March 2023 – The Month of Favour
Where are we on God's timetable and God's timeline?
What is it in your country right now?
What's God thinking at the moment?
What's God thinking for the nations?
What's God thinking?
I want you to understand, I want you to understand what God's thinking in this hour.
This is a teaching excerpt from the March 2023, Global Communion Service with Pastor Chris.
Watch and be blessed.
God's Word is given to us for a purpose.
to lead us, to guide us, to instruct us, to train us in the things of the King of God.
He gave us his word to enable us, see as ours the way he sees us.
In fact, if you were looking to the scriptures in the Book of James, on chapter 1, it says to us,
in the twenty-second verse.
But be doers of the word and not hear as only, deceiving your own terms.
For if any be a hear of the word and not a doer, it's like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass.
For he beholded himself and God his way,
and straightaway, forget it what manner of man he was.
But also look it into the perfect law of liberty and continue it therein, he being not a forgetful hero, but a door of the work.
This man shall be blessed in his deed.
It erises God's word is like a mirror.
Like a mirror.
When you look into the mirror of God, you see yourself.
You see what God thinks of you.
You see the image that God has of you.
And he wants you to have that image of yourself.
So he gave us his word so we can understand it and see as he sees.
And so he tells us, in verse 23, if any man be a hero of the word and not a doer, he's like a man who sees himself in a mirror.
And when he walks away from the mirror, he forgets the manner of man that he was.
And it's interesting that he doesn't say the man forgot just what he looked like.
He says, the man forgot the kind, the type of man that he saw.
So God's word doesn't just, like Amir's show you, your shape,
and your outward looks, it shows you your kind, your type of what species you are, how important that is, how important that is.
That's extraordinary.
It's extraordinary.
And so God, in His word, trains us, shows us how to live, shows us how to pray.
And our prayer is a special kind of communication with God that helps us, builds our spirits, because we're in a rich fellowship with the Lord.
And remember,
The beautiful saying that Jesus brought to the world was the possibility of fellowship with God.
You don't find that in any religion, nor religion offers you fellowship with God.
How are they going to do it?
But Jesus brought us fellowship with God.
An amazing reality.
Fellowship with God.
Think about it.
Think about it.
I'd like to read to you in first a piece of St.
John, chapter one.
It says from the third verse, that which we have seen and heard
declare we unto you that He also may have fellowship with us.
And truly, our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.
That's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
And then you're the first Corinthians chapter 1, verse 9.
is as God is faithful by whom you were called onto the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
We were called under the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
He brought us into fellowship with Jesus Christ, but here's another big one.
in second Peter chapter one.
Isn't wonderful in all the books that I read to you, they're all in the first chapter, letting you know the subject is a big subject, a big subject in order to God.
Now, look at what he tells us here.
I'm going to read 2 Peter chapter 1, observe what he says from verse 3.
He says, according as his divine power had given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that had called us the glory and virtue.
Now look at verse
Verse four, whereby our given unto us, excellent great and precious promises that by these he might be partakers.
Wow, partakers, in the word that's translated, partakers, comes from the same root words.
of fellowship, coin and eel.
Partakers of the divine nature, coin and us, the asfusius.
And that means associates of the God kind, associates of the God kind.
meaning that we've been brought into fellowship of the divine Pantheon, the heavenly Pantheon.
No one that Jesus said, your God's caught in the sands.
His brothers in the fellowship with himself,
So the Word of God helps us beard this image, this heavenly image, so we can understand who we are from God's point of view.
And the purpose is so we can live that way.
If you don't know who you are, you can't live accordingly.
But once you know who you are, you can live as God wants you to live.
Thank you Lord.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Glory to God.
Now, a couple of scriptures, where are we?
on God's timetable and God's timeline.
It's important, it's important to walk with God, you have to follow in His timeline.
So you understand what God is thinking, what God is doing and walk in sync with you.
What's in God's mind?
And why are we here?
Our purpose.
It put us here for a reason.
Our purpose is to establish the kingdom of God in the earth.
That's our purpose.
It put us here for that.
to establish and extend the kingdom of God to the ends of the earth.
Says the earth shall be covered with the knowledge of the glory of God, as the waters covered the sea.
Who's to make that happen?
We are the ones.
That's our job.
That's our job.
When Jesus said, go ye, therefore, and teach all nations.
That's what he was talking about.
Go ye, therefore, make students of the nations, make poppers of the nations, establish the kingdom in all the earth.
So he shows us his will.
You know, a lot of people think that in the world, things run as God wants, but that's not true.
No, if that were true, why would Jesus teach his disciples to pray and say,
Our Father, which at in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
Why pray that way if his will is being done in the earth?
