Chronicles of Prophecy Season 2 Phase 2 Day 2 (Post Analysis)
Look at these people who made decisions, questionable decisions on questionable data.
And they question those who question their decisions, questionable decisions be questioned
When you make the decisions of the basis of questionable data.
Jesus Christ's veins have come to aid, you not say church.
He said, I'm having that consciousness that something is going wrong.
Somewhere, I'm not, I don't know what it is.
The whole idea of the Global Day of Prayer was to essentially stop why the day of man structure needed to preempt that awakening.
We are looking at the more important parts of this whole
And that is in the spirit.
What does God say?
No one in the past is teaching us about the mystery of Christ to say you cannot adjust a lot of people to do such things.
We are to press towards the goal with everything within us.
We're not in the future that they are going to use religion which will sort of like qualities with the state and then we get into what the devil wants to affect and but the problem is the time is not now.
cross-sectoral simulation exercises, such as the one you will be experiencing today, contribute to a better understanding of critical gaps, cooperation required for global businesses, response decisions required for government and public health leaders.
And they are rehearsing right now.
And because we are still here and we are declaring the amazing or powerful name of Jesus Christ, they can't stop us until we are gone out of here, they cannot enforce it.
The best thing to do like what the man of God is actually saying that is speak out and say no.
The different kinds of diseases that travel in different ways.
Why is the word panicking in this way?
Those are just testimonies of exactly how people in the world actually believe they even feel.
These actions of government are not the solution.
They're not.
Zimbabwe has released its army on the streets.
You make it the solution.
You can definitely tell that there is no wisdom of what big opportunities like this provide.
They target certain people, they spray things in the air, and there you go, boom, people are being wiped out.
Their armies and other law enforcement are out blazing with guns, but the enemy is not physical.
They're here to fire us.
And where envy and strife is, there is confusion, and every evil work has access to come in.
Besides what we know as fulfillment of prophecy,
This is a precursor to the one world government.
Sam even spoke so convincingly the latest figures and they all said 33.
The way that it's going to be run it has to be to have centrality and I think this is a test run.
And just now you heard the men have gone saying but what if it was in the air?
There are others that are totally airborne.
Where are you going to go?
Remember the Bible says do not forsake the gathering of the brethren.
If you don't have a mask, and if you decide to actually ask about the mask like in some nations, we cannot arrest you.
The kids have to go to school with masks.
Are you insane?
Are you crazy?
I think all of you should be in a psych ward right the heck now.
You're forcing half the population, if not three quarters of a population across the globe, to wear masks.
All right, welcome to Chronicles of Prophecy and a very big congratulations to all of you who participated today in the session with the President of Love War Incorporated, Reverend Dr. Chris Oyakalone.
That was day two, phase two of season two.
And we are continuously discovering the mystery of Christ.
Pastor speaks about what is actually being a Christian.
Not that you pray every day, or you go to church every day, or you'll practice your faith and all that.
What is actually being a Christian?
The God-like kind of life that you leave every day, that's what it is.
That really resonated with my spirit.
when we speak about being Christians and the way we're actually talking to the whole world right now, being bold and speaking out, but at the end of the day, we need to show the world that this is who we really are, you know, because of our lifestyles, because sometimes somebody is watching and listening.
And they can get encouraged to also give their life to Christ.
It's a result oriented and the result is such that itself is actually efficacy in itself, such that when a disease tries to fasten itself, that's what the man of God was explaining there.
It actually repels the disease.
So what he's also just bring us or bring the church to actually understand is that the life that we have is supernatural in its nature.
That's the reason why in this particular period that we're living in is the time that the Church of Jesus Christ is supposed to be known.
And the risk of actually being mistaken for that other group which doesn't have any power and they speak about Jesus and speak about the church.
One of the key things that we have to do is understand this mister of Christ so that we represent the true church.
We actually go and show to the world, because remember, this is the manifest wisdom of God when it comes to the mister of Christ, when it comes to the church, to say, what does the church do?
Like Pastor was saying, in the Old Testament, the example that is actually being used to say, people should be isolated and quarantined.
It wasn't actually true because what would happen is if he had any incurable disease, you would go to the priest, you would go to the house of God, and then the house of God would tell you how to come back from such a problem.
And then to be taken back into society, you needed the priest to actually tell you, you have recovered, this is what I've done, and they were touching you.
They were checking, if you look at some of the things that were there, they would open the wound, check out how it is.
To open the hair, they would check out how it is actually progressed.
You look at the deep church and you know some of the leaders that are there who are representing the deep church who are mistaken for being Christian leaders.
They are not actually going in that direction.
In fact, these are the ones that are telling the government we are afraid of the virus.
So lock the churches.
If in fact anyone would want to actually go back to church, not actually go back to church until you guys are the government.
They found a solution for the virus.
Can you imagine that?
That's not what we represent.
No, absolutely not.
That's not what we represent.
And I was actually very happy that, you know, Pastor actually came out to pronounce the fact that we're Christians and we're not afraid of anything.
And we are militant.
The other part that they don't want us to actually go out there and tell the world is that we are militant.
Because when you look at it, we are in a war.
Practically, technically, we are in a war.
If you look at, in a war, this is where you tend to find out governments come out and say we are affecting images, powers and the light.
What used to happen back then in the war?
You had people being conscripted into things that they didn't want.
Are people not being conscripted into isolations that are there?
Of course, exactly.
And being forced to vaccinate, being forced to stay away, being forced to wear masks and all that.
So, literally, this is what we've been saying, that people's rights have just been taken away.
But it's a gradual effect of exactly what it is that they want to do, that is to change the world order.
So, I really like that part, in fact, when Pastor says,
We are Christians.
We are not afraid.
In fact, what they don't realise is trouble is coming for them.
In fact, the struggle should come very soon.
I wish I could add on to... The trouble should come soon?
The trouble should come soon?
They both can't take people for granted like this.
