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The Mystery of the Seal

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.

The mystery of the seal.
It's a mark of authenticity, authority, security.
There's a decree over your life.
The day the Holy Spirit came into your life, you were sealed!
Be assurance!
Be assurance!
Somebody say hallelujah!
I'm sealed by God.

Second Timothy chapter 2, verse.
Nevertheless, the foundation of God stands at shore.
Having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his.
So not everybody is his.
Having this seal, there's a seal.
He knows them that are his.

Then it says, let everyone that name it the name of Christ depart from iniquity, adhicia.
What's that?
It means injustice.
injustice, on righteousnesses.
It is everyone that names the name of Christ to depart from iniquity.
It shows the word iniquity.
Iniquities, injustice, injustice.
Why didn't they just say sin?
Why didn't they just speak?
Why didn't they use this word?
Imagine the way he brought it in.
As though it was a change of subject, but it's not a change of subject.
It's because of where it's coming from.
Go to the two verses before it.
Go to verse 17.
And the word, it has not a kanga of whom is haminos and filedus, two brothers.
That means two Christian men that behaved badly in the house of God.
These two guys, who concerning the truth have had, saying that the resurrection is passed already and overthrew the fate of some.
What are they doing?
Preaching false doctrine.

But there's several things, because if you go, in fact, you should read the whole chapter.
It will bless you.
So you understand that these are not just, they're not a change of subjects.
Well, let's go on.
Go to verse 19.

having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his.
He says, let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity, injustices, unrighteousness, evil doings, bad treatments of others, this focus.

All right.
Now, I don't want to digress.
I want you to understand this is having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his.
He knows.
He knows.
Like this, this is my beloved son.
So, the foundation of God, stand at shore, having this seal.
Where is God?
Now that you understood that, I want us to go into reading some verses here.
Second Corinthians, begin the second Corinthians.

Chapter one, begin from verse 21 in the 22.
Now he which established us with you in Christ and hath anointed us is God.
Who hath also sealed us?
Oh, and given the earnest of the spirits in our hearts.
Oh, glory to God.
Who hath also sealed us?
And given the Anist, what's the meaning of the word Anist?
Anist means a down payment.
It means a deposit.
Like you want to acquire something, buy something, say like a property, you know, and they tell you it's a hundred million blah, blah, blah.
And then you say, yes, I want to buy it.
Okay, go ahead and buy it.
They say you have to give us a deposit.
The deposit is an assurance that you are going to pay the rest of it.
And it's our security against defaults.
Because we're on a situation where you don't come back.
So they say, give us 20% down payment.
So you say, great.
So I'll give you 20% down payment.
I'm coming back with the rest of it.
Now, anytime anybody else comes and they want that same property, they say, no, no, no.
It's sold.
It's sold.
Why, somebody paid a deposit for it.
I said, it's sold.
So now, look at that verse.
Who had also seen us and given the earnest of the spirits in our hearts.
What does this mean?
And who will it lead?
We in the world will this lead.
Okay, let me give you another one.
Ephesians chapter four and verse number 30.

And grief not the Holy Spirit of God, way by He assumed onto the day of redemption.
Greg not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby he has sealed.
So he was sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Onto the day of redemption.
I would need to explain that to you.
But, Greg not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby he has sealed.
He has sealed.

He has sealed.
by the Holy Spirit of God.

Okay, it's getting better.
It's getting better.
All right, so go to visions chapter one from verse 13, in whom he also trusted.
After that, he heard the word of truth.
the gospel of your salvation, in whom also, after that he believed, he was sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.
Now, here's where some people, I can't even understand why they would make such a mistake.
Probably, is this so difficult for them?
Is the King James construction here difficult?
So they thought, because it says, in whom also, after that he believed, he was sealed.
So after believing, and you become a Christian, then there's another work of grace to be sealed.
So we go, how many of you are born again, and raise their hands?
Or say, praise the Lord, praise the Lord.
So how many of you have not yet been sealed?
If you have not been sealed, come forward to be sealed.
They can't come forward to be sealed if they have received the Holy Spirit.
The day the Holy Spirit came into your life, you were sealed.

