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Live Your Best

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirit.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Fable is yours.

If you can be successful, you can be at the top of your game, you can be the best of you, you can let the best in you come out, radiate to your word, you can have an extraordinary life.
He says, there's a way.
Refused or let anybody demean you, your God's best.
Glory to God.

One of the things that we need to realize in our lives is that each one of us is the object of God's love and
The love of God has been clearly directed towards us.
Not only are we from God, the Bible also tells us that he paid specially for every one of us in Jesus Christ.
in the Spirit of God has been sent to guide our minds, to think toward God, and to think like God, and also to think from God.
Now, man cannot do that by himself.
It takes the Spirit of God to help us do that, to think toward God,
to think of God and also to think from God.
Because our senses were not designed to perceive God.
Our senses were not designed to walk with God.
We walk with God from our spirits.
We serve God from our spirits.
We understand the things of God from our spirits.
Our minds are not fashioned for that.
Our senses were not fashioned for that.
Only our spirits
relate with God.
And then based on that relationship, we condition our minds to go in same direction and condition our senses to function likewise.
So we should control our minds and our senses from our spirits.
And that means the character that we express outwardly
will always be dependent on the condition of our spirits, who we are on the inside.
That's why we need the Spirit of God to guide us, because only the Spirit goes deep into human nature to effect the changes that God wants in us, changes in terms of growth, changes in terms of development,
changes from one level of glory to another.
Now some other beautiful thoughts I want to show you today are in the direction that you can be a success in your life.
You can be an absolute success because God designed you just for that.
He designed you just for that.
to be successful in your life, to be at the top of your game.

So you can live a glorious life now.
Your life can be beautiful.
Your life can be successful, glorious.
The life that you can be happy about every day.
There are a lot of people who are not happy about them as errors.
They're not happy about their lives.
They're not happy about the way things are going with them.
And they don't know why.
They would love to if they're cold, but they're not and they don't know why.
They're not satisfied.
And sometimes they blame other people for it.
They may blame their environment for it, blame their government for it, blame their neighbors for it,
But that will change a thing.
You can be successful, you can be happy, you can be prosperous, you can have a glorious life.
That's what Jesus came to give us.
That's what he came to give us.
I want to take another dimension to this and read something to you from the Bible, first Peter,
First Peter chapter number three, first I'll read to you from the King James version, because most people use King James, but then I'll read to you in a newer version so you can get the picture.
It says, for he that will love life and see good days,
Think about that.
He says, for that man or woman who would love life and seek good days, you want to seek good days.
He says, let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that bespeak no guile.
Let him ask you evil and do good.
Let him seek peace and answer it.
For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open onto their prayers.
But the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.
I want to think about that.
I'm going to read the game.
I want you to listen.
It's so important.
It says, for the man or woman, he that will love life and see good days.
You want to be happy about your life.
You want to see good days.
He says, there's a way.
Let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile.
Let him ask you evil and do good.
Let him seek peace and insult.
For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and as he is open onto their prayers,
But the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.
Now I'll read to you from a newer, not a newer necessarily, but some plainer language.
Today's simple language.
He says, if you want a happy good life,
Keep control of your tongue and guard your lips from telling lies.
I read that again.
If you want a happy good life, see, if you want a happy good life, keep control of your tongue and guard your lips from telling lies.
Turn away from evil and do good.
Turn away from evil and do good, which means God already knew you were doing something wrong.
So if you were already doing the wrong things, living in a wrong way, God's not mad at you.
He says, stop it.
That's it.
He says, stop it.
He's not angry at you now because he's expecting you to stop it.
So he brings you the message and says, stop it.
So God's telling you, he's telling you, turn away from evil and do good.
Try to live in peace even if you must run after it to catch and hold it.
He says, no matter what you've got to do to live in peace, do it.
Do it.
For the Lord is watching his children listening to their prayers, but the Lord's face is hard against those who do evil.
I think this is remarkable.
