The Glory of the Word (An introduction)
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and he left us with a message to tell the untold.
A message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and his unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, we're hearing.
In different meetings with the man of God, Pastor Chris, many gather to be taught the Word of God and have their lives transformed.
This is one of such special meetings.
The Word came to live in you.
It gives you his word.
What are you going to do with it?
Because the more of it you have in your life, the more glorious your life is.
But you see, you've got something to do about increasing that glory, manifesting that glory, and living in that glory.
It's the glory of the Word.
Through an anointed ministry, the man of God, Pastor Chris, impacts the lives of millions of people all around the world.
The hosts various crusade meetings and the results are undeniably remarkable.
Through his in-depth teaching of the Word of God, many doubts have been dissolved.
The power of God is present at these meetings creating an atmosphere where anything is possible.
thousands of brethren across the Christ Embassy churches in Lagos, Nigeria, hooked up for a Super Wednesday service with Pastor Chris, which was being live from Christ Embassy, Toronto, Canada.
Intended participants had anticipated this day.
Expectations were hot.
Some participated online as individuals, some as groups, and some participated at their local church.
But one thing was for sure, the power of God was transmitted from the venue of the meeting.
The arena was charged with the presence of God as song ministers led everyone in refreshing times of worship preparing them for the Word.
The effectual fervent prayer time led by Pastor Linda Okocha, the co-host of the meeting made tremendous power available, getting every heart ready for the ministry of the word.
As the Man of God mounted the podium, the rapturous sound across the arena signaled the feeling of joy and fulfillment of every participant, and the same enthusiasm replicated itself across the different viewing centers.
The man of God began to teach on the seven glories of the kingdom, reading from Exodus 34 verse 29 and other verses from the Bible.
He began elucidating on the first glory of the kingdom, which is the glory of the Word.
Be lifted as you learn about the glory inside you and its benefits.
Glory to God.
I want to talk to you about something that's very, very important.
Seven glories of the Kingdom of God.
And why they're so important.
The first one is very simple.
The Word of God.
The glory of the Word.
is the first glory of the kingdom.
You know, many of us know that the word of God is like the Bible tells us the scriptures is all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is provitable for doctrine, for reproof, for instruction, for correction, for instruction and righteousness.
So we're aware that God's word does all of that for us.
And then Jesus said, you are clean through the Word that I have spoken unto you.
So we understand the Word of God cleanses us.
But how often do we even apply the Word in these areas?
And then to think that there's so much more that the Word can do for us.
I'll give you an example.
Can you turn to the book of Exodus chapter 34?
And go straight to verse 29.
Exodus chapter 34.
From verse 29, now I'll explain, give you the background.
Moses had gone up to the mountain.
to hear from God.
And the Lord would give him these commandments.
So while he was on the mountain, the Bible tells us that God talked to him.
He was there 40 days, 40 nights, hearing the Word of God.
All that happened there was God talking to him.
He didn't touch him.
Nothing else happened.
He wasn't giving him food there.
He didn't give him water to drink.
He was just there hearing God.
That's what had happened.
He just listened to the Word of God.
And by the time God was through with him,
We have verse 29.
Look at it.
He says, and it came the past when Moses came down from the Mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand.
When it came down from the Mount, that Moses didn't know.
He didn't know that the skin of his face showed while he talked with him.
There was a glory on the face of Moses that came because he's listening to God.
God was talking to this man and he was listening and receiving God's word into his spirit.
Now there's a great difference between how Moses heard the word and how the children visual heard the word.
Moses said the commandments is your life.
The people heard the word as commandment.
God said we shouldn't do this.
God said we should do that.
So let's not do it because God said not to.
God said to.
But Moses said it's more than instructions.
This is your life.
You love it.
It's your life.
Every day, this is your life.
Not the religion.
This is your life.
And because he was so captivated with God's word, listening to God, or by his presence,
The glory of the Word rested on Him.
Now the Bible tells us in the New Testament that that glory is inside us.
You see, when you receive the Word of God into you for salvation, the Word came to live in you.
And the glory of God's Word is now in your spirit.
Or you see, you've got something to do about increasing that glory, manifesting that glory, and leaven in that glory.
Every one of us has the glory of God to a measure.
That is to say, we manifest the glory of God to a measure.
It depends so much on us.
Jesus said, you are the light of the world.
And then He says, let your light so shine before me.
He tells us to let our light shine.
