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For This Cause Part 1

One thing is sudden.
If you stick to the Word, you will come back with a testimony.
What God wants to give in your life is not a healing.
What God wants to give in your life is not a job.
What God wants to give in your life is not money.
What God wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirits.
It'll make you what it talks about.
And you are shining, and you are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining by the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are shining and nothing can stop you.
It is your season.
It is your time.
Nothing can hinder you.
This is your time.
This is your hour.
Mabel is yours.

Why do many Christians get sick?
Why are many weak in their spiritual life?
Why are many weak in their faith?
And why are many weak in their physical bodies?
Why are many sickly?
The most important thing in life is God's Word.
As you digest the Word, your life is regulated accordingly.
Listen to this important message by Pastor Chris titled, For This Cause Part 1.
After you have become a Christian, you should never again be sick in your life.
Because you have come to Christ.
And get a better understanding of who you are and why you shouldn't be sick.
Christ is the answer.
Christ is the home you have arrived.
The struggle is over.
And if you are, it shows you how to become healthy.
If you've been sick in your body, why?
If you've been carrying an infirmity in your body, why?
If you were born with a particular kind of sickness or disease and you've come to believe in Jesus Christ, why is it still there?
God bless you as you listen.
This would tell you why.
I will share a few things with you.
And it's important that you listen and hear the Word.

You know, the Word of God will produce in you what it talks about.
The most important thing on earth
is God's Word.
You've got to know that.
It's the most important thing on earth.
You see, the Word of God created the Word.
And for the Word of God that created the Word to be in the Word, that definitely is the most important thing in all the Word.
Because the Creator of the Word is in the Word.
Did you get that?
What I want to share with you today is an answer to the question, why do many people, special Christians, I'm talking about Christians now, why do many Christians get sick?
What they to be sick?
Why does it happen?

So I've titled it for this course.
That's the title of my message, for this course.

It's an answer to the question, why do many get sick?
Is it supposed to be?
Is it supposed to happen?
After you're believed in Jesus Christ,
Why should you ever get sick?
First Corinthians, done the first Corinthians chapter number 11.

I wanna read to you from verse 23.
Familiar portion of the Bible though,
Well, there are a few things I believe we need to understand there that will help us a great deal.
First Corinthians chapter number 11, I'm reading from verse 23, for I have received of the Lord.
Now Paul is writing to the Corinthians in church and he says, for I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you.
Have you, have you seen that?
And then he says, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed took bread.

And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, take, eat, this is my body which is broken for you.
this do in remembrance of me.
After the same manner also, he took the cup when he had supped.
That means he took the cup after supper.
And I always like to point out that a lot of Christians think that the communion and the what is called the Lord's Supper are the same.
They're not the same.
You see, the Lord's Supper, or what they make, or some others call it the Last Supper, okay, before he was crucified, the communion is not the Lord's Supper, and the Lord's Supper is not the communion, all right?
So what they call it, the Lord's Supper, the Last Supper, they're not the communion.
The Bible says he took the cup after Supper.
You see that?
So the Supper was one thing, the communion was another thing.
And when Paul was talking about this subject in the 11th chapter of First Corinthians, where we're reading, if you read the previous few verses, you'll see that he also distinguished between the supper itself when they came together like a love fist and the communion that took place during that period.
All right?
Well, can we read that verse again?
Verse 25, after the same manner or so, he took the cup when he had stopped saying, this cup is the New Testament in my blood, this do ye as oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me.
For as often as ye eat this bread,
and drink this cup, he do show the Lord's death till he come.
Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.
But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup
For he that eat it and drink it on wathily, eat it and drink it damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
For this course, many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep.
For if we would judge as errors, we should not be judged.
But when we are judged, we are chasing the Lord that we should not be condemned with the word.
Praise God.
You know, I was concerned about this
teaching of Paul here, where he says, for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep.
In other words, many die.
Did you notice he didn't say for this cause some are?
He says, many.
Meaning that at that time he was acquainted with the fact that there were lots of believers that got sick and it shouldn't have been.
And I believe that the Lord gave him an insight into this, even though he didn't expensate on it in such a way that will be clear to many.
And that's why when a lot of people read this portion of the Bible, they don't understand what he's talking about.
They think he's just dealing with the communion.
But you know, I was thinking about this and asking questions, just asking the Lord questions.
I didn't get anything.
I studied and searched and getting anything beyond what was generally thought and what was generally known.
And I thought, well, they don't have the answers.
If they had the answers, something, there should have been a change.
And then, suddenly, in the morning, I was awakened by the Spirit.
And he just gave me a load down, you know, a full message.
And I was, thank you Lord, just go ahead, thank you.
It's so wonderful to be taught by the Holy Ghost.
And the most beautiful part of life really is your work with God.
If you have a conscious work with the Holy Spirit, then you can have a beautiful life.
Without the Holy Spirit, you have a dull life.
You see, a dull life.
Many Christians, sadly, have a dull life.
But you can have an exciting and beautiful, extraordinary life through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, when he comes, he shall teach you all things.
Not some, but all things.
And not only shall he teach you, he shall also bring to your remembrance whatever he has said unto you.
Praise God.
And he's trustworthy.
All right.
Now, some things for us to look at here.
We just read a portion of the Bible.
Familiar to many of you, like I said, but how many really know what this is?
I want us to pick it up from verse 23 again.
Paul says, for I have received of the Lord, which I believe I unto you, is that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed to bread.
And when he had given thanks, he broke it.
He took bread and broke it and said, take it.
This is my body.
Jesus took bread in the presence of His disciples.
He broke it and gave it to them.
And He said, take it.
This is my body.

