Would God allow the Church to go through tribulation
Viraju from India is asking, Pascras will the Lord allow the church go through tribulation or will he take his bride before the tribulation?
I heard some pastors and prophets say the rapture will take place during the mid tribulation and after tribulation.
Also will the mark of the beast be implanted on the believers
Please give me clarification.
Now, this is on the subject of eschatology, dealing with the end times.
And it's quite a broad subject.
And of course, I'm aware that there are those who say that the rapture will take place.
before the tribulation and some say, now, by the way, when we say tribulation, we're dealing with the great tribulation because there are different phases of tribulations throughout the church age.
But then the Bible refers to the one that he calls the great tribulation.
And those who say, the rapture will take place before the tribulation.
Some say,
adoring the tribulation and some say at the end of the tribulation.
But what we have to understand is that the period between the rapture of the church and the Second Coming of Christ has to be Daniel's week
that is between the 69th week and the 70th week.
Now, it is important that we understand that the church age has to come to a close before the return of God's calendar.
to the Israelite nation.
Very, very important because he doesn't deal with both of them at the same time.
He deals with the church and then he returns to dealing with Israel.
So evidently what happens is the rapture of the church takes place.
before the Great Tribulation.
But really, the Great Tribulation doesn't begin until the second half of the seven-year period, which the Bible refers to.
So the rapture evidently will take place at the beginning of the seven-year period because
That's the time that the Antichrist is revealed.
And at that period, God's timetable shifts over to dealing with the nation of Israel.
So the church would have been taken away.
Well, when we say the church,
it's important to understand that there are others that will join the church.
Now, throughout that period of the seven years, there are other raptures that will take place.
For example, the rapture, the two witnesses will take place.
Then later on, you got the 144,000 that are all Jews, and the Bible talks about them.
See, so these are different ones, but for the church as it is today,
The rapture will take place at the beginning of the 70th period.
It's got to be so because when you study in the book of Daniel, read Daniel chapter 9, you get some of these facts and understanding that God deals with time.
Even though he lives in eternity, he deals with human beings who are within the framework of time.
And so he gives us such information that if you read the book of Isaiah, read the book of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Daniel, of course, and then the book of Revelation, all of this information is there.
And in reality, when you study them, you cannot have, you wouldn't find contradictions and you not be in any doubt as to when you take place.
Now, the other question here is, will the mark of the beast be implanted on believers?
Those who believe in Jesus Christ, knowing the purpose of the mark will reject it.
they will say no.
Now remember the church by this time has already gone.
I mean the church as it is today because I did say there are others who believe in Jesus Christ during the tribulation period.
So because they believe at the ending part of that they're going to be part of the church because they believe in Jesus Christ.
But they will go through the tribulation.
They will not receive the mark.
And because they will not receive the mark, they will be persecuted.
Because the instruction, the law in that time will be that no one will buy or sell, except it has that mark.
And how are you going to make it?
The laws of different countries will be imposed on you.
You've got to accept.
If you don't accept, then you cannot buy.
You cannot sell.
You'll be prosecuted.
persecuted and prosecuted.
So that's real problem.
But in spite of that, the Bible does tell us that a great multitude went through the great tribulation.
So those of us who don't want to wait for the tribulation, we're working hard right now in preaching the gospel to the nations of the earth so that we can win a whole lot of people to Christ, Hallelujah.
We trust you have been blessed.
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