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Partnership of the Spirit Part 1

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Mabel is yours.

Your journey starts here.
We show you where you should be.
Get you what is required for the journey.
Then we tell you how to get there.
Life's journey is exciting.
Don't miss your way.
Hear the directions.
Pastor Chris, worth hearing.
But we are His partners.
That's why He's so keen on this thing.
The Bible says the Lord is working with them.
The Lord is working with them.
They wait for their priests everywhere.
The Lord is working with them.
But the Holy Ghost is working with them.
Once you go out in His name, He will join you.
The Lord is working with them.
Call it from in the Word.

The fellowship of the Holy Spirit brings partnership and partnership leads to distribution.
The Holy Spirit is a person.
He's more than an influence.
He's a person.
You relate with a person.
Most people only know Him as power, the power of God.
So they remember Him when they're in need.
And they want some power to do something for them.
But God wants us to have fellowship with the Holy Spirit, to recognize the Holy Spirit in our lives.
in prayer, in our dealings with others.
See, he wants that fellowship to grow into partnership, the fellowship that brings about partnership.
That means that you have such fellowship with him, you become partners together.
And I would like to read to you from 1 Corinthians chapter number three and verse nine.
It says, for we are laborers or workers together with God.
Now, I told you that when you study in the New Testament and you find the word God, it's important to study the context to get to know who is he talking about?
Is he referring to the Father as God?
Is he referring to the Godhead in totality?
Is he referring to the Holy Spirit as God?
Or is he referring to Jesus as God?
Because in some cases he does.
The context will tell you.
Now we cannot work, just as I explained to you, we can't have fellowship with the Father and with Jesus.
because they're in heaven and the only way to have that fellowship with the Father or with Jesus is through the Holy Spirit.
In the same way, we cannot work with God the Father or God the Son except by working with the Holy Spirit because Papa God is in heaven.
Jesus is in heaven and it's the Holy Spirit who is here with us.
He's the one in the earth.
Now notice something, he says, he are God's husbandry, he are God's beauty.
Uh oh.
Oh, so who's who he?
That means Paul is saying, this is not everybody.
He says, some of us are workers with God and the rest of you are the farm.

You are the label.
That means the work.
You are what we are doing.
Think about it.
It's just like another scripture.
2nd Corinthians 5 and verse 20.
It says, now then we are ambassadors for Christ.
Now, we all think so.
We all say, yeah, that's who we are.
This is not every Christian.
He's not trying to say every Christian is.
Every Christian is, to some extent, to the same extent that all of you in South Africa, or every South African is an ambassador of South Africa when you go out of this country, right?
But the government has handpicked somebody to speak for the country.
No matter what you say,
outside this country, and the government hasn't picked you, it doesn't matter.
But Alice will listen to you and say, well, that's the way they are in South Africa.
See, so they'll take you seriously to some extent, but you'll have no power in government or in changing things between countries, right?
In the same way.
He uses this and he says, now then we are ambassadors for Christ.
as the God that beset you by us.
And if you read from the first chapter, you know he's talking to the Christians, in Corinth.
So what's the separation?
Who's who he?
He's saying, us, the ministers, us who have been given a responsibility to serve
in the house of God, to bring others to Him, to win others to Him.
This is, we are ambassadors.
And we are reaching you that we are building.
Are you getting it now?
So, in that sense, He's referring to Himself and those who were apostles with Him and those who were working together with Him.
different from all the Corinthian Christians that he was writing to, where he's God.
All right, so look at it.
Now then we are ambassadors.
So it's not every Christian he's referring to here.
We are ambassadors for Christ as the God did beside you by us.
We pray you in Christ dead, be reconciled to God.
He wasn't talking to non-Christians.
He was talking to Christians because some things had gone wrong in their lives and he was correcting them.
And he says, we implore you in Christ dead.
Be reconciled to God.
Change your way of doing things.
That's what he was saying to you.
So, in the very sense that the Scripture speaks here, we are ambassadors for Christ.
Now, can you go to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 6 and verse 1?
2nd Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 1.
He says, we then, as workers together with Him, besitu also, that He received not the grace of God in vain.
See, we then, as workers together with Him, we are workers together with Him.
See, several scriptures helping us understand our partnership with God, with the Holy Ghost.
As workers together, we are workers together with the Holy Ghost.
Well, work us together with the Holy Ghost.
Say, we are work us together with the Holy Ghost.
We are work us together with the Holy Ghost.
All right.
Now, if you go to 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 14, observe something here.
He said, it's that good thing which was committed on to the keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelt in us.
Read that, read it.

