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Prevailing Prayer Part 1

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
You are shining and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Labor is yours.

Our leaders conference with the Man of God, Pastor Chris.
A tree can become a forest.
Just give it enough time.
Each one of us can become a multitude.
You're not looking for those who have the natural ability to face an audience.
There's looking for somebody who will say, Lord, here I am.
Fill me.
Talk to me.
Use me for your glory.
Watch and be blessed as Pastor Chris exhorts the congregation on these great truths.
Do you have your Bibles tonight?
The Spirit of God is with us.
John Wesley used to say the best of all is God with us.
How true.

In all the Spirit said,
Every tree of forest.
Say, every tree of forest.
Say again, every tree of forest.
Say, I'm a tree of righteousness.
Yeah, every tree of forest.
You know, the people used to say, a tree cannot make a forest.
We didn't know they lied.
Because the Word of God, we saw it last night.
God's purpose is for every tree to become a forest by the Holy Ghost, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
So they were right naturally that a tree cannot make a forest, but they were wrong.
Because in real truth, a tree can become a forest.
Just give it enough time and it will.
So they weren't smart enough when they said that.
And God shows us each one of us can become a multitude.
I like what He said referring to

Rebecca, she had two nations inside her.
You remember that?
She had two nations inside.
It's amazing.
How many people had nations in them?
Abraham had nations inside him.
Jacob carried nations.

And think about this.
Isaac, the son of Abraham, was going to be a multitude.
Had these two sons, Jacob and Esau, and both of them were going to be nations,
and those nations who produce more nations.
But they were not the ones that God had in mind.
He said, it's very interesting.
God didn't say, Isaac shall I see be called?
Not sure whether you ever read it.
God didn't say Isaac shall I see be called.
He didn't say that to Abraham.
He said in Isaac shall I see be called.
Meaning that the seed of Abraham that he was referring to was not Isaac.
The seed of Abraham was not going to be called Isaac.
He said in Isaac shall I see be called.
Not Isaac shall I see be called.
but in Isaac.
And the Bible tells us that that seed of Abraham was Christ.

And if you belong to Christ, you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise.
So we are,
the seed of Abraham.

And each one of us has the potential of a multitude.
When you come to Christ, his seed is in you.
Even though you are his seed, his seed is in you.
Did you know that?
The Bible says the seed of God is in you.
How can you allow that seed die without reproducing?
The seed of God is in you.
What are you gonna do?
If you think that you were born of your mother as a timid person, say, God, that's not a problem.
You may say, I don't know how to speak to many people.
Thank God, that's wonderful.
Because this thing we're talking about is not by might.
You see, God's not looking for those who know how to talk.
He's not looking for those who have the natural ability to face an audience.
No, he's not looking for that.
He's looking for somebody who will say, Lord, here, fill me, talk to me, use me for your glory.
And he says, open your mouth and I will fill it.

That's what he said.
I was not a very bold person.
As a young lad, I was it.
I was timid, always played on my own.

They didn't have that outward boldness, like many of the young kids my age.
Even my younger brother was bolder than I. And then the worst of all, full of fear.
I feared everything.
Because I heard too many stories.
Too many bad stories.
Did you ever hear of what they call, bumble, bumble?
If you never heard that, just forget it.
I was told that, you know, those guys were out all the time.
So as a kid, I feared them.
Then I even feared the little birds and the knights that made that sound.
I was told it was a witch.
Then I heard of one they called Lady Koi Koi.