One more, I'll read one more translation that just throws
something little, another little lighting turret that helps you get a fuller picture of this verse in what the Lord is telling us.
He says, whoever wants to embrace life and see the day fill up with good.
You want to see your day fill up with good.
You want your day filled with good things.
He says, hey, you want to embrace life and see your days filled up with good?
Then he says, say, he says, here's what you do.
Oh, glory to God.
You know, I love the Bible because it's God's instruction manual for a glorious life.
You want to have your best life.
You want to have an extraordinary life.
He says, there's a way.
He shows us how.
Your life can be beautiful.
Your life can be exceptional.
I believe in that.
I believe you can be exceptional.
I believe you can be excellent.
I believe your life can be glorious.
I have had a glorious life and I always will because the Word of God shows me how.
So listen to this.
He says, whoever wants to embrace life and see the day fill up with good, here's what you do.
Glory to God.
You hear this, you feel like you want to clap and say, come on, this is wonderful.
He says, here's what you do.
Say nothing evil or hurtful.
Say nothing evil or hurtful.
He says, this is nice.
He says, don't say anything evil or hurtful.
That means he's talking about the way you talk about other people.
or the way you talk to other people.
He says, don't say anything evil or hurtful.
Then he goes, snap evil and cultivate good.
Run after peace for all your wants.
God looks in all this with approval, listening and responding well to what he's asked.
I like that.
You see, he lets us know here that when he says God listens to the prayers of his children, it's for the purpose of answering and doing what they're asking for.
Not just listening and saying, well, yeah, I heard that prayer.
Now, because he wants to answer it.

So, I've got three simple things coming out of these verses, and I want to give them to you.
Not just that verse, really, because, let me give it to you, from the eight verse, okay?
From the eight verse, you're gonna like this.
From the eight verse, this is summing up like this.
Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble.
He says, that goes for all of you, no exceptions, no retaliation, no sharp-tongued sarcasm.
Instead, bless.
He says, that's your job to bless.
You be a blessing and also get a blessing.
That's wonderful.
What a life.
These three verses 8, 19,
Tell us something beautiful, even into 11.
Three points, three beautiful points.
Number one, quite wanting to be somebody else.
That's number one.
See, people who are not satisfied with themselves,
Have the burden of always wishing there were like so and so, like the other fellow.
You know, you look at somebody and you wish you were like that.
You think about someone else and you wish you were like that.
You wish your life was different.
The first thing, you gotta have value for yourself.
Remember, you can treat anybody right until you treat you right.
If you're not glad about you, you can be glad about anybody else.
The first person you got with you is you.
That's you.
Be happy about you, because God's happy about you.
God loves you.
God values you.
He said, Jesus, to die for you.
To die in exchange for you.
Which means you're valuable to God.
So if you're valuable to God,
then you should be valuable to you, because you're valuable to God.
You mean something to God.
God doesn't want everyone of us to be the same.
We can't all be the same.
You look around the world, you see, God loves divacity.
See, so, we're all very different.
And the beautiful thing is how God expresses Himself through every one of us so differently.
And that's the beauty of life in the world, where so many of us, so different, but we're all so beautiful.
And until you recognize that, you will never be able to bring out the best in you.
See, your responsibility is to bring the best out of you.
It's like every one of us got a garden.
We all have a farm as it were.
We've got a property, a landed property.
And God expects us to produce something from our property.
What are you gonna produce from that garden of yours?
What kind of crop are you gonna come up with?
That's up to you.
He says, whatever you sow, you will reap.
You're gonna reap what you sow.
If you sow in good seeds into that ground, you're gonna get a good harvest.
You cannot sow corn seeds and get mangoes.
That's never gonna happen.
You're gonna reap what you sow.
If you sow seeds of joy and seeds of love, you reap the same.
What is it you sow into your heart?
What is it you sow into your personality?
You say, Pastor, how do I sow into myself?
Well, here's the point.
Jesus taught us that words as seeds.
