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An Exposé on the Year of the Gathering Clouds

This is an expose on the year of the gathering clouds.

Let me share some thoughts with you in the light of this wonderful year.
Really instructive and enlightening things in this message.
I'd like to draw your attention to certain things in the scriptures.
Firstly, that the Bible actually tells us that in the Scriptures, people, individuals, are referred to as clouds.
Human beings are referred to as clouds.
Why is that so?
Well, we'll talk about that shortly.
In the same way that they're referred to as trees.
Think about that.
Each person is a tree.
It's symbolically referred to in the word as a tree.
Each one is referred to as a cloud.
So much so that the Bible tells us that when Jesus ascended in Acts chapter one, when he ascended, the Old Testament saints who were waiting for him in the heavenlies, just in case you didn't know that, because the Bible tells us that they came out of their graves,
Some of them actually appeared to others in the holy city.
These were the Old Testament saints.
Jesus brought them out of Hades when he went to hell.
He brought them out.
And they came out of their graves after his resurrection and appeared to many in the holy city.
So, but then they were waiting for Jesus in the heavenlies.
And the Bible choices in verse nine, let's read it.
Acts chapter one, verse nine.
And when he had spoken these things, why they be held, why they were looking at him, he was taken up, he ascended.
And the cloud received him out of their sight.
You see, a cloud received Jesus out of their sight.
Yeah, he was not just talking about the clouds.
like you look at the clouds in the sky.
No, he was referring to what you have in Hebrews chapter 12, verse number one.
You go to Hebrews chapter 12, verse one, see the term here.
He says, wherefore seen we also are compressed about which so great a cloud of witnesses, a cloud of witnesses.
And these cloud of witnesses are those that he talked about in Hebrews chapter 11.
which we sometimes call Faith's Hall of Fame because he's talking about these great, the great men and women of faith and what they did with their faith.
He calls them a cloud of witnesses.
So this was the cloud that he refers to in Acts chapter one that received Jesus.
So when you looked, you saw a cloud, but they were a cloud of people.
They were actually a cloud of people.
Everyone with his own glory.
Everyone with his own glory.
And they were the ones that received Jesus.
You want to understand that more?
You have to go to the Book of Psalms to actually see this.
So they received Jesus.
and He led them into heaven.
Praise God.
Now, just so you understand, Father, how this reference is to individuals as clouds or trees.
Go to Jude, the Book of Jude, chapter one is only one chapter.
We'll read verse four.
And I'll take you to two other verses.
It says, for there are certain men, I want you to follow this very carefully.
For there are certain men, crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation.
So he's talking about people who were very sinful, people who were very wicked.
All right, so these are not Christians.
Look at what they did.
For there are certain men, crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men.
turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, notice what he says about this man, verse 11.
War unto them, which man?
The man in verse four.
War unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for a word and perished in the game saying of Cora.
You remember Cora in the Old Testament.
Now this is the Greek version of his Hebrew name.
So when he's a quarry, he's talking about Cora of the Old Testament.
Look at verse 12.
These are spots.
You see, these people, he says, when they come among us, because it says they're crafting unawares.
They join the church.
But their hearts are not after God.
That's what he's talking about.
So he says, these are spots in your feasts of charity, love feasts.
When we have love feasts and they sit among us, these are spots in your love feasts.
When they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear, clouds they are without water.
See that?
He calls these men clouds without water.
But we are clouds with water.
Praise God.
So these ungodly men are clouds without water.
Carried about of wings.
Look again what he calls them.
Trees whose fruit we threat without fruit.
Twice dead, plucked up by the roots.
He calls them trees.
What does he call us?
You want to know what he calls us?
You go to Isaiah chapter 61 and verse number three.
You see what he calls us.
to appoint unto them that morning Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for morning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planning of the Lord that he might be glorified.
See, we are trees of righteousness, but he called them trees without fruit.
He calls them clouds without water.
Each one of us is a tree.
what trees of righteousness, what clouds of glory.
And we are clouds with water.
And that is very significant because you look at the word of God in Saint John's gospel.
Notice what it tells us in Saint John's gospel.
