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Christ’s Purpose in You - Vol. 1 Part 5

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining, and nothing can stop you.
It is your secret.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.

I'd like you to turn to first Peter chapter number two.
First Peter chapter number two.
We are reading verse nine.
Verse nine.
Are you there?
All right, read it for me, want to go.

You're not going to be, you're not working at it.
You're not hoping to be.
It's not something that's going to happen.

if you try your best.
You know, some people say, well, I'm trying my best to make it work.
It's not gonna happen if you try your best.
But he are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
You know, sometimes I think of certain believers.
I don't know if you ever got to, how many of you have been Christians for at least 20 years?
You've been Christians for at least 20 years, 20 years, 15 years maybe.
They used to have these conferences titled Back to Battle.
And then they'll have conferences started a new beginning.
Things like this.
The idea was they loved how they felt at the same time of their lives when they were revived or stared in the things of God.
There was a certain feeling of closeness to God that they had.
and they always want to go back to it.
They always like to have that feeling again.
When they were so prayerful, when they, you know, they had certain prayer times, and they went some way, and prayed, and then they were very close to God, and they had miracles happen, and you know, whatever, the miracles were.
Well, they had these things happening.
So, after a while,
They thought, where is that closeness?
I don't think to have that closeness as I used to.
So let's go back to battle.
Now, battle was that place where Jacob had a revelation of God.
All right?
He met with the Lord there.
And so,
In his life, on one occasion, he went back to battle.
All right?
So they say, let's go back to battle where we first encountered the Lord.
But I think we will get that feeling again.
So sometimes we like this feeling where we... People don't like to be free.
You think they like to be free, but they don't like to be free.
It's an assumption.
It's an assumption that many people like to be free.
Most people don't like to be free as you think.
They love the feeling of bondage.
They don't quite say that way.
For example, there are Christians who, if they haven't felt guilty for some time,
They start wondering what is wrong with them.
If they haven't cried for some time, I'm not talking about crying in worship, no.
Crying over their lost soul or something, some pain in the spirit, some disappointment in their life.
They say, how can I just continue like this?
They are used to feeling guilty because the feeling of guilt makes us
We don't really repent.
We apologize.
And that's a big difference.
So we apologize and call on God to please.
So it brings us to a state, a beggarly state, where we are like helpless.
Like that song says, I'm lost without you.
So, we are gone, like, you know, oh God, please do something.
And then when we cry and feel helpless, then we feel like, okay?
Haven't born this feeling of guilt for some time.
God should at least know I'm sorry.
You see, we don't quite put it that way.
I'm trying to act out the real attitude that we don't tell others that's the way we really feel.
So, I mean, God should know I'm sorry.
So finally, they get up, not because of the word, but because they feel they have settled with God, they have settled.
If the guilt is strong, then three days faster.
If it is very strong, seven days plus lunch.
Or seven days fasting plus dinner.

Why do many Christians run around like this?
They just don't know how to enjoy peace.
Peace with God.
So instead of songs of praise and testimony, they've got a lot of guilt, sadness, all the time helpless.
And then they can understand why these things report in their business and in their finances and in their families.
The Bible says, as a man think it, so is he.
He says, your life is the character of your thoughts.
Your life is the character of your thoughts.
You can't be better than your mind.
That's what he's saying.
The character of your mind is the revelation of your personality.
That's why he tells us to renew the mind through the word.
Because the way you're going to live your life will be based on the character of your mind.
What is your mind like?
How do you think?
Look, we just started reading some of the first Peter chapter 2 from verse 9.
He says, but ah!
A chosen generation!
How does that identify with your thinking?
Or does that say to you?
Go back to it.
Let's read.
Verse 9 again, 1 Peter chapter 2, 1 to go.
But here what?
After you have prayed enough.
Look, don't get me wrong.
I believe in prayer.
Without praying, I won't be in this place.
Do you understand?
I believe in prayer.
I believe in fasting.
I do all of those things.
I believe in them fully.
Fully, fully, fully.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But I'm trying to tell you, they are not supposed to be done in payments to God for getting happy.
You get it?
All right, let's read.
You are a chosen
You know what that means?
A chosen breed.
It means you're of a special class.
That should be a plural for ease, right?
You are not going to be.

