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The Church Yesterday, Today and Forever

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

The Mass is coming for a glorious church.
A church that lives in the world.
A church that's been transported beyond this realm.
This is a greater church than Peter knew.
It's not about to fold up.

It's getting greater by the day.
This is the church!
It's God's plan for us.

I want to begin to discuss something with you from the night on the church, yesterday, today and forever.
It's important for us to understand the, uh, metamorphosis of the church.
In a sense,
the changes that have taken place in the church from its early beginnings to our day in what is to follow.
As you study the Scriptures, see a lot of times the people who read the Bible, they don't understand the message of the Scripture.
This book we call the Bible is the Word of God.
And it is a testimony from God on what he said, what men said, what devils said, what angels said, what Jesus said.
You get it?
Which means everything there is not to be lived by.
It is to be understood as to who was talking and what was the context of his speech or writing?
What did he mean?
So you don't just say,
That is in the Bible, yes, something is in the Bible, but who said it?
To whom was it said?
And for what purpose?
And so what do we glean from it?
What's for us?
How should we perceive it?

And I'm looking at
the early church, what we call the early church, the early church, where they just got started.
It is important for us to understand that the church had to go through a period of growths that didn't know everything at once.
In the first 15 chapters of the Book of Acts, the church did not believe that the non-Jews
were supposed to be in Christ.
It was in the 15th chapter that they had a debate, a serious one.
They had had a problem with Peter for even going to the house of a Gentile in chapter 10.
And he had to explain himself that God asked him to do it.
Five chapters later, they hadn't changed their minds.

So when you're studying the Bible, you have to understand what was the thinking of the people that he talks about at that time, whether they were the apostles, for example, the teachings of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Some of those teachings are not for Christians to live by.

You see it?
Some of the things that he was teaching were for the Jewish man.
And after you've received eternal life, you can't walk in that light.
To get to understand the past, the present, the future.

For example, when he said to his disciples on one occasion, how come you don't have any faith?
You cannot read that and think for yourself, maybe I don't have any faith.
Because when you're born again, the Bible says that God has dared to every man among you the measure of faith.
No Christian without faith.
It was possible for them in their day to have not had any faith.
But no one who's born again has zero faith.

And your faith cannot be smaller than what was required to be born again.
That's the amount of faith that's given to everybody to start with.
Then you start growing your faith.
You know, some of the teachings of Jesus about faith are so much misunderstood by a lot of people.
that most of those teachers were not for Christians.
But I don't understand it.
He was talking to the Old Testament folks.
Did you know Jesus lived in the Old Testament?
He lived in the Old Testament.
Not in the new.
Not Old Testament.
He was teaching them according to the covenant that God had with Abraham.
In fact, you remember, there was a lady who was bowed over a double who couldn't straighten up herself.
And she came in when Jesus was teaching.
And the Lord said, oh, not this woman being the daughter of Abraham, homesaid and the bound law this 18 years, but lose from her infirmity.
And he touched and she straightened up.
So I want us to examine some thoughts here and see where is this thing going?
You know, some people think like, okay, the world is going through a change and maybe sometime soon Christianity will be history.
No, a thousand times no.
No, this thing will outlive every system.

It's not about to fold up.

It's getting greater by the day.
Let's look at a few scriptures.
We'll begin with
understanding the early church, the way they thought, and why many Christians are still thinking that way today and why there is of necessity a move in the spirit to cause those changes that we must have before the king comes back.
All right.
Let me begin with the Old Testament.
Heggai, Book of Heggai, chapter two, and we will be looking at verse number nine.