Chapter seven and verse 38.
He that believe it on me, these are the words of Jesus.
He that believe it on me as the scripture had said.
He that believes as the scripture had said, if you believe the way the Bible, the word of God tells you to believe.
He that believe it on me as the scripture had said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
of his animals being out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
That's amazing.
That's amazing.
We carry water.
We have living water.
Now why this is so powerful is because of what the world of God tells us.
And I want us to read
in Isaiah chapter 45 and verse 8.
And NIV says, you heavens above, ring down my righteousness.
Let the clouds shower it down.
So he's actually saying, ring down righteousness.
He says, the clouds, because from the heavens, the clouds he says, receive, because he tells the clouds, the heavens drip down.
All right.
And the clouds rain, rain down righteousness, rain down righteousness.
Then he says, let the earth open wide.
Let salvation spring up.
Let righteousness flourish with it.
Spring along with it.
Now what the world is telling you here is that from the clouds would rain righteousness.
and salvation.
So the earth opens wide and receives and produces, reproduces, it causes to spring forth.
So you will then witness righteousness and salvation in the earth.
What is basically showing us here, I told you when you look at these amazing blessings that the Word of God tells us about God and His people in the millennial reign, you have to understand that for 2,000 years, all of those blessings have actually been made available in Christ Jesus.
So what is telling us is that from us,
from us, because it says, out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water, out of your belly.
And the living water comes out in words.
You see that?
It comes out in words.
Of course, the fountain itself that is referring to is the Holy Ghost.
That fountain comes to reside in your inner man.
He is the fountain.
Go to Jeremiah chapter 2 verse 13.
For my people have committed two evils.
Therefore, second, me, the fountain of living waters.
You see, the fountain of living waters.
And hewed them out systems, broken systems that can hold no water.
So when the Holy Spirit comes to live inside you, what happens is these goshers of words of life come out of you.
And there are two things that characterize the words that we speak in Christ Jesus, righteousness and salvation.
righteousness and salvation.
We speak words of righteousness.
We speak words of salvation.
Our words lead meaning to righteousness.
Our words lead meaning to salvation.
So we are those who turn many to righteousness.
And we bring meaning to salvation.
Think about it.
That's really wonderful.
In fact, you want to understand how this works.
It's exactly how the Bible tells us in Isaiah, chapter 55, Isaiah, chapter 55, from verse 10.
For as the rain come it down and the snow from heaven and return it not thre there.
doesn't return there.
But water at the earth and make it bring forth in part that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be.
He says, my word is like water coming out of heaven.
See that?
My word is like water that comes from heaven.
So shall my word be that goeth for out of my mouth.
It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where to I sent it."
Now that same voice of God by the Holy Spirit, this was the cloud that covered the old tabernacle.
This was the same cloud that entered the temple of Solomon.
This is the same cloud that the Bible tells us led the children of Israel to the promised land from Egypt.
He says, he burned them all the days of old.
This is the same cloud that has come to reside in you today.
He's the same cloud.
And here, from him, those words come, out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water."
So you look at that in verse 11, let's read that verse 11 Isaiah 55.
So shall my word be that God, for out of my mouth, it shall not return unto me void.
Did you know that when we speak
I told you put a premium on words.
They're just too many Christians who don't understand the importance of words.
They don't understand.
They don't understand the importance of words.
They misuse words.
And remember what Jesus said.
If you speak words that are powerless and useless,
He says, you will give account of those words to God.
You give account.
So our words are important to God.
When they go out, they will not return void.
They will accomplish their purpose.
And when we release these words,
of righteousness and salvation.
They go into all nations.
Because look here, this is how God talks to the nations today.
He talks through us.
We are His witnesses to all the world.
We are His witnesses.
He sent us His Holy Spirit to live in us.
So he says, it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in a thing where do I send it?
Did you know that you could talk exactly like that?
Because the word that God has spoken is inside you now.
You are the one to speak God's word.
I want to show you something shortly.
In divisions chapter 5 and verse number 26, notice what the Bible says.
that he might sanctify and cleanse it.
In fact, before I take you here, let me first take you to St.