I can let my light shine more brightly.
Each one of us, did you know that God made you the expression of His glory?
By the way, you know, we hear the word glory.
What is glory?
What is glory?
What is glory?
Tell me, it depends on the context, but I want to hear from you, from whichever context you're thinking about it.
What is glory?
Radiance, yeah?
Beauty, did you notice all the words, all the synonyms that you used were so positive, so wonderful.
Think of the fact that all those beautiful things are in your life.
For expression.
Not just for only God to see, but for expression.
for expression, you are the light of the world.
That's what he said.
Something special about each one of us, and we can increase the glory.
That's a beautiful part of it.
We can increase the glory.
Let me read you something from the word.
Colossians chapter three.
Colossians chapter three.
If you read from verse nine, line up one to another, saying that you have put off the old man with his deeds, okay, 10, and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge, renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.
He says the new man, the new creation is renewed in knowledge.
What's he talking about?
Do you have the amplified translation?
If you can have the amplified on the screen for us, beautiful.
It says, and I've called yourselves with the new spiritual self, which is ever in the process of being renewed and remorried into fuller and more perfect knowledge upon knowledge after the image and likeness of Him who created it.
What is telling you is that your spirit is renewed, refreshed.
You get it?
Polished anew.
You glow more and more.
Through the knowledge, the word is epignosis.
Through the knowledge of full knowledge of God.
The more you know Him, the more the glory in your life.
And you know, the epignosis is a knowledge that relates with that which is known.
That means knowing Him
In a relationship, not just knowing something that's this dead, but relating with that which is known.
You relate with that which is known.
Are you following this?
And with that knowledge, the glory in your life increases.
The glory increases.
You find that they're knowing when your life has increased.
The results that you have in your life have increased.
The grace upon your life has increased.
The effectiveness has increased.
Your efficiency.
How did you get this done?
The 16th verse, Colossians chapter 3 verse 16.
He says, let the word.
The word is spoken by Christ, the Messiah.
Have its home in your hearts and minds and dwelling you in all its richness.
The King James translation is brief and it's very good.
Let the word of Christ dwelling you richly.
That means have the word in abundance in your spirit.
How do you do that?
As you study the word meditate, increase your knowledge of the word.
The more of the word, you know, sometimes when you come to church like this and you hear the word, not many people realize what is happening when the word of God is being preached or taught.
They think they're just hearing some blissful words.
Okay, so we get blessed and then we go.
Or we get some more instructions and then we go.
No, the word is used in building your spirit.
Do you understand?
The Word of God is used in building your spirit.
That's God's material.
That's God's material for building you, for strengthening you.
That's His material.
As you listen to the Word, that's why we must always want to hear the Word.
We must have a rich appetite for the Word of God and go for it voraciously.
Because the more of it you have in your life,
The more glorious your life is.
Glory to God.
It says, let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, richly.
What does it do for you?
It brings you wisdom, wisdom, wisdom.
The word of God gives you wisdom.
The Bible says the Scriptures are able to make you wise on the salvation, which means the wisdom that is consistent with God's salvation.
The word is able to make you wise.
You become wise, you become sagacious, astute.
You're different.
How are you following what I'm sharing with you?
And those who live with you, work with you, who are around you, get to know something different about you.
Because you have this extraordinary amplitude of revelation.
You just always seem to know what to do.
Never confused, unperturbed.
Glory to God.
Those scriptures are able to make you wise.
Never ignore the word.
Say, one good reason for starting the word all the time.
Because the more you read, you think, well, this part of it is not so interesting.
Forget about the interest.
It doesn't have to be interesting.
Give it your attention.
He never promised to make the word interesting to us.
He commanded us to give the word attention.
You get it?
You put it into your spirit, that chest into your spirit.
With the knowledge of the fact that when you are through hearing the word, studying the word, you are several steps wiser than before.
You enlarge your coasts.
Your ability has increased because now you can do much more.
It means God can trust you for much more because you're wiser.
God can't do nothing with anybody who's not wise.
The first thing the Spirit of God likes to do in your life is to make you wise by helping you know what to choose.
It takes wisdom to choose rightly.
Something good from the word.
Philippians chapter 2.
From verse 12,
He says, where for my beloved, as he have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
He says, work out your own salvation with Godly reverence.
Work out your own salvation.
What is saying?
See, you've received salvation into your spirit.
Now you're a child of God.
The life of Christ is in you.
