7 Reigns of the Prophetic Timeline (An Introduction)
I want to discuss the seven rings of the prophetic timeline.
The reason for this is that you need to know God's plan, where we are at in God's calendar, then you know what to expect, you know what to do,
So let me introduce to you, I have an outline here to make it easier.
The seven reigns of the prophetic timeline, seven reigns.
The first one is the reign of Adam.
Remember in Genesis chapter one, let's read Genesis chapter one beginning with verse 26.
Genesis chapter 1, from verse 26.
And God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeped upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he, him, male and female, created he, them.
and God bless them and God set on to them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and so do it.
I want you to notice the words, the terms
that God used in commissioning them.
This is be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moved upon the earth.
Think about that.
Look at verse 29.
And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat.
And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creeped upon the earth, wearing there is life, I have given every green herb for meat, and it was so.
And God saw everything that he had made.
And behold, it was very good.
And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
So God created man on the sixth day.
And if you go farther into the next chapter, the Bible tells us on the seventh day, God rested.
So God created men on the sixth day, and the first day that men would see was a day of rest.
Isn't that wonderful?
A day of rest.
Now, Adam was given the power to subdue the earth, to reign over all of God's creation.
So Adam was king.
He was king.
That's wonderful.
But for how long?
How long did Adam reign?
Now, when we had the season three, phase four, I showed you from the Scriptures that Adam lived 33 years
And then the fall.
He was 33 years old.
when Genesis chapter 3 verse 8 happened.
Let's read Genesis chapter 3 verse 8.
And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.
And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord amongst the trees of the garden.
They were afraid of God.
Fear had come.
They had done, they had disobeyed God.
They had done something God said not to do.
Adam was 33 years old at the time.
And remember that Adam was created an adult.
He started out his life as an adult.
So, yeah, one of Adam, he was an adult.
He was the only one who came to this world as an adult.
And of course, Eve was created from him, also an adult.
Now, remember, I showed that to you from the Bible.
And then I also explained something to you about Phoenix Dr. Lefera, which is the botanical name for dates.
And I told you how important that was, uh, with regards to the house of dates.
where Jesus went six days before the Passover.
And I showed you why that was so important.
Six days before the Passover, Jesus went to Bethany, the house of dates.
And the dates, I was reading to a science journal and they talked about the dates.
How that,
that particular plan is known as the tree of life.
The sign is, they call it the tree of life.
And one of the most important trees on earth, they refer to it as the tree of life.
And notice what they call it dates because of the Greek name, which actually was referring to the fruit itself, the red finger.
So they call it the red finger.
And you know the digit is the finger.
And you use that in marking for measurements.
All right, when we talk about digitalization, you're discussing from your fingers now.
And that refers to the fruit known as date.
That's how it got its name, date.
Now, that is very significant because it is a reference point to the past and to the future.
And I showed you how that Jesus went to the house of dates
significantly six days before Passover.
Well, I explained to you what you have to do is listen to the message in season three, phase four.
But yes, I'm taking you through something.
So the first rain was the rain of Adam.
And sadly, he only rain for 33 years before he lost it.
He lost it.
He lost it to who?
Well, the next rain is the rain of death, the rain of death.
Now, we know that Satan became the God of this world, according to the Bible.
He became the God of this world because he got that from Adam.
Adam lost out because of the fall.
But significantly, what was ushered in was the reign of death.
That's the second reign, the reign of death.
Now let's read from Romans 5 and verse number 14.
He says, he's never the last death reign from Adam to Moses.
Death reign from Adam to Moses when at the fall of Adam, death took over.
Remember, God had said the day you eat of the street, you shall surely die and that spiritual death and spiritual death is the cause of physical death.
So death rained from Adam to Moses.
That's another way of saying from Adam to the law, the law of Moses.
All right.
So you look at that.
That's the second rain.
The second rain is the rain of death.
starting from Adam 33 until the giving of the law.
We go to, now I can read for you in Hebrews chapter two verse 14.
So you see that Satan actually was behind it, but legally he was the reign of death.
Look at it in Hebrews chapter two verse 14.
For as much then as the children apart take as a flesh and blood, he also, talking about Jesus, he also himself likewise to part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death.
That is the devil.
See, Him that had the power of death, that is the devil.
So the devil was behind it, but legally you were dealing with death.
Now, something very interesting that I want you to notice.
I want you to notice, death, death was not raining at this time because the rain of death was from Adam to Moses, Adam to the law.
So, what was the problem?
The problem is in the next verse, look at it.
And deliver them who threw fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
Not because death was destroying them, but they were afraid.
The fear of death kept them in bondage.
Death was no longer raining because the Bible says dead rain from Adam to Moses.
It stopped raining at the law because once the law was given on the basis of the covenant, death ceased to rain, meaning that through the Abrahamic covenant that came in through the law, any man could have power over death.
But they didn't know it.
All their lifetime, they were subject to bondage because of the fear of death.
Think how many people are afraid today.
Fear of dead keeps people in bondage.
