Be Filled With The Spirit Part 1
One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Labor is yours.
I want to share briefly with you on be filled with the spirit.
See, it's a simple but very profound instruction given to us in the book of Ephesians chapter number five.
Visions chapter 5.
I want you to read for me verse 18.
Want to go.
You haven't found it yet?
You haven't found it?
Have you found it?
Alright, read it now.
Verse 18.
and be not drunk with wine wearing his excess, but be filled with the Spirit.
I believe that the Word of God is for doing
I believe God gave us His Word not only to inform us, but for us to do it.
So the Bible says, be it do us of the Word, not hear us only.
The people who are hear us only, they just hear it.
They like it.
They listen to the Word of God.
They love it, but they don't do it.
Here it says, be not drunk with wine where in his excess, but be filled with the spirit.
Ready to someone close to you.
Says, be not drunk with wine where in his excess, but be filled with the spirit.
be filled with the spirit.
The striking thing about what he tells us here, what it says, be not drunk with wine, the Greek term that's used there expresses more than
being full of the drink.
It actually means to be full of it until it controls you.
So he says, don't be full of the drink to the level it controls you.
Now the point is this.
What he wants to tell you has nothing to do with drink.
Are you getting this?
You know, some people, that's where they like to stop.
They say, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Badger says, don't be, don't be full of drink until it controls you.
I can drink until so long as it doesn't control me, I still know myself.
You see, he's not trying to talk to you about drink.
He's trying to relate something to you.
The focus is not on the drink.
The focus is what should replace it.
It's saying, don't be controlled by drink.
Don't be full of drink till it controls you.
Rather, be full of the Spirit to the control of the Spirit.
That's what it's talking about.
He's not trying to get your mind on the drink.
He's trying to get your mind on the Spirit.
He wants you to be full of the Spirit.
How often?
Many, many Christians live ordinary lives because they are not full of the Spirit.
They are full sometimes and they're not full sometimes.
Meanwhile, the margin actually shows us that what the apostle was saying there, what part of the apostle was saying there was to be continually being filled with the spirit.
Be filled with the spirit continually.
Be filled with the spirit.
If you continually fail to the Spirit, your life will be an unending stream of the supernatural, of the miraculous.
When we talk about a life of constant victory, this is what we mean.
It's a life that's continually failed to the Spirit.
And because of that, you're going to see things God's way continually.
You cease to operate at this base level of the ordinary men.
It's a base level.
They think wrong.
They think that the ordinary plane of life.
But there's a higher realm of life.
We have been called into a supernatural work with God for an unending life of victory, absolute victory.
But you know, that's not the experience of many, many Christians.
It's not.
The trying and it's not working, you know?
They say they're putting some things to work.
They're trying and then it's not happening.
That's the expect.
Somebody said, I give my tithes always.
I don't know why I got problems in my finances.
I give my offerings, I don't know why I got problems in my finances.
Well, I don't know why I got problems in my job.
I don't know why I got problems in my business.
You know, people got all these kind of things.
They got lots of these challenges.
You know why?
Because they are operating on the level of the flesh.
There's where they're operating.
Step up.
Tell somebody step up.
Glory to God.
Step up.
Say it again to someone.
Step up brother.
Step up sister.
Step up.
Step up.
Stop seeing things the way you do.
See with the eyes of the Spirit.
See with the eyes of the Spirit, the world will suddenly become smaller to you.
Think the thoughts of God.
But you know, how are you going to do that?
No, nobody can do that except by the Holy Ghost.
That's why He wants us to be filled with the Spirit.
Because if we're filled with the Spirit, we will be enabled supernaturally.
We will see what men don't see.
We'll hear what the ordinary man can hear.
We'll perceive things at a higher plane of life, a realm that's impossible for the natural man.
The Bible says the natural man receive it, not the things of the Spirit of God.
For their foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
And then he says he, that is spiritual, judgets all things, not some things.
He has an understanding of all things.
It's within his ability, in his spirits, something about the spiritual man.
He's never confused.
He's never perturbed.