Yes, what he says,
It's not going to show on the outside, except you do something about it.
Work out your own salvation.
Put it into practice.
Put it to work.
Act your salvation.
And I tell people all the time, you know, that those who say, I've been a Christian many years and Christianity hasn't done anything for me.
And I tell them Christianity will never do anything for you.
You have to do something with your Christianity.
You get it?
So the Word of God is not going to do something for you.
You've got to do something with the Word.
He gives you His Word.
What are you going to do with it?
He's given you salvation.
What are you going to do with it?
Is this work out your own salvation?
Your own salvation?
Let another man salvage you.
Work out your own salvation with godly reverence.
Work it out.
Put it to work in your life.
And you'll be amazed at the glory of God that's manifested in you.
For it is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Explaining further on the glory of the Word in a Christian, the man of God taught on the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the benefits as we cooperate with him.
Keep watching as you learn more about the glory of God in you and how it can be increased.
You are watching an insightful teaching
Now we move to verse 13 and this is powerful.
It is for it is God which worked in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
I love this.
Look at it again.
God at work in me.
God in you is the Holy Spirit.
A father is on his throne.
Jesus has gone back to heaven.
The Holy Spirit is here with us and he lives in me.
He lives in you.
God in you is the Holy Spirit.
As a thought person of the God here.
So he tells us here that the Holy Spirit works in you to well and to do.
God, I love this.
I don't have to struggle.
He makes me willing.
Did you see that?
It is God which worketh in you, but to will and to do.
He makes me willing and he makes me do.
He makes me willing.
Now, that doesn't suggest
that I can say, well, if God's gonna make me do it, then I'll do it.
If he doesn't make me do it, then I'll never be doing it.
If God's gonna make me say it now, say it.
And so I'm just gonna wait until God makes me do it.
That's the what he's talking about.
What he's talking about here is our cooperation with the Holy Spirit.
So the Holy Spirit carries out his ministry in our lives.
He's got a job to do, you've got a job to do for God, and he's got a job to do for God.
And that job is in you.
He's called to work in you, but you've got to let him do his job by fellowshiping with the Holy Spirit.
The more fellowship you have with the Holy Spirit, the more he carries out his ministry in your life.
It is God which works in you both to will and to do, to will and to do.
He makes me will it.
I never have a problem willing to do God's will.
I'm always ready to do His will.
I'm ready.
Not because I say I'm ready.
No, but because in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, He can prompt me.
As the king said, the Spirit set me on my feet.
He set me on my feet.
So the Holy Spirit can cost me to get up and do something, say something, go somewhere.
And all this time I'm aware that I'm being made to do this by the Holy Ghost.
He doesn't just move us like, you know, we don't, I don't know what's gonna happen to me.
He makes me willy, and he makes me perform.
Glory to God.
All right, now here, two beautiful things.
This is wonderful.
You're like this.
Second Thessalonians chapter two and verse 13.
You know what's going on now?
I'm ministering the word to you.
And as I'm ministering, let's think about this.
Did you ever polish a metal, something that's supposed to be shining and now you're cleaning it and then it shines more?
For some of you, as the word is coming to your spirit,
The Holy Spirit is doing that.
For some others, there's an addition.
Something is being added to your light, and you're glowing more.
It's the ministry of the Word of God.
And by the time we're through, you notice you're strengthened.
And there's another beautiful thing.
God's visions come in His Word.
That's one beautiful thing I love about the Word of God.
Because when I study the Word of God, visions come to me.
Then I just know what to do.
I just know the next thing I'm going to do, visions come in God's Word.
I love it.
All right, now let's look at this.
I said 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 13.
What we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren, beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation.
Look at that.
God had from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth.
That's wonderful.
He chose you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth.
This is amazing.
Think like this.
He chose you to salvation, but the only way that that salvation could work for you, even though God chose you for salvation, is through two factors.
One is the Holy Spirit setting you aside.
So the Holy Spirit had a ministry.
He had a job to do with it.
Second thing was you had to believe the truth.
If you didn't believe the truth, nothing could be done.
It takes the grace of God
for us to believe the truth.
You know, there are people who just get to believe only lies.
As though they were set aside for lies, you know, they just believe only lies.
And when they hear the truth, they're in conflict with the truth.
No, no, no, they don't think that's okay.
No, no, no.
It just, no, no, no.
don't rather believe the other one.
But it's good to know that you were chosen to believe the truth.
