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Who is the Spirit

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the untold.
A message for the whole world!
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
Today, I want to talk to you about the Holy Spirit.

Because you see, most of the church all over the world still doesn't understand
the Word of God concerning the Holy Spirit, and most don't even know the person of the Holy Spirit.
And yet no one could receive salvation without the Holy Spirit.
Nobody could ever live the Christian life without the Holy Spirit.
There's no genuine Christian life without the Holy Spirit.
Receiving the Holy Spirit into your life is compulsory.
I know there are those who talk about, you know, they're seeking power from the Holy Spirit all the time, that they're crying, oh God, give me more power.
Some are waiting for a 90 number two and a 90 number three and a 90 number four.
Double announcing and so and so forth double portion They will are waiting for the double portion All kinds of things But a lot of times because they do not understand the Word of God concerning the Holy Spirit And it's sad because When you don't understand the Word of God you walk in the dark
There are certain areas in the church that we try not to rock, because they believe some of these terrible things for so long.
And you just wonder, when you started the Word of God, you wonder how in the Word did they ever get there?
But Bible talks about, now, listen, it's so important that we are taught accurately the Word of God.
language matters.
If Jesus said, by thy words, you shall be justified and by thy words shall be condemned, then he's telling us the importance of language, the importance of words.
He changed the names of certain people in the Bible.
I told you yesterday, he changed the names of people, Old Testament, he changed the names of people, New Testament.
If the names didn't matter, why did they change their names?
So words matter.
And because of our lack of understanding in these things, we find ourselves going in the wrong direction, and some people have lived in the wrong direction all their lives.
And so they say, well, well, it's been working for me, so I don't want to change because it's been working for you.
It's not working, you just thought it was working.
If your ignorance brought you this far, imagine what your knowledge will take you.
See, many times we are not thinking of what we could have been, what we could have had.
We are so satisfied with what we know and what we have and what we are.
Never thinking what more could have happened.
Thank God you got this far, but think what could have happened if you knew better.
For example,
In the church, we say that there are two experiences that a Christian should have.
The first one is being born again, and then the second one is being baptized in the Holy Spirit.
I never use that term for what I know they mean.
Because when you study the Scriptures, you find it's not so.
And those who put it this way, when you're born again after that, then you baptize the Holy Spirit, they are the ones who are seeking more power all the time from God.
They are the ones who are praying and fasting and looking for power from God.
They are the ones who are crying for more power because they have their theology mixed up.
In nowhere in the scripture, does he make the baptism of the Spirit a second experience?
I want to show you some scriptures in a moment.
The Bible teaches that when you are born again, that is the baptism of the Spirit.
Are you hearing me?
Get this into you.
When you get this into you, you will live in a higher life.
Get it into you and get it straight.
Study the scriptures properly.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is actually what is meant by the new birth.
Now, for several of you here, that will completely kick your theology.
And make you like, whoa, whoa, what am I hearing?
Ask yourself, this one that you have believed all your life.
Have you ever studied the subject?
The truth is, you have never studied it.
You have always heard it and you have always spoken it that way.
I have studied the subject.
When I finish, you go and study the subject too.

Being born again is what is meant by the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Now, you see, in Matthew's Gospel chapter 3, when you read from verse 11, there's something
that John, John the Baptist said.
He said, I indeed baptize with water.

He said, but the one who comes after me shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
Notice, he said, I baptize with water.
He said, the one who's coming, that's Jesus, will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
I baptize with water.
Now, join the Baptist's leaves in the Old Testament.
The leaves, according to the Old Testament, there was no New Testament when John the Baptist leaves because the Testament must be ratified with blood.
And it was the blood of Jesus that sealed the new one because there has to be the death of the testicle.
and Jesus is a testator.
Until he died, there was no New Testament.
So John the Baptist lived before Jesus died.
So the ministry of John the Baptist was based on the Old Testament.
So meaning that the baptism that he brought was a sign.
So what was it for shadowing?
Now the word baptize, the very word baptize is an untranslated
Word in a New Testament.
It's a Greek word.
It's a borrowed word in English.
The Greek word is Batizo.
It means to immerse, to dip into, like a dip someone completely in water.
That's the meaning of the word Batizo.
So the English has taken it
and called it baptize.
So when you see it in your Bible, you find the word baptize.
So we borrowed it from the Greek language.
And of course, there are many English words that are borrowed from Latin or Greek and so on.
You still there?
What's the baptism of John signify?
He dipped them into the water.
He said, I baptize you on to repentance.
He dipped them into the water and brought them out.
Now, after you're born again, you're baptized in water.
When you started the book of Acts, you would find that, believe us with baptized in water.
What did they tell you that what a baptism meant?
They told you it signified the death, burial,
And resurrection, that when you were dipped into the water, it signified his death and burial.
And now when you were brought out, it signified his resurrection.
If that is true, that that's what water baptism signifies.
What is that thing?
When you are brought out, what does it tell you?
Let's read the Bible.
You ready?