I know the doctrine of transubstantiation by a certain group of Christians where they teach that when you serve the communion, that piece of bread is transformed into the very flesh of Jesus.
Now, that's not what he said.
Jesus said, do this in remembrance.
Okay, then pauses for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you show the Lord's death.
You see, it's a reminder.
It's a reminder.
So that's not important.
Thank God he said this cup without telling us what must be in the cup.
You understand what I mean?
Of course, when Jesus took it, the Bible lets us know it was the fruit of the vine.
But it didn't tell us which exact one.
So I know some people say, well, you can use anything for it.
Some say we use Coca-Cola.
Others say, well, you can use Campari.
Others want all kinds of things they want to use.
But whatever you want to use, just don't boost.
OK, that's all.
Where he's God.
Okay, so Jesus broke it.
He broke it.
He broke the bread and said, take, eat this is my body.
Then he said, which is broken for you?
So when he broke the bread, he broke it for them.
He said, this is my body, which is broken for you.
Oh, there's something about the breaking of the bread then.

It's hard to find bread to break in many parts of the world.
Like this part of the world, you don't get to break the bread, you get to tear the bread.
But in Europe, you can have a lot of bread to break, and in the East also, you break it because it's hard.
But down here, let's hear it.

But we've changed that now.
We'll use some other piece that you can actually break.
It's just symbolism.
Praise God.
All right, so there's something about the breaking of that bread.
He said, which is broken for you?
Now, Jesus could have said, this is my body, which I've given to you.
He could have said that, but he didn't.
He said, take it, this is my body, which is broken for you.
He didn't have to use the word broken.
but he had to because that's what he wanted us to get our attention on, the breaking of the bread.
He wanted us to be attentive to the breaking of that bread.
He said, this is my body, which is broken for you.
We read what he said after that.
When he said, after the same man, verse 25, after the same man, I also took the cup when he had stopped saying, this cup is the New Testament in my blood, this do ye as soft as ye drink it in remembrance of me.
Now, verse 26, for as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till he come.
As often, how often should we take it?
I know some take it once in a month, some take it once a year, some take it every week, some every two days, every day, whatever it is, as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord's debt.
I think the more often the better.
Okay, now verse 27, where for whosoever shall eat this bread
and drink this cup of the Lord on wazily.

