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The Communion Of the Spirit Part 2

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your secret.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
People is yours.

The International Cell Leaders and Workers Conference 2012 held at the prestigious Coca-Cola Dome, Johannesburg, South Africa, from the 14th to 16th of June, 2012.
It was an awesome time spent in the presence of the Lord.
God is a spirit.
God has personality.
God has a fum.
He says, what is the fum of God?
Jesus said, if you have seen me, you have seen the fum.
He's the fum of the fum.
That means everything that comes out of God is God.
Sell leaders from all around the world
Join the man of God for the three-day five-minute event via internet and satellite.
It was indeed a time of fellowship, partnership, and distribution.
There is none, holy as the Lord.
There is none, peace I feel.
Neither is there any wrong life, our God.
There is none.
Holy as the Lord.
There is none, Holy as the Lord.
There is none beside me.
Neither is there any role of life, our love.

Okay, let's go in.
Last night we got somewhere, right?
And we got to talk about the communion of the Holy Spirit.
In our relationship with God, you know, legally,
He has brought us into fellowship with his son, Jesus Christ.
He's brought us into fellowship with himself.
The Bible says we are in fellowship, says our fellowship is with the Father and with his son, Jesus Christ.
That is the legality of our experience, of our relationship with him.
The Father is in heaven, Jesus is in heaven, and you really can't have a vital, dynamic fellowship with the Father or with the
with the Son, because Father is in heaven, Jesus is in heaven.
So the only way we can have real, vital fellowship with the Father and with the Son, Jesus, is through the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit makes the presence of the Father real to us, makes the presence of Jesus real to us, and He's a person.
The Holy Spirit is a person.
There is the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
There is the power of the Holy Spirit.
There is the influence of the Holy Spirit.
But the Holy Spirit is a person.
And I'll give you an example yesterday and analogy yesterday about the handkerchiefs and aprons that had the anointing of God imparted on them.
But that didn't mean the person of the Holy Spirit dwelt in the hankies.
It was the power.
But then I was also explaining to you that everything that comes out of God is God.
It doesn't mean he's person, but everything that comes out of God carries his DNA.
Like I said, any part of your body has your DNA, but that don't mean any part of your body is you.
It's not your person.
Your person has to have all of it in totality.
That's why Jesus is not complete without us.
Maybe you don't understand it.
The Father has so made it that Jesus cannot have a full life without us.
He cannot enjoy His life in the presence of God without us.
See, I never heard that before.
Oh, it's true.
He needs us as we need Him.
This is God's plan.
Jesus cannot have His glorious life without us.
He is our glory as we are His glory.
The Bible says that He is the head of the body and that the body is the church.
Okay, let me show you something.
You want to see it?
Visions chapter 1, and I'd like you to go to, let's read from verse 15, you like it.
Wherefore I also,
after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love on all the saints, 16, sees not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayer, 17, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, now this is the prayer, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give on to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him
The eyes of Your Honor stand in being enlightened that He may know what is the hope of His calling and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19.
And what is the accident greatness of His power to usward who believe according to the working of His mighty power?
which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places.
This is wonderful.
Look at this.
Far above all, principality and power is telling us what Jesus is.
Far above all, principality and power and might and dominion.
And every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.
and had put all things under his feet and gave him, now watch this, and gave him to be the head over all things, he's the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him.
The church is the fullness of him.
He's a fullness.
See, the church is the fullness of Him who feels all in all.
He feels everything.
The Bible says that He ascended, that He might feel all things.
Yet His fullness is the church.
His body, the fullness of Him.
Did you hear that?
We are His completeness.
Glory to God.
You should understand how important you are in Christ.
Every part of God is God.
Every part of God has the life of God, has the nature of God.
You have the life of God, you have the nature of God.
And so the Bible says, what so ever?
What so ever?
Not who so ever.
He says, what so ever?
I need to calm down.
He says, what so ever is born of God
whatsoever, whatsoever.
Jesus said the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.
They are spirit and they are life.
His words.
Now he tells us whatsoever, whatsoever.
Meaning anything that comes out of God.

Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world.

You receive this life into you.
You receive this nature into you.
You are a world overcomer.
That's me.
And that's anything about me.
Anything about me?

I told you.
You're excellent.
See, I'm excellent.
I'm smart.
See, that's not boasting.
Look at this.
Look at this.
And get it right.
I didn't say, hey, I'm smarter than you.
No, it's got nothing to do with you.
This is about me.
See that?
I'm not comparing myself to anybody.
I'm just talking about who I am in Christ Jesus.
I'm excellent.
And I'm smart.
Because I'm God's reproduction.
I come from Him.
I hail from God.
I got the life of God in me.
Can you see it now?
And we don't fail.
We don't fail.
We don't fail.
Didn't you hear me?
I didn't say we can't fail.
I said we don't fail.

