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Higher Life Conference Vol. 1 Part 1

One thing is sudden, if you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your secret.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.

Praise the Lord.
You may be seated.
Thank you.
Thank you.

Tonight, we begin our, we begin our high life conference and
I am convinced that you will be stared in a very special way.

And a new phase will begin in your life.
I come to start a new phase
through the spirit of God for you.
Yeah, that's my purpose.

God saved us and left us here for a reason.
We could have just been saved and taken to heaven.
But that was not his plan.
He chose to give us salvation and then to leave us here so we can do something.
Our purpose for being here is definite.
God has a definite plan.
I want to read something to you that I believe will help you understand a thing for the moment.
First Peter.

First Peter chapter two.

Have you found it?
First Peter chapter number two from verse nine.
Can we read it together?
One, two, go.

Did you really see it?
Let me read it for you.
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an only nation, a peculiar people,
that he should show forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Now, I want you to notice he doesn't say he shall be.
This is not a promise.
This is a statement of fact, a present tense reality.
He says, but ye are, ye are, ye are,

He lets us understand the spirit's perception of us.
God's description of us.
He didn't say you're going to be.
He says, you are.
Now the Bible says, the word of God is a spiritual mural.
It is God's mural given to us so we can see ourselves.
and know what we look like to God, and have God's description of us.
So God's word is a mirror.
And so here he says, but he are a chosen generation.
That means a chosen breed, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation,

a peculiar people, peculiar that he should show forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into his marvelous life.
Now, that requires a little bit of explanation, but I'll just read it to you from the amplified version so you can get the picture.
Now, when God says something to you about you, you better not argue with him.
Just say, yes or no.
What he calls you is what has made you.
Remember, Abram and the Bible was named Abram by his father.
And Abram meant exhorted or assumed father.
And he had no child.
A long time.
But he had 300 servants born in his house.
The Greek of Wijim.
And then one day God said to him, your name is Abraham.
Father of many.
And then he said, because I have met you.
He didn't say, I will make you.
He said, you are Abraham because I have made you a father of many nations.
I have made you.
We need to understand God's words when He gives them to us in past tense.
I have made you a father of many nations.
So your name is Abraham.
This is your name.
Now he didn't know God made him the father of many nations because he was looking at his circumstances.
He didn't have any child.
But he had to hear from God to know what was God's purpose for his life.
God said, I have made you a father of many nations.
Your name is Abraham, not Abraham, but Abraham.
I wonder what your name is.
You know, when God, God calls things by their names according to what He has proposed for their lives or for their existence.
If God says, treat
If you were a snake, you become a tree.
What he calls is what you become.
He calls you according to his purpose.
Names are important to God.
Didn't you read how many names he's got in the band?
He had several names.
Every time there was a new revelation of God, there was a name.
They knew him according to his names.
Every time he manifested himself in a special way, he had a name for that.
He had a name for that.
So he gives us a name here.
He says, he are a chosen generation.
You're not going to be.
He's talking about us.
Let me show you something here.
If you would turn to Exodus 19, Book of Exodus 19, I hope you came here with your Bible because the wisdom of you are looking at me now looks like you don't have a Bible in front of you.

Exodus 19,

Go to verse 5.
You're going to read verse 5 into verse 6.
You got it?
All right.
From verse 5, 1 to go.

Did you notice something there?
He said to them, if you will obey my voice and keep my commandments, you will be a peculiar treasure unto me.
I will make you a kingdom of priests if you will obey my voice.
That's what he said.
Now do you realize that's where a lot of people are living their lives today?
You didn't get that point.
You get it by the time we're through.
He said, if you will obey my voice, you will become, to me, a peculiar treasure.
Above all people, you'll be a kingdom of priests.
I'll make you a kingdom of priests if you will obey my voice."
See, it was conditioned on their obedience.
If you will keep my commandments, you will become a kingdom of priests.
That means a royal priesthood.
You will become if you obey my voice.
They couldn't become because they couldn't obey his voice.
They failed many times.
They broke his commandments and never became a kingdom of priests.
But look here, over in the New Testament because of Jesus, we don't get a preconditioned promise.
He doesn't say, if you listen to me, you will be a royal priesthood.
He didn't say that.
He said, you are.
You're born that way.
When you're born again, you are born into the kingdom of God.
You're born with the life of Christ.
You're born with the nature of God.
And you are a chosen breed.
See that?
Here's a big difference between the Christian and
the Old Testament saints.
They had a promise based on obedience.
We are made what God wanted them to be.

