If These Things Be In You
In 1981, I was studying, and my eyes fell on these scriptures.
This particular verse stood out to me.
I was so excited.
I thought I had found a secret.
And I did.
He said, if these things being you in increasing measure, they make you that shall neither be buried nor unfruitful.
in your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, our knowledge of the Lord becomes productive.
We have results in our knowledge of Christ, everything you do, tones into success.
These things make you, they make you fruitful and productive.
So what are these things?
You ready for them?
Donning to your Bible, let me show it to you.
Book of Isaiah chapter 55.
Have you found it?
Are I ready to you from verse 12?
For ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace.
The mountains and the hills shall break before you, in the singing.
And all the trees of the fields shall clap their hands.
Wow, you know what that means?
Shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace.
The mountains, the hills,
refers to authorities.
All right?
Shall break forth before you win the singing.
And then it says, in all the trees of the field, the Bible says the field is the world.
And the trees are the people in it.
This is the trees of the future, clap their hands as you come forth.
Glory to God.
Because you come with the message of salvation.
Go on, come on.
Go, shall go.
And he let forth the peace of mountains and the heaps shall break before you.
The mountains and the hills shall pray before you.
Our and all the trees of the fields shall clap their hands.
The word of the Lord shall be forever.
The trees of the field shall clap your hands.
The world of the world shall be forever.
Shall go round the chart and be there for the peace.
The mountains and the hills shall break before
out with joy and the effort of peace come mountains and the heaps now pray for y'all.
And all the dreams of the heaps out the heaps, the world of the Lord shall be
The Word of the Lord shall be prepared.
In all the dreams of God shall be prepared.
The Word of the Lord shall be prepared.
Well praise God Tell three people I'm so glad you are here
You may be seated.
Praise the Lord.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Praise God.
Do you have your Bibles here today?
You sure?
I want to read.
See, I've got many things to share with you.
Did you hear me?
You know, the Word of God is for us to live by.
The Word of God is for doing.
It is trustworthy.
It is for doing.
We are expected to do the word.
I tell people we're not called to obey the word.
There's a big difference between obeying the word and doing the word.
We don't obey the word, we do the word.
A lot of Christians are trying to obey the word and that's where the problem is.
because the word is not for being, it's for doing.
The Old Testament called for obedience to the word.
In a New Testament, you are not called to obey the word, you're born of the word, you're expected to do the word.
You see, that's the big difference because in Old Testament it was a law, a commandment to be obeyed.
In a New Testament it is a reflection, a mirror that shows you who you are so that you can know who you are and act that way.
So that's the big difference.
We do the word.
We hear it, we study it, we understand it, and we act accordingly.
That little statement could make the difference between daylight and dark, if you understand it.
It's important.
So I want to read this simple portion of the Bible, but I wish you would get a hold of it
And do what it says.
And watch the results.
OK, you're ready for this second Peter, the second episode of Pope Peter.
All right.
We are reading from chapter one of that beautiful episode.
And it's in verse 8.
In 1981, I was studying in a little corner of my room.
And my eyes fell on these scriptures.
This particular verse stood out to me.
I was so excited.
I thought I had found a secret.
And I did.
I read it to you and you see why I was so excited.
I got a hold of it.
I was so excited.
Look at it.
Verse eight, for if these things be in you and abound, they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I thought I had it made.
That was all I needed.
to be fruitful and productive.
He said, if these things being you in increasing measure, they make you, you would need to pray about it and ask God to do it.
You don't have to struggle to make it happen.
He says, these things, if these things are in you, in increasing measure, they have the ability, the power, the potentiality to make you
Oh, boy.
Look at it.
Look at it.
It says, if these things being you and abound, they make you that you shall neither be bearing nor unfruitful in the hypnosis of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our knowledge of the Lord becomes productive.
We have results in our knowledge of Christ.
The lot of people who don't have results in the knowledge of Christ, they said they've come to know Jesus and yet they're unproductive.
I get involved in anything, whatever it is, it'll grow.
I tell people everything about me grows.
I leap and bounce.
They have to grow.
He says, they make you, that is shall neither be barren nor unferthed food.
in your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
These things make you, they make you fruitful and productive.
Everything you do, tones into success.
You always have resource.
I'm not just talking about resource, good resource, but because it's good success, good success.
So what are these things?
Okay, you ready for them?
Okay, so we go all the way to verse 3 of the same book, the same chapter.
According to these divine power hats, I want you to notice the past days of God's Word.
According to Jesus, divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness hath given unto us.
It's not about to do it.
He's already done it.
All right?
Have given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of Him.
Have you listened to the message on three kinds of knowledge?
You need that.
Listen to it again and again and again.
Very important message.
Through the knowledge of him that had called us to glory and virtue.
Imagine that.
He's called us to glory and virtue.
Virtue, he is excellence.
He's called us to glory and virtue.
Now, not when we get to heaven now.
We are by verse four.
We are given unto us, exceeding great and precious promises that by these he might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue.
giving all diligence.
Add to your faith.
He says, add to your faith.
Don't pray about it.
Add it to it.
Where are you going to get it from if you don't have it already?
It means you have it.
What he's saying is, hey, put it to work now.
You know, like people are praying, oh, God, make me patient.
He'll never make you patient.
Because the Bible tells us the fruit of the Spirit is long, joy.
He's already added patience into your life.
The fruit of the Spirit is patience.
It's there in you.
What do you do?
Do it.
I said, we do the word.
You're trying to obey God to be patient.
That's not going to work.
That's the reason you're praying to Him now because, okay, you're trying to blame Him for it.
Oh God, you want us to be patient?
Please make me patient.
So that if you don't get patient, you say He didn't answer that prayer.
He told us that we were born with a spirit that has patience in it.
So what'd you do?
Put it to work.
Do it.
It's in your spirit.
Talked about love yesterday.
You know, some people say, oh God, I really understand you want us to work in love.
Please help me.
I find it difficult to love this fellow.
Please help me, love him.
No, he's not gonna help you, love him.
You have it in you, do it.
It's not hard.
Don't make your life difficult.
It's something I've come, I've passed it for many years, I've come to find out the lots of people who make their own life difficult.
They make their life difficult.
You know, you may be sharing with someone about, something's got to do about his problem and says, you don't understand.
You don't understand.
So what do you want?
But there are a lot of people in the world, they're not out looking for, they don't want a solution.
They don't want to magnify the problem.
They don't want a solution.
And yet, when they go to the doctor, and the doctor says, well, you've got to take these pills and take that and take the other one, they're ready because they want to live and not die.
They come to the man of God and says, all right, now here's what you, oh, you don't understand.
I said, what do you want?
For example, somebody says, we've been trying, we've done everything, we know, we've tried to grow, we've tried to do this, we've tried to do that, try to reach our community, we've held all this kind of programs, we've done this, done that, done that.
Then I say, all right, hold on a little.
The Bible says here, if you do these things, if these things being you and a bound, they make you.
But it shall neither be burned or unfruitful in your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So why don't you do this?
You don't understand.
You are the one that doesn't understand.
You've got to make up your mind as a child of God that the Word of God is final authority in that the Word of God is wisdom personified.
Wisdom is telling you this is what you do and you'll be successful.
He says, I am wisdom.
I have riches and righteousness.
I am wisdom.
Don't you understand?
When wisdom tells you what to do,
Now imagine if Moses had been arguing with God before the Red Sea.
When God said, you remember, he prayed, he tried to pray.
Oh God, when he saw the chariots of Egypt coming, he said, oh God, and the people wanted to kill him.