John's Gospel chapter 15 and verse three.
Notice what the word says.
These are the words of Jesus.
Now he are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
What does this mean?
Jesus says you are clean through the Logos, which he has spoken.
Now, when you speak, when you order Logos, that is Rima.
Rima is the spoken word.
It is Logos otad.
See that?
That's it.
So here he says, you are clean through the Word, the Logos, which I have spoken.
It's like saying through the Scripture that I have ordered to you.
So look at this.
Imagine the Scripture.
If it is written in Scripture, that's Logos.
Now, when I begin ordering
that which is written, that is Rema.
So he says, you are cleaned through the word.
So when he speaks his word to you, he says, you are cleansed.
So the word of God has cleansing power.
The logos of God has cleansing power when it is ordered.
When it is ordered.
You see, so when you order it, it becomes Rema.
Okay, with that understanding, you now go to Ephesians 5, and let's read it from verse 24.

just so you pick the contest.
Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it.
you are clean through the word that I've spoken to you.
So he says that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.
So the word is water.
Can you see it?
The word is water.
He says that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.
And that word is river.
The washing of water by river.
the spoken word, the honored word.
This is significant because you see, the Word of God resides in your heart as logos.
It's in your heart as logos until you speak it.
It has no power.
But when you bring it forth and order it,

as power.
That's wonderful.
It comes out as what?
Living water.
Living water.
Living water.
It can cleanse.
It can purify.
It can produce righteousness.
It can produce salvation.
So understand that in this 2022, our Saints of God, our clouds,
Our clouds are gathering upon the earth and pouring forth what righteousness and salvation.
This is what is going on.
All over the world will prophesy to the nations.
As we prophesy to the nations, we prophesy salvation, we prophesy righteousness.
You've got to do it in your community.
Listen, the earth is commanded to hear us.
I hear in this, the nations will hear, they will receive.
It says, unrighteousness shall spring forth from the earth.
It cannot spring forth except we prophesy it, except we point out.
But you learned this in 2021, you learned it.
In 2022,

You are now manifesting it in glory.
And all over the world are clouds, are building, and pouring forth upon the nations.
And from every nation shall spring forth righteousness and salvation.
This is significant.
Because through the Spirit,
The ingathering has taken place through the Spirit because of these words that are coming out of us throughout the world.
Every nation under heaven.
And I'll say to you, even with your subsidy, as you read, read out, read out, the power is in the spoken word.
The viruses when the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth.
Read out.
There are three levels of meditation.
There is the meditation in your heart.
Then there's the meditation with the moving of your lips.
And there's the meditation when you shout.
See, let it out.
As you read the absurdity of yourself, you read it out.
There are words in there that you have to read out.
There are prophetic words in there that you have to read out.
And sometimes you find yourself your reading scripture.
You come across words that are so staring, words of salvation and righteousness.
Give them into the spirit realm.
Read them out.
Say them out.
Say them out.
You are the vent of the Holy Ghost today.
Let me show you.
This is so important because this is leading to the ingathering.
It is leading to the ingathering.
The ingathering is taking place, the ingathering.
Let me show you what I mean by this ingathering that's taking place.
Because the exact number, there is an exact number that God is waiting for.
And thank God has raised us to be so bold.
And that's what makes us dangerous.
We are dangerous to the adversary, telling you, hallelujah.
In first Chronicles chapter 12, something significant happened.
It's good to me to take you there.
You'd love it.
The Bible tells us,
How that when David had been made king by God and Saul and Saul's house tried to fight it every way until Saul died.
Remember the Bible tells us that there was long war between the house of Saul and the house of David.
And it says, the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker.
The house of David grew stronger and stronger.
But what was significant was why David was at Ziklag.
Various armies of Israel, strong warriors of Israel began to journey away
from the house of Saul.
Not just from the tribe of Benjamin, no, no, no, all Israel.
They began to journey to David.
That being war.
There were those who were fighting and trying to make sure David never became king, as the Lord had said, to keep the kingship in the house of Saul.