And all we say is, yes, are.
He says, you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people.
And I say, yes, sir, I am.
That's all he's asking for.
That's all he's asking for.
If you can say yes,
That's what he's asking for.
Hey, come on.
How do you receive salvation from Christ?
It's the same thing.
In Romans chapter 10, verse 9, the few of you here, you've never been born again and here is your problem.
You've been trying to please God and it hasn't worked.
You've tried.
You prayed.
You wept.
You stopped doing the bad things.
And then they came back two weeks later.
Because you've been doing it the wrong way.
The simple way to salvation is in the Bible.
In Romans chapter 10 verse 9, the Bible says, hey, come on, go there.
You see, very simple principle to receive salvation.

Romans chapter 10 verse 9.
Have you seen it?
that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God had raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus."
He didn't say, if thou shalt confess all your sins.
No, he said, confess the Lord Jesus.
That means confess declare.
proclaim profess that Jesus is your Lord.
Believing in your heart that God had raised him from the dead is his salvation's use.
In the tickverse for weak the heart, men believe it unto righteousness.
in which the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Confession is made and it catapults you unto salvation.
You believe with your heart and your mid-right with God.
But then to enjoy what you have believed, you've got to say it with your mouth.
Say it with your mouth.

You know, if someone believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that Jesus Christ died for him, it may never change his life.
That will not change your life.
The devils believe that, they know it.
It will not change your life to believe.
Believing is not enough.
So Romans 10, verse 10, tells you, with your heart you believe.
And you are made right with God.
It's not enough.
It says, but with your mouth, confession is made.
Confession is made.
Proclamation unto salvation is made.
You say it, you say it, and you are catapulted into your believing.
That which you believed becomes real to you.
The lordship of Jesus Christ becomes real to you, to your spirit.
And that changes everything.
It changes everything.
Look what life we've got.
Hey, Christianity is not a religion.
So many people in the world who think Christianity is a beautiful religion and they're wrong.
They think it's a respectable religion.
It's not a religion.
Nothing in the Bible suggests that Christianity is a religion.
It's a pity that most of us Christians all around the world have helped the world to think that Christianity is one of the world's great religions.
They even say it's the greatest religion.
And it's not, it doesn't matter how you dress it.
It's not a religion.
Hey, come on here.
May I know something.
Your relationship with your dad at home, is that a religion?
Don't you understand what Christianity is?
It is the living, power set in life of Christ in a human being.
It is divinity at work in humanity.
Christ in you.
That's what Christianity is.
Christianity is not knowing God through Jesus Christ.
No, Christianity is Christ alive in you.
until he takes up his abode in the quarters of your spirit.
Christianity has not begun.
You understand that?
It's no religion.
That's what the Bible tells us in Colossians chapter 1 when you read from verse 26 into verse 27.
It says, this is the mystery that has been hidden in ages and generations fast, but now has been revealed to God's saints.
He says, this mystery is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Christ in you, 24 hours a day.
Christ in you.
That's the revelation of Christianity.
God didn't want us looking up to heaven to him.
God didn't want us reaching out to heaven.
He didn't want that.
He did something.
He called it Immanuel.
God with us, but he wasn't satisfied.
Oh, come on.
It matters.
It matters what you know God to be.
It matters.
You better know it.
If you read from the book of Exodus, the sixth chapter, read all the way from verse one down to verse six, you understand something.
One day in that story, God spoke to a man named Moses.
And God said to him, hi Moses, he gave him an introduction.
He said, I am Jehovah.
He said, your father's Abraham, Isaac and Jacob knew me as El Shader.
He said, they didn't know me by my name Jehovah, but I am Jehovah.
Why did he introduce himself so?
Because you see, he wanted to do something that was different.
