Our Calling to Glory
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching the gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
Second Corinthians 3 18 says, We were caught unto God's kingdom and unto God's glory.
Don't separate them.
It's a calling unto the kingdom of God and unto the glory of God.
So if we answer the calling to the kingdom, we have answered the calling to the glory.
This is a realm of life, a realm of glory where only the word of God is real and everything else is a shadow.
There's another realm of life.
It's called the realm of glory.
It's a place you live in now.
And what God has given you His word for is teaching you and training you to relate with that realm.
In that realm, only the word of God is real.
Learn how to relate with this realm in this special message titled, Are Calling to Glory.
I want to begin sharing with you briefly our calling to glory.
Yes, it's important for us to grasp this.
You know, when we use the term glory, it's such a big word that not many understand what it means.
Let's read something, Exodus, Book of Exodus.
Exodus chapter 24, let's begin reading from verse 13.
Exodus, yeah.
And Moses rose up in his minutes to Joshua and Moses went up into the Mount of God.
Next verse.
And he said unto the elders, Terry, ye hear for us, until we come again unto you.
And behold, Aaron and Hall are with you.
If any man have any matters to do, let him come on to them.
Moses says, I'm going up the mountain with Joshua.
If you have any problems, talk to Aaron and Hall.
They'll be with you.
Next verse.
And Moses went up into the Mount, and the cloud covered the Mount.
A cloud covered the Mount.
Next verse.
And the glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai.
And the cloud covered it six days.
And the seventh day, he called on to Moses.
God called on to Moses out of the midst of the cloud.
And the sights of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of the Chilovisio.
That means they were watching from afar.
They could see that glory on the mount.
Next verse.
And Moses went into the midst of the cloud and got him up into the mount.
And Moses was in the mount for the days and for the nights.
Can you imagine that?
40 days and 40 nights he was in the glory of God.
He was in the clouds of God's glory.
No one that he didn't eat or drink anything because when you are in the glory, hunger, you don't get hungry.
For those of you who have been trying 40 days fast and 100 days fast,
Make sure you're doing it in the glory.
Otherwise, you might have trouble.
The glory of God was manifested in the form of a cloud.
That's what you find here.
The glory was manifested in the form of a cloud.
Now, St.
Matthew's Gospel, chapter 17, let's begin reading from verse 1.
And after six days, Jesus take it Peter, James, and John, his brother, and bring it them up into an eye mountain apart, and was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his Raymond was white as the lights.
That's wonderful.
And behold, they appeared onto their Moses and Elias talking with him.
That's Elijah.
Then answered Peter and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here, if thou wilt.
Let us make here three tabernacles, one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias.
Mm-hmm, next verse.
Why he expect the hold a bright cloud overshadowed there?
and hold a voice out of the cloud which said, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
Here ye him."
Next verse.
And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face and were so afraid.
And Jesus came and touched them and said, arise, be not afraid.
And when they had lifted up their eyes, the Son of Man saved Jesus only.
Moses and Elijah had disappeared.
And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them saying, tell the vision to no man until the Son of Man be risen again from the dead.
So when we talk about the glory of God,
This is the picture that many have on their minds.
A cloud, some bright lights, and so on.
For good reasons.
But the Bible also lets us understand
It was only symbolic.
Second Corinthians chapter 3, let's take it from verse 7.
But if the administration are dead, written and engraven,
In stones was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance, which glory was to be done away.
Stop for a second.
What he's talking about here is the personal glory that Moses had on him when he came from the mountain of God.
He had been in the presence of God for the days and for the nights.
And when he came out of that place, the glory of God rested on him.
It was on his face in such a way when Moses appeared to the Chunavisho, they could not look at his face because of the power of the glory.
the brightness of the lights from the face of Moses.
And the people began to run away from him.
They said, Moses, we can't stand this.
We can't even look at you.
And so the Bible tells us that Moses had to take a veil to cover his face.
So they could talk with him.
Whenever Moses came out to the people, he used a veil.
because now the glory of God was on Him, and it was so strong.
They couldn't look at Him.
This was Moses' personal glory.
This was not the glory in the Tevanaco, it was the glory on Moses.
Are you following this?
All right, so I read that again, verse seven, but if the administration of death, written and engraven in stones was glorious,
such that the chunovisio could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance, which glory was to be done away.
Next verse, how shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?
That means more glorious.
He says, if the ministration in the Old Testament, which was a glory that was to fade away
If it was glorious, how wouldn't the administration of the Spirit, which was coming in the new Testament, be more glorious?
Okay, next verse.
For if the administration of condemnation, that means the administration of the law, because the law brought condemnation.