It's not tomorrow.
It's not if you do something about it.
No, you come up.
I am a Nigerian.
Who told you?
Do you feel like you're Nigerian?
Do you feel like you're Ghanaian?
Do you feel like you're Togalese?
Do you feel like you're American?
Do you feel it?
You don't feel it?
Also, who told you?
I know.
Who told you?
I know.
How'd you know?
It's based on information.
If you were to trace some documents and to find out, you're from Tanzania.
Doesn't matter what you look like, you're going to go, oh, dear.

It's got to do with a document.
He said, but my father, my grandfather was born here.
I know he was born here.
We haven't found out about his own grandfather.
Until the day you hear from Bacazi.
I mean, by simple documentation, some people have been sent away from Nigeria automatically by signature.
Someone signed them out.
And they're protested now.
You know what I'm talking about?
Okay, document.
What's in the book?
A chosen generation.
This is God's sovereign declaration.
Read the next part.
You are a chosen generation, a royal priest who saw your royalty.
Listen, you are a descent of the monarch of the universe.

So you're not ordinary.
He says, you are a chosen generation.
Talk like a prince.
All right?
Talk like a prince.
A chosen generation.
A royal priesthood.
So I'm a priest but a royal priest.
That's like Melchizedek.
Because Jesus is in the order of Melchizedek.
A royal priest.
So he says, you are a royal priest.
That means king priest.
There are many priests in the Bible.
Not all of them were king priests.
Where is God?
Say, I'm a king priest.
That's what I'm saying.
A king priest.
So a royal priesthood.
What else?
A holy nation, a holy nation.
This is what has not been taught in most of the church, the world over.
Holiness of what it is.
You're not going to be holy.
You're holy.
If you're not holy, you can never become holy.
You see that?
If you're not holy, you can never become holy.
How will you become holy?
What will now make you holy?
And by what means?
Shall you be made holy?
If water is not pure and you already have it, are you hearing it?
How do you plan to purify it?
I know your chemistry is going... Go back to the lab.
You see, we boil it.
It depends on what is making it impure.
How is this if salt has lost its savour?
Where we shall it be salted?
If I pour more water into it, it will not become pure.
It's not if I pour more water into it.
And I said, your chemistry is working now.
You're thinking of what you will do, what you will do.
Go through all that process.
But the point is, you are holy.
If God has not made you holy, when will he make you holy?
And by what means shall he make you holy, if he has not done it?
What scripture do you know that will bring holiness into your life?
If it has not already been done, when will it be accomplished?
For those who are pursuing it, I want to know when you arrive.
At what time in your life are you going to discover that you are now holy?
He said, he are in the same scripture.
He are a chosen generation.
You say, yes.
A royal priesthood.
You say, yes.
A holy nation.
You say, no.

Let me show you something.
Did you ever read that Jesus Christ was crucified for us?
There's a term I've used frequently here to try to explain something to you.
That Jesus Christ became us on the cross.
I don't know whether that has gone through your system.
When I tell you he became us.
So he not only bore our sins, he also bore a very nature.
For the virus says he was met sin.
So he was a sin bearer and he was met sin, he became sin.
That was our nature.
So he became us.
So I was literally on that cross when Jesus was crucified.
I was there.
I was.
So he was not only a representative.
He was a substitute, but in the mind of justice,
He was made sin.
Meaning, not only did he become a substitute, it was laid on his spirits.
He took my nature.
So he took my place and took my nature.
So there's a legal aspect, and there is the vital aspect.
So he was legally my representative and vitally mean.
So you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.
The next one.
And what?
He is saying there is something different about you.
There's something unique about you.
You're not like everybody else.
There's something about you.
See, you know, I don't know.
I've talked about a song that just ordinary people.
They said ordinary people.
So we are just ordinary people.
We are not ordinary people.
I know they're trying to be humble, but it doesn't mean that you should become ignorant just because you want to be humble.
We're not ordinary people.
We are peculiar people.
They were praised the way just ordinary folks tried to do supernatural things.
Nice but wrong.
We're not ordinary people trying to do extraordinary things.
A nice line but wrong.
We're not ordinary people.
We're supernatural.
He says he are partakers of the divine nature.
Doesn't that
You know, one of my pastors sent me a mail.
He said something.
He said the sitting family came to see him in his office.
After they had shed some testimony with him with the pastor, they turned to leave.
As they walked away, the little girl noticed my picture on the wall.
and stopped, and turned in the presence of the parents to the pastor, and said, this is Jesus Christ on TV.
And he said, to hear that toddler talk like that, sent a cold sensation down his spine.
Dutch, speaking three years ago,
But that's exactly what Jesus said about us.
That's what He said for us to do, to carry His presence.
How else would Jesus Christ be on TV?

