Ministering to Soul Winners
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
You know, we are so winners.
So we understand the importance
of leading others to Christ.
Every soul winner has to have a clarity, clarity of the message.
You can't reach to others if you're not glad about the message.
There has to be a clarity of the message.
See, as someone who leads others to Christ, you must understand the message of Christ.
You must understand it.
You must understand it first for yourself.
You know, because how can you bless someone else
with something that you don't understand.
How can you bless someone else with something that you haven't been blessed with?
You can only give what you have.
And so, a good understanding of a gospel is imperative.
And that's why
I share the word with you like that to help you get a good picture of what Jesus came to do, who he is and the meaning and essence of his message.
So that's number one clarity.
Number two, conviction.
Absolute conviction.
There has to be a clear conviction.
You must become fully persuaded of his message, of his person, of his mission.
Who is Jesus?
His message.
What did he come to do?
What was his mission?
Did he accomplish it?
Did it work?
Was he successful in what he came to do?
Those two things, let me give you a simple scripture.
Luke's Gospel, chapter 1.
Let's read from verse 1.
for as much as many have taken in hand to set forth and in order a decoration of those things which are most surely believed among us.
Look at the expression, those things which are most surely believed among us.
Even as they deliver them under us, which from the beginning where eyewitnesses and ministers of the word,
It seemed good to me also.
Luke is writing this.
It seemed good to me also.
Having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first.
You see that?
Having had perfect understanding.
You should become like Luke.
Having had perfect understanding of the message.
Perfect understanding.
of all things, from the very first to right onto the, in order, most excellent Theophilus.
Now something beautiful about this Theophilus is, even though Bible scholars believe he must have been a definite individual, a definite personality because of the expression as Luke writes,
Because the two materials said Luke's gospel and the book of Acts were written to this same man, whoever he was.
But the beautiful thing is, his name means lover of God.
So, historians don't exactly know who this man is.
But if you're a lover of God, you might just be theophilus.
Praise God.
So he says, it seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding.
See, a soul winner was a perfect understanding of the message.
He says, of all things from the very first.
Now, of all things that he's talking about, inconsistency with the gospel, he's talking about the life of Christ, his message, his mission.
That's what he's talking about.
To write on to be in order, most excellency of Allah's.
that thou mightest know the certainty of those things, conviction.
Since I'm writing to you that you may know the certainty of those things wherein thou has been instructed.
I wanted to go to the book of Romans chapter number one and let's read from verse 16 into 17.
I'm talking about now.
You see, you've got to have clarity.
You've got to have conviction.
Paul says, I am this, for I am not ashamed of a gospel of Christ, for it is, not it may be, it might be.
It is the power of God onto salvation to everyone that believes it, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
He says, I'm not ashamed of the gospel because it is.
See, there is a note of conviction here, a note of persuasion here.
He says, I'm not ashamed.
He says, because this is the only way.
That's why I'm not ashamed.
There's no other way.
There are no options.
So he says, I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God onto salvation to everyone that believe it to the Jew first and also to the Greek, the Gentile.
Then he goes, next verse, for therein, oh God, this is so powerful, therein in the gospel,
Is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith?
As in this written, the just shall live by faith.
There it is the righteousness of God revealed.
The righteousness of God is not revealed in any religion.
It's only in the Gospel of Christ.
And men have been seeking the righteousness of God.
wanting to become righteous, fighting to become righteous, trying their best.
They think that if they became more righteous, God will hear their prayer.
They're trying their best to become better Christians.
They're trying.
If I could only be a better Christian, if I could only be a more righteous Christian, that'll never happen.
You know why?
because the righteousness of God is revealed in the gospel.
And what the message says is that he has given us his own righteousness because we couldn't get or attain to righteousness by his errors.
He was not possible.
That is the gospel.
The gospel is good news.
You couldn't be righteous on your own no matter how you tried.
God is now giving to you his own righteousness and he's not counting your sins against you.
If you could only accept this righteousness, it would be imparted to your spirit and you can live accordingly.
That's the gospel in a nutshell.
In the gospel of Christ is the righteousness of God revealed, from faith to faith, from faith to faith, glory to God.
And it is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith in the gospel, in the gospel.
He's given us His own righteousness.
That's why you can't improve on it.
