Called to Fellowship
All around the world, men and women, people of all ages, have witnessed the awesome manifestation of God's presence, power and His love rendered in words, words beyond the written pages.
Why are we preaching like this?
Why do we travel all around the world, preaching of Gospel?
Because Jesus is coming again.
and He left us with a message to tell the on-tones, a message for the whole world.
This message of faith in God and His unfailing word has brought about change in the lives of millions around the world, an improvement that brings many more to such meetings with the Man of God, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.
Today, we bring you excerpts from a special meeting with our Man of God, Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
There's a fellowship to which it calls us.
That completely takes away from our lives the consciousness of need.
What a place to be.
You have been brought into a oneness.
A partnership.
A family union.
with Jesus Christ.
If this is true, what in the world could you ever be in need of?
The most important thing in your life
is God's Word.
When you pray to God and you ask Him for things, His purpose is not to give you things.
God doesn't want to give you a house.
His purpose is not to give you a car.
His purpose is not to give you money.
Many times we ask for things.
But God's plan is not to give us things.
Because a lot of times, that's the wrong focus.
When we're asking God for things, of course, he says, ask and it shall be given you.
Seek and you shall find.
Knock and it shall be open unto you.
For everyone that asks, receive it, he that seek it, find it, to him that not get the door shall be open.
Yes, he says that.
You have to understand that as you study the scriptures, he's got a message for babies and he's got a message for the spiritual.
As you grow in your knowledge of God, you discover that everything you would ever long for has been given to you in his world.
You discover you don't really need to ask Him for anything.
You'd be amazed.
There's a fellowship to which it calls us.
That completely takes away from our lives the consciousness of need.
Jesus had no consciousness of need.
What a place to be.
What a place to be where you have no consciousness of need.
In 1 Corinthians chapter 1, look at verse 9.
1 Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 9, look at it.
It says, God is faithful.
Can you see that on the screen?
God is faithful by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his son Jesus Christ our Lord.
You were called unto the fellowship of his son Jesus Christ.
That means that you have been brought into our oneness.
a partnership, a family union with Jesus Christ.
If this is true, what in the world could you ever be in need of?
If this is true?
I want you to look at it.
You know, I have an approach to the Word of God.
And that approach is,
If God says it, I have only one response to it.
Because it's the Word of God.
Look at it.
It says, God is faithful by whom you were called unto the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
If this is true,
What in the world would you ever be in need of?
Now hold this in your mind and turn to Romans chapter 8.
Let's begin with verse 14.
Romans chapter 8.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Next verse.
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye have received the spirit of adoption where we cry, Abba, Father."
OK, next verse.
The spirit now, the old King James translation which we're using, uses the word itself to read himself because the spirit is a person, OK?
But let's read.
The spirit itself's spirit witnessed with our spirit that we are the children of God.
You know what it's talking about there?
There's a witness inside you that you are a child of God.
When you're born again, when you have received eternal life from Jesus Christ, the Spirit God bears witness with your spirits.
There's a knowledge way down deep inside you.
You just know that you know that you know that he's your father.
And the reason for that is the Holy Spirit bears witness with your spirit.
He tells you on the inside, you're a child of God.
So, the Spirit himself bear witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, because we're born again.
Now, look at the next thing.
And if children, he says, if this is true, that we are the children of God, that means we are heirs.
If children, then heirs.
heirs of God in Jewish heirs with Christ.
If so, be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together.
If we are children of God, as the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirits, that we are the children of God.
He says, if that is true,
That means what God's heirs.
And if we are God's heirs, he says, we are joint heirs with Christ, not co-heirs, but joint heirs.
Did you ever have a joint bank account with anybody?
I want to tell you how it works.
If it's a joint account, everything in that account belongs to you as it belongs to him.
You don't get nothing out without him.
He don't get nothing out without you.
This is what is called us to.
This is God is faithful by whom you were called onto the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
He says, what joint heirs with Christ?
If we aren't joint heirs, what in the world are you asking for?
There is uninheritance for you.
Let me show you an answer.
