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All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.

Jesus and veryly, veryly I say unto you, except the man be born again.
He cannot see the kingdom of God.
He's dead as far as the kingdom of God is concerned.
Now, when that man is born again, these are welcome to the fatherhood of God, for his own educators.
He has not to be trained.
He has not to be educated with the word of God.
He has to be informed.
He has to retrain.
He has to think differently.
That is why God created the church families so that they can come to the church family and be taught and be dead and be directed.
So that gradually you find that there is a new shift of your consciousness from the outward man to the spiritual man.
Because all of your five senses are for your body, but your spirit has senses.
Now you are retraining your spirits.
You are retraining your spirits to see things differently, to see according to the word of the kingdom of God, have become real to your spirits.
So you are training learning to function in that word, that spirit word, to which you are born.
That's what it's about.
That's what I'm dealing with.
That's what I'm telling you.
You want to be educated, spiritually educated.
Work on educating your spirits.
I did mention to you about the spirituality of our ministry, why you need to grow spiritually.
You see, there's no way we can overemphasize this.

I may be looking at you, but your physical body is not the real you.
Your physical body is your house.
This is your house.
Your body is your house.
Your house that you live in to be able to relate with the world, the earth and the environment.
which means when God looks at you, he doesn't see you the way you see yourself in the mirror.
That's not what he sees.
The Bible calls him the father of spirits.
He's not the father of our bodies.
Inced the decores, that man
who gave birth to you as your daddy, he calls that one the father of your flesh.
So he says, we have had fathers of our flesh, who corrected us, right?
Then he calls God the father of spirits.
So how are you going to relate with God?
Since he's not the father of your flesh, he's the father of your spirit.
So you relate with him from your spirit.
And it's your spirit that's born again, not your flesh.
And God gave us the life of the spirit, the divine life, to live beyond our flesh.
not to be subject to our flesh.

So you see, you've got your two optical eyes in your physical head, but you also have two spiritual eyes, which are the eyes of your spirit.
Your spirit has the shape of your physical body.
You may not like that.
Where it does?
It does.
So, what change is it?
Can there ever be a difference, emphatically, yes.
Your spirit will then begin taking the shape of what you build in your spirit.
what you see in your spirit, the you that you see in your spirits.
So it starts out with whatever you've been up till the time, you start building your physical body or rather your spiritual body, your spiritual life, that's to say.
For example, imagine that the man was born crippled.

He will see himself crippled.
His spirit will be crippled until the Word of God comes to him.
And he is the science of divine healing.
So he sees himself crippled, and that's what he's known because he's been controlled by his flesh.
That's the life he's known.
until the administration of the word comes to him, to give him another mural to look at himself in the spirit.
Then he starts looking at himself.
If he can catch that picture, soon enough there will be a change.
But he can catch the picture.
and still not change.
Because catching the picture is just one side of it.
And he can begin to say, you may look at me like a crippled man, but make no mistakes about it.
I'm not crippled at all.
And he'll be right because he can see his spirit that he's not crippled.
So why is he still crippled?
Because there are other parts to it.
It's not enough to see it.
There must be a strong desire to make a change.
There must be the desire to become what I see.
And then, there are steps I must proclaim.
And then, I must take a hold of it.
I told you once, there was a man who was crippled.
And another guy came to him and ministered to him, showed the word to him, and showed him that he had been healed by Christ and said, see, I see you to be perfect.
I see you to be walking.
He says, this is what I see you to be.
When he showed him, the man said, is that what you see me to be?
Is that what God sees me to be?
Then he said, then, that is the man that I shall be.
He got up.
There was no difficulty.
For years he had never walked.
He got up.
Then that is the man that I shall be.
He could have left it there, but he acted.
What does the Bible tell us in Acts chapter three?
The man who couldn't walk from birth, who the late daily at the gate of the temple called beautiful.
The Bible says Peter got him by the right hand and lifted him up.
And he, leaping up, stood.
Doesn't say as Peter was raising him, he started saying that.
Take the second hand, please, take the second hand.
Help me, help me, help me.
He lipping up his face, had to be a part of it.
He lipping up, stood.
So the man lipped and walked.