The truth, I tell people, if you love the truth, the truth will always find you.
If you love the truth, the truth will find you.
But if you love lies, they will locate you.
I'm chosen to believe the truth.
Glory to God.
So when the Word of God comes out to you like this, your heart is ready for it because you've been chosen to believe the truth.
And you can't believe the truth.
And God's truth always lifts.
His truth lifts, strengthens and protects.
And the truth cannot deceive you.
You cannot believe the truth and be deceived.
No, it never happens that way.
And God's truth is not difficult to recognize.
His truth is cruel in his love.
Always unmistakable.
So you see that?
It says, God had from the beginning chosen due to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth.
Sanctification and belief of the truth.
Jesus in his primes in John's Gospel chapter 17, when you read the 17 verse, he said, thy word is truth.
So the word is so important in the kingdom of God.
So important, it takes first place, first place, before anything else in the kingdom is the word.
Even in our scripture that's delivered to us, what does it tell us from the very beginning?
It was God's word that brought creation into being.
Just in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
It tells us, in God's set, God's set, God's set, God's set.
And when God speaks, glory is revealed.
I'm set aside for His glory, say amen.
Are you set aside for His glory?
Yes, I carry the glory of God.
And I manifest the glory of God.
Did you know you've been manifest in the glory of God?
You've been carrying the glory of God?
But to what degree?
To what degree?
Now you're going to increase it.
Now you understand you've got something to do with it.
You can make it stronger.
It can be stronger and to produce results.
Make it stronger.
Make it stronger.
If you give your heart to God's Word, give your mind to God's Word, meditate on His Word, and do His Word.
Do it.
Live by it.
Work out your salvation, he says, with Godly reference.
Do it.
You'd find that the glory of God continually increases in you.
Glory to God.
First Peter chapter 1 verse 2.
Have you seen it?
It says, elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit.
That's very much like what we read in the last portion in 2 Thessalonians.
Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit onto obedience.
Did you see that?
Onto obedience.
We are sanctified of God.
Onto obedience.
Obedience of word.
Obedience to His word.
To the gospel.
You obey the gospel.
That's why you receive that salvation.
You obey the gospel.
The Bible says, what shall the end be for those who obey not the gospel of Christ?
The end, of course, will be tunnel damnation.
And that's why we're sent to preach the gospel to them.
You know, today, there's so much politics everywhere because of television, the media.
So everyone is more aware of what's happening in his street than in his city, in his country.
And so we're now more involved from our homes we're involved.
We don't like it.
We're not going to be quiet about it.
We don't like that.
We're involved in everything now until we face distractions.
Distractions from the word.
How many of us pray for our city, for our province, for our country, as much as we choose the politicians?
And you know something about humans.
When we like you, we like you.
I mean, we don't have to have a reason for liking you.
If we just happen to like you, that's it.
and we're ready to fight the other guys for you.
We may have never met you, we just like you.
That's all.
And if we don't like you, we'll all bety you.
No matter what, we don't like you.
The fact that it's you who said it, that's where the problem is.
I agree with what you said, but I don't like that you said it.
So we're distracted.
When are we going to pray?
When are we going to think and remember that leadership is given by God?
So we have to learn to pray.
Judges have to pray.
Pray for their country.
And so when you pray out of God's mercy, He can intervene.
He can intervene and give a leader that can help take that country to a better way of living.
Change their lives.
Otherwise, He will only give them what they deserve.
a mural.
They are reflection.
You're still here?
Let's look at that verse again just one more time.
That first Peter chapter 1 verse 2, this is, he let according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit onto obedience.
The second part of it is deeper, all right?
Yes, but that's not my focus at the moment.
Sanctification of the Spirit.
Have you ever thought about sanctification?
Have you ever thought about sanctification?
That's part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life.
You know, after you've come to God and Jesus has manifested himself in your life,
your child of God, born again, full of the love of God.
There's something called sanctification.
Where the Spirit of God uses His Word, the Word of God, to take the dirt out of your life.
You see it?
Out of your mind, it begins to clean your mind.
Because even though you're born again, your spirit is born again and alive to God, your mind still has some of what is recorded before you were born again.
And did you know you could go to those recordings and begin to act them out, though you're born again?
You still have the same words, the same worldly words that you had before you were born again.
They're still there.
The pictures are still there.
The images are there.
You haven't forgotten the wrong things you used to do just because you're born again.
Then you're mad.