If you never heard of this, don't worry about this.
Then there was Seku.
Chuck Mandeville.
I heard all of those things at a little kid, and I feared them.
Then I feared Tonda and the lightning.
They said sometimes it struck and killed somebody.
And I didn't know when judgment day was coming and I was going to die and go to hell, I was afraid.
a life full of fear, even as a little boy.
But when the day came, and I received the Holy Ghost, my fears vanished, my fears dissipated forever.
And since then, I haven't known fright, not even fright, nothing shakes me.
All that is the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost.
When I couldn't talk to other people now as bold, I could talk to anybody, because I knew the Holy Spirit would speak through me.
I didn't have to premeditate to see what am I going to say, because I saw it in the world.
Jesus said, when they bring you before cancels and before governors and so on and so forth, he said, don't worry about what you're going to say.
He said, because the spirit of your father will speak through you.
At the hour that you need it, he will speak through you.
And I trusted Jesus, and it's been so.
So I say to you, don't worry about how you were born.
Don't worry about how you grew up.
All of that doesn't count.
What matters is to receive the Holy Spirit.
When you receive the Holy Spirit, his words will come through you with power.
You can trust him.
That's the way to rely on him.
Don't say, what am I going to say?
Say, Lord, your word is in my mouth.
You will speak through me.
That's all you need.
And start.
You say, how will I start?
Don't worry.
He said, open your mouth and I will fill it.
He will fill your mouth with the right words.
Don't worry about making a mistake.
That doesn't mean anything.
Because he will use your imperfections and perfect them.
The Bible says we have this treasure in ethnic vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us.
So these are ex-investors.
But this treasure is there.
And the excellency of the power is of God, not of our drinking, not of our bringing, not of our nationality.
No, no, no.
You may not even like the way you look.
What you don't understand is the glory of God.
Don't worry about how you look.
Once you start and let the Holy Spirit take over, you will be the most beautiful thing in the world.

Because His Spirit will glow through you.
Still to come in the International Cell Leaders Conference with the Man of God, Pastor Chris.
We are workers together with God.
Learn what this means.
You are God's husbandry.
You are God's farm.
God is about building lives and saving souls.
In this next segment, be elevated to a higher level of reality in God's work.
Think about what God has said to us.
And then think, can we actually have results emphatically?
Every tree of forest.
He says, what am I going to do?
Very simple.
First, be understanding.
of underlying principles.

I read two scriptures to you yesterday, and we're going to take them again, and then we'll take Umufada.
The first one is First Corinthians chapter number three and verse nine.
First Corinthians chapter three and verse nine.
Can you go there?
Really, it wants to go.
for we are laborers together with God.
Yeah, God's husbandry.
Yeah, God's building.
Now let's stop for a moment.
Or who's talking and who's talking about who or who's talking to who.
Now Paul the Apostle is right into the Corinthian church.
And he says, those of us, the leaders who came to minister to you.
We are, he's telling the church.
He says, we are,
labor us together with God.
Then he says to the church, to the congregation in Corinth, he says, you are God's husbandry.
That means God's guardian.
You're God's husbandry.
You're God's building.
Now, we here, all of us, are leaders.
We are the ones ministering to others.
We are workers together with God.
This is not the congregation.
This is the congregation of laborers.
Are you hearing me?
We are the laborers.
We are meeting here.
This is our conference, okay?
And we can say to the rest of the congregation, ye are God's farm, ye are God's garden, ye are God's husbandry, but we are workers together with God.
You get it?
Say, I'm a worker together with God.
That long sentence actually means call liberal.
Work out together.
It means call liberal.
So say, I'm a call liberal with God.
I'm a call liberal with God.
So every sound leader is a call liberal with God.
See, because God is about building lives.
God is about saving souls.
For God's all of the world that he gave his only begotten sound, that whosoever believes in him, shouldn't have perished, would have everlasting life.
God sent his sound to save the world.
And we are partners together with him in saving lost souls.
So every cell leader is a worker together with God.
Say, I'm a worker together with God.
A co-laborer with God.
I know who I am.
I have responsibilities.
The next verse learned to you last night was second Corinthians chapter number six and verse number one.
Second Corinthians chapter six and verse number one.
Have you found it?
All right.
He says, we then ask workers to gather with Him, beseech you also, that she received not the grace of God in vain.
It's like that's the leader telling the members of His cell.
I don't want you to receive the grace of God in vain.
See, he's telling them, why?
Because he's a worker together with God.
He's come to talk to them about the grace of God.
And he doesn't want them to receive that grace in vain.
He says, he got to put it to work.
See, we then, as workers together with him, minister to the congregation.
and we tell them not to receive the grace of God in vain.
We're saying, let this grace produce results in your life.
We are workers together with Him.
That means we are call laborers.
If you read newer translations, instead of writing workers together, they'll write call laborers.
Have you noticed that?
Some of you would have seen that by now.
If you have a newer translations, we are call laborers.
So we're laborers.
Okay, so now you go to send Matthew's gospel chapter number nine.
We're reading from verse 37.
So Matthew's gospel chapter nine from verse 37.
Have you found it?
All right, read.
To who?
He's the disciples, yeah?
Who's talking?
Jesus is talking.
Then said he under his disciples, the harvest truly is pleasures.
But this is the problem.
The problem is not the harvest.
It's never been the problem.
The harvest has never been the problem.