He wanted to do something that required a different revelation of God.
You see, they knew he must air shatter.
What's a shatter?
It means a strong and breasted one.
It means your protector and care taker.
He takes care of you.
He protects you.
But now he says, Moses, I do more than that.
He says, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew me as their protector and the one who took care of them, who gave them food to eat and watched over them.
He says, I'm more than that, I ain't Jehovah.
Jehovah means the Lord of the camp.
Do you understand?
The Lord who camps with his people, he comes in among them and his Lord, his master, his boss.
You understand that?
He fights their wars.
So he says, I am Jehovah.
I am Jehovah.
What have you known him to be?
What have you known God to be?
He said that because you see Pharaoh had the children of Israel in bondage and the revelation of El Shaddha will not suffice.
They would need a new revelation of God.
They would need to know the Lord in the camp who moves with his people and fights their wars.
So he said, you will see what I will do to Pharaoh.
That's what he said to Moses.
He said, you will see what I will do to Pharaoh and he will surely let the people go.
Now the many names of God, for all of those names are covered by His Word.
He's exalted His Word above all the revelations of His names.
And you know what?
He gave us one name that covers them all.
That name is Jesus.
You don't need to know Him as Jehovah Raffa.
You don't need to know Him as Jehovah Cicano.
You don't need all of those names.
Start of them, understand them and appreciate them.
But you can't cast out devils by saying in the name of Jesus, come out, Jehovah Shamam.
You see that?
You can only use the name of Jesus.
You don't require to add anything.
It covers everything.
Did you hear me?
You don't have to add anything to it.
You don't need to.
The name Jesus covers everything.
Because you see the Bible terraces that God has vested all his authority in the name of Jesus.
Don't add anything to it.
You don't have to, you don't need to.
That's the name that's above every name.
The Bible says that he gave Jesus a name that is above every name, above every name, above every name.
In heaven, in earth, and under the earth.
He says that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow.
every knee should bow of things in heaven, of things in earth, and of things on that earth, and that every tongue should confess.
Not that Jehovah is Lord, or El Shaddha is Lord.
Come on.
Oh, I deny is Lord.
Uh-uh, Jesus.
That Jesus is Lord.
Lord, over your heart, over your lungs, come on.
Lord, over your body.
Refuse the caving to cancer.
Refuse the giving to diabetes.
You understand?
because you're subject to someone who's greater than all, and his name is Jesus.

You can't bow to Jesus and to cancer at the same time.
There's only one Lord.
Say, I refuse to bow
Anything but Jesus.
Glory to God.
You're still there?
All right.
Moving right along.
Next point.
Did you get the first one?
What was the first one?
What was the first one?
It's just a generation, right?
Yeah, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar ayah, yah, yah, yah, yah, peculiar people.
We'll go deeper into that verse.
So, just keep it aside for a moment.
Let's get to another thought.

1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 9.
You have it?
Read it for me.
1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 9.

No, let's go again.
1, 2, go.

Oh my goodness, I feel like blowing up here.
Did you see that?
I'm not sure you saw it.
Go again, look at it again.

Oh God.
These are the scriptures, you know, sometimes we read and we just cry.
And just that shouting and people don't know why.
They just read it and... So what's the matter?
They can't understand.
Look at that script.
Look at it again.
Look at it.
Look at it again.
What does it say?

I'm not sure you saw it.
What about those of you over here?
Did you see?
Read it again.
My goodness.

Tell us somebody let it soak.
Let it get let it soak.
By the time we're through on Sunday, you've been literally transfigured.
I'm telling you, you see it.
Look at that scripture.
It says, God is faithful.
by whom he were called onto the fellowship of his son Jesus.
I called onto what?
Do you know what he's talking about?
Called onto fellowship.
This doesn't mean a gathering together.
He says, God is faithful by whom you were called onto the fellowship of His Son.
The Greek word is Koinonea.
It means a drinking together, a oneness, a communion, a partnership with participation.