It starts out with your spirit having the character and appearance and shape of your outward man.
And then you start changing.
That's why years ago I shared with you a message.
Change the inside first.
You remember that.
Change the inside first.
If you can change the inside, nothing will stop the outward man.
You take on the character and the personality of the inward man.
So walk on the inward man.
If you walk on the inward man, the outward man will follow.
No matter how much you give the outward man, if the inward man doesn't have that money, the outward man will lose it.
I don't know what I heard what I said there.
Meanwhile, when you give the inward man a seed, he sees a harvest because he functions with the Word of God.
But it depends on the education of that inward man because the inward man must be educated.
This is the problem of many Christians, including leaders and pastors.
They have never educated the inward man.
They have never educated their human spirits.

They're very smart.
Even they themselves know themselves that they are very smart.
You know, head smartness.
But their hearts, their spirits are uneducated.
Their spiritual babes.
But their heads are full of ideas.
They've read this book and they read the other.
They've read the magazines.
They've read all kinds of information.
They are very smart in the head.
But they are babies in the spirits.
They've never been spiritually educated.
They have no spiritual understanding.
Did you read that in the Bible?
Spiritual understanding.
You don't have that.
And this must be your pursuit.
Otherwise, you grow old to 70 years, 80 years, and have the spiritual understanding of a 12 year old.
Don't let that happen to you.
Work on educating your spirits.
We can listen to messages.
You play the message, but why you are playing the audio message or the video message, you are moving around and doing all kinds of things.
How can it help you?
How will it work?
How will it work when you have only a 5% attention?
That's not going to work.
I won't tell people if you're going to listen to something, throw away your chewing gum.

You can watch spots with your chewing gum.
But don't tell me that you're studying with your chewing gum.

Your concentration is almost caught in half with the chewing gum when nobody else is stopping you.
With the chewing gum, it is caught almost in half.

That's how bad that can be that little thing while you're chewing.
You've lost concentration.
You're only paying much less than you think.

So when you want to do something to your spirit, you want to increase your spiritual capacity to do the things of God.
And you want to educate your spirit.
Be like that guy.
Who leaves other things to go to the library?
One or two hours you will gain something.
to open your spirit, speak in tongues, make it a personal project.
Otherwise, it will not work.
Even though you've been in church for a long time, you will have arguments, you will have questions, questions that can be answered.
But if you do this thing, I'm telling you, you'd be amazed at your life.
You will see your own progress.
The Bible tells us, not only will you see your progress, others will see your progress.
Other people will see your progress.
It says that their property may appear to all.
In fact, not just a case, it says it was spread to all.
It was spread.

So there's something you've got to do for yourself.
Educate your spirit.
Educate your spirit.
There's a difference between cramming a scripture in your head and educating your spirit.
You see, when I study, I don't study to preach.
No, I don't do my study for preaching.
I study to educate my spirit.
I studied to enrich my spirit because I can only give you from the wealth of my spirit.
If I don't have it inside, I'm only going to be passing information to you that may or may help you or may not help you, but it can only, if it helps you at all, it will leave me where I am and send you forward.
And that's what happens to people.
Then you hear the teacher saying, you know, I've been teaching in this school for many years, but I've brought up many professors.

I believe even if you don't become a professor, I believe that there's so... How do I explain this to you?
Greatness is not in your title.
Greatness is not in what man might give you.
Greatness is not in man's recognition.
It is the quality of your personality.
Even in your words, it's the weight of your words.

Okay, let me hurry with that scripture.
I said, I want to show it to you.
Romans chapter 7.
Hope we can really get this quick tale, Lord Jesus.