And so when we listen,
Words come to us through our ears when we listen to other people.
Words come to us through what we read, through what we watch.
Words come to us in messages that we receive, messages from human beings, messages from our environment.
Words come to us all the time.
And these words, these messages become sieves into our lives.
These are the seeds that we sow into us and they reproduce the character that we become.
Whatever you are today,
Was that an accident?
You didn't come up this way because God made you this way?
No, you came up this way because you are the harvest of the seeds that you sowned all your life.
The harvest of the seeds that were sowning to you as you were growing up.
By those who were taking care of you, the harvest of the seeds that your environment gave to you, the schools you attended, everything like that.
All of those things that you
you received through your senses, your hearing, your side.
See, how these messages got into you is not important.
What is important is they did.
If they got into you, then you are the result of those seeds.
Now, when you want to make adjustments, you have to introduce new seeds.
That's the way you make an adjustment.
You cannot make the adjustment by prayer.
You cannot make the adjustment by crying.
You cannot make the adjustment by regretting.
You cannot make the adjustment by talking to other people about it.
But you can make the adjustment in the same way that you came up this way the first time through seeds, seeds of words that were sewn into you.
Like I'm sharing with you now, I'm giving you new seeds.
I'm giving you seeds.
What are you going to do with these seeds?
I'm going to sow them into you.
I'm going to plant them.
Or are you going to let them pass by?
You see, you're going to be the character of the seeds that you receive.
That's so important.
So you can be a success and first thing, stop trying to be somebody else.
God's already okay with one of them.
He doesn't need another person like them.
See, so you don't need to be like someone else.
He's got one of them already.
He doesn't need two.
He just needs one of them and that's them.
Now he needs you.
Then he's got you.
If you can just become satisfied first that God loves you, wants you, and is happy to have you, that's the first point.
That's the first place.
That's a nice place to begin.
The next thing is use that so in the right sees now into your personality.
Listen to words that inspire you.
Words that lift you.
Words that bless you.
Words that stare you in the right direction in life.
That's what you need.
And then stop your ears from the wrong words.
From the things that distract you.
From the things that demean you.
Refused or let anybody demean you.
Your God's best.
Glory to God, you're God's best.
That's who you are.
Accept it, believe it.
And think that way.
Otherwise, what Jesus came to do were not produce results in you.
Jesus talked about those who made the word of God of non-effect by their traditions, by the things they have heard dear to themselves.
They made the Word of God of non-effect in their lives.
Don't make God's Word of non-effect.
Take His Word seriously.
So that's the first time.
Believe in what God has made you.
And you can make the necessary improvement by sowing the right seeds into your life.
You are the result of the seeds you sow.
You are the expression of the seeds you sow, seeds of words, seeds of messages that come to you.
You are the result of the books you've been reading, of the films you've been watching.
See, your mind would think that way and never think that they have no impact on you.
No, that's self-deception.
You cannot be anything.
Let me explain something to you.
If you took the child, a baby,
and put that baby in a room and only fed that baby.
And nobody ever spoke to that child.
So that child never heard anything.
That child, therefore, never spoke words because there was no one to talk to.
And you let the child grow up in that isolation, never hearing words.
He'll grow up dumb.
That means he can express himself in words, because he's got no words.
Words were given to us to communicate, to express ourselves to others, so they can understand us.
The reason you can understand what I'm saying right now is because you were trained, your mind was trained to interpret the English language.
If you didn't understand the English language, then I'll be a barbarian onto you.
You don't understand what I'm saying.
And so that child never heard words.
He'll never make meanings out of them.
And so same thing with you.
You use words because you understand them.
They come to you.
We all have messages inside us that we want to express to other people.
If we have no way to express them, then we become disorientated, angry, frustrated, because we've got messages inside and we can express them.
We want to talk to someone, we want to say something, and we can express them because we don't have words.
And so they can understand us.
And once others can understand us, we respond with frustration.
We might even respond with anger.
