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Authority For Success

Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
Visions chapter 17 verse says that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give on to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God.
I want you to notice that Paul, the apostle, didn't say, I pray that God will give us.
He said, I'm praying to God for you.

His praying for the Christians and Ephesus wasn't exactly the same prayer that he would have prayed for some other group at a certain level at a certain time.
and convinced that he was praying for other apostles.
Because he did say, we should pray for him, the church should pray for him.
If they weren't praying for him, it meant he thought that even the apostles needed prayer from their brethren.
And he being a Christian would have done just that, praying for others.
So, I want you to understand that this prayer is not some form of recitation that each one of us has to go through every day.
like some form of special ceremony.
No, he was praying for those Christians over there to whom he was writing.
Look at it again from verse 15.
from verse 15, where for I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and luck on all the saints, sees not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give on to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.
So if it worked for Paul, he wanted it to work for them.
So don't have the idea that you just never get there.
And by the way, I minister to you through the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
Otherwise I wouldn't, I can't do what I'm doing.
that I have to be functional in my life.
For me to know the kind of things that I know and be able to even express them.
But the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give on to you, grant you the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of it.
And we discussed this last night.
Now let's go on.
Gotta show you something.
So he says, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened.
Do you remember that?
That you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.
And then he goes in verse 19, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us, who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, which he demonstrated in Christ when he raised him from the dead?
What did I tell you yesterday about three things you become aware of?
Number one, the hope of his calling.
Number two,
You're in inheritance, right?
And number three is power.
You become aware of this power.
You've brought into an awareness.
You know, it's not enough to hear something.
You've got to know it.
You've got to become aware that this power
that God demonstrated in the resurrection of Jesus is working in you and working in your behalf.
And there's more.
Look at what he says.
Says, according to his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places.
He set Jesus in the place of power, in the place of authority.
And where in this place of authority?
This is far, look at verse 21, far above all brings ability and power and might and dominion and every name that is named.
That's wonderful.
Far above.
I'll give it to you in women's translation.
I want you to listen to this.
It's really powerful.
Women's New Testament says, high above all other governments, Jesus Christ is set high above all other government and authority and power and dominion and every title of sovereignty used in this age or in the age to come.
Jesus Christ.
is placed high above every government.
That's amazing.
And authority, where Jesus is set is what we're talking about here.
High above all other government and authority and power and dominion and every title of sovereignty.
In other words, whether they go by king, queen, whatever monarch it is,
What about title they go with?
Doesn't matter.
Jesus authority is above authority of nations and their leaders.
It is above all sovereignty.
Not only in this age, tell you something about the use of the word there that you find in that verse 21, because in the King James, it says, not only in this word, but in that which is to come.
And so some of the translations use the word age.
The King James says, word, because the word is Aeon.
I'm gonna explain that to you in a second.
But this is really, really, really powerful when you study the word of God.
He's telling us the position of Jesus Christ.
Now you can understand why the Bible tells us when we pray in the name of Jesus, what actually happens?
When we pray in the name of Jesus.
Why do we use the name of Jesus to pray?

Because all things were made in the name of Jesus.
First, what does that mean?
A name is not about the spelling, it's not how it sounds.
The power of a name has to do, the authority of a name has to do with the power behind it.
What power is back of that name?

What's the effect of that name?
What does that name represent?
Haven't you heard of some people called Jesus?
That's their first name.
That's the first name.
Jesus is the English version of the Greek name.
Are you there?
That is the version of the Hebrew name.
Did you get it?
So when Jesus was born, he wasn't called Jesus.
When they called him in the street, they didn't call him Jesus, they didn't sound Jesus.
Even in the Yoruba language, it doesn't sound Jesus, what they call him?
And when they still use the name, call it again?
In Ibo, it's what?
Ibo doesn't have... So, you see, the name
It's not how it sounds.
It's not the spelling.
No, it's the power vested in it.
And according to the Bible, the name of Jesus has been given all authority.
That means the power is vested in that man and the name that he answers.
So it's about the person, not about when you write the name, whoever has that name has that authority.
No, no, no.
The name is about the power that's vested in the person that bears the name.
So they're together.
They're together.
The name is the identity of the person.
Where is God?
So Jesus has all authority in the Bible terraces that God gave to Jesus a name that is above every name.
God gave to Jesus a name that is above every name.
In other words, He gave authority over all other authority to Jesus.
Jesus has authority in heaven, in earth, and in hell.
Think about it.
He's got authority in hell.
That's amazing.