He's never worried.
He has come to the level in his life where he has learned to cast all his cares upon him.
Because he cares for him.
That's why I pause that I can do all things through Christ.
That strengthens me.
I can.
I can.
I can.
I can.
Glory to God.
I can't do all things.
He has an I can do mentality.
He's never confused.
He never finds himself in that position of worry.
Why me?
Why are these things happening to me?
What have I done wrong?
He has stepped upward.
Glory to God.
He doesn't function like the ordinary man.
He's full of the Holy Ghost.
He has been not drunk with wine, we're in His access, but be filled with the Spirit.
Be filled with the Spirit.
Oh, thank you Lord Jesus.
Be filled with the Spirit.
He'll make you a wonder.
Be filled with the Spirit.
When you're full of the Spirit, you know, you talk differently.
You know, like the guy, you know, looks at himself in the mirror.
It's always hissing.
Always looking troubled.
The one who's full of the Spirit stands in front of the mirror.
He says, you're going somewhere.
Are you hearing me?
He's chair up always.
You're going somewhere.
He's talking to himself.
You're going somewhere.
The world is small.
Heated big.
Are you listening?
Because it's full of the Holy Ghost.
It's full of the Holy Ghost.
I always have better days.
I always have better days.
You know, some people say, you know, they're going through a hard time, you know, for that day, they say, you know, it's one of those days.
They're trying to say, it's one of those tough days, you know, where things don't work out right.
That's what they're trying to say.
See, but because in their mentality, they have these blue days.
They have come to an understanding that things don't always work out.
There are some days, tough days, one of those days.
I don't have any of those days.
I am an absolute victor, 24 hours a day, every day of the week, every day of the year, every day.
I don't give any to the devil.
He doesn't stand a chance.
I don't give him any.
I rule always.
I'm in office all the time.
See what I mean?
He's put the devil on my feet.
So I keep him there all the time.
He ain't coming out of there.
You see, someone says, it looks like the devil is just running a rampage in my family.
No, he's not supposed to be running a rampage.
That's where he should be.
You trap him there.
He said, devil, you can't show up anywhere because you're down there.
He said, you shall tread upon trumpets and upon scorpions and over all the ability of the enemy and nothing shall buy any means.
Nothing shall buy any means hurt you.
See, it means whoever is trying to hurt you is wasting his time.
He is fighting a lost battle.
He is wasting his time.
That's why I tell you, never pray about your enemies.
Never pray about those who don't like you or those who despise you, those who got problems with you.
Never care about them.
Let me tell you a secret.
No one who dislikes you can ever be ahead of you.
It's a spiritual secret.
I'm not even yet talking about hatred.
He doesn't hate you.
I'm talking about dislike.
I told you, I've never met somebody that I didn't like.
Because I made up my mind many years ago.
I cannot not like somebody.
I've never met someone that I didn't like.
Someone who doesn't like you can never be ahead of you.
And here's another thought.
If he had been ahead of you,
before he heard of you and disliked you, or met you and disliked you.
He has put a full stop on his journey.
He is not moving farther, until you are gone past him.
That's what the Bible says.
See, we are called to inherit the blessing.
We are called specially to understand this.
We're not ordinary folks.
See, this thing either works or it doesn't work, but it does work.
It works.
Tell somebody works.
See, when God wants to stop a man in his tracks, he makes him collide with you.
You know, when someone collides with me, you know what I mean by that, somebody's got a problem with me.
No matter where he is, what I know, I don't know him.
If he's got a problem with me, it means God has determined to frustrate him.
You see that?
I'm not trying to make this up, it's in the words, you know what I'm talking about.
See, so you never thought about such things.
Because, you see, we've been called to be a blessing to people.
And so when someone proves himself unworthy of the blessing that you carry, then he's in the deepness, he's in trouble.
See, have this consciousness in you.
Did you ever read in the book of Numbers?
On the 23rd chapter of the Book of Numbers, you'd find how that Balaam, who had been asked to curse Israel, was there trying to curse Israel?