He saw a nation's upheaval and the change of the current order that is because some of the problems that we have there actually from the current order that is trying to destroy these current orders that they can effect the next one.
And when you look at it, it becomes very, very violent, almost akin to a point where we are almost engaging at every level and we're engaging as if you're actually in a battlefield.
And at the end of the day, we know what happens.
All the soldiers that get into a war singing and chanting nationalism, and they love their country, the ones that come back, the ones that are running the other way, they're not going to write any history about them.
That's it.
When they did, yeah, when they did what they did, they forgot that the Church of Jesus Christ was very much on the earth and very much in control.
So we are praying and we will continue to pray.
You heard him.
He said, as long as they continue, we will what?
We are continuing as well with praying.
We are in the first war.
We are definitely in a war.
And that's it.
Let's go for it.
Jesus Christ will always win.
In fact, check our history.
We've never lost any battle.
Ever in actual fact.
We've never lost any battle.
And we will show, in fact, we have already won this one.
Because look at how the events have actually turned out.
They've acted so confused.
They've contradicted their statements.
In fact, some of them don't even agree with each other openly anymore.
Some of them are losing their power.
Has to say it will get worse.
Even big money has been lost before.
It will be lost again.
Do you understand all these six trillions that they're talking about in whatever these huge figures and huge numbers, all because they're just lying to the people.
They'll be lost and surely they will, until they have to pay back for what they have done.
The perpetrators, the people that support it, including the ones that are quiet.
When all these things are happening, the ones that are quiet, because a few of persecution, or they just want to side with the perpetrators, maybe because they've been given money, what a shame.
And when God is involved, because now you have a case like Pastor Satan in phase one, there's a collusion in terms of God's work and the work of men.
In this case, when you collide with God, you are pounded to your power.
We have seen this happen with the different other empires.
For example, the Roman Empire is gone today.
With all its strength and how they love the civil servant structure, they were decimated.
That's it.
There were.
Alright, so now let's quickly recap on what the session was when our Dear Men of God was actually teaching us about the mystery of Christ.
Listen to this.
Problem is a knowledge problem.
Do you really know?
Have you ever cared to know?
Because if you know, you can put it to work.
Let me show it to you.
First Corinthians chapter 2, verse 12.
You've got to see this.
Now, we have received not the spirit of the word.
See, when you received the Holy Ghost, you didn't receive the spirit of the word, but the spirit, which is of God.
He says, you received the spirit of God that we might know the, oh God.
Hi, hi, hi, hi.
I gotta count them down to read it to you.
Now we have received not the Spirit of the Word, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Do you know what he's saying?
The word is idle.
Now we only size it and say idle, idle, in the Greek, idle.
But we call it idle because that's in English pronouns, things like that, idle.
All right, but listen to this.
What kind of knowledge is idle knowledge?
What kind of knowledge is that?
It's called the know-how knowledge.
That's the know-how.
You get it?
It means the knowledge of application.
See, so when you receive the Holy Ghost, it comes into you and it gives you practical knowledge.
Knowledge that you can put to work the, like say, the technical knowledge, the know-how.
So you don't just receive knowledge, but you apply the knowledge.
Question is, have you been listening to the Holy Ghost?
Are you letting him bring his knowledge to you?
So you apply it in your life.
Now, we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God that we might know.
And we might know this is what applicable knowledge, knowledge with application, better put, because you can apply all knowledge, but this is knowledge with application.
It's that kind of knowledge, the idle knowledge.
It's different from Gino's school, all right?
And then it's different from the other one, Epic Gnosis.
I teach about three kinds of knowledge.
Now, there's several other words for knowledge, but these are the major three kinds of knowledge.
All right?
The Holy Spirit helps you get.
I'm not talking about nusses, which everybody has, okay?
Now, look at this.
We have received, this is now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
All right, so the three kinds of wisdom there coming up again today.
And it's important as a Christian that you have it.
Pasa also speaks about the three cardinal gifts.
Do you want to recap on what Pasa was saying on the three cardinal gifts quickly?
Well, in short, first of all, get to PCDA, you learn about eternal life righteousness in the Holy Spirit.
You have to get there, yes.
But because it was an instruction, it would be important for the people who want to actually learn much about eternal life righteousness and the Holy Ghost to actually go and get the message and listen to him, because he said it's a series of it.
It is a series, so you can go to the past of Chris Digital Library and make sure... Listen, you can feast on the Word of God there.
All sorts of messages, trust me.
Like literally all sorts.
For any time, any season, you'll find all sorts of messages there on the PCDL.
So make sure...
that you log on there and gift yourself with some beautiful messages to boost your own spiritual life, you know, message that will change your situation.
Alright, so let's move on with some of the stories that we would like to share with you.
Earlier on in the program we did speak about
some of the tactics that were used by the CIA back then.
And even to this very day, in actual fact, not even back then, even to this very day, we know that there are different types of tactics that are used to either brainwashed people and control people, not only by the CIA, so to speak, but by many different groups of people.
We're seeing it even right now in this whole COVID-19 debacle, but just taking you back a little during the Cold War, the CIA launched a highly classified program aimed at mastering the art of mind control.
The U.S.
government is engaged in a large number of secret medical experiments designed to help win the Cold War.
Developing techniques from mind control to create a so-called Manchurian candidate, what is the extent of these brainwashing experiments?
How did the CIA become involved in such far-reaching and disturbing research?
In May 1953, scientists at Port-N-Down are researching one of the most lethal nerve agents known to man, Saren.
The experiments are conducted on military volunteers, but the young servicemen have no idea what they are letting themselves in for.
On the board, there was a separate notice, typed, which said in so many words, volunteers wanted to help find a cure for the common cold.
By volunteering, Ken Earl becomes an unsuspecting guinea pig in the war against the Soviets.
On May 4 at Portendow, he and five other Air Force men are led into a small room by two technicians.