It's God's righteousness and it's a gift.
See, it is righteousness.
He's qualified you to stand before Him.
on a shamed.
He's qualified to be in his presence.
He's qualified to be accepted with him.
It's an amazing reality, but this is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It's amazing.
You know, can we take a look at Romans chapter three from verse 24?
Oh boy.
You know, the Bible is a legal document.
Look at this.
Being justified freely by His grace.
What does this mean?
It means being declared righteous by his grace, being acquitted by his grace.
What's the reason for the acquittal?
What's the reason for the justification?
Justification means declared righteous, declared not guilty, acquitted, free of the charges.
How in the world does this mean?
being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
I wish I had time to just zero in on that word and explain it to you in good detail.
Because too many Christians have been misled not understanding that.
It's a word that's got several synonyms.
And I think that that's why it seems like a little problem to many because they lack the religious synony.
You get it?
Redeem redemption.
They lack that part.
It seems heavy for them.
They kind of lack it.
But what it simply means, what is this redemption that is in Christ Jesus?
There are three things that are very vital, important to understand.
Number one, having the topmost synonyms to be applicable when you connect this particular word, apolytrusis in the Greek, when you connect it to the Christian.
The three topmost words are synonyms or constructions.
Number one is redance.
Redance, redance.
to read you of something.
R-I-D-D-A-N-C-E, radiance.
Glory to God.
Number one is radiance.
Number two, decent comrades.
That means
Dispord me.
Is that better?
Dispord me, Lord, unburden me.
Is that better?
Glory to God.
Okay, so we got to a verse where we started doing something.
So can we read it now?
Want to go?
Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
justified freely by his grace.
Say, I'm justified.
I'm justified.
I'm justified.
Next verse, whom God, talk about Jesus, whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God.
To declare, say at this time, his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him, which believeth in Jesus.
Next verse.
Where is boasting then?
It is excluded by what law of works, but so faith is a law.
There's a law of faith.
There's a law of faith.
There's a law of faith.
And so you have to learn to operate by the law of faith.
It's a law.
It works.
It works like the law of gravity.
And it works all the time.
It worked solid.
How many of you found out you woke up one day and the law of gravity failed?
You just found out, you got up from your bed and everything just went up and didn't come down.
And then there was an apology somewhere.
Somebody had to announce on television, God just made a mistake last night.
No, it's a law.
It's a law.
Praise the Lord.
So now, I've given you number two, conviction.
First Corinthians chapter 9.
For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of, for necessity is laid upon me.
Yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel.
You can only make such a statement when you're fully persuaded, when you know that you know that you know that you know.
that this is the way, the only way.
Still the come in this inspiring teaching.
You see, for Satan to have any influence in your life, you have to let him.
You have to give him the permission.
It only happens when you let him.
He can't do it without your permission.
He hath delivered us from the power of darkness.
He has done it.
The forces of darkness have no power or influence over us anymore.
He has transferred us into the kingdom.
Alright, now let's take a look at one more thing.
Having clarity and full conviction, you must have the third thing.
As a sole winner, you must have full possession.
You can't give what you don't have.
Having conviction is a theoretical part of it.
But there is a practical side of it.
I may be convinced of something, but it's not enough.
I may be convinced of something.
But my conviction is not enough.
Go to St.
John's Gospel.
Let me show you something.
John's Gospel.
Chapter 6 and verse number 47.
Verily, verily, these are the words of Jesus.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believe it on me shall have.
Now, there is the shall part of it.
That's another verse.
But I want to show you something from here.
Read it again.
The one who believes is a possessor.
And I'm going to explain that to you.
All right.
Now, the one you're more acquainted with is John chapter 3 verse 16.
So let's read it.
John chapter 3 verse 16.
For God so loved the world.
that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe it in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
I want to explain this.
This is not in conflict with what we just read in verse 47 chapter 6.
It's telling you the same thing really.
This is not a promise.
This is a law.
It is the passage of a law.
If you're a good lawyer here, if you're not a good one, you won't understand it.
But if you're a good one, reading this will tell you this is a very strong language.
Let me read it to you carefully.
For God so loved.
He's telling you something on the basis of what he already said.
So for is connected to what he's been telling them.
It's like saying, because God so loved the word.
He's so loved that he gave his only begotten son.