He says, I've been called into a oneness with His Son, Jesus.
Maybe you don't understand this yet.
Yes, you.
Imagine I'm sitting somewhere and I get to hear my name.
Grace, come.
And then I go, yes, sir.
This is from today.
You are in oneness, in fellowship, in communion, in partnership with participation.
As a we as who?
And then he doesn't say with the Prime Minister.
He doesn't say with the President.
He doesn't say with the Queen.
All of that should have just blown me away.
But then he said, with Jesus.
And I go, then I open my eyes and say, I'm dead.
What do you think his answer will be?
Where is God?
No, think, think of the dignity.
Think of the class.

No, think what you should be like.

He says, God is faithful by whom you were called onto the fellowship of His Son, Jesus.
You wear cards.
He didn't say you shall be called.
He says, you wear cards.

You were called onto this extraordinary fellowship.
So, Jesus is my friend.
Jesus is my partner.
I'm in communion with him.
I'm in communication with him.
I'm a joint heir with Christ.
You know what it is to be a joint heir with Christ?
For the Bible says, what do you want heirs with Christ?
That means everything that belongs to Him belongs to me in the same way in which it belongs to Him.
He doesn't own it anymore than I do.
I don't own Him anymore than He does together as one.
This is too much for the mind.
But when you understand these things, it will change your prayer life.
It'll change those religious words you speak to God.
I said, this is no religion.
This is real.

Thank you, Lord Jesus.
God is faithful.
That means he can be trusted.
God is faithful, by whom you were cordoned to the fellowship of his son, Jesus Christ.
I'm in fellowship with you.
Oh, that means this world belongs to me.
No, no, no.
Many of you here canadians.
You think this place belongs to you.
Are you kidding?
No, you're kidding.
No, if they ask you how do you know this is your country, you pull out your passport, which somebody's signature.

I'm not a citizen here, I own it.

I own it.
That's the difference.
Nah, you have never heard anybody come here to say, I own this land.
You never heard that before.
You're hearing it now.

By the time we're through on Sunday, you'll know why I came.
Glory to God.
When I step into a nation, I take over.

That's what I do.
You'll soon find out.
Glory to God.
Let on those kishaflachte, ah-hah, kranung those kosjalabrang, leefratoski flariro entoscarida."
You didn't hear what I said.
This belongs to my children.
I know it to them to take over the whole world, and no one will take it from them, say it to the Lord.
That's what I said in other times.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
You know, a lot of people think Christianity is, you know, reaching out to God and praying to Him to help us out of our problems.
They say, that's what we have Him for.
That's not what we have Him for.
They say, He's there for us.
No, He's not there for us.
We are here for Him.
He doesn't exist for us.
We exist for Him.
That's a difference.
We exist for Him.
We live for Him.
Listen, don't you understand that Jesus Christ has come and has died and has risen and ascended and is now seated?
What's left?
He's finished everything.
And now like Peter says, the glory that you would follow.
It talks about the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow.
So glory should follow the sufferings of Christ.
What is that glory?
Christ in you.
Christ in you.
We are more than conquer us.
Didn't you read what he said?
This sign shall follow them that believe.
That's not a promise.
He says, this sign shall follow them that belief.
In my name they shall cast out devils.
They shall speak with new tongues.
They shall take up supets.
And if they shall, oh boy, I love this one.
If they shall drink any deadly thing,
Whether by their mouths or by their veins, if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.
The problem is many have thought that that was a promise.
They thought he was promising them that if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.
They shall lay hands on this.
No, no, no.
Listen to his words.
He says, these signs shall follow them that believe.
They're telling them, here's how you're gonna know the believing ones.
Here's how you're going to know.
He wasn't telling the believing ones, I promise you this.
No, he was telling the folks that, here's how you're going to know the believing ones.
Here's how you're going to know.
You're gonna see them casting out devils.
That's what he said.
In my name shall it cast out devils.
They shall speak with new tongues.
They shall take up suspects.
If they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.
No, somebody says, I don't know what I ate.
Master must have been turning and turning.
Oh, what did he mean, but if they shall drink any deadly thing?
I had an infection, infection?
Did you read it?
These signs shall follow them that believe if they shall drink any deadly thing.
It shall not have power over them.
Did you read it?

