One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.
authority, a right coupled with the power to do an act or order others to act.
When it comes to using the name of Jesus, it's a mother of authority.
And we have been given his name, so recognize all authority in his name.
Far above all authority and power and dominion, an every name that is named,
In this world and in the world to come, the very day that you proclaim Jesus as Lord over your life, every demon heard it.
So when you use the name of Jesus, maybe you don't know what it represents.
There's no room for doubt when you use the name of Jesus.
So in a meeting like this, that's what you come from.
And in this any room, Victoria's your power is shown throughout the earth.
And we are scared that you were mighty.
It's on the day for you are holy.
Sing it again.
One more time.
Victoria Stompa is shown to us
Last time, everybody.
Oh Hallelujah, thank you Lord.
Oh, glory to God, you may be seated.
I believe the Church of Jesus Christ needs to come to a place of effectiveness and productivity, a place of mastery because
That's what Jesus came to make us.
We've got to come to that place.
He wants us to mature in the things of God.
He wants us to come to a place of spirituality, where we are not victims of circumstances, victims to the world.
I'll begin reading from the book of the visions, chapter number one, an area of the Bible that needs to be well understood by God's children.
Ephesians chapter 1, from verse 15.
Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love and all the saints, sees not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers,
that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give on to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of him.
Now, what do you have there?
Is it a full stop right after the word him?
What do you have?
the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that he may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us would who believe according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead.
and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come and I put all things on his feet and gave him to be the head of our things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that feel it all in all.
Isn't it amazing that this is what he wants us to know?
I'm not sure whether you followed the reading.
Maybe I was a little fast for you and you didn't quite notice something there.
He says, he prayed to God that the Lord will grant them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge.
the full and intimate knowledge of Christ.
And then after the colon, he began to let us know what he was talking about, what the knowledge was to be of.
He wants us so much to have insight
He wants us to have revelation about these things.
And he wants us to have our spirits flooded with light so we can understand these things.
So I'm going to go again because if he wants us to know this and he thinks it's so important that he would pray that God will grant us the spirit of insights into mysteries and secrets.
That's the way the amplified translation puts it, insight into mysteries and secrets.
And it tells us what these mysteries and secrets are about.
They're about Jesus Christ and his victory and the place he occupies today and his connection with the church.
Why does he want this so much?
You know, many times Bibles call us telos, we got enemies in three realms, or they say the three kinds of enemies that we Christians have to deal with.
They say these are the world, the flesh and the devil.
Now, if this is true, a simple understanding of this portion of the Bible that I just talked to you about will help you deal with any and every enemy and all kinds of challenges that Christians face.
And by the way, they are those who are always having challenges.
They're always, I mean, they're always going through something.
Every time they're going through some challenges, they just never get, they never okay.
Every time you meet them all, they're going through something again, because they don't know who they are, who they are.
And their connection with the Lord Jesus Christ, they don't know.
What do you think Jesus came to do?
What do you think he came to do?
All right.
You with me?
Can I read it again?
I read it this time slowly.
I read it the first time the way you read it and then probably miss some things.
So I won't read it slowly as I want you to get it.
Wait for, or so, after I heard verse 15, heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus.
Oh, Kabbongar, at least God says this.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
You know, the Lord just whispered something in my spirit.
That there's no such thing as being weak in the Lord except for a lack of knowledge.
And that if anyone would take these truths and live by them, he would live victoriously and reign in this world in Christ Jesus.
That's what the spirit wished, but in my heart, in my spirit.
Amazing God talks to us even while we're still talking.
And he said that for your benefit.
In other words, it doesn't matter what you do, what your work is, what your business is, what your ministry is, what he's saying is, if you would take these things, you will write victoriously.
And stop looking at your abilities and your inabilities.
Stop looking at them.
This is a matter of authority.
I hear this.
And secondly, there's something about us, we'll get to that.
Are you here?
I know you are.
So it goes, or so after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love on the other things, she's not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers.
Okay, now he tells us about what he's praying about.
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you
He says, I pray that God may give on to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in knowing Him intimately and fully.
If that weren't possible, the Spirit couldn't pray this kind of prayer.
And by the way, these prayers that you have in your pieces were not the only prayers that Paul ever prayed in his life, but the Spirit of God picked this prayer as because they were important for the church.
