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Righteousness Part 1

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
What is righteousness?
Righteousness is that nature of God that defines His character and ways of doing things.
The character of God to be right and perfect.
How does it apply to man?
This attribute on nature of God
When impalent to the human spirit at the new birds gives him right standing.
In this excerpt, Pastor Chris shares more about righteousness.
It's a tribute and its importance with respect to a good Christian life.
According to the presence of a righteous God, you must be qualified.
And no man qualifies to come.
until He's given a credit.
This is teaching on righteousness with Pastor Chris.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
It is given substance to your hope
It is the title deed to unseen realities.
And we say that faith is the response of the human spirit to the word of God.
You see, faith is not something that you conjure in your mind.
Faith doesn't come alive to the human mind.
The human mind is based
on the senses.
The things that are real to the human mind are those things that come to the realm of the senses.
They have to come through the senses to the understanding of the mind.
But you see, you can also receive information from your spirit to your mind and then
it becomes a part of your everyday life.
That's why the Bible tells us to renew our minds, to renew our thinking in line with the Word of God.
Now that second subject which is on righteousness is very, very important.
It's so vital that until you have a good understanding of righteousness, you cannot live a true Christian life.
Why righteousness is so important?
What is righteousness?
You cannot know righteousness until you know God.
That's why in the word, the word righteousness is not a subject.
They don't talk about righteousness.
They may talk about doing right with respect to the difference between good and evil right and wrong, but all of that is related to man's definition of right and wrong, man's moral standards.
And that keeps changing depending on who you're dealing with, where they live, and what they think is okay for them.
For example, in Ireland, they voted to have gay marriage to become legal, which means as far as that society is concerned today, if you get married to a man, nothing wrong.
It's right.
Can you see it?
Now, in another society, it is wrong.
In fact, in some societies, if you have a relationship with a man and you are a man, it's the death sentence.
So it's terrible in one place, it's evil in another, and it is good and right in another.
So right and wrong is being defined and redefined by individuals and societies for themselves.
But that's not the same with God.
That's not the same with God.
You see, people think that the majority is the voice of God.
It's not true.
Does that mean the majority always gets it wrong?
That's not the point.
That's irrelevant.
God has his voice.
God has his standards.
God has his kingdom.
God has his choices.
God has given his opinions through Jesus Christ.
You see, he sent Jesus to show us the way.
I want you to get it.
What is the gospel?
The gospel is about God's message sent by Jesus
to human beings.
That's the gospel.
It's God's message sent from God through Jesus Christ to human beings.
That's what the gospel is.
It is God revealing his mind to human beings through Jesus Christ because human beings didn't know exactly what to do.
Even though he revealed his will to them again and again, again and again, he said his word.
But they chose to misunderstand according to the Scriptures.
And so God had to do the final thing of sending his message in a man, a human being that looked like them.
But that human being must be separated, untouched, unscared, unscathed by sin.
He must never have been a part of sin.
He must never have been connected with sin.
And the only way would be that such a man
To be a man, to be human must be born of a woman.
Otherwise, he will not be a man.
Because biologically, the human body comes from the woman.
But he must be a man.
And so God spoke his word to a woman named Mary.
And she became pregnant through the power of the spoken word.
The word of God was spoken to that woman and she received the word.
And she became pregnant with Jesus.
So Jesus Christ was not like any other human being.
He was human because his body, his natural body was human.
But the life in him, you see,
If the body alone could be alive, it would have been different.
Then you'd see that when people die, it would mean their body became extinct instantly.
But that's not what happens.
You've found people who died, the body's still there.
Everything is complete, body's not alive.
What's gone?
But there are different kinds of life.
Different kinds of life.
You have...
Dogs have their type of life, right?
Cats have theirs.
Birds have theirs and among birds are different kinds.
Now, there was another kind of life given to one human being, Jesus of Nazareth.
Mary didn't have that life.
She had her life from her father and her body from her mother.
Every human being except the first Adam, who was made and created by God.
His body was formed from the dust of the ground, and then God breathed into his nostrils, and he received life.
That's called the first Adam.
Now Jesus Christ, same human body, but a different type of life.
And that's what the Bible calls him, the second Adam.
meaning that he heads up another nature of man.
They have the human body like everybody is, but the life in them is different.
It originates from the word of God.
You find it real in your spirit?
Can you can you attest to that in your spirit?
Yeah, you're born again.
You know it in your spirit.
That's it.
Glory to God.
Okay, so when we talk about righteousness, we're talking about the nature of God.
We're talking about God's ability in attribute, even though that's an abstraction, but his attribute to be right.
The character of God to be right in perfect.
It is about who he is.