But Jesus Christ came to set men free from the fear of death.
All right, so remember that.
That's number two, dead rained.
And it only rained from Adam until the law.
So number three,
What's the third reign?
The third reign is the law.
The law began to reign, which means from Moses until the cross.
Moses to the cross is the third reign.
From Moses, the law, from the law of Moses to the cross of Jesus Christ is the third reign, the reign of the law.
Well, let's read.
Just give you a scripture here.
Colosians chapter two from verse number 13.
Colossians chapter 2 from verse 13, we can read it from the NIV, make it easier in this verse.
When you were dead in your sins and in the on circumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ.
He forgave us all our sins, having canceled, watch that now, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us.
He has taken it away, nailed it to the cross.
And having desarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
See, they took advantage, like Satan took advantage of Adam's transgression and used death to deceive and destroy.
These evil powers did the same thing.
But the Bible tells us Jesus disarmed them.
He disarmed them.
They used the law to scare men and to teach the fear of God in a negative way that made men afraid of God instead of coming to God.
But Jesus destroyed them.
All right, look at it again.
In Colossians 2, from verse 13, and notice particularly what we would see in verse 14.
When you were dead in your sins and in the circumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ.
He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us.
has taken it away, nearly needed to the cross.
Look at it from the King James Version for a second.
Blowing out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nearly needed to the cross.
Remember, in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 14,
For he is our peace, who had made but one, and had broken down the middle wall of partition between us.
Having abolished in his flesh the enmity.
Look at that.
Even the law of commandments.
Not the devil.
The devil was not running.
It was the law.
Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments containing ordinances for to making himself of between one new man so making peace.
So remember that one.
So the third reign is the law, the reign of the law.
And it began from the law of Moses and went all the way to the cross.
Jesus narrowed it to the cross.
That was the end of the dominion of the law.
All right.
The fourth reign
Remember, we've come to Christ.
Let's look at it again.
Adam was reigning and fell through Satan's temptation of Eve.
and Adam's high treason, he committed treason against God because he willfully submitted.
And so Satan, through death, seized the opportunity and death reigned from Adam from that point all the way to the giving of the law.
And once the law came in, you didn't have to die.
You didn't have to die.
Most have never thought about it.
Once the law came in.
Let me read something to you from, uh, Deuteronomy chapter 32, verse 47.
This is so powerful.
Let's read it from the earlier verse.
We can take 45 so that you can see exactly what he's talking about, from verse 45.
And Moses made an end of speaking all these words, the previous words, okay, written previous verses, all these words to Israel.
And he said unto them, set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, which is shall command your children to observe to do all the words of this law.
For it is not a vain thing for you because it is your life.
Oh God.
And through this thing, you shall prolong your days.
Did you see that?
He didn't say pray that God might prolong your days.
He didn't say, ah, fight the devil.
The devil was not a factor.
The devil was not a factor.
Lent of days, held, prosperity, all those things had nothing to do with Satan's presence or absence.
The law came in and God said, if you'll beg the law, you'll be fine.
That's all.
Look at it.
For it is not a vain thing for you, because it is your life.
And through this thing, you shall prolong your days in the land where you go over Jordan to possess it.
Look at that.
The reign of the law.
If you kept the law, Satan had nothing to do about it.
He couldn't change it.
If you kept the law, you prospered, even if Satan hated you.
It didn't matter how many demons surrounded you.
It didn't matter.
You prospered.
You're left as long as you chose to, with the blessing of God working through the law.
Look at it.
It is your life.
And through this thing, you shall prolong your days.
He didn't say, through this thing, I will prolong your days.
No, he said, through this thing, he shall prolong your days.
Can you see it?
So Satan was not the factor.
So that's...
The law, the power of the law, I'm just showing you how that went all the way, all the way until Jesus came.
See, because the demands of the law were difficult for men to cope with.
That was the problem.
The law came also with condemnation.
The law came with a curse.
It was horrible.
It came with a curse.
It is cursed is everyone that continued not in all these things to do them.
Cursed is everyone.
And so when Jesus came in Galatians chapter three, you read from verse 13, look at it.
Galatians chapter three from verse number 13, Christ had redeemed us, talking about the Jew.
From the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for it is written, cursed is everyone that hung it on a tree.
I said, not everybody, but the Jews were under the curse.
Go to same Galatians chapter four verse five.
To redeem them that were under the law.
We might receive the adoption of sons.
You see that?
Them that were under the law.
It wasn't everybody.
The redemption was for them that were under the law.
So in any case, remember, the law was given to the Jews, and if they didn't obey it, they were cursed.
But the very presence of the law was the condemnation of the Gentiles, because he says, that means he had not my people.
So but in the gospel, he says, they that were not my people have become the people of God.
That's remarkable.
Remarkable what Christ did for us.
So the fourth reign is Christ Jesus, but he does it through his church.
And it began from the resurrection.
The reign of Christ began from the resurrection.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ started a new reign.
The reign of his spiritual kingdom through his church.
Now let's read Romans chapter 5 verse 17 real quick.
