you can understand why sometimes as we pray tears are coming down our eyes, we are not feeling no pain.
We don't have any regrets, but we just have love for Heavenly Father.
Can you shout?
Oh, glory to God.
We trust you were blessed by this message.
You can watch and listen to many inspiring messages by Pastor Chris at PastorChrisOnline.org.
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