We were told by the two men to roll up the left sleeve.
These two men then took two pieces of material, and they taped them.
to our forearm.
They then gave us each a respirator and that we were not under any circumstances to take off the respirator.
And the door was sealed behind us.
It was very, very poky, a small building.
And I found out since it was a gas chamber, which puts a fear of death into you, of course.
This technician with a vial and a pipette went round each of us, and he dripped onto this piece of material, 20 drops into hers.
The clear liquid is sarin nerve agent.
It is quickly absorbed into the arm through the skin.
The effects are immediate.
I became absolutely claustrophobic.
I didn't know what sheer terror there is in being trapped and not being able to breathe properly.
You fear you can't breathe.
I was sweating profusely.
And I now, even today, had nightmares about it.
After half an hour, we were released, gasping and spluttering and sweating into the open air.
Beautiful sunny May morning.
Absolute bliss when a wonderful thing to be alive.
The corresponding paperwork clearly states the purpose of the experiment is to determine the lethal dose of serum.
After the Korean War, disturbing new intelligence reaches Washington, hundreds of American troops are still being held captive, subjected to brainwashing experiments, and then killed.
Mind control research back home intensifies
The new goal is to cause an individual to become subservient to an imposed control, to the point where he will perform acts against his will and then have no memory of the act.
The search for a real-life Manchurian candidate begins.
To produce such an assassin, the CIA faces two main challenges.
How to induce amnesia and how to program in new behavior.
In 1957, Dr. Ewan Cameron, an eminent psychiatrist in Montreal, believes he has the answers.
Cameron applies his techniques under the guise of normal therapy.
There's a three-part technique which started with an effort to wipe out past patterns of behavior.
And this was accomplished through the use of particularly intensive, repeated, high-level electroshocks until no more convulsions could be elicited from a patient.
Cameron then plays tape-recorded messages through helmets that are locked to his patients' heads.
This psychic driving forces them to listen to repetitive statements for weeks on end, to program in new behavior.
Now, the final phase was to try to wipe out all recollection of what had happened.
And that was accomplished by putting people to sleep for 30, 40 days, accompanied by different kinds of cocktails of drugs.
Now that's not any kind of therapy.
That's a brainwashing experiment.
So this is just only part of an experiment.
But have you ever actually wondered that why certain things happen the way they happen?
It could be a person and maybe you don't understand and you think, OK, maybe it's just natural and human behavior.
Also another question that comes to mind is,
The people that have created the education of, say, psychology or medicine or whatever the case may be are the same people that have used it against the people.
So it always comes as if it's a solution, but in actual fact it's not a solution.
For example, earlier on in the program we showed you
how a person had gone into treatment, right, for depression, but ended up being brainwashed.
So, while they went into treatment, they were actually being used as a guinea pig for an experiment.
The same thing we saw even when we speak about the concentration camps during the, you know, the times of the Auschwitz camp and the Nazis and all that.
The Jews went in there thinking that what?
It was help, right?
It was going to be comfortable, it will be good for them.
And then the Nazis actually realized that no, they could turn this into something else.
Before you know it, they became extermination centers.
So there's always that idea of
What can I say?
You know, taking other people for granted?
Or just trying to, you know, have this act of authority on other people, which is obviously uncomfortable, results in death, results in people being used as guinea pigs, all sorts of horrible experiments can actually happen.
And it is also happening right now.
The COVID-19 vaccines, we told you.
In South Africa, as it stands right now, the trial that they are testing has some chimpanzee elements in it.
So why do we have a chimpanzee element in a vaccine that is supposed to treat some sort of like a flu?
Isn't it supposed to be like a flu vaccine?
Isn't that what they say?
So why do we have all these other elements then?
I think you would have to actually get to the genesis of men's problem.
Because when you look at it, it seems like it's a case of the rich group, which doesn't want the poor to actually coexist with them in this world.
But beyond that, it has everything else to do with an enemy that is actually in this world.
The enemy is the one which doesn't like human.
humankind or anybody else who is born into this world to just have free will and exercise what they are supposed to do in this world.
And at the end of it you have knowledge, science, technology, new inventions and all that end up being used against men.
If you look at it, Pastor took us to
You're looking at somebody who was a population researcher back then in the 17800.
And he was already giving suggestions to say, we need to cut down on population.
This is the alias we can actually go in terms of trucks, in terms of things that are written to say, we should actually try and control population by doing one, two, three or four.
But if you look at it in the beginning, it was always like that.
You have an NMU, it's murderous.
And one of the agendas that he has is to try and depopulate this ed.
What happened in the first time when men was forced into a corner where God had to actually destroy the world and destroy everyone else, we had that idea of evil.
It happened in the first world.
It happened in another second world.
And in this world where we are living in, it's about to happen again.
So at the end of it, before you start saying or hailing to say, we have a wonderful technology, a wonderful invention, or wonderful science that we are having, you should know that there's always an animal can flip it to the other side.
For example, right now we are finding out that you have professors for hire, signs for hire, where they are not really in need for them to actually improve the board of signs.
But they are there to actually support certain statements, certain postulations that they've given.
And this is the problem the world is always ahead.
And remember, it's men that is actually being used against men to achieve their agenda of the antichrist.
And it comes in so many facets, like we're saying.
When you look at, for example, the activities of the deep world, if you were to put it that way.
It's almost like you have a cardboard.
When you open, there are so many tunnels that when you open, you can actually go and end up somewhere.
For you to actually trace where you went, they can just close it from the other end.
And this is the world that we're living in.
And you need to use a different kind of eyesight for you to know what is happening.
This is where you actually need the wisdom of the Spirit, like what the man of God was saying when he was teaching about the mystery of Christ.
This is where you need the revelation that comes from the Spirit of God.
For him to actually reveal to you exactly what we are actually experiencing today.
Because like what he is explaining where you've got different corridors that are taking into different areas.
It had to take the spirit of God to actually ascertain exactly what is happening in this present moment.