How he thinks is always right.
What he says is always right.
What he does is always right because he is God.
He's God.
So we call it the quality of rightness.
It is the rightness of God.
An old English word that used to be used to that was right-wiseness.
I mean, it's being right.
I don't use that word anymore.
So we're talking about the rightness of God, the character and ability of God to be right.
He's never wrong.
He's always right.
He couldn't be wrong.
He couldn't be wrong.
Somebody said, the Bible says, God cannot lie.
And the reason is God cannot lie, because if he told a lie, it'll turn into the truth.
Well, you know, he'll never tell a lie.
He'll not be able to tell a lie, because everything he says is called truths.
If God told you, you were whatever XYZ, whatever,
And you didn't think you were.
If you weren't before he said it, you don't into it.
Because he's God.
You see, he creates with his word.
When he says, light be.
It becomes.
If he says, stand up.
You are standing before you know it.
Because that's your name then.
See, He names them.
He names them.
Moses said, what's your name?
He asked God, what's your name?
He says, I am.
I am.
Glory to God.
I hope I didn't get into that.
That's another subject and it's a huge one.
Okay, so are you getting the idea of righteousness?
But you know, we've got to, until we define righteousness with respect to us, so we can get a picture of it, it may not be very beneficial.
So let me try to read you something I wrote for you.
Righteousness is that nature of God that defines his character and ways of doing things.
See, I already said that to you, all right?
It is the rightness of God.
His attribute of always being right.
This attribute or nature of God, when impaled to the human spirit at the new birth, gives him right standing.
Okay, now let's come to that verse we read last Sunday, you remember?
Romans chapter five and verse number 17.
It says, for even by one man's offense, death and reign by one, much more there which receive abonance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
Now I'm going to show something with you that a whole lot of others probably haven't caught yet, okay?
That would be nice for you.
Now, what we got from here, we said, it means that righteousness can be received, right?
And we said it is a gift, all right?
It comes from Jesus.
It is a gift.
The gift of righteousness, there which receive, abundance of grace, and of the gift of righteousness.
So righteousness is a gift.
What we mean by that?
See, I told you, righteousness is the nature of God.
It's God's ability to be right.
So you can't approach God who's always right and he's completely holy.
How can you stand in the presence of Almighty God, in His righteousness, when you are unrighteous in totality?
To come into the presence of a righteous God, you must be qualified.
And no man qualifies to come.
until he's given a credit, a credit card.
You getting it?
There must be something that allows you to approach God.
The Bible says that's what Abraham got in the Old Testament.
The Bible tells us how the God spoke to Abraham and made him a promise.
And Abraham dared to believe God.
And when he believed God, something happened.
Let's read.
All right, Romans chapter four, let's begin from verse one.
What shall we say then that Abraham, our father, as pertaining to the flesh had found?
You see, he's presenting a legal argument, okay?
Now, next verse.
For if Abraham were justified by works, he had wear off to glory, but not before God.
For what say of the scripture, Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
Stop there.
Look at it.
He says, what does the Bible say?
What does the scripture tell us?
He says, Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him.
It was reckoned to him for righteousness.
He believed God and he was given the credit of righteousness so that he and God could have a covenant, so that he and God could work together.
So he and God will become partners in the plan of redemption.
So he believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness.
That's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
Look at it again.
For what's in the scripture Abraham believed God, and it was counted on to him for righteousness.
Next verse.
Now, to him that work it is the reward not reckoned of grace, but a debt.
He says, someone who has, who has done something acted, worked.
To qualify for something, he says, the reward is not a gift.
The reward is a payment.
If you work for something, you're paid for it.
You get it?
All right.
So now to him that work it is the reward not reckoned of grace, but I'm dead.
But to him that work it not.
But believe it on him that justify it beyond godly.
His faith is counted for righteousness.
You see Abraham believed God, God who justifies the ungodly is saying, here's a man who saves to himself.
I don't qualify.
I know I haven't gone right.
I'm not good enough.
I know.
I've done all the wrong things, but I trust God to save me.
So whatever God tells me, I accept it.
He says, that faith expressed toward God is counted for righteousness.
Isn't that wonderful?
He's telling us Abraham didn't do anything to qualify for it.
What he did was to believe God.
He believed God.
But to him that worked it not, but believe it and him that justified the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Next verse.
Even as David also described it, the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputed righteousness without works.
Isn't that wonderful?
He says, David, King David, in the Spirit spoke prophetic words and declared this.
He said, even as David also describes the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputes righteousness without works, the man didn't work for it, the man didn't do nothing to qualify for it, but God imputes righteousness.
That means credit sin would righteousness.
Without works.
That's amazing.