So words are the most beautiful gifts given to us in the world.
Words are so beautiful, they are wonderful, they are an extraordinary gift from God.
the ability to express as ours in words.
You don't know how important that is until you're in the midst of those who don't understand you, you don't understand them.
And there's no communication.
Then you understand the value of words.
But you see, words are not only just good for us to communicate with others,
Words help direct our lives.
God give us words so that we can stay our lives in the direction of the messages of those words.
Our life will go where our words go.
With Johnny in the direction of our words, are your words heading in the direction of anger and frustration?
Your life's going to go in the direction of anger and frustration.
Are your words heading in the way of peace?
Your life will go in the way of peace too.
And that's what the word of God tells us.
That's what the word says.
He says, anyone who wants to have a happy good life, which a day is filled with good, he says, let him control his tongue.
That's the first thing he said.
Control your tongue.
He says, use your tongue correctly.
Say the right things.
He says, don't speak evil and don't speak hurtful words.
See, because when we hurt others, we actually destroy ourselves.
We destroy the best things in us.
Did you know that?
Did you know that when you speak hurtful words to other people and about other people?
You actually destroyed a programming of good in you?
Because you see, God put us here to be able to build other people, help other people and be in the place of God and be the expression of His righteousness, the expression of His goodness, the expression of His grace to other people.
That's what He put us here for.
And when we choose to speak heard to other people and about other people, we destroy the programming for good and righteousness that God has for every one of us.
We're destroyed.
And then turn our lives to go in the wrong direction.
And then we wonder why it's happening.
We wonder how we got there.
That takes me to that second point that I'd like to share with you.
So the first one I said, quit trying to be someone else.
Love you because God loves you.
Love you.
Love yourself.
And then express that love to other people.
The second thing is quit trying to change other people.
It's one of the problems we've got in the world trying to change other people.
You know, we want to love them if they measure up to our standards.
If they're not like us, we don't want them.
That's an amazing thing.
But, you know, we want to change them.
We think they should change.
If we can change them, then they are no-nos, except we change them.
You know, I'm a pastor, and I've passed it for so many years.
I learned you can't change anybody.
You can't change anybody.
Okay, so what does that mean?
We call on God to change them?
I found out we didn't need to change anybody and we didn't ask God to change them either.
So what do we do?
First question I ask you is, why do you think they need a change in the first place?
Why do you want that answer?
Why would you want to know how to change someone else?
See, you're doing the same thing again.
I just told you, quit trying to change anybody.
Now, you're wanting to know, how else to change them?
See, so you got to stop somewhere and start seeing people the way God sees them.
It's different.
Do you realize God's not really asking them to change so that he can love them?
The Bible says, wow, we're yet sinners.
Christ died for us.
He didn't wait for us to change first.
So he'll die for us if we're good enough.
He says, wow, we're yet sinners.
Christ died for us.
He says, if Wawa was sinners, we will reconcile the God by the death of His Son, much more being reconciled, which I'll be saved by His life.
He loved us, Wawa was sinners.
Christ died for sinners, not for righteous men.
He died for sinners.
He wasn't expecting them to change first.
So do you need any change?
Of course you will need a change.
I'm going to tell you what change you need.
The change you need is to help you become even more glorious, to become more and more of what God wants you to be.
That's the idea.
So when I found that out,
I could try and change people.
I could try and bridge to them to make them change because they're not gonna change and God showed me they didn't need to be changed.
You see that?
You don't need to change your neighbor.
You don't need to change your friend.
You don't need to change your spouse.
They're all wonderful the way they are.
Listen to what Paul said.
He said, I became all things to all men.
That means I made adjustments to accommodate other people.
That's what we do.
That's what Paul learned.
Remember, before Paul learned that, Paul the Apostle, he was trying to change other people.
He said, I was on the way to Damascus to change those folks over there until Jesus spoke to me from heaven.
You see, Jesus spoke to him from heaven and said, it's hard for thee to kick against the goats, the pricks.