Romans chapter 7.
And I want to begin reading from verse number 14.
For we know... The Book of Romans does confuse a lot of people because they don't understand this waving in and out that Paul does.
It's an extraordinary book.
In fact, in the Book of Romans, he displays by the Spirit
his exceptional poetic qualities.
That's what that book is like.
It's an amazing book.
And because some people don't understand the fact that this man was not just a teacher, an apostle was also a prophet of God, and when prophets speak,
Sometimes they join the past and the present and the future together and mix them up and they might start from the future to the past.
And if you're not acquainted with prophetic language and revelation, you get confused.
That's what troubles some people about the Book of Romans.
Did you ever hear the message titled, A Romance of Redemption?

I shared a series of messages years ago, probably somewhere 96, 97, somewhere.
I spent a long time on the Book of Romans, an exposé.
And part of that message was a romance of redemption.

Okay, let's go.
For we know that the law is spiritual.
How many people knew?
And now he tells them as though they were all away.
But it's true.
We know the law, the law.
Think about this.
This talking about the law of Moses.
This is the law is spiritual.
That means even though Kannau man got the law, it was actually addressed to the spirit.
I can understand that because God is the father of spirits.
He deals with spirits.
No one that they couldn't get it.
No one that the Bible says the law was actually perfect, but they couldn't do it.
They couldn't follow it.
And so what was the problem of the law?
It was imperfect in the fact that he could not give life.
couldn't make me get the redemption.
What's it saying?
It's saying the law couldn't have stood down to their level.
It was too high.
That's what the man is telling you, the law is spiritual.
Now I want you to understand the discussion is about this Jewish mind.
So when you hear Paul saying, I, me, I,
recognize he's dealing the Jewish me.
You get it?
Okay, you'd see why some of the Bible scholars, including translators, missed things up there and confused those who were already confused.
Okay, for we know that the law is spiritual, but I am kind of sold on the sin.
Obviously, this couldn't be the man that's born again.
Paul's not trying to say that my sin has continued to haunt me.
That's not what he's saying.
Anyway, you'd know as we get along.
But here's the point.
For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, soul on the sin.
Okay, go to verse 1.
Let's see what he's doing here.
No, he not brethren.
Read what is in parenthesis.
Can you see who is he addressing?
Those who knew the law in Rome.

So he gives a lot of information about the law, the workings of the law, and he was clear.
I'm not talking to everybody.
I'm talking to those who know the law.

Okay, back to 14.
Verse 14.

For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, so are on the sin, 15.
For that which I do, okay, good.
I want to go into this side of it, you almost have to read every verse three times.
to know what is saying, you know, that which I do, I do, I allow a note and that which I allow, I do notice it, oh, did I miss it because that's not the way we speak.
So, let's read from the living Bible.
Let me see if I can make it fast with it.
Oh, Lord, Lord, Lord.

What song is that?
Melody in your heart to the Lord.
It's not for you.
Live in Bible.
I'm reading from verse 14.
The law is good then.
And the trouble is not there but with me because I am sold into slavery with sin as my owner.
Obviously, there couldn't be the bone again fellow, all right?
I don't understand myself at all.
For I really want to do what is right, but I can't.
I do what I don't want to.
What I hate.
I'm not perfectly well that what I am doing is wrong and my bad conscience proves that I agree with these laws I am breaking.
But I can't help myself because I'm no longer doing it.
It is sin inside me that is stronger than I am that makes me do these evil things.
I know I am rotten through and through, so far as my old sinful nature is concerned.
Magda term, sinful nature.
Magda term, sinful nature.
All right?
He called it sinful nature.
Now, go to the King James and let us see what verse 18 is talking about, what this man is calling sinful nature.
For I know that in me, that is in my flesh.
He calls the flesh sinful nature.
He calls the flesh my old sinful nature, market, old sinful nature.
He calls the flesh, old sinful nature.
I disagree.
Can you see it?
I said I disagree, but I want you to mark it that he's calling the flesh the old sinful nature.
Here he's going wrong.
The flesh is not the old sinful nature.

