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7 Factors for a Healthy Spiritual Life

All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

I want to share with you a short message that I've titled, seven factors for a healthy spiritual life.

seven factors for a healthy spiritual life.
There are people who don't have a healthy spiritual life.
Even if you're healthy in your body, if you don't have a healthy spiritual life, sooner or later you will have a problem with your body.
It is so important because man is a spirit being.
You are not a physical body.
You are a spirit being.
You are a spirit that lives in a physical body.
Your body is your house.
The body is where you live.
Your body is not you.
It's your house.
You got to have a healthy spiritual life.
And that is so important because you can't serve God if you don't have a healthy spiritual life.
So I want to begin sharing with you this morning, this important subject, seven factors for a healthy spiritual life.
And I will pull these seven factors from a particular portion of the Bible, which I'm sure some of you should be acquainted with.
So we'll begin reading from Colossians chapter 1 from verse 9.
So using the King James translation at the moment, for these costs since the day
We heard it, do not cease to pray for you and to desire that he might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that he might walk worthy of the Lord onto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, and all patience and long suffering with joyfulness, giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
Beautiful portion.
Now, let's locate
these important things he just shared with us.

We'll take it from verse 9, so you go back to verse 9 and let's see.
It says, for this course, since the day we heard it, he's talking about their love for God's people and their faith and so on from the previous verses, verses one to eight after he's opening address.
But here's what I want to see.
It says, things that day we heard about you and what you were doing, we haven't seized to pray for you and to desire
Then he's that's telling them the content of the prayer.
Number one, that he might be filled with the knowledge of his will.
Write it down.
Number one, be filled with the knowledge of his will.
That's in verse nine.
seven factors for a healthy spiritual life.
Number one, be filled with the knowledge of his will.
Not many people know God's will.
Now, if he says they were praying for these Colossian Christians,
to be filled with the knowledge of God's will, doesn't that tell us that it's God's will for us to be filled with the knowledge of his will?
There are a lot of people who are praying and asking God, what is your will?
They don't know the will of God for this or that or the other.
They don't show what the will of God is.
And yet the Bible tells us God wants us to be filled with the knowledge of his will.
All right, so that's number one.
be filled with the knowledge of his will.
Then he goes on to say, well, I can finish reading that, filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
Verse 10, that he might walk worthy of the Lord onto all pleasing.
That's number two.
He found something there.
It means to live and conduct yourself in a manner that is worthy of the Lord.
Please in Him in all things.
So that's number two.
Live and conduct yourself in a manner that's worthy of the Lord.
Please in Him in all things.

That's what's contained in that King James translation there.
I will try to read it to you in another version shortly.
In that same verse, you would see number three immediately.
So I'm going to read it again, that you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.
Then he goes, being fruitful in every good work.
So I say, number three, bear fruits in every good work.
Produce fruits.
in every good work.
So I'm fruitful and productive.
Wow, that's amazing.
And so that's also in verse 10.
And there seems to be another one there in verse 10.
You'd see it right there.
It says, and increasing in the knowledge of God.
So I write down number four now.
in verse 10, increase in the knowledge of God.
Fourth factor, increase in the knowledge of God.
You see, he doesn't want your knowledge of God to be stagnant.
You see, he wants your knowledge of God to increase.
We're talking seven factors for a healthy spiritual life.
Now imagine if you're not increasing your knowledge of God, how can you be held spiritually?
He shows us here, right here, increasing in the knowledge of God.
That's powerful.
Then we go to verse 11, strength things with all night,
According to his glorious power, that means to be what?
So I write number five, be invigorated and strengthened with God's power.
Be invigorated, strengthened with God's power.
I can be invigorated and strengthened with God's power.
That's amazing.
So, God, I got the Holy Ghost.
See, and through the Holy Spirit, I can be strengthened.
Now, go back to verse number 11.
We can find the next one.
Verse 11 again, strengthen with all might according to his glorious power onto all patience and long suffering with joyfulness.
I've got number six right there.
That means exercise endurance and patience with joyfulness.
That's number six.
The sixth factor for a healthy spiritual life, exercise endurance and patience with joyfulness.
You know, some people endure and are patience, but they're not joyful about it.
The anger and complaining why they are patient.
But God wants us to do it with joyfulness.
That's when it produces results.
Glory to God.
All right, so we go number seven.
It's in verse 12.
Read it for me.
Want to go.