And we just go back to that divisions chapter one in verse 21.
We're in verse 21, far above all principality and power and might and dominion.
And every name that is named, not only in this word, but also in that which is to come.
And then he goes on the tellers, look at the next verse.
Verse 22, and had put all things on his feet.
God put all things on the feet of Jesus.
What does that mean?

It means that he exercises authority over all things.
The feet represent walking.
It means walk upon all.
That means exercise authority over all things.
He put all things on the feet of Jesus.
Now here's a remarkable thing.
Here is an interesting play of words.
He is so powerful.
I want you to listen to it carefully.
Verse 22, and I put all things on the His feet and gave Him.
That means put all things on the His feet and made Him by giving Him special authority to be the head of all things.

to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all things, who fills all in all.
This is so great, so great.
You come.
I want you to listen to this.
Here's what God is telling us.
Now let's assume that all things,
Ah, from this platform downwards, okay?
It's huge, whatever it is.
Then, he has been put, be on it.
Don't worry, strong.
Are you there?
And I put all things under his feet.
And then, he says, the church
is his body.
God made the church his body.
And then said to Jesus, you are the head.

And then God said, the body is your fullness.
That means you are the head and the body completes you.
In other words, without your body, you cannot function Jesus.
Are you following it?
This is powerful.
God says to Jesus, I give you the church to be your body.
The body is your fullness.
You are head, but you got a body that is your fullness.
And yet you have the power that fills all things.
That's amazing.
You fill all things by Him.
All things consists.
And the church is his body, his fullness.
Meaning Jesus is now made the head.
He doesn't have a hand except the hand of his body.
He doesn't have any legs except the legs of his body.
And what does the Bible say?
I want you to go to 1 Corinthians chapter 12.

Verse 27, read for me, want to go.

Do you know what that means?
It says, now you, God's people, you, the church, you are the body of Christ.
And each one of you is a particular member, is a specific member.
That means each one of you can be identified in the body of Christ.
Each one of you, when someone is born again by the Holy Ghost, he is immersed, baptized into the body of Christ.
That's what happened to you when you gave your heart to Jesus.
All right, same chapter, go to verse 13.
Same chapter, verse 13.
For by one spirit, are we all baptized into one body?
Whether we be Jews or generals, whether we be born or free, and have been all made to drink into one spirit.
By this one spirit, we're baptized into one body.
When you're born again, you're baptized into the body of Christ.
Immersed into the body of Christ.
And God sets you there.
Now, He had placed all things under His feet.
I want you to look at this.
This is amazing.
No matter what part of the body you belong to, you are above all things.
Even if you thought you were the one closest to that platform, you are still above all things.

So in Christianity, he has placed all things under us.
If any man be in Christ's.
You see, you've been baptized into Christ.
And when you are baptized into Christ, Christ covers you.
You are like you are wearing Christ.
Galatians chapter three.
From verse

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Say, I'm a child of God.
For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
This is a declaration.
It's not a promise.
You are.
If you're born again, you are.
You're not trying to be.
You are all the children of God by faith.
in Christ Jesus, then the next verse, 27, for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, as many of you, called Tarabagi Sayah, oh Hallelujah, as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on what?
You have put on Christ.
which means every day as you walk in life, what is God seeing?
What is the devil seeing?
You have put on Christ.

Oh, dear, dear, dear, dear.
Have put on Christ.
if any man be in Christ.
He is a new creature.
He is a new creature.
It's not the same one that was born of his mother and father.
It doesn't matter how you were born, what they said you were.
It doesn't matter how you were growing up.
The day you were baptized into Christ, you put on Christ.
You are different now.
There's more.
Watch this now.
Look at the next one.
There is neither Jew nor Greek.
There is neither born nor free.
There is neither male nor female.
For ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
And if ye be Christ, if you belong to Christ, if ye be Christ, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise?


If he be Christ, then are you Abraham's seed?
And heirs, according to the promise, Abraham's seed.