On wazily.
Now, not that word, it's a Greek word, anaxios.
It's important because many people think that what the Bible is saying there is anybody who is on wazily to eat this bread and drink this cup
He didn't say someone who was unworthy.
He said someone who drinks it unworthily.
Unorthily, the Greek word anaxios means in an unworthy manner.
It means the attitude in which it is done.
It's not saying that some people are qualified and some are not among Christians, because it's right into Christians, to those encouraged.
He wasn't right into everybody in the world.
He was right into Christians.
So every Christian there was qualified to take it, but he was talking about the attitude in which it was taken.
He says, don't take it in the wrong attitude, in an unworthy manner.
Now, that's very important.
Because that's the reason he was teaching that subject in the first case.
But I want you to understand that this teaching of Paul about the communion here was really not about communion because this was an allegory.
This was an allegory.
And you would get the deep meaning of his message from what he says.
Praise God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
That's why, you know, every time we study allegorical teachings in the Word of God, and we follow them in that direction without looking at what is really being taught behind the sin, we go the wrong way.
We have to understand what these things really represent.

You'd notice something as he explains it.
It seems to be a continuous metaphor.
It just goes on.
So even in our everyday experience with the communion, we're demonstrating the same thing.
A lot of us just don't know it.
The communion was for something, because if somebody doesn't take the communion, it doesn't mean he'll go to hell.
He'll still go to heaven.
So what is the reason for the communion then?
That means the idea is not just the bread and the drink.
You see that?
It's not just the bread and the cup.
There must be a reason.
What about the water baptism?
We think, okay, it's a symbol that we were, that we died with him and we were buried with him and who were raised again with him.
But that's about all of our people know, just the significance, not the real teaching of it.
What's behind it?
If it signifies something, what is that thing?
What is the importance of what it signifies?

Those are the important questions that believers ought to ask and answer.
If you've been sick in your body, why?
If you've been carrying an infirmity in your body, why?
If you were born with a particular kind of sickness or disease and you've come to believe in Jesus Christ, why is it still there?

This would tell you why.
You're still there?
Let's read that verse 27 fully.
Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord on wathily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord shall be guilty.
That's wonderful.
This thing's gone down.
He shall be guilty of what?
Of the body and blood of the Lord.
What does that mean?
How do you mean he shall be guilty?
If he does it on wozily, he shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord.
Terrible, right?
Okay, but let's see something.
He's not through yet.
But, verse 28, let a man examine himself and so let him eat up that bread and drink up that cup.
For he that eat it, he goes back to pick up what he was saying, to explain it to his father.
For he that eat it and drink it unworthily, eat it and drink it damnation to himself.
Not discerning the Lord's body.
Hey, come here.
He says, he's the one who eats and drinks.
On wathily, eats and drinks damnation to himself, condemns himself, that is.
He condemns himself.
He's not on that judgment of God.
He's on that his own judgment.
He's not under God's condemnation.
He's under his own condemnation.
Now that's important.
He didn't say that Rousseau ever eat it and drink it unwaddily.
Is damned by God or condemned by God?
No, he says he eats and drinks damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
Then he says, for this curse,
Many are weak and sickly among you.
Many are weak and sickly.
They go in and out of sickness.
Today they are sick.
The next day they are well.
And then two weeks later they're back to sickness.
A month later they're okay.
And then just sickly.
Then some are weak.
Constantly infirm.
Constantly infirm.
They are weak.
Physically, spiritually, they are weak.
Unable to stand up for Christ.
They're weak.

Then you find the sequence.
He says for this course.
What is it?
Not discerning the Lord's body.
They are under their own condemnation.
So what happened?
Now, when you study from the 10th chapter of the same book, 1 Corinthians chapter number 10, you read from the 16th verse.
It begins to explain something to us that's very important.
He said, the cup that we drink, isn't it the communion of the blood of Christ, the bread that we break?
Isn't it the communion of the body of Christ?
All right?
In that 17th verse, he tells us something important.
He tells us we are one bread.
I like it.
Turn there and look at it.
First Corinthians chapter number 10 and verse 17.
Are you there?
For we being many are one bread in one body.
Even though we are many, he says, we are one bread and one body.
Hey, hey, hey.
This is wonderful.
How are you getting an idea?
He says, we are one bread.
We are one body.
He says, in the 16th verse, that the cup that we drink is the communion is our sharing in the blood of Christ.
The bread that we break is our sharing in the body of Christ.
He says, for we, being many, are one bread.
We are partakers of that one bread.
What bread is this?
What does it mean by this bread?
John's Gospel.
From verse 35, can you read it to me?
One, two, go.
You're not there yet.
Chapter six.
John's Gospel, chapter number six.
From verse 35.
And I want you to read it to me.
One, two, go.