That anyone who believes in him should not, should not, he gave that the believer should not but have.
It's not a promise, should not but have.
Did you get it?
So it's not a promise.
So when you read, should not perish, but have everlasting life.
And they think he says that there's a promise of everlasting life.
No, the decree of God is that the one who believes is separated from perishing.
This is the meaning of in Christ, we have redemption.
That means we have our redense.
We are plucked out of that.
In Christ, I have redemption.
I have my redense.
Every evil is rid of me and I'm rid of every evil.
In Christ I have my redense.
I'm plucked out of the group.
I'm separated.
There's a disenconverance in Christ.
All the burdens connected to me are plucked out.
I'm separated from all that.
He gave the decree, this is a legal decree from God.
There's a law, no debates.
He's handed down, like anyone who believes in him should not perish.
No wonder Paul Terris is in Romans chapter 8, verse 1, there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
Then it says, for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus had made me free from the law of sin and death.
Separated me from the law of sin and death.
I live by the law of life.
I walk by the law of life.
You see, we have passed over to another realm.
Oh, glory to God.
This is amazing.
So, you must be in possession of those truths.
And what he says, he says, you have eternal life.
For example, he told you that God so loved the world.
that He gave His only begotten Son, that anyone who believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Then we're ready in 647, Saint John, that anyone who believes has questioned, do you believe in Jesus?
You say, yes, that means you have everlasting life because it's a decree of God.
So you can walk away saying, I have.
See, you've moved from believing to possessing.
I have everlasting life.
It's my present hour possession.
I have.
What kind of life are you living, eternal life?
I'm living the everlasting life now.
That's what the Bible says.
That's what it says.
It's like a part of what we were reading last night.
Colossians chapter 1, let's take it from verse number 12.
Amazing verses, amazing.
Giving things unto the Father, which had, they're the languages again, the past tense of God's word.
Giving things unto the Father, which had made us meet.
That means qualified us.
God who has qualified us, you see, I couldn't qualify by myself, but he qualified me.
He had made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.
Who had delivered us?
Blessed be God.
Satan cannot rule over us anymore.
Demons have no control over us.
They have no influence in our lives.
You see, for Satan to have any influence in your life, you have to let him.
You have to give him the permission.
It only happens when you let him.
He can't do it without your permission and sometimes your permission of ignorance.
You know, people say a lot of nasty things without realizing they're giving Satan a foothold into their lives.
Have you ever heard people say, is not easy, is not easy, is not easy.
You know what they're doing to themselves?
They're breaking down their own lives, weakening themselves.
They think they are being nice.
Most you say that.
Do you have to say that?
Why do you destroy yourself?
It's not easy.
Life, such is life.
And they only say such is life when something bad happens.
When great things happen, they never say such is life.
You see, when good things happen, such is life.
No, such is life.
Distrowing their own lives.
Give insight and control over their lives.
This thing is so scary, scary.
If you talk fear, fear will rise like a giant and bind you.
Don't talk unbelief.
Don't talk fear.
You're a child of God.
You're not an ordinary person.
He hath delivered us from the power of darkness.
He has done it.
The forces of darkness have no power or influence over us anymore.
Look at it.
Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness?
I like the next one.
You see, you know, you remember what he said to the general Israel.
Moses said to them, the Lord, your God brought you out that he might bring you in and bring them out so they get confused wondering where is the next place to go.
He brought them out to bring them in, that he was talking about in previous verse.
Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness?
He has transferred us into the kingdom.
He has not a very difficult construction.
King James says, his dear son.
The word is agape son.
Difficult to translate.
The revised version says, the son of Islam.
That's the best it could get.
But if you put it in the wrong way, it said, it's actually the best way.
His love son.
Then you now sit down and try to understand what does God mean when he says he's love son.
Jesus is God's love son.
Look at it now.
Go back to that verse.
Who had translated us, translated us into the kingdom.
He has moved us.
When you were born again, you were moved into the kingdom of God's dear son.
That's where you operate now.
What God wants you to do is to see life from that perspective.
refused to see life from the world's perspective.
You are not an ordinary person.
Don't think like the world.
Don't act like the world.
Don't have the mentality of the world.
That's why it tells us to renew our minds.