Are you Abraham's seed?
See, this is something, I don't know, this is not in the,
Something I would have liked to leave for another time because it's huge.
It's big, okay?
But let me kind of give you some thought about it because, I mean, you ought to know.
A lot of people think about the nation of Israel and how it's God's beloved nation.
It's wonderful, you know?
And that if you're a Jew, you are
You're very successful, or you're going to be very successful, or whatever.
Listen, there are poor people in Israel still.
There are.
There are.
But it is true that the Jewish people have been known to be the most successful in the world, business-wise, in creativity, innovation,
and in finance, and then in agriculture, in science and technology, they have been the most successful in the world.
Now, why is it so?
I want to tell you, because Linta Ka Barakabasi, because of the blessing that was given to Abraham,
They were the heirs of the Abrahamic blessing.
God said to Abraham, in blessing, I will bless you.
In multiplying, I will multiply you.
And because the Abraham's seed, you could not destroy them.
They are the only original people in the world today.
All others have been moved from one place to another.
No one is living in their original place, not one, only Israel.
And guess what?
They are the only ones speaking their original language on earth today.
God said it in the Word.
He told them that if they sin against Him, they're going to get into trouble.
But then he said, he would deliver them.
Then he said, when I deliver you as a sign, when you come back, he says you will come back to your very land and you will speak your original language.
And they're speaking it.
That's amazing.
Where are all the others?
They're all gone.
Where are the Assyrians?
Where are the Babylonians?
They are gone.
All those who came from among them are other peoples.

A hybrid of lots of changes.
Where's Rome?
Old Rome?
Where's Greece?
Where's Persia?
Now we try to identify them, and we say the Iraqis, the Babylonians, the Iranians, the Persians, and the Italians, the Romans.
That's how we identify them.
And they're all mixed up trying to identify them.
You don't have to try to identify Israel.
You can trust them with their names all the way back to Abraham.
All of them.
And that's the way they identify them today.

You can trust them from their father to their grandfather to their, they have all the records.
It's amazing.
When they went out of Egypt, God asked them to take records.
They took records and they passed the records from one generation to another, passed the records on.
And they were taught to memorize the scriptures, memorize.
such that when they were scattered into other lands, they reproduced, the rabbis reproduced the scriptures.
They reproduced them.

Now, think about all that amazing blessing.
And then Jesus comes, he's called the seed of Abraham.
He's the complete seed of Abraham.
Because the Bible says, God said to Abraham, this blessing is for you and your seed after you.
And then the Spirit made clear that God didn't say seeds, but that he said seed, referring to one.
Galatians chapter three verse 16, this is the main day.
Now to Abraham and his seed.
Can you see it?
To Abraham and his seed were the promises made.
He said not unto seeds as of many, but as of one unto thy seed.
He said, God didn't say seeds referring to many.
He said seed.
And then he said to us, that seed is Christ.
This is the scripture.

Now the Bible says,
When you receive Jesus, you are given a new life.
You are baptized into Christ.
This Christ, this seed of Abraham, you are baptized into Christ.
And then we read it.
And if you belong to Christ, he says you are Abraham's seed and therefore an heir of the promise.
So the promises that were made to Abraham were actually made to Jesus and from Jesus,
Let me show you another thing.
Galatians chapter 3, go to verse, let's read from verse 13 into 14.
You'll like it.
Christ had redeemed us.
Now, oh, I wish I had time for this, but I'm just going to speed read this and go to where I want to know.
Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for it is certain, cursed is everyone that the hand gets on the tree.
Okay, I gotta say it.
Anyways, where is this?
Christ had redeemed us.
That us doesn't refer to everybody.
It referred to the Jew.
Okay, because you've got to read the context.
Ask the Jews, okay?
Not us here, the Jewish people.
All right, so since Christ has redeemed us, the Jews from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for it is written, cursed is everyone that hung it on a tree.
That, look at the next, that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles.
Wow, look at it, look at it.
God, oh, there is no respect of person, sweet God.
God loves everybody.
Look how He blessed the Jewish people through the blessing of Abraham.
Then He said, I want to give this blessing to the Gentiles, to what the Gentiles do, known Jews.
Everybody who's not a Jew is a Gentile.
Do you get it?
That's the way it is.
That's what the word says.
So everybody who was outside of Jewry is called a Gentile.
Now, how did they get the name Jew?
Jew actually referred to only those from Judah initially, but eventually became the name used for all of the nation.
That's how they got it.
Abraham was called a Hebrew.
Hebrews is sojana.
All right?
So Abraham, the Hebrew.
So his descendants are now called Hebrews, the Hebrew people.
So that's how they got it.
They got it from Abraham, the Hebrew.
And they got the Jew from Judah.
Did you get it?
So he's not applicable to all of them.
Okay, so
The blessing that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, the blessing that God gave, which the Jews were enjoying now is coming on the Gentiles, how through Jesus Christ that we, everybody, that we all might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith, glory to God.
The Jew wanted the blessing of God by obeying the law.
And God said, no, the blessing came before the law.
You don't get it just by obeying the law, no one that it failed.
The trust that in the law is that by the works of the law shall no man be justified before God.
They could not be justified by the works of the law.
But by the hearing of faith,
Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
So your baptized into Christ, you put on Christ.
You put on Christ.
Christ is the head.
We are His body.
We are His body.
And what does the Bible say?
And the government shall be upon where His shoulders.
The shoulder's a part of what?
The body, not the head.
Which means the authority of Jesus is operated by his body.
So if you don't say anything, the head's not gonna do something.
You are the one to exercise the authority of Jesus.
But government shall be upon his shoulder.
I am still there.