Romans 6.
So you've got to nail this thing once and for all.
You ready for it?
From verse 1, what shall we say then?
Shall we continue in sin that grays me abound?
God forbid, how shall we that are dead to sin?
Look at it, dead to sin, live any longer therein.
No, he not that so many of us as we baptized into Jesus Christ, we baptized into His death.
Therefore, we are buried with Him by baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so, we also should walk in newness of life.
So when you are brought out, what happens?
You walk in newness of life.
What is newness of life?
That's a new birth.
He says, haven't been dead and raised back to life like Christ.
He says, now walk in newness of life.
Walk with this eternal life that you have now.
That's what he says.
There's no way in the scripture.
When you study throughout the New Testament, there's no way in the scripture that he relates the baptism of the spirit as his second experience.
It is the first.
It is the new birth.
Now, the work is to immerse, to dip into.
When you look at this, can we read something from the day of Pentecost?
How it all started?
The book of Acts.
He says, my people perish for the lack of knowledge.
Why is it that so many things that the Bible tells us what will experience, what will witness, what will do, what will perform?
Why are we not finding these things?
Because of a lack of understanding of the Scriptures.
When you get your understanding straightened out, you'll have the results.
Acts chapter 2.
I want you to notice something very well.
Now, many times we think that the disciples of Jesus were born again
when Jesus ministered.
All the time they walked with Jesus, they were not born again.
It was not possible at that time to be born again.
Because the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the first begotten of the dead.
He is the first born among many brethren.
And the day he was born again was the day he was raised back to life from the dead.
So he's called the first born from the dead.
So if Jesus Christ was the first to be born again by His resurrection, it means that His disciples were not born again before then.
And that's a fact.
And I'll show you something in the Bible in a moment.
Okay, I'll accept the two.
I want you to notice from verse one.
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a Russian mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
Where did he feel?
Dr. Mihueh.
All the house where the West's sitting.
The whole house was filled with the spirits.
This was the day the Holy Spirit came from heaven to begin his dispensation, his ministry to the church.
This was the day he came.
He administered from time to time behind a scene.
But this was his day.
Jesus had gone.
He said, I'll pray the Father, and he shall send you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever, even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive.
He said, the world, the non-Christian cannot receive him.
We'll talk about that in a moment.
Now, that Holy Spirit, according to this book from verse 2, suddenly there came a sound from heaven.
So He came on a definite day, at a definite time, in a definite way.
They were sitting in one accord.
Everywhere was quiet.
And suddenly He says, suddenly.
So there was no question of we didn't know when He came.
There came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind.
And it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And they appeared unto them, cloven tongues, like a sapphire.
And it sat upon each of them.
And they were all feared with the Holy Ghost.
Two things.
Number one, the room was filled.
They were in the room.
As it were, they were immersed in the spirits.
That was the first thing that happened.
He said, you'll be baptized with the Holy Ghost.
You'll be immersed into the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost surrounded them.
The Holy Ghost baptized them.
They were dipped into the Holy Ghost.
They were immersed into the Holy Ghost.
Then the second thing that happened was the Holy Spirit entered into them and feel them.

These are the two experiences.
Being baptized in the Spirit and being filled with the Spirit.
When you are baptized in the Spirit and that is being born again, your body becomes the temple of God prepared as his house.
Then he comes to live inside you.
Oh, come on here.

This was what happened.
He says, and they were feared, verse 4, with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirits gave them order arms.
Now, something happened in Acts chapter 11.
Let's go to Acts chapter 11.
Peter went to the house of a man to preach, and he tells us what happened there.
Of course, the account itself is given in chapter 10, but now Peter tells the story himself, and I want you to listen to his story.