And he actually said it.
He said, if people ask me, how do I know that there's actually a fiasco and this is a fraud, it's because by revelation.
By revelation, that's it.
Yeah, sure.
Because a lot of people would have been ignorant to it.
You see, some people, even to this very day, still just think that truly it is a virus that is out there.
And people have to adhere to the rules and regulations that the governments are imposing on different things.
There are things out there that, you know, you cannot actually place two and two together.
For example, I had an example that Pastor Chris was actually giving of something that happened in real time.
Right, somebody was presented before him during a healing session.
The person was actually sick of certain symptoms that alluded that he had cancer.
And then he's looking at the man, but because he also has got ability to actually see from the spirit.
In the spirit, he's looking at the man and he's looking for a demon that causes that kind of disease, that kind of cancer.
And then there was no demon, and he's asking the spirit, but why am I seeing this guy suffering from cancer symptoms?
Meanwhile, he doesn't have a disease, he doesn't have a demon that causes this.
And the answer of the spirit, this is the answer of the Holy Ghost saying, it's in his mind.
He was told he have good cancer and he believed and the cancer symptoms actually came out of his own body.
And then the spirit said something more profound.
If he continues like this, he would die.
Of what?
Cancer that is not there.
And then you look at the idea of doubling into mind control or changing genes or mutating the genes that a man has.
It's something that the antichrist has always had for quite a long time.
You look at the devil, when he came to the garden of Eden, which is the first garden, one of the key things that he did was try and change what was already in terms of mind.
Did he really say if you eat or die, you don't want to die?
And then look at what happened.
The death that he's ate, if you're looking, let's say you were looking as a man and you're looking at Adam after Eden, you say he has not died, but he had already died from that death.
And you look at everyone else that came, they were now under the control of the devil on the basis of what?
or thought it was taken by just a simple thing.
Don't listen to this instruction.
It doesn't listen to this one.
And when you look at our world, we have a world where, because it's a terminal generation, it has to actually end with something happening at a ground scale.
You tend to actually find out that the devil is going for mind control or gene manipulation.
Because man ceases to be men the way he was created by good.
You look at the first Adam,
How did he know this alive?
This is a snake.
And the various types of snakes that he looked at them and just called them names because he was receiving direct signals from the Lord.
And then the idea of trying to manipulate men maybe by doing mind control, brainwashing, or inserting certain things into him is to take away the intelligence of the spirit of a man.
And then, you know, you cease to be a man, you become something else.
But you see, the catchy part of it was
a little of the spirit for him to have no chat mystery.
Do you understand?
Normal doctors will probably not have.
In fact, maybe they would have used them as a guinea pig to try and understand where this whole cancer is coming from.
What is causing it and you can imagine what else would happen.
It's just like for them to have formulated the cure for cancer.
It was because of a patient that was treating for something else different.
You know, and then they now had to harvest some cells from her because her cells were mutating and like the other cells that they had been using previously that would die.
To this very day, her cells have mutated and mutated and been used in different times.
And it's amazing how they have actually come out to say they don't want the element of the change.
Is it not the same Bible that we read that King's weird leprosy, which is almost akin to the disease that we are facing now?
He was told to just go in, but where have you received, you know, your fresh skin on the base of the earbuds?
And remember, these were the bastions of health.
Whenever the country or the government and the systems out of the field, they took you to a priest, they took you to the house of God, they took you to a church, that was the last part of God.
Today they are saying, we don't want to hear anything about the church, we want to do something.
We want to do science.
They even argued that Christ did not walk on water.
It was science that something happened there.
Likewise, they have denied the fact that Moses parted the Red Sea by the Holy Spirit.
They said scientifically.
something happened there.
To these very days in argument, can you imagine?
But the Holy Spirit is very new from there, performed many other miracles.
Who asked them, what happened with the chariots, that just?
And that's more.
Scientifically, there's an explanation behind it all.
Anyway, this is what we call the mystery.
of Christ.
Isn't it wonderful?
Now the men of God, Pastor Chris, spoke about the evil plans of Satan that have been kept to be put in play and made to look as though the world predicted it.
Well, let's take a look at this next video.
to tell you the complete story of these activities.
We are professing to tell you the complete story that we know.
But these records that we have uncovered don't tell the story.
They tell pieces of it.
This is a story that has been told in bits and pieces over the last few years.
This is an attempt to pull most of it together.
We know we don't have the full story.
We do however have some striking new revelations and insights.
It is a story of a concerted search by several United States intelligence agencies to perfect mind control.
Have secret experiments been carried out on ordinary unsuspecting people by government scientists who are trying to develop a terrifying new weapon.
A weapon to control the human mind.
This document from National Air Force Base lays out the use of electromagnetic weapons technologies for debilitating human beings.
Using electromagnetic warfare against human beings, you can cause disease, you can cause hysteria, or you can cause acidity for population control.
Extremely low frequencies affect us because they are the same frequencies that our brains output.
And when they're in the environment around us,
Our brains try to entrain to them.
So our brains try to mimic those signals.
And if those signals are not good ones for our behavior, then we can fall apart.
We can behave differently.
We could get sick.
We could feel very stressed and not know why.
It might seem laughably unlikely if it weren't for the fact that mind control technology exists and has been used for years.
Can I ask you a question about some of the technology that you're developing to fight the war on terror, specifically directed energy and high powered microwave technology.
When do you envision that you can weaponize that type of technology?
It is in, for the most part, the kinds of things you're talking about are in very early stages.
Do you want to give anything you'd add?
I don't think I would add much.
I think there are in early stages and probably not ready for employment at this point.
I think that's the point.
We have, I think, from the beginning of this conflict.
I think General Franks has been very open to looking at new things if there are new things available.
been willing to put them into the fight, even before they didn't fully run out.
And I think that's not referring to these particular cases of directed energy or high powered microwave, but sure.