He wanted to.
He tried.
But every time he opened his mouth to curse Israel, God threw a blessing into his mouth.
And then he said a blessing.
And the man who hired him to curse Israel stopped to shut up.
I hired you to curse them.
And you're blessing them.
He said, I'm sorry, I'll try again.
Then he tried again to curse Israel.
He spoke another blessing.
And the man said, shut up.
I asked you to curse them.
Then Balaam said, look.
This is impossible because it shall be said of Israel, that which God hath wrought."
You didn't get that.
That means Israel is God's workmanship.
And that's what the Bible says about us over in the New Testament.
That we are His workmanship.
So He said to the man, there is no enchantment against Jacob.
No divination against Jacob.
Then the man said, okay, don't say any, don't bless, don't kiss, just shut up.
Oh, glory to God.
No enchantment against Jacob.
No divination against Jacob.
Thank you, Holy Spirit.
Turn into the book of Exodus in chapter number 31 in read from verse 1.
Exodus chapter 31.
All right, read from verse 1.
Want to go.
What verse are you?
Read verse three now.
Verse one, and the Lord speak unto Moses, saying, see, I have called by name Bezalil.
the son of Uri, the son of Hall of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom and in understanding and in knowledge and in all manner of what mentioned.
This guy was heavily gifted by God.
Through the spirits.
He failed him with wisdom.
He failed him with ability.
says he, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship.
Oh my goodness.
Now, he gave this gentleman such tremendous ability because he wanted him to do something.
He wanted him to carry out the construction of the Tevenaco and all the various vessels that should be in there.
And God filled him with the Spirit.
He failed him with the Spirit.
Whatever you want to do, do it through the power of the Holy Spirit.
If you haven't received the Holy Spirit, you've got a problem.
And that means you need to and you need to today.
Don't wait too long.
But if you have received the Holy Spirit, it's not enough.
You have to be filled with the Spirit continually.
Be fair to the Spirit continually.
You know, I'll say sometimes we do a lot of things as though we're struggling.
Have you seen people who are struggling?
They're trying, trying, trying.
And things aren't working out right.
Turn to Hebrews chapter 9.
Hebrews chapter 9, read verse 14.
Verse 14.
1, 2, go.
How much more shall what?
Christ who
through the Tanner spirit, that's the Holy Ghost, uh-huh?
Offered Himself.
Without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
He says that Jesus Christ offered Himself to God through the Holy Ghost.
He could not even offer Himself without the Holy Spirit.
That's what I'm trying to let you see.
When somebody says, I don't know, I've been doing this for the Lord and things aren't working out for me.
Or I've been giving to the Lord and things aren't working out for me.
Or I gave this idea that, did you do it through the Holy Ghost?
You cannot do anything through the Holy Ghost enough problems with it.
You've got to learn the function through the Holy Spirit.
Imagine this man was going to tear up this construction for the Lord and God had to fill him with the Spirit first.
Even in the, the, the garments, the, the priest's garments.
The man had to be full of the Holy Spirit to make the garments.
Because the priest had to put those things on to go into the most holy place.
And it had to be sanctified.
God has called you.
God has chosen you.
Understand that God's purpose in your life is to show to the world around you His manifold wisdom.
His purpose in your life is to demonstrate His excellencies.
Are you hearing me?
It is His desire to prove His greatness in your life.
You don't have to ask for it.
This is His purpose.
This is His desire.
He longs to.
It's what God wants to do with your life.
If you let him, if you let him, if you let him, he will show his extraordinary greatness in your life.
If you let him, he's set to ease you
You shall be the head only."
That's what he said to them.
He said, you shall be the head only.
The head doesn't mean the managing director.
I don't know if you're listening to this.
Joseph was in the house of Potiphar as the house boy.
But in the house of Potiphar, he was so blessed that Potiphar took notice and said, I can see that I've been blessed because of this man.
The Bible says that God so magnified Joseph in the house of Potiphar.
Jake got the same thing.
He was working for Lebanon.