It's the number of laborers.

Now you've become so quiet.
He says the harvest jewel is plenty, but the labourers are few.
That is it.
The labourers are few.

Yes, there are thousands of us in this room tonight.
And there are many thousands around the world who are connected with us tonight and participating in this as say our leaders.
But it's still not enough.
It's still not enough.
And each one of us has to put in more effort.
Now look at the desire of the master.
Go back to that verse 37, we'll read it in the end, we'll go into the next verse.
Then said he unto his disciples, the harvest truly splenches, but the laborers have few.
Look at verse 38.
Pray ye therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborious into his harvest.
The Lord of the harvest.
Who's the Lord of the harvest?
The Holy Ghost.
He's here.
He's the Lord of the harvest.
He says, Pray ye therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborious into his harvest, that he will send forth laborious into his harvest.
Let's see one of those things he did.
Acts chapter 13, or reading from verse 1.
Acts chapter number 13 from verse 1.
This is now, let's read it, why don't you go?
In the church, right?

Certain prophets and teachers asked Bonabas and Simeon, that was called Niga, and Lucius of Cyrene and Manning, which had been brought up with Herod the Tetrach and Saul.
Read verse two.
As the minister to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, stop there, stop.
As the minister to the Lord, how do you minister to the Lord?
by worshiping him and making confessions to his name.
That's how you minister to the Lord.
You minister to the Lord by worshiping him, singing his praise, singing his praise.
and making confessions to his name.
What do you mean by making confessions to his name?
You speak of his greatness.
You declare what he's done.
His marvelous works.
You attribute the goodness in the world and the greatness of his power to his mighty name.
You say those beautiful things that he's done in your life.
You make that the way to make confessions to his name.
That means you're confessing words.
Confessing words, speaking words that are consistent with what he said about himself.
And you say those things to his name.
Thou what worthy, O Lord.
You've changed my life.
You've given me life.
You see that?
Beautiful things that you can say about God.
And as you say those things about God and worship Him, you are ministering to the Lord.
So that's what they were doing, and they were fasting as well.
So He says here in verse two, as they minister to the Lord and fast dead, who spoke?
This is the Holy Ghost, said, separate me.
Bonabas and Saul.
He didn't separate Bonabas and so.
He said separate unto me.
Somebody said he said separate Bonabas and so.
Bonabas this way, so that way.
That's not what he said.
He said separate them unto me.
For the work.
Not just separate them unto me because all of them were unto him.
But it says for the work.
we're on to, I have called them."
Now, this is beautiful.
We're talking about the Lord of the harvest, okay, sending for laborers into his harvest.
Now, you go to verse three in the Bible says, and when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.
They, the apostles, well, the prophets and teachers who were in there that day, sent them on their way.
And then the Bible says, look at verse four, read verse four, everybody.
Look at it again, first time the Bible says the Holy Ghost said, now in the fourth verse it says, so they've been sent forth by the Holy Ghost.
You see, the Holy Ghost is a lot of the harvest.
So they've been sent forth by the Holy Ghost, departed unto Salucia, and from things they say to Cyprus.
And when they were at Salamis, they preached the word of God, Hallelujah.
They preached the word of God.
That's what they did.
They preached the word of God.
They were sent by the Holy Ghost.
So, laborers had been sent into the harvest by the Holy Ghost.
He says, pray here for the Lord of the harvest that he was sent.
How'd you pray the Lord of the harvest?
How'd you pray the Lord of the harvest?
You talk to Him like you talk to the Father.
You see, you speak to the Holy Ghost like you speak to the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, we could pray to the Holy Ghost.
That's what He said.
He said, pray ye the Lord of the harvest.
So you can talk to the Holy Ghost.
Like you talk to the Father.
Because the Holy Ghost is God.
Holy Ghost is God.
Still to come in the International Cell Leaders Conference with the Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Ministering to the Lord, how do we minister to the Lord?
Learn how to be filled with the Spirit and speak the word with boldness.
Get drunk in the Spirit and unbelief will fly out the window.
Doubt will be gone.
There will be power to affect changes.
Be filled with the Spirit.
You don't care who's listening to you.
Watch and be blessed.
Holy Ghost is God.