The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, said the Lord of hosts.
And in this place will I give peace, said the Lord of hosts.
Now notice this is the glory of this latter house.
What is it dealing with?
Heger was a contemporary of Ezra.
Ezra chapter 3 verse 12.
But many

But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers who were ancient men that had seen the first house when the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice and many shouted aloud for joy.
I want to read it again.
He says, but many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers who were ancient men, old men,
There had seen the first house, the first temple, the house of God.
When the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes wet with a loud voice and many shouted aloud for joy.
so that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people, for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the noise was heard and far off.
What was going on?
They had been given permission to rebuild the temple.
And you know, they had trouble that this had been gotten, they were thrown out, and now
The remnant had some help, others came in, were allowed to come back and build the temple, a place for God, a place to worship God.
And so the old man that knew the old temple remembered those days.
As the foundation of the temple was being laid, they remembered.

same thing defined when the salmon stirs us by the rivers of Baba.
There we sat down and wet when we remembered Zion.
So we hung the hops upon the wheels, the mister of.
Why did they do that?
In fact, they said, they that wasted us required of us a song.
And we said, why should we sing the Lord's song in a strange way?
Because they remembered, except we remembered Zion.
And that's what happened to this man here at this time.
They remembered the old temple and the wept.
They remembered what they had gone through.
Somehow they're happy, somehow they're saddened.
happy because it's happening again.
Thank God.
We're going to get a temple now, but then the past.
So you couldn't tell where they're wishing for the past, where they're looking into the future.
I just wanted you to see what was going on.
And Hager was the prophet.
So he tells us in his own writing, what God said, why did all this whipping was going on?
And the priest, Ezra was writing,
what was happening, but He got the prophets also, how the word from God.
So we'll go back to He got chapter 2 verse 9.
As they would name the foundation, God spoke, first they told them to repent of their wrongs because a lot of them were
doing their own stuff instead of doing the work of God, instead of building the house of God.
And once they were repented and ready to do God's work, he gave them the word.
He said, the glory of this latter house, this latter house, not the latter house, but this latter house, the glory of this latter house,

shall be greater than the glory of the former.
Say it, the Lord of hosts.
And in this place will I give peace.
Say it, the Lord of hosts.
If you liked that one, then that means you will like verse eight.
So let's move back a little bit.
Verse eight, the silver is man.
And the goal is mine.
Say it to a lot of hosts.
I knew you would like that one.

Glory to God.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Maybe if you like this one, that means you would like verses 6 and 7.
So let's go to 6 and read to 7.
For those said, a lot of hosts, yet once it is a little wide.
It says, in those short times, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land.
This is I'm going to shake everywhere.
You notice the economies of the world are being shaken today?
People are wondering what's going on.
They can understand what's happening.
How can human beings be managing their own money and suddenly they say they don't understand what has happened to their money?
How can whole nations be complaining?
Who are those that came from outer space to steal the money?
How can every country be complaining?
Why can't they just sit down together and say, okay, let's just redistribute?
It's not happening.
They are meeting everywhere, at the United Nations, they come on everywhere, they are meeting everywhere and confused.
What is happening?
They have not been attacked by some... You know?

What's going on?
Because God said, I will shake everywhere.
And what will follow?
Look at it.
And I will shake all nations.
Have you seen it?
I will shake all nations.
And the desire of all nations was the desire of all nations.
Silver and gold.
That's all they're looking for.
And the desire of all nations shall come.
And I will fill this house with glory.

Did you notice?
He didn't say, at this time here, he's always said it.
He's got a lot of that in the Bible.
But notice, notice he says, I will fill this house with glory.
He didn't say, I will fill this house with my glory.
All right?
He has said that already, different times.
And as you keep reading the Bible, you find he will say it again.
But there are places where he says, I will fill this house with glory.
This glory is talking about is abundance, magnificence, beauty, splendor, excellence.
That's what he's talking about.
This latter house,


Still the come in this inspiring teaching.
The church, the early church.
Early rain is the rain that falls to prepare the ground for sui.
The latter rain is the one that falls to prepare it for harvest.
This latter house
It is the house after the first, after the former.
So, when the coming of the Lord draws nigh which church will be in existence, the latter church.
The church that lives in the world.
The church that's been transported beyond this realm of human limitations.
This is a greater church than Peter knew.
This is a greater church than Paul knew.
I'm telling you, this is a greater church because... Imagine this, if it's already so wonderful as it is, what's gonna happen when the church catches on to more truth?