All right, now we're gonna compare this with another scripture.
Acts, look of Acts, chapter 15,
And let's look at verse 28.
Acts chapter 15, verse 28.
Look at this.
Read it one to go.

All right, let me explain something to you.
We're talking about partnership with the Holy Spirit.
In the first scripture I read to you, Paul writing to Timothy said something.
He said, that good thing which was committed unto thee is his keep, keep by the Holy Ghost.
How can I keep something by the Holy Ghost?
Something that's entrusted to you is his keep by the power of the Holy Spirit, keep by the Holy Spirit that lives in us.
Now that's remarkable.
A responsibility has been given to you in the house of God.
He says, handle that thing by the Holy Ghost that lives in us.
A message has been committed to your trust.
Keep it by the Holy Ghost that lives in us.

Now, in the scripture read in the book of Acts, chapter 15, verse 28, or coming from somewhere, they just had a meeting, the leaders in Jerusalem, had had a meeting, the apostles and elders, had had a long discussion over several things because of the Gentile churches that were springing up through the ministry of Paul,
And they were concerned about several things.
And after long deliberations, they decided to write a letter to those churches because there were second people who had tried to go and deceive those churches with some forest doctrines stating that they came from the apostles.
And the apostles said, no, we didn't send them.
And now, after all the deliberations, they wrote this letter and he is the line that gets my attention.
And that's what I just read to you.
Verse 28, put it there again, chapter 15, Book of Acts.
It says, for it's in good to the Holy Ghost and to us.
It's in good to the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit of God and to us.
So lay upon you, no greater burden than these necessary things.
And then they went on to explain whatever necessary things they wanted the churches to observe.
But look at it, it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us.
This is how much they recognized the partnership with the Holy Spirit in their work.
They knew God was with them, but they also had to be with Him.
Like the Prophet says, who's on the large side?
You know, we think about God being with us.
What are we with God?
The Holy Ghost and to us.
They're saying, this thing is pleasing to the Holy Spirit and to us.
And it's interesting, they didn't say, it's good to us and to the Holy Ghost.
They said, it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us.
Because he's the senior partner.
He's the senior partner.

And everything you need for your work, for your life, everything you require will come from him.
He's the senior partner.
He's the supplier of every need.
Glory to God.
He's the supplier.
You can trust Him.
It seems good to the Holy Ghost and us.
Do you think like that?
Or this thing looks nice to you, so you're going to do it.
You know, there are people who just do what's on their minds.
Well, this was in my heart, I don't do it.
What about the Holy Ghost?
You want to be very successful in your life?
Then put the Holy Ghost first.
This step you're about to take, is it good to the Holy Ghost?
Does the Holy Ghost think it's right?
Or is it just you?
Did you hear them say, well, this thing seems good to us, and we're going to tell the Holy Ghost to join us.
Did you hear that?
Did they say, well, we want to do it, and we're asking the Holy Spirit to follow us.
Did they say that?
Okay, we have decided this is what we're going to do, and we prayed.
Like we said, we prayed.
Well, I want to do it.
I've prayed about it.
Praying about it.
That means you told God.
What did he say?
What did he say?
Did he have to say anything?
Of course he is.
Of course he is.
You know, there are Christians who never think about hearing from God.
They think that hearing from God is left to everybody else.
God wants to talk to you.
And the thing is he's been at it.
He's been talking to you.
Maybe you've not been listening.
Or maybe you've not given him credit for the things he said to you.
And you thought it was your mind.

Learn to put the Holy Spirit first in your life.
So you get to know someone so well, to a certain extent, there's things you just don't want to do without his involvement.
without seeking his counsel, without having his guidance and his instruction.
He just happened to trust him to that point.
So it becomes a naturally flowing thing.
It's not like, oh, I have an axiom.
I said fellowship gives birth to partnership.
Do you need to develop that relationship with the Holy Spirit in your life?
He's interested in everything that concerns you, everything.
He's interested in everything that concerns you.
If you will have fellowship with him,
You'd be amazed.
Now, let's talk about how do we have fellowship with the Holy Spirit?
Because we can talk about having fellowship with the Holy Spirit, and then until it becomes a big religion.
And we don't understand how to actually do it except to give it some big grammatical construction.
Fellowship just means sharing together.
It means relating with another on a friendly basis.
An informal, friendly basis of mutual recognition and mutual interest.
And it means that you talk with him
and that he talks to you.

A recognition, if you have a visitor in your house and you never say anything to him from the day he came, your guest from the day he came till the day he's leaving, what do you think?
He'll probably never come again.
He'll understand the message, you don't want me here.
And that's a good message.