All right, Book of Acts 20 and verse 32.
Acts 20 and verse 32.
Now Paul, the apostle, is writing this, and he says, and now brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance.
Among all there, we just sanctify an inheritance for you.
He says, the word is able to deliver to your hands.
And in the arrogance.
Think about this.
See, one of the words of God needs to be taught.
You realize it can be a Christian for a very long time, for many years, and never know these things.
And because you don't know them, you'll never be able to appropriate the benefits to your life.
And if you don't know it, you suffer in life thinking all you see around you is all that belongs to you.
But we are God's heirs.
Join heirs with Christ.
We are not ordinary persons.
That's why, you see, when you are born again, you are born into the kingdom of God.
Colossians chapter 1.
Let's look at this.
Colossians chapter 1 from verse 12.
Look at what he's saying here.
Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet, that means qualified us.
He's qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
That means in the kingdom of light.
Next verse.
Who had you?
Now, notice the past names.
Go back to verse 12.
Go back to verse 12, giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet, which hath qualified us.
He's not about to do it.
He's not hoping to do it.
He's not promising to do it.
He's already done it.
Look at the tenses.
Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet, qualified us.
You can qualify by yourself.
He qualified you by Jesus Christ.
So he says, which act made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
Next verse.
Who hacked the Levodos from the power of darkness?
That means he's the Levodos from the authority of darkness.
Darkness, you know, represents evil powers, demons and devils.
And there are works.
But he says he had to leave at us.
He didn't say if we pray hard enough, it will happen.
He says he's already done it.
Can you see it?
He's already done it.
If he's done it, what should be my response?
That's the right question.
See, learn to respond to God.
Learn to respond to God.
That's the secret of Christianity.
Your response to God is where your blessing is.
You don't just read the Bible and read and put it down, you respond to God.
You respond to God.
You remember that young guy, Samuel?
When God called him as a young boy, he was in the house of the priest.
And God spoke and called him by his name.
And he said, Samuel!
And Samuel thought the priest was calling him.
That means God speaks with the voice of a man.
And often with a familiar voice.
If it was a strange voice, he would have known that that was not the priest Eli.
But the Bible says he ran to Eli and says, sir, you called me.
And Eli said, no, I didn't call you.
Go back to sleep.
It was night.
He went back to bed.
God called again.
He ran back to Eli.
And the priest said, I didn't call you.
Go back to bed.
He went back to sleep.
God called again.
And amazing that God called several times, and when he was on his way to Eli, God didn't interrupt him to say, stop, boy, I'm the one talking to you.
You see, someone would have said, if that were God, he wouldn't let me go to Eli.
He would have spoken and said, son, I'm the one talking to you.
That's not the way God operates.
Read the story for yourself.
He run again to Eli.
Until the Bible tells us the priest perceived that the Lord had called the boy.
And so he went to teaching him now.
He said, Samuel, the next time you hear that voice, you have to respond.
You see it?
You have to respond.
Then he taught him how to respond.
He said, you don't respond by running around, looking for the voice.
He already knows where you are.
He said, you say, speak Lord for thy servant, hear it.
And the boy said, yes sir, went back to bed, showing off God called again.
And this time, Summers said, Speak, Lord, for thy servant, hear it.
In the Bible, Terzus, God communicated his message to the young boy.
Learn to respond to God.
I hear me respond to God.
Sometimes the Lord gets our attention with very simple things.
And we say, oh, what was that?
Oh, we're ministering one time in a large crusade, and a gentleman who had been sick for a long time.
He could barely sit.
He couldn't stand up.
They put him on a chair.
And he was there, hoping that somehow the time of prayer would come.
He wouldn't show exactly what to do.
But when we all began to pray, he gave his testimony later.
He said, I heard a voice.
And that voice said to me, stand up on your feet.
He said, I looked around to see who was talking to me.
I noticed everybody else was praying.
But then I thought, doesn't he know?
I can't stand up.
He's waiting.
The voice said again, stand up on your feet.
And then he said, I responded.
I got up.
And I realized I was perfectly normal.
He was healed.