When you study in the scriptures, you will discover that every time he gave a prophetic word, he was very careful to let us know whether it had a dual implication or
Was it specific to a particular people or person?
The Prophet here uses the term the latter house.
He is talking about this latter house.
It is the house after the first, after the former.

meaning that he has two things in mind, because remember, after this one, after this temple, there had to be another temple.
All right, Herod built another one.
Okay, so he's dealing with something here and he let us know that
There's a glory he's dealing with.
The glory that Herod brought was not what God was referring to.
When Herod built a magnificent temple.
He built a magnificent temple in Jerusalem.
So beautiful.
Well, God didn't care about that one.
In fact, when they came to show Jesus about it, when he came, his disciples said, look how beautiful this temple is that Herod's bill, it's for God.
Jesus said, he said, not once told or believed upon the other that would not be brought down.
God didn't care about that structure.
Jesus should have protected it, shouldn't he have?
It's my father's house, it's so beautiful, I'll make sure nobody touches it.
No, he said not once to be left upon another, that would not be brought down.

From my 70 AD, the talks of David Jerusalem, and Josephus says Jerusalem was plowed up
They've raised it to the ground.

Okay, let's look at something now.
You've seen that, but I'm showing you two pictures.
The former and the latter.
Now, go to the book of James.

Chapter 5, verse number 7.
Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.
Behold, the husband man waited for the precious fruit of the earth.
Who is the husband man?
Jesus said, I am divine, ye are the branches.
My father is the husband man.
The patient never breading on to the coming of the Lord.
Behold a husband, man, waited for the precious fruit of the earth.
Precious fruit of the earth.
How precious are we?
We are so precious to him.
Every soul that we win to God is a precious fruit.
He's waiting.
Behold, the husband men waited for the precious fruit of the earth and had long patience for it until he received the early Eladirayim.
That's why you hear about the early church and the latter church.

Because the early rain, when that outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost,
That initiated the church, the early church.
Early rain is the rain that falls to prepare the ground for sewer.
The latter rain is the one that falls to prepare it for harvest.

The horsemen men waited for the precious fruit of the earth and had long patience for it until he received the early and latter reign.
Next, be also patient.
Establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord.
Draw it now.
So when the coming of the Lord draws now which church will be in existence, the latter church.

And this massive outpouring has been on for some time.
After the dark ages, the move of the Holy Ghost, the new move of the Spirit God, began.
And it's been getting greater and greater, greater and greater.
They thought the church was over in the dark ages.
That's what's called the dark ages.
It was over.
What's got greater and greater, greater and greater as we approach the coming of the Lord.
And that's why, you know,
The Lord said through the prophet to the prophet Daniel, that in the latter days, knowledge shall be increased.
That's what he said.
He said, knowledge shall be increased.
Not knowledge shall increase, even though that's the result of it, but shall be increased.
Which means this is going to be the doing of the Lord.
He will cause more knowledge to be given.

What's going on?
What's going on?
This is a greater church than Peter knew.
This is a greater church than Paul knew.
I'm telling you, this is a greater church because, see, it's the same church.
We're just talking about there was a man-child that was a boy and grew to become a man.
He's the same person.
So the church was a man-child.
That's the one that Peter knew.
Then Paul had spiritual insight with the church couldn't catch onto until the second century.
That's when they began to spread the letters of Paul, because many of them didn't understand what he was talking about.
In fact, Peter tells us in the second episode, he said there are many things written in the pieces of Paul which are difficult for many to understand.
He didn't say it was difficult for him, he said for many.