And so the more you study the word, the more you listen to the word, receive the word of God, the more those things are removed from your mind.
And replaced with God's holy thoughts, His holy words, and a manifestation of His kingdom.
That's why he says to you, let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
Replace the wrong thoughts, that desire to do something wrong, that desire to go in the way of the word, that desire to make the wrong choice, that desire to act like you used to.
Only the word of God can inject it.
Get rid of it.
So something's got to do.
All these and more are words that could describe the word glory.
Get inspired and be improved as you watch the concluding segment of this insightful teaching with the man of God, Pastor Chris, as he expaciates on how to increase the force field of the glory of God in your life.
verses one and two.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that he present your bodies a living sacrifice.
Present your bodies.
He didn't say that God's going to do it.
He said, you do it.
Who is he talking to?
Beloved, brethren, brethren.
He's not talking to the world.
He's talking to people who are already born again.
And it says, present your body to God.
Because even though you're born again, God didn't seize your body.
But He bought it with the price.
It belongs to Him.
You are His custodian.
You see it?
You're in charge of the body, but it doesn't belong to you.
says, you're bought with a price.
Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which belong to God.
So he says, brethren, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that he presents your bodies a living sacrifice.
Present your body.
Give him your body.
Don't give your body to sin.
Don't give your body to wickedness.
Don't give your body to lust.
Don't give your body to the devil for his works and don't even give your body to sickness.
Give it to God.
Give it to God.
He's a Lord Jesus.
I've given you my body.
Manifest yourself in my body.
And if you're sincere, you'll be amazed at what will happen in your life.
Give him your body.
Let him have the right to decide what happens with your body.
I remember reading the story many years ago.
This wonderful Christian.
And he was taking the bus ride.
I think it was a train, a train.
And while he was sitting there, two other guys wanted to play a game.
And they realized that they needed one more person to complete it.
So they could all play the game.
So they came to this gentleman, this born again.
So they said, hello.
And he said, hello.
They said, we want to play this game and take three to play it.
Do you mind joining us?
He said, oh, I'd love to play with you, but I didn't come with my hands.
They thought he's nuts.
How could he say he didn't come with his hands?
They looked at him like, are you all right?
Of course he knew he had them.
They said, these are the hands you need.
He said, oh, I'm sorry, these are not my hands.
They knew they were one strange dude.
His guy is nuts.
So he said, I can explain to you if you let me.
And then he went on to tell them this beautiful story of how Jesus came into his life.
And Jesus has become Lord of his life and his whole body.
And he said, so my body is not mine anymore belongs to Jesus Christ.
So he said, I only use this body to glorify him.
That's why I told you, I didn't have my hands.
And you know what?
He led them to the Lord.
Have you ever thought about that?
That your body is not yours.
It belongs to the Lord.
Now you understand, you didn't come here with your legs.
because the ones you came with belong to Jesus Christ.
I'm a soul winner.
I'm a soul winner.
See, if you set your life to be a soul winner, he'll always bring up his word, his wisdom will be manifested in you.
Think about it.
Why did that gentleman think like that?
Because the word of God gave him the wisdom.
I mean, it's a soul winner.
The word gave him the worst.
He had an answer for every man.
That's the way it ought to be.
Romans 12, we're in verse 1.
I beset you there for brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies.
You've got to do it.
The pastors don't do it for you.
You've got to do it.
Present your bodies.
11 sacrifice.
Holy, acceptable unto God, which is your original service.
your spiritual act of worship.
Look at verse two.
And be not confined to this world.
Oh, glory to God.
Don't try to act like the rest of the world.
There are things that will attract you.
They're all there.
To get your attention, they're there.
But it says, don't be confined to this world.
because you don't belong to the world.
You're different.
You know, I meet a lot of Christians from time to time who want to have a glory of God manifested in their lives but they don't want to live like this.
Christianity is a call to righteousness.
You understand?
What difference?
It's a call to righteousness.
There's a life that we're given to live.
Righteousness is a gift given to you, but you've got to work out your salvation with Godly reverence.
You've got to live it.
It's called right living.
Act accordingly.
The life in you now, the Christ life in you,
Most believed accordingly.
And the word of God is your light.
No, I'm seeing a young fellow here, a young guy, been shouting at your mom.
You know, your mom talks to you, you get rude and shout back.
But you're a Christian.
How can you do that?
You're a Christian.
How can you do that?