We're going to say a little more about this kind of prayer.
But it's important for us to understand this.
Now let's get another thing if you turn to
The Book of Acts chapter number four.

You remember the healing of that man who was important in his sweet, never walked from birth.
Book of Acts chapter three, who they brought daily to the gate of the temple.
It's called beautiful.
Peter and John, minister to him and then the Bible terraces that he stood up and walked.
We went with them together into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God.
Do you remember that?
And then the apostles were persecuted for that.
And after they had been rebuked and reprimanded,
twenty-second verse of the fourth chapter of the Book of Acts.
The Erosus about the man that was minister too.
The Erosus of the man was above forty years old whom this miracle of healing was shown.
And being let go, they went to their own company.
I like that.
The apostles, Spirit and John, went to their own company.
their own brethren and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said unto them.
And when they had heard that, they lifted up.
Now, look at what the brethren did.
When the apostles came, Peter and John came back to them to tell them what they had been through in the hands of the priests and the elders.
And Barbara says, when they had heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord and said, Lord, thou art God which had made heaven and earth and the sea and all that in them is.
See, what are they doing?
The ministering to the Lord.
Who by the mouth of that servant David has said, why did the hidden rage and the people imagine vain things?
The kings of the earth stood up and rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against His Christ.
For for truth against the holy child, Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, booed, haired, and punctured, spilate, with the gentiles and the people of Israel gathered together for to do whatsoever thy hand, and thy council determined before to be done.
And now, Lord, behold, their threatness, and grant on to thy service, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, by stretching forth thy hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of the holy child, Jesus.
I like that.
Look at verse 31.
This is amazing.
And when they had prayed, somebody said, when they had prayed.
And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together in what they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.
And they spit the Word of God with boldness.
Now notice something very beautiful.
He says, when they had prayed, the place was shaken, and there were all fear in the Holy Ghost.
Now all these people had already received the Holy Ghost.
They were not just receiving the Holy Spirit, but out in feeling of the Holy Spirit.
in filling up the Holy Spirit.
When you're filled again and again, like it tells us in the visions chapter 5 and verse 18, be not drunk with wine, we're in this excess, but be filled with the Spirit.
Be filled with the Spirit.
How He wants us to be filled with the Spirit.
So when they prayed to God like this and they said, oh God, stretch for your hand to heal.
Instead of God saying, all right now, you got my hand down there.
No, He filled them with the Holy Ghost.
They were filled like when you pray and you're filled again.
You know when you're filled?
How do you know when you're filled?
There's an outflow, a normal flow.
He's just been filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourself, seeing Psalms and hymns and all the Lord is my shepherd.
I refuse to want to go with the God.
Yeah, speaking to yourselves, that means I'm talking to me, you're talking to you.
in Psalms and hems and spiritual songs, singing, making melody in your heart to the Lord.
See, all that's happening, probably not of you.
Glory to God.
And so many things happen, the awesome will feel to the Holy Ghost.
Sometimes we are so full we're drunk.
And then we start staggering.
We don't care who's looking at us, you know?
Oh, glory to God.
Just like that.
Sometimes it comes out in laughter.
You know?
You don't care who's listening to you.
You're laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing.

Now, there were fear of the Holy Ghost, and the result was they specked the Word of God with boldness.
That's it.
When you fear the Holy Ghost, the result will be speaking the Word with boldness.
With boldness.
Say, I'm bold.
I've got the Holy Ghost in me.
And you know, if at any time you feel like
You're not object, okay?
Because sometimes you might just think like, hey, you know, your heart may skip a little bit.
And you think, hmm, how do I do this?
Hey, relax.
Just get drunk.
You know, you get drunk.
Not in the bottle.
Not wine out of the bottle?
No, he says, be not drunk with wine or in his ex.
He says, you don't need that.
You don't need that.
He says, but we feel to the Holy Ghost.
So get into your room.
Shut the door.
Speak in tongues.
Speak in tongues.
Speak in tongues.
Speak in tongues.
Am I get loud?
Don't worry, speaking tongues, until you start staggering and laughing.
Speaking tongues, don't stop until you are so full and you know that, you know that, you know that you are full.
Unbelievable, fly out the window.
Down to be gone.
And when you're now full, you get dressed.
You're all ready to go.
You're ready to go.
You just walk out like a gentleman.
But I tell you when you begin speaking.
There will be power.
Power to effect change.
Power that cannot be denied.
Glory to God.
So he told us to provide a lot of the harvest that he would send foot laborers into his harvest.
We're looking at these principles for the harvest.
In this next segment, be blessed as Pastor Chris teaches on seed time and harvest.
What are the principles for a harvest?
Can't we cause the ground to produce fruit any time?
Seed time and harvest shall not cease.
We can create our own atmosphere.
Watch and be blessed.
We're looking at these principles for the harvest.
What are we to do?
What are we to do?
Can a farmer choose when he wants a crop?