A woman had been sick with cancer.
Her children brought her to the meeting.
She was sitting there.
Then she said, I felt a hand touch me.
Somebody touched me and said, you are here.
I turned to say thank you, but there was nobody there.
But someone touched me.
Glory to God.
I love it when the Holy Spirit ministers to us.
When it comes in among us,
And he does his work.
But women said, I looked around to see who touched me.
No one did.
But somebody touched me and said, you'll heal.
Finally, she said, I gathered myself together.
And I told my daughter, please lift me up.
The daughter said,
How are you doing?
She said, I told her I'm healed.
So she tried to pick me up, pulled me up, and soon as she pulled me up, she said my legs felt so new.
I suddenly received strength.
The cancer disappeared.
She was normal.
Tell you one more story.
There's a lady who had been sick for so many years.
She cried and cried and cried.
They're taken out to the hospital.
They tried everything.
She couldn't use a normal bed.
They had to use some planks, wood, and put on the wood just to get some relief.
And even with that, it was difficult to sleep at night.
She said, I cried every day.
every day.
I cried to God every day that he would help me."
She said, one day they brought me some DVDs from Pastor Chris.
And I was listening.
And in one of the messages, Pastor Chris said, don't cry.
Crying will never change anything.
She said, I've never heard that before.
I thought if I cried long enough, he'll finally hear me.
But Pastor Chris said, don't cry.
Nothing will change by crying.
She says, so what do I do?
She's listening to the message.
Act on the word.
He got to act on the word.
She said to her son and her husband, she said, take me to that meeting.
They brought her to the meeting.
I was just about to close the meeting that afternoon.
It was Sunday morning, but it was now extended into the afternoon.
I was about to close.
And I brought this woman up the platform.
She and the son, the husband.
And they put down the ground.
I said, woman, are you ready to be here?
No, she was no longer crying.
She wasn't ready to be here.
I said to the husband, you ready for your wife to be here?
I said, tell the sickness to leave her.
I said, you do the praying.
Here's the name of Jesus.
Tell this sickness to go.
He did.
I said to her, you're here.
She got up perfectly normal.
Perfectly normal.
Jesus Christ is not only a lie.
his withers and cares about us.
And all the time wants us in fellowship with him, fellowship with him.
And he told us to take his message to the ends of the earth.
And that's what you're doing in partnership in the gospel.
That's what you do.
That's what we're here to take his message to those
who are yet to know Him.
So we are a light for the world in darkness.
Glory to God.
Yes, we are.
In our journey of winning souls and changing lives, we find a necessity for spiritual growth.
and necessary for spiritual growth.
It's not enough to be born again.
There's so much more in God to enjoy.
How much liberty of the Spirit that you will enjoy depends on the spiritual knowledge of God's word that you have.
Don't forget that.
The spiritual liberty that you will enjoy.
The blessings of God that you will enjoy in your life will depend on the knowledge of God that you have in your spirit.
The less knowledge, the less blessings enjoy of the spirit that will flow through you.
The more knowledge, the more control you will have in your life.
More knowledge of God's word, more control.
And you find that all the time, the growth that you experience in your life, in that fellowship with the Holy Spirit, will just get lift in you, lift in you, lift in you, when men shall say,
that they are cast down because of their experiences.
You will have another message.
Is that correct?
There'll be what?
Left and up.
Let me say this to you.
Every one of us is given the opportunity to face the challenges that are planned for us.
What I will face in life is not what you will face in life.
But whatever each one of us will face is what we have been prepared for.
Are you hearing what I'm telling you now?
No one of us has given more than we can carry.
You might say, well, as a lady, I know what I'm going through.
I'm supporting my whole family.
It's tough, it's painful.
My husband died.
My children are growing up and there's no one to help me.
That will not change the situation.
Remember what we said.
What you see is what you get.
It's a principle.
What you see is what you get.
I told you, I told you, speech creates sound waves.
All right?
Speech creates sound waves.
I'm the original source material for creation is sound because that's the energy produced by words.
Did you get that?
That's the energy produced by words.