From verse 15, Acts chapter 11, Peter says this, and as I began to speak.
Now, you remember he was in the house of Cornelius, the Roman centurion.
He had gone there to preach the word.
The man had seen an angel.
who asked him to send for Peter and he did and Peter came and preached to him and preached to his family and this happened, verse 15.
And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, asked on us at the beginning, the beginning.
Now I checked the Greek translation
When you look through your interlinear, it says, at the beginning.
Some versions say, as are the first.
But it's trying to let you know that that was the beginning.
At the beginning, beginning of what?
Beginning of this new dispensation.
The beginning of the church.
And that's what Paul tells us in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 13.
He says, by one spirit, are we all baptized into one body?
Until the Holy Ghost came, it was not possible for any man to be baptized into the body of Christ.
There was no body of Christ.
He was by the Holy Ghost, and he came on the day of Pentecost.
That day they were born again.
That day they received the Holy Spirit into them.
Now, you don't find Peter
Talking about baptism, any other time, outside of this, you don't find poor using the term in that way.
In Acts 19, when you read, he was an Ephesus.
He met certain disciples, what they said to them, have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?
They said, we haven't even heard that there is any Holy Ghost.
He said, on to what then were you baptized?
You see it?
Then they said, it's John's baptism.
He thought they would believe us, and they would believe us.
But they only heard of John's baptism.
So if they would believe us in Jesus Christ, they should have been born again, which means baptized in the Holy Ghost.
So say, how could you have baptized in what then?
That's what He was asking them.
He said, on to what then?
On to what then?
Were you baptized?
He should have been baptized under the Spirit.
So if you have not even heard that there is any Holy Spirit onto what then were you baptized?
Then he said, we only heard of John's baptism.
The Bible says from there he began to explain to them the gospel of Jesus Christ.
After that he baptized them in water.
They received Christ.
They were baptized in the Holy Ghost.
Then he laid hands on them and they received the Spirit and began to speak in other tongues and prophesy.
Where did the church get this idea from?
That's why they're always sicking.
Sicking power.
Oh God, filming power.
Oh God, give me... When you get double portion of money, everybody's going there again.
Listen, the second experience is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Where the Holy Spirit comes to make His home in you.
Now, if the Holy Spirit is truly living inside you, there is no other power that you will ever need.
Because the very source of power himself has come to reside in you.
That's why he said, you are of God, little children.
You have overcome your enemies.
He said, because he is in you.
He said, he is coming upon you.
He said, he is in you.
Then he that is in the world.
When you have that, you will not seek another one.
You will know what you have.
You will know who you are.
Thank you, Holy Spirit of God.
This is so important.
Why does the church go in these different directions?
It's the same reason for which they have met the dove.
They are simple.
Everybody's now worshiping the dove.
It's terrible.
This is idolatry.
And it has to leave the church.
He told him in the Old Testament, he said, when I spoke to you, you saw no form.
Therefore, do not liken me to any image.
Why are we using dove as the so-called symbol of the Holy Spirit?
The Bible doesn't say so.
The Bible says the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus in the form of a dove, not in the shape of a dove.
He descended in the way, the way that the dove descends.
That's what he was talking about.
It was his descent that was being described.
He said, I saw him in a figure.
I saw him in a figure descend as a dove.

Listen, remember, remember this disciples who recorded these things were Jews.
There's no way they would have said they saw a dove in the place of Holy Spirit.
Because the Jewish people would reject that message completely.
What they said was, we saw Him in a figure.
Because Spirit is wind.
So you cannot say, I saw Spirit, except there was a figure.
Just say, I saw Him in a figure, in bodily shape, descend as a dove would descend.
He didn't say in the ship that resembles a dove.

This is very, very important.
Because this limitation in our minds is what has given the church its limitation that is found itself in.
The church is a body of Christ.
The Holy Spirit does not look like a dove.
The Holy Spirit looks like you.
You look like the Holy Spirit.
What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?
He said, I will pray the Father, and He shall send you.
The brick was allos paracletos.
Meaning another one that is exactly like me.
A helper is standby.
One call to go alongside.
Allos means another one of the same kinds, in quality, in every way.
He said, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
Philip says, show us the Father and we'll be satisfied.
Jesus said, have you been such a long time with me and you haven't known me?
Anybody who has seen me has seen the Father.
What was Jesus saying?
I look like the Father.

For so many years, the church has walked in this darkness.
Every time is a dove.
See a dove flying, that's the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, like a dove.
When John saw the Spirit, what was the description?
He said, when I turned, I saw one, like unto the sort of man.
His hair has white as wool.
He was describing the Holy Ghost.
He looked like a glorified person, human being.
He had two legs, two hands, one head, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, not a dove.

Every time the spirit appeared to anybody, he appeared in the form of a man.

The Bible says he was the one who wrestled with Jacob.
What did he say?
A man wrestled with him.
When Daniel saw him, what did he say?
He called him the ancient of these.
He sat down.
His description matches the same description that John has.
None of them ever described him as a dog.
Luke didn't describe a dog.
John didn't describe a dog.
Matthew didn't describe a dog.
Are you hearing me?
It is us, based on our lack of understanding, that carried the picture of a dove everywhere, putting on our logos, on all our signs for the Holy Spirit, everywhere, on our Bibles, everywhere.
It is wrong, it's terrible.
Listen, the times of ignorance, God has overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent.
It's time to change it.

When we understand who the spirit is, we'll start looking at him like a perching bird.
You find the holy spirits.
When it takes over your life, you see, the second experience is the in feeling, the in dwelling.
First, it's like when you take a man and put him in a pool of water, he can be dipped inside the water, but that doesn't mean the water is inside him.
Is that correct?
So he's immersed in the water, he's baptized in the water, but the water needs to get into him.
So that immersion is the new birth.
The Holy Spirit, when you hear the Word of God, the Word of God goes to the Spirit of God.
You see, when you hear the Word of God, the Spirit of God surrounds you.
That's why you believe.
That's why you're no longer asking stupid questions like, how can the Virgin give birth to Jesus?
You don't ask stupid questions anymore.
You just believe.
You were not there, but you believe.
You didn't see him hanging on the cross, but you believe.
Because the Holy Spirit has cost you to believe.
At that moment, you hear it.
It is true.
You accept it.
You baptize in the Spirit.
And then you can receive the Holy Spirit to come and live inside you.
Holy Spirit of God comes to live in you.
And when He takes off His abode in you, that's the beginning of a new life.
I mean a new experience with God.
You see things differently.
You are empowered.
Remember what he said, King James gets it very well.
He said, he shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.
The receiving is after the Spirit has come upon you.