So he said, he gave him a message.
And he says, with this message, you can turn them from darkness to light.
And from the power of Satan unto God, that they may, you see, I love it, he says that they may receive remission of sins and inheritance.
Watch this.
The reason, he says, you give them this message,
And you turn them from darkness to light.
And from the power of Satan unto God.
Not so I can love them better.
Not so I can now fellowship better with them.

It was for their good.
It was in their interests.
It was in their interests.
that they may receive remission of sins and an inheritance.
That's wonderful.
So we find we can share God's love, God's message, God's word to help people become what God wants them to be, not what we want them to be.
What God wants them to be.
Because they want to be what God wants them to be.
They want to have an exciting life.
They want to have a prosperous life.
And then we say, OK, now that's what you want.
God's word tells us how.
And this is how.
Not so they can be better people for us.
No matter how you try to change your children, you'll never be able to change them.
So quit trying.
Quit trying.
Love them as they are.
Love them for who they are.
You see, if we love people the way they are, then they discover something from that love.
They discover they're valuable.
And that message of self-value is the beginning.
of transformation from one level and realm of glory to another.
So remember the first one, quit trying to be somebody else.
See, love yourself.
You're good.
Good enough for God, that is.
You're good enough for God.
He made you.
He loves you.
So you love you.
Number two,

Love others as they are.
Quit trying to change them.
It's never going to work.
Because if we try to change other people, we are trying to say that we are better than they are.
If I'm trying to change you, I'm trying to say I'm better than you.
You be like me.
You see, you be like me because I'm it.
And think, what does God think about that?
How does he look at that?
What does he think?
He thinks that's not right.
No, because he's in Jesus.
He's in Jesus to be the expression.
And so we can only give examples of Jesus.
And so he's the one we hold up.
The Bible says, holding forth the word of life.
So he's the one that we hold up and say, here is Jesus.
Here's the picture.
And the beautiful thing about that picture, I wanna tell you, the beautiful thing about the picture of Jesus, every time we show the picture of Jesus, people see themselves.
And they see that they are beautiful.
That's what they see.
Can you imagine that?
It's an amazing thing.
When we hold a picture of Jesus for them, and we say, look at Jesus, every time the real picture of Jesus is held up.
And we say, look, this is Jesus.
The moment you see the real Jesus, you see you.
You see you.
You are amazed.
You don't see the man from Galilee.
No, you see you.
And the guy who's holding up the picture, he knows he's holding up the picture of Jesus.
And so he's looking from this side.
So he knows he's holding the picture of Jesus.
But you are looking at the picture from the other side that is holding up to you.
And he thinks he's showing you the Jewish man from Nazareth.
But you're not seeing a Jewish man from Nazareth.
You're seeing a glorified Jew.
And you're like, oh, am I like this?
And the guy says, this is Jesus.
And you think, oh, I look.
I look like that.
Then he says, I'm not showing you you.
I'm showing you Jesus.
If he doesn't understand this stuff, he thinks, I'm showing you Jesus.
You're talking about you.
I want you to see Jesus.
You said, yeah.
But I'm seeing, I'm so beautiful.
Then he says, no, religious mind would say, I don't want to show you that picture no more because you're thinking too good about you.
But that's what God shows us.
See, God's expression of Jesus is a mirror.
It's a spiritual mirror.
And the Bible says, as we look at God's mirror, who in the beauty of Jesus is expressed?
He says, we are changed.
into the same image of glory that we see in the mirror.
And we discover we're not that useless somebody we thought we were.
We're not that good for nothing stupid thing we thought we were.
We're not that weakling we thought we were.
Jesus makes us strong.
Jesus makes us beautiful.
Jesus makes us righteous.
Jesus makes us glorious and we become successful glory to God.
That's why I love the picture of Jesus in the Word.
See, He sent us to give that message to the whole Word.
And that's so important.
So quit trying to change other people.
Love you.
You mean something to God.
And others mean something to God too.