Doesn't the Word of God tell you to be respectful, to honor your father and your mother?
The Word tells you to do that.
So you want to be a manifestation of that Word, a revelation of that Word.
You can't read that in the Scripture and go back home and act as though you never saw it.
And then lift your hands and say, I love your Lord.
You don't.
You've got to act like you do.
And the way you love the Lord is doing His word.
He said, if you love me, keep my commandments.
He didn't say, if you love me, sing to me.
If you love me, do what I tell you.
That's what you see?
The proof of your love is living for him.
It's doing his word.
That's the proof of your love.
Not in the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit.
No, not in the preaching.
If you love him, do his word.
Manifest his character.
Manifest his life.
If you love him, let him stand up tall in you.
Glory to God.
All right, that's a second verse.
And be not confirmed to this word.
Tell someone be not confirmed to this word.
Did you hear that?
Don't follow the word.
Don't be confirmed.
Don't be confirmed to this word.
Refuse to be confirmed to this word.
This is one of the reasons I love the Bible studies because we can really discuss things like this.
You know, life is not all about facing the enemy and dealing with the enemy.
Are you hearing me?
There's a life of glory every day.
where the enemy just doesn't count.
And that life is about working out the righteousness of God.
And watching the glory of God manifested in daily decisions, little things, your conversations, just relating with others and watching the glory of God every day.
and the joy of seeing that the wisdom of God has been manifested in you.
Everyday, be not conformed to this world.
Put it back there verse two, be not conformed to this world, but be transformed.
Hi, be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Oh God.
Be transformed.
It's talking about a transfiguration, a metamorphosis.
Do you understand?
It changed from one level of glory to another.
Be transfigured.
Remember Jesus on that mound of transfiguration.
What happened?
He was transfigured before then.
And the Bible tells us this is happening all the time in the realm of the Spirit.
It's happening all the time.
You may not see them with your optical eyes, but they are happening.
And one day your eyes will be open to see.
You know how many times many have testified, how that the enemy came, Satan came to attack, and he said, I couldn't go farther.
He says, the light from that man was too bright.
I could approach you.
Sometimes they say, well, we wanted to attack her, but there was fire burning all around her, and we couldn't attack.
But you didn't see the fire.
But he was there.
Even now I see the glory of God in this place.
Glory to God.
I just saw that cloud over here.
Glory to God.
It's there all the time.
It's there all the time.
This is how you increase the force field of the glory of God in your life.
You see, sometimes they can come this far.
Sometimes they can come this far.
Sometimes they can't come that close.
The pains on how much you have strengthened the first field of that glory.
Not because you just want to measure it, but because you're doing what God called you to do.
Leaven as His called you to.
Be not conform to this world, but be transformed, transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Oh, hallelujah.
That ye may prove what is that good, unacceptable, and perfect world of God.
Did you see that?
Put in the amplified translation so it will be easier.
It says, do not be conformed to this word, this age, fashioned after and adapted to its external superficial customs, but be transformed, changed by the entire renewal of your mind, by its new ideas and its new attitude, so that you may prove for yourselves, what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect in his sight for you.
Beautiful, beautiful.
Make your prayer life richer.
When you talk to the Lord, talk like you're talking to someone who's listening to you.
Talk like he's actually listening to you.
A short prayer that is communicated to one who is listening is better than a long one, where even you don't know what you say.
I'm not talking about when you speak in tongues now.
I mean, when you said something to God, you didn't even know what you said to him, because you weren't listening to yourself.
I just thank you, Father.
I just thank you.
Just thank you.
Thank you for the day, thank you for yesterday, thank you for today, thank you for yesterday, thank you for, thank you for, thank you for tomorrow, thank you for all my friends and all my neighbors, thank you.
Thank you, thank, thank.
Then you wake up to this color, you were praying.
It's better to pray a short one.
Now, don't go back and say, what the Christ says?
Pray short prayers.
You know, there's a guy who said he had the shortest prayer.
He said, plus God minus devil.
And to him, that was prayer.
That's not prayer.
Glory to God.
No, we're in fellowship with him.
We're walking in his love.
hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus you know you're better than you were when you came yes say I'm improved I'm increased hallelujah so there's more glory in my life
Indeed, every participant of this super meeting with the man of God has been increased, strengthened and polished by reason of the increased glory in their lives.
No one will remain the same for the impact of God's word is inevitable.
Glory to God!
Oh, glory to God!