Oh, I'll never forget Kenneth Hagin's story.
He said one day Jesus appeared to him.
And while Jesus was talking to him, a demon spirit came between them.
And the demon was jumping up and down and saying, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Exactly like that.
Then he couldn't hear what Jesus was saying.
He said, Jesus continued talking.
But this demon was making so much noise, he couldn't hear Jesus anymore.
And he was thinking, isn't Jesus aware that this demon is disturbing me and I can't hear him anymore?
But Jesus couldn't continue talking, so he knew Jesus was still talking, but a demon would let him hear.
Then somehow he thought about it and he said to the devil, in the name of Jesus, I command you to get out of there.
And he says, when he said it, the demon fell down and got out of the place.
Then Jesus said something that changed his whole world.
Jesus said, if you hadn't done something about it, I couldn't have done anything.
Very, he caught what Jesus said.
He thought, Jesus should have said, I wouldn't have done anything.
He said, Lord, did I hear you well?
Did you say you couldn't have done anything?
Jesus said, yes, you heard me, I couldn't have done anything.
He thought, that, that, that beats everything I ever heard in my life.
You couldn't have done anything.
No, you didn't say that.
You said you wouldn't have done anything, right?
The Lord said, no, I didn't say I wouldn't have done anything.
I said, I couldn't have done anything.
He said, Lord, you couldn't.
Is there anything too hard for you?
The Lord said, no, nothing's too hard for me.
The fact is, I gave the authority to the church.

So you're gonna do anything on earth?
You have to do it.
So all that time, now you understand all that time.
You thought you was praying, all your praying and saying, oh Jesus, a demon is disturbing me like that fellow.
If the demon is disturbing me, I can understand why.
Every time I want to pray, then this evil spirits disturb me.
You will think God, if God were present, he ought to do something about it.
He's not gonna do nothing about it.
Even though you were praying, even though you were in church, a demon can be disturbing you.
Even though you're going on evangelism, a demon can follow your evangelism and be disturbing you and frustrating your life.
Thank you very much, you can go.
I might call you again.
Can I help you on the panel?
You understand why there are many good Christians whose lives are messed up.
They can understand it.
They think that God should reward them with their faithfulness.
No, your reward is in heaven for faithfulness.
Faith and faithfulness are not the same.
You are faithful, but you need your faith.
Are you still there?
Because you can think of all this wonderful thing I'm doing for God.
I've seen people who serve the Lord so faithfully go through situations that they never thought they would go through.
I don't know why I'm going through this.
Why am I?
They're crying.
Why, why, why?
I've been doing everything I know.
You're leaving your responsibility for Jesus Christ.
And He's not going to do it because the authority, listen,
Samadhi's Gospel, chapter 28.
Let's read from verse number 18.
Are you still in this place?
And Jesus came and speak unto them saying, all power, the word is exosia, meaning authority.
All authority is given unto me.
All authority.
Did you notice?
Not some authority, not great authority.
All authority is given, is given, not shall be given, is given.
It already belongs to him.
All authority is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
In heaven and in earth.
Oh, come back here.
Philippians chapter two.
Go to verse nine.
Whoever God also had highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things on that earth.
That's amazing.
He's got a name that's greater than all.
Go back to Matthew's Gospel, chapter 28, verse 18.
And Jesus came and speak unto them, saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye bare for.
Do you understand what that means?
Did you notice something?
All authority is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore.
Do you understand the therefore?
Go ye therefore, meaning on the basis of the authority that has been given to me, you go.
On the basis of this authority, you go.
What is he saying?
This is so powerful.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations.
Oh dear.
Baptizing name in the name of the Father, did you notice not names of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost?
Name in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
Meaning the Father and the Holy Ghost and Jesus answered the name of Jesus.
That is amazing.
That is amazing.
So the Bible says that God has exalted His Word above all His name.
The Word.
The Word is named Jesus.