She said, this is Jesus Christ on TV.
You still there?
There's something about us.
We are peculiar.
We're unique.
He are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, a peculiar people.
Okay, let's read that.
Read from the peculiar people, uh-huh.
That is what?

He said, but he are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people that you should show forth.
The praises of him who has called you are darkness into his marvelous life.
I told you, he brought us out and brought us in.
Are you in now?
We are in his marvelous light.
We are not going into his marvelous light.
We are in his marvelous light.
Come on.
Well, there now.
Now, look at this.
This is beautiful.
I want to read it to you from the Amplified, because you know when it says, to show forth the praises, somehow we don't get the real thing.
I've heard sing us when they said, let us show forth these praises and the other microphone.
Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo
All right?
No, that's not what he's talking about.
You got the amplified, anybody got the amplified?
If I didn't have the amplified, for this verse alone, I would buy one.
Listen, this is, but you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation,
That means consecrated to God.
You belong to God.
Did he get that?
Then he says, God's own purchased special people.
That's what it means by peculiar, purchased special people.
That you may...
This is the path that makes me feel like everybody ought to have the number five.
He says that he means set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous life.
He says to set forth his wonderful deeds.
Set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections.
As at what is the purpose of Christ in you?
To make you a partaker of the divine nature.
To make you what you just read, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, to set forth
the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of the one who has called you.
Our darkness into His marvelous light.
It is our responsibility to set forth His wonderful deeds.
Make His wonderful deeds known how by doing wonderful deeds,
and displaying the virtues and perfections of God.
It's our calling.
No, when you take a job, they write out your terms of reference.
They say, these are your terms of reference.
These are your responsibilities.
You like to know who you are responsible to and who is responsible to you.
You want to know exactly what is expected of you.
All right?
Now he's telling you that your responsibility is to set forth God's wonderful deeds.
That means to do miraculous deeds.
That's what the word wonderful.
And display the virtues and perfections.
In other words, you have received a spirit of excellence.
in your life, you're not striving to become excellent.
You have an excellent spirit.
He's sent you to display his virtues and perfections.
What a life worth believing.
What a life.
And until you learn to say, yes, it's not gonna happen.
So you're gonna have to say, yes, that's me.
I'm called to this.
It's my calling.
I'm called, I'm called to sit foot.
God's wonderful deeds.
I'm called to display His virtues and perfections.
When I show up, God shows up.
I don't laugh at everything.
That sounds funny, because God does it.
If I laugh, that's cool.
You didn't get it.
In other words, we fully represent him.
We express God's emotions.
That's what I'm trying to say.
We express God's emotions.
We get angry at what he gets angry at.
We laugh at what he loves at.
Come on here.
Say this with me, I'm excellent.
I have an excellent mind.
You've got to understand this is for real.
Say, I have an excellent mind.
I've got it inside.
Now, question a lot of times for many people is, how do I bring these things to light?
You still in this place?
A simple statement that can help us understand how to bring these things out.
Because I said, a lot of times in our lives, we're trying to think, okay, I believe this.
But how will it work for me?
How can I have it manifested?
Is that right?
Have you ever thought about that?
So Jesus said something to his disciples when they, actually before they became his disciples.
He said, follow me and become
fishes of men.
And how do you say it?
Follow me and try to become fishes of men.
Jesus said, follow me.
He said, I will make you fissures of men.
You are trying to be a fish of men and it's not working.
Follow me.
Somebody said to me one time, I've tried to win souls.
I've tried.
I don't know why it's so hard for me.
I said, that's the difference between us.
You can talk like that.
I can't talk like that.
I don't know why it's so hard for me.
I can't think it's hard for me.
Because when I open my mouth, the spirit speaks.
When you open your mouth, the Spirit cannot speak because it's so hard for you.
When the Spirit speaks through me, nothing is too hard for the Lord, because He's the one talking.
So I said, stop struggling.
Stop trying to convert souls.
Become what you really are.
by saying yes.
See, it sounds too simple sometimes, am I right?
Okay, what could be harder than salvation?
We all agree that salvation of the human spirit is the biggest thing.
At least that's when you get started.
All the other blessings come because of salvation that you have received.
But how did you receive this biggest thing?
By saying yes.
That's all.
That's what made it happen.
You said yes to God and that was it.
I believe in Jesus Christ.
Believe what?
That he died for me and that God raised him from the dead.
And I declare that his Lord of my life, I'm a child of God from today.
And that was it.
That's all.
You believed and proclaimed it for with the heart, Romans 10, 10, with the heart man believes on the righteousness, with the mouth.
Confession is made unto salvation.
So you believed and you talked.
You talked your believing and it was settled, it worked.
If that happens for salvation, salvation includes everything that Christ has consummated for us.
So that's the same principle for your family life, for your finances, for your job, for everything in this world.
Believe and talk.
Believe in talk.
Talk what you're believing.
Talk your believing.
You can't say, the Lord has made me a fisher of men, and then again say, I don't know why it's so difficult down here.
No, we can't, but difficult down here, because we got the Holy Ghost.
See, I like to hear those who are inspired of the Spirit of God.
To know, no brother, it can't be heard down here.
We got the Holy Ghost.
That changes everything.
Even in your job, they give you something and assignment that's so big and you've been trying, everybody's tried it, and everybody that tried it and failed if I had it.
Now, you've come into those shoes and they're like, well, hey, you sure you can do this thing?
I can't do all things through Christ, which strengthens me.
You say, I can.
I've got the Spirit God in me.
He's my ability.
You see it?
They say, all right, we're gonna see how it's gonna work.
Forget about it, it's gonna work.
It's gonna work.
It's gonna work.
Your life goes where your mouth goes.
You're kidding me?
Your life goes where your mouth goes.
There are four important factors
for translating our spiritual revelation to our vital walk on earth.
In other words, you want to see the realization of what the Spirit of God has shown us through the Word of God.
Do you want to see that in your life?
There are four factors.
leading to this.
The first one is knowing.
It's a spiritual knowledge.
All right?
He says, knowing this.
Turn to the book of Romans.
Verse 6, Romans chapter 6, verse 6, want to go.