These things are so simple and in Scripture, but you see,
A lot of us, you know, we don't like to stay at the nest.
We don't like to trouble anybody.
We just, whatever it is, we just accept and continue, even though it's wrong.
The time comes where it has to be changed.
It just has to be changed.
It has to be changed.
And when they change it, they will have faith in what they already have.
Because many Christians are seeking what they already have.
They're looking for what already is in them.
Can something be better than Greta is in you?
In you.
Greta is he that is in you.
If that doesn't mean anything to you, I don't know what else it means something to you.
Greta is he that is in you.
He's telling you it doesn't matter what you encounter in life.
It doesn't matter what you face in life.
The warning side, you already have all the power that is necessary.

Your life has changed.
He said, the anointing which you have received of Him are by death in you.
They're known in the binds in you.
That anointing guides you.
That anointing leads you.
Now, there's something that many of us would easily agree with.
and I'm even sure that some of you are waiting for me to say that, I would say to make you comfortable.
But I shall tell you something, we'll respect you it.
You know they say that there is the empowerment for service that is different from the empowerment for life, right?
That there is no other coming upon you after the Spirit has come to live in you.
So if you're talking about special service,
That is the special service he has come to do.
That's why he came into your life.
Now, when you are calling to an office, are you hearing me?
You have to understand two things.
There are gifts and there are callings.
Now, when you're called, maybe as an evangelist, there are things that God wants you to do.
That calling, that office,
is what has that grace.
That's why every time you function with respect to that office, all the things connected with that office will work.
So it's not another empowerment of the Spirit.
It is the power of that office.

Come on here.
Are you hearing me?
So it is not true that there is another endowment for service.
There's no other endowment for service.
It is that calling that you have, whatever the office is, that office has its power.
That's why it's called an office.
It has its power.
So you function within that calling and it has its resource.
How many people did you see in the Bible?
Who, after receiving the Holy Spirit, received another Spirit?
No, tell me.
Why is your own different?
No, why are you looking for more?
Why is your own different?
The one you already got, God told you there was no limit.
Which one are you looking for?
Pharaoh says, he whom God has sent.
Speak at the words of God.
For God give it not the Spirit by measure unto him.
What else you want?
Jesus said, as my father has sent me, even so send I you, meaning the same way he was granted the Holy Spirit in full, is how you have been granted the Holy Spirit in full.
Otherwise, we are not sent as the Father sent in.
You see that Jesus lied to us, or he told the truth, and I believe he told the truth.
See, the problem with many Christians is that they assume so many things.
They have not studied the Scriptures.
They don't have time to study the Scriptures.
And so they argue and live in the ignorance and it's terrible.
Tell somebody to wake up.
Come alive.
Come alive to God's truth.
Come alive to God's truth.
See, we all have one Bible.
It is not true that the churches have so many different interpretations.
It's not true.
Let no man deceive you.
The Word of God is very simple.
If you open it, you will see it yourself.
So it's not true that there are so many different... The reason for so many different interpretations is because so many people have not looked at the truth.
Everybody has an assumption.
Open the Bible and start studying.
You will come to the same conclusion.
You will come to the same conclusion.
Accept something that you have received in parts.
You see, there is what you call full absolute knowledge, epignosis.
Are you hearing me?
There is an epignosis of the Word of God, and that is what God wants us to have.
So, when you have a partial knowledge of it, that's okay, but you can only live to it to a certain degree.
Now when Paul said we know in part and we prophesy in part, what do you think he was talking about?
He's not saying that God's not giving us all knowledge concerning certain things.
You see, when we start prophesying now, we can't finish the prophecy till the day ends.
You understand?
So prophesy in part, and we have a certain part, and we go do some other things, but the whole prophecy is not finished.
So we know in part, why?
Not because we can't, but what in person was the will of God.
He said the will of God is the epignosis of God and his kingdom.
The full absolute knowledge where there are no assumptions.
That's what the Holy Spirit has come to impact.
If you let him, he'll be your teacher.
He was sent to teachers.
He was sent to teachers so that we can live as masters in this world, so we can live a life of absolute and constant and continuous victory.
Never been defeated.
And Satan will no longer have mastery over us, break ourselves out of the unnecessary throne of Satan and walk.
Like the Bible says, in newness of life.
In newness of life.
To thank your Lord Jesus.
To thank your Lord Jesus.
You see, I'll show you some today in the church, there's a mentality of the poor, and there's a mentality of the rich.
In the same way, successful people have a mentality.
And people who constantly fail in life have a mentality.
Where do we get our mentality from?
It's our upbringing.
That shows what the Bible says from a child.
You can tell what someone is going to be.
It says from a child.
You can tell.
How do you tell?
From the kind of mentality he's developing.
From the mind sets that he's developing.
You can tell he's programming.
Somebody said, Pass of Chris preaches prosperity.
That's not true.
That's not true.
I don't preach prosperity.
The one who only heard it as prosperity, who was not listening.
You see it?
Say, Pass of Chris only preaches healing.
That means you were not listening.
If you were listening, you wouldn't say that.
What I'm preaching to you is Christ.
Are you hearing me?
Christ, I am showing you what Christ has become in you.
That is what I'm showing you.
That's what I'm showing you.
A life of victory.
Because Christ has come.
Listen, He came to do a certain work.
He came to save sinners.
He came to give them life.
He came to bring them out of darkness into God's marvellous lights.
Okay, okay.
He has brought you out of darkness into His marvel.
You called it marvellous lights.
You sing the song, marvellous lights.
Are you now in the marvellous lights?
That means your life ought to be a marvel.