So he says, I know I am rotting through and through so far as my old sinful nature is concerned.
No matter which way I turn, I can't make myself do right.
I want to, but I can't.
When I want to do good, I don't.
And when I try not to do wrong, I do it anyway.
Verse 20.
Now, if I am doing what I don't want to, it is plain where the trouble is.
Sin still has me in its evil grasp.
Imagine a member of your church reading this.
without explanation, without understanding.
He will say, now I understand why I'm always doing wrong things.
He will think this is talking to him.
He'll say, hey.
He'll say, when the Christians are just pretending, they're just pretending everybody's like this.
He'll say they're pretending because this is what he's saying.
Well, let's read them.
Verse 20 again, now if I am doing what I don't want to, it is plain where the trouble is.
Sin still has me in its evil grasp.
It seems to be a fact of life that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong.
I love to do God's will, verse 22.
So far as my new nature is concerned, my new nature.
Mark, that's my new nature.
So let's go to verse 22 of King James, what he's calling my new nature.
For I delight in the law of God after the inward man.
My new nature, again T.L.B.
is wrong.
Because it's the inward man.
He doesn't say anything new.
There's no new in the original.
Why did they throw that in there?
Because they misunderstood it.
As many do misunderstand it today.

Verse 23.
But there is something else deep within me in my lower nature.
Mark the term, lower nature.
We're seeing several things now.
My old what?
My old sinful nature.
My new nature.
Was that what he called it?
Now he comes to what?
My lower nature.
Well, there is something else deep within me in my lower nature that is at war with my mind and wins the fight and makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me, the sin that is still within me.
In my mind, I want to be God's willing servant, but instead I find myself still enslaved to sin.
So you see how it is?
My new life tells me to do right.
My new life tells me to do right.
You see, I want you to understand the confusion in Christianity with many, many, many people.
Imagine those who read this translation and get confused.
You'll see whether get confused shortly.
Because while reading this, it seems to fit with some of the experiences we have in our growing years, you know?
I want to tell a lie, I want to tell the truth.
I don't know, I'm afraid, I'm bold.
I don't know, my life is going like this and like this.
I do something wrong, I don't, you know, things, this kind of confusion.
So we think, this is my experience.
The man knows what we are all going through.
This is true.
Is this what he's saying?
Where are we now?
Let me read to you.
TLB joins 23 all the way to 25.
So I might have to start again from where he opens 23.
But there is something else deep within me.
In my lower nature that is at war with my mind and wins the fight and makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.
In my mind I want to be God's willing servant, but instead I find myself still enslaved to sin.
So you see how it is.
My new life tells me to do right.
But the old nature that is still inside me loves to sin.
My new life.
But the old nature that is still inside me.
So my new life and my old nature are still here.
You see what the man's saying?
This is where the duality, the dual nature doctrine came from.
They believe it.
Well, let me keep reading.
But the old nature that still inside me loves to sing.
Oh, what a terrible predicament.
I'm in.
Who will free me from my slavery to this deadly lower nature?
Let's read the next.
He said, thank God it has been done.
By Christ Jesus our Lord, He has set me free.
This is a bundle of contradiction.
If He has set me free, how come I got to two natures?
So they say, you know, we have two natures.
There is the lower nature and there is the spiritual nature.
So if we yield to the higher nature, we'll live right.
If we yield to the lower nature, lower nature, they are translating wrongly.
The scripture is not telling us about two natures.

is not too natures.
The scripture is comparing the inward man with the outward man.
Now, these are not too natures.
What is the inward man?
And what is the outward man?
I'll tell you.
I did mention yesterday.
The inward man is the human spirit and his soul.

That is the inward man.
And the soul is the house of the mind, the emotions and the will.
Do you remember, he said, with my mind, I want to serve God.
Where is the mind in the soul?

So the inward man is the human spirit and his soul.
The soul belongs to the human spirit.
And the soul has the emotions of men, the will of men and the mind of men.
These three you will never find in the laboratory when you dissect a man.
What is the outward man?
The outward man is the human body and its senses, its five senses.