Amazing reality.

Oh, oh, oh.
Are you still in this place?
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
Come back here.
Come back to visions, visions chapter one, right?
We're in verse 22.
And I put all things on the His feet and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fill it all in all.
You know, yesterday I was telling you about the ceiling of God's people, all right?
Can you go back to chapter 1 and verse number 13?
in whom he also trusted.
After that he heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also after that he believed you were seared with that Holy Spirit of promise.
And I told you what the seal it means.
You remember?
Then we read about Jesus who was seared.
He says, God the Father seared him.
And being seared,
He became what?
He said, this one thing I received from my father.
He gave me power to lay my life down and he gave me power to take it up again.

But when you don't know, you suffer what others suffer.
You go through what they go through.
You go through the same pain and the same failure and the same defeat.
What did God say?
My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge.
When you don't know, you go through these things that others go through and you think it's normal.
You think it's normal.
Especially when you meet some Christians who tell you that life is full of ups and downs.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Life is no full of ups and downs.
Life can have so many kinds of trials and tribulations and troubles, but in all of them, you are supposed to be a victor.
In all these things, we are more than conquerors.
Through him that loved us.
Doesn't matter what you go through.
You smile your way through, you laugh your way through.
And then they say, what are you thinking about?
You say it came to pass.
It came to pass.
It's all don't worry about it.
It's not a problem.
It's not a problem.
It says it's not a problem.
You know what it means?
Is it?
I'm different.
I'm different.
Because you are sealed.
I need to show you something.
I've got to show you this.
I've got to show you.
Oh dear.
I've got to show you.
It says after he believed you were sealed.
So being born again, you have already been sealed.
Let me show you some folks who are going to be sealed.
I think you need to understand this.
All right, go to the Book of Revelation for a second.

Book of Revelation, no, no, no.
I said, somebody said, ah, it's a Book of Revelation, ah.
They said when people read that book, they get mad.
I've been reading the Book of Revelation.
I'm not mad yet.
Oh, chapter seven.
Oh, hallelujah.
Let me show you a secret here.
Revelation chapter seven, we're going to read from verse number one.
And after these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth.
Now, think about this.
This has not yet happened.
It is going to happen.
All right?
It's in the future.
So just rest your mind for a second.
And after these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth, not on the sea, not on any tree.
What angels can do?
Only four.
And look what they're doing to the whole world.
Only four angels.
There are different classes of angels.
Some are really, really powerful, like these ones.
Okay, number two, verse two.
And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God, Mantakarabasiya.
Having the seal of the living God, and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth.
They were asked to hurt the earth.
Those four angels were going to trouble the earth.
And this or a angel came with the seal of God in his hand, and he says, hold on!

And he cried in a loud voice of the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea.
Verse three, saying, hurt not the earth, need not the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of God, needn't the affore,

Sit down.

Didn't you see that?
Why are you still in them?
Because when they are sealed, Mantakarabasoya!
Remember this, remember this.
There was a curse.
on the earth, in Genesis.
And because the ground was cursed, and because it cursed is a ground for your sake, Adam, ground was cursed.
These are thorns and thistles shall it produce for you.
Out of your sweat shall you eat bread till you return to dust, for dust thou art to dust shall thou return.
And in the days of Noah, God said, I'm not going to curse again.

But the world has seen its failures.
The world has been a part of this terrible curse and fall and shame.