Go on.
All right.
I came down.

Thank you.
Who is the bread of life?
He says, I am the bread that came from heaven.
I am the bread that came from heaven.
You can read the whole chapter.
You'll find his dialogue with the Jews on this subject.
It became so tough that many of his disciples got angry.
What is teaching?
You just keep reading it.
It's a long chapter.
He said, if you don't eat my flesh and drink my blood, you don't have a pot with me.
They said, how can you give us your flesh to eat?
What do you think we are?
Can he borrows?

Then he said, I am the bread that came from heaven.
He said, your father's ate manna in the wilderness because they said, Jehovah gave us bread from heaven.
It's called manna.
You know the meaning of manna?
What is this?
That's manna.
It came from heaven.
And the edit, he said, yeah, but your fathers that edit are dead.
He said, but this bread.
He says, if a man would eat of this bread, he shall live forever.
So they said, where is the bread?
He said, it is my flesh.
They and many of the disciples said, we can't work with you anymore.
They went away.
They said, this is a hard saying.
Who can take it?
They stop walking with Jesus.
So that's tough teaching you see.
So Jesus is the living bread.
That a man shall eat of it and live forever.
Jesus is that bread.
Oh, oh, now I see.
He told him I am the bread.
I am the bread that came from heaven.
So Jesus is the bread that came from heaven.
So he's the disciples who are watching him that night when he said, take, he broke the bread and said, this is my body.
They remembered what he said to the Jews.
I am the bread.
So he broke it and said, this is my body.
I told you, if you eat this bread, you live forever.
This is my body.
which is broken for you.
This doing remembrance of the, it broke it.
Give it to them and the ed of it.
Broken for you.
Broken for you, not with you.
Broken for you.
Broken on account of you.
Broken for your sake.
The bread was broken for your sake.
This bread was broken for your sake.
He said, this is my body, which is broken for you.
It was broken for your sake.
I want you to understand it.
I want you to market.
It was broken for your sake.
This is my body, which is broken for you.

So he said, do this in remembrance of me.
So every time you take that bread and break it, you remember his body was broken for my sake.
The bread that came from heaven was broken for my sake.
Brothers and sisters, this is not about bread and cup.
This is about something deeper than bread.
This is my body.
This is my body.
This is my body.
This is my body.
Oh, Paul says the bread that we break.
Is it not the communion of the body of Christ, our sharing in the body of Christ, our oneness, our fellowship with the body of Christ?
Meaning, come on.
Oh, we.
Being many, I want bread.
Hey, hey, we are not pieces of bread.
He says, we are one bread.
Hold on, what happened to the broken bread?
It's not supposed to be one bread anymore.
It was broken.
We are one bread, he says, in 17 verse, in the first Corinthians chapter 10.
He says, we are one bread.
There's a wholeness.
The bread was broken so that the new bread.
You see that?
There's a wholeness now.
We are one bread.
So we remember that bread was broken, that we might be partakers of this whole bread, this new bread, this one bread.
Now we are partakers.
of the Lord's table, we are one bread.
What is that bread?
This is my body, which was broken.
It was broken, and he died and was buried, but God raised him up, and when it was raised up, we became one bread.
One bread.

Oh, oh, so we being many are one bread.
We are partakers of that one bread.
We are in that one bread.
In Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 30, he says, we are members of his body, of his flesh and of his bones.
We are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
How we should understand that?
So every time, you see, I told you it's not just about the communion, it's about understanding the doctrine of Christ, who we are, who we are.
Those physical emblems were to remind us of what we have become.
When he was raised up, we were raised up in the mind of the Father.
You see that?
Now, he says, not discerning the Lord's body.
Not discerning.
Not discerning.
Let's go back there.
First Corinthians chapter 11.
not designing the Lord's body.
I'll read it from verse 27, chapter 11, 1 Corinthians.
I'll never be sick again in my life.

