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Being Led by the Spirit (An Introduction)

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

has to be witnessed by the Holy Spirit to your spirit within you.
How much more other things are there?
Get ready to be educated on the most important thing in your life.
But most people don't know about it because they've never trained their spirits.
And your human spirit can be educated just as your mind can be educated.
So find the perfect guide to making the right choices and moving in the right direction in your life.
A lot of people are led by their minds and they make a lot of mistakes.
He bears witness with your spirit that the direction which you're going is correct or wrong.
No one who's led by the Holy Spirit is ever defeated.
You always be victorious, irrespective of your circumstances.
Pastor Chris teaches on being led by the Spirit.

I want to look at a subject that I think is important for every child of God.

Because many times they are those who don't know after they have become Christians.
how to get along in the things of the Spirit.
When you were born again, it was not your body that was born again.

It wasn't your mind that was born again.
It was your spirit.
Man is a spirit being, is primarily a spirit being.
He has a soul.
The soul is a seat of his mind, his emotions and his will.
So the Bible talks about the inward man and the outward man.
And I've explained that before to you.
The inward man is the human spirit and his soul.
The outward man is the physical body and his senses.
With your spirit you contact God and the spiritual realm.
You cannot know God with your body.
You cannot know God with your mind.
You cannot know the spirit realm with your mind or with your body, only with your spirit.
And that's the real you.
That's the real man.
That's the real person.

But with your soul where you've got your mind,
You contact the intellectual world.
That's where you reason.
You get it?
You reason.
You make decisions.
Your will is there.
With your soul, you contact the intellectual realm.
For example,
When someone's talking to you and you are reasoning through what he's saying, that's your soul functioning.
That's your soul function.
When you're relating to things that you cannot touch, for example, if I tell you that the carpet on the platform here is blue, your eyes don't know it is blue.
Your eyes can see the color, but it doesn't know that that's what is called blue.
Your mind has to be trained that that color is called blue.
So you hold that information in your mind, and every time your eyes see that color, your mind will report to you that that is blue.
You see, that's your intellect working.
Your intellect is trained.
If I tell you
There's a green lorry outside.
Your eyes cannot see the lorry, but your mind can figure out what a lorry is and the color green, because you've been educated in your intellect as to the color green and what a lorry looks like.
If you've never seen a lorry in your life,
And you were never educated about colors.
You never knew the names of colors.
And I told you, there's a green lorry outside.
You can't understand it.
I'll be a barbarian to you and you a barbarian to me.
You wouldn't know what I'm talking about.
Because you see, your intellect is not trained.
You understand?
Now, even if the lorry drove up to you,
And you saw it, and you saw the collar.
You didn't know it was called a lorry.
You think it's a monstrosity of a vehicle, and you might run away.
Because you're not educated.
I remember many years ago when I was a kid.
And these, some of you, few of you, some of you would know, these grown, dig, black and white television sets were released by the government and sold around the country.
when they were preparing for the second All Africa Games.
Do you remember that?
There's some of you would.
And so we had one in our house.
And there's a young guy who was brought from the village, never been to the city before.
And the news was on.
There's a man reading the news on close up on the screen.
And this guy, soon as it came out of the car, and by the way, that was his first time being in a car too,
and it brought him all the way to the city.
And now he helps us.
We take things out of the car and he goes ahead and gets through the sitting room and he sees someone in the box and screams and leaves what is carrying, shouts as a man in the box.

And run away.
See, he was not educated about such things.
That was his first time.
We had to get him back in, let him know it was normal.
See, for those of us who were there, it was normal.
Now, as anybody here, let me give you my first experience on television.
The screen is there.
We didn't know what TV was.
They just brought this boxes.
Okay, there were large boxes then, you know?
And we didn't know what to expect.
We were little kids were sitting around the box and we were just fascinated to see all those things, you know, just the noise.
There was no music and this black and white spots all over the place.
We didn't know what to expect.
It wasn't time for the show.
We just sat down watching nothing on the screen, just enjoying what was there.
And then once in a while, we said, it's getting too long.
Then we got up and we didn't know what to expect because we were not educated about it.
You get it?
But soon as the program started, we were amazed to see that.
You see, the education of your intellect, the education of your mind.
Very important.
And most of you have spent so much money educating your intellect in different schools.
And that's wonderful.
And some of you have even spent money on your body, your physical body.
And so you look strong, you've grown muscles.
See, you love to look at yourself in the mirror and see how much more you want to make your chest grow.
Maybe a large V, something like that.
You know?
But think about it.
Man is not a body.
Man is a spirit.
And if you educate your body and educate your mind, educate your intellect and fail to educate your spirit, you are sunk.
You see?
And that's when most people stop.
They've never educated their human spirit.
And God is not a body.
He doesn't function in the realm of the physical man.
He doesn't deal with your body.
He doesn't deal with your mind.
Let me read something to you from the scripture.
What the Bible says here?
Turn the Proverbs, chapter 20.

