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The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in You

One thing is sudden.
If you speak to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining, and nothing can stop you.
It is your secret.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Bravo is yours.

Christianity is a life of the Spirit and the Holy Spirit has come to make the Christian a champion in life.
The Bible tells us that we have not received the Spirit of the Word, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Find out how to live out God's dream for your life through the Holy Spirit in this exposé by Pastor Chris titled, The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in You.
Encourage the ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life and you see much more.
And every day you be amazed at this wonderful Holy Spirit and what is come to do in us.
God bless you.
Praise the Lord.
I've got some very important things to share with you.
Now the first thing I want to bring to your mind is that Christianity is not a religion.
It is the life of God in a human being.
It is the divine life lived out
through a human being.
It is living in partnership with God.
That's what the Bible tells us.
And that means that in Christianity, we can only function through the Holy Ghost.
We can only function through the Holy Spirit.
We can function any other way.
Now Jesus lived by the power of the Holy Spirit.
He functioned by the power of the Holy Spirit.
And that's why He was the success that He was.
And He let us know we would need the Holy Spirit.
Now the Holy Spirit is not just an influence.
He's a person.
The Holy Spirit is Himself God.
He is one with God.
He is the Spirit of God.
He is the one who carries the presence of God.
Now, we're out here, and these seven things the Holy Spirit do for you.
Number one, He will bring you God's presence.
If you have the Holy Spirit in your life, that's something He would have already done for you, and something He will continue to do, because you can only recognize the presence of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit helps you know the presence of God, and He brings that presence into your life.
such that your daily walk is actually living in the presence of God, carrying the presence of God and influencing your world with the presence of God.
So we said, He will bring you God's presence.
Number two, He will teach you.
And that's a very important ministry of the Holy Spirit.
the Bible terraces, that we have not received the Spirit of the Word but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Now, that tells you that the Holy Spirit helps you know what Christianity is all about after you have received Christ into your life.
You want to know what this means.
You realize there are people who have been Christians many, many years and they have never thought about what this really means.
They don't know what Christianity is.
They think they got a nice religion.
And this is no religion at all.
See, you want to know what Christianity is.
This life of Christ that you have received.
When you ask Him to come into your life, what did you think happened?
So the Holy Spirit brings that knowledge to you.
He helps you to understand it.
He teaches you.
So he says, we have not received the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
So that's very important.
And Jesus also said that when the Spirit of truth is come, that's the Holy Spirit.
He will teach you.
He said, the Holy Spirit will teach you.
And John 1426, he said, the Holy Spirit will teach you.
And number three, we said, he will bring you ability to produce righteousness.
That is powerful.
The ability to do righteousness.
The ability to produce righteousness.
Your works will be works of righteousness.
Acts of righteousness.
The doings of righteousness.
The fruits of righteousness.
This will be your life.
And it's the Holy Spirit that brings you that ability.
And you'll produce righteousness.
the works of righteousness would be in your life.
So that's the thought thing.
And then we said, he will give you rest.
You know, there are people who are disturbed all the time.
They are not at rest.
They're troubled all the time.
They're worried about life.
They're worried about the future.
They're worried about the environment.
They're worried about so many things.
And they are so worried.
They're not at rest about anything.
But the Holy Spirit's
Or give you rest.
He'll bring you rest.
You know, Jesus said, take my yoke upon you.
For my yoke is easy and my body is light.
And then he says, and you shall have a rest for your souls.
So those Holy Spirit brings you into a place of rest.
This is the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
It brings you into a place of rest.
Such that in all that you do, you are at rest, unperturbed.
You're not worried.
You're not troubled by anything.
And number five, he will restore, renew and refresh you.
I like that.
He will restore, renew and refresh you.
He'll restore you.
He'll renew you.
He'll refresh you.
Then the Bible says, though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
It says, for a lot of friction, which is bought for a moment, work it for us, a far more exceeding than eternal weight of glory, while we look not at the things which are seen, or at the things which are not seen.
That means a life of faith.
See, the Holy Spirit brings you into a life of faith.
See, He brings you into a life of faith.
And because He brings you into a life of faith, you're constantly renewed.
You're renewed, the inner man is renewed.
Let me read something to you that the Bible tears us in the book of Isaiah chapter 11 and from verse 2.
It is in the spirit of the Lord.
Now, maybe I should read from verse one, so you get the context.