The Bible tells us that God so blessed him until Lebanon took notice that the reason his own business had become blessed was because of Jacob.
It doesn't matter where you are.
You can become the symbol of God's blessing, God's presence, God's grace is in that place where you are to detect notice.
that because of you, favor has come to this family, because of you, favor has come to this company, because of you, favor has come to this city, because of you.
It will not work just because it is true.
This is what many Christians don't know.
They say, if the thing is true, why is it not working in my life?
The Bible says, work out your own salvation with godly reverence.
In other words, it's given to you, but you've got to work it out.
You have to, you are the one to make it work.
It's there, packaged and delivered.
What will you do, what you have?
This life that is in your spirits, what is this greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.
Okay, that greater one in me.
How can I put his ability to work?
That becomes a question.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
You still in this place?
Yes, sir.
Say I'm a victim.
I'm a victim.
Say again, I'm a victim.
I'm a champion forever.
See, the Bible says, the Bible says when Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, he opunes their, oh God, this is marvelous.
He says, he opunes their understanding.
They might understand the scriptures.
He opunes their understanding.
How in the world did he do it?
John tells us how he did it.
The Bible says, he breathes it on them.
He blew on them.
When he did, he said, receive the spirits.
He opened their understanding.
There are certain things that we find as they have struggling with.
You are reading and reading and reading this thing.
You're not understanding it.
You're working and trying and trying.
You don't understand how to do it.
Let him open your understanding.
Let this holy ghost open your understanding.
You do something supernatural with your life.
That's why Paul said, be not drunk with wine wearing his excess, but be filled with the spirits.
Be filled with the spirits.
Be filled with the spirits.
Filled with the spirits.
Filled with the spirits.
Everything you do turns into success.
Nothing that I ever get involved with feels.
I'm full of the Spirit.
I'm a man of the Spirit.
Say that with me.
Say, I'm not a man of the word.
Say again, I'm not a man of the word.
I'm a man of the Spirit.
I have the Spirit of God in me.
The Spirit of God is in me.
working in me, working in me, talking in me.
It's got to be in your consciousness, in your consciousness.
It has to be there, in your everyday consciousness, that the Spirit of God is at work within you.
Jesus was always conscious
of the presence of his father.
He said, I'm never alone.
I'm never alone.
No one ever met me by myself and came to say, oh, you're alone.
And I said, oh, yes, never.
Because I know, never alone.
Because I'm always conscious that I'm never alone.
So the language can't even, I can't even think it.
Say, I'm the only one here.
I'm alone.
Alone, never.
Jesus said, I am with you always, even onto the end of the age.
It's either true or false.
If he said so, just because you think you are the only one in the room, doesn't mean you're the only one there.
So once a month, oh, you are alone.
I'm not alone.
They think you are alone because they can see only you.
They are short-sighted.
All you see is not all there is.
Are you hearing me?
All you see is not all there is.
See, I
called a ungoed soldier lemak raised to the heart.
So much to be said through the Holy Ghost.
But it shall minister to your spirit.
Can you say, man?
Say, Jesus had abide in me.
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, no more can ye accept ye abide in me.
So accept that branch abides in divine.
It cannot be a fruit of itself.
You have to abide in Him.
Except for apart from me, cut away from me, you can do nothing.
Meaning that everything else you think you are doing is empty.
You can struggle for three days trying to do something.
You can work on it for a week.
but one breath from the Holy Ghost.
One breath from the Holy Ghost will change everything.
If you ever find yourself in such a state, stay up the consciousness.
Say, I don't walk in confusion.
I don't walk in darkness.
I have the light of life.
I have the light of life.
Father, I think you'll have the light of life.
My mind is alert.
My understanding is open by the Holy Ghost.
Glory to God.
I refuse to be worried.
I refuse to be moved.
Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.
The wisdom of God is working in me.
I got the knowledge of the spirits in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm not of this world.
Oh, glory to God.
To worship Him and talk to Him now, glorify His name.
Thank Him for His kindness.
Thank Him for His love.
Oh, Hallelujah.
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God bless you.