If the administration of condemnation be glory, much more dot the administration of righteousness exceed in glory.
The law brought condemnation, but the grace of Jesus Christ brought righteousness.
So it tells us that the glory in the grace of Jesus Christ that brought righteousness exceeds the glory of the Old Testament and its law and condemnation.
Raise God.
Verse 10.
For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect by reason of the glory that excelled.
It says if you compare both of them, the other one was no glory at all.
That's amazing.
Okay, next verse.
For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remain it is glorious.
See in then that we have such hope.
We use great cleanness of speech.
Can you see it?
He says, because of this great hope that we have, we communicate simply next verse.
And not as Moses, who put a veil over his face that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished, the Old Testament.
Remember, what did Jesus do to it?
He fulfilled it and abolished it.
Next verse.
But their minds were blinded.
For until this day remain at the same veil on taken away in the reading of the Old Testament.
He says every time they're, because they're still in the Old Testament, he says, they're living their lives according to the Old Testament.
So he says every time they read that Old Testament, the veil is on
He's on them, they get it.
But their minds are blinded.
For until this day, remember that the same veil on taking away in the reading of the Old Testament, which veil is done away in Christ.
So in Christ, you don't need any veil.
When you read, God's Word, Moses had the veil, but now in Christ, you don't need the veil.
The law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
Next verse.
But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their hearts.
Can you imagine that?
Now the veil is on their hearts.
It's no longer on the face of Moses.
It's now a spiritual veil.
Next verse.
Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, that's...
When it shall turn, turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away.
Next verse.
Now, the Lord is that spirit.
And where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Glory to God.
Now, this verse will come back to it.
So when we talk about glory, I said, there are many who only consider a light, a cloud, and so on.
But what we just read tells us that it's not that physical thing for the glory of the Spirit.
There's a glory of the Spirit.
And glory is not about what appears, but the riches therein.
The things that are accompanying that glory, why is it called glory?
The riches, the liberty, the power, the splendor, the authority.
To the first Peter chapter one, let's read something from verse, it's a long, it's a long,
a long passage, but we'll find a convenient to get in.
So we'll try to get in from verse 10.
You see, from the very beginning of it you can imagine, now you understand why I said we have to get a convenient place, because you don't start a verse like this.
It means it's coming from somewhere, from the previous verse.
So in that previous verse, we're talking about our salvation.
And so he goes on to say, of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come on to you, the prophets of the Old Testament did prophesy of the grace of the Messiah that was to come.
All right?
Go on verse 11.
Now, don't miss this.
If you miss this, huh.
Listen, catch it very, look at it.
Searching what?
Or what men are of time, the spread of Christ, which was in them, did signify.
Slowly now, catch it.
When it testified beforehand, the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow.
What's it telling you?
The spirit of prophecy through the prophets of the Old Testament, testifying of the coming grace, testified of the sufferings of Christ, what we call his passion, okay?
His vicarious debts.
He says the Spirit testified of the sufferings of Christ.
And what did he say should follow the sufferings of Christ?
Come on.
The Spirit testified before him the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow the sufferings of Christ.
He didn't say more suffering, but glory to follow the sufferings of Christ.
Oh, jee, jee, jee, jee.
Let's look at something here.
What about us?
What kind of a life do we have?
First thessalonians chapter two.
First thessalonians chapter two and we're looking at verse 12.
That you would walk worthy of God who hath called you, who hath called you onto his kingdom and glory.
Okay, have you been called into the kingdom of God?
Are you in that kingdom now?
Jesus said pray that a kingdom come and it came.
That kingdom has come and we are now in that kingdom.
But it wasn't only about the kingdom, look at it.
That he would walk worthy of God who has called you onto his kingdom and glory.
So we were called onto God's kingdom and onto God's glory.
Don't separate them.
It's a calling unto the kingdom of God and unto the glory of God.
So if we answer the calling to the kingdom, we have answered the calling to the glory.
Is somebody here in me?
Second Thessalonians chapter 2.
Let's begin from verse 13.
But we abound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren, beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.
Next verse.
Where until he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ?
You were called through the gospel to the obtaining hallelujah of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Call to obtain, through the gospel, the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Same book, 2 Thessalonians chapter three, verse one.
Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified as it is with you, which means the word of God in your life.
God wants it to be glorified.
He wants his word in your life to be glorified.
That means to be honored as the gospel of Christ as free course in your life.
Free course in your city.
Free course in your country.
He wants the gospel to be glorified.
First Peter chapter five, verse 10.
but the God of all grace, who had called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus.
After that he had, look at that now, suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you, talking about persecutions.
Tough times, the tough times that come, the difficult times that come, but
We have been called on to what?