Proverbs chapter 20 and verse number 27.

Read it for me, it's on the screen, want to go.

The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord.
That means that where God directs you.
Candle starts for light.
That's where the light of God is in the human person.
There's where God leads you.
It's in your spirit, not your mind.
A lot of people are led by their minds and they make a lot of mistakes, terrible mistakes, that bring frustrations into their lives.
Do you know how many people made investments and lost so much money?
Some even committed suicide.
They killed themselves.
They couldn't take it.
Lost so much money.
Got into frustration.
And people who got into businesses, they should have never been here.
Because they don't understand or they didn't understand this subject.
You still there?

Romans 8, let's begin reading from verse 14.
Romans 8.
Verse 14, for as many as are led by the Spirit of God.
There are the sounds of God.
As many as are led by the Spirit of God.
They're the sounds of God.
God wants to lead you through your spirit by the Holy Spirit.
And the reason he leads you by the Holy Spirit is because the Holy Spirit lives in your spirit.
That's where he dwells, not in your body, not in your mind.
The Holy Spirit comes to live within you, within your spirit.
As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sounds of God.
He wants to lead you through your Spirit.
He said, the Spirit of man, understand the Holy Spirit of God and the Spirit of man.
Already in Proverbs 2027, the Spirit of man is the candle of the Lord.
You see, so the Holy Spirit comes to live in you and he lights up your spirits to guide you, to guide you.
Now, let's go back to Romans chapter 8 and verse 14.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Good and next verse.
For ye have not received the Spirit of bondage again to fear.
See, when you receive the Holy Spirit, it says, you're no longer in bondage.
You haven't received the Spirit of bondage.
You shouldn't live in fear.
But you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry, our Father.
All right, the spirit itself, now this is King James Version, it's the old translation, uses the word itself for the spirit of God because you see the word spirit is translated from the word, that means weaned.
So it shouldn't be itself but himself because the spirit of God is a person.
All right?
Okay, the Spirit Himself, bear at witness with what?
With our spirit.
You see, that we are the children of God.
Now, that's the most important thing in your life, that you're a child of God.
Your nature, your spiritual nature, your oneness with God, that you're born again, you have the same nature with you.
Now, if the most important thing in your life,
has to be witnessed by the Holy Spirit to your spirit within you.
How much more other things are there?
This with God seeks to lead you.
He bears witness with your spirit that the direction in which you're going is correct or wrong.
He bears witness with your spirit to make this choice or not to make that choice.
He bears witness with your spirit.
But most people don't know about it because they've never trained their spirits.
They've trained their minds.
They've trained their bodies.
They have never trained their spirits.
And your human spirit, your spirit, can be educated just as your mind can be educated.

Go back to that 16 verse.
The spirit itself buried witness with our spirit.
He bears witness with our spirit, because he lives in you.
Let's take a look at that for a second.
Goodness in John's Gospel, chapter number 14, we'll begin reading from the 16th verse.
Then John's Gospel, yeah, from the 16th verse.
And our brother, Father, and he shall, now this was Jesus talking to his disciples before he,
died before he was crucified, before the ascension and so on, okay?
So this will be before the Holy Spirit came.
That's before he came on the day of Pentecost to begin his ministry.
Jesus said to his disciples here, and I'll pray the Father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever.
Even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because the world doesn't see him.
You see it?
He says, because the world see at him not, neither know at him.
The world doesn't know him because they don't see him.
You see, the world lives in the realm of the senses.
They only relate with what they can see or hear with their senses, feel and so on.
See, they can't relate with spiritual realities.
But you know him, for he dwells with you and shall be in you.
Glory to God.
See, because he hadn't come yet, he said, he dwelleth with you and shall be in you.
See, the Holy Spirit shall be in you when he comes.
And then, shall we have to find an Acts chapter two?
Okay, Acts chapter two, let's begin reading from verse one.
Acts chapter two, he was where the Holy Spirit finally came.
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, this was a festive period, okay?
And this was the main day, as I was talking about here.
When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were the disciples, about 120 of them.
They were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven as a virgin mighty wind, and it filled all the house where the west seeding proves God.
And there appeared unto them, cloven tongues, like as a fire.
And it sat upon each of them.
Read this.