They were the Spirit's out breathing for the church through the Apostle Paul.
So he goes, the eyes of your understanding, the eyes of your understanding,
Better end at the eyes of your heart.
Being enlightened, flooded with light.
Okay, illuminated.
That he may know by revelation.
That he may know.
What is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.
Tremendous riches.
And what is the exceeding greatness of his power?
To usward.
That means he's directed toward us.
Who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, he compares this power that he's referring to to the operative power with which Jesus was raised from the dead.
Resurrection power.
All the demons of hell couldn't stop you.
Nothing in this world could stop you.
Not even the Roman seal.
They put a great stone over the cave to make sure he didn't come out.
With 16 soldiers, he still came out.
So he talks about this power in verse 20, which he demonstrated rot in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him, and here's what I want you to notice, and set him, he raised him from the dead and set him.
You see, he brought him out and put him somewhere.
Where is that?
He raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world, but also into the future.
And that which is to come.
He brought him out of the grave, raised him from the dead, and set him somewhere.
And the Bible says that place is in the heavenlies far above all principality and power and might and dominion.
Let me read that part of it to you from the Amplified, where Jesus is seeding
where he is set far above all room.
And I want you to notice because the word that was translated, translated principality is a little difficult.
It's a little difficult.
It means several things.
And it's good for us to get all the pictures together and understand what God is telling us.
So when you say principality, a lot of people don't know what that means, they just think of demons only.
But there are also angelic principalities that are positive, not demonic powers, but angelic powers of God that are principalities.
But the word actually means the first in authority.
It also means the decree of authority.
And that makes a lot of difference.
I'm going to show you this.
This is so powerful.
Watch this.
So in the Amplified translation, it says, far above all rule.
So Amplified picks the word rule.
And it means two things.
One is the authority that governs.
All right?
But secondly, it means the decrees by which they govern.
Did you see that?
Far above all rule.
It doesn't matter what rule has been made.
Jesus is far above all rule.
So this prefers to the rulership and its rules.
Jesus Christ has been set.
The Bible says He's set Him at His all right hand in heavenly places, far above, not just above, not near above, but far above all rule.
He's set Him there.
You're still here, right?
Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named.
Dear Lord, above every title, every title that can be conferred.
Mine or mine?
Jesus has the biggest name.
Far above all rule.
Every rulership and its rules.
Far above all authority and power and dominion and every name that is named in this world and in the world to come.
Which means he's been set there forever.
There's going to be no change.
This word and in the word to come.
This is Jesus.
So when you use the name of Jesus, maybe you don't know what it represents.
There's no room for doubt when you use the name of Jesus.
And you have to stop questioning whether you have faith or you don't have faith when you use the name of Jesus.
understand it, understand the teaching of faith has caused many Christians to stumble because they don't understand it.
When it comes to using the name of Jesus, it's a matter of authority.
Think about this.
When you were coming in, we had some people, some of our folks controlling the traffic.
All right?
Some policeman there.
The policeman puts on his uniform.
He doesn't need any faith.
When he raises his hand, you stop.
The faith that put him there in the first place is all that he needed.
and that the Bible says God has dealt to everman the measure of faith.
All that you needed to come into Christ Jesus has been dealt to you.
The day you were born again, you received authority over every demon of darkness.
You don't need somebody to help you cast a devil out.
The very day that you proclaim Jesus as Lord over your life, every demon heard it.
God said, here ye him.
This is my beloved son.
Here ye him.
That was all.
And the day he became his beloved son, the same decree was given.
Here ye him.
Here ye him.
So it's been spoken about you.
He, he, him.
Living and non-living things.
He, he, him.
God said so.
He has spoken.
They cannot but heed.
Far above all, principality.
Far above all rule.
And I read a nice translation of them yesterday.
What's it yesterday, day before, I guess?
What's that been yesterday?
Yesterday was Thursday, right?
I was reading West's translation where he says, over and above every government,
Jesus has been set over and above every government.
Do you know what this means for us?
He is over and above every government.
Say this with me.
I'm from the government of heaven.
Say it again.
I want to do so.
Say it again.
Say I'm from the government of heaven.
Now, it doesn't matter where you go in this world.
Wherever you find yourself, remember you are from the government of heaven.