Verse 27, queer for whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord on wathily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.
But let a man examine himself and so let him eat up that bread and drink of that cup for he that eat it and drink it, I want you to see that, he that eat it and drink it on wathily
eat it and drink it damnation, condemnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
That man doesn't understand the Lord's body.
He eats and drinks in an unworthy manner, not discerning the Lord's body.
He does it in an unworthy manner, irreverently, not discerning the Lord's body.
not discerning.
The problem is that he doesn't discern the Lord's body.
He doesn't understand the Lord's body.
That's his problem.
He acts without understanding the Lord's body.
What is the Lord's body?
The church.
That's us.
I'm a part of the church.
Now, what is God's bread?
God's bread is the word.
Now, would you see another thing?
Jesus was the bread that came from heaven.
How do you eat that bread?
By hearing his words, accepting his words, digesting his words.
That's how you eat that bread and become a partaker of that bread.
Are you seeing that now?
Now, when you eat it, you become it.
I hear me.
You become what you eat.
The more you eat of that bread, the more you find yourself in it.
You eat it.
You are it.
That's what you are.
Hey, hey, watch this.
Jesus was the bread that came from heaven and was broken for us.
Now, when he was raised up, the bread was whole again.
But you know what?
We became members of that one bread.
We all became that bread.
What does that mean about us?
We became the word because that word is the bread.
So, who am I?
What do you mean by the body of Christ?
The body of Christ is the word.
Oh my goodness.
Did you hear it?
Did you hear it?
Jesus Christ was the Word of God, made flesh.
And He came into this world, and He died, and was buried, and was raised again.
And when He was raised up, we were raised together with Him.
Did He stop being the Word?
But we now are in Him.
So we are in the Word.
So who are we?
We are the...
Can you get this?
We are the expression of the Word of God.
We are the manifestation of the Word of God.
No wonder Paul put it succinctly.
He said that the righteousness of God might be fulfilled in us who work not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
The righteousness of the law.
He said that it might be fulfilled in us.
That means the glory of the law, which they could not see in the Old Testament.
Now it's fulfilled in us who are not according to the senses, but according to the spirits.
We are the fulfillment of the righteousness of the law.
We are the expression of the righteousness of God, the very expression, like Jesus was the effulgence of the Father's glory.
the express image of His person.
If you wanted to know what God was like, you looked at Jesus.
Now, we are in Him.
We are the very expression of Him.
Now, when you are sick, what does that mean?
Something has happened.
Are you partaking of the bread?
No, you're not.
You're using the word wrongly.
Using the word wrongly is eating and drinking of the body and blood on water.
Can you see that now?
When the Word of God is commonplace to you, like that bread and that cup was come unto them, they came whatever the light and took it in any behavior that was against the dictates of the Word of God.
And Paul found out it and he said, don't you understand?
This is the representation of the body of Christ, the blood of Christ.
Don't do it unwindly, but he was speaking of something higher.
Like when he said, let a man love his wife, then he says, but I speak concerning Christ in the church.
He says, I'm not here talking about husbands and wives.
I'm telling about Christ and his church.
But it was an allegorical teaching.
He was veiled with the husbands and wives teaching, but I said, I speak concerning Christ in the church.
I want you to see something beyond it.
There's something beyond the bread and the cup.
Do you understand?
He's talking about the Word of God and how we'll leave by it.
How we take the Word of God seriously.
We deal with it worthily.
Do you understand?
Can you shout amen to somebody?
So you see, we handle the word in a serious way.
So when I say I am,
The righteousness of God, I mean it.
I'm not joking with it.
I'm not playing with it.
I'm serious.

So the Word of God is for real.
You see that?
That's eating and drinking of the body and blood of the Lord.
It's the word that you take today.
This is the bread.
This is the blood.
We digested in our system.
I believe it.
And so I act like it.
Oh, praise God.
He that eat it and drink it unworthily is a sharp beauty of the body and blood for this God's many are weak and sickly among you and many die.

They said they were the righteousness of God without understanding it.

