How To be A Success for Jesus Christ
We are back to the film, baby!
The International Easter Youth Camp with Pastor Chris is an exciting youth program specially packaged to spare so many youth to fulfill their God-given dreams and destinies.
The Healing School organised the second edition of the International Easter Youth Camp with Pastor Chris
where several youths from around the world had the opportunity to experience the healing power of God at the healing school of Master Chris.
They also had awesome moments with the man of God in awe-inspiring teaching meetings.
It was indeed a dynamic mix of spiritual enlightenment and exciting activities at Easter.
special exciting performances in dance, music and drama were presented by every country at the camp.
The colorful Hawaiian dance performance was an inspiring piece.
We are perfect.
We are perfect.
We are perfect.
We are perfect.
We are perfect.
We are perfect.
We are perfect.
We are perfect.
We are perfect.
We are perfect.
He's your glory and your praise.
And our love is your beauty and your love.
Are you right?
I'm sorry.
To the love you are, you are.
The youth from Central America excited the audience with their awesome dance performance.
Clama da señor tu díos Clama da señor tu díos Y abla le moración De dar a la vindicón Por que scúchar atubos Y con los que van en pós Nous se rán con no fédóru De la deloria y esplan dóru Que todos a prometido El señor a prometido Es cúchar está
Every praise and worship segment was a time of refreshing in the spirit.
great are you Lord and great to be praise great to be praise
Each night at the camp, the man of God, Pastor Chris, exalted the use on points on how to be a distinguished Christian, burning and winning for Christ.
Let's have a word of prayer, Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for your love.
Thank you for your grace.
Thank you for your presence, readers.
Thank you for the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for teaching us the word, strengthening us, leading us in the things of God.
Now again our hearts and our minds are open.
To hear and receive your word, we receive it gladly with faith and meekness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
You may be seated.
Who's here that attended the last one last year?
Give them a big hand.
That's good.
You're all very welcome.
You know, we thought that we should have some special times where we can come together like this and share the word
You know, open the scriptures, learn God's Word, share the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, get as He has stayed for the future, programmed for the things that God wants to do with our lives, and be prepared for success.
I got started
when I was very young, before I was nine years old.
And so I know the value of beginning your life early in the things of God.
The whole lot of people who don't know anything about God until they're old.
And when they find out they feel so bad,
The wish they had known much earlier.
But they've wasted so much, so much time on everything else without knowing anything about God.
For so long, they thought it was just a myth.
Only to find out it was real.
But they were now so old, not much time to do all they would have loved to do for Jesus Christ.
But if you start early, you can do a lot.
You can do a lot.
It's important to start early.
What you're going to be in life doesn't start when you're old, it starts when you're young.
How successful are you going to be in any field?
The programming starts when you're young.
This is very special for several reasons.
You know, most of you are in school in one level or the other.
in your training to be a doctor, an engineer, an architect, a lawyer, a politician, your training for so many different things.
But none of these schools has the
capacity to train you to be a successful person.
They may make you a successful banker, a successful lawyer.
You know, you can be a successful liar, but not a successful person.
Because you can be a great sportsman,
but not a great person.
Because being successful in any field is very different from being a fulfilled person who can help others fulfill their dreams in life.
You become a success by helping other people become a success.
So today, I will only give you just five important points to be a success for Jesus.
All right?
To be a success for Him.
You want to be a success.
You see, you're smart.
You came all the way to listen
to participate in a suit cap.
You're not a fool, you're smart.
You wouldn't travel all the way to listen to a fool, would you?
I'm a success.
So, you came to listen to someone who's successful because you're smart.
So I want to show you how to be a success for Jesus Christ.
You can be a success.
What changing nations today, what impacting nations, what impacting nations by the millions.
But there are important things to make that happen.
Number one, choose to win.
It's a choice you make.
You choose to win.
Choose to win.
That's number one.
Choose to win.
Let nothing stop you.
When you choose to win, nothing in the world is designed to stop you.
The first thing is to make that decision, make that choice.
You realize not everybody chooses to win.
Some people just go through life without thinking about winning.
They just hope things will turn out right.
They just hope I'll be lucky.
You know, let's say, well, if I'm lucky, lucky?
Don't wait for luck.
No, don't wait for luck.
Don't wait for that.