From verse one, it says, and they shall comfort a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
A rod out of the stem of Jesse.
This is the prophet Isaiah's description of the Christ.
He's talking about Jesus.
who the Bible refers to as the root and offspring of David.
Now Jesse was the father of David.
And so this is talking about Jesus here.
In verse two, he says,

See, that's the description of the Holy Spirit in his fullness.
And when you have the Holy Spirit in his fullness in your life, look at what he's going to do for you.
In verse 3, Angel, make him of quick understanding.
Quick understanding.
No one on the Paul in writing the Timothy, he said, we have not received the spirit of timidity of cowardice.
He says, we have received the spirit of love, of power, and of a sound mind.
A sound mind.
So because we have the Holy Spirit, we have a sound mind.
And right there where you are, you can say, I've got a sound mind.
I'm sound.
I'm sharp.
Yeah, because it says the Holy Spirit shall make him of quick understanding.
You know, there are people who are slow in understanding.
They're slow in understanding almost anything you teach them.
They are slow in grasping those things.
They're slow.
They can pick up those things.
You got to say it again and again and again and you know, they come slowly trying to catch up.
But when you have the Holy Spirit in your life, he makes you of quick understanding.
And he says of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord.
So these functions in the fear of the Lord.
And then he shall not judge our likeness.
And he shall not judge after the side of his eyes.
Neither reprove after the hearing of his ears, which means he will not function according to his senses.
That means he'll function by faith.
He'll walk by faith.
And what does the Bible tell us in the 7th Corinthians chapter 5 and 7 says, we walk by faith and not by sensory perception.
We walk by faith, not by sensory perception.
Because of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
The Holy Spirit lives in us and has made us of quick understanding.
I got quick understanding, because the Holy Spirit has made me of quick understanding.
And I don't judge out of my sights, nor does out of my eyes, nor the hearing of my ears.
That means I don't judge according to the flesh.
I don't judge according to the senses.
I don't make decisions on the basis of sensory perception.
I function by the Spirit, because I receive the Holy Ghost.
I function by the Spirit.
I walk by the Spirit.
I see things by the Spirit.
I charge by the Spirit.
So, so important.
This is wonderful.
Number six, I've given you five.
Number six, He will turn your wilderness into a fruitful place.
Oh God.
like this.
He would turn your world and as into a fruitful place.
You know, there are people who live a very dry life.
They say, well, I don't know.
My life is so dry.
I don't know what to do with my life.
Things are so hard.
You know, so they got all these complaints.
Things are this way and that way.
They just can't seem to make things happen.
Well, let me read this to you.
In Isaiah chapter 32,
and from the 15th verse.
It is unto you the spirit that poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and a fruitful field be counted for a first.
When the Holy Spirit, that's what the sign, when the Holy Spirit comes into your life, says, when the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, in that has happened he has come.
He came on the day of Pentecost and has been here ever since.
until the spirits part upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field.
He will turn your wilderness into a fruitful field.
The dryness in your life, he will change it.
You change it.
That's the ministry of the Holy Spirit to turn your wilderness into a fruitful field.
Your life becomes fruitful.
You become fruitful in every way.
No more wilderness in your life.
No wilderness in your mind.
No wilderness in your thinking.
No wilderness in the way you function in your lifestyle.
No wilderness.
You're fruitful in every way and in everything.
Now that's your calling.
Now you know, this will not happen until you understand it.
This will not happen until you know it.
We function by knowledge.
By the way, through knowledge, I'll just be delivered.
You know, some people only know the negative side of deliverance and they say, well, to be delivered out of problems and out of the hand of a devil.
But what about being delivered into your inheritance?
See, so knowledge is not about taking you out of trouble, but knowledge is about bringing you into your inheritance, into the positive side of life, where things work.
The lack of knowledge brings in the destruction.
So what will knowledge do for you?
It will bring you into light.
It will bring you into your inheritance.
It will deliver you into your inheritance.
So that's what God's Word will make happen for you.
This is until the spirit poured upon us from on high and the wilderness be a fruitful field and a fruitful field be counted for a forest.
Wow, you know, think about it.
You may be having a fruitful life and things have been wonderful with you.
And God is saying, I can do even more than what you've experienced.
So no matter how great your life has been, God's saying, I can do more.
He says, the fruitful field will become a forest.
