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October 2023 – The Month of Insight

I want you to go to the Bible.
I wanna read from verse 13, Acts chapter 19.
Follow the reading of this scripture carefully.
Then, certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits, the name of the Lord Jesus.
Now, it's all about vagabond Jews.
for these vagabonds.
This guy is walking around aimlessly, homelessly, jobless.
They call vagabonds.
Okay, now.
So they took it upon themselves to find people that had evil spirits,
Apparently, there were such manifestations.
They got to have an idea that those people were not normal.
So they called them and they'll call the name of Jesus over them.
And they themselves would not believe us in Jesus.
It's a vagabond.
All right.
So he says, they took upon them to call over them, which had evil spirits, the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, we are joined by Jesus whom Paul preaches.
They say, we are joined by Jesus whom Paul Paul the Apostle preaches.
Say, not Jesus in whom I believe, but Jesus who Paul preaches.
Think about that.
Next verse.
And there were seven sons of Skiva.

The name will be more skew us.
That's the Greek.
A Jew and chief of the priests.
Seven boys from one man
Who was a chief priest?
So he was well known.
It is there were seven sons of one's giver, a Jew and chief of the priests, which did so.
Next verse.
And the evil, what's now?
Look at this.
They got a man that had an evil spirit.
And these seven boys were calling over that man the name of Jesus.
Here's what the Bible tells us.
And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?
The Bible says the evil spirit answered.
In other words, when the men spoke to them,
and said, Jesus, I know, Paul, I know, who are you?
The Bible tells us it was the evil spirit that was talking to the man, using the man's voice.
Would you know if you heard somebody talk that it was an evil spirit that was talking to him?
Would you know?
Well, the Bible says, look at this.
I want you to follow the details here.
And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus, I know, and Paul, I know, but who are you?
Next verse.
And the man in whom the evil spirit was, lived on them and overcame them.
So he doesn't say the spirit lived on them.
He says, the man.
in whom the evil spirit was, lived on them.
You see, the evil spirit made it, used the man to attack them, physically.
So when the man spoke to them, it was the evil spirit that was talking.
Now this same man, who has spoken to some of the people before, before he was called in there,
Did they know whether it was an evil spirit talking to them?
Or whether it was the man that was talking to them?
Did they know?

And the man in whom the evil spirit was, lived on them and overcame them and prevailed against them so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded, or seven of them fled from the house.
They had brought this guy into a house.
These seven of them were sons of the chief priests.

Look at the next verse.
17 verse.
And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus.
And fear fell on them all.
And the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.
Glory be to God.

So how do you know when an evil spirit's talking to you, through a teacher, through a doctor, through a friend?
How are you going to know?
Remember, we just read where Jesus said to those Jews, you are of your father, the devil.
Those are tough words to come out of the man.

Who was all love?
He was all love.
Do you hear those words gone from him?
Well, there's more.
Now, you go to Sir Matthew's gospel and see this interesting part.
Chapter 12,

from verse 34.
He says, he calls him, he says, all generation of vipas.
How can he be in evil speak good things?
For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.
He called him a generation of vipas.
Now, just before I explain this to you, go to verse 39.
What he answered and said unto them, An evil and a daughterless generation seeketh after a sign.
And they shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the Prophet John has.
Now, Jesus is talking here.
Go back to it, verse 39.
He says, An evil and a daughterless generation.