You had an effect, what?
Infection from where?
How did you get infected?
You see, they haven't understood Christianity.
They thought they were in a religion.
This is no religion.
The Bible says, if the spirit of him, that's Romans chapter 8 and verse 11, if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, lives in you,
The spirit that raised the dead body of Jesus.
He says, if that spirit lives in you.

Oh God.
If that spirit lives in you.

The spirit, the same spirit.
that rests Jesus from the dead.
If that spirit lives in you, he says he will vitalize.
Vitalize your model body.

What you need is to be scared in your spirit.
So you got something inside you you probably don't know much about.
You know, you ask some people, are you born again?
Oh yes, 15 years, 15 years.
Have you received the Holy Spirit?
Oh yes.
You have the Holy Spirit, you're born again?
So why are you living like this?
Why have you become a victim?
You shouldn't be a victim in life.
Nothing shakes you.
He says and we know We know That all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the car according to his slippers We know We know We know

That's 28 verse, right?
Hey, chapter, Romans.
We know that all things work together for good.
That means I can never be disadvantaged.
So no matter what happens, I'm cool.
As it's working for my good.
How could I be disadvantaged?
It's not possible.
It turns out for my good.
It's working out for my good.
I'm going to have a test in money on this one.
You should have the attitude of a victim.
I'm going to have me a test in money on this one.
No matter what happens.
I heard they said they had economic problems.
Is it true?

I heard they said so that they're having problems all over the world.
They're having money problems, right?
And then they said a lot of people lost their jobs and many businesses closed and so on.
I heard that.
Did you hear that too?
What was your attitude?
Well, you're pretty old, God, I don't want to lose my job, please.

You know, the world has been given such a... It's amazing.
It's amazing.
The world's been given such a slave mentality.
It's terrible.
It's terrible.
It's terrible.
It's amazing what's happening to the world.
Human beings have become victims in a world that belongs to them.
Because you see, their whole life is dependent on that job they got somewhere they think their whole existence is on that line.
Let me tell you why you have a job and why you should have a job.
It should be your opportunity to be a blessing to the world.
Never allow it become your source.
You are not an ordinary person.
You're trying to God.
The son or daughter of a serious monarch, a rich one, only works for participation, never works for money.
If you work with that attitude, you can put in your best exercise your mind and dream big.
Be helpful to the society rather than thinking this money and then you even get angry when you get paid.
You look at the money and say, is this what I've been working for in this life?
Then you go, what will this do?
Then you have this mortgage to pay and all that kind of.
Don't let your life go in that direction.
Don't let your life go in that direction.
You know, a gentleman asked me a question.
We were having a class.
This was a few weeks ago in South Africa.
It was a beautiful meeting.
And the gentleman said, he said, Pastor Christ, the wealth of the sinner belongs to the righteous.
He was talking about the righteous, the Christians going, they're going to take over the world of the sinner.
I said, why do you have to wait for that?
I said, why do you have to wait for used clothes?
Why do you have to wait for the, for the world of the sinner?
You want to let him die first?
You don't need that?
I said, quit waiting for the world of the sinner.
No, I don't belong in that class.
Waiting for the word of the sinner?
Come on.
Why must you always wait for you guys?
There's a lot of new ones out there, brother.
You know what I'm talking about?
Just the word of the sinner belongs to the righteous.
So all the righteous are waiting for what's going to happen to the sinner?
So you can possess their possessions.
God's got more wealth than the sinus can think about.

So stop waiting for the world of the sinner.
No, I don't wait for the world of the sinner.
What do you mean, the world of the sinner belongs to the righteous?
I know, I know what's in the Bible.
I know that.
I know the scripture is there, but it didn't say we should wait for it.