Let's look at it like this.
Assuming you had this nice guest who came to visit you.
And you said, oh, I'm so happy to have you.
You're welcome.
And he showed him a guest room.
And he got in.
And all the time, you only waited at the door.
And you were saying to yourself, I'm here in case he needs me.
But you never say anything to him.
In case he needs me.
And then, of course, if I do need him.
if there's any trouble in the house.
I might need him, right?
Okay, but so he's in there.
All you do is you give him food, he eats, and he says, I've not been able to see you at all.
You say, well, I've been here.
Whenever you need me, just let me know.
He's your guess, right?
Now, whenever you need me, just let me know I'm available.
You probably wouldn't come back, right?
Well, if I were your guest, like I wouldn't come back.
Now, the Holy Spirit has come to live in you and with you.
You see that?
And you have to learn to talk to Him.
Now, don't become weird.
You know, a certain fellow said that he had two chairs on the platform.
And the one chair was for him, the pastor, and the second chair was for the Holy Ghost.
That's weird.
You don't have to be that weird.
and start talking like, Holy Spirit, let's go together.
Who told you he's on the left side?
Oh, he's on the side now.
Holy Spirit, start looking around for him.
He lives in you.
You don't need to give him a chair.
He lives in you.
Don't get weird.
And think that you're driving and you start turning to the passenger side and say, how are we doing today?
You're not getting spiritual, you're getting really carnal now.
Because you have given the Holy Spirit a geographical location around you.
He's not man, he's God.
And the place he occupies, when I say he is in you and with you, with you doesn't mean he's sitting next to you.
That means his presence is all around you.
So don't start opening the door of your cards.
The Holy Spirit come inside and then I get in.

I know some people are that weird.
It's terrible.
So that's not what I'm suggesting to you.
The scripture doesn't give us, what's Jesus like that?
Jesus had the Holy Ghost.
Did you ever hear him saying the Holy Spirit come from the left side?
Oh, you know, he didn't do that.
He never asks for an extra chair for the Holy Spirit.
Now you're carrying the chair every time in your car, an extra chair.
Once you come out, there's an extra chair, your car.
Who is that?
So it's all the Holy Ghost.
He doesn't need your chair.
You know, the foolishness of it.
So he lives in me.
He goes in me.
That's it.
If the Holy Spirit is going to sit down, he will sit down in you.
All right.
and does that, trying to eat and say, Holy Spirit, the first bite I take is for you.

Tell somebody, don't become weird.
You've seen some people, they take a drink and they say, I avoid, to the God who made me.
They point out, to the God who made me.
before they start drinking.
You give them a cup of water to send to the God who made me stupidity on rampage.

Did you hear Jesus doing that?
Did you read your Bible and he got some things and threw some up to the God who made me before chewing anything?
He didn't do that.
Neither should we.
Praise God.
So the Holy Spirit lives in us and he wants us to have that fellowship and that fellowship is communication.
Like, you know, you see, you pray to God the Father all the time.
Is that right?
You pray to God all the time.
And you talk to Jesus all the time.
Now, in the same way, start talking to the Holy Spirit.
That's just the difference.
It's not a new thing that you haven't been doing.
You've been talking to the Father all the time.
Oh, Father, in the name of Jesus, and you pray.
Now, see, dear Holy Spirit, and talk to you.

See, give Him that recognition.
Interestingly, his name is not Holy Spirit.
What he understands, you're talking about him.
Or to him.
Because that's what the scripture called him.
What he answers to the name of Jesus.
It's amazing.
Every time you talk to Jesus, Jesus doesn't do what you tell him to do.
It's the Holy Spirit who does it.
Every time you pray to the Father, the Father doesn't carry out those things that you're asking for.
It's the Holy Spirit who does them.
So He answers to the name of Jesus.
When you call the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit does respond.
But you need to recognize him.
That's why he said, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you.
He showed us the difference.

So who do we have communion with?
The Holy Ghost.
But we have been brought into legal communion with the Lord Jesus Christ, right?
Remember, the bread which we break is what?
A communion of the body of Christ.
The cup that we drink is a communion of the blood of Christ.
So that legal fellowship is there.
But you're going to have a vital relationship through the Holy Spirit.
It's that practice in this.
It's that doing it.
If you've been doing it, keep doing it and encourage yourself in it, you'll be amazed at the simple things of life, the simple details of life for the Holy Spirit to be ministering to you about.
And you find your life just moving forward from glory to glory, from success to success.
So that's the partnership that leads to distribution.

Learn discussions with the Holy Spirit in the same way you prayed to the Father.
In the same way you spoke to Jesus.
Speak to the Holy Spirit because he is the doer.
He is the one that's here with us.