Next verse, saying, blessed are they.
Whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered.
Glory to God.
Next verse, blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
Can you see it?
Now look at it.
That means
Righteousness is imputed.
Sin is imputed.
It's not about what the man did or didn't do.
If the man didn't do nothing to have righteousness imputed onto him, then he didn't have to do anything to have sin imputed onto him.
So, you see, God's not looking at what you did wrong to say that you sinned.
He's looking at who you are.
It's about who you are.
That's why he calls you a sinner from when you were born.
You didn't have to do something wrong.
It's about your nature.
That's why Jesus said, very, very as soon do you accept the man be born again.
He cannot see the kingdom of God.
Because everyone who's born of the fallen man is born in sin.
So there's no need to look at your life and say, well, I did very well last week.
I don't know why.
I'm even better than some Christians.
You can say that all you want to, but it will not change anything.
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
That's why Jesus came.
Because through Jesus Christ, it works.
Okay, let's go to from verse 21.
Let's begin reading from verse 21.
Same chapter, same book.
And being fully persuaded that what he had promised, he was able also to perform verse 22.
And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness, talking about Abraham.
See you talking about Abraham.
So therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness, verse 23.
Now, it was not written for His sake alone that it was imputed to Him.
Next verse?
But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed if we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead.
Next verse.
Who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification?
Glory to God.
Oh, that's so powerful.
Go to chapter five, let's start from verse one.
Romans chapter five, from verse one.
Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Next verse.
By whom also we have access by fading to those grace, wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Next one.
And not only so, but we glory in tribulations, also knowing that tribulation work at patience.
Next verse.
And patience, experience, and experience hope.
Next verse.
And hope, make it not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us.
Verse six.
For when we were yet without strength, I want you to begin to look at this now.
For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for who?
He died for Christians?
Look at it.
He died for the young godly.
He died for Christians.
Jesus died for the ungodly.
If you're in church today and you are the ungodly, Jesus died for you.
For scarcely, for a righteous man will one die.
He says, hardly will anybody die for a righteous man.
Hardly, hardly.
Yet, for adventure, for a good man, some would even dare to die.
Maybe someone would dare to die for a good man.
Next one.
But, but God, command that He's loved two of us in that why were we yet sin us?
Christ died for us.
Why were we yet sin us?
Christ died for us.
He died for the ungodly.
He died because we were good.
He died for us why were we yet sin us?
Next verse.
Much more than being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
Praise God, I wish I had time to talk about that.
For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
If when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his son,
What about now that we have come to him?
He says, we shall be saved by his life.
So the Bible says he is able to save to the oramost them that come to God by him, seeing he ever lived to make in a session for them.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
One of our regular scriptures, it so lets you understand how righteousness came to us.
Hear this.
Hear this, they help you.
Righteousness is God's nature, okay?
And it's a gift, right?
It's a gift given to whom?
To the on Godly.
It is a gift given to the on Godly.

So I'm going to put this in a way some of you have never heard before, OK?
And that's the way I'm going to put it now.
And it will help you because it's not a level for you to think like this.
It's simple.
Now when I say to say, oh, I should have thought about that.
It's simple.
It's really simple.
All right, just this is a gift.
But it's a gift given to the own godly.
That's not the way you thought about it.
because it's written in that Romans 5 or 17 that he's given us the gift of righteousness.
So we think that, yeah, us Christians, we got the gift of righteousness, right?
But that's not exactly perfect because it's in generic argument about the legality of righteousness.
as it was accounted to Abraham and therefore to all of us who believe in Jesus Christ.
If we believe it is given to us as a gift, but that's not all that came to us as a gift, just to help you think pretty quick.
All right, Romans chapter six and verse number 23, let's read that.
Romans chapter six and verse 23,
Are you there?
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Eternal life, is it given to Christians or to sinners?
You're not your now, come on.
He's given to sinners.
Who believe?
That's what you receive to become a Christian.
If you don't get it, you don't become a Christian.
When you get it, you become a Christian.
That's what makes you a Christian.
A Christian is one who has eternal life, not one who is getting the gift of eternal life.
The gifts when you receive the gift of eternal life into your spirit, you become a Christian.
Are you getting it now?
Okay, in the same thing, we just said the gift of righteousness is actually the gift handed out to those.
Says, if you believe you get this.
You get the gift of righteousness, and then you can stand in the presence of God without guilt or fear or inferiority or condemnation.
Do you believe?
And you say, yes, I believe.
The barber says, he that believeth hath ever lost in life.
That's eternal life.
He that believeth hath eternal life.
And right away for believing eternal life's touch up in your spirits.