And we will continue to do that.
That became a whole new review for military technologists in this country thinking maybe we can use electromagnetic fields to manipulate what's going on in the brain.
In 1969, there was a book published called Towards the Psychosivilized Society, and this was put together by Jose Delgado.
He had his doctorate in electrophysiology from the University of Madrid from 1950.
He came over to Yale University in the mid-60s.
and began mapping the human brain, stimulating the human brain in primates and bowls and animals, all different kinds of animals, stimulating parts of the brain to see what parts were responsible for what kinds of actions or cognitive functions and so on.
When I learned that our administration in Washington was looking at a program called Vision 2020, and Vision 2020 actually
is a program for the United States to dominate the world from outer space.
The Department of Defense has been working at a facility in Alaska, which is doing research into effects of electromagnetic frequencies in the ionister.
And that facility, which is called HARP, is raised concern.
among many individuals about how this research would be applied.
For example, we know that
according to some of the research as these energy pulses are directed into the ionizer that they can have somewhat of an effect.
You could do it on an individual basis or a very large basis.
In fact, if you go back to the work of J.F.
Gordon McDonald, he was a geophysicist at UCLA and he was a science advisor to Lyndon Johnson.
He wrote a chapter in a book called Unless Peace Comes
And the chapter was called how to wreck your environment.
But within that chapter was a section that said, if we could ever learn how to electronically stroke the ionosphere, this layer that begins about 30 miles above the Earth's surface that's electrically charged, if we could ever figure out how to electronically stroke it, he said, to get it to send a signal back to the Earth, we could affect the behavior of people over huge geographic areas on a hemispheric basis.
And it wouldn't affect everyone.
It would affect 70% or 80% of the population is what they more or less figured.
But this was a technology that didn't exist in 1969.
In the early 70s, a big New Brzezinski referenced J.F.
Gordon's work and said, you know, this is a technology that will likely emerge.
What has happened with the project that I wrote a book on some time ago, Angels Don't Play This Heart, about the heart project, it was designed to do many things.
As a side effect or a deliberate effect, this can happen.
You know, I mean the fact is they generate the right kind of signal in the right range to override brain function.
But this same kind of signal, signals in the same frequency range can affect human mood.
The human brain operates on very low frequencies.
For example, when we're thinking, I mean, actively, we're generating about 13, 14 cycles per second.
When we're meditating, we're generating eight cycles per second.
And when we're asleep, the brain waves are running in about four cycles per second.
And heart is capable of generating all of these frequencies.
These kinds of signals can control the human brain.
And if you can control these frequencies and multiple of these frequencies in various combinations, you can control all kinds of emotions.
You can generate happiness.
You can generate sadness.
You can generate any mood you want.
But stop and think for a minute.
We already live under the gaze of satellites and surveillance cameras monitoring our every movement 24 hours a day.
What are they doing with all this information?
There might be a rational alternative explanation for hearing voices in your head.
At the heart of the world's greatest conspiracy theory lies a hardcore effect.
So what they found in military applications, and there's dozens of source documents that we quote, they found that they could use these external fields for degrading or depleting the ability of an adversary to say wage war, or confuse their thoughts enough to where they become.
And this was actually utilized.
Yeah, these technologies have been around.
They've been tested over the years.
The question becomes is where and when and under what classifications.
And as we looked at them and we saw over two or three almost three dozen US patents showing the evolution of these technologies cited in our work.
You know, this is all material that is in the open literature.
When you trace the history, you can go back to say the early 80s even where they began to ask for what's called dosimetry handbooks, dosages of radio frequency necessary to override various parts of the body with the brain, the heart, the liver, the lungs.
You can do many, many things with the very same device driven by software and the push of a button.
And it's a question of the intent of the operator, but you introduce a new piece of hardware, you have to have the story.
And the story for the military is, it's just for heating.
And I believe it's a lie because the technology is there and they would apply that technology if not experimentally as they're doing in the war, the war fronts that were engaged in today to see what and how far they can go with these technologies.
Let's face it, we know enough about governments and their secret servants to know that if they could do this, they would do this.
If they could find a way of making us all believe in what they say, damn right, they're gonna pursue it.
In sort of a valedictory letter, Dr. Gutly broke that he and his colleagues had been able to maintain contact with the leading edge of developments in the field of biological and chemical control of human behavior.
And one of George White, the man who helped the agency in so many of its programs, he would retire here to Stinson Beach, California.
And shortly before his death, he wrote to his boss at the CIA, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, and summed up his career by saying, it was fun, fun, fun.
Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, and sheep steal to see rape and pillage with a sanction and blessing of the all-highest?
It's been suggested that the long-term objective of mind control experiments is to develop a system by which all citizens can be monitored and tracked by sophisticated satellite-based cybernetics, perhaps using the victim's own technology in their own living room.
So we hope you enjoyed watching the world's greatest conspiracy theories.
We've certainly enjoyed watching you.
The individual
All right, so you know, you begin to honestly wonder, where does that whole information of surveillance actually go to?
It's information that knows what, now that it's even advanced.
Imagine in this very day, you even have a phone that tells you to sit, to stand.
to go in this day.
Do you know that?
And iPhone does that in actual fact.
It will tell you what to do.
Then you've got other phones that also monitor literally everything.
I told you my phone at the end of the year, last year, it gave me a whole summary of all the places that I've been in the different parts of the world.
at what time I was in that place, and it even knows that this is a new place I've never been there before.
You know, like all those things, it gave me a summary with minutes, hours, days, everything on it.
So where does that information go to?
Why even go to the extent of actually developing innovation or technology that will put all that information together?
It goes somewhere.
There's an obsession about controlling a human mind.
Have you noticed it?
It's almost spiritual.
There's an obsession from the perpetrators, or should I say from the devil even himself, about controlling the human mind.
But you see, a human being is born of God.
You're created in the image of God.