into God's marvelous light.
What does that mean?
You are the light of the world.
What does that mean?
You are fast class all the way.

So you ought to think like one and talk like one.
That's what it's all about.
The man suffered and died to give me
A life that's different from what I had before.
To give me a life he suffered for me that I should not suffer again.
Are you hearing me?
He died to give me life.
If it's true, then that's the gospel.
You're free.
Walk and live in joy.
That's what it's all about.
That's what Christianity is.
Christianity is the life from the dead.
Christianity is the life from the darkness.
No more walking in the darkness.

Now let's move forward.
How do we receive the Holy Spirit?
As an act of faith.
Is that right?
How many of you received Christ?
And you know you're born again.
Let me see your hand up.
You have received Christ and you know you're born again.
Wave it so I can see it.
Oh, I feel like singing.
I am glad I belong to Jesus.
I'm always so glad I belong to Jesus.
Are you glad you belong to Jesus?
Maybe we should sing it two times.
I am glad I belong to Jesus.
I belong to Jesus.
I belong to my Lord.
I am glad.
I belong to Jesus.
I belong to Jesus.
I belong to my Lord.
All right, let's look at something here.
When we were born again, we were born again through faith, all right?
Ephesians chapter 2, verse 8 says, for by grace are ye saved through faith, and that none of your serves, it is the gift of God.
Not of works, less than a man should boast.
All right, look at Romans chapter 1.
Verse 17, for therein is the righteousness of God reviewed from faith to faith.
As it is written, the just, the righteous shall live by faith.
See, we were born again by faith and we ought to live by faith.
In 2 Corinthians 5 and 7 it says, for we walk by faith, not by sight.
So we live by faith.
The righteous lives by faith.
You cannot live any other way.
You cannot live any other way.
Your life is a continuous life of faith.
You cannot live any other way.
Look at it.
It says the just shall live by faith.
There's no other way.
So I said, I want to use my faith to get it.
Well, you ought to already believe in by faith.
It's your lifestyle.
Every day you live a life of faith.
Every day.
Praise God.
Praise God.
All right.
Now, let us examine something.
I'm going to read to you from the amplified version of the moment talking about the Holy Spirit.
Would you turn to St.
John's gospel chapter number 14?
Are you there?
You are wonderful.

I want to read to you from St.
John's Gospel chapter number 14, beginning with verse 15.
Maybe you should read it to me.
Want to go.
Verse 16.

Verse 17.

Jesus said, the world cannot receive him.
He said, because the world does not know him.
He said, but you know him, for he dwelt with you.
There he said, and he shall be in you.
When the day of Pentecost came, he came into them.
The spirit of truth.
The spirit of reality.
That's what he was talking about.
You will no longer chase shadows.
You will now have reality.
You will have new values.
The things that used to matter to you before will no longer matter because now you have the spirit of reality.
No longer will you chase shadows.
No longer will you leave an empty life.
No longer will you go at the worldly pursuits.
The spirit of reality has come to live in you.
Can you share a man somebody?
That's why people can understand how can we put so much money into the work of God.
They can understand it.
We have new values.
Our thinking has changed.
When I was a student, I bought a lot of Christian books.
I listened to tapes.
You see, why were those things important to me?
Because I'd received the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit of Truth.
The Spirit of Reality.
No more chasing shadows.
You see, when the Holy Spirit comes to live inside you, you that used to stop somewhere, when you're coming from work, and you go and drink and drink before going home.
After the Holy Spirit has come, you will stop it, and get up here.
Because you have tested the new wine of the Holy Ghost, can you shout Him in somebody?
The spirit of reality.
Those things that matter to other people will mean nothing to you now.
You have new ideas.
You have new dreams.
The spirit of reality.
All your mates are going that way.
And they are dancing the wrong dance.
But you are here.
Oh, look at that girl.
Life has changed.
Somebody say hallelujah.
On Sunday morning, many are watching football.
You carry your Bible.
You are going to church all glory to God.
Now they are saying they don't understand you anymore.
Your cousin says he doesn't understand you anymore.
Your uncle says he doesn't understand you anymore.
The Bible says they don't know the spirits.

