November 2023 – The Month of Increase
So today, being our very special community service, think about it.
It's very interesting.
Do you know?
This is the 11th month of 2023, right?
Yes, sir.
So it's just one more month.
in 2023 is over.
It's just like yesterday when we got it and welcomed 2023.
And now it's about to be folded up.
I told you, we're going to move so fast.
This month,
I want to read to you from Zechariah chapter number eight and tell you what modernity is for us.
Glory be to God.
Zechariah chapter eight from verse 11.
God speaks to these people by prophecy.
He says, but now I will not be on to the residue of these people as in the former days, say it, the Lord of hosts, for the seeds shall be prosperous.
He's talking to Judah, right?
And he says to them, he says, for the seeds shall be prosperous.
The vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her increase.
This is remarkable.
I wish we had the time to expatiate on this just those three, because it means a lot.
It means a lot.
The seed shall be prosperous.
The vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her increase.
But then it goes on to say, and the heavens shall give their due.
And I will cause the remnant of these people to possess all these things.
Now, when you see the word remnant in prophetic language, it refers to Israel in the last days.
refers to Israel in the last days, the remnant.
The remnant refers to Israel in the last days.
And prophetically, there are parallels to the church's blessings.
And here's one of them.
So when you see, I will cause the remnant of these people to possess all things.
He is not dealing with the church, he's dealing with Israel of the last days.
But the last days blessings of Israel are first, are first given to the church because the church comes ahead of the millennial reign of the Messiah.
in the earth.
And so here's some of the beautiful, which means something you can enjoy right away from God.
The seed shall be prosperous, the vine shall give a fruit, and the ground shall give a increase, and the heavens shall give their due, and I will cast the remnant of these people to possess all these things.
Wow, this is lovely.
Can we read it from the amplified translation for a second?
For there shall the seed produce peace and prosperity.
Did you see that?
There shall the seed produce peace and prosperity.
This is wonderful.
So your seeds shall produce what?
Peace and prosperity.
Did you see that?
everything that comes from you.
Your sea, including your giving, will produce peace and prosperity.
The vine shall yield a fruit, and the ground shall give its increase.
This is remarkable, is dealing all with prosperity here.
And the heavens shall give their due.
And I will cost the remnant of these people to inherit and possess all these things.
Now, you can go to second Corinthians chapter nine, from verse eight.
He says, and God is able to make all grace abound towards you.
This is interesting.
Remember just now he said, he gave by his word, he gave them the power to prosper, the power to increase.
He gave it to them in words, in prophetic words.
All right?
Then, so he says, God is able to make all grace abound towards you, channel grace towards you, that he always having all sufficiency in all things.
Having sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work.
Now, having sufficiency in all things, the word things,
That's not really in the original.
So the construction actually means having our sufficiency in our seasons.
Our sufficiency in our seasons because the word translated sufficiency is autaki and it means to be self
sufficient regarding requiring no support, requiring no help, no external help.
That is amazing.
So having all sufficiently in all seasons may abound to every good work.
This is amazing.
Now, let's go on.
I want you to go to verse 10 and see this beautiful verse here.
Now heed that ministret seed, heed that gives, he administers, distributes seeds to the sower and bread for your food, minister bread for your food.
Okay, both, look at it.
Now heed that minister seed to the sower, both minister bread for your food and multiply your seed zone.
So he says, he will do two things.
He'll give you bread and also multiply.
So you provide bread and multiply your seed zone.
That is wonderful.
And then he says, and increase the fruits of your righteousness.
Increase the fruits.
of your righteousness.
So your acts of righteousness become even more productive.
Anything you do turns into success.
You're getting bigger results than others who do exactly the same thing.
Your results are more than theirs even though you're doing exactly the same thing and they may even put in more effort.
But your results come back bigger, greater, more effective.
Look at it.
It says, he that ministered seed to the sower bought minister bread for your food and multiply your seed sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness.
Then, why this is on?
Why God is doing all of this?
He does some nerves.
I like it.
And that's the next verse.
Look at it.
Being enriched in everything.
Oh, dear.
What's that?
Think about it.
The first one, he says, having our sufficiency in our seasons.
In our seasons, no matter what happens, calm rain, calm shine, right?
When things are difficult for everybody else, or when things are easy for everybody else, makes no difference.
You are always, always, he says, in our seasons.
You have our sufficiency in our seasons.
So, when you come to this, you say, I'm big.
I'm big.
So, in our seasons, there's no such things, not such things as these are hard times, you know.
They ask some people, how are you doing?
They say, we are struggling.
They say, the struggle continues.
The struggle continues.
No, no.
A thousand times, no.
You belong to the king.
You don't struggle.
A thousand times, no.
Say, I refuse the struggle.
Don't struggle anymore.
Use your faith in Christ.
And you find that everything about you is blessed.
Your work is blessed.
Your family is blessed.
Your way is blessed.
Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Being enriched in everything.