So that's the work of the Holy Ghost.
You saw it.
He gave the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts, the earnest of the Spirit, that it says, by whom you were seared with that Spirit of promise.
All right, put it again.
In whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation,
In whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.
Ye were sealed.
Ye are not going to be sealed.
Ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.
So don't let anybody promise you a new ceiling.
You were sealed when you received the Holy Spirit of promise.
Okay, next verse.
Watch this now.
Which is the earnest?
Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession?
Now, purchase possession is a complex translation in the King James.
It means acquisitions.
All right, acquisitions.
which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the acquisitions onto the praise of His glory.
What does it mean by that?
It is huge.
I'll tell you.
It is huge.
It's beautiful.
the earnest of our inheritance.
So the Holy Spirit is earnest is a down payment.
So if you've received the Holy Ghost, what you're told is all those blessings that you are enjoying by the Holy Ghost, this is just a down payment.

This is just a deposit.
If it's as good as this,
What's the rest of it?
A deposit is usually the smaller parts.
You know what I'm talking about.
You don't give them 90% and then call it a deposit.
That's not a deposit.

Really from 13 into 14.
Let's go to 13 again.
In whom he also trusted after that he heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation.
In whom also after that he believed he was sealed with that holy spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession onto the praise of his glory.
Until the redemption.
So he said, oh, in that redemption already done, the redemption here means full payment.
until the full payment of the acquisitions.

Mm, mama, mama, mama.
Shoo, shoo, shoo.
I like it.
It's powerful.
You know, when you're reading this kind of stuff, and you're going to your Bible like that, you know?
It's like someone giving you a document, and you're just reading your inheritance.
Things belonging to you.
You didn't know this, and then here's this document sent to you by a lawyer.
They're telling you,
Your great-grandfather left this for you, your great-grand uncle left this for you, and then your uncle and your father and your this and that and that, all this, they left all this.
And you're just going through, and it's huge, you know?
Oh, you've got this amount of acres of land, acres and acres in choice places.
Not just anywhere, but in choice places.
And you're going through the document.
And first, you are thinking, is this a fraud?
You're looking for the catch.
So you're going through, you're hoping they're going to say, you have to bring this amount of money to be able to get it.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
How could grandfather write that I should pay a certain amount of money many years after he died?
That means it's not him, right?
Who am I paying it to?
But then you find...
They just said, all you have to do is sign the dotted lines.
You say, is that all?
You turn to your liar.
You say, excuse me.
What am I supposed to do?
Is this just append your signature?
You say, append my signature after that word?
Is that all?
Is that after that word?
Is that all?
I mean, I mean, I mean, after that, what do I do?
Is that all?

That's all!

No payments!
No extra demands!
Too good to be true.
What is true?
It's true.
It's not about the inventions of mankind.
It's not about the fame.
It's not about the world system.
It's about the truth.
The word which is the truth.
All things that you ever need in your life are wrapped up in the word.
Go for the word.
Pastor Chris.
worth hearing.
Ephesians chapter 3 verse 8.

This is Paul the apostle.
This is on to me, who I'm less than the least of all saints.
Is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles beyond suchable riches of Christ?
Did you say what?
I should announce among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ, the unsearchable riches?
What does that even mean?
It's like somebody telling you about putting a name on a figure with 200 zeros behind it.
How do you even calculate it?
There are 200 zeros.
What name are you going to call it?
You don't know what I call it.
You can't even figure it out.
So you have to ask him, can you please explain?
So he's still writing the zeros.
He's still writing the zeros.
So you say, can you stop and tell me what does this mean?
This is, I'm not through yet, there are more zeros.

Okay, so let's use the amplified version to begin, to begin, to understand the meaning of the word that's translated on searchable.
It says, to me, though I am the very least of all the saints, God's consecrated people, this grace, favor, privilege was granted and graciously entrusted to proclaim to the Gentiles the unending
On ending, I said the zeroes continues.
The on ending, they say how much land is this boundless, fathomless, incalculable, exhaustless, oh God!

I will never be broke in my life.
He says riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have ever searched out.

And we are told, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost in your life is just the deposit.
The assurance, the assurance.
Somebody say, hallelujah.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Sit down for a second.
In other words, every time you speak in tongues, it's a sign!
You got a lot!
So much is in song for you.
When you speak in tongues, it should remind you, this is just a manifestation of the deposits.
The evidence, it's the evidence.
of your wealth in Christ.
On tall riches, how could you be broke?
I'll never be born my life.

Hold on, hold on.
Let me remind you of something.
Those of you who think about dollars, I want to remind you that there was a time in this world where there were no dollars.
There was a time in this world where there were no pound stunning.
There was a time in this world where there were no euros, no Chinese yen, no Naira, no Rams.
There was a time.
Certain people had to come together and then organize among themselves, give it a name, give it a value, and decide that it should be the means of exchange.
And then decide how to limit its supply.
Why should I allow my life be limited by their mind?
Come on, somebody!
Are you still there?
So now, we play by a different set of rooms.

