Glory in the Word
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
We've been called to a life of glory.
Several things about glory.
I want them to have my glory.
I have given them my glory.
I want them to see my glory.
All of these things, why did Jesus use the term glory so many times?
It's time to discover a key principle in the kingdom of God.
The kingdom is glory focused.
If you use God's mirror, you will see you.
And you that you will see is called the glory of God.
So become who God has called you to be as you watch this glory revealing message by Pastor Chris.
So much given to us in the Holy Scriptures, not only to hear of his glory,
but to be in it.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, are you.
Holy Spirit, I love you Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Holy Spirit
All is spirit, I love you Just one more time All is spirit, all is spirit All is spirit, I love you All is spirit, all is spirit
I love Jesus.
I love the master.
I love him.
Say it again.
Practice your love of Jesus.
Practice your love of Jesus.
Fan the endless, the flames of your love.
Very important.
Nothing matters.
as much to the Father as your love for Jesus.
Nothing matters as much to the Father as your love for Jesus.
Making Him always your focus.
Nothing else will satisfy.
Nothing else will ever satisfy.
And you know,
Jesus didn't say, if you love me sing to me.
He didn't say, if you love me, tell me so.
He didn't say, if you love me, worship me.
He didn't say, if you love me, pray to me.
He didn't say that.
He said, if you love me, keep my word.
That's what he said.
Keep my word.
Do what I've told you to do.
Your proof of your love for Jesus Christ is doing what he told you to do.
That's your proof.
That's the proof of your love.
That's the proof of your love.
So, to demonstrate your love for Jesus Christ, you do His Word.
You do His Word.
But how can you do His Word if you don't know it?
How can you do what you don't know?
That calls for knowledge, the knowledge of the word.
That calls for information.
That means that we've got to study his word to know it.
If we learn his word, then we have the opportunity to do it.
If we don't know it, we can't do it.
If we don't understand it, we can't do it.
We've got to know it.
We've got to know it.
Then we can do it.
See, we send out to you materials all the time.
Especially, a lapse of your realities which you get every month.
That's a very important material.
Very important.
Never assume you know everything that is in there.
Even though
They're short articles.
They're very informative if you open your heart to them.
Very informative if you open your heart to them.
Very important that you use that material, study it.
Don't just read it.
Study it.
You'd be amazed at what it would do to your spirit.
study it.
Then we have messages and audio formats and video formats that we make available to you.
Listen to them again and again.
Again and again.
Again and again.
Don't just take it that you've bought it.
You see, anybody can buy a book and keep it in this library.
Just because you have a book in your library doesn't mean you know what's inside it.
So you listen to it again and again.
Use those materials to enrich your life in an extraordinary way.
And be voracious for them.
As we send them out, get them.
Make sure you've got them.
Make sure you have them.
Find time.
Find time.
to listen to them, to watch them.
You'd be amazed at what the Spirit of God would do in your life.
I believe in constantly and always growing.
If you meet me one week after you've met me, I'm not the same.
I'm constantly growing.
Constantly, I'm always growing, learning more.
See, opening myself to the Spirit of God to receive more.
I never stop.
I never stop.
You'll be so excited to see your life constantly growing, ever growing.
There's so much in the Lord, so much, so much in the Lord.
You will never know everything about Him.
And so, why stop when there's so much to know, so much to learn, so much to be.
It's called ever increasing glory.
Ever increasing glory.
You want the glory in your life to continually increase.
Don't stop.
Don't stop.
The angels who are before the throne of God continually experience this wonder.
The Bible tells us that as they behold a glory of God, on the throne of God, they worship.
They worship.
And this glory continually changes.
Can you imagine every time the angels raise their heads, they see something new?
They never say the same thing.
They see something new.
They raise their heads and they cry holy and bow before the Lord.
When they raise their heads again, there's a change.
For eternity, they are worshipping, holy, holy, and the beautiful thing.
You say, don't they get tired?
They could never get tired.
I'll tell you why.
because as to behold God's glory, they themselves are transformed.
You never see His glory without being impacted.
You remember Peter, James, and John when they went with Jesus to the Mount where He was transfigured before them?
The Bible tells us, when they saw His glory, when they saw His glory, when they saw Jesus, transfigured in their presence, they said, Master, let's stay here.
They forgot the whole world.
They said, Master, let's stay here.
Let's not leave here anymore.
Let's build three terminals.
One for you.
One for Moses.
One for Elijah.
Because those two men appeared with Jesus on the mountain.
This master, let's stay here.
They didn't want to go away.
For the glory that they saw.
What about their wives and children?
Remember, they told you they had wives and children and they talked to Jesus about that.
And now they want to remain here.
Because in the realm of the Spirit, you forget the whole world.
The glory so much.
The glory so much.
There's glory.
I want you to think.
Think the way God wants you to think.
He doesn't want you to think like an ordinary person.