And Jesus wants us to recognize the Holy Spirit.
And you know, the Lord Jesus and the Father are so protective of the Holy Spirit.
Just to let you know.
Remember the words of Jesus.
He said, if anyone sins against the Father, it shall be forgiven you.
If anyone sins against the son, he shall be forgiven him.
But if anyone sins against the Holy Spirit, he said, he shall never be forgiven him.
Neither in this world nor in the world to come.
That means that fellow is finished.

That's not telling you about the Holy Spirit's wickedness.
He's very wicked.
He doesn't forgive.
No, he's not the one to forgive you.
It's the Father who would have forgiven you.
for sinning against the Holy Spirit.
What is telling you that the Father will not forgive you for sinning against the Holy Spirit.
So take the Holy Spirit seriously.
Why is it like that?
Why is the situation like this?
Because you see the Holy Spirit is very gentle.
He's a person.
He has all the characteristics of a person.
I told you that.
He's all the characteristics of a person.
He never pushes you.
He talks to you.
He speaks to you.
He is that still small voice that you hear in your spirit.
The primary way in which God wants to guide His children is by the Holy Spirit in them.
That is His most important way of guiding you.
His voice in your heart, His voice in your spirit.

Can I become better at hearing the voice of God emphatically?
Can I train myself in listening to the Holy Spirit emphatically?
How does that happen?
Very simple.
First of all, recognize that you are a spirit being.
that you are a spirit being, because until you come to that conclusion, to that understanding, you're going to be acting like a fleshly man.
You're going to be acting like an animal.
That means responding to the motions of the flesh, responding to the spur of the moment, how you feel right now, what you think right now.
And God doesn't want you to act like that.
You're responding anger because that thing was very annoying.
You know, there are people like that.
They just respond.
It was very annoying.
So they just had to explode.
But that's not the way.
When you know the Holy Spirit,
You respond differently.
But you see, once I know I'm a spirit being, not an ordinary flesh.
I'm a spirit.
I'm not the only one who's a spirit.
Sinas are spirits.
Every human being is a spirit.
But I'm saying you've got to recognize that you are, because if you don't know, you would think all you see is all there is.
The Bible tells us about the inward man and the outward man.
Now you can study more about this in Romans chapter seven, all right?
And you can read from the 14th verse to the end of the chapter.
It'll bless you.
It tells you that there is an inward man and there is an outward man.
Now the inward man is your spirit.
And the spirit has a soul.
The soul is the part of your nature, of your inward nature, your inward man that houses your emotions.
your will and your man.
All this, all this function in your soul.
And then is the other quality we call the spirit.
But this spirit actually means the heart of your personality.
But the totality of your inward man comprises your spirit and your soul.
Your soul, this is the problem of semantics in the Bible.
It's a problem of language, let me explain.
In one sense, when he speaks of the soul, he's talking about the inward man, meaning the spirit and the soul.
Then you wonder, which soul is he talking about?
Does it mean the soul has a soul?
And has, did you get it?
Then in another sense, he uses the term soul to refer to the spirit and the soul.
Then sometimes, he distinguishes between the spirit and the soul by speaking expressly of the spirit.
without the soul.
So how can I know which one he's referring to?
It's simple.
Let's look at this.
You can say the government of Pretoria has said XYZ.
Pretoria, are we talking about
the capital of a province or something?
They're referring to the whole of South Africa with the term Pretoria, with its capital city.
Are you getting it?
And at that point, when they say Pretoria, it's referring to the whole of South Africa.
So in that instance, all of South Africa
He's in Pretoria as a name.
It's just a reference.
That's the same way.
The word spirits can refer to all of your inward man at any given time.
And it includes your spirit and your soul.
And then the word soul used by Versa.
But the spirit, the word of God helps you distinguish between them.
That's why he says the logos of God, which is the divine revelation of God through his word.
That's God's word.
He says the logos of God is living and active.
sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the divide in a sound of soul and spirit.
You see, it can separate between the two.
It can show you the difference between soul and spirit, where no one else is able to do it.
The word of God can.
Okay, so man is a spirit.
The body that you have is just your house where you live.
So there's an inward man and there is an outward man.
The outward man is the body and his senses.
The body has five senses with which to function.
If those senses are dead, that body cannot function.
See that?
So the body and the senses are the outward man and the spirit with his soul are the inward man.
The outward man, which is the outward body, the body that you have, the Bible says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, which means that your physical body cannot go to heaven.
It is a terrestrial body.
This body cannot and will not go to heaven.
The Bible says, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we shall be changed.
And this corruptible must put on incorruptible.
And this mortality shall put on immortality.
So it will be changed.
And then we go into heaven with new bodies, praise God, celestial bodies.
So you see, your inward man is more important than your outward man.
You're doing so much to take care of your outward man.
What are you doing to take care of your inward man?
Jesus said, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the Mount of God.