We pray that way because his will is not being done in the earth and it's our responsibility to make it happen.
You got a job to make it happen.
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
God's will is always done in heaven.
But in the earth, his will is not always done.
So only his people can pray his will into manifestation.
Only his people can bring his will
into manifestation.
You remember the man that was born blind?
The word tells us about him?
He's in John's Gospel, chapter 9.
And I'm going to read to you from verse 1 and ask Jesus passed by.
He saw a man which was blind from his birds and his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind?
Jesus answered, neither had this man saying nor his parents.
Think about that.
He and his disciples.
So this man who was born blind.
He's disciples and they're religious thinking.
They said to Jesus, who committed the sin that this man was born blind?
Was it himself?
Or was it his parents?
As far as they were concerned, if somebody were born blind,
there must have been sin responsible for it.
So God in his justice system, in his judicial mind, is punishing them for their sin.
So which of them is God punishing?
The man himself or his parents for letting this man be born blind.
That was their thinking.
But Jesus, Jesus, no.
Neither had this man sinned, nor his spirits.
That's not any one of them.
He says, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
I must work the works of him.
You know, there's a punctuation, a full stop punctuation there in verse three.
which was put there through the translators' prerogatives, and they were wrong.
The full stop should have never been there.
It wasn't there in the original.
They put it there.
They didn't have to be there.
And the reason is this.
When you read, it says, but that the works of God should be made manifest in Him.
That's not what Jesus said.
Read it straight from the original.
He says, but that the works of God should be made manifesting Him.
I must work the works of Him that sent me one of these days.
See it?
In other words, what you see in this man is not the work of God, but for the work of God to be manifesting this man, I've got to do something about it.
That's what Jesus said.
So the work of blindness in that man's eyes didn't come from God.
So if we're going to see the work of God in the man's eyes, Jesus says, I've got to do something.
I've got to do the works of him.
That sent me words this day.
And that's whether the disciples got what Peter quoted in Acts the 10th chapter and the 38 verse.
Look at it, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him.
Everybody that Jesus healed was oppressed of the devil, not God.
It was God who sent Jesus to go heal them.
So Jesus said, I must work the works of him that sent me while it is dead.
The Father sent me, God sent me.
So for the work of God to be manifesting Him, I must do the work of Him that's in Him.
And we find the one who sent Him, sent Him with power, and nodded Him with power, and nodded Him with the Holy Ghost.
Sent Him to heal.
That's wonderful.
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth, with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good and healing everybody, was oppressed off the devil.
for God was with you.
Thank you, Lord.
God was with you.
That's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
So, you know, in the Scriptures, you want to understand the work of God, the will of the Father,
You look at the words, you look at the Scriptures.
What's God saying?
What's God saying?
What is it in your country right now?
What time?
He's at court moment.
He's at right now.
I'll tell you what season it is right now.
And you got to make it real in your country.
You got to.
You got to make it real in your country.
What's going on in the spirit?
What's God thinking?
You gotta look in the spirit.
You gotta look in the spirit.
You gotta look in the spirit.
You've got to look in the spirit.
So much is happening, you know.
Now, when you look at something in the world, there's so much here in the book of Isaiah.
He tells us when you study in the 14th chapter, he talks about this spirit of darkness, Satan, who was controlling the Babylonian kingdom.
what God saw in his spirit was different from what the people were seeing.
The king of Babylon was being used by Satan.
So when the people looked at the king of Babylon, the saw man, but when God looked at the king of Babylon, he was looking at Lucifer.
who was running over Babylon.
So what they had on the ground was different from what was happening in the Spirit.
And so God, when you study, you gotta understand when God's talking to Babylon as a country, as a nation, as a kingdom, and when he's talking to Babylon in the spirits.
So God addresses Babylon in the spirit.
And whatever God says to spiritual Babylon, it's gonna happen to the Babylon in kingdom in the earth.
Now, I'll give you an imagery here.
And the Bible tells us how that the Ark of God was captured by the Philistines.
And they took it into the temple of Dagon.
Now, Dagon was the God of the Philistines.
And this God
was he had a head of a human, all right?
Had a human head, a human face, hands like a man.
But then the rest of his body was fish.
So they called him the, the fish god that they felt was responsible for their prosperity.
So they built this huge statue for Dagon, what a great temple.
And so the statue of Dagon was there in the temple
And they brought the Ark of God that they captured from the Israelites.
And they brought it into the temple of Deagon.
Now, remember, the Ark of God was where the presence of God was.
And if you touch the Ark of God, you got into trouble.
In fact, you died on the spot.
You're not allowed to touch it.
How could these people capture it?
Why didn't nothing happen to them?