They didn't catch it, but they began to spread it in the second century.
Let me show you what the early church was like, so you can get it.
Oh, dear Lord Jesus, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
Where are we going?
Where is this thing going?
Imagine this.
If it's already so wonderful as it is, what's going to happen when the church catches on to more truth?
Because you see the different kinds of lights.
Lesser lights and greater lights.
First, the Peace of Saint John, chapter 1.
There's a portion that I love so much.
I read it all the time and it's always so wonderful, so amazing.
But I want us to look at it and clean something from there.
You ready?
First, the Peace of Saint John, chapter number 1, beginning with verse 1.
that which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life.
For the life was manifested and we have seen it
and bear witness and show unto you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested unto us.
That which we have seen, look at each verse, there is an emphasis.
Let me read it first.
That which we have seen and heard declare we honor you, that he also may have fellowship with us.
And truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his son Jesus Christ.
I want you to notice the emphasis on from verse one, verse two, verse three, the emphasis on the senses, what we have seen and heard.
The emphasis, how beautiful these ears, but I want you to understand where John's coming from.
John's bearing testimony of the senses to us.

Touching, beautiful, lovely, lovely, it's lovely.
It's lovely, or it's got a class.
It's lovely.
Tell three people it's lovely.
It's lovely.
It's lovely, right?
It's lovely.
But it's got a class.
But let me show you something.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Go to 2 Peter chapter 1 and see this.
Peter testifies.
For we have not followed.
Now, look at his testimony.
He wants them to understand just like John.
We have not followed commonly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But we were what?
Eyewitnesses of His Majesty.
He bears testimony again.
He says, we were eyewitnesses of His Majesty.
For he received from God the Father, honor and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory.
This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and this voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy mount.

Why did Jesus need this?
He needed them because the law.
was clear, the testimony of two or three witnesses.
And that's why he took three of them to the mountain.
He needed them.
He needed their testimony.
It was law.
It was what God said.
He demanded it in the law.
But brothers and sisters,
Go to St.
John's Gospel, chapter 20.
Verse 24 will be alright.
But Thomas, one of the twelve, called the demons, was not with them when Jesus came.
This was after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Thomas, one of the twelve disciples, one of the twelve, called the demons, was not with them when Jesus came.
The other disciples therefore said unto him, we have seen the Lord.
But he said unto them, except I shall see in his hands the prince of the nails and put my finger into the prince of the nails and thrust my head into his side.
I will not believe.
Next verse.
After eight days again, his disciples were within and thumb us with them this time.
Then came Jesus, the doors being shot and stood in the mists and said, peace be unto you.
Then said he turned right to thumb us.
Rich he that I finger.
and behold my hands, and reach here that I hang, and thrust it into my sight, and be not faithless.
But believe him.
Oh, and Thomas answered and said unto you, my Lord and my God.
Now he gets excited.
Thomas gets excited.
What do you think Jesus should say here?
I told you.
Jesus said unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed.
Blessed are they that have not seen yet have believed.

Let me explain this to you.
He chooses a word here.

Normally, they would pick a word to bless you, the jail.
Usually they pick that word to bless in the more political form.
But no, Jesus, this time, chooses another word.
Macareas is not like when you say, blessed are thou.
You are blessed.
You are blessed.
That's not what Jesus was saying here.
Macareas means you are supremely blessed.
Macareas is a world of transportation.
It means you have been lifted beyond this realm.
That's what He means.
When He says, blessed are they.
He means they are independent of circumstances.
They have been lifted to another level.
It's not just a bestower what they're lifting.
That's Macareons.
It is a blessing of separation.
Not this, you know, you can be blessed.
That's illogio, blessed, you know.
Things are conferred on you.
In Macareas you are lifted, you are separated.
Then others are seeing you.
He is supremely blessed.
He is supremely blessed.
He is not like us.
He doesn't belong here.
What a blessing!
What a blessing!

This is something totally new that Jesus brought.
He didn't come to set up our religion.
No, no, no, no, no.
The problem has been that for a long time, many of God's people have not been taught right.
For a long time, many don't have known what real Christianity is.
They think they were handed another nice religion.
They think Christianity means I'm a worshipper of God.
It's much more than that.
Jesus is telling you here that this is blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.
These are those who have been freed from their senses.
freed from the flesh.
This was the message that Paul was able to grasp, which many of the apostles couldn't understand.
What was going on here?
He said, there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the senses, but after the spirits.