So your fruitful field will be turned into a forest by the Holy Ghost.
Meaning things will get even better.
You know, some people say, oh, when you follow this Christ, things will begin to go bad for you.
That's nonsense.
Don't you hear what we just read?
He didn't say your fruitful field will become dry.
That's not what he said.
He says, until the Spirit, the poor upon us from on high and the wilderness be of fruitful field and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.
Didn't say in the fruitful field be contrived.
So they understand the Word of God upside down.
Something's wrong.
Until the wilderness be what of fruitful field in the fruitful field be counted for a forest.
That's my life.
So, you turn your wilderness into a fruitful place.
That's the number six thing that the Holy Spirit will do for you.
And then the number seven thing, I like this one, he will bring excellence into your life.
Think about it.
He will bring excellence into your life.
You can be excellent.
You see, you don't just train to be excellent.
You've got to have an excellent spirit.
It's an inner culture.
Something about your personality.
Let me read something to you from the Bible, guide your mind in this.
The book of Daniel, chapter 6.
From the third verse,
He says, then this Daniel, talk about Daniel, this Daniel was preferred above the President's entrances because an excellent spirit was in him.
And the king thought to set him over the whole realm.
Wow, an excellent spirit was in him.
Who is this excellent spirit?
That's the Holy Spirit of God.
He's the excellent spirit.
You know, there are two people in the Bible that, you know, Old Testament were described for us as me and who had an excellent spirit.
Daniel is one, who just read of him.
The other one was Joseph.
Joseph in the Old Testament, son of Jacob.
He had an excellent spirit.
You, if you have the Holy Spirit, you have received an excellent spirit.
What you have to do is let this Holy Spirit carry out His ministry in your life.
Welcome the Holy Spirit in your life.
Recognize the Holy Spirit in your life.
Recognize and encourage His ministry in your life.
This is so important.
This should be in your meditations.
Think about the fact that the Holy Spirit is in your life.
He's leading you every day.
He's brought this wonderful things into your life.
He's making this happen for you.
And he is living out the divine life in you and become thankful, the full of joy, the full of appreciation and say, thanks beyond to God.
for His glory in my life.
I'm glad for what is done for me.
You talk like that.
Do you realize if you recognize the things that the Holy Spirit has done in your life?
Because, you know, I made a statement a few seconds ago.
I said, encourage His ministry in your life.
And you might have been thinking, how do I encourage the ministry of the Holy Spirit in my life?
Well, I'm telling you now how to do it.
You've got to notice the things that it does for you and give Him glory for them.
You see, the things he does for you.
Notice them.
Notice his good works in your life.
They are simple, everyday things of the Holy Spirit does for you.
For example, you're understanding of the Scripture.
When you read the Scripture or when you hear it like this, and you have an understanding, you get an understanding of something.
You say, Holy Spirit, thank you for teaching me.
That's encouraging the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life.
And the result of that is, he'll teach you more.
You get much more.
See, if you're thankful for the little that you notice, you begin to see the big ones.
That's the way.
You encourage the ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life and you see much more.
And every day you be amazed at this wonderful Holy Spirit and what is come to do in us.
There's so much for him to do.
See, he's come to make you a champion in life.
And this is God's dream.
This is God's dream.
That's what He wants us to be.
And you can now start declaring, I'm going to live a life of a champion in every way.
See, you can start making that declaration, because the Holy Spirit will make it happen.
He'll train you, He'll lead you, He'll help you.
Jesus said, He'll help us, the Holy Spirit will help us.
He said, I pray the Father, and he shall send you another comforter.
And he may abide with you forever, even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it's yet him not near that nor with him.
He said, but you know him, for he dwelt with you and shall be in you.
And thanks be to God, he has come, and now he lives in us.
How could anybody expect to live a Christian life without the Holy Spirit?
That's not possible.
It's not possible.
Christianity is a life of the Spirit.
So how could you live a genuine Christian life without a Holy Spirit?
It's impossible.
You couldn't.
That won't work.
You've got to have a Holy Spirit to live the Christian life.
So that is wonderful.
That is beautiful.
It'll get even more glorious.
The Bible says the part of the just, the part of the righteous is as the shining light that shines brighter and brighter on to the perfect day.
And we are journeying towards the perfect day when the Son of God comes back and life can only get better.
We trust that you had a rich listening experience.
The message you just listened to is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
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God bless you.