I'm amazed.
It looks like we're going to have different answers.
I thought they should be just one answer, but it looks like some people are saying yes, and some are saying no, and some are not quite sure what the answer should be.
I want to ask the question again.
Can a farmer decide when he's going to have a crop?

Now, if you say yes, do like this.
Okay, thank you.
If you say no, do like this.

Can a farmer decide when he's gonna have a crop?
Okay, I can hear a little, no, no, somewhere in there.
Okay, who thinks no?
Anybody thinks no?
Okay, gentlemen, why do you think no?
Okay, he says, because there's time and season.
There's time to plant and there's time to... I love you, brother.
But here is a problem.

We need to understand
But when God said, sit time and harvest shall not cease.
Didn't you hear it?
He said, it shall not cease.
Sit time and harvest shall not cease.
Don't you get it?
Sit time does not cease.
Harvest does not cease.
Don't you get it?
That means God has made it possible for sit-time to continue back to back, back to back.
It does not cease.
Sit-time, sit-time, sit-time.
Somebody said, but there are times we'll go in and there.
Yeah, yeah.
We understand now how it works and we know how to manipulate the ground.

and cost the ground to produce fruits, any time.

That day has passed.
When they said we can grow it because, we can grow it because what?
We can change it.

Is anybody who is into agriculture here?
Big time agriculture here?
Are you sure brother?
Okay, you heard what he said, that because of sit-time.
Do you agree with him?
Oh, you don't agree with him.
Times have changed, right?
We can do sit-time back to back.
Thank you, brother.
Now, now, now.
So, just a moment, some good lawyer would have been observing me, and they would have been saying, but Pastor Chris really didn't let him say something.
He put it to him.
You know, I put the words in his mouth.
Well, but the guy is smart enough.
He knows what he's talking about.
Am I right?
Yeah, yeah.
I did it again.
But it's true anyhow.
Praise the Lord.
It's true.
It's true.
Glory to God.
Even the scriptures at sick time shall not cease.
Then where's the inner magnum?
You can get that.

There's no space.
There's no waiting.
See, time shall not seize.
If the time shall not seize, that means it's time and time and time again.
As this time stops, it stops.
It stops and starts.
Have you ever heard a year, and at the end of the year, there was a space before another year started?
It doesn't happen that way.
One year stops and enters another year.
Brother's seat time just keeps rolling.
Shout him in somebody.
That's what God said all the time.
Just a lot of folks didn't understand it.
And so they left it for nature.
You know some people think?
Why should you try to spoil things?
You say, what do you mean spoil things?
If God wants the matters to grow, they will grow.
If God wants the rain to fall, they will fall.
Go to China, whether they're making rain to fall by these areas.
They don't wait for God no more.
They make the rain fall.
They create the rain now.