They were all filled with the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with tongues.
I spoke with other tongues, asked the Spirit, gave them honor.
They were filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit came into them just like Jesus said would happen.
They received the Holy Spirit to live in them.
And now that Holy Spirit leads and guides you.
He leads and guides you.
The apostles demonstrated that.
They understood that.
They lived with the Holy Spirit, guiding them.
Can you turn to Book of Acts and go to chapter 13 and read from verse 1?

Thank you.
All right, verse two.

Now let's look at that verse two again.
It says, as they, these, these prophets and teachers that were at the church at Antioch, as they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Ghost said,
See, the Holy Spirit spoke.
How did the Holy Spirit speak?
Evidently, through one of them, you see, in a prophetic utterance, all right?
Now, you can get to know this as you read more and more in the Book of Acts and you see the demonstrations of the Holy Spirit and how He ministered to them.
Now, the reason I brought that to you is the importance of the Holy Spirit and how He led the body of Christ, God's people, in the Book of Acts.
They depended on the Holy Spirit talking to them, leading them, giving them instructions.
Turn to chapter 8.
Book of Acts, chapter 8.
Let's read verse 29.
It was a young man called Philip who became an evangelist.
He was first a deacon.
And now he read that for me.
Want to go.
Then listen.
The Spirit said, see, the Spirit said to Philip, where was the Spirit inside him?
The Spirit was in him.
The Holy Spirit gave him an instruction in his Spirit, not in his mind.
You know there are people who say, oh God,
If you want me to go through this door, close all other doors.
And I know this is your choice.

Did he tell you he would close any doors?
Is that in the Bible?
He only told you, open a door for you, right?
He didn't tell you he closed any doors.

So the problem of a Christian could become, I got five doors open and I'm not sure which one to go.
God said he opened me a door and possibly one of them is from God.
Maybe none of them is from God anyway.
Well, let's suppose there are five does, and you want to know which one is from God.
Are you going to say, oh God, close four doors and let me have one?
It doesn't make sense to pray like that.
Just because, in fact, you don't have to ask God, Lord, if it's your door, open it, then I'll go.
It doesn't function like that.
Imagine this.
Imagine if Moses had said to God,
Open the Red Sea if you want us to go in that direction.
Was that what happened?
The Red Sea was already there, and he's thinking, what are we going to do?
Pharaoh's army is coming.
They're going to kill us.
The people are screaming.
Moses, what are we going to do?
And Moses prays to God, and what does God say?
He says, tell the people to go forward.
Forward to here.
The Red Sea is right here.
Go forward, the door is shut.
Imagine if he said, oh God, I'll go forward if there's a way, there is no way.

You don't move just because the door is open first.
Faith doesn't wait for the door to open.
If the door is shut and God says, that's the door, you go to that door.

That's the last way to deal with God.
You do what the Spirit says.
Not what your sense is telling you.
Oh, I've got three admissions.
Oh God, which one do I go?
I'll take the one that... Think about it.
Go read the God.
The one that comes first, the one that comes first, you know, some people say, this thing about God, I don't like, I don't like.
I just, I believe that anything that I make up my mind, God would just, whatever God would, he would just leave me.
I just do what comes to my mind.
I don't bring God in.
I don't bring God in.
You don't bring God in?

with the sounds.
Chapter 9.

Glory to God.
You know, in your life, you've got to make up your mind.
Make up your mind to live as a Christian.
If you're not a Christian, for example, if you're not in the army, you don't have to follow army rules.
You don't have to.
But once you put your name on the dotted lines, what happens?
You're on the obligation to do what they say.
Psalm 9 verse 17.

The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.

The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.
Don't forget God.
The wicked is talking about there.
I want you to understand, you see, it's very different.
The way God sees people and the way human beings see people.
You would think, oh, the wicked, he means the one that's taking a gun and killing people, the one that, you know, the natural man describes as the wicked.
That's what you might think.
Then you see another nice guy and say, this is a godly guy, because he goes to church.
That's not the way God sees it.
As far as God is concerned, the wicked are those who are given the Word of God and don't follow it.
That's how he sees them.
He calls them the wicked because they don't walk in love.