His eternal glory.
He is saying that this glory is eternal no matter what you're going through.
Don't think that there has been a termination of the glory.
Just because you lost your job doesn't mean you're out of the glory.
This glory is eternal.
Second Peter chapter two.
The Lord I cut in the mist of thee is mine.
He will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy.
He will rest in his love, he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
He will rest in his love, he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
Second Peter, we look at chapter one from verse three.
Very, I think we've shared some of this many times, but look at this.
I want you to notice something.
This is according to his divine power, had given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that had called us to glory and virtue.
He's called us to glory and virtue.
I've shed several of these verses with you to let you understand that he has made it abundantly clear that he's called us unto glory.
What does this mean?
What does this mean?
Just in case someone's thinking,
Well, I still think it means glory in the future.
I still think so.
You still think so?
How could you?
These verses don't seem to suggest a futuristic thing, but just in case.
Romans 8 from verse 29.
For whom he did for know, he also did predestinate, to be confirmed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren, next verse.
Moreover, whom he did predestinate them, he also called, and he called,
Are you following this now?
Let's start it again.
Marva, whom he did predestinate, them he also called.
Is called in the future?
He already did cards.
Not them also is hoping to call cards.
And whom he cards, then he also justified.
Okay, pause for a moment.
In Romans chapter five and verse one, it says, therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
So it's past tense, it's already done.
So if the calling is already done and the justification is already done, it makes sense to understand the very next one.
So we read again Marva whom he did predestinate, then he also called, and whom he called, then he also justified, and whom he justified, uh-huh, then he also glorified.
He doesn't say, then shall he glorify?
Then he also glorify it.
He's already done it.
This is what makes a difference between Christians, those who are
reaching for the glory and praying to God and saying, can someone bring the glory down?
You know, when I hear those things, I get, I don't know where are these fellows?
Where do they live?
Sometimes they call us saying that to come sing and bring the glory down.
Bring the, we are in church.
We are all in the glory.
We were born into it.
Nobody needs to bring the glory down.
Don't be misled by some of the tenses and terms that some of the great men of God many years ago applied
in ministry.
So one of the problems that the church has faced is that the church has not had many teachers.
I don't mean the church has not had many who taught or many who were teaching, but the church has not had many who were called in the ministry of the teacher.
So a lot of times, there's a lot of excitement and preaching, which is beautiful.
It's great, but it leaves many ignorant, excited and ignorant.
Shouting, ignorant, congregation.
We don't need somebody to pray the glory down.
You're still there?
We've been glorified.
We were born into the glory.
You see, if I tell you now, let's bring the air into this place.
You see, there's an unconscious way that we treat many things.
We might think, let's bring the air in, and someone's really going to be looking for where it's gonna come from.
They said the air's coming in.
You've been breathing.
Now you're thinking, where's the air coming from?
What have you been breathing?
You've been inhaling air all the while.
Now the fella says, we're going to bring in the air.
And you're looking through the vents.
Something coming in.
So we are so used to setting things, we're no longer conscious of their reality.
But that's not exactly so with the glory.
It's not a being used, though, to the point of ignoring it.
It is a matter of ignorance that some don't know.
You know, Jacob was sleeping.
Then he had a dream.
And there was this ladder reaching off to heaven, and the angels are sending and descending on it.
When you woke up, he said, God has been in this place, and I didn't know it.
God was there before he got there.
Do we recognize the presence of God?
Well, you say, I went into that place and God was not there at all.
So I went away.
Where are you from?
When I come in, I come in with him.
He comes in in me.
I can't go any way and find that God's not there and move away.
I come with him.
I bring him in.
He lives in me.
I'm his living tabernacle.
There's a difference.
This is the New Testament of Jesus Christ.
I'm sure you're catching something.
Now let's begin to break this.
We got to a verse that I told you will come back to.
Second Corinthians in chapter three, verse number 18.
Let's go there now and take a look.
But we are.
Is this some of us?
There is a some of us?
But we are.
With open face, beholding as in the grass.
Oh, God.
Oh, sardicos, copper needles.
Just a few years ago, they told us that Pluto was no longer a planet.
How many of you remember?
Pluto was sacked.
And I had to rearrange my mind, because when we were growing up, they made us believe that this is final.
That's the way they're doing science a lot of times.
This is final.
These are the planets, and we memorize them.
And these exams, and if any of us had written, plus many unknown ones, we probably would have failed.
They'll say, well, what are you writing?
Well, a few years down the line, they tell us they've sacked Pluto.
And then they came up shortly afterward to tell us they found 50 more.
It's unbelievable, but that's exactly what happened.
Science has encountered a metamorphosis.