Without the senses, the human body cannot function.
It uses the five senses to function in a physical world.
Without the senses, the body is as dead.
If the man cannot feel, have you ever met someone who couldn't feel anything?
We've seen some in the healing school.
He touched a guy who can't feel nothing.
Have you seen someone who cannot see anything?
Who's blind and cannot see anything?
He can't describe for you all of these beautiful things that you see here.
He can't relate with them.
Ever seen someone who couldn't hear?
He can't relate with sound in his words.
So the body becomes like a dead thing because he can't relax with the word.
He relax with the senses.
So the description of the flesh is the body and his senses.

And he is not in nature.
Can you see it?
Because the man is one person.
He is the spirits and his soul who lives in this body.
If you take him out of the body, the body dies.

So at the fall of man, man lost.
See, God told him, the day you eat of this tree, you will surely die.
That means the light of God in your spirit will be gone.
The connection to God, because every living thing must remain connected to its source.
The human spirit must be connected to God, which is His source.
God's Spirit, the Father of Spirits, to function correctly.
Once there is a disconnection, that Spirit has no direction, is not sustained.
He has no more information.
It's like the physical body, when he cannot see, he cannot hear, he cannot feel, he cannot taste, he cannot smell.
Think about it.
When all those things are gone from the physical body, nothing works.
Nothing, he doesn't know whether he's sitting or standing.
He doesn't know whether he's sleeping.
He doesn't know anything.
He's got no knowledge.
Imagine a physical person
whose five senses are not working.
If you give him food, he doesn't know he is eating.
He can't taste it, he can't feel it.
Think like this.
When that happened to the human spirits, when all his spiritual senses died, because they were cut off from life, he could not access God.
He could not talk to God.
He could not communicate with God.
He could not fellowship with God.
He had no light of God.
He was in darkness.
So what happened to the man?
The spirit had to find access to his world.
He started using his senses through his body.
All his knowledge, he had to be re-educated.
He had to be re-educated.
The moment God came into the garden, what happened?
He ran away.
What happened?
He covered himself because now he sees differently.
And God says, Adam, where are you?
I heard your voice.
And I hid myself because I was naked.
God said, who told you you're naked?
You do what I told you not to do.
How can we hurt God?
Because God's a master communicator, he can talk to God's cats, cows, he can talk to anything.
And so he was talking to this man through his senses, not through his spirit, through his senses.
The man related back to God.
still in fear of God.
And God had to work salvation because the man's spirits could not relate with God.
That's what Jesus said very rarely I say unto you, except the man be born again.
He cannot see the kingdom of God.
He is dead as far as the kingdom of God is concerned.
He cannot relate with it.
The man must be born again.
His spiritual senses are gone.
He can communicate with the spiritual.
The Bible says, the natural man received, not the things of the Spirit of God.
For they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them.
Not only are they foolishness, he says he cannot know them.
Who are they foolishness because they come to his senses?
He can't relate with them.
Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned.
You have to understand them spiritually.
Now, when that man is born again, he is awakened to the Fatherhood of God, but he is uneducated.
He has not to be trained.
He has not to be educated with the Word of God.
He has to be informed.
He has to retrain.
He has to think differently.
That is why God created the church families so that they can come to the church family and be taught and be dead and be directed.
so that gradually you find that there is a new shift of your consciousness from the outward man to the spiritual man.
Because all of your five senses are for your body, but your spirit has senses.
Now you are retraining your spirits.
You are retraining your spirits to see things differently, to see according to the word of the kingdom of God has become real to your spirit.
So you are training learning to function in that word, that spirit word, to which you are born.
That's what it's about.
So that's what I'm dealing with.
That's what I'm telling you.
You've got to be educated, spiritually educated.
Otherwise, you'll be functioning with your five senses more than anything else.
But you think you're all right, because you're very smart.
But you are not awakened to the spiritual.
You are used to these two eyes.
You've been raised all your life.
If you are 50 years old, you are 50 years trained with these eyes.
You started right from when you were a baby, focusing, learning to focus, learning, learning, learning until you became perfect.
They started teaching you how to walk.
You fell this way, fell this way, gradually you balanced.
Now you are a sprinter.
In the spirit you must be taught too.
You must be taught what things are.
So that when you see with these eyes, they tell you, no, don't look with these ones.