Because the law wasn't given to them.
The law wasn't given to them.
So they captured it in a way and brought it into the temple of Dagon and said it before Dagon like, okay, now the God of the Israelites bows before our God.
So they put the ark of God, you know, the ark is a chest with a lead on it, all right?
So, they put it there before they got it.
Oh, when they came back in the morning to find out how Dagon has been fairing, especially now that they've captured the Dagon's help them according to them, Dagon's help them to capture the Ark of God.
They got in there, Dagon was fallen before the Ark of God, bowed before the Ark of God.
They said, what?
Who did this?
Looked around, couldn't find nobody.
So they said, they're not amazing that they can't get up.
They can't get up by himself.
They had to pick him up and set him up again.
Left him there.
They came back this time.
They guns falling in his hands are broken.
destroyed before the Ark of God.
So what has happened here?
This is a statue.
This is a box.
So what's the relationship between a statue and a box?
Because you see, Anne may have made those things.
All right?
Don't forget, God got me in to build the ark.
So they built it, they built it.
And it was me in to build the statue of Dagon.
The difference was God's presence got into this one.
So what happened to the other one?
Was there anything in it?
There was something in the other one.
According to the Bible, it was a devil.
A demon was in that one.
So there were terrorists in 1 Corinthians chapter 10, from verse 19.
What say I then?
That the idol is anything?
Or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is anything?
But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, demons, and not to God.
And I would know that you should have fellowship with devils.
Think about it.
So when they brought sacrifices like they brought the Akigalad as a sacrifice to degon.
And God saying in his word that the sacrifices offered to those idols were actually being offered to demons.
So when they brought the Akigalad, they're not seeing those spirits.
They got this huge statue there, an idol.
But he says, he was a demon that was there.
So the sacrifices are offered to demons, not to God.
Deagon was not a God.
No, there is only one God.
Deagon was actually a demon.
That's what the Bible is telling us.
So he uses the imagery of animals to give us an understanding of spiritual things, like when Jesus talks about the sheep and the goats, an imagery.
And then he tells us what other kinds of animals think about the serpent.
that represents the devil, the devil.
So much so that when Jesus was talking about those Jews in their unbelief and fear and doubt and wickedness, He called them, Jesus, you generation of Vipas.
He called him a generation of Vipus.
He says, you are of your father the devil because the devil is the serpent.
And so he called the children of the devil a generation of Vipus.
And so, and so Isaiah looks in the spirit and sees God is about to take actions against Babylon.
God's about to take actions against Babylon.
God's about to judge Babylon.
God's about to bring this Babylon and kingdom to an end.
He's about to bring it to a close.
Right after the Assyrian kingdom was Babylon.
And God says, I'm preparing to wind this down.
Babylon has been evil because Satan has been running it.
Satan has been running it.
So he says, I'm gonna destroy Babylon.
I'm gonna bring in the meats.
I'm gonna bring in an enemy.
You know, Babylon was so rich.
They believed they could get anything for money with money.
Anything, they were rich.
It had become so rich.
They said, oh, there's nothing that money can't buy.
And nothing we can't do with money.
We got money we can't do anything.
So God said, I'm bringing you an adversary that will not take silver and will not take gold.
And I'd like to read to you from the new national version.
the NIV.
So I'm going to Isaiah chapter 13.
So it's wonderful what God said He was going to do to this kingdom of Babylon.
So he says, I'm bringing you the Medes.
In the 17th verse, look what he says.
See, I will stay up against them, the Medes, who do not care for silver and have no delight in gold.
So this is gonna be a terrible adversary to Babylon.
And then he says, when he takes actions against Babylon, you're gonna see what the demons will do, all right?
And this will be the end of Babylon.
Demons will be having a field day in Babylon.
Demons will be having a field in Babylon.
Look, and look at it.
In verse 21, he says, I'm not gonna let good things happen in Babylon anymore.
But desert creatures will lie there.
Jackers will feel her houses.
There the hours will dwell and there the white goats will leap about.
Look at the 22nd verse.
Highness will haul in our strongholds.
Highness in our strongholds.
You know, these strongholds are the border cities, the border cities.
And then you have them also.
in the local areas.
All right?
This is a strong cause.
So highness will be there.
And jackers inhale luxurious palaces.
They're gonna have jackers in the luxurious palaces, without the luxurious palaces, the palaces of the governors and the presidents.
You got jackers.
In a luxurious palace, her time is at hand, and her days will not be prolonged.
God says, her time is at hand.
And I will not extend.
I will not give them more time.
So we see a picture, a picture, a picture of judgment on Babylon.
A picture of judgment on Babylon.
He likes the Jackers.