knowing this.
He says that our old man was crucified with Christ.
If my old nature was crucified with Christ and I was raised together with Him, meaning I've got a new life, right?
So it's a principle.
It's not just the rest of the verse, but the idea that it gives us that we've got to live our life knowing this.
First is a knowledge, knowing this that you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, knowing this.
Do you know that you are?
John said, I write to you that you may know that you have eternal life.
She said, I write to you that you may know.
I want you to know that you have eternal life.
That's the first episode of Saint John chapter number five, all right?
You read verse 13, it tells you this beautiful stuff.
He said, I want you to know that you have.
See, you've got something and you, you know, sometimes we sing a beautiful song, there's a beautiful song we sing here, you know, as we sing it a lot of times, I like to meditate.
more of you.
I love it.
Beautiful song.
More of you.
I want more of you.
And I'm thinking, what have we done with the one we got?
If you will do something with the woman, see, you're asking for more.
What have you done with the one you've got?
Discover what you have.
Yah, yah, yah, yah, yah.
I made up my mind a long time ago that I will never live an ordinary life.
I made up my mind ways back.
I'll never live an ordinary life.
Because I found out I've got the life of God in me, in my spirit, in my soul, in my body.
I've got the life of God in me.
For real.
I said, I'll never live an ordinary life.
Never, never, never.
Find that about what you've got.
So I write to you that you may know that you have eternal life.
Jones said, I want you to know you've got it.
Because they knew there were many who didn't know what they had.
I told you about that dead father, whose daughter, the demons drove mad, and she ran out of the house, and the old man ran out of his daughter, calling her name, and she was drunk, she out, ran here, and he was trying, finally he stopped because he knew he could catch up with her.
The demons drove her crazy, then he stopped, he said, Jesus, hold her for me!
And she fell down.
And walked down there and picked her up and took her back home.
But that was the babe.
He was just learning the things of God at the time.
Now, he knows he doesn't have to say, Jesus, hold up.
In the name of Jesus, stop!
No matter how fast he was running, you grind to the heart, are you?