You have other eyes.
Use your spiritual eyes.
Then you start training.
You say, I don't understand that.
Then we open the scriptures.
We tell you, it starts by believing.
You say, believing.
That means exercise your spirit to accept what this message says.
This is God's message.
It's addressed to your spirit.
Your spirit can accept it.
And then you say, I believe your exercise in your spirit.
Then you receive the Holy Ghost.
You are now training your learning to give your vocal features to God.
You're speaking in tongues without thinking, labor or God's God.
Always, you were trained to say things, your mind was educated.
So that every time you want to talk, it will come through your brain.
You process what you're going to say.
You were taught this language and that language.
Mommy says, spoon, spoon, spoon, spoon, spoon.
Okay, you learned that one.
Say daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy.
Then you perfected it, daddy.
You see, you process all this in your mind now.
You perfected it.
So now, learn to give your vocal features to God.
Give your vocal instruments to God.
Give them to God.
You say, how?
You say, through the Spirit.
You say, okay, speak in tongues.
You say, you want to think your brain immediately.
Then, listen, no, it's not your robot.
Don't speak your robot.
Then you keep quiet.
You are trying to pick it from your brain.
So to tell you, just speak what comes to your heart.
Say, nothing is coming.
You're thinking, because you're used to this.
This is, shut your mind.
Don't think about anything.
It will just come.
It will just come.
You see, we're training you.
We're not going to give you the tones.
We're telling you, it's from the inside.
For some people, you just lay hands on them.
They just speak.
It's like some children.
Some children.
They just start pronouncing very quickly.
You just tell them something.
They just start learning very quickly.
Some, one and a half years, they're still trying to pronounce.
So same thing, spiritually, or educating them.
So speaking in terms is so important because it's one of the first ways of giving all of those vocal features or vocal instruments to God where the spirit without contacting the mind.
See, he's showing you how to cut off the mind.
You cut off the mind, and right away, long grandegas, I didn't know what I was going to say.
But I said it anyway.
He came from my spirit.
So I've now learned how to switch from my brain to my spirits.
Switch right away from my brain to my spirits.
And I also learned by the gift of God, how to pass the knowledge of God from my spirits, stretch to my mouth.
So when I have the interpretation in my spirit, I can pass it out without it going first through my brain.
You see it?
I don't have to process it.
See how it works?
So you have to educate your spirit.
If you don't educate your spirit, you see things that offend you.
You say, no man can take that.
No man can take that.
You are not any of these.
You are a spirit being with a higher class.
You don't reason like that.
But because you are not trained in the spirit,
You say, no, you think about it yourself.
You think about it.
Will you take that?
That one says, no, I won't.
Because they're in the same boat.
So you think about it.
Think about it.
Will you?
No, no, no.
How can the man tell me that?
How can he tell me that?
So you see, fleshly man.
He says, from where do you have wars among you?
He says, it's because of your fleshly desires.
That's why you have those infidings.
But spiritual men are different.
You can't fight for anything.
The world is yours.
You think differently.
Glory to God.
Your joy doesn't come from outside.
It comes from the Spirit.
You have transcended that level.
You are living the transcendent life.
You have been trained in the spirits.
Glory to God.
When you laugh, it doesn't happen because Chief Zebudiah is talking.
Are you listening to me?
It's not because of Frank Spencer.
No, all the comedians of today.
They're not the ones that make you laugh.
Your laugh dies from the spirits.
They ask you, how are you?
Why are you laughing?
What's making you laugh?
Why are you laughing?
It's not coming from here.
It's coming from here.
Go return, God.
When things are looking different, things are looking terrible.
You have a different kind of information.
You have been trained to look inside.
Jesus said the Holy Spirit will show you things to come.
When the world calculates things to come, they said, so and so, such and such ahead.
The Spirit shows you what is ahead.
He shall show you things to come.
He shall show you the future.
So we don't see the future that dare tell us, we see the future that the Spirit shows us!
Glory and God!
I will get greater and greater and greater.
I'm the seed of Abraham.
God's sect of Abraham is a follow me.
I will make you great.
These are kings shall come out of you.
Kings shall come out of you.
And I'm one of them.
I'm the seed of Abraham.
Sit down for a second.
Say, I think differently.
It's called spiritual thinking.
I said, it's called spiritual thinking.
Say, I think differently.
I have the mind of Christ.
Therefore, I have His thoughts.
I think different.
I don't think the thoughts of man.
Glory to God.
Don't have a different life at home.
Live this same thing I'm telling you.
Be the same everywhere.
Be the same everywhere.