No, we don't.
In other words, it's inconsistent with our nature to fail.
The wisdom of God is working in me.
The wisdom of God, it's working in me.
The wisdom of God is working in me.
I am a solution.
Some of you didn't quite hear that.
I didn't say I have solution.
I am a solution.
Are you catching what I'm saying?
Now, how can I make these things to become my daily operation?
How can I make these things work in my life every day?
Oh, when the clouds be full of rain.
The empty themselves upon the earth.
See, I'm talking to you like this, not because I think them.
You get it?
I don't have to think these thoughts.
This is my mentality.
Because the Word of God has given me a mentality.
I can't think otherwise.
When you meditate on the Word of God, over a period of time,
It'll get into you.

Did you ever hear the word adsorption?
There's a difference between absorption and adsorption.

It gets into you.
It will change you.
That's why the Word of God tells us to meditate, meditate, meditate until it becomes you.
Gets into your system.
You can't think otherwise.
It says for us to renew our minds.
So you renew your mind.
You renew your mind.
You used to think you were weak and you, you, you, you, you often thought about your inabilities, your deficiencies, you know, because you were born this way or that way or because you, you, you come from a second country or environment.
Keep that away.
Look beyond it.
Press no limits on your life.
Because the Bible says, they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
They cannot please God.
You know, there are people who want to know why they are the way they are.
Like, you know, oftentimes those who tell us, you gotta look into your history and find out why you're the way you are.
So we start researching into my great-grandfather and my great-great-great-grandfather, and then I try to find out why my life is the way it is.
It doesn't matter what my grandpa was like.
I can only accept the best from him.
Anything else?

It's so important because if any man being Christ, he's a new creation.
All things are passed away.
The whole, all things are become new.
And it says, and all these new things are of God.
So if you had any good thing in him,
Then that's from God.
I can take that.
Anything negative?
No way.
That's from the devil.
The Bible says in God there is no darkness.
So we don't accept any negativities.
No way.
That's your son growing up.
And you look at him and say, they said that my grandfather was like this.
I think this thing is working from my grandfather.
Look for all the positive ones from Jesus.
So if your grandfather got anything from Jesus, great.
Didn't get nothing from Jesus?
Cut it.
After all, somebody gave birth to your grandfather.
Where are you going to stop down the line?
Where are you going to stop?
10th generation, 100th generation?
Where are you gonna stop?
Where's the best place to stop?
If you keep going and going and going, it's gonna take you to the wrong people.
At least you'll finally get to Adam in the garden.
And that will be a big problem.
Because those who are born after the first Adam are dead.
I know some of you didn't quite get that.
I mean, they're spiritually dead, even though they're walking around.
All those who can be traced to the first item are dead.
Yeah, you heard me.
They're dead while they're moving around.
They're dead while they're working for you.
If your life can be traced to the first Adam, you are dead.
You are finished.

Did you ever hear somebody say, I never knew him from Adam?
Did you ever hear that statement?
Never make it.
Because you are not from that Adam they're talking about.
The Bible says there were two items.
Now, we're back to Class 1 now.
This is Class 1, because this information is Class 1 information.
But in class one, really, they hardly tell them about the second Adam.
They always tell them there's one Adam in the garden.
So everybody in class one knows there was an Adam.
But there was another Adam.
The only thing was this one was not in the garden.
You see that?
He came later.
So first Adam,
Missed up.
He's the reason for all the hospitals today.
Yeah, he was the problem.
First Adam.
And everybody that came from him had his problem.
So God brought in another Adam.
His name is Jesus.
And He's the head of the new creation of which we are apart.
If any man be in Christ, He is a new creation.
All things are passed away.
So your life for the first Adam is over.
God is not tracing you to the first Adam.
You are traced to the second Adam, Jesus Christ.
When you receive Christ into your life, your old life died.
That life was backdated to Calvary.
See that?
Jesus Christ took our old nature upon Himself.
and died with that nature.
He became us in our sins and in our darkness and died.
The thought they got raised him from the dead with a new life.
And that new life is the one he gives to everyone who believes in him.
and we have believed, and the Bible says the rest of the world is in darkness.
Somebody's got to tell them.
If they don't know about it, they'll remain in their darkness.
See, Christianity is not about, we're trying to make our religion bigger.
We're not trying to get more followers.
Are you following this?
This is for the salvation of the world.
Only in Christianity is their fellowship with God.
Understand it.
Only in Christianity is their fellowship with God.

No religion in the world.
offers fellowship with God.
There's none.
How could they have it?
Who would make it possible?
With what?