And there are some in science who are still reading the old books and they will not change.
They've made up their minds.
They're not going to change it.
Modern physics tells us that the claims of classical physics are not tenable anymore.
That means if you're up to 40 years old, the physics you studied in school is at risk of obliteration.
It is no longer tenable.
Many of the things that you crammed memorized are no longer acceptable.
They have been proved, listen, they're not just being questioned, they've been proved to be forced.
Are you catching it?
Modern physics has already proved that the universe has been wrongly defined by classical physics.
And I think it's exciting.
Because every time man thinks that he's come to the end of knowledge, God just opens just a little window.
See, I got something here for you.
Glory to God.
Just a little window.
And then we see some mind blowing things.
My goodness.
to think that many of those things just don't work anymore.
In fact, in fact, I was quite impressed by the words renowned physicist, Albert Einstein.
He didn't let his knowledge limit him.
He said that he thought there was a realm beyond time, even though he didn't have enough to prove it.
There was a realm beyond time.
At the time it was just an assumption.
But he had strong reasons to believe that.
Not out of religion, but from his experiments.
In fact, let me give you a little thought.
And the reason this is important is because this is what modern physics is founded on.
It is this discovery of the duality of the wave particle, the wave particle duality.
Most of modern physics is founded on this fact.
And what is so striking about it is this.
It stops the limitation of all those classical physics definitions.
What is this?
Look at it.
I mentioned it to you before.
But here's a thought I want you to catch in your mind.
In your experiments,
They could only observe when that, whatever it was, remember this, because this is modern physics.
It's called quantum physics.
Are you catching it?
Whatever it was that was there, that has the
Characteristics of a wave, whatever it was, when it was observed, it turned into a particle.
All right?
So it's got characteristics of a wave and it's got characteristics of a particle.
When we look, it's a particle.
When we're not looking,
It's a wave, but here's the striking thing about it.
The particle is locatable in time and space.
This is what I wanted to catch.
They can locate the particle in time and space, but the wave from which it is assumed to have
materialized is non-look-on.
You know what that means?
The thing from where the particle came has no time and no space.
It's a mystery.
We can't catch it to measure it.
So it must come from somewhere.
But where is this where?
Because, and that's what changes the definition of the universe.
Because now we don't know where this one is outside time and space.
And all we have defined the universe is with time and space.
This is outside time and space, which means, which means a new definition needs to come.
That's beyond time, space, matter, and even energy.
Because energy must have a source.
This is the reason that the new ages are going quickly for quantum physics.
Because they seek to use it to explain their pantherism and their ignorance.
Or the truth is, every time they try to explain, they get hooked.
Every time.
So they bring in a lot of assumptions that create more confusion.
The only place to explain quantum physics is the Bible of the Word of God.
The Bible of the Word of God.
That's the only place that has clear answers.
that explains the sauce.
Without means and words.
This is so beautiful, because look at this, look at this.
They're telling us, they're telling us that matter, therefore, originated.
Are you following this?
Matter originated.
Remember, E is equal to what?
MC square.
If you don't know anything about that, don't worry.
It doesn't make a difference at all.
But what we're saying is,
That means energy is convertible to mass and vice versa, okay?
All right, no.
If that is so, what they're telling us is this matter has come from this energy whose source is unknown and what turned into this particle
is from a wave that has no time or space.
That means the source of matter as we now know it in modern physics is not from the realm of time or space.
What I told you yesterday, I said, it's from your heart.
It's from your spirit.
I said, that's where Mother comes from.
That's what comes from.
What Jesus said, the kingdom of God is within you.
He says He has said eternity in the hearts.
I know if you studied biology and you're a doctor like Dr. Shane, you start thinking about all the plumbing inside the human body.
But man is a spirit.
Man is a spirit.
That's what, remember Jesus, remember Jesus, remember Jesus.
So when you think about a spirit, don't start thinking about some wind, okay?
Don't think about a ghost.
After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he was no ghost.
The disciples, when they saw him, thought he was a ghost.
Jesus had come and touched me.
He said, a ghost does not have flesh and bones like you see me have.
They touched him.
He sat down and ate with them.
So he was no ghost.
But this Jesus, Kombarahiah, this Jesus, when he walked into that room, didn't use the door, didn't come through the window.
He walked through the wall.
That means he was in another plane.
He was in another realm of glory.
I want you to understand this.
But he says, this is tangible.
He said, touch me.
Do you remember the rod of Moses?
What God said to him?
He said, put that rod down, and he put it down.
He turned into a serpent.
He said, take it up by the tail.
He picked it up by the tail, he turned back into a rod.
What happened?
It moved from one phase of matter to another.
That's what happened.