Now, the word generation here is different from the word generation that we read in verse 34.
Here is Genea.
Genea refers to a period of time, okay, or age, like you say, in our generation, okay, the English language, in our generation.
In previous generations, you're dealing with periods of time, you're dealing with an age, all right?
But in the verse 34, go back to verse 34.
Here is this old generation of Vipas, Genemla.
Now, Genemah here is very different.
What he, what he says here is, he offsprings, an offspring, a progeny, a fruit, same word for produce, brood, you brood of snakes, children of snakes, children of vapas,
What's he talking about?
Children of devils.
Is this all generation of vipers?
How can he be an evil, speak good things?
Look at the words of Jesus.
I'm asking, can you know when words are spoken to you, when you're in conversation with people, do you know what words are coming from their natural minds and what words are coming from evil spirits?
Can you tell?
You're supposed to be able to tell if you have the light of God.
You should be able to tell.
Many have been led to their debts.
Many have been led to failure.
terrible things have happened to people because they listened to someone talking to them and they didn't realize they were listening to a devil.
I'll give you another example.
And in this particular example, very simple, you find in the Magus Gospel, chapter 16, you find Jesus in a conversation with his disciples.
He says to them, who do the people say are Am?
And they say, some say that you're Elijah, some say that your Jeremiah is one of the prophets.
And Jesus says, but who do you say I am?
Then Peter spoke up and said, you are the Christ, the son of the living God.
That's interesting.
So Jesus let Peter know how he got the information.
Peter didn't know.
Peter just spoke from his heart.
So Jesus said to him,
This is, look at it.
Jesus answered and said unto him, blessed at thou, Simon Barjona, for flesh and blood had not revealed it unto thee, but my father, which is in heaven, is as this information didn't come to you ordinarily, humanly.
But it's my father who revealed it to you.
You got it from God.
Peter didn't know.
Jesus had to let him know.
But shortly after this, shortly after this, another thing happened.
Jesus that's telling his disciples that he would be crucified soon.
He's going to die.
And then the same Peter took Jesus by the hand and
began to rebuke him.
He took Jesus, began to rebuke Jesus and said, don't talk about dying anymore.
Don't, you're not gonna die.
Don't talk about that.
Don't say that anymore.
Talk positively, all right?
He's trying to teach Jesus.
What the Bible says is that Jesus turned to Peter.
Look at it.
But he turned and said unto Peter, get thee behind me, Satan.
Thou art an offense unto me, for thou silver is not the things that be of God, but the things, but those that be of men."
I thought Jesus just said, Peter got a revelation from God.
How come now the devil is right inside talking from him?
What happened?
Look at it.
Look at it again.
Jesus turned, said unto Peter, get thee behind me, Satan.
Was he calling Peter Satan?
Jesus identified that those words that were put in Peter's mouth came from Satan.
That's why I said to you, can you know?
Can you know?
That when that doctor said, you needed surgery.

It was a devil who said that.
I remember, years ago, years ago, I was dealing with a particular case, you know, I cast out devils, all right?
So I was along with this case, and I was talking to this lady, and she said, she said, in her trouble, explaining her trouble, she said, her fallopian tubes were removed.
I said, how'd that happen?
She said, the doctor, after the diagnosis of her case, the shadow problem.
So they said that they had to take away the fallopian tubes.
So that was supposed to be a way to save her life.

So later on, years later, when she met another doctor because she was going through some held challenges, this other doctor said it was a mistake.
The fallopian tubes should have never been removed.
And told her father that.
So she said her father wanted to sue the doctor, who had removed the Philippine tubes.
But you know, that doctor wasn't gonna get that back and probably he was advised to, to let the case go.
Now, that was the human part of it.
Now, shortly after, I'm now ministering to her,
And I took directly to the evil spirits that's inside her.
And I said, in the name of Jesus, our spirit of darkness, I addressed the spirit.
And the spirit took back to me.
And I asked him his name.
He told me who he was and where it was from.
Then he said, I was the one.
Who said the fallopian tubes must go?

We get evil spirit of darkness.
He was the one who misled that other doctrine when they said the fallopian tubes must go.
Trust a young girl when they were removed.

Demons do terrible things for people.
Ruin their lives.
Destroy their businesses, their finances.
Destroy their health.