At once, you have the same nature with your Heavenly Father.
You're born again.
Eternal life has started in you.
So eternal life is no longer being gifted to you.
No, you were born into it.
You came alive when you received that gift.
Are you getting it?
Let's look at it like this.
When you were born of your mother, were you given the gift of life?
You don't know.
You weren't given the gift of life because you weren't there.
You happened.
You, you, you, I mean you were born.
You came with life.
Without life, you weren't you.
Here's what I'm trying to get across to you.
Abraham was given the gift of righteousness as a gift.
He was given, he was credited with righteousness.
The man who's born again was born that way.
He was born righteous.
Are you getting it now?
You weren't given a gift of life to become human.
You were born human from your mother's womb.
Not like when you were born, you were now given a gift to live a human life.
No, you were born human.
You were born that way.
You didn't become a human being.
You were born that way.
Come on now.
Dear, dear, dear Lord Jesus.
So you have to understand the argument.
There is the legal aspect of God's word, the legal side of redemption, the legal side of righteousness.
And that's what he's presenting.
He's presenting the legal arguments, how that came to be.
He's not yet talking about the new creation.
He's looking at it in generic terminology when he says, we.
You see that?
But when you read Father, you start understanding John's language, what John was saying.
Now you can get it.
The righteousness of God is God's nature.
Is God's nature of rightness?
Is God's nature of grace?
Is God's nature of perfection?
Is God's nature of holiness?
Do you get it?
It is God's nature of being good.
That's why when they call Jesus good master, he said, no, no, no, don't call me good.
He says, no one is good but God.
Until you know I'm God, you can call me good.
You get it now?
And when they said, when they knew who he was,
That He was co-equal with God.
He said, I'm the Son of God.
And Son of God didn't mean one bond by God.
That's why the Jews picked up stones.
Because to say you're the Son of God meant that you were co-equal with God.
It meant that you were the human kind of God.
You see that?
That meant God in flesh.
That's the meaning of Son of God.
That's God in flesh.
That's why they picked up stones.
They said, how dare you make yourself equal with God.
You see, do you get it now?
Because he said he was the Son of God.
And they knew what that meant.
He wasn't talking about being born of God.
Okay, now.
All right, let's take a look at his scripture here.
Romans chapter five, go to verse 17 again.
For he by one man's offense, dead, rained by one much more day, which receive a bonus, a grace and a gift to righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
Verse 18.
Therefore, as by the offense of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation.
Even so, by the righteousness of one, the free gifts came upon all men onto justification of life.
Look at the language.
I want you to look at the language in what I just told you.
Look at the language.
He says, that's not from the top.
Therefore, as by the offense of one, the offense of one, the offense of Adam in the Garden of Eden.
When he's seen the against God, that's the fall of man.
Therefore, as by the offense of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation.
The sin of Adam brought condemnation to all men.
Even so, by the righteousness of one, that's the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
The free gift came upon what?
All men.
Not Christians.
You've seen it now?
Until justification of life is a freaking for a man.
Come on now.
You're still there?
Next verse.
For us by one man's disobedience, many were made sinners.
So by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
Look at verse 20.
Marva, the law in it, that your fangs might abound, but where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.
Verse 21, you'd love this one.
That has sin had rained unto death.
Oh, glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
That has sin had rained unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness.
Are you following this?
He says that as sin had rained onto death, sin had rained onto death, which I had time for that.
Even so might grace reign.
God's plan is for grace, His grace to reign.
Did you notice He didn't say as sin had rained onto death even so the opposite of sin?
He's not talking about the opposite of sin, that righteousness you reign.
through no.
Man's Saint is talking about God's response, not man's change.
It's about God's response to man's sin.
So he says, that our same had rained unto death, even so might grace reign.
Man's saying against God, there was an offense against God.
The offense did a pound, but grace did much more a pound.
God is saying, no matter how great man's sin is, my grace is greater than man's sin.
That I've seen that rain under that, even so my grace, rain through righteousness.
Oh, glory to God.
Through righteousness.
Home to eternal life.
Hallelujah by Jesus Christ.
Through righteousness.
So righteousness is God's gift to change man's lives.
Righteousness brings you into the presence of God.
With righteousness, you call Him Father.
You are awakened to the Fatherhood of God.
Without fear, guilt, condemnation, or inferiority.
You don't feel inferior to God.
People wonder, how can you pray like that?
We just pray.
We say in the name of Jesus, they say, how can you pray like that?
Such boldness.
How can you be so bold because of righteousness?
Because of righteousness.
The life that we have received from him.
Now you can understand.
You see it?
This is God's work.
Righteousness given to us.
And now we're born into it.