So now you have the people that have come up with all these conspiracy theories, people that have even the devil himself in the Bible.
You speak about Adam in the Garden of Eve,
Eden and how the devil actually convinced his mind.
There was an attack on his mind, you understand, to deviate from the message that he had been given by God.
So there's an obsession about controlling the human mind and which is what we're seeing, experiment upon experiment, experiment upon experiment, all to control
how human behavior should be.
And at the end of the day, because when you lose your free will, your ability to actually choose and decide on your own.
That means you become a zombie or somebody.
And in this case, you're looking at a case where the Antichrist knows what will get to the heart of the Father.
Because remember, the heart of the Father is one that loves mankind.
which is why Jesus Christ came to die for mankind, all of mankind, and even things that mankind would use to be redeemed from the case that is actually in the land.
But now you're looking at a case where if they succeed, for example, in creating zombies or cyborgs or whatever, this idea of controlling people from wherever they are controlling them, that means, men will not be able to actually decide on the signals that God is actually sending.
the way it ceases to be of no effect to the people who live in that environment.
If they are using, for example, the EMAs that they have, you have electronic magnetic pulses that are being sent in different, they cause different things, maybe they cause you to be angry.
And that means you can have an rising crime.
You can have people who are depressed, who, well, we have attendance to actually go in a certain way.
At the end of the day, men would have been robbed of a chance to actually get salvation, which is the most important thing about the Antichrist.
And it'll get to that point, when, now, because they can't control themselves anymore, so they miss that on a chance to be born again and receive the word of God.
Unfortunately, you know, the world is going to get, which is why they're doing all these experiments.
Remember, this is a very old video that we showed you, but they were already talking about ID 2020.
You see, it's everything that is planned.
Then we go back again to gradualism.
They know exactly what they're doing here.
It's amazing how you know we had ID 2020 and then we had vision 2020 which is about the space.
As of this year, the government has actually agreed and come out openly to say there is existence of unidentified flying objects.
We have been carrying out research and we found out it's true.
What they are doing with that, you don't know.
But one of the key things that we can actually tell, we can tell that they are waiting on something.
Is it not in the period of this year that we've had a lot of rich folks saying they wanted to leave this earth to go somewhere?
And then they want to leave this one for us because they want to also experiment on people.
And then also to protect themselves from something.
It shows as if they know already.
What is actually happening?
Now, let's talk about the vaccines.
I just need to rush through this because of time.
Let's talk about the vaccines.
In this next video, doctors Stanley Plotkin, the world's leading vaccine inventor, admits that vaccines create problems from the ingredients of dead human babies and dead animals.
Do any vaccines contain gelatin from pigs?
Do any vaccines in the childhood vaccines go to contain human album?
Oh, yes.
What is human albumin?
Human albumin is part of the human serum.
Part of the blood that is liquid.
That could be problematic, right?
Well, it could be.
I mean, if the individual is not healthy.
Or if maybe some of the human blood components bind to some of the aluminum and develop antibodies, self-antimodies, correct?
If they develop antibodies against a serum component, that would not be good.
Do any vaccines in the childhood vaccine schedule contain MRC-5 human diploid cells?
Yes, rubella, varicella, hepatitis A.
What are MRC-5 cells?
They are human fiberblast cell strain.
They were created by taking fetal tissue and from a particular fetus that was aborted by maternal choice and the cells, the so-called fiberblast cells were cultivated.
Do any vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule contain Wi-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts?
Well, they used to, but I don't think anything is made in those cells anymore.
If you could turn to page three for MMR and MMRV, do you see that within the ingredient list that lists Wi-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts?
Yes, I do see that.
Isn't it true that human DNA in vaccines is typically purposely fragmented?
Yes, I would say mostly for theoretical reasons doesn't want to put DNA into attack DNA into vaccines.
These fetuses were all three months or older when aborted, correct?
What organs did you harvest from these fetuses?
Well, I didn't personally harvest any, but a whole range of tissues were harvested by co-workers.
And were these pieces were then cut up into little pieces, right?
And they were cultured?
Some of the pieces of the fetuses were pituitary gland.
that were chopped up into pieces.
Okay, included the lung of the fetuses.
Okay, included the skin.
And tongue.
I don't recall, but probably yes.
Are you aware that one of the
objections of vaccination by the plaintiff in this case is the inclusion of aborted fetal tissue in the development of vaccines and the fact that it's actually part of the ingredients of vaccines.
I'm aware of those objections.
Are you an atheist?
When you were a child, what vaccines did you receive?
Well, in childhood, I think it was probably only diphtheria.
You would know that the cartels, upon cartels,
of people that actually harvest human body parts in tissue.
And this is actually a multi-trillion dollar industry in actual fact, in the world.
And where do those tissue cells go to or all those body parts?
Where do they go to?
Now you know, partly to the vaccines.
You see, if this guy, Dr. Plopkin,
He's actually admitting that there's a problem with the vaccines, right?
There's a problem with the vaccines.
That's what he's saying.
Remember Pasteur said in the just-ended session that the vaccines actually create a problem instead of providing a solution.
Now, he is an inventor of vaccines.
And he's giving us a history of how they actually come up with the vaccines and what they use, but also admitting that there is actually a problem with the vaccines because of the ingredients which include dead human babies and dead animal tissue.
It's a bit of a problem because the way it's presented out to the world is we are making your world better in terms of fending of diseases.
But what they are not telling you is we are introducing these so-called diseases to your body.
Perhaps your body will be able to create better antibodies.
It's your body that is supposed to develop antibodies on the basis of
the foreign gems and or fungi or bacteria that was actually or your virus that was introduced.
And in most cases, it doesn't actually pan out to be like that.
And when you look at it, there's a problem in that because once you start taking fetuses or animals, you are already taking the life that is actually in that body.
Remember, the life of flesh is actually in the blood.
And by contact of such, you are almost contaminating the person that you're actually injecting
And in this case, remember, there are so many definitions to vaccines.