Look at another thing.
They also hijacked the system.
They hijacked the system.
They created several different curricula and decided what must be studied if you are ever going to get a place in these words.
Something that you must study, and the schools you must go, and who must teach you, and then they will have to satisfy you.
And if you don't get that, you will never have a place in this world.
Why must we be limited to their minds and limited understanding?
Are you still there?
Listen, listen, until you break free.
You remain a slave to the war system.
Jesus said, you are not of this word.
You are not of this word.
I've chosen you out of the words.
Do you know what the problem is with a lot of people?
You know what the problem is?
I've tested this thing again and again.
I've tested it in many places and among many people, I've seen the same reason for failure in this world.
People just don't think.
They just don't think.
Let me show you something.
Can I have all of you here?
Just go one, two, three, four, five.
I want you to stand behind each other.
You hear and you're right here and yeah, that's right.
Now, watch what happens.
Give me that device.

So, we have this thing here on the floor.
Here, come over here.
You stand here.
This is the destination.
Now, because this man is in front, they don't know from behind that he got a problem.
All right?
There's a way he sees he can see to the left, he can see to the left.
So he goes like this because there's something on the floor there.
So he goes like this, this is his destination.
So the other guy says, oh, I saw him go through that side.
So the only way to get to that destination is like this.
And you go.
See, watch them.
That ain't with Pastor Chris.
I go like this.

I hear him.
Now listen, listen, I wanna show you something.
Sit down.
I've tested it with people many times.
And I wonder, I look at it.
Was there a rule?
The inn was there a room that she must go through that side.
Then they say, yes.
Then I say, who made the room?
I want to know.
I want to know who made the room.
And then they say, well,
That's how it is.
Then I say, you just said there's a rule.
I want to know, because I'm going to go through this.
Nobody goes through that side.
Then I said, so who made the rule?
He's always been like that.
Then I say, just tell me, who made the rule?
They say, but why are you asking this kind of question?
I said, because I want to go like this.
Everybody goes like this.
I said, I just want to know, who made the rule?
It has always been so.
Then I say, so how are you going to go?
This is the way they say it.
I say, but why is everybody going through that side?
Now, there are a few others behind.
They are waiting.
They've been told it's like this.
So then I go like this, and I'm there.
Then that guy says, did you see that?

And you know what?
The next thing you know, several of them are falling like this, falling like this, falling like this, then someone else says, this is the new road.
It's the new road.
The reason so many are poor and broke is not because they don't have something.
It's because they are struggling to be a part of a failed system.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Thank you.
They're trying to be.
Thank you.
They're trying to be a part of a fair system.
Tell us somebody come out of the box.
Jesus already made you free.
Come out of the box.

And you know what?
Because this world was only given to Abraham and his seat.
There is no power on earth that can actually stop you.
If you come up with something that works, others will follow it.
Because the only one given their rights to control the world.
The whole world.
The seat of Abraham.

So no one's going to fault you.
They were only complaining and say, no, no, it doesn't work.
But if it works for you, they're going to start raising their antenna.
They want to know, oh, how did it work for him?
How did it work for him?
And right away, they start.
You're all using social media today.
Where was that?
15, 20 years ago.
Where was it?
Why do we let the world lock us into a box?
I'm a child of God.
I'm a child of God.
See, I'm different.
I'm different.
I'm very different.
I'm very different.
I'm very different.
I'm very different.
I'm very different.
I'm very different.
I'm very different.
I'm very different.
I'm very different.
I'm very different.

many people long for success.
They desire to do something with their lives, to make a difference in society, to become famous or to become great.
We all have the want to move from ordinary to extraordinary, to extraordinary, to make the leap from good to great, to turn a seed of greatness that is in us into a fruitful field and to fulfill the call of God upon our lives.
from Reverend Dr. Chris Ojakilomi comes this new and riveting book, The Power of Your Mind.
Do you want to do something extraordinary with your life?
See, God has given you an excellent tool to use in your journey of greatness.
It is called your mind.
Learn how to walk in divine excellence through the power of a renewed mind.
Get your copy of The Power of Your Mind today.

You are producing results everywhere.
You are expanding by the acknowledging of the spirit of God.
I can do our things to Christ who strengthens me.