If that could happen to a material substance, now we're talking about the reason glorified Christ.
who gets to the wall and just disappears into the wall and passes out on the other side.
Nama alive.
How do you explain it?
He's moved over to another level, another realm of glory.
How are you following this?
When they look, it's a particle.
When they turn, it's a wave.
A wave without time or space.
You can't see where it is.
What does the Bhagavat tell us about the realm of the Spirit?
There is no time or distance in the realm of the Spirit.
No time or distance.
It's non-local with respect to ethnic descriptions.
Because you now have to use new descriptions in the realm of the spirits.
North East South or West is in this realm.
When you move to another realm, they are not called North East South or West.
Let me give you something here.
Are you following this?
You're still there?
In the new heaven and the new earth, the Bible churches that this one will pass away and there'll be a new earth.
In that new earth, he says there'll be no seas.
No large water bodies, no seas, a new earth, a new design,
This one is covered mostly by water.
There's more water than land on this earth.
But the new earth that God's going to bring forth doesn't have large water bodies like seas.
You say, Ma and Uma.
What's going to be there?
What do you see?
In the realm of the Spirit, He talks about the sides of the knots.
He recognizes the knots.
How can there be knots only?
There's only knots.
There's no sound.
There's no east.
There's no west.
Listen, don't let your mind go.
I mean, if you go into this realm, your head will just keep going.
Because classical physics has already told you that they are four, not south or west.
So you already have that.
So forever, you're going to hold on to that.
But somebody discovered that.
Somebody told us about that with his limited understanding.
Now, I'm telling you that there's another realm where there's only not.
You see?
Even in the scriptures says, promotion doesn't come from the south, from the east or the west.
It doesn't add notes.
Because it comes from the north.
In the realm of the spirit, there's only notes.
Amazing, right?
Now, I want you to understand something here, because the reason for sharing that with you is to get your mind to the Scripture.
Go back to that second Corinthians chapter 3, verse 18.
I told you, when you leave this place, you will carry out what you call practical Christianity.
This is what we all, with open face, beholding us in the glass, as in the mirror.
The glory of the Lord.
He says, we are looking at the glory of the Lord, as in the mirror.
It's our reflection though, but here what he says, we are looking at the glory of God in a mirror.
Then he says, as we look, we are changed.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Let's go back to quantum physics, okay?
Let's go back there.
Let's go back there.
Now, the idea here is when we stop looking, it turns into something else.
All right?
As long as we are looking, it's a real particle.
It's matter.
We can relate with it.
When we turn away, it just seems to dissolve into nothing.
But we know it's there.
We don't know where the there is.
It just goes away from time and space.
That means from inside us, where there is no time or space in our spirits.
It is there until we look, when we look, we see it.
When we take our eyes away, that's what the Bible says, looking onto Jesus.
The author and finisher of your face.
You see, looking is so important in the word of God.
When the children of Israel were bitten by snakes, God said to Moses, make a prison serpent and raise it on a pole.
Everybody who looks will be healed.
All they needed to do was look.
That's something about looking.
Are you hearing me?
There's something about looking.
What you see matters a lot.
He says, when you look, it becomes real.
Are you hearing me?
When you look, it becomes real.
When you turn your eyes away.
Quantum physics says it disappears, but you know it's there.
It's there somewhere outside of time and space.
You can't measure it.
You can't find it.
You can't lookalize it.
You're just knowing your head that this thing is there.
It's like a vision.
It's like a dream.
When you wake up, you can't find it.
But this time, it is more than a dream.
How many of you had an experience?
You knew that you knew that you knew it was more than a dream.
You knew it was more than a dream.
Somebody said, I was given this piece of clothes in my dream.
The one who gave it to me in the dream disappeared.
Everybody that I saw in the dream disappeared, but here is the piece of clothes.
I woke up with it in my head.
There's a young man in his room fighting.
He was spirits attacked him.
They fought him all night and he was screaming.
When his roommates came, opened the door, he was panting.
They had scratched him with their claws.
It was unmistakable.
I saw the guy myself.
It was unmistakable.
It was more than a dream.
demons had visited him.
And they just disappeared.
The room was locked.
Where are the demons?
They're gone.
To where?
From whence they came?
Another realm of life.
You still there?
So he says, he says, anyone who looks at this serpent of brass would be healed.
Some refused to look, they died.
Others raised their heads, just barely tried to look and they lived, just looking.
Now this scripture says, 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 18, tells us about this glory, this glory.
that comes from the Word of God, that comes from the presence of God, from this realm, this other realm of spirits.
It's a realm of spirits.
There's glories in the realm of spirits who were born into that realm.
That's the realm that Jesus passed into after his resurrection.