Sometimes they are just introducing foreign objects that are not even actually diseases.
For example, that's how they want to actually introduce the different tools to actually monitor.
Just introducing your system and then they can do what they want to do.
So it's an experiment upon experiment upon experiment?
Sure, it's an experiment upon an experiment upon an experiment.
There is a problem with this because when you look at the idea of plant parenthood or harvesting body parts or baby parts in the light, it is more spiritual than it is actually physical.
When you look at the value of Megiddo, where the war for Megiddo is actually going to happen.
In the olden times it was called Gehenna because this is where they used to go and do those sacrifice of baby sacrifices.
And it's beyond just receiving it.
And you look at it even as of today or in the future God is saying destruction should always be in that place of Megito because of what has happened.
Well, all right.
Now, just quickly, let's have a look at this story.
According to vaccine history, vaccine development, testing and regulation is a long and complex process, often lasting 10 to 15 years.
Across the world, more than 100 COVID-19 vaccines are currently being developed.
With one European pharmaceutical company predicting you could have one ready to go into production globally as early as September.
Well, here's Dr. Anthony Vauci-Fauci himself.
Saying that, it takes at least seven years to develop a successful vaccine.
Let me repeat that part.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said what?
It takes at least seven years to develop a successful vaccine.
Listen to him saying it.
Mike, please.
It depends on the vaccine and the situation in which you're doing it.
Laboring under some gross misapprehension says a result of some of the information that's out there.
Dr. Fauci, what's the average comp to develop a vaccine?
Mike, please.
It depends on
It depends on the vaccine and the situation in which you're doing it.
If you're developing a vaccine in the middle of an outside, I'm just asking, what's the average?
About seven years.
All right.
And what was the fastest we've ever done?
What's the quickest the vaccine's been developed today?
Well, there's probably, I think, the Zika vaccine which we developed was about a year and a half.
But it was never brought to full fruition because Zika kind of disappeared.
And said there is a vaccine, what's the probability that a vaccine comes to market, actually?
If it's successful, it's a high probability.
Just saying, all these vaccines we got out there being developed, what's the probability they're going to make market entry?
There are more failures than there are successes, about 6%, right?
What's the chance that even with a vaccine, this virus will be eradicated?
And I'd look to flu for a little bit of an example, influenza.
How effective is that vaccine?
The influenza vaccine is very, because the virus changes rapidly.
Much like this virus.
We don't know that yet.
Well, we already know it's mutated, right?
Yeah, that doesn't make any difference.
All RNA viruses mutate.
That doesn't mean they change.
Well, if I was a mother,
or a hard work in American citizen.
I'm trying to bank on my family's future.
How long do I wait?
I'm very worried that many, many Americans are waiting until there is a vaccine, maybe a year and a half at best, out there.
And that's going to be the panacea.
And they're all going to be OK.
I think that's a terrible, terrible miscalculation.
I'm not playing anybody here, but it's a terrible miscalculation
on the part of many Americans, and I'm gonna stay home, not go to work, not send my kid to school, and I'm gonna hunker down, and I'm gonna be okay, I'll just wait for that vaccine.
I think we have to start talking in terms of vaccine as one of many tools in the toolbox so you don't end up in particular problems.
Dr. Redfield.
I agree with you completely.
Well, I need to get out there a little bit more.
Dr. Redfield, to that end, I'm very concerned with the school year coming up.
All right, so let me just quickly read this to you.
The five stages of vaccine development, right?
Stage number one, that is a discovery and research stage.
It takes about two to five years and up to about a hundred potential vaccines, right?
Stage two, which is a preclinical stage, it takes about two years with
20 potential vaccines.
Then we go to the third which is the clinical development.
Now the clinical development it takes about one to two years and about what 10 potential vaccines then still in that stage three
It's got different stages as well.
Within the stage three, it has three different stages.
So the first one, which is phase one, which is the safe phase, takes about one to two years.
And then the phase two, which is to activate an immune response, it takes two to three years, right?
Which has about five potential vaccines to it.
And then we have the phase three, which is the Protect Against the Disease stage, and it takes about two to four years and one potential vaccine.
Then stage four, which is the regulatory review and then approved, right?
It takes about one to two years, and that is one vaccine.
And then eventually we have stage five, which is the final stage that is manufacturing and delivery.
All of these are more than seven years plus.
at least seven years.
The same Dr. Anthony Fauci comes and says that there's now a potential vaccine for COVID-19 in under six months.
Do you get it?
He's contradicted himself.
Unless he's admitting to say they've been working on this vaccine for over a year.
Of course, that's what they're doing.
That's what they've been doing.
They already knew.
In fact, this just confirms the fact that they always knew about this virus.
takes me back to the question asked by Pastor Chris, where do viruses come from?
It was man-made already fully knowing what the plan would be.
Now, he even said so, Pastor Chris said so.
They would tell you that, oh, we found a magical vaccine, all right?
In less than a year.
And then because the whole world is reeling from this COVID-19 debacle, people are going to be excited and they would want the vaccine.
But what really is the vaccine?
What do they have in there?
And while they teach, send some of them to actually do your population control.
Because when you look at it, I don't think the ones that are coming to Africa, Southeast Asia, are actually vaccines that would help anyone.
In any case, the one to actually affect their probe.
Because remember, you are dealing with a case where gene modification is something that the antichrist would want to do.
This happened before, where you had people who, from angels to men, they created giants who were problematic to an extent, got it to eradicate the whole world.
And in this case, he's also looking for an opportunity to say, can go do it for the rest of humanity.
And you know, it's a pain to the load to actually do so.
But you have to actually do it.
And in this case, one way to do it is gene modification.
Like we are seeing the chimpanzee vaccine.
It's not even a vaccine.
It's actually a chimpanzee gene modification to that I'm using.
That's it.
So this just shows you how much of a debacle this is, really.