Oh, so if you're lucky, it'll be fine.
If you're not lucky, then trouble.
So that doesn't sound like what God will want for us.
But for many people, that's what they think.
That if you're lucky, fine.
If you're not lucky, then too bad.
What I found out in the Bible was that God wanted us to choose.
He wanted us to choose.
And the beautiful thing is, He shows us the options and shows us what's better and tells us to choose what's better.
Have you written it down?
Choose to win.
Choose to win.
It's the same.
In our exams in school, you can choose to win.
If you don't choose to win, a choice has been made anyhow.
You see that?
If you don't choose, don't say, well, I may not choose to win, but I just won't choose anything.
No, if you don't choose to win, you have chosen to fail.
Do you know that the world has got more poor people than rich people?
Is that correct?
It's got more suffering people than people who are sound and prosperous, right?
What do you want to be in life?
What side of the street do you want to live?
If you're not prosperous, you can't help anybody else.
Do you want to help others?
Then you better be prosperous.
Only prosperous people can help others.
Let me show you something.
Can I get two people?
Both of you come.
Take your chair.
Yeah, come up here.
Both of you sit on the floor.
Help us stand up.
Help us stand up.
Don't do anything.
Just remain there.
Help us stand up.
You know why?
Okay, now you get up.
Help has stand up.
Okay, stop.
Thank you.
She was gonna do it, right?
Now you know why?
Down people can't help down people.
You see, only up people can help down people come up.
So if you're down, you can help others that are down.
You've got to be up to help the other guy who's down come up where you are.
So you've got to go up.
We're helping a lot of people today, feeding a lot of poor people, sending many people to school, giving our scholarships, all right.
Helping communities have pipe-borne water,
All right, building schools in different communities.
We're doing this.
How, why can we do it?
If we were in their shoes, we couldn't do nothing.
But we're able to do this because
We've been lifted by God to a higher platform so that we can help others.
But if we chose to remain underground, we would never be able to do anything.
There are too many poor people in the world.
Somebody's got to help.
The governments can't do everything.
Somebody's got to do something.
And if you think, well, I can't do anything, then you can't do anything.
But if you say, Lord, I would like to help, then He'll show you how to do it.
You get it?
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're wonderful.
Thank you.
So you got to choose to win.
You make the choice.
You make the choice.
We're holding large meetings where these stadia around the world that were built for football games and the rest of them and athletics.
Years ago, when I was a student in school, I looked at some of them and I said,
I said, they're not built for spots.
They're built for Jesus Christ.
I said, I'm going to fill this stadium with people and have people come in there to hear the word of God.
But I was just a kid.
So I would not have been taken very seriously.
They would have thought, oh, he's just talking.
But I wasn't just talking.
He was a vision.
And I set my focus on that vision.
I said what's going to happen.
And it's happening today.
That's why I said it's important that you start your life early.
You start now.
You start now.
I was preaching in the schools.
I preached in the schools.
And God takes you from one step to another.
He just doesn't stop.
And I went on and on and on.
So, let me show you this.
I told you, I've got to make a choice, okay?
Turn to Deuteronomy.
Deuteronomy is in the Old Testament.
Deuteronomy chapter number 30.
Verse 19.
You see the importance of making the choice.
The options are given to us.
Have you seen it?
The astronomy chapter.
Chapter what?
And verse.
Okay, read.
You see that?
He gave them the options.
It is a call here on earth to record this day against you that I have set before your life in dance.
Blessed and cursed.
Therefore, he says, choose life.
He didn't say choose whichever one, even though the options were clear.
But he guided them.
He said choose life.
So choose to win.
All right?
Choose to win.
If you choose to win, nothing is powerful enough to stop you.
Because nothing has had the same enough to determine that they're going to stop you.
No, they don't have the power.
Choose to win.
So that's number one.
Choose to win.
Number two, hook up to Christ.
When you choose to win, you get plugged in.
Hook up to Christ.
Hook up to His wisdom.
Hook up to His power.
Hook up to His inspiration.
That means he'll make you wise.
He'll give you the power to inspire you.
So when you choose to win, you hook up to the sauce.
Hook up to the source.
There are people who choose to win, but they're not plugged in.
You see, they're not hooked up to Christ, and so they can't win.
So that's number two.
Hook up to Christ.