Now that you're born again, you gotta learn how to think kingdom thinking.
Because you are in the kingdom of God now.
There's a way to live.
We have a language.
in his kingdom.
We don't walk by our senses.
The senses were overthrown.
When you came into Christ, you seized from walking by the senses.
That's why he says, go back to that, I quoted it for you.
Romans chapter eight, verse one.
Let's look at it.
There is therefore now,
No judgment.
That's what that word means, condemnation.
It means judgment.
You have passed from death to life.
That's what the word says.
There is therefore now no judgment, no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.
You are not going to face the great white throne judgment that the whole world is going to face.
Everyone who's born again will not face that judgment.
Because Jesus was judged for us.
And guess what?
Guess what?
Guess what?
That statement I just made is a great blessing.
But can I tell you something?
It's a blessing for the babes.
Because that's even at the lower class, you get to understand it.
He was judged for us.
When you study the epistles, you'll find this
meanderens, okay?
I call them some poetic meanderens because you got to pull the babes and everybody got to pull them and they have to understand it gradually, okay?
They have to understand it.
But when you become a man, you put it with childish things.
You got to understand something here about, watch this, there is therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who work not after the flesh, but after the spirits.
get this language.
Next verse, for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus out made me free from the law of sin and death.
Next, for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh.
God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.
What a life.
What a life.
We walk not after the flesh, but after the spirits.
Now that you're born again, you cannot.
You're not allowed to walk after the flesh.
Go to verse 13, same book, same chapter.
Watch this now.
For if you live after the flesh, you shall die.
Did you see that?
But if you threw the spirits, modify, put the debt, control, subdue!
The deeds of the body!
He shall live!
Do you know who I am?
I made you trust me.
You can depend on me.
All things were made by me.
I have integrity.
All of this is not only authentic, as communicated to us in the scriptures, not only trustworthy, but it is delivered to us to live by.
Discover the potency of the word and the result it will produce for you.
In this enlightening masterpiece, The Integrity of the Word.
Available only on Pastor Chris Digital Library App.
Download yours today.
God bless you.
We're not to live after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
After the Spirit.
You know, I was saying something that Jesus was condemned in our place.
Let me just give you a little bit of understanding there.
That is the generic expression when we say Jesus died for the whole world.
He died for all of us, the whole world.
But you have to understand when we say all of us, meaning all the world, and when we say all of us, meaning Christians, us Christians.
In the generic expression that he died for all of us, the whole world, Jesus was judged for us.
So when you believe,
Two things.
Number one, you have accepted what he did for you.
That makes it possible for eternal life to be imparted to your spirit.
And once that is imparted to your spirit, you're born again, your new man, without a past.
Then the spiritual man now understands that if it is true that you had no past, then Jesus didn't die for you, for your sins, because there were no sins for the new creation.
And if there were no sins for the new creation, now you can understand why you are justified.
You're justified.
The Bible says, Jesus Christ was delivered up on account of our transgressions, but He was raised for our justification.
Because when He was raised up, He was born again.
And every one of us that's born again, we come up with a new life, born again, new life.
That's why He looks at us and says, there's no sin.
He's a new person.
He has no past.
Listen to it again.
2nd Corinthians 5 or 17.
If any man be in Christ, he is, he is, he's not worse, not going to be if he prays well enough.
He is a new creation.
All things are passed away.
They are not going.
They are passed.
They are not going away.
They are not passing away.
They are passed away.
All things are become new.
And these all things are of God.
That's the 18th verse.
What are you to do?
Christianity is so simple.
All you have to do is accept what he says as the chance to live by.
That's all.
The struggle ends immediately, you accept.
Once you accept,
You find that suddenly the scarce fall of your eyes.
You are the possess of eternal life.
Suddenly you are awakened to the reality of the spiritual realm.
And you find that this is now your life.
You are living the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
No more struggle.
No more struggle.
All those who don't understand this, they are struggling.
Trying every day to be perfect.
Trying every day, you know?
Trying to live to please God.
They're trying, but it's very hard.
They try and try and then they fail.
They are called beeps.
They are the kind of ones.
Trying to be spiritual.
I'll never forget, you know, when I was much younger in the things of God.
I was leading, I just discovered this truth in the world.
And I started, I organized a seminar.
And there was some other Christians who didn't like what I was doing.