They said, Moses, you brought us here to kill us.
We'll kill you first.
He said, oh God, God said, shut up.
First time God told him to shut up.
He says, what?
And God said, stretch your hand over the water and divide it.
He had not been trained in water or sea dividing business before.
But God said, do it.
And God was in a hurry.
He told the people, stand still.
And you shall see the salvation of the Lord with you.
God said, tell the people to go forward, forward to we.
Oh God, the sea's right here.
We're not going anywhere.
Where do we go?
He said, go forward.
Queer to the sea, yes!
Then he said, now, stretch your hand over the water and divide it.
Oh my goodness.
My goodness.
You know, through the Spirit in the Word of God, I've stood with Moses on that very spot so many times, and watched that sea spit wide open.
My goodness, I thought, dear Jesus, how great thou art.
How great thou art.
He had never heard of it.
He had never seen it before.
Nobody ever told him that God could divide waters like this.
You know, we tell people what he does for one he'll do for another under the same circumstances.
But I tell people, even if he has never done it for somebody else, he can do it for you.
If you require it, he'll do it for you.
And that was it.
Oh, praise God.
What a moment that was in history.
What a moment.
I imagine all those who were so angry with Moses shaking their heads.
My goodness.
But you know them skeptics?
When he said, let's now go.
They must have been wondering if we end time, that's what comes down.
But they went through on dry ground.
But that wasn't at all.
You read your Bible.
Oh, the audacity of faith.
My, my, my.
Think about Elijah.
He heard about Moses and what Moses did to the Red Sea.
He heard about Joshua when Joshua got to the Jordan.
And he got the priest and said, hey, come, come over here.
You step into the water.
And when the priest stepped into the water, these was another face.
The waters of Jordan spit wide open.
and it went through.
Elijah came, didn't even pray.
Didn't pray.
He didn't need to pull the chin of Israel out of Egypt.
No, he was alone.
And he just had one guy with him, Elijah.
And he got to the Jordan, took his mantle.
How bold could you be?
He's chucked the Jordan!
And the Jordan was afraid of him.
You can imagine Elisha's eyes just pop.
And he followed him through the Jordan.
No wonder, when he saw Elisha taken off, Elisha taken off,
He cried out, my father, my father, the child of Israel and the husband thereof.
Then he was gone.
But the mantle dropped.
Elijah picked it up.
He's a Elijah's gun now.
My God, he had to return.
He was on the side of Jordan.
How do I go home?
He took that manual.
He said, where is the Lord God of Elijah?
Guess what?
The same thing happened.
He's faithful to every generation.
The same thing happened.
Moses did it.
Joshua did it.
Elijah did it.
Elijah did it.
Then Jesus said, I'm not doing it that way.
Are you listening to me now?
Tell somebody there's a new order.
One more time there's a new order!
Can I explain something to you?
Alright, let me talk to you for a moment.
Can I talk to you for a moment?
Oh, I hope you'll catch this.
There are different orders.
You know what an order is?
The different orders in the church.
Different levels also.
You know, God's got a lot of kids, lots of children.
Many haven't understood who Jesus is.
and therefore, haven't understood who the Christian is.
You know, it takes my mind quickly back to something that happened in the Bible, where Jesus acts, his disciples one time, he said, whom do people say that I, the Son of Man am?
They said, some say that you are Johnabaptist.
Others say you're Jeremiah.
Others say you're one of the prophets.
And then he said, but who do you say that I am?
And they were looking at themselves.
They weren't so sure.
And then Peter spoke up and said, at the Christ, the son of the living God.
And Jesus said, Simon, flesh and blood had not revealed this to you, but my father.
In other words, you can't know this with your head.
The only way you can know that I am the Son of God is if it's revealed to your spirit.
So he said, upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Upon what rock?
Christ Jesus.
All right now.
Who is Jesus?
The disciples weren't so sure, I told you.
But Peter got it right.
On another occasion, they were in the house of a man named Simon the leper.
He had been healed of leprosy.
And while Jesus was there, a woman came, married, and broke her alabaster box of ointment.
and poured it on Jesus.
It was very expensive, the Bible terraces.
And the disciples, you know, especially Judas.
Judas was a social guy.
Judas knew the designer's perfume.
He knew it soon as he... He said, I know that thing.
What's happening here?
They said that woman just poured it on Jesus.
What a waste.
And the other disciples according to the Bible agreed with Him and they all came together and said to the woman, what mean at this waste?
You know, when you give a gift, it depends on the value.
It's a matter of value.
What you value the one you are giving to be.
And what you value that gift to be from you.
It's a matter of value.
What does that gift represent to you, the giver?
And what do you think of the person to whom you give this gift?
And so the disciples, they said, this is a waste.
Does that tell you something?
This is a waste.
We could have sold this thing for 300 denari.
We could have sold this thing and got the money and used it to help the poor.
What mean at this waste?
Because, you see, they didn't know who Jesus was.
They didn't know him.
A waste on Jesus?
She don't know who he is.
A waste on Jesus?
It's like some people, and Spirit of God tells them, I want you in the ministry, and they say, well Lord, you know, I got five, five degrees,
That means I just wish all this on God.
They don't quite say on God, you know, but it's a waste to feel that.
And then to work in the ministry, after all they have known, after the exposure and the frames they have, to them is a waste.
Some parents even think that the children who have gone to the university and come back and are working in the ministry.
I think, what a waste.
Is this what you want to do?
Would all what I spent sending you to the university?
Is this what you want to do?
What a waste.
They don't know Jesus.
What was Jesus' response?
Oh, look at something.
This woman paused this thing on Jesus.
The Bible says the room was filled with a perfume, the smell of that perfume.
And one by one they began to react.
Do you mean, I know that perfume, man, that thing is expensive.
You bought it, oh no, oh no, we should have sold it.
It didn't belong to them.
Yet it hurt them.
Somebody said, what?
You mean you gave that car in church?
Oh, do you know how much that carrot?
How much is your salvation?
To them it's a waste.
It's a waste.
What was Jesus' response?
Jesus said, why do you trouble the woman?
Leave her alone.
I love Jesus.
He said, why do you trouble the woman?
Leave her alone.
She has done a good work on me.
That's what Jesus said.
She has done a good work on me.
And then he said, and I tell you, wherever this gospel is preached, this that this woman had done shall bespoke enough for a memorial of her.
What a blessing.
The rest of them didn't quite get it.
Up till now, everybody around the world knows about Mary, but people are trying to guess the names of the disciples of Jesus.
But here's another thing.
Jesus said, she has done this thing ahead of my burial.
Jesus made it clear there was a time factor.
She did it ahead of the burial.
She came to anoint my body ahead of the burial.
That's what Jesus said.
And they were looking at themselves, heard of the burial.
But she was not the only one that God spoke to about the burial.
There were some other women that had this guidance and they had an ointment.
They just weren't sure what was supposed to be done.
It pays to listen to God's voice.
Mary went through those disciples and did that thing.
If she had asked her permission, they would have stopped her.
I said, whoa, what do you want to do with that thing?
I want to point and just, no, no, no, no, no.
Don't worry, we'll tell you what to do.
Come, come, come, come.
And they would have let her out of God's will for her life.
But then she went and did it as she was led.
And I said, there were others who were led too.
But as many of God's children also do, they waited.
And then he died.
Hey, they weren't sure he was really going to die.
Until they saw him on the cross, finally gave up the ghost.
And when he did, the stock realities came home.
Oh, he really died.