A church that lives in the Word.
A church that's been transported beyond this realm of human limitations.

Still the come in this inspiring teaching.
He's coming for a glorious church.
I like it.
A glorious church.
A glorious church.
That's what he's coming for.
A glorious church.
I told you you'd never be the same again.
Oh yes, because the Spirit of God is ministering into your life right now.
He says He's coming for a church without spots, without vanish, or any such thing.
Oh, let's look at it.
Let's look at it.
For example, when you say, the Spirit of God is upon you right now.
For a Christian.
That's Old Testament language.
His plan is not for the spirit of God to come upon you.
But it's the Old Testament language which we have carried.
And then we're finding difficult to take away.
But we will have to take away because we are moving in the next.
My goodness, we're moving in another realm and to flow in this realm.
We cannot talk like Old Testament prophets.

Where is this thing going?
What is God thinking?
I can show you his thinking.
I can show you.
We'll look at the prayers, the prayers of the Apostle Paul, but these are the prayers of the Spirit.
And that's what they're given to us as a Scripture.
Let's go to Ephesians chapter 3 from verse 14.
Let's take it slowly.
For this course, I bow my knees unto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with knights by his spirits in the inner man.

That Christ may settle.
Make up His home in your hearts.
Bad faith.
Bad faith.
Not I feel the presence of God in me now.
Say, I've passed that level.
I've passed that level.

You know?
I've seen a lot in the church.
Years ago, for example, when the move of the Spirit was strong in the 1980s, this was a new move that began right in the 1980s, the early precisely from 1980, because I was part of that move, even though I was very young.
I was part of that move.
Oh boy, we saw a lot of things.
The move of the Spirit of God.
Amazing, amazing, amazing.
But I also remember the teachings of the church at the time.
Not so much was known.
There's a lot of feeling.
There are many who wish for those days where they'll feel it and know that God is present.
And when they don't feel like close to God, they think something's gone wrong.
They want to feel it again.
they want to feel it again.
And that is where we found ourselves, carrying that message of the anointing.
Anointing, follow me, anointing, follow me,
Like the band, the whole ego's for me, and the only for me.

But hear me, hear me.
Hold on, hold on.
There was a day.
It was a beautiful light.
There was a day.
It was a great blessing.
And as they sang it, they were blessed.
They were touched and they served God well.
But God is saying, get out of there!
You have stayed too long in this land.
It's time to move on, go ahead and guard!
Oh, how the church is long for the anointing.
and wept for it, and begged for it, and fasted for it, prayed for it.
How the church is gone for it.
A church that was full of the Holy Ghost begging for the anointed.
Because the church mostly had been taught wrong.
They got a little light.
and thought it was a great son.

Listen, it's so simple, very simple.
If I coaxed you, dear sister, do you have the Holy Spirit?
You do, quite as you live in your head, in your hands, crazy.
He's inside you, okay?
So you see, you have the confidence that you have the Holy Spirit.
What is the anointing?
You know what it is?
The anointing is the effect.
It is the effect of the workings of the Holy Spirit.
The effect.
Sometimes it is also the
impact or imputation of the Holy Spirit's power.
For example, when denoting comes on a cloth, like the handkerchiefs and aprons, the Bible tells us, that's an imputation of his power on that material.
I have a question for you.
The person and his effect.
The person and his impartition, which is greater.