The world of the scene that belongs to us.
You're gonna wait too long.
See, I'm waiting for dead cancellation.
Listen, I agree with all that stuff, okay?
It's all beautiful, but it's junior.
It's junior revelation for strong glass.
You understand what I'm saying?
See, if you're waiting for debt cancellation, why do you have to have your debt cancellation?
Why, why, why?
Because you don't think you can get the money.
So you're waiting for God to cancel it.
After you don't spend in it.
Now you're coming, oh God, cancel my debt.
I'm waiting for the anointing to cancel debt.
Why don't you get the anointing to get the money and pay it off?

You know, what we're going backwards in life.
And be dragged by your debts.
And ask him, God, he can do better than trying to cancel your debt.
He can do more by giving you more.
Oh, glory to God.
See, if you understand the kind of stuff I'm sharing with you, you'll be in another chapter in life.
Come up, he there.
Did you hear me?
Come up.
Come up.
Come up.
There's a life on the mountain top.
There's a better life.
Didn't you hear the title of this program?
Higher life.
There's a higher life.
Glory to God.
No quick pray, no God cancel my debts.
Then the guy who cancels your debt, he gets broke for canceling your debt.
And you say, that don't matter.
It does.
When you get blessed, everybody around you ought to get blessed.
Including those who loaned you money.
Since you're connected to God, to His eternal supply, get the money paid.

Isn't that better?
But for many people, it's easier to be asking God for deliverance than to be moving forward in a progressive form.
It shouldn't be that way.
Too many Christians are deliverance conscious, freedom conscious.
You know, they're talking about this deliverance.
They won't go out to deliver them.
They want to be freed, you know?
This month, they had been delivered from something.
The next month, they're delivered from another thing.
And then another thing, and another thing.
But what does the Bible say?
That deliverance shall come from Mount Zion.
It didn't say one deliverance.
He's seen us as the deliverance.
It's coming on the sin.
It's not one believer at Jesus with all these ones who are in need of deliverance.
No, no, no.
We're not in need of deliverance.
Are you in need of deliverance?
No, of course, you know, there are some people who say, but I really am.
Is it because I've been having terrible dreams at nightmares?
Hey, you have a terrible dream?
All you have to say is, from today, all such dreams stop.
Just cease.
Listen, you are no ordinary person.
You are in fellowship with Jesus.
Why should a devil be harassing you?
Change the position.
If you've been running from the devil, you say, devil, you are on the run.
You say, no, I can't eyeball the devil.
You can't.
The virus has resisted the devil.
James 4-7, resist the devil.
Did he say, Anisha, I'll fight you?
Resist the devil and God shall help you.
Says resist the devil and he will flee.
He will flee from you.
God knows the devil.
He knows there's something inside him.
He can stand you if you will stand your ground.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Hold on devil.
I am not an ordinary person.
I refuse to accommodate your problems.
From today you are on the run."
You know some people are more afraid of the devil than they are of God.
I was praying for a fellow one time and I said, say this after me.
Oh, Lord God, and she went, oh, Lord God, and you know, thus and thus and thus and thus.
Then I said, no, say, devil, she was milling down.
So I said, no, say devil, she said, ah.

She had more respect for the devil than she did God.
She was afraid to say that, she said, ah.
She wasn't going to call a devil.
I said, say it, say devil.
She said, devil.

Glory to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Okay, so you got point number two.
You sure?
You ready for point number three?
Now, point number three.
begins like this.
If it's true that we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, if it's true, and it's true that we have been called into fellowship with the Lord Jesus,
Which is big, really big.
If this is true, then, I've got to do something.
I've got to do something.
I've got to do something.
What you're going to do is look out, look at the world,
and decide you're going to be influential.
Look at the world around you and make a decision to change it.
We change the world by changing our words.
You didn't get that.
We change the world by changing our words.
I can change my words, my spell of influence.
You change your word, and we will change the word.
You see it?
We must be ready to use what we've got.
We must.
So the first thing that comes there is, let me give it to you in simple words.
Number one, contemplate.

Think through it.
Meditate on it.