Oh, he really died.
Oh, what can we do to the body?
They didn't get the body.
Joseph of Arimathea got the body.
They were all afraid.
Everybody run away.
And don't forget that.
Just a little point.
I hope you got it last time I share with you.
You see, I told you, I told you, the disciples of Jesus, even though they were close to Jesus, never got the body of Christ.
Who got the body of Christ?
The man with influence.
Joseph of Arimathea.
He had the money and he had the influence.
He was the one that got the body.
Cyprus couldn't get it.
refused to be poor and broke!
Are you still there?
Oh, thank you Lord Jesus.
In a way, these are the women.
Oh, he's dead.
What are we going to do now?
Oh, he's dead.
It was too late to approach the body.
Everything just was too late.
Everything was too late.
So the only next time there will have any opportunity to come close to the body would be first thing after the Lesa Sabat.
That'll be Sunday morning.
All right?
And Sunday morning, very early in the morning, St.
Luke's Gospel chapter 24, you can read from verse 1, they went to the cave where Jesus' body was buried.
The Bible says they took with them ointment, spices, they could use and perfume the body of Jesus.
When they got there, it was too late.
Jesus had reason.
So this ministry that they were supposed to have over the body of Jesus, they never had it done.
They couldn't do it because Jesus had a reason.
Only Mary did it at the right time.
But I said, remember, it's a matter of value, matter of value.
What do you think he is?
She put her most expensive on Jesus and the others knew it.
And it made them nervous.
What do you think is too much for the Master?
Are you like the other disciples?
Remember the response of Jesus.
Are you still there?
Now, I said, because many people don't know who Jesus really is.
They don't know who Jesus really is.
And so they don't know who a Christian really is.
I wish you'll catch the picture.
I said, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Elijah, all split the waters.
But Jesus came and didn't speak to water.
In other words, didn't divide the water, didn't divide the sea.
He refused to recognize what it was.
He didn't think he could sink.
The others needed to go on dry ground.
They didn't think that was the reason for dividing the Red Sea, for dividing the Jordan, so they could go on dry ground.
But it was a miracle.
I mean, it was a big miracle, but Jesus did something else.
It is a miracle when you lay your hands on your own body and get healed.
It's a miracle when you command devils out of the territory.
It's a miracle when you'd say this and say that and things happen.
It's a miracle.
It's a miracle.
It's a miracle.
It's a miracle.
I love what T.L.
Osborne said.
He said, years ago, as we journeyed from nation to nation, he said, as we arrived, and my feet touched the tarmac of a nation, I said, devil, T.L.
and Daisy have come, and you have to run.
Then he said, after many years, he said, I stopped doing that.
He said, as soon as I showed up, the devil knew we had to go.
You see that?
This level of authority, his understanding of authority had come up, had matured.
He'd have to tell them out.
He said, they have come to know when I show up, they have to go.
I don't know whether you're catching the message now.
There are just some things that you have to understand are not in you.
I don't know what you want the doctor to find out inside your body.
Where, doctor, I just want to know what's inside.
Where, where, where, I just feel like we'll find out what's inside.
What do you want to see?
Don't you know what your body is?
It's a temple of the Holy Ghost.
Don't you understand?
You know, I'll tell some people you know too much.
What you know is your problem.
You know too much.
You see, you know too much.
What did God want Adam to do?
To walk by revelation.
But he wanted to know the difference between good and evil by eating that fruit.
And when he did, his eyes opened.
and he had another kind of knowledge.
But he would have walked by revelation.
We're called to walk by revelation.
When you know too much from your head, it makes you a man.
But when you know from God, you live the life of God.
Alleluia, are you still there?
Can we go to that verse five now?
Second Peter chapter one and verse number five.
He says, and beside this, given our diligence, add to your faith, virtue, add to your faith, virtue, excellence, excellence, excellence, excellence, excellence.
There's still no excellence of mind, excellence of action, virtue,
It's a high level, a high way of doing things.
Learning to do the right thing the first time.
You choose to be excellent.
It's a choice that you make.
You choose to be excellent.
You know what Christ has made of you?
You are a new creation.
You are God's second creation.
And this second creation is faultless.
Understand it.
The Bible says you are perfected in Christ.
This second creation is absolutely faultless.
It is superior to sickness, it is superior to disease, it is superior to failure.
This second creation is faultless.
You can do what you choose to do and succeed at it.
All you need now is to make the choice.
If you choose to be, it will be so.
That is Christianity.
Your environment is no longer to lot it over you.
It doesn't have the power to lot it over you, but it will lot it over you if you don't stand up to it.
Like they say, if you don't choose what you want, you stay with what you get.
He says, and beside is giving all diligence out to your faith, virtue and to virtue, knowledge.
Knowledge knows some things.
Some pastors don't have time for anything.
They have too much television to watch.
They're not too much about football, too much spots, too much all other newspapers and magazines.
They're not too much from Time magazine, too much from Newsweek, too much from CNN, too much from all those things, too little from their Bible.
Get some knowledge, get some information.
He says, add to your faith, add to your faith, virtue.
Now, why didn't he tell you to add faith?
Because faith is where you start.
Faith is where you start without faith, no salvation.
So you receive salvation through faith.
So faith is where you start.
So he says, now, add to your faith, virtue.
Add excellence to your life.
Then when you have added that, he says, add knowledge.
to that virtue, acknowledge, become studious, read, study about the things that you do.
Some people have a lot of knowledge about things that don't concern them.
Too little knowledge about the things that concern them.
I'll tell you that story with young Joe.
I told you.
And some of you are saying, but we are standing for the first time.
So if you told them last time, it doesn't mean you told the rest of us.
I understand I can read your mind.
But a professor went to his church when he was a young pastor.
And he preached on philosophy.
He didn't quite title it philosophy, he said, but he was preaching philosophy.
And after preaching, you know, trying to, according to him, trying to impress, because he knew the man was coming and trying to impress the people that he was educated at the end of the service,
The wife who had been a member of the church took her husband who was visiting for the first time to see the pastor in his office.
So when they got inside and the pastor chilled greeted them and said, did you enjoy the service?
And the man said, no.
He said, oh, what happened?
He said, I suffered throughout the service.
The prostitute said, oh, that moment he thought he wished that Tonda would just come from heaven.
But then he said, why?
And the professor said, look, I'm an old man now.
You're a very young man, but I have an advice for you.
He said, I'm a professor of philosophy.
And all what you were teaching there was elementary philosophy.
He said, young man, you're a pastor specializing in Bible.
You know, when I heard that, I said to Jesus, I will specialize in Bible.
So, a pastor should specialize in Bible.
Don't try to show that you know anything else.
It's not useful.
I'm telling you the fact, it's not useful.
Of course, because you have, you've gone to school, definitely you will see a lot of things from your field of study, you know?
Definitely, that will happen.
That will happen all the time.
but specialize in Bible.
Know your Bible, know the Word of God more than anything else in the world.
That's important.
So add to virtue knowledge.
And to knowledge, temperance.
What is temperance?
Learn it.
It's something you do.
See, what's important to us in studying these things in the Word of God, what's important is not learning to quote them.
It's learning to do them.
You do them.
He says, add to your faith, virtue.
So I'm going to do it.
So I'm going to practice it.
So you've got to practice it over a period of time for it to stay.
Now, while you're practicing this, you're going to make some errors.
But then you stop yourself and say, oh, get back to it.
Organize yourself.
Get back to it.
That's what you're supposed to do.
Practice it.