See, let me show you something about this.
In Ezekiel, Ezekiel chapter nine, we're gonna read from verse one.
But I would like us to use, because in the Old Testament, when it's prophetic word, it can be a bit complex for some people.
Let's use the other New King James.
You have the New King James, let's try that.
Then he called out in my hearing with a loud voice saying, let those who have charge over the city draw near each with a deadly weapon in his hand.
You think he's talking anyway, just listen.
Let those who have charge over the city draw near each with a deadly weapon in his hand.
And suddenly six men came from the direction of the upper gate, which faces knots, each with his battle axed in his hand.
One man among them was clawed with linen and had a right as ink on at his side.
They went in and stood beside the bronze orta.
The orta, the orta of brass.
Verse three.
Now, the glory of the God of Israel had gone up from the cherub, who it had been to the threshold of the temple, and he called to the men club with Lydin, who had the writers in con at his sight.
Now, listen, Ezekiel is in a revelation here.
He's in a vision, okay?
God's showing him something.
And the Lord said to him, go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and pry over all the abominations that are done within it.
In other words, go and mark the intercessors.
He says, go through Jerusalem and mark the intercessors, those who were praying for Jerusalem.
because of the abominations, those who are against the sins of Jerusalem, just go and mark them on their foreheads.
Next verse.
To the others, he said in my hearing, go after him through the city, that is the remaining of the six, okay?
Now, he instructed the one with the ink on to go and mark the foreheads of the predecessors.
Now he says,
Go after him through the city and kill.
Do not let your eyes spare, nor have any pity.
Orlessly old and young men, maidens and little children and women, but do not come near anyone on whom is the mark.
And begin at my sanctuary.
So they began with the eldest who were before the temple.
What am I showing you?
Now, in the earth realm, there ain't no words going on.
People were being slain.
And things could happen through war.
People talk about terrorism and so on, all kinds of things.
Now, from the realm of the spirits, instructions are given.
And then things that happen in the earth realm.
But there's a decree.
Those on whom?
The mark has been placed, cannot be touched.
You saw that just now.
It dispatched them to go and kill.
Just spare none.
But don't touch those who have the mark on them.
Just don't touch them.
Say, I'm sealed.
with the Spirit of God.
I've got the mark of God on me.
One more time, I've got the mark of God on me.
You know, because you have that seal, you can stand before anything, anything.
It has been commanded to hear you.

He says, hear, hear him.
Everything in this world has been commanded to hear you.

You start learning the authority of the adopted son.
Oh, you got to understand this.
Let me give you an illustration.
Imagine that your father
was a rich, rich guy, and he's got all his work as, okay, working for him on the projects.
And so they're all working.
So you come because you are his son.
And you say, I want everybody to stop, stop, stop.
You think they're going to stop?
They will not stop.
They're working for their money.
They're not going to stop just because you are their boss's son.
They're not going to stop.
It's wrong for them to stop.
They're going to gain the trouble if they stop.
What's your son?
Why are they stopping?
They're not stopping because there's something.
Imagine that the man had seven sons.
You think they're going to stop for any of the seven?
No, they're not going to stop for the seven.
But if he said, son number five is in charge of this project.
When son number one comes, just stop.
Everybody's working.
It's always that.
It's always the man saying, oh, it's a nice guy, no mind me.
So number two, number three, number four, number six, number seven.
But when number five comes, because there's been... That is the adopted son.
You see, one of the Bible teaches about adoption.
He would face yeah.
They adopted Son.
It means the Son that has come to the place of authority.
He's been trained.
Now, what am I saying to you?
Even though you use the name of Jesus, there are certain things that you decree and they don't work.
Because you have not been raised.
You have not come to your place of authority.
So because you don't understand that, you think you can just say what you like.
You come outside, the rain is falling, you say, rain, rain, go away, go away.
Then it keeps falling because you don't understand.
They are on the authority.
The rains are on the authority.
Rain is the seventh of God.

So you have to understand it.
So one year after you're born again, you command rain.
It just stops.
Because that toddler is coming.
It's coming to the sides.
It's running through the sides.
All the workers will stop.
Because their thought line doesn't know what he's doing.
So he says, stop, stop, stop.
Everybody stops.
They all stop.
Then somebody with some sense would carry the thought line away.
But the thought line is very happy.
He told them to stop and they stopped.
So he keeps doing it.
He's three years old.
They're accepting.
Then, he's now 14.
He comes again.
Deformance is what I do here.
He can't believe it.
I command the rain to stop.
The rain is pouring heavier.
Then he goes, Cara Paco so comfortable.

You know what's happening?
He's beginning to learn authority.
He's learning now.
He's learning now.
Praise the Lord.
Revelation chapter 7.
We'll read from verse 1.
Now, this is beautiful.
You love it.
After these things, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth.
Are there corners of the earth?
Think about it.
No, you know the earth is very calm.
Now we are told in this spirit realm, there are corners, four corners of the earth.