Now Jesus comes, he says, for him had God the Father seared.
Because he was seared, what would not listen to anybody else who listened to him?
Because he came with the sale of the living God.
The sign is on him.
And the demons cried, and we know who you are, the holy one of God.
Have you come to destroy us before the time?
And Jesus shut up and come out.
Every time Jesus showed up, demons bowed, sickness fell.

Everything respected his voice.
He spoke to the dead.
He spoke to bread.
Are you still there?
He talked to fish.
He talked to the tree.
He talked about anything and everything.
He talked to the winds and the waves.
They respected his voice.
Because he had the seal of God.
The seal of God.

When you're born again, you are sealed.
That's sealed.
that seal is recognized by everything, everything in heaven, everything in the earth and everything on earth.
It is the seal of God.
Listen, have you ever seen when the president of the Federal Republic is making an address and they bring out that
death, that rostral, that whatever stand it is, it has a seal, the seal of the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Have you seen it?
It's there.
Which means if you are not allowed by the president to stand there and say anything, you better not go there.

They carry that thing out and it mounts it and stands there.
And in front of that set is the seal.

When you take a letter from the president of the Federal Republic, okay, it has a seal.
So you go and deliver it.
When you say, oh, it's got the seal of the president.
It's just from the president.
The seal is there.
It's recognized.
Are you still in this place?
You saw it.
That angel had the seal of God with him.
He said, don't hurt anything.
The air, the water, the trees said, don't until we have sealed the servants of God in their foreheads.
After sealing them,
Whatever they say to the water, whatever they say to the air, whatever they say to the tree, there will be herds.
Because they have the seal of God.
Now I told you this one hasn't happened one, let's read.
Saying hard not the earth, neither the seed nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
And I heard the number of them which were sealed.
And there were sealed and 140 and 4,000 of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
Watch now.
Of the tribe of, okay, now you can read the rest of it all the way to verse eight and then it goes into something else.
What's that?
What's he talking about?
The 144,000 Jews during the great tribulation.
That's gonna happen during the great tribulation.
It's coming, it hasn't come yet.
It hasn't come yet.
That'll be after the rapture of the church.
But this shows us something about the seal.
We have already been sealed.
Those ones are not even born yet.
And guess another thing, they are all men, 144,000 men.
Now, they are a group because they're going to be sent on a mission during the Great Tribulation, that 12,000 from each tribe.
So that's got nothing to do with you.
So don't worry about that.
Praise God.
But it's just to show you something about how the seal works.
Jesus was sealed.
You have been sealed.
Because you're born again.
It says when you believed you were sealed by the Holy Ghost.
And now that you're sealed by the Holy Ghost, there can be no failure in your life.
That mark is on you.
You've been branded.
This is so powerful.
This is so powerful.
This is so powerful.
This is so powerful.
All right, go back to Ephesians.
Are you back to Ephesians?
Yeah, chapter one.
Well, we were.
Verse 22, and I put all things on the His feet and gave Him beadhead of all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fill it all in all.
And everybody said, Hallelujah.
Look at verse 1, chapter 2.
Are you ready for this?
And you have He quickened.
Who were dead in trespass?
You were dead in trespasses and sins.
He didn't say you are dead in trespasses.
You were dead in trespasses and sins.
You were.
You are not anymore.
You've been quickened, made alive together.
with Christ.
All right, and you have He quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins.
Where in time passed, you walked according to the course of this world.
In the Greek, there's an interesting, it's easy to see.
This is one of those few places where you have the two
that in the King James version are translated with the same English word, you have the two of them here in this place.
And it's good that I explain them to you.
But somehow the translators have really, really tried in giving you the right synonyms
to present the message very well.
So let's read first.
Where in time pass you walked according to the course of this world.
According to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worked in the children of disobedience.
Who are the children of disobedience?
We are called children of obedience.
So we're called obedient children.
Because we obey the gospel.
We obey the gospel.
So we're called obedient children.
Those who have not obeyed the gospel are called the children of disobedience.
First Peter chapter one.
First Peter chapter one verse number 14.
Let's see something.
Ask obedient children.
Since you are obedient children, you say, ask obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former loss in your ignorance.
This is Peter.
Peter gives us practically the same message like Paul does.
There's a consistency in the revelation.
Let me show you what he's telling you.
He says, ask obedient children, not fashioning yourselves.
That's the same word that's translated, be not confirmed.
In Romans chapter 12 verse two,
where he says, be not confirmed to this world.
Here he says, not confirming yourself.
You see it?
As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves, not confirming yourselves, according to your former loss in your ignorance, the things you were lost in after in your days of ignorance when you didn't know God.
Says, don't conform to that old way of life anymore, because you are an obedient child of God.
Ask obedient children.
Hear what God calls us.
He's not trying to make us obedient.
He says, we are obedient children.
When we obey the gospel, the love of God was shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost.
Right away, we loved him because he first loved us.
No, look at you here.
Why are you here?
Because you love Jesus.
Your heart is after Him.
You want to do what He wants you to do.
You're an obedient child.
But for the children of disobedience, something happens.
He says, there's a spirit that is at work in them because that spirit, the prince of the power of the air.
Now, look at this.
Verse one.
And you had he quickened, made alive.
Who were dead in trespasses and sins?
Where in time past you walked according to the cause of this world, according to the cause of this world, according to the prince of the part of the air, the spirit.
Now, when is that now working?
You would think it means he has now started working.
Now, what it actually means is that it's currently at work.
The word is currently at work.
That is working in the now.
That's what it means.
So when it says that now work it, he's not initiating his work.
No, he's talking about the timing.
It is currently working in them.
That is at work now in the children of disobedience.
Praise God.
But look at that verse a little more.
Where in time pass you walk according to the course of this world,
The course of this world.
What does it mean by the course of this world?
What does it mean by the course of this world?