There's another thing I'm going to, you know, I'm going to mention to you about your practice, practice, practice.
All those boys who are playing football for FIFA, right?
Do they practice?
Okay, those called world number one in different games.
Do they practice?
After the world number one, do they have to practice anymore?
They're going to say as world number one, they've got to practice.
Why have you stopped practicing?
Are you still there?
And then it says, and to knowledge, temperance, and to temperance patience.
And to patience, godliness.
Add temperance to your knowledge.
When some people get some knowledge, they don't let anybody else rest.
So it says, add temperance.
Then add what?
Then add from that godliness.
and then verse 7.
And to godliness, brotherly kindness.
We talked about that yesterday.
Brotherly kindness.
We mentioned temperance.
There's a word I shared with you.
Do you remember it?
What do you call it?
What does that mean?
To hold yourself in.
The Bible says a man that has no control over your spirit is like a city whose walls are broken down.
If you have control over your spirit, hold yourself in.
Hold yourself in.
You can be boiling and you're... Hold your brakes.
You can be very angry and all of a sudden you smile.
See, it doesn't matter.
You live a very healthy life.
But some people are looking all that and they're supposed to be, because they're always frowning.
Always offended, always unhappy, even when they are not angry with anybody, they look angry.
You have to ask them, is everything alright?
Because everything is alright.
Is there anything wrong?
Why do you make your life hard?
Don't you just like being happy?
Don't you like it?
Does somebody hear you like hard life?
Do you like being happy?
Make yourself so!
Do you need a comedian to make you happy?
No, for some people, they can't be happy until they turn on the TV and watch some comedian.
That's about how far they understand happiness.
Train yourself to be happy.
Oh, okay, if you want to be happy, then somebody comes in and makes you unhappy.
Ignore that one.
Continue to be happy.
Yeah, you make a choice.
Happiness is a choice.
God is not going to make you happy anymore because he's already done it.
He's already given you joy, unspeakable and full of glory.
All right, so he says, verse seven, unto godliness, he says, add brotherly kindness.
Godliness, let me explain that godliness for a moment.
Godliness there refers to, he's talking about some piousness in your life.
We understand that Christianity is not an outward show, but this time he is dealing with an outward show.
This time he is dealing with an outward show.
He means those actions that can be seen to be godly.
There should be some calmness in your life.
There should be a way you carry yourself.
Do you understand?
Nor roughness that is evident about you.
In your communication, the way you talk, the language, your choice of words, all of these things.
Then he talks about brotherly kindness.
Brotherly kindness is something you see.
We do it.
It's something we do.
is a show of some affection.
So, you know, people don't, they don't use the language of love.
We're just getting them introduced to that.
Let me leave that for today.
So, to godliness, brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness, love.
And James, this is the word charity, wrongly rendered, but is love, agape, love, love.
That's why he told you, for if these things be in you, these things we have just read, what are they?
Faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance,
patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, charity, your love.
It says, for if these things be in you and abound, if these things be in you in increase and measure, they make you that he shall neither be buried nor on fruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That's cool.
See that?
That's the answer.
Now, look at the next verse.
But he that luck at these things is blind and has no vision.
See it there.
See it there, it's there.
So the man is blind, he doesn't have vision.
So he cannot see a far off.
All he knows is today, he can see the future.
And that's forgotten that he was podged from his old sins.
where for the rather brethren, give diligence to make your calling an election sure.
For if ye do these things ye shall never fall."
It's clear.
I said, the word of God is for doing.
Look at it.
The answer is right there.
He says, the one who lacks these things has a problem.
But the one who does these things shall never fall.
Not only will he be fruitful and productive, you know some people they say, they looked at a sudden person's life, everything was just going well, and then he was going, growing, things were getting better, and all of a sudden he just crashed.
Things just went down, bad for him.
Well, look at this one.
He says, if you do these things, you shall never fall.
So you can plot your graph for your future.
So all you have to do is continue to do these things.
If you do these things, you shall never fall.
If you don't, it says no vision.
You can see a far off.
See that?
So that's what, when you're successful, you don't have to be afraid whether your success will last or not because God has shown you how to make it go on forever.
The part of the just is as the shining light that shines brighter and brighter onto the perfect day.
Okay, so that's number one.
Ever see number one.
Say point number one.
Okay, have you gotten that point?
Is it very clear to you?
Okay, we'll go to point number two.
You ready?
Speaking tongues for a moment.
Thank you Lord.
Lee Bradosko Pradahash Lamande.
Thank you Lord.
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah.
Glory, glory, hallelujah.
Glory, glory, hallelujah.
His truth is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah.
Glory, glory, hallelujah.
His truth is marching on.
Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
It's true this magic heart!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
It's true this magic heart!
That's one more time!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Alright, are you ready?
So this is another, if you do these things, right?
Okay, we just got the first one.
First I want to read to you from Psalm 89 verse 20.
Verse 20, I have found David my servant.
Have you seen that?
With my holy oil have I anointed him.
I have found David my servant.
With my holy oil have I anointed him.
I have found
How come I found?
I have found David my son.
Uh oh.
I know he was looking for somebody.
Sounds like he was looking for someone.
I found David my son.
with my holy oil have I anointed him?
Verse 21, with whom my hand shall be established, my amorzo shall strengthen him.
The enemy shall not exact upon him, nor the son of wickedness afflict him.
And I will big down his foes before his face.
and plague them that hate him.
But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him, and in my name shall his own be exalted.
I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.
He shall cry unto me, Thou what my Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.
Praise God.
Praise God.
Now this is beautiful.
He says, I found David my servant with my holy oil, have I noted him?
He lets us see this beautiful ministry of the Spirit of God that was to be carried out in the life of David.
He says, I'll beat down his foes before his face.
I found David.
So God was looking for somebody.
He was looking for a David.
He was looking for someone.
Now, what I want to get across to you to begin with, you see, great kings are raised through kings.
Great kings are raised through kings.
Notice that I technically didn't say raised by kings, but I said through kings.
Great kings are raised through kings.
There's so much for us to learn.
I think the life of that man, David,
is what's studying because of God's description of him.
God called him a man after my own heart.
I think that's beautiful.
And Jesus is called the root and the offspring of David.
It's so much about David.
So we had to study, how did this man come about this kind of thing?
What kind of attitude did he have that was so pleasing to God that he would bless him in such a special way and give him such an anointing that nobody else had?
David was the last son of Jesse.
He had eight children.
David was the eight of them.
He was the last.
The three oldest boys were with King Saul in the army.
David was not old enough to be in the army.
He took care of his father's ship, young guy.
And one day things began to happen to the king
They noticed the Bible says an evil spirit began to trouble him.
His behavior became unpredictable.
He became erratic.
He looked disturbed.
So someone came and said, OK, there's a guy I know who was a good musician.
That guy plays the flute good.
He was a good happiest also.
And he was a good singer, a good musician.
They said, if we will bring that guy to you, we think this thing that's troubling you will leave you.
So he said, OK, go find the fellow and bring him.
So they went and got David.
and brought him to Saul.
I told you yesterday that Saul actually loved David.
The Bible says so.
He didn't start out to be, he didn't start out to be his adversary.
No, he loved the guy.
It was when he found out that his own son would not get the throne, then David became part of an unknown gratter.
But before the end, let's not get something.
Shall we?
1 Samuel 16.
Have you seen it?
I want to read to you from verse 19.
where for Saul sent messengers onto Jesse and said, send me David thy son, which is with the sheep.
And Jesse took an arse, leading with bread and a bottle of wine and a kid, and sent them by David his son onto Saul.