Four corners of the earth, holding the four wings of the earth.
Can you hold the wings?
Well these angels are so powerful they can hold the wings.
Holding the four wings of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth on the sea or on any tree This hasn't happened is going to happen All right, I'll tell you when it's going to happen watch this this is strong
four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea or on any tree.
Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God.
And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea.
Did you notice?
When they were
Holding back the wind, they were to harm the earth.
So they didn't come for a game.
It wasn't a picnic.
They came to harm the earth.
They came to harm the earth.
So he says, and this fifth angel tried with a loud voice.
Now he's holding the seal of the living God.
He cried with a loud voice for angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea.
Saying, do not harm the earth, the sea on the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.

This is powerful.
What's going to happen is this.
Listen, this is in the tribulation period, which will come right after the rapture of the church.
After the rapture of the church, you're going to have seven years
seven years of tribulation.
The first three and a half years will be a time of tribulation.
The second three and a half years will be a time of great tribulation, the Bible says.
Now during this period, 144,000 Jews will be anointed by God to preach the gospel.

they will be preaching the gospel.
They will be getting people prepared for the coming of Christ and for the millennial reign of Christ.
But while they're at it, they would need to be sealed because of what you just said, because different judgments would be poured out on the earth throughout that period.
Judgment after judgment, judgment after judgment.
Go to chapter nine, let me show you something.
Chapter nine, Book of Revelation from verse one, all right.
Then the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth.
To him was given the key to the bottomless bits.
And he opened the bottom of his pit and smoked a rose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace.
So the sun and the earth were darkened because of the smoke of the pit.
Then out of the smoke, locals came upon the earth.
And to them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power.
they were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth or any green thing or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God and therefore else.
The time will come where the plagues will be released and men will be plagued except those with the seal of God on their heads.
And even today, as we're here, you already read it.
You saw it in Scripture.
There are people who are sealed by God.
Those who have received the Holy Spirit have been sealed by God.
You have the seal of God on you.
And because of that seal of God, you have God's approval.
You have God's authority.
You have God's protection.
So that you have nothing to fear.
Fear is dangerous.
Don't allow fear in your life.
It's not a part of your life because you see the system of which were apart and the life that God has given to us functions, the exclusion of fear.
Don't mix fear with your face.
You have nothing to fear.
All the time, he says, fear not.
I have all found the Omega.
The beginning and the end.
He says, fear not.
It doesn't matter what's happening in the world.
Refuse to fear because you have a seal of God on you.
There's a decree that you be not hurt like others.
You are separated.
Remember that scripture again.
for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, should not.
Because you are sealed, should not perish.

If he's only one person that is supposed to be delivered, it is you.

Do you know what is the meaning of the Lord is my light and my salvation?
Did you hear that?
He is my salvation.
Oh God, come on here.
Do you understand that?
The Lord is my salvation.
He didn't say the Lord is my Savior.
He is my salvation.
Do you understand what that means?
In other words, I carry with me the phenomenon of salvation, which means I do not get into that trouble because I carry salvation.
With every question is my answer.
With every problem is my solution.
Meaning before I got into the problem, I came with the solution.
The Lord is my salvation.
So, oh!
So Chris is in trouble.
No, he's not in trouble.
He has his salvation.

The Lord is my light and my salvation.
Is there someone that's derising you in your street?

Have no fear.
They fell before they knew you.
Have no fear.
Have no fear.
Lord is my light and my sin.
The Lord, the Lord, the Lord.
He is not giving me salvation.
He is my salvation.
Then he says, the Lord is the strength of my life.
He is the strength of my life.
Why is he your salvation?
Because now he is in you.
Why is he your strength?
Because he is in you.
He is operational in you.
He has set up his headquarters in you.
I'm sealed by God.
I'm sealed by God.
Oh, hallelujah.
I'm sealed by God.

If you've never received salvation, if you've never received Christ into your heart, if you've never experienced this life of Christ, I'm talking to you about.
This is your moment.
Say these words.
Say, O Lord God, I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
I believe He died to save me.
I believe God raised him from the dead and he's alive today.
I confess with my mouth, Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from this day.
And by my faith in him, I receive eternal life.
into my heart, into my spirit.
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.
I have eternal life now.
I'm a child of God now.
I am born again.
Thank you, Lord.
If you just said that prayer along with Pastor Chris, congratulations.
Welcome to the family of God.