But the Bible tells us the word of the Lord had been given, and some recognized that word
they realized that this was the will of God and they made sure that they followed according to the instruction.
Let's read.
So in verse 22, this summarizes what happened.
For at that time, day by day, at that time, day by day,
There came to David to help him until it was a great host, like the host of God.
It's amazing what we're seeing today, ministers of the gospel, saints of God from around the world.
The unity of the body of Christ has never been like this.
After the early church, what has happened today is significant.
as we're all coming together to work for the purpose that Christ has determined.
So much is happening.
Millions of ministers of the gospel laboring together.
Did you ever hear such numbers?
When did you ever hear that even one million ministers were working together?
In 2021, more than 40 million of us

And that was just the first quarter of the year.
Think what followed.
And look at this for at that time, day by day.
And think of saints of God as we work together throughout the world in the distribution of wraps of realities around the world.
are the billions.
And then think about the healing streams, the greatest massive, the most massive crusade ever of any kind, whether Christian or non-Christian, most significant,
with healings all over the world.
These are not the works of men.
What you've seen is the work of God.
And even here, the Bible tells us it was the Holy Spirit that was bringing them together.
It was the Holy Spirit.
It was His work in that day to cause to come to pass the word that He had spoken.
concerning David.
Now, go to Romans chapter 11, verse 25 in the Amplified Translation, the AMPC.
Watch what it says, lest you be self opinionated, wise in your own concepts, I do not want you to miss this hidden truth and mystery, brethren.
a hardening incensibility has temporarily been falling apart of Israel to last until the full number of the in-gathering of the Gentiles has come in.
Did you see that?
It says the reason Israel as a nation hasn't accepted the gospel now because they won't, there's a time they will,
Remember, Jesus brought the salvation to them.
They rejected it.
So what you're going to have and what you have had ever since is some people believe in Jesus and many don't.
So you're going to have some Jews believe in Jesus and most don't.
That will continue until after the rapture of the church.
That will continue.
You see, so as a nation, they will not accept Jesus until he comes back.
That's when they're going to accept Him.
That's when they will all proclaim Him, Lord of all.
That's when they will.
For now they won't.
So the Bible says, because God has taken the message to the Gentiles.
And he will continue his work among the Gentiles until the exact number, the full number.
So he has a definite number of people that he's taken out from among the Gentiles.
You can look at this from the Book of Acts, chapter 15.
You see, this is remarkable.
It says, lest you be self opinionated,
Wisely on concerts, I do not want you to miss this hidden truth and mystery, brethren, our hardening insensibility has temporarily befallen a part of Israel.
You see, apart, not all of them, some believe, until the full number of the inguidering of the Gentiles has come in.
The full number of the in-gathering.
Remember, I told you.
My brothers and sisters, 2022 is very significant.
Very, very significant.
And once that full number has come in,
The Bible shows us we shall be gathered onto him in the clouds.
First the saloon in chapter four, verse 17.
I want you to see it.
So the end gathering is not just in gathering so that we can remain in some places.
Says, then we, well, let's read it from 14 to 17.
I just want to put it in context for you.
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with you?
For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain,
onto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them."
That means go ahead of them, which are asleep.
For the Lord Himself, and you're glad it's the Lord Himself, for the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with His shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God.
and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
Then we which are alive and remain shall be cut up together with them in the clouds.

to meet the Lord in the air.
And so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Look at the next verse, you like it.
Queer for comfort one another with these words.
Isn't that wonderful?
You may say, Pastor Chris, this was written a long time ago,
How can we think that there's anything different today than what it was a hundred years ago for those who are ignorant in detail others that there's no such thing as Rapture.
They don't know what they're talking about.
Rapture means to be cut up.
So that's the meaning of the word rapture.
To suddenly take up, we just saw it.
Go back to verse 17.

Then we, which are alive and remain shall be cut up.
That's where rapture came from.
That's rapture.
Cut up.
Together with those who came out of death.
And if you're thinking, it's going to be some kind of process and you're going to be watching how it's happening and then determine whether or not you can join them.
Go to 1 Corinthians chapter 15.
Let's read from verse 51.
From verse 51.