And David came to Saul and stood before him, and he loved him greatly, and he became his amobera.
Saul loved the guy greatly.
Not just loved, he said, greatly.
So Jonathan was not even the first to love this guy so much.
His father loved him.
Verse 22.
And Saul sent to Jesus saying, Let David, I pray these 10 before me, for he had found favor in my sight.
Isn't that lovely?
I think that's beautiful.
He's God.
So he went to Saul to serve.
This way it begins.
I want to remind you that as of this time, that boy had already been anointed.
So the anointing began to guide him.
Before your greatness in the things of God, there must be a time of service.
And this was his time of service.
If he was going to be a king, a great king, he would have to serve a king.
And God organized it.
Can you imagine they wanted somebody to play some music for the king and the guy they got was David.
He didn't have to be, but they are not indeed it.
It's like when Moses was found by Pharaoh's daughter.
And she needed somebody to take care of the little kid.
And she said, go get me somebody.
One of these Hebrew women come to care of this child.
And the woman they found was Moses' mama.
They got his mother and paid her salary to take care of her own child.
I tell you, God is big.
Well, they got David.
And here he was, the king sent for him, told his father, I'm going to have this guy here, and David moved to the king's house to serve.
Became his ammo barrel.
There's where it starts.
See, when God anoints you, that anointing is not going to work fully or position you until you start from where it ought to start.
The anointing doesn't work just because we want to make it work.
This is by the Spirit of God.
The Spirit of God is that person.
It's a rational being.
He's not a computer.
He's a rational being.
So there's a time of service.
There's a time where your obedience must be proved.
If God doesn't prove your obedience, He will not command others to obey you.
Your obedience must be proved.
The Bible says that Jesus Christ was obedient unto death.
So much so that God is a so God also had highly exalted him and given him a name that is above every name, that the name of Jesus every knee should bow.
Because he was obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
He said, where for God also had highly exalted Him?
Before promotion, before authority, there must be obedience, there must be service.
How can you just be a pastor without service?
Do you know what you're going to be?
That's not a pastor.
You have a different spirit.
Look at Jesus, Bible says that because he had suffered such temptations and trials, he knew exactly what to do.
So he also is able to so call them that are tempted.
It's important that you serve.
It's important that you learn to obey.
You have to be on that instruction before you become a man of authority to give instructions.
Otherwise, you may be ruling, but not with God's power in his spirit.
See, I want you to understand, God is not, his ways are not strange.
His word is clear to us.
He's shown us, he's given us instructions, he's shown us patterns.
So you're without excuse.
If you don't find a direct instruction, you will find a pattern.
So whichever way, there's something to follow.
We'll talk about Elijah and Elijah a moment ago.
God said to Elijah, I want you to take Elijah, lay your hands on him, let him follow you.
He'll become a prophet in your state.
So Elijah knew that Elijah would become the next man.
Oh, so he went to him and said, Elijah, those said the Lord, follow me, you will become the prophet.
No, first he cast his mantle on him and wanted to see whether the guy will follow him.
And the guy said, hold on, let me just celebrate for this before and let them go.
And he did and followed hard after him.
Then he tested him.
Stop here.
The Lord has called me to go to Jericho.
I will see you later.
Ah, as the Lord leave it.
Where you go, I go.
The man had to be tested.
He had to be proved.
Well, he followed hard after it or not.
Finally they got to Jordan after he had tried several to stop him.
He was proven in.
How was Elisha described?
He was described as the man who poured water on the hands of Elijah.
He had to go through all that.
All the other songs of the prophets didn't serve.
So they were there.
Did they get it?
Who got it?
Elisha got it.
When you read in Exodus chapter 33 verse 11, he tells you something striking.
That Joshua, the son of none, remained in the tabernacle.
He was always there.
He was the one who knew how Moses prayed.
He was the one who knew the passions of Moses.
He was the one who knew how Moses, how Moses' heart went after God.
He was the one that saw those things and was moved.
All others went to their homes after, but Joshua remained there.
Years later, when Moses was told by God, it's time to go.
He said, call Joshua the son of none, lay your hands on him.
It was Joshua that God picked because he was the one.
He was called Moses minister, Moses servant.
How did you get your name?
Buy some of my lay hands on you?
That one works, but for a time.
The one that stays is the one that comes through service.
That's the one that stays.
That's the one that stays.
Are you still there?
You said you are still there.
Really, really still there?
So you've got to be proved.
You've got to be proved.
You've got to be proved.
So, you know, Paul said something.
He said, I show onto you a more excellent way.
That is what I'm showing you.
A more excellent way.
I didn't say you wouldn't have results if you do it every other way, but there is a more excellent way.
This more excellent way will make you different from others.
It'll put you in a different class.
It's called the more excellent way.
And you find your life
going upward and upward and upward and upward, you just keep going.
There's no stopping you.
I said, Hallelujah.
Glory to God.
You know, this young guy, David, was now in the house of Saul and serving.
One time, they went to war against the Philistines.
Where was David?
At home.
So David obtained permission and said, please, could I go and see my dad?
And there's nobody here, nobody at home.
And could I just go home for a while?
Why don't you go to the war?
And he was given permission to go home.
So he went to see his father and went to take care of the sheep.
Isn't that wonderful?
Isn't that wonderful?
Read your Bible.
You'd see just all the spot from chapter 16 into chapter 17, you'll find it there.
The guy went home and he didn't say, you know, I'm now the palace.
I used to take care of the sheep here.
So, you know,
Hi, Dad.
Who's taking care of the sheep now?
I hope there's somebody.
Soon as he arrived home, back to the sheep.
That's David.
Back to the sheep.
From the palace.
Back to the sheep.
When you are so big, God can't even touch you.
Yeah, you can be so big that God can't touch you.
Even when the angels want to touch you, God will tell them,
Have you not seen it?
It's in the Bible.
He says he resists the proud.
He gives grace.
He airboats the proud and gives grace to the humble.
When God gives you something, he doesn't take it from you.
He will just give other people something more.
Until yours remains there and then others are going higher and higher, yours becomes more.
God is big.
He doesn't need to take anything from you.
Look, there's more in Christ.
There's something more in God.
You know, I was sharing with him at the International School of Ministry the other day.
I said, look, you can have something that is known as the best in the streets, the best in the city, but be careful so it doesn't become the first in the city.
Because for some people, they had the best car in town.
The best Mercedes in town.
Later on, it became the first Mercedes in town.
Because better ones came up.
And he still had to keep the name with his pride.
So he said, I'm the first to build a house in this street.
This house is the first house in this street.
It used to be the best house in this street.
It is not the first house in this street.
Don't stay there!
Do you know what I mean?
It can be riding the fast car in town.
Be riding it, fast car.
The fast Mercedes in town.
I prefer the best, not the fast.
Fast house in the street.
Now it's looking old.
It was the fast.
It used to be the best.
It was the best then.
It is now the fast.
No, that's the same way with some churches.
It was the biggest in town.
Until it became so small, there were 200 people in that church.
It was the largest then, when Reverend Dr. Professor So-and-So was there.
Then he died.
Then his great-great grandson inherited it.
And now, he's the first church.
So you say, we are the first church.
All these other churches are just deceiving them, then we are the first church.
There's more in God!
So I'm showing you a more excellent way.
That way that takes us on!
And we just keep moving and moving and moving!
Your life can be better!
Life can be better!
You know, you build a church, after you have finished building, you say, oh, no, I can't resist.