Think about it.
How would fellowship with God be made possible in any religion
How they gonna make it happen?
With who?
By whom?
Are they gonna offer their own lives?
The lives are not clean enough.
Are they gonna slaughter an animal?
It's not good enough.
What can be good enough for God to appease him?
What can bring sinful man
into oneness with God.
What in the world would be clean enough to be acceptable to God to make such a thing happen?
Not even the whole world was good enough.
In all religions, they've offered sacrifices upon sacrifices, upon sacrifices.
They've tried everything.
It never worked, and it never will.

Only Jesus.
Jesus came into this world in a way no other human came into this world.

Jesus came into this world, being born of a virgin, a miracle of miracles, a scientific miracle.
a miracle of miracles, because it is not possible that the woman shall have a child.

Without a man, it is not possible.
But God already gave that prophecy in the garden.
Because he said, the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent.
And the woman does not have seed.
And God said the seed of the woman will bruise the head of a serpent.
From then, Satan knew he had to look for someone that would be born of a virgin.
Because it was going to be the seed of a woman.
A woman cannot have seed, but God said a woman will have seed and give birth to the one who will defeat Satan.

And Jesus was born of a virgin.
And the reason he had to be born of a virgin was because the Bible says, due to the
the transgression of Adam, he says, all have sinned, all have sinned.
So there was no man who could have become the father of Jesus Christ, the father of the Redeemer, the father of the Messiah.
That was not possible.
It had to come through the seed of a woman.
And because a woman could not have seed, God spoke His Word.

And His Word became the seed.
Saint Luke chapter 8 verse 11.
Read it everybody, want to go.

One more time.

The Word of God is seed.
The Word of God is the seed of God.
The seed is a life given principle.
The Word of God is God's seed.
So he says, in Second Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 14, he says, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, end of communion, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you, all right?
And I said that we can only have fellowship with the Father and with the Son through the Holy Spirit.
And this is so important through the Holy Spirit.
And yesterday I gave you three words coming from that same apparent word, Koinonia.
And these three words were, one, fellowship, two, partnership, and three, distribution.
You know, fellowship,
gives birth to partnership and partnership gives birth to distribution.

If you have fellowship with the Holy Spirit,
If you recognize the Holy Spirit, if you have fellowship with Him, I'm not talking about only speaking in tongues.
I'm talking about recognizing Him as a person and living with Him as a person.
Walking with Him as a person, He will bring you into partnership with Himself.
Fellowshiping with the Holy Spirit brings you into partnership with Him.
It's so important that you learn this.
If you recognize the Holy Spirit in your life, you'd be amazed at what will happen in your home, in your job, in your finances, everything that concerns you.
He says, that will perfect that which concern at me.
He perfects everything that concerns me.
Say it with me, that will perfect that which concern at me.
Yeah, that's his work.
He perfects everything that concerns you.
There are things you don't know about, but he knows.
There are things that concern you.
As we are here now, there are things somewhere, somewhere in the world that concern you.
You don't know nothing about them, but the Holy Ghost knows.
And he's working on stuff for your good.
But see, that's when you are in fellowship with you.
Then you can play your part.
Let me show you something from the Bible.
Now, let's say again that I told you the fellowship of the Holy Spirit brings us into what?
Which produces what?
Okay, let's look at something.
Genesis chapter 17.
Genesis, book of Genesis chapter 17.
And I'm gonna read to you from verse one.
I want you to notice this.
And when Abraham, Abraham was his name before God changed it to Abraham.
So he says, and when Abraham was 90 years old and nine, 99 years old, that was pretty old, right?
When Abraham was 90 years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abraham and said unto him, I am the Almighty God.
Walk before me and be thou perfect.
Look at this, this is remarkable.
Look at it.
He says, and when Abraham was nine years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abraham and said unto him, I am the Almighty God.
Walk before me and be thou perfect.
He actually said, walk in my face.
Walk in my face and be perfect.
Walk before me.
And the word that was translated there into before doesn't exist.
There was nothing there.