They say, what are they doing at the stadium?
What are they doing at the stadium?

Oh my God!
Your life has changed.
Because the Holy Spirit has taken over your life.
Tell somebody I'm different, I'm different, I'm different.

Can I tell you something?
When you receive the Holy Spirit, if you were a liar, you become a liar with a difference.
If you were a soldier, then soldier would get different.
If you were a policeman, a policeman would get different.
If you were a politician, a politician would get different.
Can you shout amen?

Let's look at the Bible.

The power of the Holy Spirit is called the power of progress.
It's called lifting power.
That was what Peter had.
He said, Siva and God, have I known?
But such as I have, I give you, in the land of Jesus of Lazarus.
He said, rise up.

Let's look at this thing now.
Sit down for a moment.
John chapter 14, we're ready in the King James Version.
And I'll read it one more time to you and then I'll explain something.
from verse 16, and I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter.
That place I told you that Greek used there, the word for another is alos, and the word comforter is paracletus.
So He said, He will pray the Father, and He shall give you alos paracletus.
Alos means another, there are two Greek words translated another in the New Testament.
The first one is heteros.
Heteros means another one of a different kind.
The second word is alos.
Alos means another one of the same kind.
So Jesus didn't say, he shall give you heteros paraclitus.
He said he shall give you alos paraclitus.
another one of the same kind.
Now Paracatos literally means one that is called to go with you together, to walk alongside.
You see that?
So, but there are seven words, seven synonyms that are in this word Paracatos.
If you use the amplified version of the Bible, you'll see all seven words.
So I'm going to read from the amplified for you now.
So you see what Jesus was talking about when he said, I'll pray the Father, and he shall give you allos paracletus.
Who is this paraclet?
Let's see.
You ready for it?
Or I'll read to you from the amplified version.
Hallelujah to Jesus Christ.
All right, if you really love me, you will keep my commands.
And I will ask the father, and he will give you another, uh-huh.
Number one, comforter.
Write it down, comforter, number one.
Number two, counselor.
The same word translated comforter in your Bible, which is paracletus.
is what is giving you other words that could have as well been translated from this.
Comforter, number one, number two, counselor, number three, helper, number four, inaccessible, number five, advocate, number six, strengthener,
And number seven, stand by.
Now, these seven words are so important.
Is it, I'll pray the Father, and He shall give you Allah's Parakletus.
He'll give you another comforter.