In fact, when I finish this construction, I will rest.
Are you like that when you finish a program?
Say, ah, after this program, I'm really going to rest.
I have found out that a lot of times, before the first day of a program, I am already planning the next one.
Before it starts.
So God has not given me that luxury.
that when I finish this program, ah, ah, rest.
I always ask me rest from what we're trying to address it from, I don't know what, from what?
Because it's not, okay, what I'm doing is this work.
This is not work, I'm telling you what I know.
This is not work.
You know, someone asked me about my preparation for the program, having some time to prepare for the program, said prepare.
I said, they're coming from all around the world not to hear what I have just got prepared.
I said, they're coming to hear what I was prepared for all these years.
You didn't come because of what I studied this week.
You came because of what I've already known all these years.
There's a difference between a prepared man and a preparing man.
There are two different things.
You can be prepared for something, but you may have been prepared for something.
So these are not someone outlines.
There are thoughts from my meditations with the spirit, and I'm breathing them out to you.
All right?
This is the way.
The more excellent way.
The more excellent way.
Again, the more excellent way.
the more excellent way.
You know, sometimes we look at some people who are obedient and they do what they're told.
They find instructions and some other people who like to break the rules always think those ones are not smart.
Because they don't know God.
They don't know God.
They don't know God.
as a place of service, as a time of service.
You know, accept some of us sit down and talk to you about our lives and where we're being.
You may never get that story.
You may never know where we came from.
I mean, you just heard about Pastor Chris.
Did you know what Pastor Chris was doing?
Did you know what he was doing when he was 14?
Did you know what he was doing when he was 12?
When he was 11?
Did you know?
You don't know.
But he does know.
See what I mean?
Now, let's take that story again from that part I just told.
Old Testament stories are always very long.
So you've got to study them and get the picture.
But they went to war, and David went home to see his parents.
And then he went back to feeding the sheep.
Then one day his father called him and said, David, why don't you go and see your brothers?
who are with the king at war.
Take this food, take it to them and find out how they are, find out how they're doing, right?
And he said, okay.
And took off.
Did he leave the ship without having assurance that somebody was taking care of them?
He made sure somebody was there.
and went.
And there's a reason God was giving us some of the details about David, details about David.
A very careful and detailed young man he was.
When he got to that place and he was leaving the chariot, he left it in the hands of someone.
You open your car down, leave the door, and say, you are going somewhere.
Before you come back, you don't see the Kage.
Oh, Jesus!
Holy Spirit!
I command the car to come back.
It's three years now.
The car has not come back.
If you acted like David, things would have been different.
Is it difficult to buy a lock for your car?
Can't you just lock your car?
Some years ago, I bought a car.
It was a nice one.
So I didn't have the special demobilizers for the car.
And I just had it, you know, drive it around.
And one night.
I had a dream.
And in the dream, I left the car in front of just by the street like that, by the gate, and asked someone to wash the car for me in the dream.
So when the fellow was washing the car, I decided to take a nap.
Then nights came in the dream, and I slept in the dream.
Then in the dream, I woke up and discovered that everywhere was dark and it was night.
Then I said, oh, I left my car outside.
This was all in the dream.
I said, I left my car outside.
Then immediately I said, oh, let me go and bring it back in.
When I got there, the car was gone.
Oh God!
Then I woke up.
I was so happy it was a dream.
The following money I sent for the locks and the mobilizers.
The goddess showing me something.
Are you still there?
So that's how David
came to that place and you remember the story.
When he, there he heard Goliath's voice.
He heard Goliath's voice, threatening the people.
See, this is one beautiful thing.
When you start serving God like this, or when I say serving God like this, that means you're serving God through serving someone.
He starts giving you little victories.
little victories, but don't get puffed up with the victories.
So he positioned David to hear Goliath and put his fate to work.
And he went to the king and said, I can fix that guy.
And the king said, how?
And gave him his armor.
He said, I haven't proved this.
You know the story, don't you?
And then he, of course, whipped Goliath.
But he was already in the king's house when this happened.
So from stage to stage, now when he became person unknown gratter and fled, something happened.
Saul was looking for him in the 24th chapter, 1 Samuel.
Saul was looking for him and wanted to kill him.
So Saul came with a band of men.
the sickened David.
I want to read something there for you that's very beautiful.
First Samuel chapter 24.
Are you there?
And it came the past when Saul was returned from following the Philistines that it was told him saying, Behold David is in the wilderness of Engery.
Then Saul took 3,000 chosen men out of all Israel and went to seek David and his men upon the rocks of the wild goats.
And he came to the ship codes, by the way, where was a cave?
And Saul went in to cover his feet.
And David and his men remained in the size of the cave.
They didn't know that's what David was.
That very cave where Saul came to rest.
There was where David was, so close.
I remember what David said.
He said, look, there is but one step between me and death.
He knew how close that was.
And the men of David said unto him, Behold the day of which the Lord said unto thee, Hold, I will deliver than any man to thy hand, that thou mayest do to him as it seemed good unto thee.
Then David arose.
Look, he was right in the hand of David.
Remember David was a man of war.
Are you hearing me?
He now had a band of men that he was training.
They had now been labor terrorists.
So he was hiding in the cave.
When Saul came there with all this regalia, you know, and moved inside, not knowing that David was close by.
And his men were around the entrance waiting to make sure David was not around.
What David was inside.
Not alone with his men.
They said, boy, this is the time.
God said, you put, you said, you're enemies in your hands.
Now kill him.
He said, hold on.
I want to show you something.
He says, David arose and caught off the sketch of Saul's robe.
Privately, I want to show you how close he was.
He caught off the sketch of his robe.
That's how close David was.
He could have killed him.
Listen, verse 5.
And it came to pass afterwards that David's had smot him because he had cut off Sir Scott.
What a man he was.
He regretted it!
And he did such a thing.
Listen to his words.
And he said unto his men,
The Lord forbid that I should do this thing unto my master.
The Lord's anointed.
To stretch foot my hand against him.
Seeing he is the anointed of the Lord.
It's a cloth forbid that I should do this thing against my master.
Because he is the Lord's anointed.
You see, he taught his men how to respect the anointing of God.
Because he caught off this cat.
He did not tend to kill him.
For cotton, the hem of his garment, he felt it.
How could I have done this thing?
He said, he's the anointed of the Lord.
We are not supposed to do it.
God had to prove him.
He said, I have found David my servant.
With my holy eye have I anointed him.
You are not good anointing.
You must have respect for it first.
Until you have that respect for it, you can't have it.
You can have it.
Where is God?
I mean, every child of God wants to flow in the anointing of God's spirit because we know that we are from a supernatural kingdom and we like to see the supernatural in our lives.
It's normal.
It's a desire, spiritual gifts.
So it's normal.
It's right for us to desire all those things, but
There's a more excellent way.
There's a more excellent way.
What respect do you have for the anointing?
What respect do you have for the anointing?
What is it to you?
Do you even recognize the anointing of God's Spirit?
You want it to work, how can it work?
How can the demons be listening to you when you don't listen to God?
Remember the scripture, the weapons of our warfare are not canon.
But what?
Marip, through God, to the pulling down of struggles, casting down imaginations, and bringing down what every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God, and what?
When what?
Your obedience is for fear.
So your own obedience must be proved.
Your obedience must be proved.
See, God needs... I'll tell you something.
God needs champions for the world.
He raises champions.
He has to have them.
They're those who see the needs of other people.
And then, turn their backs on everything else to meet the needs of others, to deliver others.