Learn the power of that man.
Learn it.
Learn the power of that name.
A brother couldn't get into a room.
There was no key.
It was serious.
He was urgent.
He had to get into this room.
There was no way.
He said, I can't break it.
He put his hand on the look.
He said, in the name of Jesus, the door opened up.
Even he was toned.
All that was toned.

What a name!
We can... I love something that poor said.
Would you turn there?
Let's go.
Second Corinthians.
Are you there?
Second Corinthians chapter number four.
We are looking at verse eight.
He said, we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed.
We are perplexed, but not in despair.
Persecuted, but not for second.
Cast down, but not destroyed.
He said, no matter what situation we find ourselves, we are not out yet.
We'll get it again.
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed.
We are perplexed, but not in despair.
I want to take that line.
He said, we are perplexed, but not in despair.
What does it mean we are perplexed, but not in despair?
He says, we are in a straight between two.
We are in a situation of embarrassment, where we don't know exactly where to turn at this moment.
It's like something is happening everywhere.
And what do I do now?
He says, in spite of that situation, in spite of that seeming predicament, he said, we are not in despair.
In other words, we are not out of source.
We are not out of supply.
We are not in a hopeless situation.
I may be saying, where do I pass now?
What do I do now?
It doesn't mean I'm short of answers.
Now plays but not in despair.
He says, persecute it but not cast down.
We are not destroyed.
We are not finished.
Because you see, we are in possession of a name.
And in that name is the key to every door.
In that name is the answer to every question.
In that name is the solution to every problem.
Somebody shout hallelujah.
In that name.

No, we're not out.
Well, not out.

Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's number one.
You've got to know.
The question is, hey, brother, what do you know?
What do you know?
This is not a mental knowledge.
This is a spiritual knowledge.
What do you know?
What information do you have on the inside?
You may find yourself in the situation.
What do you have inside you?
What is the voice inside saying?

What do you know?
What do you know?
Since you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people.
I am one of them.
Do you understand?
What goes for all goes for one?
All right?
Say it again, I'm a king priest.
How's that in your spirit?
How's that in your spirit?
I can't think failure.
Do you understand?
I can't think failure.
I don't think failure.
I can't think failure.
It doesn't flow with my system.
See, my spirit has been conditioned through the Word of God to only think success, prosperity, health, victory,
My spirit is conditioned.
I can only think in that direction.
I know there are people who say, well, you know, life is full of ups and downs.
You never can tell what is coming.
Nobody knows tomorrow.
Like they're saying, ah, Ki.

They don't know I hear some of those things.
You know, I hear them and I laugh.
Say, nobody knows tomorrow.
Haki, haki, haki.
And people bite.
Oh, I love what I heard the minister tell this story.
I was really blessed.
It was hard to deal with the certain minister many years ago.
I know some tried to find out, was he a Christian, was not a Christian, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Please, let's leave that side.
This man, Norman Vincent Peele,
who wrote a book, Positive Thinking.
I've never been attracted to that book, so this is not an advertisement for the book.
I've never been attracted to it.
But there was something he said that I thought was very beautiful.
He was said that he went to a bookstore.
And this particular store had several things they sold, and among them were tattoos, they sold tattoos.
Things that people could put on their bodies, all right?
So there was a very strikingly negative writing for one of them.
And he was horrified by the wording
You know, it's like somebody saying, I'm down and out.
I think like that, you know?
Something very negative.
And when he looked at it, he asked the man, you know, the shop, he said, do you mean people really buy that kind of tattoo?
Do they buy that one?
The shop owner smiled and said to him,
You gotta understand this.
Before ever somebody has a tattoo on his hair, he has it on his heart.
See what I mean?
I mean, think about that guy who buys a t-shirt, or was he crazy?