I shared with you
What the word says about you, you're being glorified.
And when we went through the prayer of the Master, in that 17th chapter of St.
John's Gospel, he said several things about the glory.
He said to the Father, the glory that I had with you before the world began.
It is your glory, my glory.
Several things about glory.
I want them to have my glory.
I have given them my glory.
I want them to see my glory.
All of these things, why did Jesus use the term glory so many times?
Because the kingdom is glory focused.
It is all glorious.
That's the life that is given us in Christ Jesus.
And it wants us not only to hear of His glory, but to be in it, in it.
We carry His glory.
He wants us to be conscious that we have His glory in us.
What a life you'd live with that consciousness of God's glory.
You can imagine this is so much given to us in the Holy Scriptures.
until we're even known in heaven as His glory.
Let me show you two scriptures.
This will help you.
Let's read from Hebrews chapter one, beginning with verse one.
Just notice what you're going to see.
It says,
God who at sundry times and in divers manners, speaking time passed on to the fathers by the prophets.
At in these last days, looking at us by his son, whom he had appointed heir of old things.
Now he's talking about Jesus.
By whom also he made the words, glory to God.
Who be in the brightness?
Jesus, being the brightness of His glory, Jesus Christ is the brightness of God's glory.
Did you hear that?
Jesus Christ is the brightness of God's glory.
And the express image of His person
Jesus Christ is the brightness of God's glory.
That means the efforgence of God's glory.
That means the outshining of God's glory.
How important is the glory of God?
Jesus, the brightness of God's glory.
Look at it.
And the express image of his person
and upholding all things by the word of his power, Hallelujah, when he had by himself pushed our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high, glory to God.
Okay, so Jesus, the express image of God's person, the brightness of his glory, the brightness of his glory, Jesus, the brightness of God's glory,
So Jesus is the brightness of God's glory, the brightness of the Father's glory, the outshining of the Father's glory, the expression, the icon of the Father's glory, hallelujah.
All right, now you can go to
Second Corinthians chapter 3, let's take a look at the 18th verse.
And we are who with unveiled phases contemplate the Lord's glory.
You see how important these to contemplate the Lord's glory?
Ah, being transformed into his image
with ever increasing glory which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
Did you see that?
Let's read again.
Let's read again.
And we all who is on veil faces contemplate the Lord's glory have been transformed into His image with
ever increase in glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Now, I would think because the made it a little longer, you might have missed something there.
Go back to the King James.
But we all, with open face, that's what I wanted to avoid for you and the word glass.
That's why I didn't want you to use the King James.
But now you've seen the other one.
It's easy for you to get what it's saying.
But we all with open face, that means without any veil and half faces, beholden, looking as in a glass.
Now it's mirror.
Looking into a mirror.
The glory of the Lord
Looking into a mirror, we're looking into a mirror.
He says, we are beholding in a mirror the glory of the Lord.
I changed into the same image from glory to glory.
Now, this is so, can I have any device here?
Let me use yours.
Imagine this is a mirror, okay?
Did you use a mirror today, any of you?
You did, you did.
And when you looked into the mirror, he says, we are looking in a mirror.
We are seeing in a mirror the glory of God.
What does that mean?
That's wonderful, because you know, when you look into a mirror, you should see you.
But then he says, what you see is called the glory of God.
But he's talking about, he's on mirror.
He doesn't want you just to use that mirror in the glass, he got in the street.
In a shop, he wants you to use God's mirror.
When you use God's mirror, he says you will see the glory of God.
And because it's a mirror, you understand what he's talking about.
If you use God's mirror, you will see you.
And the you that you will see is called the glory of God.
Thank you.
Stay tuned.
Pastor Chris will be right back.
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It is more than words.
The Lord is wonderful.
He's amazing.
He's amazing.
David discovered something about God and he communicated such a message to us in an extraordinary way.
And you know the word of God is given to us to help us
with our language, our communication.
We've got to speak spiritually.
Let me show you this.
First Corinthians chapter 2.
I want to read from verse 11 into 12 and 13.
can we go?
He says, for what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him?
Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the spirit of God.
All right, 12.
We have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is on God.
Now we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
He says, now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us.
The spirit of God was given to us to help us discover what God has blessed us with so freely.
For example, it's through the Holy Spirit that we discover that He's given us His glory.
He opens the Word to us so we can understand it, so we can know it.
So, now we have received not the Spirit of the Word, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God, that we might know the things.
Now, watch next verse.
Which things also we speak?
We speak the things that the Spirit of God has shown to us that we have received from God.
Which things also we speak?
Not in the words which man's wisdom teaches.
But which the Holy Ghost teaches?
Comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
In other words, you may never find this in your physics library.
You may never find this in your chemistry library.
It's only God who teaches this.
It's spiritual, which things also we speak.
Not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches.
So we speak God's language.