Why would you be praying at night for other people in a sitting for them?
Why would you be doing it when you could have been doing anything else?
Why are you so concerned?
because the Spirit of God laid it in your heart.
He's raising the champion out of you.
Why do you find yourself speaking in tongues and confessing that people are coming to Christ in this city in the name of Jesus?
It's not every Christian who is doing that.
But why you?
Because God has chosen you.
Because He has put it in your heart.
That's why you're concerned.
That's why you're concerned.
That's why you're concerned.
He's really in the champion.
There has to be somebody, somebody to help those sick ones get healed.
There has to be somebody to lead others into salvation.
There has to be somebody to show them the things of the Spirit to bring them out of their darkness.
Like he said unto Saul of Tassus, I have appeared to you for this purpose to make you a minister and a witness.
Then he says, and I'm sending you now to the Gentiles, to turn them from darkness to lights, and from the power of Satan unto God.
And that is your ministry, to turn them from darkness to lights, from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive remission of sins and a place among those that are sanctified by faith that is in Christ Jesus.
This is your calling.
This is your ministry.
This is your life's call.
Deon is what I'm talking about.
And because of that, you want to do it right.
You want to carry it correctly.
You want to approach correctly.
This is every man that strives of the mastery.
He must do it rightly.
He must do it rightly.
He must keep the rules and the moderate in all things.
You're striving for the mastery.
You're striving for the mastery.
You want to be the best?
There's a way.
You want to be the best, right?
There's a way.
There's a way.
There's a way.
There's a more excellent way.
There's a more excellent way.
The more of God's anointing you want to flow in, the more humble you must be.
Because He gives His grace.
He says He gives more grace.
That grace, He gives it to the humble.
You want more grace?
You have to be more humble.
Then some of you are pastor's wives.
I have a message for you too.
Because some of you are the... the... the... the festival resists your husband.
Because you are his wife.
That means you don't also know the anointing of God's Spirit.
You can oppose them in the meeting.
You're all in the meeting.
You don't like, you don't, you don't agree.
I don't agree, I don't agree.
You don't agree, you must show it there.
I don't agree.
You have to be very careful.
You have to be very, very careful.
If you don't respect him because he's, you know the meaning of husband.
No, I think some of you don't know.
You think husband means the male partner in a marriage.
No, I think that's what you think, some of you.
You think husband means the male partner in a marriage.
Husband does not mean the male partner in a marriage.
Husband means master.
That's what it means.
Not the male partner in a marriage.
But that's the reason a lot of problems among Christians in their marriage.
I mean, the marriage in Christianity for most people is just a flop.
Because they don't agree with God's definitions.
They have theirs.
They believe they equal partners.
A lot of times, listen to two people that have just gotten married.
A lot of times is the woman that speaks best.
You see, I just thank the Lord for my husband.
Let me tell you something.
Let me tell you something.
If you want to live according to the Bible, according to the Scriptures, then understand what the word says.
The reason God made women was because of men.
He made the woman because of the man.
That's why he made the woman.
So woman was not his original idea.
This is reality.
All right, scripture.
Let's talk about, let's say what the Bible says.
Now listen, when God had made everything and then He made Adam, the Bible says everything was very good.
Already everything was very good.
No problem.
Then He got Adam.
Now be quiet.
Let me tell you something.
If most women had their father bold enough to talk to them, they'll be very successful in their marriage and they'll be very happy people.
Most women have never been taught by their parents, their fathers particularly.
That's the biggest problem.
They don't know who a man is.
They think he's another woman.
You see, in a marriage, you have the man who is the head of that union.
And because he's the head of that union, it is important to understand him.
Now you think he is the one that needs to understand his wife.
That is where you are wrong.
He will.
But until you know who you have married, the man that you came, it's like working for somebody and not knowing what he wants.
It's like serving somebody and not knowing what he wants.
When you say that you are marrying a man, you are coming under his authority.
The Bible says, the man is the head of the woman.
So when you marry him, you're coming under his authority.
You are not authority sheriffs, even though you are brought heirs to the kingdom of God.
Because there, there is neither male nor female.
But we have function in here.
That's why you are given a body of a woman, and he given the body of a male.
So in that union, in that relationship, there is a head.
So when you say you are marrying a man, you are subjecting yourself to his authority.
Now when you decide not to subject yourself to that authority, you are a rebel.
Can you see that?
And God is not going to accept what you are doing.
He can accept it.
Because you are not functioning correctly.
Why did God make the woman simple when he started in Genesis?
He says this.
He started all the way from chapter two into chapter three, you see the whole thing.
Now he says, he brought all the animals before Adam to see what he would call them, and Adam named them.
And when he was done, the Bible tells us there was not found a suitable one.
for Adam, no suitable companion, a companion for Adam.
Then God said, it is now at this point I want us to read it.
Some of you women, when I'm through with this, you won't be in the hurry to marry.
All right, chapter 2.
Genesis chapter 2, from verse 18.
And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone.
Say the word alone.
He didn't say it is not good that the man should be lonely.
There's a big difference between being alone and being lonely.
He was not lonely.
He was alone.
And when you say alone, it means alone about something.
Let's go on.
Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone.
I will make him, I will make him a partner.
Come on, talk to me.
a partner?
I will make him a supervisor.
No, the way some people are.
I mean, you see the man, the man's going and the woman is right behind you know like this, it's a supervisor.
He didn't say I'll make him a supervisor.
Look at your Bible again.
I will make him a help.
I will make him a help.
The Hebrew word is aza.
It means help.
Help me for him.
Help, help, help, help, help qualified for him.
Help, I will make him help because he was alone.
I will make him somebody to help him.
I will make him somebody to help him.
Because God gave him a responsibility.
He needed help.
Not somebody to tell him what to do, but help.
How's the matter with you?
If that is easily understood in every home, how do I think you have problems?
I tell people you don't need a marriage seminar.
You need a word seminar.
If you just listen to the Word of God, you don't have all this fighting.
It pays to do what God says.
Your strength is in being in God's place where He puts you.
That's your strength.
Let me tell you, no husband wants another mother.
You get it now.
Your husband doesn't want another mother.
He's had one all his life.
He doesn't want an order sister.
He probably had one.
Your secret is in obedience.
Your secret is in listening to your husband.
Your secret is in doing those things that please him.
When you don't do those things that please your husband, you take the role of a mother, or you take the role of an older sister.
What happens automatically is, he starts seeing you differently.
The reaction he has for those that try to tell him what to do will be the reactions you have towards you.
Then you start saying, I don't understand it, you will now become anyhow.
You know what I mean?
Anyhow, first you would dress as you choose because he doesn't tell you what to do.
You will act as you choose because he doesn't tell you what to do.
You would do what you like because you are your own boss.
And you know what?
A man loves the one he serves and the one that serves him.
He fights the one that is at the level with him.
You see it?
So when you find your husband trying to tell you, who is the owner?
Who is the owner of this car?
Who is the owner of this?
You say, ah, are we not together?
You are supposed to be together.
But there's a problem.
When someone starts telling you, I'm older than you, there's a reason.
There's a reason.
Because it's supposed to be obvious.
It means you're in rebellion.
And it's trying to reemphasize some things for you.
Don't create, don't make your life hard.
Listen to me.
To be happy in your home and in your marriage is the easiest thing in the world.
Just take your role.
Take your place.
That place that God gave you is a beautiful place.
It's a place of peace.
It's a place of love.
It's a place of excellence when you come out of it.
You find it's not a husband you have.
You call him a husband, but it's not a husband.