They said, what do you think you are?
How long have you been in this thing?
You're trying to teach us.
Anyway, I went ahead and organized a seminar.
And that cheap Bible study leader came to attend, apparently to spy out what I was saying.
But he was sitting in there, I spotted him, but I was sharing the word, and opening the scriptures.
See, that's why it's good for you to know the Bible, because then you're not the one talking, let the Bible speak for itself.
So as I exponent the scriptures,
and gave the call for those who really wanted to commit themselves and live right.
Because Bible study leader came forward.
I can't believe he was standing there.
So I leaned over and asked him what the matter was.
The truth was, about a week or two before then, he had been a Bible study teaching that he was teaching on the works of the flesh.
And he really emphasized the flesh thing so much.
And so when I now leaned over and asked him what the problem was, he said, the flesh, the flesh.
He was having problems in the flesh.
See, a lot of people, you know, they're struggling with their flesh because they have not accepted the truth of God.
So they're struggling with their flesh.
All the time they are eared into this temptation and the other temptation, they are struggling so much.
They will pray to God, although you know how I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying my best.
He doesn't want you to try your best.
He just wants you to believe.
Okay, that takes me to something, believe, because sometimes there is a confusion as to what
This really is.
Oh, it's so simple.
You know, we're reading Saint John chapter 6 and verse 47.
He said, the one who believes has everlasting life, right?
So what is he saying?
What is it to believe?
We're reading Romans chapter 1.
verse 17, for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith.
As is written, the just shall live by faith.
What is faith?
What is belief?
Very simple.
Faith and believing are related.
One is a noun and the other one is the verb of the noun.
Faith is the Greek pistis.
It's a noun.
Believe is vestial.
It means to demonstrate your faith.
To act your faith is the verb of faith.
Believing is doing your faith.
That's what it means.
So when you say you have faith in Jesus,
That means you've accepted the message of Jesus Christ.
But when you say you believe, all you have to do is you've got to demonstrate your faith, because faith is the noun, but believing is a verb, is a word of action.
That's what it means.
Faith, believing is doing your faith.
That's it, acting your faith, doing your faith.
So when we say we have believed us,
In Jesus, it means that we are doers of the word.
See that?
That means we're doers.
That's why the Bible says, faith without works is dead being alone.
This faith without corresponding actions is dead.
So you prove your faith by your actions.
That is believing.
See that?
James was explaining the difference.
between faith without actions and faith with actions.
So he says, demonstrate your faith with your actions.
What he was defining for you then is a simple word, believe.
So if I say, I believe in Jesus Christ, it means I do my faith.
Whatever it is that I believe about Jesus is in action.
is in action.
So I'm talking it, I'm walking it.
I'm acting it.
All right.
So number three is what?
The soul winner is in possession.
I'm in possession.
I'm in possession.
That means righteousness is mine.
See, I'm not struggling for it.
I'm not praying for it.
I'm in possession.
See, I'm a righteous man in Christ Jesus because He has made me righteous.
You get it?
He has made me righteous.
So I'm not trying to be.
I am.
I'm not trying to have eternal life.
I have it.
I'm in possession of righteousness.
I'm in possession of my justification.
That's the meaning of 1 John 1 and verse number seven.
Let me read it to you.
1 John 1 and verse seven.
He says, but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another.
See, but if we're not walking in the light, there's no fellowship.
See, because one is in darkness.
If we walk in the light of my justification, I walk in the light of my righteousness, as he is in the light of my righteousness.
What does that mean?
It means that I am walking in consistency with what he thinks about righteousness.
What is God's light of righteousness?
In God's light of righteousness, it is a gift and imparted into everyone who believes in Jesus Christ.
So I say, Father, I dwelled in your light.
I walk in your light.
In your light, righteousness is a gift from God and it is given to everyone who believes in Jesus Christ.
Therefore, I have that gift in the name of Jesus.
Amen, praise God, I am righteous.
That's walking in his lights.
But the guy who is carnal, the carnal man is walking in the senses.
He says,
I just don't feel like God is near me today.
Oh God, please.
He prays, he says, my prayer, I didn't just go high.
Oh, Father, I'm struggling.
Father, I'm struggling.
I'm struggling.
See, he's declaring himself a struggle.