Why did they choose the word comforter?
Because he said, I will not leave you.
He chose the word of fanos, which was translated, comfortless.
I will not leave you, comfortless of fanos, meaning offense.
I will not leave you as offense.
I will not leave you without a father.
I will not leave you without a guide.
I will not leave you helpless.
You know when
Young people lose their parents.
It's a very terrible thing.
Prefer young people.
I yearnly.
Prefer children especially.
Prefer them all over the world and always be willing to help children.
It is so important.
When a child loses his father or mother,
That child suddenly is like someone thrown into the desert without a guide, without anybody to help, without someone to say, come, what do you want to study at school?
Nobody's asking.
No one says, how much do you need?
Nobody says, are you hungry?
Suddenly he's left, comfortless.
That's why it's important to help offense.
Because nobody can really know what it feels like until he becomes one.
And it's not good to become one before you are touched with the feeling of their infirmity.
Are you hearing me?
Even sometimes when a father is sick and completely incapacitated, he's unable to do anything.
You see, the house goes quiet.
It's terrible.
The house goes quiet.
It's a painful thing to have nobody to talk to.
You go out, you even know that someone is waiting for you and you're hurrying back.
Thank God, this one who has lost his parents, nobody is waiting for him.
He goes out, he doesn't matter when he comes back, so he doesn't even think whether he needs to come back.
It's a terrible life.
Become concerned about offense.
Are you hearing what I'm telling you?
It's very important.
May God empower you and enable you to help other people's children.
Did you say amen?
Yes, you will do it.
You will do it.
Even if it's only one person that you are able to help do it, it's worth it.
The day you stand before the Master, he will not forget.
He was so concerned, he said, I will not leave you comfortless.
So I'll come to you.
So when I get to the Father, I will ask Him to send you another comforter.
Want to take care of you.
Want to ask you things.
Want to teach you.
Want to talk to you.
To be with you so you can have fellowship.
So you'll not be alone in this world.
They call him a counselor.
That's the second thing there.
He talks to you.
He advises you.
He shares with you.
When you're thinking of what to do, there is no confusion.
The Holy Spirit speaks inside you.
Life has changed because you have received the Holy Spirit.
There is accurate instruction from within.
When you have the Holy Spirit, your life, listen, you, the defeat of the past is completely over.
And this Holy Spirit is a restorer.
You remember what Joe has said?
He said, in the last day he said, God, I'll part my spirit.
Now, he also said something.
He said, I will restore your wasted years.
He's so powerful.
He said, I will restore your wasted years.
He's the only one who looks at what you have done, even though you have wasted the resources, even though you have wasted time.
He can bring back everything.
The time lost will be restored to you.
No human being can do that for you.
No government can do that for you.
He said, I will restore that with the Kankawa Masiten, with the Palma Masiten, with the Lukas Masiten.
He said, I will restore your wasted years.
Can you shout Hallelujah?
I'm glad I have the Holy Spirit.
He said, when you miss the way, he said, you shall hear a voice behind you saying, stop!
This is the way, walking in it.
When you have the Holy Spirit, there is no such thing as too late.
No more too late in your life.
No more too late.
They said, Master, if you had been here four days ago, our brother would not have died.
He said, I am the resurrection and the line!
Now, the resurrection and the life was going away.
He said to his disciples, I will not leave you empty.
I will not leave you without a help.
The resurrection and the life will come back in the Holy Ghost.
And when the Holy Ghost came back, Peter came into the house of Docas.
He said, get up!
The dead woman came back to life.
There is no such thing as too late.
Can you shout amen somebody?
No too late with God.
Are you hearing me?
They said when you did that thing, you missed fire.
Yes, you missed fire.
Yes, you missed fire.
You did it wrongly, but the Bible says he's your advocate.
He said, I will pray the Father, and he shall send you our lost parachettos, another advocate, another lawyer.
Are you hearing me?
He's your lawyer.
He's a counselor for the defense.
Can you show him and somebody?
Paccata, lem waya.
Are you in trouble?
Don't worry.
Are you in trouble?
I said, don't worry.
The counselor for the defense, who stand up calling you, can you shower and then survive?
He will bring you out of trouble.
Oh, Hallelujah.
He will speak for you.
He will speak through you.
There will be such wisdom coming out of you that no one will be able to resist the wisdom which you speak.
Jesus said, how pray the Father, and He shall send you another comforter that He may abide with you forever, even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because the world see at Him not.
He said, but you know Him, for He dwelt with you, paraleco salamaha.
He dwelleth with you and shall be higher and shall be inside you.
Every fiber of your being, every bone of your body.
Can you shout Hallelujah somebody?
Tell somebody I'm not an ordinary person.
Are you facing anything?
Are you facing any crisis?
Do you know what to do?
The Holy Ghost has the idea.
The Holy Ghost has the wisdom.
The Holy Ghost knows our things.
What is the fifth one?
He's your intercessor.
You know the Bible tells us in Romans 8,
When you read from verse 26, write it down.
He says, likewise, the Spirit also helped back our infemities.
For we know not what to pray for as we ought.
He says, we don't know the details of the case.
We don't know everything we need to know about the situation as we ought to know.
Except for the Holy Ghost.
Praise, he makes intercession for the saints with groanings that cannot be uttered with deep size.
We may not be able to order them in articulate speech.
Have you ever found yourself when you're praying?
Those are groanings.
He's not there talking about speaking in tongues.
Because in speaking in tongues is another language in articulate speech.
It is a heavenly language in articulate speech.
But when you're growing in the spirits, and the Holy Ghost is making an intercession for the saints, he goes, you hold your stomach, tears are coming out, you don't know why.
It's not because you're feeling any pain, but you are crying there.
Somebody says, why are you crying?
You say, I don't know, but something is walking inside me.
Hallelujah, I know you're a girl.
Something is walking inside me.
Listen, there are many things that people go through in their lives and in their families that you don't need to go through.
If only you will respond.
You see, the Holy Spirit does not pray for you on His own.
He has to do it inside you.
So you must give Him the opportunity to pray like this inside you, to be the intercessor in you.
He doesn't do it outside you.
The Holy Spirit on His own does not pray for you.
He does it from you.
He uses your voice.
He uses your body.
He uses your own groaning to do it.
Sometimes when you feel like it, don't put it down.
Don't quench it.
That's what the Bible says, quench not the spirits.
Are you hearing me?
Sometimes you get up.
You have this deep feeling inside that you should pray.
You go down and words are not coming out.
You just... Continue!

As you break down like that in the power of the spirits, matters are being settled in sensitive quarters.
Things are happening.
Maybe someone that is close to you is in trouble.
Maybe something is happening to somebody that you know.
It might even concern you.
It might be something that is about to happen tomorrow or next week.
But the Holy Spirit has taken charge.
And this prayer going on inside you, he's doing successful.
And the Bible says,
And he that searches the hearts, knows the mind of the spirits, for he make it in that session, for the saints according to the will of God, and then the next verses, and we know!
Because of this kind of intercession, we know that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are the cards according to his purpose.
nor disappointment for the child of God.
What are you facing in your life?