They said healing belonged to them without understanding it.
They said there were new creations without understanding it and played with it.
But these were serious things.
He said that man eats and drinks damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
Do you know who you are?

Let me show you some of theirs.
I believe it would be helpful to you.
I was trying to share some of this during the last year's CRC, but I mean, that was that Sunday evening session.
I was trying to share it with you.
But somehow or another, I wonder whether you got it or not.
But let me pick out something there for you that will be helpful in understanding some of this thing we're talking about here.
Romans chapter 5, so you can understand it.
Romans chapter 5.
See, the life you live will never be higher than the revelation you have.
Every man is the expression of his revelation.
Never forget that.
Your life is the outward manifestation of the revelation you have in your spirit.
It doesn't matter what you think.
It's what comes out of your life that is what you really believe.
I said to open to Romans, right?
Booker Romans chapter number five.
Thank you Lord Jesus and the 17th verse.
This is beautiful.
Can I read it to you?
It will show you why Christians are different levels in their lives.
For if by one man's offense, death, death, death reigned by one, death reigned like a king, death reigned by one, much more, there which receive abundance of grace.
Much more, there which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
Now, I was looking at the original translations of this particular verse.
And I was impressed by what I saw.
It's deadly.
You know, many of the translations that we have were translated not necessarily by people who had revelation, but people who just loved Greek and Hebrew and they were experienced and they didn't talk to invest something in it.
And so sometimes their focus was different.
And so they didn't really care how they presented certain things, certain facts.
The original does not include the definite article, T-H-E.
So I want to read it to you.
The King James gets it rightly.
I'll read it to you, the way it is, and then I'll give it to you, the way some of the versions have it, so you can understand what I'm talking about.
He says, eight by one man's affairs that ran by one, much more, they would receive a, uh-huh.
there which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness.
That's what you have in the King James, if you're reading it.
Now, some other versions say there which receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness.
Now, the ThE before abundance doesn't exist in your original.
So what Paul said was not there which received the abundance of grace, but there which received an overflowing of grace.
There which received abundance, meaning it was up to them to decide how much of that grace they received.
And the word received was the Greek word lambano.
And lambano means to catch.
It means to seize and make yours.
Are you hearing me?
It means to go after something and take a hold of it.
That's what Lambano means.
So it says, there which receive, there which catch, there which take a hold of abundance and of a flow of superfluity, of grace.
And the gift of righteousness, the gift of righteousness because he's the same for everybody.
Nobody can have more righteousness than another person.
So he says, the gift of righteousness.
But in grace, he says there which receive abundance of grace.
How much grace you take a hold of is up to you.
That's the reason Paul writing the Timothy.
He said,
Be strong, therefore, in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
In other words, take advantage, take full advantage of the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
Some people have taken advantage of the grace.
Some are trying to take just a little.
You see, why we're different?
Some people say, I'll never be sick in my life.
Some of that say, oh God, if I can be here for one month, I'll be happy.
Depends on what you're asking for.
Some people say, oh God, I want to buy up that company.
Another one says, oh God, if you can give me a job there.
Is it a difference?
Are you still there?
It depends on the revelation you got.
The grace is available, but that's why not every Christian will reign in this life.
Because he is not talking about reigning in heaven.
He's talking about reigning here, here, in this life as kings.
So he says, it's for those that receive a bone dance of grace.
It's not everybody.
If you can get ahold of a bone dance of it, you reign in life.
He said, there we perceive hallelujah, a bold dance of grace.
Aim of the gift of righteousness shall reign as kings in this life.
They shall reign.
You know, some people say, he reigns.
Some of that say, we reign.
There's a difference.
There's a difference, brother.
There's a difference.
There's a brother, he rains.
He's been raining before you came.
The trouble is without his running in your home or not.
And he cannot rain in your home without you.
He can't rain on your job without you.
He can't rain in your business without you.
Doesn't matter how many times you say he rains.
He doesn't want to rain without you.
He wants to rain through you.
Through you, there which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life.
Ha ha ha, they shall reign in life.
Robert and Gossadabahiah, they shall reign in life.
There which receive abundance of grace.
When you say, Father, I am tired of this cancer and I give it out.