Dr. Anthony Fauci and his cohorts and all the lies that they've been spitting to the whole world.
I keep asking the question, who do they think they're telling this to?
That people will not be able to process this information.
You see, people are not listening.
So when people process the information and they start asking questions, you're muzzled with the load.
That's it.
You're not supposed to actually... You're not supposed to ask questions.
And the unfortunate thing is they have never seen the church acting the way it's acting so they are sure.
Well, let me tell you, Pastor Chris said something very interesting this evening.
He said this is not the church of the olden times.
It's the church for now.
And the now is a fire church right now.
You see the information?
We have it, that's it, pound for pound.
The wisdom is high.
We're just operating from a very high level.
From a very, very high level, we cannot be bombozled.
But anyway, here is some more of the debacle.
So after we've established that the vaccine takes about at least seven years, plus before a vaccine can be developed, you know, against a virus.
The World Health Organization has come out again.
Remember they've been digging graves?
They have been saying all sorts of things that showed us celebrities and public figures that have been infected by this COVID-19 so as to send a message.
So now here's another message that is sending.
The World Health Organization has warned that there could be no return to normalcy at any time soon as too many countries were bungling their response to the
Coronavirus pandemic.
So after a daily record of about 230,000 new cases of the COVID-19 were reported to the WHO on Sunday, the United Nations Health Agency said the pandemic was only going to get worse.
And this people stuck to the basics of physical distancing, hand washing, and of course wearing masks.
WHO achieved Tedros at home, Gabrielle Seuss warned that countries that were easing their way out of the lockdowns were now witnessing
a resurgence of the virus because they were not following proven methods to reduce the risk.
So he said mixed messages from leaders were undermining trust and he said there were four scenarios playing out around the world.
There were countries that were elite and avoided large outbreaks.
Those that got a major outbreak under control and those that ease restrictions and of course the lies go on.
I will not finish on that.
But this is just to tell you exactly how they are playing with people's minds.
So they want to introduce
another face, another wave, right?
So this is how they start.
They feed us with all these lies, and then people's minds are conditioned that people are dying.
Can we listen to some messages from our viewers?
Oh yes, we've got some messages here.
So we've got one message here from Ontario Canada.
They say, hello.
Regarding control, you are correct.
Anyone that has an Apple Watch, like I do, is somewhat controlled.
It tells you when to stand, seat and breath.
I have trained myself not to respond now.
I don't really know why I got it.
I'm watching you from Ontario, Canada.
Love always.
And then Stamps of From Centurion say his greetings beloved.
My name is Stamps of From Centurion.
On the issue of 1.5 million graves, it is just the manifestation of the character of the devil.
How do they know that people in housing will be buried at that specific site?
Does this mean families will no longer have a say as to where their loved ones are being buried?
As I understand each area has a grave site, this is just another ploy to do corruption.
Someone got a tender to dig these graves.
Lastly, how can graves be dug long before someone dies?
Who is going to maintain these graves?
When it rains and these graves are closed up, are they going to pay for someone else to dig them again?
This is madness.
It is actually gone on rampage.
Thank God for Pastor Chris Lovehold and the Church of Jesus Christ.
Praise God.
And then Shalom Lovel from South Africa says, Thank you so much for informing us about the dangers of wearing a face mask for a long time.
I used to think it's a protective measure against COVID-19 like most of the people think.
I advise my friends at school not to put on masks for prolonged periods of time.
I also share God's word with them through TVO.
That is the teenager's devotional... Yes, that's it, the reality.
Thank you so much and I love you.
That's the message from Shalom.
And then this one is from Pastor's Boo from Cape Town.
He says, Good evening, Chronicles of Prophecy.
Thank you so much for your work and the work that you're doing.
We are very grateful.
On Saturday, one of my friends here in Cape Town reminded me about a visit made by Bill Gates here in Cape Town for the tennis tournament, for charity which held at Cape Town Stadium on the 7th of February 2020.
Players, we're Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal.
Trevor Noah was also there and the RSA that is the South African president graced the tournament with his presence.
And later on, we are hearing that the numbers of COVID-19 cases here in Cape Town are actually escalating uncontrollably, which is something that is strange.
Is there a connection somewhere about the visit Bill Gates made, the tournament and the increase in number of cases in Cape Town?
We asked ourselves exactly the same question.
We even spoke about it right here and we said, what was that visit all about?
But this is how events are turning up.
But you know what?
We need to pray and say our goodbyes.
But today, praise God.
Let's pray.
Father, we thank you.
We thank you for your grace, we thank you for your love.
Further, we thank you for such a time as this, as the church is praying.
We thank you for teaching us about the mystery of Christ.
That has emboldened us to preach this gospel, to speak this world, to the ends of the world for the God, as everybody is listening and as we are winning souls to Christ, and reveling the truths that you have been teaching us as led by the Holy Spirit through our dear men of God, Reverend Dr. Chris Oyakalone.
Father, we thank you that as the world is planning all this evil, the Church of Jesus Christ.
is leading.
It is leading and it is munching on and no demon Asha from hell for the God will ever stop the church.
We really, really thank you for the God and praise you for giving us the wisdom to lead the wisdom to speak, especially in this times.
We thank you for the minds of the different governments that are changing.
We thank you for the confusion that is in the air.
amongst the perpetrators.
We thank you for the God that this whole thing has turned out to be a total disaster for them.
And that it will not go anywhere.
The church will not be stopped.
People are getting back to their houses of worship.
People are getting back to praising and preaching the Word of God.
We are going out in our numbers and we will not be stopped.
Policy is changing.
in favor of the church.
For the guidance, we just want to thank you for this beautiful, beautiful time as we are in the season two of phase two of Your Love Ward like broadcast and we are fitting from the Spirit.
Yes Lord.
Thank you.
In Jesus' name we pray.
All right.
So we have to say our goodbyes.
We'll see you tomorrow.
Thank you and God bless you.