To our bountifulness, which corset through us thanks given to God.
Ah, being enriched, it means being made rich.
Being made rich means being
brought into wealth.
Some people don't believe in wealth.
You better believe in wealth.
Believe in it.
Believe in it because you are an heir of wealth untold.
That's who you are.
That's who you are.
And that's why the devil doesn't want you to find out.
Because if you found out, think what had happened.
A whole lot of people will be blessed.
A whole lot of people will be helped.
And Satan doesn't like it.
He doesn't want you to discover what belongs to you in Christ Jesus.
He would like you to be ignorant and to believe in poverty.
and to struggle to life, why he makes things difficult for you.
He wants all that for you.
But when you get the knowledge of God, look at it being and reaching everything.
Look at it.
It's right there in the book and reached in everything.
That means having a bond and supply and everything.
He says to all bountifulness,
That means to all liberality.
In other words, God bringing you into a position where you become a giver.
You see, if you don't have, how can you give?
You can give what you don't have.
God wants all his kids to be givers.
Stranger people don't know God.
All God's people give us.
It's one of the ways you know that God wants to help somebody, even people who don't know Jesus Christ.
Now, I'm not talking about those who give for political reasons, like, you know, they give to be, to be assumed, to be assumed that they are give us.
No, no, no.
Or for those who give for business reasons, they give one and they take ten.
I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about genuine giving, genuine giving from your heart.
All such people are known by God and God always seeks to save them because there's something of his own nature that is in them that genuine give us.
The Bible says, God loves a cheerful giver.
God loves a cheerful giver.
One whose heart is in his giving.
not giving, you know, for to impress human beings.
But giving from your heart to be a true helper.
So God loves such.
So, oh boy, this is wonderful.
I want to read this back to you.
I want to read this to you from the amplified translation.
I'm going to read real fast and I want you to follow exactly what it says.
He says, we're reading from the from the eight verse from the eight verse.
It says, and God is able to make all grace every favor and early blessing come to you in abundance.
He's able to do it.
And so he wants to do it.
And you let him do it then.
so that you may always and under our circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient, possess it enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation.
Look at that.
He makes you a giver.
Glory be to God.
Verse 10.
and God who provides seed for the so and bread for eating will also provide and multiply your resources.
See, he'll multiply your resources for sowing and increase the fruits of your righteousness which manifests itself in active goodness, kindness and charity.
Boy, I love it.
And then look at the next verse.
Thus, you'll be unreached in all things and in every way so that you can be generous.
And your generosity, as it is, administrators will bring forth thanksgiving to God.
You see, when you give, think about it.
Who gets praised when you give?
That'll tell you what happened to your giving.
Who gets praised when you give?
It'll tell you what happens to your giving.
Who gets praised?
And you look at what Paul, the Apostle, writes here to this church in Corinth.
He says, when you give, thanks go to God.
Praise goes to God.
Look at that.
It'll bring forth thanks giving to God.
Oh boy, this is wonderful.
This is wonderful.
This is wonderful.
I'm gonna have to read this again to you.
Look at it again.
Now go back to the King James translation, and you'll see it's shorter here.
He says, being and reaching everything to our bountifulness, which caused that through us, thanksgiving to God.
Thanksgiving to God.
Now, go on to the next verse.
For the administration of this service, not only supply the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God.
Many thanksgivings, it says, when you give like this, it doesn't only solve the problem that those who received were going to
But it provides thanksgiving to God, many, because many people were blessed by your giving.
So he says, now there's a lot of thanksgiving going up to God.
It matters.
Those are sacrifices that go up to God.
For example, a moment ago, a moment ago, you were watching that video.
with those people in that place when they got that school and their children got this free education, they began to thank God.
They thought God had remembered them.
That's amazing.
And think about all of those healings that you saw during the healing streams.
And many of you gave to make those things happen.
You gave to set up centers.
Many of you gave.
You gave a lot to organize those programs all over the world.
And then people got healed thanking God, thanking God that they got the magazine, thanking God that they heard about the program, thanking God.
Lots of thanksgivings going to God.
That's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
So he says, for the administration of this service, not only supplied the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God.
Whilst by the experiment of this administration, the glorified God for your professed objection unto the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal distribution unto them, and unto all men.
And by their prayer for you, which long after you, for the exceeding grace of God in you, thanks beyond to God for his unspeakable gift.
That means his indescribable gift.
So, this month of November is the month of increase.
The month of increase.
Oh, glory be to God.
There's increase for you.
The Word has gone far to cause increase in your life.
Increase in your life.
Grace for increase.
Grace for increase.
Extraordinary increase in your life.
There's increase for you.
Blessed be God.
Go ahead and thank Him by yourself.
It's your amount of increase.
Thank Him by yourself.
to increase you in every way.
There's a bon and grace for you.
Thank you by yourself.
It's your moment of increase.
Coraba candalaga hongris cevra de la gusto chalahades.
We trust that you have been blessed watching this video.
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