Because men is finding out what God said all the time.
It's been there, they just didn't know it.
They were waiting.
If you don't cultivate that ground, what you're going to have will be weeds, thorns.
That's all.
You're not going to have a crop.
If you want to have a crop, you've got to have dominion, exercise, dominion over the ground.
And the Bible says the God gave man dominion over the whole earth.
So exercise dominion.
Get rid of the weeds.
Tell the ground and demand what you want by sowing the right seed.
And that ground's not good enough, like we studied some ground, can be harsh.
What do you do?
You change it?
You record church?
Oh, that is possible now.
You can grow anything what you want to, it doesn't matter.
If you don't like, if they say, oh, you know, for climatic reasons, then we'll create another atmosphere.
That's what you do.
That's what you do.
Good Lord.
Now I said all that to say this.
If man can understand this so naturally, because now he understands the principles.
Don't you understand that that's the same thing in the realm of the Spirit?
All truth is power.
That's what Mary certainly said.
I believe it.
All truth is power.
Because the Bible says so.
says we can understand spiritual things by looking the natural.
Why is it so?
Because the Bible says God made this earth as a shadow of heaven.
And so the earth is full of the goodness of God.
Isn't that amazing?
But what do you hear today?
A lot of people only experience all the evil in this world.
Yet the Bible says that this earth is full of the goodness of God.
They're not concerned about the goodness.
You want to find the goodness of God, you'll find it.
You want to be concerned about that and see that in your life, you'll see it.
But too many find only the evil.
And then he tells us, if you will only let me help you.
Now what do you see it?
That I'll make you rich.
Praise God.
So the first and most important part
of this harvest, we want to create the harvest, meaning you want to take charge and produce a cup anytime.
First thing is prayer.
We call it prevailing prayer.
The first thing is prevailing prayer.
That's number one.
See, the first thing is prevailing prayer.
Provelling Prayer.
Or to come as Pastor Chris teaches on prevailing prayer.
Learn the principles of prevailing prayer.
Prayer doesn't change God.
Provelling prayer is not the prayer we pray and walk away.
The value of a soul is the value of the life of Jesus.
In this next segment, be elevated to a higher level of reality in God's word as Pastor Chris expounds on this truth.

That's what you need.
That's the number one thing you need.
Now prayer does not change God.
It is very important that you put that down.
It doesn't change God because you see, you have to consider the benevolence of God and his providence.

already manifested in His Word and manifested around us to let us know.
God is the spouse, predisposed to doing good, always wants to do good, always.

And God is caring.
God is kind.
And when we want to spread your habits like this, we want to change lives.
We want to bring good to bear upon a situation.
We have to understand from the standpoint of God's benevolence.
We have to understand it from God who is good.
and ready to help and bless because in the first place he was the one who wanted everything to go well with us.
It was God who loved the world and sent his son to die to save us.
It wasn't us who called on God and said, we need your salvation, can you send somebody?
He wasn't us who called for salvation, it was God who wanted to save us.
So when we start praying for God to save the lost, for God to save that sin, for God, we're not changing anything.
God always wanted that man saved.
It's not us who tried to get God to save the man.
He already did everything he needed to do before we came on the scene.
See that?
So we can't say we're trying to get God to save somebody.
But our prayer,
See, our prayer doesn't change God, but our prayer makes it consistent for God to do whatever he would want to do, which it was inconsistent for him to do had we not prayed.

Somebody said, rewind.
Okay, so I'm gonna rewind.
When we pray, it does not change God, because God's already good, and God's already willing, and God's already made provision.
So when we pray, it doesn't change Him, but it makes it consistent for Him to do
for us, through us, or on our behalf, whatever he would have done, but it was inconsistent for him to have done it had we not prayed.
Let's put it this way.
Let's put it this way.
Here's a guy that's rubbing and stealing and killing.
And it is inconsistent for God's nature of goodness and justice.
To pick this man, even though Jesus has died for him already, even though all the good that God will do for him has been done in the legal stratosphere,
He's already done it.
Now, God, it is inconsistent with his nature to go ahead and pick this man as terrible as he is now and lead him into the way of blessing because he's done so much evil, even though it was paid for, but he hasn't changed.
Because I'm praying for him, God is not going to bring forth new salvation.
But it is not consistent for a God who is that holy and kind and just to reach out to this wicked man.
Because I'm praying, it becomes consistent because of my prayer, for God to reach this man and say, he's praying for you.
and extend specific grace toward this man because I prayed.
Can you see it now?
That's how we change people's lives.
And guess what the beautiful thing about this is that we can actually do it for any sinner.
As long as we're specific, we can do it for anybody
if we will do what we should do, which is called prevailing prayer.
You know what prevailing prayer is?
I'm going to read it to you in a moment.
It's not the prayer you pray and walk away.
No, it's not the prayer you pray and just walk away.
This is that kind of prayer that weighs heavily on your heart until it's as though your heart is bleeding.
It just can't leave you.
Every now and then your mind goes back to that fellow that you're praying for.
You are wrestling for his soul.
You are literally wrestling for his soul.