Here, the word translated course is Aeon.
The same Aeon I told you will get to it, right?
Aeon is used for words.
So in Sarah places, where he says the word, it means aeon.
What is aeon?
One of the synonyms for aeon is English cause.
The cause of this word, that means the aeon of what this, this other one is cosmos.
Now we explain them, it's very important.
Very important.
They're important.
You have to know.
Let me go to Hebrews chapter 11.
Let's read from verse one to verse three.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for.
The evidence of things not seen.
Thank God for that.
What is it?
The evidence of things not seen.
Verse two.
For by it, by what?
By faith, the air that's obtained a good report.
Oh, Hallelujah.
You wanna have a good report with God?
You gotta live by faith.
Walk by faith.
For we walk by faith, not by... For by it, the air that's obtained a good report.
Now, look at the next verse.
If you didn't hear anything since, hear this one now.
True faiths, we understand that the words, uh-huh, that word translated words is aeon.
Aeon, the same one that we saw cause of this word, cause, is translated cause.
In that place where we were, all right, Ephesians 2, 2.
Now, this is true faith, we understand that the words, the aeon's, let me emphasize it,
True faith, we understand that the words were framed, framed by the word, by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
That means, think again, the cause of these words.
the cause of this word.
Through faith we understand that the wars, the causes, you're getting it now, the eons, well, undersized, the eons, the causes of life,
The cause of this word.
The cause of your family.
That means the direction your family is going.
The direction of your life.
The direction of your nation.
Okay, try and catch this.
I wrote something down to make it easier for you.
Aeon is the ethical word.
All right?
Aeon is the ethical word.
The philosophical understanding of morals and values, you better take it down because I didn't write it from anywhere.
So it's coming from where I just put it out for you, the way that you can get it.
So I said, Aeon is the ethical word, all right?
Is the philosophical understanding of morals and values
and the ideological structure of human societies of a period.
You're going to catch something that's so powerful.
Should I say that again?
All right, so when you finish writing what the definition, you write Pastor Chris there.
You know why?
No, I want to tell you why.
So that you can make reference to it with the rest of the materials, other things because it's a consistency.
Otherwise, if you don't know where you got it from, you can't relate to it.
It will be lost even though you wrote it.
Okay, so I said, Aeon is the ethical world, the philosophical understanding of morals and values, and the ideological structure of human societies of a period.
It refers to an age or cause, the direction