Are you hearing me?
It's a realm of glory.
And the word, they leave us to us.
We're born into it.
The Bible tells us that we're born into the presence of God, but the very presence of God.
We live there now.
It is a real place.
And as we look, this is as we behold the glory of God in the mirror.
What mirror?
The word of God is the mirror of God.
Like you're listening now, you're hearing the word of God.
When you're studying the Bible, you're hearing God's word into your spirit, you're hearing it.
And he paints a picture.
He shows you the image, the image of God's glory.
He shows you that glory.
Can you look?
Can you look?
When He calls you the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, can you look at it?
Can you see yourself as His justified ones?
We read it a moment ago.
He said, but He are called.
He are what?
And what?
Can you see yourself as glorified?
I'm glorified.
I'm not an ordinary person.
I'm glorified.
He says, as you look, you are metamorphosed.
But we are with open face, beholding us in the glass, the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image.
From glory to glory, the more you look, the more you are changed, the more you look, the more you are changed.
That's why I love meditating on the Word of God.
That's exactly the secrets that God gave to Joshua from the beginning, in Joshua chapter 1.
He told him, he says meditate on the words, night and day, that you may be careful to do all that is written there.
He said, because your success is there, your prosperity is there.
That's what he told you.
So you want to have a good life?
Put your heart on the word.
He said, night and day.
Then he said, turn nuts from it to the right hand or to the left.
He said, stay focused.
Stay focused.
Just keep seeing the glory of God for as we behold, as we look at the glory of God in a mirror.
In a mirror.
That means he's talking about us.
What is he telling you?
It means that what our reflection is what we see in the Word.
So what God says about us
We must hold a picture.
He says, you are the healed of Christ, then I am the healed of Christ.
He says, count it all joy when you go through diverse tests.
I want to give you something about the Word of God so you need to understand.
The Word of God that's given to us is more than instruction.
You see, the children of Israel saw the law as instructions.
There were laws.
That's not the way Moses perceived the law.
Not the same.
Obama says that not Israel knew the acts of God, but Moses knew the ways of God.
What did Moses say the laws of God wear?
He says, these that I read to you, he says, obey this command for this is your life.
To Moses, it was life.
To the carnal, it was the list of instructions.
God said, we should do this.
God said, we should not do this.
God said, we should do this.
God said, we should not do this.
That's the way that perceived it.
Instead of seeing the picture of his righteousness.
Are you there?
He says, count it all joy when you go to dive us tests.
He says, OK.
He says, count it all joy.
So I'm going to do it.
It's not just there's something that God is showing you.
It's not the instruction.
The instruction is a phase.
There's something beyond the instruction.
It's the glory.
He's showing you the type of person you are.
When he says, count it all joy.
When you go to divers tests, he is telling you what he has made you.
You are one who counts it all joy in divers tests.
This is your life.
He wants you to see the glory in the instruction.
Oh dear Lord Jesus, let's read this portion of the Bible and you love this.
Back to 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 18.
But we are with open face beholden as in the glass of glory of the Lord.
I changed Hallelujah into the same image.
See the glory that we see we are changing to it.
As you look you become.
As you look it's made real.
As you look you see it's what you turn away and the glory is gone.
From glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
This is by the Holy Ghost.
Say amen.
Next verse.
So it goes right into chapter four.
is dealing with the same subject.
Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, this ministry of glory.
As we have deep mercy, we faint not.
Go to the next one.
But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, no handling the Word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truths, commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
Oh, dear Jesus, hallelujah.
Next verse, but if our gospel be healed.
Oh, you see, we are manifest in the gospel.
But if somebody says, I don't know what he's talking about, I agree with you.
He says, if our gospel be healed, it is healed to them that are lost.
Next, in whom the God of this world had blinded the mind of them with believed notes, less the light who blinded their minds, Satan, he's called the God of this world.
He blinded the minds of them which believed not less the light of the glorious gospel of Christ.
Who is the image of God to shine unto them?
Since Satan keeps them from seeing the glory of God.
Next verse.
For we preach not as heirs, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and as heirs your servants for Jesus' sake.
For God who commanded the lights to shine out of darkness, hath shine in our hearts, to give the lights of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
But next verse.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us.
He says, we know we are carrying something.
When I told you a moment ago, the glory is inside you.
And so I said, me?
I said, you are the source of that matter.
He said, me?
We have a treasure in this etymology.
Next verse.
Next verse.
We have trouble on every side.
You see it now.
Though we carry the glory,
There are persecutions.
There are triers.
There are troubles.
There are things that look like difficult times.
From the outside, there are difficult times.
But from the inside, there is a resting place.
We are troubled on every side, yet not distrusts.