I don't forget that.
I don't forget that.
When I go out, it doesn't matter who I'm going.
It doesn't matter how close or how far it is, whether we're in the country, even within the environment.
When I come out, I know and I'm conscious that I am from the government
Oh, yeah.
See that?
It's very important.
Have that consciousness.
Carry that consciousness.
You're not an ordinary person.
Okay, okay.
Now, I just told you Jesus has been set there, okay?
And someone might be wondering, but how does that connect me?
That's Jesus.
Oh, yes, that's Jesus.
Ephesians chapter two.
You see, that was chapter one.
And he's talking about Jesus in chapter one.
And so he goes to chapter two.
And that's by saying, and you.
He wants to bring you into it now.
And you have, he made a lie.
Say, I'm a lie.
I'm a lie.
I'm alive.
I'm life conscious.
I'm life conscious.
Life conscious.
Life works in me.
I'm alive.
I'm alive.
I'm alive.
Every fiber of my being.
Every bone of my body.
Every cell of my blood.
was inundated with divine energy, divine life.
I'm alive.
And you had he quickened, made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins.
You were.
You were dead, but now you're alive.
You were dead?
Now you're alive.
Life works in you.
You see why?
No one can kill you.
Because life works in you.
Life works in you.
In every fiber of your being.
Life works in you.
Brothers and sisters, this is a consciousness.
that God wants us to have.
Think about it.
Do you think Jesus died for nothing?
I am a firm believer in the fact that Jesus Christ came to this world and that He died for me and that He was the Son of God in truths.
And that he gave himself, for me, on a cross.
And that he died as my savior.
And that God raised him from the dead to give me a new life.
And if he would come and do all of that, he couldn't have done it for nothing.
I'm going to live my life to show that what he did was not for nothing.
He was not for nothing.
I'll never be defeated in this world.
The man died for me!
Don't you know who he is?
It's the creator of the whole world!
The maker of all things, the barber says the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
He says we beheld his glory.
Glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and reality.
The man died for me.
Why would I have been defeated again?
The man died for me.
I'll never be weak.
That man died for me.
That's why I want to preach it everywhere.
I want to tell everybody Jesus died for you and God raised him up to give you a new life.
Never suffer again.
Except by choice.
Glory to God.
I'll never let sickness ravage my body.
Because the man died for me.
He gave up everything for me.
He thought I was valuable.
He thought so.
He thought I was important.
And so he came.
Why would I live an unhappy life?
He thought I was important to the father.
So he came for me.
And forever, I will show my gratefulness by living to his dream.
Can you say hallelujah?
That's the way to show your gratefulness.
Live to his dream.
Refuse to be defeated by the devil and kicked around by the devil.
We are the seed of Abraham.
And I'm going to make Papa Abraham happy.
The Bible says he shall see us.
Look at you.
Remember what Isaiah the prophet said?
He says, he shall see his seed.
He shall prolong his days.
And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hands.
He shall see his seed.
He shall prolong his days.
That means he will prolong his days through his seed.
And we are the seed of Jesus Christ.
So he prolongs his days through us.
The Bible says his righteous servant was cut off because of the sins of many.
But that's where they thought he ended.
But after that, he sees his seed and prolongs his days after he had been cut off.
He prolongs his days through me.
So when I show up, Jesus shows up.
The world thought they were through with him.
But then came Pastor Chris.
Mention your name and say, then came John, Emmanuel, whatever.
So there we are shaking up this word.
Haha, shaking up this word.
In you he quickened, who had dead in trespasses and saints, wherein in time past he walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the year, the spirit of now, we work it in the children of disobedience, among whom also we all had our conversation, that's a man of life, in times past, in the loss of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and we're by nature, the children of art, even as others.
But God!
But God!
Say, but God!
Oh, hallelujah.
But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love, wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, had quickened us together.
Did you hear that?
He raised us up together with Christ.
When he was raised from the dead, God had me in mind.
He had you in mind.
We were raised together with you.
even when we were dead and sins had raised us up, made us alive together, quickened us together with Christ by grace he has saved.
Inhapp raised us up together and, uh oh, did you see that?
And made us sit together, we're here.
The same place, powerful, all governments, all rule and authority and power and dominion shall amen somebody.