When God spoke, creation came into being.
Now, this is very important, very important.
Who I did God speak?
Because by speaking, let me give you the principle in a simple way.
How many of you ever taught a child to talk?
I mean, if you are in South Africa, you got some almost 11 official languages, something like that, right?
And there are few people that speak all of them.
Most will speak the one that they were taught at home.
Let's look at it.
Let's just look at the simple principle.
How can a child grow up speaking Zulu?
I mean, just because you are born of Zulu, parents don't mean that you're going to speak Zulu.
It's not automatic.
Just because your parents are Africans, don't mean the child who just groves speaking Africans.
There's something we call sound coding.
I wrote down something for you, and that may help you because sometimes there are a few things you may not easily come across by way of definition, but this will help you.
Glory to God.
Sound coding.
I thought I should just
give you a little definition.
What is sound coding?
Sound coding is the assignment of meaning interpretation and communication of sound or the cognitive processes for the creation of language.
Should I say it again?
As a sound coding is the assignment of meaning, interpretation, and communication of sound, or the cognitive processes for the creation of language.
You got it now.
You want to do it one more time?
Okay, one more time.
As in sound coding, is the assignment of meaning.
If I say, for example, ha ha, and I say to you, ha ha means stop.
The next time I say ha ha,
Only you that I told the meaning of ha-ha will get the code.
So everybody else, I'm a Bavarian.
He says, ha-ha, and I don't know what he means.
But because I told you, I signed a meaning to ha-ha.
I said, when I say ha-ha, it means
You know the meaning, the rest of them don't know.
Sound coding is the assignment of meaning, interpretation, and communication of sound, or the cognitive processes for the creation of language.
Sound code, therefore,
is the instruction meaning account or information embedded in a sound wave.
Did you hear that?
I should repeat that last part.
as a sound code, therefore, is the instruction meaning account or information embedded in a sound wave.
Which means there's a message in a sound wave.
Let's call that insight.
That wave.
Now, like in the print reports that we talked about already, when we were referring to this wave particle duality, we explained that earlier.
There are still those who have another side to the sound wave, and they see it as a particle.
So they talk about the sound particle.
So to one, it's a wave to another, it's a particle.
And I told you the difference.
You remember?
Now, when you are instructing a child, what are you doing?
Teaching a child a language, what are you doing?
You know what you're doing?
You know what you're doing?
You are encoding your encoding sound into that child.
How do you begin that process by talking to the child?
You talk to the child.
When you talk to the child, you transmit something to that child's memory.
Is that correct?
If you are talking Zulu to a child, he is not going to be speaking Spanish.
You are giving that child the sound code for the Zulu language.
And so as you do that, there's memory.
He captures the message.
If someone comes speaking Spanish, he can't get it.
Because there is a sound code in his system.
And that sound code is Zulu.
You see it?
So the Zulu words mean something to him.
Spanish don't mean nothing.
until you come and encode Spanish.
But if you don't do that, the Spanish language is not there.
Now, here's what God did.
God spoke creation into being.
How did he do it?
Remember, we talked about what he said in the
sonal luminescence experiment, okay?
When God said, let there be light, what happened?
Light became, but he spoke to the darkness and light came out of darkness.
And then from that Genesis chapter one all the way, we find God talking and saying, let this be and let that be and let... Why didn't God just make?
Why talking?
Even after he made man in his image, he talked to the man.
Why did God have to talk?
Because by talking, you create a sound code.
Are you following this?
By talking, you create a sound code.
And this is so important.
A scientist who performed an experiment on the effect of words, the effect of words on water,
a very important experiment.
And it found, he had this volume of water in different jars, and then he would talk to the different containers of water.
And after a long while, each of them formed certain crystals.
The ones we talked nice to, found the beautiful Christors.
He spoke words of love.
You're wonderful.
You're beautiful.
You're growing nicely.
And beautiful Christors resulted.
Said to the other one, you're ugly.
I hate you.
It found very poor, ugly looking crystals, deformed crystals.
Now, what was the lesson?
The human body is more than 70% water.
Did you see that?