Which means, which means they had to connect the words.
They had to connect the words.
to make some sense.
I wanna show you the exact construction that was there.
Turn to chapter five.
Before Abraham was ever born, because this is, you're reading chapter 17.
Now we're going many chapters back to chapter five.
Let's see something else there.
Verse 22.
And enough walked with
Not before.
He walked with God.
This is what God was saying to Abraham.
He said, walk with me.
Walk him a face.
Walk with me.
And enough work with God after he begat Methuselah, 300 years and begat songs and daughters, 23.
And all the days of Enoch were 365 years, 24.
And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.
He was not.
He says he was not.
And you know, when you read it like that, you may not understand.
And God knew that there would be those who would not understand that.
So he had to connect it for us in the New Testament.
Hebrews chapter 5.
Look at verse 5.
By faith.
You see, you walk with God by faith.
By faith, Enoch was translated.
That's the meaning of he was not.
Now, when you read that Genesis chapter five and keep reading before and after, you'll find everyone else, he would say, and he died.
After telling us how many years he lived, he'd say, and he died, and he died.
When he got to Enoch, he says he was not.
Was the meaning he was not?
The full rendering is he was not found.
They confound him.
Because of this.
Go back there.
Bafek Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him.
For before his translation, he had this testimony that he pleased God.
Somebody say hallelujah.
He was translated.
He was, he was transferred from these words.
Oh, glory to God.
You want to know the kind of man that Enoch was?
You read the book of Jude.
Enoch was a prophet.
Now you want to quickly look at that.
Just write, Jude is a short book.
All right?
You read it for yourself.
Read the whole thing.
Hello, everybody.
At least he's here.
Come on.
So God said, walk before me.
He said to Abraham, he said, walk before me and be thou perfect.
So go back to Genesis chapter 17.
Let's see the result of this.
Genesis chapter 17, back to verse one.
And when Abraham was 90 years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abraham and said unto him, I am El Shaddai.
the Almighty God.
Walk before me and be thou perfect.
Hey, that's fellowship.
That's what he's calling the man into.
He calls him into fellowship.
He says, walk in my face.
Walk with me.
Are you getting it now?
And so what would be the result?
And I will make my covenant, that's partnership.
You walk before me and I'll become your partner and you'll become my partner.
Are you still there, somebody?
And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply.
Ah, distribution, I just healed the hair.
That means when I get you blessed, everybody's hair gets blessed.
That's distribution.
Coming to fellowship with him, and become his partner.
And you know what?
You will be changing the word.
Shout out, hallelujah.
You can't come into fellowship with the Holy Spirit without something happening.
It doesn't matter where you are.
It doesn't matter what you do.
There will be a distribution eventually.
When you understand fellowship with the Holy Spirit, he will solve all your problems.
He will answer every question.
Shout out to the Holy Spirit.
There is no difficulty to the Holy Spirit.
What you need is to understand your work with God.
It doesn't matter what assignment has been given to you.
It doesn't matter what the limitations have been.
All you need is fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
Recognize Him.
Jesus said, follow me.
follow me and I will make you ha ha ha I will make you he's a follow me and I will make you don't try to be he says follow me that's fellowship and I will make you fishers of men there's no difficulty man hasn't made a law yet that God doesn't know what to do with it
No law, no regulation can place a limit on you.
He says he are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because Kretar is he, that is in you, that he, that is in the world.

Doesn't matter which nation,
Doesn't matter which government or administration is in office.
Greta, Greta, Greta is he that is in you.
Then he that is in the world.

Everywhere you are, you have set up kingdoms headquarters of operations.
You start winning from there.
You start changing lives from there.
Say, I'm effective.
Para maquita la boondalabaya.
The question is, what are you ready to let God do with your life?
He is ready.
But what are you ready to let him do with your life?
Every one of us is a champion.
We were born so.
You hate a sleeping champion?
Or a raining champion?
At every level, at every stage of your life, you can be your success.
You say, Father, this stage that I'm in, in my life, I refuse to be a failure.
I am a success.
Every stage.
And when you have won, at this stage, you will move to the next stage and be a champion, to the next stage and be a champion!
Shaar Hallelujah!

God is asking me to tell you, I want to do a new thing with your life.

He's asking me to tell you, don't stop where others have stopped.
I can do something more.
I can do something more.
Horagabada Badida Haya.


You know the Bible says the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.
The world and all that be in it.
It all belongs to him.
It all belongs to him.
Ancient of days.
The whole world belongs to him.
He's an ask of me.
And you know what?
Not many have ever asked.

Who is wonderful?
Who is wonderful?
Who is wonderful?
Who is wonderful?
Who is the mighty God?
Who is the Lord of Lords?
It's Jesus.
It's Jesus.

God, it's Jesus.
Thank you.
Sit down.
I want to explain something to you.
You must recognize you are not from this word.
Though you live here, you are from above.
live by the principles of heaven.
We have a new nation.
Christ has brought us into a new nation.
And it goes beyond borders.
How are you following this?
And each one of us is a champion.
But that means if 10 of us champions should come together, imagine what we can do.
Say I'm not of this world.
Jesus chose me out of the world.
I don't belong here.
I live in higher life.
Higher life.
Higher life.
Where somebody shall go.

Oh, hallelujah.

Lift your hands toward heaven and bless this holy name.

Hosanna in the highest!

I love that.

The message that you have just heard is a production of the Love World Media Ministry.
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God bless you.