If you're born again, and you receive the Holy Spirit, you're hooked up.
You're plugged in.
You're plugged in and ready to go.
So you say, hook up to Christ, hook up to His wisdom, hook up to His power, hook up to His inspiration, His wisdom, His power, His inspiration.
So you see, He makes me wise, so I'm smart and wise.
He fears me with power.
I've got ability.
I can do anything.
And thoughtly, I'm inspired.
I'm inspired.
I'm scared.
I'm inspired.
I'm inspired.
All right, so you've taken number two, right?
Number three, learn his language.
Number one, choose to win.
Number two, hook up to Christ.
Number three, learn his language.
Learn his language.
You see, he talks differently.
Jesus talks differently.
You gotta learn his language so you can talk like him.
Learn his language.
Study his words.
Learn his language.
You write this down.
His language of faith, hope and love.
He talks faith.
He talks hope.
He talks love.
What's your language like?
What's your communication like?
You see, learn his language.
The way Jesus talks.
He talks feights, he talks hope, he talks love.
He never talks ugly.
He's not in saltive.
Never talk proud, no.
But he talks feights, he talks hope, he talks love.
Learn his language.
Talk faith.
Talk hope.
Talk love.
Never talk fear.
Never talk failure.
If you listen to the news today,
It's like the whole world isn't a mess, right?
I mean, every day you listen, there's something going wrong.
It looks like everything's just gonna go bad.
But no, cheer up.
Them guys out there may have messed things up, but that's what God's given you wisdom to fix it.
You realize, even if you had difficulty with your academic work in school,
When you say I choose to win, you will win.
I choose to win.
So I can see my future already.
Nothing is too good for me.
I choose to win.
Say this, I believe in my future.
Say, I always tell the young people, I believe in your future, but you see, they've got to believe in their future too.
Say, I believe in my future.
Say, my future is bright.
So number three, learn his language, his language of faith, hope and love.
These are the three greatest principles in the world.
And the greatest of them is love.
Faith, hope, love.
Always talk faith.
Always talk hope.
Always talk love.
So number one, choose to win.
Number two, hook up to Christ.
Number three, learn his language.
And number four, go for him.
Go for him.
You know what that means?
Everywhere I go, I'm his representative.
When I show up, Jesus shows up because I come in his name.
See, He represents me.
Remember, Jesus ascended to heaven.
So now He's in heaven in the presence of the Father.
The only reason we say Christ is in me.
is because the Holy Spirit brings His presence into my life.
Because I receive the Holy Spirit.
So the Holy Spirit is just like Jesus.
He brings the presence of the Father and the presence of Jesus into our lives.
So we relate and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
But Jesus Himself is in heaven.
What is He doing in heaven?
He represents me before the Father.
And so I represent him in the earth.
I represent him before men.
He represents me before the father and the angels in heaven.
So he's there for me.
I'm here for him.
It's a partnership.
So that's why we say number four, go for him.
So I'm on the goal.
Always, I'm on the goal for Jesus.
So that changes everything.
That changes everything because even when you're in school, you are a student with a difference.
See, I'm a student with a difference.
So you're going to say, I'm a young man or I'm a young woman with a difference.
Yeah, because you see, you have the most sublime, the most authentic relationship, identity that this world has ever known, your identity.
with Christ.
It makes you fearless.
Absolutely fearless.
Because he says, I am with you always.
Fear not I am with you always.
So I'm never afraid because he's with me.
When I was a little boy, I was full of fear.
I was afraid of everything.
Because I heard too many bad stories.
If you listen to bad stories, you become afraid.
So I was very, very full of fear.
But when I received the Holy Spirit, my fear is dissipated.
My fears were gone.
I couldn't find my fears anymore.
I lost my fears.
Because the Holy Spirit came into me with the boldness of God in my spirit.
I have no fears anymore.
In all those years, I lost my fears.
That's what Christ does for you.
You have no fear of anything.
because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
Okay, so go for him number four.
Go for him.
You're going in his stead.
Go for him.
Tell somebody, go for him.
Yeah, I'm out for him.
You're out for him, right?
Yeah, that's it.
Yo, he's ambassador.
Yo, he's representative.
You're authorized by Christ.
You're commissioned by Christ.
And He is with you and in you.
Praise the Lord.
So number number five should be easy.