Don't try to change them.
They're beautiful the way they are.
And they'll make improvements.
They'll make improvements to become more what God wants them to be.
Not what you want them to be.
Don't set your standards for them.
Let Jesus be manifested to them.
Glory to God.
Oh, let me read you.
of the Bible.
First Thessalonians in chapter number four.
I like this one.
He says, stay calm.
Mind your own business.
Mind your own business.
The King James says, study to be quiet and do your own business.
See, think what this really means.
mind your business.
Now here's another version that says this should be your ambition to live a quiet life minding your own business and doing your own work.
That takes me in to the next poem.
If you would just mind your business, I'm talking about you can be successful, you can be at the top of your game, you can be the best of you, you can let the best in you come out, radiate to your world, you can have an extraordinary life.
First, value you.
Quit trying to change others.
Love them the way they are.
Stop thinking if they were just better, your life would be better.
Oh, if my wife would just be like me, then things would be better.
Oh, if my husband would just be like me, things would be better.
Oh, if my son or my daughter would just be like me, things would be better.
If my neighbor would just be like me, then things would be better.
That's what you're saying in effect when you're trying to change them to be you.
And God don't want them to be you.
He already got you and you are harmful already.
See, so think like this.
He says, study, study, learn.
Let this be your ambition.
Learn to be, to live a quiet life in mind your own business.
So stop getting into other people's business.
That's the next point.
That means quick judging other people.
The first one, quick trying to be someone else.
Number two, quick trying to change others.
Number three, quick judging other people.
Think about that.
If only we would just appreciate other people the way they are.
just the way they are.
You'll be amazed at how wonderful other people really are.
You'll be amazed.
You'll be amazed if you chose to see the good in them, if you chose to see the best part of their lives.
You say, what about the wrong parts?
Ignore that because you're not God.
Ignore it.
Mind your business.
Well, that's none of your business.
That's none of your business.
Look at it.
He says, you want to be successful.
He wants you to mind your own business.
Mind your business.
If you would mind your business, you'd be more successful in your business.
You're too involved in other people's business.
He says, learn to live a quiet life, mind in your own business, and doing your own work.
Mind your business.
You know, stop looking into your neighbor's work, your neighbor's family.
Now they're just coming in with that car.
No, where did they get in this new car?
Again, you're concerned.
Mind your business.
When they have all the money they spend, stop looking to the window at them, forget about them, mind your business and have a happy life.
Get your understanding, you're carrying a burden of the concern, looking around at your neighbors, looking around at your other, your friends, maybe even your relatives that you don't like very much.
And you're thinking, where did they get this?
And where did they get that?
Why did they do this?
Why did they say that?
Why did they mind your business?
And you'd be happy.
as long as you're into other people's businesses, you'll never be happy.
There are those who make it their business to go into other people's business.
They always have news for someone else.
Guess what's going on?
I mean, they are responsible for breaking news.
That's their job.
And they are living a frustrated life and they don't know why.
Get off other people's case.
And you'll be happy.
You'll be amazed.
You'll be amazed at how glorious your life will suddenly turn out just because you start going into other people's business.
Because the more you go into their business, the more you judge them.
Because you judge them now.
You think all kinds of thoughts about them, and they're never good enough.
There's always something wrong with the other guy.
So become critical.
We don't like them.
And they've done nothing to us.
It's interesting that a lot of times we don't like people who we have never even met.
And we just have a dislike for them.
You've never met them.
And you don't like them.
No wonder you're frustrated.
No wonder you're unhappy.
No wonder you're not successful.
How could you just decide you don't like that fellow?
He doesn't even know you.
And yet you got a burden of judging him and saying things, all manner of things about him and against, you love to hear something negative about them.
When you hear something negative about them, you say, yes, I know, that's true.
You were not even there.
The fellow who told you wasn't there.
Nobody was there.
And you heard it.
And you loved it.
You loved the story because it was good enough for you so you can pass it on.
You know what the Bible says?