So every day you're eating, eating and eating and eating, I can see because you're all looking really good.
I know you eat very well.

The Bible says all of that is for the outward body and it will be destroyed.

Won't you give attention to that which will last forever?
Tell somebody, give attention to your spirit.
Say it again, give attention to your spirit.
That lives forever.
Say, I will give attention to my spirit.
Give attention to your spirit.
Because you see, God said, the soul that sent it, it shall die.
Sin is not a physical thing.
Sin is a spiritual thing.
Man is condemned by his sin.
Man is to be destroyed because of his sin.
Man is already condemned as far as God is concerned.
He said, he that believe it not is condemned already.
He didn't say shall be condemned.
He's condemned already.

So you see, the only way that man can be saved in a man is through Jesus Christ.
And he brought salvation to the human spirits.
Man must be delivered from the bondage of corruption.
Corruption here is destruction, the end of life.

the fact that man's life can be destroyed.
You see, he says, what shall he profit the man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?
Did you know it doesn't matter what someone does in this world.
It doesn't matter how he has helped others.
It doesn't matter what good he has done for man.
Let me show you what matters to God.
Can I show it to you?
Revelation chapter 20.

from verse 15.


This is the revelation of the future.
He didn't say who so ever did not perform very well in the earth.
Okay, go to verse 10.
Let's read from verse 10. 11.

14 and 15.

Many years ago, when I read this portion of the Bible, I found it difficult to sleep.
without talking to someone about Jesus.
This, this crypto we just read, I read again and again and again with tears, knowing the future of man, every man without Christ.
Let no one deceive you, go to Acts chapter four,
Verse 12.
Book of Acts chapter 4 verse 12.

Let no one deceive you.
It says, Nila is there salvation in any other.

For there is none other name, there's no other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved.
There's no religion, there's no religious leader, there's no method, there's no medium, under heaven.
for man's salvation.
Let no one deceive you.
Some people would say, well, Christianity is for Christians.
And no, no.
Somebody said, well, are you saying?
A God who casts so many people, you know, there are people who like to suffer, but if they're not the only ones, then they say, I'm not the only one.
You know, the kind of student who doesn't read, who doesn't study, then he gets 20%.
And he says, 20?
He feels very bad, 20.

He's thinking, oh, I said, my dad, 20.
Then he meets the other friend.
That one says, I had 20.
He says, YouTube.
And the other one.
Then someone comes and says, no one had more than 25.
Oh, OK.
Now he is settled.
He's OK.
Because no one had better than 25.
So that's all right.
He no longer feels the pain of his failure, because he feels the fellowship of failures.
So when people don't think they're alone in their pain, they think, well, he's all right.
The doctor says, well, there's no care for this thing.
They're going to die.
He wants to know, has anybody else of this thing I'm suffering?
And there's always come on in this region.
Oh, OK.
So don't let your life be like that.
Hell is not going to be, where are we talking about hell?
Did you, did you see what I showed you?
There was a hell and then there was a lake of fire.
Hell is presently there.
There are people in hell right now.
But nobody's in lake of fire yet because lake of fire is hotter than hell.
Yes, it's hotter than hell.
Lake of fire is the final place.
of the one who didn't know Jesus.
Did you hear it's a lake of fire?
It's not hell.
He said death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.
Even death and hell would be cast into the lake of fire.
Then he says, this is the second death.
Then which one was the first death?

That's spiritual death.
That's what he's telling you.
Then he says, in the second death, there's no remedy.
From the first death, Christ is remedy.
From the second death, there's no remedy.
If you love your brothers and sisters, you must tell them about Jesus.
Otherwise, your love is fleshly love, not the love of God.
If there's anybody you truly love, you must tell that person about Jesus Christ because that is salvation.
He says, Nina, is there salvation in any other?
There's no other name on the heaven given amongst men whereby you must be saved.
Remember, when we hear the word, we've got to act on it.
If you have not received salvation from Christ, you can do so right now.
I say in these words, Heavenly Father, I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
I believe He died for me, and I believe God raised Him from the dead, and He's alive today.
I declare with my mouth, Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from this day.
And by my faith in his name, I receive eternal life into my spirit.
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.
I have eternal life now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
If you pray that prayer, God hurt you and answered you, and salvation is yours now.
That means you have received on your life.
You have received eternal life.
That means you're born again.
You have the new life of Christ.
God bless you.
If you just said that prayer along with Pastor Chris, congratulations.
Welcome to the family of God.
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