It's like what Jesus said.
They call me Lord, Lord, but I don't do what I tell them to do.
Actually, every wise person listens to wise voices, but he will listen to a wise voice that is presented wisely.
Everyone rebars against the voice that tries to make a fool out of him.
So even when you tell, I remember S.G.
Elton, an old man of God years ago, a Briton who came to live in Nigeria for many years before he died.
He made a statement, or in a meeting with him, and he said, the best way to destroy what you're trying to say is to try to teach your teachers.
Say, you destroy what you're trying to say.
For some of you, the only reason you hold onto, you think that when your husband has a particular idea, you must have the opposite.
If he says it this way, that is when you will not say that.
The only reason is because he said it that way.
Of course, some husbands are like that too.
The only reason they refuse that idea is because the wife said it.
But I tell you, it must be the way you said it.
Present it as a suggestion, a wise suggestion.
Why can't you just humble yourself and be wise, be smart?
A wise woman will always be an influence to her husband.
A foolish one will always annoy the husband.
Make him mad.
Make him angry.
And when you make him angry, you'll be the victim.
Are you still here?
Learn to listen to your husband.
Learn to listen.
Learn it.
Practice it.
Tell yourself you're going to do it.
That is where your beauty is.
Once you stop listening, all your beauty evaporates.
It's something you probably don't know.
Beauty is an obedience.
That's what the glory is.
Once you are not obedient, once you are harsh, you talk anyhow to your husband, your beauty evaporates.
You wonder why you are dressing and you can't see it.
He doesn't remember your last hairstyle.
He can't see all those things.
Today's meeting is not for this.
Are you still in this room?
I just thought I should explain some of those things to you.
You can have a better life.
Honestly, you can.
You can.
How can a marriage become a war zone?
A man is angry.
I'm going this way.
The wife also says, she's too small.
Two people who should have been praying together.
Okay, let's pray.
This one news on like this.
The other one faces the other direction.
The Bible says if you act that way, your prayers will be hindered.
I know that's why some of you, you don't pray to guys, I don't want to have God hinder my prayer.
I don't want anybody to hinder my prayer.
I pray my own, you pray your own.
These people are supposed to be married.
You can have a better life.
You can practice it.
Practice it.
Practice it.
See, remember, you're probably that little boy or that little girl that's just gone bigger.
You can become wiser, too.
Or else, you would only add age and size.
Oh, boy.
It leads me into something else.
You know, what's the purpose of Christ?
What's the purpose?
Why has he brought us this far?
What does he want?
What does God want?
Oh, you know, sometimes I feel like I live in a world.
In a world that's different from this one.
It's true.
In a world that is very different from this one.
That's where I live.
Look at, I often wish I could carry people literally into the world where I live.
You know, into the thinking's in my world.
Life can be full of beauty, of joy, life, but it's a life with God.
We were reading in divisions chapter three, and we got to verse 19, all right, where he said that he might be filled with the fullness of God.
I said, why does God want you to be filled with the fullness of God?
What's the purpose?
Because of the need for the fellowship of the God kind.
Did you get it?
The fellowship of the God kind.
You've got to be, you see, you can't fellowship with God except you are in His class.
Let me tell you, He's not enough to be born of God.
You can have a child, a son or a daughter, two years old.
You can't have fellowship with the child.
That's not fellowship.
You may play with the child, but that's not fellowship.
Fellowship is a robbing of mines.
Fellowship is discussing sharing, talking at high levels, okay?
Where you can understand each other.
You don't have fellowship with a two-year-old, you don't have fellowship with babies.
But there's a fellowship of the God-kind.
And you know, to come to that level, you've got to use God's language.
And until you're brought up to that level, you can really have fellowship with the Spirit.
We think that talking in tongues is fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
No, that's not what you call fellowship.
That's not what you call fellowship.
There's more to fellowship than this one-way discussion where we'll make requests and so on and so forth.
And then speaking tongues, and then read the Bible and then just stop there.
Can you come into discussions with God?
Do you have the wisdom, the furnaces to discuss at that level?
For most, what they're operating is Sophia.
But when God opens your mind to the realms of the Spirit and you begin to understand the things at that level, you start using that language, you start talking at that level, speaking from the realm of the Spirit, seeing things from the mountain top,
then you are ready to begin the fellowship of the God-kind.
And you know, to have that fellowship, you must be filled with everything.
God can have fellowship with an empty vessel, with someone that's less than God.
No, he brings you, Bible says he has brought us into fellowship with his son, Jesus.
John said, and truly, our fellowship is with the Father and with his son, Jesus Christ.
Paul prayed that the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all.
Oh, hallelujah.
The communion of the Holy Ghost is more than when we just pray.
The communion of the Holy Ghost is walking with the Spirit.
You see, the Kingdom of God is within you.
God wants... This mountain I talk about, where is it?
This place that I talk about, where is it?
He's inside you.
That's where it is.
You learn to go out of the world and go inside you.
Inside your heart is where the kingdom is.
Inside your heart is where the glory is.
Inside your heart is where the mountain of the Lord's house is.
Inside your heart.
There's a world in that heart that many of you don't know yet.
There's a world in your heart.
The kingdom is in your heart.
The glory is in your heart.
That's where it is.
You don't know who man is.
Look at where he's got.
How big is God?
The whole universe is in God.
God is not outside the universe.
The universe is inside God.
And if you are born in his class, the whole world can be inside Jesus.
You see what that makes you.
I wish you would understand how God sees us.
I wish you would understand how God sees us.
The Bible says He paid so great a price for us.
So great a price.
Are you still in this place?
Learn his thoughts.
Learn his language.
Study his word.
Keep it in you.
You'll be amazed at the life you believe in.
Oh, hallelujah.
Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah.
You'll never need somebody to make you happy.
Oh, no, a thousand times no.
You'll be the ever-flowing stream of joy.
You don't need somebody to make you happy.
You are the one making others happy.
Because it's flowing out of you all the time.
Understand your ministry.
Your ministry brings joy to others.
Oh, it says, then shall you draw water out of the wares of salvation.
But where are the wares of salvation inside you?
He said in John 738, anyone who believes in me out of his belly shall flow rivers, gosh hours of living water.
That's me, out of me, flows, goshars of living water.
So everywhere I go, I'm a fountain, a fountain of joy.
A fountain of joy.
That's what I am.
Listen, that's your ministry.
You know there's some people who don't know, they don't know what it is to be happy.
They think the world is against them.
So I don't even know why they're unhappy in life.
The reason is you haven't found your purpose.
You haven't discovered that God put you here for a reason.
Welcome to your responsibility.
Come alive brother.
Come alive sister.
Say to yourself, I have a purpose for living.
I'm not an accident in the world.
You're not an accident.
You didn't come here by chance.
There's somebody who needs you.
There's somebody who needs your voice.
There's somebody who needs your smile.
There's somebody who needs to hear your laugh.
There's somebody who's got to hear the gospel through you.
Glory to God.
And you are called into that ministry.
Glory to God.
Yes, you know who you are, don't you?
You do.
You do.
You do.
Glorious news.
Think about it.
When you're alone and you say, I'm not a nobody, I'm special to God.
I was born for a reason.
Thank God, thank God.
Oh, Hallelujah.
What a calling.
Praise the Lord.
Say I know who I am.
I know who I am.
Thank you for your grace.
Thank you for your love.
Thank you for the calling in our lives.
Thank you.
Glory to God.
Oh, hallelujah.
Thank you, Lord.
The message that you have just heard is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
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God bless you.