Ron the Luxurous Palaces.
But what's God thinking?
What's he thinking?
What's he thinking?
What's God thinking at the moment?
What's God thinking for the nations?
What's God thinking?
I want you to understand.
I want you to understand what God's thinking in this hour.
Not that moment for so much evil has taken place and evil that took place for so long was because of the ignorance of God's people.
My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge and so much evil took place for a long, long time.
And God was not
responsible for those things.
And what God is saying is, I've got my people with more knowledge today, and I've got them fired up.
I've got them fired up.
I've got them fired up.
I've got them fired up in, in, look what God's thinking about your country.
I want to show it to you what God's thinking about your country.
And once you discover what God's thinking about your country, you've got to stand for it.
In Psalm 102, hear the Psalmist in the prophetic voice.
Stared the God spirit.
In the 13th verse, thou shall arise and have mercy upon Zion for the time to favor her.
Yeah, the set time is come.
And I'm telling you, in your country today, this is the set time for God to favor your nation.
This is God's set time.
And so the Jackers will not be there because this is God's set time.
It is God's set time.
Thou shall arise and have mercy upon Zion.
For the time to favor her, yea, the set time is come.
The set time.
This is the set time.
This God's set time.
And I'm telling you in your country, wherever you are, say, God, this is the moment.
This is the moment.
This is the moment.
And God will have mercy.
for the nations, because the set time, the time to favor that country, the time of God's favor is here.
The set time is now.
Thanks beyond to God.
It's the set time.
Wherever you are, just thank the Lord, wherever you are, thank Him.
Thank Him.
One of the beautiful things that you can do when you
hear God's word like this because of the time that it is in God's presence.
And you want to see that.
You want to bring your country, your city, your state, in sync.
with God's plan and timing.
Sometimes you want to fast and pray.
You know, I can show you something in the Word of God here.
In Daniel chapter nine, I'm gonna read from verse number one.
And I want you to follow this carefully.
In the first year of Darius, the son of Jesus, of the seed of the Medes, which was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans, in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood by books
the number of the years where off the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet that he would accomplish 70 years in the desolitions of Jerusalem.
So Daniel says, this prophet of God says that he understood by the books of Jeremiah the prophet that God had determined
70 years in the desolations of Jerusalem.
So they were taken into captivity.
The people were taken into captivity.
And Jerusalem was in desolation, in ruins.
And so he says, I saw in God's book, but Jeremiah the prophet that it was supposed to be for 70 years.
And he found out the time was near that this should be accomplished.
So what are we going to do?
Because it doesn't look like things are about to change.
Everything remains as it was.
The desolations of Jerusalem continue.
So he says, and I set my face unto the Lord, God to seek my prayer and supplication with fasting and sacrament and ashes.
And you read the rest of it, he began to pray for Jerusalem.
and the people of God.
It was praying for them.
And that was what led to fasting.
And in the days of his fast, an angel of the Lord came to him and brought him the answer and said, here's God's plan.
And it says, Daniel, you're greatly beloved of God.
From the very first day you began to pray, your voice was heard in heaven.
And I was sent to bring the answer.
That was wonderful.
That was wonderful.
That was wonderful.
This is from the first day, I was dispatched from heaven.
And then he says, here's God's plan.
Here, I love it, I love it.
Since here's God's plan.
Since here's God's plan.
You see, they're not gonna let you go easily.
So, we're gonna bring the whole kingdom to an ink.
We're gonna bring everything down.
He says, so I'm going to fight the Prince of Persia.
He says, there's a fight in the spirits.
We will have to bring Persia down.
And the Prince of Persia shall come.
says, don't worry.
Something's going to happen in the Spirit.
So think about it.
Get a read of Babylon.
You bring in Persia through the mebes.
You get a read of Persia.
You bring in Grisha.
But it didn't end there.
It says it's small.
After Grisha, it says wrong will come.
And Rome will be broken into 10 kingdoms.
And those 10 will form together.
but they will not be very united.
Iron and clay, and they cannot mix.
Since there's more.
In the days of those 10, the God of heaven will destroy the whole thing, all of man's structure.
Beards with these seven kingdoms.
Everything will be brought down.
And that stone with which it is all destroyed will cover the whole earth.
And I'm telling you, we are in the midst of God's prophetic words.
And something is about to happen in our great world.
We have a short time to finish the work of God, to get it done and get it done quick.
hear it down quick.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
This month, this month of March is the month of favor.
And you will walk in favor in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, divine favor, at work in your life.
You are surrounded by favor everywhere, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
It's your mound of favor.
Lift your hands and thank Him.
It's your mound of favor.
We trust you have been blessed watching this video.
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