We speak God's language.
We speak God's language.
It teaches us how to communicate.
When you study the Word of God, you learn the Word of God, you learn God's language.
Then you learn to talk like him.
You use his language, you talk like him.
Now, David was an extraordinary, remarkable prophet of God.
And I want to show you something.
Psalm 27, from verse one, you like this.
The Lord is my light and my salvation.
Tell me, do you understand that?
The Lord is my light.
The Lord is my light.
No, that's different from the Lord gives me light.
The Lord is my light in my salvation.
Whom shall I feel?
Whom shall I feel?
The Lord is my light and my salvation.
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life.
Of whom shall I be afraid?
This is the Lord is my light and my salvation.
Whom shall I fear?
This is the Lord is my salvation.
The Lord is my salvation.
Whom shall I fear?
Can you relate the two?
If the Lord is my salvation, what David is saying here is, I am in salvation.
The Lord is my salvation.
Which means no matter where I go, I'm already saved from every trouble.
You see it?
Because the Lord
is my salvation.
He says, whom shall I fear?
For example, he tells us the name of the Lord is a strong tower.
The righteous runs into it and it's safe.
So if you're in that tower, you are safe.
He says, that's what the name of the Lord is.
Which means when you call the name of the Lord, you are in the tower.
Praise God.
So if
The Lord is my salvation.
I've got nothing to fear.
So I will not need to call on him to save me from trouble because he already is my salvation.
So in that consciousness, David goes to war and he wins every battle.
Didn't you read David was never defeated in battle?
Never defeated.
When he was king, the only battle Israel lost, he wasn't there.
He wasn't there.
He never lost a battle.
He understood this.
Very simple.
The Lord is my light in my salvation, whom shall I fear?
Now let's look at the second part of it.
The Lord is the strength of my life.
Of whom shall I be afraid?
The Lord is the strength.
of my life.
He's not asking for strength.
How could I ask for strength?
When the Lord is my strength.
I couldn't ask for strength.
It's like asking God to give me God.
Because He is the strength of my life.
If He is my strength, I don't need to ask Him for it.
Why should I ask him for him?
If you have him, he gets strength.
Do you understand what this man of God is telling us from the Scriptures?
Is it clear to you?
So what do you have?
The Lord is the strength of my life.
Of whom shall I be afraid?
Of whom shall I be afraid?
The Lord is the strength of my life.
Of whom shall I be afraid?
To David, when men spoke, there were empty words.
And that's something you've got to learn.
When men speak, their words are empty.
As far as it concerns you,
Who is he that speaketh and it come to pass when the Lord commanded it not?
You have no fear.
No fear at all.
When man threatened you, you don't even think of what they said.
It says nothing.
It means nothing.
Glory to Jesus.
Let's take a look at St.
Matthew's Gospel, chapter 5.
We'll begin from verse 12, so you follow it properly.
This is you are the salt of the earth.
So you're special.
You are the salt of the earth.
Salt is particularly used for two major things.
One is to give a nice taste.
Another one is for preservation.
So, it does show what you are in this world.
You're special.
You're special.
You're special.
You're special.
See, I'm the salt of the earth.
I'm the salt of the earth.
I preserve my city.
I preserve my nation.
God is trusting me to preserve my country.
God is trusting.
I am the salt of the earth.
God is trusting.
to bring sweetness to my country.
God is trusting.
Read the next one.
Who are you?
The light of the world.
I'm the light of the world.
I know it.
Say I know it.
I'm the light of the world.
I show the way.
I give direction.
I'm the light of the world.
In my city.
In my country, I'm the light.
I know it.
God is trusting me.
God is trusting me.
To show the way.
To show the light.
Because I am the light.
I'm the light of the world.
Are you the light of the world?
You are the light of the world.
I can't be obscure.
You see?
He says a city that is set on the hill cannot be hit.
You can't hide me.
Doesn't matter, doesn't matter how far, how far in the bush, you put me.
You can't hide me.
I'm a light.
I'll glow.
I'll shine.
Can you see it?
I'll tell you something.
It doesn't matter which city, which street, which town, which village.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
Once you do what God says, shine as the light.
Showing us the light, you will not be ignored for long.
Did you get that?
You will not be ignored for long.
You may be ignored at the beginning, but not for long.
Your light is shining.
And you're going to so shine.
I will so shine.
So shine.
So again, I will so shine.
So shine.
Thank you, Holy Spirit.
I'm the light of the world.
If you will, show the love of God.
If you will, share God's Word through the Holy Spirit.
If you will, be prayerful.
Are you listening?
And if you will, do the word.
That means live accordingly.
Nothing will stop your expansion.
Nothing will stop your growth.
The five will turn to ten.
The ten will turn to twenty.
The twenty will turn to a hundred.
It just can't stop.
You can't stop it.
You can't stop it.
Glory to Jesus.
Live your hands.