Let your mind work.
What can I do to be a success for Jesus Christ?
I'm in partnership with him.
I'm in union with you.
My life cannot be ordinary then.
I gotta do something.
I gotta change my world.
Use your mind.
Choose your mind.
What can I do?
I gotta do something.
I gotta do something.
Do something.
I'm no ordinary person.
I've got to do something.
I cannot live an ordinary life.
I've got to do something.
I can't just sit on the rocking chair and rock away.
I can do something.
I've got to do something.
I'm in union with the king.
I must be in flange show.
I've got to change somebody's life.
I've got to do something.
I'm going to make an impact.
I've got to do something.
I've got to do something.
Oh boy.
I've got to do it.
So contemplate.
And then God will bring to your mind a vision.
You'll see what you can do.
Often it'll begin with those that you're in contact with.
Often it'll begin with an area you can get to.
God's number one job is winning people.
That's why he came.
He didn't come to save the mountains.
He didn't come here to save the streets.
He didn't come here to save the buildings.
He came to save human beings.
So God's number one job is winning people, changing lives, winning souls.
That's God's number one job.
So you're going to be thinking, what can I do to be a success for Jesus Christ?
I've got to win people.
I've got to change lives.
I've got to touch someone.
You've got to do it.
If you're in union with him, you've got to do it.
There's no option.
How could you be in league with one who gave his life to win other people and do nothing about it?
So, contemplates.
That's number one, contemplates.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
And then, number two, comprehend.