Let me show you some names.
Hold this in your mind.
Look at it.
The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.
Now, everyone who has never known God falls among all the nations.
Can you see that?
So the wicked is talking about are those who have been in the house of God.
You see, really?
I'll show it to you, Father.
Ecclesiastes chapter 8, go to verse 10.
Oh, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear,
from the place of the Holy, and they were forgotten in this city where they had so done this.
This is also vanity.
Do you know what is saying here?
I saw the wicked buried who had come and gone from the place of the Holy.
They came to the house of God and went home.
They came and went, you know, they were there.
They were in the place of the Holy.
And they were forgotten in the city where they had so done.
First of all, he says, their end is that they will be forgotten.

That's their end.
Then he tells us they'll be turned into hell in the verse that we read.
Because the wicked shall be turned into hell.
So I'm trying to tell you, this weekend, they came to the place of the Holy.
He says, they had come and gone from the place of the Holy.
And those who forget God.

When you're making a decision of where you're going to live, do you think about whether there's a church there?
You remember God or you forget God.
The things that people just don't care about, they just don't care.
They make stupid decisions that bring frustrations into their own lives.
You may not feel frustrated as a person at the moment, at the moment.
Maybe enjoying it.
Glad about it.
And forget God.
But He's told you the end of such people.
Those who forget God.
Don't forget God.
Put in first.
Did you know that a lot of people, many Christians, when they got trouble in their bodies, the first thing to think about is the doctor, they forget God.
Don't think about God.
And the doctor said, he just asked him about the condition that the doctor said, the doctor said, the doctor said.
I went to doctor so and so and he said, that's all he got to tell you.

And you read about King Asa in the Bible.
The Bible says he died of his disease in his feet because he consulted doctors and not God.
Is it wrong to consult a doctor?
No, put God first.
That's what I'm telling you.
Put God first.
In fact, a lot of times, if you put God first, you would not even need to go to the doctor.
Many times the doctors are wrong.
The diagnosis is wrong.
And they start out an operation that was never needed.
Why do people find themselves in a bad shape like this?
still many Christians who go through such things.
Just unnecessary, put their bodies through unnecessary hardship.
And so much just living on medication, continuously, on medication.
It's medication day in day out.
They always need it.
They're living on it.
Till in the morning, till in the afternoon, till in the evening.
They can't sleep at night.
How did you get there?
The doctor said, the doctor said, the doctor said.
What has God said?
No, they forgot God.
They forgot God.
He was never in the equation.
They forgot God.

I made up my mind.
I'm going to do this business.
I made up my mind.
I'm getting out of this job.
I made up my mind.
It made up your mind.
What led to you making up your mind?
Did you consult with the Holy Spirit?
Oh, no.
Because they're just not trained to do that.
They've never thought about that.
They weren't raised for that.

See, because some are spiritual babes, not educated about the things of God, but most are carnal.
That's the problem.
The carnal and worldly.
And they need to be taught the things of God.
As a Christian, there's a way to walk with God.
There's a way to walk with God.
You don't say what your mind tells you.
I'm just going to tell him my mind.
Tell him your mind.
You're not led by your mind.
As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
You're not going to tell him your mind.
You're going to tell him what the Spirit of God puts in your heart.
That's how a Christian lives.
No, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind, a piece of your mind.
That means you are truly an idolater.
You worship yourself.
You're your own God, but you don't know it.

A true Christian is sent by God.
He's a voice of the Spirit of God.
He gives vent to God's will.
He expresses God's righteousness.
That's a true Christian.

He doesn't go anywhere to see his mind.
He will ask me, what's your opinion?
I don't have one.
Glory to God.
I'm not sent to make my opinion known.
I'm sent to voice God's opinion.
You see, that's because you're a preacher.
The Bible that's written for preachers is written for Emma Christian.
It didn't say the Holy Spirit as many as many preachers as are led by the Spirit of God.
Is that what he says?
Although they say as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the preachers of God.
Sounds of God.
Sounds of God.
I just thought of introducing the subject today to you and give you some appetite to begin to think about being led by God's Spirit in your life, okay?
It will lead you from glory to glory, from success to success and victory to victory.
Yeah, no one who's led by the Holy Spirit is ever defeated.
You always be victorious, irrespective of your circumstances.
You live in joy, you be an oasis in a troubled world.
Can you say hallelujah?