First of all, it was legal.
That's the legal aspect.
By the new birth, it is vital.
When you're born again, you're not operating legal righteousness, you're operating vital righteousness, which means you are actually righteous with the righteousness of God.
What does that mean?
I'll tell you.
Okay, okay, let's look at this from a simple perspective.
Hebrews chapter one, let's go to Hebrews chapter one, from verse one.
Let's read quick.
God who had sundry times and endeavors men are speaking time passed on to the prophets by, to the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son, watch whom his son Jesus, whom he hath appointed heir of all things.
He inherits all things.
That means everything owned by God is owned by Jesus.
He had appointed him, heir of all things, by whom also he made the words.
Because Jesus is the living word.
He's the word of the Father.
Okay, but that's not where I'm going.
I'm going next verse, next verse.
Who, watch, who being the brightness of his glory, the brightness, he's the brightness, the effulgence of God's glory.
That means he's the outshining of the Father's glory and the express image of his person.
Jesus is the express image of the Father's person.
He's the outworking of the Father's person.
What does this mean?
God, what does this mean?
I'll show it to you.
Second Corinthians.
Oh, God.
Cora satala mange de brestes.
The verse I want to show you is one of the most astounding verses of all the world of God.
When you read it, you'll say, oh, same, so simple.
But that's the way the things of God are.
That's so simple.
So simple, people stumble over them.
and ignore them.
Second Corinthians chapter five, verse 21, I want you to notice the difference on what this means.
For he had made him talk about Jesus to be sin for us, who knew no sin, God of money.
Oh, dear God.
Oh, tokamase teke.
He had made him to be sin for us who knew no sin.
that we might be made.
The righteousness of God in him.
What does this mean?
I just read to you something from the book of Hebrews chapter one, from verse one to verse three.
Talking about Jesus Christ as the express image of the Father, the icon of the Father, okay?
The affordance of His glory.
Jesus Christ is.
Now He tells us who we are, not only were we born righteous in His presence.
Now He tells us that we are His righteousness.
That's what we just read.
Put it back on the screen.
He says that we are, look at it.
He had made him.
He made Jesus to be sin for us.
What does that mean?
Not only, you know, we say he was made the offering for sin, the sacrifice for sin, but that's just one part of the story.
He actually was made sin, not just the sacrifice of sin, but sin.
He became so identified with it, meaning that our very nature of sin
Because sin had been imputed upon us because Adam sinned.
So everyone that was born from then was imputed.
Sin was imputed upon him.
You were born with sin imputed to you.
Which means you were with the nature of sin.
Which means as fast God was concerned, you were not only a sinner, you were sinned.
Now God takes that all of what you wear and he put it on Jesus on the cross.
That's why the barber says, when that happened in the spirits, the father turned his back on Jesus.
For the barber says that God does not look at sin.
I want you to understand that the act of sin and sin are two different things.
Otherwise every time you commit a sin, God will turn his back.
No, he's not talking about the act of sin.
The act of sin is only a result of the nature of sin, which means God doesn't turn his back from you every time you sin.
He already turned his back to you for your nature because of who you are.
Can you see that?
But then God commended his love toward us.
In that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
So how does God look at the world today?
He looks at Jesus.
Jesus died for everybody.
Is God counting man sins against him anymore?
So he doesn't need to turn his back on every individual who is a sinner, because he already turned his back on Jesus when Jesus represented every sinner that was ever born, that has been born, and that will ever be born to this world.
And that's when Jesus cried on the cross, a lawyer, lawyer, a Massabaptana.
My God, my God, why has Thou forsaken me?
because He was made sin for us.
And the Bible says, who knew new sin?
He knew new sin, yet He was made sin.
For us, that we might be made the righteousness of God.
So not only have I been made righteous, hallelujah, I am also the expression of His righteousness.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
This is the Christian walk.
Our responsibility as children of God is to go as the outshining of the Father's glory.
We are the expression of His righteousness.
That means that we are the ones expressing His nature to men.
We think and talk righteousness.
We walk righteousness.
We exude righteousness.
We evance righteousness.
Every day.
becomes your life.
Now you may say to me, praise the grace, but that's not the way I've been living my life.
Yes, because you didn't know what you were doing.
Just because a child is trying to walk and is falling down doesn't mean it's not a true child.
What do you do?
You teach him to walk.
And that's what I'm showing you today.
You learn God's word and see who you are and act that way.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
So I refuse to steal.
I refuse to lie.
I refuse to cheat.
I refuse to do evil because I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
If someone has hurt me, I will not revenge because I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I'm extending His grace to man.
And the righteousness of God is demonstrated in love.

We trust you were blessed by this message.
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