So more than two thirds of your physical body is water.
So the more negative words you speak to yourself, to your body, the more deformed the water crystals.
And when you continue over time, if somebody doesn't stop you, like I'm trying to stop you now.
By the time you get to a certain age, if it doesn't come earlier, trouble strikes.
It's the result of the deformity of the water crystals in your body.
You've talked yourself to debt without knowing it.
Now the harvest has come.
Deformed crystals that come from deformed minds.
You know, we learn a lot from the world around us.
We'll pick all the negative stuff and take them home.
What we learned from outside, from the friends who influenced us, we'll take back home, we'll take the language home and talk that language at home.
And we'll say, ah, this thing is killing me.
You weren't talking like that before.
You picked it in the office.
There's a guy sitting next to you in the office who's been saying, ah, this job is killing me.
That's the best way to express himself.
Now you like it and you picked it and you're taking it back home.
Oh, these children are killing me.
And you think it doesn't matter.
It does.
You're destroying the water crystals in your body.
Your body's 70% water and responds to words.
This is a proven experiment.
You can try it at home.
Ah, this job is killing me.
Okay, going two years down the line.
What happens?
I was in the office yesterday.
I don't know what happened.
I just suddenly found I couldn't straighten myself anymore.
I went to the doctors, they couldn't find the problem.
How can they find the problem?
It came from your words.
See what I mean?
That's why they can check you and check you and check you.
They can't find a problem.
And sometimes when they find a problem, there are so many problems.
Only you, 17 sicknesses.
One, two, three.
It's the ear.
Then there's a part of the neck.
Then there's something on the back.
Then there's the right leg.
Then the left foot.
And you know, five fingers.
They got a problem.
Then there's fine.
Something's wrong with it.
Then the right eye.
Something is... Only you.
It's about the water crystals in your body.
They're now deformed.
It started with the deformation of your mind, the twisting of your thinking when you were picking all the wrong terms and using them and you thought it was just being the trend of the time.
What does the Bible say?
Romans chapter 12 was one for the child of God.
Romans 12.
From verse 1, I beseech you there for brethren.
See, he's talking to brethren.
Those in the house of God.
I beseech you there for brethren by the verses of God that he presents your bodies.
11 sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
That means your spiritual act of worship.
Present your body, holy.
Holy means what?
Separated unto God.
Don't subject your body to the words of the world.
More, verse two, and be not confirmed to this world.
Be not confirmed to this world, but be transformed, transfigured by the renewing of your mind.
You see that?
Renewing of your mind.
Change your way of thinking.
Don't think he doesn't matter.
Because by the time you discover it matters, it's too late.
It's too late.
It's too late.
No yesterday, you saw the many, how many people?
I don't know, maybe that there must have been over a hundred of them.
Who have been diagnosed with cancer.
And yet medical science there says they're not sure the cause of cancer.
Now you're quiet.
Yeah, because you were here, you saw it yourself.
It was old and young.
Cancer has no respect.
It's old and young.
You're gonna have to change your way of thinking.
Change it, change it, change your way of thinking.
How you changing your way of thinking?
Let's look at something, an extraordinary prayer request from Jesus.
Teaching us how to pray.
And it makes this extraordinary request.
An amazing thing.
It's so simple.
I tell you, the word of God is so simple.
So simple.
Some matches gospel chapter six.
We're looking at verse 10.
Have you seen it?
Let's read from verse 9.
Jesus was teaching his disciples.
They said to him, master, teach us to pray.
And then he says, after this manner, therefore pray, did he say, pray this prayer?
I want you to look at it now.
What are you seeing there?
After this manner, therefore pray,
He's giving us an outline.
He didn't say, pray this prayer.
So you don't come to, ah, Father, which I didn't have.
I love you, darling, like you don't come, like we've done on earth.
I see Sierra.
You know, I mean, they've recited it all their lives.
They don't even know the actual words.
Because always, of course, I see Sierra.
Okay, now let's see what it actually says.
After this manner therefore, pre-e, our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Hmm, next verse.
Thy kingdom come.