I told you they're five points.
What do you think number five should be?
I mean, look at it.
Number one is choose to win.
That's number one.
Number two, hook up to Christ.
Number three, learn his language.
Number four, go for him.
What do you think the last one ought to be?
Win for him.
So I go and I win.
So I've got that mentality.
Everything I get involved in, I'm a success.
I win all the time.
Say that to yourselves.
I win all the time.
I win all the time.
See, that's what Christ has made of you.
He's made masters of us.
We're not failures.
We're victors.
I'm a victim.
Everywhere I go.
I'm a victim.
See, it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside.
Someone might just look at you and try to reach you.
You can do nothing.
No, I can do all things to Christ.
I'm full of power.
When you speak, God makes it happen.
Say, when I speak, God makes it happen.
See, how does he do it?
Through the Holy Spirit that lives in you.
Remember, the Holy Spirit is God.
You see it?
That's what makes it so different for us.
From religions, in religion,
They try to reach out to God.
They try to please a God that they don't know what's on his mind.
In religion, they can't be sure what's on his mind.
They hope to please him.
In Christianity, we know what's on his mind.
He sent his son to die for us.
That means he loves us.
That means he cares for us.
In the religions of the world,
They're not sure of that.
They're not sure of that.
There's no religion in the world where they can tell you that they are loved.
No, it's our judgment.
They can think of being loved.
Religion doesn't have value for people.
And so those who think Christianity is a religion, or who think that way, they're wrong.
But in Christianity, there's value for people because Jesus proved it.
He proved that we were valuable to God by giving His life.
Hey, you know the value of a thing by how much you paid for it.
You get it?
What's your bag?
What's your bag worth?
Maybe it's worth $50.
That means that's the value.
That means you were ready to pack with $50 to get the bag.
So that's the value of your bag, right?
If you bought a motorbike, maybe $2,000, $30,000, $100,000,
That's the value, right?
For us, Jesus gave his own life to prove to us that God loved us as much as he loved Jesus.
God values us as much as he valued Jesus.
So to God, we already know our value by how much was given for our salvation.
It was Jesus Christ.
God gave him up to die for our salvation.
That means God thinks I'm important.
God thinks I'm important.
If God thinks I'm important, I should think I'm important.
Hey, are you important?
You ever hear somebody say, oh, don't mind him.
He thinks he's important.
Well, you haven't found me yet.
I don't really think I'm important.
I know I am.
Because I'm a child of God.
Jesus died for me.
And most people, he's not full.
Only a full obey.
Something for nothing.
I can't think I'm nothing because he paid so dearly for me.
I'm something.
I'm special.
I know my value.
You know your value?
You're special.
So when you pray, don't pray like someone who's trying to get something from God, oh God, please, if you just do this for me.
No, he already did the best for you.
Nothing could be better than Jesus.
Nothing's too good for you.
Remember it.
Nothing is too good for you.
You know why many people don't have miracles happening in their lives?
You know why many people don't have answers to their prayers?
Because they don't truly pray.
They don't pray with the expectation.
They just talk.
You want to see great things in your life?
Be bold to ask Him.
If you talk with Him, He'll respond.
He's a living God.
He'll respond to you.
Sam, a success.
So I can see my future already.
Nothing is too good for me.
I choose to win.
You realize even if you had difficulty with the academic work in school, when you say I choose to win, you will win.
I choose to win.
I've made a choice and it is to win.
Notice we started with the choice to win and we ended with winning.
Oh my God, today's meeting was a blessing, a blessing indeed.
What I learned from today was that God has already given us a door, there are evil and there is evil and good in this world.
But then God wants us to take good for life, amen?
God wants us to take the best of the life.
God wants us to choose the best and that is what I learned.
We are winners.
We are winners in every way, where we go, every way we go to our university, school, college, everywhere.
We are winners in Christ, amen?
Today's service was amazing.
I felt the present of God.
When the man of God was speaking, I knew that I'm not going to be the same anymore.
Americans, they're going to happen because I'm a winner and I'm going to make the change.
I'm the light and I'm going to make the difference.
It's amazing.
The pastor Chris, I want to thank you so much for tonight's message.
It truly was awesome.
There's no words that can express how I think I am.
The pastor Chris, I thank you and I love you and God bless.
We are back to the film big!