Lord, I'm fed up of the weakness and I put it away.
I'm tired of failure and I get rid of it.
Then you start taking the right bread and the drink.
He walks in me.
He talks in me.
Oh my God.

Every day.
You know, they tell you to take like that sister.
She was taking eight tablets three times a day.
That's about 24 every day.
I wish it could take 24 verses every day.
My God, it will change something.
Oh, Lord.

There we receive abundance of grace.
How much grace have you received?
How much?
How much grace have you received?
Do you have some people?
How are you doing today?
I'm walking on it.
How are your finances?
I'm walking on it.
How is your business?
I'm walking on it.
How long are you going to be working on it?
their which receive lumbana, abundance of grace, catches, take a hold of it.
You say, I'm tired of stagnation.
I'm tired of with stagnation.
And in the name of Jesus Christ, I take a move forward in my life.

Somebody say hallelujah.
See, I love what Paul said.
He says, whosoever, eat it this bread and drink it this cup of the Lord, unworthily, eat it and drink it damnation to Himself.
He says, that man condemns Himself.
Ah, I wonder how many Christians don't realize that they are responsible for the situation in which they have found Himself.
They say, no!
The doctor said it is this and it is that.
because they have not listened to the word.
The word is telling you, no sickness has enough power to keep you down.
Stop giving Satan the credit.
He doesn't have that much power.
He doesn't have it.
Don't give him the credit of putting that pain on you.
Somebody said, yeah, I'm feeling the pain.
He said, he's the devil.
What is the devil doing on your back?
Where is the devil?
What is he doing again?
Read on him.
Shake him off.
Tell him to go.
Oh, glory to God.
The violin ticketed by force.
I said, the violin ticketed by force.
You see, in the kingdom of God, you've got to press.
Don't just stand there.
He says, there which lambano abundance of grace.
Not there which I'm waiting for it to come.
He says, I know my healing will soon come.
Take it!
Take it!
You're right for it to come.

Oh, the grace of Jesus Christ.
Marvelous grace.
Marvelous grace of Jesus Christ.
You know, when I read my Bible, many times I just cry.
Because there's so much in it.
I wonder, how do some people get religion out of the Bible?
There's so much to be glad about.
You started the Scriptures, it'll change you.
The love of God, the grace of Jesus Christ.
You'd think what has made us.
How could he call us the bread?
He says, we are one bread.
We are?
Where are we from?
This bread is not from beneath, it's from above.
So we have become the bread that came from heaven, that men may eat and not die.
Can you see now why we are the manifestation of the Word of God?
Oh, no one.
Now I get it.
No one.
He says, the first man was made a living soul.
The last item
was made a quickening spirit.
That means a life-given spirit.
And you know what?
We had burned the image of the Earth leaf and died with him.
Now we have the life of the last Adam.
Who does that make us life-given spirits?
Life-given spirits.
He calls us life-givars.
He says, out of your belly shall flow, reverse of living water.
Out of your belly.
He didn't say from heaven, but out of your belly.
Hey, Jacob, a sire.
Out of your belly.
It is not coming from heaven.
It is coming from within you.
Out of your belly.
The life of God is in you.
Out of your belly.

Out of your belly, from within you is the life of God, from you.
This is anyone who believes in me.
Out of his belly shall flow goshas of living water.
He has made us life give us.
Can you see what we are?
You see, it doesn't matter what the pain is in your body, what infirmity is in your body.
Generate the healing power from within you.
Generate it from within you.
Stay up the gift of God.
That is within you.
Generate it.
Jesus has come.
Oh, this is good news to the world.
He has come.
We no longer have to beg God for anything.
He has come.
He has died.
He has been buried.
He has been raised from the dead.
He has left us with the blessing and gone back to heaven.
Jesus has come.
That's why it's called gospel.
He has done it.
He has finished it.
It is settled already.
My prosperity is settled.
My health is settled.
My success is settled.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's all settled.
It's settled already.

Thank you for listening.
We trust that you've been blessed.
The message you've just heard is a production of Love World Media Ministry.
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The word in you.
Be filled with the spirit and how to make power available for change.
Available on the Pastor Chris Digital Library app.
God bless you.