Oh, there were times that maybe I was praying for an individual.
Or praying even for a group.

It was as though I had a very serious exam coming.
You understand?
No matter what I was doing, once it came to my mind, I was disturbed.
I had to go and pray again and I would pray.
Until that thing happens, in a way of my mind, heavily, heavily, I stood as a disturbance.
And then, maybe I'm doing anything else, you know, just normal.
Then every once in a while, it's back in there because it's not done yet.
It's not done yet.
And then I'm praying, I'm praying, I'm praying, I'm pouring out my heart before God and I'm praying with tears and I'm whipping and crying to God, it's got to be done.
You see, because I'm praying for somebody.
It's called intercession.
You're in a sitting, you're filling the gap, standing in the gap for that one.
And you're praying, and praying, and praying.
And your heart, your heart is not free yet.
And until it is free, I just can't go.
Sometimes it has taken days, sometimes weeks, sometimes months.
They just know it's there.
You can't stop.
You can't stop until there's a testimony.
And oh, every time I've had that happen,
every time I've had that happen.
And the testimonies, I just follow my face before God and I'm crying again, this time with joy.
And I just, oh, how great thou art, oh Lord, how great thou art.
At that moment, I'm like Moses after he crossed the Red Sea.
I'm thinking, oh dear Lord, how great thou art.
I knew you'd do it.
Oh, you know.
But we've come a long way.
And God expects us to do this again and again.
We can change lives.
Remember, for one sin of that repentance, there's joy in heaven.
For one sin of that repentance, he says, there's joy among the angels.
One, one, just one.
The value of a soul is the value of the life of Jesus.
You see that?
He didn't come to die for us because we were many.
No, but because we were valuable.
And each one of us, just one person, is as valuable to God as Jesus.
So when you take up a matter concerning one person and your brain, you are not wasting time.
I hear me.
You're not wasting time.
A lot of times we have to pray that sometimes the people who are canal among us, there's a canal brother.
They instead of us getting angry because sometimes we get angry.
For me, for example, the people who can, you know, act foolish and I can get angry.
You know?
I can get angry.
But see, when I walk away, even though I was angry, I get in my prayer and I'm praying, Dear Lord Jesus,
I'll do something for this man, for this woman.
There's got to be a change, you know?
I've got to struggle, fight for that soul.
I've got to fight, fight because I know Satan is deceiving that fellow.
I've got to fight.
I can't let Satan win.
I can't let the devil have him.
I can't let the devil go with you.
And in the name of Jesus, but those are those few words that come.
But they're not enough.
I have to go higher now as that's speaking in tongues.
Speaking in tongues, because I know that I don't know how to pray exactly for this person.
I've only said the things that I know, but I need to go higher.
So as I speak in tongues, speaking in tongues, and speaking in tongues, as I speak in tongues, the Holy Spirit starts helping me pick exactly what is necessary.
And then I go higher until I can't speak in tongues anymore.
Now that I can't speak in tongues anymore, all I'm doing is sobbing and crying.
The Holy Ghost now has taken over the intercession.
And I know he has taken over.
And once he has taken over, all I do is just cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry.
Oh, I can clean my eyes from tears and clean my eyes from tears when I'm crying.
Cry, crying.
Even sometimes I stop and maybe I'm reading, studying the Bible in the next time.
I'm crying again, all right?
Because the Holy Spirit is still working within me.
See, the Holy Spirit needs me to pray through me.
He does not pray by himself.
See, when he wants to pray about things that concern me, he needs me.
He needs my mouth.
He needs my body.
And I've got to be yielded to him.
You know, that's why a lot of things happen to Christians, and they wonder why?
You'll not yield it to the Holy Spirit to use you.
Pray through you.
He doesn't pray for you on his own.
He needs somebody.
He needs the human body, the human mouth, to speak through.
Because that prayer must be offered in the earth by a human being.
Forgot to answer it.
He will not answer the prayer of spirits without bodies.
Your body is your rights to the earth.
A spirit that has no body has no rights to be in the earth.
Therefore, his prayer is not heard.
That's very important, never forget it.
Never forget it.
Once out of your body, the prayer is not heard.
Prayer here is in the earth, through a human body.
Glory to God.