We are perplexed, but not in despair.
Showery man, somebody!
Persecuted, but not taken, cast down, but not destroyed.
Next verse.
Hey, I'll have to do ya.
always bearing about in the body, the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also, I'm gonna explain this in a second, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
He says, we're carrying the dying of Jesus, that the life of Jesus might be made manifest in our body, next verse.
For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh, next verse.
So then, death work it in us, but life in you.
It's like a paradox now.
You're beginning to wonder, I don't get what they're possibly saying.
Let me tell you what they're possibly saying here.
See, there are some of us, because of the calling in our lives.
See, I'm sharing God's word with you.
And there are many of you who put this word to work, and your businesses will expand.
But you see, why can't I?
Do that business with all of the wisdom that God has given me.
Why can't I do it?
I'm not permitted.
Can you imagine?
I inspire people to set up businesses and then to do this business and I can benefit from those businesses.
Can you see that?
I'm not allowed to.
Okay, think about it.
I share God's word with you and you can now go to the beach and enjoy yourself, but I can't come there.
Can you imagine this?
You understand what I'm talking about?
There are things that I'm helping you enjoy, but when I'm through with you here, I go lie on my bed or something and I'm meditating on God's word.
I can't do those things that you are out there, enjoy.
That's what he's talking about.
Are you following this?
But I have a rest in place.
Let's talk about the apostles of God.
He says, he says, so then, debts work it in us.
I'll show that to you in a second.
It says, but life in you.
What does it mean, debt work in us?
We are always in a sense, battlefront.
We always seem to be there.
But God then gives me the strength, the peace, the victory within.
But I'm giving over to these things.
You see, I'm giving over to these things just so I can bring the Word of God in its power and in its glory to you.
You don't just sit down and get this kind of revelation and then have the ability of the Spirit to communicate it?
It will take something from you.
It will.
It will.
Okay, let me show you what he's talking about here.
When he says, this is debt working in us, but life in you.
Second Corinthians chapter one, let's begin reading from verse five.
Here what this man of God says, for as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation, our comfort, or to abound it by Christ.
Next verse.
And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation.
and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer.
Or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.
See, if we are honored, he says, it's for your good.
If we are dishonored, it's for your good.
But in the real sense of it, no one could dishonor us.
They only do it to our outside, to our bodies.
Let's read, next verse.
And our hope of you is steadfast, knowing that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.
For example, if someone's writing something nasty about Pastor Chris, you will feel bad, you know?
And they say, ah, the church, Christ, they mercy, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
They talk in rubbish.
So you, in that sense, you become a partaker of the same thing.
Okay, all right.
So this is, there is here, particularly as of the sufferings.
So shall ye be also of the consolation.
Next verse, look at this now.
For we would not brethren have you ignorant of our trouble, which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure above strength, in someone that we despaired even of life, what we were going to.
Next verse.
But we have the sentence of death in our zeros, that we should not trust in our zeros, but if God would raise at the dead.
You see, you come to that point in your life when you have this kind of calling, where you have the sentence of death in yourself.
You've come to that point.
Until you come there, you're not ready.
I said, there's a difference between a man of God and a preacher.
They're not the same.
A preacher may become a man of God.
But every preacher is not necessarily a man of God.
By the time you are a man of God, you are possessed of him.
You are no longer your own.
You're no longer your own.
There is no, this is what he should have said.
This is what he should have done.
This is how all that has passed.
His life is a mystery.
Even he can have the full understanding of his own life.
Because he is a man of his being.
God has taken over.
This is the calling of his life.
He is separated from everything.
God has taken over him.
And he has no opinions.
Can you imagine?
People share their opinions.
And I can't say mine.
If I had one.
No, but I taught you how to pray, how to ask for something and get it.
Why can't I do it?
My spirit can't.
I'm held in such a way I can't.
That principles I teach you in the Word of God, which you can joyfully apply.
And I'm not allowed to because I'm a man of God.
Not allowed.
I'm not allowed.
If I did come that close, I was there, oh Lord, I don't know if I'm supposed to be saying this.
I don't know where that I shoot.
And then all of a sudden, for even trying to, I'm already repenting.
I'm sorry.
Because I'm told what to say and what to do.
That's a man of God.
There are not many that were called men of God in the Bible.
Go and read for yourself.
There were many that were prophets.
There were many that were preachers.
But not many were called the man of God.
When you become a man of God, it's something totally different.
You don't know what it is until you are in it.
You don't know what it is.
You are set aside.
It's a
The description of Paul, the way he put it, he would say, a born slave of Jesus Christ.
That means I'm a love slave.
That means I'm bound by Christ, but I love it over here.