It is like the man and his shadow.
Men have ignored the man and pursued his shadow for so long.
how much people have tried to receive more anointing and wished for it and prayed for it and begged for it, men who were full of a holy spirit.
Because they didn't know him.
Jesus said to his disciples, whom do the people say I am?
He said, oh, some say you are Jeremiah.
Some say that you are one of the prophets.
You are Elijah, one of the prophets.
He said, but whom do you say I am?
They said it's scratching their heads.
They weren't sure.
Then Peter said, you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
Then Jesus said, Simon, flesh and blood didn't reveal that to you.
You wouldn't have known.
It had to be a revelation from my Father.
You see, you cannot know the Holy Spirit without a revelation from the Father.
That's why many have received him and still don't know who he is.
And I'm wishing they had the anointed.
Did you notice in the whole New Testament, there's no such teacher about the language?
We even have language, a language that we speak, which we need to unlearn.
For example,
When you say, the Spirit of God is upon you right now.
For a Christian.
That's Old Testament language.
His plan is not for the Spirit of God to come upon you.
But it's the Old Testament language which we have carried.
And then we're finding difficult to take away.
But we will have to take away because we are moving in the next, my goodness, we're moving in another realm and to flow in this realm.
We cannot talk like Old Testament prophets.
None of the apostles had that language because they knew the difference.
Because he says he's coming for a church without spots, without blemish or any such thing.
Oh, let's look at it.
Let's look at it.
The vision is chapter five.
Let's begin reading from verse 25.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word.
that he might present it to himself.
A glorious church.
Are you hearing this?
When he comes, he will present the church to himself.
So what kind of a church is he coming for?
Not a sick church.
Not a weak church.
The Mass is coming for a glorious church.
Look at it, that he might present it to himself a glorious church.
Not having spots or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.
That's the church is coming for.
Not a church that's struggling with sin.
struggling with weakness, struggling and begging for the anointing.

Not a church full of ignorance.
No, no, no, a thousand times, no.
He's coming for a glorious church.
I like it.
A glorious church.
A glorious church.
That's what he's coming for.
A glorious church.
I told you never be the same again.
Oh yes, because the Spirit of God is ministering into your life right now.
Go back to that Ephesians chapter 3.
For this course, above my knees unto the Father of Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man, that Christ meant well in your hearts by faith, that he being rooted and grounded is this prayer supposed to be answered on earth or in heaven.
This is amazing.
that he may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breath and length and depth and heights and to know the love of Christ which buzzed knowledge that he might be, hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Look at that.
That he might be filled with, oh, all the fullness.
That means God's dream for every Christian is that you are vitally the house, the living tabernacle of Almighty God.
Fool of God.
Fool of God.
As Jesus was.
Not any less.
Fool of God as Jesus was.
Listen, it's not something that you will grow into.
It is something you have to be awakened to.
Are you hearing me?
You're not going to grow into it.
You have to be awakened to it.

To know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge that he might be filled with all the fullness of God.
It gets better.
Just one more verse.
Now, on to Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worked in us.
Not according to the power that worked in heaven.
Not according to the power that worked in to the super evangelist.
According to the power that worked in us.
To Him be glory in the Church!
By Christ Jesus throughout all ages, wall without end, and everybody said, Amen.
Colossians chapter 1.
This is the prayer of the Holy Ghost.
That means the desire of the Holy Ghost.
From verse 9, chapter 1.
Colossians, for this ghost.
We also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you and to desire that he might be feared with the knowledge of his will.
This is esoteric knowledge.
Do you understand?
It's a knowledge that is not open to everybody.
It is the absolute knowledge of God.
Specific absolute knowledge.
This is amazing.
This is amazing.
that he might be filled with the knowledge of his will.
He doesn't want us, oh God, I don't know your will.
Oh God, please show me your will.
Or even to be in confusion, like, you know, we never can tell the will of God.
Look at it, to be filled with the knowledge of his will.
Jesus was never in doubt of the Father's will.
Why should you be?
God's desire is that you be filled with the knowledge of his will.
In our wisdom, having the knowledge of God's will, you are able to apply the wisdom of God in fulfilling it.
Not in confusion.
Should I go?
Should I not go?
Should I go?
Should I do?
Should I do?
Should I not do?
Then at the end, you get confused.
That's not the purpose of God.
Look at it.
Imagine if your life is like this.
Imagine, imagine, imagine.
And brother, this is God's dream for you.
Not when you get to heaven here in this earth.
Look at it.
That He might be fair with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
I tell people this is one reason you've got to go to church.
Don't miss church.
Attend church services.
Don't build yourself up spiritually.
Build your faith strong with the Word of God.
Don't be missing the services.
As you miss the service, you are missing the corporate, the corporate operation of the Holy Ghost.
When he's building, taking the church to another level, because we're family.
There are things he does for the family.
There are things he does for individual members, but there are things he does for the family.
So when we meet as a buddy in the church, there are things that God does which an individual as yourself just cannot accommodate.
How are you following this?
That's why he calls the church the ground and pillar of truth.
Yeah, go back to that verse.
for this cause we also since that they were heard it do not cease to pray for you and to desire that he might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that he might walk worthy of the Lord onto all pleasing be fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God what a life fruitful in every good work fruitful in every good work
Everything I touch tones into success.
Because I'm full of God.
Full of the wisdom of God.
Full of the knowledge of His will.
In our wisdom and spiritual understanding.
Fruitful in every good work.