You know, when we sing that song, I hope we'll get some time to sing it.
May we be a shine in light to the nations.
May your kingdom come to the nations.
And then it goes, may your kingdom come in us, in us.
I think about it.
I think of the whole world.
The kingdom is at work in me.
When I show up, the kingdom shows up.
Nothing that we cannot do.
Somebody who's gospel chapter 18.
More changing things everywhere.
Somebody who's gospel chapter 18.
Read verse 19.
Ha ha ha.
Go read to God.
Read it for me, want to go.
Who is talking?
The master himself.
Okay, uh-huh.
Again, I say unto you,
that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my father, which does in heaven.
Show, show, show, show, show, wow.
My, my, my, my, my.
For who your two or three are gathered together in my name, there are my in the midst of them.
I said he's talking about the smallest church.
The smallest church is the church with two or three members.
It doesn't get smaller than that.
What the smallest church can do in the city?
You're hearing something, aren't you?
We are going to put this to work.
You see, He says to praise God with understanding.
It's different from praising with the understanding.
Praise with understanding.
That means know what you're doing.
If he wants you to praise with understanding, then he wants you to pray with understanding.
Praying with the understanding means that you're praying through your mind, in the language that you understand.
Praying with understanding means that you know what you're doing, and you know how you're doing what you're doing.
Now, when you have that knowledge of God in your spirit,
And something is happening.
Or you want something to happen.
Or you want something not to happen.
However you want it.
Take your brethren.
Two or three others.
Gather together.
Explain the issues.
Are you hearing me?
Don't just say, agree with me, agree with me and start talking and praying.
Explain the issues, because there has to be a heart agreement, not a head agreement.
I hear in this, explain the issues.
They'll catch the vision with you.
And then you've seen the name of the Lord Jesus, we stand against this thing.
We want it changed.
And it shall be so.
You know, before my dad passed on, he made a remark one day, when he was talking to me about something, he said, he found out no prayer that had been brought to the house in the sitting room at home.
Anything, any issue that was of concern that was brought to the family was taken to that place to pray.
You see, his sitting room was a kind of family altar.
He said they found out nothing that had been prayed about in that place that failed to receive an answer.
This was the reason what I just read to you.
And on some occasions, I was there when certain things that seemed difficult and almost impossible were prayed about and the answers came.
Remarkable answers.
Some of them come to my mind even now.
It's amazing what the Lord has done.
I say to you brothers and sisters, don't neglect the power that you have.
Running this way and that way about what to do or what to do.
Listen, many people may be praying, but praying in agreement is a different thing.
It's not enough to say, I have 12 people praying for me in that place.
I have some 20 people right now praying for me.
Many people can be praying without agreement.
Everybody's talking.
So you've told them, now, brethren, let's pray about... They are not in agreement.
Because they don't even understand the issues.
Explain the issues.
Explain why the answer should go in this direction preach the message to them by the time you're through they are already scared When I pray about some things maybe I call this easy members want to pray about something for example, I don't just call them and say gentlemen, let's pray about insurance.
No, no, no, I explain I
All right?
By the time before and through, they're already like, you know, everybody's charged.
You know, it's like, ah!
You know, everybody wants something done.
And then we stop the prayer.
If two of you shall agree, on earth, are touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done.
Don't wait anymore.
This is how we're going to change our cities.
Change our environment.
You're talking about terror everywhere.
There's terror, there's terror, there's terror.
So we too should become afraid?
No, he's getting annoying.
Let me explain something to you.
Let me explain something to you.
In the days of Abraham, the Bible tells us how that in the city of Sodom the people were so wicked and evil and then the homosexuals began to dominate the land like they're trying to rear their heads today.
And so God sent two angels to Sodom.
The Bible says they were parading the streets in Sodom.
The angels were going through the streets in Sodom.
The people didn't know that the angels of God, who came for destruction, to destroy the city of Sodom, were going through the streets.
And when they were satisfied,
They decided to deliver a lot in its family and to destroy the whole city.
You realize that we can invite angels and have them patrolling the streets and we can give them the orders to haul these terrorists into the hands of the law and ensure that they're in the law.
There are those who are intelligent and willing and patriotic enough to take action.
Why do we behave as though we are victims?
We are not victims, we are victims.
Are you hearing me?
