April 2022 – The Month of Watching and Praying
I want to share some important things with you.
In St.
Matthew's Gospel, chapter 26, from verse 41, watch these are the words of Jesus.
Watch and pray that he ere not into temptation.
The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
He says, watch and pray that you enter not into temptation.
This was on the occasion when Jesus asked His disciples, three of them, to come and pray together with Him.
And He went some steps away from them.
And He was praying.
And after it prayed a while, he came to them and found they were sleeping.
And he said to them, how come you're sleeping?
The Bible says they were tired.
Their eyes were heavy.
And of course, they apologized and Peter spoke for them.
They decided, now we're really going to pray.
And the Master left them.
They were supposed to be praying.
He came a second time, and they were sleeping again.
And he woke them up.
Then he came with our time.
They were sleeping.
He said something interesting to them.
I want us to read Mark chapter 13 verse 33.
He said the same words that we just read in Saint Matthew's Gospel.
Take heed, watch and pray for you know not when the time is.
Just take heed, watch and pray for you know not when the time is.
Three important things that I want you to observe.
The first one is pray that you enter not into temptation.
Then he says pray because you don't know when the time is.
What time?
We'll read more in a second.
But go to St.
Luke's Gospel, chapter 21.
We'll begin with verse 25.
And there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars.
And upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity.
The sea and the waves roaring.
Watch what it says here.
Verse 25 one more time.
He says, there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars and upon the earth distress of nations.
Now, the things that Jesus talked about in this portion of the Bible, a lot of them are things that all happen following the rapture of the church.
And during that period of seven years, so many terrible things will happen to this world.
Of course, we're not going to go into those details at this time.
But then you can understand what the devil does.
Now, what the Lord tells us about that period when you start in the book of Revelation is that Satan will exercise
dominion over the nations of the world at that time through the anachrist, the beasts of the apocalypse.
And so look at what they bring upon your distress of nations with perplexity.
And one of the things I told you Satan wanted to do was to gain more time and we've seen that in the Scriptures.
because the Bible says his time is short.
The period of seven years that is the tribulation period is broken into two parts.
The second half of the tribulation period is called a great tribulation.
And the Bible says Satan really gets mad at that period because his time is short because God
limited his time to three and a half years.
And he would do terrible things to this world.
So knowing that he cannot get any extra time going forward, what does he plan to do?
Get it ahead.
Try to do it before the time.
And the example is in the Bible of Satan trying to make moves ahead of the time.
When he knows, he cannot go forward.
He tries to take it before the time.
And that's what we find him doing.
And he is going to cause distress of nations with perplexity, just like we were about to see from 2020.
Distress of nations with perplexity.
Terrible things would have happened to this world.
Thank God that we prayed.
Thank God that we not only prayed, we also prophesied the word of God and controlled the things in the realm of the Spirit.
Now, let's read from the Amplified Translation, this very verse, and we'll read into the next few verses.
It says, and there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars.
And upon the earth, there will be distress, trouble and anguish of nations in bewilderment.
and perplexity without resources left and they be left wanting.
I want you to see this was what happened to many countries with COVID and it was to get worse.
Their resources completely depleted.
were the terrible treaties that they were supposed to be making with big farmer.
And now you have the WHO making treaties with nations, hoping to bring them all under the control of the WHO, exactly what the Bible told us all the time.
How in the world, who would have thought
that the World Health Organization would position itself to control in the nations of the world.
But those are the treaties that they want to sign.
But I want you to notice what the Bible says here.
And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars.
And we can talk about this one and show you what this really means and how that plays out.
And upon the earth, there will be distress, trouble and anguish of nations in bewilderment and perplexity without resources, left wanting, embarrassed, in doubt, not knowing which way to turn.
Next verse.
Men, soon in a way, or expirative fear, and dread, and apprehension, and expectation of the things that are coming on the world, is these men's hearts failing them for fear, because of the things that they see happening to the world.
What he told us, never be afraid.
And they will be afraid because they keep looking at the things that are happening to the world.
We are looking at the Word of God.
We're looking at the Word of God.
Those who are looking at the things that are happening around them will have fear.
And the Bible says their hearts will fail them for fear.
Now, I want you to go back to the King James translations from verse 34.
And take heed to yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged and with sofading and drunkenness and cares of this life.
And so that they come upon you on a way.
Next verse.
For as a snares shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
watch you there for and pray always.
That he may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.
That's the third one.
Remember the first one is watch and pray.
That you add a knot into temptation.
The second one is watch and pray because you don't know when the time is.
And now the third one is his watch ye therefore in pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, understand the further Son of Man.
This is so important.
Mark 13, chapter 33.
Take ye heed, watch and pray, for ye know not when the time is 34.
For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work and commanded the potter to watch.
Watch, therefore, for you know not when the master of the house come at, at even or at midnight or at the cut-crowing or in the morning.
Let's come in suddenly and find you sleeping.
And what I say unto you, I say unto all, watch.
This is what I say to you, I say to all, watch.
This month is a month for watching and praying.
Meditate on these verses that I've read to you.
meditate on them.
When it says, watch, you have to learn to watch in the spirit.
If you don't know the scriptures, there will be difficult for you to watch.
What are you going to be watching for?
And what are you going to be watching with?
It's through the knowledge of God's word that you watch because then
You look at your world and you can interpret the world with the word of God.
You can interpret circumstances.
You can interpret the things that are happening in the world with the knowledge of the word of God.
So you know the time in which you live, the day in which you live and how God wants you to live.
So this month,
Pick close attention to God's Word like never before.
Watch and pray.
Watch and pray that you are not into temptation.
Watch and pray.
Give attention to prayer by praying.
By praying.
He says, watch and pray always.
We saw that in St.
Luke's gospel.
Let's pray always.
Actually, maybe accounted worthy to escape all these things that should come upon the world.
Pray always.
Be a prayerful man.
Be a prayerful woman.
Every child of God should be prayerful.
Jesus said, may not always to pray and not to faint.
Give attention to praying.
I don't always wait until you have busy yourself over everything and then at the end of the night, now you want to pray.
You be too tired and you fall asleep like those disciples.
And guess what?
When they got up the third time when Jesus came, the Master said, it's okay.
In other words, it's enough.
Now the one who prayed Jesus is too late.
Behold, the one who betrayed me is right here.
And Jesus was betrayed and Jesus was arrested and they fled.
The disciples fled.
They fled.
And guess what?
In the morning,
Peter, who was ready to fight for Jesus before he fled.
In the morning, just hours later, he denied that he ever knew Jesus.
And that's what the Master was telling them, pray that you are not into temptation.
When we are not prayerful, we say things and do things that we never thought we would do.
We'll take the wrong steps.
And make blondes, make mistakes.
Learn to pray.
Give attention to praying.
Thank you for watching.
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