I can change from this way of life.
It is a direction from the Word of God.
I've been raised to think like this, to think the thoughts of God.
I can only walk in love, walk in righteousness, walk in grace.
These are my, these are the lights in which I walk.
This is if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ, his son cleans it us from all said, I walk in these lights, in the light of righteousness, in the light of his grace, in the light of his love, in the light of his justification.
Are you still there?
In the light of his substitution.
This is where I walk.
I can't think otherwise.

So, you know, when you screw the thing, the thing has been plugged in.
Dump is in there.
I see kingdom seeing.
I look with the eyes of the kingdom.
That's the way I look.
I'm from the kingdom.
I'm a kingdom man.
I'm from the kingdom.
And as one sent by the kingdom of heaven, I am here to change the world.
You are sent by the kingdom of heaven.
You are here to change the world.
Say, man.
You are an ambassador of Christ.
You are here to change the world.

Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Any questions?
So just a short lecture.
Any question?
I'm prospering in every way.
Everything I do turns into success.
I'm a success.
And I'll always be.
Did you know you're not the one looking for help?
No, you're not looking for help.
You were sent to be the help.
You're not looking for help.
You are there to help.
So I'm not looking for help.
You don't need help from anywhere.
You don't need help from America.
You don't need help from Europe.
You don't need help from anywhere.
Our help is in the Lord.
Isn't that what he says?
My help is in the Lord.
I am helped.
I am helped.
He sent the chief helper to live inside me.
The Lord is my helper.
I shall not work.
I'm helped.
He is my wisdom.
I'm wise.
He's my wisdom.
I'm smart.
He's my strength.
I'm strong.
He's my health.
I'm sound.
My whole spirit soul and body.
I'm sound.
All the systems of my body.
My heart, my kidneys, my lungs, they're all sharp.
I'm sharp from the crown of my head to the source of my feet.
I'm sharp.
Every cell of my body, every cell of my blood, every fiber of my body, every bone of my body.
I'm sharp.
Don't talk about everybody.
I'm sad.
I'm full of hair.
I'm full of strength.
Because the Holy Ghost is in me.
My whole body is subject to the word.
The word.
The word has made me sad.
I got the word in me.
My body functions according to the word.
Healthy and sound.
My heart, my stomach, my good and everything about me.

See, the Holy Ghost parablets my body.

You don't wait until the evil day.
Just start trying to get your... I need my shield of faith, my shield.
Where is my sword of despair?
It's not when trouble comes.
Then you start trying to get all the script you see.
I'm healed.
I'm healed.
I'm healed.
I'm healed.
I'm healed.
You program the system.
Program the system.
Has it programmed the system?
Program the system.

I'm in fellowship with His Son, Jesus.
I've been called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus.
And I'm in that fellowship.
Blessed be God.
I'm a child of the King.
Blessed be God.
I walk in the light.
As He is in the light.
Blessed be God.

Hey, hey!