Romans 5 or 17, for if by one man's offense death reigned, remember death reigned by one much more there we receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall rent in life by one Jesus Christ.
Acts 13 verse 38.
He says, be it not unto you there for men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you, the forgiveness of sins, remission of sins.
Why are we looking at that?
Because of what it means.
It's through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
Go to Philippians chapter two from verse nine.
Philippians chapter two from verse nine.
Wherefore God also had highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name.
Next verse, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow.
Look at this extraordinary.
This is extraordinary.
Jesus is raised from the dead and is given a name above every name.
He becomes Lord, master of all things.
His reign began.
that the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things on any earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
So Jesus began his reign from the resurrection he took over.
But through his church, Good Ephesians chapter 1, from verse 19.
And what is the accident greatness of his power to us who believe according to the working of his mighty power?
Which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and said him, can you see that?
Which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places.
Far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.
Oh, hallelujah.
And I put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head of all things for the benefit of the church.
Glory to God.
So from that time, Jesus began to reign through his church.
So he gave us his name.
He gave us the power of a Tony to use his name, to exercise authority in his name.
We can use his name.
So his name has power over all things, over the three words, heaven, earth, and hell.
His name has power in all three domains.
This is extraordinary.
So that's why I say to you, as long as this name is in office, how can you have the Antichrist running things?
It can't be.
It's impossible.
No, you can't have that coexistence of authorities.
No way.
Because the power that the Antichrist will exercise will be absolute authority, absolute power in the earth.
It's impossible while we're here.
That's impossible, absolutely impossible.
Otherwise, you will have to revoke the authority of the name of Jesus for that to happen.
You have to revoke it because it's his name that is over every nation.
The Bible says, the Lord is the governor among the nations.
You have to revoke that.
So right from that resurrection until
Let's see, the fifth reign, look at it, all the way, this continues, I've written here for you, Christ reigns through the church from the resurrection to his return for the saints, until he returns for the saints, which is the rapture of the church, until then he reigns through his church.
He does it through his body.
He is the head and we are his body.
And this continues until his return for the saints.
Fifth reign is the reign of the trial.
Satan, death and the Antichrist.
And if you read in the book of Revelations,
you would see that they're particularly given that they have seven years in which to exercise this ring.
And that is after the fourth ring, which is the reign of Christ through his church.
So Satan, death, and the honor of Christ would ring.
seven years is what they've got, but they will particularly have the second half of the seven years, which is three and a half years.
And we can give you all the details, but I've given you several scriptures in there.
I can help you understand what the Bible tells us, Satan, death and the under Christ.
Then number six is
the reign of Christ.
Christ returns to reign for 1,000 years by himself.
Not running through the church, but running together with the church.
That's wonderful.
For 1,000 years.
So it begins with the Armageddon up to the judgment.
And of course, you know, there are a couple of activities between the 1000 years and the judgments, but those are silent things.
We'll talk about them.
So Christ returns for 1000 years to reign by himself together with his church.
That is the sixth reign.
And then he leaves for the judgment.
at the end of the 1000 years.
And after the judgment, Christ reigns again by himself together with his church.
He reigns supreme in the new earth.
That's going to be wonderful.
So there are seven rings of the prophetic timeline given to us in the Scriptures.
And it's amazing that we are where we are in this timeline.
It's amazing.
So serve the Lord with gladness, with all your heart.
And when you pray,
You say devil, this is not your time.
You don't belong in this time.
See, this is why Jesus told us cast out devils because Satan is not a factor.
He's not a factor.
This is not his day.
Jesus had cast him out, cast out devils.
He's the first thing he told us to do.
I'm in the signs that you follow every believer.
Cast out devils.
And it also lets you know how that so many things that go wrong are caused by Satan.
A lot of people don't know how influential Satan has been in the evils of this world.
He is called the evil one, the evil one.
That is his description.
He is the evil one.
There's nothing kind about the devil.
Never be carried away by Satanists and the kind of things they try to do.
They want to make the devil look humane, look nice and kind.
They actually preach it.
They say that Lucifer, they give him a nice name.
Lucifer is kind.
How can Lucifer be kind?
He is not kind.
He's not kind.
And I told you how he earned the name Lucifer, the way it is used.
I showed you from the Bible, who it came from.
And it's a transliteration that led to it.
It's very important that you know.
But you see, names are what we say they are.
For example, when we say Jesus,
When he was called in Israel by his mother or his siblings, what they called him didn't sound Jesus.
Jesus is the undecized version of the Greek translation of his name from the Hebrew.
So he can imagine.
And yet when we say in the name of Jesus, demons, understand what we're talking about, circumstances, understand that and they all respond and heaven understands that and everyone responds.
So you see how important this is.
And so whatever name we have given to the devil Satan, he knows he's the one we're talking about.
He gets it.
He's called different names in different languages.
He knows it's him, for his God.
Worship the Lord everywhere.
Talk to him right now.
Open your mouth and honor him.
Give him thanks.
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