and way, or way rather, the direction, or way, your way, okay?
And the whole drama of your life.
How things are playing out in your life were referenced to others, their entrances and exits to your life.
That's your aeon.
Now, which means that aeon, aeon is created.
It's in your, it can be created in the spirit.
Because it's not a physical word.
It's ethical.
It's philosophical.
and which means it can be created spiritually.
Now, remember, what we did?
It says the cause, the aeon of this world.
Now, world there, cosmos.
Cosmos is the, you ready for this?
Okay, write it.
Cosmos is the physical and material world
Are you right, mate?
Cosmos is the physical and material world, including men, and his influence and actions on it, whether developing or destroying it.
Did you hear that?
I'll say that again.
Cosmos is the physical and material world, including men, and his influence and actions on it, whether developing or destroying it.
It refers to the arrangement and structure of ecosystems.
Did you get it?
The arrangement and structure of ecosystems were referring to cosmos.
Now from Ephesians chapter 2,
Verse two, it shows that the Aeon has effect on the cosmos.
Cosmos is the arrangement of things.
Cosmos is how the world is structured.
Cosmos has something to do with the population and is environment.
The cosmos has something to do with how your roads are, how your buildings are, the government and how it sits and everything.
But he tells us that the Aeon has something to do with it.
the cause of this world.
Through faith, we understand that the eons were framed by the remar of God.
That is the power of prophecy.
That's why God told us to prophesy, because he knows that through prophecy, you create your eon, and your eon will definitely affect the cosmos of your life.
Man got told that Rabbi Hayah.
If in your aeon, if in your aeon, you didn't have this or this or this, it will not happen in your cosmos.

Are you getting it now?
This is true faith, we understand that the words were framed by the realm and reminds us the spoken word of God.
By the word of God, such that things which are seen were not made of things that do appear.
Things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
So what were they made of?
They were made by, ah-ha, now you know it.
We said thoughts are things.
Words are thoughts clothed with vocabulary, do you understand?

I said, if you listen to this, if you digest this thing, I'm sharing with you.
You will never be the same.
The impact of your life.
See, one of the things I always wanted in my life was impact.
It's so important.
It's not about how you came and how you did this and that.
It's about impact.
What impact is your life?
What impact are you making?
What impact are you making an impact?
If you're a child of God, look at Jesus.
God had only one son and he brought him forth and he made an impact.
We can do less.
He said, in the volume of the book, it is written of me.
No, I come to do thy will of God.
Oh, hallelujah.

Impact by the Holy Ghost.
Don't live an empty life.
He failed us with the Holy Spirit so that when we pray, it is not an empty prayer.
So that when we speak, they are not empty words.
No matter what we do, life is not empty.
We make an impact.
He said, you are the light of the word.

Live a life of influence.
Make an impact.
Make an impact.
Don't live an empty life.
An odd...
Oh, how can you just live through life as though you never came?
As though you never came.
That's why suicide is the most selfish death.
When a man kills himself, he's out of self love.
You think he hated himself so much, that's why he killed.
No, he loved himself so much.
He thought he was suffering too much.
He decided to take his whole life.
He felt the world was not worth it.
It's selfish.
Why is it selfish?
Because all you think about is yourself.
Why don't you live for others?
The greatest impact is made when your life is put down for others.
When you think about other people, you know those people who are always thinking, nobody's asking after me.
Nobody's thinking about me.
You're not even asking after me anymore.
Why should they ask after you?
You should be asking after others.
What life do you want to live?
What selfish life do you want to live?
They should be asking after you.
What life do... What do you want to be like?
A victim or a victim?
A giver or a taker?

He says, you are of God, little children, and I've overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
And what about when there are difficulties, tests and trials?
He says, count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations.
Because in all these things,
We are more than conquerors.
Through him that loved us.
He said, be not drunk with one wearing his excess, but be failed with the spirit.
Be failed with the spirit.
If you are failed with the spirit, you will make an impact.
If you are failed with the spirit, you will make an impact.
I'm telling you.
says for it is not ye that speak, but the spirit of your Father that speaketh in you.
The greatest gifts that you have is the gift of words.
It's the greatest gift given to you.
The gift of words.
What you can do.
Have you made up your mind?
for life of victory and success.
Have you made up your mind for life of impact?


Say I'm ready for life.
I'm ready to be a success.

I'm an agent of change.

Speaking of the tongues, lift your hands, lift your hands to what you have and just speaking of the tongues.
Praying the Holy Ghost.
Praying the Holy Ghost.