Crazy dude!
He's happy, he's just going.
He wants me to read it, but it's a crazy dude.
How can his life be normal?
No, he can't be normal.
He wasn't crazy when he wore the t-shirt.
He was already crazy in his heart.
He had crazy dude on his spirit already.
That's why it was possible for him to find such a t-shirt and put it on.
He had a tattoo on his heart.
No, the day you started looking funny was not the day you started.
He was already inside.
Say, I'm excellent.
Say again, I'm excellent.
Say, I'm excellent.
You know what some people think?
They think that we try to make seen us talk as though they are saints.
So in our church, we make bad people try to look good.
And so there are Christians who feel like I can't understand.
How can they be telling us to say we are excellent?
We all know we are excellent.
They say we should say we are excellent.
Okay, we are excellent too.
So we say, say I'm excellent.
I'm excellent.
Because he thinks that we are trying to be what we are saying.
Because he don't understand spiritual laws.
The Word of God is God's material for building himself, his character, into your spirits.
First, you receive his nature at the new birth.
When you're born again, you receive his nature.
But you still have your character.
So because of that, sometimes we are the loss to reconcile this reality of the new birth with our character which we lost.
So we say, so who am I really?
No, you are on your creation.
What the Bible says is that you begin to renew your mind through the character of God in His Word as you meditate.
First you've got to hear it.
When you hear it, you accept it and endorse it and confess it.
By the time you confess the Word of God, you are creating the character of God in your spirits.
So that you think like him, because he already told us as a man think it, so is he.
So how can I think if I don't have the material to think with?
That's why he gave us the written word.
So we can meditate on the word and think the word, because if we think the word, we will talk the word.
If we talk the word, we will walk the word.
That's the principle of the kingdom.
That's how to grow.
It doesn't mean that when you're a Christian and you're acting like this, everybody believes that you're really holy because you are, you know, praise God sees.
Your heart is as black as your head.
I'm telling you, this is the reality.
Just because you look nice and clean, doesn't mean you're cleaning, sir.
You're clean inside by the word of God.
Put the word in your spirit.
If you wake up the next day and find out your behavior is getting to say, ah, why am I getting angry like this?
Everything I'm shouting at people.
Say, I'm not supposed to be shouting like this.
My character, do you understand?
And Gratia, you hold yourself in.
Because patience is of the Spirit, meekness is of the Spirit.
This is the fruit of the Spirit.
You've got this nature in you.
So you start growing, growing the character of God that is in your Spirit.
You start developing it to the recognition of the reality.
Because the water God says, it's in your spirit.
Somebody said, I have a problem with love.
I don't know how to love people.
I'm just, I don't know how to love people.
Don't talk like that.
The Bible says the fruit of the spirit is love.
So he said, I have love in my spirit.
The love of God is shit, I brought in my heart, but the Holy Ghost.
So what?
It means I've got it.
There must be the knowing.
That's what I said, no, my one is to know.
Know what you have inside.
Know what you have inside.
How do you know from the Word of God?
Like the Word said, ye are a chosen generation.
Don't say I'm trying to be.
You are!
So say, I am!
See, the love of God is shed abroad in your heart, but the Holy Ghost.
The love of God is shed abroad in my heart, but the Holy Ghost.
Don't say, I have a problem with love.
My problem is love.
My problem, something my problem is love.

I don't have a problem with love.
I got it.
I got it.
I'm a manifestation of the love of God.
Say it with me.
Come on.
Love radiates to me.