Let your mind understand it, encompass it.
Get a hole from your mind.
Look at it.
Can you see the picture now?
Can you see it?
Oh, the Bible terraces in the 13th chapter in the book of Genesis.
God spoke to Abraham, and he said to him after he was separated from Lot.
God said to him, look to the south, the north, the south, the east and west, as far as your eyes can see.
That I have given unto you as far as your eyes can see.
Oh God, this is wonderful.
And the man looked and God said, now, walk through the length and breadth of it.
That's an amazing instruction.
How could he?
When he started over in the New Testament, we see that the man actually pictured the whole world.
So God wheeled the wire to Abraham, the whole wire.
God said, look to the north and the south, the east and the west, as far as your eyes can see.
That's what I've given you.
Then he said, walk to the lint and bread of it.
How could he do it?
Would his physical legs?
With his mind.
Your imaginative power is your creative ability.
You've got it in you.
And plus, that is something new that you can do that even the great Abraham couldn't do.
Something you can do.
I'll tell you about it.
I'll tell you about it.
That's the power of the Holy Spirit.
You see, if you read in 2 Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 14 says, the great of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
The love of God be with you.
And then the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.
And that's an amazing thing because you see the fathers in heaven, Jesus in heaven, the Holy Spirit is here.
Now he says, the communion, the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.
And that word goes for communion and participation and then union and then goes in communication and you extend it and it's transportation, which means the transportation of the Holy Spirit be with you.
Oh, how we can be transported by the power of the Holy Spirit.
And now I can see something beyond my optical eyes.
I can go where my body cannot go.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I am transported.
And I can be of influence and become effective through the power of the Holy Spirit.
This is an amazing thing.
So I said, number two, comprehend.
Walk through the land and bread of it.
Start it out in your mind.
And then by the power of the Holy Spirit, oh, you want to take the whole of Toronto, go ahead.
All of Ontario, go ahead.
All of Canada, go ahead.
Let your spirit encompass the whole thing.
Can you see it with the eyes of the spirit?
Can you see it?
How much can you do?
Can you see it?
How effective can you be?
Can you see it?
Comprehend it.
Comprehend it.
Comprehend it.
You can.
You can, you must set a cell of five people.
Oh, come on, it'll grow, it'll grow, it'll grow.
A young lady's standing at church with eight people in South Africa, in Cape Town, eight of them, and now the 3,000 members.
Just after four years, don't tell me it doesn't work.
Glory to God.
A few years ago, I believe it was about four years ago or so, something like that, in a given instruction at the conference.
And I said, go and start a cell.
The young lady in Zimbabwe went.
She said, pasta says to start a cell.
She started one.
And soon enough, there were 50 members.
And then there were 250.
And then there were 1000.
Now they got over 30,000 people all over the country.
From one cell.
Don't tell me it doesn't work.
Walkin' all the time.
Wake up for Jesus.
Are you hearin' me?
So, contemplate ain't ain't comprehend.
Yes, you say it's possible.
It's possible.
It's possible.
I can see it.
It's possible.
Then, number three, apprehend.
Apprehend, seize it, take a hold of it, take it.
Yes, you can.
Have it now, put your hand on it, possess it.
See, contemplate it, comprehend it.
Now, apprehend it.
You say it's mine, I got it.
You know, when you're pro in the spirits,
You keep seeing the pictures.
It's like Abraham.
You know, he had difficulty believing that he was going to have a child.
Then God, one night in the 15th chapter, a book of Genesis, God called him out, says, Abraham, come out, come out, come out.
It was a night time.
He says, look at the stars, count them, count them, see if you can number them.
And Abraham looked, and as it looked, God helped his vision.
And you know what?
He comprehended it.
And then he apprehended it for the Bible says, and he believed in the Lord.
When he believed, God said, you got it.
Now your name is Abraham.
And you know what?
Now he was bold enough to tell others, I got a new name.
Because He apprehended it.
You understand?
Now He got it inside.
He apprehended it.
So He says, I am Abraham.
He says, where are your kids?
I've got them in me.
I've got them in me.
How many?
There are as many as a star's glory to God.
And apprehended.
Seize it, glory to God.
Seize it.
And when you apprehend it, now you know it.
Appreciate it.
Appreciate it.
Value it.
This will change the way you talk about it, because you value it.
This will change who you discuss it with, because you value it.
This will change your prayer life, because you value it.
Appreciate it.
Appreciate it.
Appreciate that vision.
Yes, you've gotten it now.
It's real to you.
You can see it every day and you're headed in that direction.
Thank God, thank God.
Yes, you can do something.
You can do more with your life.
Don't go on a vacation now.
You can do more with your life.
I mean, don't travel for vacation.
You travel for vacation, don't go on a spiritual vacation.
You hear me?
When you go to, wherever you go to, you say, I want to go to France.
Go to France, but when you get to France, win source for Jesus.
Don't go on a spiritual vacation.
Travel the world with the win source for God.
Win source.
Win source.
Win souls.
So I'm going to change lives.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to do it.
And you know what?
He will create the opportunity for you.
I've got seven points on that one, and I've given you four, right?
I'm going to stop with the fourth one, and then we'll move to the next ones tomorrow.
But you know what?
The Spirit of God, the Spirit of God wants to do something special in your life.
You're going to do great things.
There's an anointing.
There's an anointing.
An anointing for increase.
An anointing for growth, an increase.
I came here with that anointing.
I'm telling you.
Yes, and in a bond and supply.
See, you know, you studied in the Book of Romans, Paul talked about such a thing.
He says, I pray that I would come to you in the fullness of the blessings of the gospel of Christ.
He wanted to go loaded so he would deliver something to them.
Even today, while I was praying, the anointing was so strong.
You know, sometimes, you know, I feel the anointing.
Even the word feel beggars what we really want to say.
You understand what I mean?
It's more than feeling.
When we say, I feel the anointing.
Feeling is too little for what it really is.
But you see, the limitation of language, and we have to stay that way.
I said, sometimes I feel the anointing in my hands.
Sometimes one hand, sometimes all over my body.
And sometimes it can be so strong like this morning.
It was so strong.
I said, dear Lord Jesus, it's so much.
It's all over.
It's so much.

Oh, was it so strong?

There's nothing like the anointing of God's Spirit.
Just being inside it, being inside it, ecstasy, and it's spiritual ecstasy.
You don't want to come out of it.
Imagine what I'm saying?
Oh, Lord is so much, and I don't want to stop it.
Glory to God.
Oh, yeah.
But to see, we've got to use that power and we use it.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
So here's what you're going to do.
Thank you, Lord.
Lift your hands, Lord Heaven.
Soul Man talk about Odiggas City.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