Nine, but we have the sentence of death in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God we do it in the dead.
Okay, go back to chapter four, where we were.
We got to verse 12.
So then, that worked in us, but life in you, next verse.
We, having the same spirit of faith, according to this written, I believe, and therefore have I spoken, we also believe and therefore speak.
I like it.
Next verse, oh dear Lord, knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus and shall present us with you.
Next verse, for all things are for your sakes,
or getting close to something really powerful now.
For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might throw the thanks given of many redone to the glory of God.
Next verse, for which cause?
We faint nuts.
But though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
The inward man.
There is an outward man, and there is an inward man.
The inward man is the real man.
He says, no outward man perish.
That means it seems to be getting battered and bruised and getting older.
You know, going through all those difficulties, he says, but the inward man is renewed day by day, day by day.
Through what?
Meditation on God's words.
Looking at the right thing.
Stop being upset.
But how they told you your mother treated you.
You haven't forgiven her since.
I'm talking to a lady.
You've been having trouble with your mother.
She don't like to see her.
Heard a lot of nasty things about your mother.
You work in an airline.
You forgive your mother, forgive yourself when we finish.
You make sure you find your mother.
Praise God.
For which cause we fade not?
But there are outwood men perished yet the inward man is a new day by day.
Next verse.
for our light affliction, which is but for a moment, work it for us a far more accident than the tunnel with the glory, next verse.
Wow, we'll look not.
That's looking again, right?
I said, looking is important.
Looking, looking, looking.
You're gonna learn to look.
Learn to look.
That thing you said you want to do, that you want to accomplish.
It's time to see it.
See it, give it life when it becomes so real by some inexplicable means.
It'll happen.
I told you yesterday, don't be concerned about the process.
Leave that to God.
The Bible says,
As bones fall in the womb of a woman that's pregnant.
So you don't know the work of God.
He says, your responsibility is do what God told you.
Leave the process to him.
You be amazed.
Why would look not at the things which I've seen?
There are things that I've seen, but we're not going to be looking at them.
Are you hearing me?
That woman that's been crying because of the x-ray report.
Don't cry again.
Look not at the things which are seen.
Look not at the things which are seen.
I've just shown you, there's another realm of life.
It's called a realm of glory.
In that realm, only the Word of God is real.
Everything else is unreal.
Only God's word is real.
That's the only law that operates in that realm.
The truth is you have been born into that realm already.
You belong to that realm now.
It's not a place you're going to.
It's a place you live in now.
And what God has given you His word for is teaching you and training you to relate with that realm, how to relate with that realm of life.
And it begins with your mind.
we're looking at the things that are not seen, for the things which are seen are for a short time.
Have you seen that?
They are subject to change.
The things which are seen are subject to change.
Tell somebody they are subject to change.
Let's put it to work.
Whatever situation you found yourself, whatever it is you're dealing with right now in your life,
I want you to take that picture and say it's subject to change.
Is it subject to change?
Is it subject to change?
So what is real in your life?
Say the glory.
What's real in your life?
Say the glory, the glory, the glory.
where I will look not at the things which I've seen, but at the things which I've not seen.
We are looking at the on scene.
For the things which I've seen are temporal, but the things which I've not seen are eternal.
Oh, oh, I'm looking at the glory.
I'm looking at the glory.
I have a victorious life.
Come on!
Say I'm a success.
Say it again, I'm a success.
I'm a success.
I say I have a victorious life.
I'm a success.
I have a victorious life.
What's really my life is the glory.
The glory.
The glory is real.
The glory is real.
Are you catching it?
Stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up.
Are you catching it?
He's the glory real.
Are you sure?
What's real?
What's real?
What's real?
What's real?
What's real?
The glory.
We've been called into glory.
The glory.
The glory.
You know what it is to see the glory of God in a mirror?
That means the God is calling me His glory.
Because I'm looking at a mirror.
But we have this treasure.
in ethnic vessels.
Samaiza Glory!
Do you know what this message means?
Let me tell you what it means.
What this message means is that everyone who accepts it just opens himself.
to a new realm of life.
It's been there all along.
You just observed it.
I said, you see it when you look.
Now you're looking.
Now you're looking.
You can see your success.
Now you're looking.
Understand this.
That means no more discouragement for your life.
Nothing can discourage you anymore.
I said, God is raising champions out of you.
Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma.
Jesus is wonderful.
Lift your hands toward heaven.
honor him.
God has given you visions, visions, visions, visions, visions.
You are seeing visions.
He said in the last days, I will pour out my spirit upon our flesh and your songs and your battles shall prophesy.
The O man shall dream dreams and the O man shall see visions.
Something is happening in your life.