And yet the Bible says, those who have entered into God's rest have seized from their struggles.
But he's saying, I know myself.
I know myself.
I'm just struggling.
Do you know what he's doing?
He's interpreting his own life through his own senses.
God's Word has nothing to do with your senses.
He says, you are a new creation.
You are in Christ now.
You walk by the Spirit, not by your senses, not by your feeling.
You walk in the Spirit now.
He says, if you walk, if you live by the flesh, you shall die.
He told you.
And there is no talking about physical death.
It's talking about spiritual death.
That means you'll be caught off from God.
You find yourself struggling.
But if you walk in God's spirits, hallelujah, what happens?
In the realm of his spirits, you live.
You live and you rule and reign as a king.
Oh glorious things are spoken of the old city of God.
So number one is what?
Clarity, clarity, clarity, sharpness about the gospel.
Number two is what?
You got to know that you know that you know that you know that you know that this is true and be fully persuaded.
Number three,
You know, in number one, number two, number three, very important things.
Imagine that.
I'm feeling... Hey, my head.
Hey, my head.
Hey, my head.
Hey, hey, touch it, touch it, touch it, touch it.
My head, please.
Hey, Jesus.
Hey, Jesus.
As you are doing that, what are you seeing?
Satan is showing you coffins, grave, people crying.
Hell, Jesus.
He's in my head.
He's in my head, hey.
All the time you're doing that, you know what's happening?
You're just giving demands a few days.
Christians don't behave like that.
That is for babes and the canna.
The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
He didn't say we wrestle not at all.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood.
But against what, principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against what, spiritual wickedness in high places.
Hey, when you hear that, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
Blow it.
Stop for a second.
You know what?
Many of us took some people by surprise.
They don't know why we started shouting.
They just had people shouting like, whoa, what happened?
What am I saying?
Let's pick the other guys up, okay?
What am I saying?
That when you feel that pain, don't start thinking, God, what do I do?
You say, hold on, devil!
In the name of Jesus!
There is an understanding that you have in Christ.
We all those attacks, some other Christians are talking about are completely foreign to you.
You don't understand why they keep having demons appearing to them, pressing them, stretching them, kicking them.
What type of life are they living?
Let me show you, let me show you how secure you can be.
Let me show this to you.
Book of Colosians.
Let's dig from chapter 3, from verse 1.
If he is dead, if he is dead, brothers and sisters, if it is true that when he died, you died with him.
When he was buried, you were buried with him.
When he was raised up, you were raised together with him.
If it is true that you were raised together with him.
If he then be reasoned with Christ, first of all, set your hearts to seek those things which are above.
Where Christ?
See how high he is.
Where Christ see that on the right hand of God.
Next, next verse.
Set your affection on things above.
Not on things on your... See, those who have their affections on things on earth are often attacked.
Often attacked.
They are hardly spiritually minded.
What are you doing down there?
Why are you setting your affection on things below?
When your heart should be set on things above.
What are you doing down there?
When that told a story of a cat that caught a bird.
The question was, what is a bird doing in the mouth of a cat?
Where were your wings?
How couldn't you fly?
A bird can fly high, a cat cannot fly, yet the cat caught it.
What were you doing on the ground?
Seek those things, which are above.
Set your affections on things above, none on things on earth.
Why crawling on the ground?
What are you looking for down there?
Say brother or sister, whoever is next to you.
Say brother, sister.
Don't look for something down there.
Stay up here.
Stay up here.
Stay up here.
Okay, let's finish it.
Set your affection.
Your affection.
Your affection.
Set your affection.
Your heart is always going after one business or the other.
That is why you are in church.
All your faith is directed to that business.
Because you need money.
I need money to associate.
It's not so, so sad.
You know, you're not trying to associate.
There's just a selfishness about you.
There's just a carnality about you.
You're always seeking things of the flesh.
Down there, what are you doing down there?
What are you doing down there?
Set your affection on things above.
Not on things on the earth.
Look at the next door.
This one makes you hold your hand.
For ye are dead.
He are dead.
And your life.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
Did you see that?
For ye are dead.
You are dead to the words.
That's what it's telling you.
You are dead to the flesh.
But where is your life?
Where is your life?
It is He with Christ in God.
Shown Him in somebody.
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