I like it.
So I write number seven.
Always be thankful to the Father.
Have a continual personal thanksgiving.
Be full of thanks.
See, appreciation.
Be thankful.
It's very important.
Now, these are seven factors that are necessary
for a healthy spiritual life.
If you practice these seven things, you will be amazed.
The results will be almost immediate if you hold these seven factors in your life for just one week.
You'll be amazed at the sudden change how your life just takes on a progressive course.
And you be full of confidence knowing that you are joining in the right direction.
You just know, you just know.
You just know that you are not only plugged in, but there is a continual supply in your life.
We're going to read from the amplified version from verse nine.
You ready?
You'd see how H1 really plays out.
For this reason, we also, from the day we heard of it, have not seized a ploy and make special requests for you, asking that you may be filled with the full, deep and clear knowledge of his will.
Can you imagine that?
Full, deep and clear knowledge.
of God's will.
Is that possible?
Otherwise God will be remiss to ask us to do that, knowing it wasn't impossible.
But it is.
It is possible.
It's his will.
It's his plan.
Say that we be filled with the full
deep in clay, deep in clay.
He gives us that uh, a rendering for it because the word is translated from the Greek Epic Gnosis.
It means full and absolute knowledge.
Full and absolute knowledge.
Imagine that you have full and absolute knowledge of God's will.
What a life.
What a life.
You know, a lot of times when people got problems in their lives and their situations that frustrate them, it's because they don't know the will of the father.
For example, if I were going to a difficult situation and I knew that God was with me and I knew that I was right at the center of God's will, I would not be bothered about what I'm going to.
But if I start getting worried, it's because I don't know what's in God's mind.
So I get frustrated because I don't know what he is thinking.
Some wondering, doesn't God know I'm in this predicament?
Doesn't God know what I'm going through?
Even if I lost my business, I lost my job, I lost money.
And I thought, oh God, why?
It means I'm a chore where I'm at, with respect to God's will.
But if I'm certain that I'm at the center of God's will, it makes no difference what's happening around me or with me.
It makes no difference.
That's why the Bible says, count it all joy when you go through diavastes.
He says, count it all joy, no matter what you're going through.
Now that's only possible if you know the will of the Father.
See, that's very important.
He says, be anxious for nothing.
But in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known under God, and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding shall garrison your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
How important it is to know the will of the Father.
You know the world of God?
You are a champion for life.
You always be unperturbed.
No matter what's happening.
I lost my fears when I received the Holy Ghost.
I used to be full of fear as a kid.
But when I received the Holy Spirit, my fear is dissipated.
My fear is vanished.
couldn't even get frightened.
Because all the fear fires in my life had been deleted.
Don't read the God.
And I started the journey of replacing them with fate fires.
Don't read the God.
All right, so can we read further?
So, the field with the full deep and clear knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom says, in comprehensive insight, comprehensive insight into the ways and purpose of God.
Isn't that wonderful?
To be filled with comprehensive insight.
into the ways and purposes of God.
See, some people don't know the ways of God.
The Bible tells us about Moses and the children of Israel and says that Moses knew the ways of God and the children of Israel knew the acts of God.
Do you know that's the way it is with a lot of people today?
Sadly so.
They know the acts of God.
They are contained with acts of God.
They are okay just to see miracles, but you need to know the ways of God.
How God thinks.
See, how God thinks.
How God operates.
What are His principles for life?
What are His opinions?
You want to see things from God's perspective.
And the word of God shows you how.
So one of the things you're going to do, I'd like you to cultivate, develop for yourself a passion and a hunger for the Word of God.
Become voracious for the Word of God.

A real appetite for God's Word.
Love it.
Because I tell you, the Bible says all things were made by Him.
The Word, He gives personality to the Word.
Without Him was not anything made that was made.
What do you want made in your life?
Through the Word, you can make anything happen.
But this is beautiful.
Nice to know that I can have a healthy spiritual life through the word, through the word.
Read Colossians chapter three and verse number 16.
Turn into it quickly and see it.
Colossians chapter three, wow.
It says, let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
richly, have an abundance of God's Word in you.
For example, these things that we just talked about today, mark them in your Bible.
Find some time during the day or during the week to review them, study them for yourself.
Find other references, okay?
You'll be amazed how much you can learn in a very short time.

We trust you are blessed by this message.
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Thank you.