Behold, I show you a mystery.
We shall not all sleep.
It's not everyone is going to die.
You've heard some people say, we're all going to die.
It's not true.
Everybody is not going to die.
Some will die.
Some have died.
The Bible says, I show you a mystery.
We shall not all sleep.
That means to die.
So we shall not all die.
So the next time you hear someone saying, everyone will die.
So it's not true.
The Bible never said in any place that everybody will die.
Instead, it says, as it is appointed unto men,
wants to die after that, the judgment.
So Christ also, you read it, read it in context.
He's telling you why Jesus had to die only once.
He says, because it was appointed to men to die only once.
That's why Jesus will not die and die again.
But he was a perfect sacrifice.
The autism and sacrifices had to be offered again and again.
But Jesus being the perfect sacrifice was to die only once.
He says, because the man that he was dying for were appointed to die only once.
That's what the Bible says.
He wasn't declaring that every man must die once.
No, he says, it is appointed to men to die once.
Therefore, Jesus dying in their place had to die only once.
Now that he has died, death is no longer compulsory.
Don't you understand?
The Bible says that Jesus has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.
I wish I had the time to preach on this for you.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
So it says, Behold, I show you a mystery.
We shall not all sleep.
We shall not all die, but we shall all be changed.
That's what's good.
Whether the Christian died or he didn't die, when Christ comes, there'll be a change for those that died and for those that didn't die.
That's why he says that when the Lord descends from heaven with his shout,
with the voice of the Archangel, the dead in Christ shall rise first.
You see, they will undergo that change.
And then we, which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them.
So let's read first Corinthians where we were.
Behold, I show your mystery, we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.
In a moment, look at it, in a moment,
So it's going to happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
It's saying it's so fast.
So fast.
You can't observe it.
So you're not going to be looking and seeing the process.
No, it's going to be so fast.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last drop.
And I showed you from Scripture that last drop means second drop.
I showed it to you from the Scripture.
at the last chump, meaning at the second chump.
For the trumpet shall sound, and I told you why, second chump.
The first trumpet, the dead, comes out of the grave.
The second and last trumpet, we that are alive and remain are caught up together with them in the clouds.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last chump,
Now, just in case, let me just help you with little information there.
At the last drum, I showed you from the scripture that in the same sense that it says the first Adam and the last Adam, okay, it's consistent in 1 Corinthians chapter 15, the first Adam and the last Adam.
And the last Adam is the second Adam.
So this is the first man, the second man, because in the second man, okay, the second man is the last Adam.
So first and then second and last.
So when he talks about second, he tells you it's the last.
So that you have no misgivance as to what he means.
So there's no thinking that there might be a thought Adam.
No, the second is the last.
That's what he says.
So in the same portion of the Bible,
He shows you all of this and goes into talking about the trumpets.
And you study about trumpets in the Bible, because there are several trumpets.
Okay, several trumpet sounds.
So what is letting you know, the second one is the last one.
So there are two trumpets.
The first trump, the dead comes out.
The second and last trump, we are alive and remain a corrupt.
What's the difference between the two?
In other words, in terms of time, don't watch and be looking like this, because the Bible doesn't say we'll join them here.
It says, we'll be caught up to meet them, caught up together with them in the clouds.
It says, caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.
What do you mean by caught up together with them in the clouds?
I want to explain to you.
It doesn't mean that we'll get into the physical clouds you're looking at.
No, we'll be caught up in the clouds.
The same cloud that came upon Jesus, Elijah, Moses, Peter, James, and John on the Mount of Transfiguration.
For the Bible says they were covered with the clouds.
Suddenly they were all covered.
Six of them, six of them were covered with the clouds.
So we will be caught up in the clouds.
To meet the Lord, you see.
Oh, my shakarabha sindeligabrosi.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
We'll be taken up in the cloud of God's glory, sakoramahandigles.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Hallelujah, sakoramahandigles.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Oh, glory to God.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Worship Him in part of Him.
Give Him glory.
Give Him the glory that He deserves.
It's not like Him.
It's not like Him.
Cora Sandegirabakabashatakabatik.
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