Say this with me.
The Lord has granted me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God.
I have
The spirit of wisdom and revelation.
Hiju is granted me.

Glory to God.
So that spirit of wisdom and revelation is working in me.
Working in me.

See, did you know the anointing of the Holy Spirit responds to the Word of God?
Did you know that?
The anointing of the Holy Spirit responds to the Word of God.
Response to the Word of God.

The anointing responds to the Word of God.

Jesus Christ, the living Word.
The Bible tells us, the anointing came on Him.
The anointing responds to the Word.
It says that God confirmed the Word with signs following.
The power of the confirmation is the anointing.

See, when you're speaking the Word of God like this, denoting is stirred.
Denoting is stirred.
Was it here on Sunday?
I was showing something about the glory.
Was it Sunday?
It was Sunday?
Oh, okay.
Those who were in the Sunday special.
The glory of God
It's not necessarily felt.
Again, with the outward man, it is something you respond to, you recognize with your spirit.
When Jesus said, the Son of Man is glorified, the others couldn't understand it because nothing seemed to change.
He said, the hour is come that the Son of Man should be glorified, waiting
Then, shortly afterward, he said, now the Son of Man is glorified.
What happened between that time and this time, except the things he said, is just what he said and attitude at this position.
That's all we saw from his own side.
How did he know that at that moment the Son of Man was glorified?
He was in the Spirit.
He was in the Spirit.
I read that to them, I showed them in the Scripture that Sunday.
When you say the things that you were saying, when you talk like that, something happens.
Your Spirit starts glowing.
You can't do such things without your spirit responding.
You can't.
You can't say such things without your spirit responding.
So if you're not yet trained to recognizing something changing in your spirit, it's because you have trained yourself too much in the fleshly way.
Not because nothing happened, but because you don't recognize it, because you're functioning with the senses of your outward body.
That's why you didn't know that something changed.
As you were talking, your spirit was glowing, glowing.
In the realm of the spirit, your spirit, because you are light.
You are light.
When you say things that are negative, your light goes dimmer and dimmer.
But you don't see it because you're using these eyes to look.
If God were to open your spiritual eyes to see, he would see that, oh, the light is getting dimmer and dimmer.
But Jesus had let your light so shine.

So it's so important that you say these things, when you're saying them, you're not trying to make them happen.
No, you are making the proclamations that God has already made concern in your spirits.
You've got to because you are edifying your spirits.
You can only give from what you have.
If your spirit is edifying, the church will be edified.
But you've got to do this more and more and more and more and more.
then you'll be amazed.
In three months' time, you'll be so shocked what you couldn't make happen in five years, in three months' time.
So much so that you'll be wondering what in the world was I doing before now?
What in the world?

I charge you to put what I've just shared with you to work in the next three months.
Be consistent with it.
In the next three months, do it like you follow a doctor's instruction several times a day.
And give your spirits a new education.
Purposely educate your spirits.
You be amazed.
At the end of three months, in fact, in the process, you will already notice something is happening.
In the first five days, you will discover something.
First five days.
Within the first five days, you discover something.
Then be consistent for three months.
The change will be such that you will not want to stop this thing I've told you again.
You will say to yourself, this is how I want to be.

These are things I've done in my spirit for years.
I can only move forward.
I can only make progress.
I have no options.
I don't have to make an effort.
No, I'm flying.
I'm sorry.
As the wind blows, I go higher.
I'm just like this.
You know when the eagle goes up, the more the wind blows, the higher it flies.
The eagle doesn't do like this.
No, it's like this.
That's how the eagle flies.
Once it's up there, it just keeps going.
And it mounts.
When it does like this, whoops, it goes vroom.
It says it climbs.
Oh, dear Lord.
So just one pump.
I go whoops.
Then I go like this.

is a day that went upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings as egos.
They shall run and not be weary.
They shall work and not thanks.
I know who I am.
I'm from the kingdom.
I'm not of this world.
I think differently.
I see differently.
I'm a spiritual man.

Lift your hands.