This is the church.
It's God's plan for us, fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the epic gnoces of God.

always having more and more revelation of God, more and more knowledge of God.
We are sucked into this thing.
Do you understand?
The more I know, the more I'm known of Him, the more I know, the more inside Him, everything.
Oh my goodness, this is amazing.
I said, it's not about to stop like some people think.
No, no, no.
We're just getting faster.
We're just moving faster now.
We're not about to slow down.
This glory is getting greater and greater.
Nothing of our pasts can compare with what we have in front of us.

Yeah, put that last verse back up there.
He might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
Next, try and say, hey, this is too much, I tell you.
You know, when I study these things, I just cry and cry and cry and cry and cry.
You know?
We've been for joy.
What is this?
Strengthening with all knights.
He's talking about us, not Angel Michael.
I mean, if he was talking about how Angel Michael was strengthening with all knights, I would say, Lord, that's amazing.
He's such a great angel.
But he's talking about me.
And I'm saying, Lord, could that be me?
strength in with all might according to his glorious power.

Do you understand what is happening here?
This is what you call the balance of God.
How can I explain it to you?
This is Jesus' manifestation.
So powerful, yet so humble.
So full of glory, yet so is trains.
He could have destroyed all his enemies, but he was restrained.
Look at that.
Stranding with our mates according to his glorious power onto our patience and long-suffering.
Whose joyfulness!
This is amazing.
I understand who we are.
I understand it.
I understand it.
I see why he doesn't let us, he doesn't let us break against our enemies.
I see why our power is too much.
It's too much.
It's too much.
That's why he said to us, you rest so not against flesh and blood.
Hold back your fire.
It's not against your uncle.
It's not against your cousin.
It's not against your next door neighbour.
Hore back your fire.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood.

Strength in with all might.
I'll never be weak in my life.
I'm too powerful.
I'm invigorated!
With divine energy!
Strengthened with all might!
Look at that!
According to His glorious power, owing to all patience and long suffering with joyfulness.
Next one!
Give it...
While all this is going up, giving thanks on to the father which had made us need to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of life.
Somebody shut up here!

How can I know this and be complaining?
You know what we are going through.
Things have been very rough.
Things have been very difficult.
Difficult giving times!
On to the father!
We had made us meet!
to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
Look at the next one.
Look at the next one.
Who hath to deliver us from the domain of darkness in hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear soul?
Shire amen.

This is the church.
It's a different church.
There's no weakness in this church.

I know who I am.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Tell him to somebody say, I know who I am, brother.
Sister, I know who I am.
I know who I am.

Do you remember what Jesus said to Simon?
When Simon
When he replied, Jesus questioned the master said to him, Simon, I say to you.
Because Simon, the meaning of Simon is a read that can be easily shaken by the wind.
And Jesus said, Simon, I say to you, you are Peter or Rock.
And upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

We trust you were blessed by this message.
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Thank you.