Thank God for the Holy Ghost.
I said, thank God for the Holy Ghost.
He has made us masters of our circumstances of life.
Can you shout Hallelujah somebody?
Oh, glory.
I will never be defeated in my life.
Look, you are getting greater and greater and greater and greater and greater.
He's your helper.
I don't know whether you have experienced this or not.
But when the Holy Spirit has your help, it takes over your life.
Sometimes you are doing the homework.
You have forgotten something.
The Holy Spirit brings it to your understanding.
Are you hearing what I'm telling you?
Maybe you are working.
Suddenly the job becomes easier.
You can't explain it.
He's your helper.
Do you have this helper in your home?
You know what?
He will help you in your finances.
He will help you in taking care of your family.
The Holy Ghost is a helper.
Oh, glory to God.
I am not helpless.
I am not helpless.
Many of us are looking for somebody to help us, to get into a certain office.
The Holy Ghost is your helper!
He can help you get that job.
He can help you get that int of you, darling.
He can help you.
Can you shout Hallelujah?
Say it again, I'll never be defeated in my life.
Go away.
Number six.
Number six.
The Holy Ghost is your strengthener.
Ah, this is wonderful.
I said, this is wonderful.
He is your strengthener.
Have you ever found yourself in a weak situation?
Have you ever found yourself unable to get up?
Have you ever found yourself looking for strength?
You say, I don't know.
I feel so weak.
Sometimes it's spiritual weakness.
Sometimes it's physical weakness.
But this Holy Ghost is your strength now.
You know, the Bible tells us how that he has given us a second language.
We speak in tongues.
Speaking in tongues does something for you.
The Bible says he that speak it in an unknown tongue, edifies himself.
He strengthens himself.
He builds up himself.
He says he's building an edifice.
He's charging himself.
Before I came for this meeting, I was strengthened by the Holy Ghost.
I spoke in other tongues.
I spoke in other tongues.

I was charged on the inside.
Are you still there?
Every day, I speak in other tongues.
I am scared from within.
I am strengthened on the inside.
In the gorillas.
By miracle-working ability.
Can you shout hallelujah?
No wonder I said, who is he that will come in the world?
But he that believes that Jesus is a Christ.
Because that's the one that has the Holy Ghost.
When you are full of the Spirit like that, you can say, I'm not moved by what I see.
I'm not moved by what I see.
I'm only moved by the Word of God.
I'm only moved by the Word of God.
I'm straining.
I said, I'm straining.
Because the Holy Ghost is my strainer now.
The last one, the number seven, he said, is your standby.
Your standby.

when everything you know fails you, when your mind has failed you, when your education has failed you, when your job has failed you, when your family has failed you, you are a stand-by going to jail.

The time comes in life when everything we studied fails us.
The time comes when all the books we read fail us.
And we don't know what to do on our own.
At that moment, there's a standby.
He's like a standby generator with power.
Oh, hallelujah.
One day, I laid my hands on someone who could not walk.
He was there in the wheelchair, suffering so bad.
I laid ends on him when I was two.
I walked away.
I left him in the chair.
Because I knew how to stand by, that even though, even though I walked away, the standby was still there, hallelujah, hallelujah.

As I walked seven, several meters away, the people were robbed heads, because the men come up, the power's still there.
He suddenly found that he was number.
He started to find out he couldn't walk.
He walked.
He dropped.
He ran.
Somebody said hello.
Oh, glory to God.
Maybe tonight.
Maybe tonight.
Somebody laid hands on you.
And you are still the way you were when you came.
The power has not gone.
He's your standby.
He's still there!
Oh, somebody shout hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my

It doesn't matter where you have found yourself.
It doesn't matter what condition you have found yourself in.
Right now, the power of a Holy Ghost is upon you.
I say the power of a Holy Ghost is upon you.
The unknown is on you to learn.
If you are sick, receive healing the name of Jesus.
I come and fly Mr. Go!
I come and deathly Mr. Go!
I come and lend Mr. Go!
I refute poverty in your life!
In the mighty name of Jesus!
It doesn't matter what sickness you've been having.
That sickness is gone in the name of Jesus.
Had pain, chest pain, long problem, diabetes, headache, going in the name of Jesus.
No matter the sickness, when I think of your skin, or in your bones, or in your blood, be healed in the name of Jesus.
Hoshata kalamaye.
Lee Barabasandalabahayah.
You see your healing right now?
Receive your miracle right now.
If you could not walk, start walking right now.
Start walking right now.
Start walking right now.

Thank you for listening.
We trust that you've been blessed.
The message you've just heard is a production of Love World Media Ministry.
Get inspired for a more glorious and excellent life by ordering these other messages by Pastor Chris, the Holy Spirit and Prayer, prevailing prayer and cultivating the Spirit of Prayer, available on the Pastor Chris Digital Library app.
God bless you.