He says, a gossip spreads a message, a story, spreads it.
He says, but a righteous man puts a stop to it.
But the pain of a trustworthy man stops the gossip.
If you pass a gossip on, you're not trustworthy yourself.
You're not trustworthy.
See, that's what the Bible says.
So if you keep passing the message, you're just as bad as the one who started it in the first place.
So what you do is you stop it.
You put a stop to it.
If the story got to you, you put a stop to it.
You're not gonna be a garbage con.
You see, you're not gonna let anybody put something into you.
It'll do...
Terrible stories into your life.
Remember this.
Remember this.
You know, we can slander anybody.
And when you slander others, God holds you responsible.
See, we should never terror stories that make other people dislike those we're talking about.
It's wrong.
God never wants us to participate in that.
He never wants you taking a story.
that causes your heroes to cultivate a dislike for someone you're talking about.
Our responsibility is to give a good picture of others.
You say, what if they're that bad?
Well, then don't talk about it.
Don't be the one to help others hate others.
Don't project and propagate hate.
Propagate love.
Because you are the offspring of love.
That's who you are.
That's your message.
That's what Jesus came to do.
Jesus came to love us.
He came to love us.
Remember, one day Jesus was sitting somewhere and the Jewish leaders and men
And I suppose the religious community, they came after a woman that they said they cut in the very act of adultery.
And they chased a woman to Jesus.
Thank God she had enough sense to run to Jesus.
They would have killed her.
And she ran to what Jesus was.
And now they said to Jesus, yeah, we're so glad we're here with you now.
The law of Moses says to stone-hearted death.
What do you say?
You know what they're planning?
They're hoping to stone him along with her for daring to say something against the law of Moses.
So they said, tempting him.
The law of Moses says to Stonehead and yet she was cut in the very act of adultery.
What do you say?
And the Bible says that Jesus ignored them.
He was riding on the ground.
He ignored them.
You know why?
That's what God does when you judge others.
God ignores you.
The more you talk about others and complain about them, you're talking about them, God ignores you.
And that's why there's no progress in your life because God ignores you.
Jesus said, I do what I see my father do.
That's what he said.
And he put it into presence, I do what I see my father do.
I do.
So when Jesus ignored them, he was expressing that the father ignored them.
So the Bible says he ignored them.
So they said, aren't you listening to us?
We want to know from you.
And finally he raised his head.
And he said to them, let the one who's without sin among you cast the first stone.
And then he turned down again and continued writing.
He ignored them again.
That's what God does to those who judge others.
He ignores them.
And they were waiting for the first person to cast the first stone.
And it's like, no, not me.
Who about you?
And one by one, they chose not to throw the stone against, at the woman.
And Jesus is still ignoring them.
And one by one, it turned around, walked away, feeling frustrated, because not one of them had the boldness to throw the stones saying, I'm without sin.
The one away and left the woman.
Jesus kept on writing, did they all gone?
Then he raised his head and said, woman, no one has condemned you?
She says, non-Lord.
And Jesus said, I wouldn't condemn you.
Go and sin no more.
And there she was delivered from the mob.
But that was not all.
Jesus was on his way to the cross.
To set this human free
from the tunnel of sin.
Blessed be God.
We can act like Jesus.
He says, I wouldn't condemn you.
Go and send them all.
Which means that Jesus recognized our sin.
Otherwise he wouldn't have said, don't sing anymore.
He recognized it.
So we can recognize when people do something that's wrong.
Doesn't mean we don't know.
We're not naive.
We can know.
But then Jesus wants us to act just like him.
Neither do I condemn you.
Go and send him more.

And then he took her place to get women's place on the cross.
You see that?
defended her before God, and bore the punishment for her transgressions.
You know what?
He did it for you and me, not just that woman.
He did it for every one of us so that we can be free and live for God.
Jesus said, judge not, that should be not judged.
So quit judging other people.
You may not say it out from your mouth, but you can have it inside you.