And they have no respect.
You have to understand that.
They have no respect.
Children are not too young for them to destroy.
They do to children what they do to adults.
They don't care.
They mislead children as they mislead adults.
That's why they're not called evil spirits for nothing.
The evil
And all they've ever done is lie.
Lie, lie, lie.
You have to be careful in your life.
You really need to.
The problem is if you are not exposed to the truth,
You'll be exposed to falsehood.
You can't just be there and say, oh, well, I keep myself away from it.
It's like having a garden and saying, I don't plan anything in my garden.
And you think that it's going to have nothing?
It cannot have nothing.
It will have weeds.
So your mind is not going to have nothing.
It's going to have what the devil puts there.
There's a lot to know.
Remember knowledge of truth is power.
If you don't have the knowledge of truth, you'll be a victim in life.
And sadly, many are victims in life.
It takes the revelation of God, revelation of God, okay?
And this is so important, the revelation of God.
And thanks beyond to God, this month is the month of insight.

And I want to read a scripture to you, Ephesians chapter one,
Verse 17, we'll read from the, well, first read it from the King James translation for you, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.
Now the word revelation from the Greek apocalypsis, okay?
very important.
And the amplified translation puts it in the right perspective.
Someone read it to you from the amplified translation.
This is why I always pray to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that he may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation.
And in parenthesis right there, you find he explains to you what that apocalypsis
refers to says of insight into mysteries and secrets.
In the deep and intimate knowledge of him, how important this kind of knowledge is, look at it again, that he may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of insight into mysteries and secrets.
So this is going to have insight into mysteries and secrets.
Blessed be God.
Did you know it's God's joy and will to reveal truths to you, to reveal mysteries to you?
It's God's plan.
He wants his children to have, you know, Jesus said to the disciples, he said to the others, the words are given in parables.
He said, but to you, the mysteries of the kingdom,
are given in Revelation, given to understanding.
You can understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God.
Others have the words coming to them as parables, parables.
They may quote them, but they don't have the insights.
But you as a child of God, you have a right to this insight.
glory to God.
And you go to 1 Corinthians chapter 2, and let's read from verse 6.
See what it says, how bit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect, mature, that word is, yet what the wisdom of this word, nor of the princes of this world that come to not.
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery.
Even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world onto our glory.
Can you see that?
The hidden wisdom.
Hidden in a mystery.
And it says, God ordained it before the world.
He ordained it before the foundation of the world for our glory.
Look at the next part.
This is beautiful.
Look at it.
Which none of the princes of this world knew?

That's amazing.
Not revealed to the academia of the world.
To the world's intelligentsia.
They have no clue of this, which none of the princes of this world knew.
For have they known it?
The wood not have crucified the Lord of glory, Jesus Christ.
Have they known?
See, they didn't know they thought he was an ordinary man.
But he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities.
Just as when far peace was on him with his stripes, we are here.
All we like, she says, have gone astray.
We've turned everyone to his own way.
And God had laid on him.
God had laid on him the iniquity of us all.
They didn't know.
They thought he was just another man.
Crucify him, crucify him, they say it.
Who'd rather have Barabbas than to choose Barabbas or rubber in the place of Jesus?
But Jesus was the Son of God.
I want you to pray right now wherever you are.
Thank the Lord for His love, for His grace, for His kindness.
Thank the Lord for this beautiful month of October.
It's a month of insight.
And so many beautiful things.
Don't forget, I told you that we are in a season of victories.
We celebrate that, and we thank the Lord for it.
So just understand that no matter what you're confronted with, you are in a season of victories.
Be full of joy and full of praise to God, because it will turn out for your good.
Turn out for your good.
It will be to God.

So go ahead and just pray and thank the Lord.
And I pray for you, especially this none, that everything you put your hands upon to do will prosper.
In the name of the Lord Jesus, and the Spirit of God will give you insight into mysteries and secrets.
In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus, and these blessings for you, for your family,
for your work, for your business, for your finances.
And I pray also for your city, your state, your country.
But these blessings of God will fill your nation for His glory in Jesus' name.

We trust that you have been blessed watching this video.
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