See why I can't be bitter against anybody?
See why I can't hate?
Because I got to love a God in me.
So you can separate the scene from his scene.
Somebody has done something against you.
You don't like what he did, but don't now mix he and what he did together as one.
Be like God.
Separate the sinner.
God hates sin, but God loves the sinner.
Otherwise, where would we be?
Say, I'm growing in my spirit.
I'm getting better every day.
My faith is growing.
And my faith is working.
Oh God, do it for me, do it for me, do it for me Lord.
Oh Lord, please help my faith to walk.
No, don't say that.
My faith is working.
Someone asked the question, what if you have been believing for something for 10 years and it has not happened?
10 years.
I thought you mean 10 years.
Someone wrote a letter and said, what if you've been expecting the foot of the womb for 10 years and it hasn't happened?
And you've been believing of 10 years and you've been praying 10 years.
Let's take the records.
Because anybody can say, what I've been praying?
Let's take the records, the content of your prayer.
Let's begin with the content of your prayer.
How do you pray?
We have to find out if you're even praying right in the first place.
The second thing is your attitude.
What's your attitude?
Like the lady, she's expecting that she's going to get pregnant this time.
This is his eyesore blood.
Oh, she's so salty.
Then she sees her, sadly that sister.
How are you?
What's the matter?
I thought I was pregnant.
I thought some blood, this is several years ago.
You are ready for another seven years.
Because as long as you are pregnant, no, you can't.
No, you can't.
I saw blood.
You can't, that's wrong attitude.
That's not an attitude of faith.
You say, how would somebody just do that?
Should I just be happy when I know that I saw blood?
That is the problem.
That's where faith comes.
That's why the story of David and Goliath was written for us.
Where there was a real Goliath and David saw a real Goliath.
Shouldn't he have said, how can they expect me to fight this man?

He didn't do that.
They were stunned when little David said, I'll take your head off of your shoulders today.
You can imagine his eldest brother, Elliot, saying, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Small David, the embarrassing there was no sword in David's hand.
No sword.
And Goulard was looking at him like this, angry.
No sword.
And he said, I will take your head off of your shoulder.
You will hand.
That's why that story was written for us.
So that when we face a problem that is bigger than us,

So we will not be afraid.
The Bible says these things were written for our admonition.
They were written for our learning upon whom the ends of the world are come.
These things were written for us so that in the day of trouble we will turn to the Word and say, Oh God, you did it for Daniel.
You did it for Esther.
You did it for there.
So you have turned it off for now.

That's why we'll look at the scriptures.
What does he call Christian women?
He calls them children of Sarah.
He says, you are daughters of Sarah.
That means, oh my goodness, I don't know if you understand this stuff.
He calls them daughters of Sarah.
How can you be a daughter of Sarah?
except you are that person who believes where there seems to be no way there is a way.
When they say there's nothing in your womb there is something.
When they say it's too late it's never too late.
Now that's what makes you a daughter of Sarah.
That's what makes you a daughter of Sarah.
You see what others don't see.
Sarah had difficulty believing first.
She said, how can it happen?
But before long, she knew.
She had a new name.
She proclaimed a new name.
Her husband had a new name.
They were written for us.
So that in our day, when we face the same crisis, we will not be afraid.
Did you hear what I said?
So it doesn't matter what you're going through.
It makes no difference what you're going through.
Take your Bible.
Start searching.
Didn't anybody have a similar situation?
Did anybody have a related situation?
Find out.
When you see it in the Word, it tells you what you also can have.
because God is no respecter of persons.
That's what it means.
He doesn't esteem one above the other.
And then remember, he said, consider not the former things.
All right?
He said, the Lord will do a new thing.
In other words, if this is a new situation, and he has never done it for anybody before,
Until Moses, he hadn't opened any water for anybody to pass before.
So if he hasn't done it for anybody yet, and you require it, he will do it for you.
You say, Father, I thank you, that we are come to the kingdom at such a time as this.

I am come to the kingdom for such a time as this!
In time of trouble!
In time of crisis!
In time of tears!
What I have faced!
Father, I thank you for the day of David.
I thank you for the day of Elijah.
I thank you for the day of Elijah.
I thank you for the day of Solomon.
But this is my day.
This is my day.

I'm sharing with you the way I pray.
when I have issues to deal with.
This is my day.
I'm coming out with a testimony.
I am coming out with a testimony.

And by the time, you know, I pray like that, I feel the anointing.
I say, oh God, this is the anointing Moses felt.
This is the anointing Elijah felt.
This is the anointing being I felt.
I got it there.
Glory to God.
I feel the same anointing.
It's the same whole glory of God.
The anointing never failed.
It wouldn't start with me.
They're not in us because it's not going to fail with me.
It never failed.
It can't start failing with me.
I said, God, this is the anointing.
This is the anointing.
I'm beside myself.
This is the anointing.
With you, nothing shall be impossible.
Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life.
Proclaim prosperity.
Proclaim success.
Proclaim health.
Proclaim soundness.
For the hand of God is on you.

Oh, how little do we are?

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God bless you.