It's about time we pray it correctly.
I began to change things in our words.
We can't be running away like everybody else.
Something is happening and we're all running with all the Holy Ghost and with all the Jesus.
No, it's about time we said no to the devil.
Are you still here?
You are going to effect that change.
He said where two or three are gathered together.
Don't wait till Sunday.
In your cell meeting.
You can take actions.
Take actions.
How many do we need?
Two people in agreement can do more than 2,000 people in this unity.
So you're going to use that.
And before this conference is over,
You can take actions on certain things.
You can think of anything that has bothered your mind and start rejoicing because you know how to settle it.
Far above all rule.
All government.
Is it the government that has made a decree?
Is it the government?
What is it?
Which organization has done something or said something that is to your disadvantage and you don't want it?
See why we don't panic?
No matter what has happened, we don't panic because we can change anything.
We can change anything.
We just relax.
And they're saying what they're saying.
What we say is what will happen.
We have the last word!
You're gonna use it.
You're gonna use it.
So make sure you write it down.
You're going to use it.
Write it down.
You're going to use it.
And when God does something, tell it.
Learn to testify.
Share testimonies.
They're not too small.
Share testimonies.
Tell the story.
Because, understand this, you need to know it.
Every demon doesn't know you.
You're surprised.
Understand this, these are some things that the Holy Spirit had to teach me many years ago.
Because they don't know everything.
They don't know everything.
So every demon doesn't know you.
So, okay, they know now.
Oh, she's a believer.
Which is one of those Christians.
What they don't know, what they got inside you.
Are you full of fear?
Have you been trained?
Do you know what to do?
They're going to have to test you.
So the first thing you start doing when you show up in a new environment, start testifying.
The demons that are close by would transmit the message.
They'll hear you.
And immediately start telling others, oh, that guy.
He was the one that did this.
He was the one that did that.
You remember what the demon so-and-so said?
He was the one that... They start sending the message around.
Immediately, they are full of fear.
And they are careful of you.
Because they are proud figures and they don't like to be disgraced.
Very proud.
So they don't want to be this grace and it's a clear view.
What if you don't testify?
They don't know what God has done with your life.
And then they start hanging around, throwing little things at you.
And then you find some little distractions all around your life.
Because of these little demons that don't know who you are.
The Bible says they overcame him by the blood of the land and by the word of their testimony.
It's one of those years, you know, when I was going out on crusades in the remote villages, God told me they don't all know you when you get up there, testify.
You know, he said testify.
Let them hear what I've done with your life."
He says, and once you start saying it, he says, the fear will paralyze them.
And they will send a message to others.
So when you show up, you hear them saying, we know who we are.
Don't send us out of here.
They've heard about you.
They've heard the ones that haven't heard
Who are you?
You don't need to say anything, just that testifying.
The testimony.
And he was a stop it, stop it, stop it.
He was like, get out dude.
You still there?
Okay, so that's number one.
Number two.
Glory to God.
You know, you've come from many different places and you've been seeding, seeding the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Remember this, the gospel of Jesus Christ is in our hands.
We are the ones in custody of the gospel today.
We have come into office.
It rests with us today.
What are we going to do?
There are others that have done theirs.
I mean, we talk about Kenneth Hagin, but he's gone.
Not long ago, our Roberts went, TL is old.
And there are many others.
There are very few ministries that have as many motivated young people who are educated like we do all around the world.
So the investment, the Lord's investment in us is enormous.
We can't waste it.
We have to act.
We have to do something.
We have to use what we've got and change the world.
We're absolutely good.
Actions, actions, actions.
And the Lord is passionate about His gospel.
And so are we.
So are we.
I cried for years to be used of God to change lives.
The more he stared my spirit, the more I saw the world out of the Lord Jesus, I can do more.
But I couldn't because I had to learn so much.
And God was waiting.
I had to learn.
I had to be brought up.
I had to grow.
But I wanted to run because there was so much to be done.
And I said, Lord, you've got to do this.
You've got to do this.
But he wouldn't let me because I didn't know enough.
Say, but then the training was on.
So there are lots of things I see today.
And now I know why we had to experience certain things back then.
And I look, and I say, Lord Jesus, you are the only wise God.
Now we're more than ready and we're changing the nations by the power of the Holy Spirit.