You know, sometimes one of the things we need to think about when we judge other people and condemn them, we gotta realize if we were in their shoes, we might have just acted the same.
is one of the things that I think about.
You know, God has graciously, graciously, granted me an understanding of his word, that I get amazed at the revelation of God's word that's given to my spirit.
But then I recognize if he hadn't done it, there's no way I would have known this.
And so when I see other people,
Say the wrong thing.
Do the wrong thing.
I can't judge them because I'm thinking.
The only reason I know it wrong is because God helped me.
It's because He taught me.
It's because the Holy Spirit helped me.
If He hadn't helped me, I will be in the same mess.
I will be in the same boat.
I don't know where they're at, but I know.
God helped me become who I am.
God helped me.
If you open my eyes to understand, understand the Scriptures.
And that's a miracle on its own.
If God didn't help you, you wouldn't be where you are.
If it didn't help you, if it didn't give you the grace, you wouldn't be where you are.
And so if you think like that, then you realize you're not necessarily better than another.
You're not better than anyone else.
You're just so glad God reached you and the Holy Spirit manifested Himself to you when in your life you become thankful.
So that has helped me if I see others
do the wrong thing or unable to understand something that I know.
I become even more humble and thankful to God.
And I said, Lord, I wouldn't have known if you hadn't taught me.
I would have been exactly like that guy.
I would have been like that.
I probably would have been in the village somewhere, walking around in the street somewhere.
I don't know.
But God was gracious to me.
I found myself in church, not because I chose to, but God was gracious to me.
When I see those who don't know the way to church, who don't even feel like going to church, I'm thankful to God that he helped me.
Otherwise, I probably would be somewhere else.
I don't know what I would have been doing.
But I'm thankful.
I'm grateful to the Lord that He helped me.
And I want you to be thankful today, thankful that God helped you.
That's why you can hear Him.
That's why you're even listening to me now.
You realize there are those who listen to a message like this and say, oh, I don't want it.
Change the channel.
Oh, I don't want this.
And we don't get mad at them.
Some will even say that we're a fraud.
We're deceiving people.
They said that about Jesus.
Was Jesus mad at them?
He knew they didn't understand.
He knew they were ignorant.
They didn't know the truth.
They didn't know what to do.
I might have been that way.
But I thank God.
I thank God.
I thank God.
that I'm in the house of God.
I'm talking to you like this, not because I was better than you, but because God was merciful and kind to me and opened my mind to the Scriptures, opened my mind to the Holy Spirit so that I can understand these things thanks beyond to God.
That's what you've got to do today.
Thank Him for giving you the opportunity.
to know something of God, to have the fear of God, to even listen towards like this.
Thank God for helping you believe and pray for other people.
When you see others who are not as kind as you, who are not as God loving as you, don't be angry at them, pray for them.
Pray for them, maybe through your prayer, God will answer and become as clear to them as he's been clear to you.
And the vision will come to them as he's come to you.
The understanding will come to them as he's come to you.
Maybe if you pray, instead of condemn.
Maybe if you pray for that person that you've had a problem with,
there might be a change.
Maybe, just put yourself in their shoes.
You don't know how they've been living.
You don't know where they come from.
You don't know what happened in their childhood.
All of those things may be playing out now in their lives and they act in the way they act the very way you don't like.
You don't know what you can be thankful and pray for them.
And then God will touch their lives.
So remember,
Quit trying to be someone else and quit trying to change other people.
Quit judging others.
Believe in what God has made you.
Control your tongue and you will have a beautiful day every day.
You can be a success.
You can be at the top of your game.
Glory to God.
I wanna pray for you.
and I'm asking that the hand of God rest upon you, that these words will bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus, that you be guided in the way that you should go.
I pray that the will of God, we're made manifest in your life, that you'll understand the purpose for your life and fulfill it.
I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, that you live a healthy and prosperous life so that you can do
Beautiful things as God will have you do to be a lifter of other people, as trained to others in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.