He says for us to pray that way, thy kingdom come.
Then he says, thy will be done in earth.
This is extraordinary.
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
Jesus is teaching us to pray according to the Father's will.
He says, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
God's will.
Is there sickness in heaven?
Look at it.
The words of Jesus.
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
Is there poverty in heaven?
Is there frustration in heaven?
Oh God.
Oh, may God use you to do wonders.
I see how sad about you.
So you set yourself, you have a new vision, you see things differently, you talk differently because you have a different standard.
You're different.
You are an excellent person.
I believe in excellence.
I have an excellent spirit.
I think differently.
Because the Word of God has molded my thinking.
I have the furnaces of God.
God's working in me.
I got the wisdom of God at working me.
I'm wise.
Now, if you say that someone else might think you're braggadocious.
No, you're not.
No, you're not.
You're just establishing the truth.
First Corinthians chapter 1, let's look at from verse 29 into 30.
First Corinthians chapter 1, from verse 29.
That no flesh glory in his presence.
But of him, are he in Christ Jesus?
So it's, we're humble, okay?
So no flesh glories in his presence, we're humble.
But of him, are you in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom?
You see, and I must respond, Christ has been made wisdom to me, so I'm wise.
You see, you've got to respond.
But of him, I am Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.
Christ has been made all this to me.
So I respond by declaring who I am in him.
He's my wisdom.
I'm full of wisdom.
I'm full of wisdom.
Wisdom is at work in me.
Have you ever seen people who just don't reason correctly?
You have a discussion and the way the response, you just wonder, what did he hear?
I mean, you can't believe that this fellow would be thinking like this.
He seems to be from another world.
This foolishness has gone on rampage.
So you just wonder, who is this fellow?
And he can't see it.
And then you tell him to say something in public and he begins and it's all terrible.
What is he saying?
Because wisdom eludes him.
He can't find wisdom.
You don't get wisdom in the classroom.
It is not in age either.
It comes from God.
And now for every Christian, you have access to divine wisdom.
Because Jesus Christ is the embodiment of all wisdom.
He has made me wise.
I tell people, I'll never talk foolishly.
I'll never talk foolishly.
No, why?
Because Christ is in me.
It's that Christ is in me.
I can't talk foolishly.
I can't reason foolishly.
Crisis my wisdom.
I make sound decisions.
I'm smart.
I'm wise.
Because he's in me.
Glory to God, Hallelujah.
Now we read a few scriptures.
When we read the scriptures, get ready for action.
Okay, quickly now.
Let's begin with this.
Several scriptures.
First one is Samadhi's Gospel chapter 13 and verse 11.
First one.
He answered and said unto them, because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them, to others, it is not given.
It is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.
So I understand spiritual mysteries.
I understand kingdom mysteries.
It is given to me to know
the mysteries of the kingdom.
You see it?
We've been sharing mysteries of the kingdom.
It's given to us to know.
Next verse, Ephesians chapter 1 from verse 17.
Ephesians chapter 1 from verse 17.
But the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give on to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.
Now it's a prayer.
It can't continue to be a prayer in your life.
The time comes when you respond to that.
And you say, I have been given by the father of glory, the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God.
Look at the next verse.
The eyes of my understanding have been enlightened that I may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.
And you just go on and on and on like that.
I said, it's a response.
You respond.
That's your faith.
Faith is the response of the human spirit to the Word of God.
All right.
Psalm 25 verse 14.
Oh, I like it.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.
And He will show them His carnage.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.
Do you have the fear of God?
He didn't say the secret of the Lord is with them that are afraid of Him.
He's talking about reverential fear.
His secret is with them.
Others may not know, but you will know.
Okay, St.
John's Gospel, chapter 14, verse 21.
He that hath my commandments and keep it them, he is that love is me and he that love is me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him.
If you love Jesus, He will manifest Himself to you.
You ready for that manifestation tonight?
As we pray, the Spirit of God will minister to you in a special way.
Wherever you are, doesn't matter how far from the front here you are,
This whole place is Gut's house right now.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Glory to God.